i. 1 i 13 CITIZEN i .. uAY, DECEMBER 39. 1893- , t. .« tf tlfMMtd •» »«" «» M fl *» \ _____ 1 WILLUI c. ITEM. , State Convention for January 3d. j The Delegates elected to the last 1 e J publican Convention are hereby requested to meet at the Opera House in the city of Harrisburg on Wednesday, Jan. 3d, at 1- o'cloek, noon, of said day, for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for Congreea-man-at-large te fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of the Hon. Wm. Mir- ~ • < HO*ACS B. PACKIB. Chairman. Attest JBBB B- R»x. Sec'y. CAPTAIH FLBKGKE made a splendid speech on national affairs at the meeting of the Lincoln League, Friday evening. The meeting was well attended. The time of meeting was changed to Monday even ing and the next meeting will be held on Monday evening a week. January 8 1894. A new constitution was finally adopted, »nd it will be printed in pamphlet form and distributed among the Republicans 01 the county. A memorial to Congress asking it to de feat the Wilson bill was presented and adopted unanimously. This was a beauti fully written and well prepared paper by President Brymer; and it has been for. warded to Hon. Tbos. W. Phillips for presentation to Congress. "Feed My Lambs." Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one o! the least ot these my brethern, ye have done it unto me.—Matt., XXT.,4O. It U a strange statement that one can his Prince a personal service by giving a loaf of bread to one of the hungry peasants of His kingdom. It obliterates the traditional idea of caste and holds the-rich responsible for the con dition of the poor. The powerful are the guardians of the weak under the sovereignty of God. If you have enough and to spare—that is the teaching of Christian philosophy your surplus is not your own; it belongs to those whose larders are empty. The injunction to "feed my lambs never rumbled more resonantly than now, and oarer eeemed more like the commanding thunder of Sinai. A tidal wave of sympathy and pity is sweeping over the community and the re cognition of distress is being followed by a universal desire to alleviate Its pangs. GBAXD Master Workman Sovereign, who has just succeeded Powderly as the head of the Knights of Labor, has announced him self as in favor of absolute free trade. Noting this and the exact opposite position taken by the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers, the Pittsburg Timet remarks: "The protest of the officials of the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers against the passage of the Wilson tariff bill is a prompt and conclu sive answer to the declaration of the new Grand Master of the Knights of Labor that protective tariff benefits the rich manufac turers only and injures the workingmen. Grand Master Sovereign will have up-hill work convincing the men who received ad equate wages for their labor under the Mc- Kinley bill that they are better off now without work and starvation staring them in the lace under the free trade policy of Democratic administration. The country will prefer to believe the men who labor with their hands to those whose only labor it performed with their jaw*. The day of the jaw-smith has gone by and the honest toiler now has the floor, and the ear of the country." Watterson Slaughter House. One of the bright, epigrammatic sayings of which a Presidential campaign is usually productive was Mr. Henry Watterson'* remark early last year that "the Demo cratic party is marching through a slaughter house to an open grave." The re sult of that campain did not seem to ap prove Mr. Watterson's prophetic ability, but the events ol this year prove that he saw a good ways further down the politi cal lane than those who derided him. At all events he does not propose to let his prophecy prove false if he can help it. He tells in the following extract how be thinks the Ways and Means Committe < should have gone to work to construct a tariff that would carry out tho pledge of the Democratic party: It was to kick the whole ship's crew of rogues and rascals ont of the Ways and Means Committee-room, to close the win dows and bar the doors, and to make a tariff for revenue only, in consonance with the pledges of the party and the expecta tion of the voters, ignoring alike the claim and pretenses of the robf'er barons, and placing the duties wherever they would yield most revenue, regardless of pro taction. Thou, with such a bill—a. bill so simple a child might understand it—no schedule—no classifications—no freo list— but a simple bill embracing items enough to yield 1.1 J L R -*»RY approving of tbe idea ol having it n-i of tho Negley brigade, the G. A H i. cimpmeiit at Pittsburg next yrar. The brigade consisted of the 77th, 78th aud TDth Penn'a. and Battery li. Washington Notes. On Friday the report of the minority of Ways and Means committee wa? made public. It was prepared by Reed, Dalicil and other?, who denounce the Wilson bi;l a* a "cowardly make shifl" and give good reason? for so saying. On Saturday the report was issued in pamplet fojm, and was extensively circu lated. Usually, a minority report is net only rarely read extensively, but it has li.- tle or no influence. In this case a minori ty report is admitted to have dealt a tre- J mendons blow against the position of the majority in its complete expose of the lack of logic in the policy and conclusions of that majority. Without particularizing it mcy be stated, upon the authority of one of them, that there are several Democratic Senators who are giving much more respect and attention to the minority than the ma- j jority report. Senator Morgan's investigation of Prcr.- . dent Cleveland's Hawaiian policy began j Wednesday in the room of the Senate i Committee on Foreign Relations, of which the Alabama Senator is Chairman. At present there is a promise of a full, free and fair investigation that will bring to the surface all of the facts connected with the Hawaiian policy of the Cleveland adminis tration The President concealed from Congress the most important clrcumetances in his restoration policy, and it is believed that Senator Morgan will find some way during the sittings of his committee to produce the missing links of evidence and demand, what is believed by many Congressmen that the administration contemplated, the use of force in their attempt to put Queen Liliuokalani back on her throne. Education and the Farmer. At the farmers' institute the other day the question of how much education was necessary for a successful farmer was dio cussed. And it was discussed with that rational and "lean spirit I hat characterized all their discussions. Every calling of life receives nutrition and adornment from proper education. Mr. Davis, of Grampian, Clearfield county, thought that as many boys were ruined by sending them to high class colleges, where vigor aud activity in kicking the foot ball wins more glory than excellence in studies or the capturing of first prize for oratory at a commencement. Boys also learn to bo affected, and some times get "stuck up," and when they come home they have lost that simple and un assuming character which is the chief charm of sterling manhood. It has been prettily said that "colleges are places where pebbles a/e polished and diamonds are dimmed." A college cannot give a boy an education He must get thai himself. But it lacilitates his work, and gives system and order to that which is likely to be chaotic. It also tends to give him confidence in himself. In weak minds this confidence often degenerates into ego tism. The literal meaning of education is to lead out or develop the natural faculties of the brain. A propar education would draw out and develop tne good characteristics and stunt and discourage the bad ones. And when thus considered, no man can have too much education. Some industrious statistican has figured out that ninety-two per cent, of the lead ing statesmen, professional and business men of this country, were once farmer boys. If that be true, and we have no reason to doubt it, there must be some thing about farm life that stifles the bad, and develops the good elements of man's nature. Perhaps it is this: The farmer boy learns habits of industry. His limbs arajnade strong with healthful labor. He is not afraid ot work, Now, genius has been defined by some as "love of labor, and by others as nothing more than"good health." A farmer boy usually has both. In his youth he is net corrupted by the contamin ating influences of the guilded dens of vice which lure the city boy from the paths of virtue. Tbe scent of clover blossoms is more invigorating both to bis moral and physical health than the fumes of beer and cigarettes.—Punxsutawney Spirit. THK new president of Switzerland, re cently elected, is Emil Frey, who emigrat ed to this country, and in 1801 was a farm hand in Illinois. When the war broke out he enlisted as a private in the Union army, and faithfully served until the close of hostilities, having participated in several of the principal battles, and endured im prisonment in Libby and otbor Southern prisons. After the war be returned to Switzerland, whore bis excellent education vigorous and useful career as a journalist, won brought him to the front among the public men of his conntry, and now be has received the high honor of election to the presidency lie Claimed to be in Order. At the farmers' instituto here last Thurs day tbe subject under discussion was "Small Fruits " Mr Terry and others spoke about tho profits of cultivating rasp berries, currants, etc , when Mr. Barrett McGara, of Rochester Mills, arose. He talked about raspberries and currants a little bit, but soon wandered into polit eg and the present administration. "Politics are not now in order," said Chairman McCracken. "The subject for discussion is Small Fruits." "All right," said tho speaker, and be started in again, but soon let slip some thing about the Republicans and Demo crats. "The gentleman will have to confine himselfto the question," said the chairman with emphasis. "Well, now, Mr. President," replied the irrepressible Mr. McGara, "I think I am confining myself strictly to the question. The subject under discussion is small fruits, and many people claim that Democracy is about the smallest fruit we have just now " There was a general laugh, but the speaker was compelled to suspend bis re marks.—Punxsutawney Spirit. FKASCK will soon adopt an interesting innovation in the postal card systnm. Th ' cards will bo issued in the form of chcck- I books, with stubs The sender of tho postal csrd can make memoranda of its contents on the stub, and can have this stamped at the postofli.'o before the card is detached, so that a verified record of the correspondence can be kept. Tun United States cruiser New York is j on her way to Rio I'etcrnrillc Items. The sick are plenty, Miss (irieb is no bet ter, I) Watson is failing fast aud John Shannon is not so well. Janes Plasterd smiles over his now daughter. Mrs. Dr. Christie is visiting her mother , at Liverpool, 0. j Rev. Cutter delivered a very fine sermon 1 from Matthew 'J 1 chapter and 9th verse at ! tbe M. IS. Church, Sabbath. , I Christmas dinner gatherings were very few in I'.itersvillo A few went out to dinner Your humble servant was forgot ten and had to eat at his own table. Al Donaldson is home from McDonald to visit friends ; Moses Suydcr brought bis better half to I live in Peterxville V.'ahl'.i rirf o : the ! red Buhl was burn*'! ' dbt.n I'hris'n i* morning; Nicklas & Go's .-11' on uiu ikiU<.uuudiiii is shoving up io I GOON ,I;K , Tn- lay they commenced io j-pud in '.ll n .■ I'm wince it Co. well 0:1 the j Shorts; the rig is c -dieted on the Wm. Klohardson farm. The Indiana County Election Cases. j The Indiana, Pa.. Messenger make J the | following note of the "political cases' | 1 which were on the trial list of that county j : for week before last. John W. Book?, who was defeated for | : the Republican nomination for Sheriff last, ( May, and who, a few weeks later, became ( an ' independent" candidate for that office. , during the progress of his campaign work- | ed himself and some of his friend- into an . overwhelming heat. Books alleged that his defeat *a- owing to bribery and the , circulation of libelous circulars. The cir I colars containing the alleged libel included ] a *tatenient in regard to the negotiation' of certain mortgages taken up by a gentle nun named Campbell, all which we average reader is familiar with. lor cir culating this alleged libel Books had ar rested and put under bonds four gentle men name', respectively Lewis. Smith, Campbell and Simpson Books u lso caus ed the arrest of Brace Wissinger, of Wash ington twp , who he claimed had been guilty of bribery about the time of the i Republican primary election. All these cases were set down for trial on Thursday |of last week. Judge White, for reasons of hi* own, did not sit as trial Judge, but procured the services of Judge Greer, of Batler. When the cases were called tor trial, Lewis asked for a continuance be cause of the enforced absence of a material witness. The case was continued. Then Books asked that his cases against Simp son, Smith and Campbell be continued, giving as a reason that he had no attorney, the counsel he had retained and who had prepared bis cases having died. We may here remark, parenthetically, that Books lawyer was John R. Wilson, Esq., who died on the 15th of October, just two months prior to the time when the cases were .«et for trial, thu3 giving him ample time if h6 had been so disposed, to have employed other counsel; and in any event, since Books was prosecutor, he had the District Attorney, whose duty it is to try ca«es for the Commonwealth. Judge Greer permitted the cases tmes to carry out the wild threats so treely made. erily the turtle dove roaro like a lion. Paralyzed by Suspense, There are 80,000 bushels of wheat in the grain elevators of this country awaiting buyers. The price is the lowest ever known The New York banks have $200,000,000 hard cash lying idle in their vaults. Tl.ey offer it to borrowers at the lowest rates ever quoted. The conditions are present for great industrial activity. Why then does the present stagnation exist T The one sufficient explanation is tariff tinkering. Who is going to lay in a stock of any kind when tariff changes may bring down values ' The business of the coun - try will be done on a hand-to mouth basis until tariff revision is finished. Existing industries will be carried on only to fill current orders. These orders will be as small as possible. The situation is just the reverse of what it would be were the pros pective tariff changes protective. Then the possibilities of increased duties would stimulate present production and the laying in of stock. But with the prospect of lower duties and lower prices, every need that can be postponed will be postponed. En terprise stands still and waits to know wha*. the business conditions are going to be. Whatever the Democratic party in tends to do about the tariff bad best be done quickly. There is nothing so harm ful as the present suspense. The Cronin Trial. Tho trial of Coughlin for his participa tion in the murder of Dr. Cronin in Chica go, some years ago, is dragging its way through the courts there. According to a story published in a Chicago paper, another of the conspirators, Burke, came very near confessing, when he was first arrested. The story reads as follows: Vartin Burke was a long time after his extradition from Winnipeg on the verge of making a complete confession of all tbe events connected with the murder of Dr Cronin. Judge Longneckcr, at that time Prosecuting Attorney, tells to-day what a narrow escapo he bad from securing from Burke a confession that would have chang ed tho whole complex ion of tbe celebrated trial of the conspirators who hired the Carlson ccttago for their awful butchery. Judge Longnecker says: "B reached Chicago in charge of Chief Hubbard, who bad taken immediate s u per vision of his extradition and had gone to Winnipeg to bring Burke homo. 1 or dered hiin carried at once to the Harrison utri et station. Here I feel I made my firxt mistake. Peihaps I ought to have bad him taken to some other station. 1 went di recti) to the station, where Chief llubbard and I belli a long interview with the pris oner. I tried my best to get him to con fess and I am confident that I should have succeeded bad nobody else seen bim be fore my next visit. Burke, I said to him, we have got evi donee enough to hang you. There is not the Hlightent doubt of that. We know that you hired the Carlson cottage. Wo know that you bought the furniture which was put in it. We know that you fled to Cana da as soon as the murder was discovered We know all this and a good deal more, and we can prove all we know. Now, we also know that you were not alone in the murder. Tbero were others. Now the people who are behind the murder don't care anything for you It is the others who arc going to try to get off They will »iniply use you as a scapegoat, as a bridge to carry themselves and tbe rest over sata ly. Burke, you had better use tbe only chunce yon have to save your neck and turn State's evidence. I talked a long while with him in thin strain. Then I showed him a letter from his mother. It seemed to be the finishing stroke When I left him that afternoon both Ctief Hubbard and myself felt there was not the slightest doubt that he would confess all about it whon I returned on the morro*. I left strict orders that nobody should be allowed to nee Iturke. Hut Kx Mayor Cregier and Stephen 1). May, who v. as at that time City I'rosecutor, if Ire member aright, procurred admittance and hud a talk with him. '•I don't want to be understood an iui pugning the motive of either Kx Mayor Cregier or Mr May. 1 feel positive that the ox Mayor was heartily with us in our efforts to convict Hurke, Mr. May also had a perfect right to see him in his cap acity of City Prosecutor. It is quite pro bablo that they both wished to see Hurke from shoer curiosity. Mr. May had form erly been a partner of Lawyei Forrest, who was defending the other prisoners Whether anybody else saw Hurke or ot that day Ido not know. Still, there were plenty of police officials who had the right of entrance to the cells. "Hot the fact remains that the next morning, when Chief Hubbard and I visit ed Hurke, fully expecting to hear his con fe».-ioD, the prisoner's whole demeanor had completely changed, Instead ot looking lik<: a man who seemed to have lost the last straw of hope and hau determined to suve himself by confession, Darke was dc fiant. He laughed at us and told UH that he guessed be would not coufess. As Hurke *: i receipt of price. Address, Cuah 1). Haukch, 90 8. Forsyth fcjt., Atlanta, Ua. NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES Fleishman's stores on Market St., Pitts- , bnrg, were closed 1 y the Sheriff, last Saturday. The jury in the case of Taylor vs Mercer county, tried at Meadville last week, gave Taylor SSOOO. Thos. Shannon, the defaulting cashier of the P. & at Xew Castle, was sent to the pen for 2 years and 10 months. Davidson and Jones who pleaded guilty to robbing railroad stations in Allegheny county were sent to the pen for nine years; and the District Attorney expects to have enough evidence to find a bill against j them for the murder of Farraster. A farmer living near Perth, Fulton connty, helped steal his own hog the other night. He was awakened from his sleep in the middle of the night and asked by two men to assist them in loading a hog which had tumbled out of the crate in their wagon. He willingly gave a helping hand, and then returned to quiet slumbers. The next morning he went to feed his porker, but there was no porker to feed. It then dawned upon him that he bad helped load bis own hog in the wagon the night before. In the Cambria county court last week the case of Mrs Agnes Duncan, of Blairs ville against John C. Pender,of Johnstown, was tried At Mrs. Duncan's public sale Pender bought a horse, harness, her own. Pew says ho got the goods in a legitimate way, but the detective thinks he has made no mistake. A year or more ago the St. Louis Steej Range Company sent a number of wagons and men into Indiana county for the pur pose of selling their stoves from house to house. Then were making many sales when they Were brought to a sndden stop by a fellow named Danny Williams, who, as ho said, in the interest of tho integrity of the law, had the drivers of the wagons arrested lor peddling iu ludiana county without a license and in violation of law. The cases were heard before George Row, Esq , and a host of witnesses were heard. Tho case, for various reasons, attracted much attention. Williams,the prosecutor, took u deep interest in the controversy,hut swore that ho was only prosecuting the ease that "the majesty of tho law should maintained," or words to that effect. The tact that, tho penalty, if the parties should be convicted, was a fine of SIOO in each case, and that the prosecutor was entitled to half the line, had i.o weight with him, of course, lie is not built that way. Bur, at all events, he pushed tho cases with vigor and the justice, after due deliberation, rendered a decison adverse to tho Stove Company, and the judgments, amounting to some sl<>oo, was recorded against them. But the Stove Company is a big corpor ation and declined to allow the matter to rest at that. They appealed the matter to court, and the case was heard by Judge Greer, oi Butler, while holding court at this place some months since. On Friday last, in a lengthy opinion, Judge Greer de cided the case against Williams and in favor of the company. The costs amount to a couple of hundred dollars, which the prosecutor will have to pay. Govbbnob MiTcnKLii, of Florida, seems to be i|uitu in earnest in hi* purpose to pre vent, within bin State, the proposed fight between James J. Oorbetf. and Ch.irleH Mitchell, rie has refused to grant a char ter to the no-called athletic club uuder the auspices of which the fitfht wan to have taken place, and he has given notice thai he will nse all lawful means to prevent the fight not only, but to bring to punishment any citizen of the .State who aids and abet# any such disgraceful violation of tie laws. Salt Rheum 5 Years In the form of a running ■ore on my ankle, lour physicians tailed to euro. ? / I then coinmonfed taking fA A | Hood's Harssparllla, and ill /fn I using Hood's Olive Olnt- L J ment, and at tho end of y two yoars I was com pletely cured, and i j have hail no trouble ( 4t?f wltii It slnco." Rimfo:. L-2111 HP, STAPLES, East Taunton, Mr. staple*. Mass. Hood's Sarsaparllla CURBS Hood's Pills cure liver ills. Jaundice. bU louduvss, slcK headache and constlpatlou. 250. L. K McJUNKIN, InsiiriiiKf- and' Real Estate Ag'l 17 KAST JKPFEBSOH.BT. IJUTLEK, - f-A- DEATHS MrCAFFERTY--Dec. 21, child of George MeCafferty of WinfieUl twp.. aged one yesr. PRIHGLE—In We.»t Virginia. Pre. 20, 1893. George Pnngle. McGOLLOCGH—At lar home near Pros pect Deo 16, H93, AtigeliDe, wife of Alexander McCollongh. in her 63d year. KAUSLBB—At her home in Summit twp. Pec. 21. I*s93. daughter of Paul Kausler. aged 2S years. ASI1 —At Dayton. Ohio, Dec. 21. 1893. Michael Ash. aeed 76 years. COVERT—In Brady twp.. Dec 21, 1893 Mrs. Ether Covert, aged about 80 years GILFILLAN —At her home in Oakland Twp.. Oec. )f»93. Mrs. Kobert Gilfilian GALLAGHER—At her home in Clearfield twp., Dec 20. 1893. Mrs. William Galla gher aged 76 yeirs. II IN DM AN—At her home in SHpporjrrocik twp., Dec. 26 1893. Lillie, wife of Wil liam Hindman, aged 26 years. * DERRIMORE —At her home in Bailer twp , Dec 23, 1893, Mrs. Derritnore. widow nl the late Wm. Derrimore, aged about 88 vears. The deceased was the last of the family of the elder John Burkbart, one ot" the pioneers of Butler county, her maiden uamo beiug Burkhart Ail descended from that celebrated pioneer are therefore in the third generation from him. McCANDLESS —At his home in Butlei twp., Saturday. Dec. 23. Hon. Abraham aged 80 3 ears and 23 days. Thus wo record the death of another 01 our older citizens, being the fourth recent ly deceased who had reached four scon years in age. Ex-Sheriff and Ex- Associate Judge, Abraham McCatidless, was truly am really a good ar.d honest mar.. It ha? often been ocr lot to speak of other citizen: who have passcl awaj as good and honest men, but of none of them could this bt more justly said than of Abraham McCand less. Guile was a stranger to his nature Simple in his manners, sincere as a chil< and with a heart large and full of s\ mpi thy, he had the respect and confidence ol all" during his whole life. Abraham McCandles< was born Dec. Ist 1813, on a farm near Ih-nuie Brook, LOW in Summit, but then Clearfield township this county. In early life ho acquire*, quite a fame as a skilitul hunter and marks man. The accounts ol his success wilt his gun are many. He is said to havi killed the last wolf that was known to in habit Butler connty. In doer shooting ht is said to have been wonderfully succes; fall, as also in that of loxes. Some win ters he would go up into the forests ol now Clarion and Forest counties and secure ; large number of deer. He was also per haps tbe greatest bridge builder of oui county for many years. lie built many o our common bridges, and it was whili working on the Plankroad bridge at tht s mth end of town, ten to fifteen > ears ago that he received severe injuries from which he never tully recovered. In 185 ihe wa: nominated by the Republicans us theii candidate for Sheriff, having at the Prima arv one vote more the late Ex-Snerifl John Scott. He was a j tst and merciful sheriff. In 1880 he was elected by the Republic*! party an Associate Judge of the county which office he filled lor five years. FOl the la-t four or five years ho was greatly afflicted with asthma and was generally Confined to hid house. Of this di-ease ii may lie said he died. He leaves a widow, five sons and five duughters, three of them single and tw< married, one oftbetn to Mr. Jerome Staley formerly of this place, and the other t< Mr. James E. Cole of Pittsburg Four ot his sous, Abraham, Jr., Martin, Albeit and Howard, with two grandsons, Fred erick and Paul Cole, were hi* pall bearers George, the other son, now lives in A lie . gheny Co. Mr. Nelson McCatidless and Mr. George McCatidles- of this place art brot hers of the deceased. His remains were laid to their rest in th< U. P cemetery on Tuesday last, followei there by many friends. Rev. J. S. MoKet of the U. P. Church of this place conduct 1 ed the funeral ceremonies. , OBITUARY NOTKS. C. 11, Andrews of Youngstown, Ohio,tht r wi-ll kilo WD coal operator and mill owner, dietl of brain troulde on Christmas John A. Renshaw, the well known Pitts . bnrg grocer, tlied from an attack of apo lexy last Sunday. A/«g* Pure A cr»»n cf ti.rtur 1 pkinp pow. .Sutton Maharg ptwtoflico, ou the second Tuesday ol January, 18i>4, being the Dili day tbere ol at the hour ol' 10 o'clock, a.m. Hy order of the Board. Kobbut Tkimulk, Seo'y. J. 1). Asdkksos, i'esident. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the stock holders ol the "Butler County Mutual Fire Insurance Co."' will meet at the office of the company in Butler,on the second Tues day of January 1H94, (Jan. K. 1 894) be tween the hours ol 1 and 2 I'. M. for the purpose ol electing officers lor the < nxuiug year, and attending to »uch other business as may come before them. U. C. HIS INK MAN, Sec'y. Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary on the e late of James Denny,dec 'd late of Cleariield twp., Butler Co., I'a., having been granted to the undeMgued, all per una knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, und any having claims against said estate wi'l present them duly authenticated lor settlement to Ciiaiilkh Kkao, Ex'r. CowaiiHVille, Armstrong Co., l'a Administrator's Notice. Letters oi administration on the estate of Charles O'Donnell, dee'd., late ol Clear field twp., Butler Co., I'a., having been granted to the undersigned, ail persons knowing themselves indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against »aid estate will present them duly authenticate 1 for for settlement to 11. J. O'Doksell, Ariiu'r. 8. F. Bowser, Carbon Centre, Att 'y. Butler Co., l'a. Jury List for January T. 1894 List of Traverse Jurors drawn this asth day 01 NOT A. O. IMU. to serve as Traverse Jaron at asi a term ol » ourt commencing on the v . ond Mornl u of J»numr> A. i). isoi, the same being the Mb day or sala month. Ander*m» John, former. Allegheny twp. Bell Alex in lt-r. farm-r \\ asLington twp, S. . 1. irr.-s X> «'• n. tanner. Mfrwrtwp, Brown I nomas. Janitor. Butler M ward. Borland .1. -eph. farmer. Adams iwp S. ■ atnpi , u ,! ( i» k. farmer. Kairvtew twp. E laslidullar Johu F farmer Adams twp. N. I iunn James, farmer, Brady twp Ikuthett All,oil produ.-er. KvausClty. Hunbar Solomon, farmer. Forward twp. I>rain rhllllp. farmer. Buffalo twp. Kt-holtzf. s. farmer. Lancaster two. t.aismrd J. Justice of the l'eace, MUlerslown boro. (iech'ing Samuel, student. Zeilenople boro. llenstiev. Alonz<> shoe maker.Mud lycrvek twp. Hays K F merchant. Mllterstowo boro. 11l 808 K lilt—l. fanner. Falrvlew twp. E. lliliiard Jonathan, farmer Allegheny twp, llart/ell Julian s. firmer, IVnn twp. Huffman J. C. farmer, t'onnoquenesstng twp. south. II lues Geo W farmer. Sllpperyrock twp. Husbaugh C. tailor, ."entivvtlle boro. Kelly W A. oil producer. I'arker twp. Kelly I) r. farmer. Parkt* twp, Kelly WHUam. farmer. Worth twp, Klidoo .lames, farmer. Clay twp, U'tever Henry, farmer, Middlesex twp. Undsay Francis. larrner. t'lierry twp, X. Logan John K. tarm-r, Middlesex twp, Murphy Francis, inachlnest, Mdlerstown boro. MfKf' i restley. tanner. Washington twp. S. McKee .lames A. edttor. Hutler sth ward. Mt t-uer Tobias. I iruier. <'railberry' twp. Martin Thomas W.stonemason. Forward twp. McCandless Alonzo. rariuer. Fiauglln twp.. Moor Henry, farnier, canton twp. Mct'olluugh l». M, laborer, t'entrevlUe boro, liinker Christian, farmer. Cherry twp, 8, l'eter, editor. Millerstown boro. K.imsey Nathan, farmer Cranberry twp, A. r. pumper, Forward siiafer Allre i VS . carpenter. I'rospect boro, siory Robert, gent. Butler Uh ward. Sloan .1. B. farmer. Venango, twp. Tailor William, larmer. Brady twp. Whltmlre L. \\ . farmer. Oakland twp, Wilson K. 11. wagoumaker. Harmyny boro, Weltzell George, blaCKStnlth. Brady twp. Administrators' Notice. ESTATE OF WILLIAM BCRTNER. Notice is hereby given that letters or ad ministration on the estate of William Burt ner, decM, late ol Clinton township, Butler county, i'a., have been granted to the under signed, to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the sajie without delay. L. S LA.BDIN, E. WF.STKKMAX Administrators. Administrators' Notice. Letters of Administration.C. T. A.,nn the estate of Nicholas King.dee'd.,late of Con cord twp , Batter Co., Pa., having been (tranted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to MARY KIXG, Adm'x., Jas. X. Moore, Peachville P. 0., Att'y, Co., Pa. Executors' Notice. Letters testamentary on the estate of Frederick Dam bach Sr., dee'd., late ol Jackson twp , Batler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment, and any having claims against said estate will present them duly authenti cated for settlement to FRKD. S DAUBACH, 1 C'onnoquessing P. 0. i HENRY DAUBACH, f Executors. Whitestown P. O. j W. 1). Brandon. Att'y. Notice. The general meeting of the Farmer's Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of llannastown and vicinity will be held on the second Saturday of January, 1894, (Jan 13, 1894) at 1 o'clock P. il., at the Creamery build ing in Delano. All members are invited. HKNRY IIKCK, SKc'y. A. KRACBK. President. Denny P 0. Notice to Stockholders. The annual nieetirg of the "Worth Mu tual Fire Insurance Co " to select officers tor the ensuing year will tie held in school liou.-e at West Liberty, the second Satur day of January at 10 o'clock a. m., being the 13th day, 18t>4. JAMKS UCMIMIRKY, Pre?. W. E. Taylor, Sec'y. Notice. Owing to tho recent death of Win. Campbell, the senior member of tho lirtn of J G. it W. Campbell, it becomes nec essary lor the new firm, which will con tinue under tho name ol J. G. it W Camp bell to open a set of new books and close out the accounts of the old firm. All per sons knowing themselves to be indebted to said linn or having claims duo will please call for settlement at the lold stand at once. J. G it W. CAMPBELL. Dec. 1, 1803. Administrator's Notice. .Notice Is hereby given that letters of admlnls trail 111 on the estate or Frederick Burry, lute of Hie twp. of Franklin, county of Butler and state of Pennsylvania, deceased, have been granted to Elizabeth Hurry, resident of said township, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are required to make payment and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. MKS. KLIZABKTH BUItBY. Adm'rx. Mt. Chestnut 1* <>. liutlei Co.. I'a. S. F. Bowser. Alty. Executors' Notice letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned under the lasc will and testa ment of Daniel McDeavltt. dec d. late ol Brady i w p.. Butler county. I'a.. all persons knowing themselves indebted to the estate of said de cedent will please call and settle and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement. MAIIY \. MCOKAVITT. Jons 11. MCDIAVITT. Kxecutors A.M. Cl.l iclltis. All y. Wnt Liberty, I'a. BERKIMER & TAYLOR, Funeral Directors and Embalmers iam ortd Blcck, next door to Post Office, Hutler, Pa., prompt attention given to orders, day or ">ght. IVI & UK TT" V P4 MKS. local or trave 1 wilh ED^NSe' " * * Salary or Commission paid weekly. Outfit free. Special attention given to beginners Workers never fall to make good wages. Write me at once for par llculars. E 0. GRAHAM. Nurseryman. (This house Is reliable.) BOCHMTBB. N. Y. BUTJLfiK OOUJNT* ■anal Fire .insurance Co. ce Cor. Main & Cunningham »Sts. I. C, IIKINKMAN, SECRETARY DIRBCTORB: Alfre i Wick, Henderson Oliver, nr. W. Irvlti. James Stephenson, W. W. lilacktnore, N. WelUef, F. Bow man. I). T. Noi'rls. Ueo Ketteror. jfhas. Kebhun, John (irohinan, |Jotm Koening. LOYAL S. Agent 25 PER cent. Discount on trimmed «n»a' »i »i>'l i>»ml !.»« WB f-r A mini*. ' i»U*u» titter !.>«. It t*tuf :» pu » powdrr m.'l ta«••( rs " kiJ lace shoes 95 " kip boots 1 90 Misses' plove button shoes 75 " b kip boots 1 45 Ladies fine slippers 50 Boys' " " 115 " gaiters 50 Youths' " 1 00 " lined shoes I'd Men's tap Brogans 95 " " slippers 50 '• rubbers 50 " rubbers 25 " rubber b00t5.... 2 25 Men's Felt Boots and Overs $1 85. LARGE LINE OF CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS. Call in and see them. All styles, all grades and all prices. We have our eye on you and if you have not been here you will get here bye and bye. TIIE NEW SHOE STORE. C. E. MILLER. Remember the place, opposite Arlington Hotel, Butler, Pa. VOGELEY k BANCROFT 5 WANT EVERY Mai\, womai\ and Child In Butler county know that they have received their large and com plete line of Fall and Winter Boots, Shoes and Slippers at prices that will surprise them. We have the celebrated Jamestown Boots and Shoes, made by hand and warranted, which have proven their wearing quailites for years past. \Yc want to give the trade f The Best Goods for Least Possible, Living Profits The best line of Ladies' and Gents' Fine Shoes ever shown in the county. Children's School Shoes in every shape and style. Rubber Goods of all kinds and shapes at all prices. Come and see the boys. I Vogeley & Bancroft $ 347 S. Main Street. ..... . Butler, Pa Job Work ol all kind done i at the "Citizen Office." PROFESSIONAL CARDS G. M. ZIMMERMAN. PHYSICIAN AND PCHOKON, offloe at No. 4S, 8. Main Blreet, over Frank t Oo'a Diuk Storw. Butler, fa. Dr. N. M. HOOVER, 137 K. Wayne St., omce hours. 10 to 12 M. and i to 3 I*. M. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. •200 West C'unnlnuliam St. K. N. I.KAKK, M. D. J. K. MANN, M..D Specialties; Specialties: U/uacology and Sur- Kye, Kar. Nose and Ifvry. Throat. DRS. LEAKE & MANN, Butler, Pa. J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Penn'a. Artificial Teeth Inserted on the latest im proved plm. Gold Filling specialty. Ofllce— over Scnaul s clothing Btore. V. ivIcALPINE, Dentist, Is now located In new and elegant rooms ;ad- Joining his former; ones. All kinds of clasp plates and modereu .'gold work. "Uas Administered." DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. Cold Filling rainless Extraction of Teeth and ArtificialTeetli without l'lates a specialty Nitrous Oxide or Vltallied Air or Local Anatsthetles used. Ofllce over Millers Grocery east of Lowry House. Office clo9odWedni' ilays an 1 Thursday* IRA McJUNKIN. Attorney at Ijtw, Ofllce at No. IT, sou St., Butler, l'a, W. C. FINDLEY, Attorney at Law ami Heal Estate Agent. ~Oi rice rear of 1- Mitchell's ofllce on north side ol lilainond, Butler, l'a. H. H. GOUCHER. Attorney-at-law. Ofllre on second,;floor o Anderson building, near Court ..House, liutler fa. J. w. HUTCHISON, ATTOKNKY AT I .AW. Office on second door JI the Huselton clock. Diamond, Butler, l'a.. Room No. I. S. H. PIERSOL. ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Ofllce at No. 104 West Diamond St. A. T. BLACK. ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Kooin Armory Building, Butler, l'a COULTER & BAKER. ATTOHNKYS AT LAW. Ofllce In room 8.. Arniory Hu'ldluy, Butler Pa. H. \Q. WALKER, BAtlorney-at-lAW—Office In Diamond Block Butler, l'a. J. M. PAINTER, Atlorney-at-Law. Ofllce Between I'ostoftlce and Diamond, Bu ler, l'a. A. T. SCOTT, ATTOUNKY-AT-LAW. Ofllce :>t No. a. Bctith Diamond. Butler. Fa. A. If. CHRiSTiJET, ATIOBNEV AT~LAW." Office second lloor, Aniierson k . Main St. near Court House. Butler. Pa. NEWTON BLACK. Att'y at Law—OlCee.oD South slde'of Diamond Butler. Pa. C. F. L. McQUISTION, ENGINEER ASH SURVEYOR, OFFICII NKAK DIAMOND, BITI.KK, P>. L. BLACK, PHYSICIAN AND BUKOKOS. New Troutman Bnildlng, Butler. Pa. PURE DMItS II !S* I PRICES ia the motto at our X sto re. If you are sick and need mcdicin you want the BEST. Thi« n 1 t■l «ii ]. PUBVia S.G. Purvis & Co. MANtJFACTt'RKKS AND BEALKKS IS Rough and Fianed Lumber V KV«H* I'EH KIP'I '«> SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Butler, H, i I ! F*lr*tuit Rooms: Modf-rn MctholH; I'x pcrh -ftot# Teacbrr*. ft« gradual** tuccctU •" j-ixt.tl Duo* In HbortluMaU 'J'v »«-vrrltl:»jc. Writ* ful flftlftJOtfue. li. C. i uitft, I'rm. H. M. MWKKT.HIO