•BARGAINS* _ There was never a time when people were looking for bargains so much as at the present time and BICKELS bargains were never so attractive as they are now. Our entire stock of Fall and Winter goods have arrived and are open 4hd ready for your inspection. Bargain seek ers will have the grandest opportunity the have ever had to select what they may wish from an immense stock of Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods. * * * NOTE THE PRICES: 350 pair men's kip, D. S. and tap, box toe boots, hand made $3.5° a " " plain toe " " 3°° 29 0 « oak kip, guaranteed waterproof - 2 -5° 300 " heavy kip, long leg boots - - 2.00 218 pair boys' hand made kip boots - - 2 -5° 674 " kip boots - - I-2 5 465 pair men's every day shoes - _ " 90c to 1./3 212 pair boys' " ~ _ oo 118 pair women's oil grain lace shoes 690 " " button " - " 17- " veal kip lace shoes - 100 pair misses' " " ~ ~ 300 " oil grain shoes - _ -y Iso pair ladie's fine dongola shoes, Rochester make, price 3 .00 at 1.50 4GO " hand turn " " 4_.00at2.00 300 " kid button shoes - 190 pair misses' " ~ ~ 500 " grain and calf school shoes / 3 300 pair infant shoes - ~ ~ Gilt Edge and Atrose fine oil dressing, per bottle - 2 3 "Bickel" fine shoe polish Russian cream dressing for tan shoes -3»our Prices in Rubber Goods Surprise Them All.*^ Men's first quality rubber boots, light weight - $ 2 -S° heavy " - 2 -5° Bo >'' s " " " " I"« Youth's " " \ Ladie's " " ~ Men's heavy overs, first quality 500 pair men's fine specialty rubbers Men's self-acting or imitation sandals 5 J Ladie's finest grade rubbers, eight styles s^ " Croquets or imitation sandals 2 5 Misses'finest grade rubbers -- "" ~ \ " croquets or imitation sandals Our stock of rubber goods is larger than ever before,all styles, men's short, knee and hip boots. Same styles in boys' and youths boots. All styles of men's and ladies Arctics and Alaskas,and child rens and misses storm rubbers. When in need of footwear give me a call. JOHN BICKEL. 128 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PENN'A The 0. W. HARDMAN Art Company Limited. SPECIALTIES Everything in Photographing and Portraits, in PWQPD -J and everything that can be V t/1 W dl fc: I found in a first class sto*"e, IIDIEI liS. IK) ISSrhi"** E. GRIEB. THE JEWELEE No. 139, North Main|St., BUTLEK, PA., M. ROSENTHAL, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 FerryJSt., - Pittsburg, Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square HelowgDiamond M SAHvJILIG - IB GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. Your Painter has often wasted time *nd material in trying to obtain a ihade of color, and has even resorted to the use of ready misted paints, the ingredients of which he knew nothing, because of the diffi culty ia making a shr ' of color 'with whit 2 lead. This wastr era: be _ .c.-ed by the use of National Lea J Company's Pure White Lead Tinting Colors These tints are a combination of per fectly pure colors, put up in srai.ll cans, and prepared so that ~se pound will tint 25 pounds of Strictly Pure White Lead to the shade shown on the can. By this means you will have the best paint in the world, because made of the best materials— Strictly Pure White Lead and pure colors. Insist on having one of the brands of white that are sta :ard, by the " Old " process, and known to be strictly pure: "Armstrong & McKeivy" " Beymer-Baumaa" " Fabnsstock" " Davis-Chambers" These brands of Strictly Pure White Leid and National Lead Co.'s {'-re V.'ftite Tinting Colors are fcr sale by the most re liable Sealers in pa : r.ts everywhere. If voo are f*oing to paint, it will pa you to send to -a» fcr a book containing lnf( ■ .-na tion thit may zavc you many a dollar; i .vil! only coat you a postal card. NATIONAL LEAD CO., 1 r rr, i'! KcwTcrt Pittsburgh Breach, National Lead and Oil Co of Peaoayiv&ni* PittsDurxh. P* VETERINARY SPECIFICS Fee Hsr:e:, Cattle, Sheep, Esgs, Sags, AND POULTRY. 500 Page Book on Treatment of Animal* and Chart Hent Free, craxs s Pevera,CoDgeationa, I nfln niniut lon A.K.i f-pinal 'lenlnaiti*. Milk Fever. 8.8.-Mraioi, l.amene**, Kkeamatiam. C.C Distemper, Nanil Discharges. D.D.-Kotn or Grub*. Worm*. E.E.—< »uuk», llram, Pneumonia. F.F.—(nlle or liriprn. Bellyache. —>li»'-nrri a ue, HemorrkiiiM. 11.11. I rinaryaad Kidney Diaraaea. 1.1. "Eruptive l>i«fa»M, .Mange. .K.~l>i»ra»ea of DiEealion, Paralyaia. Single Bottle over SO dosea), - - .00 Btable Ca*e, with Specific*. Manual, Veterinary f.ure fMI an'l Medlcator, a7*#o JUT Veterinary Care Oil, - - 1.00 hM kr DraftfeU: ar oat pn-pii'i npikm >a4 In « rwlpt of prir». iit'iryni'Tk'iii). ra, ill * utwinu*!*., «>»l»l HOMEOPATHIC Aft IJjpRl SPECIFIC No.uu ID ON 30 jear». Tbo onlj roccwwfnl remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, And Proctr&tioo, from'o?er-work or other cioNi fl per rial, or 6 vi*!« and large vial powder, for I&. ton i.f Uracciati, ;t wot ; rwlpt of prtoa, ■TIPUHKYti' MID. CO.. 11l A Ct hu.Kewlarfc. Nothing On Earth Will HENS LIXB Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Preventa all DiseaM. Hood for Moulting Miens. It la abaoiotely pur*. Htehly concentrated. In quan tity eoaw tenth ofia <•< nt day. f"> ''tlicr on»-f<«irth aa rtAmir Htrtetly • imv.l''tne. " (me lai*« rain «it«l ma |U): sKnd id* to pn-v-Mt luwp.' ®a jn on« PuM'itoer. If jou c an l ect it wnd to oy. We mull one uu*k 2V? Kir«-$1 A* 14 lh. can $1.«0. Wtx rusm. Of), expr paM BtuUry prlre & cent* trr* with •' 'Worderi or more, banjple cop j y ' kL y Internal t+j! ' ana&, itcl. all TyrC trion lh« / ' rwxrVr ha,4rl * ' «. A".,UaT»nr x jZrihta.n rlrar, wh.'e and V ' •' ' ' T r * ' ,r *' H«4tii L to**, failalclfikim, Fa- «Jf-t«m fwlw /"v DOCTORS LAKE fl I'ltl f/TK DISPWSABT. tlf. Jn OOR. PEMI- A'E. AND FOUHTH ST., . PITTSBURGH, PA. _ \ All formsol Delicate an'l f'nm pli' ute.l UUcaws re'iuiilnnCow. riDKNTiai. an«l h< iri' TiH' Mi 'l -"TCi icallon uro treated at tiu.i I): - r/ with a aticcfc . arely attaint"!. I)r.H. K . ;.i. ■, tncmltcr of tins lU»y.il Loileieof I'by kdSvr|MKis«iAd if imol k i and moat t.< need SrcciALWi In tl.a city Bw--al *t •, . • jjirentoS-STT'itia Debility fromP»Wf-»ivr nl <■ xcrtlm, 1 nou cannot have health. < ure'l me over live jmr* a«ool n Olneaae and Dropay. Mits. I. 1,. Hand Mill. (F. Wilson's Pat.) Circulars Iree. "Also Power and Farm Mill*. Send for illustrated circular* and tcHtimnuial><." 100 jier rt. motr mmle in kerpiny yoailtry. Addres* WILSON BKOS., KastotJ, I'a. THE CITIZEN The Brain. Panxsatawney Spirit. It is generally known in a vague way that there are two hemispheres to the brain and that they act independently of one another. But most people do not realize that mental operations can be carried on with one hemisphere just as we can see with one eye or hear with one ear. There are multitudes of well authenticated ca.-es to prove that when one of these duplicate organs has been injured by accident or or disease, so far as to amount to an abso lute disorganization of it, the other will go right along performing its functions. That these cerebral hemispheres do not always act in unison is proven by the fact that while engaged in some pursuit that requires a continued mental operation y.'i can take note of what somebody is saying. As for instance a country editor might be engaged upon a heavy scientific editorial and at the same time enjoy the melodies of a hand organ which floated through his sanctum window from the street below. Did you ever aumse yourself with the pleasant operation of castle building imagine yourself a bloated sleeping-car porter or something of that sort, with more money than some people have hay, knowing at the same time that you were only an ordinary mortal? Well, one hem isphere of the cerebrum builds the castles while the other looks on and laughs. And did yon never dream those gorgeously b 'autifnl dream.-* the r-plendor of which sur passed anything you could imagine while awakt? And while it all seemed so r«al to you and yon were revelling in transitory glory, you were still conscious that it was all a dream. That was because one hemis phere of your brain was awake, while the other a hs asleep and dreaming. Anoth*-r pecular thing about the brain: Its activity increase* and diminishes in prop<>rti*>!i to the quantity and quality of the blood tiid" through it. Arrest of tbo heart's a lion and the consequent cessation ol cerebral circulation immedi atelj entails unconsciousness. While on the other h»j' excessive cerebral circulation oau.-t excitement that often r- st" ••!iri*im. Again, if the bl«M,*l h Jiii.t jjrojjt-rly oxygenized when it p-rei I a.-nvit y is pro duced. The brain appear- *be » very mysterious afimr bec.iu- • it is reservoir of so many q.* e. id. a*, so in .. h i-pring p >etry, eo maijy tender j earning-. *«nd It and sooth fnl emotions, but r ali"jfether human, and ne*'*l- Citr-'wl attention. O-.n dby i. Moonshiner. When Jack Roper was called in the United States Court this morning he rose and pleaded guilty to working in an illicit distillery. With a number of others he was sent to one side to await sentence. Working in an Illicit distillery is nothing but a misdemeanor, while operating a dis tillery is equal to a felony. Roper knew this and entered his plea to working in the distillery, which was ac cepted. "How long did you work!" asked the judge, when the man stood up for sentence. "Ob, 'boat a week, I recon." "Whose distillery was it'" "My own. The judge looked puzzled, but all he could do was to give hioi two months' for working in an illicit distillery.— Atlanta Journal. Catarrh is a constitutional disease, and requires a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sarsaprilla. —That was a cruel jest uttered by a lady when she said she did not believe the Heavenly choir would amount to anything because there would not be a sufficient number ol male voices in it. There will not, she said, be enough men in Heaven to sing base. Consumption surely Cured. To Turn StiiTon-. Plwuio Inform yctir ro*a harn Wra penasneutly cured. 1 shall be phul to sea d twj.o*Uos of my remedy KJIEE to any of yomr readers in ha»e consumption if they will send ma tbelt F.xpr«s» and P. O. addreaa. ltc«i>ri t fallr. T. i. HiIAJVU. M. 0.. 1(1 Pearl «t.. N. Y. —Native—See the young man over then t He has saved sixteen persons from drown ing. He plays the flute, too. Visitor— Ob, well, a man *ho has saved sixteen lives ha* a right to play the flute. NOVEMBER DAYS. November is a month of rainy, disagree able days. The damp, cold air penetrates everywhere and chills iho blood, laying the system open to the danger of colds, pneumonia and kindrud complaints. There is but one remedy that stimulate* the system aud fortifies it against such at tacks, and that is whiskey. Not such a whinkey as is generally palmed oil' on the public, but a whiskey of known purity and quality. Such a whiskey is KleinV Silver Age, Duquesne or Bear Creek Ryes. These whiskies have been before the public for many years and find favor wherever purity is required. Physicians prescribe them; hospitals use them, and every repntable dealer sells them. They are for sale «t $1.50, sl.£> and SI.OO per quart respectively. Send for a complete catalogue and price list of all liquors mailed tree. All goods neatly box ed and expressed anywhere. Address MAX KLEIN, K2 Federal Street, Allegeny, I'a. —Grandpa (to grandson who had just carne from a visit t« the Natural History Museum) —Well Sammy, where have you been to-day? Sammy—Oh, we've had a fine time, grandpa. We've been to a dead aircus. Drunkenness, he Liquor Habi , Pos ively Cured by adimnstering Dr. Haines "Golden fcjecfic." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup ol coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge ol the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or aa alcoholic wreck. It lias been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impragnat e*l with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Curi-H guaranteed 48 page book ol particular* free. Address, Golden Bj>e* fic Co.. IH". Race St.. Cincinnati I O. —Miss [Decker—Do you knowt Mary Pavisbam has married that Charley Goi-lin, after having broken her engagment to him three different timex! Miss Houston—She evidently believes iu "Well shaken before taken." "Did you ever," said one preacher to another, "stand at the door after your eer mon and listen to what the people said about it as they passed ontt" Replied he: 1 did once"—a pause and a nigh—"but I'll never do it again." Many a girl who marries for leisure repents in haste. —Therca on that rich men have so many friends is that they are capital fellows. —Toper—What shall I take, Doctor, to remove the redness of my noseT Doctoi— Take nothing—-for three months. —He—What do you think of a man marry ng a woman for her moneyT Shi— I should say she wa* check mated. —He—This shoe doesn't fit. Try a bigger one. .-die (severely)—No, sir; bring me the s*mc size a little larger. The most industrious of stamp clerks is seldom anxious to get in two licks to anybody else's one. The S&mc Mr. Riley. Pitt?barg Time*. One Michael RUey, ot whom Brennen I gpnke highly. wa« called up lor trial for selling poteeu. It was of a San day, the day before Monday, two spalpeens called at the Point, where ho kept his shebeen. '•Are you Mr. Rilejf a.«ked one of them slyly, and they took a whiff out of Riley's* dhudeen. "I am that same Riley," and up he jumped spryly and flaunted before them a sprig of the green. ''Well, my head it is achin', bejabers it's breakin' aud a drop of the crature I'd like to have quick. Now Riley's big-hearted and with them he start ed, inside of his own door to doctor the sick. His wife got the wink and before you could think, she set out two glasses, and in each one a "stick. They were drained to the bottom, by the fellows who got 'em, those disguised informers who thought they were slick. They paid for the liquor, and than wiih a snicker, they took their departure with a secret intent, to make information, down at Central station, and to.see that poor Riley to Claremont was sent. They made information and then with elation, they took out a warrant, and to ••pinch" Kiley they went. They lound him a sleeping and there was co weeping when one of them told to him what it all meant. In jail they "throwed" him, no mercy they showed him, and he laid there till yesterday when called to be tried. "Not guilty," he pleaded, then a jury was need ed, to hear and determine the truth on each side. The informers told their tale, about the alleged sale, of liquor which Riley denied. Then the lawyers '"begun with theories fine spun, and Brennen as serted the informers had lied. The charge of the court, was of that sort, that left the jurymen free to decide. They went to their room, left Riley in gloom, and soon they came back their verdict to tell. They found Mr. Riley, whom they all spake of highly, was the same Mr. Kiley who kept the hotel. At lea.-l be sold beer, lor didn't they hear those iuloruaers say that he had it to sellf Riley felt badly ai-d was led away sadly, lor the verdict was one he didn't like well. This knocked the poetry all out oi it, and he was remanded to jail by Judge Sla»ile for sentence on Saturday. —Kheuinatisut cured in a day —-"My.•'lie cure" for rheumatism anil neurulgia, radic ally cures in Ito o days. Its action upon tho system is remarkable and mysterious. It removen at once the cause and the di— ease immediately disappears. The hr.-t dohe greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. 0 Redick, druggii-t, Butler. —Abraham Lincoln's emancipationproc lama lion didn't mention the taiiff, but no one can deny that it was the lorerunner of free wool. —Many a man gets into a peck of troub le by taking the eight quarts that make it. —The man who gets a head every morn ing is not always the foremost iu the race «.f life. «-Don't you care anything for works of artt" "Darling, you know 1 have always told you how I loved you." —A safety touchdown —kissing a Fre t man with an embryo moustache. Hlobbs —"Wigwaw made a bad brcik in a restaurant yesterday yesterday. Slobbs—"What was itt" Blobbs—"An egg that was tire 1 of life." —Xever judge a man by his dress suits The man who wears the same old one on every occasion may. be impecunious, but the chap who sports a dilTerent one every night is not above suspicion. —There can be no isuch thing as the right use of a wrong thing. A large proportion of the people who attended the Fair in its closing days came home with severe colds. | • —The Pennsylvania State exhibits at the World's Fair are to be kept perma nently in the new State Museum at liarris burg. t —Several cases of the genuine old "grip' have come to our notice within the past week. It takes hold as strongly and earn estly as ever. —The stringency of the times is reflect ed iu the fact that several of our exchanges are thankfully acknowledging the gilt of medium-sized pumpkins. —Bicycle riders know well the difference between wheel and woe. —A fanner down in Union county, hav ing the deed of his lariu in his vest pocket, hung the garment on the fence* while at work in bis field, and a cow coming along ate part of the vest and all the deed. Tim question in that vicinity now is,is that cow a freeholder, ai the title of the land was duly vested in herf —That Cincinnatti editor who referred to the v'"O president as the "powerless provost of a pirl'unctury potentiality," knoay you |OOO coah if they can't rura your Ca> tarrb, no matter how bad your case. •r [ Ajred naturally In Government Bonded! ■ Warehoasex, exported to Hamburg, Oor-B ■ many, kept in Heated Wan-houses until I ■ matured, shipped hack and bottled on mirl , ■own premise# in the guarantee vro jfive you ■ ■ that Old Export is absolutely pure. Free! ■ from fusel oil and all injurious ingredients.® ■ It is the ideal family whiskey for medicinal ■ lor social purposes. Mai 1 and express orders ■ ■ tilled promptly, and on orders of €lO orl ■over we pay express charges. UufMt f rite LUti of Brusdies.Vl ines, tt hiikif i miital fret Here's the Idea Of the Non-pull-out Bow The great watch saver. Saves the watch from thieves and falls—cannot be pulled off the case—costs nothing extra. / f The bow has a groove I I fp '' \ 1 on each end. A collar : [ I ✓ r-» I 1 runs down inside the V V <<- J J pendant »tem and VJfIH ]]T/ fits into the grooves, J firmly locking the /< >v bow to the pendant, x so that it cannot be pulled or twisted off. Can only be had with cases JSp stamped with this trade mark. fisy Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases are iiow fitted with this great bow (ring). They look and wear like solid gold cases. Cost only about half as much, and are guaranteed for twenty years. Sold only through watch Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. ALITI6TIC IIAIR GOODS. «\ . I have re oj/ened v-ffV. tr,y establishment. V fi'eal Wi«H ami waves, \2trf fWtjTm' feather litl.t on*l lit— (J/ jff'fMb -a Ilk** %-i and U|». W»v» Mahair sw Itches.all lengths SKfrJr I") i"ilt't r*.*f|uislti*.s. ! '3 Fair Bleach removes ali iittiy f ■ 4 coiidltion.niuke the hair ✓V soft and Kl«mHy, and / beaut liul. curllne keeps A I the hair In curl In \ dampest weather. \ /YK is the r " moat perfect prepara tion . guaranteed free! Irom all poisonous lti tor 'tilcaclilßtr hair , "l'' I '!','?: The only medically pure f " r ° >at purpose, ( till lie us *1 as ami 'II* lnj . Also nlee line <>l -lull pins, combs, bands.etc. . mat inyefctaMl-hnient. You can be made mt ir suram* r Naturalj< url hair. 20.5. a. Main St., 2d Hour.' All Kl lt t " r l l l ' l ' t ' ] ! p | !,' pa GOOD FELLOWSHIP is a hard thing to find Do you want tbo recipe ? Hi re it is. Get bottle—you 11 find it sure. Try our Finch's (jol it. K. PSWT. K f a. Well - Dressed AND At Small Cost. Everybody noticen u w<*ll flr<*-<-«*«l woman, There is a great difference in tahtes and in methods of dreHcinp. Threisjustas much variance in StyleH, quality and PRICES OF DRY GOODS. And this Hubjeet interests every womitii who reads this pajx,*r and it interests You. If you have any Dry Goods to buy, this month, next month, or any time, you just write us for samples; look them over, com pare the prices and see if you do not find, out and at once, that you can buy your Dress Goods in these ntores for so much Less Money than most places you know of; that it will pay you to trade here all the time. Try it'und *ee for yourself. 50 I'IKCES ' WOOL MIXED TRICOTS Navy Blue ouly; 50 incbo wide i 2() Oentw. Suitable for Misses' school dresrea and Women's hOus • K"Wtis. Lot 38 inch, all wool, Stripped j Suitiriffs lor Misses' dresses, 25 Cents a y.trd and you save half the price. Choice line 42 inch, pluin Camels' Jluir in line of colors, 50 Cents. 20 pieces of all wool Imported. DAMASSE SERGES 8'! inches w do, cboic ■ co'ors, 50 ( 'oill H. Were made to sell for $1 00 a yard! Everything in "Autumn and Winter W'rttps at prices that will intere t and profit you. And don't forget our Illustrated Catalogue and Fashion Journal. If you have not received a copy, write us at one *. &. iilllll, 115 to 121 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY. PA. POULTRY MEN! Our Green Hone Cutter will dou* ble your production Best and Cheapest in the market. Circular free. WEBSTER & HANNUM, Caz:novia, N. Y | HAMifcU ML, I' tool i Him i .* * , it j « I IMlmiqii*' V» I HHI » "• *EKMJR • 7. 1 C. & D. ALWAYS Take into c Deiil**ravtd i? as got ii at» money earned. Tbe best tvav to «av«> monev is to 1 buv pood jjoods at the rifrht price. The only rea? n that our trade is. we Laudle cnly Rooda of fir.-t quality and sell them at very low prices We have takeu uuusual care to t provide everything new in Hats and Furnishing Goods for this season, and as we have control of many especially good articles in both lines we can do you good if you come to as. Wh confidently say that in justice to themselves all purchasers should inspect our goods Visit us. COLBERT & DALE, 242 S Main street, Butler, Pa. Cures thousands annuallyof Liver Co mplaints. Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspep sia, Constipation, Malaria, afore Ills result fromau T'nhealthyLlverthanany other cniise. Why suffer when you can he cured ? Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigo* ntor la a celebrated family medicine, vou; uitriifiiiT » n.t srpptT YOC. Scientific American Iff TRADE MARKB, OKBICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, «tc. For information and free Handbook write to ML'N.V A CO- 3tU Bhoauwat. Niw YORK. Oldest tun-can for securing patents in America. Krery patent taken out by us Is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in the Larvost circulation of any noicnttflc paper In th© > world. Splendidly illustrate 1. No lntellliront man should be without It, Weeklr .&3.U0 a year; months. MUNN A CO* I vißLisiiiUN 36113 road war. Hew York Cltx. I \ T T —T "THERE'S MONEY IX IT. to act as our Agent, lull or purt Ume as able Permanent position ffuaranted to men or wo men. l.lberal pay weekly. Stock complete. OUt edged specialties. Kxpcrleueeunnecessary. Hl* nutnt free. Address, Nurserymen. c. H. HAWKS A CO.. Established ih* Rochester. N. Y i WE WAN! YOU to net ska our agent. We furuhh uu expensive , outfit and all you need free. It cost* nothing to try the business. We will treat you well, and I help you to earn ten times ordinary wajres Both •exes of all <*uti live at home utid work in ■pare time, or all the time. Anyone any where can earn a jrrcat deal of money. Many have made Two II imelav i»ot *n fending for it. 1 GKOK(iK. STINSON & CO., ISox No \HH, l'ortlmid, Me. PKITFR SHOE CO., Inc'p. Capital, $1,000,000. HKHT HI.AO MIOK IN TH K WORLD. "A dollar tared it a dollar rarn'd." This I .miles' Solid French Dongola Kltl But ton Jloot delivered free anywhere In tho U.S., on receipt of ('ash. Money Order, W or Postal Note for #1.60. CO W every way tho boots wL ftL M wld In *ll retail stores for It'* Wo makn this boot ■K 7O» ] ourselves, thereforo we guar -1 antes tho /It, ntyle and wear. rK \ " anyone Is not saUsAed |£[J^ v (~wo will refund the money \ or send another pair. Opera M . Toe or Common Hcn»c, j rO'£i\ V widths C, I), K. 8c KB. I '\ IU ivy \>lin 1 to H aud half ■iuf I I yf Send your *i*e; K [ J I I rvfox fit you. etratod DEXTER Shoe^"^JSLS:' Special terms t J IHuitrs. W. H. O'BRIEN k SON. otJScliutte & O'Hrien.T Sanitary P umbers And (i un Fitters. DUITB FM Srwer Pipe, (ia« Fixturet t Globen ai d Natural (ias Appliarc Jeffersou St.,opp. T.owry House BTTTLKR» HA- C BUGGIES at & Price \SLy-ys. I AItTH A IIAItNI -v-i. I mT «M\ Top ftomr f.17 We C tit th« f tfl| Mr sifi PhATtoti |M PHH'KJI and I ! a Mi Ti>pHiirr«7.M7i(iQlw II ALL Qgmft) SAO Itosd Waaoi, #•-'/. p*9tttom. —(■ fpt? SIS < art •* i-> Iluj' of fw- VJS my Putftry llarie li, u.rrnnd wive \ lio Ittiifirj " •4.75*Mn1«l ir-insn's f JLWK; ffiif Jl.irK'H" Kxtdlo $1 KlOat'a's Free u. •. H« «lUV A CARTCO. Ito U l*wrtnc« bl, (.'lucluuaD, U. t' u * I EWIS 98 % LYE I rcxr ZLZD AI to rzzruuts " < * (I'ATX*TXI)) Tho at roil sent and purest I.jr« inado. I nllke other l.y« II bnlnf HA IA. i m.o powdcf aiid toi hiMiw druggist* or s*nt by wviil on Tftipt of pric*. bfl<| 9UC ELY BROTHEFTS. 56 Wa'CW Street NEW YORK. 9UC Job Work oi all kind done at the "Citizen Office."