Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 12, 1894, Image 4

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I Farewell, 1893! I
Tender their thanks to the public for
the very liberal patronage bestowed
in the past year and cordially
invite its continuance during
1894. They are resolved
to keep up their
reputation for
and to this end
will largely increase
their heretofore unrivaled
stock of choice goods, which
they will continue to sell at the
lowest prices at which furniture of
good styles and quality can be bought.
Butler, - - - Penn'a.
Mar\, woma i\ and Child
In Butler county know that they have received their large and com
plete line of Fall and Winter Boots, Shoes and Slippers at prices
that will surprise them. We have the celebrated Jamestown
Boots and Shoes, made by hand and warranted, which have
proven their wearing quailites for years jiast. We want to give
the trade
+ The Best Goods (or Least Possible, Living Profit.#-
The b«st line of Ladies' and Gents' Fine Shoes ever shown in the
Children's School Shoes in every shape and style.
Rubber Goods of all kinds and shapes at all prices.
Come and see the boys.
t Yogeley & Bancroft I
|47 S. Main Street Butler, Pa
\\i u ™ ladies gold,
W atCJIPS I gents silver
! Gold"Piiw, Ear-rings,
Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc,
Tea sets, castors, butter dishes
n«i _ and »very thing that can be
Silverware . i , OUIl(1 in a firßt c iah« store,
Ulinjiis. iw7
No. 1139, North Moin'St., BUTTER, PA..
*[Baocecauis ot Sohutte 4'CBrien.l
Sanitary Pumbers
And (Jas Fitt«»»T.
niiitrt rr
Sewer Pipe,
Ou Fixture. ,
Globes at
Natural <ias AppliariXU.
Jefferson St.,opp. Lowry House
Is to the front ore® mor«, hard time*
and all, with a brand .new Btore and
an elegant new mock-of good* Just
what yon want to select jour Christ
mas Presents from 'tucb as Fine Oold
Watches, Diamonds. Jewelry, Solid
Silver and Placed Ware at pncea
that will dowo the hard times.
Call and see me at
No, 37.9 S. Main St., Bailer.
Nothing On Earth Will
Sheridan's Condition Powder!
Strong and Healthy ; Prevent, all Diaewe.
Good for Moulting Urn*.
It If shw-lritrfr rmrv. nUrtU
ttty costs tentr, of a. cent a>day. >o o«£r OT.
r v **
Wf nwli oa<- .vact s * iv!«j/r« Paiaina price
car.». iio". «-rpr>~ pal'! 1W T
free -Ith ,1 mi orrl"t J hlu,;l "* TOpJ
v ' SS»,«U.I. .■■■
For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Bogs, Hogs,
500 Past nook on Trmiarni of Animal*
and Chart Seni Free.
enux 1 FeTera,t'ooßeelion».lnllamnmtlon
A.A.' Spinal MenTncitia, Milk frrrr.
B.B.—f»irnine. I.nmen«-»«. Khenmuliem.
t'.r.—lMmrmprri Nasal llleohargee.
D.D.—Hot- or (.rub*. Worms.
B.E.—CoairhK, Ilrarra, Puenmonio.
F.F.—C'olir or Crlpra. Bellyache.
tl.« >li»rarrla*e, Urnorrhajen.
H.ll. l'rinary and Kidney IHneanea.
1,1.— Eraptlre Diseases, Mange.
. of Uiieitlou, Pamirs!*.
Single Bottle (orer 50 doee»% - - .89
Sir.hie Cane, with Specific*. Manual
Veterinary Core Oil anil Medlcator, 87.#0
Jar Veterinary Core Oil, - - 1.00
6*14 brtlraiUc sr .est pr«T« M , * 4 " T
fautlly .. receipt ol prW.
■TirBBETS' IM. CO., 11l A HtWlHlasi St., *.» Tsr*.
f Jpftl HOMEOPATHIC fl ft
In me 30 yean The only mecaajtnl remedy for
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
and Prostration, from out work or other causae.
•1 per tisL oi S rials and larite rial powder, for •&.
to!, I i.jf DragsUM, or kpi pistpildon rt-clpt ol fWa
imrHinrng. co..ui »«i» wiuu- sc. »«wis^.
County Fair
aftords an excellent opportunity for the
pick-pocket to get your watch. If you
would be proof against his skill, be sure
that the bow tor ring) is a
This wonderful bow is now fitted to the
Jas. Boss
Filled Watch Cases,
which aie made of two r'at? s E°'d
soldered to a plate of composition metal.
Look equally as well as solid gold cases,
and cost about half as much.
Guaranteed to wear 20 years.
Always look for this trade mark.
None genuine without it. TQW
Sold only through watch dealers.
Ask any jeweler for pamphlet or send
to the manufacturers.
Keystone Watch Case Co.,
Aged naturally in Government Bonded
Wp.renousr A, exported to Hamburg;, Oer-]
many, kept in Heated Warehouse a until 4
matured, shipped hack and bottled on our J
own premiflea la the guarantee wo k* vc 7°°;
that Old Kxport is absolutely puro. Free
from fusel oil and all injuriousfnjrredients.
It is the ideal family whiskey for medicinal
or social purposes. Mail and ex press orders
tilled promptly, and on orders of flO or
over we pay express charges.
Compktc Fricc LbUof Bru<les,Wtttt,WhiskiM mailed fro
eltli .i t «» lnwr.il fi&v
isniii, r. .-, *<• leanrift 'y/fci&y
■km rissr,at..'.tß*lis«l>l." '
MtkydrssKt- ■ <t »•" < • ' ' Da
gw.r.s ft So.. *litlaeri|>hia. •"». .<m_- <:r;>■> H
i■'& 13 ~RI /TK dispknsart.
•Li«r> Jb Cob. Peni. Ave. and Fourth Bt..
KjgtgteM?\ PITTSBURGH. PA. _
i * , \ All formsof Delicate and Cnm
plicated Diseases rc<|iiiilikcCon-
Xt\ : #ii>KNTiAUandS' if .sTjKn; Sl< d
icstlon are treated at this Di -
I.CI H / with a MicceM. arely attained. Dr. H.
K l.akc meraberof the itoyal Collf;jcof I hy-
i . and BurKi-.„ir, and 1- the ot lent and mo t
r\ | I cured BrcciAM*.- in Ibaclty. Spcc'al at
.«-iit:■>:» given Debility from ercessiv'
im > ill exertion,lndiscretion ot youth,etc., cani
iiil' |ihvslcal anil mental decay,lack of energy,
le»pon lencv, etc.; alsoCancern Old Sores, Fit*,
('lien, l.heumatlnm, and all disease* of the Skin.
' I. in.* I. I. units Urinary ftrgOW,ttc. Consultation
!r<-« and strictly confidential. Officehours,9 to
I and 1 to 8 p. ~M.; Sundays, Jto4 c. a. only,
'id at ottlce or addrew DI? U . I.AKE, C 't
fcAX AVfc. AJID^HST.-i'lTTftllUKGU.l
Cur"'!- Hrlifht's Disease, Dropsy. (j ravel. Nerv
ousness. Ileart. Urinary or I.lver Diseases.
Known by a tired lanquld feeling; lnactlnif ot
the k'clneys weakens and poisons the blood,
and unless cause Is removed )0U cannot have
heaitii. cured me over ftveyearaagoot Brigtti
(Unease aiid Dropsy.— Mlts. I. L. Mm.i.kk,
Hethii'inm, I'a. 100" other similar testimonials.
Try it. Cure guaranteed.
(it., I'lilladflpbl*, P».
Sold ti.i All Kellable Druiuclsta.
Cemetery, Lawn, Poultry and Rabbit Fencing
Ul, 116, 118 and ISO M. Karkc*. St.. Clue**o, HL
Cures thousands annnallyof LlverCom
plaiuts, I?lllottsncB8, Jaundice, Dyspep
sia, Constipation, Malaria. More Ills
ren'ilt from an Unhealthy 1,1 vert han an}
Oth'Tcnnae. Why miffer when you can
bo cured f Dr. Sunford's .Liver lnvigo»
•tor is a celebrated familv medicine.
® I EWIS' 98 % LYE
T)jC »t rungfal an<l pnreat \.y%
t'lillko otli»-r l.y*. It bring
oHBA II i fluo powder ai-'l ; * In nu
jKSHr mak« th« Hrai y rfum«l Hafd H"*p
i in -at ml nun-* *iih«ni twill**.
mFu It Is lite Hr«t I-rt. wail®
msr |il|- s *ll In?-* lit-# f-luk-A. cl'—U,
vik Aft*n fUto-, f*>
Signs of Home Life.
The ycung man was engaged to be mar
ried,and after a deep reverie he said
married friend:
"I think that a married man should take
more interest in his home affairs than most
men do. When he returns home at nigh*
he sbould show some interest in the family
affairs of the day. Now, I'll venture to
say that when you get back from the office
you never make any inquiries as to how
the day las been passed at home, wbat
worries tnere may have been and all that '
"I don't have to," said the married man
"You think you don't but you ought to,''
persisted the young man. "Now I've
"Oh hang what have you noticed !" re
torted the married man. "I know I don't.
If my wife calls out as soon as I gt*t in the
hall: "For heaven's sake, don't stamp
around there as if you were a farm hand !'
I know that the children have been cros*
and fretful. I don't hare to ask any ques
tions. If she exclaims when I shut the
door: "There, that door slams again !
It nearly drives me frantic!" I know that
she has been troubled by book agents or
peddlers or something of that sort. If I
ask if supper is ready and she retorts: 'No;
I'll tell when it is,' I know that she has
had some words with the cook and thai
accounts for her rather sharp tone. If she
gets a book or some sewing and goes of!
sume where by herself with the remark:
'I wish yon wouldn't disturb me, I havn't
had a minute to myself all day,' I know
that she has had callers who have bored
her or she has been annoyed in some simi
lar way.
The young man thought the matter over
aud then asked:
"But if sbe rushes to the door when she
bears you coming and puts her arms ground
vur neck and kisses you, wbat then?'
"Oh." replied the man, "then she wants
to go to the theater or get a new bonnet or
ttown. f don't have to ask any questions,
I tell you. When she comes to me quietly
and holds her mouth up to be kissed, or
tells some Btory about the children, or asks
if I have got to work that night, why
"Well, then I"
"Then I know that everything has run
smoothly daring the day; then I settle
down for a pleasant evening at home. You
can't make a mistake, my boy, you can't
make a mistake !"
"Ah, but my wife will be different.'
"Will the T" snorted the old man "Well
she won't. The sigus may be a little dif
ent.fer but tbej are all made in pretty
nearly the same mold."
J)oii\! —ll a dealer offer* ytu n bottle
•if .Siitvuii m O.'l wiihont wrapper or labels,
•>r 10 a mutilated condition,don't touch it
don't in) i< i»tany price,there ia soniethtrg
wrong—it may lie a dangiTiUs or worth
less countireit. .Insist upon getting a per
fect, unbroken, genuine package. Be on
your guard!
—Wilkesbarre, Pa. Dec 26—Crazed with
uriji, i'elcr Stako, of Eiiwardsville. Lu
zerne count), jumped {through a second
glory window clad in hid night clothe.
Lie v.»- not ir>jured by the full and he then
ran through the streets lie was pursued
and captnred, hut the doctor thinks he
will die.
—A Toronto woman alur burying Lcr
seventh husband, erected a monument to
the whole lot It consisted of a marble
hand with the index finger pointing to
ihe sky, and on the base instead of names,
ages, etc., were the words "Seven up."
Holiday Cheer.
The holiday sea.-i.n is close upon uh, and
every household ill Ihe land is preparing
lor ihe plum pudding, and the general
(easting and rejoicing. A little good bran
ilj for the mince pie, rum lor the pudding.
•>r a little stimulant to keep the spirits up
ind the cold out is absolutely necessary
o,r an old tiiue Christmas cheer. One id
ihe most prominent liquor dealers in the
eouutrj, Mr. Max Klein of Allegheny, Pa ,
whom we can cberrtnlly recommend, aud
*bo h»a the reputation for handling otiiy
absolutely pure liquors,»ill sell you the f..i
• wiliir ' rand- ol mx > ear old pure Penn'a
lives, ai SI,OO per lull quart or six for
#5 00: Bear Creek, Gibson, Guckenheinier,
Pinch aud Overholt. The famous Silver
Age, the finest whiskey in the country at
$1 50. and Duquesne, a whiskey distilled
>ri>m Rye and Malt, at $125 uer quart,
Guckenheinier 4 \ ears old, at 75c per quart,
ind the Anchor lije at 500. You can h»Ve
your cboioe of all kinds of Calitornia Wines,
(iins, Rum and Brandy, all pure and old.
at from 50 centt' per quart up. All goods
neatly boxed and shipped by express.
Send for catalogue and price list of all
kinds of liquors to Max Klein, 82 Federal
st., Allegheny, Pa.
—lntimacy on the part of Clarence
Wade, a youth of 20, with the sister of Al
vin Defevers, a schoolboy, led the latter to
such resentment that Wade shot and killed
him in school, near Hodgeville, Ky.
—Two men have been employed and
armed with rifles to patrol the levees
above and be'ow Shreveport, La., and kill
all bogs found wandering about the neigh
borhood. Their rooting has in the past
loosened the earth and caused damaging
breaks in the levees.
Diunkennsss, he Liquor Habi , Pos
ively Cured by adimnstering Dr.
Haines "Coiden Specfic."
It is manufactured as a powder, which
can be giveu in a glass of beer, a cup of
coffee or lea,or in food, without the know
ledge of the patient. It is absolutely
harmless, and will affect a permanent and
speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod
erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has
been given in thousands of cases, aud in
every instance a perfect cure has followed
It never fails. The system once impregnat
ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter
impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex
-Ist. Cures 48 page book ot
particulars tree. Address, Golden Specifii
Co.. 185 Race St.. Cincinnatti O.
—Curious old man—What brought you
to your pre»ent dextitute—rum >
Tramp (indignantly)—No, sir ! Yer nee
I wnz a horned lawyer, but me pareiitn
unfortunately celled me after Goor|te
Washington, an' I can't git no clientn.
—Probably the only copy extant of thi
act of I'arliment of 1649, daring Cromwell'*
reign, incorporating and chartering tl e
Society for Instituting the Propagation of
the Gospel among the Indians of New
England, is iu the possession of tbe Pr«-
biteria i Hoard of Missions, aud is -;n exhi
bition iu New York.
—Muggins (who i* fond of Keying prett
things)—l never can forgive myaelf for not
havin/ married your wife when I bud » j
chance." Buggins— '-Neither can I."
—TherV a standstill in the m»rriag>- im |
iness in New lirum-wii k. Marring* ce, it,
cates hatre to be c«untt r-igi.ed by i e
Lieutenant O 'V'-rnor, nun all tim e i,.-
by municipal eleiku wtre -igued in l.i
by the ofHi'ial row dead U'l.jle the>'i>
waiting for a new lot, c'liipk-h rave to gu
to Maine or stay unmarried.
—An eminent xtatiacitu estimates that
dur i g tl e course <.| an ordinary life th<
average tnau will eat seven four-horm
wagon loads more food than is good for
—Wife—George, I wish you belonged to
my church. The new minister is a man
you would like.
Husband—Not Huch a bigoted Methodist
as the other, then, is he 1
Wife—No!—he is very broad .' He be
lieves tha' Episcopalians, if they repent,
can be saved.
Promise are easily broken, but then it
is the ea«ie»t thing in the world tc make
&•* oa««-
Leading a Better Lite.
I resolve the coming year that I will not
drink any unless I am—thirsty.
That it I cannot find a man after my
own heart, I will seek a woman.
That I will let people mind their own
business and will assist them all I can.
That I will agree to obey my superior*,
if I have any.
That I will send the next spring poem to
the editor instead of taking it.
—Sore-throat and bronchial affections are
spedily relieved and effectually cured by
the use of that safe and reliable remedy,
I)r. Bulls Cough syrup. It has stood the
test of half a ctntarv.
—A judicial decision in Belgium de
clares that a dog is as much entitled to a
seat in a railroad carriage as its owner,
provided the later has bought a tickft for
the animal.
—The greatest purchase of land in all
history was when the United States pur
chased lrom France tor the sum of sll,-
000,000 the Territory of Louisiana, which
included besides the present limit ot that
Slate what is now Texas, Arkansas Mis
souri, lowa, Indian Territory, Nebraska.
Minnesota. Eakota nearly all of Montana
and parts of New Mexico, Kansas, Colorada
and Wyoming.
—The marvelous success of Hood's Sai
saparrilla is based upon the cornerstone of
absolute merit.
—A Missouri woman committed soieide
because she failed to receive a Christmas
present. Her husband will know better
than to slight a woman daring the holiday
period the next time.
—Over in New York they have a "Boy
Preacher," 8 years old. If he lives to be
80. and sticks to preaching, he'll still be the
"3oy Preacher.', Sacu nuinan.es never
grow old.
Consumption surely Cured.
To Ttl* SDlXV>R:—Please Inform year reaJi.-r»
that I naro a positive raiusdv for the abovc-namci!
caaea have hr -n pennmently cured. I shall b6 glau
to wad twj on lee of my remedy FREE to any o*
your readers , > hare consumption if they will
•end me theii Expreas and P. O. addreaa. He*poet
•bJJj X. A. BI4XTTM. M C-. 181 Pwi St. N *
—Some figures which the Indianapolis
Journal has collected, reveal the magni
tude of ibe shwepraising industry in this
country, which is to be imperiled by fret
wool. These show the estimated number
of people engaged in the industry, directly
and indirectly, to be about 5,000,000. The
annual clip is valued at about $66,000,000
taken away lrom 45,000,000 sheep, worth
abont $180,000,000. It is the firm convic
tion of many wool-growers that the ulti
mate effect of free wool will bo to wipe out
practically the raiding of sheep. About
one eighth of the world's supply of wool
ij now produced here, the rt-venuo there
from remaining in this country to be re
invested a„°ain and again. I uder fr«e
wool ibone i" Venuec 'ill accrue to foreign
countries and bo invested and kept there.
In return for these sacrifices the American
wool-grower is promised a suit ol clothes
for 75 cents
—Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic
cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic
ally cures in Ito 3 days. It.- uctiou upon
tiie system is remarkable a:o: m.i -terious.
It removes at once the cause ai,d the dis
ease immediately disappears. 'lhe
dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C
Redick, druggist, Butler.
—At the Christmas treat ia a Sunday
school in a neighboring town one selfish
little fellow spoke up and said, pointing to
anew recruit;
"That boy don't 'tend this Sunday
school. He never was here before."
• Yes I was. too," said the new boy with
' When wero you here?'' a-ked the
teacher kindly.
"Why last Chriatmas," was the frank
and innocent reply.
"And he got his treat.
—An Indiana Co paper says: "invitations
are out lor the marriage of East Mahoning
township and iiiss Cora Wyucooi) " There
was an ancient qustoiu in Vmice whereby
the Dodge was married to the Adriatic Sea,
bat we nev< r before heard ofan.v one being
married to a township. It is altogether
probable that the iuteligent compositor let!
out the name ol the man who resides in
Eist Mahoning township.
—To see women knitting stockings, be
ginning at the toe; children with heads
wrapped r< uud and round in various ker
chief's but with little limbs and feet bare
even in wintery weather; old women still
wearing '.heir hair in long plaits down their
backs; gentlemen ci-llers entering a parlor
with uncovered feet but covered head—
these are only a few ot a thousand customs
in Persia that are so directly opposite to
our own.
—The Hoosac tunnel, Ma-sachuset's, is
the longest in tbe United States; length,
four and three-fourths miles; cost, $14,000,-
—Fogg—"lt is not often that you find
two mon with exactly the same views on
the tariff question, but Hrown and Blen
heim over there agree to a dot."
Figg—"But have they mastered the sub
fogg—"Not at all. Neither ol them has
the sligbest know ledge of the question, and
both of them frankly admit it."
—The total value of the crops of the
United States during 131J3 is esti
mated at $3,000,000,000, of which the larg
est item is $750,000,000 worth of hay.
The animal products, including meats,
dairy prodcuts, poultry and eggs,and wool,
are placed at $805,000,000 more.
—Old Jonah may have been in hard
1 ick, but he certainly got on the inside in
fiat, whale business.
—lt isn't au fait to refer to the manner
in which a woman is dressjd. Gowned is
the proper word.
—The bald headed man at least has the
advantage when it comes to getting fright
ened. His hair can't stand on end.
—"l'm afrsid Tommy is going to prow
up to he a prizefighter," remarked Mr.
Proudpop. "Horrors!" exclaimed Mrs P.;
"what makes you think sot" "The ease
with which he puts his liitle brother to
sleep," responded Mr. Proudpop. And
his wife, being a woman, couldn't see the
Across the dial-plate of time
The. shadow's mooved once more.
Good bj et« thee old Nitieiy-Three!
Good morning, Ninety-Four!
And may you he the grandest year
To mankind ever given
And when »is d tie, may ev'rv one
He that much nearer Heaven.
with your flesh reduced below a healthy
■tanrlard, for Consumption and other Ncror
uloua and dangerous diseases And It'* for
lust thla condition that Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery la especially valuable.
If you're thinner than you ought to be,
whether from wasting diseasos, defective
nutrition, or whatever cause, tbe " Discov
ery " will surely bring you up to tbe healthy
standard. By r onto ring tbe normal actio® at
tbe deranged organs and functions, it arouses
every natural source and means ot nourish
ment As a strength-restorsr and flesh
builder, nothing like this medietas ia known
to medical science Filthy Cod Liver Oil and
all its disguised compound* cant compare
with it.
It's sold on trial. . That Is. in everything
that's claimed for it, if tbe " Diacovsry " evsr
tails to benefit or cure, you have your moa ay
What offer oeuld be were busLnsa U/st
Read This Oqce.
Is the place you will buy your footwear.
Ladies fine button shoes, patent tip, opera toe $ .85
•< " 14 square toe 9°
" grain " 75
" fine slippers 45
" warm, flannel-lined, shoes 75
" " " slippers 5°
" slippers 20
" good, heavy, peged shoes 75
" " standard shoes 85
" rubbers 25
Misses' fine shoes, button 7°
Men's good heavy boots 1 4°
'• B& A, calf, congs. and bals tip 9°
" extra fine shoes $1 25 and 1 5°
Boys' good heavy boots, sizes 1-5 I OO
Youths' " " 11-13. 75
Men's " brogans 7°
" " calf boots 1 9°
Rubber boots and shoes, wool-lined arctics, felt boots for boys and
men, wool stockings at the lowest prices.
Men's slippers, nicely embroidered, at 50c, 75c, and $1; Women's,
Misses' and Children's slippers at 20c, 50c, 75c and sl.
Arc you one 0/ the few that docs not buy of us, if so we arc looking
for you, come in soon an J sec us.
No. 102 North Main Street - Butler, Pa.
This is the kind of weather to buy
sleighs,robes and horse blankets cheap at
Come and see us, 128 East Jcflerson St., a few doors above Lowry
Salvation Oil t*"uoau*»i.
and Obscure Dimaea speedily and permanently
cured bT the celebrated specialist,
r\L_ 7 ■ /NQQ 329 N.lsth St.
DR. LOPPf Phllada.. Pa.
Nodts-eptßu. nofilso representation. 1 wIU cure
Siug u eui g i f sixpence,
A Bottle fuH of Rye;
F< ur md twenty guest? around
It's merit* true to try
When tbe bottle's owned
And they find the liquor pure
Every one at ooce claims,
Bought at Lewin'n sure.
Robt. Lewin,
136 Wnter 8t
Opposite B. «fc O Depot, - Pittsburg. Pa
e m
Baldvviri, - 1 J «.
Sewing Machine Mechanic.
Will re-adjust yours and you be
your own judge to test it.
only $2 p»er;ioo square feet. Makes a good
roof for years and anyone ean put it on.
GUM ELASTIC PAINT costs only 60
cents per gallon in barrel lots, or $4.50 for
5 gallon tubs. Color red. Will stop leaks
in tin or iron roofs that will lsst for years
3!) A 41 West Broadway New Yori-
JsWLocal Agents Wa .ted.'frT
20 Easily Made.
We wunt many men, women, boys, and girl* to
work for us u few hour* daily, right In nnd around
their own hornet*. The business is easy, pleasant,
strictly honorable, nnd pays better than any other
offered ngeut*. Vou have n clear lit Id aud no
competition. Experience nnd special übility un
necessary. No capital required. We equip you
with everything that you need, treat you well,
and help you to earn ten time* ordinary wnge*.
Women do a* well u* men, and boys and gflls
make good pay. Any one, anywhere, can do the
work All *ucc<»« d who follow our plain aud sim
ple direction*. I.ariiett work will surely bring
you a great den! of money Everything it new
and in great demand. Write for our pamphlet
circular, and receive full information. No harm
done if you conclude not to go ou with the
bu*in< - n.
Box 438,
Wt'O has bud ti veers experience
with oue of tbe lending furniture
lirnm of Pittsburg i* now prepared to
attend to all furniture rep > ii;>ir left
iu liif charge. and w ill guarantee
good work and s:i tibiae'i<>n lit
249 S MSt , - Butler. Pa.
315 S. M in <t , - - Butler, P .
Everything new—Klectrie iigbt,
iras and w;>ter.
J* Lodging 35, 50 md SI.OO
* o * Begulnr ui' iiln at 25 rtß.
Boarding at $1 00 a day. * m *
Lunch Counter opeu all night
I * * VoSSER'S* * ' I
has no egual for chapped bands, tips or
. face, or any roughness of the skin, anil .
Is not excelled as a dressing for the face
after shaving. Sold by druggists at g
Twenty-five Cents a Bottle.
I have a Heave Cure that will cure any
case of heaves in horses in forty days, if
used according to directions, and if it doe*
uot do what 1 claim for it, I will refund
the amount paid and no charges will be
made for the treatment. The following
testimonials are the strongest proof of the
in< dicines power to cure:
Butler, Pa., 1893.
MR. A. J MCCandlbss:
On the 2ud day of April, 1892, I com
tuenced to use your new cure for one ol
my horsi s that had the heaves very had,
.»nd continued to use »he medicine tor
about forty days and the horse did not
show any sigus of a return of them. It is
now about a year since 1 quit givin the
medicine and the horse has never sowed
any signs of heaves, and I feel stisfied
that he is properly cured.
Butler, Pa., April 3, 1893.
A J. McC'ANt'LKSs:
I have med your Heave Core and found
it will do the work if used according to di
rections. Yours truly,
Grind Your Own Corn Meal, Oyster
Shells and Corn in the $5 Hand Mill.
(P. Wilson's Pat.) Circulars Iree.
' Also Power and Farm Mills. Send for
illustrated circulars and testimonials." {
100 per ct. ii.otf made iw keeping poultry.
WILSON HKOS.. Raston, Pa
Our (Jre< n Borie Cutter will dou
ble your egg production.
Bent und Cheapest in the market.
Circular tree.
Cazenovia, N. Y
Country Gentleman
Agricultural Weeklies.
Farm Crops and Procesess,
i Horticulture & Frult-Growlng,
Live-stock and Dairying.
While it slho includes all minor depart
ment* of Kurul interest, ouch a» tbe Poul
try Yard, Entomology, liee Keeping,
Greenhouse and Grapery, Veterinary Re
plies, Farm Questions and Aniiwers, Fire
side Heading, Domestic Economy, and a
nummary of" the News of the Week. Its
Market Reports are unusually complete,
and much attention in paid to the Pro*
pects of the Crops, a# throwing light up
on one of the most important of al>
?uestions —When to Buy and When to Sell,
l is liberally Illustrated, aud by It EC E-VI
ENLARGEMENT, contain* more reading
matter than ever before. The subscription
price is if'J.fiO a yeat, but we offer a BPE
-01A L REDUCTION iu our
TWO I t:M'II'TIOnn. In one remittance $4
six m iim i<irrio>s. ito do .... 10
TK>i HIHM'IIUTIONS, do do .... 16
[X To nil i » V ' - '' i'* Tor 1804.pay
ing in advancu lii'rt to uiil seuil the pa
per Weekly, from onr receipt, of the remit
tante, to January lot, 1594, withotii
CI? Specimen Copies Free. Address
Albany, N Y
■ 3 fcrfti
prompt answer and an honest opinion, writ® to
Ml !\ N A- ffl., who have hud nearly Dfty years'
experience la th« patent business. Communion,
tlon.i strictly confidential. A Handbook of In
formation concerning I'nfenta and bow to ob
tain Lbem sent free. Alto a catalogue of mechan
ical and scientific hook* sent free.
Patent* taken through Maim k Co. receive
special notice in the HclentlflC Amrrlrnn. and
tbu* aro brought widely before the public wlth
out coat to the inventor. Thl* splendid paper.
Issued weekly, elegantly lit oat rated, baa by far the
largest circulation of an? scientific work in tbe
world. S.'l a year. Sample epic* sent free.
Bulldm* Edition, monthly, fz.£o a year. Single
eryiea. 'ij cent*. Kvery number contain# beau
tiful plate*, m colore, and photograph* of new
houaea. with plana, enabling builder* to ebow the
late at design* and aecure contract*. Addreee
HWN i CO, Msw Yob*. 3ttl UuoajjwaT.
Hotels and Depots,
W. 8. Gregg IH UOW rrnniDg a lint
of carriage between the boteiß am
depou» of tbe town.
Charges reaeouable. Telephon
No. 17, or laave orders at Hot'
Gwd iuvejrr in u^neaiou
Leading Millinery House
Trimmed Ilats and Bonnets.
Every shape this seasons facile fancy
has evolved is here.
Every novelty in Wing, Bird, Feather
or Ornament is shown, Ribbons, Velvets,
Laces, Braids and Flowers.
Mourning Millinery a Specialty.
122 South Main Street.
There is a clique of advertisers wbo are co tinua ; ly foo'ing the peof'e
Tbey have tooied tb«m oDce too often with a pretence to f- uiethi- i
for nothing Y<>u may fool ncmf of the people all the time—and fit of iLe
people some of the time, but you can't fool a l tbe people all the ti:ae. ! i
looking over tbe advertisements in the papers nowaday, I find I ! ave lott
my laurels Now I will tell you tbe truth. You will see hundreds of such
baits fluDg out for Bookers to bite at, tuch as, "We can *ave you 25 per
cent by trading with us," and some even ir« so far as to say 50 p«T cent.
Men's fine suitß wortb $25 00 for only $9 99 Pants worth $8 00 only $3 99.
Bankrupt Sales, Sheriff Sales Assignee- Sale. iVc Now we ask you can
didly. (Jan these concerns doing business at fabulous expense, sacrifice
profits as a great many advertise to do ? Are tbey as liberal as •.bey propose
to be ? We answer no The enormous sums rsqui ed to meet current ex
penses must be met by liberal and in most cases by heavy margins Profits
tbey must have and trade tbey must get or sink in tbe whirlpool they have
created by their own bands. There is no alternative, get the profit and get
tbe trade, but bow ? In no other way than working on tbe weak minds of
tbe people by flaming advertisements. Tbey boldly and shamelessly claim
to actually give tbe dear people S3 00 in value for one invested S»ch un.
principled actions are becoming not oulv tiresome, but positively dangerous
to tbe welfare and interest of tbe buying public. On carefnl inspection you
will find these $25 00 suits reduced to only $9 99 are dear at eight dollars
I saw an ad stating men's fine worsted suits reduced from $lO 00 to $6 00.
I called to see tbem and fonod oor $3 75 cotton suit. When we offer you
a suit for SIO.OO that is all it is worth ir ever was worth We just giye
you one dollar's worth of goods for 100 cents
Yon wani to see our immense stock ol overcoats aod suits for meo,
boys aud children. Hats and caps in endless variety, shirts. collars and
cuffs, and ties, any and every style to suit even tbe most fastidious; utidtr
wear, hosiery, overalls, jackets, gloves, mittens, umbrellas. ►uspeuders. in
fact anything in tbe furnishing line; also a fine line of ladies and jfDts gold
and silver watches, chains, charms, pins, rings, collar and cuff buttons, scarf
pins, initial pins, all at the very lowest c*sb prices All we a*k is an in
spection of our goods and prices before puroh>iMinir. We have always done
you pood and feel confident we can do so attain. To those who have been
trading with us, we tender oar most heaitfelt thank*, and to thoeo wbo
never have, we would say, try us once and you *ill nevt*r regret it
Very Respectfully
Champion Olothier, UaHer aud Furmsh-r
120 North Main Street, - - Butler Pa
Jewelfy, Clocks
Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per
cent bv purchasing their watches, clock'
and spectacles of
J.R. GRIEB, The Jeweler,
No. 125 N. Main St., Dully Block
' V
Sign of Electric 801 l and Clock.
AU"are Respectfully Invited
—"Remember our Repairing Department—2o years Experience."-
New York Weekly Tribune
The Butler Citizen,
Address all orders to THE OIT'FZKN*
TL\\£s — _ a
Kly's Cream Palm i» not a liquid, unvff or fxnedrr. Applied into Vu noHrilt it it
_ quickly a>>*orbrd. Jt tinnitet tfie he. id, allay t injlammation, htalt _ _
E|Lj| the I "re*. Bold by druagUU or tent by moil on receipt of price. Cfl jt \
vi~ KOr-liIJN i lIAL,
Wholesale Liquor Dealer,
403 Ferry St, » Pittsburg, Pa
Leuiisyiva 1 a Rye Whiskii s a specialty.
O e Diamond Market