Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 20, 1893, Image 1

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    VOL. XXX -
Some People 3<!no\v It,
-A.ll Will Know It Sooner or I^ater.
The New Shoe Store Will
Open About the 18th.
Are you a money saver? If you arc WAIT. Are you a close,
cash buyer? If so WAIT. I)o you want comfortably fitting shoes?
If so WAIT. Do you want to reap the benefit of a large cash pur
chase? If so WAIT.
Do you want to select from a large, new stock? If so WAIT.
Do you want the newest things in the market ? If so WAIT.
Keep youf eye on the new shoe store. It has come to stay.
Rcmviiiber the place, opposite Arlington Hotel, Butler, Pa.
Read! Read!! Read!!!
of the greatt-Bt bargains ever offered in Butler, in Dry Goods,
Millinery. Wraps, Notions, Trimmings, Under wear. Hosiery, &c
Btjst all wool white blankets, worth $5.00 for SI.OO.
Best all wool country flannel, worth 35c per yd for 25c.
Ladies' full size all wool skirts, worth SI.OO lor 85c.
Men's natural all wool underwear, wotth $3.00 for S2 a suit.
Ladies' all wool hose, worth 35c per pair for 25c
Good all wool factory yarn, 50c per lb.
Lawrence L L. sheeting, worth 7c for 5c per yd.
Good ginghams at 5c per yd.
Good fast color, dark prints. 5c per yd.
Good unbleached Damask, worth 35c for 25c per yd.
Pest unbleached Damask, worth 50c for 37c per yd.
Besides all this we have the latest novelties in Millinery,
Wraps, Dress Goods. Novelties in Fancy Dress Good Patterns,
no two alike, (Black Goods a Specialty.) These are all to be
- found at the well known Bargain House of Butler.
(Successor to Ritter & Ralston.)
Opening of Clothing#-
All onr Fall Goods are entirely new a* we did not buy a dollars worth
of heavy goods wben we opened in tbe Spring.
All welcome whether you wish to buy or not. Come aud sec.
Reliable One Price Clothiers.
Cor. Main :ind Cunningham Sts., Butler, Pa.
Cheaper than ever at
We want your trade and will sell
you Boots and Shoes cheaper
than they can be bought else
See our line, of Men and boys' Kip Boots.
Our line of Women's Calf and Oil Grain
Shoes. Our Children's Waterproof
School Shoes. We will save you your
t.ir fare to Butler on a single pair of
The Fair is Coming.
60 pairs of Ladies' fine Oxfords Eddys & Webster's make were 2.75
now only 1 00; 200 pairs of Ladies' shoes Eddy & Webster's make band
turned and welt were 4.50 and 5.00 now only 3.75. 1 lot of Ladieß' shoes
hand turned were 2.25 and 2.50 now only 1.90. 1 lot of Oxfords ties only
60 eta All children's lied sad tan shoes at 85 cts. were 1.00 and 1.25. 1
lot Men's Cordovan welt shoes Strong it Carrell make were 5.50 no v only
4.65. 1 lot Men's French calf shoes Strong 6i Carrell make were 4.75 now
only 3.90. 1 lot Men'# Dongola were 2.25 now 1.65. 1 lot Men's double
•o'e and Up were 2.00 now 1.45.
Ail Shoes Down to Rock Bottom Prices at
8. E. corner of Diamond • - - Butler, ?a.
-t .: " E
a "% I
s f$T *Vv * r -
1 f ' • -
a VS. \ if #' '
™ >« > - ■ > K
ra '■• •
B :■ - -a-» v
| VASVEJ. ||
15$ OKSTT.: : •—I «r:i il~» vcaw old, l>y ocer.n- fg=
!!?•* ED
ga sreut NlTrrer
Hl>a<i tt t ma I t -Jrv i ntlr my arm. A===
—=<-ori>t_:.t pain :n my sbciuJcr*. One arm wa>JH|
§jS o tiaUthatmv fins<T« were draun oat t>n==
■ »hin»r. Via* alio afflicted mi:h a hurnins =~
in my ftomach with it-ven: I^|
■would be fHint and weak, fo I cvuldhfirdly
• tup. IM Un gat
sand mr stomrtrh iii WF.LI,, no |>»in in my HI
and arms. lam indeed inno-fiil. =3
W Your! truly, DANIEL C. EGGLES7OX. mm
£jj The above tintlmonial was sc:-t us by W. R.S
■ Mnvton, the *• til-known I>rngyirt, Map'.e 9t.,j=
G Cor in tli, X. Y., which ia rjfficicut guarantee
Bit la true.
H Dana Sarsaparllla Co., Belfast, Maine.
B. <V
Tbe (jun>ii a with ua in extending
this already enormoui* l.ii-iu
nut how much wt* < n pet 'or th>
merchuijcire, ht.l r how little can it
be bol'i? 'J his hut « xt-r; phfies how
it ß to your iiU-resl anJ profit to trade
with UP.
Dt •ess \\ oolens.
Sale of 5,000 yards double width Suit
ing?—halt wool, Leat stylet; every
yard worth 25c , 35c. to 50c. —all at
one price, and its a popular price,
15 Cents a yard.
50 inch
Scotch Suitings,
Greys, Browne, Tans,
25 cents
you've paid 50c. fur Dress Fabrics
not so good
5,000 yards genuine Imported
Tailor Suitings,
• '
finest wool —4B inches wide—new
Full colorings ami the choicest of Ibis
eeat-ou's stylei—neat checks, stripts
and mixture*,
SI.OO a yard.
Some store*—and good stores too
—get $1 40 a yard—.-orae $1 25--and
the universal stiliog price—tbe
closest price for these choice Dress
Fabrics is $1.15. We sell them at
SI.OO uii'l you're ahead tbe difference.
Our M»il Order D •jfi u; ti wii 1
Bend camples if you wish.
& BuiiJ,
!I5 to i2i Federal Street
+ Great Clothing Sale*
The Racket Store,
Men 's suits double or single breast
ed, square or r<»u , i coru.-rs in c«ssi
mero or cheviots at $0 00, $6.50 and
$7 00.
Thtse sui'B are ricbly worth
SIO.OO and will oet you that » l-e
Youths suit*, ai(« 12 to 18 for
s.'} 50 worth $5.00
Fine lelay worried cu 1 -.way stria
at SIB.OO, others r-ell ut $22.00
i 20 South Main Street, Rutler, I 'a
Planing Mill
J. L. V(J hVIS. (, ft KV :
S.G. Purvis &Co.
Rough aud Planed Lumber
fu Vi Pi-.
Send ten cent#, MlV< r or twelve
centH iu ntaiui>s tor a Uandy Pocket (.Juido
to thn preat exposition; jfira informaliou
of value to every visitor Street Guide,
Hotel Prices, Call Fares,Uestau ant lCutes,
etc. Describes tbe bidden pitfalls for the
unwary,and hints liow to keep out oftbem.
This indispensible eonipaniou to every vis
itor to the windy city will lie sent l>v mail,
post paid, on receipt of ten cents .diver, or
twelve cent in -tamps. Addrec*
P. 0. Box 2204, Now York, N. Y.
Please mcatiou this paper.
O, wh»t can have happened to WUlie, to make
him so rood all at oaact
At home h- 'o no loncor a terror: In school he no
more is a dunce;
Out doors ho Is fentle acl quiet; before he was
noisy and rude.
Anil as for his dress, you won't know him—he's
changed to a regular dude.
To make him wash even lingers required a
wrestle intens\
But now for the soapsuds he's showing a love
which Is simply immense;
He brushes his liair til! It Riisteus while eyeing
himself In the class—
O, what can hare happened to Willie to bring
all tbe wonders to pass?
He keeps his teeth whiter than snowdrifts with
out being told any more;
He minds like a soldier and gladly he does any
errand or chore:
He's grown several inches in stature because he
now gtani!< so erect
And in bis b ..ri.. fc 's » , maniy*iliat all have to
show him respect.
Q. what can have happened to Willie to make
him this angel complete?
He cannot be going to be one like little boys do
If too sweet?
Ono: I've discover-.-! the reason that's making
him so like a dove.
And a marvel of boyish perfection—the dear lit
tle fellow's in love.
Ono morn in the garden I found him selecting a
pretty bouquet:
"Ah, who is it for. Willie, darling!" I asked in a
motherly way;
All blushing as red as his roses and modestly
hanging his head,
"I—don't—like—to—tell—anybody: not even
you, mamma!" he said.
At noon 1 saw Willie returning from school with
a dainty, wee maid.
Who held in her pink, dimpled fingers those
flowers—which never should fade;
I noticed his tender attentions bestowed on his
partner in bliss.
And watched the sweet sorrow at parting and
glances shot back at the mUs.
Yes, Willie has now his first sweetheart and
that's why he sings like a bird.
And keeps himself spotless in raiment and gen
tle in action and word,
And noble and manly in bearing. Ah. yes!
there is nothing like love
To make either young or old people as good as
the angels above. ,
—II C. Dodge, In Goodall's Sun.
P&flWl fit
. nsjsfM
PiY occupation a
I few years ago
Was that of a
newspaper re
porter. 1
. worked a large
part of my time
in a peniten
tiary, where
more than one
thousand six hundred prisoners were
confined My newspaper required of
me three "feature" articles a week, the
subjects to be taken from the lives and
crimes of the men and women go im
•One morning, on entering the peni
tentinry and proceeding to the desk
which contained the routine items for
the press, I found there this blip:
"No. 18,000, Edward Washburn, life
prisoner, sentence commuted to twenty
eight years and six months."
Here was something to be investi
gated. On making inquiry X found that
Edward Washburn had been received
on a life sentence in IS. J, aud that now,
after a lapse of over t venty years, the
board of pardons—the eternal source
of hope for all prisoners in that state —
had acted upon his case with the above
result. Even in prison good behavior
pays. Each convict has a certain num
ber of days deducted from every month
of his term according to the length of
his sentence if he demeans himself
properly. Thus it lies in the power of
a "lons-time'' man to gain years of free
dom. Allowing Washburn the deduc
tion each month for good conduct
during his entire twenty-eight years'
sentence, it caused his time to expire
on tbe following Sunday.
The next thing to do was to see Ed
ward Washburn himself. The sensa
tion of a man who has been a convict
for twenty years, who has been as com
pletely isolated from the outside world
as if he were dead and buried, and who
is then resurrected, called back to life
and libert3 r , cannot be devoid of inter
est to the most indifferent 1 found my
man wheeling and refuse from
theeookhon.se. In this occupation he
had been engaged for seventeen years.
The long years of prison life had had
their effect. The prisoner was an old
man, broken tri body and mind, al
though he told me his age was forty
two. 1 explained that I had permission
to talk with liirn and would like to
hear about his history. He smiled the
m a
-wV/' '\
V V aM-
weak smile of enfeebled intelligence,
sat down on his wheelbarrow and be
gan with pitiful obedience, which
plainly bespoke the prison discipline:
"llow did I feel when I heard I was
pardoned? Well, it was so suddent
like I jus' had to sit down. I had give
up all hope of ever gettin' out long ago,
but Mandy was true grit, she was; she
never give up."
Ilis next words were unusual: "I
don't blame nobody but myself for be
ng' here," lie went on. Whoever beard
>1 a convict before who attributed to
himself the blame for being in the
penitentiary? Most convicts are the
Innocent victims of villainous conspi
racies. They never did any wrong in
their lives, and especially they neve?
even dreamed of committing the crime
for which they are serving sentence.
Such a virtuous, upright and deeply
wronged set of men can be found no
where else in the world as in prison.
"It was all along of my own bull
headedness; but I guess I'd better go
back to the beginnin' of my story ii
you want to hear it all. When I was
about nineteen years old Jason Scott
and me took the job of cleariu' eighty
acres of land close to where i'auldiu' is
now. In them days the town was only
a clearin' with a few log shanties. Jase
was a couple of years younger than me.
His father an' mine had come west
from Columbianncr county and settled
in Pauldin'.
"We was the only boys iu them
parts then—the only young folks, ex
ceptin' Mandy Pilcher. We flggered on
cicarin' our land winters, as our fa
thers agreed to give us the time after
corn-huskin' was done, providin' we
helped them good summers. Jase an'
me built a cabin, and there we intend
ed livin' while we was doin' our
choppin' and clearin'. There was lots
of snow that winter, and it came early.
Oh, how I hate the winter. The "snow
lyin' out therein the prison yard brings
tbe hull thing back to me, and how
happy Jase and me was, workin' and
tal: h mt what we was goin' to do.
I can tiiM.t see tho cabin now, with the
door open and the snow all around, as
it looked that winter mornin'. Jaso
s !i -'P"
£ / ;n
' A
jt **
tuigoln' out liuntin' that
mornin'. I took my gun and started
out, leavin' Jase to follow. I walked
out a little ways, and then looked
around to see if Jase was conin'. He
warn't, and I waited and hollered un
til I got all out of sorts with him. A
crazy idee struck me, and I jus' thought
I'd shoot toward the cabin for fun, and
mebbe that would fetch him. God
knows I didn't mean to Uo any harm.
I was jus' a great big foolish boy, and
I got tired of waitin" and I thought I'd
shoot for fun, and mebbe that would
fetch him."
I looked at the man, and he was as
one in agony. His face was drawn, and
a pallor was there which added to the
prison tan and made it ghastly. His
voice, peurile from the disuse of twen
ty years, had sunk into a hoarse whis
per; He was staring at the great stone
wall in front of him with dull, vacant
eyes. He seemed oblivious of every
thing and kept repeating: "I di In't
mean any harm. I only thought I'd
shoot for fun, and mebbe that would
fetch him."
I have looked into murderers' faces
ou the verge of eternity while the
death warrant was being read, iu order
that I might tell the public next morn
ing whether the lip quivered or the eye
grew dim. but as-1 gazed at this picture
of weakness and misery on the wheel
barrow in front of me, it made me sick.
The victim of an act done in the name
of "fun" —and this was fun!
The man presently came to himself
and went on:
"As I shot, Jase come into the door,
and when the smoke cleared away I
saw him lyin' just outside in the snow,
face downward. I 'member pickin' him
up and carryin' him inside, and then
startin' out to Pauldin' for help. After
that I don't remember nothin' until I
found I was lyin' down on the ground
and a crowd of men standin' around
me. I heerd one of 'em say: 'He must
have tripped up on that dry grapevine
and hit his head on the root of the tree.
It 'pears as if Washburn and Scott must
have had a racket—over that gal, most
likely—and Washburn killed Scott ' I
found out afterward that a huntin'
party had stopped at the cabin and
found Jase lyin' on the floor, dead,
with my bullet through his heart.
They looked for me, and finally saw my
tracks in the snow and followed them.
They found me a couple of miles away
in the woods, lyin' at the foot of a tree
where I fell.
"Some believed my story and some
didn't. Them as didn't b'lieve it said
'twarn't likely if what 1 said was true
that I would 'a' tried to run away. All
I 1 . >w i.s I meant to set out for Pauld
in', but it'pears as if I'd gone wrong
some way.
"The jedge, as lie said, wanted to
'low uie a fightin' chance and give me
the privilege of cnterin' a plea of man
slaughter. I said it was all along of
my bullheadedness that I am here now,
;jnd so it was. My lawyer wanted me
to plead guilty to tbe charge the jedge
offered me. I asked him what it
meant. He said that it meant that I
killed Jase in a racket, and then give
me a long lingo about malice afore
thought, or something like that, but I
didn't understand it. I only knew
they wanted me to say I murdered
Jase in a racket. I warn't going to say
I done a thing when I didn't. I flared
up, and wouldn't listen to nobody. I
couldn't see things right. Well, the
trial didn't take long. Everythin'
went crossways for me. I told my
story, and pleaded guilty to notliin'
except that I didn't mean anything I
just shot to scare him. I didn't care
much what they clone with me for that.
The other side showed how Jase had
been found dead in the cabin, how. I
was found lyin* in the snow miles from
Pauldin', as if I hadn't been goin' for
help. Then they got witnesses who
bwore as how Jase and me were jealous
'bout Mandy, how I'd asked her to go
to a gatherin' with me and she'd gone
with Jase. It warn't so, I knowed it;
but it wouldn't do no good for me to
say it warn't. Mandy and mei under,
stood one another, though th«re warn't
much betwixt us then. I s'pose slit
might have told what she knowed
about it on the stand, but I wasn't go
ing to have her mixed up in the thing.
I 'lowed they couldn't convict me be
cause what I said was true.
"The jury fetched in a verdict of
murder in the second degree, and ac
cordin' to law that meant for life.
"They carried Mandy out of the court
room. Seems as though she thought it
was her fault some way or 'nother.
Mandy's been tryin' to get me out ever
since. She said if it hadn't been for
licr they couldn't 'a shown no motive,
and couldn't'a' sent me for life. I don't
see what good that would 'a' done when
they was all agin inc."
I made a note of Mandy. She was
good material from a rcportorial stand
point. When I went out I asked tho
warden who Mandy was.
"So you've been talkin' with Wash
burn, have you?" saiil he.
"Well, Mandy is liis girl. Tliuy Lay
she has been coming down lien- from
Paulding once every year with petitions
and signatures to place before the
board of pardons. Yesterday Wash
burn's sentence was commuted, which,
by the way, you will find by looking on
the press hook."
A picture of a faded little woman,
who had asked me the year before in
the capitol if I would please tell her
what time the pardon board met, rose
in my mind. I said to myself: "That
was Mandy."
As a rule the world does not throw
open its arms to released convicts. It
Bees that all the windows in the house
are well secured at night, aud that all
the doors have extra strong fastenings
on the day the papers announce a new
list of releases. The people have not
time to go down to the prison and
watch the men pass out through the
big gate. They pay a small sum each
year to have that oflice performed for
them by big burly policemen. The
policemen accompany the convicts down
to the Union depot and see them off on
their trains. It would be such a pity to
have them go alone.
The morning of the day Washburn
went out there was one other peiMon
present beside the policeman and ro
porters. It was the worn little woman
who had asked mo a year ago in tho
capitol if I would please tell her what
time the pardon board met.—Kato
Field's Washington.
Wonjo Things That Will Take | lie Conceit
Out of ii Uravo Man.
A man can take his life in his hand
and go boldly into the trackless prairie
to meet a herd of savage buffalo, or ho
cau traverse the horrors of an African
jungle without a shudder in his body,
but lie caunot enter a fancy wool shop
to match a special hue without break
ing into a violent perspiration and
finally rushing away without fulfilling
his task.
A man can suffer the amputation of
a limb in a heroic manner, but he can
not endure a mustard plaster on his
chest without shrieking aloud for
A man can bear the deprivation of
his wealth with the calmness of a stoic,
but he cannot lose his collar stud on
the bedroom floor without a violent
outburst of temper.
A man can smile grimly under the
tortures of the rack, but he cannot
tread on a taek with his bare feet with
out a bitter howl.
A man can walk forty miles a day
and arrive fresh and bright at the end
of his journey, but he cannot nurse a
baby half an hour without complaining
that he is utterly worn out.
A man can calculate to the uttermost
farthing the cost of the Suez canal, but
lie cannot estimate the price of a wom
an's bonnet without egregious errors
A man can possess the physical
strength of a Samson, but he cannot
help to take down the pictures for the
annual spring cleaning without feeling
completely exhaxistcd with his labors.
A man can suffer death at the stake
with the dignity of a martyr, but he
cannot chase after liis hat in a public
road without looking ridiculous.
A man will go through fire and water
to win the girl of his heart, but he will
not allow her to see him with a four
days' growth on his chin.--Chicago
Modesty as well as ambition should
come into the field when a young man
or woman is choosing a profession.
A pretentious youth who would have
done better to stay in the hay field,
where he seemed to be in his proper
sphere, told his father that he warn
about to leave, in order to "preach the
gospel to every creature."
"That's all very well," said the old
gentleman, "but Scriptur' don't say
everyfcereatur' shall preach the gospeL"
A good old lady once said to her
nephew, a poor preacher whom nobody
wanted to hear: "James, why did you
enter the ministry?"
"Because I was called," he answered.
"James." said the old lady, anxiously,
as she looked up from wiping her spec
tacles, "are you sure it wasn't some
other noise you heard?" —Youth's Com
Siio Wanted Xo Nonsense.
The following story is told of a citi
zen of Port Chester, >«. Y., whose edu
cation is somewhat superior to his
wife's, a fact regarding which she was
very sensitive. On one occasion the
man drove over to White Plains to in
quire regarding the health of his sister
in-law, who was dangerously ill. Upon
returning he was met by his wife, who
asked of her sister's condition. "She is
convalescent," replied the man. Imme
diately and in the most emphatic man
ner the woman cried out: "I want none
of your soothing words. I want facts.
You tell me this minute, is my sister
dead or alive?"—N. Y. nerald
—From the fall of the western em
pire, A. D. 470, to the discovery of
America the most important European
coin was the silver denier, or penny,
about the size of a dime. By general
consent it was coined of about the same
size by all European sovereigns, and
passed current everywhere.
Arguments us to tho Danger of Lending
Money to Her.
Summing up the facts, says Darkest
Knssia, we find that Russian finances
are based exclusively upon the sol
vency of the agricultural population
of the country; that these unfortunate
people are hopelessly insolvent and
are kept in a state of chronic, starva
tion; that the corn indispensable to
their existence is exported abroad;
that they live for half the yejfr in the
air, sleeping on the bare ground, and
for the other half in hideous hovels;
that they are obliged to sell their cat
tle and to burn the straw of their roofs
in order to prolong this horrible life,
and that they are physically degen
erating and becoming unfit for man
ual labor; that the government, In
stead of attempting to improve their
miserable lot, blithely continues to
augment its budget in inverse propor
tion to their insolvency, Hogging them
for arrears until they raise money at six
thousand per cent, interest; that even
under the most favorable circum
stances agriculture is absolutely unre
munerative; that Russia does not pro
duce a single grain of superfluous corn,
and that mismanagement has brought
about such an abnormal state of things
in the empire that a good harvest is
more ruinous than a failure of the
Lastly, that they who lend Russia
money, in the teeth of these indubit
able facts, are not only making' a
financially unsound investment, but
are rendering themselves morally re
sponsible for the untold misery of one
hundred million of their fellow men.
Europoua Shipmaster* to Atlopt tho Midge
ftyntrm for ikying Sailor*.
The liritish board of trade is trying
to extend what is known as the Midge
system to such continental ports as
Havre, Dunkirk, Rouen, Antwerp, Rot
terdam, Amsterdam and Hamburg', in
order to prevent tho systematic rob
bery of sailors, who often lose the
wages for whole voyages in a single
night on shore. Under this Midge sys
tem, says the New York Post, as soon
as a ship arrives in port, a board of
trade officer, specially appointed for
the purpose, boards her, and, after as
certaining how many hands wish to
proceed homo without delay, obtains
from the master particulars as t<> the
wages due and the deductions charge
able to tho men. Each seaman, after
vouching for the accuracy of his ac
count by signing it, receives a
ticket for his destination with a small
advance to defray minor traveling ex
penses, and leaves for home as soon
as his services can be dispensed with
on board ship. The balance of wages
due to him is forwarded by the board
of trade officer, and thus his earnings
have a chance of ieaching his family
instead of filling tho pockets of the
crimps. The superintendent of mer
cantile marine at Gravcsend lias been
Bent to Dunkirk to make the necessary
arrangement for the introduction of
the system, and if successful there
it will be extended to other ports. It
is estimated that between 1882 and
1898 British sailors were robbed of
two hundred thousand pounds in Dun
kirk alone.
AD Ingenious Toad.
A scientific journal tells this story of
a frog's cunning: A brood of chickens
was fed with moistened meal in sau
cers, and when the dough soured a lit
tle it attracted a large number of
flies. AH observant toad had evident
ly noticed thi . and every day toward
evening he would make his appearance
in the yard, hop to a saucer, climb in
and roll over and over until he was
coveri-71 with meal, having done which
he awaited developments. The flies,
enticed by the smell, soon swarmed
around the scheming but rachian, and
whenever one passed ' within two
inches of his nose his tongue darted
out and the fly disappeared. The plan
worked so well that the toad made a
regular bu&ineas of it.
Wliy Tliejr Smoke.
Yyuug.Woman (in open street car) —
I don't see why some men are bound to
smoke every moment they are on a
Old Woman (loudly)—Oh, lot 'em
smoke, poor fellows. I s'pose their
wives won't let 'em smoko at home. —
N. Y. W'yykly.
Better Police Protection iu Kuril L)l*>
tri< t« •
Most Americans cherish the singular
superstition thai brigandage and high
way robbery are only possible in de
prave.l backward countries like Spain,
Sicily or Greece, and that an English
speaking country with courts and the
common law must necessarily be free
from these pests.
This is nonsense, says the l'hiladel
phia Press. ISrigands, footpads ami
highwaymen will t-pring tip in any
land where an efficient police is ab
sent. They swarmed over England a
century and a half ago, they were
frequent in France a little earlier,
and thqy were to be found over
most of Europe in the last cen
tury. They are certain to appear in
this country and become a widespread
pest unless there is a radical change
in the American habit of keeping the
people's peace.
At present, it is left to keep itself.
Great tracts of this country are left
without any protection to travel, ex
cept the sheriff and the constable.
City people have very little idea of the
insecurity which exists in many Amer
ican rural districts. There are many
counties in New York state, and some
doubtless in this state, where it would
not be considered prudent for an unat
tended woman to walk in broad day
along a lonely country road. The
farms on which farmers are in con
stant fear of tramps ean be numbered
by the thousand. While abroad, even
in countries like Spain and Italy, the
rural districts are given the benefit of
a police patrol paid for by taxes or by
the wealth and trade of tbe cities,
here our thinly settled farming neigh
borhoods are left to protect themselves
as best they ean. v
The wonder is. not that a train is
now.and then held up, but that this
does not happen a great deal oftener.
Depend upon it, these modern high
way robberies in the shape of train
robberies will go increasing until our
states establish a permanent rural
police. _
TIRE Tartars take a man by tbe ear
to invite liim to eat or drink with
WHEN meeting a friend the China
man shakes his own hand instead of
his friend's.
THE Laplanders rub their noses
against the nose of him whom they
would honor.
IN many parts of Java the bride
shows her subjection by washing the
feet of the groom.
THE Chinese have an academy of
manners that prescribes etiquette for
the whole empire.
THE body of a dead Chinaman is
often kept in his late home for three
or four years before burial.
JAPANESE ladies of the olden time
gilded their teeth ; in the East Indies
black teeth were the fashion."
THE practice of using eggs at Easter
is of Hindoo cn-igin. the egg being in
India an emblem of immortality.
AT THE time of the discovery of
America the rank of a Peruvian lady
might be determined by the size of
the ring she wore in her nose.
THE Dyak head hunting has'a re
ligious origin. «Fhe Dyak believes that
every person he kills in this world will
be his slave in the next.
Is China white is the color of mourn
ing; in Egypt, yellow; in Turkey,
violet; in Ethiopia, brown; in Europe
during the middle ages, white.
DOWN to the present century a part
of the marriage ceremony in Hungary
consisted in the groom giving the
bride a kick to remind her of her sub
AMON<J the head hunters of Borneo a
man is not permitted to offer marriage
to a woman of his tribe until he brings
her the head of a man killed by him
THE Maldivian islanders always cat
in the most private room in the house
and carefully close the doors and
darken the windows that they may not
be unobserved.
Her Return.
A bonncton my choicest chali,
With gay fal-lals that women wear,
A scent of roses ev'rywhere.
A merry voice that makes mo dream
Of bird and flow'r and sunlit stream
And new mown bay and curdled erf am.
My pipes ;.nd slippers laid away;
My prints adorned with ribbons gay;
The truant cat come b3ck to stay.
A little hand that strokes my hair;
A well-loved face—all fresh and fair.
With sundry freckles here and thera.
Farewell, late hours and frolic vain.
No more a bachelor I reign—
For Maudo is back In town agalu.
—Gerald Brenan, In Tnclt
Maud was tbe sweetest aud tbe best;
Maud gave my heart the most unrest;
Of all maids Maud was loveliest—
Until I met lCan.
Then was sweet Nan the fairest maid;
Beauty was hers that ne'er could fade;
Girl of tbe superflnest grade—
Until I met Fan.
Then—l'll confess It bold and free-
Fan was the maid of maids to me.
Down by the restless surging sea—
Until I met you.
Now I would swear that you are best:
You give my heart the most unrest:
You are by far the loveliest;
I swear I'll bo true—
—Harper's Bazar.
TwlllKlit Towu.
Beyond the shadows liis Twilight Town,
Where wee heads nod and lids shut tlown
Over black eyes, blue eyes, gray and brown:
And through a gap in the city wall
Is a beautiful spot where sunbeams fall
And dance for aye, through tree-lops tail.
Hush, babyl Soft and slow,
Soft and Blow, let us go
Through the shadows to Twilight Town;
Soft as the wind through the rippling wheat,
When the sun's last rays and tho shadows meet,
Sounds the patter of thousands of little feet
Through the gap In tho wall, on their dimpled
The babies creep under the waving trees.
On tho grass of tbe kingdom "Do-as-you
Hush, babyl Soft and slow,
Slow, slow, let us go
Through the gap In the wall of Twilight Towa
In Twilight Towu all tilings are fair,
The music of waterfalls 111 the ulr.
And bright wings flitting here and there;
And through tho wall In the dream hill, bright
With tho thoughts that please wee ones at
Dancing In rings on cobwebs light.
Hush, dearie! Mother knows—
Soft, slow, baby goes
To fair dream hill In Twilight Town.
—St Nicholas
Th» Voyage.
Uo our course by sm> or star,
Be the haven near or far,
Golden shores will yet be won.
Steering toward the setting sun.
Father, stand with forehead baro.
Over faith all skies are fair:
Youih, lean out your golden head.
Love'ls willing, whither leil.
—John V. Cheney, in N. Y. Independent
Mother's Pies.
It's the olden story over,
With never a change ol sha4e.
That the wife can never compass
Such pies as his mother made
No matter how crisp and daky,
No matter how dainty browu,
Tfco poor.wlfs must hear It over
And never look cross nor frown.
llow Is It your boys, when married.
Will tell as you do 10-day,
Of the pies their mother mado them
If these arc poor, as you sayf
Yearn much as you please for your
The charm of your mother's pies—
But givo the good wife the credit
Of things yua secretly prize.
—E. 11. Shannon, In Good Housekeeping.
« v ~9
_5 ~ 1
E\p««ri« iic •» of a Goruiau \i; i< uUurUt In
(ho South.
I'pon the subject of fruit growing in
the south th> F:"-n» ■.:• ! Fruit«l rower
says: The s. lUtheri rs are just V in
ninir t<> learn that handsome prciits
may be made by the skillful cultivation
of fruits. Some who have been aware
of this for several years have not had
the means to change from the old
routine of raising cott HI, cane, etc A
German writer states that he t !• rn
and raised in one of ti •1 . t wi: dis
tricts on the Rhine, and ha I wo/k d in
vineyards twenty year, l*>lore his re
moval to t e United States. Ov. r ! 're
he engaged ia the energetic cultivation
of thescupperuonjjs, and had i ..i t\ c
ty years' experience in this \ ■ ' .. he
wrote. Comparing these with the vines
of Oern .uy, he states that the latt r
yieldeil only one line cr> p in live yen;-,
and tha: two crops out "f live would
be !KX>r. lie bcfraii planting -ift en
feet apart, and increase I the distance
to twenty-five; then to thirty-five, end
lastly to forty-five. It may l-e re
marked how different this fr u bunch
or staked grapes, at six feet apart each
way, which, we Itelieve. is the distance
in the vineyards along the Ohio A few
dozen scuje'ernongs will cover an acre;
while it takes thousands of the Euro
pean gra.- He found that the greater
distance he gave the better for the
vines, the quality of the juice and the
quantity produced. He fertilized only
every other year, and this v. a done by
a trench a spade deep and two spades
wide, just outside of the reach of the
branches, and filling it with a rich com
post. The grapes were gathered by
four men holding a canvas and shaking
the vines over it with the back of a
rake; five men could thus gather 100
bushels in a day when the vines had
been well trained from the beginning.
Tray* for Carrying Delicate Fears uml
riuiu4 a t*oii£ Distance.
The beautiful peaches, pears, plums
and other choice fruit now sent across
the continent from California are al
ready packed so as to bear the journey
well. But a special carrier has been
invented, and is about to come into use,
which will provide better ventilation,
and prevent bruising. It affords an
improved method of transportation,
It is proposed to insert in every crate
several trays; two or three layers < r
four, perhaps. The chief novelty of
/& cs> (sill
,/& b &//<&>
/g>.g>,«A $
o nr.::
the scheme lies in the form of these
trays, which cons; .t of shallow paste
board boxes, each prepared t > carry
about six pieces of fruit. There are
that number of sockets in the top of
the box. e: h in.: le by cutting a d *■ :i
slits radiating fr >m a central point, and
then bending «!<.*.*. a the points slieitly.
The bottom of the box is p rf r t l
with a lot of small holes. It i- esti
mated that the improved quality of the
fruit at the end of its journey and the
reduced quantity of ice required will
more than pay the freight from the Pa
cific to the Atlantic coast. —K. Y. Trib
U'lir'; In llm Garden
In a valuable article on scelccting
aud planting shrub-, in Garden and
Forest, it is urged that preparation in
the planting should be commenced at
once, although apparently early in the
season. The ground should be thorough
ly prepared this fall, dug deep, trenched
if possible, filled in with good loam
and properly drained when needed.
Where this has been done, and the
ground has been all winter firmly set
tling, it can be worked much earlier in
the spring and planting much better
done. Results from this preparation
will be seen in a more vigorous growth,
more luxuriant foliage and moreal und
ant flowers and fruit. There is no
work in th • garden which pays better
in the long run than thorough prepara
tion of the ground at this season for
the trees and shrubs which are to bo
placed in it the following year.
The i:.irth'» Finest Product*.
Successful farming includes horticul
ture and floriculture. The man who
confines his wdk solely to the produc
tion of the coarser products of the
earth may succeed in making money,
but he will never get the most complete
satisfaction whicV is obtainable from
his occupation. I'ay some attention to
the things which make life pleasant,
and you will find that the business of
money-making docs not prosper any
the less, and your wife and your chil
dren will like the farm better. We
know there are some farmers who
think they cannot spend time even to
have a vegetable garden and who
would scowl at the suggestion of flow
ers, but let them once see the yard
bright with bloom and they would be
slow to go back to the old order of
things. We never yet have found a
man who had an attractive yard but
that lie took pride in it and acknowl
edged that it added to the value of his
Small i rults on llir Farm.
Why do not farmers raise more small
fruits? No one who owns land can
offer a reasonable < xeuse why h ■
should not raise small fruit. No one
family out of JO on an average raises
enough small fruit to hardly liav - a
taste, while a good many do not rai e
any at all. A few rods of ground should
be setoff for a small fruit garden and
planted to strawberries, goo Jierri. .
blackcaps, blackberries, currants, « te.
These few rods of land, with a few dol
lars expended in good, choice and well
selected varieties, would give th" fain-
Sly a selection of the most delicious
and healthiest of all food. Green'*.
Fruit Grower.
Teacher— Are any of your composi
tions ready?
Little Girl Mine la
"IsTt an original composition?"
• Yes'm."
'Does it tell of your own experiences
and observations, a • f direct. I'.'"
•Very well You may read it."
•I went to a wedding and a fnneral,
an' the bride lookc 1 lovely un* the
corpse looked imtura! " —Good News
He Mm <tood.
Mamma—Were you ft good little boy
while 1 wasuway?
Little Johnny- Yes'm 1 went into
the store-room to see what was I »*-i i .
and it wu empty, and the wind blew
the door shut, and I couldn't a i.vt put
till Jane cuuie just il little while ago
—Good New
Uemlni ><-eiit.
I Mashers—l enjoyed your after din
ner story, Mr. Raconteur, very t:;'. ■
Raconteur (flattered) Ah. t .
Did you find it humoroifs?
I Mas hers—N-no, not. exactly I' '
hadn't heard it for so lon;r. yon 1 ... |
that It brought back memories of my
kauri' youth.—Chicago Record.
•' «... • i ■jx v?»
" ■•■" 1$
!;. . ' . .. T.
A Nerr »ork Substitute for t!i©
Henry •' Ilor»e Kdlenk"
Regardless of the compulsion of the
lav.-. self-interest in every rural commu
nity 'lcraani's good road . They in
creas** the fa ility for marketing prod
uce, save ia lmr.-o flush and wagon re
pairs, attract money-spending summer
visitors and enhance the value of prop
erty. The niucadain alul similar sys
tems are unquestionably the best, al
though rather costly at first. But un
fortunately in many country towns the
usual m t '.ixtof n consists of
plowing op the loam, clay, gravel and
tarf and scraping it up toward the cen
ter of the highway, with more or less
bungling attempts at smoothing. Spe
cial machines for this purpose have
been devised, some of them heavy and
curabrou .. weighing from j.-.mj to 3,000
poands. nci ii -_rfrom four to six 1-. rses
ur oxen to operate them, and > expan
sive as not .o be turned around easily
on a narrow r ad. They are costly in
more ways than one, not merely to the
town or d. irL-t which br.yj them, out
to the owners of horses which are
hitched thereto in service. Hence the
road machine invented by aSt kport
(Columbia cunty, N. Y.) in in a::.l rop
resented herewith, may, perhaps, fill a
long-felt want in many parts of '.he
country. Only a siuglo sample has
been built, but it lias been practically
tested. It weijrht is only Ito i< nine
It needs only a pair of h : •., ca i t-.irn
easily ; where, and the in\ nt r
claims that it does better work and
does it uiore easily than anythin ; e'se
of the kind.
As trill be wui from the
ing picture, the. m:vhine is mainly up
ported by one wheel, the axle of which
i > secured to a section of anglo-iron
that serves as a continuation of the
pole, anil resembles a plow beam. The
wheel (landed, in order to m: i:e it
run exactly in the line of draft. A
tendency to shift to ouc side results
from the angle at which the scraper-
Made is set with the bv,m. A stay-rod,
shown herewith, maintains this angle;
and it may be used, in cooperation with
the beam, to sustain a driver's 'at- The
serapcr-blade is six feet lon.r. ;.::d
tapers from nine to twelve inches in
width, llolted ou to the lower half of
its front surface are two cast-iron
plates, or shears. The rear lever i i 1
to ch n~e the level of the surface of
the r ad, grading «p fr- :.i side toward
Center, and also to lift the blade en
tirely free from the gr-uud when >i«2r
to and fro or turning around. A small
wheel, not visible in our illustration, is
placed under the "nigh" or f .rv.a 1
end of the blade, to carry that part of
the apparatus when not in ««e, and
also at times, especially in soft soil, to
regulate the depth to which the blade
cuts. One of the advantages of having
the blade set at an angle is that, wli 1
used as a rut scraper, it sweeps the
loosened earth sidewise to some extent,
and thus fills up the ruts instead of
merely crowding the dirt forward.
Besides the lightness, simplicity of
construction and efficiency which are
said to be among the merits of this ap
paratus, its cheapness is a' -o to be con
sidered. It can be made so as to yield
a large profit and retail for $25, which
is from a quarter to one-tenth the price
of machines now in use. —X. Y. Trib
rite PrMfiit 1> u (.rami Opportunity for
KO.HI Improvement.
Otlicials of the National League for
jood Roads have issued the following
jirculor from the world's fairollicein
which they call attention to the present
opportunity for improving the roads:
Tl>o earnest attention of members of the
caguc, Its coworkers and all committees, e.nd
jWMOM seeking relief for the unemployed is
respectfully called to the prcs nt favorable «• a
litlon for making road Improvement, l oth for
its own suite and in a meanj of giving employ
ment and of stimulating busine s in general.
Capital '■•-H v ell in lal-or In idle, anil bankers
ire expecting an era of cheap money, bringing
i quick demand for such investments u.. town
ui.J county bonds. Many county and town
toards iu various states aro alre.v'y author
teed to begin r ad making and to I uc bonds
therefor, others only require tlic .inciioa of a
local election.
Men enough could be cut to work by these
bodies without waiting for legislation toglvo
sensible relief to tin* labor market and mate
rially case the hard times in their localities,
whllo the road:, would be built .'.l a minimum of
cost and of interest charges Tho : that
have cot adopted the modern I'Tras w.uld
hasten their Uvihlation to avail tl.en: lvcs of
the same advantages and the \.... \r euuatr .te
lifted out of its temporary dJClcult es by means
certain to pn mote its permanent prosperity.
To enforce these coieidere. lions upon the at
tention of the beards bavin* lower to act and
upon the people bavin;? tba re;lit t6 vote such
power is the practical v. erk of ti -hour. The ••
who are willing to join actively la this work in
tbeir localities are e-trceslly requested toiotn
mnnieate with the league fit the: e headquarters
and to give full information regarding local
Ail Indinputable statement.
A f;ym twelve miles from u railroad
station, in a d' -irict with good roads, is
worth more than one equally good,
Hire" i"-' re'i' >ved from the railroad,
tvhere the road* are as bad lis they arc
in tn.tny fan: !:»:• «!!-- rii : - where the
land is rich.* i'r -ident Gtiics, Amherst,
College, .Mas.-., in Memorial to Congress
on lloa.fl l'vhibit at World' • Columbian
saving fror.i tieod I toad a.
The saving from g<««1 roads in the
Iran-j»orl ; i on of fauu products alono
would soon i ay off every existing farm
en rtgagc; in three years it would ex
tinguish our national debt, f wonder
if farmers know thnt g'od, permanent
roads increase the selling price of land
in the neighborhood to nn amount
greater than the cost of the roads. —
Nilcs (Mich.) Sun.
THIS season seems to be n favorable
□no for omo of the less common hinds
jf in:,«'cts and they have occurred in
Increased numbsrs.
•*1 came to sc.* about an office.'' said
the constituent
"Ah?" said the statesman, affably
'Ye ~ and I want your advice, and, if
pus ' lc. your a •i tance."
'Do you • i! that Iar„o building just
across the street
"Yes "
• "Nice looking building, li-u't it?"
"Very." v..: - ti rpri ed answer.
'Well, that building is just full of
offices, and 1 undcr-tund the rent Is
right reasonable "- Washington Star.
lie Had I keen There lie Tore.
"Are you going to take in any of the
watering re >rt - this summer'.'" asked
a well-known landlady of her milk
man ,
"Oh, yes, I have always taken a lit
tle recreation every summer, and 1 al
ways derive pecuniary as well as
healthful benefits by taking in those
resorts every year."
"W 1 re do you expect to go this sea
son'.'' .: Ucd the lady.
"Oh, the Vatue old watering place—
the town pump." —Texas Sittings.
jttt 9