VOL. XXX ; FALL OPENING OF FINE FURNITURE, AND QUEENSWARE, A Stock superior to anything we have previously shown, and at prices that will n terest shrewd buyers. Gold Chairs. Nothing prettier for yonr Parlor than oue of these Chair-. A line assortment to select from Onyx Stands. Exclusive Styles in these goods, and the price* will plea.se you. Lamps. In Bras?, Dresden Chios and Glass. Orn• of these will improve the appeal slice <;f an; Parlor. Decorated China, In all the fine wares, such as Royal Worcester. Tepleta, Doleton Koyal Dresden, Royal Bonn, Ac., chasing elsewhere. R U F F, ' ,r~ i ; rw —-- BUTLER CITIZEN. STHE KIND ■ ■ ' • /: ; :V | jj£ '■' B B rn ARI.ES BIMMOXS, A 3 Cvhuci, S. Y. m A MARVEL IK COKOE?! S iKitiney and Liver Disease^ gj FOB 15 YEARS, J| | CURED BY 3 BOTTLES i jg ■ PAKA SAn.«APARILLA CO.: —l LF.v —Ha • • • «i ■ iMMllh bjr the o><- of v ur SKnapari! a I «Suty • > I"t other* knew the e rcl '- " s=hD:v. m 5 rhe truth of t!»c ah ve : - itn by M JAM! - < .wI.KI.VS. ■ r;.. - f Cahoot, Y. jH ■ Never porehsss ct a " SUBSTITUTE!?, S a person a!IO tries to soil yea incise when ,ou call for Dana's.) Our bat-WI Sties arc be'ng filied with a COUNTERS-EC* ®ARTICLE by "Substitute™." Btjr of Ibe*? Bj HONEST DEALER oho s«'!s you wr.it joujg ™ ask tor, and If you receive no benefit hsg; H w!H return your money. £ S Dana Sarsapadlla Co., Belfast, Maine, g PiM DhtibS af ius PRICES is the ant to. st .fi upori gi-ttiDg from us. as we use nothing but strictly Pun Drugs in cur Prescript! :i Depart ment. You can g< t the ': ,-t of every thing in 1h« drug lint- ii h-scrlbblins ialot has appeared at the world's fair.— Dally Paper.] He was a lad ambitious, and he panted much for fame; He wished the world to echo with his rather homely name — Uriah Scaggs the name was, but that mattered not a jot; He left it here, ho left it there, on many a fa vored spot. He wrote it- with a Sourish on the massive white house door; He traced it on the carpet on the red and blue room floor; He scratched it on the windows of the house, and senate too: He'd painted it on rocks from Maine as far south as Peru. He'd etched his monogram upon that Campan ile rare At Venice; and another ono on Pisa's tower fair; And when he si ..: behind the prince at some great racing track, With chalk he traced his name upon that au gust person's back. He carved it on the pyramids; he plastered Rome with it; He tried it on Alfonso's throne, but was com pelled to flit Before he'd penned the second G, which filled him with despair, Until he reached Chicago and began upon the i fair. And now we are Informed that Scuggs is fully occupied In autographing everything that's mentioned in the Guide. He's scribDling up the statues and the peristyle and such With his most wonderfully bold, strong chirog raphic touch. 'Tis hoped the fair commission will get hold of » -Mr. S. And clap him in a dungeon cell and keep him in duress ! Until, with ink indelible and sharply pointed pen. They've tat'.oeci Scaggs from top to toe with his own cognomen. —John Kendrick Bangs, in Harper's Weekly. I «,.• •_ (Copyright, 1893.) mGfl S7F y° u know I w^ere to l°°k |1 for him you can still find f > n ancient New York a very old man who con tinues to tnend and make hand-looms. And you can find, too, in a retired j nook where the iron hoof of progress | has stamped all around it, hut not yet I upon it, one of the old-time cottages. At the door is a tiny porch with a i bench seat against its railings on each | side, and two wooden steps lead down to the sidewalk. In the small porch I found seated, one afternoon when the shade lay on that side of the street, a little man. His ap pearance was in exquisite harmony with the qaint, old-fashioned home. His hair was white and his face had as many wrinkles as you will see lines in a piece of Chinese crackle ware, but his skin had a healthy, ruddy tint, his eyes sparkled with vivacity and the spright ly way in which he moved and gesticu lated with his pipe—a quaint old bowl of red Powhatan clay on a reed stem— showed there was a great deal of life in him yet, whatever ii ight be his age. I easily found a pretext for making his acquaintance, and one day he told me this storv: "Strolling for the air one evening after supper, I chanced by Ellen Me- Ilvaine's gate and she leaning over it. •Good evening, Mr. Deering.' says she to me, and I bade her 'Good evening, ili-vi Mcllvaine,' and, as was only po lite for ine to do, stopped to chat a lit tle. 1 never took much to Ellen, though she was a pretty girl and always friend ly with me. She had a smarter tongue than I liked and I had it in my mind she was a bit of a mischief-maker at heart. " 'Why,' says she, 'you ought to be go ing the other way.' " 'For why to the west more than the east?' says I. "'To look after Mary Ilalsey, your girl. You were not to see her last night either.' " Mary is old enough to look after HE AfiKEI) HIS WAY. herself,' says I, 'but how do you come to know I wasn't with her last night?' " 'Oh! If you were she wouldn't have been where I saw her.' " 'And where was that?' I asked, as careless-like as I could. " 'Taking an evening stroll with a (smart-looking British naval officer.' " 'lt was somebody else you saw, and not Mary. She doesn' know any Brit .ibh officers.' " 'lt's little I'm acquainted with who she knows—or maybe 3'ou either, for that matter —' she answered me, with an ugly little laugh, 'but I can rely on my own eyes.' " 'I guess I'll go west,' says 1, and I turned around and went my way, bid ding her a short good evening and hear ing her laugh over the quick start she gave me. I don't suppose I was more jealous than another, but I'm free to say 1 didn't like it. "There was peace with the old coun try tl <-n and ICrit'«h ships used to come into the lmrbor every little while, send ing their officers ashore to strut around as if they owned the earth but civil enough as a general thing. And just then a sloop of war, the 'Avenger,' was lying off the Battery. That much I knew and it would not be strange if some of her gold-laced idlers had wan dered up to Greenwich village, which was a pretty enough place then, not at all what you see it now. But that one of them should foregather with my Mary I thought queer, and I went straight to see about it, hoping it wasn't so, but far from easy in my mind But it was true. When I asked Mary she tossed her head at first and was as independent as you please; as good as told me it was none of my business. " 'Well,' says I, 'if you think it isn't I'll never try to make it so but the once,' and I got up to take my leave. That startled her a bit, for she saw I was serious and in her heart she thought as much of me as I did of her, and, forbye, she knew she was wrong, so, womanlike, she commenced to cry. But that didn't fetch me then. Says I, with my hand on the door latch: '(jive me your Brithiser's address and I'll send him word to come ami dry your tears.' "'Oh! Joe,' she snuffled, 'you're wicked to talk 50. He isn't my Brit isher. He's nothing to me and you ought to have sense enough to know it. lie met me on the street aud asked his way and, he being a strauger, what Qould I dv but set him right? U'CU 1U T TLER. Jr*A., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1893. ne askea me some otner question aoout the village and I answered him, and before I knew it we pot to talking as we walked alonjr, his way happening to be tfte same as mine; but I'm sure he didn't mean any harm and I know I didn't- He was a real civil, well spoken young man.' " 'I suppose there wasn't a man in sight he could ask, so he must need seek his information fron you,' says I, for I felt ugly, and her praising him didn't mend matters. " 'He—he —said —he—preferred to ask me.' she stammered. •' 'Deeause you were such a pretty girL He mentioned that, didn't he?' " 'I think—lie—said something of the sort.' '•The art of the chap and her inno cence made me mad, so that I snorted in i-.j" wrath and broke out: 'A fine g-omus I am. to put my faith in a girl that lets herself be soft sawdered by the first thing with brass buttons that comes along.' " 'Don't be angry with me, Joe,' she pleaded. '1 didn't mean any harm; in deed I didn't, and I won't ever do it again. As true as you live, Joe, 1 won't I won't even see him when he comes again.' " 'Ohol' says I, 'he's coming again, is he?' " 'lie —he —said he would, but I didn't tell him he might. He said he would come Thursday evening and take me to a grand concert in the city; but I didn't say I would go. Indeed I didn't. And I wouldn't, Joe, even if I knew you could never hear of it.' "Well, we made up and before we parted she told me everything. The leUow said he was Lord Fitz-Eustace Blakely and that he was a lieutenant on the Avenger, but with all the ad vantages of the high society he moved in at home, and even at the royal court, he had never seen a girl so lovely as my Mary. Of course, you know, a young girl likes to hear that kind of stuff, even if her sense tells her afterward it isn't true, so he just charmed her into listening to him. And nothing must do him but he must have the honor of es corting her to the grand concert, to show his brother officers, who would all be there, how fair a flower grew on American soil. I said to myself as I walked home late that evening: 'lf you go to that concert yourself, my fascinating lieutenant, it will be be cause I fail of throwing my shuttle across your web as I mean to.' And the next day 1 had a talk with three other young fellows, friends of mine, and we mai'j it up between us to give the lieutenant a reception if he came again after Mary, such as he would not be likely to forget the longest day of his life. "Sure enough, he came; rigged out in •such style you might think it was his wedding he was goinff to and golf, lace enough on him to make the world's eyes ache if he walked in the sun. But we were not blinded by the glory of him, for he didn't come until after dark. A fine carriage brought him and he left it a bit of a ways off. I met him where he had thought to meet Mary, and civilly bidding him 'good evening' asked if he hadn't lost his way. " 'What's that to you, fellow?' he an swered me, as "proud and insolent as a parish bulL 'Stand aside!' and he put out his hand to push meoutof the way. But before he could touch me I gave liir 1 suc!i a clout under the jaw that he spi ~ around, and as he did so I back heeled him. Ah! I tell you we weaver 1: 's were handy young fellows in those days. The first thing he knew an old cloak was over his head to smother his howls, his august nose was boring the sidewalk and we had his hands turned behind his back, where we tied them. Then we lashed his feet together and so, having made a neat package of him, carried him along, soft and easy, down to the river, where we laid him in the bottom of a boat we had ready and rowed out to mid-stream. From the moment 1 thumped him until we stopped in the middle of the river not one of us said a word, and the silence and system of our proceedings must have been, I judge, a good deal of a strain on his nerves. "When we laid to, with a couple of oars just keeping the boat's nose against the tide, we took thccloak from around his head, first warning him that the man who sat behind him had a big hammer to smash his skull if he made a loud noise. Put, by the way his teeth chattered and the huskiness of his voice when he spoke, it hardly seemed as if he could have given one good shout then to have saved bis life. " 'Take my money, my watch, nay jewels, everything, but spare my life,' lie stammered in a quivering voice that sounded almost like crying. " 'You're life is all we waat,' says I an savagely as I could—and the boys did me the credit to say my style was blood-curdling, though I mightily wanted to laugh. 'We mean to make a terrible example of the Britisher who comes to practice his libertine arts on the maids of Greenwich village.' " 'Villains!' he exclaimed. 'My noble •ousin, the earl of Tweedledum' —or some such name—'will make you suffer for this outrage.' " 'lt'll be a safe wager,' 1 answered, 'that you will never tell him about if "Then he begged hard for his life und swore he meant the girl no harm, but we turned a deaf car to him, and as exercising it seerped to strengthen his voice a little too much gagged him with a handkerchief and proceeded to business. While he listened we de bated how we should kill him. Most were for cutting his throat, only it would be likely to bloody the boat, and because of that wouldn't do. Other ways were discussed, some of them atrocious, and it's a wonder we could keep straight faces through it all. "Finally it was made UD we should put him afloat astride a big keg, that just happened to be in the boat, with a heavy stone, that was her anchor, slung to his feet to keep him upright and we would bore a lot of gimlet holes in the keg, so that it could fill slowly with water and go down gradually under the weight of him and the stone. For that we made our preparations. He could hear us boring the holes, only as we had laid him down he could m>t see it was through a bit of board we were making them and no; in the keg, which we had taken care should be a good, tight, sound one. big enough to hold him up safely, for we really had no worse intention than to give him the greatest fright of his life. While we bored the holes we talked. Says one: 'There are holes enough. Let him go down slow and he'll have the better chance of meeting a shark when he rounds the point below.' 'No,'answers another. 'lt he floats too long some boat may pick him up. Put three or four more in anyway.' And we went on boring in the board. 'Put some in the top to let the air out,' says I, 'else the water won't go in.' 'Right you are,' says one of the boys. 'We came near forgetting that.' And we bored some more holes, while the noble lieutenant groaned. "When we came to pick him up and put the keg between his legs, where we lashed it safe, he had fainted with fright, but we soon brought him to by throwing water in his face, and then he seemed to pull himself together to meet death in a more manly way than we had thought he could. That he hoped for no mercy was quite apparent, for he looked up to Heaven as if in silent prayer and resigned himself to his fate without a struggle. We fixed the stone to his ankle so that it could not come loose, aud then lifted him over into the water, where he floated as upright as if he had been standing and only submerged about to the waist- THE ATTACK. Alter launching hiin we held on until we had thrust inside his collar, at the back of his neck, a stout staff from which floated above his head a little British flag, upside down as a signal of distress, with a fool's cap, gaudily painted, fastened above it. The last thing we did to him was tak ing the gag from his mouth. His hands were left tied. Then, with a long, strong pull, all together, we shot away from him and darted to the shore. But even after we got there we could still hear him, afar off in the darkness, howling 'Help!" and 'Murder!' as he bobbed slowly along with the tide. Knowing he was safe enough to float to his ship and that the current was sure to carry him within hailing dis tance of her, if he was not rescued sooner, as he most likely would be, we felt no anxiety about him. He was picked up before he had gone half a mile, wild with terror, for the hope of life had come back strong to him and he had imagined the bored keg was sinking lower and lower every minute. But when the men who picked him up found the keg sound and saw that flag, with the fool's cap all awry, like himself, they knew him as the victim of a well-de served Yankee trick and nothing more. When the joke came to be known, as it was all over the town the next day, not only did the country grow too hot for the noble lieutenant but he was glad to exchange into another ship to get away from the jibes of his brother officers. "I never had occasion to look after Mary again, on account of any Brit isher. I married her, and a good wife Bhe has been to me, only now and then her jaw works a little too limber, as the best women's jaws sometimes will, and when that happens I can generally settle her by saying: 'Lord Fitz Eustace.' " —Some Kind of a Ro.—The young man was trying his best to dance, but he was walking on toes and trains in an appalling manner, and still he kept at it. "That young fellow is a tyro, isn't he?" asked a chaperone. "He's a hero, rather," responded a young wom an who had just come off the floor, "or he would have left the field long ago." —Detroit Free Press. BURIED ENOCH ARDEN ALIVE. A a Egyptian .Judge Who Believed Wit nesses Rather Than Ills Own Senses. A Swiss captain, at the end of a san guinary and prolonged battle, caused the dead and dying to be thrown alike into pits and buried together. Some one pointed out to him that many of the bodies still showed signs of anima tion. "My pood sir," replied the Swiss, "if a man were to j>a> attention to the signs they show there would not be a dead body among them." A simi lar power of preventing the mind being turned aside by trilling' considerations appears to have characterized a certain kazi in the city of Cairo, Mansur Bin Musia by name. Ilis decisions, accord ing to the London Standard, were usu ully rather extraordinary, but every now and then they were so remarka ble as to attract attention from disin terested outsiders. On one occasion the inhabitants of Cairo were shocked to see a living man borne through the streets, tied fast to a bier, and hurried toward the cemetery to be buried alive. His lamentable shrieks were entirely disregarded by the bearers, who re morselessly carried out their duty to its bitter end. It was soon ascertained that tlio Kazi Mansur was responsi ble for this atrocity, and, although Orientals are not easily shocked where the administration of justice, so-called, is concerned, yet in this case it was felt that some inquiries should be made. Accordingly, the kazi was in terviewed and he was asked why it was that he had caused a living man to be buried alive. Like Mr Gilbert's young lady in "The Mikado," it was doubtless pointed out to him that bur ial alive is too "stuffy" a death to be agreeable. They found the kazi quite ready to satisfy their doubt. "You wish," he said, "to know why this young man has been buried alive. Well, his burial has been ordered by me in due form because six months ago his wife was married to another man according' to the decree of the law, two witnesses of a very respectable character having certified to his death at Bagdad. The man, however, came before the court one morning, pleaded that ho was not dead, and ad vanced a claim to recover his wife. I ordered the two witnesses to reappear, and they proved beyond doubt by fresh evidence that they had attended his funeral at Bagdad, where he was buried in their presence. From this circumstance it is easy to conclude that the man cannot be a real one, but the ghost of a former, and must there fore be laid in order to put an end to all future disputes respecting the woman." The bystanders thereupon, as we arc told, "disßembled their liiis givingb, praised the kazi's justice and retired." Caoso for Discharge. Judge (severely)— Horsewhipping is the onlj suitable punishment for you and your kind. The idea of a man of your size beating a poor, weak woman like that! Prisoner —But, your honor, she keeps irritating and irritating inc all the time. Judge—How does she irritate you? Prisoner —Why, she keeps saying: "Hit me! beat me! Just hit me once, and I'll have you hauled up before that baldheaded old reprobate of a judge, and see what he'll do with you!" Judge (choking) Discharged! Puck. A Philosopher Horn. An Indiana maiden, 4 years old, was driving along a prairie road with her father and a 0-year-old brother. The brother, who is of an anxious turn of mind, was in great distress at the sight of an ox that was calmly devouring u large pile of seed potatoes in the corner of a licld. "O, papa, stop," he said. "We ought to tell the people in the house." "Do sit still, Buddy," put in his philosophic sister. "It "sn't wo ox, nor we pota toes." —Chicago Tribune. An I' 11Juftt Kufipk'ion. A Texas gentleman went out fishing one day. lie had a nice lunch fixed up, but upon arriving at the fishing place he discovered that he had loiA it, so he retraced his steps until he met a large satisfied-looking negro, who was seated by the roadside under a tree picking his teeth. "Did you pick up anything in the road?" asked the fisherman. "No, sah, I didn't pick up nuffin'— couldn't a dog hab found it aud ate it up?"—Texgsjjiftiggs. LABOR IN THE VINEYARDS. A Grower Explain! Why the Chine** Arc Employed at White Men'» Wagea. A California raisin grower, in dis cussing the dispatches recently pub lished regariling the driving out by white laborers of the Chinese em ployed in picking, drying and packing raisins in the raisin district, to a New York Sun man; "I should be sorry if these dispatches created the impression in the east that we are opposed to white labor coming into our district. It is upon white la bor we must finally depend for out permanent resident labor, and instead of opposing it we have made repeated efforts to induce a class of white peo ple to come and settle there, upon whom we could draw for labor during the packing season. It is probably not generally known that we now have to pay Chinese full farm laborer's wages, so that there is no economy in hiring them. "The reason we have had to employ Chinese is that the class of white labor there is unreliable. The Chinese are hired in gangs through one boss, who attends to their transportation, lodg ing, feeding and pay. They work steadily through the season and give us no trouble. The white laborers we can obtain demand weekly payments of wages and many of them take their wages on Saturday, go into town and stay there two or three days, or until their wages are spent, and only then return. That won't do for the raisin business. Vie dry in the sun and when the raisins are in condition to go to the sweat houses or from there to the packing houses, they must go on that day or they are ruined. "The raisin-growers are all largely interested in Fresno real estate, in the city's banks, gas and waterworks and in the material interests of the city, which would, of course, be bene fited by an increase of the resident white population and they have tried many ways to induce a reliable white labor class to settle thereabouts. We have offered them small holdings of irrigated lands at low terms, for if a white man ison«e settled on a piece of land the orchard or vines of which ha can easily attend to we are assured ol his work during our busy season and, perhaps, the labor of his wife and chil dren in the packing houses. "We do not want the Chinese, but in the present state of the country, with practically no agricultural laboring class, we are compelled to take them. The whites who are driving out the Chinese by force are not the substitute we want. We must have whites who will drive out the Chinese by settling on the land about us." A CAT WITH FALSE TEETH. Feat of a Young Dentist Who Had a Kind Heart. The cat that owned the false teeth had lost his own, and had his jaw broken besides by a drunken wretch who beat him with a cobble stone. With great care, the poor animal final ly recovered, says Harper's Young Peo ple, but he had to be fed with a little milk in a spoon for a longtime. When able to pursue his ordinary business ol catching rats and mice, he could not eat them, because he had no teeth to chew with. Something must be done for him, for life supported on "spoon vittles" was a burden, and a young dentist in the neighborhood, who had become greatly interested in the un fortunate cat, resolved to try the ex preiment of making him a set of false teeth. Taking the cast of the plate was a terrible piece of work, as Captain ob jected to it with all his might, but it was nothing to what followed when the teeth were fairly in. If the ani mal had plunged and scratched while the plate was being fitted, he acted like a mad thing when it was firmly attached to his jaw—although it was well made, and fitted perfectly. He could not understand that it would en able him to continue the luxurious feasts to which he had been accus tomed, and for several days he was furious over it. Every possible and impossible scheme was tried to get the uncomfortable thing out of his mouth; he tore at it with his claws, he shook his head violently to make it drop out, he butted against heavy pieces of furniture, and if any'one came near him he growled and scratched at them. There seemed to be danger of his going mad, and his friends were sorely puzzled to know what to do with him, when, greatly to their relief, he calmed down, and appeared to have come to the conclusion that his new possession was, after all, a blessing in disguise. He was once more gentle and affectionate, as he had been pre vious to his misfortune; and the plate was now often taken out between meals and put back again. In this way it was worn comfortably for over a year. Drugstore Humor. Drug clerks often derive amusement from the prescriptions that are left with them. A prescription which called for certain tablets, and which was written by a Chicago physician, was put up in a down-town pharmacy the other day. The directions were as follows: "One tablet every two hours for five days, skip four days and com inence again." The pharmacist smiled when he wrote the label, and profes sional etiquette alone prevented him from asking the customer,who weighed about 180 pounds, if he thought he would survive after so much skipping. Another prescription caused the pa tient himself to laugh when he read the doctor's directions, which were: "Take fifteen drops on« hour after eat ing in a little water." "I don't eat in water," said the man, "although I did chew an apple once when I was bath ing at Long Uranch." Strangely bpelt communications are often brought to the druggist. A woman handed a slip to a clerk recently, and said: "Gimme ten cents' worth of that." The clerk read, "Grocer's Supplement." "I guess you mean corrosive sublimate," he said, "but that is poison, and we can't sell it to you." The woman went away after declaring that she wanted it to "kill boogs with." THE MOTHER OF NECESSITY. Witlierby (visiting in gton at his home in New Jersey)— What is that strange animal you have hitched 4o your buggy? I'lankingtou—That's a thoroughbred mosquito mare, old man. I couldn t afford a horse.—Judge. Spoiled Their I'leMure. Mrs. Tittle —Did you have a (rood time at the sewing circle this after noon? Mrs. Tattle—No, a miserable time; it was awfully dull. Mrs. Tittle—Wasn't anything said about how Mrs. Blazer has been carry ing on? Mrs. Tattle —>'o; she was ujcau enough to be there herself, and of course the pleasure we had all looked forward to was spoiled. Strange how people can be so selfish.—Boston Tran script. IMPROVEMENT. ROADS IN NEW JERSEY. What Ciood Highways flave Done far Lobm ilounil, The fact of the matter is simply this: The rural property in Union county was not prior to 18S8 on the market at aIL It was held, of course, at nominal value, but there were uo purchasers. The roads before being improved were so bad at times that grand juries brought presentments and found indict ments against tho road authorities on the very thoroughfares now so famous, and the property along them was sim ply inaccessible at certain seasons of the year. The moment the roads were completed every foot of this property came into market and prices went up with marvelous rapidity, but not to AV IMPROVED ROAD. Scene on new county road (Telford) between Elizabeth and I'laicticld, N. J An immense wagon traffic Is carried on over this road since Its completion two years ago, and one team can easily haul a lend of four tons oTcr Hi surface. —From photograph. such an extent as to create fictitious values. Here are some of the instances in proof: In 1888 the property on the road from Elizabeth to Plainfield, commonly known as Westfield avenue, was of fered for sale at 110 per front foot, some of it within the city limits, sew ered, curbed and improved. As soon as this county road was finished it went up to SBO, and is rapidly being built up. Senator John R. McPherson pur chased about one hundred and twenty five acres just outside the city line, and contemplates opening new streets, paving and improving them and build ing on them a large number of fine houses at once. Uetween the senator's property and Lorraine are two farms. One was bought for 10.000 just before the roads were built; no improvements have been since put upon it, and the owner de clines $30,000 for it. It contains twenty acres. The owner of the second farm has been offered over SI,OOO an acre for it but declines to sell at that price. Next comes Lorraine, the first ©f the new railroad stations. In August, 18fll, a tract of thirty-six acres was bought by a syndicate for $14,000. It has been divided up into building lots and sold for about $.">3,000, and about twenty-five cottages, some of them very pretty, now stand on these lots. Three acres adjoining this tract were sold'for $2,000 after property be gan to feel the effects of the roads, and have since been sold again at an ad vance of 300 per cent. On the south side of the railroad track another tract of thirty-six acres was opened up last year. It was bought for $31,000. It is divided into lots sell ing at $l5O to S2OO each, and will proba bly net the owners SBO,OOO. The B«>oond station was built to ac commodate property owners of Aldene, just west of Roselle. This tract was a farin of about sixty acres, and was bought for $l5O an acre after the roads were built; and the price was then con sidered big. It has since been sold off in building lots, realizing about f1,500 per acre, and the capitalists have pur chased two hundred more acres in the same locality, and are realizing on it at about the same ratio. Houses are being built on both tracts, and the pros pects favor the rapid improvement of all the lots.—Good Roads. Koadi M a Social Factor. The common roads of a country are at once the means and measure of its civilization, writes John Gilmer Speed in an exchange. Without means of communicating easily and quickly from one part of a country to all other parts there can b« no very widespread civil ization in that country. Neighbor hoods and states separated from each other by natural barriers or bad roads stagnate in loneliness and are seldom awakened by common impulses of sym pathy. "It is doubtful indeed," says Prof. Shaler, of Harvard, "whether a sound democracy, depending as it does on close and constant interaction of the local life, can well be maintained in a country where the roadways put a heavy tax on human intercouse." PrlDclples of Road Making. The true principles of economic road making may be summed up in the fol lowing lines: A firm, dry foundation, sound materials laid on scientific prin ciples, proper and ample drainage of both road bed and surface, easy gradi ents, easy and natural curve", a hard and compact surface, free frou all ruts and depressions, with a surface neither too flat to prevent the flow of surface water, nor too convexi to be inconven ient to traffic. —Seymour (Ind) Repub lican. A Disgrace to Civilization. There could be no wiser, no more economical use of public money thnn spending it in the making of good, permanent public roads. There is no man who would fail to be benefited by good, solid roads far more than the construction of such roads would cost him. The old road system of Georgia is penurious, slovenly, expensive and discreditable. It in a disgrace to the civilization of the age.—Sparta (Ga.) Ishmaelite.' Old Story In Thm Chapter*. I—Farmer Barker of Barker's Cor ners, mortgages his farm for 81,800 and tells his neighbors that he proposes to stock the place with blooded cattle. ll—Farmer Marker, with the 81,800 in his pocket, arrives in New York and negotiates with an affable gentleman, who assures him that the stock In question was printed on plates stolen from the government and cannot be distinguished from the genuine. lll—Farmer Barker is now hoeing corn for 81 a day for neighbor Smart, who recently purchased the Barker farm at a fore-closure sale. —N. Y. Her ald _ A Ifontoii View. Boston Doctor - I think, mudam. that your daughter's brain has been overtaxed. You must take her to some place where there will be no temptation to serious thought, study or even reflection. Mrs. De Hubb—Very well, your ad vice shall be followed. We will go to New York.—N. Y. Weekly- A Had llrcak. Gus Snoberly—l hear Miss Daisy Dimple is engaged again Is it a fact? Billy Goldbug—Yes, 1 Snow it is so. Snoberly—Well, they say practice makes perfect. She has been engaged at one time or another to almost every blank tool in Harlem Who is her last victim? "I am."—Texas Sittings MO 4=4= ILTERS FOR CISTERNS. TboM Made of Charcoal or Soft Brisks Are the Cheapest. To make a charcoal cistern filter, build a partition wall across the cit tern, dividing it into two compart-' mcnts, one occupying- two-thirds of the entire space and the other the remain ing third, and leave a number of holes near the bottom of this wall about four lacliea aqouc. Ttirr. jjl.fi.Ul' tlte wall on both sides with not less than two coats of cement mortar. Fill the smallest side of the partition wall with charcoal; then in the other side place about two feet in depth of coarse i>and. Let the water run in on the charcoal. It will pass down through this under the partition wall and up through the sand. It will then be very pure. For a brick filter, build a wall across the center of soft brick, cement ed at the connections. Run the water In on one side and pump ont from the other. Or build a square chimney-like flue for the pump to stand in. The water percolates through the soft bricks, which take out impurities. Where the cross partition is used make it a little concave, say sixteen inches in six feet. The convex side of this wall must be toward the side which receives the water and the con cave toward the pump side. This gives it strength against sudden showers. The end of the partition wall must be strongly worked into the side walls and the whole carried up so high that tha water will never overflow it. It is an excellent plan to have water as it comes from the roof go through a screen before reaching the cistern. Make a box and place at the mouth of the cistern, covering the bottom with wire gauze. Have a lid which will easily permit cleaning the cistern. Also arrange the conductor so as to prevent the first water from the roof going into the cistern, more especially after a long dry spell.—Orange Judd Farmer." WON FIRST PRIZE. Mlm Protty, Qneen Victoria'! Famou Aberdwin-Anjus Cow. The list of officers and members of the Royal Agricultural society of Eng land is always headed by one name, "The Queen." Whatever changes may occur from year to year in the society, Victoria remains its gracious patroness. Nor is it a merely nominal patronage, for she manifests a constant and active Interest in everything that pertains to agriculture. Iler dairy at Windsor is a model one. She is a very successful ex hibitor of pure-bred animals in the leading agricultural fairs of the United Kingdom, her shorthorns being especial ly conspicuous as prize-winners. The later triumphs in these classes were won by shorthorns of Scottish origin. The queen's taste for North British stock is still more emphasized by her herd of Aberdeen-Angus cattle. This sturdy and peculiarly Scottish race has obtained much favor south of the Tweed, anfl the intelligent interest t ~ 1 MISS PRETTY, THE FAMOUS ABERDEES ANGUS COW. shown by the queen has contributed mueh to this end. The accompanying illustration is a portrait of the queen's Aberdeen-Angus cow. Miss Pretty (12,313), which won the challenge cup last year. As will be seen by the en graving, the cow is a model of sym metry as a representative of a beef breed. Her full crops, massive quar ters, fine bone and neat head, all pro claim her "a queen of the doddies." — American Agriculturist. Water for Waitalng Butter. There is no absolutely best tempera ture for the water used in washing but ter any more than there is an absolute ly best temperature for the cream when put into the churn. It varies with the season. Creamery men should bear this in mind when tempering the water. A temperature of 58 degrees is a good one to take as a guide, going below it in summer and above in winter for the final washing. The proper tempering of the butter is secured by suiting tem perature to the conditions, and the conditions vary with the season, the feed ol the cows, and the length of time since the calf was dropped.—Orange Judd Farmer. Cowi Nmil Rich Food Now. Dairymen should feed corn and pumpkins freely now. They are far too carbonaceous to agree with the standard laid down by the German sci entists, but they agree with the stand ard as fixed by the cows of America. As the weather grows colder cows need to fortify themselves against the cold, and they require au excess of carbona ceous foods to do it with. The stand ard rations apply to warm conditions. In getting ready for winter cows store up fat, and fat is a carbonaceous prod uct. Feed corn —stalks and all —and pumpkins liberally. Cowi Have Cranky Notion*. Every cow has her own individuality, that is, herown tastes, whimsor cranky notions about her feetl. Some of these can be safely Indulged—others not. Some cows have a taste for weeds that spoil their milk, and that is one of the chances incurred in pasturage. When cows are soiled their food can be con trolled much better than when in the pasture lot, woods or swamps. The growth of ragweed that follows a crop of rye invariably injures the milk for a week or two. —Colman's Rural World, nana In the Family. Tom— Your best girl's father is a bank cashier, isn't he? Dick—Yes. Her small brother is a taller.— I Truth. AfUtKKTINO HIMSELF. Mrs. Dolan (from the window)—Kim down all there! Dolan (sitting on trap door) —Oi'll do I nothin' av th' koind. Oi'll show yez who's boss in this house. —l'uck.