THE CITIZEN FRIDAY, JANUARY 26 1894 Ben.Km km a population of about 10,000. It la the county seat of Butler County, with (0,900. Four railway!, natural gas, and unequalled facilities for menufacturea. Progress evrywbere; new buildings, new maDtuacturmt. a growing ana prosperous to*u. New York Weekly Tribune--Free. By special arrangements made for eur so doing, we are enabled to offer to all our subscribers who pay arrearages, (if any) and one year in advance, and to all new subscribers paying in advance, the New York Weekly Tribune free for one year. For further particulars of this cfler see ad vertisement. New Advertisements. Patterson's oonpon sale. Racket Store's cost sale. Farm for sale. Financial Statement Butler Borongb. Salesmen Wanted Brady's Bend sale for Feb. 6th. Excursion to Washington. Zimmerman's slaughter sale. Notb— All advertisers intending to make Ganges in their adß. should notify us ot ; their intending to do so, not later than Monday morning. LOCAL AND GENERAL. —That Brady's BeLd bale has been post poned again. S-e adv. —The old Gregg house on the Butler pike at "Jluttontown"' was destroyed by by fire last Saturday. —What weather—a rain and thunder storm Wednesday morning and a snow storm that alternoon. —Don't let the Borough offices go a begging for want of candidates at the primary election. —Of the forty horses inspected by him last Monday, A. A. Shntt purchased but! four; and the prices ranged from $35 to ebring of Harmony; also to J. N. Thoiiipson on estate of Mary Thompson of Butler Boro. The sr>cond will of Margaret Cowan was probated on tbe 20th. Jno, Mitohell and E. R. Boyer have been appointed tipstaves. Peter N. Stepp of Clinton twp. has been returned to court on charges of assault and surey of peace prefered by Chas. Elsenrath and wife. LATH PROPKRTY TBAKBPEHS. Overseers of Butler to Maggie McCul lough, lot in Butler for SSOO. Jno. M. Keed to Chas. Wise and he to Elizabeth Reed, lot in Butler for sl. M. S. McGarvey to D. F. Campbell, 213 acres in Washington for $5,345.02. M. S. McGarvey to Perry F. Ray. 87 acres in Washington for $1,753.13. Jno. D. Caldwell tc Eiiz. Davidson, lot in Adams for S2OO. Jona» Feidler to Uagdaiena Feidler, Jot in Butler for sl. J. F Harper, et al to C Daubenspeck, lot in Washington tor S3OO C. K. M«mz to Auuie Deenier, lot in Adams tor SIOO. Sain'l. Graham to D. A Renfrew, as signment of lease for $2,400. Marriage Licenses. Harry Ferguson Bakerstown Lulu Fultjn ... Glade Mills Jatnes Kennedy Portersville Blanche Frazier Grant City Josiah Carothers.... Clay twp Annie Carothers .. Cherry twp At Mercer, A A. Sloan ol Farmington and Rainey Bailey of Harrisville. Report ol Hutler Board of Health for tha Month of December. One case ot diptheria and no deaths. Deaths from utber diseases as follows: Pneumouia. 2. La Gnppe, 1. Influenza, 1. Convulsions. 1 Permature birth, 1. Musical Entertainment. Prof. A. H. List, tbe blind pianoist, vocalist and lecturer, will give an enter tainment in tbe W. C. T. U. Hall on W. ■Jefferson St., this (Friday) evening, be ginning at 8 p. ro., for the Utenefit of the Bethany Relormed Church. Tbe programme will consist of vocal and insirnaiHutal selections, and classical ren ditions, tbe whole to conclude witb the lecinre, "'From Darkness into Ligbt.*'.< Admission. 25 and 15 cents. Accidents. Graham of Jefferson twp met with a serious accident lust rbursnay. He and some other men were chopping down trees a' the time; a tree with long limbs lodged, and a lirrb was cat off, wben tbe tree surged around and another limb caugbl Graham and pulled him under. It wax tho ight at fir it that his back wat broken uud that bis death was but tbe matter of a few hours, but it was after wards fcund that hi.i ribs were broken from their connections witb his backbone, and mat he would live, though it will be a long time before he i- able to do anything. GraUain's brother Wiliiaui was killed on tbe railroad near oharpsburg some years ago. On Wednesday last as C. McCandless ot Jamisonville was descending the steps of tbe Willard Hotel be clipped and fell,break ing bis co'lar bone. Wanted —Horses. The undersigned will be io Butler ou Tuendav, January 30, at Grej ik & Son'e livery burn, io rear of Arlington Hotel to buy good horses and mares. Tbey must be sonndand tat. and from sto 10 years old. I will pay market prices. J. C. BERRY. —At Grieb ltb at.i w< *!d like u> fee all bis relatives anil old neigb nors They are baring a milder winter in Ivausas than we are hero. Ttie mercury stood at, 73 there last week, and the roads have been dusty all winter. Mr Jacob F. Wi.-e of Jackson twp. was in town on business Monday. He is now in his 77tb year, but is yet hale and beartx and withal one of the most prosperous firiuers of the county. He has read the CITIZEN for the past 27 years. Judge J. H. Longenecker of the Bed ford county, Pa., Judicial district, is piesidiiig in our conns this week, and hearing causes in which Judge Greer wa> Concerned as an attorney. Judge Longe necker is a very pleasant gentleman both on and oil" the tn och. Mr Lawrence of the Grove City Tele phone paid our office a pleasant visit last iluuoay evening. Rev. Limberg will preach in the German language next Sunda> at 2:15 pm. in Betnanv Reformed Church. Services as usual morning and evening by the pastor, Rev. Suydel. Wm Cooper, of Young ary i f her birth aim wedding days both occnr during this week; and her daughter, Xl->'. Bailey arranged a surprise pa; ty lor her for Tuesday evening. Some two dozen of ber lady friends assem bled at H. ,S. Gibson's, nearby, having * ith them even thing needed for a good snpper. and then marched over to grand mother's and took possession—and bo* grandu.other did enjoy it. She will re member the day as one of the happiest ot her life. Gov. McKinley of Ohio was mastered into the [J V L. by Commander Clark at Columbus, Wednesday. Sacrifice Sale. The attention of close buyers il eal led to the unpara'leled bargains of fered at the closing oat sale of bat 3, cnps and gents furnishing goods at Cbas. R Orieb's.No 118 S Main St, Batter, Pa. This is a genuine closing out sale on account of the owner's ill health and he large stock will be sold at any figure to realize on 't.- value. vVe must close everything out before April l«t and injustice to your pocketbook you should see our t>ariraius as soou as possible. W' are offeriuK $1 35 all wool uadtol aoderwear at 49c $1.50 percal dress sbircs at 50c sl.o') dress shirt, lauuiried a u 37c. s:i 75 stiff bats at 25c. 3 00 stiff bats at 25c. 50c neckties at 10c 75c neckties at 10c. $1 00 neckties at 15c. $1.25 childrens' fane; caps at 43c. 20c line linen collais ai sc. SI.OO good all-wool shirts at 38c $1 25 taucy all-wool shirts at 49c. $1 00 bate at 25c , aud hundreds ot others. Call at once aud see our bargain*. CHAS. R. GillEß, N Main Si. —Any person wanting fence posts, cord wood, or timber for other pur pores, can learn where to get same near Uutler by inquiring at the CITI ZEN Office, Butler, Pa. Best Buffalo Uauutls reduced to 25 cents a yaid at L. STUM & SON'S. —Uo to Nixon's Home for meals aud luU^in^. —Six or pieces vocalinstrumeutal 10c music lor 25 ceuts at Urieb & Lamb's Order within tea days to secure a bargain. J/ail orders prompt ly atteuded to. —Best underwear ID the city at M-F. & M. Marks'. LUd bode, black Lone and tan bote at M F. & M Marks', —Combination suite at 50 cents at M F & XI. Marks'. Boy's Carts and Wagons. Toys tbat never out-stay tbeir Welcome witb the Boys at J. F. T. STEHLE'B —Pianos, Upright Pianos, Metailopbones, Organs, Accordeons, Concertinas, Musical Boxes, Mouth Organs of ajlkiuds at J. F. T. I?TEHLE'S —Ds tailed to work The agent, when he called a. ain for the balance <*ue on the iron would make an excuse tor it and say ho would have it repaired, taking it away with him And that is the last that would be see., of the flat-iron man. The same irons would iwrve to do duty in the swindling game elsewhere, and so on ad iofiuitum. The candidates for Judge in Indiana county are Judge Harry White, Samuel Cunningham, Esq., J. S Telford, Esq., and John Banks. Esq. They are all hustlers and there will be mnric in the air before the campaign is over. Indeed, even now. il you put your ear to the ground you can hear some faint strains i f melody But it will be louder and sweeter as the cam paign progresses. The arrival of the steamer J. P. Jackson at Pittsburg, Thursday, from New Orleans having on board 1450 barrels of molasses and 250 barrels of rice for Pittsburg whole sale deaier-; and towing barges containing in all 4,000 barrels of molasses. 3 856 bar reis of sugar and 1 207 barrels of rice made lively times aiong the Monoagahela wharf when an army ol roustabouts unloaded the steamer and barges. Thomas and Prank Mullens, -who were implicated in the murder for which "Doc" Taylor paid the death penalty iu Virginia six mouths ago, bare been biding in Mer cer county,Wetit Va . several weeks. A re ward of $2,000 was offered for their capture and Sheriff Johnson and Deputy Timothy Hall went on Wednesday of last week Hoth sides opened fire with Winchesters. Sheriff Johuson was fhot through the bead at the lirat volley, and Hall was knocked seneeless. Neither of the Mullins was hurt. They left Hall for dead, and sat down in front of thei. cabin. Hall regain ed consciousness, and without moving, put a ball through Frank Mullins heart. Tbe same instant Thomas Mullins shot away nearly all Hall's lower jaw, but not before Hall's second aim had been taken, which sent a bullet through Thomas's head. Hall was barely able to relate the *tory of the light. License court began in Mercer Monday, With 20 applications to be heard. Of thene 15 are from SlflW»m, 0 from Greenville, 3 from Sbarpsville, 2 from Mercer, 1 from Sloneboro. Tbe contest has been bitter i.i Jamestown, Sbarpsville and Mercer be tween the wet and dry elements. The li 0 nses no w held will expire on February 13, and tbe court is expected to render its decisions not later than Monday, February 12. Several Sharon people, it is said, inve>-t --ed two dollars or more apiece in a lottery scheme in Cleveland, in which the princi pal prize wan farm, which now turns out was already mortgaged for more than its full value. The promoters of the scheme have been arrested and are row under bail an'' tbe money paid for tickets or chances iu it has gone glimmering. Charles Gardner was brutally assaulted by highwaymen at a point near Hillsnlle, Lawrence Co. last Saturday night Ho had but sl2 with him which they took, a d the siuailness of the amount seemed to ndd to the vici ousness of their assault. After beating him into helple»sness they threw him over a i-teep bank, where he lay al most unconscious till found iu the morn ing. Monday evening, John Silvis and Leny Green, two boys, were playiug on the streets of Kittauning, Green struck Silvis, at>d Silvis whipped out a revolver, saying to bis small assailant, "I'll fix you now," '''V* • i » tiiew Oil Notes. The J. D. McJunkin well on the Camp | bell heirs wis tubed last week and is doing about 100 blls a day. Klingensmith «fc Reiber's well on the Knanfi was completed last week and is dn- I ing luO blls a day. The Patterson well on the Miller farm in Washington twp. is rated at 40 to 50 blls. The rig on the Blair farm was burned last Saturday; the gas took fire, and the rig and engine house were burned. The tools which were banging in the derrick were warped, and the engine was injured The Galey Bros. A Mellon well on the Wilson heirs farm in Ohio township. Alle gheny county was given a 20-quart dose of glycerine Monday alternoon, and the pro duction increased from 18 fo 30 barrels an hour. The only suprise was that the out put was not raised to 8 higher point. The Grubbs well was shot when it bad declined to 15 barrels an hour, and immediately re sponded at the rate of 80 barrels an hour. Several new wells are being started in the Muddycreek field. The following appeared in last Sunday's Leader: — Editor "Leader": —The statement made in some of the daily papers of December 20. in regard to the abandonment ol the mandamus proceedings of Bolard &, Dale, is a lie made out of the whole cloth, as the proceedings have not been abandoned, and * ill not until a decree is made by the highest court in lhe laud haviug jurispru dence ot the same. No application wa« ever made for a mandamus to compel the National Transit Co. to connect to the Shearer well, but there was a proceeding to comsel them to connect to the Hartung well, and this will be followed to the end J M. Thompson, for petitioners. Butler, Pa , Jan. 20, 1894 Financial Statement of THE BOROUGH OF BUTLER, Under the Act of Assembly approved 20 jApril, 1874. Bonded debt already issued as authorized by vote of electors $ 107 500 00 Less ain't thereof pd e moix c VwadAo l i iS 00..vXv «' i o-.eriVum (Amexneaw VnfteresfV® 1 Arc you • to v.v:„ ! jr the cause of I'rotccti ->: iin placi: r. Ilab'e infor niution iu the li.mds t T . r acquain ts ri< cs? If you ; ri>, you • '.tou'ii i.;ont:''.c.., daily except Sunday. Main Line Express, 9:40 a. m., daily. Mail Kxpress, 3:18 p. m , daily. Philadelphia Express 6:28 p. m., daily. From Union Station. Pittsburg, Eastern Standard time, for Altoona. Harrisburg, Washington. Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York; -3:30 a. m. Penn'a. Limited, 7:15, 8:00, 9:05, a. m. 4:30 p. m.. 7:00 p. m., 8:10 p. m. daily. For Harrisburg dsily, 1:00 p m. For Harrisburg Sunday only, 8:40 a. a. For Altoona daily except Sunday at 5:25 а. m, For time tables and further information Inquire of the Ticket Agent at the Station, or address Thos E. Watt, P. A. W. Dirt. 110 Fifth, Arenas, Pittsburg, Pa. J. R.WOOD, General Passenger Agent. S. M. PHXVOST, General MsnagerJ P. A w. B. R. Schedule, In effect Jan. 14. 'w. (Butler time). The Short Line to Pittsburg. DKFAUT SOCTII. KBOM SOOTB. e.2.1 a m Allegheny 0.25 a m. Allegheny *x 8.15 a m Airy a: Akron aMa m.AIANCMtIe 10.05 a m Allegheny Ac .12.30 p m. All y a Ctk'go 3.00 p m Allegheny Mall U. 35 pm. Allegheny Kx 3.80 p m Chicago Kx. 725 p m.All'y I Akron p m Airy* Ell. Ex s.oo pm, Allegheny Ac Dinar MOIITH . raox noarm. 10.05 a m Kane £ Brad. HO a m, Foxburg Ac 5.00 p m Clarion Ac 9.45 a m, Clarion Ac 7.30 pin Foxburg Ac 5.40 pm, Kane Mall SCKDAT TRAINS. DIRART AOCTIR. raoM HOCTH. 8.15 a ni, DeForest Ac 9.55 a in, Allegheny Ae 3.20 p in. Chicago Kx 4.35 pm, Allegheny Kx б.lO pm. .'Allegheny Ac 7.2* pm. DeForeat Ac Train arriving at at 4.35 p m leaves B A O de pot. Pittsburg. at 1:40 o'clock. Butler and Ureenrtlie Coach will leave Alle gheny at 2M p. m, da ly except snndajr. Con necting at wiliowgrove, arriving at Butle* at 435. . . t'ullinan Buffet Sleeping Cars and flrat-class Day coaches run through between Butler and Chicago dally. . „ . For through tickets to points lu the West Northwest or Southwest apply to A. B. CBOUCH, Agent PITTSBURG, SHKNANQO & LAKE KEU M. A n effect November 30.1»93. Butler timo. GOINO NORTH FROM; NORTH. 12—5.50 |a. in.. Erie • 9.50 am. Erie 14—10.15 •• •• 11—.2.42 p m. Erie 10—5.00 p m, Erie 13—».»2 p m. Erie No. 12 makes close connections lor New Cas tle. Buffalo, Cleveland and Chicago. No. 14 makes connections a 11 paits easton V 7. N. V. £ P. at Mercer Junction, and with M. Y. L. K. K W. at Shenangn (or all points east. No. 10 makes connections with W. N. Y, A P. at Mercer Junction (or Stoneboro and Now Castle. Trains leave the PAW depot in Allegheny at N so a ni.and BAD depot 3pm connaet at Butler with this roa i; aud the trains arriving at Butler at OHO and 2:42 connect through to A leghcnv and Pittsburg. Trains 12. 10. • and II connect at Branchton to and from HI Wards. WUSABOKANT. O P A. MeadrUa.]*. ,n a || tm* gm ak MES. local or travel 111 ft U 1 L 11 lug to sell my guaran. ww KW | L ajieed NTHSKKT STOCK Salary or Commission paid weekly. Outflt tree. Special attention given tii beginners. Workers never fall to make Sood weekly wages. Write me at once for par - culars. E 0 GRAHAM. Nurseryman.