~#Fall Oping of Clothing#- DON'T ' PAIL TO ATTIND FALI. SUITS• OTTB FALL OPIXIHG OP PALL UNDERWEAR, CLOTHING, HATS AND FALL OVxBCUAIo GINTS FCBKISHWO GOODS *** * All oar Fall Goods are entirely new as we did not bay a dollars worth of heavy goods when we opened in the Spring. All welcome whether yon wish to bay or not. Come and see. DOUTHETT & GRAHAM, Reliable One Price Clothiers. Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts., Butler, Pa. BickeFs Reduction Sale Of Seasonable Goods. Oar entire stock of rnsset goods including many styles iu Ladies'and Gents shoes and oxfords have been placed on onr bargain counter to be closed out at lees than cost prices. Call and see our Russet Pboes and Oxfords, whether you are needing a pair or not, for after visiting our ba'- gain counter yon are sore to bay. A FEW OF OUR LEADERS. Ladies Rassett Shoes Hand Tarn, price $4.00, now at $2.50 .^9 " $3.50, " $2 25. " " regular price, $2 25, now at $1.75. Men's Rassett Shoes—many different styles, price $4.00, now at $3.00. Men's Rassett shoes, regular price $3.25, reduced to $2.50. Ladies'hand tarn Oxfords, price $2.25. now at SI.GS. Ladies' Rnssett Oxfordß, regular price $1.25, now at 75c. Balance of our Misses' and Childrens' Tan and Red shoes and Oxford* at a bargain. We have received most of onr Fall stock and can sell fall foot wear cheaper than ever before. Fall stock of Men's Box toe Boots and Shoes Ladies' Calf Shoes button or lace at $1.25. Ladies' best Oil Grain Shoes at $1.25. Ladies' Kip shoes at SI.OO Misses' and Children's school shoes 75c and upwards. Boys' school hoes at SI.OO per pair. Men's fine calf shces, button, lace or congress at $1.25. Men's fine calf Drees Boots at $2.00 to $3 50 per pair. Full stock of Mens' Fine Dress Bhoes in Calf, Kangaroo or Cordovan. Balance of onr Men's Pettnt Leal her shoes go at $2.50 per pair. Full stock of Rubber Goods and prices very low. When in Sutler, call and examine my goods and learn my prices. Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. REPAIRING DONE. JOHN BICKE^L. 28 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PENN'A. Fall and Winter Opening. Having jast returned from New York I am prepared to show you all the latest novelties and styles in fancy dress goods, Hop Sackings, Serges and Broadcloths. Also latest ideas in dress trimmings, and a full and complete line of Underwear, Hosery, Blankets, Flannels and Yarns, Domestics, Sic. An elegant stock of Millinery, trimmed from the latest New York patterns lam glad to inform onr friends that Mrs. Lou Ritter is still in charge of oar Millinery Department. Call and see us in our new millinery department. Best lighted room in the State. WRAPS. Having secured the celebrated Rotbcbild Bros*. Wraps, their name is a sufficient guarantee as to style and quality of goods used in their make up. Oar elegant new Cloak and Millinery Department is all on one floor. Good light by day and night. We would be pleased to have you call and see oar new room, new Cloaks, new Hats, lateßt styles in botfi depart ments. Thanking yon for past patronage we solicit a eontinuance of the seme. ' JENNIE E. ZIMMERMAN, . (Successor to Ritter & Ralston.) < M. B OBFINTH A JLi, j Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St., - Pittsburg, Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. } Trial orders solicited. l 1 One Square BelowjDiamond Marker The 0. W. HARDMAN Art Company Limited.. t 1 1 SPECIALTIES I Everything in Photographing and Portrait*, in Pan tel. Crayon, Bopia, Oil or Water ColorH, that in worthy of honest Hale, and strictly FIKHT CLASS, IS OUR SPECIALTIES Old Picture* REPRODUCED and ENLARGED. All work ffuarantocd as repre sented. Latent Stvlen in Picture Frame*. Bee largo diHplay of Hautpleii, Compare prices and oar work with others. Special rat«x to Minister# and Lad/ Bohool Toachwrs. LADIES, OLD PEOPLE, And Children have no long, dark, filty *Uirn to travel up and dowi* Studio on KIRKT I FLOOIt, 108 MAIN STREET, BUTLKK, PA 1 "DIRT DEFIES THE KING." THEN SAPOLIO : JS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF ! Job Work ol all kind done at the "Citizen Office." •v n • 1 tne Dest » In Paint g&yfa White Lead is best: properly applied it v.'iil not scale, chip, chalk, or rub off; it firmly adheres to the wood and forms a permanent base for repainting. Paints which peel or scale have to be removed by scraping or burning before satisfactory repainting can be done. When buying it is important to obtain Strictly Pure White Lead properly made. Time has proven that white lead made bj the "Old Dutch" process of corrosion possesses qualities that cannot be obtained by any other method of manufacture. This process consumes four to six months time, and produces the brands that have given White Lead its character as the standard paint. "Armstrong & McKelvy" " Beymer-Bauman" " Fahnestock" " Davis-Chambers" are Standard brands of strictly pure Lead made by the " Old Dutch " pro cess. You get the best in buying then. You can produce any desired color by tintinj these brands of white loarf with National Lead Cc.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. For sale by the most reliable dealers in Paict3 everywhere. If you are going to paint, it will pay you to send to us for a book containing information that may save you many a dollar ; it v/ill only cost you a postal card to do so. NATIONAL LEAD CO., 1 Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Branch, Matioaal Lead and Oil Co. of Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh, Pa. € HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS For Hor:es, Cattle, Saeep, Logs, E:gs, AND POULTHY. 500 I'aee llosk on Treatment nf Animal* and C bare ?*eDI Free. CCBK* FrTrr»,('oiit«-»tionw.lnf!p.mniuii»n A.A.'Spinal ■anidtia, Milk Inrr. Il.lt.—MraiuN, l.aiiiene**, Kbenuiuiisni. C.C.—Di»len»per, \ u,.0l DiKchftrgi*. D.11.--llol« or lirub-. Worm*. E.E.— Cough*, Heave*, I'neumonia. F.F.~( olic or Gripe*, Bellyache. C.(;.-Mi«r»rriate, Hemorrhage*. 11.11. I rinnry and Kidney I.l.»Kruptlve I>i«en*e*. Mange. J.K."l)Ueii«e» of l>igp*tion, I'nritlyni*. Single Bottle orcr 50 dowsl, - - .go Stable Cn»e, wltb Sjieeifie*, M.im.Al, Veterinary' "re Oil and Medlcator, $7.00 Jar Veterinary t are Oil, - . 1.00 RoM by DrnrikU; or •»«! prrpiU uyvhfr* ud la 07 qua« tii j on wlpt of priw. mnpißßTb'iiaro., in & lisffiuiaast., s.wTort. V JLtLiSnMPHRE YS' 7 1 HOMEOPATHIC ft A ISHfcJSPECIFIC N0.60 In ü bo 30 years. The only successful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over work or other causes, per vial* or 6 vials and Urge rial powder, for 96. Sold by l*raggisU, nr sent ;>oaij>»l4 »o r«oeipi ol prloo. ■UIPIIKEYH* M«l>. CO.. 11l h 1!» WIUU* hu. Nothing Oil Earth Will HENS la^ LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! It la absolutely pur*. Highly eoncentraU-d. In quantity It costs I«*H than a tenth of a r»-nt a day. htrirtly a medicine. I*r.; vent* and cur*s all *<•«». Good ror yoanjr chirks. Worth more than gold wh'-n hens Moult. "<>ne Inry ran saved mo #lO. send fix for §5 to prvrtnt roup,*' sav* a customer. If you can't get It send us fto cents for two parltsi five sl. Ae ! 4 pound 'nn 11 20 post jtaid : 6 ranS $5. «*press paid. " THE BEST PfJITUTR Y PAPKB," sain ropj frrc. Poultry Kalsina ( #ulde frt* with |l jprduis or inoro. Lh. JOU.NiH.iN4; Co., I^Kton. Mj^j. ?•-,» I * •"»/!> ■ t bw/.r*_ k Son.!; hiW. P«. Ask your <2ru ; .y,t«i for .v r\ DOCTORS LAKt r9 ®& fi I*Rl'// TK IHSPINSAHY. . COR. Pern. A/E. AND FOUIITH ST.. PITTSBURGH, PA. JTJJUK, A All forms of Hclicaleanil Com- GFCJ plicated DISCA*'* reijmiinftt 'ON- irxnui-Mi-I fcation aro (reated at thin I>M ICI. iry with a ttucceat .'arcly attained. L)r. 8. K. I. ike IN •• member of the Itov.il lullet;eof I'LlV llcutPS and fiurgeo.l:?, and IS the ol lest and NUHT experienced HI'KI'T AI.IH.' In THE elty. Special at tention given to Serroud Debility from W LYMIIVE aicital exertion. Indiscretion of youth,etr,., R.auH '"FF PHYSICAL anil mental decay,lack of energy, leHpondeney, etc.; alnaCnuc-RH Old BOTM, WWU, I'lien. llhiMiiiiatlxin, and all di-"asMof the Skin, I .lo . I. I .TINIER Urinary ORGNNN, etc. Consult at lon 'ree and strictly eonfldentiiil. Office houm, oto I and 7 to 8 P. H.; Hundaya, 2to 4 r. at. only. •ill at ofllro or address I>RS. I,AKK, ' KN'N AVI.. AND 4TH«T.. i»I TTP. liliKUH.K\_ THE LAKE ROUTE TO THE WORLD'-' TMR VIA PICTURESQUE MACKINAC. Avoid tho heat and dust by traveling on the Floating Palaces of tho Detroit • o Cleveland Steam Navigation Compr . Two new Bteel pasßcnßcr steamers have just l>een built for this Upper I,nko ro up costing $300,000 each, and arn guare.ntf> to bo the grandest, largest, safest ; ; . fastest steamers on tho Lakes; sped milea per hour, running tlmo bit" ." Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago lor.. I j. GO hours. Four trips per week betv. .. Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Mackinac, IV* - key and Chicago. Dally trips bet i Detroit and Cleveland; during July : .t* August double dal!y servlco will 1h i .i talnol. riving a daylight rldo aero . i Erlo. iJully service between (1 vi . • • and Put-in-Bay. Flrst-clasa Btai n accommodations and menu, anil <■:. .1 Ingly low Round Trip Kates. Tie t tlal equipment, the luxury of tho a|.[ . ments makes traveling on these at-:. * thoroughly enjoyable. Bend fur !iu; . trated pamphlet. Address A. A St... .'/ 0.P.A., Detroit & Cleveland Btcum 't.. . Co., Detroit, Mich. mmmssMaim' Cures Itrlk'ht 'H I)!M-UID ( Dropnv, (irsvcl, NITV* OU.HIH-M, lleurt, I'llnury of l.lver Diseases- Known by a tired lar.quhl feeling; liiuetlntr of the kidneys weakens and polaons the blood, and unless cause In removed you cannot have lieallli. Cured me over live years ago of llrtifht's lilseasi'and Itiopty. MHH. I. 1.. C. MII.I.KK, Bethlehem, I'a. I ,uoo other similar ti'stlinonlali. Try It. cure guaranteed. Ci .VN S KIKMIcr ( CUE CO., ttOi Vcnmgn tit., I'lillmlelnhla, I'a Sold D.v All Itcllahic lirugglMr. jgftF EIMCINC Cemetery, Lawn, Poultry and Rabbit Fencing riIOI'BA.M)S OP HII.ES IM I'SK. UIiLOUIE HOIK. HiKKili r PAID. THE McMUUEN~~WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO., IM, llfl, 118 and 120 N. KukstßL, CU«f«, HI. SAW iIIILLK, EI¥«II¥EN, Imnroved Variable Friction Feed. «a J s, f 4 r c < a? l ;ir, e A. B. FARQUHAH CO. TOKK, P CHICAGO AND THE WORLDS FAIR. .Send (ten cent*. ilver nr twelve cer.ln in stamps lor a llamiy Pocket (iuiilo to the prreat exposition; give information ol value to every visitor. .Street Ouide, Hotel Prices, C'ali Fares, Itestau 'ant Kate*, etc. Describes the hidden pitfalls for the unwary,and hintx how to keep out of thern. This inilinpensible companion to every vis itor to the windy city will he sent hy mail, post paid, on receipt of ten cents silver, or twelve i ent in stamps. Address 11. STAFFORD, l'i M.MNIIUI, P. 0 l!ox New York, N. V, I'lease mention this paper. W \ V'PLI'L) Sali-snien lo sell our cbruee '' " ' '-"-'IIIIII hardy nuivri SI NK. Msn> HI CI Inl vnrli-TL. K to otfer hoth In H ull* mid nriiaiiicnlaln, anil runt rolled only by us. We pay I oiniiilsnlon or «nlarv, (five exclusive lerrl !ory ARM pay weekly Write NX at orii'l- and fi ll' Rl' I hoii E NF territory. MAY I'IIeOTIIKHN, Nurserymen,l(ucbtilft-llaud Writing. The number of men who can write legibly with the left hand is very small in this country, where the fact of be ing ambidextrous is not appreciated at its fijll worth. Sir Edwin Arnold stated that in Japan every child is taught to write with either and both hands; and he hinted that this was not the only evidence of sound common sense he met with while in the king dom of the mikado. There have been many remedies suggested for what is known as the writer's cramp, and many writers alternate between the pen and the typewriter; but tho simplest plan of all Is to acquire the act of writing with either lirrhd, and change from one to the other on tho first suspicion of fatigue. It is quite easy for a child to learn to write with the left hand, and, although after the muscles have got set with age it is more difficult, almost any man can learn to write with his left hand in a week, and to write as well with one hand as the other in less than a year. Tli« I nil Iku Wmu "Heeled." Quinnemore, formerly chief of the Cceur d'Alene Indians, has a fine farm of one hundred and sixty-seven acres on the south side of (Spokane river, about a dozen miles above Spokane, Wash., and the other day the tax gath erer thought it would ho a very proper and desirable thing to tax it a good round sum. So he came smilingly with his bill. Hut Qttlnnemore was prepared for liim, even on such an unexpected mission. He brought forth a paper which in part read thus: "This patent Is issued upon the express condition that the title thereby conveyed shall not be? subject to taxation of any char acter, but shall remain inalienable and not subject to taxation for tho period of twenty years from the date thereof, as approved January 18, 1881." The as sessor apologized and withdrew, not smiling. A ueer Wager. An American acrobat in Vienna late ly won a queer wager. He bet a con (lderable sum with a Vienna strong man that ho could not endure to have a liter of water fall drop by drop from a height of three feet upon his hand. When three hundred drops had fallen the athlete's faoe became red and he looked aw if in pain. At the four hun dred and twentieth drop he gave up, raying It was impossible to bear tho pain any longer. The palm of his hand was swollen and inflamed, anil in one place the skin had broken open. Only i. small portion of tho liter of water had gone to make up the four hundred Mid twenty drops. lOicumattsni cured in a day -"Mystic enrn" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cure* in Ito dayx. Its action upon the syxtem is remarkable and mysterious. If r ,no vr- at once the cause and the ilis eano i mined lately disappear*. The (but d"'« |freally hcnsifit • . 7~> etx. Sold by .1. Kedlck, druggist, Cutlet. —A Cherry twp. farmer, HO the story goes, concluded but a pittance for his wool crop, he would hare to take a second crop off hi* sheep, arid wart looking about lor a man to do the i shearing. About that time a man came along and asked for a jol» and enid to lh.. farmer, "Can you give mo a JobT" farmer suid he hud roine sheep to shear if he could find a man who knew how to shear. The man naid ho learned that busim m and couHidcred himself an expert. He wax told to go to the burn where he would find shears and .go to work. The farmer went out alter a while to we how the fellow wax progressing and to his surprise found hiiu shearing the sheep from the wrong end. Tho farmer naid: "That will never do, you told me that you under stood shearing sheep." Yes, sir -1 told you xo, but since I voted for (irover Cleveland lust fall, and seen the effect hi.i election had on the price of wool, I have been ashamed to I ook u sheep in the face," —To clean i> white woolen shawl or cape pat some Hour in a large pan and rub it very thoroughly into tho article to be cleaned. I xo plenty <>i liuur and rub il thoroughly but gently. Then take it. out of doors and shake until the flour is all out. It will tulio i.irno time, hut ICIVIM thu nriicle as good us new, tirilixi then; are spots. —"'Ello, There, shov'lin' out the cellar. aro youf" Xo, yon darn fool. I'm shoveling ont the dirt and leaving the cellar," was the laconic reply, and the man -went away with his breath. —ln Johnson County, there is what is called the Burning Mountain. It is an immense coal bank that has been on lire ever since the first white man visited that country. There are many traditions among the Indians as to the origin of the fire, but all point to its great antiquity, and it is possible that this bank h»- been burning for 200 or 300 years. The country around presents » singularly barren apj e tr ance, which is not in the leist improved by by the mountain itfelf In places there are reefs of coal crop out. and a high wii;d fun* the fire to a furious blaze. Elsewhere the fire is mainly under ground and indi cated only by the heat of Ihe surface and the inmuiuerable jiits of smoke and tougjes of flame that appear through the cracks in the baked earth. It is dangerous to go about the place, for not only are there frequent cavings of tbo surface, but the gasses which from the burning coal are overpowering. Drunkenness, the L; .uot Habit, Pos it veljr Cured by adin.nstering Dr. Haines ' 'Golden Specf.c." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in u jrlass of beer. .1 cup of coffee or tea.or in food, without the knur led ice of t:n! patient. It i- absolutely harn.le-!* and will aflect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod eratc drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, anil in everv instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it I ecomes an utter impossibility tor tbe liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page b<-olt 01 particulars free. Address, bidden aptciuc Co.. 18"> Kace .St.. Cincinnati <>. _l)id yo« over reflect that the 1110-t. ie. mark-ible fact about common s Q.MJ is that it isn't rtt all coiumoi-f \ Mew York manufacturer \Wi>< fei; compelled to close bio factory bfcaim- ol the Tariff uncertainty asked hi niuety ClL ployees now many of them had voted lor Harrison and against a change last tail. To his supriso only seven ol the ninety an nounced that they had given their verdict in favor of protection. It is sale to .-.iy that the other eighty-three are soriy uvw that they favored Free-Traie in the hope that it would give them higher wages and better times. HARD TIMES PAST. The county probably never before ex perienced such a hard panic with so little general effect on business, and the county lias never been in as good condition as it is in to day. The demand for articles ol known purity and quality has been steadily increasing instcak ol decreasing, feo it i* with the r>e whiskies bottled by Mai Klein. The public know that the Sil\er Age, jJuquesne and Hear Creek ryes are the finest in the country. They that doctors recommend them; that as a otiintt lent they are unsurpassed. They arc for sale by all first-class Intels and dealers at s.f)o, and 1.00 per quark respectively, bend for a catalogue of the finest whi.-kies, wines and liquors in the state, to Max Klein,B2 Federal St., Allegheny, I'a. |*;iy JIS you iro (to ttu* orld* I'air) and come homo broke. —The straw hats in this vicinity are rather alow to respond to tho call of th<- retiring bell oi this season, but like the dreams and hopes of w.utb, they ro taking a sneak, one by one. —As au instance of the brighter financial outlook, the Greenville Argus cites the I'aet that •'seveiul Greenville faro banks whiuh have been closed, owing to the stringency in the money market, resumed las-t week, while neatly ail the clock works are runaiug 24 hours j day, Sundays iu clud"Ml, in spite of considerable striking." USE DANA'S SAKSAPAKILLA ITS "THE KIND THAT CUKES." When the Ferris wheel was placed in tho Midway Plaisance, it was stipulated that the owners should pay no tributu to the maneguient till tho receipts had reached the sum of $300,000. This figure and SB,OOO more was reached last Friday night. Henceforth the wheel must con tribute 50 pur cent. of its receipts to tho Exposition treusury. USE DANA'S SAKSAI' AIIILLA, "TIIK KIND THAT CUKES." i —We made mention last week of tw cows being killed on the Butler Branch Thursday evening üboat a mile above the Itowley place. Mr. Samuel McMinn came in .Saturday and informed us that tho cows were his, and not only two hut four was the number killed. He had them in a field, but some hunters threw down the fence and let them out. When he went for them in the evening, he lound three of them lying in the creek dead and the fourth alongside the track where it had been cut to pieces. Thoy were all the cattle Mr. McMinn had, and-ax he is u poor man th e It us lulls wry heavily upon him. —Freeport Journal. Consumption stuft'.y Cured. to T.ir iDlTon:—Pioiso inform ycur icadiir that I u*rn w. Jiuaitlvo remedy for H.o »bo*o-n.mi< I (tlneiuiii. I,; 11 timely ura thotiftimdii of liopeii cases have I», :i permanently cured. I Khali be pin t to Aft id tw j .;.»*Ue» of my remedy FREE to any of your reud'-rn -i tjj have cotmtamption U they il wnd mo theii £xprrxH mid P. O. addrnaa. JU hj.. .t --fully. X. A. HX/X-'UM. M. a. 1M J'*r> bt. N. f. —Of the '2,400 warrants to he issued by tho School Department to tho various school districts of tho State only 1,012 have thus far been issued. Although this number is lon than half tho total number of districts, the appropriation of last, year of #5,000,000 is more than half exhausted, owing to the fact thai Pittsburg and Phil adelphia have been paid in part, and they of course, lake a large portion of the school fund. As a rule not more than sloO,ooo a week is drawn from the Treasury for school purposes, this regulation being established to prevent any undue decrease in the general fund. The mhool reports for the past year will .lot bo ready for some time, as many of the counties aro very slow in sending their reports. It is unfortunate that no penalty is attached to such delin quency.— llarrishurg TrU-graph. lie Was at the Fuir. •■When I was at tho Fair,' he said, But the anxious listeners rose, And from the Turkish bath they fled Regardless of their clothes. 'When I was at tho Fair' ho cried Hut not one person heard it; For though a cyclone howled outside, They very much preferred it. "When I was at the Fair 1 saw'— But here he got the sack; That warning statement was llio stiaw That broke the camel's back. And us thoy kicked him on one side With a fierce Gommorrah air, lie feebly whispered as be .lied, 'When 1 was at the I'air.' " IS SELF- DEFENCE you ought to keep your flesh up. Ills ease will follow, if VMS' n Zpa No matter how this need is Dr. I'ierce's medical science far •iirjsuislng filthy Cm! Liver Oil end all its nasty compounds. It's suited to tho most delicate stomachs. It niakos the morbidly j thin, plump nnd n>«y, with health nnd j utrength. The " Dlmrovery " U sold on trutl. In every I thing that's claimed for it. n» a strength rnxtorer, blood ehiuivr, and flesh maker, if It ever fail) to lieneflt or cure, you have your money Iwu-k It's your case that you want to know atsiut, i if you have Catarrh not your neighbor's. 1 And in your <-< i.., i> > matter what it is, tho j proprietors of Hi. ;Sai id K-\ 1. rt wc know whereof wo epeak, and challenge con parlson. Full quarts, SI.OO. Six quarts, *5.00. Sent i.y express to all points, and on orders of SIO.OO or . over we will pay express charges. There are numerous imitations, bnt be carefui to secure the genuine. JOSEPH FLEMING & SON, Druggists, 412 Market St., PITTSBURC, PA. 1 Complete Trice IJst of Whiskies, "Wines and Brandies mailed free to any address. Jas. Boss Pilled Watch Cases are all gold as far as you can see. They look like solid cases, wear like solid cases, and are solid cases for all practical purposes—yet only cost about half as much as an out and-out solid gold case. Warranted to wear for 30 years; many in constant use for thirty years. Better than ever since they I are now fitted, at no extra cost, with the great bow (ring) which cann.t bepuUtd or tzristed off the case—the Can only be had on the cases stamped with this trade mark. Ivy All others have the old-style pull-outtww, which is only held to the case by friction, and can be twisted off with the fingers. Sold only through watch dealers. Ask to see pamphlet, or send for one to the makers. Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. B. $ SAVE YOUR MONEY! No better way than by careful and judicious baying. This AUGUST CLEARANCE SALE in tbo&e stores prefects opportunities seldom met witb for favorable and fortunate baying. SHAWLS One lot —500—line all-wool cash mere and chndda shawls—full size— in plain colors and Jaequard Weaves, with plain centers. Black and Grey Checks and I'laids —Creams, Pinks, Light Blues, Cardinnls, Tans, etc , and also fancy combinations ami colorings at $2.50 —they're worth from $5 00 to $8 00 —ut ono price, $2 50 WHITE GOODS. 1,500 yards Hemstitched I'iuid lndii; Litx os in assorted large broken plaids, Htiitsble for Wrappers and Drer-es end Aprone.and some people use fhini for Slmms—tbey ure 28 inches wide—we sold lot-? of them early in the season 25c u yard and they are well worth it;but wo bought this lot uuder price and will sell them that way— 12£c A YARD. 1,000 vards Satin Striped India Linons—wide, handsome, stylish stripes, sold, broken, and graduated nice for Ladies' and Children's Dresses, I2A- n yard. 1,000 yards Hemstitched Stripes, paid effects—extr;i wide; :J2 inches— -12!,c a yard 500 yards Florentine Itul.cs— side | borders—for Ladies' and Children's Aprons—-10 inches wide-12', a yard 1 A lot Barred jcti Striped India Linous-l)rok"n and graduated stripes, p'aids und checks—2B inches wide— 10c & yard. White Dotted Swisses—Scotch goods—lsc a yard. Genuine YVh'te Dotted Swisses— from Switzerland—2oc a yard. 0 About 500 yards Plum- its or rin'y mail. NN ur© makiiiff the I'KICES briug UH a larger hiiKiucriM thii# month than over before-right in the face of the general depre^ion 13( & Buhl, 115 to 121 Federal Street ALLEGHENY. PA ARTISTIC HAIR GOODS. 5, I have re opened , ®y establishment. <1 lilenl »IK* and «avi-<, hjr/'■ featli'T Hint lit' tWI .?■ Ilkf t.' ana up. Wavy mE ' 1 > utr s« iti'lu ■ullleinttlin W-i '< ' AIHO toilet i. tjiilßites. i Kaco Blc.u'li Mlllipvi-H \MJy , i moth | iln aim all - tlM'Il) I IH'H (>t Itlß kill. to HatrTiinlcii -itorcs «rey , liulr to ttk natural color, ■wt 1 I.miivi's iiiuiiirurT, torn Il|ltin' M'ulp toa ln-.iltliy condlttnii.Kinke the liafr js ; :.ott HIKI «'•' v. and . 1 l autltul. Cur s i iw / 'T tIK* luilr In ii.il In 1 /'I (liuu| * nt weather. \ /: 1 11 atu 1 >Y j: is tiiu •. / ' ' iiwiKl iM'rti'it pn-para tlnn. I Irr, fre.n nil poteonous In- V-1,,. Imlr 111, Ujal The '1,1,1, inrdlrullv l"i'' ''""'j! nurno «• 1 ' ••i UH« «1 AS JI tnrdk In* A Is,i i 11..' 111." <,f I• II »■" ' •'"I" 1 "' 1,1 m ' ( •' ; run at my «-».i..i.11-l.im-'.t- "J «•« «•» £ Htylrs for HUiiimcr w<,,,r - jA " I 1 J son. ». Main St.. id r.» r' A" «• "er I fit 101) FELLOWSHIP if, a hard thinif te liti'l 0" 3" 1 ' want tliu recipe 1 Here it i» <ie Ctjvn |iroiii)it attention. ' i,rami Choice" :i ji-iif o|,| tit H (too,I one, a;',' Lm broitf(ht out (tooil ijuolitv; HOIIH for f- l"'r gallon. • ROBERT LEWIN Importer atnl Wholfmler, 136 WaDrlSt, PITTSBUR) IpT. Tli©«-ir«iißr»l ami pumt Iya BSiJf\ mMle. 1 " l>l "timr I y*\ It i» ii>« A II .i n .o (M.wiLr Hi.'l t In i« inri W wiili rt-movuM-' n<*. tfultUt»ti» win iniko II " I -friii! <-.1 llitrrt »«• Ip In 'A* UiluuUit «11 Hunt »M»lllu«r, II |« |||«« l>rat f"r ( l-.tn hiK ■H I'll-*. tllHlnf.Mtlnir *li»k . •I' •'•U, ■ I lHitll« «. l-ulttt\ tIWW, *IC. rXHHA. BALT M FO CO tJBKEm Uau Agin., VUia., !'»■ C. & D. ALWAYS Take into consideration that money | saved is as good as money earned. The best way to save money ' is to ; buy pood poods at the right price. The only reason that our trade ie ! increasing constantly is the fact that we bundle only goods of first quality | and seil them at very low prices We have taken unusual care to provide everv thing new in Hats and Fnrnishin? Goods for this season, ".r.d us we have control of many especially good articles ia both lines ■ we can do you good if you come to j us. We confidently say that in justice | to themselves all purchasers should j inspect Our goods Visit us. COLBERT & DALE, 212 • Main street, Butler. Pa TO H*Vg HFi*.LTff -r.tr (_« ' r? MUST nr. iff ORDCR. Cures tlionsauds nnnuallvof LiverCom i plaints, Ttiliou: ' .Tanii lice, Dyspetv pi a, ('.T.':t:|rr'- V More Ills I resnlt iroxnma 1 •.• r.r.i 1 1 hy i.l vcrtiianany o": c' • f when you can becure i i r . : ■' I.ivrrlnvigo* •tor Is a eelehri IhmitoiMlldM, von; r v vrin. SM-PIY IW. r* * * * j ! j | | j RIiCUI.ATE THE 1 STOMACH. LIVER AMD ROY/ELS, j : PURIFY T; tt'.oro. A BELIABL . .. ..:uDY FO3 I J Ir.illtv .'IcH. : I -I i *»: V ■ LV.: tt- J J I'l//;- l.i ' t . I»> .ci.il. >. ; ! } <> lie Br.ulh, ■ .tr> of tL t M, no ■ Lh«■ id !-• 1..1 I tUI * • ''■ ■ « too | ♦ t: ' ■■ rt< aut;jJal.e. ♦ J rfct .!. <;:>•« I '.Jvit -roi-f. I J ! ■ 0. . At- -1 ... L.i .11 | |m lE RIP/;;:« OHEMICAt. CO. 1 LlO SPliU'. •».: TR2I V, WY« 'I.K CUT. | J WANTED! At on< "'"' sixtßMKs "" IOU Tins Ot'ALITT. MHuiij OPPORTUNITY^ for n li v < . cneigetie man. VTo offer BET TER I'ACXI.ITIES anil Uetter Terms than oi er." .Salary or commission. Wrlti- Tor our OlllT» HOOKER, GROVER&CO.. Ho liester Fruit. Kami in.l Ks' I'll In ,l i ' Koclieater, N. V. Grind Your Own Corn Meal, Oyster Shells and Corn in tlio t.") Hand Mill. (F. Wilson's Pat.) Circulars free. ''Also Power and Firm Mills. Send for illaslrated circulars and testimonials." V—,;ji iOO JUT «'<• mailt in l.co lliuidtsKik wrlto to MtJNN S. ext.. .nil BHUiVWAr, Nrw VoHK. Olilmt burrmn for Mcnrlng pataota In Amerlra. Kverjr patent Ink en out by us In brought I.,'foro ; thr tiubliu by a iiotloo tflveu Iron oi cliargc lu tlio LarK< it clroiilallon of any wlontltlf papi'r In thn worlil. Si>l,!H,llilly lllintruteil. No lutiiUtirant ruiui nliouiil bu wlttiout It. Weekly, tt.'t.UO a yrari fLDOalx nionlli- Ailrtrom MI'NN \ I'O., (BltUli'M. 301 llroaJwiur. JN'uw VorktlUr. T T T T T • I HIiKK'K MONK* IS It. W lv WANT YOU to acta* our Auent, full or part tlmo us altlo I'crniHiicnt pi -itlon ituaranted to uicn or wo men. I.llmtal | ■■ i v «. , klj . .Stork complete, (lilt e■ furni>li mi exiH-aalvo outtll anil all you ni •>1 . It cunt * uotliiuy to try tile bn-lni'«s, \V»- will treat you well, and help you to . iirii leu tlnii'K ordinary wage* lloth .• x• i ol .ill »K< < '*» live HI home unit work lu -lime lime. >M .-til I lie linn . Any "in 1 nny where ni n earn a ki" 't 't' il of nionei. Muiiv tun nuiUe Two »lunln ut lieople lu tie ivurlil lire uiukliiK »o much without capita] n.» tlione at work lor m. Jlu«lne»« pleuiooit, (Itrli-tl)' honorable, Binl |.ny« lietter Ihnu any oilier nib rill to :i;;ei>u. You have u clear Held, with no com|ietltloa *Ve e.oilp you wllh evci > tiling. Kid «n|i|ilv printed illri'i'tloun for lugliinen which, If obeyed faithfully, wIII brliiK more money limn will iiuy OfJier bu~lne»». Im proi. your propped*t Why not? You can (lo »0 eir ily and - arely ut ivurk for ua. ICcanonable Induitry only necesiary for ulmolute lum'x. I'nmplilet eirenhir ((Ivlii* i lery particular i« (ont free to nil. Di l»t not In -eliding for It. • (il.OICt.l ST INNON A CO., liox Ne. IMM, i'ortlmnl, Me. « i Cio urs'f /As IT">- 1.11 f J / , * »> CLARK'S w/ & Bosiiiess College, ft SW'S CHIC. PA. Kteiriril rtoomai Mod delli>»!«; I 't- rlenced i tel , 11 i. :m!i, .1 .|. ill fi>i \ itu t. 'i i . l"/rUmud e.l i ■ i»-w 'Hint. W rue IM uMlohw ft i . l'i.Ai;ii, I'rea. K Al. Hwi i i. M*u niITFU NIIOK CO., luc'p. ( nplf*l. f1.000.000* I;» - | Hil.no Nil OH IN Till. WOItIJK •M >r<>ttar H'H fd it a dollar ramrd." Thl ' Soll«l I n iirh IhxiffolM 14 hi lluf ton | dchu rt .l trr* iuiywhrt«vi< tbo \ ' 5.,0»» r--•"» roc«'l|»t < '.i-lt. M"m y Onl« r, -M *>r Nolo for fI.M). W v I'O" •# Kqnnla ••vry wnv tbn bootn m, //w If •■"W roUll ftnrvm tor W > I ft Tnly 4.65. 1 lot Men's French calf shoes Strong «' AIV 1 . 1 W Cll C j f OUll d in a lirht elaf-s frtG«x --888818 HUES. 110 E. GRIEB. THE JEWELER No. 339, North Main St., BDTLFB, PA. An Unprecedented Offer! Great Value for Little Money. Weekly News of the World for a Trifle. The New York Weekly Tribune, a twenty .lour p»Re journal, is the leading Republican family paper of the, United States. It is filled with interesting reading mattrr for every m< m her of a country family. It is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and all the general news of the United States and the world. the events of foreign lands in a nutshell. Its l *Agi Icultural" depart ment bus no s-u|>erior in the country. Its "Market Reports" aro re cognized authority in all parts of tlio land. It has separate departments for "The Family Circle'i and "Our Young Folks." Itß "Homo Society" columns command the admiration oi wives and daughters. Its general political news, editorials and discussions aro compreheusive.hrilliant and exhaustive. A special contract enables us to offer this splendid journal and "THE CITIZEN" for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY #1.50, CASH IN ADVANCE. (The regular subscription price of tli« two papers is $-2 50.) Subfcriptions may begin at any lime. Address all orders to THE CITIZEN, Write your name and address ou a postal card send it to Geo. W Best Room 2. Tribune Huilding, New York City, and a sample copy of THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will be mailed to you. Jewelry, Clocks, Silverware, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. 11. GiUIEH, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are'Rcspcctlully Invited —"Remember our Repairing Department—2o years Experience. ........ .1 t , f , mlm , m.Tj ARmt-OflkwaddroM «< I trial txjttlo PnP£ n >.11,1 prove mi U! |h U> you Unit I llk KB ASTHMALENF. will and cure arthma CINE CO.. ROCHESTER. " T. ■THEPLPFLMI 6 v HAY-FEVs U COLD" HE., FEFRM Kly't (Wft'n Halm r,;• I o <"•/" tnuff or pmrtlrr. Ainto the tumtrtU it It ou;Hld /1 - r'rd. It ■ ~*s the ht 3UC ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW YORK. OUlf