Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, November 24, 1893, Image 4
.BARGAINS i inT-mftQQT' There was never a time when people were looking for bargains so much as at the present time and BICKEL'S bargains were never so attractive as they are now. Our entire stock of Fall and Winter goods have arrived and are open and ready for your inspection. Bargain seek ers will have the grandest opportunity the have ever had to select what they may wish from an immense stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods. * * * NOTE THE PRICES: *eo pair men's kip, D. S. and tap, box toe boots, hand made $3 50 F « «« plain toe " " 3°° 290 " oak kip, guaranteed waterproof - 2 -5° 300 " heavy kip. long leg boots - 218 pair boys' hand made kip boots 674 " kip boots - - K25 to 2.G0 465 pair men's ever)' day shoes 90c o 212 pair boys' " ~ 3 < 0 1 iS pair women's oil grain lace shoes 690 " " ' button " - •« veal kip lace shoes - " 100 pair misses' " " ~ " 300 " oil grain shoes - 1; 0 pair ladie's fine dongola shoes, Rochester make, price 300 at 1.50 460 " hand turn " " 4-°o at 200 300 " kid button shoes 190 pair misses' " ~~ joo " grain and calf school shoes / d 300 pair infant shoes - _ _ Gilt Edge and Atrose fine oil dressing, per bottle - "Bickel" fine shoe polish - Russian cream dressing for tan shoes HfOnr Prices in Rubber Goods Surprise Them AIK- Men's first quality rubber boots, light weight - .< " heavy " - ->° B °y' s , " I % Youths " -12" Ladie's " " ~~ _ . ",' Q Men's heavy overs, first quality 500 pair men's fine specialty rubbers Men's self-acting or imitation sandals Ladie's finest grade rubbers, eight styles ~ 5^ " Croquets or imitation sandals Misses'finest grade rubbers " " croquets or imitation sandals Our stock of rubber goods is larger than ever before .all styles, men's short, knee and hip boots. Same styles in boys and you, - boots. All styles of men's and ladies Arctics and Alaskas.and chiid rens and misses storin rubbers. When in need of footwear give me a call. JOHN BICKEL. 138 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PENN'A Big Removal Sale of ** BOOTS AND SHOES AT ROBIN© BROS, Boots and Shoes must be sold, as we are going to leave town. We have purchased a stock in Grove City and will remove in Dec. Bargains until then: Gum Boots, Ist quality - . " " 33 Ladies Fine Rubbers - " " Gilt Edge Polish Other things in proportion. Good reliable shoes at shodc y prices. Call and see for yourself before sizes are broken. ROBINS BROS., 8. E. corner of Diamond - ~ Butler, Pa The 0. W. HARDMAN Art Company Limited. SPECIALTIES Everything in Colors, that is woriby ol uoues, sale, aud » c.'y FIRST Ci^ASS, IS OUR SPECIALTIES Old Pictnres REPRODUCED and ENLARGED. All work guaranteed as rep e gented. Latest S..vies io Plci ore F aoae*. See la.-ge di-play ol samples, Com pa e p: ices and onr woiti w ia Oitiers. Special ra».es io Alioisleia and Lady School leacue LADIES, OLD PEOPLE, And CbMd'-en have no lons. dark, fillv stairs lo travel up and down" Studio on FiR>T FLOOR 103 MAIN STREET, BCTLER, PA. , KINGS, Diamonds {SiS& ' STUDS, f (GENTS GOLDJ W Q tr."h AG \ LADIES GOLl? ' VV aiCJieb (GENTS SILVER. LADIES CHATLAIN, r£iW£ilTT7 i Gold;Pina, Ear-rings, Cr oW"II y | Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc, {Tea sets, castors, butt< r ilishee and everything that can be found in a first clafes store, lODtu ims.ua ! sawf* E. GRIEB. THE JEWELER No. 139,' North Main St., BUTLER, PA., __M. ROSENTHAL, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St., - Pittsburg, Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited.| One Square Below Dioin (1 <* "A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO SPECIFICS Fcr Horses, Caule, Sheep, Dogs, Ecgs, AND POULTHY. 500 I'aap Book on Trrntmrnt of Animal* I and Chart Sent Free. , cntES i Frver«, Congest inn.. In Hn mm MI ion A.A.' fpinal Mrniniiiin, Milk Frifr. ' B.B.—S«rniM», Liinrnr". It lif annit i»m. C.C."Hi«t>'roppr. Naital 1!1*< hartfi-o. I».l». Uot« or (.rub., W hi in-. 1 K.E.—< untb». llraTrn. Puruiiionin. P.F.—Collr or (Jrlpr*. Hrllrarbr. Il.-morrlmsop. 11.t1.--I rlnarynnd Kidnry I>i»f-a*r». J .l.--Eruptive I)i»pi«»e«. Mange. .K.--Ui»rn«r« ol IHst.lloii, Paralr»ia> Staple Buttle wwsodo»«ot - .BO Stable Cane, with Spcclflo*. Manual. Veterinary Cure OU anil Medlcator, >7.»0 J»r Veterinary Core Oil, • - 1.00 8.1.1 by DrwciiUts; or M pr*paiJ uy»k>r*aail la aay qmaalll.T «n ef prW nnpiiits'iiKtoi.iuiiiimmuM., s™'" 4 - V <£jkI HUMPHEEYS ' I HOMEOPATHIC n n ÜbMLi SPECIFIC No do In use 3D jean. Tbo only racceeeful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from* over work or other causes. SI per vimU or 5 vials and lunte vial powder, for $5. Sold > y i«ot pottpoidno receipt of prkMb mPHUIts' IID. CO.. 11l h * It KillUm St, Stvla*. Apred natwally In Governrarnt Bonded™ Warehouses, export*-*! to Hamburg, Gor-B many, kept in Heated Warehouses until* matured, shipped hark aud bottled on ourß own premises is the ffimrantee \re frive you ■ that Old Export is almolutely pure. Free■ from fusel oil and all iiyuriousingredients.■ It is the ideal family whiskey for medicinal ■ or social purp<»ses. Mail and express orders ■ filled promptly, and on orders of €lO orH over we pay express charges. Cdinpkte Priu Listi of Braßdi<s,Win«,Wlihkiei mailed fr«e Every Man whose watch has been rung out of the bow (ring), by a pickpocket, Every Man whose watch has been damaged by drop ping out of the bow, and Every Man of sense who merely compares the old pull out bow and the new will exclaim: "Ought to have been made long ago! " It can't be twisted off the case. Can only be had with Jas. Boss Filled and other cases stamped with this trade mark Ask your jeweler for pamphlet. Keystone Watch Case Co»» Philadelphia. Nothing On Earth Will f/lAKtj HENS X.xk;E Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strorg and Healthy ; Preventa all Disease. Good for Moulting liens. It I. ttheoluMv mirt> ni|»hly cnriwntrated. Inqnan ti" Btrontr. Strictly n medicine. One largw can aavwiuie sto; Hond »li to pr. vcnt ilirap. aajs one customtr. IT^SS-Tl'l^st..Boston. Maaa. PILESs™ 8 ABSOLUTEI.T CURES'. OINTMENT JMITOMH-MuUtorr; Intense Itrlilng Mtlnclnc; muH »t nlghi; w«»r*o I»y «ierntc hTn». If allowed to continue tumor* firm and prolrudi-, vhich often bleed n»"l ulr riifc, bcenmlnc vtrr tirt'dinf. ab«orb«thr tumor*. I f v Jr::-n»- ~rbv uiailforiocu. Pr. -1 Uy luuSwav«e i: > •*.Puiladdnhia. ( DOCTORS LAKH jk&l I'll! /.TJ! DISPESSABT. |L, pi COR. Pen . AVE. AND FOURTH ST.. -«abi£r r \ PITTSBURGH. PA. % \ All form3of I)rlirate nrvt Com- plicated rei|iiil insCOS ' 'W H-'/M-IAI. Mi'l-I'll MIIKM. l ication aro treated at tliia I>>- . with a ftucceas .arely attained. Dr. S. K . is •• member of the Uoyal Colligeof 1 tiy id Surgeoaic, nntl is the o! lest and most •.enced Specialise in the city Bpec*al at • i. .oa rriventoN irvoua Debility fromeratraiv * u* 'al exertion. Indiscretion of youth, etc., raus n« , Wv-ical and mental dccay,lack of t-nerpy, le-» .i '.•ncy, etc.; also Cancers Old Sores*'ta, t ; » heuivatism, and all cli- nscsof theS!%in. • ' suv»'s Consultation v j-.iu' siiictly coufidi n'uil. Office hours,o to •1: to 8 P.*M.; Sundays 2t04 P. only. ' at ot'lre or ad-he* 1 C . .v WE. AKD4'I , Hb'r..ri'iTSUUKGU.I-- Curf"* Uri,lll's HKease. I)ic>|)%v. Ci.ite'. Ne v ousne s Heart. Uiluaiv or l.iver Di-i-astf*. Known by a lired laufiulil feelins: Inai-.insf <>( tbe kill!i»-y8 weakeDs and po'-nus iue ulootl and UL 1 - can 1 1' is reinoveil > ON rannot lian 1 lieu llli. < ti:i'l me <iver IWeye: 1 ■ jm" 1";' i i - Disease :i ud Drop v.—Mi:-. I. 1.. MI: i •, BethleUem, Pa. I CCa 01 ner s iui rti i'won.aK Trv 11. Cii'esiia auletd. HS\ s KIII.VKV I IKE CO.. iL'rtg TCII»d?o St., Pliil-iiit'liiliia. Pa. • Sol i by A I Ileliab'e I)r; tsl-ls. i| FARM, GARDEN, Cemetery, Lawn, Poultry and Rabbit Fencing 7HOISA.VDS OF JULES IX USE. CATALOG Ik FUEL. FBEItiHT PAID. THE eisMUIiEN WOVEN WIRE FENCE CC UV 11C, 115 and 12# H. »irk-. St., Chicago, HI. TOHIVI HEALTH THE LIVEW MOST V\T INOnOIL** Cures thonsr.nda annually of Liver Com plaints, Hiliousaess, Jaundice, Dyspep sia, Constipation. Malaria. Moro Ills result frotnau Unhealthy Liver than any other cause. Why suffer when you can be cured? Dr. Snnford's Liver Invigo* ator is a celebrated family medicine, xot it uitrKGisT wiLi/ grri'LY v»c. ! * GOSSER'S * o CREAM GLYCERINE « liau no equal for chapped hands, lips or 0 la« i.v of til. • ' ' ® not excfciied as a dressing for the .... i *haviug Id by tlrugglfts i i Twenty-five Ccuts a Bottle. • ••••••••»••• THE CITIZEN How Mail Clerks Assist the mory. Me The railway postal clerks have a unique method, savs a contemporary, for learning the routes on whicn post office? are located. Take, for example, the State of Pennsyl vania. in which there are over 5.000 offices. The prospective mail distributer buys a I quantity of blank card* —about the size the ordinary visiting card —and on each of these he writes the name of an office. On the back of the card he writes the name ot the route by which the office is served with its mail, Taking in hand a package of these cards—say from 50 to 100—he goes over them one after another studiously, looking at the back each time and getting the name of the ronte dearly associated in his mind. Tho second time he goes through the pack he Cuds that he knows the half ot the route by readiug the name of theoffi.e- It is a dull student who upon going over a pack of cards a dozen times does not know them thoroughly. The methoii it. so simple and such an aid to memorizing that it is adopted by all railway mail clerks By it clerk* have been known to memorize a State like Pennsylvania inside of two months. On all large routes clerks work but half time the other half being devoted to rest and study. The mail clerk at home, con tinually reminded of coming examinations, Carries bis cards n hercver he goe.-. conning over them at every opportunity. One de monstrative clerk on the New York and Pituburg R. P. 0. is famed for having learned the St ite of Ohio iu four days. As he shuffled over his cards he walked from garret to cellar, and visa versa, from dawn until the shades of twilight fell. On tho fourth day to went to the examiner's office and separated Ohio without an error. It is related that the wife of a postal clerk a !>>pted the card method for increas ing her vocabulary in French. On one side ol the on tie othfthe English equivalent to be learned. er lady, hearing of this nsed the >uniu sy.-tem successfully for learn ing n.ythulogi. placing the word "Mars," for install''*, on . lie side of the card and "war" on " • to« r The method has so many advaniHge* •r : ••• old and tedious way of ~rtiiig fr> • p.:;;i's of a book tbat it might I tut. <i w tli advantage by teachers iu search i f imparting instruction. How to Cider Sweet. PUP-, sweet ciiler. that is arrested in the process of fermenta' ion before it becomes acetic acid, cr evtii alcohol, and with car bonic acid gas wort'd ont, is one of the most delightful beyera;:rs. The following scientific method ot tri ating cider will pre serve its sweeti'i'-.-: V hen the saccharine mattw. .. fcrniitM.iti'n are being converted into alcohol, if a bem tuoc oo inserted air tight into the bun:', with the other end in a pail of water, to allow the carbonic acid itas evolved to pass off without admitting any air into the barrel, a bei erage w ill be obtained that is ht nectar for the gods. A handy way is to fill your cask nearly up to the wooden laucet, when the ca>k is rolled so the bung is down. Get a common rubber tube and slip it over the end of the plug in the faucet, with the other end in the pail. Tlieu turn the ping so the cider can have communication with the pail. After the water ceases to bubble, bottle or store away. Enormous Enterprises. The advancing years seem to produce an increase rather than a diminution in the number of gigantic schemes. We have all heard of the scheme fur expending $40,000,- 000 in the construction of" a monster dam in the vicinity of Newfoundland that would turu the Gulf Stream back on it self and give New England a tropical cli mate, so that the Granite State boys could climb palm trees to shake off the succulent cocoanut on their own bleak hillsides, while the Rhode Islanders would offer scant encouragement to the peripathetic Italian banana vender, as each and all of them would have a banana tree in close proximity to his own back porch. A.more recent scheme is the bridging of the English Channel between Dover and Calais It is said that this scheme has gone so far that a company has been form ed to secure the necessary concessions from the Hritish and French governments. The cost of this bridge is something like $240,000,000. The latest scheme is for roofing London and other large cities, and thus doing away with the umbrella trust. The pro jector has not yet considered any such vulgar and insignificant detail as the mat ter of cost, and hence has not enlightened the public on this point. Such schemes are, adds the American Arfixan. of coarse, largely visionary; but they indicate a tendency to grapple with the most stupendous undertakings that is in a manner characteristic of the nervous and "progressive age in which we live. Drunkenness, he Li.,uor Habi , Pos lvely Cured by adimnstering Dr. Haines "Golden fcj.tcfcc." It is uunulacturetl as a powder, which can be given iu a sla.-s of beer, a cup ol coßee or lea,or in lood, wilbc.ut the know ledge «>C ltie p. cut. it is absolutely c.u u:le.-s. and w.ll a fleet a permanent aud -peed.v cure, whether lue patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcotiolic wreck. It has been given iu thousands of cases, and iu every iu.Mulite a perlec; cure has followed. It never tuilt-. Tue sy> e m once impregnat ed with the Specific, it become.* an ut'tr ior the liquor appetite to ex i.il. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book ot particular*lree. Address, (..olden .Specific Co., 18f> liace St.. (Jmciunalii O. —"I wish," caid a physician, "that peo ple generally understood how important it is to their physical welfare that the-y should go up and down steps as little as practicable, and that they should do it properly when at all. By properly I mean slowly, never faster than a walk, and planting the heel lirmly on each step. The novel heroine, 'tripping lightly down the stairs,' looks graceful, but it is a bad thing for her nevertheless." —The future of a Nation is the future of' its young men and women. If they are educated towards an ideal in morality, in citizenship, iu life, that ideal will come nearer to realization than if it were left to become the prey of loose morals and con taminating influences. Whatever tends to show a young man or a young women the right way of living tends to the upbuilding of the Nation. —Prof. J. S. Cilley, of Jericho, Vt., says: "I regard Hoffd's Sarsaparilla as invaluable for catarrh." —The Philadelphia I>i<i»irer remarks that it would be strange indeed if the World's Fair would work a revolution in the making of llonr and set to going once more the small flour aiillsofthe East whose business was taken away by the great mills of the North-west. A miller in Western Pennsylvania saw at the World's Fair a complete set of improved machinery for making4oar which cost S3OOO. The miller examined it and thought it was the best invention ever made. He was told that the machinery was in operation iu iUrcer county, where on exainiu itiou ho found it was making 50 barrels of flour a day. If this be true it will not be long before the old mills in the East are relitted and at work agair. —Clifford M. Calvertley tbe high-wire walker crossed the gorge of the Niagara on a wire -tr<>teh<d between the cantilever and the railroad suspension bridges. llis daring dive, catching by the knees and then the toes on tbo wire, and his wheel barrow act caused the immense throng of people who lined the banks of the river to hold their breath, lie wheeled the barrow <iut anil lighted a fire iu a stove which was on the barrow; then be toasted some bread took a bite aud sent the reiuaimug pieces down into the rushing waters, 200 feet below. He carried a chair on his back, unstrapping it, placed it on the wire, sat down, pulled out a newspaper and a cigarette, lighting the latter and calmly read the former with his balance pole rest ing ou bis knee. His feats excelled those of'the famous Blondin. —The Chicago Hccorit says that if lli.r ists keep < n increasing the size chrysan themuws something will have to be done to increase the stature ol the young men to wear them. Pennsylvania the Tramp's Paradise. Jooiah Flint has an interesting paper en tramp life in The Century for this month. He joined the tramp fraternity and travel ed, begged, smokc.l, and went to jail with them, all for tho purpose of studying the tramp problem. After showing that moot of the tramps follow their vagrant and vagabond life from choice. Mr. Flynt says of that Canaan ot vagrants which a false benevolent has made of certain parts of this State. It is in Pennsylvania, however, the tramp is best fed. Ido not know of a town or village in the Keystone State where a decently clad roadster cannot get all tbat he cares to eat, without doing a stroke of work in payment. lie can travel, too, more freely than elsewhere, for the rail roads intersecting the State are the most friendl}' in the country. Tnere is not one that does not harbor dead-beats at least nt night. The jails are also a great bond to the fraternity. In the majority of them there is no work to do. while some furnish the daily papers. Consequently, in winter one can see tramps sitting comfortably on on benches drawn close to the fire, and reading their morning paper, and smoking their after breakfast pipe, as complacently and calmly as the merchant in his count ing room. Here they find refuge from the storms of winter and make them.-elves en tirely at home." —An Atlanta paper relates that a teach er wtio was engaged in expla ning the I)ar winian theory to his class, observed that they were not paying proper attention "Boy 8," said the professor, "when I am e ndeavoririg to explain to you the pecu larities of the monkey, I wish you would look straight at me.'' —An author on the just proportions of the human form, divine or otherwi>e, says: "The ears should lie so placed not. to tie higher than the tip of the nose " People who are dressing lor a party should not fuipet this. —Such a wonderful stretch of perfect antumn weather as that which still con tinues is scarcely within the memory of the oldest prevaricator. Consumption suro!y Cured. Tc TtiE SDiroit:—Please inform your readi.n that I civo % positive remedy for tl.e above-named disease. I>; -js timely use thousands of hopeless cases have N .1 permanently cared. I shall be glad to sead twj .o'Ues of my remedy FREE to any <v you.' readers T . j hare consumption if tbey wiil •end me thoii Lxpr«ss find P. O. address. Kespect •ttliy. X. 4. BUA,VU. U a. 181 Pearl St. N. X. —When there is company in tbe house the members ol the family begin to say "Good morning" to each other at break fast. —An exchange says that a man was fined $75 dollars for kissing a girl in Chica go recently, and on the same day another was lined $5 for kin>ing a hall-dozen girls in Central Park, New York. Western kisses are \ alued highly. Perhaps they are sweeter than eastern. —The people are gradually becoming aware of what tho Legislature did iu the way nf law-making at its last sossion, through the enterprise of the newspapers In hunting up the acts and publishing them. In a number ot states the laws are officially published in newspapers of each county as soon as passed, and it should be so iu this state. NOVEMBER DAYS. November is a uinuili of rainy, disagree able days.. The damp, cold air pem-tra'. s everywhere aud c 1111 ■ .be blood. la_viu_' ibe st stem open to llie danger nt eolds, pueuuiouia and kind eu complaints. Tiiere is out one remedy that stimulates the *y»tem aud unities it against such at tacks, and that is whiskey. Not Mich a whiskey a* is generally palmed ofl' ou tue pnhlic, but a whiskey of known purity aud quality. SUCH a wiii.-kejr is Klein's Silver Age. Duquesne or Dear Creek Kyes. Xue-e whiskies have been before the public lor many years ami tiud lavor wherever purity is required. I'i-x siciaus prescribe iheui; hospitals use theui, and every reputable dealer sells them. 'l'uey are lor sale at $1.50, $1.25 and SI.OO per quart respectively. Send for a complete catalogue and price list of all liquors mailed tree. All goods neatly bos ea aud expressed anv where. Address KLEIN, S'2 Federal street. Allejieoy, I'a. —An exchanges sees a bitch in the fit ness of things when a lio-cent dude blushes behind a 75-cent chrysanthemum. —The Scientific American gives this re cipe: "At the first indication of diph theria in the throat of a child make the room clone, then lake a tin cup and pour into it equal quantities of tar and turpen tine; then hold the cup over the lire so a> to fill the room with lunies. The patient on inhaling the fumes will cough and spit out the membraneous matter aud the diph theria will pa.-s off." This remedy may be ellieaeious, but it requires much care, as turpentine is one of the most inllamuiable ot lluids. Fire or flame must not be al lowed to touch it, Kueoma in cured iu a day—"ily.--.ic cure .or iue.iu.ii u atiu nec..ii; .i. ,ao >. ally cure- u I ullajv,. o- at <>j epou lue i>. eui :eui. auu ui.v e o,i>. ll eaioves ;n oike ue cuU.-e auu .uo it ea. e imuieo .. e'_. o ,'iHie. Yue u i Utito f. i tjeti. . uti . sold by J. C Eedick, druggist, Butler. USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA" ITS •TUB KI ND THAT OUU ES. —The latest novelty in clubs is a club, composed ol people wno Visited the World's i ail. Tbe otiject of the club is purely to promote sociability, but we should thiuk it would be anything* but sociable. The members would all want to talk at once and there would be more discord in a min ute than could bo dispelled in a year. Then again give one member the floor aud he would talk forever. —Of the five Russian criminals who es caped from Siberia aud were brought to Sau Francisco by tbe whaling bark Charles W. Morgan, after having been at sea ten days in open boats, three are murderers, oi,e a counlerleiter and one a common con vict. —Host —l hate to send you in such a blustering night as this, old fellow Guest—lt is raining pretty hard, I say, couldn't you loan me your umbrella* —llo.t—Certainly; aud —er —I guess I'll walk home with you uiyself. I really need tbe exercise. —Some of the citizens of Soda Springs, Idaho, aud other far Western towns, went to the World's Fair and took their families at small expense. The lather, husba d and brother shipped as a caretaker for cattle comming East, while the women of the family wi-re conveyed in ordinary day coaches. The men received about S2O each and return trip tickets for their services as cattle tenders. —"What are yon reading, Johnnief" in quired the boy's father. "A sea story about a man who was wrecked on a cape." "Read it aloud, Johnnie I can sympathize wiili him. I have just been wrecked on sealskin cape myself. —John M. Green, a farmer living near Bad Axe. Mich., has raised a "White Ele phant'' potato which weigns lour pounds and six ounces. IF YOU FEEL DROWSY, duil, inexpressibly A, / tired or debilitated, '//< J. Yhave loss of appe I V/» frequent headaches I witn or without Hr Nt >1 dizziness, chilly sensations, and oo- W V/ casional nausea f XY \ then you are bil l \ \ ious. Your liver | ViXvi needs the gently » \\ \W stimulating and powerfully invigor ating effects of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. These little things will put you in complete order. They follow Nature's own way. They're tho smallest, the easiest to take, aud the best. They absolutely and permanently cure Bil iousness, Constipation, Jaundice, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, Sick or Bilious Headaches, Indigestion, and consequent stupor or drow siness. They're guaranteed to give satisfaction. In every way and iu every case, or your money is returned. You pay oaly for the good you get. Nothing else urged by a tricky dealer, can be " just aa good " for you to buy. Garfield Teas Cure* Conciliation, k< -'ores Complexion, savea lectors MU* Sample free- li vh>'UUJ>Tsaso->319 W.4sthSt~2».x Cures Sick Headache FOOLING THE PEOPLE. There is a clique of advertisers who are continaallj fooling the people. They have tooled them once too often with a pretense to give something for nothing You may fool some of the people all the time—and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool a'l the people all tbe time. In looking over tbe advertisements in the papers nowaday, I find 1 have lost my laurels Now I will teil you tbe truth. You will see hundreds of such baits flung out for suckers to bite at, such as, "We can save you 25 per cent by trading with us," and some even go so far as to say 50 per cent. Men's fine suits worth $25.00 for only $9 99 Pants worth $3 00 only $3 99, Bankrupt Sales, Sheriff Sales Assignees Sale, <&c. Now we ask you can didly. C'au these concerns doing business at fabulous expense, sacrißee profits as a great many advertise to do ? Are tbey as liberal as «.hey propose to be ? We answer no. The enormous sums required to meet current ex penses must be met by liberal and in most cases by heavy margins. Profits tbey must have and trade they must get or sink in the whirlpool they have created by their own hauds There is no alternative, get the profit and get the trade, but how ? In no other way than working on the weak minds of the people by flaming advertisements. They boldly and shamelessly claim to actually give the dear people s.'s 00 iu value for one invested Such un principled actions ar* becoming not only tiresome, but positively danererous to the welfare and interest of the buying public. On carefnl inspection you will find these $25 00 suits reduced to only $9 99 are dear at eight dollars I saw an ad. stating men's fine worsted suita reduced from $lO 00 to $6 00. 1 called to see them and found our $3 "5 cotton suit. When we offer you a suit for $!0 00 that is all it is worth jr ever was worth We just give vou one dollar's worth of goods for 100 cents You waDt to see our immense stock of overcoats and suits for men, boys and children. Hats and caps in endless variety, shirt*, collars and cuffs, and ties, any and every style to suit even tbe most fastidious; uuder wear, hosiery, overulls. jackets, gloves, mittens, umbrellas, euspenders, in fact anything iu the furuishiug line; also a fine line of ladies and gents gold and silver watches, chains, charms, pins, rings, collar aud cuff buttons, scarf pins, initial pius, ail at the very lowest cash prices. All we ask is an in spection of our goods and prices before purchasing. We have always done you good and feel confident we cau do so again. To those who have heen trartiug with us. we lender our most beaitfelt thanks, and to those who never have, we would say, try us once and you will never regret it. Very Respectfully ID. HECK, Champion Clothier, lla'ter and Furnisher 120 North Main Street, - - - - Butler, Pa JJOUTHETT & GRAHAM'S price list of Fall and Winter clothing. Men's suits $3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00, 6.00, 7.50, 8.00, 10.00 and up to 22.00. Boy's long pants suits $3, 3.50, 4, 4.50, 5. 6, 7> 8, 9, 10, 12 up to 17. Hoy's knee pants suits $1.50, 1.75, 2, 2.50, 2.75, 3, 3.50 up to 7.50. Men's overcoats from $2.50 to 20. Boy's overcoats at all prices. Boy's knee pants 25 cents to $1.50. We wish to extend a cordial invitation to visit our store and inspect our stock as we feel sure it will be a profitable visit for you. Re member, ALL OUR GOODS ARE NEW. DOUTHETT & GRAHAM RELIABLE ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. Butler, Pa. The New Shoe Store IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Close cash buyers can save money on footwear. Goods bought at panic prices—customers get the benefit. Are you open for a deal. GIVE US CALL- I have just returned from the Easten shoe market where bought for cash a large line of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, and in order to introduce myself I am going to make very low prices. Profit no object—Your trade is all. Dent fail to call at THE NEW SHOE STORE. Remember the place, opposite Arlington Hotel, Butler, Pa. C. E. MILLER, SOME OF OUR PRICES. 4- Men's veal calf shoes 85 Boys' veal calf shoes 7 5 Men's extra fine buff shoes 99 Ladies don. patent tip but. shoes #1.25 Misses don. patent tip but. shoes 95 Men's buckle brogans 80 Men's kip boots 1.50 Ladies' oil grain shoes. 95 Ladies' glove calf shoes 95 Childrens dongola but. patent tip 50 Infant dongola button 25 Rubbers at a lower price than they can be bought elsewhere in the County. AL RUFF. 114 S. MAIN STRI.ET. - BUTLER, PA. "Watch peoples actions atul you can tell their character." Tbis saving is «-qu»Hy roe of dealers anil tbe<r ware*. TRY FINCH'S GOLDEN WEDDING, GIBSON'S ott OLD DOUGHERTY BRAND OF W n '*K 1 es Nothing but tbe best brands handled by Kcbt Lewiti, 136 Water St. Opposite I). »£ O. Depot, - Pittsburg, Pa mjQ UU C Baldwin, - IPq. THOKOUGH Sewing Machine Mechanic. WITH 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Will re-adjust yours anil you be your own judge to test it. 5 DOLLARS to PER DAY 20 Easily Made. We want many men, women, boys, and girls to work for us a few hours daily, right in and around their own home?. The business is easy, pleasant, strictly honorable, and pays better than any other offered agents. You have a clear field and no competition. Experience and s|>ecial ability un necessary. No capital required. We equip you with everything that you need, treat you well, and help you to earn ten times ordinary wages. Women do as well as men, aud boys and gfTlfl make good pay. Any one, anywhere, can do the work. All succeed who follow our plain and sim ple directions. Earnest work will surely bring you a great deal of money. Everything is new and iu great demand. Write for our pamphlet circular, and receive full information. No harm done if you conclude not to go on with the business. GEORGE STENSON&CO., Box 488, PORTLAND, MAINE. ffr $lO and S2O Genuine Confed erate Bills onlv Ove cents each; SSO and SIOO bills 10 cents eacb; 25c and 50c sbinplasters 10 cents eacb; $1 and $2 hills 25 cents each. Sent securely sealed on receipt of price. Address, CHAS. D. BARKEK, 90 8. Forsyth St., Atlanta, <Ja; Leading Millinery House OF 1 Trimmed Hats and Bonnets. Every shape this seasons facile fancy lias evolved is here. Every novelty in Wing, Bird, Feather or Ornament is shown, Ribbons, Velvets, Laces, Braids and Flowers. Mourning Millinery a Specialty. D. T. TAPE, 122 South Main Street -MREAT SALE#- This is the kind of weather to buy sleighs,robes and horse blankets cheap at MARTINCOURT & CO S. Come and sec us, 12S East Jefferson St., a few doors above Lowry House. VOEEIEY l IARCBOFT, WANT EVERY Maq, Womai\ a lid Child In Butler county know that they have received their large and com plete line ol Fall and Winter Boots, Shoes and Slippers at prices that will surprise them. We have the celebrated Jamestown Boots and Shoes, made by hand and warranted, which have proven their wearing qualities for years past. We want to give the trade Best Goods for Least Possible, Lining Profit.#- The best line of Ladies' and Gents' Fine Shoes ever shown in the county. Children's School Shoes in every shape and style. Rubber Goods of all kinds and shapes at all prices. Come and see the boys. I Vogeley Bancroft l 347 S. Main Street. - - - - - Butler, Pa Jeweli'y, Clocks Silverware, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Dufiy Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All'are Rcspcctlully Invite* "Remember our Repairing Department — 20 years Experience. - An Unprecedented Otter' Great Value for Little Money. Weekly News of the World for a Trifle. The New York Weekly Tribune, a t wen'y.four page journal, is the leading Republican family paper o* lie, United States, li is filled with interesun-r leading ma:ur lor ever* n» ru ber of a country family. It is a NAIiONAL tA MI L \ I AlKw, mid gives all the generalnews of the United States and the worUt. litres the events of foreign lands in a nutshell Its '"Agi icuitui al" depait ment has no superior in the couutrv. Its "Maiket Kepoi.s • ' !e " cognized authority in all parts of the land. It has separate department- ur "The Family Circle', and "Our Young Folks." ii* Hone Sociei y" columns eommaud the aumiratiou ol t»ive» and daugbitis ns general political news, editorials and discussions are comprei eiistve.i illiant and exhaustive. A special contract enables us to offer this splendid journal and ' I HE CITIZEN" (or ONE YEAR FOR ONLY #1.50, CASH IN ADVANCE. (The regular subset iption price of tlie two papers is 50.) Subscriptions may begin at'any tin e. Address all orders to THE 01112: EN, Write vuur name and address on a postal card send 1 > (j. .V\ l > *l, Room 2.lnbune Building. New Yoik Citv, and a sauple copy o« ILI E NEW YOliK WEEKLY TRIKU.Mi will be mai.eg ; \<u. ■■■■Ur. Tali's ASTHMAIEIit c0a»...:. puim or ?»•. bui d<•>!*•>>.•< «b<* na JHMMHI ir. .-t-otlic lilmxl, gives a night's swpit sleep ami <'l l'N 11\ : 1 bottle BE Ha JOS and prove Bn -js S*< ■ i mm "■ ■ k T, WB AT?* to you tbaty 1 Shews V i 1~ " ■ 1 ■ L 4 y„. -S. ASTKMAUNi *alo by aU druggists. DR. TAFT BROS. MEDICIS'i CJ., rCCHESTCR. !S. Y. | THE PUM * HAY- FEVER |r_/t f M 1 COLD-HEAD WMM Ely's Cream Balm is not a snvff or powder. Applied into the nostril* it i* mtirkli/ absorbed. It ci -truss the head, allays inflammation, heal* _ . t|f A the sorts. fr>ldby druggist* or sent by maUonierrfptofpnr*. tiln OUC ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW YORK. Jul