, , We cannot honestly aHord to ofter free gifts or prizes to our customers 1> UnTTnTTHM Therefore we have decided to make Ltijl/ U Vy A XV/11 sweeping reductions all through our large store as an Xmas offering to i? UJti our many friends and patrons. This mT|ii will be an advantage to them and A XIXJ also help us to reduce a stock ot -r-|/\T TrviVQ goods too large for this time of the Xl.v/ Lii-U-A- a year. Then come one and all and . o; take advantage of our Xmas offer. note these prices.— Ladies Camel H«lr Underwear 75 worth »1.00 « all wool ribbed vests 5° Men's natural wool underwear • 5 ( • Ladies'all wool black cashmere hose • » (i 5 Men's " half hose... 1 „ > Good Standard fast color calico s .« «« ginghams \ „ ' Lawrence L.L. 4-4 sheeting 25 " 3° Good country flannel ' „ 5 o Men's Merino underwear £ „ f Ladie's all wool skirt patterns /s black cashmere mittens • • • • •• • • 30 per cent, reduction on all Ladies' and Children s Wraps. r „ <■ « Trimmed hats. '5 M „ .. Fancy dress patterns, these are are nov- B„t"hS white and coiors $4- worth ts-oo Blankets Jennie E. Zimmerman, N. B. HOT COFFEE ON SATURDAYS. HI t IUMRIE WANT EVERY Mai\, womar\ and Child In Butler county know that they have received their large and com plete line of Fall and Winter Boots, Shoes and Slippers at prices that will surprise them. We have the celebrated Jamestown Boots and Shoes, made by hand and warranted, which have proven their wearing quailites for We want to give the trade f Tbe Best Goods for Least Possible, Living Profit.#- The best line of Ladies'and Gents' Fine Shoes ever shown in the county. Children's School Shoes in every shape and style. Rubber Goods of all kinds and shapes at all prices. Come and see the boys. I Vogeley & Bancroft $■ 347 S. Main Street. - - - v - - ' Butler, Pa elect Your Xmas Presents From The Following: , RINGS, Diamonds te™s ( P [ STUDS, | I GENTS GOLD, I*7 . ) LADIES .GOLD, W atcnes I GENTS SILVER. LADIES CHATLAIN, r 1„ 1 Gold"Pins, Ear-rings, tIGWGIXy ) Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc, ( Tea sets, castors, butter dishes o*l _ ■< and everything that can be OllVOrAV£iro { found in a first elates stce, MDtti ados, no i?S'h.r i "-.„ s ' OT - E. GRIEB. TM JEWEEEE. No. MainJSt, BUTLER, FA., * SOME OF OUR PRICES. *- Men's veal calf shoes 85 Boys' veal calf shoes 7 5 Men's extra fine bufl shoes 9!) Ladies don. patent tip but. shoes #1.25 Misses don. patent tip but. shoes 95 Men's buckle brogans * Men's kip boots 1.50 Ladies' oil grain shoes. 95 n f Ladies' glove calf shoes Jo Chickens'dongola but. patent tip 50 Infant dongola button 25 Rubbers at a lower price than they can be bought elsewhere in the County. AL RUFF. U4 S. MAIN STREET. - - BUTLER, PA Hotels and Depots, W. 8. Gregg ia now reining t tine of carriages between the hotels and depots of the town. ChargeaUr©a»onable. Telephone No, IT, onP«*T» orders at. Hotel Voftley. €iid Liwr in < onnen.rß ••••••••••••• • GOSSER'S • # CREAM GLYCERINE. fca* BO ««aal lor ohappod band*, Hps or A fam, or any rongbneu of the skin, and m tl Mtomued M a dressing for the tare • afMr Aatla|. M by dniniito at . Twenty-ttv« Csnts * Bottle. « # • • • •••#•••• HELLO THERE W. E. RALSTON Is to the front one* more, hard times and all, with a brand new ttore and an elegant Dew duck of goods Just what you want to select your Christ man Presents from .»nch as Fine Gold Watches, Diamond*. Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware at pr'cep that will down the bard times Call and me at No 326 S. Main St., Butler. WATCH AND CLOCK RE PAIRING A SPECIALTY. ~ Nothing On Earth Will HENS, LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder I KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all D.sease. Good far Moulting Hens. it* Utj tentn of ent aa . H lanro can saTwl me ws^wß^Ssftrsr m.irr. "saa.pl. copy >SaoS?».. Boston. HUMPHREYS' IJr Humphreys' SpeclUcs areadentmeallyand carefully prepared Kemedles. used for years In private practice and for over thirty years by th« people with entire success. Every single Specific a gDeeiai euro for the disease named. They rare without rtrutfKin*. pursing or reducing the system an.l :ir,< In fa. t and deed the (sovereign Remedies «! the World. >0 mo. rmcm i—Fevers, Congest 1 n*. Inflammations.. Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic 23 s—ITeething) 1 Teething) Colic, Crying. Wakefulness .25 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults .US 7-Coagb», Colds, Bronchitis .iM 8— Neurnlgin, Toothache, Faceache 2.J 8-iicndachca, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .'23 10-Djspepsin. BlUousneiUsConstipation. .'25 11 Supprevsed orPninfiil Prriod« •£«! I' - Whites. Too Profuse Periods '25 13 —Croup, l.nryagiiis, Boaaepess 23 14—Salt ltheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions ,i 5 13—Hhenmatlsm. Kheumatlc Pains .23 16—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague...... .23 19—Catarrh. Influenza, Cold In the Bead .23 20-Whooping Cough •27—Kidney Disen.ea 3s— Nervous Debility "<»* 30-I'riuary Weakness, Wetting Bed .33 HUMPHREYS' WITCH " 44 Tlie Pile Ointment. —Trial gixe, -.5 < t«. UUXPHKKTS* 81D.C0., 11l A 118«lili«a SBW \ORK. S P E c s. WITHOUT THE BOW (RING) it is easy to steal or ring watches from the pocket. The thief gets the watch in one hand, the chain in the other anil gives a short, quick jerk—the ring slips off the watch stem, and away goes the watch, leav ing the victim only the chain. This idea stopped that little game: (( ,r?D The bow ta3 a groove I I J t on each end. A cellar runs down inside the VJURJ \ pendant istcm) and fits into the grooves, firmly locking the x "N bow to the pendant, 4* TO that it cannot be pulled or twisted off. V * Sold by all watch dealers, without JSE, cost, on Jas. Boss Filled and other T£w cases containing this trade mark— Ask your jeweler for pamphlet. Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. £33 ° LD EXPORT lOwHISKEY. 'r———Guaranteed Kjj 8 Years Old. feMffigsKi' It] IS < HxißjJU cinal purposes, ' e * HRr where a fine ptiin nlent Is required, age nnsr. rpassed. It is the product of one of the olden distilleries iu Pennsylvania, and after remaining in Gov ernment bonded warehouses the required time is exported to Hamburg, German}-, and there kept in heated warehouse until perfectly ma tured, then shipped back, bottled on our own premises, and when we offer you Old Export we know whereof we speak, and challenge con? parlson. Full quarts, *I.OO. Six quarts, *5.00. Sent by express to all points, and on orders of *IO.OO oi over we will pay express charges. There are numerous imitations, but be careful «o secure the genuine. JOSEPH FLEMING & SON, Druggists, 412 Market St., PITTBBURC, PA. Complete Price List of Whiskies, Winea and Brandies mailed free to any address. -•*11 r£* > »u•« U^LES ii il_ fg M B%JSS Wi£ , iSS? Shs ointment ST."HPTOM.*—.\IoJM ur#; intense ftrLtn-* a-' *VI o*'"> » fcirr. BWAbiK'HOI.NTMI '-ST "HSUM* b!r.-(llr.*.iib- irS-tV-1,,. h. - ' T. .' trail for 50cU. hi vnAbybn.: aw .Ic'i r\DOCTORS LAKI: ; s,©a rRT I.TV. nISPKNSAUY. ' t. COR. PEUI AVE. AND FOURTH ST.. PITTSBURGH, PA. ' I All forms of Delicate und Com ■ ' '•'WfWlm pl'cated Diseases requiring CON % fII'KXTIAL andSciEXTlFli! Jled ication avo treated at this I>is c- - i-,- xvith a success ,-arely attained. Dr. S. K. !.;ike Is" member of the Itoyul Colltgeof riiv • IC.:I; and Surgeons, and Is the o! lest and most .enced SPMLALISi'in thaclty Spor'al at e.t o.i :;ivtn to N'srvous Debility from excessive IK .1 •veriion. Indiscretion of youtl'-etc., eatis ilivsieal and mental decay,lack of energy. 'niiji tn i ■iwfninon old Sores, Fite. i heumatism, and ail dis asesof the Skin. I.untrf, L"ilnary<>rgnti:,(.tc. Consultation ■il strictly conildeiifi.il. Olllee hours,il to i to 8 p. M.; Sundays, 2t04 r. 11. only, it oflco or address DB*>. I.AKE, <. ,f t WE. AN D 4THST..PITTRUL lUJH I . Cures lirlt'hfs UiM-uKe. Drops), (iruvel, Nerv ousness. tleart, Oiinary of Liver Diseases. Known by a tired lanquld K; inactinir ot the k'dueys weakens and poisons the blood, and unless cause is removed >ou cannot iiuve health. lured me over five years aj;o of Brlgtlt'S Disease and Dropsy.— SlßS. I. L. C. MILLKK, Bethlehem. Pa. 1 000 other similar testimonials. Try it. Cure guaranteed* CANN'S KIDNEY CUBE CO., <4O. Venango St., I'liiladidiilila, Pa. Sold Pi" All Itellable Druggists. ""• RAILROAD, FARM, GARDEN, Cemetery, Lawn, Poultry and Rabbit Fencing THOUSANDS OF MILES I\ ISE. CATALOGUE FKEE. FREIGHT PAID. THE McMULLEN WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO Hi, 116, 118 and 120 K. Fuit'St,. Chicago! HI. TO I • - HEA'.TH Tf* - I !VtS WU>T lit IN ORDJ*. Cur ;; thousands annnally of Liver Com plaini =. Biliousness, Jnundice, Dyspep sia. i r.st;pation. 3\Taleria. Sfnre Ills re !: frotr ..1 T'nfceilihyLlverthanany otir f cause. V«* ■ r-r when you can bo c ived? Dr. ; Liver Invigo» at or i . a cel«l>r . ■ d family medicine. V K DItrPGIST V.'ILL SCPI'LYTOC. *ST~ ""trIRT|C-»J!3C O" o'nen s\T.O r-arrf-i* • j p,pe .Of Ob'-li-I mtinat , HWflu (a t 1 THE CITIZEN To Advertisers. *•1 did a fair business this Christmas, said a prominent merchant, "and I ascribe it < advertising. There is only one wa\ to get the people into your store, and that is to invite them in through the newspapers. I am beginning to believe that more and more every year. Tnere was a tiius when m r 11 iiis advertised only during Christ inas week. They have learned a trick worth two of that. They advertise now the whole year around, and put forth an extra effort a few weeks before and clear up to Christmas day. What i 9 the effect* Increased sales, of course. No mone> ■-pent for advertising in legitimate news papers was ever thrown away. It is a seed that constantly reproduces good crops " Another merchant says: "Strange as it may seem in these hard times our sales ot Christm is ar»* above those of last year. We accouut for this by our libera' advertising. I don't think we ever adver tised more extensively or to better advan tage than we did this year. We always believed in advertising, and we proved our fi th by our works this year. The results nave been exceedingly satisfactory, and we pose keeping np the advertising all the year 'round. If you keep a large stock of good goods the people ought to know it, and the be.«t —the very l>»st —w..y to let them know it i» through the news paper*. There is an advertising firm IU Philadelphia which has for it motto "Keep ing everlastingly at it brings success.' I believe in that. An advertisement persis tently put before the ejes of the people who b.iy is sure to bring good results," These are the opinions of two of the long est headed business men in Harrisburg. And here is what a writer in Brains has to st»y about tidvertisemenfs and advert ing: -'The same things which make a good clerk make a good advertisement. A good advertisement is the best salesman yon can ever have. If an ad. 'sn t a sales man, it isn't good. That is its mission iu lile, People will look for jokes and monkey business at the circus if they want them If an ad. doesn't sell goods its about the deade.-t • fall dead things. The writer of an ad. gets into direct competition with literary and news departments ol the news papers, and to my mind he has rather the ber-t of th« situation, if only he will work up his opportunities. Advertisements are 'business news' and business literature. They tell important facts which are u=>elul every day. To me it is of vastly greater importance to know where I can buy a pair of $6 shoes for $5.25 than to know that a tramp has been arrested iu SmithviLe fur stealing toothpicks, or that. 'Salh Jones is visiting Irirnds in llankMille 1 boikve it is so with most folks. There are i itercotiag things to he said of every bu!-i --ness. L t-iiii-m be picked out and told in au interesting way. And let tbe wise dealer never forget that prices are the ver> best thing he can put into an advertise ment. They are definite —exact—tbey mean something, if tbe dealer is honest, and if he is uot honest, he better not ad vertise «t all. Once you get a good Vtyle' tor your advertising I do not thing it is necessary to change it. That is, the style —change the matter as olten as possible, but keep the tame form for the ad. and the 6ame kind of talK in it. Preserve its in dividuality as jealously as you would pre serve your own. If you haven't a good 'style,'experiment and study till you get one."—Harrisburg Telegraph. —Mrs. William Murden, 297 Third St., Albany, N. Y., gives it the need of praise, as follows: "I have Dr. Bull's Cough Syr up and tind it has no equal. No family should be without It." Holiday Cheer The holiday season is close upon us, and every household in the land is preparing for the plum pudding, and the general feasting and rejoicing. A little good bran dy for the mince pie, rum for the pudding, or a little stimulant to keep tho spirits up and the cold out is absolutely necessary lor an old time Christmas cheer. One of the most prominent liquor dealers in the country, Mr. Max Kleiu of Allegheny, Pa , whom we can cheerfully recommend, and who h«s the reputation for handling onlj absolutely pure liquors,w ill sell you the fol lowing brands ol six j ear old pure Penu'a Ryes, at SI.OO per lull quart or six for ifu 00: Bear Creek, Gibson, Guckenh-iiner, Finch and Overholt. The famous Silver Age, the finest whiskey in the couutrj at $1.50. and Duquesne, a whiskey distilled from Rye and Malt, at $1 25 uer quart, Guckenheimer 4 \ ears old, at 75c per quart, and tbe Anchor Rye at 50c. You can have your choioe of all kinds of California Wines, Gins, Rum and Brandy, all pure and old. at from 50 cents per quart up. All goods neatly boxed and shipped by expres.-. Send for catalogue and prico list of all kinds ol liquors to Mux Klein, 82 Federal st., Allegheny, Pa. —The important effect of advertising is oae of a direct nature. It conveys the iui pression that one is anxious for business. One who is anxious for bnsiness is unaio d ably supposed to be au industrious, atten tive, civil person who keeps the best arti cles at the cheapest rate, does everything in the neatest and most tradesmanlike mauner, and in general uses every expedi ent to gratify and . attract customers People like to purchase nnder those cir cuinstanees. and the system ol advertising assuring them that such circumstances ex ist at this particular shop, they select it accordingly. —They're great on religion down in the City of Mexico. La.-t week they hold their principal religious fete, the feast of Guada loupe, Immense crowds turned out and took part in the observances. They had bull fights and chicken fights between prayers and a holy and hilarious time gen erallv. Drunkenness, he Li uor Habi , Pos ively Cuied by adimrstering Dr. H air.tb "Gelcei. ijtct.t." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in b glass of beer, a cup ot coilee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless. and will allect a permanent ami speed} - care, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It ha lieeu given in thou.--ands of cases, and ii every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with [lie Specific, it becomes an ut er impossibility tor the liquor appetite to e.\ ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book oj particulars tree. Address, Gulden Specilic «:«».. ISS ltace St.. Cincinn&tti O The Roach Nu.bance. The Greensbarg Tribune tells of a worn an win- cues good thing lor her sisters She writes that she has rid her hou-e of roaches and wants to help other women who are similarly afflicted. She says: "I tried every remedy I could hoar ot, and I wa> a ways inquiring. They se> med to fatten o 1 uiy poisons; at least their iliil not BUli'er diminution. One day I took up an old almanac anil idly turned its utter ed yellow pages and on its last fr.igr mf a leaf came this: I'E (ual poriiounof corn red lead m xed with niola-M s a. u spread on plates will destroy r< a>!n s And it did I pot tn several dishes and t 9 o'elock ftole softly out to see il the* air it. The dishes were so covered wi roaches that the sticky mixture WHSSCHII-*- ly visible The next night there were !e>* at Ihe feast. Abti in a week not a romh was to seen. I Uvea seven years thereat ter in the same house auil never .->1 v . e —The severest eases ol rheumatism, are cured by Rood'.- Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier. —The price of overshoes and other rub! er goods have been foreed up. The rise is attributed to the war in frazil, which has shut out the snpp!y of rubber. Oversh", g have advanced about 15 cents above last season's prices. i The Cause of D phtheria. Tbe Sfn#(i/ic Amu ca»s«ys that diph theria is due to a fni g»nd gp'fctb. let its mode of dissemination is still amimg the o -tunti - 1 *cirn. e. W ai«-r does not Sreiii to spread it. and. contrary to the general impression, it is uncertain whether bad drainage, unless by producing a low condition of the system favorable to at tacks ol any malady, nas much connection with it. This was the opinion of Sir William Jen ner many years ago, and it is the conclu sion of Dr. Thorue still. tie connects it 'with the crowded C'>u til ion of the board schools in EngltiJ, »uere ininy of the "gore throats 'l«r which ilie children are uot kept at home are suspected i>l being something much more serious. At Eutielil the sprenl ol Iht epidemic was put upon the cats, which, ever since Darwin charged them with being accessory to the setting of the clover seed, have had the fcienufic eye steadily tix known to have com municated-the di.-eaxe alter lying inert tor four years. —The family physician. Mrs. Helen R. Shalter*, 420 Walnut ;-t., Kenoinn Pa, st ites: « always us. Salvation Oil tor what it is recommended in place of the physiciau. It never fails." —The wife: "How y.m dare, sir, to scold me before Mrs. Brown?" The hus band: "Well, you know, Maria, I daren't scold you when we are by ourselves." Consumption surely Cured. Tc T.ir Sditos:— Please Inform ycur reader* that I care a positive remedy for tLe above-namee disease. B; a timely use thousands of liopelf.- rases bavo h> i permanently cured. I shall be g'.. to sead twj , o*.tle3 of my remedy FREE to any -> your readerß T J J hava consumption If they will send ma thou Ejqprsss and P. O. sJdresa. Eespvct •uHr. T. A. &UK.VXL. U. C-. 131 Pearl St. >\ I. —The most curious city in the world is situated in Saginaw Bay, an arm of Lakp Huron. It is without a name, has a popu lation of about 500, and consists ol modern huts on wheels, to the number of 150, which, when the fishing season arrives,are rolled on the ice in the bay. —Mrs. Chatter: "I)o you believe that, cures can be effected by the lay on of hands?" Mrs. Clatter: "Most certainly. I cured my boy of smoking in that way." —Horace Greely Perry is the remarka ble name of a young woman who boasts of being the only woman editor in the Sta'e of Minnesota. She is also the .\onuge*; editor, being only 21 years of age. Übeuuiat'sai cured fu a day—"Alts' i cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in 1 to 3 uailt.- ac:ion UJMV the system i.-. leniarkabl. mysterious. It removes at once tbe cause autt the dis ease immediately disappears. The nr>i dose greatly benefits. 75 ct». Soid by J. «. Iledick, druggist, Butler. —lnsurance companies claiui that cy cling is a uiorb dangerous uiode of travel than either railway or steamships. —A Connecticut schooliuam s;ived the lives of three young men yesterday, bul under the laws of that State she can only marry one of them. —Mrs. Elderleigh—"Do you love your teacher, Johunyt'' Jobnn> —"Yes,ma'am " Mrs. ElUerleigh—"Why do love her 1 Johnny—"Cause the Bible says we're to love our enemies." —The will ol the late James Black, the famousJLaucaster Prohibitionist,bequeathes his library and SIOOO to the National Tern perance Society. —There are women of wealth and prom inence in Philadelphia who have been caught stealing jewelry, books, laces and other articles of value, and they still go around the stores and while watched are tolerated and excused because they have money and are influential. —First Assistant Secretary of the Interi or Sim- has rendered a decision holding that the Wilson Island 111 the Mi-»ou i river, within ihe hounda.ies ot township 43, Missouri, does not belong to thH Unit ed States, and that the department has no jurisdiction over it. Theretore it is an ownerless island. —The largest hopyard iu the world will be iu Yakima County, Wash , next sum mer. It will comprise of 600 acres of vines. A still larger one, to consist ol 750 acres, is 'to b planted in Alamed* County. Gal., the following season. —There is au interesting family group living in South Thomastou, Me., cou»isti!,g of three old ladies, the eldest. Mrs. Lucre tia Estes, being 9G years old. Her two Companions, Mrs Jalia Ash and Mrs Mi riam Uulh, are both over 70. The trio earn a comfortable liviug by tilling a small farm. —A father, troubled with a daughter of somnambulistic tendencies, squeaks a ru'i ber mouse in her bed room just before she retires. She iiow remains in bed until morning. —A story is told in au exchange of a cat that is a confirmed and beastly drunkard. Her owner is a saloon keeper, and he rais ed the cat in the sal >ou Irom the time it was a kitten. Unable always to get a driuk when it wanted it, the cat would climb up iu the edge of the drip-pan under the beer kegs and quench its thirst. At tir.-t it was evident that beer was not nl together to the ".it's liking, but the taste was gradually acquired, until now it will drii.k it in preference to milk or water and in such a quantity as to make it stupidly drunk. The cat is thin, gaunt and blear eyed and looks as though it was bordering • u starvation, eats but little and is seldom sober —The Lehigh Yailey Ralroad Company i< going to make it warm for those persons who soaped their tracks during the late stiike. Detectives in disguise have been looking up evidence for the past ten days. It is said that no less than fifty arrests will be made within a couple of days, The soaping of tbe tracks caused no less th:tn t.-n engii.es to burn out their boilers, —John Fiske has just read a paper on the "' v ys ery of Evil," in which he said: ' But for tasting the forbidden (rait man Would have been no higher than the beasts of the field," Adam and Eve have waited lons, but at last thej have tound .a vindi cation. All things come roui dto bim wno will but wait. .4 LOOK AT YOUR TONGUE show L ou whether I'J Pleasant Pellets. If U's HBSEST' V/ you've no appetite, and jggjgK a with or without dizziness, oc prenily tired or debili- I : toted that proves that The best thing* in the world for biliousness are these little " Pel lets." Thev gently stimulate and powerfully invigorate the liver. They're the smallest and the easiest to take. There's no distur bance to the system, diot, or occupation. One tiny, sugar-coated Pellet at a dose is a per fect corrective and regulator. In chronic Catarrh in the Head, where every other would-be help has failed, the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy will give SSOO it they can't effect a perfect | and permanent rure. By its mild, soothing, ! ileansing, and healing properties, this remedy will cure tbe very worst caeca. I * Reacl This Oi^ce. LOOK CAREFULLY AT TJIK PRICES AND YOU WILL, 1 THINK, BE CONVINCED THAT 111 NKI.Ti>I> T^ Is the place you will buy your footwear. Ladies fine button shoes, patent tip, opera toe $ .85 " " " square toe 9° " grain " 75 " fine slippers 45 " warm, flannel-lined, shoes 75 " " " slippers 5° " slippers 20 " good, heavy, pegged shoes 75 " " standard shoes 85 " rubbers 25 Misses' fine shoes, button 70 Men's good heavy boots 1 4° " B& A, calf, congs. and bals tip 9° " extra fine shoes $1 25 and 1 50 Boys' good heavy boots, sizes 1-5 I 00 Youths' " " 11-13 75 Men's " brogans 70 " " calf boots 1 90 Rubber boots and shoes,' wool-lined arctics, felt boots for boys and men, wool stockings at the lowest prices. Men's-slippers, nicely embroidered, at 50c, 75c, and $1; Women's, Misses' and Children's slippers at 20c. 50c, 75c and sl. Arc you otic ef the few that Hoes not buy of us, if so we arc looking for you, come in soon and see us. B. C. lIUSELTON. OPPOSITE HOTEL LOWRY. No. 102 North Main Street - Butler, Pa. -#GREAT SALE#- This is the kind of weather to buy sleighs,robes and horse blankets cheap at MARTINCOURT & CO S. Come and see us, 128 East Jefferson St., a few doors above Lowry House. Dr. Buir« Cough ERRORS-YOUTH and Obscure Diseases speedily and permanently cured by the celebrated specialist. r-fc_ I ADD 329 N.lsth St. UR, LUUd< Philada.. Pa. No deception, no false representation. I will cure you positively and make vou vigorous and strong. Treatment l»y mail a specialty and strictly confidential HOME CURE TREATMENT Sii g a so: g of eixpeuce, A Bottle lull of Rye; Fur snd twenty guests around It's met its true to try When the bottle's oDened And they Bud tbe liquor pure Every one at ouce claims, Bought at Lewin'a sure. Eobt. Lewin, 136 Water St. Opposite B. iO. Depot, - Pittsburg, Pa V' 7 W c J- 1 - Baldwir\, ** Pa. THOROUGH Sewing Machine Mechanic. WITH 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Will re-adjust yours and you be your own judge to test it. ROOFIINja GUM ELASTIC ROOFING FELT costs only $2 per. 100 square feet. Makes a good root tor years and anyone can put it on. GUM ELASTIC PAINT costs only 60 cents per gallon in barrel lots, or $4.50 for 5 gallon tubs. Color red. Will stop leaks iu tin or iron ro.ifs that will last for years. TRY IT. GUM ELASTIC ROOFING CO. 39 <£ 41 West Broadway New YorK XS*Local Agents Wanted. TS-^v 5 DOLLARS to per DAY 20 Easily Made. Wo want many men, women, boys, and girls to work for us a few hours daily, in and around their own home*. TIIM business i? easy, pleasant, strictly honorable, and pays better than any other offered agents. Vou have a clear field and no competition. Experience mid special ability un necessary. Xo capital required. We equip you with everything that you need, treat you well, and help you to earn ten times ordinary wages. Women do as well as men, and boys and gftla make good pay. Any one, anywhere, can do the work. All succeed who follow our plain aud sim ple directions. Karne? of heaves in horses in forty days, ii u*i'U according to dire> turns, and if it dot - not do what 1 claim for it, I will return l the amount paid and bo charges will lit made for :he treatment. The following testimonials are the -trongest proof of the, nuiliciues power to cure: • A. J. MCCANDLESS, Butler, Pa., 1890. MR. A. J. MCCANDLESS: On the 2ud da\ of April, 1892, I com menced to use your new cure for one ol my horses that had the heaves very bad and continued to use the medicine lot : about forty da) s and the horse did no! show any signs of a return of them. It i now about a year since I quit givin thi medicVne and the horse has never sowe. any signs of heaves, and I feel stistie that he is properly cured. W. C. CRISWKLL. Butler. Pa., April 3, 1893 A J. MCC'ANPLBSS: I have used >our Beave Cure and foun it tfill do the work it used according to u rections. Yours uuly, R. J. MCMILLIK. Grind Tour Own Com Meal. Oyster Shells and Corn in tbe $5 Iland Mill. (P. Wilson's Pat.) Circulars lree. "Also Power and Farm Mills. Send for illustrated circulars and testimonials." 100 per ct. »,oie made in keeping pooiltry. Address I WILSON BROS., Easton, Pa. POULIRYMEN; Our Green Bone Cu'ter will dou ble your etrp prod UP' O J. Best and Cheapest iu the market, i Circular free. WEBSTER & HANKUI, Caztnjy.a, N. Y READ THESE Unparalleled * Offers. THE HARRISBURG SEMI-WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, Published by (he Harrisburg Publishing Company's the largest and best newspa per published at the capital of Pennsyl vania. Each number centaius thirty two columns, filled with the latest news, stories, market reports and miscellaneous reading. Price only ONE DOLLAR pei Year or ONE CENT a Copy. Semi-Weekly Telegraph and American Agriculturist for Two Dollars. Semi-Weekly Telegraph and American Farmer (monthly) lor One Dollar. Semi-Weekly Telegraph and Home Maga zine, edited by ilrs. John A. Logan (monthly) for One Dollar and Ten Cents Semi-weekly Telegraph and Jones' History of the Juniata Valley ($2) for the price of book alone. Two Dollars. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED To Solicit Subscriptions in every School District in Pennsylvania. DAILY 'TELEGRAPH $5.00 Per Year T e cash must accompany all orders and bo addresesct to M. W. McALAHNEY, Manager, Harrisburg, Pa. C.W I OUT AIN A PATENT* For a prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to Ml NX A* 4 0., who have had nearly fifty rean' experience in the patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In. formation concerning l'nfenm and bow to ob tain t uem sent tree. Also a catalogue of mechan ical and scientific books sent tree. Patents taken tbroujrh Munn & Co. receive special notice in tbe Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the public with, out cost to the inventor. Thjs splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. a year. Sample copies sent free. Oui.'dinK Edition, monthly, f&Ga year. 81ngle copies. '2'» cents. Every number contains bcti tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new • bouses, with plana, enabling builders to show tile latent design* and secure contracts. Address MUNN & CO n >'J£W Yoke, 301 fl ROAD WAT. Garfield Teas Carta O«roi»lexjon, Sanw Doctors mil*. Sample free G xmriXLfi Tea C0.,«19W. 4ACt SU.K-Y Cures Sick Headache Leading Millinery House"" OF Trimmed Ilats and Bonnets. Every shape this seasons facile fancy has evolved is here. Every novelty in Win#, Bird, Feather * / O 7 lor Ornament is shown, Ribbrns, Velvets, Laces, Braids and Flowers. Mourning Millinery a Specialty. D. T. PAPE, 122 South Main Street. FOOLING THE PEOPLE. There it> a clique of advert ist rs who are continually fooling th<> peop e They have tooled them oDce iro »>ft»-n with a prete se to give e for nothing \«m may 100 l Rome of the people all »he time— Hnd a! of th« people tome of the time, bat you can't 100 l a'l the people all the tii..e> 1 u looking over the advertisements in the papers nowaday, I find I b>»ve lost my laurels Now I will tell yon the truth. Von will see hundred.-) of Fucb baits fluDg out for BDckere to lite at, tucb ae, "We can *»ve you 25 per cent by.trading with as," »nd some even go so far as to sav 50 per c«-n*. Men's fine saita worth $25.00 for only $9 99 Pant* worth $8 00 only $3 99. Bankrupt Sales, Sheriff Sales Assignees Sale, r ever was worth We just give vou one dollar's worth of goods for 100 cents \ou wani to see our immense stock ol overcoats and suits for men, boys and children. Ilats aud caps in endless variety, shirts, collars and cuffs, and ties, any and every style to suit even the most fastidious; uuder wear, hosiery, overalls, jackets, gloves, mittens, umbrellas, i-nspcndere, in fact anything in the furnishing line; also a fine line of ladies and treats gold and silver watches, chains, charms, pins, rings, collar aud cuff buttons, scarf pins, initial pins, all at the very lowest cash prices. Ail we a«k is an in -pection of our goods and prices before purchasing. We have nlwa.s done \ou good and feel confident we ean do so again. To tho*e who have Km trading with us, we tender our moat heartfelt thanks, and to those who never have, we would say, try as once and you will never regret it Very Respectfully IX HECK, Champion Clothier, Hater and Furunh r 120 North Main Street, - - - - Butler, Pa i Jewelfy, Clock? Silvefwafe, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J.R.GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block, Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. AlFare Respectfully Invite/ —"Remember our Repairing Department—2o years Experience."- New York Weekly Tribune * The Butler Citizen, ONE YEAR ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF. .A-ddress all orders to THE CIT 1 Z K"N - TLVyJ:% O COU> : HEAD Rll Ely'* Cream Balm is not a liquid, snvff or pander. Applied into the nottrilt it it _ quickly absorbed. It cl. antes the h&id, allays inflammation, heals _ Ella the pyres. Sold bu druoqi.it* or tent by moil on receipt of price. Clia 3UC ELY BROTHERS, 56 Wa"en Street NEW YORK. 3UC ROSENTHAL, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St., - - - Pittsburg, Pa I'ennsyivaiia Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. Que Square Eclow Diamond Market