Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 13, 1893, Image 2

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Catered at PoaMßca at Batler aa fd claaa Batter
Of Philadelphia.
Of Armstrong Co.
Of Marion twp.
Of Buffalo twp.
Of Butler twp.
Of Fairview twp.
Of Venango twp.
Of Centre twp.
Of Clay twp.
Of Connoquenessmg twp
The Repeal Bill in the Senate.
The repeal bill will probably pass the
Senate. There is hardly any doubt that a
vote will be taken, and a majority of the
Senators are known to favor repeal. The
attitude of the minority of the Senate is
perplexing and discouraging. It shows a
distinct and extensive degradation. The
Senato has been looked upon as a body of
great dignity. It has been regarded by
political philosophers, at home and abroad,
as one of the finest legislative organizations
in the world. It is evident, however, to
observers of its present attitude that it is
living on its traditions. Until recent years
the rule of courtesy which required that
every Senator should be heard as often as
he desired to speak was not abused. The
rule put Senators on their honors, and they
were governed by their self-respect and
their regard for the rights of their fellow-
Senators. The Senators of the elder day
did not resort to obstruction, because ob
struction ought to be reserved as the re
sort of a minority whoso rights are so
threatened that they are ready to go to*thc
verge of rebellion and revolution.
Times hav« changed. The Senators who
threaten to defeat the repeal bill by fili
bustering are angrily protesting against
what they call the oppression of the mild
leadership of Mr. Voorhees, who simply
asks them to fix a day when they will be
ready to take a vote. Relying on tradi
tional courtesy, they decline to permit the
Senate to vote on the pending bill. They
have asserted on the floor that, rather than
permit a vote, they will put tho majority
to the inconvenience and to thp danger to
Jjealth and life of continuous and all-night
sessions. The traditional courtesy of the
Senate protected Mr. Stewart in a ruffianly
attack on the President, which was an in
sult to the country and degrading to the
body by which the assault was tolerated.
Apparently the absence of restraint no
longer puts Senators on their honor. Onoe
the rule illustrated the conscience and
dignified self-respect of Senators; now it
seems to furnish an opportunity for Sena
tors to defy the majority and the desires
and commands of the country.
The history of the relations of the Sen
ate to the bill does not end here. It is all
a tale of petty politics that raises a serious
question as to the constitution of the body.
Tricks have been proposed with the elect
ion bill; reprisals have been urged by the
protected interests; bargains have been
suggested by which the country's distress
might be relieved for a price. All this
goes to the character of the Senate, and
the inquiry is raised as to its value—as to
whether, after all, the system that places
the small States on a level with the large
States is not wrong; as to tho wisdom ot
preserving the existing methods of electfng
It is because the Senate appears to have
fallen so low that repeal may be confident
ly expected. The logical outcome of the
position taken by the obstructionists has
been stated on the floor by several Sen
ators. It is that no vote can be taken ex
cept by unanimous consent. The absurd
ity and imbecility of this position is sure to
dawn upon the minds of those whose words
and conduct at present seem to indicate
that they are reckless and blinded by
fury. Senators are beginning to realize
that the abuse of tho rule of courtesy must
result either in making the Senate useless
and hateful to the country or in the chang
ing of the rule, the non-abuse of which here
tofore has marked the Senate as the most
dignified and independent legislative body
in the world. This being so, it is inevit
able that obstruction should cease in time
and the bill pass. But, meauwhile, tha
Senate's reputation has suffered serious
damage, from which it may never recover.
—Harper's Weekly.
IMPORTANCE attaches to the recent
decision of the State Supreme Court in the
Bardsley case. The decision was that
John Bardsley, the defaulter, was an officer
of tne conuty of Philadelphia, and that
consequently the county is responsible to
the State for the amount of State money
in Bardsley's hands aggregating several
hundred thausand dollars. The decision
will apply to a number of county officers
who have got away with tax funds by
speculation or embezzelment.
Senator Quay For Repeal.
Senator Quay has Hated his position on
the silver question as follows: "I am not
in favor of lree coinage of silver, and in
this I believe I represent the judgment of a
very large majority of the peoplo of Penn
sylvania of both great parties. I will vote
for the unconditional repeal of the purchas
ing clause of the Sherman act, if a vote
upon that naked proposition can be reached:
will vote against any amendment and will
vote against the Kepealing bill, if amended
80 as to include other financial legislation.
The first duty of Congress, to my mind, is
to get rid of the Sherman act, which all
parties agree should bo repealed. After
ward there will be time enough, during
the present session, to matnre and enact
fair and conservative legislation upon the
currency. The Wilson bill would pass
with little opposition did not the silver
seuators apprehend that any subsequent
legislation for the protection of silver
would be vetoed. I favor an immediate
vote, as do a majority of the Senate, but,
if the minority are determined to resist, a
vote cannot bo reached, except by violent
methods. A cloture rule cannot bo adopt
ed, because the discussion of the cloture
also may be protracted an d its passage
obstructed ad infmithm. Tho vote and
procedure required to pass tho cloture
would pass the repeal bill."
TUK disaster along ihe gulf coast proved
to have been without a parallel in the his
tory of the South. Several islands wore
swept by a wave of water fifteen feet high.
One hand of grave diggers, buried 950
Republican Candidate for State
The Brazilian Revolution.
i Like nearly all South American revolu
tions, civil war in Brazil broke out over
the struggle of two military chiefs tor the
supreme power and the opportunities for
personal profit which it offers in a South
American republic. .The enormous terri
tory of Brazil is no more empty of inhabi
tants than its population of 14,000,000 is
of political initiative. Out of this number
not over 5,000,000 are white, and not a
fifth of the white population takes any ac
tive interest in affairs.
A small army or navy is sufficient under
these conditions to support a military des
potism, or by their division to begin civil
war. The precise issue, President Peiioto's
determination to succeed himself in the
election next March is of the smallest pos
sible consequence. In Brazil, as in most
South American republics, the navy draws
its officers from a better class sortally than
the army. The leaders of the two natu
rally quarrel. President Peixoto, at the
head of the army, imprisoned one of the
naval chiefs, Admiral Wandeikolb. The
other, Admiral Mello, had led a revolt.
For a full month the navy has held the
waters and the army the shores of the Bay
of Rio. Neither has won a decisive ad
vantage; but sea power, as usual in all
history, has proved a weapon of more stay
ing power than a force on land. Admiral
Mello has been able to supply himself with
coal by seizing the supplies of the Brazil
ian Steamship Company. lie has provis
ioned his fleet by the use of neutral flags
which the forts respect, and he has cut off
provisions from Rio by declaring a block
ade. "Whether this is to prove effective
appears still to depend the action of
neutral warships.
So far as the forts are concerned the fleet
has been far less effective than had been
anticipated of modern ordinances and iron
clads. Rio Janero Bay is indifferently
defended. The fortifications aro old-fash
ioned, though some of the armament is
new, and the defenses are of a character
which it has hitherto been asserted modern
guns would silence in a few hours. The 9-
inch Armstrongs of the Aquidaban and the
10-inch Whitworths of the Javary have
done nothing of the sort. The forts have
remained tenable and the vessels, more or
, less injured, have been forced to retire out
of range.
E7en the bombardment of Rio itself ap
pears to have accomplished little. Some
buildings have been destroyed, but far less
damage has been done than was anticipat
ed. Precisely the same thing was true of
the bombardment of Charleston in our own
war. For tbe present the bombardment
of the city has been suspended. Thus far
neither party has been able seriously to in
ure the other, but the fleet is holding its
own and by its grip on tho trade of Rio is
wearing out its antagonist. Its one risk is
in emptying its magazines.
A THOROUGHBRED horse of tho best class
can ran a mile in about ono minute and
forty second#. The fastest bicycle rider
can cover the distance in a little over two
minutes. On a long distance ride, man
has shown his superior endurance to the
horse. An interesting bet was made last
month in Germany, between a horse dealer
and a farmer, as to the relative merits ol a
horse and a bicycle rider in a 20-mile race.
The horse dealer took the ground that no
horse could compete with a first class
bicyclist. A wager of 1,000 marks was
made. The distance agreed upon was 35J
kilometres, about 22 miles. The farmer
rode his own horse, a thoroughbred hunter.
The bicyclist won with ease, beating the
horse fully three minutes. Several such
races have been made in this country, and
in distances of five, 10, 15 and 20 miles,
the bicyclist almost invariably come out
Monday of this week was ''Cliieago Day'»
at the World's Fair and the people of the
city flocked to the grounds. The crowds
at the gates were so vast that all the wag
on gates were also opened; and by even
ing the estimated attendance was 725,000,
which was nearly double that of any day
at any other World's Fair or Exposition.
Several persons lost their lives or were seri
ously injured in the jam.
The first event arranged by tho World's
Fair £ommittee of the Chicago Common
Council took place at 9 o'clock, and was
more closely associated with Chicago's
birth and early history than anything else
on the program. The old Pottawattomie
chief, Simon Pokagon, whose father, Leo
pold, deeded the land upon which Chicago
is built, had been induced to come from
his home in Hartford, Mich., for Chicago
Day, and stood beside the Columbia bell
with uncovered head, in the the
white man. and received the homage of
famous people. At his side was Chief John
Young, 60 years old, who canu- from the
Pottawattomie reservation, near Niles,
Mich., to tell the people of all nations that
his father, who bore the same name, christ
ened the World's Fair city Chicago, which
literally iuterpeted, means "where the
skunk dwells."
These two old and feeble Pottawattomie
chiefs were the idols of tho hour. Poka
gon read a brief speech, but Chief Yonug
had nothing to say.
The grounds of the Terminal station
could not be seen for the mass of people
who filled it in front of the stand erected
for the chorus of 2,000 voices,under the di
rection of W. L. Tomlius, an orchestra,
the United Exposition bands and the Eighth
Cavalry Mexican Band, accompanied the
chorus in a mighty melody, which aroused
the people in front to a high pitch of patri
otic enthusiasm. While the festival of song
and instrumental music was in progress.
Chicago's crack society cavalry troop, the
Chicago Hussars, passed by on their line
horses from the Midway Plaisance.
Fairticw Items.
May Wilson was home over Sunday
from Grove City school, to see her friends.
Flossie Scott is attending her graduat
ing term at New Wilmington.
Mrs. Fitzgerald is trying to sell their oil
well and fixtures.
On last Sunday while John Kay and
family, Samuel Adams and family and
Thomas Banks and his family were going
to church robbers ram sacked each of their
houses and took valuables from each, such
as jewelry, etc. to the amount yet un
known. and about sl2 from John Kay's.
The robbers appear to be strangers in these
Crawford Kankin bought a cow at Mrs.
Hohert Campbell's sale for s4l. A full
bred Jersey.
Everybody around hero l ave loaded up
their guns and revolvers and are watching
for robber*.
Why Compromise is Impossible.
Since India ha» suspended free coinage,
the issue presented by the working of the
Bland silver act of 1«78 and continued by
the Sherman act in 1390 has ceased to be
a question between bimetallism and mono
metallism. It has become an issue
between silver monometallism or gold
monometallism. The country has to de
cide, and it has to decide promptly, wheth
er it v> ill keep a gold standard or descend
to a silver standard. One or the other it
mn. ..jve, and unless the Sherman act is
repea'od a silver >taudard it will have and
nothing can do more than defer the ap
prove Lof a silver standard. Prevent such
a standard this country cannot standing
alone, though it may by selling bonds and
running in debt in order to buy gold, keep
silver and gold on a parity for a while
This cuts up compromise. The naked
issue is a silver standard or a repeal. Com
promise will mean a silver standard soon
or Into. Gold will begin to leave the
country. American securities will be sold
abroad. The investing classes |here will
begin to seek gold investments. The
banks will prepare for the evil day by reduc
ing their loans. The last estate of the land
will be worse than the first, which began
last Spring.
This is inevitable. Fifteen years ago
silver legislation was passed on the plea
that Europe would help in maintaining
silver on a parity with gold. Europe will
n<tt. Italy and Austria havo both gone to
a gold standard since then. The Latin
union has stopped coining silver. India
was next the plea of the supporters of
silver. India was to force England to act.
It has not. India was to absorb silver
indefinitely. It has not. With the India
mints closed to silver the only choice left
is a silver standard or a gold standard.
There is no other.
One thing the T~nited States can do By
stopping silver purchases it can keep the
silver it has coined on a parity with gold.
Tnles-i it stops these purchases it cannot
do this. It will descend to a silver stand
ard. A compromise may delay the steps
to this end. It cannot prevent it.—Phila
delphia rregg.
PROTECTION, like many another cause,
may well ask to be saved from its fool
friends when the latter come before the pub
lic as Wharton Barker and several Philadel
phia manufacturers have done and ask the
Republican members of Congress to strike
hands with the silver Senators and vote
almost unlimited free coinage in return for
votes lor protection. As an exchange
forcibly says, a more deadly attack upon
the protective policy thau this cannot be
conceived. The proposal implies that pro
tection cannot stand on its merits and is
willing to engage in treachery to popular
rights in order to compass its ends. This
is a shameful libel upon protective tariff
interests which cannot be too strongly
A Plague Feared.
On Sunday f last, in Xew Orleans, the
loss of lite by the great storm was estimat
ed at two thousand.
Dr. Story, coroner of Plaquemine parish,
has made the following report:
"A good maDy carloads of provisions
and clothing have been sent out, but not
enough. Men, women and children are
without food and clothing. They have
becoire so desperate that they have
threatened to attack the stores and steal
food. It is a frequent thing to see little
sufferers crying and begging piteously
for something to eat. Single graves for
the dead were impossible. Great trenches
were dug, and bodies were piled in ona on
top of the other. The earth was thrown
over them, and if their names were ascer
tained they were cut in rude crosses above
the graves.
' I do not think I exaggerate the facts
when I state that at least 2,500 " souls
were ushered into eternity by the recent
storm in Louisiana. This of course in
cludes the Bayou Cook county, Cheniero
Camanada, Grand Isle etc. I never saw
bodies decompose so rapidly as those of
the storm sufferers which were viewed by
me. This was due to the fact that the fish
and crabs in the bayous ate of the remains.
I believe firmly that the marshes and
other places are filled with h oman forms.
It is impossible to get at these, however,
as no ono is adventurous enough to ex
plore the swamps. There can be no doubt
of the fact that this is conducive to an
epidemic of fever or even cholera. It one
case of the later disease should develop it
would spread through the country like
wildfire, but nothing can bo done to pre
vent this."
The relief party which set ont from Bi
loxi tells an awful story of the destitution
and loss of life in the Louisiana marshes.
The marshes are filled with dead and put
refy ii!i{ bodies, in very few cases the corpse
being recognizable. The number of lives
lost on those marshes will never be known.
The territory covered was a distance of
200 miles.
Newly made graves were everywhere.
Tie only sign of life seen in the marsh
was one raccoon and it was floating on a
jog. Hundreds of oyster boats and luggers
were lost with most of their crews and the
few survivors tell terrible stories of suf
fering. Most ol them wero nude when
Capt. Julian Leforte, the leading spirit
among tho survivors of the Cheniere Ca
manada, places tho number of the saved at
300. The population of the island and the
bayous immediately connected with it, was
slightly more than 1,500. He says the is
land will be abandoned as a habitation of
man. Grand isle and Chandeleur will also
be abandoned.
Petersville Items.
Petersville school is flourishing, forty
four scholars in attendance. A good pub
lic school is what builds up a town. Three
families have already moved in, and others
are inquiring for houses.
Kev. Hunter will move to Honderson
ville next week, and Kev. Cutler will move
to Petersville, and occupy the M. E. pul
Alex McClellan has recovered from a
severe attack of typhoid fever.
Will Young and family returned on Sat
urday from a weeks sojourn in the north
ern part ol the county.
Jacob Kleinfelter, of Homestead, was
visiting friends in tho Hundredfoot last
A foot race was run on »ur street last
Friday evening between Shorty Norris and
Archie Watson. Norris winning by 3
Jack McMullen and family who have
been visiting friends in Mercer Co. for the
past week returned home on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pflugb, of Mt. Chest
nut, visited their daughter Mrs. C. A.
Wise here recently.
Mrs. John Hager intends starting for her
home in Claremont, Va. next week.
John Hughes left for Danville on last
Friday to be absent for some time.
it. M. Welsh and family were visiting
friends in Beaver Falls a few days ago.
Petrolia Items.
Miss Flora Fleming has returned home
after a weeks sojourn in Butler.
William Gibson and wife have returned
home after a couple weeks visit to the
World's Fair. They report having a good
. Dr. J. A. Wallace moved his office into
the Kilroy building on Main street, where
his patients will find him ready at all times
to wait 011 them.
N. S. White of Karns City is on our
streets selling fruit and ornamental trees
to our citizens.
Republican Candidate for Judge
of Supreme Court.
A Scene in the House.
Mr. Aldrich, the Republican representa
tive from Chicago, opened the debate on
the election bill Monday morning with a
vigorous defense of the Republican attempt
to check the "Democratic frauds" in that
great city and put down the alleged "Car
ter Harrison ring."'
Then came Mr. Boutelle of Maine, against
the measure. "Every Democratic speech,''
he said, "has demonstrated that this is ti
be a blow at the fundamental principles
underlying this government. I thought
the new generation would join hands w:th
us in building a common country. lor
ten days the sheeted ghosts of the conted
ercy have flitted about these halls and gib
bered of a defeated conspiracy.
The vice-president of the United States
has been accused of undue sympathy
with your struggle to capsize the govern
ment, yet yoa do uot complain. Xot a
union soldier sits about tlie cabinet table.
[Republiean applause.]
Mr. Boutelle then went on to take up
the records ot the senate committees, be
ginning with tho president pro tem., Mr.
Harris, showing that almost without ex
ception they had served in the confeder
ate armr. He reviewed the committees in
the house from the speaker down to the
committee on pensions, showing they, too,
wt-rp dominated by exc»n federates. Mr.
"Wilson, he said. ha'! ejected Mr. Springer
from <.Ut the loyal t«ie> a* chairman of
the « a)s and means,aud Uolman had been
deposed by triumph iiit Kemneracy for a
coined erate.
"I declare ! ere now on my own respon
sibiliiv as a rtfpr*s«sii»iiv« th.it no more
mischievous doctrines, n.> more deadl}'
blow at our institutions, at the essence of
oar nationality of our country can be dealt
than by the denial of the right of this im
perial government to cross the borders of
a sovereign state." [Republican applause.]
"If such doctrines are to prevail, then the
cause for which I and 2,000,000 of my
northern countrymen fought when the re
bellion was put down, was not victorious.
[Renewed Applause.]
"I want you to understand," he continu
ed, "that when yon rely on the dough-faces
of Massachusetts and the ballot-box stuf
fers of Tammany hull you are leaning on a
broken reed.'' [Applause.]
The house was listening eagerly. Sud
denly Mr. Springer took exception against
applying the epithet "dough-faoe to a
member of the house.
"It is an epithet," returned Mr. Boutelle
defiantly, "which can be applied with
equal force as well to the gentlemen as the
gentlemen from Massacliussetts.
The house held its breath. Mr. Spring
er's face grew white with rage.
"Do I understand you to say that you
applied the epithet to me he shouted.
"Y'ou understood it as "well as you are
eapable of understanding anythiue," re
torted Boutelle.
"I want you to know sir," replied Mr.
Springer, striding toward his adversary
with fire in his eye, "that you dare not ap
ply such aa epithet to ine."
"Mr. Speaker, the gentleman from Illi
nois can't be impertinent to me under the
guise ot a point of order," returned Mr.
Bontello. "But I withdraw the epithet," he
continued, moving his arms magnaminous
ly in Mr. Springer's diiection, "in order
that I may go on with my speech. I deny,
homevor, that it was unparliamentary.
The aUcmpt*to mako it so is as silly as was
the attempt in the last coDgress to take ex
ojption to the w<#rd mugwump."
Mr. Springer was evidently lar from sat
jsSed with the bout, but be seated himself
and Mr. Boutello read the extract from the
Mr. Marshall of Virginia secured tire
minutes in which to reply to the firey utter
ances ol Mr. Boutclle. He appealed to
Republicans not lo be oonstantly remind
ing the South that it had engaged in an
unholy rebellion.
Mr. Payne of New York, who opposed
the bill, said that the reports in the news
papers were preventing the ginning ot cot
ton in the southern states. It was, he said,
but a result of methods which the South
had adopted regarding tie ballot. He de
tailed at great length the theft of the sen
ate of New York by the Democrats in 1890
and the part taken by .Tudg.) I. H. May
nard, who was nominated for supreme
judge by the.New York Democrats last Fri
day. "Why do you demand honest elec
tions," he asked, addressing the Democrat
ic side, "when you nominate for the high
est judicial position of the Empire state a
Mr. Fitch, of New York, chairman of
the committee which reported the bill,
closed the debate for the Democrats. He
scored John I. Davenport, witdout re
straint. In conclusion he denied that the
question of rights or the interpretation of
the Constitution were involved in this re
Washington Notes.
On Friday last it was announced that
the test of a continuous session would be
made Wednesday of this week, in the Sen
On Tuesday the House passed the Elec
tions Repeal bill by a party vote, and hur
ried it over to the Senate.
Wednesday the contiunons session began
in the Senate. The first nigfct set hard on
the venerable senators, but towards day
light both sides were standing firm.
COMMENTING on the Edison plan of mak
ing dollars out of bushels of wheat an ex
change says: This is a good idea, for, as
Edison says, such.a dollar would not only
represent actual value, but when you got
hungry "you could eat your dollar, for
when you wanted to use the wheat,all that
would be neccessary would be to put your
money to soak." Any man who doesn't
even know an ohm from a volt or a dy
namo from a donkey will appreciate the
value of Mr. Edison's suggestion when he
reflects on the possible expansion of it. If
sound dollars can be made of wheat there
is no good reason why eagles and half
eagles should not be minted lrom Indian
oorn, nor why our subsidiary currency
should not be extracted from cereals of less
importance, like barley or buckwheat.
How nice it would be if the careful house
wife could put a quarter-dollar in soak at
night and wake up in the morning to find
it expanded into the raw material for an
abundant supply of luscious griddle-cakes!
And what a pity it is that Mr. Edison
didn't exploit his ingenious notion a little
sooner, so as to head off the asinine pro
position of Mr. Wharton Barker for the
coinage of old-fashioned noncomestible
I silver dollars.
A Touching Tribute to Medical Heroism.
Tho following touching tribute to medi
cil heroism is from the Xew York .SMN.
The Sun is always just to the medical pro
fession, and in this instance speaks, as it
has often done before, from its heart: "One
of the first victims of the yellow fever at
Brunswick last month was a practising
physician, who caught the infection from
a patient upon who he was attending. On
Sunday last, one of the physicians of the
Xew York Hospital, Dr. Walter Yought,
died of typhoid fever, the infection of
which bad been cummunicated to him by a
child in the hospital. Again.a few days ago
two young doctors of this city caught the
small pox from a patient who was alSicted
with it. There are always risks for doc
tors in attendance upon patients suffering
from contagious or infectious maladies.
Tet they are always ready to brave the
danger, without flinching, in the interest
of humanity. Honor to our noble army of
doctors! Hundreds of them volunteered
for service here last autumn, when this
city was threatened with cholera. We do
not know how many of them have sent
word to Surgeon Genera! Wyman that they
stand ready to go to Brunswick, or to any
part of the South in which the yellow fever
may break out. Whatever be the risks
from any disease, the medical faculty is
ever willingly to confront them. Long live
the doctors! We have sent American doc
tors to the cholera-infected ports of Europe
and several of them have done splendid
work this year. If a hundred of them had
been needed, we have no doubt that a
thousand of them would have offered their
services. Heroes are the doctors. They
will enter the pesthouse without shrinking
attend to every case in it, and do all that
can be done to relieve the sufferers. Bles
sed be the doctors ! They are men of sci
ence, men of skill, men of earnest purpose,
men of sympathetic disposition. They are
devoted to their duties. Dr. Walter
Vought, who died of typhoid fever last
Sunday in the Xew York Hospital, of
which he was house physician, was a man
oftaler.t, and still in his early prime. He
took charge of the quarantine station at
Fire Island last year during the 'cholera
scare;' he had rendered service in the Vau
derbilt clinic; he died in a hospital. Though
he had but just turned thirty years of age.
he was the author of works upon malaria
fevers, the cholera and other diseases; he
had already won a name in the profession.
We knew him personally,and we can testify
that he was a high-minded gentleman:
'There's rosemary, that's for re
membrance; and there is pansies, that's for
ON Saturday last, the yacht "Vigilant"
owned by Xew Yorkers beat the yacht
"Valkyrie''owned by an Englishman over
a thirty mile straight course; and again on
Monday over a triangular course of the
same length. Three more races are to be
run before the contest is decided. The
racing is for the "America cup'' won by
our yacht "America" from the English in
a race around the Isle of Wight, about
forty years ago, and held by us ever
Silver Wedding of G. F Eeasley, Esq.
and Wife.
October 4th was a red letter day for G.
F. Easley and wife, being their silver wed
ding. Showers in the morninjr cast a
damper on the face of nature, but notwith
standing the gloom, the friends and neigh
bors began to assemble at an early hour,and
by noon the crowd numbered over a hundred
The tables fairly groaned with the good
things of tbis life. Afterthe feast an organ
ization was effected by electing Capt, C. B.
Gillespie, chairman of the meeting an.i W.
J. Houston, secretary. Chairman Gillespie
made the opening speech in which he con
gratulated the bride and groom upon their
silver wedding, that they had been bless
ed with a faithiul and happy lot, and were
surrounded by all the comlorts of this life
as well as by a dozen alive branches, and
wishing that they may live to celebrate
the diamond wedding. Air. W. G. Russell,
of Butler, followed, recalling mauuers and
customs of a quarter of a century ago when
Mr. and Mrs. Easley plighted their troth,ot
the "quilting bees" and "flaxscotchings"
and other social gatherings of ye olden
time, and other pleasant features of the
long ago.
A letter from A. D. "Weir and wife who
could not be present was read by G. W.
G. W. Cramer spoke in substance as fol
lows: Ladies and gentlemen. I would
rather sit and listen to the congratula
tions, good wishes and words of love and
kindness toward our host and his wife from
those that I know are much more able and
better prepared than I; but I would be un
true to myself if I did not add my testimo
ny and regards with the rest. It has been
my great privilege for more than fifteen
years to be near neighbor and friend of
the brido aud groom of the day. I speak
of what I know when I bear testimony to
tho kind and neighborly regardo to their
friends. It is with a heart overflowing
with good wishes towards these good peo
ple. I can well remember some of the
dark and gloomy days that come to us all
kind encouragement aud pleasant words ot
'Squire Easley stands out clear in my
memory, and it is my earnest prayer that
this bright, memorable day shall not be
tho brightest, the best,but that all of their
days (and may they be many) be brighter
and better, and pray that peace and pros
perity attend their footsteps as they hav
ing crossed the mountain and now walk
hand in hand down the path of life to that
reward that we all await."
Speeches were also made by M. X. Greer
of Sarversville,and W. J. Houston, ofMon
roeville, after which the gifts were present
ed to the happy couple by Mr. Russell on
behalf of the Iriends and neighbors. M.
X. Greer responding on behalf of the recip
ients, who called on tho 'Squire to help
him out. Among the presents Mr. Easley
found the following which speaks for
Sarversville, I'a., Oct. 4, 18lKt,
G. F. EASLEY, Esy.,
My aim is to reform you. Therefore my
gift is a years subscription to the X. X.
Weekly Tribune. I am satisfied that if
you read it one year you will be a "Pro
tectionist," if not a Republican. But my
dear friend regardless ol any difference of
opinion you and I may have, I sincerely
hope for you and yours many happy re
turns of your marriage and anniversary.
Very Truly Yours,
M. N. Greer.
Space forbids the mention of the many
vuluable gifts and their donors. All feel
ing that the silver question was well an
swered* After the program of the day the
young ladies and gentlemen took the
house and with music and dancing passed
the evening.
W. J. HOUSTON, Sec'y.
Family Gathering.
On Friday, October G, 1893. members of
the Pflough-Burry family to the number of
about half a hundred assembled at the res
idence of Fied Curry in Franklin twp.,
with well filled baskets, and proceeded to
take charge of the place. There were
present members ol the family from But
ler. Evans City and other points.
The day was as fine as one could wish
for and to say that they all had a good
time is putting it mildly.
JMu<eS& W<ler J
A cream of tartar baking powder. High
est of all in leavening strength.— Latest
United States Government Food Report.
Royal Baking Powder Co.,
106 Wall St.. N. Y.
" r o teiTlffrqt.
.Lw Lit ii ■ i t .i-ieaent i ! truwn J>»« ailtj
in old firm. Rofortncf* reuuirvJ. J'ermaicnt posKlgf
Wiw-W') <>'*/* iuioik. l« ifc.lJ.»
SWAIN—At his home in >
twp., Oct. 1, 1593, W. 0. Swain, aged
57 Tears.
■ DJETSCH—At his home in Butler, Oct. 3.
1593, John Dietsch, formerly of Pitts
' I burg, aged 50 years.
McCKEARY—In Pittsburg, Oct 'J. ls>93,
James S.. son of Warren McCrearv, aged
25 years.
i SCOTT —At his lii'ii:c in Lancaster twp..
| Oct. sth, 1593. William Scott, in his
! I KBth v ear.
I WHITE--At his home iu Butler, Oct. 7,
18&3, Frank son of Mrs. J. While, aged
1 j 11 years.
' Mi CABE—At Findlev, 0., Oct. 8, 1893,
Mr> Margaret McCabe.
[ j She was brought to Butler and taken to
I Coylesville, Wednesday, for buiral.
r [ MrCOLLOFGH—At her home in Butler.
| Oct. 11, 1593, Mrs. Barbara McCollough,
■ | aged 77 years.
• | Funeral, Friday at 3p. m. Services at
. house.
YOUXG—At the residence of Wm. Ladley.
. Locust St.. Alleghenj'. Wednesday. Oct.
11. 1893. Wm. Earl, infant son ot "Elmer
• E. and Ida Young.
1 SAHLI—On Thursday, Oct. 9th. 1893, at
t Harmony, Pa.. John, youngest son of
Mr. and Mrs. John Z. ifiahli aged 5
; Verses on the death of Mrs. Fry, of
3 Petersville.
i Clasp the pale fingers
. | Above the white breast,
, Lay her down softly
And leave her to rest.
Sweetly she slumbers
For sickness is o'er,
1 Friendship and love
r She needeth no more.
Press on her forehead
: The last kiss of loye,
Angels have welcomed
Her spirit above.
Rev. Waldo Messaros, the talented but
• erratic minister and orator, died at a
> hospital in Philadelphia last Sunday. His
r wife procured a divorce trom him some
' months ago, and a prolonged drunk took
him to his grave.
' J. W. Layton, of Clintonville, an old
1 employee ot T. W. Phillips, died last Sat
> unlay.
I Could Not Walk
i and v.::s bedfast most of
f the time because of rheu
matism. I ate but little
I and was reduced to a
' T/ $ skeleton. As Hood's Sar
\ ?f' J saparilla had cured my
I brother of rheumatic
. _j>~_ -■ trouble 1 also took it and
/ jWT have improved rapidly. I
I havo rogam. d my appe
" 'WKf'ftlte, sleep well, am
heavier anil walk long
(Jjv distances. Elooil'»N«r
--u+co-j Rnß Kerr »apnrillals worth Its
Naur*bur*err. w m Ro](| „ H A
BURKETT, Curryville. Pa. Hood's Cures
Hood's PIIIB act easily yet effectively.
s« nr« ||p|||ininßn|
' l=J&lclwir\. - 130.l 3 0.
Sewing Machine Mechanic.
Will re-adjust y ours and you be
your own judge to test it.
-♦• Special Sale.
Of Children's Hats.
Children's Underwear,
Children's Hosier} ! !
Best assortment of Ladies Trim
med Hats in the City.
M. F. k !H. MARKS.
113 to 117 Sonth Main Street.
I have a Heave Cure that will cure any
case of heaves in horses in forty days, if
used according to directions, and if it does
not do what I claim for it, I will refund
the amount paid and no charges will be
made for tho treatment. The following
testimonials are the strongest proof of the
medicines power to cure:
Butler, I'a., 1893.
On the 2nd day of April, 1892, I com
menced to use your new cure for one of
my horses that had the heaves very bad,
and continued to use the medicine for
about forty days and the horse did not
show any signs of a return of them. It is
now a bout a year since I quit givin the
medic\ne and the horse has never sowed
any signs of heaves, and I feel stistied
that he is properly cured.
Butler. Pa., April 3, 1893.
I have used your Heave Cure and found
it will do the work if used according to di
rections. Yours truly,
Mutual Pirc Go.
Office Cor. Main & Cunningham fits.
Alfred Wick, Henderson Oliver,
Or. W. Irvin, James Stephenson,
W. W. Blackmore, N. Weitzel,
K. liownian, 1). T. Norris,
Geo Ketterer. Chas. Rebhun,
John Orohman, John Koeuini;.
LOYAL S. Agent.
L. 8. McJUNKIiN,
Insurance and Real Estate 4g't
Fio'htino; Fowls.
o o
Such as J, A and } Jap's, Irish
Gr;tys and Brown Reds that are
game and fighters. Buft Leghorns
that are fine as silk. Old pair
cost last summer in England.
Eggs from all kinds $3 per 13,
$5 per 30.
Address, for Price list, etc.,
Ralston, Pa.
Hotels and Depots, |
W. S. Gregg is now rnning a liue ]
of carriages between the hotels and -
depots of the town.
Charges reasonable. Telephone
No, 17, or leave orders at Hotel -i
Ootid Limr in Connection
Send ten cents, .silver or twelve
cents in stamps lor a Handy Pocket Guide 1
to the preat exposition; give information
of value tireverv visitor. Street Guide,
Hotel Prices, Cab Fares, Restaur ant Kates,
etc. Describes the hidden pitfalls for the )
unwary,and hints how to keep out of them.
This iudispensible companion to ever}-vis
itor to the windy city will be sent by mail, J
post paid, on receipt of ten cents silver, or j
twelve cent in stamps. Address
P. O. Box 2204, Xew York, X. Y.
Please mention this paper.
Sudden Death to Flies.
"Come inside a minute," said a Fourth
Afenne dealer in pianos, yesterday after
noon. "I have discovered the greatest fly j
trap on earth and I want to show it to t
yon." He led the way to an instrument I
at the rear of the store on which was a I
newspaper. On the paper had been placed
a bunch of sweet peas. At least a thous
and dead flies were lying on the paper in
the immediate vicinity of the bunch t>l
flowers. "I threw these here by chance,"
"and in about ten minutes I happened to |
notice that every fly that alighted on the
flowers died in a very Rhorftime." Even as
he spoke a number of the insects which bad
stopped to suck the deadly sweet toppled
over dead. They alighted with their usual
bnz*, stopped momentarily, quivered in
their legs, flapped their wings weekly
several times, and then gave up the
ghost.— Louisville Journal.
On and after Decemlier 13th, 1892, t ta'ns
will leave Butler as follows:
For Butler Junction and intermediate
sections, and for Allegheny City, 6.15, and
8:40, A.M., 2:45, and 5:00, p.m. daily express
For Tarentum, Freeport and illegheny
Valley Junction, 6:15, a. m. 8:40, 11:00,
2:45 p. m. 5:00 p. m., daily except Sunday'.
For Sharpsburg, 6:15 a. m. 11:00, 2:45 p.
m. 5:00.
For Blairsville and Blairsville Intersec
tion; 6:15 a. m. and 2:45 p. m., daily except
TraiDs leaves Allegheny City for Taren
tum, Butler Junction and Butler at 6:55 a.
m., 8:45, 3:15. a. m. 6:10, p. ra. daily
except Sunday.
ForSharpsburg at 6:55 a. m. B:4s,and 10:40
p. m.
Trains pass Blairsville Intersection east
ward as follows:
Harrisburg Accommodation, 7:30 a, m.,
daily except Sunday.
Day Kxpress, 9:40 a. m., daily.
Mail Kxpress, 3:18 p. m , daily.
Philadelphia Express 6:28 p. m., daily.
From I mou Station, Pitt»l>urg, Eastern
Standard time, for A'toona. Harrisburg,
Washington, Philadelphia and
New York; 3:30 a. m. Fenn'a. Limited, 7:15
a. m. 4:30 p. ra.. 7:00 p. m., 8:10 p. m.
For Harrisburg daily except Sunday, 5:25
а. m. and 1:00 p. m.
For Harrisburif Sunday only, 8:40 a. m.,
arriving at Philadelphia at 10:55 p. m .
For time tables and further information
inquire of the Ticket Agent at the Station,
or address Thos E. Watt, P. A. W. Dist. 110
Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
P. 4 W. K. B.
Schedule, In effect July. *9B. (Butler time). The
Short Line to Pittsburg.
б.»o a m Allegheny ii.3oam.Al £ Clicago
s.io a m Airy «'h. F.x to oo a m,Allegheny Ex
10.0 &am Allegheny Ac 12.35 p m. All y * t h'go
30" p m Allegheny Mall ».55 p m, Allegheny E.\
335 p m Chicago Kx. Ms p m.AH'y s Ale Kx
5.55 p ni Ally A: Ell. Ex S.lo p m, Allegheny Ac
10.05 a m Kane A - I'.rad. s a m.Koxburg Ac
5.00 p m Clarion Ac i.55 a m. Clarion Ac
7.45 p m Foxburg Ac ,*>.4o p ra. Kane Mail
8.20 a ni, Chicago Ex io.t¥> a ui.AllegUeny Ac
11.15 a m.Allegheny Ex 12,35 pm. Chicago Kx
:>.3S p 111. Chicago Kx 1.55 p ra. Allegheny Ex
5.53 p in,.Allegheny AC 7.15 p ra, DeKorrest Ac
Trains leave Allegheny for Uutler 7 JO, 8.20,
10.30 a. m., and 3.10, 5.25 ami 6.15 p. 111.
Train leaving Butler at 5.20 a. m. arrives
Chicago 10.00 p.m.
Chicago Express leaving Butler at 3.33 p. in.
arrives in Chicago at 7.05 a. m.
In effect September is, 1803. Butler time.
12 5.30 a. m., Krte 9 :t..jOam, Meadvllle
14—10.10 '• •• 11— 2.42 pm, Krie
• 10—5.00 pm, Meadville ij—9.3-2 pm, Erie
No. 12 maki's close connections for New Cas
tle. liuffalo, Cleveland and Chicago.
No.u makes connections all paits east on W.
N. V. £P. at Mercer Junction, and with N. Y.
L. E. & W. at Shenango for all points east.
No. 2makes connections with W. N. Y. & P.
at Mercer Junction for Stoneboro and New
I Castle.
Trains leaving tbe I'. &W. depot In Alleghe
ny at 820 a. m.. 3:lo p. m., connect at Hutler
with trains on this road, and thu trains No. 9
and 11, connect through to Allegheny.
Hotel Butler,
J. H. FAUBEL, Prop'r.
This house has been thorough
ly renovated, remodeled, and re
fitted with new furniture and
carpets; has electric bells and all
1 other modern conveniences for
r guests, and is as convenient, and
1 desirable a home for strangers as
can be found in Butler, Pa.
Elegant sample room for use of
commercial men
We are pleased
to inform those who
appreciate clothes
that are comfortable
and tit correctly,
that our selection of
Fall patterns are
here. They are
handsome and mod
erate priced. See
Taior .
everything in
horse and buggy iur
nishing go ods-H ar - i
ness, Collars, "Whips,
Dusters, Saddles, etc.
.Also trunks and va- ]
Repairing done on
short notice. (
The largest assort- 1
ment oi Horse
blankets in town will {
be found at Kemper's. a
Buff Leghorns, Buff Plymouth,
Rocks, Buff Cochins, Light Bramaa
Indian Games, &c., Send for circu- $
lar. J
Gowanda, N. Y
ravsuus and svxatos.
Office at No. is. s. Slain Km, orer Kr&bk t
Oo's l>i as Store. Butier. Pa,
IST K. Wayne 8t . office hours. 10 to 12 M. an!
1 to 3 P. M.
Physician and Surgeon.
*» West Cuunlnghain St.
New Troutiuan Building. Butler. I'a.
E. N. LEAKE. M. D. J. K. MANN. M.;D
Specialties: Specialties
Gynaecology and Stir- Eye. Ear. Nose and
gery. Throat.
Butier, Pa.
J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.
Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest Im
proved pian. t«old Filling a specialty. Office—
over Schaul's Clot Line Store.
Is now located In new and elegant rooms ad
joining his; former, ones. All kinds of clasp
plates and moderen gold work.
••Gas Administered."
Gold Killing Painless Extraction of Teeth
and Artificial Teeth without, Plates a specialty
Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air or l/Joal
Anaesthetics used.
nfflee over Millers Grocery east of Lowry
Office closed Wednesdays and Tb ursd ays.
Attorney at I .aw. Office at No. 11, East
son St., Butler. Pa,
Attorney at Law ami Heal Estate Agent.'." Of
fice rear of I- 7.. Mitchell's office on ;north side
oi Diamond, Butler. Pa.
Attorney-at-law. Office on second .Boor o
Anderson building, near Court House. BuUer
attorney at law.
Office 011 second floor Jf the Huaeltin clock,
Diamond. Butler, Pa.. Room No. L
Office at No. 104 West Diamond St.
Room F., Armory Building, Butler, Pa
Office In room 8., Armory Building, Butler
Attorney-at-Law—Office in Diamond Block
Butler. Pa.
' Attorney-at-Law.
omce—Between Postofflce and Diamond. Bu
ler. Pa.
j Office at No. 8. South Diamond. Butler. Fa.
Office second floor, Anrt"rson HI k, Malu St.
; near Court House. Butler, Pa.
Att'y at Law— South Bldeof Diamond
Butler. Pa.
Offick near Diamoxd. Butler, Pa.
Funeral Directors and Embalmers
iam ond Block, next door to
Post Office, Butler, Pa.,
prompt attention given
to orders, day or
w"W"y . THE WELL
-llf a m rw known Artist
1/1# 11 I I 7 aud Photo
V V 111 I ii grapher;formerly
A M V X VLa I the head of the
J Wertz-llardm an
Art Co., will open a Studio and Photo Par
lors opposite the Hotel Lowry, Cor, Main
and Jefferson Sts., Butler, Pa. This will
be the best lighted and equipped Studio
and galleries in the the county. The work
will be strictly first class aud made under
new formulas by the artist himself, who
has bad 15 years practical experience in
large cities. Portraits in Oil, Crayon,
Sepia, Pastel, Ac. In this line we have
no competition, Our portraits aro made
by hand in our own Studio, from sittings
or from photos. Our work has reached
the highest standard of excellence and
is not to be compared with the cheap ma
chine made pictures furnished by other*.
Wait for us; get your pictures from us and
bo happy.
[Successois otfSchutte & O'Brien.]
Sanitary F umbers
And Oas Fitter?.
Sewer Pipe,
Gas Fixtures,
Globes ai
Natural Gas Appliar.Cfc..
Jefferson St.,opp. Lowry House
Imoroved Variable Friction Feed.
iobk, r
Rose Comb White Leghorn hens from the
yard of Ed. W. Boyle. score 93. Cockerel from
Tbeo.BcbtU.Koll Btagl* OoU Brown I
LeKliorn Eureka strain, headed by Cock
erel from Jas. Sterlings Strand, score 95.
l'rice *1.25 for 13 eggs.
H. A. KISO>". i-aionbuiv.
butler Co., fa
Administrators and Executor* ot estates
can »ecure their receipt book? at the Crri-
ZKK office.
Orphans' Court Sale.
By virtue of an onlcr and decree of tbe Or
phan's Court of Butler county, Penn'*. the un
dersigned, Executor of the last will and testa
ment ol Robert llescelgesaer, late at Wtntield
township, county and state aloresaia. deceased
win offer at public auction, on the premises on
at l o'clock p m. of saui day : one hundred and
I»PDH -eight eu rri ol land, more or lean. situat
ed in the town&lilv county and state aforesaid:
bounded on the north by lands of Wm. Bicker
011 the east by lands of David lleswelgessi-r. on
the south by lands ot .lohn Hemelgesser and
X . Kirkland. and on the west bv lands of Karl
llewselgesser. Sill and Painters heir*. Brick
dwelling house frame barn and outbuildings,
and (food orchard thereon Alxiut seventy
acres thereof cleared, fenced and under good
stale of culm allon. balance woodland. In all
respect.* tbLs is among the best farms in VVin
field township.
TEBUDOF SALK:—One-third ol purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of sale, and
one-thirdHn one year and remaining third in
two years thereafter with Interest from said
confirmation and to be secured by Judgment,
bond or mortgage. Title good.
Executors of Rob«rt llesselgesser, dee d., ■
Leasurevllle. Ratler<X>.. I'a., <X-t. 7,isy3.
Mcjunkin £ Ualbreatb,
Auditors' Notice.
In the matter ot the final] In the Orphans'
account of JANK KOHLMYKK I Court of Butler
and J. 11. kPHUHYEK. Ad-: County. Pa.
mlnl.-drators. C. T. A. off No. 8, Decem-
HENRY KOHLSIYKR. dee'd. late i ber'Jerm, I«uc;.
of Allegheny ip.ButlerCo.,Pa i
September t'.th, UU. Motion f appo.it
ment of Auditor presented to Cou.- i and G. \:.
Fleeter, Ksq.. appointed Anditor.
BY i : k Coum
Certified from the record this 25th day of
Sept., 1593.
I will attend to the duties of above appoint
ment at my onice In Butler. Ha., on Tuesday,
the'44th day of October. ls;t3. at 10 o'clock n. m.,
of which all parties Interested will take notice.
GEO. \V. FLEEUEK, Auditor.
Executors' Notice
letters testamentary having been granted to
the undersigned under tbe last will and testa
ment of Daniel McDeavitf. dec d. late of Brady
twp . Butler county. I'a.. all persons knowing
themselves indebted to the estate ol said de
cedent will please call and settle and any having
claims against the same will present them duly
authenticated for settlement.
JOHN 11. MCDEAVITT, Executors.
A. M. Cornelius. Att'y. West Liberty, Pa.
Administrators' Notice.
Letters of Administration,C. T. A.,on the
estate of Nicholas King.dec'd.,late of Con
cord twp., Hntler Co., Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate will please make immediate payment,
and any having claims against the same
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
MARY KINO, Adm'x.,
Jas. X. Moore, Peachville P. 0.,
Att'y, Bntler Co., Pa.
Dissolution Notice
(Pninp,,Pa., July 22, 1593.)
Notice is hereby given that the partner
ship heretofore existing between James
McNoes and Lizzie Hall known as the linn
of James McNees <£- Co. Manufacturers of
Stoneware, was this day dissolved._.AU
accounts will be received and settled by
James McNees senior member of the firm,
at the above mentioned place where the
business will be conducted by 11. L. Mc-
Nees for whom we would solicit your pat
ronage in the future.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters ot Administration on the estato
ofW. L. Young dee'd. late of Summit
twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make payment,
and those having claims to present them
duly authenticated without delay to
E. E. YOUKG, Diamond Bl'k.
Butler, Pa.
Administrators' Notice.
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration on the estate of William Burt
ner, dee'd, late of Clinton township , Butler
county. Pa., have been granted to the under
signed, to whom all persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make payment, and
those having claims or demands will make
known the same without delay.
Executor's Notice.
Letters testamentary having been grant
ed to the undersigned on the estate of
Christopher Rider, dee'd., late of Oakland
twp., Butler county, Pa ,all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment, and any
having claims against tho same w ill pre
sent them duly authenticated for settle
ment to
G. W. Fleeger, Greece City, Pa.
Executors' Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estato of
Henry Wolford, dee'd, late of Slippery
rock twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been
granted to tbe undesigned,' all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate will please make immediate payment,
and any having claims against tho same
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
J. N. Mooje, Of Henry Wolford, dee'd,
Att'y. Slipperyroek P. 0.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of Administration having been
granted to the undersigned on the estate
of Nannie C Wick, dee'd., late of the bor
ough of Butler, Butler Co., Penn'a..all per
sons knowing themselves indebted to said
estate are requested to makoimmediato
payment, and any having claims against
same will present them duly authenticated
for settlement to.J
A. M. CORNELIUS, Butler, Pa.
Farm For Sale or Rent.
173 acres In Donegal twp., liuHer Co., i. Fa.
Two orchards—an abundance;of good frnit.—a
Iwo »tory dwelling house, a good barn and gran -
LTJ and all necessary out-bulldlngs. well water
ed. 123 acres cleared, and consideied on? of
tbe best farms in Hie count}. Thcioja tvof
three producing oil wells or. it will go ais>ng
with a sale. Apply to
Chlcora, Butler Co.. I'a.
J PRICES is the motto at ,oar
J, sto re.
If you are sick ond ceed niediein
pou want tho BEST. This v»i ran
always depend upon getting from us,
as we use nothing but strictly Pure
Drugs in our Prescription Depart
ment. Von can gpt the best of every
thing in the drug line from us.
Uur store is also headquarters for
Kalsomine, Alabastine k
Get our prices before you buy
aints, and see what we have to
jffer. We can save you dollars on
pour paint bill.
M aiii M. in >1 t< H< tel Lowry
Onr Green Bone will dou.
ale your egg production.
Best and Cheapest in the market.
Circular free.
Cazenovia, H. ¥.