Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 22, 1893, Image 4
-Wall Opening of Clothing#- DOR'T IFail TO Attind FALL Ottb Fau, Ofixiho of FALL patt nVTRHOATS CLOTHING, Hats and FA.LLOVtKOUA.iI> G*stß Fxjbkmhino Goods *»* * Ail OUT Fall Goods are entirely new as we did not bay a dollar* worth of .^'To-üb«s*-. »« .* ~ DOUTHETT & GRAHAM, Reliable One Price Clothiers. Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts., Butler,* Pa. Bickel's Reduction Sale Of Seasonable Goods. Oar entire stock of russet goods including many Idifferent stjes in Ladies'and Genta shoes and oxfords hare been placed on our BAR * B "? to be closed out at less than cost prices. Call and see our Russet shews and Oxfords, wbetheryou are needing a pair or not, for after visitiDg our gain counter you are sure to buy. A FEW OF OUR LEADERS. Ladies Russett Shoes Hand Turn, price $4.00, NOW at $2.50 «. «• " $3.50, " $2.25. « » regular price, $2 25, now at $1.75. Men's Russett Shoes—many different styles, price $4.00, now at $3.00. Men's Russett shoes, regular price $3.25, reduced to $2.50. Ladies' hand torn Oxfords, price $2.25, now at $1.65. Ladies' Rosaett Oxfords, regular price $1.25, now at 15c. Balance of our Misses' and Childrens' Tan and Red shoes and Oxfords at a bargain. We hare received most of our Fall stock and can sell fall foot wear cheaper than ever before. Fall stock of Men's Box toe Boots and Shoes. Ladies' Calf Shoes batton or lace at $1.25. Ladies' best Oil Grain Shoes at $1.25. Ladies' Kip shoes at SI.OO. Misses' and Children's school shoes 75c and upwards. Boys' school shoes at SI.OO per pair. Men's fine calf shoes, bntton, lace or congress at $1.25. Men's fine calf Dress Boots at $2.00 to $3.50 per pair. Full stock of Mens' Fine Dress Shoes in Calf, Kangaroo or Cordovan. Balance of our Men's Patent Leather shoes go at $2.50 per pair. Full stock of Rubber Goods and prices very low. Whf lin Butler, call and examine my goods and learn my prices. Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. REPAIRING DONE. JOHN BICKER. 28 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PEIfH'A. ■ 1 ■ =B Fall and Winter Opening. Having just returned from New York I am prepared to show you all the latest novelties and styleß in fancy dress goods, Hop Sackings, Serges and Broadcloths. Also latest ideas in dress trimmings, and a full and complete line of Underwear, Hosery, Blankets, Flannels and Yarns, Domestics, Ac. An elegant stock of Millinery, trimmed from the latest New York patterns lam glad to inform our friends that Mrs. Lou Ritter is still in charge of our Milliner J Department. Call and see us in our new millinery department Best lighted room in the State. WRAPS. Having secured the celebrated Rothchild Bros'. Wraps, their name is a sufficient guarantee as to style and quality of goods used in their make up. Our elegant new Cloak and Millinery Department is all on one floor. Good light by day and night. We would be pleased to have you call aid see our new room, new Cloaks, new Hats, latest styles in both depart- merits. Thanking you for past patronage we solicit a sontinuance of the same. JENNIE E. ZIMMERMAN, j < (Successor to Ritter & Ralston.) i I ( M. ROSICTsrTHA.L., Wholesale Liquor Dealer, | i 403 Ferry St, - Pittsburg, Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Marker I ■"■. • ~ 0 t * t a The 0. W. HARDMAN Art Company Limited. ; SPECIALTIES Everything in Photographing and I'ortraitn, in Pastel, Crayon, Sepia, Oil or Watei Colors, tnat is worthy o(none»t Hale, and Btriotly FIRST CLASS, IS OUR SPECIALTIES Old Pictures REPRODUCED and ENLARGED. All work guaranteed as repre- » Bented. Latest Styles in Picture Frames. See large display of samples, Compare | prices and our work with others. Special rates to Ministers and Lady School Teachem. LADIES, OLD PEOPLE, And Children have no long, dark, filty stairs to travel up and down' Studio on FIRST FLOOR, 108 MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. 1 1 • I Job 4 Work ol all kind done 1 at the "Citizen Office." 1 TV* n Why is Strictly Pure V ' hT/V White Lead the best ~ Jt * F £ ' nt <* Eecauie it • -j'-isst all other paints, {jive a 1.. finish, better protection to lU • . J, ai:d th; f.rst cost will b» less. r les and other adulterants of lead are "just as good ts cti/ Furc White l.czd, v.-hy are al! '.i:c -diikcrattd white icads ai.vays j i Furc, or u Strictly Pure White I^ead?" This 3arylen is ?. heavy v \ite powder (gTcund stone), Laving the appearance of white lead, worthies': as a paint, costing only about a cent a pound, and is only used to cheapen the mixture. What shoddy is to cloth. Barytes is to paint. Be careful to use only old and rtandard brends c-f white lead. "Armstrong & McKelvy" " Beymcr-Bauman" " Fahaestock" " Davis-Chambers" ■re strictly pure, "Old Dutch " process brands, established by a lifetime of use. For colors use National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors with Strictly Pure White Lead. For sale by the ni3,t reliable dealers in painta everywhere. If you are going to paint, it will pay you to son«i to as Tor a book containing informa tion that may save you many a dollar; it will only cost you a postal card to do so. NATIONAL LEAD CO., t Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Branch, Matiooal Lead and Oil Co. of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh. P*- HUMPHREYS' Dr. Humphrey*' feperiflc* are scientifically and carefully spared Hemeditts, used for years In private practice and for over thirty years by the people with entire success. Every single Specific a special cure for the disease named. They cure without drugging. purging or reducing the system and are in fact and deed the bote reign Remedies of the \\ orld. ao. oraas. raicaa. I—Frrera, Congestion*. Inflammations . .23 2—Worm*, Worm Fever. Worm Colic 23 3—'Teethingt Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .23 4 Diarrhea* of Children or Adults .23 7-Coagha, Colds, Bronchitis 23 B—Neuralgia, Toothache, Faoeache 23 •—Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .23 16—Dy»pep«in, Biliousness, Constipation. .23 11— Wuppre*Mcd or Painfal Periods .. .23 12—White*, Too Piofu#e Periods . .23 13—Cronp, Lftryngitia, Hoarseness ... .23 14—8 alt Ehenm, Erysipelas. Eruptions . .23 13— Rheumatism, Rheumatic Pains .23 10—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague 23 10—Catarrh, Inflnenaa, Cold In the Bead. .23 20— Whooping Cough 23 27—Kidney Diseaaes 23 28— Xerrona Debility 1.00 30—Urinary Weakneaa, Wetting Bed .23 HUMPH KEYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL, "The Pile Ointment."—Trial feixe. 2ft Cu. •old ky Drcwrrlata, or »mt p««t-p*id on racalpt of prlca. Da. HriMßiTi Misctt (l«4 hailbo »an. ■CSPHKITB* MID. CO., 111 * 111 WKflssi 84., XSW TOKX. SPECI FICS. jmm LINIMENT v HOUSEHOLD USE. * Was originated find first prescribed br AN OLD FAMILY PHYSICIAN in 1810. CouIJ a remedy without real merit have survived over eighty years P SOOTHING, HEALING, PE NETRATI N/"N For INTERNAL and EXTERNAL use.« .-tor** r*'v or -* !r.f i nmntir.n. Cnres Croup, Colon J 'irf Colic, (ramp* and I k ain«, Snr*rn< r C '* like magic. ' . » '»n- hitK Cholera. v - n find J or Mint*, 5.... »» »* I '♦ for v -is Hra«'nchc. I.mi ; • ?r«-c. K*-' ' . ••*. L 5 ct-s » ' - v l " P-» "u. Mia Uil' i; I LfciS $»«»«£« ABSOLUTELY CT7RX9. OINTMENT -V'. aM»>u *•«! to contium I ;im»rn f -,rir» 1 L • ■rdlng, nl»»tr*i .; '• rV, V * " , *»•"*• ».<! . U4 ( AMCU.PR , IR J S ./ "'* °F ■■! f-\ DOCTORS LAKh [IFF* ■ PHI ;/ TE I>ISPKN«LART. LTK£- ■DA Con. PEM:-. Ave. AND FOURTH BT.. -«4G9KWP\ PITTSBURGH, PA. %T£*9&K .~'A All Xormsof Delicate and Cnm plicated Diseases requii lnnt'ON ication are treauvt at this Dis- NENFARY with a Riicceaf. _arely attained. Dr. S. K. Luke Is ." member of tbo Koyul College of Phy «ciapn and Burgeon:, and is the ol lebt and uiost e*|*Tience<l SPKCI ALISV in thecltv. Special at- H-ntlon Riven to Xervout Debility fromerceMiv nc:ital exertion. Indiscretion of youth, etc.. caus ing physical ana mental decay, lack of enerpy, l<'«pondcncy, ete.; also Cancer" Old Sores, Klta, I'ilcs. rheumatism, and all DICAAEAOF the Skin, • LUJIL I.iin(cs,L,'rinaryOrgann,ttc. Consultation V.e and strictly confidential. Office hours 9 to S : .d 7 to 8 P. M.; Sundays, 2 to I p. ST. only t at oflire or ad-Irvw I»RS. J.AKR. CX>'i ... ->• A\ K. ASDLTHST..PITTBBULIISL»I*AL VHB LAKE ROCTB TO THB WORLD J VIA PICTURESQUE MACKINAW Avoid the heat and dust by t-avoi' on the Floating Palaces of the Ivtr » , Cleveland Steam Navigation Cor ,<■ ay. Two new steel passenger steam r h?.ve just been built for thia Upper 1.a'.0 t .at 3 costings3oo,ooo each, and are gup.-.ar >< to be the grandest, largest, .r fastest steamers on the Lakes; tpe< .: miles per hour, running timo b- xr j Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago ! ». .v 60 hours. Four trips per week be* e- Toledo, Detroit. Alpena, Mackiuar, ! u key and Chicago. Dally trips bo .w Detroit and Cleveland; during Jul'- r. August double daily service will h; in;-, tained. giving a daylight ride acro ? . J.a' - Erie. Daily service between CleveV «: and rut-in-Bay. First-claes star .< .ni accommodations and menu, and ea lngly low Round Trip Kates. Tim ai3 tin equipment, the luxury of tho nr oia* ments makes traveling on these sir amr . thoroughly enjoyable. Send f< - ii* s trated pamphlet. Address A. A. ck.li J* , O. P. A., Detroit & Cleveland t-itcar i v *v Co.. Detroit, Mich. BaaHaEEBEBBar Cures B right's Disease, Dropsy. Gravel, Nerv ousness. Heart. Urinary or Liver Diseases" Known by a tired languid feeling; luactlnir of the kidneys weakens and poisons the blood, and UDlesa cause Is removed you cannot have health. Cured me over five years aim of Brliflit's Disease and Dropsy.—Mas. I. 1,, c. Mili kk. Bethlehem. Pa. l .oon other similar testimonials. Try It. Cure Guaranteed. CASN'K KIIINKV CI'KK CO., JiO V,.,ianito St., Philadelphia, Pa. * Sold by All Kelt able Drupels*.?. IIJFENONC •railed, farm7garden; Cemetery, Lawn, Poultry and Rabbit Fencfeg RAOCSAXIW or BILES IN USE. CAIALWRE FREE. FBEIOHT PAID, THE McMUILEOoVEYwiRE FENCE CO. 114,116, US aadlSOH. lukit St., Til saw MLLS, EJ^aiJWES, Improved Variable Friction Feed, Send for Catalogue 1 D DlDnilUlD Cl\ and special prices. "• "• "AnyUnAn LU. YOKK,P AND THE WORLDS FAIR. B»nd ten cents, silver or twelve cent* in stamp* lor a Ilandy Pocket Guide to the pr««t exposition; give information of value to every visitor. Street Uuiile, Hotel Prices, Cab Fares,kehtair ant Kates, etc. Describes the hidden pitfalls for the nnwary.and hints how to keep out oftheni. This indispensihle companion to every vis itor to the windy city will he sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of ten cents silver, or twelve rent, in stamps. Address 11. STAFFORD, PCBMSHKR, P. O. Box 2264, New York, N. X. Please mention this paper. NIAGARA RIVER POULTRY YARDS. BniT Leghorns, Buff Plymouth, Rocka, Buff Cochine, Light Brainae Indian Games, Ac., Send for circu lar. CHARLEB H. AKEIILY Qowanda, N. Y THE CITIZEN A CHINESVORUIKSHANK. HU Fsatlaatlaf tiartseee AlUtiUf th* o>ti» Trade. The Society for the Suppression <rt the Opium Trade has republished In fac simile a most curious set of Chinese •artoons on the national vice, whiohr has an almost exact parallel in tho famous Croikshank series, known as "The Bottle," says the London News. The native Croikshank begins with a picture of a happy home, at any rate of a happy summer house. The native debauchee is taking his first whiff. He reclines on a couch of ebony, inlaid with marble, and all his surrounding!! are elegant and luxurious. This is No. 1 of the series. No. 3 represents parental expostulations the youth on his knees before his father and promising never to do it again; No. S, relapse, and No. 4, the wife painting scrolls for a livelihood in' the miserable home. In No. 5 the smoker Is at It again, while the wife and children, with a reckless indiffer ence to perspective which is in itself suggestive of despair, weep by the side of the besotted father's couch, and tho old mother does the work of a domes tic drudge. In No. 8 the wife loses her temper and dashes the smoking gear to the ground, while the infuriated debauchee tries to beat her with a bamboo. In No. 7 he is again sucking at the recov ered pipe, while compassionate friends vainly offer him the food for which he has lost all appetite. In No. 8 wife and child regard him with horror, but he does not aeem to mind. In No. 9he has been sold up and his lodging is on the cold ground. In No. 10 the dogs are after him as he crawls through the villages. No. 11 is the same as No. 10, "only more so.'* In No. 12 we »ee him, or rather the wretched skeleton of tim, crawling into a hole In the rocks, In a wintry landscape, to die —still hugging the pipe that has brought him to ruin. SYMPTOMS WERE ALARMING. Both Affected Simultaneously with a De ■lre to Flat) a Doetor. The following is a true account of the development of a curious and alarming complaint which suddenly attacked Chappie and Cholly as they were driving hack from the —— club the other day, according to the New York Tribune, and which Is still af fording great amusement to their friends. One of these young gentle- Cen who was driving his companion . his buggy suddenly complained of a stitch in his left side. The pain grew more and more intense, until he be came quite seriously frightened, when, to the consternation of the pair, the other man was attacked precisely in the same fashion on the right side. With a fifteen-mile drive ahead of them, and fancying themselves seized by some mysterious and inscrutable disease, with the pain increasing every moment, the prospect was not a pleas ant one. Wildly tiiey lashed the horse in order to reach the nearest village and a doctor, and on they dashed over stones and ruts, leaving the rustic passers-by agape with astonishment. Suddenly, in the (nidst of his lamenta tions over the pain, Cholly exclaimed: "Don't you smell something burning?" and a strong smell of fire which, If it had not been for their excitement and fright, they would have noticed long bel fore, made itself very apparent "By Jove!" shouted Chappie, as he clapped his hand on his waistcoat poclcet, "it is those matches!" And to their immense relief they found that a paper box of matches had ignited it self by friction and the fire had not only slowly burfled its wav through the garments of th® owner of the box, but had extended itself to the trousers of his friend, burning a large hole in his last Poole suit, and causing no lit tle consternation in the minds of both. CARE OF TAN SHOES. How th« BootbUck Still E«rn» HU Dime. When tan shoes became fashionable three or four years ago the bootblack stood aghast. Some of them turned pale, says the Washington Post, but most of them did not because nature debarred them from that manifesta tion of apprehension. As man after man passed their stands with his feet shod In coverings that did not admit of the old-time "shine," they believed that their race was run. The ragamuffin who makes his liv ing upon the oorners is an individual hard to down. When the second sea son of tan shoo* came around a new method of polishing had been devised. It has been amplified until it has be come a science. As at present practiced by the high prlestß of the art it requires first a thorough rubbing with a damp rag; then the application ot a half lemon; then some mysterious unguent that is put on with tne ball of the thumb, and lastly a brown polish invented espe cially for the occasion. This latter ia brushed with a piece of canton flan nel. No well-educated and self-respect ing bootblack would use any other kind. The man who is put through this course of ornamental sprouts finds himself wearing a pair of new russets, and he pays for it one dime. As this is double the old price the operator is happy. He has not lost anything by the shoes whose introduction promised to prove his bane. State Insurance la Germany. John Graham Brooks, the bureau of labor expert, describes in the Forum the effect of compulsory state insurance in Germany. Ten years ago the first step was taken to bring the whole body of German wage-earners under com pulsory state insurance. To-day nearly thirteen million laborers aro actually insured against sickness, accident, in validity and old age. The peoele are fairly satisfied with the provisions ex cepting those concerning old age and invalidity, which they would eagerly vote out of existence if possible. The limit of age has apparently been placed too high. Mr. Brooks thinks the experiment on the whole a great success, particularly in ita indirect so ciological results. —Rheumatism cured in a day—".Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 davs. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis emu immediately disappears. The lirst dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. Kedick, druggist, Rutfei. HARD TIMES PAST. The county probably never before ex perienced such a hard panic with HO little general effect on business, and the county has never been in as good condition as it is in to day. The demand for articles of known purity and quality lias been steadily increasing insteak of decreasing. So it is with the rye whiskies bottled by Mux Klein. The public know that the Silver Age, Duquesnt* and Bear Creek rye* are the finest in the country. They that doctors recommend them; that as a stimu lant they aro unsurpassed. They are for sale by all first-class hotels and dealers at $.50, $1.25 and 1.00 per (|uort respectively. Send for a catalogue of the finest whisk ies, wines and liquors in the state, to Msx Klein,P2 Federal St., Allegheny, I'a. ft will not be possible we presume, lor ll.e I'opuli.stKof Kansas to blame the recent pillage ol an express train on the St. Louis and San Francisco Railway on the Kastern gold bugs. The gold bugs are very wicked, but they do not often descend to vulgar train robbery. frTwo I,ancaster County farmers reached the railroad station near their place about the same time one day last week. One had a load of wheat and the other a load of corn. Both the corn and the wheat 1 sold at the same price—6o cents. It is probable a similar case never before occur ed in that county. —Pay your subscription if you are in arrears. Unused Railroad Tickets- It should be known more generally that railway companies will redeem unused tickets in cash. Any ticket which has been bought at a regular ticket office can be returned by the original purchaser and the railroad company will refund the money paid for it, provided tnat the ticket is not limited in its terms. The trunk lines do more of this than the smaller roads, as the large trunk lines are more interested in preventing ticket scalping. Koads like the Pennsylvania and Xew York Centeral redeem all their tickets for cash at their cost price. They will also redeem excursion tickets if presented before the time of eipiiation. In the passenger departments of the trunk lines there is a regular department to look after the re demption of unused tickets. —No one takes up a regular publication without the expectation of finding some thing of interest. The simple act of turn ing the pages is as positive an example of expectation as the opening of a closet if one is in .search of a coat. Hence an an nouncemeut in a regular publication has an advantage over any other form ol busi ness solicitation —that of meeting the sought-for eye when it is in a mood for such greeting. Moral: Don't disfigure nature by plastering huge signs on beauti ful rocks by the roadside —nature never intended that it should be so; if she did she would have attended to that herself Neither put a sign on the fences, your pros pective customer don't seek a fence corner to find out what you have for sale. But be does read the newspapers. Put your advertisement in the newspaper il you would be wise. Drunkenness, the Liquor Habit, Pos ityely Cured by adimnstering Dr. Haines ' 'Gcldtn Specf.c." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speedy cure, •whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book 01 particulars tree. Address, Golden Specific Co.. 185 Race St.. Cincinnati O. —lt appears from the latest consular report from Swatow, in Southern China, that among cotton goods the import of towels alone has shown any improvement. But, the consul explains, this does not imply any increased attention to personal cleanliness on the part of the inhabitants of the district, for Iho towels are used for clothing The breadth of the ordinary towel being that from shoulder to shoulder, two sown together will make a coat. Sleeves are dispensed wilh, and except for tho armholes there is non© of that waste of material which is especially repjgnant to the Chinaman, and which the size of his native piece goods aDd the fashion of liis clothes conspire to ayoid. USE DANA'S SAKSAPARILLA ITS "THE KIND THAT CURES." —After 15 years of experiment, based on previous long experience as brakeman. G. P. McCrea, of Brushvalley, has complet ed what the railroad experts pronounce an apparently perft ct automatic car coupler. Several railroad companies are said to have accepted it. It is attachable to any build of freight car. Jt connects air and signals simultaneously. By raising a little pin any number of cars c.sn be uncoupled, and can be cut or coupled as easily on a short curve, as on a straight track. DSE DANA'S SAIiSAPAR ILLA, ITS "THE KIND THAT CURES." —"There were three things that impress ed me above all other attractions at the World's Fair," said a returned visitor, "and these were the big Ferris wheel, electric fountain and the art exhibit. I may as well remark right here that I am an art enthusiast. That Ferris wheel is a xonder and no mistake. The cars, which are about tho size of our ordinary electric cars, are always crowded. An amusing incident occured on the trip I made. When our ear was at the top, and all the occupants were as quiet as mice, some tourist yelled 'change cars.' Of course the absurbity of such a thing, away up there in the air, at once struck us and everybody laughed. I was at a loss to understand how the various colors weio formed in the spray of the elec trical founta in which sends up a ftreain sixty feet into the air and accordingly wait ed until 10 o'clock at night when the stream was shut off and then hunted up the electrician in charge, who gave me all the information I was after The different colors were formed by the action of power ful electric lights on the thick colored glass which is placed between the light and the water. The fair is simply magnificent and I am going to take it in again if I have to borrow ihi none} Consumption »ure!y Cured. To The Sdiioix:— Pleaao Inform your reader* that I nave n jonitlvn remedy for Mm »bove-nam«t dlsenao. B; :h timely uae thousands of hoydena caeea have It'/ti permanently cared. I ahull be Rlad to aead twj .vo'lies of my remedy FREE to any ot yo«r readers T ,) have consumption If they will •end me thoil £ipre*» anl P. O. a'Mreaa. Uespect- T. i.HUMVii.M. 181 Bsarl SL. N. S. "ls thin the Hnreau of Information?'' Haiti Mrs. Meddergrass to the clerk at the World'* Fair ground*. "Yes ma'am. "Then I wish you'd tell ine where Silas if. I told that old uiau of mine he d get lo«t, an now he's gone an' done it." —An authority on the subject says that the practice among the ladies of riding bicy cles is destroying their carriage on their feet This is startling if trne, forithe women who walk gracefully are none too numeroour as it is. —lt is reported that John James Ingalls is tired of loaling and wants to get back into the Senate for which purpose he is now posing as a gubernatorial candidate in Kansas. —The old horn of plenty is fast getting hollow. —The World's Fair has two miles of lunch counters. —Uarnum's show will be in Butler, Sat urday, Oct. 7th. 1 —The report is not true that a foreign nobleman, lading iu love with 11 Chicago hotel chambermaid, asked her to take ' away her leet so he conld lay his heart and fortune at them. —A Fair question—Keen to Chicago? —The fall campaign will now com inence. IT STAYS BY YOU —the go<*l Unit's done by Dr. Pierces riansttiit I'elleU. In Countijiatiori, Biliousness, In- ' digestion. Jaundice, Dizziness, Hour Htomncb, ami Kick or I Bilious Headache*, they give W p a 7 irrmtinrnt cure. There's no reaction ufter them; their help last*. ■ For breaking up attacks of ■ colds, chills, fevers, ■ rheumatism, neuralgia, and kindred derange ments resulting from severe exposure, nothing can compare with these little " Pellets." Thoy'ixs the smallest, the easiest to take, and the most natural remedy. They're guaranteed to give satisfaction, in every way and in every case, or your money is returned. What more can you ask for, with a medicine ? Whether it's Catarrh Itself, or any of the troubles caused liy Catarrh, the makers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy will par you |s<lo if they cau't (jive you a complete and permanent cure. The worst caw* of chronic CcfcUTh in tkt U»4 J'WJ (0 Uoi re^avdy. The Fair is Coming. OUR SHOES ARE DOWN. 60 pairs of Ladies' Sne Oxferds Eddys it Webster's make were 2.75 now only 1.90. 200 pairs of Ladies' shoes Eddy & Webster's make hand turned nnd welt were 4.50 and 5.00 now only 3.75. 1 lot of Ladies* shoes hand turned were 2.25 and 2.50 now only 1.90. 1 lot of Oxford* ties only 60 cts All children's Red «nd tan shoes at 85 cts. were 1.00 and 1.25 1 lot Men's Cordovan welt shoes Strong «fc Carrell make were 5.50 now only 4.65. 1 lot Men's French calf shoes Strong & Carrell make were 4.75 now only 3.90 1 lot Men's Dongola were 2.25 now 1.65. 1 lot Men's doable sole and tap were 2.00 now 1.45. All Shoes Down to Rock Bottom Prices at ROBINS BROS., S E. corner of Diamond - -- - Butler, ?a. t\\£s g| *HAT-FEVER j_/ J U COLD-HEAD M&SA Ely's Cream Balm is not a liquid, snuff or potrder. Applied into the nostrils it it _ _ quickly absorbed. It cUanses the head, allays inflammation, heals _ _ C the frres. Sold by druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price. L II M DUC ELY BROTHERS. 56 Street NEW YORK. DUC New York Dentists,^ lior o Sixth and Liberty 5tS., .Entrance on Liberty St.) PITTSBURGH, PA. QOLP LINED SETS OF TEETH >IO.OO. The regular price of these Sets Is Sao to sas. These plates are as desirable in every particular as it made of solid gold, which would cost you SSO. Our prices on other work: BEST SET TEETH, SB.OO i TEETH CLEANED, 750 GOLD FILLINGS, 1.00 up. ! TEETH EXTRACTED, 250 SILVER FILLINGS. .75 I GAS OR VITALIZED AIR. 500 CROWNS. $5.00 AND UP. rainless Extracting a Snecialtv. All Work Guaranteed. iART DEi-iHS THE KING." THEN SAPOLIO IS GREATER TH \ * ROYALTY ITSE! .' GOOD FELLOWSHIP is a hard thing to find Do yon want the recipef Here it is. Get a bottle—you'll find it sure. Try our Finch's Golden Wedding For M.diial and Cor. SI.OO per Qt; or 6 Qts. for $5 00. Dougherty, Guckenheinier. Large, Gibson, Bridgeport, Mt Vernon, Overholt, etc. Oi'KGOODS AUK WARRANTED PURE, Goods securely packed and bored without extra charge. C. O. D. and mail orders re ceire prompt attention. "Grand Father'i Choice" 3 jejr old is a (food one, ago hai brought out good quality; sells for pel gallon. ROBERT LEWIN Importer and "Wholesaler, 136 Water"St, PITTSBURGH, PA, OPPOSITE B. & O. It. K. DEPOT. Cures thon sands annually of Liver Cora plaints, Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspep sia. Constipation. Malaria. More lIU result from an Unhealthy Liver than anj other cause. Why suffer when you can be cured ? Dr. Snnford's Liver Invigoa ator la a celebrated family medicine, vot'lt I»ur«JOIST WILL BrPPLT YOC. ! RECULATE THE I { STOMACH. LIVER AND BOWELS, j I PURIFY THt 3LOCD. A REUAEIE REMEDY FOR 1 Indication. i:tll»Hw»». Ken ■ehr, Conatt- | J I :.erTrouble** , I IMzatnm. »la.l < ginplcklon, l»>arnLrr. J !«>oVti.lv<- llrruth. ni.d nil dlaordera .r tbo j Kltimufti, I.lrrr a»d B»»' k ; i • .1.;--In ■!• UMagtaJnMate ; J thn moat dilleaU CMiatltutton. Ilea ant to take. j | aafe i (Tectu.il. Olvc lmmodi»tc relief. 1 Sold by driW'--- AI rial bottle wt by mail , | on receipt of ifi C«nts. AddlCJB J THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. 19 SPKCCE STREET, HEW VOIUC CITY. WANTED! At onr '- * kLn * K » (OB TIUS OCALITJ plendldOPPOß 1 UNIT\ for a live, energetic man. We offer BET TER FACILITIES and Better Tcrmi than «i«r.| (Salary or commission Write tor our SpCMfll OffC T HOOKER,' GROVER & CO.. Rochester Fruit Farm and Kat»b!W«ed ltf*. Rochester, N 1 EGGS iOF HATCHu.'i From Prize Winning Bird?. Consisting of Hla*"* Mlno r oas H. c. Hrown Ughorn. £1 s. Ilnmtmrga. 8. 1-. WjaMlotte*. «W *' per I.« li.oo per 30 . „ „ .. liutrli aalMact 00 RuarartefO i fie?■!? J <*w- m«£ I ale In M'W». Write t< r t»"'"' ' U n,v Pa ltn and W. .1. Moaer. Sonora. Butler rountj. t » It. AWrrrn KeliabU men to sell yjl AW our choice and hardy Nuraery Stock, and Seed Potatoea, lull and complete line. Many varieties can only l>e obtained through u«. Commisainn or sal ary | aid weekly, and promptly. Kxcluaive and choice of territory given. Dou tj delay, write at once for terms. ALLEN NURSERY CO., Rocheater, N. Y. 1 Stop Thief! I J Any one whose Watch has a p bow (ring),will never have oc casion to use this time-honored cry. It is the only bow that cannot be twisted off the case, and is found only on Jas. Boss Filled and other watch cases stamped with jk this trade mark. Aak your Jcwalar for a pamphltt, or aend to tha manufacturer*. Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILAOBLPHUL Grind Yonr Own Corn Meal. Oystei Shells and Corn in the $5 Hand Mill. (F. Wilson'* Pat.) Circulars free. "Also Power and Farm Mills. Send for illustrated circulars and testimonials." 100 per ct more made in keeping poultry Address WILSON BROS., Easton, Pa. Scientific American DESICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, atoJ For Information and free Handbook write to MINN A CO- 861 BKOiuwiT, Nxw YottK. Oldest bureau for aecurtn* patent* In America. Krery patent taken out by us U brought before the public by a notice siren free of charge 111 the JtottMiraß Largest circulation of any scientific paper In the world. Splendidly Illustrated. No Intelligent man ahould be without It. Weekly, 83.00 a year! flJOslx months. Address Mf'N'N A CO.. Vcblumuus. 3til Broadway. Mew York CStr. T T T T "THKRK'S KONKV IN IT. W iv WANT YOU to act as our Agent, full or part time as abli Permanent position guaranted to men or wo men. Liberal pay weekly. Stock complete Ollt edged specialties. Kxperlence unnecessary Elegant outfit free. Address. Nurserymen. C. H. HAWKS A CO., Established 1875. Kochesier. N. 1 WE WANT YOU to act a.** our fluent. II e furnish aa expensiv* outflt and all you need free. It cost* not hint; t< try the business. We will treat you well, ant help you to earn ten times ordinary wages Botl sexes of all ag»i can live at home and work it spare time, or all the time. Any one any when can earn a great deal of money. Many ha\ e madi Two Hundred I>olli»ra m Month. No class o people iu the world are making so much mone] without capital as those at work for us. puslnesi pleusaut, strictly honorable, and pays better that anv other ofTered to agents. You have a cleai lield, with uo competition We eoulp you Witt everything, and supply printed directions to: beginners which, If obeyed faithfully, will brlu| more money than will any other business. Ini prove your prospects! Why not? You can do s< easily and surely at work for u«. KeasonabU industry only necessary for absolute success Pamphlet circular giving e vcr y particular Is sen free to all. Delav not in sending for it. OKOittiK. XT IN SON & CO., Box No. 4HH, I'ortlimd, Me * fan get the RIIVT J . |:|>H'ATI«»!» f rail M / yiwtlrsl Purpoaej ul CLAPK'S Business College, Rleirant Rooms: Modern MflChodn: Kxper!enc*d Teachers. It* ifnuluai#"* mjcr«-«*<i Special tulvun in Shortbund -uivi Ty pfwrltliiK. Write lot jm'MlOffU" 11. CUKK, I'rrs. S. 11. SWRKT. Ht* * I E WIS 98 * LYE I RONNO ASB MRAAI (rxTKHTiu) Tl,o llriinfril and purest T.y< L'nltku other I.ye, It belli) U t fluu powder au<t parked In a <*r • with retuuvatil'i lid. the coDtcnti are always ready for use. WIE make the best i>erfuiii*d Hard H> at In 30 minutes without bslllnf. It Is li>« beat fur cleansing waats H pipes, disinfecting sinks, clnwts, ■ V washing bottle paints, true*, etc. FXKHA- BAIT M'ra co Ueu. Atfts., I'hlla.. I'a. LANDLESS'HEAVE CURE I have a Heave Cure that will cure any case of heai'es in horses in forty days, i used according U) directions, and if it doet not do what I claim lor it, I will refund the amount paid and no charges will bt made for the treatment. The following testimonials are the strongest proof of the medicines power to cure: A. J. MCCAXDLBSS, Liutler, Fa., 1893. Mil. A. J. MCCAMULSMI: On tho 2nd day of April, I coin menced to uso your new cure for one of my horses that had the heaves very had, and continued to uso the medicino for about forty days and the horse did not show any signs of a return oi them. It is now a 6out a year »ince I quit givin the medicwie and the horse h»s never sowed any Agna of hoavtm, mid I feel sti»tied that he is properly cutitA W U. I'filbWKUft. [fuller. Pa., April 8, WW. ■V J. MCCANI'LKNH: T have used your Heave Cure and found it will do the work if used according to di -ectiona. Yours truly, K. J. Mt'U ILLIN. Hotels and Depots, W. S. GreKK is now running a line )f carriages between the hotels and iepots of the town Chargea reasonable. Telephone So. 17, or leave orders at Hotel Pogeley. Good Live y r in Connection THE Leading Millinery House OF 1 Are now prepared to show their new line of Spring Milli nery. Beautiful beyond description. Whether you buy or not, you are welcome to conic and enjoy the beautiful and artistic display. Come for investigation and comparison. We believe buying will follow. Special Mourning Millinery, also Millinery for Misses and Children. NOTICE. SAILOR IIATS 10c. T he Largest and Leading Millinery House in Western PennY: All Purchases of $lO and np, Delivered Free of Charge Within a Retiiu cf 30 I 0 Pittsburg, DANZIGE:RS, Pennsylvania lust a few Random Shots. Lp and Down. High Price Busters Tho' Head Coverings for Wee Tots and Older Folks too. Children'* 50c handsome em broidery c«ps with pretty, "lull pleated lace frills, now for 24c each. " Children's beautifully shirred 60c lawn caps, now for 24c each. Children's 75t.i1.00 and $1.50 tine corded and rich tmbroideried caps, and the'rr just little beauties, now for 49e, 74c and 9Jtc each. Children's 50c white and colortd SUB bonnets, now for 24c each. Ladies' 50c and 75c sun bonnets we'll sell j now for 39c and 49c each. Scintillating Hustlers from Silveiware Thoufar.dsof Ixantifully plated spoons, tea 2c, table 4c each. Handsomely silver plattd 18c salt and pep per bottles, butter knives and sugar spoons, now for 12c each. Nicely plated and cbised 15c napkin rings, now for 5c each. Children's SI.OO beautifully silver plated Rold lined mugs, also 50c aets of knife, fork j and spoon, choice 24c each or set. Pittsburg. DANZIGEHS, Pennsylvania. | fsr- , lUNr.s, I J KAR-HINGS. i uiamonris i scarf pins, 'STUDS, f GENTS GOLD, *1 "tf*!"! i LADIES T? cllUJlt-S (GENTS SILVER LADIES CHATLAIN, f GoldJPiiu, Far-rings, y \ Rings, Bracelets, Etc, ( Tea set!-. mature, butter (lis! es Silverware IaUWSf-S"«r " mm HIS. NO ISSRWR 4 " - E. GRIEB. THE JEWELER No. 139, North Main St., BUTLER, PA. An Unprecedented Offer! Great Value for Little Money. Weekly News of the World for a Trifle. The New York Weekly Tribune, a twenty.four journal, is the leading It-publican family paper ol the, United States. It is filled with interesting readiug matter for every mem her of a country family. It is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and givea all the general ' news of the United Slates and the world. It siives the events of foreign lands in a nutshell. Its depart nient has no superior in the country. Its "Market Reports" are re cognized authority in all parts of the land. It has separate departments for "The Family Circle', and "Our Young Folks." Its "Home Society" columns command the admiration ot wives nnd daughters Its general political news, editorials and discussions are comprehensive,brilliant and exhaustive. A special contract enables us to offer this splendid journal and "THE CITIZEN" for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY #1.50, CASH IN ADVANCE. (The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2 50 ) SubFcriptions may begin at any time. Address all orders to THE CITIZEN, Write vour nnme and address on a postal card send it to Geo. W Best Room 2. Tribune Building. New York Citv. nnd a sample copy . ! THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will be mailed t« \< u Jeweli'y, Clocks, Silverware, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent l>v purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main .St., Dully Block. Sign of Llectric Bell and ( lock. All arc B Kespectfully Invited "Remember our Repairing Department 20 years Experience. ~ • ■ " -~.Wj Onrf<vl j,tol num.- ri'ifl APost -nfli'v address »< mail t rial tvotie f Iff Da gs nud prove |i|(pi|i to you ttintl 11 lab ASTHMALENE will and dooKcure .u-tßnte CINE CO., ROCHESTER, N. Y., House Furnishing Hummers Money Savers, You Bet Mason's fruit jus, the SI.OO kind, t : >» f..r 09c a doz. And the 5c c3v« red jelly icohlei*, now for 2c each. 7Ec comiurtably safe baby swings, now far 39c each. $1 75 hatEim cks, with spreaders, now for 99c each. 50c utsts of wire dish covers, o in a nest, new tor 29c each 75c cherry seeders and thev ate dandies, LOW for 37c each, SI,OO oil stoves,'ll help you keep the hous cool, now for 47c each. Curtains, Linens, &c., Every body's Bargains. $2.00, 2, 50, 3.C0 and 4.00 handsome lace cur lains, and they're full 3 yards lone too, now for 99c, $1.49, 1.74 and 1.99 a p»ir. 40, 45, 60, 62 and 75c German table linens, all pretty patterns, now for 25, 33, 39, 44, and 49c a yard SI.OO, 1.25 and 1.50 white bed spreads, now for 69, 89 and 99c each. 8,12, 15, lt>, 18 and SOc all linen towels lor 5 9 t 10,11,12 i and lt>c each. Kxceedicgly and IIBSKIM niely rich $2.00,2.50, j 2.75, 3.50, 4. CO, 5.00 acd 6.C0 lace btd sets, u«.w Ur 99c, $1.24, I.BC. 1.74, 1.99, 2.49 and I 2.99 a set.