.BARGAINS' « mnnQOOnmiii i m There was never a time when people were looking for bargains so much as at the present time and BICKEL'S bargains were never so attractive as they are now. Our entire stock of Fall and Winter goods have arrived and are open and ready for your inspection. Bargain seek ers will have the grandest opportunity the have ever had to select what they may wish from an immense stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods. * * * NOTE THE PRICES: 350 pair men's kip, D. S. and tap, box toe boots, hand made $3-5° 2go " oak kip, guaranteed waterproof - 2 -5° 300 " heavy kip, long leg boots - - 2.00 218 pair boys' hand made kip boots 674 " kip boots - - 1.25 to 2.00 465 pair men's every day shoes - - 9° c to l -/S . 1. > << _ 7<iC to 1.40 212 pair boys JT 118 pair women's oil grain lace shoes - 690 *• " button " - - r -°° « veal kip lace shoes - 100 pair misses' " ~ _ no 300 " oil grain shoes - _ - 1 to pair ladie's fine dongola shoes, Rochester make, price 3-0° 460 " hand turn " " 400 at 2.00 300 " kid button shoes - 9° 190 pair misses' " - ~ 500 " grain and calf school shoes - / 5 300 pair infant shoes - ~ ~ Gilt Edge and Atrose fine oil dressing, per bottle - 2 3 "Bickel" fine shoe polish - ~ Russian cream dressing for tan shoes -»Onr Prices in Robber Goods Surprise Them All.#- Men's first quality rubber boots, light weight - $2.50 « <« heavy " ~ 2 's° Boy's " " ~ ~ J'2s Youth's « " \l\ Ladie's " " Men's heavy overs, first quality 500 pair men's fine specialty rubbers - 5° Men's self-acting or imitation sandals Ladie's finest grade rubbers, eight styles s^ " Croquets or imitation sandals Misses' finest grade rubbers ~ "" ~ \ " croquets or imitation sandals *- ~ 3 Our stock of rubber goods is larger than ever before,all styles, men's short, knee and hip boots. Same styles in boys' and youths boots. All styles of men's and ladies Arctics and Alaskas.and chikl rens and misses storm rubbers. When in need of footwear give me a call. JOHN BICKER LA. 128 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PENN'A. The 0. W. HARDMAN Art Company Limited. SPECIALTIES s,pl " oa 01 w,to IS OUR SPECIALTIES Old Pictures REPRODUCED and ENLARGED. All work guaranteed as repre sented. Latest Styles in Picture Frames. See large display ol samples, Compare prioM and our work with others. Special rates to Ministers and Lady School Teachers. LADIES, OLD PEOPLE, AnA Children have no long, dark, filty stairs to travel up and down 1 Studio on FIRST FLOOR 108 M ATK STREET, BUTLER, PA. 1 LJ ■ -J— 1 . - The Fair is Coming. OUR SHOES ARE DOWN. 60 pairs of Ladies'fine Oxferdß Eddys & Webster's make were 2.75 now only 1.90. 200 pairs of Ladies' fahoes Eddy & Webster's make hand turned and welt were 4.50 and 5.00 now only 3.75. 1 lot of Ladies' shoes hand turned were 2.85 and 2.50 now only 1.90. 1 lot of Oxfords ties only 60 eta. All children's Red and tan shoes at 85 cts, were 1.00 and 1.25. 1 lot Men's Cordovan welt shoes Strong & Carrell make were 5.50 now only 4.65. 1 lot Men's French calf shoes Strong & Carrell make were 475 now only 3.90. 1 lot Men's Dongola were 2.25 now 1.65. 1 lot Men's double sole and tap were 2.00 now 1.45. All Shoes Down to Rock Bottom Prices at ROBINS BROS., 8. E. corner of Diamond - - - Butler ' ?a , RINGS, Diamonds & ' STUDS, ' f GENTS GOLD J Watches LADIES CHATLAIN, i Gold*Piiia, Ear-rings, tl G vt 011 j | Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc, ( Tea sets, castors, butter dishes Silverware be RODGER 8805.W7 { Spoons - E. GRIEB. THE JEWELER Ho* 139, North Main|St., BUTLER, FA., M. ROSENTHAL, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 FentfSt., - Pittsburg, Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited .| One Square Below Diamon d M i Kg ■" ' " A l iLa 1 IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELI- mj 4 a builders us* The best lumber, brick, lime, cement, sand whatever goes into the construction of a building; they employ only the best workmen and pay the best wages; they get better prices for their work than their less careful competitors, and always get the best contracts; they paint their work with Strictly Pure White L ead manufactured by the " Gid Dutch Pro cess " of slow corrosion, and with one of the following standard brands : "Armstrong & " Beyrner-Bauman" "Paiinestock " Davis-Charabers" For colors they use the National Lead Company's Pure White Lead 1 inting Colors. These colors are sold in small cans, each being sufficient to tint twenty-five pounds of Strictly Pure White Lead the desired shade. These brands of Strictly Pure White Le: J and National Lc=d Co. 3 Tinting Colors. for sale by the most reliable dealer : in pa»; t3 everywhere. If you arc going to paint, 1% will pay you to send to us for a bonk containing informa tion that may save you many a 'iollnr; it will only cost you a postal card to do so. NATIONAL LEAD CO., 1 Broadway, New York Pittsburgh Branch, National Lead and Oil Co. of Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh. Pa HUMPHREYS' This PRECIOUS OINTMENT is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. Cures PII.ES or HEMORRHOIDS - External or Internal, Blind or Bleedinp—ltching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures; Fistula in Ano; Worms of the Rectum. The relief is imme diate—the cure certain. WITCH HAZEL OIL Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. The relief is instant. Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Fis tulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is infallible. Cures INFLAMED or CAKF.D BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. Price, 50 Cents. Trial size, 2g Cents. •old by Drngglsts, or pent po«t-r>»id on receipt of price. HCIPfIBKYS*MED. CO., 111*111 mMiua Bt., JfEW IOBE. THE PILE OINTMENT Nothing On Earth Will AK^ HENS £ LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder 1 KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strorgand Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. Good for Moulting lien*. Tt la *b«olut< Iv pare. nißhly conccntmted. In quan tity cofftn tentft of a cent a day. No other one-fourth u rtromr. Strictly a mcdlHne. " One large can Kavtsl me *10; Fcnrt nix to prevent Honp." nay* one customer. II" you can't sot it #end to ti«. We malt one tmclc JfiiC- Kivt. $1 A 2 1 « lh. can 51.50. fltl cans *5 00, express paid. Pirultry Kal«iny tluhU, price 25 cents, free with ®t.<"' orders or more. Sample copf <THI BrsTl'oriTßY i'APßtt «nt free. 8. JOUNSON tc CO .teCurtom Hount St., Boston, Mass. TBS-- ' * £< WAV techs'" mf. &Q r; ■ '.<"ti.'« i, * js"the iiifi whi" and health;-. SoU I>r drofg<- •' br wall rSO« i - A.i'li - Da. L ■- >*, I'lilUdarhis, Pa- )o>+r 'Jrucgi»t ".rik c DOCTORS LAKH ■ riti / TI: DismsAKT. Jfi COR. AVE. AND FOURTH ST.. j . PITTSBURGH. PA. _ V \ Allfornisor Delicate and Com -9* i plicated Diseases requirlnKCoN IBSQT FI DESTIAI. and SCIENTIFIC Med ication aio treated at tliis Dia i-ei. vy with a Buccesf-."arely attained. Dr. S. K I .like is :■ member of the Royal College of Fhy 4ICI.TH a-id Surgßuiir, and Is the o! lest ami most cxtjorieneed SFECIALIS.- in thccitf- Spoe'al at tention :;iven to Nervous I>.'bility from ccessive mc • al exertion. Indiscretion of youth, etc., caus mi ..hysical and mental decay, lack of energy, I<--l on ncy, etc.; also Cancers Old Sores, Fits, 1 tic llheaniatism, and all di>eascsof the Skin, In e! I. unes Urinary Organs,itc. Consultation tri"! ami strictly contldi ntial. Office hours, oto i .- ul 7 to 8 P. M.l Sundays. 2 to t I'. M. only. 'I /it of Ice or address I>R«. I.AKK, 008 ~ -,'N AVK. AND4THSI'..Firr«BUUGHa'A The Independent. NEW YORK. A Religious and Literary Newspaper and Review. Undenominational, unbiased, and impar tial. A paper for clergymen, scholars, teachers, business tueu, and families. It discusses every topic of the day— religious, theological, political, lit erary, social, artistic, and scien tific. Its contributed articles are by the most eminent writ ers of the English language. It employs specialists and distinguished writers as editors of its TWENTY-O.NK DK PARTAIKSTS, as follows. Literature, Science. Music, Fine Arts, Sanitary, Missions, Religious Intelligence, Biblical Research, School and College, Personals, Charities, Editorials, News of the Week, Sunday School, Ministerial Register, Financial, Insurance, Old and Young, Pebbles, Farm and Oarden, Puzzledom. A paper particularly fitted for lawyers, doctors clergymen, men and women who read and think for themselves. A paper especially valuable for those interested in Fine Arts, Science, Music, A paper giving valuable information up on Finance, Insurance, Commerce. A paper lor Sunday-School Workers, those who have a Farm, Garden or House Plants. A paper for the family, old and young. Ita yearly »übxcription in So.UO, or al Unit rah-far any part of the year. Clubs of five, $2.00 each. Specimen Copies Free. THE INDEPENDENT. P. 0. Ilox 27K7. IliO Fulton Street, N. Y. Ciir*-H itrlKht'a Disease, Dropsy, Gravel, Nerv ousness. lleart, t iiiiarv of l.lver Diseases. Known by a tired latiqiiUl feelini?; lnaetlng of the kidneyß weakens and poisons the lilood, and unless cause b removed jou cannot liave health. l/ur» il me over live years ago ol ltrlght'B Disease and Dropsy.—Mits. I. 1,. <_'. .M11.1.K.K, Hethlehem, Pa. 1.000 other similar testimonials. Try It. Cure guaranteed. CAX.VS lill»KV CUBE CO., 720j VensiißO St., Philadelphia, Pa.; Sold fay All Heliable Druggists. RAIIRMOJHRM, GARDEN CemeifTj, Lawn, Poultry and Rabbit Fencing IHOISANbS OK MII.ES IX tSE. CATALOG It FIiEE. FUEIOHT PAID. THE McMUI.LEN WOVEN~WIRE FENCE CO., U«, 116,118 anil 120 N. IhrkftSt.. CtucwfO, UL THE CITIZEN Dr. Keeley on Alcohol. (Harpers Weekly.) It was held by sundry learned physicians who attended the Anti-Alcohol Congress that was recently held at Th>* Hague that the moderate habitual use of alcohol is better than total abstinence. A number of of accomplished doctors agreed that as much as an ounce and a half of alcohol taken daily with food did the body no phys ical harm, and enabled the consumer to do work with less fatigue than he could with out it. Nobody drinks alcohol and scarce ly any one driDks auything else by ounces, but whisky is about one half alcohol, and an ounce and a half of alcohol reduced to terms suited to the popular understand ing means about four fingers of American whisky, or two or three glasses of claret, or maybe a couple of pints of beer. So much these learned gentlemen say a man can drink, day in and day out, and live on unimpaired. Dr. Keeley, the sagacious inventor of the Keeley cure, comments in the New York Sun upon these conclusions of his European brethern. His animadver sions are interesting. He does not deny that an ounce and a half of alcohol can be emptied daily into an average man at his meals without doing him physical damage. It is true, he says, that the temperate use of alcohol has not been proved to be hurtful to the nations of Europe, but that, he says, is because no European nation has ever used alcohol temperately. There is no such thing, he says as habitual temper ate drinking, exeept by a small class, in any of the enlightened nations. The tem perate class he finds to be made up not of people who habitually drink in moderation, but 'of those who very occasionally take a drink." Yet he agrees with the doctors of the con gress that the enlightened nations are the liquor ilriukitifj nations, and that enlight enment i inebriety seem to go hand in hand, tie accouMs for it by the curious theorj that alcohol has developed man, not as ui.s friend hut as his enemy, Man. he think.-, grows strong by lighting rum, just as he does by lighting cold, hunger, wild beasts, and enemies wh > wait to kill him. There is litlie or no development unless l .ere is a sir- g stimulus to ac tivity. A» MVU a. . gets advanced enoogu io ust- ali-o;i 1 me fight with it be gins, and liati.tijS with reuily good stuff in them thrive on the combat. ! So they thrive <>n but war is a costly remedy lor sluggisliiii .-s, and after nations have reachtii a forward state of ad vancement ilie neci.MU lor providing them WHU lUu ..liuiuius ol battles grows less, fn prtseni 1\ it should require less alcohol to Keep tlieir powers of resistance xn an active state; and as for pre.-enbing daily alcohol in moderation for healthy people, Dr. Keely thinks that is as unnec essary as to perscribo an occasional dui 1 because wars are a part of civilized history. Such, he says, is the effect of alcohol on the will that a general prescription of an ounce and a half a day would make drunk ards of six people out of every eight who took it. And thereupon he says a curious thing. There, are he admits, moderate drinkers, and even moderate drinkers who drink habitually; and there is a method iu making them. For by the operation ol the laws of natural selection the descendant ol generations of inebriates may come to have inbred in his system such a tolerance of alcholic poison as to be able to drink alco hol moderately without getting drunk and without acquiring a craving. Thu* after many years of the general consumption of alcohol every nation can furnish a class who can drink alcohol moderately, and perhaps even continuously, without much personal inconvenience. It does not behove the laity to pass judgment upon Dr. Keeley's statements, or to declare iu what degree they are sound, but at least they are suggestive, and even edifying,and even a layman tau say whether or not their conclusions accord with the results of his personal observation It will generally be admitted, for example, that tne practical acceptance by a miscella neous lot of experimenters of the conclusion that it a good thing to drink four lingers of whiskey daily with one's meals would result comparatively soon in an extremely promising crop of drunkards, and that in spite of the fact that there are people who can and do drink that amount year in aud year out without appreciable detriment. There is solace too as well as edification, to be derived from what Dr. Keeley says: At first sight it would seem as if there were no more useless and detrimental person that the man whose only really congenial occupation consists in emptying alcohol into himself and his associates. But in the light ol Dr. Ketley's theories it is possible to see that even such persons have (heir part to perform in facilitating human progress, and that the neci ssily of repelling their overtures aud avoiding their example makes for the development of san ity and fortitude in their lellows. liut one perplexity at least is aggravated by Dr. Keeley s suggestions, fie seems to hold that the descendants of intemperate persons are better fortified against rum thau tho offshoots of a sober ancestry. What, then, is a young man's duly towards his possible grandchildren? If he abstains, does he abstain at their future coslt Would it be grandfather!}- conduct on his part to drink deep in order that their potations may be comparatively harmless? Perhaps so; but one could wish that this point might be further elucidated, and in particu lar that it might be acertained whether the copper-fosteLed descendants of inebriates are as good at other tilings us at absorbing rum. To wreck one's viscera and blight onc'n pri tnise for the sake of grandchildren whom liquor could not hurt might be like running a good ship ashore for convenience in landing its rats. The most prudent way, no doubt, would bo to wait until one's de scendants are actually in signt, aud then if ever, to be reckless. Hut then it would be too late for them to inherit any benefits. The old way is the most practical—for the grandfather to accumulate the money and lhe grandsons to drink the alcohol, and the results to tako cure of themselves. I iunkt-nntss, he I.i _ucr Habi , Poj lvely Cured by adimnstering Dr. Haines "Goldc I It is manufactuicd a- a powder, which can be given in u glass of beer, a cup ol coffee or tea,or in food, without tho know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will ufiect a permanent wd speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. Tin. system once impregnat ed with tho Specific, it becomes aa utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book ot particulars free. .Address, tiolden Specific Co.. 185 liace St.. Cincinnati <). Every little while we read of some one who has stuck a rusty nail iuto his foot, K nee or some other portion of his person nd of lock jaw resulting therefrom of which the patient died. Vet all such wounds, it is said, can be healed without such fatal consequences as often follow them. Smoke Buch wounds or any wound or bruise that is inflamed with burning wool cloth. Twen ty minutes in the smoke of wool will take the pain out of the worst wound and re peated once or tw ice will allay the worst case of inflamation arising from a wound. —One towboat nr« the Mississippi in a good stage of water, can take from St. Louis to Xew Orleans a tow cam iug 10,- 000 tons of grain, a quantity that would require 50 railroad trains of 10 cars each. Clothes and Complexions. An expert on the subject says: Pals women should always wear warm colors. Brunettes have the advantage over blondes in color for there are so many more shades which they may without fear wear, but when it comes to donning the garb of moaning the blondes are fortunate. In most instances nothing suites a blonde better than black. But the material makes all the differenca; in crepons and clothss black often has a dull effect, but it is just the opposite in silk, for a black silk even ing gown trimmed with jet and spangles, has a striking appearance. Black velvet trimmed with real white lace is becoming to nearly every woman. —Catarrh is caused by scrofulous tairit ! in the blood. Hood's Sarsapirilla purifies the blood. Try it. —At this season ol the year when eveiy man and boy who can get or borrow an o!d ( gun is roving over the country in pursuit of squirrels or other game, it is well that : he make a note of the law of trespass, i Some persons think that the sign boards forbidding hunting or trespassing on pri vate lands are of little account, and that they may be disregarded with impunity. This is a mistake, as the law makes it an act of trespass to go upon cultivated or en closed laud for any purpose without per mission of the owner, even if there is no signboard, and tho owner is entitled to re cover actual damage for such trespass. —An experienced bride,on being told by a doctor to ''bring milk to a boil'' for a certain purpose, explained that no in the house realy had one at present. —A sympathetic doctor felt so badly at putting a ravenous patient on a bread and water diet that he described in detail a banquet he had been at the night before to please his patient's fancy. —The "goober'' industry of Norfolk is unique. Here is a little cits in Virginia that has become the greatest distributing centre of peanuts in the •world. A peanut is a pretty small item, but an annual crop o( 5,000,000 bushels, worth millions of dollars,makes a pretty big item. Consumption sufo!y Cured. To Tiin Snrroi!:—Piease inform ycur readi-n that I uavo a positive remedy for the ibove-nanud disease. E; » timely use thousands of hopeless cases hare 1>- -ti permanently cured. I shall be glad to twj .-.o'tlea of my remedy FREE to any of yo*r readers "T . j have consumption it they will send me theii Express and P. O. address. Bcspect tally. X. A. &;.GCUM. M. C-. i»l Pearl St. N. Y. —The man ol whom a contemporary says that "he suicided in Lincoln Park," re volvered himself and deathed iy —lt is estimated that the richest of civi lized peoples is the English, with $1,206 per capita. In France the average is said t > be $1,102, in the United States while bv the sale of their lands to the United States Government some of the Indian tribes are worth from $5,000 to $lO - per capita, man wnmin and child. NOVEMBER DAYS. November is a month of rainy, disagree able days. The damp, cold air penetrates everywhere and chills the blood, laying the sj stem open to the danger of colds, pneumonia and kindred complaints. There is but one remedy that stimulates the system anil fortifies it against such at tacks, and that is whiskey. Not such a whiskey as is generally palmed oil on the public, but a whiskey of known purity and quality. Such a whiskey is Klein's Silver Age. Duquesne or Bear Creek Kyes. These whiskies have been before the public for many years and find favor wherever purity is required. Physicians prescribe them; hospitals use them, and every reputable dealer sells them. They are for sale at $1.50, $1.25 and SI.OO per quart respectively. Send for a complete catalogue and price list of all liquors mailed Iree. All goods neatly box ed and expressed anywhere. Address MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal Street. Allegeny, Pa. —The harvester was invented by Mc- Cormiek in 1831. Since that time this machine has been brought to such per fection that, it is said, it will cut and bind ed an acre of grain in 42 minutes. To such au extent has machinery superceded hand work in the graiu area of the Northwest t'iat it is estimated that the labor of one mtn will raise enough grain to support 1,000 men or a year. Fifty thousand people in Now York list week bared their arms for iuoculatii n by the vaccinating corps —Rheumatism cured n a day—"Alysti J care" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in-1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The lirst dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C Kedick, druggist, Cutler. —An inexperienced bride on being told by a doctor to "bring milk to a boil" for a certain purpose, explained that no one iu the house really had one. —Sixteen-year-old James Holer is jailed at New Haven, Couu., charged with steal ing SIO,OOO worth of dry goods from bis employers. USE DANA'S S A RS A PA KILL A" ITS "THE KIND TUAT OUltli-j. —And must those Oriental beauties in the Midway go back to their homes in Pin hook, Hardscrabble and Uobokeu? Sad thought. —The 9,000 citizons of the republic of Andorra have no telegraph, no telephones, no brokers, no actors, no policeman, only two notaries and no crimes. Those of them who are not larmers are shepherds. "They t ell the time principally by sun dials." re ports a recent visitor. —How many a simple truth is explained by the preacher until it is obscured to the common understanding as thoroughly as was the word "network" by the definition of it in Johnson's Dictionary as "anything reticulated or decessated, at equal dis tances, with interstices between the in tersections. —While there are many cranks who should undoubtedly be restrained and pre vented from doing damage, there are still others who might, if permitted to run at large, be of great service to the public. Sunday niirhf a fellow got up iu a New York church and threatened to shoot any one who sang out of tuno And yet this would-be benefactor was arrested ami hustled off to jail! —There is one particular district in the village of Millerton where three pairs of twins have been born recently. The matter has excited comment, and it is likely that the neighborhood will soon bo deserted. ■Fir"! — i t|f IM»i iiiiißii tM WHICH TS THE BEST TO TRY, out of all tho medicines that claim to help women I Wouldn't it seem to bo tho one which costs you nothing unless it docs help! That is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. There's no other. But ii that doesn't bonefit or cure, in tho case of every tired or ailing woman, she'll have her money back. In building up exhausted or overworked women, and in all tho weaknesses and dis orders of womanhood, nothing can compare with this medicine. For periodical jiains, prolai>sus and other displacements, bearing down sensations, weak back, and " female complaints" of every kind, it is a safe, cer tain, and yuariuiteta remedy. Where other things can only help your Ca tarrh for a time, Dr. Sugo's Catarrh Remedy will completely cure. The makers of tins medioino mean what they Bay they offer SSOO reward for any incurable case of C«r tarrli. bold by druggists. J OLD EXPORT WHISKEY. ~ 1 Guaranteed B J ** ears 4 , Mt I T is esr«claHy i a I suited f..r Medi- j **£• t Jp v clnal purposes, • Jwr 7 *Cx where a flne slim. i ulent Is required, ! and for a twver afre unsurpassed. It i« the product of one of the oldest distilleries in Pennsylvania, and after remaining in Gov ernraent'bonded warehouses the required time is exported to Hamburg, Germany, and there kept in lieated warehouses until perfectly ma tured. then shipped back, bottled on our own premises, and when we offer you Old Exnort we know whereof we speak, and challenge com parison. Full quarts. tI.OO. Six quarts, *5.00. !-ent by express to all points, and on orders of ? 10.00 ol over we will pay express charges. There are numerous imitations, but be careful to secure the genuine. JOSEPH FLEMING & SON, Druggists, 412 Market St., PITTSBURC, PA. Complete Trice List of Whiskies, Wines and Brandies mailed free to any address. What Can't Pull Out? Why the Watch Cases, made by the Keystone Watch Case Com pany. Philadelphia. It pro tects the Watch from the pick pocket, and prevents it from dropping. Can only be had with cases stamped jag, with this trade mark. Sold, without extra charge for this bow (ring), through Watch dealers only. Ask your jeweler for pam phlet, or send to makers. ARTISTIC HAIR GOODS. I bave re-opeued a > . my establishment. v Ideal w«rs and waves, Jy ij-ff feather lli lit and life (T/ like IU and up. Wavy mmUrfS's' hair switches,all lengths Also toilet requisites. \ < Fare Bleach removes <§&»£•> treckles, «nn, sunburn, l i motli patches, ano all .»> toiemlshes of the skin, a ? Hair Tonic restores grey BuMr J hair to Its natural color, /rzgrt. removes dandruff, tones Wr MHBJsa up the seal pto a healthy r condition.niake the hair /. soft and glossy, and AShf beautltuL Curllne keeps XJ-y ; the hair in curl in i ."SV / dampest weather. \ HAIK DYE is the \ /vy ' most perfect prepara tion . guaranteed free; from all poisonous tn- 'bleaching hair on the head. The medTcalij pure Wearh sold for that Dumoso. Cm frc used us h rotHllclne. Also nice line of shell pins, combs, bands,cte. Call at mv establti-liment. lou can be niade Vurties theatre, pictures, etc. ilalr dressing! Bang cutting, Dying and Bleaching. 11 tve your hangs cut in the new Cinderella and "olumbi" n st'yfe. Get styles for summer wear^ 206. S. Main St., 2d flour.'All Keiter i'uiWlnjfa "Watch peoples actions ami you can tell tbeir character." This saving is equally true of dealers and their wares. TRY FINCH'S GOLDEN WEDDING, GIBSON'S OR OLD DOUGHERTY BRAND OF WHISKIES, Nothing but the best brands handled by Robt. Lewin, 136 Water St. Opposito B. &0. Depot, - Pittsburg, l a B. iV B. Well - Dressed AND At Small .Cost. Everybody notices a well dressed woman, There is a great difference in tastes and in methods of dressing. Tbreisjustas much variance in Styles, quality and PRICES OF DRY GOODS, And this subject interests every woman who reads this paper and it interests You. If you have any Dry Goods to buy, this month, next month, or any time, you just write os for samples; look them over, com pare tho prices aud see if you do not find, out and at once, that you can buy your Dress Goods in these stores for so much Less Money than most places you know of; that it will pay you to trade here all the time. Try it and t-ee for yourself. 50 PIECES WOOL MIXED TRICOTS Navy Blue only; 50 inches wide *2 O Cents. Suitable for Misses' Hchool dresses and Women's house gowns. Lot 38 inch, all wool, S ripped Suitings for Misses' dreesee, 25 Cents a yard and you save half the price. Choice line 42 inch, plain Camels' Hair in Hue of colors, 50 Cents. 20 pieces of all wool Imported. DAMASSE SERGES 8:5 inches wide, choice colors, 50 Cents. Were made to sell for $1 uO a yard Everything in Autumn aud Wiuter Wraps at prices that will interest and profit you. And don't forget our Illustrated Catalogue and Fashion Journal. If you have not received a copy, write us at once. Boi>'o\s & Buhl, 115 to 121 Federal Street ALLEGHENY. PA Coil) Cures thousands annually of LlverCom plaiiits, Biliousness, .Jaundice, Dyspep sla, Constipation. Malaria. More Ills result from an Unhealthy Liverthanany other cause. Why ruffer when you can j be cured? Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigo, j ator is a celebrated family medicine. LOUT imrsuMT M ILL SU'J-LY VOP. DURE DRUGS IT LOW I PRICES is the motto at oar JL store. If you are sick and need medicin you want the BEST. This *■•«! -an always depend upon getting from us, as we use nothing but strictly Pore Drugs in our Prescription Depart ment. You can get the best of every thing in the drug line from as. Our store is also headquarters for PAINTS. OILS, VARNISHES Kalsomine, Alabastine k Get our prices before you buy aints, and see what we have to ffer. We can save you dollars on your paint bill. Respectfully J. C. REDICK, Main t>t t< Ik 11 i I ovi} BUTLER, FRANK KEMPER, DEALER IN BLANKETS, HARNESS, And everything in horse and buggy iur nishing go ods—H ar - ness, Collars, Whips. Dusters, Saddles, etc. .Also trunks and va lises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assort ment of Horse blankets in town will be tound at Kemper's. Planing Mill —AND— Luixit>er Y arc! i. Li. PU KVI6- t . O. PUP VIS S.G. Purvis&oo. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Rough and Planed Lumber or KV«KY DEMJKIPTION, SHINGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Butler, I'a . i w. ran, Bald.wii\, - Pa. THOROUGH Sewing Machine Mechanic, WITH 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Will re-adjust yours and you be your own judge to test it. IJEITER SHOE CO., Inc'p. f«plt»l, »1,000,000. IJEST St.no SHOE IN THE WORLD* "A dollar sated it a dollar earned. Thi» Ladles* Solid French Donffola Kid But ton Boot delivered free anywhere in tho U.S., on «sm receipt of Cash, Money Order, En. or Postal Note for $1.50. Equals every way the boots » "o' 4l iD all retail itorea K iw $2.60. We make this boot ■P 1 ourselves, therefore we guar K Vr I ante* the Jtt, style and wear. E& LQt \ and if anyone is not satisfied fli? (iSfeSvlL wo r e fund lho money AH* V or send another pair. Opera mtp; : . -- Toe or Common nense, I rrYftv widths c, D, E, & kk, II MA VHim 1 to 8 aud half ! I v : 1 P I*? _df X._Hizes. Send your site; 11/i\ y< i 'd Dexter ShoeC^^^L!!:' Special terms to Dealer** W. H. O'BRIEN & SON. [Snccesfiots ot ; Sohutte & O'Brien.]; Sanitary P umbers And (-Jas Fitters DBll-fß*r Sewer Pipe, (ras Fixtures) Globes an: Natural Gas Applia ces. Jefferson St.,opp. Lowry House BUTLER, FA IT BUGGIES at h Price »8«° rJfoa CAUTS & HARHE3B. j': v33z2/ swi Ti>p Buuity »:<7| Wo (ut tho ( JtflKg ti'Xi l'hu'-top j-.l PIUCKM rni'l I I'ajm.Top Surr.'j i»7 ouUcll ALL ««» KIMUI WMCUU. Ja'i corapetltArs. H0.i.l (w Buy of fat-- Suirify Hunirtu, 13 K. f . i.iryandKru __ 110 Hiitftfy *' M.Tfi Ml«m Itiman'tt L (30 Team " tvi «> proflt. Vy?->IT M'Tjckh Saddle. $1 (V. lat'tt'e Free jHf_ r. M. BlKliV A CAST CO. 3to Lawrence St, C'toflnnati, O. ♦l° t| EWIS' 98 % LYE I POW3SE2E) AITU TUMOD (PATEST S.V) The si ronjr»t and purest T.y« ma'le. Unlike other Lye. It bclnf a flue fw.wdrr auti i«cki«l In a ran with removable Ud. the cont*iitn are always ready for use. WID make the l»e»l p«Tfuiiied Hard B.»ap In 3) inlnut«'» M llliout l>ollln|r. II Is tl»r l»esl for cleansing waste dlsliifectliiff sinks, closets, wu.slung bullies, j aim*, trues, etc. PENHA. SALT K*FQ CO Ueu. A ((ta., P til la.. Pa. <j.:wick DKALKR ;tN Rough and Worked Lumber OK ALL KINDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always In Stock. LIME HAIK AND PLASTER. 0 III<•« opposite P. AW. Depot, MJTLBK - - (M $lO aud S2O, Ornuine Confod erate Hills only live cents eacrh; SSO aud SIOO tiilln 10 cents each; 25c and 50c wbinplaHterH 10 cents eacb; $1 and $2 biU» 25 cents each. Sent Hecurely waled on receipt of price. Address, CUAS I). Haukeh, 90 S. Forsyth St., Atlanta, UB; Leading Millinery House OF Trimmed Hats and Bonnets. Every shape this seasons facile fancy has evolved is here. Every novelty in Wing, Bird, Feather or Ornament is shown, Ribbons, Velvets, Laces, Braids and Flowers. Mourning Millinery a Specialty. D. T. PAPE, 122 South Main Street BEST QUALITY BOOTS AND SHO SS Cheaper than ever at AL. RUFF'S. We want your trade and will sell you Boots and Shoes cheaper than they can be bought else where. See our line of Men and boys' Kip Boots. Our line of Women's Calf and Oil Grain Shoes. Our Children's Waterproof School Shoes. We will save you your car fare to Butler on a single pair of shoes. AL RUFF. 114 S. MAIN STREET. - -BUTLER, PA. L m Jewelry, Clocks Silvefwafe, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clock' and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block Sign of Electric Bdl and Clock. All are Respectfully Invite —"Remember our Repairing Department —20 years Experience. - An Unprecedented Offer' Great Value for Little Money. Weekly News of the World for a Trifle. The New York Weekly Tribune, a twenty.(our page journal, is the leading Republican family paper of the, United States. It is filled with interesting reading matter for every mem ber of a country family. It is a NATIONAL FAMIL\ PAPER, and gives all the general news of the United States and the world. It gives the events of foreign lands in a nutshell. lis ''Agricultural" depart ment has no superior in the country. Its "Market Reports" are re cognized authority in all parts of the land. Ii has separate departments for "The Family Circle', and "Our Young Folks." Its "Home Society" columns command the admiration of wives and daughters. Its general political news, editorials and discussions are comprehensive,brilliant and exhaustive. A special contract enables us to offer this splendid journal aod TIIL CITIZEN" for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY #1.50, CASH IN ADVANCE. (The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2 50.) Subscriptions may begin at any time. Addiess all orders to THE CITIZEN, Write your nunm and address ou a postal card send it to Geo. W Beet, Room 2. Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample copy of THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will bo mailed to you. _• . _ ... - »i—i<■ nnr! I AlPost-offlc.- addrt*s we mail I trial bottle ■■fi ■■ f I and prove k U pi h to you thatH llbk IASTHMALENE I will and does cure asthma CINE CO.. ROCHESTER. N. *. li dRH BmS oxl k* * HAY- FEVER >VI v COLD " HEAD Ely'* Cream Balm w not a liquid, tnvff or powder. Applied into the nontriU it it _ quickly abf/rbtd. Jt cbanart tM head, allayt inflammation, heal* _ Fir- the norm. &>ld by drungUU or tent by mail on receipt of grit*. L|]m DUC ELY BROTHERS. 56 Wirren Street NEW YORK. DUU g —L'-- —JJ Job Work oi all kind done at the "Citizen Office,"
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