Grind Clearance Sale for 60 Days 1 OF Dry Goods, Millinery Wraps Notions, Underwear, Hosiery Blankets, Flannels, (fcc. Hew Ire Some of Tie Immense Bargains We Offer Yon. 85 Mir of all-wool blanket*, worth $5.00 for $3.50 3 dozen of good sateen hap*, worth $2.25 for $1.50. a dozen of good calico haps, worth $1.75 for $1.25. Good country flannel, worth 3• cents per yard for 23 cent*. Good linen Damask, worth 35 cent* per yard for 25 cent*. Good linen Damask, worth 50 cent* per yard for 40 cent*. Beat oil r«d Damaak, worth 50 cent* per yard for 40 cent*. Good dark Cochioo print*, worth 8 cents for 5 cent* per yard. Good staple ginghams, worth 8 cent* for 5 cent* per yard. Good h«vy unbleached sheeting, worth 7 cent* for 5 oent* per yrd. File all-wool 4«-inch blaek henrietta worth $1 00 for 75 cent* per yard. A few novel tie* in dree* pattern*, worth SIO.OO tor $7.00. f ,ne broadcloth in black or colors, worth $1.25 for SI.OO. Geatleman's all-wool underwear, worth $2.90 per rait for $1.04. Gentleman'* merino underwear, worth 90 cents per rait for 59 cents. ' fine camel's hair underwear, worth $2.50 per suit $1.50. Ladies' fine mtulin night gowns, worth 50 oent* for 25 cents. litiiiti' fine maftlio skirts, chemise t&d drt#eri, worth 50 cents for 25 cents, Corset covers for 15 cents. One-third off on all wraps, millinery at your own nrice. f JENNIE E. ZIMMERMAN, (Successor to Ritter & Ralston.) N. 8.— 20 dozen 5 Hook Foster Patent Kid Gloves, worth SI.OO per pair for 69 cents,in Black and Colors. •¥ A Fact Plainly Stated. 4- We are offering better goods fpr less money, and therefore greater bar gains, than have ever been of- - fered in Butler county. SPECIMEN PRICES: Men's felt boots and perfection overs $' 85 Men's rubber boots 2 2 5 Men's kip boots 1 5° Men's veal calf, tip shoes °5 Boys' " " 75 Youths' high cut veal calf tip shoes 75 Ladies' fine dongola button shoes 99 Ladies'extra fine dongola, patent tip, button shoes 1 25 Misses' " " " " 8 5 Children's - " " " 5o Infants' dongola button shoes 1 5 Ladies' grain lace shoes 75 " button " 9° Ladies' rubbers 2 5 Misses' and Children's rubbers 1 5 LEAN POCKETBOOKS seem to be a prevailing complaint now-a-days, and to influence them to open requires ingenuity, and tempting offers to persuade them to part with their contents. Recog nizing that fact we have done our part. You come to our store, we will do the rest. AL RUFF. 114 S. MAIN STREET. - - BUTLER. PA VOGELEY k BANCROFT, WANT EVERY Nlar\, wo and Child In Butler county know that they have received their large and com plete line of Fall and Winter Boots, Shoes and Slippers at prices that will surprise them. We have the celebrated Jamestown Boots and Shoes, made by hand and warranted, which have proven their wearing quailites for years past. We want to give the trade fThe Best Ms for Least Possible, Living Profit.#- The beet line of Ladies' and Gents' Fine Shoes ever shown in the county. Children's School Shoes in every shape and style. Rubber Goods of all kinds and shapes at all prices. Come and see the boys. I Yogeley & Bancroft * 347 S. Main Street. ------ Butler, Pa , RINGS, Di amoncls I *INS, 'STUDS, (GENTS GOLD, . W a tr*Vi PQ \ LADIES GOli) ' YV atClieb (GENTS SILVER LADIES CHATLAIN, TaW£ilrT7 J Gold'Pind, Ear-rings, tl " W<3ll y \ Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc, )Tea sets, caators, butter dishes and everything that can be found in a first store, llDttl ems. IK? - E. GRIEB. THE JEWELEB Ho. 189, North Main St., BUTLEB, PA., "A HAND SAW 18 A GOOD THiNC, i-. T I\ol *» Q SHAVE W ill." SAPOLHO 18 THE PROPER THING FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. AP(*H>fflee miMrtm «re muil trial battle Vi ß| mm mm and prove L BK pi b to you tkat| lib Li ASTHMALENE | WiL uw) dow core aatluua CINE CO., ROCHESTER, ». T., Nothing #n Earth Will HENS C r-xsiE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. Good for Moulting Bent. " tf f«n eet II £nd to «. frJ?«ith fl «' orders '.r mot*. Samp-o O"PT «THE BUST Pori-T*T l»ir*a««tt free. s. JO DfSON A CO .«Cuftto Hon*- St.. nonon, **» HUMPHREYS' This PRECIOUS OINTMENT is the trinmph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a CI RATIVI and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. Cures PILES or HEMORRHOIDS- External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding—ltching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures; Fistula in Ano; Worms of the Rectum. The relief is imme diate—the cure certain. WITCH HAZEL OIL Cures BURNS, Scalds an<l Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. The relief is instant. Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Fis tulas Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is infallible. Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. Price, 50 Cents. Trial size, 25 Cents. ft A by Drag situ, or seot poet-paid 00 receipt of prleo. ■nrPHHnrs* mr. ». co, 111 * 111 vmiw 6u, *ew von. THE PILE OINTMENT is an arbitrary word used to designate the ®n!y bow (ringj which cannot be pulled off the watch. Here's the idea [ [ HflJ \ I The bow ha* a eroove 1 I OJI II on each end. A collar V Vlfc J runs down inside the VfUB pendant (stem) and yf' fits into the grooves, firmly locking the ' - bow to the pendant, .1 1 so that it cannot be /* pulled or twiated off. It positively prevents the loss of the watch by theft, and avoids injury to it from dropping. IT CAN ONLY BE HAD with Jas. Boss Pilled or other watch Tjjw casevbearing this trade mark mm All watch dealer* sell them without extra cost. Ask your jeweler for pamphlet, or send to the manufacturers. Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. S3 OLD EXPORT IMWHISKEY. Guaranteed 0 Years Old. SI this whiA« *£lt.—-HbSt.-\ ■#; Ctnal purpose*, wherea line utim 'JSges^*' ulent Is required, and for r bever age un»urpa»sod. It la the product of one Of tba oI<le«t diKiilleries In Pennsylvania, and after remaining In Gov ernment bonded warehotueo the reqtired time la exported to Hamburg, Germany, and there kept In heated warehouiiea until perfectly ma tured. then nhlpped back, bottled on our own t remise*, and when we offer you Old Export we now whereof we speak, and challenge com parison. Full quart*, SI.OO. Six quarts, 48.00. Bent by •zpreea to all points, and on orders of SIO.OO or over we will pay ex press charges. There are numerous imitations, but be careful to secure the genuine. JOSEPH FLEMING & SON, Drugßlsta, 412 Market Bt., PITTSBURG, PA. Complete Price List of Whiskies, Wines wad It randies mailed free to any address. Mt&VimVZ j&S T**S OLNTMENTLIR j&mi yjJwtth'.ai anj la torn a) ak ii etoar. *biU abd haa^^^T^O^ Bold hf drM*!*'* " "Tit »>▼ »»H St ci»- Addfra# D«. Bwavaa k Hon. PblUdfttpfcla. I'a Aaa jour drxcdai tor IV DOCTORS S.AKII n0 W I'RI /TB DISPKXSABT. ( iv- Je COR. Pcni AVE. AND FOURTH ST.. -✓/«».** PITTBBUROH. PA. iTSWtjgX Allfonrnof Delicate and C om <£* plicated Diseases req til rlnnUo*. /IDINTIiI, and rt ir.vri i' Mi-!- lciitiofi are treated at tlu* I>lM with a success arely attained. I>r. 8. K. I. i»u!» ■ member of the lloval Colli 1 "liy— ti'-utPM and HiirgMo.iT, snd Is the ol lest and most ex|vcr;cnced Spbc'l alim, in this city Hp'-'-'al at tention (.'iven to Nervous Debility from ti'r/-«lv: nu:'t:ile\r:rUon, Indiscretion of youth, etc., caus ing physical and mental decay,lin kof e nervy, |i--|;on !- ui:y, etc.; alisoC'ancers Did Sores * its, files, 'll.ciimatlsm, and all dlseaaeaof the Skin, l.likol, I.lings, L.'rinarvOrgano,ttc. (on MI I tat lon tree a:id Htrictly confidential. Ofllre liourit, ti U» I mid 7 to 8 r. K.; Sundays, 1 to 4 p. M. only. all at onice or addtele I.AKI'., C'Uil. "fcVN AVE. A»D4XU*T..m*r«Bi;i:GlKl'A Cures lirlght's Disease. Dropsy, Gravel. N'erv ousneas. Heart. Urinary of I.lver Diseases. Known by a tired lar.quld feeling; loading of Uie kidneys weakens and poisons the blood, and unless cause Is removed you cannot, have health, t'ured nie over live years ago of Hrtght's LMaease and Dropsy.—MHH. I. 1.. (!., Iletlilehein, I'a. I 000 other similar testimonials. '1 ry ii. ' 'ire guaranteed. CAJ.NS K lIiNKY CUBE CO., ;*<», Teaaaga Ht., PhlUdrluhls, i'a. Sold hi All ilellable Druggists. IJ^ENCING Cemetery, Lawn, Poultry and Rabbit Fencing IIIOISASDH or MILES i«r chk. (ataux.ik 1'111.f,. rUKlbllT I'A ID. THE McMULLEN WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO U«, lie. Ilk sod 180 K. Hxxkrßt,. Chicaga, 111 Cttre* thousand* annually of LlverCotn plalnt*, Blllousnesa, Jaundice, Dytipete kla, inntlpatlon, Afnlarla. More Ilia result from an Unhealthy Liver than an; other cause. Why an (Ter when you can becurcdf Dr. Snnford's J.lver inviKo* ator la a celebrated family medicine. VOL it uitrutiiar WILL siri-i.v VOL. * I EWIS 98 % LYE I w rmzzTD i*TZ vzzmnz (TATTMT K!>) mHtL .V,**' ; J ?* n V"f \ yr I- w.J. r su;'l J . Vmrkfi .»• a'v.ayn f..r „ Wffl in 7i n»'nu* ,, « will out t"»iiivijf. (ifgf It !• !•»•* b«»*l f"l ■ <• >• *» "l»j mm boltl*:} ti XMi, r.ic, FXHKA. SALT ITO CO flW Ow* Ayl*., Jru*., fa,, THE CITIZEJST | Music as a Social Elevator. 'Music hath charms," etc. In conversa tion the other day at a gathering of musi cians there came up the topic of the effect of harmony upon the "savage beast. It was stoutly held that ''music's softening sway" could change men's natures, appeal to their best instincts, touch their hearts, and hold them to high standards of thought and action. That this is true (while the music lasts) is beyond all questioning. But whether the eflect may be made at all per manent or lasting is a subject for some doubt. A sad love parting or a harrowing death bed seene in the course of a Bowery melo drama would be null and void unless ac companied by slow music. Without the -■hivering of a few violin;' and a drone froiu I the responsive ba«s-viol the lament of the misguided heroine over her lost home ana the loved ones in the church-yard sod would fail to draw a single tear. But turn on the music and observe. The most hard ened criminal in the gallery longs to do something for that poor girl, hates the vil ;an and his congenial vices, and probably sniffles. So for so good. It is safe to s»j that no jury in the world—no ordlaarv jury —could withstand the pitieous appea' of the lawyer when he mentions the pris oner's aged mother if the lawyer accom panied the same appeal with weepirg vi brations of a well-tune 1 catgut. Imagine the scene ! Judge in tears; the sobbing of the jury plainly audible; the pity of the prisoner for his own poor oppressed self; his resolves lor a better life: the visible agitation of the turnkeys; and a unanimous verdict in lavor of the defendant! lie might walk out of the court-room a free man. firm in his determination not to kill another wife, no matter what the provota t»on. All this, t)f coarse, if the prosecution had not engaged a rival orchestra. Perhaps the effect of the music might tend to curb his passions for the rest of his natural lite, in either case. Bo Ito the point. In the talk of the gathered musicians it was suggested that a compulsory course of classic and hign grade music in our penal institutions migbi prove a moans of ultimate reformation and refinement of the baser human tendencies Why not? What argument can be used against it f Xone. It would be like the treatment of advertising doctors—"guaran teed harmless," or at least to have no ill effect. And imagine the increase in the horror of confinement that this musical cure would instill in the breasts of those to whom dulcet sounds are a torture! They would view the inteiior of a peniten tiary with an added aversion "What is one man's meat is another man's poison." Here is (he chance for a bill and experi ment. —A quick and permanent cure. Mr. J M. Keeskr, 1410 'ft . Lombard St., lialio Md., say*: "1 take great pleasure in say iDg that in a ca-o of neuralgia in tny family ( I found Salvation Oil effectual and speedy in the cure of the patient." —"Paw, is there any difference between a cold and a influenzal" "If the doctor calls it a cold it's about $4. It he calls it influenza, it's about $lB. The difference is sl4, my son. - ' —All forms of scrofula, salt rheum, etc. are cured by Hood's sarsaparilla, the great blood purilier. —Capt. McDowell, the originator of the wbaleback ships, predicts that before the clone of the present century the shipment, from aud to the heao of Lake Superior will amount to more thun any other port of the world. Holiday Cheer. The holiday reason is close upon uh, and every household in the land is preparing for the plum pudding, and the general feasting and rejoicing. A little good bran dy for the mince pie, rum for the pudding, or a little stimulant to keep the spirits up and the cold out is absolutely necessary for an old time Christmas cheer. One of the most prominent liquor dealers in the country, Mr. Max Klein of Allegheny, Pa., whom we can cb««rfully recommend, aud who has the reputation for handling oniy absolutely pure liquors,will sell you tbe fol lowing brands ol nix year old pure I'enn'a Ryes, at SI.OO per full quart or six fur to 00: brar Gibson, Guckenbeimer, Finch and Overhoit. Tbe famous Silver Age, the finest whiskey in the country at $1.50, and Duquesne, a whiskey distilled from Rye and Malt, at $1.2.0 per quart, Guckenbeimer 4 > ears old, at 75c per quart, aud the Anchor Rye at 00c. You can have your choioe of all kinds of California Wines, Gins, Rum and Brandy, all pure aud old, at from 50 cents per quart up. All goods neatly boxed aud shipped by express. Send for catalogue and price list of all kinds of liquors to Max Klein, 82 Federal st, Allegheny, Pa. —A Missouri man whose wife was killed by a train while walking along a railroad track with him near St. Joseph has brought a claim for $lO damages against the com pany, pathetically pleading: "She was a good wife, and her cooking could not be equalled in the State of Missouri. She was worth all ot that to me, and 1 think you ought to pay." Drunkenness, he Li ,uor Habi , PO3- ively Cured by adimnstering Dr. Haines "Golden Specfic." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee nr tea,or in food, without tho know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followe d It never Tails. Tin- system once impreguat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book ot particulars free. Address, Golden Specific Co.. 185 Race St.. Cincinnatti O. —An exchange says: "lie kind to your neighbor and lend him your paper to read it he does not take it—don't humilat.o him by compelling him to ask for it, but lay it down where he can find it as soon an he want* it. iJon't uncharitable as to hide it because he is just as able to pay for it a< yon are. Undoubtedly he has pri vate reasons for not taking it. Perhaps he has conscientious scruples againut paying money for a paper he can read for nothing. Perhaps he is mad at the editor for saying too much about him, or the mean thing may have shown his ingratitude for long unpaid subscriptions, in which case 'the paper don't amount to anything and lie won't have the dirty thing in the house.' fiut lie wants to read it all the more ■ n that account, ju-t to see what the fools have to say. He ha . a right to think it good enough to read and criticise although not good enough to take and pay for. Ho huui'-r the fellow and give him your pnper to read You may get your 'back up' at tbo editor and want the compliment re turned. —lt Is stated upon what is supposed to be good authority that there arc ah mi thir teen million dollars in circulation that were not made in the mints. They can scarce be said to tie counterfeit, for ihey are made of silver of the proper linene-i. Making silver dollars at the present prices ia a profitable business. It yields about forty per cent profit, and the dollars cai. not be detected. Tho only way, perhaps to stop the monufacture of moonshine sil ver dollars is to increase the ratio so that a dollar will contiiu something like a dol lar's worth of bullion. —An Indiana woman, who hadn't spoken a word lor 5U years, aroused ber husband just before tin dawn ol IHt»4 by screaming aloud his name since when ■he has talked volubly. Friendship. People talk of triendship as though it were an ordinary and altogether natural thing to have plenty of friends. How lit- | tie they understand the word I To have | one friend who is genuine, who will not fo:-«ke your when it means self-sacrifice to j him, is to have a treasure rarer than six teen karat diamonds. The story of Damo n , and Pythias gives us some idea of what friendship means. But even that might be improved upon. It would be easy to show how it could be more difficult to lire for a friend than to die for him. Acquaintnce ship tends to breod friendship of the luke warm. milk and water kind, but ordinary acquaintanceship is only sufficient to show you the selfishness of some hearts and the hollowness of others. True friendship is based upon natural knowledge. "He who understands me is my friend.''says Emerson. That is the secret of it. We are apt to impute bad mo tives to people who are only mistaken — i who were the victims ot ; nfluences which perverted them, and who have come to look upon wrong as rieht. Every man labors under more or less delusions which education has made a part of his nature. If we understand what a man has had to contend with, what his trials, temptations, advantages and disadvantages have been, we are in a position to judge him justly And are likely to admire. Children be come friends quickly because they are apt to grow confidential and frankly tell each other all they know of themselves. But true friendnhip is that natural affinity that two souls as like as possible, have for ea:h other, and is a much rarer com modify than ueople generally suppose. —Mrs. Nancy Wirts, 1501 Caroline St , i Baltimore Md., thus gives her experience: •We have used Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup and have never found its equal for onr children." j —Xow that yellow fever has broken ont ot Rio we may look for some fatalities down there. Consumption surely Cured. Tc Tur Sx>rroß:_Pleai<« inform jotir rea<l«rt that 1 nave a positive remedy for tLe above-namod dweawe. is timely use thousands of hopeless casca hare hr rU permanently cared. I shall be glad to tvj ottles of my remedy FREE to any oi your reader* , j have consumption if they will send me therii Exprsss and P. O. address. Basp*><-t- T. A. SLCCUM. M. C.. 181 Pwl BL. N. Y. —Tt has been about fifty years since the free school system went into operation. Prior to that schools were mostly run on subscription, and the schools were very poor. Those who could bei-t afford to give towards the mainteannce of the schools were least likely to do so. They preferred to their children to better schools than thpir own immediate neighborhood afford ed. Now everyone must pay according to his means towards the education of our youth. And under our system of making appropriations to tbo schools from funds largely derived from taxes on corporations, even artificial persons are forced to con tribute largely towards the development of the young idea Of all our institution there are none that pay a higher tribute to tbe intelligence and patriotism of the American people than our public schoo systom. —Rheumatism cured in a day —"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Iti- action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cau»e and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 7o cts. Sold by J. 0 Rodick, druggist, Butler. —Probably the most profane man in the world is a Bucks County farmer. Be has been known to stand in the middle of a ten acre corn field and sircar so loud that even the corn was shocked. —lt is proposed to tax the salaries of New York school teachers 1 per cent, to form a fund to pension women after twenty-five years of service. No pension is to he less than SSOO. —Daniel Sparker, President of tho Mo hawk River Bank, at Fonda, N. Y., is 95 years old; but he attends to his business duties as regulariy as he done for the past thirty years. He is the last of six brothers, and the family has been promi nent in the Mohawk V'blley for a cen tury. —Bertoto.tbo young French dancer who lately arrived in this country, died on Monday. Her death was caused by paral ysis, which her physician said war tbo re ult of high kicking. This is a warning to all of us to moderate the altitude of our kicking. —An unwelcomo guest ban appeared in I tho North went which has caused genuine alarm among the agriculturist*. It is known as the Siberian thistle and iatougb, |»rick Iy, poisonous, crowds out space, all native growth, spreads in every direction, maturen rapidly and scatters its seeds broadcast. It is believed to have been brought into the country by Russian refugee*. —Neuralgic pains may be stopped in stantly, by laying a double piece of flannel over the painful part and moving a hot iron to and fro on the flannel. This is the time of the year when the farm hand, returning from the dance, falls asleep on the railroad track and tho early milk train does the rest. —At least one woman in five believes if che bad been in Kve'a place Adam would be in the garden yet. —So many children have been abandon ed on the streets of Chicago within the past few weeks that all the homes, asylums and hospitals are filled,and charitable wcietie*, finding themselves unable to care for more, are leaving some to their fate. —John Levicks and George Sturgeons, of Glasgow, la., quarreled. Levicks raised his gun to shoot at Hturgis, stumbled and shot his 10-year old son inflicting a fatal wound. A torpid livfr Is tho Devil's best bold. —One reason why a man should preserve his integrity and keep his manhood clean and (ncorruptible is that he has to asao ciate with himself all the time. liose Shr lli.y, a woman mail carrier transports the .. ( ail regularly between I»»*x tor and Goshen, an eighteen mile stretch oi lonesome ri id, in I<ake County, Ore Karly or late, *now or shine, she makes the trip Uuckwhea' now commands a higher price than wheat, for the first time in over thirty years. !AT AN ES'n tho '* female complaint* " nnrl •vuaJtoefcM* tlmt make woinuu'a lifu a misery. They're cured, by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Frevriptlon. For all Ui<> derangement*, disor ders, and disooaea peculiar to the sox, this is th» only ronwlr a* oartein that it an be gvaranlttd Hall it over fails to benefit or cure, you i.;iv your money l.a< k It/s a legitimate m»licino for woman, rarefuliy a<l«|<tod to hor delirnto organization, and navar oonftlcting with any of her condl Hons. Jt refjulatws and promote* ell the proper funr-tlona, builda up and In rfgorat** tho entire syitein, and reetorea haalth and strori/tli Aru you woak, n«rvoua and ailing, or " run down ' and overworked I Thin it will briiu; }rou apodal help Itv the moth»r* friend ft o«sens latin and Insurea lif«> of both mother uii'J child. Don't dwdde that your Catarrh ia hopeloaa, simply Iscausn you haven't yet found a cure. Dr H*g«'» Catarrh Iturnedy <uri« J'ist auch nm-completely. It* proprict*jra oflar S9<JU nwiftf tvr au Insurable c<pn of CaUtfTb Read This Or\ce. LOOK CAREFULLY AT THE TRICES AND YOU WILL. I THINK, BE CONVINCED THAT HUSELTON'B Is the place you will buy your footwear. Ladies fine button shoes, patent tip, opera toe $ .85 " " " square toe 90 " grain " 75 " fine slippers 45 " warm, flannel-lined, shoes 75 " " " slippers 50 " slippers 20 " good, heavy, peged shoes 75 " " standard shoes 85 " rubbers 25 Misses' fine shoes, button 7° Men's good heavy boots I 4° " B& A, calf, congs. and bals tip 9° " extra fine shoes $1 25 and I 50 Boys' good heavy boots, sizes 1-5 I 00 Youths' " " 11-13 75 Men's " brogans 7° " " calf b00t5...... 1 9° Rubber boots and shoes, wool-lined arctics, felt boots for boys and men, wool stockings at the lowest prices. Men's slippers, nicely embroidered, at 50c, 75c, and $1; Women's, Misses' and Children's slippers at 20c, 50c, 75c and sl. Arc you one ef the few that docs not buy of us, if so we are looking for you, come in soon and see us. B. C. HUSELTON. OPPOSITE HOTEL LOWRY. No. 102 North Main Street - Butler, Pa. -MM SALE#- This is the kind of weather to buy leiglis,robes and horse blankets cheap at MARTINCOURT & CO'S. Come and see us, 128 East Jefferson St., a few doors above Lowry House. Salvation Oil Try momru*. ERRORS'VOUTH anrt Otiwuro Diw-asca «po«llly and permanently cared by the celebrated specialist. rfcW I ADD 320 N.lsth St. UR , LUDDi Phllada., Pa. I^odw■ ptli'U, no falsa representation. 1 will euro you positively ami make you Tlgornun and (trout. Treatment hy mall aspeclafty and strlrtly rutifliktntial B,a ior r tslok l Sn 4,B HOME CURE TREATMENT Sing a song of Bixpeiice, A Bottle full of Rye; Four and twenty guests around It's merits true to try When the bottle's opened And they find the liquor pure Every one at once claims, Bought nt Lewin'a sure. Robt. Lewin, 136 Water St. Opposite B. A<> Depot, - Pittsburg Pa ®r. KMS s Haldwiri, - Pa. THOROUGH Sewing Machine Mechanic. WITH 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Will re-adjust yours and you be your own jud£fe to test it. ROOFING. GUM ELASTIC ROOKING FKLT cost* only $2 perjloo square feet. Makes a good roof for years and anyone can put it on. GUM ELAHTIC PAINT costs only Ml cents per gallon in barrel lots, or $4.50 for 5 gallon tub*. Color red. Will stop leak" in tin or iron roofs that will last for year*. TRY IT. GCM ELASTIC ROOFING CO. 39 it 41 West Broadway New York I 7Sflr-f.ocal Agents Wanted."tVs* 5 DOLLARS TO PER DAY 20 Easily Made. We want mnny men, women, bor*, nrnl ylrJ< to woi k for uif a lew hour* daily, right In mid around their own home*. Tho bu-iuc** in cuay, I'lcHnJuit, itrictly h oiio raid* . and pays better than any other offered nt». You have n clear field and no competition. Experience and apecial ability on- DMeMttry. No capital required. Wo equip you with everything that you need, treat you well, and help you to earn ten tim*"* ordinary wnje«. Women do oh well ai men, and boy* and gfrln make good pay. Any one, anywhere, ran do tho work All ftucceed who follow our plain and niui jfte direction*. lam«*t work will nurely bring you a great d« .«l of monev ICverythlng 1* new and in gr«*at. demand. Write for our pumphlet circular, and rfull information. No harm done If you conclude not to go on with the bimincm. CEORCE STCNSON&CO., Box 4ns, PORTLAND, MAINE. HELLO THERE W. K. RALSTON In to th<- front once more, burd timea and all, with a brand new i G r • a-id iifi elegant nr w B'ork o gondii, hih h an /''inn Gold Wulches, Diamond s, Jr.wrlry, Solid Silver and I'latr.d j I Vare at pricra that will down the ! hard timea Call and fe 1 ' me et No. 326 S. Main St., Butler. | WATCH AND CLUCK RE PAIRING A SPECIALTY. 2 5 PER CENT. Diacount on trimmed and untriui med llatHand Bonneta, Birda.'Winga and Fancy Feathera, ouifht to be a i/reat inducement to hari(aiii aeekera tieaidea being 4 I«-hh than our usual low price a. \Vo have u largn Htock lor you t«» tselect front. Ask to a« e our ladiea all wool vest* at 68c. M. F. & M. MARKS, 113 7b. Mu:u tit., 3 0 Uutl«r I McCANDLESS' HEAVE CURE I hare a Heave Cure that will care any ca«e nf heave* iu homes in forty day M, ii used according to directions, and if it doel not do what I claim for it, I will refund the amount paid and no charges will U nmdo for the treatment. The following testimonials are the -trongcst proof of thi medicines power to cure: A. J. MCCANDLESH, Butler, Pa., 1893. Mit. A. J. McCANDLKCS: On the 2nd day of April, 1892, I con: mi-nced to use your new cure for one ol my horses that had the heaves very had aiid continued to use the medicine foi about forty days and the horse did no! ►how any signs of a return of them. It i: now about a year since I quit givin tht medicine and the horse has never sowec any signs of heaves, and I feel stistied that he is properly cured. W. C. CBISWBLL. Butler. Pa., April 3, 1893 A. J. MCCASPLEHS: I have nsed your lieave Cure and founi it will do the work if used according to di rections. Toon truly, 11. J. Mi V ti.u.v Grind Your Own Corn Meal. Oystei Shells uud Corn in the $5 Hand Mill. (F. Wilson's Pat.) Circulars Iree. ••Also Power and Farm Mills. Send foi illustrated circulars and testimonials." J9 { \ 1% . • il MB . Add ress WTLSOH BROB.. East on, Pa. POULTRYMEN! Our Green Hone' Cutter will dou ble your vfw production. Be«t and Cheapest iu the market Circular free. WEBSTER & HANNUM, Cazenovia, K.) 1831 THE CULTIYATOR \m iuvi AND w Country Gentleman THE BEST OF THE Agricultural Weeklies. DEVOTED TO Farm Crops and Procesess, I Horticulture & Fruit-Growing, Live-Stock and Dairying, While it also includes all minor depart ments of Kural interest, such as tlie I'oul try Yard, Entomology, Bee Keeping Greenhouse and Grapery, Veterinary Ke plies. Farm Question* and Answers, Fire fide (leading. Domestic Economy, and « summary ol the News of the Week. lit Market Reports are unusually complete, and much attention is paid to the Pros pecta of the Crops, as throwing light up ou one of the most important of al questions—When to Buy and When to Sell. II is liberally Illustrated, and by RECENT ENli/\ KG KM I.NT, contains more reading matter than ever before. The subscription price is 42.50 a year, but we olfer a SPE CIAL REDUCTION in our CLUB KATES FOR 1894 TWO M Bsnrrio>s. in one reniitt-auoe . »4 SIX SI BH) 'BIITHMM, <lo <l<> lfl TKN si list IIIIIONs. 10 do .... U ; all .>. » l> ~s for lho4,pay ing in advance now, we will send the pa per Weekly, from our receipt of the remit tanm. lo .January Ist. I M !M, without charge. I V 'Specimen Copies Free. Address I.fTHEK THCKEK A HON, rubli»her», Albany. N. Y. m. mMMAMAm m ICcMATS,TRADE Wtmmm W COPYRIGHTS.* CA\ I OUT AIN A PATENT f For a Krorniif nntwor and an bon oat opinion, writ# to II %>'«! < 11., who tiuvn had nearly nfty rMrr rxperienm m the patent bu*in«*a. <oujinunloa tlon.i atrictly ronfldential Alf andbook of In formation rotuwnlai I'ntrnta and bow to ob tinii t hem ' • nt It ee. Alio a catalogue of IUHI and wii'iil lfl« hooka Mint frwi. Patent* taken through Mum A Co. rocclTt notify in the Helen! Iflr A inrrlmn. and ttiua are brought widely before lb* public with out ooat to the inventor. Tnls iplendid paper, Iflnued we«klr. elrwantly illustrate), baa uj fas tba lark'cut circulation of any •cirntifli- work In U»e world. H I a year. Barnple ooni«a tent frit. Ilulldiriir FMltion. monthly. $2 M> a year. H ingle couitt*. Z'j renin. I very number contain* t>eau- II nil plate*. in colore. and Photographa of new booMw. with plaui, enabling wtlldm toabowU* lateat de«itffm and **cur« « ontrarta. A'ldreae MI.NN & CO. Nk-vy VokK. 301 BuQADWAT. I * * *GOSSER'S* * * I .CREAM GLYCERINE # no c<inal for chapped han<l«. Up* or m faci -.i v routbncM of tbe akin, and 9 N not 1 ■ 11. (1 as a dressing for tb* fare Q a/ler '.IIHVIIIK bold by druKicUU at Twenty-five Cents a Bottle. • ••••••••••a* ......i Leading Millinery OF m H" at 3E^ Trimmed Hats and Bonnets. Every shape tliis seasons facile fancy has evolved is here. Everv novelty in Wing, Bird, Feather or Ornament is shown, Ribbons, Velvets, Laces, Braids and Flowers. Mourning Millinery a Specialty. D. T. PAPE, 122 South Main Street. FOOLING THE PEOPLE. There is a clique of advertisers who are continually fooling (be people. They have too ed tbein once too often with a pretense to give s< methinic for nothing Yon may fool some of the people all the time—Mid all of the people some of the time, bat you can't fool »J1 the people all the tin e. lu looking over the advertisements in the papers nowaday, i find I have lost my laurels. Now I will tell you the truth. Yon will nee hundreds of such baits flung out for snckers to bile at, such as, "We can HTI you 25 per cent by trading with us," and some even go so far aa to say 50 per cent. Men's fine Baits worth $25.00 for only $9 99 Pants worth $8 00 only $3 99, Bankrupt Hales, Sheriff Sales. Assignees Sale, Ac. Now we ask you can didly. Can these concerns doing business at fabulous expense, sacrifice profits a 8 a great many advertise to do T Are they as liberal as they propose to be? We answer no The enormous sums requi-ed to meet current ex penses must be met by liberal and in most cases by keavy margins. Profits they must have and trade tliey most get or sink in the whirlpool they have created by their own hands. There is oo alternative, get the profit and get the trade, but how ? In no other way than working on the weak minds of the people by flaming advertisements. They boldly aod shamelessly claim to actually give the dear people S3 00 in valne for one invested Such an principled actions are becoming not only tiresome, bat positively danareroos to the welfare aod interest of the baying public. Oa careful inspection you will find these $25.00 suits reduced to only $9 99 are dear at eight dollars. I saw an ad stating men's fine worsted suite reduced from $lO 00 to $6 00- 1 called to see them and found our $3 75 cotton suit. Wben we offer yoa a suit for SIO.OO that is all it Is worth w ever was worth We jast give you one dollar's worth of goods for 100 cents You want to 6ee our immense stock of overcoats and suits for men, boys and children. Hats and caps in endless variety, shirts, collars and cuffs, and ties, any and every style to suit even tbe most fastidious; under wear, hosiery, overalls, jackets, gloves, mittens, umbrellas, coapenders, in fact anything in the famishing line; also a fine line of ladies and geota gold and silver watches, chains, charms, pins, rings, collar and cuff buttons, scarf pins, initial pins, ail at tbe very lowest cash prices. A) Iwe ask is an in spection of oar goods and prices before purchasing. We have always done you good and feel confident we can do so again. To those who have been trading with as, we tender oar most heartfelt thanks, and to those who never have, we would say, try us once aod you will never regret it. Very Respectfully D. .A. HECK, Champion Clothier, Hatter end Furnisher. 120 North Main Btreet, - - - - Butler, Pa Jewelry, Clocks Silverware, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No, 125 N. Main St., Dufly Block Sign of Electric BRII and Clock. All"are Respectfully Invite/ —-"Remember our Repairing Department—2o years Experience. New York Weekly Tribune The Butler Citizen, ONE YEAR ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF. A <1 <lross nil orders f.o CITTZ pa * HAY- FEVER KTJ COLD"HEAD ISB KUfi Cream Halm U not a liquid, snnf or ponder. Applied into Ou no*riU it U _ ' quickly absorbed. It cUan*e» tM bad, aUas* inJtammaUon, htaU 50c ML KOri ENTH AL Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St., , Pitt»burg, Pa JJJJJl'ennaylvaniajßye Whiskies a specialty. T rial^orders^solicited. ML • One Square BclovyDiaqaoad Market
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers