FALL OPENING OF PINE FURNITURE, AND QUEENSWABE, A stock superior to anything we have previously shown, and at prices that will ntareit shrewd buyers. Gold Chairs. Nothing prettier for vour Parlor than one of these Chairs. A fine assortment to select from. Onyx Stands. Exclusive Styles in these goods, and the priees will please yoa Lamps. In Brass, Dresden China and Glass. One of these will improve the appearanoe of any Parlor. Decorated China, In all the fine wares, such as Royal Worcester, Teplets, Doleton Royal Dresden, Royal Bonn, 00., ®o. Plain White China. Nothing more benutiful for a Present than a pieoe of this ware, nioely decorated. Decorated Dinner Sets. Many New Patterns and a; large assortment at Popular Prices! Brass and Iron Beds. When you want to improve the appearanoe of your Bed room buy one of these Beds. IIEISHotS 18 ' BOM CiSEB, WINDOW ISDES. „ SIDE BOABDS,' CURTAINS, STOVES AND TINWARE. CARPETS. MMFIIUI TEMUffI, Butler, - Penn'a. Our New Fall Stock of Footwear. Opening this Week LADIES FINE SHOES. A more varied assortment of Styliih Footwear can't be foand. "Low est Prices" on best qualities and newest styles the rale. Nothing shoddy, bat stylish, well made shoes, from lowest prices to highest cost ones. Ladies Fine Shoes, Stylish, licely lade, Perfect Styles. We never advertise or offer a line of shoes that is not jast as repre sented. We have selected the beet line for the money you ever saw in Ladies fine button shoes at sl, 1.55, 1.50 and S. Hand tarns, Goodyear welts, at $2.50 to $3. In Plccodilla, Tnzedo, Opera and Common Sense last, blachers and but to Of Ladies Heavy Shoes We -A.re The leaders of them all at 85 cents, sl, 1.25 and 1.50. Bals and button in veal calf, kip, oil grain and *glove grain. They are wearers and no wet feet. Have you Boys and Girls? Don't fail to get them a pair of Hu«elton s heavy school shoes and keep their feet dry. Stop doctors bills. W* bave high cut shoes, tap soles, wear re9isters, boots for the boys all at the lowest prices, Qirla shoes at 75 cents, sl, and 1 25, boys and yoatbs at sl, 1.25 and 1.50. . . MEN'S HEAVY BOOTS AND SHOES, shoes at 15 cents, f 1 and 1.25; boots $1 50, 2, 2.50 and 3. Keep low instep boota and can fit any foot. Box toe boots and shoes. Mens, boys and youths fine shoes in endless variety, all styles, Picco dilla, Opera, Globe, ect. at sl, 1.25, 1.50, 2in mens; boys at |l, 1 25, 1 50, and 2. Old ladies soft, easy shoes, wide low heels, warm shoes and slippers these are no ancient styles but the newest and best styles. One lot ladies fine Bhoes were $2 now $1.50; one lot were $3.60 now $2.50; one lot was $2.75 now $2, these are broken sizes; and several other lines in mens and boys at greatly reduced prices. Oxfords and slippers er daced. Oar house full of bargains. Come and get them. B. C. HUSELTON. Ho. 103 North Haln Street. - Butler, Pa. m. ROSENTHAL, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 - Pittsburg, Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Mrrker The 0. W. HARDMAN Art Company Limited. SPECIALTIES IS OUR SPECIALTIES Old Pictures REPRODUCE!) and ENLARGED. All work ensrsnteed as repre sented. Latest Styles in Piotnre Frames. See display of samples Compars prices and oar work with others. Special rates to Ministers and Lady School Teachers. LADIES, OLD PEOPLE, And Children have no long, dark, filty stairs to travel up and down") Stadio on FIRST FLOOR, 108 MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. " DIRT DEFIES THE KING." THEN SAPOLIO IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. A Bogus white lead KOOIIS * "<>uld have no -UUg Ui3 • it not afford maker* a larger profit than Strictly Pure White Lead. The wise man ia never persuaded to buy paint that is said to be "just M good " or " better " than Strictly Pure White Lead The market is flooded with spurious white leads. The following analyse*, made by eminent chemists, of two of these misleading brands *how the exact proportion of genuine white lead they contain: Misleading Brand *' Standard Lead Co. Strictly Pare Whit* Lead. Bt. Louts." Material® Proportion* Analysed by Barrtee 69.38 per cent. EegU Chaurenet Oxide of Zinc 84.1(3 per cent. & Bro., White Lead 6.48 per cent. Bt. Louis. Less than 7 per cent, white lead. Xialeading Brand " Pacific Warranted Pure [A] White Lead." Materials Proportions Analysed by Salahate of Lead 4.1S per cent Ledoox & Co., OxlJe le copy free. Poultry Kalslng Quids free with a> firttorsor mora. L 8. JQgyaoHaOo.. Boston. Masa Tb'. implication or ,^^O!NTMEMTg Ac , ls»ri • is* the fkin clear. whiM and healthy. V Sr.ll by •* -r»Wy mall Tor SO efa A-ldr-as D*. dvtiii 4 So*. alaspblß. Pa- Ask jsar 4ni«gial ftor lw " T\DOCTORS LAKE hM ■ PRI . ATE DL'tmSART. COR. PfTlKlCMed- ication are treated at this Dis neiisary with a success arelv attained. Dr. S. K. l-iac is • member of the Kor.il College of Fhy v deal and mental decay,lack of energy, 1 -v.on ncy, etc.; alsoCanccrs Old Sore*, Fits, i I 1?-, i tieuinatlsm, and all diseases of the Skin, I.l.ungsUrinaryOrgamsttc. Consultation 'i ee „ rl sa ictly confidential. Office hours, 9to ! " to 8 P."M.; Sundays, J to 4 P. IX. onlv. ; it office or artSrcas DRS. LAKE, CO ft. AVE. AND4THBT..PIXTRUUUGH.t'A ntß LAKE ROUTE TO THE WORLD'S PAIR VIA PICTURESQUE MACKINAC. Avoid the heat and dust by traveling on tho Floating Palaces of the Detroit <5 Cleveland Steam Navigation Company. Two new steel passenger steamers have jnst liacn built for this Upper Lake route, costing $300,000 each, and are guaranteed to be the grandest, largest, safest and fastest steamers on the Lakes; speed 20 miles per hour, running time between Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago less than 60 hours. Four trips per week between Toledo. Detroit, Alpena, Mackinac, Petcs key and Chicago. Dally trips between Detroit and Cleveland; during July and August double dally service will be main tained, living a daylight ride across Lake Erie, f 'ally service between Cleveland and Pit-in-Bay. First-class stateroom acenmraodatlons and menu, and exceed ingly low Round Trip Rates. The pala tial equipment, the luxury of the appoint menid Makes traveling on these eteamen ♦Uoroughly enjoyable. Send for lllus •.ratod pamphlet. Address A. A. Schanu, 0. P. i- . Detroit & Cleveland Bteam Nav. Ca>.. Detroit, Mich. Cures llrißbt's Disease, Dropsy, Oravel, Nerv ousness. Heart, I'rlnary of I.lver Diseases- Known by a tired lanquld feellnx; lnactine of the Eldneys weakens and poisons the blood, and unless cause is removed you cannot nave health. Cured me over five years BRO of Brlght'a Disease and Dropsy.— MßS. 1. L. C. MILLER, Betlileb cm. Pa. 1.000 other similar testimonials. Try It. Cure guaranteed. CAM VS KIDHKY Ct'BK CO., 7iU| Tenaago St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bold hy All Reliable Druggists. Cemetery, Lawn, Poultry and Rabbit Fencing mOUSAXW OF MILES IX USE. CITALOGCE FWCE. FBEIGBT PAID. THE McMULLEN WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO. ; us, UO, 111 and ISO B. Kafka* St, Ohioaaa, UL SAW HULLS, ENGINES, Imoroved Variable Friction Feed. A. B. FABQDHIR K CO, EGGS FOR HATCHING. llose Comb White Leghorn hens from the yard of Ed. W. Boyle, score 93. Cockerel from Theo. Scheld. scora 95. single ComD Brown Leghorn hena. Eureka Strain, headed by Cock- Wei from J as. Sterlings Strand, score 96. Trice tot 13 eggs. hT A. KJSON. Saxonburg, Butler Co., l'a Garfield Tea^ Curm CoßJtttiatton, k««or* CoinWV . Cures S*tK Headache THE CITIZEN What a Girl Saw at the Fair. A jolly Butler girl— pretty and clever— the kind that Butler is noted for—send* us the following: I want to tell you how two Butler girls visited the World's Fair and succeeded in "doing the Fair" without getting lost. After resting from the effects of our long trip, we were fresh for our first visit to the Fair grounds. Our first view of the White City was obtained from Lake Michigan on board the steamer Duluth, which landed is at the pier near the Krupp Gun exhibit. Loyal to Pennsylvania we, by aid of the Intramural Railway, reached the bmilding which to us was home. Just within the entrance stands our much-loved emblem of liberty—the old bell- The Pennsylvania building has about 2,000 visitors every day who admire the exhibitions of painting and old documents. We heard so much of the fleecing that had been practiced upon vis itors to the Fair that we were half afraid to venture alone, but we have since iound that a girl with eyes open, wits alive, and even a small mouth (if used), is perfectly safe. Indeed every one, to us, have been very courteous. The State buildings are very interesting, each one containing its documents of inter est and exhibitions of its particular indus tries and productions. lowa s decora tions, in one immense room, are composed wholly of grains, aud a minature of its capitol occupies the center of the room- California shows a horse and rider, made of prunes and a globe of immense size made of oranges. Virginia's house is a fac simile of Washington's home at Mt. \ ernon- Florida represents a lort, and the lagoons, with the many bridges thrown over them, gives one an idea of Venice. The statue of Republic standing at the head of one ot the basins is particulary attractive, having the appearance ot burnished gold, No pen picture could ever adequately describe everything seen at this wonderful Exposition. The electrical displays, the illumination.* aud fireworks, and the gen eral appearance ol the bite City are be yond description luu many thousands of things Help one to realize with what a wonderiul Uiind inun Ims been endowed by his Creator. When tireil with H-okiig and looking and trying to take iu all juu can't take in then it is time to visit Midway Flaisance. II you can laugh at all, that in iht) place to laugh. The Midway is about one mile in length, and hall waj U»wn it is situated the lainous Ferris wheel. The wheel gives a perlect view oi the grounds and city. It carries the observer slowly to a height of 264 feet, the trip of two revolutions taking twenty minutes. In the streets of Cairo one may be amused for hours at a tim* watching people take a camel-back ride and hearing the girls| shriek whilo Mr. Camel gets up or down in about three- sec tions, Then there is the fortune teller, who gravely informs-you that when you marry you will marry somebody you like and when you die you will surely stop breathing. A great many native (t) Egyptians were born and raised in San Francisco and adjacent places. Bazars flourish in all part of the Midway and we have learned that moonstones are found in every clime that ever the sun shown down upon. We did not pay a visit to Lapland, be cause wo had all been there when chil dren. The mnsic in Java, China and Cairo is not particularly pleasant to the cultivated ear and might in some cases, produce fits. The natives of very warm countries suifer very much from the severe climate, and all seem to be very glad to know that their stay is to be a short one. The trip to Chicago is not an overly ex pensive one, and we would advise all to go by all means. Hood'ts Sarsaparilla cures catarrh by purifying the blood and bu'lding up the gyßtem. Take it now. —A young man in Wilkesbarre, whose breathing for sometime past has been agony from a violent attack of asthma, was struck by lightning recently. Strange to relate when consciousness returned be breathed and talked with entire freedom from the disease. Asthmatic patients will decide for themselves whether under going the cure will be preferable to suffer ing from the disease. Signs of the Times. The leaves in the forests are beginning to turn yeilow and brown, and to drop off one by one, presaging the approach of Au tumn and bringing with it many climatic changes. It needs a very strong constitu tion to withstand the sudden shocks of cold and moistnre. Unlortunately there are very few so gifted, the majority of the himanrace need to have their natures strengthened and stimulated, and there is no better remedical agent than a pure rye wbit-ky. Klein's Silver Age ltye has stood the severest tests and has been found to be absolutely perfect, being recommend ed and prescribed by the highest medical authorities It is for sale by dealers gen erally, at $1.50 per full quart, Dnquesne Rye at $1.25 per quart, and Bear Creek at SI,OO per quart are highly recommend ed. Send for catnlouee of all kinds of l'qnors to MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal Street. Allegeny, Pa. —A young larmer, newly wedded, was explaining matrimony to his friends one evening this week. He said it had cost him $35 for his wife alone, with no fees in cluded for the preacher. He skinned a cow for a clergyman last fall, the bargain being that the preacher was to marry him gratis some day to come. Last Monday evening be called at the residence of the preacher and told him that he was now ready to be married free of charge as per contract. —Kheumatisui cured in a clay—"Mystic care" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally enres in Ito 3 davs. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The .first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. Redick, druggist, Butlei. i —Here are a few interesting facts about the Carlisle Indian school, 500 scholars from which are now enjoying the Chicago fair at their own expense, having earned the money daring the summer on farms and in households —the boys working in the field and the girls in the house, •ur ine the year there were 404 boys and 298 girl* in the school. Their earnings outside of the school were: Boys, $16,698.83; girls, $5,170.15, or a total of $21,868.98* Out of these earnings these children of the untutored sayage saved $15,723.50. There has been increased appreciation of the service of these boys and girls, and they receive, on an average, better pay each succeeding year. If eggs are desired from certain hens for hatching and yon can get but a few a day, which compels you to wait until you have a sufficiency, yon can keep them for six weeks, and they will hatch, by placing the eggs on a rack in a cool place—the cooler the better—and turning them o\er throe times a week. Ifyouwishto pre serve eggs, in order to retain them until prices are higher, keep them in the same manner, bt.t first remove all males from the flock, as eggs from hens not with males will keep three times as long as eggs that are fertile. It is nineteen years since Charly Ross was stolen from his father's residence, Christian K. Ross, in Oermantown, Phil and his whereabouts is still a mystery, although the father has spent bis means and UtM jfi following every likely clue. An Unconstitutional Law. Judge Harmon Yerkea, sitting at the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Sessions of Berks county at Doylestown, lately, decided that the State law of Judo 12, 1893, forbidding the imprisonment or even trial of crimina's under sixteen years of age with older ones, is unconstitutional. Among the sharp sentences in Jtdge Yerkes' opinion on this inconsistent law are these: "It is quite probable that this act be came a law through inadvertence. It represents humanitarianism gone mad, and is so clumsily drawn that it is next to impossible to understand its clear mean ing. "Some of the worst criminals known to the law are persons nnder sixteen years of age. Frequently they are found in the company of other criminals engaged in the per petratien ol crimes of the highest grade, often displaying a capacity for leadership and a daring in advance of those in whose company tjiey are caught. Yet, under the second section of this law, all such cases must be tried at Courts held separate and apart from the regular Courts. The whole effect is to embarrass and de feat the prompt administration of justice. We regard the act as unconstitutional, and therefore decline to direct that sepa rate and closed Courts shall be held for the trial of either class of persons named in it, or to direct that the county shall purchase a new set of dockets for the pur pose of recording therein the proceed ings ol such separate and exclusive Courts. - ' A Frenchman declares that vegetation can be aided by electricity. Potatoes planted in the path of the electric current gTew enormously, and electrified tomatoes became ripe eight days before the others. Drunkenness, he Liquor Habi , Pos ively Cured by adimnstering Dr. Hainea ' 'Golden Specfic." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a.glass of beer, a cup ol coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speedy ©ure. whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an ntter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book ot particulars free. Address, Golden Specific Co.. 185 Race St.. Cincinnatti O. Texas is large enough to give all the population of the world standing room, and it is said that if all the people of the United States were crowded into Kansas, California and Nebraska, these States would not be more thickly settled than England is now. Consumption Surely Cured. To THX JtorroB:— PLAAM Inform your readers that 1 hare a positive romedy for tne above-named disease. B; ' M timely use thousands of hopeless cases have t-r rti permanently cured. I shall bo glad to Mnd twj . o'Uea of my remedy FREE to any of yomr readers •»/> have consumption if they will send me theli Kxpress and P. O. address, liespect foily. T. A. BUAJUM. M. C. Ul Pearl St.. N. i The tenth census shows that 24,010,000 inhabitants of the United States are sup ported by agriculture. 11,520,000 by manufactures, and by com merce. Paridoxial as it may seem, when a man falls out of a balloon it is generally all up with him. Many a man who "didn't know he was loaded." has awoke to the fact that his pocket were rifled. A bosom shirt that opens in front, and is made to button like a coat, is a recent invention. It attracts much attention when exhibited, and well it deserves to. Considering the awkwardness of that abomination, the shirt that opens behind, and which can only be entered or escaped from by means of a small slit in the rear upper story thereof, it is strange that man kind have grunted and suffered for so many thousands of years without striking something better in the matter of shirt architecture. II the new style is a go, it is a forward stride equal to the electric motor or the Congress of Religions. The The front-opening shirt is calculated to make countless homes happy and to light en the labors of the evangelist by minim izing the output of profanity. The sean nsoow closing has been far from a gay one for the ordinary watering place and mountain resorts. A New York society journal says: "It has not been a radient season, and I think every body is ratber blue at this moment. Ism free to say that I have never seen the country duite so dull and dreary as it lias been the summer. Where once we found revelry and joy were a few grumpy person sitting about talking hard times and won dering what was going to happen next. Newport has been like a cemetery, and Bar Harbor was a shadow of its former self." The extra' rdinary outpnt of deep wells bored for petroleum in West Virginia may soon put that State in the lead as a producer of this source of underground wealth. The stories of recent "strikes'' are quite as wonderful as were the earlier developments on Oil Creek, although they have ceased to create equal excitement and wild speculation. —A West Middlesex, Mercer county, etter in the Sharon Herald says: The largest crop of peaches is being harvested in this valley that has been known for many years. And what to do with the crop is the question that most interests\he farmer just now. Even at the present low prices he cannot begin to dispose of them all. Whil« many people are in actual need of charity the average farmer does not wish to pick them and deliver them free of charge, and to invite everyone to help thems«lves would be a doubtful policy. In view of theso facts many are turning their hogs in their orchards rather thah make known they have an over-supply. Others are erecting drying houses and resorting to more expedient means. —John Stickles of near Crown Point, Lawrence county, 6aw a strange animal in a sheep pasture field and the farmers armed themselves and began watching at night for it. Last night it was found prowling around a hog pen and killed. It was a big jaguar and must have escaped from some traveling circus. THEY'RE WAY AHEAD of the ordinary, commonplace pills In every way. That is the reason why Dr. Fierce > Pleasant Pellets are sold on trial, as it were. They're guaranteed. If they don't give satis faction, you can hav» your money back. In Biliousness, or in any disorder of the stomach and bowels, you need these little " Pellets." They're small, easy to take, and perfectly natural in the way they work. No reaction after them; you get real and lasting good. They permanently curt Sick or Bilious Headaches, Constipation, Jaundice. Dizziness, Hour Stomach, Indigestion, and consequent stupor or drowsiness. You can depend upon Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a perfect and permanent cure In the wornt cases of Chronic Catarrh. It's a mild, soothing, cleansing, and healing paration, which doesn't simply palliate, T)ut completely cures. Its proprietors offer SSOO reward for any incurable case. W A NTVTV-fca'esmen. to sell our cnoice W XXiL/ and hardy nursery stock. Many special varieties to oiler both in fruits and ornamentals, and controlled only by us. we pay commission or salary, (five exclusive terri }ory una pay weekly. Write us at once and se cure choice ot territory. MAT, BJIOTHEIiS, K urserjmen.Bocliester. NT. ~ pg OLD S3 export WHISKEY. Guaranteed 8 Years Old. ■! THIS Whl*k~ r I e*l*vtal!y "Ts>s -li suited for Medi mx/>c,nal pi""* where ftfine»tim olent ta repaired, ape unsnrva-sed. It is the product of one of tha oldest distilleries in Pennsylvania, and after remaining in Gov ernmcnt'bonded warehouses the required time i» exported to Hamburg, Germany, and there kept in heated warehouses until perfectly ma tured, then shipped back, bottled on our own premise*, and when we offer you Old Export we know whereof wo speak, and challenge com parison. Full quarts, SI.OO. Six quarts. *5.00. Sent by express to all points, and on orders of 110.00 or over we will pay express charges. There are numerous imitations, but be careful to secure the genuine. JOSEPH FLEMING & SON, Druggists, 412 Market St., PITTSBURG, PA. Complete Price List of Whiskies, Wines and Brandies mailed free to any address. What is this anyhow 7 ■ It is the only bow (ring) which cannot be pulled from the watch. To be had only with Jas. Boss Filled and other watch cases stamped with this trade mark. I*3i Ask your jeweler for pamphlet. Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. ARTISTIC HAIR GOODS. I have re opened my establishment. IJi'fe'S -l. ideal v. ijrs and waves, leather llplil and lite f T At -iriVfi? O like |-.» and up. Wavy hair s« Itches.all lengths Also toilet requisites. BgW-i : '7 Face Bleach removes trecklex, tan. sunburn, i „ moth patches, and all .i blemishes of the skin. a V® f Ilalr Tonic restores gTey 2, £ j bair to Its natural color, removes dandruff, tones Wr ' up the scalp to a healthy f condition.make the hair jQJ beautiful. curllne keeps x'le. Get one of mv pretty new styles for summer wear. •205. 8. Main St.. 2d Hour,' All Relter feulldlnjja GOOD FELLOfSHIF is a hard thing to find. Do you want' the recipe? Here it is. Get a" bottle you 11 find it sure. Try our Finch's Golden Wedding For Medical and Family I sf. SI.OO per Qt; or 6 Qls. for $5.00. Dougherty, Guckenheimer, Large, Gibson, Bridgeport, Mt. Vernon, Overholt, etc. OUK GOODS ARE WARRANTED PURE. Goods securely packed and boxed without extra charge. 0. O. D. and mail orders re ceive prompt attention. "Grand Father s Choice" 3 j ear old is a good one, age has brought out good quality; sells for; $2 per gallon. ROBERT LEWIN Importer and Wholesaler, 136 WaterlSt, PITTSBURGH, PA. OPPOSITE B. A O. K. K- DEPOT. <* I EWIS' 98 % LYE I FCTEISIB Aim F£SI7XXS (PATENTED) niOilrnngfilauJ pnrni I ye mula. t*rillko other I.ye. It being 1A a Hue powder aud packed In a can V with removable 11a, the contents always ready for iw. Win make tli<- hril |ierfumed Hard Soap In 20 minutes without boiling. | t | s n,r brat fur cleansing waste WW Pipes. disinfecting sinks closets, WW wasldng buttles, paints, trees, etc. PXNHA. SALT MTO CO Oen. Agta., rhlla., Pa. t BUGGIES at h Price CARTS A IIAIISKSS. r *Ki Top lluKtfj' • We Cut the f J^T)b Phaeton aw 1 PRICKS and 4PaM.Topßnrrey.fi? outsell s.*) Road Wa«on. 925 competitor!*. *l9 Road Cart t« 5o! Buy of fac- W3 Bagzr lluiua, |3 «S toryanil mto •lOHUtfinr " ,4.7 ft Mludleman 8 I.VI Team " fU 60 profit. SfS Morgan Saddle, tl.to Cat'g'o Frce ! __~^ c, i. Bcour & CART ro. rrra »to U LsTfc tt , UntliinsW, ;>«*writioK. Write ful SBtiUOEIie. U c. I'uiik, I'n-S. fcp. M. fciw li I'.'l. IMC »i xii uo LI pui) I|IM •oSni'jt ui 3u'* L.'V.- uc A inuivM u«riqo JO' ADTD «IM'I JT dQjidljLa JllU V C. & D. ALWAYS ! Take into consideration that money { saved is as good as money earned. 1 The best way to save money is to ! buy good goods at the right price. j The only reason that our trade is I increasing constantly is the fact that 1 we handle only goods of first quality and sell them at very low prices. We have taken unusual care to provide everything new in Hats and Furnishing Goods for this season, and as we have control of many especially good articles in both lines we can do you good if you come to us. We confidently say that in justice to themselves all purchasers should inspect our goods. Visit us. COLBERT & DALE, 242 S. Main street, Butler, Pa. TO HAVt HEALTH THE LIVTK MUST «C IN OBOIMm «!> Cnrei thousands annuallyof Liver Co mplaints. Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspep sia, Constipation, Malaria. More Ills result froman UnhealthyLlverthanany other cause. Why suffer whenyou can be cured ? Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigo» ator is a celebrated familv nipdicine. VOt it lIKTROIST WILL St PI'LY YOC. r~~ j | RECULATE THE | STOMACH. LIVCR AND BOWELS. ; X AND t PUR'.FY THE GLCOD. j A RELIABLE BSVEOY ! ? 0S J liidlnistlnni rillTT— r— : t putlUlß* i>s»pepala, 4 1 >cr TreuMc*. j i DlzstncnN :!i»d .i»!»«I»fc. lijatTitcry, ; Offensive Breath, vri nil dl*or,l.!< *l' Iho ♦ £lomack« Liver and Bowclt. Ripr.ns Tabu!c3 contain 'hint? lajoriwi to ♦ ♦ the most delicate coii. * •. Pleasant to Like. » 1 «af«\ effectual. Giro imm -..ate relief. I t Sold by drufrjrii-ts. Atrial bottle otat by mail ♦ t on receipt of 15 Addas | J THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. | | 10 SPRUCE STREET, NEW YORK CITY. I WANTED ! Al once * SALF.SHES ' ——— pott THIS OCAUTT. plendld OPPORTUNITY _ for a live, enerpetic man. We offer BET TER FACILITIES and Better Terms than e\ er. Salary or commission. Write tor our Special Offer. HOOKER, GROVER & CO.. Rochester Fruit Farm and Nurseries." Established isr«. Koehester. N Y. Grind Your Own Corn Meal, Oyster Shells aud Corn in the $5 Hand Mill. (F. Wilson's Pat.) Circulars Iree.ZZZ. •'Also I'ower and Farm Mills. Send lor illustrated circulars and testimonials." | [ 100 per ft. more made in keeping jwnltry. Address WILSON BROS. Easton, Pa. Jt Scientific American DEBION PATENTB, s 5 COPYRIGHTS, etc. For Information and free Handbook write to MUNN A CO.. 361 BUOADWAT, NEW YORIT. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. Kvery patent taken out by us is brought before tho public by a notice given free of charge in the Jtfcntific Lanrofet circulation of any pclontlflc paper In the world, splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should bo without it. Weekly. {t.'J.OO a year? sl.soslx months. Addre** MINN A CO.. VL'BLIiULio. 3UI Broadway. New York City. WANT YOU to act as our Agent, tall or part tlmr as able l'ermanent position (juamnted to men or wo mea. Liberal pay weekly. Stock complete. Gilt edged specialties. Experience unnecessary. Eletrant outnt Iree. Address. Nurserymen. C. 11. HAWKS & CO.. Established 1873. Rochester. N. Y WE WANT YOU to act as our agent. e furnish an expeasive outfit and all you ueed free. It costs nothing to try the busiuess. We will treat you well, and help you to earn ten times ordinary wajies Both -exi'3 of all ages can live at home and work in -pare time, or all the time. Any one any where can earn a great deal of money. Many have made Two Hundred Dollnri* u Month. No class of people in the world are making so much money without capital ns those at work for ua. business pleasant, strictly honorable, pud pays better than any other offend to ageuts. You have a clear held, with no competition We emiip you with everything, and supply printed directions for beginners which, if obeyed faithfully, will bring more money than will any other business. Im prove your prospects! Why not? You can do so easily and surely at work for us. Reasonable industry only necessary for absolute success, l'amphlet circular giving every particular is sent free to all. Delay not in sending for it. GLOiUiF ST IN SON & CO., liux Ne. 48H, rortlmid, Me. DEXTER SnOE CO.. Inc'p. Capital, »l .000,000. UK ST St.ftO SHOK IN THE WORLD. "A dollar tared it a dollar earntd." This LAILLPH* Solid French 1>OI>K»1K Klil But ton Hoot delivered free anywhere In tho U.S., on ——3 reci-iptofC'ai«h, Money Order, gig or l'ootal Note for fl. f >o. rn iC* J Equals every vay the boot* WKs *9 sold In all retail »tore« for K* V' ■# £J.SO. We make this boot V?" 1 anter the fit, style and wear. Br , - _ \ uiid If any 0110 is not satisfied lEi!» \ ll? IvV v '° refund the money jyi x. or ,H ' mother pair. Opera J* r l'°® or t'ommon Sense, I ITS &\, widths C, I>, K, & EK, I iU sizes 1 to H and half I I ■1 I*} It MSiiV will fit you. II fust rated DEXTER SHOECo^^^LdL' iUKciul term« to JJcalcrt. NIAGARA RIYER POULTRY YARDS. Buff Leghorn?, Buff Plymouth, Ilocks, Buff Cochins, Light Bramae Indian Games, Ac., Send for circu lar. CHARLES H. AKE&L* Gowanda, N. Y iifilOTßltilßEM i % gftSfSfeVJggi HWTJi.wIurtHU Leading Millinery House OF m TP m «3E^ Trimmed Ilats and Bonnets. Every shape this seasons facile fancy has evolved is here. Everv novelty in Wing, Bird, Feather or Ornament is shown, Ribbons, Velvets, Laces, Braids and Flowers. Mourning Millinery a Specialty. * D. T. PAPE, 122 South Main Street Jewelfy, Clocks, - Silvefwafe, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent bv purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. —"Remember our Repairing Department—2o years Experience. An Unprecedented Offer' Great Value for Little Money. Weekly News of the World for a Trifle. The New York Weekly Tribune, a twenty.four pape journal, is the leading Republican family paper of the, United States. It is filled with interesting reading matter for every mem ber of a country family. It is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and gives all the general" news of the United States and the world. It »ives the evems of foreign lands in a nutshell. Its "Agricultural" depart ment has no superior in the country. Its "Market Reports" are re cognized authority in all parts of the land. It has separate departments for "The Family Circle', and "Our Young Folks." Its "Home Society" columns command the admiration ot wives and daughters. Its general political news, editorials and discussions are comprehensive.brilliant and exhaustive. A special contract enables uc to offer this splendid journal and "THE CITIZEN" for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY #1.50, CASH IN ADVANCE. (The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.50.) Subscriptions may begin at any time. Address all orders to THE CITIZEN, Write your nt.me and address on a postal card send it to Geo. W. Best, Room 2. Tribune Building, New York City, and a sample copy of THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will be mailed to you. 1893. Vim. Vigor. Victory. 1893. UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS X OP TUB OREAT Pittsburg Exposition. OPENBD J CLOSES September 6th. October aist. Press and public cordially indorse and pronounce it surpassingly grand. All de partments fully ready. An examination of Its many attractions will astonish and please you. ilusic daily by the unrivaled bands of Qilmore and Brooks, ASSISTED BY THE UNCROWNED QUEENS OP SONO. Frau Materna, Madame Sofia Scalchf, Lillian Blauvelt, Black Patti, and Signor Campanini. Special Excursions and Reduced Rates on All Rlllrwii. APbst-offlce address we mail 1 trinlbuttleß||pp and prove L U h b to you that® Hhli ASTHMALENE w 111 anil iloos cure astnma CINE CO., ROCHESTER. N. Y. ftRP-W Ptl IK HAY- FEVER IF A I W COLDHEA WmSS Ely's Cream Balm i* not a liquid, unvf or pncdcr. Applied into the nottriU it it _ qni-kly abnorkd. It cl an** the Knid, allayi inflammation, heal* _ C |5« the noret. Sold hi/ druqgitU or tent by nuiil on receipt of price. L lift UUC ELY BROTHERS. 56 Wawn Street NEW YORK. 3UC 1 Job Work ol all kind done at the "Citizen Office."