A r P We cannot honestly afford to ofier ( J'XIJEJ.A. J- free gifts or prizes to our customers »> 7 rkTTnTTmVr Therefore we have decided to make 1 w JLi JL/ U A lvli sweeping reductions all through our "El/~vT> large store as an Xmas oflering to JS- VrXfc our many friends and patrons. This mnil will be an advantage lo them and JL JlHi also help us to reduce a stock ot jt AT TTI A g°°d s to ° ' ar ß c or t ' me t^ie xXV/AiAA-'X*. X O year. Then come one and all and NOTE THESE PRICKS. Ladies Camel Hair Underwear 75 vv ° rth " all wool ribbed vests 5° Men's natural wool underwear "5 ' T -°f Ladies'all wool black cashmere hose '» Men's " half hose . ~ ' Good Standard fast color calico 3 •« «« ginghams 5 Lawrence L.L. 4-4 sheeting 5 " 7 Good country flannel 5 J Men's Merino underwear 3 3 Ladie's all wool skirt patterns / 5 Ladie's black cashmere mittens........ -•••• •• • • 20 20 per cent, reduction on all Ladies' and Children s W raps. _ c u « •' Trimmed hats. JQ " " " Fancy dress patterns, these are are nov elties —no two alike. t Best country blankets in white and colors $4 00 worth $ 3 .00 Blankets 3 75 4 5 ° Jennie E. Zimmerman. N. B.—HOT COFFEE ON SATURDAYS. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET BARGAINS AT ROBINS BROS. IN LADIES AND GENTS FINE SHOES. WE ARE GOING TO MOVE TO GROVE CITY THE LAST OF DECEMBER, The 0. W. HARDMAN Art Company Limited. SPECIALTIES s,p '" oa " IS OUR SPECIALTIES Old Pictures REPRODUCED and ENLARGED. All work guaranteed as repre- HHitf* Latest Btyles in Picture Frames. See large display of samples, Conipare prioes and our work with others. Special rates to Ministers and Lady Sohool Teachers. LADIES, OLD PEOPLE, And Children have no long, dark, filty stairs to travel up and down', Studio on FIRST VLOOR 108 MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. 4 p Select Konr Xmas Presents From The Following: Diamonds j sc^r p f N mk, ' STUD* f ( GRNTS GOLD.j I LADIKS <*OLD, W I ttKNTS SILVER. LA LUES CHATLMN, f f Gold.Piua, Ear-rinjzs, \ Kings. Chains, Bracelets, Etc 1 Tea sets, castors, butter tlishei* Silverware tS&TtSUr,? " RODGER :iNS. Hfl ISrhi" 1 "' E. GRIEB. THE JEWELER No. 139, Morth Main St., BTJTLEB, PA.. -*• SOME OF OUR PRICES. 4- Men's veal calf shoes 85 Boys veal calf shoes 7 5 Men's extra fine buft'shoes 99 Ladies don. patent tip but. shoes $1.25 Misses don. patent tip but. shoes 95 Mens buckle brogans 801 Men's kip boots 1.50 Ladies oil grain shoes. 95 Ladies' glove calf shoes 95 Chidrens' dongola but. patent tip 50 Infant dongola button 25 Rubbers at a lower price than they can be bought elsewhere in the County. AL RUFF. 114 S. MAIN STREET. - BUTLER, PA ** "A HANDFUL OP DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO A m rw , l to { name an( J a poison in p^t-ofiic"address wf* mail ( URE!< UPW and prove Ka U b C tovouthatrncc L^^:A^THMALENE f:r t* %\ - - I ■■■■■■l *1 I U ;»• K *> < i v * • ~ aud cure asthma i*W. ► liJCiilfc CO., KOCKISTER, N. T. Nothing On Earth Win HENS, x,IK::E3 Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strorg and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. Good for Moulting Jim*. It t< nhwlnt.lTpnm Hifrhly ssmlssessgss ' ■ If yon can't net it -end to u«. riS^^atl'^a&srSSiies HUMPHREYS' VSJ" VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Cogs, Bogs, AND POULTRY. 500 Paso Book on Treatment of Animal* and Chart Sent Free. cr»Ef ( Fevers,Conßeatloan.lnflainmation A. A. i Spinal Meningitis, .Milk Fever. B.B.— Strains, Lameness. Kheornatism. C.C.— Distemper. Nanal l»l«rhar»ei. D.D.—Hot* or Graba, Worms. E.E.—C'onah*. Heaven, Pneumonia. F-F.—Colic or Urlpci, Bellyache. G.G.— Miscarriage, Hemorrhage*. H.H.—t'rinary and Kidney Diseases. i.I." Eruptive Diseases. Mange. .K.-UUraMn of Diueation, Parnlyais. Single Bottle over!o doeeST, - .00 Klable Caae. with Specifics, Manual, Veterlnarv f'ure Oil and Medlcator, ®7.00 Jar Veterinary Cnre Oil, - - 1.00 Mi by Droref-l,; or w.t prrpaid uywlirr. aad I. "J quality .a rrrrtpt or price. JIIP.ro., 11l k I ttWimarnM., KrwTork. p^^iui£iFsaßYS ; 1 HOMEOPATHIC f| f* LHKjSPECIFIC No.uu In use 30 years. Tho only *ncce**ful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, tnd Prostration, from' over-work or other c*n Ml il per vial, or 6 visis and large vial powder, for 96. Sold »•» Drnffits, or f«nt poMpaid on receipt ot pries. ■CIPIIRtYS'MCD. ca. 11l *1!» WUUw SU.Nswlask. What Can't Pull Out? Why the Watch Cases, made by the Keystone Watch Case Com pany, Philadelphia. It pro tects the Watch from tho pick pocket, and prevents it from dropping. Can only be had with cases stamped with this trade mark. |gf Sold, without extra charge for this bow (ring), through Watch dealers only. Ask your jeweler for pam phlet, or send to makers. £33 OLD fijj EXPORT I WHISKEY. Guaranteed 8 Years Old. Hi T HIS Wm snite 'i tor'sw i- WWJi cinal pnrposes, uouamKJr wherea fine stim ttlent la required, age unsnrpa.-sed. It is the product of one Of the oldest distilleriea in Pennsjivania, and after remaining in Gov ernment bonded warehouses the required time is exported to Hamburg, Germany, and there kept m heated warehouses until perfectly ma tured, then shipped back, bottled on our own Sremise*, and wnen we offer you Old Export we now whereof we speak, and challenge com parison. Full quarts, SI.OO. Six quarts, SB.OO. Sent by express to all points, and on orders of SIO.OO or over we will pay express charges. There are numerous imitations, but be careful to secure the genuine. JOSEPH FLEMING & SON, Druggist*, 412 Market St.. PITTBBURC, PA. Complete Price List of Whiskies, Wines aad Brandies mailed free to any address. yil rcMtckins PILES f LOSWAYNE'S ABSOLUTELY CUBES. OINTMENT STMPIOSIS-MoLtnr-e; Intenoe ItciiSnf and tilacia«; mo«t«lDl C Uti worjjc by scratchTn C . If allowed to continue form and protrude a*ecd.l*(C« Jth-nr.j-J ht- tum..r-. Hoi ! J.v drtiirniitsor by mail for ;u. Prepared t.y VK.SV. AYSK & Phil&delnhts. J A DOCTORS LAKE «Si, ■ TBI /TE DISPENSARY. M COR. Pehi. AVE. AND FOURTH ST., PITTSBURGH, PA. X >ll forms of Delicate and Com £*»iJ plicated Diseases rciuirlngCos "xWr # IPENTIAL and SCIENTIFIC iled- S™ ication nro treated at this Dis . \» ith a succesf. . arely attained. Dr. S. K ■ member of tlio Uoval Collt goof I'hy . ul Surgeo.ir, nnd is the o! lest ami most -i':l SPKciii-tav in ihecity S]>c< ; al at en to Nirvous Dehillty f mm excessive ! \ . rtlon, lnd.scretion of youth, etc.. caus i- and mental decay,lack of •■■nerpy, !i •• ;> etc.; also Cancers Old Sores, Fits, I iii? 1 , ' 'niiiatiMii, and all dis. nsesof tho Skin. ..i. : r ,I'linaryOrpar.sttc. Consultation .1 - Liictlv conilrtc nti.,l. Oißco hours, oto t • ,1 ; lo 8 v. M.; Sundays, 2 to 4 p. 11. only. ; • 'ice or address LAKE, C'.'B. . > N i:. an D nilbT..piiTfißi;kgh.l'A Cures lSriu:ht's lJlsease, Dropsv. Gravel, Nerv ousness, Heart, Urinary of Diseases. Known by a tired lanqulil feeling; lnactlng of |he kidneys weakens and poisons the blood, and unless cause Is removed >ou cannot have health. Cured me over five years agoof I'rlKht's Disease at;d Dropsy.—Mus. I. L. C. MILLER, Bethlehem. Pa. 1.000 other similar testimonials. Try It. Cure guaranteed. CANN'S KIDNEY CUBE CO., Venango St., Philadelphia. Pa ; Sold by AH Hellable Druggists. FARM, GARDEN, Cemetery, Lawn, Poultry 2nd Rabbit Fencing IHOCSAVDS OF BULES IK USE. CATALOGII FKEE. FIIEICHT PAID. THE FENCE CO.. IM, 116, 11S and 120 H. tfuiuSt., Chicago, HI. TO H«Vt KEfILTM THE LIVtBBUSTBf IN OHPta. Cures thonsands aunuallyof Liver Co mplaints, Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspep sia, Constipation, Malaria. More Ilia result from an Unhealthy Liverthanany other cause. Wll7 suffer tvhen you can be cured? Dr. Sanford's Liver luvigof ator i Tiu.uo. t 3iw vv Y Uures Sick Headache THE CIT ZEN" Manures Not Stimulants. It is a common mistake of agricultural writers to speak of concentrated manures as "stimulating" plant growth. Plants have no nerves, therefore they cannot be stimulated. All there is of advantage in the concentrated fertilizer is, that it is soluble, and the plant food that it contains is easily and quickly got at. The plant grows rapidly because it is well fed. There is no reaction, as there often is from nerve stimulation; but if the supply of food is small, the plant stops growing when the supply of food is ex hausted. The common remark that stable manure feed crops while contentrated commercial fertilizers only stimulate them is an error. It is the constant aim of the good farmer to get his stores of stable manure in easily solube condition, so that the roots of crops can feed on them as readily as they dc on concentrated fertilizer. That is the object of composting manure. It is hastened greatly by adding to the manure heap the mineral elements in which it is deficient. In some cases, coarse, strawy manure needs more nitrogen and the additon of some nitrate in combinations with .miner al fertilizer is just what is needed., The Monroe Doctrine. Much is said from time to time about the "Monroe doctrine." James Monroe, in speaking of European or foreign countries having interference with the affairs of the countries of America, said: "We owe it, therefore, to candor and to the amicable relations existing between the United States and those powers fthe allied powers of Europe) to declare t hat we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any other portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety. "With the existing colonies or dependencies of any European power we have no right to interfere. But with the governments which have declared their independence, and maintained it, and whose indepeneence we have, on greut consideration and on jnst principles, ac knowledged. we could not view any inter position for the purpose of oppressing them, or controlling in any other manner their destiny, by any European power, in any other light than as the manifestation ot an ur.friendly disposition toward the United States.'' Smelling out Bank Bills. If a bill must be sent in a letter, the 3afest plan is to roll it tightly into the shape of a lamplighter and lay it in the told of the sheet inclosed. Arranged in that fashion, the fact that it is money can not well be distinguishedby the "feel." A thread, with a knot at the end, will not be so likely to fetch a tell-tale lragment of the fiber paper when drawn by means of a needle through the envelope, and the smell of it will be less preceptible. So peculiar is the effluvium belonging to bank or treasury notes that experts at the bureau of engraving say that they can distinguish them when sealed in envelopes by the nose every time. A thief once showed to gov ernment detectives who had caught him that he could pick out, while blindfolded, from a pile of four hundred letters every one of seven which contained paper cash merely by scent. Holiday Cheer. The holiday season is close upon us, and every household in the land is preparing for the plum pudding, and the general feasting and rejoicing. A little good bran dy for the mince pie, rum for the pudding, or a little stimulant to keep the spirits up and the cold out is absolutely necessary for an old time Christmas cheer. One of the most prominent liquor dealers in the country, Mr. Max Klein of Allegheny, Pa , whom we can cheerfully recommend, and who has the reputation for handling only absolutely pure liquors,will sellyou the fol lowing brands ol six year old pure Penn'a Ryes, at SI,OO per full quart or six for $5.00: Bear Creek, Gibson, Guckenheimer, Pinch and Overholt. The famous Silver Age, the finest whiskey in the country at $1 50, and Duquesue, a whiskey distilled from Rye and Malt, at $1.25 per quart, Guckenheimer 4 years old, at 75c per quart, aud the Anchor Rje at 50c. You can have your choioe of all kinds of California Wines, Gins, Rum and Brandy, all pure and old. at from 50 cents per quart up. All goods neatly boxed and shipped by express. Send for catalogue and price list of all kinds of liquors to Max Klein, 82 Federal st, Allegheny, Pa. Hay m the Stack. Hay settles in the flack quite slowly on account of the elasticity of the grass stems. It is a matter of guess work wholly how much it will settle, but in a month it may settle one-tenth in tne height of the stack aud more slowly after until it stops. New hay stacked twenty-tour hours only will weigh more man a ton for 1,000 cubic feet; after a month the weight ot a ton will be about 900 cubic feet. Drunkenness, he Liquor Habi , Pos tvely Cured by adimnstering Dr. Haines "Golden fcject.i." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of cofiee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every iustance a perfect cure has followed. It never iails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility lor the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book 01 particulars free. Address, Golden Specific I Co., 185 Race St.. Cincinnatti O. "When you've got a thing to say, Say it. Don't take a half a day. When your tale's got little in it, Crowd the whole thing in a minute. Life is short —a fleeting vapor— Don't you lill the whole blamed paper With a tale which at a pinch Could ho crowded in an inch. Boil her down until she simmers; Polish her until she glimmers. Whon you've got a tbing to say, Say it. Don't take a half a day." —The census bureau has .established the fact that, taking the country over, the mule, on the average, is worth seven dol lars more than the horse. —"Now,lady,look beautiful and happy,' said a photographer to a young woman customer. "So! that's it. There, I have you. Now you may resume your natural expression." —The newly elected county officers wilj enter up >n their duties the first Monday of Jauuary, 1894, which is the first day of the year. They are now engaged in pre paring their bonds. —Sportsmen returning froui Forest county leport lhat the woods in the wild part of the county are so lull of hunters, that it is dangerous for one to range .he fur. est, for fear of being miUaken for a deer or bear by some of the green campers. With, in a radius of four miles 47 hunters were encamped. —The supply>f turkeys this reason better in quality and quantity than for several years. A dry is always favorable for lurkey-raisiDg. —Chiropodists say the financial strin gency nas effected their corn crop. —The burglar that asked for time to prt pare a defense got six months. —Many a man who aspires to set the world on lire won't oven practice on the kitchen range. —The average uian will rave like a luna tic if the waiter brings him a check fur ten oi-ntu too much, but he will drop his pile on a foot ball game, and feel absolutely proud ol it. Cheap Grains for Poultry. Grain may be cheap, but is costly food if it is used exclusively for the laying hens in winter, for the reason that while grain cannot be excelled for keeping the hens warm, it will not supply them with egg forming material, and if fed very liberally it causes them to become too fat. I-t is not an uncommon occurrence for farmers te meet with disappointment in not pro curing eggs, although they supplied grain liberally, and yet if less grain and a pro portion of meat had been given the hens they would perhaps have done better and allowed a profit. We do not condemn grain, but we advise not to feed it exclu. sively to laying hens.— Farm and Fire side. Consumption surely Cured. Tc Ttic SDTTOR:— Please Inform year readers that 1 have a positive remedy for the above-named disease. B; ~J> timely use thousands of hopeless ci. es have W -t» permanently cured. I shall bo plad to send two of my remedy FREE to any of your readers T . > have consnmption if they mil •end me theii tipriss and P. O. »ddre«». Beeped fuJJy. X. 4. m/AX'K. U C.. 181 Pew' St X. T. Paste This in Your Cook Book. To keep jellius from moulding, cover with pulverized sugar to the depth of a quarter of an inch; they will keep for years. For starching maslins, ginghams and calicoes, dissolve a piece of alum the size of a hickory nut for every pint of starch. This will keep the color bright for a long time. Icing for cakes may be prevented from cracking when being cut, by adding one teaspoonful of sweet cream to each unbeat en egg: beat all together and add sugar until as stiff as cau be stirred. —At a camp ou Misquito creek, Clear field county, they have captured ten bears this season already. One would hardly think there were so many in the whole state. —At Westmorland city lately a little girl nimed Henrietta Adamson was stand ins; in front of an open grate when her clothing caught fire and she was burned to death. —Howard Sheply, the oldest druggist in Blairsville, was arrested last week for running his store illegally. He allowed two small boys to fill prescriptions and sell poison. —People who think it is wicked to play cards are apt to do one thing that is worse to entertain guests —they bring out the family album. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C Redick, druggist, Butler. —A young lady refused tc allow a young fellow to accompany her home because his neck was oirty. Thus must the last dis tinguishing mark o the American youth disappear. • —After the Grip, take Hood's Sarsapa rilla to restore your health, strength and appetite. —Nearly all our dealers who purchased turkeys for the eastern market lost money on the venture. —"JL myriad of gracious intentions Is less than a merciful act. A head crowded full of pretentions Is not worth a good solid fact. —That the days are growing shorter and the weary sun is sorter Losing all the vim aud vigor that it had a while ago; And, as sure as we're a poet, we'll be out before we know it. With a big, long handled shovel dig ing ditches in the snow. —With all classes of stock, whenever an animal is overfed there is not only a waste of feed, but in a majority of cases, the ani mal will not do as well as with more care, ful management; while, if the ration is stinted, there is a loss of the feed and of the gain that might have been realized. —A great deal is said about the colored cigarette caids where pictures of the hu man form divine are displayed, but a big' ger field lor reform exists in protesting against the posters that represent ballet girls with one foot pointing towardSj 12 o'clock. —Corn meal at r24 per'ton, when used as food, loaves about $7 50 worth of ma nure on the farm. Cottonseed meal, at S2B per ton, leaves $24 worth of manure. These facts are worthy of consideration by those who give the manure heap their attention. USED ANA'S SARSAPA.RILLA" ITS •"J 1 1 1 1 1 'J iy 'J 11 l ib. —lt is claimed that b}' feeding hogs with com mixed with some other materials, the cost will bo lessened anil their thrift and health kept up, together with an increased value in the manure. Corn is in itself an excellent latteniug material, but, fat is not in particular demand at present. More lean is required, and it is said that this can be obtained by a mixture of ground wheat and corn. —This is an excellent time for placing manure on the garden plot. The frost will make it tine before spring aud the rains will carry the soluble matter into the soil. Coarse manure, such as that which is most ly strewn, should not be used in the gar den. Unmixed manure is better aud will give more satisfactory results. —Bees do not make honey—they simply gather it. Feeding syrup to bees will pro vide them with food but the syrup will not be made into honey, as the bees have no power to make the change, honey being only obtained from blossoms. —Katherine, aged 5, had been naughty, and hor mother was reproving her for it, when Katherine drew herself up and in a dignified tone said, "Punish me if you must, mama, but pray stop this —Yenus is again the evening star, after an absence of nearly a year. Immediately aiter the evening twilight she can be seen in the western skies, and will continue there during the remainder of thn year, growing brighter as the weeks pass until January C, when she will reach her great est brilliancy. LOOK AT THESE POINTS, «Si. showing where Dr. f \ Pierce's Pleasant Pel- I I lets excel the ordl -1*? nary pills: Vp*i They're smaller; fi l) easier to take; easier their ways. No K.l j\. afterward. / l\ t A V* —• Their influence / I*l'. \ lasts. By their tonic * * ' or strengthening ef fects on the intestines, they increase the natural action of tho bowels, and perma nently cure Constipation, Biliousness, Jaun dice, Indigestion, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, Sick or Bilious Headaches, and every like disorder. Any child takf»s these tiny, sugar-coated Pellets readily. They're put up in little sealed rials, and thus kept always reliable, while they can easily be carried in the vest-pocket. Nothing else at any price is as cheap, tor they're guaranteed to give satisfaction, or your money is returned. You pay only for the good you get. No substitute that a tricky dealer is ready to urge, though it may l>e better tor him to tell, can be "just as good " for you to buy. * I EWIS' 98 % LYE POTDSSE) A2TC PZSITOZ2 (FATKKTED) The sf rongr«*»t and par+at I yc rna.io. Unlike other Lye. It belnf OTA lA a flue powder ami ja* k»il In a cao with removable llu, the content* are always nady for ui*». \YIO make the beat i-*rfmnr expense will be spared to make it in every department thu most re liable, interesting and instructive of all weekly newspaper publications. It will bo improved in many ways A number of new features and departments will be added. The latest develop ments in all fields of contemporaneous human interest will be ably discussed from week to week by accomplished writers. THE NEWS OE THE WORLD will be given in a concise but complete form Every important or interesting event, either at home or abroad, will be duly described in the columns of the WEEKLY HERALK. _ ... ... In politics the HEBALD is absolutely independent and sound. It tells the rights and wrings of all sides without fear. Farmers and stock raisers cannot afford to be without the W EEKLY HERALD dur ing the coming vear. It will contain a reyu ar department each week devoted ex clusively to sulj-.ets ot timely interest to them, and giving many valuable suggestions and new ideas. The women and children of the land will find in the TV EBKLY UKKALD a welcome visitor The household and children's pages will be both instructive and entertaining They will abound in hints and receipts which women so much value. A brilliant array ot novels and short stories by the best writers in America and England has been secured, so tliar fiction will be one of the most attractive features in the WEEKLY HERALD during 1594 , . , In fact, the WEEKLY HERALD will be a magazine of the highest order, combined with a complete newspaper. NOW IS THETIME TO SUBSCRIBE. ONLYQN EDOL LARAVEAR SEIMD FOR SAMPLE COPY- Address, . _ THE WEEKLY HERALD. p HERALD SQUAKE, NEW YORK. Plaining Mill ANI> Lumber Yard j. h. FU KVI6. L. O. PCKVIb S. 6. Purvis & Co. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS 111 Rough and Planed Lumber Of KV«kY DBfOKIFTJON SHINGLES, LATH; & SEWER PIPE. 311113f a. SiDg a gong of sixpence, A Bottle full of Rye; Four and twenty guests around It's merits true to try When the bottle's opened And they find the liquor pure Every one at once claim 3, Bought at Lewiu's sure. Eobt. Lewin, 13fi Water St. Opposite B. &0. Depot, - Pittsburg, Pa I 1. W. EffiHl, 3alcl\vir\, - Pa. THOROUGH Sewing Machine Mechanic. WITH 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE.! Will re-adjust yours and you be your own judge to test it. ROOFING. GUM ELASTIC ROOFING FELT costs only $2 per ICO square feet. Makes a good root for years and anyone can put it on. GUM ELASTIC PAINT eos,ts only CO cents per gallon in barrel lots, or $4.50 for 5 gallon tubs. Color red. Will stop leaks in tin or iron roofs that will last for years. TRY IT. GUM ELASTIC ROOFING CO. 39 &41 West Broadway Ne'.v YorK. Local Agents Wanted."Ss 5 DOLLARS ™ PER DAY 20 Easily Made. We want many men, women, boys, and girls to work for us a few hours daily, in nud around their own home**. The business is easy, pleasant, strictly honorable, and pays better than any other offered agents. You have a clear field and no competition. Kxperience and special ability un necessary. No capital required. We equip you with everything that you need, treat you well, and help you to earn ten times ordinary wages. Women do as well as men, and boys and girls make good paw Any one, anywhere, can do the work. All succeed who follow our plain und sim ple directions. Karnest work will surely bring } you a great deal of money. Everything is new and in great demand. Write for our pamphlet circular, and rte«ive full information. No harm done if you conclude not to go on with tiae business. GEORCE ST:NSON&CO., Bex 438, PORTLAND, MAINE. H. H. JACKSON Who has had a years experience with one of the leading furniture firms of Pittsburg is now prepared to attend to all furniture repairing left in bis charge, and will cuaraDtie good work and satisfaction at 249 S. McKean St, - Butler, Pa. ■\ Ci.n ret ta-s KOT ' / J . r.IHVATIONftraII ! / Jf / Practical Purfwsea tl f Af CLARK'S ! Jf Ss Business College, 1 ERIC, PA. i Elegant Booms; Modern Methods; Kxperienced | Teachers. Jt.-« graduate Special ad van- I tapes in Shorthand and 'iVpewriOaif. Wrf:e tm 1 JftlAiOgue. 11. < \ Clahk, yrxs. 8. M. SWEKT. He* Grind Your Own Corn Meal. Oyster Shells and Corn in the $5 Hand Mill. (F. Wilson's Pat.) Circulars Iree. "Also Power aud Farm Mills. Send for illustrated circulars and testimonials." 100T«r«. more made in keeping pooiltry. Address WILSON BROS. Easton, Pa. POULTRYMEN! Our Green Bone Cutter will dou ble your egg production. Best and Cheapest iu the market. Circular free. WEBSTER £ HANNUM, Cazenovia, N. Y READ THESE Unparalleled * Offers. THE HARRISBURG SEMI-WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, Published by the Harrislmrg Publishing Comp any is the largest and best newspa per published at the capital of Pennsyl vania Each number centains thirty two columns, filled with the latest news, stories, market reports and miscellaneous reading. Price only ONE DOLLAR per Year or ONE CENT a Copy. Semi-Weekly Telegraph and American Agriculturist for Two Dollars. Semi-Weekly Teh-graph and American Farmer (monthly) lor One Dollar. Semi-Weekly Telegraph aud Home Maga zine, by Mrs. John A. Logan (monthly) for One Dollar and Ten Cents. Semi-weekly Telegraph and Jones' History of the Juniata Valley ($2) for the price of book alone, Two Dollars. RELIABLE AGENTS WANTED To Solicit Subscriptions in every School District in Pennsylvania. DAILY TELEGKAI'H $.>.00 Per Year The cash must accompany all orders and be addresesd to M. W. McALARNEY, Manager, Harrlsburg, Pa. McCANDLESS'HEAVE CURE. I have a Ileave Cure that will euro any case of heaves in horses in forty days, if used according to directions, and if it does not do what 1 claim for it, I will refund the amount paid aud no charges will be made for the treatment. The following testimonials are the strongest proof of the medicines power to cure: A. J. MCCandlkss, Butler, Pa., 1893. Mti. A. J. MCCASOLESS: Ou the 2nd day of April, 1892, I com menced to use your new cure for one of my horses that had the heaves very bad, and continued to use Hie medicine for about forty days and the horse did not show any signs of a return of them. It is now about a year since I quit givin the medic\ne aud the horse has never sowed any signs of heaves, and I feel stisfied that he is properly cured. W. C. CRISWELL, Butler, Pa., April 3, 1893. A. J. McCAXDLKSS: I have used your Heave Core and found it will do the work if used according to di rections. Yours truly, R. J. McMillik. •\*S J tHo (■ ,c» ,or Obtain , J Leading Millinery House OF Trimmed Hats and Bonnets. Every shape this seasons facile fancy lias evolved is here. Every novelty in Wing, Bird, Feather or Ornament is shown, Ribbons, Velvets, Laces, Braids and Flowers. Mourning Millinery a Specialty. I). T. PAPE, 122 South Main Street FOOLING THE PEOPLE. There is a clique of advertisers who are continually fo Sing th • peoj 6 They have tooled them once too ofteu with a pretence to pive pi methiu. for nothing. You may fool Fome of the people a'i the time—find ab of th - people some of the time, but you can't fool a 1 the people all tfce tin •. 1- looking over the advertisements in the papers nowaday, 1 find I 1. ,ve lon my laurels. Ncrw I will tell you the truth. You w ill tee bundrtd~ of such baits flung out for seekers to bite at, such as, "We can have yw we n-k you can didly. (Jan these concerns doing business at fabu!> us expense, sacrifice profits as a great many advertise to do? Are they as liberal as 'hey propose to be ? We answer no The enormous sums requi ed to anet current ex penses must be met by liberal and in most cases by hi-avv margins Profits they must have aDd trade they must get or sink in th*' whirlpool they have created by their own haod» There id no alternative, get its • profii aud tret the trade, but bow ? In no other way than working on the weak nvnds of the people by flaming advertisements. They boldly aud shamelessly claim to actually give the dear people $3 00 in value for one iuveste'd Such un priucipled actions are becoming not only tiresome, but positively danarerous to the welfare aud interest of the buying public. On careful inspection you will find these $25.00 suits reduced to only $9 99 are dear at eight dollars I saw an ad stating men's fine worsted suits reduced from $lO 00 to $0 00. I called to see them and found our $3 75 cotton suit. When we offer you a suit for SIO.OO that is all it is worth :>r ever was worth We just give you one dollar's worth of goods for 100 cents You want to see our immense stock of overcoats and suits for cren, boys and children. Hats aud caps in endless variety, shirts, collars and cuffs, aud ties, any aud every style to suit eveu the most fastidious; uuder wear, hosiery, overalls, jackets, gloves, mittens, umbrellas, i-uspeudere. in fact anjthing in the furnishing line; also a Gne line of ladies and gents gold and silver watches, chains, charms, pins, rings, coliar and cuff buttons, scarf pins, initial pins, all at the very lowest cash prices. AII we a?k is an in spection of our goods and prices before purchasing. We have always done you good and feel coufident we can do so again. To those who have been trading with us, we tender our most heaitfelt thanks, and to those who never have, we would eav, try us once and you will never regret it. Yery Respectfully 13. IIECK, Champion Clothier, Hatter aud Furnisher 120 North Main Street, - - Butler, Pa Jewelry, Clocks Silverware, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All'are Respectfully Invite/ —"Remember our Repairing Department —20 years Experience. - An Unprecedented Offer' Great Value for Little Money. Weekly News of the World for a Trifle. The New York Weekly Tribune, a twenty.four page journal, is the leading Republican family paper of the, United States. It is filled with interesting reading matter for every num ber of a country family. It is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and gives all the general news of the United States and the world. It gives the events of foreign lands in a nutshell Its ''Agricultural" depart ment has no superior in the country. Its ''Market Reports" are re cognized authority in all parts of the land. It has separate departments tor "The Family Circle', and "Our Young Folks." Its ''Home Society" columns command the admiration o! wives unci general political news, editorials and discussiocs are comprehensive,bril: ant and exhaustive. A special contract enables us to offer this tp'.inli I journal aa 1 "THE CITIZEN" for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY #1.50, CASH IN ADVANCE. (The regular subscription price of the two pn[ ers Is $2.50.) Subscriptions may begin atjany time. Addiess all otders to THE CITIZEN, Write your name and address on a postal card send it to G» 0. W lit st. Room 2. Tribune Building, New Yo>k Guy, aud a sample copy of TliE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will be mailed u you. • - _ m tL\\£s DDH HAY-FEVER W~2zm %J COLD :: HEkD MM Ely's Cream, Balm i* n<>t a li'pi'd, tnuff or powder. AppUed into the nostrils it it quickly absorbed. It <*•'■• antes the head, allays inflammation, heals _ 50c ELrßßOTOrr#a'M ra Ni'm 50c ~M. ROSWNTHAI,, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St, - Pittsburg, Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. Every purchase to the value of SI.OO and abo\c (not including beer) will be presented with a bottle of wine. Phis offer holds good until January- ist, 1894. Call, or order by mail. One Square Below Diamond Maker.