TELE CITIZEN" S ' FRIDAY, NOV EMBER .". 1893. latent•»**•*••«>• •**■"« mMtlmm m atter wolui c. RfiLrr, r»msfc«r Thb tremendous Republican Tictory will put the Democratic Congress and Admin - iptration '•in • hole," as the sajing is, as to what they will do with the present tariff laws; for if they attempt to carry out the tariff plank of their last year's plat form they will make matters worse for themselves, and the Nation. Tbe tariff plank ef the Chicago platform reads as follows: We denounce Republican protection as a fraud, a robbery of the great majority of the American people for the benefit of the few. We declare it to be a fundamental principle of the Democratic party that the Federal government has no constitutional power to impose and collect tariff Unties except for tbe purpose of revenue only, and we demand that the collection of such taxes shall be limited to the necessities of the government when honestly and economi cally administered. County Totals. Tht total vote cast at the late election n this county aggregates about 8,200. The largest was that for Bberiff, 8.238, and the smallest for a county office (except coroner) is 8178, for both Prothonotary and Clerk of Courts. Jackson's plurality over Osborn is 1552, and his majority over all is 1142. Campbell has 1372 over Mechling; Wick has 1465 over Beers; Beaton has 1201 over Russell; Martin 1378 over Marburger; and Crimen takes the cake with 1917 over Mc- Collough, (Dem.) McColiougb, (Rep.) for County Commis sioner has 1667 over Wilson, (Dem.) and he in turn has 895 over Kelly which is greatly to the credit of the Democratic party of this county. Allison hat 1470 oyer Elliot, and he has 212 more than Bulford. THB VOTE. The official footings are as follows. STATE TaßAsraca. Samuel M. Jackson 4676 Frank C. Osborn.. 3124 John S. Kent 354 F. M. Windsor 56 JUDGE OF SUPREME COURT. David Newlin Fell 4620 Samuel G. Thompson 3144 Herbert T. Ames 358 J. A. Stevenson 61 SHERIFF Andrew G. Campbell 4671 Wm. T. Mechling 3298 Jonn C. Kerr 268 Graham Campbell 1 REGISTER Asl> RkCORBER. John S. Wick 4700 Alex M. Beers 3235 John R.. Humphrey 273 PROTHOHOTAR Y". Samuel M. Seaton 4547 Alex Russell 3346 David Cuppa 294 COOSTT TREASURER John T. Martin 4623 Geo. Marburger 3245 Wm. H. OTT 333 CLSRK OF COUBTS. Joseph Criswell 4894 D U. McCoUough 9. 2077 William Watson 316 COCITY COMMISHIOHBRS. Samuel W. McCollogh 4771 Bichard Kelly *666 Gee. W. Wilson 3104 Jobn C. KeUy 2209 Archie Stewart 308 Jos. H. Wally ,285 cotnrrr auditors. John IT. Allison 4663 Robert H. Yonng 4430 Addison Elliot 3193 Jobn 8. Bulford 2981 Jas H. Renison 342 Wm. B. Fletcher 327 COROHBR. Geo. M. Graham 4658 Jno. G. Renno 3097 Total Vote by largest vote in each township. 8471 Lincoln League. At the meeting ot the Lincoln League, laat Friday evening, the following-offlcers were eleoted for the ensuing year. President, Andrew Brymer; Vice Presi dents, T. R. Young, Wm. Burton, Alf Shira, Albert Sbrader, R. M. Johnson, Xevton Black, James N. Gal breath; Sec'y. James M. Carson; Treasurer, James N. Moore; Executive Committee, David E. Dale, Casper Sherman. Wm. Su artslander, Adam Kamerer, Peter Schen?k, A. G. Campbell, N. C. MoCollough. Election Notes, Official returns from 63 of tbe 67 coun ties in Pennsylvania, and unofficial from tbe others give Jackson, our candinate lor State Treasurer, a majority of over 138,000 the greatest majority since Grant beat Greely by 137.748 Tbe total vote polled in the state was 774,000. McKinley's majority in Ohio is 81,347. He carried 62 of tbe 88 counties. Tbe majority in New York for the state ticket is 35,000, with tbe Legislature strong ly Republican. Tbe next Assembly of New Jersey will be two-thirds Republican. Complete returns from Massachusetts give Greenbalge (Rep) for Governor a plu rality of 34,105, a Republican gain of 40,- 000 over the vote of 1892. In Nebraska Harrison, Rep. for Supreme Judge bas 0,000 plurality. lowa gives the Rep. State ticket 35,000, and elected a Republican Legislature, which will elect a U. S. Senator. Allegheny county polled 42,742 rotas tor Jackson. Rep.. 19.105 for Oshorn, Dem. 682 for Kent, Probib. and 334 for Windsor, Peoples party; Jackson'ti plurality over Os born is 23,637. For Sheriff. Richards, Rep. bad 40.391, and Russell, Fusion, 22,714. tbe otber Fusion and Democrat candidates ran about tbe same vote as Russell. Washington Notes. Quite an excitement was created in Washington, Friday, by the announcement that tbe Administration had dee'ded to re store Queen Lil. to ibe throne of Hawaii by force and oust tbe present Republican government. Tuesday it was reported tbat the Cabinet was united In its support of Cleveland's policy regarding Hawaii; that England, also, favored the restoration of Queen Lil., and tbat two U. 8. war vessels bad been ordered to Honolulu. President Cleveland appointed *Jno. R. Reed to succeed Cooper as Collector of Customs at Philadelphia. Reed was re commended by Harnty. The proposed forcible interference by tbe Administration in tbe affairs of another country, without tho consent of Congress, is unconstitutional. Sandyhill and Vicinity. Sandyhill ha* the beet *ohool in the townihip. 8. B. llarbiitoii ha* dug 200 rod* of itraigbt run, the dimensions are 5x3. It. Kennedy ia doing a good businea* at present. The bojm of Bakeratowa who have beon hunting in the Allegbennie* are borne and report a good time. i'rof. J. F. Whiteside* i» teaching oar school tbi* winter. Harrv and Frank Flick and D. I'lengh bad quite a rabbit bant last Saturday. George Fair, Sr. and Steven Donald*on are now employed on the Chartier leaae. B. A 11. "IT snowed next day And likewise it* Been Knowing ever aioce; And wben the vote* La*t week were ca*t. It made tree trader* wince." —Fifty rtionnand people in New York last week bared their arm* for luoculauuu by tbe vaccinating ccrpi. BUTLER CO. ELECTION NOV. 7, 1893, Official. "o"*» X > k «- £V'«- ®| > O, o 3£! © 3= * £ ~ a' B 5 - * « S! s o * -! * 2 3 >1 n x T - * " = £ I ' f z £ ? * ? ? * £ so 5- £ S*| 2 f £ DISTRICTS. Sr ||! t flag 53g:f5* 11, * I gfg I=' -Sr £=l' =~ a sis I irnr n s 11 s = ?i r rithri ft i 1 3 1 m 1 1 Tf l j j«; , r =? ! ; !f ! i 1! t i| 1 i "= * : | i • i h 13^- —== -7° "ja-a]-g •« -»■« "» -K|-.j "« s ' j|"|" "»■ "J "« ««l>j SI "IE if.S 18 "1 Sill] |S I «*•=== 11 is; g' IE:l& I 1 11 gig g 1111 sll snli SSi ! I =•::== ft «iBBi 854 8 2 ,!; S £,; fa» »|4g§ 31» *!| 181 84 " B,S SSS?Er:::=. § 8 3 11 111 ?fslJig"l£ SS,fIS !i »1U !S 8SI?!2 18 g | ,2.5!». S fcEEEE 111 fI; I r 1.1 S'! I; 11! j1;I ■l5 115j Ij ;f p g ; 11 t=~ |i f | •! g ' >»< g,yg,'g£|s'Ss?! "? '§ B"'* » » "»° S8 !• '» g | 5 27037367412 6* 38 21 70; 36 367 43 23 33W6, 41 |j » gSsyT== IB,S i. « i g Rg«gaSi «8 § S S?IS' u! I 8 s» n » ,«• » « »«> »,g«»g 12 g& » ,g 'i ,8 ,S.« " ».!;!.» ,1!1 I .'.1.2 !OSL=rs==\ : I! is 1 1 gj• g«g !Ml8; "5 8 i 'lf 'g gs{J'g*B sgJj '! *|v s 11 'i |s « gig «£& Sf ,g SSSS «■ ?>B.« ■ 85 Jefferson *55 • ft* i fr I 77 1 60 7R 1 65 7 1 6#J 77 1 6» 65 75 69 1 1 65 601 77 77 1 0 bo 1 1 1 53 7 136 46 •' 136 48 6 145 37 7 132 122 43 5.i 6 6 132 133 50 7 7 47 Middlesex j fr 7 J 1! L oi. 7 S 84 f la 55 3 f5 7 86 85 6 86 103 78 61 5 5 85 83 81 80 « y 86 82 Marion 1 « " « .«» «»| £ 8 111 8 855 8 116 55 9 115 56 S 118 115 64 12 8 6 114 116 57 ? * 9 ( 120, 53 Maddycreek ?, 2? -\2-5 6 6 34 4514445235i20442 75755 47 17 6 7 66; 55 38 4' 7| 06, 39 "i 1 3 .11|! 1 3I; «32}|% »: i£ 1 35 ifi «;» « % 3 ? s } £ £ 1 3 2 u 53; » Penn J, vl i 2U2 33 r > 104 41 5 108 37 5H2 35 3j 106 108 39 29 5 3 lf4 1«» 28 6 f 108 36 Samaiit 30 100 1 2J 1> 29 4 104 5» 4 lU2 57 2 105 10< 5o 38. 3 4 106 104 oo| oi 4 4 104 50 i»4 £ 4 104 35 4 JOO 57 4 111 48 4 104 5a 4 104 4 gg W OO 6y 3 ? „. 5 « Veuaozo 5" 60 *» _ j 4. . c»2 1 103 9i 75 26 1 1 8< 89 68 1 bo 1 1 88 68 Win field .....7" 92 66 j, 89 68 88 70 87 72 1 8o 74 UJ 41 -67 a «J3135353 29 24 1 1 ; 49 31 wlShinKton H ' 54 SO r #3 28 1 53 30 1 o3 -J . to -8 aJ -8 l - 7 7 7 97 95 12 lo 7 7 95 11 Washington g I . « »» ° J' » " i» ' 98 «) 98 »»! 73 73 98 97 79, 74 97 ; 79 Worth {*j g m,, !j' 2 33 168 U-i 37 idi 148 3# 166 142 35 I#9 121 34! 181 1W }W 101 35 34 167. 163. 132 38 3, 173 124 Bntler : |flJg U toj lS « }«> JU2 187' 1« ,« }g f 168 161 10 161 151 70. 9 loj Jg 120 « 3d " I P6 120 10 93 122 10] 94 130 7 100 10 6, 80 140 .. 9. 126 7 108 103 Uj{ u2 w , ? » U3 :: " :::::::::::::: fj !| 4 S| i| 1 J !| i 49 . «o f dm 79 «, - 100 «o 7 9 i« ~9 r4 1« 1, 157, 0, Sairrrr, S; » 4 1;. "j ** « isg j S £iSSSIIS|S «S?t t S| S Prospect gl « 4 ;g 4 42 28] 46 " 29| U to 43 52 22 j333125 39 1 33 31 38 3o |3. 39 - _ 31 - J. 3 u 2 37 12 4 37 9 7 3o 9 <. 5»7- 34 9 1/ 5 4 3. 37 13. 8 4 3 30, 11 WestSanbary 1 w 4 80 58 6 79 59 79 55 8 8 5 51 6. 104 75; 4e 43 5 f> <0 7. 5o 50, , 0 78, 56 Millers town J?' ?, 'S. ' 'A 0 , 6 3 u 22 3 27 21 7 25 22 8 28 20 6 30 22 W' 6 o 3o 2o 22 22 7 7 2o: 22 Petrolia 2o M 5i -0 - > 25 - . 9 7 3tj 8 6 1 36 34 6 10 6 6, 34 35 8 » 0, b 8 Fairriew % * ' 34 8 8 3t • y (j 19 20 (j ~, 20 6 20 19 6 19 21 18 17 6 5 19 19 20 20 » t 19 20 IS »a | g ,«|0 138 110 69 7- 139 ,10 170731j54519747 & 1*64 ,7 | 1 6» E5S»:::r::r::r « }« « 4 %4- 43 ; 66, 4«. 67 4 51 4 .f TvU ' jisailsiii 358 4'071 3298, 268 470^|3235|ji73,«47 3346 294 46M|3215 - 4771,4066 3104,2209,W 285'4663.4430 3193,2981 342,327 4658 3097 Prospect Cuds. You don't know that: It is time for another epistle from good old Prospect. John Shaffer, A 1 Shaffer. Harry English and Al Shanor were highly pleased with their trip to tbe World's Fair. J. Park Hays haa been suffering wi h catarrh of the hand tor two or there weeks. Frank P. Critchlow entertained his S. S. class on Hallowe'en. He provided inter esting exercises and a sumptuous supper for his guests. Nelson Shearer, of Bennet, was here recently, calling on bis many friends. No doubt it was so hot for Democrats about Fituburg that Neis. thought it best to come to a quieter clime. Miss Martin has returned from a two weeks visit to ber cousin, Mrs. Pearce of Greenville and to ber friend, Mrs. Magee of Mercer. Our Election Board, Wm. Shaffer, Ham ilton Kincaid, George Weigle, Arbuckle McGowan and John Wygal, made a very sudden visit to Huller, last Friaay evening to supply some omission in tbe election re turns. Boys, we sympathize with you, for other intelligent men got into the same hole. Mrs. J. C. Roxberry is improving from a severe attack of neuralgia. Mrs. Roth is recovering from a sick spell and an absess on ber face. Joseph Ash and wife of Evans City visit ed Jobn Martin and wife not long ago. Miss Marmn Hays of Mile Run was tbe guest of ber friend, Miss Clara Lepley one day last weok. Commissioner Humphrey was here Sat urday beforo the Repubican cyclone, dis tributing tbe election papers. Mrs. Lank Roth gave a carpet-rae sew ing and tins lunch to her neighbor women, one evening last week. We didn't bear who sewed tbe most rags. Charlie Kelly has taken tbe agency lor the Clauss bread-knite and a double joint ed, self greasing griddle. Those are good useful goods, and Charlie is doing a good business with them. Carl Shanor and Charles Krantz, who at tend Tbiel College, Greenville, came home last Friday for a few days in order to bur ry tbeir potatoes and turnips, make their kraut and get ready for winter in general. We are glad to see the boys look so well. Mrs. C. M. Edmundson was taken down quite sick one day last week, but is im pioving slowly at present. Gus Shannon is at his studio these nice days, aad is better prepared than ever to take your picture or your friends picture. David Lepley of Mile Run spent last Saturday with bis little lrienu Charley ' Lepley of New Castle St. J. L. Alexander, who was sick for some time, is able to be at bis work again. Jo Cosity. What Tramps did in Washington State. Naples is a small lumber siding on tbe Great Northern road in Washington, about forty miles east of Spokane. Jacob Herner was the owner of a small sawmill at Naples, where he lived with bis wife and son. There is no other neighbor within half a mile of tbe mill. Tuesday last the son, John, went to IJon ner's ferry, and upon bis return tbat night he was confronted with a sight tbat froze his blood with horror. On tbe floor of the mill he found his mother lying in a pool of blood nearly dead, and a few feet distant, bound to tbe carriage used in conveying logs to tbe saw, was bis father, dead, hav ing been sawed in two. Tbe son applied such restoratives as were at hand, and succeeded in bringing bis mother to con sciousness, when she painfully and wU.. much diffculty related to hint what had occurred. About 4 o'clock in the « <moon she was sitting In tbe bouse, wbku is a short distance from tbe mill, alone, when two drunken tramps came to tho. door and dr inanded food, at tbo ; ame time using very offensive language. She became frighten ed and succeeded in slamming and bolting the door before they could get in. Tbe tramps then went to tbe mill and finding no one there, returned to the bouse and demanded admittance, which being refus ed tbey broke in tbe door. Finding their victim alone, one of the men criminally as saulted Mrs. ilerner In her struggles Mrs. Herner emitted piercing shrieks, which were heard by her husband who WHS in the timber a short distance away. He hastened to the house, arriving a» the second tramp was in tbe act of committing on assault. Being unarmed he was sav agely attacked by the men, and alter a terrible struggle, in which tbe tramps were badly bruised, Ilerner was knocked tense less. Ia order to cover up their crime ibey hit-upou the plan of putting llerner on Hie lop carriage and Hawing him in twain While they were engaged in their lieudihh work Urn. llerner ataggered to the null aud implored tbein to xparo her hu*band, but wa* iioswered by a terrible blow on the head with a Htick of wood in the hand* ol one of her arxailaiit*, which rendered her m.coniicioQb to what further trannpired until her aon returned. The tramp* ex ecuted their horrible deed, aud leavinu Mr* llerner for dead, they lied. The to spread the now* to the nurroundiug net tier* aud a poHHe wm noon formed lo hum down the men, but it wa* feared they have escaped, ax they had neveral hour- the mart. Petrolia Ilem». J. 8. Welnb ol Manington, W. Va. paid our town a vi*it la»t Thur*.lay. He put a headxtoue on hi* brother Andrew'* grave in Ilearcreek cemetery, Team* are hauling the brick from the old Mammic Hall to Went Hunbury. Mr. ltobert I'ew, an old and reapeded citizen ol l'arker township, died on fhur*- day of l»»t week, ai/ed abont 76 yearn. John Stoop* of Allegheny twp. paid our town a visit on Saturday. Come again. A Sensational Murder Case. James Newton Hil! of Tarentum was placed on trial in Pittsburg, Monday, for the murder of Mrs. Rosa Rotzler, of Apollo. On the night of March 7 Mrs. Rotzler was found dead in the east end of the Allegheny parks. There were two bullet holes in her head and her throat was cut in two places. Directly across her body lay James Newton Hill with a gastly knile wound in his throat. The murdered woman was a wido*- and lived with her IG-year old b»y at Apollo. Hill lived at Tarentum, whero la haa a wife Mrs. Kotzler and Hill were iutimate friends. Hill, while work ing at Apollo, was in the habit of visiting the hoite of Mrs Kotzler. After tbe murder in Allegheny park Hill w«s taken to the Allegheny Geuoral hospi tal where he hovered between life and death for several mont hs. The police suspected bim of the murder and thought that he at tempted to suicide after its commission. He was guarded by tho police until a few months ago when ho was taken to the county jail. The grand jnry found a true bill ol indictment charging willful murder and he was remanded for trial. The puzzling feature of the case, and the one that causes tbe greatest doubt of Hill's guilt in the minds of many is that he lias persistently and consistently insisted that Mrs Rotzler's latal wounds and his own in juries were received at the hands of another man. This he asserted while lying on the operating table of the Allegheny General hospital a few minutes alter the tragedy with the blood pouring from a gaping wonnd in his throat, and after being assured by the physicians that he could not live fn hour. When bis remarkable vitality and in douiitable courage give bim a lighting chance for his life, although weak and feverish, he s'.outly mautaiued his inno ctxice. He has not deviated once from bis original statement and appears to be buoy ed up 4>y the consciousness that he is not guilty of the crime imputed to him. When arraiged belore Judges Slagle and Collier, Jiill appeared to bo perfectly self possessed and nodded cheerfully to friends whenever he recognized tbem in the court room. He wore a silk handkerchief about bis neck and thus concealed the gaping wound in bis throat Alter a jury was empanelled the case was opened; Hill's revolver and bloody knife were put in evidence, and several witnesses were examined—among them the son ol the dead wouian. Tueaday several witneß*e« were ex amined regarding the (lnluilrt <>l the crime, and then came the Kensation of the da> tho reading of a lot of letter* from flill to Mr*. Kotzler, demanding money and threat ening to eipone hi* relation H with her il Hho refused. The letters were found in Alri*. ICotzler'* hod alter her death. Wednenday, ii ill wont on the Htand and told biit htory <if the murder —He wan sit ting on a bench in the Hark with Mrs Kotz le»»wben a man came up behind them cut hi* throat, nhot Mr*. Kotzler, and then ran away. TIIK ItuHrtian P. 0. department ban de veloped a new nourco of revenue. By a decree all regi*tered letter* are to be open ed by tbe postman in the receiver'* pren euce, and if found to contain money from abroad 70 per cent of the amount in to be Heizt'd. Hood's Praises Itself Kidney Troubles - Bright'* Disease Cured Now Able to Work and Sound M • Dollar^ Mr. John Saxton Of Bcotidale. Pa. -1 do tfrtntr Hood's Hariaparllla U' worth Ita wslghtln gold.' For four year* 1 sufferad misery with terrible pains In my back and trouble with my kidneys. The doctors thought 1 had Brlght's disease. Many a lime I had to Rive up work, and continually grew worse, and when I sat or stooi>ed down I had to be helped up. At last had to give up and K'J to bed and remain six long weeks. It was then I began to take Hood s Harsriparllla, aud I soon found Ujat It was help ing me although 1 had been told nothing would help me and thought I Would Havs to Die. But I continpod to Improve till 1 am now In por fcct health and have as good a back as any man In town. Today I can <lo a good day's work, anil truly feel that Hood's fiarsaparUla was a Hod-send to me. lam as sound a i the best dot- Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures tar that was ever made, and I want this Stat* mr nt put Into print so that everybody can see what good It did me. Kvcry word of the above can bo proved by a score of people here wUo know how I suffered and how I have been cured. I took but tlx bottles. I think no one can praise Hood's Bsrsaparllla as much as II will praise Itself." JOIIV KAXTOM. Beottdale, Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania. Hood'* Pills are the best after dinner PUl* Mtijt (Dwavp, «v« bviKtsch*. X*J» Demorest Contest at Prospect, A contest for the Demorest silver medal was held in Chnpel Hall, M>.uday evening, Nov 0. The contestants were six youiig men ol eicellunt ability. They were Char lev Bow-rs. SanineJ McCollongh, Charlie .Blake, Jainc:* Mcv h monds, Charlie Hoeter and Ira Wilson. The speakers ail did well and it would have been no mistake on the part of the judges to have awarded the prize to any one of them. It is very sel dom one has the opportunity to hear s.i many real good, first class orations, as these young speaker* gave their audience on this particular occasion. We don't say this in any sense to flatter, for the truth ought not to be considered flattery We would like to give each speaker's subject, but haven't the programme a„ hand. Each oration was a Phillipic at the demon of intemperance, and we hope each orator will be as earnest throughout his life in the warfare against this licensed crime as he was on the evening of Nov. <5, 1893. The medal was awarded to Jas. McClymoDd'.and Kev. Clark made the pre sentation speech in well chosen language. A beautiful present was given to Ira Wilson and Charlie Hoeter, having been the rule to give a present to all who enter these contests three times, provide! they are not awarded the mtdal. No one need be discouraged. Learning the power and ability to speak before an audience is worth more to a young rnau or young woman than a hundred medals are worth, although the medal is a distinguishing feature in the contest. The contests are gotten up under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. and especially by Mrs. Kev. Young who is Supt. of Contests for Butler county. Mrs Young will arrange another contest for New Years night, at which time a class of young ladies w ill bo the contestants Alter that, there will be six silver medals here, and then those who bold them will contest for a gold medal. Those who bold silver medals are Frai.kie Uodds, Eddie Young, Jas. McClymonds, Mrs. Willis Pyleand Mrs. Jesse Bowers. The music for the c-ntest was made by Miss Waddell, who is a J'oung player ol great promise. The people are taking more interest in these contests than they used to, and the audiences are growing larger with every contest. The W. C. T. J. is engaged in a work that ought to receive the moral sup port of everybody, if it doesn't get the active physical support it deserves The Union here is in a flourishing condition, as it should be, for it is right under the eye of the President of the County. Mrs. J. 0. Dodds, who is trying to organize a Union wherever the opportunity uffords a chance Asa pebble may stop an avalanche, so we hope no one may say or do anything that will, in any way, hinder the promotion of this great cause for (iod, home and native land. OKK I'BKSKHT. I'ctersville Item*. Sammy Koae,son*of|Jobn KoseTell outi.f a wagou Sunday and broke his leg. It is a lact that Connoquenessing towu ship has t'io oldest man now living in But ler county, John Cable near Whitestown is in his 103 d year. He has been blind lor two years, but otherwise is enjoying rea sonably good health. The sick spoken of in our last are im proving except Donald Watson who is not so well and is now confined to his bed. Esq. Wise and wife visited in Heaver Falls and New Brighton last week. Con Nicklas Co. cotnnieueod spudding Monday morning on the.Kaltenbach farm. URPKHWRITKK. C. & D. ALWAYS Take into consideration that money eaved in as {rood an money earned. The best. w») to nave money in to buy good goods at the right price. The on I j reason tbat our trade is increasing constantly is the fact thnt we baudle only goods of first quality and sell them at very low prices We huve taken unusual care to provide everything new in Hats and Furnishing (Joods for this season, and as we have control of many especially good articles in both lines we can do you good if you come to us We confidently say that in justice to'hems* Ives all purchasers sbonld inspect our goods. Visit us. COLBERT & DALE, 2'!2 S Main Htreei, Hutler * Pa BI'TLEK COUNTY Mutual Fire {lnsurance Co. Office Cor. Wain & Cunningham Btt. H. C. IIKINKMAN, SECRETARY. DIRKCTOKH: Mire I WtCk. Henderson Oliver, l»r. W. Irvin. .1 amen Stephenaon, W. W. Maekinore.J N. Weitxef, I'. Bowman. l>- T. Norns. Oeo Keitercr. "has. ftebhun, John (irohman, John Koentnu. LOYAL S. M'JUNKIfI. Agent, DEATHS CARROLL.—Oct. 30, 1893, Amanda, widow of the late Daniel Carroll, ot Cranberry township, Butler Co., Pa., aged 71 years 7 months and five days. GALLAGHER—At his home in Allegheny, Nov 10, 1893. U H. Gallagher, aged about 50 years. Mr. Gallager was born in Muddy-creek twp. He was elected Register and Recorder of this county in 1878. His remains were buried in the UP. cemetry at Prospect, Sunday. His wife alone survives him, his only child, a son, having died in infancy. G ANTER—At his home in Butler, Nov. 13. 1893. Earl W. son of L. T. Ganter, aged six years and 8 months. , d ?^Poivderj Jftk ° A cream of tartar baking powder High if til 11 i»* 11 UHlflll —lllll I tiili A TLAUY Cftmnirl H HI 1 IJ I 11. Royal Baking Powder Co., 106 Wall St.. N. Y. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Administrators and Executors of estatei can NOCURE their receipt bonks at the CITI XKH office. Administrator's Nolice. Notice It hereby given that letters ot adminis tration on the estate or Frederick liiirry. late of the twp. or KratikllQ, county or Butler and state or reunify I van la. deceased, have been granted to KH/.dtielh Hurry, resident, or Said lowuihlp. to whom all perauai Indebted to said estate are required to make payment and those having clalun or ncinands will make known the same without deiav. MRS. KIJ/.AHKTII BUKRY. Adin'rx. Mt. Chestnut 1* O. nutlet Co., t'a. 8. K. Bowser. Atty. Orphans' Court Sale. By virtue of an order and decree of the Or phan's Court of Butler county. Penn'a. the unj derslgned, Kxecntor of the I ait will and testa rnent of Robert Heneigesscr, latent Wlntleld township, county and i tate alurisulu, deceased will offer at public auction, on the premises on THURSDAY, NOVUM I! EK 30th, lsiW. at t o'clock p rn. of said day : One hundred and twenty-eight acres of laud, more or less, situat ed In the township, comity and state aforesaid; hounded on the north by lands of Win. Btcket on the cant t>y lands of itavld llesselgegber, on the HOutfi by lauds of John Hesse lgeiser and N . Kirklaiid, ami on the west liv lands of Karl HMnefifCMiier. Hill and Painters heirs. Brick dwelling house .frame hum anil outbuildings, and good orchard thereon. About Keveniy acre* Uiere if cleared, fenced and under noon stale of cultivation. balance woodland. In all reaped* this is auwng the best farms in \yin tleld towuHhtp. IKKMSOK SA 1.1.< ltif-1 lllrd of purchase money to tin paid un continuation of sale, and one-third In one ye ir and remaining third In two leers tlicr-aft. r with Interest 'rom said ccnllrmatlnii and to Is- SECU'Cd by Judgment, bond or moitgage. Title (food. .IAIIE.H lIKKHKUiKSSK.It, 1)A\II> lIiSSKMIKSSKH. Executors oi Kobirl Hetwelgesaer, (lcc'd., (.easurevllle. nut ler'o . pa., Oct. 7, lsii."l, Mcjunklu ii Calbre it It, Atfys. Notice. Notice Is hereby given tbat Charles I'. (Joeh rlnß, assign*-" of .1, F. Si tiai tTer. has tiled his tlnal account as aa» lgnee, In the office of the I'rotb inoliiry of the t out lof Common I'leas of Butler county, I'enn'a., at M'a. f>. No. 3, Dec. Term, IS'.y. and that the same will be present ed to said Court for continuation an I all i van .in Wednesday, the Gih day of December, ISIM PntkOHtarfiUDlM, .1 • in N w. BaowM, Nov. 4. lsv.l. I'rothonotarv. Executors' Notice. letter* testamentary having been granted to the under«lgned under the las', will and tentii ment of I mule I M< IteavM t, dec d late of Itruily twp.. Butler county, Pa.. all persons knowing Iliemselvei mdebti'd to the estate of Ntld de cedent will pleas.- (alland nettle and any having claim* against Hie same will present them duly authenticated for si ti lenient. MAIt V \. MCDKAVITT. IOIIN 11. Mt'UIMViTT. Kxecutors A. M. Cornelius. Att'y. West. Liberty, Pa. Adtniniatratora' Notice. iMIi-r* of Administration,o. T. A.,on the estate of Nicholas King, dec'd., late nl Con cord twp , Hutler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted lo said es tate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for Kettle men t to MARY KINO, Adm'x., J as. N. Moore, Feitchville I' 0., Att'y, Hutler Co., Ha. Administrators' Notice. KHTATK OF WII.LIAM HUHTNEK. Notice in hereby piven lhat letter* of ad ministration on the enlate of William Burt ner, dee'd. late of Clinton tnwnnhip . Butler county. Pa., have been granted to the under signed, to whom all person* indebted lo said e*tale are requested to make payment, and tho*e having claims or demands will make known Ihe same without delay. J, H I.At'DIN, E. WKBTERMAN Administrators. SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue o! sundry writs of \ en. Ex.. FL Fk. Lev. Fa., xc . issued out of the Court of Common Pleas ol Butler Co.. Pa., and to me directed there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House. In the borough of Butler, on Monday, the 4th day of Dec., A D. 1593, at 1 o'clock p. m. the following de scribed property, to-wit: K. 0. No. 35 Dec T.. lt«J. C. Walker. Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of J. L. McNamee 01. In and to 25 acfs of land, more or less, situated in Venango twp.. Butler Co.. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit : On the north by land of Harper, east by land of Cochran heirs. South b\ land of John People rnd Bruch lln heirs, an.l west by land 01 Harper. About *0 acres cleared, fair state of cultivation and having a log and board dwelling house each and a log barn erected thereon, seized and taken 111 execution as me oroperty of J. L. Mc- Namee at the suit of Mifflin & Mifflin Jr E. D. No. m. Dec.T.. lst»3. K. Marshall. Att'y. All the nalit, title, interest and claim ol Aughtry Edgar, of. In ana to 40 acres ol land, more or less, situateJ In Peun. iwp.. Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: Ou the nortn by lands or Beuj. Powell et al, east by laud ol Harrison PuiT. south by land Of James Marilu's heirs et al, west Dy Tuos. M. Marshall Sr. el al* Mostly cleare •, all under good fence and in a good state ot cultivation, one good orchard, and having a two story frame dwelling house,tranie barn aud outDulldiuus thereon. Seized and taken in ex CUUOD as the property ol Aughtry Edgar at Ihe suit ol G. W. icmnidt acta t. 1* Friday late partners as Schmidt & Friday for use 01 G. W. Schmidt. E. D. No. 123 Dec. T., 1888. A. T. Black Att'y. All the right, title, interest aud claim ot James L. llenry Adui'r. ol Margaret J Uenry. dec d aud James i, Henry, of. in and to. certain lot ol 1 and. more or iess. situited in Butler bor ough. Butler Co. Pa., bounded as follows, lo wit: Begiunlug al tae northwest corner ou McKeau St.. thence east by an alley ISS leet to an alley, tneuce south oy said alley »"> leel, thence west by lot now ol Dr. Johuslon 185 leel. more or less, thence by Mcheun north 45 leel to tue place o! beginning. And being the same conveyed by said A. iroutinan to the said Margaret J . lleuiy . and having a two story trauic dwelling house and outbuildings thereon, seized and taken 111 execution as the properly ol James L. Henry.Aum'r. ol Margaret J Henry, deed aud James 1. Henry at the suit ot A. Trouiman. E. D. No. 122, Dec T. 1593. ltalston & Greer, Attorneys All the right, title. lUieresl aud Ciatm of Jaco.i Kelly . owner or repuieJ owner and Jo aeph lirittiau, contractor,ol. lu aud to a certain to ol land, more or less situated In Butler bor ough. i.uller Co., ra., bouuded as follows, to wn: Commencing at a post leel horlu on the south corner ot lot So. 8. thence eastward atonic lot ot Misses Kockensleiu 91 leet <> Inches lo a post al an alley , Ihence norlhward along said alley 3j leet to a poit, thence northward *i leel lo posl ou St. Mao s St. thence souihwaro along St. Mary St. 30 leel 10 place ol begluhlug Being part ol lot No. 8 lu a plau of lots survey ed by Geo. C. Plliow for J. Berg & Co. vVltu a two-story irame dwelling house 20 by 30 leet it rooms and hall on urst door, lower story y feel 8 inches, second glorj 8 feet high, erected thereon Seized and taken 111 execution as the property 01 Jacob Kelly owner or reputed own er. Joseph Bi'iiuau. Contractor at the suit ol Greer & Company. F. D, No. 107. Uec. T, 18U3. S. F. Bowser. Att'y. Ail the rigut, title, interest aud claim ol T. Okeson, 01. lu and lu 1 acre of laud, more ur less, situated lu Foriersviiie borough, Muddj creek twp., Hutle. Co., I'a.. bounded as lullu.v?». to-wit: uu tlie nortu 0> au alley, east.Dy Mam sired, south oy Town property aud Win. Humphrey, west by laud oi CaleD C'oovert vvitn 1 iraiue bulldiugs used as store rooms. Irame stable erected tuereoo Seized aud tak en lu execution as ihe properly of S. T. Okesou at the suit or J. M. Marshall (or use. K. I). No. 115. Dec, T., IHU3. W. A. Forquer, Atty. All the right, rltie, interest and claim oi ileury iiay aud Susan Hay 01. lu aud to ati acrea ol laud, mure or less, situated lu Muuuyervek twp., liuiier Co., i'a., bounded as lollows, tu vvit: tiegluuluK at tile curuer. tUeuce auutfefl tNiiiiw * parent** wi ,•<<->! Djr bulla ot luriueily ui .Jouii ©Colt: thence souih wesl Arj 4-Jo perches lu a post uy lamia lorm rly oi Joun bcuii; inence nurtu west 7JX perciit-.i to a cMune on puollc ruad by lanus ot L>aV!a Frailer; iheuce east 210 perches by lauus ol l'avid Fruzlcr to place ui beginning. With «. IMO stor> nrlck dwelling house, tranie barn, guud orchard and other outbuildings and J producing uil wells thereon. Seized aud laken in execution as tlic property ui ilcorj Hay anu .Susan iiay at the sun oi Al ItuiT and 11 bchneide inan. & I). No. 113, Dec. T„ lwj. W. 11. Lusk, Atty. All the riKht. title, Interest and claim oi liavid i>. liiacK 01, In and to t acres of land, inoicorlesa. »ituaU>d lu village ot Valencia. Adams twp., Hutier Co . I'a. bounded as Ioi- IUWS, 10-wiu (>u tuc norm by laua ol Bter rett; east by land ol fSterrett; souih by a*» alie> and wesi by land oi Hterrett. With a two aioi> iraiin* dwelling house and otuer out uuiiaings Uiereon. Seized aud taken In exe cuiiuu a a the property ol i>avid D. black at ihe AUil ot David L». McKcWey tlx r. ot James Mo ivelvey. K. D. No. IOC, Dec. T., IM9J, W. A. Forquer- Atl>. All the right, Ulle, interest and claim ol David C., Mci au d leas and .Mat ga re I A. Ma. and lesS. his wile. 01. lu and to JO acres ol laud more or less, situated ir Veuaugu twp., liuller Co., Fa., bounded as follows tu-wii: Oa tne north by lauus ot Caroline Chamoers; cast Uy lanus ol Caroline Cuamoers; souiu oy lauds o« John Itlalr aud west by lands ol oilne Cnam- DIIIII. Hemic moeUj uumknl. unucr feoee MMI in a lalr state ol cultivation with a shial! iramc uwelling house and small lrauie ?table erected Uiereon. AL.Su of. iu and to \h acres or land, more or lesrt, slluaied lu Village ol Faruilugtou. Ve nango t*vp., jsuiler Co.. I'a., bounded as lui luwa, to-Wit: On the north uy an ailej ; caat by lot ol Johii McAllister; south uy tue fiercer anu road and west uy lot bi Joun lieig lor meily 1 hum jb iilair anu tue Sutler ruad. VN uu atwuslur,> irauiti dwelling house aud iraiue stable crectej tuereou. Seized aud lakcu lu execution us tne property ol l>ay Id C'.Mccanu less anu Margaret A, Alct'audiess, nls wile, at ihe suit ol lnos. U. Mc-auauau, lor Ux»e, etc. K, D. No. 127, l>ec. T„ lsua, A. U. Williams. Ally. All the light, title. Interest anil claim of D. VV. vjlbsouol. In aud to certain lot of land. Wore | or less, situated lu village ol NorlU Wa-uung ion, WashlugtAiii twp., butler Co.. I'a. bound ed as lollows. to wit: Ou the uortn by uu alley; east Oy lauds ol Curlsty; souiu by New lasiic street aud west by laud o( Henderson. | Anu hav lug a two sloo frame dwellli g house, name stable uiid oiner outbuildings thereon. I seized .iidlakeulu dxecutlou as tue prupe rt> 01 I>. ■ UItNMMI '>l I In- BUM Ol JOMMI Uwflll MIMI Mary A.itienn tor use ol Al»*x Mitchell, trus- j let?. ii. D. No. 175. Sept. T.. lsa.l, and li. I>. No 111. Dec. X., ISV3, W. U. iiraudon an I Jas. 11. Mates, Atiys, All the right, tale, lntcrrst aud claim of M. 11. Mcmnu'-y oi. in and to so acres ol land, more or le«*-», oiiuated lu COuOOfjueiiesslug iwp. liUll*'. Co.. I'a.. buUudcd as to <vd: On tn«- nortu by l'owder .villi road can. b> lauds ol Win. lil.tkely, south uj laud->oi FraiiK McKiuuey, et al, aud West by lauus of «len suew xi •■ • >Vitu a oue aud oue-liall stur> j iraui' Uwclllfu uouse, frame barn, orchard. I in«»>«l> cleareu •■I an 1 1 proddJiug oil well III* K 011. \ <»f. iu and to 10 acres of I nil, m >re oi *«, Bit'iated In Peuu tW|. , Uutler ( •> a.. ,tinde«t fol.ows, 10-v\lt : On tin* "> nds oi <*teen heirs; east oy laud- >1 Kilugiei, t>h uy lauds of Claude O-Tard and public • • i and west by lan is ol lorm. rly IMulap I'UUhps and llari u«i Witu a I stor> ue house, iraine n *n orciurd; inosili icd, under fence an a good stau.* »f cai vatlon. Seized aud ta..< . In eX'" Htloii as the ,»,operty or M. 11. Mctvinuey i Lib' suu ol *•« tile i*. Mites lor use of I'll .p Oaubcu i;. t# .No. ii Dec. T IH»J. W. 11. Lusk, Att'y AU the rignt title. Interest and claim ox Mrs \gnes It. Murrlii. of, in and to 80 mure or less, situated in Venango twp.. iiutln « '• , l'a„ bounded as follows, to-wit: On tin* . .rth by laud of John and Daniel Sli -run • . laud of Michael Murnn. »o»ith by C t « aurch property, and west by laud of II up r. S.UD land being J«O§UJ clettred MK! I lalr state of cultlvalioh. Hclzcd aud lakcu In execution as tn»- property or M s. Agne-» 11. Mur rin at the iuito s. K.v » St Cjinp tuy. K. |>. No. 114 Dec. P., isj.t. W. 11. Lu-tk. Att y AU tin: right, tit k*. tutercit aud Claim of L M Hewitt Delt. aud Wlillam rtliutle f*rr<* tell ant. of. lu and to a certain lot of laud more or M ■itu»'«d in Butler Boro .Boiler. ,- i». i'a . bounded as follows, to-wit: Ou tin; norm by >tn II Hey. east by an alley, south by lot No *:i la I lie h.tiue plan ol lots owned by Mrs Martha Anderson. aud west by Hecond St. Said w*. having a front of &u feel, more or Ichh. on Sn-- ond wt. uud extending thence eastwardly pre serving Hie name w Idlh 1W feet. uiorc or li-aa, to html itlley, being let No. K'i, block is in plan of luis owned by the Butler Havlnga Hunk and W.M. J'tirvlmice, «FJ . Willi a large two slory Irume dwelling house uud other uulbuil'i - liiKh thereon. .Seized uud tnkcii In execution us the property of l>. M. Hewitt Deft aul Wil- Hum rtliutto terre teu int at suit or J U I'J («el bach. I£. I). No. lli», IX c. T.. Mil. W. \. K»ri|il 'r mid K. J. Korijatir. Ally*. All tbc IIKIII-. title. Interest utld claim of (iciirge Boyd of. In ami t > i acres o( land, more or less, situated In Wl'jlleld n«|>., Butler Co.. I'u.. bounded ua follows, to >vil: On ttie uorMi by lands nf v« m Cypher; cast by land* of "villi uelClark; south by I In of Oiombacli uud by public road,iiml beginning at a point in centre of public road, ilieuce by the ecu re ot HHiiiu MOiltli 17 wi st 7 perdu* and #6-100 to a pon lii centre ol mad. thence by lands of tirombadi north H:I east lil 'z 10 pi-rchen to u IMISI. and stone neur walnut tree on line of ttuuiiielClurk. tbeuci; by land of smie norm I west ■ 11-l# pel. lies lo u poM. tlieiice by lauds i.f Win. Cypher noil ill »:i wet ill i/> ton lurches til a | ost 111 centre ol In id the place ol lieglll lllUK. all cleared ami In : oml state ol cultlvu linn. Seized and taken li execution ax the property of George Boyd ut the suit of l(uiuin<*t Bros lor Uhe. etc. If l>. No. 33, 1)63. T„ In I. W. A. Korquor. Ally. All the right, title. Inlereit and claim of 11. A. Mcljtuglilin of, lu and to l:w acre* of .and, more or lers. situated lu Kilivlewi • Itutler Co , I'u.. bounded as follows, to-wf mi the noilti by lands of klclivrmolt and Kailor; east by lamis ol Mays, » t al; Miulh liy lands ul l.awicm e Mclaughlin and west by lands ol ivpiots M c t.auu hllli. With a large two Htory frame dwcllllM bottae, MMll Imnl staole. one orchard, ino-lly cleared Innd, tiavlint 7 produc ing oil wells there on, 7 Wood rigs comiilete. 3 boilers " i urines 17 strings of rodi of atioul HKIII LI. each atrili|«. I rnrlmc II HI It. I< t liu'll casing 7 strlius uVi 11 ekciiilinch casing uud all oilier links Hue pip ■. fixture* .conuectlouh. belongings thereto and used in connection llier. with thereon. Hetied and tak -n 111 exe cution im the property of «1. A. Vli - I,aui|llllii at the sun of John W. Itecp for use, etc. K. I). No. 111! Dec. T.. IWI3. s K Bowser. A't'y All the rlKtil. title. Interest and claim of Ueorge 1. Jack.of.lD and lo tlu- undivided I s lu ti reel 111 all that certain leasehold estate.situat ed oh lands of Oswald Kadi r 111 Kor ward twp. Bmler Co, l'« . bounded us lollows to-wlt: (In the north liy public road and lands of l'eter Nlcltl is. east by public road that pasaeH the aeliool hiniHe. south by the M I .un arm} lease, west by lands of James Brandon. COBtalnlnit W acres, more or leas, Willi one woo i rig thereon. A lX»_Of, in and to the undivided I-H tiller eat In all that leitnlh less* hold esiati sltuiiteil on lands of Oswald llader In Forward twp, Butler Co, l'a.. bounded a« follows, to wit: On the north by road to lam lending to Kudu* house, east by land* Of Os wald Barter, south by other lands of Oswald leader, west by school house road ContululQK 5 a rcs mrlct measure ami being lo Held to right ol chool bouse, together with all inaohlnery. fixtures and Improvement* thereon und thereto belonging Mid uat-d la uiwmtioii therewiijj. ALSO—of in and to the undivided 1-8 inter - est all <f rt 4ln leasehold estate for oil and (u p<irp«*>es on land* of Henry spit baler In Forward twp. Butler Co. .Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt : On the north by lands of Samnrl Sarver. east by lands of Henry Sptrhaier, south by lands of Oswald Kader. and west, by lands ol W. J. Hlately, containing 25 acres. ALSO—Of. In and to the undivided 1-8 Inter est in all that certain leasehold estate situated on lands of Peter Nicklas In Forward twp.. Hutler, Co., Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of W. J. Blakely. east by lands of Oswald Hader and public road, south b> other lands of Peter Sick las, and west by lands of Frank MrKtnney. The north and south Hues pi said lease to be parallel with each oiher. Containing 20 acres with two producing oil wells thereon. 2 der ricks and rigs. 2 boilers. 2 engines. 3 tanks, tub ing casing, rods, pipe, etc.. aud all other fix lures thereon and thereto belonging and used m connection therewith. t Lso of. In ai*l to the undivided J» interest la all lhat certain leasehold in Connoquenes slng and Forward twps., Butler C'-0.. Pa., on lands of W.J. Blakelev. bounded as follows, to wit: On the north oy other lauds of Win. J. BUkeley; east by public road; south by lands ot Peter icklas and west by lands of McKln ney heirs. containing 30 acres more or less, .itid having 2 producing oil wells thereoo, 2 d. racks, 2 boilers, 2 engines. 3 tauks, pipe on ground, pipe and tubing, casing rods, etc., at. in or near wells, and all omer fixtures thereto belonging and used in operation therewith, >Au undivided 'linterest in which said lease bold was assigned by Stephen Cummings sist July. 1890. 10 D. C. Johnston.) ALSO of. In and to the undtvlded Interest In all that certain leasehold estate, situated in Forward iwp.. Butler Co.. Pa.,on lands of Peter Nick Us. bounded as follows, to-wlt: Being the balance ot said Peter Nick las lartn not already leased to Howard Thompson and Conrad Nlck las. ( ney each having 2u acres) and containing 13 acres, more or less. ALSO of, in and to the undivided \ interest lu all that certain leasehold estate, situated In Forward twp.. BuilerCo., Pa. on lands of Peter Nicklas. bounded as tollows, to-wit: On the north by lands ot Frank MoKluney ; east ny .anils of said Peter N icglas; south by lands ot Jatne* Brandon and west by lauds of H, Bran don. Containing 20 acres, more or less, saving and reserving, however, a sub-lease ot 5 acres of the lease ou ine Spilhaler farm as lea ed lo Geo. Ketierer. logether with all other Im provements aud fixtures thereon and tnereto belonging. ALSO of. in and to the undivided interest in all thai Certain leasehold estate, sit ualed In Forward twp.. Butler Co.. Pa., on lands of Os wald K der bouuued as follows, 10-wlt: On the norm by lands of William Blakeley; east by lands ot Henry spilhaler, south by other lauds of Oswald llader aud west by school house road and tirittaln lease. Containing _'u acres, more or ie«, with 3 producing oil wells thereon. 3 derricks and rigs, 2 boilers.3 engines, ti tanks, tubing, casing, rods, pipe aud all Con nections. machinery and Improvements there on and used ill coiiuecilou therewith. Seized and taken in execution as the property ol George L. Jack at the suit 01 James M aison. tf. D, No. 126 Dec. T , 18U3. Williams £ Mitchell Attorneys. All the right, till*. Interest and claim of Hugh Green, of, in and to 43 acres of land, uiore or less, situated lu Ciearlleld twp., Butler Co., Pa., bounded as tollows. to-wlt; Begin ning at a post 011 the southwest corner 011 line ol A McDou ild thence north east 5* perch es to a wuueoak along purpart No. 2; tneuce north east 27 perches aioug line of said pur part No 2; thence north east 4o perchts along line ol said purpart No. 2to a point ou nne of Tuos K Green, thence uorlh 8# east 51 4-10 perches along llue ot l'nos K. Green and Hugh Green to a point on line ol Laux; thence souths, west 120 4-10 perches aloug line of said .1 Laux to a post; tneuce north 84 west si 4-lo perches to a post the place ol beginning. Said land being purpart No. t of the real estate ot John Green, dec'u, aud being mostly cleared and in a talr slate ol cultlva lon. ALMJ-Ot. in and to m acres of land, more or less, situated In Clear tlelj tu p., Butler Co., Pa., bounded as lollows, to-wit. Beginning at a post uu hue ot Mrs. J. t;rcen and corner ot 1 lios. E. ureeu. miming ttience In a southerly direction along loud ol said Tbos. E. (Jreeu ra li-lo per;ues to a point on Hue or llugu Green and corner ol lauds ot TUos. li. Ureeu; ttience luirtli u eaal 42 pel cues t»lon£ lauds ot said iiugn lireeu U» a point on hue ol JoUQ Laux; I'jcuce in a northerly direction *lung lands ol said John Laux 7t .Mo perches to a posi; tueuce uurtu S'J west to a point on line or said Mrs. J. tiieen and corner ol lauds ot said lu>s. K. lireeu tne place of beginning. (Tuc bounorlus incluue 5 acres oU the northeast corner, soi i (o John Laux.) Said land Oolug all cleared aud having a niudll Duaru dwelling* aud log Darn erected thereon. s>eiieu aud taken in ex ecution as tne property ot Hugh Green at the suit ot Mrs. Sarah A. Uale tor use. K. D No. 88 Dee. T., isa 3. S. F. Bowser. Att'y. All the right, title. Interest aud cnilui of Su gar F. Sat , 01. in anu to M acres ot land. more ur less, rlluated lu i arkcr iwp.. Butler Co.. i'a. iiounut'd as lolluws, to wit: Coiaaienclut; at a post ur stone pile at northwest corner, thence south along line ol tieo. ill Say properly SBX ' east »a :i-lu perches u> a stone, theuce south iijV wus', along llueolli M. Say 3S 5-lu to a si one pile; thence south aloug Hue of Ci, M. .say ;iT'« east perchts to a stone; thence south west ;« 15-luu perches to a stone; llicutc south BIH. west W I/-I0 perches to a thence north 3Jii" east loj 5-lu peiches to piace ol uegluuiug Oelug mostly cleared and in lair stale oi cultivation. i,-( I oi. lu and to 45 acres of laud, more or le»i>. situated in rarker twp.. Butler Co.. t'u., oouuued as follows, to-wlt: Commencing at uoi Hi west corner at a post, thence suuih aloug I.ue ui 11. tiioson 41 SIU perclK-s to a post; tueuce along uuo ot Thomas t'letcuer 88 khul IJti perches to a post; theuce nortu aloug line ol i.apt. J. 0. Martin 4< west 30 8-lu perches to a po*i;tlichce north aloug line of Geo. M. say and W. .Vlarthi 47 west3Uß-10 perches to a post; theuce suutli 4o west 40 perches to a post; lucucc aouui fx.'-j ' west l.Vloo perches to a post; iiieuce SOULU 8l'.» WOot SU li-IJ percues to tile place ot oegiuuing, With 1 frame two-story UWeillug houses, 1 board staoies aud other out - uuiluiugs elected thereon Seized aud taken lu execution as the property of Edgar F. Say at th« suit ol Matthew vV Snaunou. E. L». No. To aud l-'S. Dec. T.. ISSM, Thompson A Sou aud J.C. Vauderiin, Attys. All the rlgnt. title, luiurest aud claim of Kooeri li. lieigliley 01. lu and to &£ acres oi laud, mole or sliuuled lu Lauca»tei twp., liuiier Co., Fa., buuuded .is follows. Vo-Wit: on the north by lauds ot i/oui ad Miller; east by lands ol heirs ul John ii. lioigiuoj , deo'u; souiu by lands of *• red Miller und west by lunds of Jonu sillier aud t'eter Miller, rtaid land being inost 1> cleared in a good state ol cultivation and Having au olu log houne erected tuereou, AL&O oi, lu and tu 67 acres uf land, more or lens, situated in L.auca»ier iwp., Uutler Co.. I'a., buuuded a-» loiluws, 10-Wit: Ou tne norm by lauus ol Jonu Filmier and Miilei; east b.. lauds uf Nee ly. et al; sou 111 by lauds ui Fred Miner and west by lauds ui said Kuoeri iv. iseighiey and Miller's. With a iwu utory iraiue lug oaiu, oue urcuaid, uutiiy Clearad and lu a lair stale ul cuilivatlou thereon, oeil cd aud takeu iu execifflou as tne property ol Kobcrt K. lieiguley at »ue suit ol Margaret oeigniey. sum rx oi John ii bclgnley, uec (I. and li. i>. rt W'alll. 1.1). NoS.'il aud 25, Dec. T., lsii3, W. D, litaudon, Ally. All the right, tllle. luierest and claim of J. \. t'aiuieroi, iu and lu 100 acres ol laud, more ur less, situated iu Windeld twp., liuiier Co.# i a., uouuded as loliuws tu-wil-' Ou the Uortu uy lands ol Joun i'. thicker lieirs; east lands A It. liesselgesder; soutu oy lauds ot Courad deh aud West oy lands ol Casper. Freeliug W itu one two stury brick house, irauie barn, orcuard aud ouiuuiianigs; said laud beiug tuosliy cleared aud under a lair statu of culti vation tuereou. acued and lakeu in execution as tae property or J. A. Fanner at tue suit ol JOMAU I'aiutei, et al. 14. i». No. 10.) 1 >m:. T .181)3. Newton Black, Att'y. AH the rirfiii. line. mt :r«l aim clal aul .M.iu llmw ft <uia lu 1.1 t acres *>i laud more xJt .situated 111 KuirVlOl* Iwl>.. IJiltlcr CO., I a., Ouuudcd as lolluiV.i, tow it: On till! liorlli uy lauds ol Benjamin lUllnlu. east by lauds ol 11. i.J tiulll Kalinin and Altt OCJU I .trill hoU 111 uj lauus oi >V 111. atarr, and went oy i.ttius ol 1 nun. Ul)9 .tilJ UoilJ. Kalinin. land owund uy w iii. storey At. in mi l Un luuo auu wan uy mm devised lo Maunow 3. ."stuiey Una Win. atorcj oy will dated id Keb. IH.*U, lit: curled m iteaiaieis OiUOB in liduer (Jo. I'a, In »ii I Hook i) . patic 215. vVul. .storeyo lubcrunl ill auld I .ii in Was -in ii at riiioi ill is ."sale to Mrs. iv. J. llays oy rsliendis deed dated .darcii 4m, is7y oy our iiuly conveyed to Maituew a. S;orey oy Ucuil UALC>I lUj a, Ins 2 . recorded lu I Join IIKM Ws, pa«e 2,111 lllC Ut.conll Ts .Jill C Ol 11U • ICI CO., la. ilehiu uiusUy Cleared and UaVlug u iwo-aiory iiauic uouao Irauie oaiu, I.veil coal »atiK, KVml ,'i o.i u.'iim oil wello allU ului l OUL ouildiu»n eiectea lueicoli. Mt'lZ'il ana taken in execution an Hit* properly ol .*1 all/lie W rt. rtco rey ai tno nuit oi Junu U> Jennings,Adurr.■ etc 1.. I). Nos. H Ulilt 112. Dec. T.. I«H3, W. A. iilut K.J. I'uiiiUer aiiULevi.M. Wise. Atiys. All Uie right, title, Interest and ciaiui or itonvi't J*. Ueiguloy us*uor or reputed owuer oi. in and lo u acres oi Una, strict measure. mtu uted iii laincaalei twp. litiUill'o., i'«.. bouud eoM loUuws, lo- wH: Ijeglunliig at a punt ai Itic nuriuwcalcorner, thence houlli d:i cant aloug olnci lauds ol Hubert li. Ilcignluy MJ It, IJII MM4 and curuer, Ultimo noutu i wc.sLalong ianu.s ul Helm ol John llliry Uelislllcy ii»o It. lo u Jivti uiiu uiruer, thence uuriu iki went along lauds ol Kred Miller 3tnl 11. to a punt. Uleuoe north 1 caul, uluhg lands of Hubert K. ttelKlUcy mil 11. tu a curuer and place ul bo giuuiug. i.uuu all cleared una u niury and a ...Hi II /USI: tucrvoii crootud and TBU ciir ililsi>i' .i.s allowed liy tin I .uiiiinlnsiuucrM ay poliin d by Hie rouit .ut lllett at A. I). Mo. U, aepi. lei «, utIM. ttrUiit and taken In execu tion aii tile |>io|icrly ol Hubert li. UuiKUley owner ur rei-uicd owner at tliu suit ol li. M. iiciuie .v Co., el ul. E. D. No. l«.|Dee. T.. \*M. Williams A Mitch ell, Allui in jn. All the rig lit, t it le, luicrcit ami olaliii ol Wil llam llepicr. 01, lu and to B'J icrw ol land, more or lens, nlluated In IliilTalu t»p.. llutlerCu., I'a, bounded an lollowi. tu-wlt: lletilimliiK at. a inmi ailjulitliu; laotln of Bartley, thmien north •20 eiusl II purcliea ; llieneti null 11l hmx • cant 12,' si percbeir, tlicnee Mouth vi '4 viul fli wrctieni tUenci. south :u 11 e.nti,.||i) pcreliei, Llinuctt Boutli 75 s*lo rani M perched ; tlitiuoe tioulh I east 20 iierehen ; thence l.r 5 percbea; thence north 71 1-2 went Id perchen; thence nouih '2O t 2 sveHt 17 perc. en; thence nun Hi In' we-I li) 2 |H-rchen: I hence north 111 cant tti perchen; thence north W I'Mt !K perched totllu place u( lieilnnlnic. And liavlhK a iwo-dtory frame dwelling liuiise. frame hum, nn haril unit other outbiill dntfH and tmmtly cleared land, nei/.eii'anil taken in execution an the prop riy oi vsiillnin lleplerul the null ol l»r. Joseph W. Miller. K. I). Nun. lit and 13ti Doc. T., IH9:>, M. K. Bowser and A. T, Itlack. AUyd. All the rli lit. title. Interest and claim of M.'J. Neyman n(, lu an lln 20 acren ur land, inure or lend dltuateil In Oakland twp liutlrr I 0.. fa.. bounded a» follow*. Ui-wit: On liic north liy i.uein nf olumon WlilMnlrn'd heir*; eaat by laiitlnof John Moiil«oraery; domh by landd of William ltobb and went, by laodn ol I 'lirlntT Itolib, ♦•aid laud hcliiK hiuntlv timber land therein. ' AljHOor. 11l aatl to 133 ai n n ul laud, more or lend, dliiialed tu oaklaud twp., Itutler t'u . I'a.. iMHihdcd an (olloWd, to wtl: <>n the north by landd of ltnherl hltnilre and Win. ltobb; eiost by lands id Abraham Martin; dOUth lif landn of la-win Milllnifer and John I'attou and went by lauds of William ltobb. Suld laud bcluii modlly cleared and under a lair at itc ol cultivation wltb one KOOil orchard two diuall Iraine dwel ling lioiid*sd, one lari£i- frame harn and other milbulldlntcd ••recietl thereon. Htdwd and taken In eteeullon an tin. property Of M J. Neyiuau at tbedultof Wll llam L. Uarver, et ul. t. I». No. 12* and I .HI l>ee. T . IW. H. K. Bow» er 4: A. T. Black. AU'y», All this right, title, in'»T-nt anl claim of M. J. Ncvniau. of In au i to the undivided 1-2 of the mill neat and irrtat mill, formerly known aa the I'titlllpn mill, dltunle In Oakland twp.. But (U. I'a.. wltli the labile lln-rto belouulng: Com tie ncl.iu at a pont on the ro«l leiullng from Kmlento I loa-t to Itntih'd ITldge about d rtnld east ward Irom the mill: Uieuen along nald ruail In a wi -t'-rly dlreclloti lo ndln to a (Hint; tbeuc« northward l irudn to a p<>dt; tliruce eastward 10 KXU tv a | vii about f) tevt uoitu of rbc MIJI -NJREAT SALE#- This is the kind of weather to buy sleighs,robes and horse blankets cheap at MARTINCOURT & CO S. Come and sec us, 128 East Jefferson St., a few doors above Lowry House. JJOUTHETT & GRAHAM'S price list of Fall and Winter clothing. Men's suits $3.50, 4.00, 4-s°. 5 00 - 6.00, 7-s°- 8.00, 10.00 and up to 22.00. Boy's long pants suits $3, 3.50, 4, 4-s°> 5< 6, /. 8, 9, 10, 12 up to 17. Boy's knee pants suits $1.50, 1.75. 2, 2.50, 2.75, 3, 3.50 up to 7.50. Men's overcoats from $2.50 to 20. Boy's overcoats at all prices. Boy's knee pants 25 cents to $1.50. We wish to extend a cordial invitation to visit our store and inspect our stock as we leel sure it will be a profitable visit for you. Re member, ALL OUR GOODS ARE NEW. DOUTHETT & GRAHAM RELIABLE ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. Butler, Pa. VOGELEY & IMCIFT, WANT EVERY Womaq and Child In Butler cou..ty know that they have received their large and com plete line of Fall and Winter Boots, Shoes and Slippers at prices that will surprise them. We have the celebrated Jamestown Boots and Shoes, made by hand and warranted, which have proven their wearing qualities for years past. We want to give the trade -Mlie Best Goods for Least Possible, Living Profits The best line of Ladies' and Gents' Fine Shoes ever shown in the county. Children's School Shoes in every shape and style. Rubber Goods of all kinds and shapes at all prices. Come and see the boys. i Vogeley & Bancroft $ 347 S. Main Street. ...... Butler, Pa road, and thence southward 10 rods to place of lietflnnlng. Containing 100 square rods, togeth er with the nutit of the mill rue and water privilege and having a frame bulldl iig erected thereon used OH a grist and chopping mill and all machinery and llii iires therein and tnerelo attached and used tn the operation of said mill seat. ALSO —Of. in and to I acr.» of land, more or lens. situate In Oakland twp.. Ilutler Co., Pa., bounded as follows, to-wlt: On the north by Greece City and Kinlenton road east by lands of Robert wbltratro, south by lands of John A. Uorden and wett by lands of John A. tiorden. said land belnir all cleared pnd In a good state of cultivation. Bel/ed and taken In execution as the property of M.J. Neyman at the %ult of WorkltiKineu's Equitable H. and 1.. Association of Butter. l*a., series B. et al. K. I). No. 133, Dec. T.,15»3 W.H. Lusk. Atty. All the right, title, interest and cWtm of J; M. Bowen of. In and to aT acres of land, more or less, situated In Puun twp., Ilutler Co.. Pa., bounded as fellows, to-wlt: On the north ty land* of Nlchol: cast by public road; south by land (of John BerK and west by Wreen tract. .Said laid being mostly cleared, under a fair state of cultivation and having a good two story frame dwelling bouse, frame bauk barn and other outbuildings erected thereon. Seiz ed and taken In execution as tbu property of J. M. Bowen at the suit of J. M. Mattern. K. U.N o. 72 Dec. T.. IMS. Newton Black, Att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Sam uel M. Chambers, of. In and to 52 acres of land, more or less, situated lu Allegheny twp. Butler Co, l*a. bounded as follows, to wit: On me north by lands of Wm. P Martin und K P An ders >n, east, by lauds of Wm. MoKee. south by lauds of Martha Sloan and west by public road and land of A. L. Chambers.part of same tract. Said land being mostly cUtared. under a fair state of cultivation, and having a two-story rramo house, frame barn slid other outbuild ings erected thereou. Seized and taken In exe utiou as the properly of Samuel Chambers al he suit of C nth trine Carson. K. 1). Ho. 51, Dec T,. IH<3, W. D, Brandon Atty. AH the right, tltl", Interest and claim of J. M- Cnrtatle of. 11l and to 47 acres of land more or lesa. situated In Clay twp.. Butler Co., Pa., bounded as loliowa. u»-wit: Ou the uorth by lands of Presley B . rtley. east by lands of Jacob Rider heirs; south by lauds of Joalah Brown and west by lauds or Samuel Mock. said land being mostly Cleared, under a good state or cul tlvation and hav lug a two story frame house, rraiue barn slid other outbuildings erected thereon. Seized and lanon In execution as the property of J. M. Christie at the suit of Nancy Gold. K I). Nos. Hi. 110 and 141 Oec.T., 18113. W.H. I.usk ami S. K. Bowser. Alt'ya. All the rlglit. title. Interest and claim of J » Elliott, of, in and to. certain lot of land, more or lesa. situated In village of Lawwneeburg. Parker twp. Butler Co. Pa. bounded us follows. U> wit: on the norlh by Murrlnsvllle road, east by oiber laud «»r J-. S. Kltlot. known as lot No 4 south by an alley, and west by laud of rtauiuel Kelly. Said lot being known as lot No 5 as laid out by plan of !otß of the Coo|ter Karui Company. AI .so of. lu and to certain lot of land, more or less, situated lu village of l.awrenceburg. Pur ker twp.. Butler Co.. "tt.. bounded as follows, lo wli: on the north by Murrlnsvllle ruatl ; east by laads of Thomas Bowser; south by an alley and west by other laud of J. S. hlllotl known as lot No . ft. Said lot being known aa lot No. 4 as laid out by Plan of lots ol the Coop er farm company, and having thereon erected a good two story trauie dwelling house, frame staole and other outbuildings tOeruon. seized anil laken In execution as the property of J. s. Dlllott al the mill of L. «• Poutlu*. el al. K. D. No. 51, Dec. T.. law. W. 1). Ilrantlon. Atty. All the right, lltle. Interest »*nd claim of Joseph Parker of. In and to iso acres of land' more or less, situated lu Buffalo twp.. Butler Co., Pa., bounded as followa, to-wlt: On the north by lauds of li. K. Kas *y; east by landsot Jacob Milliard, et ul: south by ia..ds of A. D. Weir and west by lands of Thomas Parker. Mostly cicured. g<s>tl slute or cullluat ion. gissl orchard, two story frame dwelling house, large frame barn und olner outbuilding! erected thereou. ALSO of li. and to tut acre#of land, more or less, situated In HuHalo twp, Butler 00, Pa. bounded as follows, to wll: on the north by lands or John Weir el al. east by Hubert J IJ»W I ind . south by land of John Murphy, und west by land of Hubert Fleming. Being mostly cleat ul ami In a good slate of cultivation and havlLg log house . frame slable und other out buildings erected thereon, seized uud taken in execution as Ihe properly of Joseph I'arker at the suit of Butler Havings Bank. K 1) No, 14*. I>ee. T, IS!*3, W. D. Brandon, Atty. All llie rlglil. title. Interest and claim of C K. Matthews of In and to aft acre* of land, more or less situated In Coiiaoqiiuutiaßlng and l.aucaa tcrtwpa., Ilutler Co., Pa., bounded a* follows, to-wlt: On the north by lends of Martha Mai tnews; eaal by lands of James N. Ilays; aoulU by lands of James s. Mays aud weal by lands "I Peter lift. Said land being mostly cleared, un der a good stale Of cultivation und having a fratitn dwelling bouse, frame ami log b.-rn one or< hard and other outbuildings erected there on Seized and taken In execution as the prop erty ol C. F Matthews at the suit of Irene Jesse Purvis now Olive Mail lie we' guardian. TKII.MS OK HA I.K:—The following must be atrtctly|c<implied with when property la atrlekm down. 1. Wnen the plaintiff or other lien creilltor Incomes the purchaser the coat on tli» writ roust be paid an i a list of the liens Including mortgage searches on the property sold to gether with such lien creditor'* receipt * for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such por tion thereof as he may claim must be ftirulahod tile Sheriff. 2. All btda must lie paid In full. 3. All sales not settled Immediately will be continued uutll 1 o'clock r. it. of next day, at which time all property not settled for will again lie pul up aud sold at the expcua" and risk of the person to wnom Drst sold. •See Pur,lon's Digest, Otb edition, page 446. and Smith * Forma, pure 3*l. WII.I.IAM M. BHOWN, SUerllf. HUcrlD u CO-*, ilutler. Pa.. November 19, 1»93. 11 Special Jersey Shirt Sale i -A.T i The Racket Store. \ Regular SI.OO Jersey Shirts for r 75c. Regular $1.25 Jersey Shirts for 95c. Regular $ 1.50 Jersey Shirts for SI.OO. Regular $2.00 Jersey shirts for $1.50. THE RACKET STORE. 120 South Main Street, Butler, Pa. I We are pleased to inform those w ho appreciate clot lies that are comfortable and fit correctly, %> that our selection of Fall patterns are here. They are handsome and mod erate priced. See them. \laiacl, Tailor. MwUlip? Cures Sick Headache I * * "GOSSER'V * * I .CREAM GLYCERINE. has no equal for chapped hands, lips or . face, or any roughness of the skin, ami % Is not excelled as a dressing for the face . after shaving. Sold by druggists at Q Twenty-five Cents a Bottle. • •••••••••••• L «. McJUNKIiN, (nsurance and Real Eslalc A['l 17 F.AHT JKFFKRhOM tiT, BUTLER, - PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers