The 0. W. HARDMAN Art Company Limited. SPECIALTIES Every in PtoU.p.phißg ruSr ci'lS' S ' P '*' "" " Colors, that is worthy of honest sale, and strictly FIKST CLAbb, IS OUR SPECIALTIES Old Pictures REPRODUCED and ENLARGED. All work guaranteed M £ P re- Lady School Teacher, LADIES, OLD PEOPLE, And Children have no long, dark, filty stairs to travel up and down Studio on FIRST FLOOR 108 itAiN STREET, BUTLER, PA. FALL OPENING _ OF FINE-—^ FURNITURE AND QUEENSWARE, A stock superior to anything we have previously *hown, and at prices that w.ll nt ereot shrewd buyers. Gold Chairs. Nothing prettier for rour Parlor than one of these Chairs. A fine assortment to select from Onyx Stands. J Exclusive Styles in these goods, and the prices will please you Lamp ln Brag(li Dregd en China and Glass. One of these * ill improve the appearanco of any Parlor. Decorated China, In all the fine wares, such as Koyal Worcester, Teple!*, Doleton Royal Dresden, Koyal Bonn, Ac., <rc. Plain China. Nothing more benutiful for a Present than a piece of this ware, nicely decorated. Decorated Dinner Sets. Many New Patterns and a large assortment at Popular Prices! Brass and Iron Beds. "When you want to improve the appearance of your Bed-room buy one of these Beds. ssr ::rr Sw— CARPETS. CAIIPBEUI TEMPLETON, Butler, - Penn'a. , RINGS, - Diamonds SS, ' STUDS, ♦ ( GENTS GOLD,| W tr'Vi PC { LADIES GOLD ' VV AICJIEB (GENTS SILVER. LADIES CHA.TLAIN, J Gold Pi . u3 ' Ear-ring 8 ' VV t/11 y "Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc, ( Tea sets, castors, butter dishes Qihrnrwai'D «{ and everything that can be V t/1 W dl tr | found in a first cla&s store, HDGER BROS. 1147 I " E. GRIEB. THE JEWELER No. 139, North Main' St., BUTLEE, PA., i—. g : ~ M". ROSENTHAL, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 FerryJSt., Pittsburg, Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond M THE KING." THEN IFE GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF Sale.' Of Children's Hats. Children's Underwear, Children's Hosier) ! Best assortment of Ladies Trim med Hats in the City. ML P. & M. MARKS, 113 to 117 Sonth ilftia Street. | | r-1 I/PR COUNTY ■ firr insurance Co. j ■ •. Wair. & Cunningharo r?f* !< (' HKINEMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: Airrp i Wick. Henderson Oliver, Or. W. Irvln. Jaines Stephenson, v. r . w. liiuckmore. N. Weltzel, K. i; v. man, ID. T. NOITIB, (»eo Ketterer. ('has. Kebhun, John Grchin&n, John Koenlne. i LOYAL S. M'JUNKIN. Agent. mm • J tne D€St It In Paint e ;rur e White Lead is best: properly applied it will not scale, chip, chalk, or rub off; it firmly adheres to the wood and forms a permanent base for repainting. Paints which peel or scale have to be removed by scraping or burning before satisfactory repainting can be done. When buying it is important to obtain Strictly Pure White Lead properly made. Time has proven that white lead made by the " Old Dutch " process of slow corrosion possesses qualities that cannot be obtained by any other method of manufacture. This process consumes four to six months time, and produces the brands that have given White Lead its character as the standard paint. "Armstrong & McKelvy" " Beymer-Bauman" " Fahnestoclc ' " Davis-Chambers" are standard brands of strictly pure Lead made by the "Old Dutch" pro cess. You get the best in buying them. You can produce any desired color by tinting these brands of white lfad with National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. For tale by the most reliable dealers in P»i 3ts everywhere. If you are going to paint, it will pay you to ■end to us for a book containing inforrnat.on that may save you many a dollar ; it will only cost you a postal card to do so. NATIONAL LEAD CO., 1 Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Branch, National Lead and Oil Co. of Pennsylvania - Pittsburgh. Pa- HUM P HR E Y S' l)r. Humphrey*' ispeHllc* are scientifically and carefully preuami KnmecUei, uvt for j<ar* In private practice and for over thirty years by tha people with entire suceess. Every Flngle Sjiecllto a special cure for the naine<i. They eure without druKKliig,purging or reducing the system and are In fa«t and deed the fek>\ rreign Remedies of the W orld. no. crass. rut art. l-Forrrs Conp« :-stlons, Inflammations.. .23 Worm*# Worm > ever. Worm Colic— .25 3—Teet liinari Colic, Crying. Wakefulness .*25 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adults .25 7-Caaghft, Colds, Bronchitis 25 8- Neuralgia, Toothache,Kaeeache 25 9- Headac he*, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 10—Dyspepuln, I {fllousness,Constipation. .25 11—Snppn'NHcd or Painful Period** . .25 12—Whiten, Too Pi of use Periods . .25 IS —Croup, l^aryngiflN, Hoarseness . .25 14—Snlt Khenm, Erysipelas, Eruptions . .25 15—KbeumntiMin, Rheumatic Pains .25 10-Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague. .25 19-C'alnrrh, Influenza, Cold in the Bead. .25 20—Whooping Couch 27—Kidney DNrnnp* 2K—Xervou* Debility ■••J® 30—Vrinary Weakne«*, Wetting Bed.. .25 HUMPHREYS' WITCH IIAZEL OIL, "The Pile Oinl in eat. "-Trial Size, 21 Cts. Sold b7 Druc*iM«. »r lent post-paid on tof price. I>s. Hni HiLVi Mam al 114|>a{Te». kailko raes. HtirHUKV'j' MFD.CO., 111 & HIWIHUa St., IBW YORK. SPECIF 8 C S . Nothing On Earth 111 HENS LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. Good for Moulting liens. tt la absolutely p>iro. niirhly concentrated. In quan tity costs tenth of a cent i day. No other one-fourth aa Htronjr- Strictly a mwiicine. ' One can sared me #4O, six to prevent Roup, says one customer. If you can't c« t « Bond to "«. We mnll ..Tie |.a<-k l<- l ive 81 Asl4 Ih can lI.SO. Ktx raiiH, Sj/i 0". vxprurs paid. J\*ultry liaising Guide, price 25 cent" free with il.ooorders or more. Sample copy KfTfilt IIOTPon-Tllv I'afkb bent free. ■S. Jo i nsi N & CO .aCulaanil— 1, Boston. Maaa. yimpCMLET f iI.r^SWAYNI'B ABSOLUTELY CURBS. OINTMEKT R\ MPTOMH-MoUltirr J Intenco Itchtnff and •tfnglrg: moat at nlgb!: wormr by ecr&trhiß". If Cw » I t,n « r tumoro farm and protru<!», which bleed *n«! t:!r»-p»fe. btT<»niinir verv .ore. . «X* A .M. OI.NTMI ,\T ..„p.l;. hl^ cr . ll! t Mecttin*. i'!j«f»rl>-th,*tnr;i r*. . tt or »•/ utilforwOcU. Prepared iij Ob.SwAr»Kd: «. Pa'u J.„-!x>h 4 -. S'\ DOCTORS LAKE m rKI /ATE DISPWSAKT. IJL-, COR. PEW. AVE. AND FOURTH BT.. -2£M:&R. PITTSBURGH, PA. Z&*B£*k A -AH forms of Dclicato ami Corn et#*. plicated Diseases requiring Cox*. W -:„ - • 3jr PIUKNTIAL anuSCIENTII IC Med ---A ication arcs treated at this Dis .l: .iry with a miccesf. .-arcly attained. Dr. S. A. Lalic Is" member of tlio Uovul College of I'll Y . a id Surmx..!", nnd Is the ol lest and most e.\i—i .uiiced .-pui'ialis.' in lha city. Spn ; ai at- Icnti'.a piven to Nervous Debility from ."cessiTO i.i * :il <>\ortlon, indiscretion of youth, etr.,caus , !iv :cal ami mental decay,lack of energy, i-) ..ii ncy, etc.; also Cancers Old Sores, Fits, i ii( rheumatism, and all <li- uses of the Skin, i. I'ilnary<>rgan:',ttc. Consultation ..nd strictly conlVUntk.l. Office hours,9 to : .1 Jto 3 p.'M.; Sundays, 2to 4 I*. :i. only, i <-' ice or address J.AKK, C 'ft «NN A\ 1.. ANDITHST.. I'tTTfiß LUGH, 1 A McCANDLESS' HEAVE CURE, I have a Hoave Cure that will enre any case of heaves in horses in forty days, if used according to directions, and if it does not do what I claim for it, I will refund the amount paid and no charges will be made for the treatment. The following testimonials are the strongest proof of the medicines power to cure: A. J. MCCANDLKSS, Butler, l'a., 1893. Ma. A. J. MCCAKDLESS: On the 2nd day of April, 1892, I com menced to use your new cure for one ot my horses that had the heaves very bad, and continued to use the medicine for about forty days and the horse did not show any signs of a return of them. It is now a hout a year since I quit givin the medic\ne and the horse has never sowed any signs of heaves, and I feel stisfied that he is properly cured. W. C. CBISWRLL. Butler, Pa., April 3, 1893. A- J- MCC'ASDLESS: I have used your Ileave Cure and found it will do the work if used according to di rections. Yours truly, R. J. MCMILUS. Ii MIIrHUMi ll)— V a Cures ISrixlit's Disease, Dropsy, (iruvel, Nerv ousness. Heart, liliiiiry of Liver Diseases. Known by a tired lar.qulil feeling; loading of the kidneys weakens and poisons the blood, and unless cause Is removed! jou cannot have health. Cured me over tlveyears ugoof Drlghfs Disease and Dropsy.—Mus. I. L. C. MII.I.KK. Bethlehem, l'a. 1.000 other similar testlmon.uls. Try It. Cure guaranteed- CANNS kIIiMEY ('IKE CO., J*»j V,»»neo St , Philadelphia, Pa.; Sold by All Jieliable Druggists. f gENCINC Railroad, farm, garden, Cemetery, Lawn, Poultry and Rabbit Fencing THOUSANDS OF MILES IV IKE. CATALOGUE FBEE. FKKIGHT PAID. THE McMULLEN WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO, 111, 116, 118 and 120 H. Harks-, at,, Chicago, 111. Grind Your Own Corn Meal, Oyster Shells uid Corn in the $o Hand Mill. (F. Wilson's Pat.) Circulars lree. "Also Power and Farm Mills. Send for illustrated circulars and testimonials." lOfJ pt r cr. moic made in keeping j/oMltry. Address WILSON BKOS. Bast on,* Pa. SS^LORD&TiiQi^i THE CITIZEN A Secret Dungeon. New Castle yews. On a prominent residence street of this city stands a large brick house, apparently nof remarkable lor anything but its age. It is a two-story building, and was built in the childhood of many ot our citizens. The house possesses au interesting his tory, and has connected with it a very re markable feature, long forgotten, bat re cently brought to light. A short time since, the present occupants were engaged and whan the carpet on a small first-floor bed room was removed, a small trip door, which had long passed unnoticed, was detected in the floor. Upon being opened it was found to lead to a small cellar, which had no communica tion with the main cellar, being separated from it by several feet of earth. So stair way or ladder led down to the floor, and a lantern was lowered into it. It was found to be about ten feet square, with no window or opening of any kind excepting the trap door. The floor was not paved in any way, but the ground was nicely leveled and packed tightly down. The cellar con tained nothing but an old stool, a battered candlestick, and a mildewed shoe. A quiet investigation was instituted, and at last there was found an old citizen who explained the mystery ofthelongtorgotten cellar. In the days before the war when the anti-slavery agitation was at its height, the house was owned by a lady who was a member of a secret society having for the object not only the abolition of slavery, but the aiding of escaped slaves to freedom. Mflny times the pursuit of the un fortunate blacks was so close that the society found it difficult to make sure their escape. It was a hiding place for use in such cas--\ that the cellar was excavated, and many a slave was quartered for days and sometimes weeks, and cared for by the charitable lady of the house. Until shortly before the war the New Cast!e branch of ihe society continued operations, but as the membership was small, the organization was easily disolved, breaking up when the hosrilites between the north and south in. The trap door aras fa~t«-::.-.i down, un '.'J* housa being sold vil.r . .he Iviy lit-1, owr a quarter of a.centur agd; t eix -.mi-of the cellar was loij.i Hi n. M O < -t. a few months ago, lit- :r»j> dour pass ed unnoticed The t>l gentleman from whom the infon. alioo was obtained told -ome very iuterrsiing stories regard ing the unfortunates *-ho had been hiding in the cellar. Cue poor black who had escaped from his cruel owner, who for some distance hail pursued biro with blood hound.-, ..... t-o v» t akened by sickness brought on by privation auu exhaustion that he died shortly after being placed in the benovolent lady's care, and at night was buried in N'eshannock township not tar from the city limits. Not only did the runaways have to be guarded against their owners but also had to be kept out of sight of northern people so far as possible, on ac count of tho laws, and rewards offered by their masters. The cellar will proba bly be filled up as it can be put to no use, and the tenants of the honso have kept its existence a secret to all except a few friends fearing annoyance from the curi osity which would be aroused should its locality be made public. The gentleman who gave the history of the cellar says that he is one of the two surviving mem - bers of the society which in a quiet way extended much efficient help to the escap 'ng bondmen. Consumption sursly Cured. 'Fc T.ic Editor:— Ploase inform ycur rea.l«;r& Hint I have a positive rouiedy for tt,e above-named diseno. R; a timely use thousands of hopeless cases have f / .-a permanently cured. I shall be glad to se ad twj .'.ottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers -T , J have consumption if they will •end me thejj Express and P. O. address. Bespeet tilly. T. A. (UtAJUU. 31. C- Ml P«a.-1 St.. N. T. NOVEMBER DAYS. November is a month of rainy, disagree able days. The damp, cold air penetrates everywhere and chills the blood, laying the system open to the danger of colds, pneumonia and kindred complaints. There is but one remedy that stimulates the system and fortifies it against such at tacks, and that is whiskey. Not such a whiskey as is generally palmed off on the public, but a whiskey of known purity and qualitv. Such a whiskey is Klein's Silver Age, Duqnesno or Hear Creek ltyes. These whiskies have been before tho public for many years and find favor wherever purity is required. Physicians prescribe them; hospitals use them, and every reputable dealer sells them. They are for sale at $1.50, $1.25 and SI.OO per quart respectively. Send for a complete catalogue and price list of all liquors mailed tree. All goods neatly box ed and expressed anywhere. Address MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal Street. Allegeny, Pa. —The Cherokee Strip settlers can live on game this winter, as the prairies are cov ered with thousands of partridges, prairie chickens and pheasants. The streams are filled with fish, and deer stalk iu the forests. Drunkenness, he Liquor Habi , Pos ively Cured by adimnstering Dr. "Golden Specfic." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be giveu in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will allact a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or au alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impreguat ed with the Specific, it becomes au utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book 01 particulars tree. Address, Golden Specitic Co.. 185 Kace St.. Ciucinnatti O. —Khe'<matism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 'J days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause aud the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. Kedick, druggist, Butlei. —Henry Herst, ol' Adams county, who Killed a fellow woodchopper with an ax in capsequeuce of a love all'air, will bo hangvd on December 14. A lew hangings are needed in this Stute in order to demon strato that tl)8 ax and kindred weauons are not the best possible instruments to use on people with whom wo fail to agree —Deer have become so numerous in North-western Maine that the farmers • ops 0:1 the edge of the great forests are no longer safe, and thu question of the laid owners' rights, iu spite <-f the game laws, must soon be passed on by the courts. —The now law irn this State designating the election days of February and Novem ber as legal half holidays does not imply that the schools are to he closed. The State Superintendent says: "I would urge the directors and controllers to keep their schools in session 011 those days for the purpose ol preventing too many breaks in the regular school year.'' —A Butler man at the World's Fair, being tired and thirsty went into the Ger man village and ordered a glass •>! beer. The waiter, a lug, stolid German, with a poor command of English, brought the b.ter and demanded te'i cents, but to guy the waiter a little he said to the waiter in German. "Why do you charge ten cents for beer. Yon know you never charge more than live cents in Vienna." "Yaw." said the wniter, "das i.- so, but ofer here efl'erybody is robber; All robbers, rob bers, and we inoost he, too." It was a frank confession to say the least. —A Kansas woman 42 years of age has buried seven husbands. Harring sickness and accident, her chances tor making a re cord in thia line are very good. Hints for Housewives. M><rtar and paint may be removed from glass with hot. sharp vinegar. Mend the torn pages of books with white tissue paper. Don't shut the lids of pots, boilers and saucepans when putting them away. To remove tar, rub in grease(lard is as good as ariything;, until the spot seems pretty well loosened, and then wash in plenty of hot water and soap. To take iron mould oat of linen, hold the spot over a tankard of boiling water anb rub with juice of sorrel and salt, and when the cloth is thoroughly wet dip quickly in lye and wash at once. Some housewives say that the colors of cotton fabriee will become "set" if salt and water is employed, three gills of salt to four quarts of water. The calico is dropped in the water while hot, and there emains nntil it is cold. An Easy Catechism What is the secret of success in lifef Work. What is it that makes one man greater than another' Work. What is genius? Work. What makes a nation great and prosper ous and happy? Work. What is religionf Work. —That little tickling in you throat indi cates catarrh, which is cured by Hoods Sarsaparilla. —A meteorologist says the wind blows in a circle around a storm, and when it blows lrom the north the heaviest ram is east of yon; from the east, the heaviest rain is south; from the south, the heaviest rain is west; from the west, the heaviest rain is north. —A Kansas editor sarcastically au n ounces that he wauts to boy a sack of flour, a pair of three-ply bottom pants and a hat, and is ready to receive lowest bids for same. Ue says that is the way the merchants do with him when they want two dollars' worth of job print ing. —A hawk was shot by Albert Xewlin, ol Laureuceburtf, Ind., the other day. When he went to pick up the body the bird's mate attacked him with beak and wing, and finally bore off the body of its dead mate in triumph. —A farmer living near Three Lakes, in Forest county, Wis., recently sold his wife to a man for $lO. Tho woman is said to have raised no objections to the bargain. —All the hotels in Caitnovia, X. Y. were closed against all coiners a few days iijio because their managers were refused licenses to sell liquors. They claim that they cannot make their houses pay expen ses if they are deprived of the protits of the bars. —Anarchist iliss Golden will hold her tongue for a year. Probably this will be a worse" punishment tban the mere fact of her being in the penitentiary. —Every boy who has a trade thoroughly learned, although he may not hive a dol lar he can call his own, is better off than he would be with SIO,OOO in the bank and no trade learned. —The Archbishops of York and London each receive a salary of ,$50,000 a year; and t..e Archbishop of Canterbury receives $75,000 for a year's ecclesiastical work. —Young Mr. Ruck, of Xew York, has threatened to shoot his ex tiaucee, who re jected him for undertize. A ruck is de lined as a wrinkle; but a ruction of this sort is an entirely new sort of a wrinkle. —There is trouble in the Presbyterian church at Bellefonte, Pa., over the use of unfermented wine at communion services At a recent communion 20 members, in cluding two ol the elders, refused to par take of the wine on tho ground that its be ing fermented rendered its use improper. The pastor ard many r.f the communicants including ex-Governor Beaver, hold thEt tho question is an immaterial one. II the objectors insist on a liquid that is not fer mented, they have a right to do so. Such a liquid is not wine, however, even if it be a safer beverage than that in use in apos tolic times. Administrations may come and go, but Richard E. White sits serenely at his desk in the Sixth Anbitor's Office at Wash ington, tilling a position to which ho was appointed fiity-seven years ago. Mr. White is believed to have served ULcle Sain lor more continuous years than any other of his public servants. —"Are you pretty well acquainted with your mother tongue?" asked a Harlem school teacher of the new boy. "l'es.sir,'' answered the boy timidly: "and so is pa. Ma jaws us all the time." —The pear tree which was planted by old Peter Stuvuesant iu 1082 in that part of Xew York which is now the corner of Thirteenth street and Third avenue bloom ed until thirteen years a go, when it was blown down. —The spirit of Francis Bacon was sum moned at a spirit nalistic seance in "Wash ■ngtou a .few inghts ago anil not only kindly responded bnt gratuitously inform ed the little company present that he did not write "Shakespeare," and that, as far as he know, William Shakespeare did it himself. —Several persons met in Chicago during the Fair as a result of blowing out the gas,and there are sectionsof the country that will keep right on furnishing victims while hotels continue tho use of gas for il luminating purposes. —An exchange gives tho following good advice: "When a man playfully points a gun at you, knock nim down; don't stop to inquire whether it is loaded or not: knock him down. Don't bo particular what you knock him down with, only see that he is thoroughly knocked down. If a coroner's inquest must to be held, lot it be c.n the other follow—he won't be missed." There was n case in point yesterday at Canon;-- burg, l'a. A colon (1 fellow named Davis had a shotgun which he "didn't know" was loaded, and playfully snapped it at Mary Shearer. The shot instantly killed a child which she wus nursing, and serious ly wounded the mo!her. TO IiREAK UP W attacks of colds, chills, fuvers, rheumatism, neuralgia, and m U kindi-itl derangement* result ing from severe exposure, there's nothing so valuable as Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel- M lets. No household should be JL without tboiii, to meet just (( j nu' h enisrgenciee. U ■ These little Pellets are tiny, Ss W sugar-coated things that ev m 8,-, cry child is ready for. Tboy 33 c- ft,. keep the whole system mju T, far, in a perfectly natural way. They're a comiiound of refined und concentrated vegetablo ex tracts; put up in glass vials, always fresh and reliable; a handy and perfect vest-pocket remedy. If they don't givo satisfaction, in every ; case, your money will lie returned. Sometime when you are suffering from Catarrh, think of the thousands of hopeless cases which must have been cured by Doctor Sage's Catarrh Remedy, l>efore its proprietors could be willing to sav, as they do: "For any cose of Catarrh, iio matter how bad, which wo cannot euro, we'll pay |SOO oash." -o *:ul ferment Us i «r.t! ! ro* n lucalltj | ' j Ss' -xiajl'iiift ' gg OLD £3 EXPORT Guaranteed SVearsOld. ® d T i- B suited f r M.rdi y § OA, clnul , ir, -s. u iwbereaflnestim ami I - ■■■in n(re ungnrT)asge< i. It is the product of one of the oldest dutiUeries in Pennsylvania, and after remaining in Gov ernment "bonded warehouses the required time is exported t" Hamhnrgr, Germanv. and there kept in heated warehouses nntd perfectly ma tured, then shipper! tiark. bottled < i« our own premisei-, and when we offer you Oh! Export wc know whereof wo speak, aiid challenge com pari son. Full quarts. SI.OO. Six quarts. $5.00. >ent by expresa to all p-lints, and on orders of 110.00 or over we will pav express charges. There are numerous imitations, but be careful fro sera re the genuine. JOSEPH FLEMING & SON, Druggists, 412 Market St., PITTSBURC, PA. Complete Price I.lst of Whiskies, Wines and Brandies mailed free to any address. Your Watch Insured Free. A perfect insurance against theft or accident is the now famous BOW, the only bow (ring , which cannot be pulled or wrenched from the ca ;e. Can only be had on cases containing this trade maiK. —KADK BY Keystone Watch Case Company, of Philadelphia. the oldest, largest, and most complete Watch Case factory in the world— lsoo employees; 2000 Watch Cases daily. One of its products is the celebrated Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases which are just as good as solid cases, and cost about one half less; Sold by all jewelers, without extra charge for Non-pull-out bow. Ask for pamphlet, or send to the manufacturers. ARTISTIC HAIR GOODS. I have re-oj*>ned f'- A my ebtubli«h merit. Ideal wigs and waves, FT (KHJI leather lljrlit and lilr , VA43 like i. and up. Wavy syt i„i| r .!«itch<'S.all len.ths r _ Also toilet requisites v- Face Kleaeh removes lieckks. 'an. sunburn r moth patches, ano all blemishes of the skin t 11 a. r Tonic rrstores ;-rey «/ • hair to Its natural dlor. aSy c-r**. removes dandruff, tones uplliescalptoahealths < condition,make the hair .y , sott and glossy, anil S ' beautliul. curllne keeps I the hair In curl In /*■ (' 1 dampest weather. /<.'/ I HAIR DYE is the most pertect prepara- tion. guaranteed free! from all poisonous in- for 'bleaching- lialr on the head. The only medically r ,llr <' Dleach sold for that nnrnnQP ('MI B*» USO<3 FTS H BUFDLCLNC. Also nice line or shell pins, combs, bands.etc. Call at my establishment. \oucan be made up lor parties, theatre, pictures, etc. Hair dressing. Bang cutting. living and Bleaching. Have vour baiiffs cut iu the new Cinderella and Columbian sty 1.. Cet one of mypretV new styles for summer wear Natural turuiatr. 2ft-.. S. Main St., 2d flour." All lleiter Hijldlnga tsuuer. « •» "GOOD FELLOWSHIP is a hard thing to find. Do you want) the recipe? Ilere it is. Get a* bottle—you il find it sure. Try our Finch's Golden;- Wedding For 3f**«lirnl and Family Cie. SI.OO per Qt; or 6 Qts. for §5.00. Dougherty, Guckenheimer. Large, Gibson, Bridgeport, Ml. Vernon, Overholt, etc. OCRGOODS A RE WARRANTED I>CRK. Goods securely packed and boxed without extra charge. C. O. D. and mail orders re ceive prompt attention. "Grand Father's Choice" 3 } ear old is a good one, age has brought out good quality; sells for£s2 per gallon. ROBERT LEWIN- Importer and Wholesaler, 136 WaterlSt, PITTSBURGH, PA. OPPOSITE B. & O. K. K. DEPOT. B, <y si Making the Dollars Go us lar as possible. That's what we're all thinking about these times—when dollars are BO scarce and the wants and needs of the family great as ever Have you ever thought about what a difference there is in prices and what a great amount can be saved by judicious and careful buying? It's really surprising. NOTE THESE Dress Goods Items: 1000 yards fine all-wool Plain II lack Ladies' Cloth, 40 inches wide, 30e J: \ nrd. 25 pieces 6ne white and black Shep herd Check Plaids, 36 inches wide. 25c a yard. A big lot $1 00 all-wool Olotfc I'laids, 50 inches wide. 50c a yard, 500 pieces double width American Suitings. 25c ones 15c a yard. 50c ones 25c a yard. Rich and bigh-cluss woolens—the ehois'st and best of the year's pro ductions all b at specially favor ably prices and all for sale at less money than such qualities have ever been bought uud i-old. An exposition of Autumn and Winter Wraps and Fius. Our catalogue i* ready for mailing. It's of interest to you and if you've not received a copy, write us for one. B<& J3uhi, !!5 to !2I i-'c iral ;itre^t ALLEGHENY. FA. POULTRYMEN! | Onr Green lioGe 'Cutter will dou ble your egg production. Best and Cheapest in the market. Circular free. WEBSTER & HANNUH, Cazenovia, N. Y. C. & 13. ! ALWAYS Take into consideration that money saved is as (rood as money earned. | The best wa» to nave money is to buy good (foods at the right price The only reason thai our trade is increu-intr constantly in the fact that we handle only goods of first quality and sell them at very low prices We have taken unusual care to provide everything new in Hats and Furnishing Goods for this season, and as we have control of many especially good articles in both lines we can do yon good if you come to us. We confidently say that in justice to ttiems. lves ail purchasers should iuspect our goods. Visit ns, COLBERT & DALE, 2-12 S Main street, Butler, Pa. CbS© DKiw3©aasnsia Cures thonsiinds annually of Liver Com plaints, Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspejv sia. Constipation. Malaria. More Ilia result fromar. Unhealthy Kiverthanany other cause. V y s;; Ter when von can be cured? Dr. iranford's Liver invigo, ator is a rele'>rai ed fntnilv medicine, vol II UUI IH.II X WILL 'sri'PLT YOC. 60 n,er ' Caß 13! TRADE MARKS, DESICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etc. For Information and free Handbook write to MI NN' ft CO.. »U BHOADWAT. .NEW Yourc. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. Kvery patent taken out by ns is hrouklit before the public by a notice given free of charge In tlui J-'ricntific JVtumatt Largest circulation of any scientific paper In the wood. Splendidly illustrated. No Intelligent man should be without it. Weekly. 93.00 a rear; $1.50 six months. Address Mt'NN A CO„ VuBUSBZBS. 3til Broadway. JS'ew York City. T T 7 W Hy WANT YOU to act as our Agent, tull or p:irt time as at>ie Permanent position puaranted to men or wo men. Liberal pay w. ekly. Stoek complete Gilt specialties. Experience unnecessary. Elegant outfit tree. Address. Nurserymen 11. HAWKS SCO.. Established is* Rochester. N. Y WE WANT YOU to act as our agent. We furnish an expensive outfit and all you. need free. It costs not hi up to try the business. We will treat you well, and help you to earn ten times ordinary wages Both Sexes of nil age< can live at home and work in spare time, or all the time. Anv one any where can earn a great deal of money. Many have made Two Hundred Dollar* a Mouth. No class of peoplftia tli»- WflfM m iwlrtlg BO much money without capital as those at work for us. Business pleasant, strictly honorable, and pays better than anv other offered to ageuts. You have a clear field, with no competition We eouip you with everything, and supply printed directions for beginners which, if obeyed faithfully, will briug more money than will anv other business. Im prove your prospects' Why not? You can do so easily "and surely at work for us. Reasonable industry only necessary for absolute success. Pamphlet circular giving every particular is sent free to all. l>elav i">t in sending for it. GKOHiiK ST IN SON & CO., iiux No 488, Portland, Me. PEXTFR SHOE CO., Inc'p. Capital, #1,000.000. lIKSI SI.SO SHOE IN THK WORLD. "A dollar tared in a dollar earned." This l.uriit'M* Solid French lloncolA Kid But tou lioot delivered free anywhere in the t!.S.,on receipt of Cash, Money Order, -M or I'ostnl Note for (1.50. Kquala every way the boot* W. (AL f \n all retail store® for W V " 1 Wo make thli boot Wfc Tq* I ourselves, therefore we guar- K 1 antee tho Jlt , style and t rear. pc. {jSp A and If any one in not satisfied Jm \ ' (i** ?v\ wo refund the m<-ney or send another pair. Opera fft . Toe or Common tiense, * I r*>£*\ C, I>, E, & EE, I ISSf K! XL* 1 to H and half B- I* 1 v u»tze». Send your site; Wbt » V 11 **'" fit y°u 1 FREE DEXTEK SHOE Sjxcial termi to Veulcrt, Hotel lßotler, J. H. FAUBEL, Prop'r. This house has been thorough ly renovated, lemodeleil, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; lias electric bells and all other modern conveniences for guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a' home for strangers as can be found in Butler, Pa. Elegant sample room for use of ommercial men E* BUGGIES at i Price 58" CARTS A HARKKSS. OJ3T?y r-p iu.k*j vr wvmttho KSZt mnr m »»."• I'hiu 1..11 m ruio s v "frT 5 4 1 l. Ip surrey. SI. .lUt-ell ALL (inrv j io Koiid Wiyfon. i'<™i» tit"rs. 116 Ki'ad Cut JSW Buy of far- W. y Butrtfv Uarnotra, #3 85 toryaodaave , jn ' (\ill) Iluirw " <l.: Middleman a £jJH V?5Ky ».•» Teain " JWMOTofIt nr. Murtcaii Saddle $1 Cat's e > ree. i* ll 3M- C. B. IllUliV A CART <O. - 3tv U Lawruuc« St , llliclriliali, U. ?1V <* * ; EWIS 98 % LYE B POWDEBED AN2 TZZTZXID (t*AT£NTKD) The t»» roti|{4'«t and purest f-jA m.Tio. I itliko other Lye. It being « /A ,i Quo powder aud i* kfl In a can V W ith removable iIJ. the cuutenta are always ready for use. WID make tlf best | « rftnnM Hard S.ap lu mlnuteH without l>ollln|r. aP It Is tlie l»e»t fnril<arisUiK waste fßm I"lP*"S dl lnf»i tln« slnk^ lilnß bottles taint.*, troes, etc. PENNA. SALT BTO CO <j@3Ssto lieu. Atftj*., rill la.. Fa. Li. < % W ICK KALKR . IX touji and Worked lumber OK AIL Klun." Oo<»Sash, Bli;, \-ouldinKS iincl Lath 'Always In Stock. LIMF. HAIK AND i-LASTER. OJJc« opposite P. A W. I>opot, BT7TLKK PA Garfield Teas r>ir«» tx.n*tlr*u . •). IJ«>C«uiL JHTt* l>oru*r filxis frv« \.»Ai.ririu»TaACo ,3l# W. a.i. Cures SicK Headache Leading Millinery House OF Trimmed Hats and Bonnets. Every shape this seasons facile fancy has evolved is here. Every novelty in Wing, Bird, Feather or Ornament is shown, Ribbons, Velvets, Laces, Braids and Flowers. Mourning Millinery a Specialty. D. T. PAPE, 122 South Main Street u ran d»Open in d * FALLtandfWINTERIOPENING * +4-+ sss++■ You are cordially invited to attend our our FALL and WINTER OPENING of • Cloaks, Millinery, Dress Goods, Trimmings, Notions, Ladies', Children's and Gcntlemens' Underwear and Hosiery, &c., on the follow ing days: Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 26, 27 and 28, we will be pleased to meet personally and socially all who accept this invitation. * Respectfully, Jennie E. Zimmerman, (Successor to Ritter & Ralston.) Refreshments and Music.? Jewelfy, Clocks, Silvefwafe, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Dufty Block. Sign of Electric 801 l and Clock. All"are Respectfully Invited —"Remember our Repairing Department—2o years Experience."— An Unprecedented Offer' Great Value for Little Money. Weekly News of the World for a Trifle. The New York Weekly Tribune, a twenty.(our page journal, is the leading Republican family paper of the, United States. It is filled with interesting reading matter for every mem ber of a country family. It is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and gires all the general news of the United States and the world. It gives the events of foreign lands in a nutshell. Its ''Agricultural" depart ment has no superior in the country. Its "Market Reports" are re cognized authority in all parts of the land. It has separate departments for "The Family Circle', and "Our Young Folks." Its "Home Society" columns command the admiration ot wives and daughters. Its general political news, editorials and discussions are comprehensive,brilliant and exhaustive. A special contract enables us to offer this splendid journal and "THE CITIZEN" for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY #1.50, CASH IN ADVANCE. (The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50.) Subscriptions may begin at any time. Addicts all orders to THE CITIZEN, Write your n'«nie and addri-88 on a postal card send it to Geo. W Best, Room 2. Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample copy ot THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will bo mailed t. vou. _ nJonSpTTnlmemJ APbst-office address we mail trial bottle ■§■•■■ ■■ and proTe L U h h to you that® II lab ASTHMALENE will and does cur© asthma CINE CO., ROCHESTER. N. Y. tL\\£s C 0" 9COLD-HEAD IW Ely's Cream Halm in not a liquid, muff or powder. Applied into the nostrils it it _ quickly absorbed. It cl auses the head, allays inflammation, heals _ Elr ~ the S'>res. Sold f>v drwjgisU or sent by mail on receipt of price. E||a DUO ELY BROTHERS. 56 Wares Stmt NEW YORK. 3UC Job Work <>l all kind done at the "Citizen Office."
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers