Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 27, 1893, Image 1

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There was never a time when people were looking for bargains so
much as at the present time and BICKEL'S bargains were
never so attractive as they are now. Our entire stock
of Fall and Winter goods have arrived and are open
and ready for your inspection. Bargain seek
ers will have the grandest opportunity
the have ever had to select what
they may wish from an immense
stock of Boots, Shoes
and Rubber
* '
* -X
350 pair men's kip, D. S. and tap, box toe boots, hand made $3 50
400 " " " plain toe " " 3.00
290 " oak kip, guaranteed waterproof 2.50
300 " heavy kip, long leg boots
218 pair boy-' hand made kip boots , 2.50
674 " kip boots - - 1.25 to 2.00
465 pair men's every day shoes - yoc to 1.75
212 pair boys' " - - 75 c to 1 -4°
118 pair women's oil grain lace shoes - - 90
690 " " button " - - I.CO
175 " veal kip lace shoes
100 pair misses' " " • - - 75!
300 " oil grain shoes
150 pair ladie's fine dongola shoes, Rochester make, price 3.00 at 1.50 '
460 " hand turn " " 4-00at2.00
300 " kid button shoes - 9O
190 pair misses' " - 85
500 " grain and calf school shoes 75
300 pair infant shoes - - - 10
Gilt Edge and Atrose fine oil dressing, per bottle - 25
"Bickel" fine shoe polish - - - 10
Russian cream dressing for tan shoes - l5
-W)nr Prices on Rubber Goods Sorprise Them All.#-
Men's first quality rubber boots, light weight - s2.t>o
" " heavy " - 2.50
Boy's " - 1 -75
Youth's " " - 125
Ladie's " " - 1.25
Men's heavy overs, first quality
500 pair men's fine specialty rubbers -- - 50
Men's self-acting or imitation sandals -- 50
Ladie's finest grade rubbers, eight styles 5O
" Croquets or imitation sandals 25
Misses' finest grade rubbers --25
" croquets or imitation sandals -- 25
Our stock of rubber goods is larger than ever before,all styles,
men's short, knee and hip boots. Same styles in boys' and youths'
boots. All styles of men's and ladies Arctics and Alaskas.and child
rens and misses storm rubbers.
When in need of footwear give me a call.
The New Shoe Store
Close cash buyers can save money on
Goods bought at panic prices—customers get the benefit. Are you
open for a deal.
I have just returned from the Easten shoe market where I
bought for cash a large line of Boots, Shoes and Rubbers, and in
order to introduce myself I am going to make very low prices.
Profit no object— Your trade is all.
Don t fail to call at
Remember the place, opposite Arlington Hotel, Butler, l'a.
•--» " " '
Cheaper than ever at
We want your trade and will sell
you Boots and Shoes cheaper
than they can be bought else
See our line of Men and boys' Kip Hoots.
Our line of Women's Calf and Oil Grain
Shoes. Our Children's Waterproof
School Shoes. We will save you your
c-r fare to Butler on a single pair of
The Fair is Coming.
60 pair« of Ladies' fine Oxfards Kddyu fc Webster's muko were 2.75
now only 1.90. 200 pairs of Ladies' shoes Eddy & Webster's muke hand
turned and welt were 4.50 and 5.00 now only 3.75. 1 lot of Ladies' Bhoes
baud turned were 2.25 and 2.50 now only I.'JO. 1 lot of Oxford* ties only
60 cts. All children's Red sad tan shoes at 85 cts. were 1.00 and 1.25. 1
lot Men's Cordovan welt shoes Strong ti Carrell make were 5.50 now only
4.65. 1 lot Men's French calf shoes Strong & Carrell make were 4.75 now
only 3.90. 1 lot Men's Dongola were 2.25 nov» 1.65. 1 lot Men's double
ao'e and Up were 2.00 now 1.45.
All Shoes Down to Rock Bottom Prices at
8. K. corner of Diamond - - _ Butler, Pa.
W :
I 1
44 ■
23 N. Y- =j
1 Torturing Eczema, a
5 Tff* 701XOW1:. .; sra >XG TCTTDIOKULL WAS =
s'sm in J*Y TriK hr<;e MrstiiAvnuc norss=
■<if C. w. PAL* in * Co., ILlbumes, N. Y. ■
1 ==* GEN'TIXMK;. r—D-jr:nsr the pc-t thrr- 1 yrtn ISS
Hlhsr: mSerei 001 .ctermb'y with Eczema, all
==fimf a§o that IYM unul, to attei.d to rr.T uork. I=3
1 stiff«r»>d from I ion, and was hadiyMj
j Gaining a-.y ro'i 1 I WT.t LuduC.-d tO try
M|l hare taken only two ar.<! feel like
■jneiv man. l*lmpl * And l»lot< h«*» h«ve|?
y «li*a »!»«•» Appetite flr»t =
■ rate; I>i ge»ta»n irooil. la fact I beiicre ifH
I had not taken DANA'S I *ouMnot be alive
==now Your» truly, ZZE
■j IltrLujucr. K. Y. L. A. WQLLABUL ■
Dana Ssrapvllla Co., Beliut, Maine- g
N e are pleased
to inform those >\ ho
appreciate clothes
that are comfortable
and tit correctly,
that our selection of
Fall patterns are
here. They are
handsome and mod
erate priced. See
-A_nd every tiling in
horse and buggy iur
nishin# goods-H a r -
ness, Collars, Whips.
"Dusters, Saddles, etc.
Also trunks and va
Repairing done on
short notice.
The largest assort
ment of i)-A Horse
blankets in town will
he loiind at Kfjirmer's.
-IHf A i/\ 4- w~t known Arti t
1/1/ APi f# ail Photo
f f fj j I /i KrapJiiir;fi>rii''ily
XX V A tLi 11hi- hi-ml (.1 the
J Wcrtz Ilunlm 11 n
Art Co., will open a StaUiu and Photo Par
lors opponite the Hotel Lowry, Cor, Mum
and JefTer-on Ktn., Butler, Pa. Thin will
be the bw-t lighted mil cqoippcd Studio
and KHllerieA in the the county. The work
will he Htriclly first clttrf* mid made under
new formulas liy the artixt biiniH'lf, who
han ht;d 15 yearn jiructieal expeiiuice in
lar«e eitie* Portraits in Oil, Crayon,
Sepia, I J a tel, <tc In this line we h;ue
no competition, Our portraits are mude
hy hard in our own Studio, from -ittitijr
or from photoi. Our work has reached
the highc l Ktandard of cxcelicncu a d
is not to he compared with the cheap inn
chine made pictures hy other.i.
Wait for us; get your pictures from un and
lie happy.
Planing Mill
Lumber Yard
}. L. fU KVt' <) H XVI:
Rough and Planed Lumber
Of KV8 1 y UKHCHirriOM,
iiutl <i, n .
Imnroved Variablo Friction Fewd.
aud special prtces. A. B. FARQUHAK CI)!
[Copyright. xßgj,byA. N. Kelk>fg: N«wspap«rCo
ACC< nr:::o TU TTIE CODE."
I [E story will be
H f an autobi-
S * ography. I,
Dorr Jewett,
Jr U am the nar
t ~-jr~/ g rator. lam a
native of New
rtY Hampshire; but
the larger part
of my life has
MESw' been passed in
'■BpF -r the La Fourche
~7 district of Lou
is ian a . This
should be said,
'y Vi A » order that my
" lh *
A worn and
time-stained copy of the Yicksburg
Daily Citizen of April 6, 1853, lies be
fore me. After the occurrence of cer
tain events with which future chapters
will deal, I took the trouble to secure
this paper, and have ever since pre
served it. In its columns is a brief and
rather unsatisfactory reference to an af
fair which had excited large interest in
that part of Mississippi. I was not a
witness of it; and the description after
ward given to me by or of the actors
in it was so much more in detail than
the newspaper account that I prefer
to adopt tha former in setting this
landmark at the outset of the story.
If you follow the left bank of the
fiver down to a point where the Vicks
turg bluffs sink to the ordinary level
of the river banks, you will come out
Upon a beautiful grassy glade over
looking the water. Some small elms
and eottonwoods made a pleasant
shade bordering the road; a wide strip
of land, possibly thirty rods across,
lay between the highway and the river
So early upon the morning of the
8d of that April that the sun had
not yet shown his rim above the trees,
three horsemen came at a brisk trot
down the road, stopped at this grove,
dismounted, and tied their horses.
"The other people are not here yet,"
one of the men observed. "There's
time enough. Ah! there they are."
Three more horsemen approached
from the opposite direction. They also
halted here, and fastened their horses.
All of the six were dressed in white
duck suits, for the weather of that
spring had come on hot. Two of them
carried each one a case of mahogany
wood, and these two, after saluting
each other, came together in earnest
conversation. Two of the others also
approached and shook hands, and the
prefix "doctor" was exchanged between
"A disagreeable busircss," one ob
"Indeed it is. I hope we shall
neither of us be needed."
"I hope so —but fear it <vill be other
wise. They say both are good shots.
You brought your instruments?"
"Yes; I carry them in a large pocket
in my saddle-flap."
"All right; my darky is on the way
with mine. Now what are Dorion and
Basnet about?"
These two, each with his mahogany
case under his arm, had drawn off out
of hearing. But as my account of the
whole affair came from one of them,
their conversation may be stated here.
"lias this thing really got to goon?"
"I suppose so—unless your man will
withdraw his challenge."
"He can't do that. To do it would
be to confess that he never had any
grounds for it."
"And, do you know, Mr. Castex says
that lie never did have any ground for
the challenge. But Hostock put the
affront on him in such a public man
ner, and in his own house, too, that he
swears he'll fight, unless the challenge
is absolutely withdrawn, without ex
"Well, it's an absurd thing! Duels I
have been concerned in, have fought
three or four myself, but never before
was I engaged in one where nobody
but the principals knew what the prov
ocation was; and one of them insists
that there was none. It seems like
boy s play."
"Look atyourman; he acts as though
he were too angry this minute to con
tain himself."
The principals to this meeting had
bowed in the most distant manner
upon reaching the ground. Then Mr.
Castex fat down, propped his back
apainst a tree, lit a cigar, and smoked
it as lazily as though his spirits were
perfectly unruffled by the prospect ol
the coming encounter. Mr. liostock,
on the contrary, walked nervously
about, switching at tho grass with his
cari'-, and occasionally turning upon
his nonchalant antagonist a glanc<
that was decidedly savage.
The seconds resumed their consulta
"Is it worth while to try to get ar
"Not in the temper your man is in,
I should f.ay; not without a shot. Wq
will stand them up once, and tho firs)
exchange may lead to an arrange
"If it don't put one or both of ttierq
beyond the reach of arrangements,*
muttered the other. "Well, come on."
Messrs. Basnet ami Dorion crossed
the road; the others followed them,
The first rays of the sun glanced
through the trees; the delicious liar
mony of birds shook the air; the throb
bing of the engines and splash of tha
paddle-wheels of a boat ascending th«
river were painfully distinct.
Mr. Dorion thrust a small stick intq
the turf and deliberately measured oil
ten paces, marking the limit In the
same way.
"Will you toss for position, Mr. Bas
The other tossed up a coin. "Heads!"
cried Dorion, and both bent over tho
"You win, Mr. Castex. Please make
your choice."
The person addressed walked to one
of the sticks; his adversary walked to
the other. Contrasting them as they
thus stood face to face, Bostock ap
peared tall, broad shouldered and
ruddy; Castex slighter in build, sallow
of face and with a decidedly sinister
expression on it.
The pistols were taken from their
cases; one was delivered to each com
batant. The doctors retired to wherq
the horses were tied. The seconds
went to the road.
"Please observe the conditions," Mr.
Basnet said, in a loud voice. "Each
man to hold his weapon perpendicular
ly up or down— so! The word will be,
'Fire! One Two—Three.' There most
be no : hot before the first word or after
the la t. Do you understand?"
"I do."
"Are you ready?"
"Fire!— One—"
The last words were drowned by th«
rrp rt of the Tim ttraw hat
worn by Castex was seen to turn upon
his head; he took it off, and exhibited
a bullet hole through the crown.
"Are you hurt, Mr. Bostock?" his
friend eagerly asked, running for
"No. Give us another shot."
"It is time now for me to say a
word," said the friend of Mr. Castex,
coming up. "He does not instruct me;
I interfere because it seems something
like murder to allow this difficulty to
go any further. Mr. Bostock, my prin
cipal has accepted your challenge be
cause he comes of a race of fighting
men; his father was killed at Water
loo; he wants no imputation upon hia
own courage. He has come here and
has exchanged shots with you, declar
ing to me that you have no just cause
of offense against him. Whether you
have or not. nobody but you two can
know. The language which gave you
offense was uttered in your own house,
at your own table. What it was, no
one heard but you. Both of you ought
now to be satisfied; both of you have
vindicated your honor. Let the affair
end here."
Mr. Bostock faced the speaker.
"Does that man," he asked, while his
voice trembled with passion, "does
that man affirm that he has not given
me just cause for offense?"
"That is what I say," called out Mr.
Castex from where he stood, with a
strong French accent.
"Then you lie. sir!" deliberately re
torted Bostock.
"Indeed! That is very good. You will
observe new, messieurs, there is rea
son to fight, if there has not been be
The seconds silently assented, and
recharged the pistols. As they handed
them back, they saw something in the
•faces of the principals that predicted
another »esult this time. The steamer
had advanced to a point nearly oppo
site where they stood, and the slow
deep coughing of her pipes seemed to
emphasize the scene.
Again the word was given; both pis
tols spoke together. As the smoke
floated off, Bostock was seen standing
upright. Castex lay his fnll length
upon the ground.
Both doctors were instantly kneeling
by him. He never stirred. A small
hole in the forehead showed where the
bullet had traversed the brain.
Mr. Bostock looked at the group.
"Is lie dead?" he asked.
nis friend came over to where he
"Yes," he said.
Mr. llostock's face was getting
white, and an expression of pain
crossed it. His friend caught him as
he was settling down to the ground.
One of the doctors hurried over and
laid the sufferer on the grass.
"He hit rne the last time," said
Bostock, faintly. "Look at the chest."
The doctor tore open vest and shirt
and found the bullet hole. He inserted
the prol>e. Then he administered a
"How is it, doctor?" the wounded
man asked.
"I don't wish to alarm you, sir; but
this is serious."
Under the temporary influence of tho
stimulant Mr. Bostock sat up.
"I beg of you don't try to talk," the
doctor said. "Your life may depend
upon your keeping quiet."
His remonstrance was not heeded.
"I want you all to know," cried tho
wounded man, "that I never wanted
to kill him. You saw the chance I gave
him. I could have put my first ball
through his head just as easily as
through his liiit, if I'd wanted. He had
a chance then to take back the damna
bly insulting words that lie whispered
to me at my own table. I wanted him
just to say: 'Mr. Bostock, I'm sorry
that I said it, and It was not true, 1
and I would have taken his hand. Hut
no, he must die, repeating the insult.
The fool would rush on his fate."
"Mr. Bostock," said the friend of the
man who lay dead a few yards away,
"what were those words that you
claim were so insulting?"
"Not another word!" the doctor
cried. "Silence and quiet, at the peril
of your life!"
"I can't tell you," Bostock faintly
replied. "You must not know what he
said. Nobody must know. The fool!
—what tempted him? Say, Dorian—•
all of you -remember! —I have made
no will—but my child, Cornlle, will
have it all-—tho plantations here and
in Louisiana —all- all—"
The blood gushed from his mouth
and lie fell back in a faint.
As hus been said, the scenes do
scribed in my first chapter were not
witnessed by inc. But I had seen and
known one of the chief actors long be
fore that memorable morning. I had
seen and known him under circum
stances that make it necessary to a due
comprehension of the narrative to state
where, when aud how.
It was five years before. To be ex
act, it was the spring of IHIV. I was
planting corn with my father, oooneoi
the almost sterile hillsides of the New
Hampshire farm. The humble roof
under which I was born was risible
down near the river. The Merrimac
wound along two sides of our little
homoetead. furnishing- the only cheer
ful feature of the scene. Hills—ster
ile hills—encompassed us. Twenty
miles away I could see the granite top
of Mount Kearsarge soaring to the
I was a boy of eleven,' rather preco
cious for my years. I attended the
public school four months in the year,
and labored with my father the bal
ance of the time among these rockß. I
went to "meeting" on Sundays in tha
old edifice on top of a high hill, on the
steeple of which a veering- wooden
codfish denoted the direction of the
wind, and saved the people from the
profanation which a cross in that
place wonld have caused. I listened
to the choir, elevated to a fearful
height in the rear gallery, as they
thundered forth resounding anthems
and fugues. I heard thedoleful-visaged
and drawling-voiced minister pray
forty minutes at a stretch, and preach
ninety, frequently devoting nine
tenths of the whole race to exquisite
and eternal torment. I had a thirst
for knowledge that the public school
could not supply. A stray copy of the
Boston Daily Journal, coming like an
enchanter from the outside world,
sometimes stimulated this thirst. I
was generally regarded as "a green
boy," "an odd stick," etc.; and I once
heard of Deacon Halleck telling my
father that a boy with such out
landish notions as Dorr ought to be
whipped regularly twice a week.
Doubtless I should have been, had the
deacon been given the ordering of me
earlier than he was; but my father, al
though reared in all the vigor of Puri
tanism. was by nature kind and ten
der-hearted, and religious fanaticism
could not change him. To my own
puzzled youthful mind, it often seemed
as though a grave mistake had been
made in my allotment. I seemed to
have been set down in the wrong oor
ner of the world, among a people with
whom I had no affinity.
I was still a mere boy. I learned as
I grew older, and long before I bade
farewell to my northern home, to re
spect the intelligence, the force, the
sturdy honesty of this people, whose
very "failings leaned to virtue's side."
Still, I thought then, as I think now,
that I should always have been dwarfed
and cramped among them.
Returning to the bleak hill-side
where my father and I were striving to
plant corn on that afternoon, I record
how I suddenly stopped work, leaned
on my hoe, and contemplated my
father. He was in his shirt-sleeves;
his graying 1 hair and refined but
wrinkled face were turned to me as he
bent over his toil. A sudden inspira
tion seized me.
"Father! Do you suppose that when
I get to be as old as you are, I shall be
planting corn in these rocks?"
ne stopped and looked up in sur
"1 hope not, Dorr —I hope you won't!
But what put such a question into your
head just now?"
"It's in my head all the time. The
way things are going on here, there
don't socm to be anything coming to
me but the same poverty and the same
labor that you have always had."
He looked at me —a serious, pitying
glance it was—and sat down on a gran
ite bowlder. He leanod his head on
his hand and sighed.
"My boy, I've often thought of this.
Your poor mother and I have laid
awake n-'phts talking about it; but I
never thought it had troubled you any.
What do you want?"
"To go to the academy—maybe to
college—and by and by to get out into
the world, try to make a man of my
self, like the men I read of, and to see
something besides these hills and these
people. I'd like to get rich, and come
back and build a big house for you and
mother over on the lake. Yes, I'd like
to do anything rather than live here
all my life."
He smiled at my youthful enthusiasm;
but his look of painful reflection quick
ly returned.
"Dorr, A had just such dreams my
self, when I was young, and 1 presume
that my father before me had them. I
wanted an education, and couldn't
have it. Poverty, hard toil and em
barrassment seem to be the lot of
tßose who cleave to this soil. God
knows, I wish things might be shaped
as you wish them; but how to contrive
it I do not know."
His hoe dropped from his hand, and,
his eyes sought the ground. I chanced
to look down toward the river road
and I saw a man in a buggy stop at
our gate. A woman, my mother, of
course, as there was none other about
the house, came to the door. There
was a brief parley; then the man got
out, hitched the horse, climbed the
fence and strode over the upland to
ward us.
Perhaps my frame of mind just then
inclined me toward a presentiment.
Perhaps tho reader will say that it is
always easy to predict after the fact.
No matter; the fact remains the same
that a sudden and decided conviction
was forced npon me that this stranger
was to have a positive Influence upon
my life, and that his presence here at
this time was of itself a promise of
great results for me.
He walked rapidly, removing his
wide-brimmed palm-leaf hat and wip
ing his brow with a large red handker
chief as he came. He was tall, power
ful of frame and florid c of face; and I
Observed uthat there was something
about this color, hardly a tan, that I at
once attributed to the sun of another
latitude than this. Every detail of his
person and dress I took in at oncet my
attention was certainly sharpened by
tho presentiment I have mentioned. I
Judged him to be at least fifty years
old, though his face was plump and
unwrlnkled. Ilis features were bold
and handsome; there was a twinkle to
his eyo and an ever-recurring smile
upon his face that made him seem the
most charming of men. Short curls of
chestnut hair ran all over his head.
Ills dress was rich in material and
fashionable in cut; diamonds were In
his shirt-front, and an immense soli
taire sparkled on one of his little fin
He came up within a few feet of me,
and paused. My father had thus far
not seen him at all; hn was absorbed
in his rcvory. The stranger looked
from me to him, and spoke in a round,
hearty voice:
"Well, here we are. My lad, what's
your name?"
"Dorr Jewett, sir."
"Is that yonr father?"
"Yes, sir."
He walked over to my abstracted sire
and bestowed such a hearty thwack
upon his shoulders that he jumped to
hi» f««t.
"Well, Amofc, how are you, any
My father looked at the laughing
face* before him, and wa* disarmed of
all anger. But his memory was not re
• ReaUy. sir." ho said, "you have the
advantage of me."
"I am Pierce Bostock."
Even the Sport of Yachting Haa
ltd Drawbacks.
There It No Flara So Hot as a Ship'*
Deck and Nothing So Exasper
ating as an Inexpe
rienced Crew.
One commonly thinks of yachting as
the most delightful of summer pas
times, says the Boston Transcript, and
the very word calls up visions of a
"wet shoet, and a flowing sea, and a
wind that follows fast," smells of salt
things, and whistlings through the
rigging, blue iky, white caps, driving
cloujls and all that sort of thing, to say
nothing of the possibilities of delight
ful companionship and the delicious
unconvcntionality of meeting one's
fellow men and women with all the
formality and restraints of on-shore
life thrown off; no making talk or any
thing of that kind, butknocking about
carelessly and easily in flannel suits
and having "'a real good time." Or,
again, racing, with all its excitements,
and cruising, with all of its poaslbili
ties of adventure, to Bar Harbor. Such
is the popular and accepted view of
yachting, but there is another and
gloomy stde to the picture which the
writer, who is sometimes inclined to
growl, can set forth clearly in three
distinct statements, with an open chal
lenge to contradiction —first, that to
"go and take a sail" in a small boat
belonging to some one else and to sail
aimlessly about on the open s*a is "an
awful bore;" secondly, that to go as
"amateur crew" on a rowing yacht
under sixty feet long is not only a
bore, but a hardship, and on yachts
over sixty feet in length it is not cus
tomary to have an "amateur crew,"
unless an occasional and almost always
useless passenger can be considered
such; and, lastly, that cruising is a
lottery absolutely dependent on the
weather. Fogs, calms, storms and
head winds are quite as usual as free
winds and stinsbine.
Observe that nothing has boon said
about seasickness, which makes yacht
ing impossible to so many.
There is no place on earth where the
sun can strike down out of the sky and
bleach and blister and sizzle as It can
upon a yacht's deck. There Is no place
that can be hotter or more stuffy or
more uncomfortable than a yacht's
cabin on a hot day, when there is no
wind or when the wind is dead aft, and
when it is rough, and the water is driv
ing across the yacht's deck in a sheet of
white foam, and the crew arc all hud
dled behind the shrouds, into.which
old oil skins have been stuffed to make
a screen and the man at the wheel has
life lines running from the main sheet
to the main shrouds on either side of
him to keep him fiom being washed
overboard, and the oil bags are hung to
windward to keep the water from
breaking, and the flre is out in the
galley, and the cook has been scalded
by the soup stock jumping out of the
boiler, and the barometer is dropping
like mad, and tho skylight leaks so
that every wave which comes aboard
sends bucketfuls of swash down into
the cabin, and when every now and
then a wave comes aboard and pounds
down on her deok like a load of pig
iron, and those below are shaken about
like corn in a popper, and those on
deck simply hold on and duck their
heads—when such is the condition of
affairs yachting wonld not be consid
ered a pastime.
The delights of being "amateur
crew" can be briefly summed up. They
consist in lying flat on your face either
in a hot sun or a pouring rain, and If
you turn over having the ownor shout
at you: "Keep still! Do you think
that you're a wild elephant? You
jarred her all over that time." Further
more, all yachts are not rigged alike,
and if the amateur crew is told at a
critical point In the race—say just be
fore rounding the leeward mark—to
let go the spinnaker halyards and let
the balloon jib halyards go instead, so
that the whole sail goes over to lee
ward, the remarks which will be made
to him will be "unfit for publication."
Journalism In Slana.
Siamese journalism deserves a gold
medal, says the Journalist. In July a
French fleet practically invested the
capital, Bangkok, and a military force
took possession of a valuable island,
defeating the Siamese garrison with
heavy loss. Ten -days afterward the
leading Bangkok newspaper an
"We are informed that several
French warships have been seen in the
neighborhood, and that on account of
the unhealthfulness of Blanketty
Blank island it is feared that none of
the troops stationed there will ever re
turn with their lives."
Such a country ought to be gobbled
by the first European power that comes
Mourning Ktlquett* In Knglanri.
In Kngland the period of mourning
for a father-in-law is twelve months
ten months black, two months half
mourning. Crape is seldom worn, al
though the crape period was formerly
six months. For a parent the period
is tho sumo as above. The longest
period for a brother is six months—
five months black, one month half
mourning. The crape period WHS for
merly three months. It is now almost
discarded. The shortest period is four
mouths black, no half mourning. The
period of mourning for a father-in-law
is often shortened to six months when
relatives reside at a considerable dis
tance from each other.
A l.lve Toad In a Hallstoae.
A hailstorm visited I'awtucket, S, 1.,
the other evening, such as lias not vis
ited this vicinity for years, if within
the memory of man. One woman
picked up a largo hailstone and allowed
it to melt in her hand. She thouglif
something was insido the little piece
of frozen rain, but was surprised to
find when all had melted a little live
toad or frog in her hand. There is a
quite general belief that a great many
pebbles eamn down with the hall.
Th» Chines* Tea Trade.
Alarmed by the rapid extension of
the use of Indian teas in Europe and
tbu consequent deoline of the demand
for the Chinese leaf, the authori
ties have just issued a proclamation
against the manufacture of "what is
significantly styled In the docionettt as
"lie" tea. The proclamation points
out that this scandalous practice has
contributed more than anything «;l»e
to bring about tho wane of the Cliiis'W
tea trade, and it declares that the au~
thorities are determined to put a stop
to it. People aro warned not to make
any tea excepting of the genuine tea
leaves, and if any person is dlsoovcred
infringing this order he will be pun
ished by transportation for life— a pen
alty which will be extended also to the
seller and to the buyer, as well as to
all others who have taken any part in
tho placing of adulterated tea upon
Tno Baal Burial Place of President
Not In a Medical Mutt-um flat Ilcneatl
the Floor of the l'rlion iff Which
the Murderer TVai
Deputy Warden Ilyss of the distric
jail made a statement that the skelc
'ton of Guiteau. the assassin eft lYesi
dent Garfield, is not on exhibition a*
the medical museum, as has been pen
erally supposed.
It will be remembered that for a long
time prior to the execution strenuous ef
1 forts were made to ascertain where Gui
teau was to be buried. Persons actin fl
in the interest of resurrectionists, botl
those who wanted the body for dissec
tion and several enterprising- proprie
tors who much desired to secure it foi
exhibition purposes, industriously ques
tioned every one whom they thought
possessed the slightest knowledge.
! Great precautions were taken to pre
vent the grave from being robbed
The following mode of procedure wa»
agreed upon to prevent the body fron
being stolen. In ordor toobviate what
ever legal difficulties might arise anc
to forestall any claim the sister oi
brother of the murderer might make,
it was decided that he should make a
will bequeathing his body to Dr. llicks
and it will probably be remembered
that the will when published created
some curiosity by its wording, giving
as it did the body to be disposed of a;
the beneficiary saw fit.
"After ?oing over the whole mat
ter," said Warden Russ, "and realizinp
that it would be Impossible to properlj
protect the corpse, it was dceided tc
bury i-t in the jail the night of the
hanging After the autopsy the body
remained in a cheap coffin In the
chapel of the jail. Upon my arrival at
the jail early on Saturday morning fol
lowing the execution, I secured a
couple of trusties and taking them
with me proceeded to the laundry
room. It is a little room just to the
east of the engine-room, dimly lighted
by a small barred grating, and it made
almost an ideal tomb.
"Two amateur grave diggers went
to work, and, qufckly removing the
flooring, dug a grave sufficiently ileep
by the time the bodv was brought
down from the chapel.
"There was only a small party that
stood about that open grave and lis
tened to the solemn reading of the
burial service. Gen. Crocker, who was
the warden, was present, and I believe
Charley Rypd, the lawyer who assisted
In Guiteau's defense, besides several
guards and the two prisoners who dug
the grave. It was a weird scene, and
one I shall never forget. The burial
in such a somber place was particular
ly nerve-trying, and I think we all felt
relieved when Dr. Hicks concluded and
the darkles began to cover up the cof
fin. This did not consume much time,
and it was not long before the grave
•was filled up and the flooring restored
to its normal position.
"There was no particular compact as
to secrecy among rs, but it seemed to
be generally understood that we would
maintain silence, especially as there
was considerable excitement at the
time. The story that the body had
been secretly removed to the medical
museum was permitted to go uncon
tradicted. just as I state, because wo
did not believe it concerned anyone.
"What became of the brainH and
other organs of the assassin which
were removed at the autopsy held im
mediately after the execution* I do not
know, except the spleen, which is on
exhibition at the museum. Whatever
else was left of the man who murdered
President (Jarfleld lies beneath -the
floor of the laundry-room of the jail."
Nsw York I'ollceinrn Have Adopted a
Novel I'laa for Aruuilut Drunki.
Ever since the New York police com
missioners issued the edict against
members of "the finest" carrying their
locusts during the day the patrolmen
In the downtown precincts have been
trying to find something to tnko
the place of the club when it was
found necessary to recall sleeping
"drunks" from the land of dreams to
the stern realities of existence.
Formerly, says the Evening World, a
free application of the club to the soles
of a sleeper's feet had the desired ef
fect. Denied that method of arousing
the dormant powers of locomotion in
the sodden gentry it was often neces
sary to spend the greater part of no
hour persuading an individual to hie
himself away. Hut it was not long be
fore the inventive genius of an Oak
street station patrolman made the way
all smooth und beautiful once more.
Now a five-cent rubber ball has
taken the place of the eighteen-inch
otick. Apparently harmless as this
little toy looks to the uninitiated, its
efficacy as a "bum" accelerator far
exceeds a whole bundle of night
sticks. It isn't the rubber ball, but its
contents that does the business. Every
patrolman in the fourth ward now fills
a rubber ball with household ammonia
when he starts out in the morning. A
gentle pressure of the thumb and fin
ger projects a fine stream of fluid
lightning from the small hole in the
hollow sphere a distance of several
feet. This tiny stream brought to l>enr
upon a "sleeper's" mustache has never
yet faik-d to briuff about an immediate
revivifying of tho subject, no matter
how inert the bundle of "bum" ap
peared to be a moment previous.
Th* t'(M of a Haw.
"Brery well-regulated family," said
Mrs. Hilltops, "ought to have a saw.
We've had a hammer as long as I can
remember, and why WV haven't had a
saw I don't know. They are so handy
to have in the house; to saw off curtain
poles with; to saw off the legs of chairs
If you want to shorten them; to make
things out of boxes, window seats and
things like that; to saw old l>oxes Into
kindling wood, if one is economical,
and for lots o/ other things. I must
get Mr. Billtops to buy a saw to-mor
A New Hampshire Man Who HellrtM la
the I'erlodlral for the Library.
There Is a man in New Hampshire
named William C. Todd, who holds to
the theory that he is benefiting his fel
low creatures when he puts abundant
oupplies of newspapers within their
reach, lie lately provided foranjexpend
lture of two thousand dollars a year for
newspapers for the lt»>ston public li
brary, says Harper's Weekly, and It
has since been discovered that he re
cently made a similar provision for the
public library of Newburyport. lie
Wives in the value of newspapers,
mid yet it seems that he is not a pat
ent-medicine, man as one might sup
pose, but a retired schoolmaster, who
haa been a great traveler, and now
pursues u life of studious retirement
in a village. In extenuation of his ac
tion he da-dares that the press has be
come the great agency by which in
formation ks diffused and the |>enple
arc educated, and that free reading
rooms are likely to be more in demand
in tho future Oh ail free libraries. It is In
teresting to notice that he seems not to
have suffered from the newspa|>er pub
licity about which there is so much com
plaint. and that even his neighlsirs in
Atkinson, wheje he lives, were found
to posses# scarcely any reliable infor
mation about his past career or the
sire of his fortune. They knew him
to bo frugal in his personal hal>its and
. generous In hi# benefactions, but that
MO 47
A Itulldlng That Save* ihc Crop front
Damaging Effects.
The accompanying illustrations from
sketches by C K. Hen ton, of Massachu
setts. show a I.l'vol and useful plan for
a com house. l«y which not only more
corn is sheltered in proportion to the
size and expense of the building, but,
what is of vastly more importance, the
corn is saved from the damaging effects
of driving rain and snow, which in
moist climates so seriously affect
the value of the crop in the old
fashioned cribs, while it is waiting
to be ground or fed. The ordinary
crib has slatted sides, and the ventila
tion is horizontal, hence the driving
rain and snow finds easy access to
every ear of corn. Hut by this method
the ventilation, while even more per
fect. is from the bottom upwards,
which entirely protects the corn from
direct exposure to the elements. The
building, which may be of any conven
ient size or proportion, is placed upon
ehestnut or oak posts two feet high,
g 11 ■ 1 a e
■ ■ 1 —=\ ,
&=- H. A
which are at proper intervals and are
firmly set in the ground. A building of
suitable size for a small farm is eight
by twelve feet, and six feet from sill to
plate. A partition, as shown in Fig. 1,
leaves an alleyway four by eight feet at
one end, with an outside door, a, as
well as a doorway, t>, which gives ac
cess to the crib. For convenience there
should also be a window at e.
This makes a convenient place in
which a eorn-shellcr may be stored and
used, and in which, also, the bags may
be tilled when a grist is being put up
for the mill. The arrangement leaves
3 crib eight feet square for the corn,
and, as it could be tilled considerably
above the plates, it would store about
four hundred bushels of ears, or suffi
cient to make two hundred bushels
shelled. The bottom of the crib is
floored with narrow boards, leaving a
space of three-fourths of an inch be
tween the boards, thus making a slat
bottom to the crib instead of slat sides.
The sides should be boarded tight like
any other building. To secure perfect
ventilation, rough doors are hung from
the sills of the building, against the
posts on which it rests, and care is
taken while the corn is curing to keep
All these ventilating doors closed,
except on the side towards the wind.
Thus a current of air will be continu
ally forced up through the corn, and
escape through the ventilator in the
roof. Pig. - shows the ventilation
ris. a.— PERSPECTIVE view OF conN
door open at the end of the building
and held up by a hook. An upper door
is provided through which to till the
crib, and if it desired to fill it to the
very roof this may be accomplished by
carrying the last few bushels up a step
ladder in the alleyway.—American
FROST makes turnips milder and im
proves them.
Tine man who sells land, if he has a
good deal of it, is wiser than the man
who keeps on buying land that he does
not need.
IT is a good time to buy real estate
if you are one of those people who are
said to have gold dollars and eagles
stuffed away in old stockings.
BEFORE winter comes and the house
is shut up, treat the cellar to a good
coat of whitewash. It will greatly help
to preserve the health of the house
AN Illinois man declares his belief
that uiulerdraining causes drought. We
think he is wrong, but if he is right wo
might as well be choked to death as to
I UPHOVE the buildings, fences and
general surroundings of the farm as
rapidly as possible. Keep things get
ting better just as the herds and flocks
should be made better all the time.
SAWDUST is a great absorber of
liquids when used as bedding, but it is
not desirable to place much of it on
the ground as a fertilizer. Some will
do no harm, and saturated with liquid
manure will do good.—Farmers' Voice.
suirar llcotM In America.
One <>f the agricultural experiment
stations reports that beets raised from
improved home-grown seed contain
twenty-five per cent more sugar than
beets raised from Imported seed. Con
sidering that the Imported seed is the
best seed from foreign countries, where
the beet-sugar industry has been a long
established success, this is a remark
able showing. The home-grown seed
gave results from ten to twenty per
cent. better this year than last. Such
rapid improvement on the best that
Germany has produced in long years oi
patient work Indicates advantages of
soil and climate and the probability
that this country will surpass foreign
countries in the production of beet
• ' Fsxm and Fireside.
A Krform wt ory Kiamplr.
There Is a story of a benevolent gen
tleman who visited a certain reforma
tory institution near Boston, ami while
going over the place engaged one and
another of the Inmates in conversa
tion. The good man was quite un
mindful of the fact, all who
have seen much of that phase of life,
that people in such places do not enjoy
being questioned us to their personal
history. At last he eaine to a very de
mure-looking youngster, and his heart
went out toward the unfortunate waif.
•'Well, mv little man," he said, "and
what, are you in here for?"
"Please, sir." said the little fellow,
instantly, "I'm here to set the other
boys a good example."
AI.i.SI'ICE berries for moths.
CI.EASI.NO undressed kid gloves with
A M-:w, soft paint Iwush to clean
carved furniture.
Oi: fifteen grains acetate of potash
to one piut of rosemary.
A Krxo of platinum around the lump
In a room where much smoking is go
ing on.
REMOVING ink stains from marble
with lemon juice. Ruth Hall, in Good
CM INISO marble with a mixture of
two parts of soda, one part of pum
ice stone and one part of line ehalit
mixed with water and washed off with