-HM Opening of Clothing#- SR&T OPINING OF FALL F ATS CLOTHING, HATS AND FALL UVtJßuUaio GENTS FURNISHING GOODS ** * AlVour Fall Goods are entirely new as we did not buy a dollars worth of a?Sw c om . DOUTHETT & GRAHAM, Reliable One Price Clothiers. Cor. Main arul Cunningham Sts., Butler, I a. Bickers Redaction Sale Of Seasonable Goods. Our entire stock of russet goods including many |different JJ Ladies'and Gents shoes and oxfords have been placed on our bargain counter to be closed out at less than cost prices. Call and see our Russet shoes an Oxfords, whether you are needing a pair or not, for after visitrng our gain counter you are sure to buy. A FEW OF OUR LEADERS. Ladies Rnesatt Shoes Hand Turn, price $4.00, now at $2.50 .< «. « " $3.50, " $2.25._ u " regular price, $2 25, now at $1.75. Men's Russett Shoes—many different styles, price $4.00, now at $3.00. Men's Russett shoes, regular price $3.25, reduced to $2.50. Ladies' hand turn Oxfords, price $2.25, now at $1.65. Ladies' Russett Oxfords, regular price $1.25, now at 75c. Balance of our Misses' and Childrens' Tan and Red shoes and Oxfords at a bargain. . , We have received most of our Fall stock and can sell fall foot wear cheaper than ever before. Fall stock of Men's Box toe Boots and Shoes. Ladies' Calf Shoes button or lace at $1.25. Ladies' best Oil Grain Shoes at $1.25. Ladies' Kip shoes at SI.OO. Misses' and Children's school shoes 75c and upwards. Boys' school shoes at SI.OO per pair. Men's fine calf shoes, button, lace or congress at $1.25. Men's fine calf Dress Boots at $2.00 to $3.50 per pair. Fall stock of Mens' Fine Dress Shoes in Calf, Kangaroo or Cordovan. Balance of our Men's Patent Leather shoes go at $2.50 per pair. Full stock of Rubber Goods and prices very low. When in Butler, cflll and examine my goods and learn my prices. Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. DONE. JOHN BICKE^L. 28 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PENN'A. ■ 1 1 -I L- ■ —J ' Fall and Winter Opening. Having ja»t returned from New York I am prepared to show you all the latest novelties and styles in fancy dress goodß, Hop Sackings, Serges and Broadcloths. Also latest ideas in dress trimmings, and a full and complete line of Underwear, Hosery, Blankets, Flannels and Yarns, Domestics, Ac. An elegant stock of Millin6ry, trimmed from the latest New Vork patterns lam glad to inform our friends that Mrs. Lou Ritter is still in charge of our Millinery Department. Call and see us in our new millinery department. Best lighted room in the State. WRAPS. Having secured the celebrated Rothchild Bros'. Wraps, their name is a sufficient guarantee as to style and quality of goods used in their make up. Our elegant new Cloak and Millinery Department is all on one floor. Good light by day and night. We would be pleased to have you call and see our new room, new Cloaks, new Hats, latest styles in both depart ments. Thanking you for past patronage we solicit a continuance of the same. JENNIE E. ZIMMERMAN, (Successor to Ritter & Ralston.) M. KOBENTIIAL, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St., -■ - - - Pittsburg, Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Market 1893. Vim. Vigor. Victory. 1893. 1 • ■ UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OF THE OREAT Pittsburg Exposition. OPENED J CLOSES September 6th. October 21st. Press and public cordially indorse and pronounce it surpassingly grand. AM de partments fully ready. An examination of its many attractions will astonish and please you. Husic daily by the unrivaled bands of Gilmore and Brooks, ASSISTED BY THE UNCROWNED QUEENS OP SONO, Frau Materna, Madame Sofia Scalchi, Lillian Blauvelt, Black Patti, 1 and Signor Campanini. 93> Special Excursions and Reduced Rates on All Railroads. 1893. Job Work ot all kind done at the "Citizen Office.'" You have noticed that some houses always seem to need repainting ; they look dingy, rusted, faded. Others always look bright, clean, fresh. The owner of the first "economizes" with "cheap" mixed paints, etc.; the second paints with Strictly Pure White Lead The first spends three times as much lor paint in five years, and his build ings never look as well. Almost everybody knows that good paint can only be had by using strictly pure White Lead. The difficulty is lack of care in selecting it The fol lowing brands arc strictly pure White Lead, "Old Dutch' process; they are standard and well known—established oy the test of yer.rs: ''Armstrong & McKelvy" " Beymer-Bauman" " Fahaestock" 44 Davis-Chambers" For any color (other than white) tint the Strictly Pure White Lead with National Lead Company - P. r : WMte Lead Tinting Colors, and youwili nave tho best paint chat it is p~3Sibie to put on a building. For sale by the most reliable dealers ir. painta everywhere. If you are going to paint, :t will pay you to send to us for a book containing infarma lion that may save you many a dollar : it will only cost you a postal tarJ to do so. NATIONAL LEAD CO., 1 Broadway. New Tort Pittsburgh Brace h, Hrtioaa! Lead and Oil Co. of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Pa. HUMPHREYS' This PRECIOUS OINTMENT is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. Cures PILES or HEMORRHOIDS -External or Internal, I'lind or Weeding--Itching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures; Fistula in Ano; Worms of the Rectum. The relief is imme diate the cure certain. WITCH HAZEL OIL Cures IjL'r\s, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. The relief is instant. Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Fis tulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is infallible. Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. Price, 50 Cents. Trial size, 25 Cents. Bold by Druggist*, or eent po«t-j aid on receipt of price. ■TOPIIBITS*SI R. CO., 111 k 113 William St., NKW YORK. THE PILE OINTMENT JOHHSON'S 4#odyh£ V&'- HOUSEHOLD USE. ' Was originated and first prescribed by AN OLU FA j.ILY PHYSICIAN in 1810. Could a remedy without real merit have survived over eighty yt-ars ? SOOTHING, HEALING, PEHETRATINrt For INTERNAL and EXTERNAL use.'-* Stop* Rht ■" iti< I .i:i- r nii I rnmat ion. Clim Croup, ColdSor** Tt - •'. "»« , I'••!: ■. CrnmpsHnd l'aius, STI i : ..»T <"< !:• r : r ■ -i i - iiisi-s like majric. ('MM •» vj« I OTWHITLS, Choicr* >i Ch ■' -i 1 i r-)dy or IJmtM, SI 111 :-4:* -«» • Ii .. iV for Nervous Headache. 11l sfu INn ; . s.. 1 rvnyvher*. I'rlce 3f> eta. Six L it!«' "•>. i. J<»!.' BO?» & ("<»., lioKton. Mom. - I '.IPF *' fe\ 'i-aa.! Iwvioii * 'C/, 39 thßskia ci®ar. f-\J' F.-11 hr .r~ on the Floating Palaces of the Ivr r. £ Cleveland Steam Navigation ('< \i -J Two new steel passenger Steai. r t just been built for this Upper Lak - u costings3oo,ooo each, and aro g ." ;C --to be the grandest, largest, £•: sf ; fastest steamers on the Lakes; s\:.* ■ miles per hour, running > time l-ftv. ■: Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago I - 50 hours. Four trips per week oe Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Mack;::: c :t< key and Chicago. Daily trips h. :w a Detroit and Cleveland; during July i> August double daily service will Ve .r tained, giving a daylight ride aero Erie. Daily service between Ciov» and Put-in-Bay. First-clasa E.'.I.U .r accommodations and menu, and c\. _• inglylow Round Trip Kates. ■ r tial equipnient, the luxury of the ' JU' ments makes traveling ou tLe=o . sir r thoroughly enjoyable. Send f- e ' trated pamphlet. Address A Scli-jr ~ G. P. A., Detroit & Cleveland hlt-.-r. «*. Co.. Detroit, Mich. IAS FINE _%.!& 'I GOSSER'S j I CREAM GLYCERINE.g A (lrrsslug for the fiice after ehaviliK, I * r.mt firrt'liappfd hands and face. Try it. I « Ji5C. A BOTTLE AT lUiL'GOI-STS. ■ Cures Brlght's l»lseose. Dropsv, Gravel, Nerv ousness, Heart, Urinary of l.lver Diseases. Known by a tired latquiil feeliim: Inactine of the kidneys weakens and poisons the blood, and unless cause Is removed jou cannot have health. Cured me over five years ajjo of Brlght's Disease and Dropsy.—M its. I. 1.. ('. MII.LKH, Bethlehem. I'a. I,oo<> other similar testimonials. Try It. Cure puaianteed. ('ANN'S KIIiNEY (I KE CO., 720 Venango St . riiilmlclphiii. Pi). Sold M* All Reliable UriiKtlsts. Cemetery, Lawn, Poultry and Rabbit Fencing mo US ASKS OF JULES IN USE. CATALOt.It Fli££. Fit EIGHT PAID. THE McMUI.LEIT~WOVEN~WIRE FENCE CO., 114, 116, 118 and 120 N. Market St., ChiufO, Hi. SAW MILLS, LtfOINES, Imnroved Variable Friction Feed, and sreclal prices. A. B. FARQUHAR CO. TOKK, P —Subscribe for the CITIZEN, the best Weekly Paper in the co unty. THE CITIZEN . j BUFFALOES IN ENGLAND. Specimens Few SurriTora Shipped Across the Atlantic. Th» Experiment of Breeding th« Animal* In English Parks Considered by Britons ai Terj Eikely to Prore Casnccessfnl. Fifty, or even hall that number of years afro, the possibility of the "huf fier' of the American plains becoming extinct was not so much as dreamed of, says the St. James' Budget. For ?gcs they had wandered in countless herds on the plains on the eastern side of the Rocky mountains, providing the fed Indian with an apparently inex haustible supply of meat. Thousands were killed for their tongues and the steak cut out of the hnmp—the most delicate part. The bisons, from which the early "voyagers" and the fur traders obtained their "pemmican, ' did not suffer from the demands made upon their numbers by the Indians; but the white hunter, with his ever improving firearms, did the work of destruction. Where once the herds were so numerous that it was the prac tice to drive them gradually to the edge of a precipice and there frighten them over, none can be found. At last the United States government awoke to the fact that America was upon the point of losing the bison. The agents of the Smithsonian institute had a dif ficulty in procuring some spccimons which were required. The result was that a small herd of about forty is now strictly preserved in the Yellowstone park. But one or two wander away most years and are soon killed when once outside the protected territory; the security of the herd is consequent ly by no means assured. The news, therefore, that a number of Nebraska buffaloes have been imported to this country, having been obtained for the purpose of being turned down in some of our parks, wUI be welcomed by our naturalists. It is,unfortunately, very questionable if the experiment of keeping and breeding the grand beasts in our Eng lish parks will be attended with any success. The bison on its native plains iy accustomed to great heat in summer and extreme cola in winter. But, for all that, the climate 1B a constant one, and the change of the variability, the fog and the damp of this country will be great. Indeed, when we look at the condition of the bison's European re lation, the aurochs, we may well doubt if the genus bison will long remain an Inhabitant of the eai-th. It may bo many years before we quite lose it, for representatives will probably linger for a comparatively long period pre served in parks, just as the ancient white British cattle linger now. But, as in the case of the latter, the want of fresh blood and the consequent close interbreeding will tell in time and result in constantly diminishing fertility, until in the course of years the last representative of the race will die and the world know them no more. We may safely say the extinction will not happen in our own time, or even in that of the next few generations; but itJs to be feared that come it surely wul. ONLY A TRAMP. But There Were Tears, »nd Bitter One*. Shed for Him. "It's only one of them pesky tramps, Bill," said a brakeman to his compan ion, as the lights from two lanterns fell on the form of a man mangled as only a railroad train can mangle. "I sup pose we will have to get him into the caboose and leave him at the station." They gathered up the remains as best they coujd, says the New York Recorder, and, after getting them aboard the train, gave the signal to go .ahead. Yes, he wag only a tramp. The brakeman addressed as Bill had seen the man fall between two cars while stepping from one to another. The train had been stopped, and the two railroaders went back to see what damage had been done. In the ca boose they made a search of the dead man's clothes. They didn't find much; no money, not even a knife. In the in side pocket of the ragged vest was a greasy-looking envelope. In taking out the letter a tiny band of gold feu to the floor. While one picked up the ring the other read the letter. It had been well fingered, and there were un mistakable spots that only tears could have caused. The handwriting was a woman's, and read as follows: "Dear Jim: Mary is dead, and in her last words she inquired for papa. She missed you so much, and never seemed to be well after you went. I am sorry, Jim, for what I said that night, and if you will come back I will never complain and worry 3'ou any more. I send you Mary's ring; you remember when you got it for her. Please come back to your wife." That was all. The wife had heard in some way where her husband was and had sent him the letter. It oc curred to one of the brakemen to look at the postmark, and with difficulty it was seen that it was a month old, and that it was that of the very place at which they had decided to leave the dead body. Jim must hare met with misfortune, and was stealing his way home, which he reached only to be carried out and laid beside little Mary. An Old Ea(liih Custom. The candidates for bailiff in the town of Alnwick, North England, just be fore the election ride in procession to a horse pond near the town, dismount and struggle through the mud and water as best they can. They are ac companied by a brass band and all the population of the town and neighbor hood. The custom dates from the time of King John, who visited the town in 1210. The roads were very bad and some of his baggage wagons had to be left in the mire. On his arrival he in quired who was responsible for the condition of the roads, and learning that the bailiffs were to blame ordered them to be seized and dragged through the nearest pond. —Rheumatism cured in a day—".Mystic enre" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. Kedick, druggist, Battel. —A home-made paste that can bo com mended in unqualified terms is made of two tablespoonfulls of laundry starch and ono tablespoonful of giun arabic.—Disolvo them in a little warm water aud pour over them about a pint of boiling water. Stir rabidly over a fire for a few minute" ami set it aside to cool.—When the paste is nearly cold add three drops of oil of cloves to keep it from moulding or being dis colored. "The rose may bloom for old England, The lily tor France unfold: Ireland may honor ber shamrock, Scotland the thistle bold; Hut the t.hield of the great Republic, The glory of the "West, Sh.-il! bear a stalk of tasselled corn, Of all our wealth the best. The arbutus and the golden rod The heart of the North may cheer, And the mountain laurel for Maryland Its royal clusters rear; The jasmine and magnolia The crest of the South adorn. But the wide liepudlic's emblem Is the bounteous, golden corn." —A western minister who is not always as careful as he ought to be in making bis preaching and practice go together was lately telling some friends a large story and the minister's little 10-year-old girl was listening to it very intently. When ho ticished she fastened her eyes npon her father's face and said, very gravely: "Is that true, or are you only preaching now, papa?'' The Premium Snake Story for 1893. Mr. Mike Scully, of Morris. >nake cliarmer who ha.-, recently pained consider able notoriety by his "grand aggregation' of snakes and alligators and because of his numerous snake-bites, is row one snake short. Last Thursday ho put a good sized rat into the apartment where he kept one of his big Florida rattlesnakes. The snake, which was nearly six feet long, swallowed the rat readily enough, and lor the time all seemed over with Mr. Rat. Bat not so, for in a few minutes the plucky rodont had gnawed off some of the snake s ribs about 14 inches from its bead and eaten a hole through its beautiful skin and was again at liberty. Then the rat set out to gnaw through the thiu board which tu x mcded the rat tier's <|uarters. Xo doubt wheu this had bjen accomplished and the rat bad dodged th-ough the apora u e.it was greatly a.-ton isned to find that it had "jumped out of the frying-pan into the lire, ' for it had only passed into another apartment where were a number of genuine and very lively Tioga-cnuuty rattlesnakes. One of these snakes struck the rat, and it died from the poison in very short order. The rat certainly deserved to live to a good old age for its pluck. This incident is well authenticated, and those scoffing Bradford county editors are warned not to make any light remark-* about this story, or Mike Sculley may dump his wht.de den of snakes over the line into their county. Drunkenness, the Li ,ucr Hab.t, Fcs itvely Cured by adimnstering Dr. Haines "Golden Specfic." It is manufactured a.- a powder, which can be giveu in a glass of beer, a cup coilee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It » absoluteiv harmless, tmd will affect a permanent u ... speedy cure, whether the patent is amod erate drinker 01 au alcoholic wreik. it ha.- been given in thousands of cases and 111 even" instance a perfect cure ha> loiloweu. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility lor the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. * s P a £ e j -c particulars free. Address, Go den Specific Co.. 180 ltace St.. Cincinnati Queer Cause for Divorce. Is Wisconsin, asks an exchange, trying to compote with South Dakota and with Chicago in the divorce industry ? A recent case beforo the courts of that Stato would seem to show that it is. A bride oi only two months' standing complained t« the learned judge that her liege lord, who ft', the altar had promised to love aud cheri.-h her so long as they both should live, had failed to live up to his obligations accord ing to her idea of what a husband should be to his wife. To be more specific, he had refused to scratch ber back on one occasion when she needed relief. Ihe,court took the brides' view of the case and the marital knot was cut asunder. The case is unique in divorce annals, and for that reason deserves the special attention of those who are agitating for uniform marriage and divorce laws, Shall the Wisconsin precedent be recognized . n nd apoptod as legal ground for divorce in the code which will finally be operative all over the country? While the reason for which this divorce was granted seems at first sight a frivolous one, a little thought will show that the husband was a heartiest man. The cuticulat, irritation of which the wife complained was no doubt located in that particular area of the back unreach able by arms of moderate length, and she was perfectly right in seeking relief at her husband's hands. That man showed he had uo right to have a wife. USB DANA'S SARSAPARILLA, ITS "THE KIND THAT CURES." —The Mississippi River has COO afiluents whose courses aro maekrd upon the map. and a drainage area of 1,257,545 square miles. The traveler embarking upon a steamboat can sail Irom Pittsburg, 4,300 miles, to Fort Denton, Mont., and from Minneapolis, 2,200 miles, to Port hads, on the Gulf of Mexico. Should he choose to extend his voyage to the head of naviga tion upon its 45 tributaries, his onward journey would exceed 10,000 miles, through 23 States and Territories of the Union say s the Industrial florid. —While Mr. Puller, of Indiana county, wilß thrashing lately, a lot of straw got wrapped about one of the spindles. The spindle heated and set lire to the straw and the carrier conveyed the burning straw into the barn and soon the straw in the mow was ablaze. The fire burned rapidly and some of the men engaged in the build ing had a close call. The thresher, ail of Mr. Puller's grain, bay, Ac , were destroyed, besides one horse, which was in the stable and could not be taken out. USE DANA'S SA.RSAPARILIJ V ITS "THE KIND THAT CURES." —A Sunday school teacher endeavored to make his pupils understand the parable about the good shepherd. "Now, little children, suppose you were all little sheep, what would I bet" He expected them to say that ho would be the good shepherd, but much to his disgust one of them re plied: "If we were little sheep you would lie a big sheep;*'' whereupon the teacher looked very sheepish indeed. —Look out for the well-dressed lady traveling through the State working all the towns. .She comes in and oiler* to give you instiuetions in paiuting and .sells you a lot of material, gives a few in.-tiuc tions, goes ou tu the next h.iuse and EO cm until she has vorked the town and then she skips. WOMAN-HOOD has its own special medi cino in Dr. Pierce's Far 15# vorite Prescription. Ami every womnn who is \ " run - down 11 or over "MW&vmßH* V worked, every woman ' who sutlers from any " female complaint" or I J weakness, needs just that 1 I remedy. With it, every disturbance, irregularity, and derangement can bo permanently cured. It's an invigorating, re storativo tonic, a soothing and strengthening- nervine, and the only medicine for women so safe and sure that it can be guaranteed. In periodical pains, displacements, weak back, bearing-down sen sations, and every kinilred ailment, it it fails to benefit or cure, you bave your money back. Is anything that'isn't sold in this way likely to be " just as good " i Most so-called Catarrh cures only make matters worst*. They drive it from the head to tho lungs. But, by its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing properties, Dr. Sages Catarrh Remedy jicrmanently cures the very worst cases. Consumption surely Cured. Tc TOE SEITOH:— PIoaso inform ycur readers i thit I aavo a positive remedy for tt.e above-named disease. B; timely U3O thousands of hopeless cases liavo f<- u permanently cured. I shall Ih> glad to se jd twj VottteQ of my remedy FKEE to any of your if.id- rn -v . j have consumption if they will send me theii £jcpr*s« and I'. O. addrrr Ilenpect '•l'iy X. A. Si.OCUII. M C.„ Ist i>ea.r St. J«. 1 fJHICAGO AND 'iHE WORLDS FAIR. Spnd ten cents, silver or twelve cents in stamps lor a Handy l'ocket tiuide to the great exposition; give information of value to every visitor. Street Guide, Hotel I'rices, Cat) Fares, Restaurant Kates, etc. Describes the hidden pitfalls for the unwary.and hints how to keep out of them. This indispensible companion to every vis itor to the windy city will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of ten cents silver, or twelve cent in stamps. Address 11. STAFFORD, PUBLISH Kit, P. 0. Box 2264, New York, N. Y. Pleaso mention this paper. Garfield Tea e < wres Constipation, lte*tore« Complexion. Saves l*>ctoa L'illa. Sample free LI UUTULDTXA CO.,2U'J\V.4£»Uist.,N.¥ . Cures Sick Headache The Fair is Coming. OUR SHOES ARE DOWN. 60 pairs of Ladies' tine Oxfords Eddys Webster's make were 2.75 now only 1.00. 200 puirs of Ladies' shoes Eddy k Webster's make hand turned and welt were 4.50 and 5.00 now only 3.75. 1 lot of Ladies' shoes hand turned were 2.25 and 2.50 now only 1.00. 1 lot of Oxfords ties only GO cts AH children's Red and tan shoes at 85 cts. were 1.00 and 1.25 1 lot Men's Cordovan welt shoes Strong IT Carrell make wero 5.50 nJW only 4.65. 1 lot Men's Freneh calf shoes Strontr & Carrell make were 4.75 now only 3.00 1 lot Men's Dongola were 2.25 now 1.65. 1 lot Men's double sole and tap were 2.00 now 1.45 All Shoes Down to Rock Bottom Prices at R()BINS BROS., S- E. corner of Diamond - - - Butler, ?n. 0° F^y|*i| COLD-HEAu Cream Balm is not a liquid, snvff or potcdcr. Applied into the nostrils it i* _ y?tickly absorbed. It els ansrx the he-id, allays inflammation, heals _ L || J. tut* or §f*t L ||n 3UC ELY BROTHERS. 56 Wa"en Street NEW YORK. DUG New York Dentists, lx>r. Sixth and Liberty sts., Kmranc on Liberty St. PITTSBURGH, PA. GOLD LIMED SETS OF TEETH SIO.OO. The regular price of these Sets is S2O to $25. Th.'so plat.-s are as desirable in rvery particular as U made of solid gold, which would cost you 150. Our prices on other work: BEST SET TEETK, SB.OO TEETH CLEANED, 750 GOLD FILLINGS, 1.00 up. 1 TEETH EXTRACTED. 250 SILVER F!' UNGS, .75 I GAS OR VITALIZED AIR. 500 CROWNS, SF.OD AND U°. Painless Extracting a Si>ccialtT. All Work Guaranteed. \ ; ~ -£S THE KING." THEN £5 A rr' rk I !! orl i " %J L, § vJ' ij-, CR? w&R T! * ROYALTY ITSELF, <;< on FELLOWSHIP is a hard thing to find. Do yon want the recipef Here it is. Get a Lottie—you 11 lind it sure. Try our Finch's Golden Wedding For s!c«lirftl and Family Clf. SI.OO per Qt; or 6 Qts. forss 00, Dougherty, Cuckenheinier. Large. Gibson, Bridgeport, Mt. Vernon. Overholt. etc. O l' It GOODS A R E WAK It A NTE D IT RE. Goods securely packed and bored without extra charge." C. 0. I). and mail orders re ceive prompt attention. "Grand Father*! Choice" :» year old is a good one, ape ha on! good quality; sells for $*- pei gallotl- ROBERT LEWIN Importer and Wholesaler, 136 Water! St. PITTSBURGH, PA, OPPOSITE B. & O. K. It. DEPOT. TO H«vr HEALTH THE LI JCB MU GSR) Cures thousands annually of Liver Com plaints, Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspep sia, Constipation. Malaria. More Ills result from an 1 ribealthy LiverthanEny other cause. Why puffer vrlien you can bo cared ? Dr. Suuford's Liver InvigoJ P for is n celebrated family medicine. vol itWitrr-UIST WILL supply YOC. • ? I I | I I ; REGULATE THE \ STOMACH, i-IVcS AMD BOWELS, j PUSSFY Tlv. | A RELI r.E!.E R' 'V ■ : ; J - ••••■«••• ; ! ♦ • .' • • ' * : | tit • i j \ .. . t : ; ? 4 8( I ! ! ' ♦ ♦ on receipt 15 ccnt3. /.ddresd 1 : THE EIFAWS CHEMICAL CO. j I U SPIICCE STUEET, SEW t(KS CITT. j W.. HI ANTED! Xt """• sVM " :r Hi —— FOII T ;us Ol'Al.irr plendld Or PC) RTUNITY _ for a li v e, energetic man. AN e oiler Bh f TER FACILITIES and Better Term: than ci or. Salary or commission. Write lor cur SpeCllll Olifl HOOKER,"GROVER & CO.. Rochester Fruit andl Established 1556. J.ochester. is EGGS FOR HATCHING From Prize Winning Birds. Cons isting ot Black Mlnorcas. err* f. per lis S. lirowr ! ruliorn, $1 per l;;; ! s. Hamburg • k- Wyaiidottes. " • l i€t J *' $2-00 per 30 Good hateli.satlsfact on fiurai.t. id h»p«le tvered to muter tree ••! el Motk t<;i Inlo In season. V> rite lor » aiti*s. I. < . Mhi It n an -• J-/A/, ur ilioiiv I'.U'l hard* WW Xurtery Sti,ck, and i"'ce ' Pctatoe-, lull and complete line. Many varieties c;;n only be obtained through us. CotnmUbi uor »al arv paid weekly, and promptly. Exclusive and choice of territory given. Don't delay, write at once for terms. ALLEN Xl'-tdEEY CO., Rochester, X. V. is an arbitrary word used to designate the only bow (ring) which cannot be pulled otT the watch. Here'stheidea [ t fjP_T! A 1 The bow has a groove I I I I on each end. A collar \ V || •! 'J runs down inside the VWJ pendant (stem) and fits into the grooves, —Q—--O —firmly locking the bow to the pendant, .1 "rsS. N so that it cannot be pulled or twisted off. It positively prevents the loss of the watch by theft, and avoids injury to it from dropping. IT CAN ONLY BE HAD with JWC, J»s. Boss Filled or other watch WiW cases bearing this trade mark All watch dealers sell them without extra cost. Ask your jeweler for pamphlet, or send to the manufacturers. Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. IFSNYc.v - Sw% EGGS FOR HATCHING. ' Rose Comb Wlitte Leehorn liens from the vara of Ed. W. Boyle, score S3. Cockerel frcm Theo. Sclield. score »•■>. single Como llrown Lephorn liens. Eureka Strain, tea (led ly Cock erel from Jas. Sterlings Strand, score ITlce sl*2s for 13 egg?. H. A. KISON. saxonbnrg. Butler Co.. l'a Grind Your Own Corn Meal. Ov:' r Shells and Corn in the i'o Hand Mill. (F. Wilson's Tat.) Circulars lree. '•Also Power and Farm Mills. Send for illustrated circulars and testimonials." 100 per et. more made in keeping poultry. Address TVILSOX BROS. Easton, Pa Fio'liting Fowls. o o Such as J, I and } Jap's, Irish Grays and Brown Reds that are game and fighters. Buft Leghorns that are fine as silk. Old pair cost $8 c last summer in England. Eggs from all kinds $3 per 13, $5 per 30. Address, for Price list, etc., J. L. BROWNLEE, Ralston, Pa. 4 Scientific American /% Agency for^^ J? TRADE MARKS, OESICN PATENTS, For information and free Handbook write to lil .N.V & CO.. 361 Biioiiwir, NEW YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by us is brought before Uie public by a notice given freo of charge in the I jlcieuttfif j^merienu Lanrast circulation of any scientific paper in the II world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, 83.00 a vear; $1.50 six months. Address MUNN A CO., V(JBU£HXli£* 301 Broadway. New York Citr. V "T T T ▼ ••THERE'S MONKT IN IT. | W 1> WANT YOU I to act as our Agent, lull or part time as able ; Permanent .position guaranted to men or wo men. Liberal pay w»ekly. Stock complete. ; liill edged specialties. Experience unnecessary. Elegant outnt free. Address. I Nurserymen. C. H. HAWKS & CO., I Established 18T5. Kochester. N. Y I WE WANT YOU to act as our agent. We furnish an expensive outfit and all you need free. It costs nothiu£ to try the business. We will treat you well, and j help you to earn ten times ordinary wages. Both • sexes of all ages can live at home and work iu j spare time, or all the time. Any oue any where can earn a great deal <>f money. Many have made j Two Hundred Dollars a Month. No class of . people iu the world are making so much money j without capital as those at work for us. lousiness i pleasant, strictly honorable, and pays better than ; nnv oilier ottered to agent-. You have a clear 1 field, with no competition We eouip you with everything, and supply printed directions for beginners which, if obeyed faithfully, will bring more money than will any other business. Im prove your prospects! Why not? You can do so easily and -urely at work for us. Keasonable industry -only necessary for absolute success. Pamphlet circular giving every particular is sent ' free to all. Delav not in sending for it. GLOK(iF. SI INSON & CO.. ifox Ni» 4Kh, l'oithm r..n ,-c ih> BEST / j . A 1 tONforall / / / Vt 4 ttJ ! '? / fr CLARK ' S L//r /f Jr Business College, \ / / ERIE. PA. Rlegant Roor.us; . rv. Methods; Kx perl* need 1 eachers. .'WKrailiiit'i - -'iohil Special silvan* Uw - :m S; or: hand a .id i y;.♦•writing. Writ*. fi.J j»talO£UC. I!. *Cla uk, 1 'res. M. SWKKT. bee BERKIMER & TAYLOR, Faneral Directors aid Embalmers, iani ond Block, next door to* Post Office, Butler, Pa., prompt attention given to orders, day or niylit. SEE These Prices on EVERGREENS 10 uoo Norway SprUiv. i to 0 inches high, S2O, 1(1000 Balsam I'lr. 1 to 8 inches high. 885. lOO.oii Arbor Vine, s to 15 Indies high , S2X. 10.000 Scotch fine. 4to 8 Inches high. Ho. over lw varieties. T. 000.000 for saie. nAnrCT TDfl'C 100.000 White Cottonwood, rUKbol IKLuOm to tj Inch. ttv<. lim.onu Yellow Cottonwood, uto 21 inch, fn«'. 100.000 ►-.itrar Maple, ito s Inch. $35. lnoo.ooo I lm. 4to lin li t'-j- We sold s.ow.w oln I*:'-'. We must sell twice as many tl;ls vear. Our nursery is ,-verstockcd « itu all varietur and sizes cf fruit •ond ornamantal trees. We - - ■' ** some of ahem out. Send lor price lists. EVERGREEN NURSERIES, Evergreen Wis, THE Leading Millinery House *— 7 W OP 3D. T. Pa.pe Arc now prepared tiT show their new line of Spring Milli nery. Beautiful beyond description. Whether you buy or not, you are welcome to come anil enjoy the beautiful and artistic display. Come for investigation and comparison. We believe buying will follow. Special Mourning Mil! inerv, also Millinery for Misses and Children. XOTICE. SAILOR IIATS 10c. T tieL argest and Leading Millinery House in Western Penn'^ All Purchases of $lO and up, Delivered Free if (rarge ftitMn d Kail's (. 100 M : .s Pittsburg, X I CjrE/ W Pet :sjlvm a lust a few Random Shots. Up and Down. Hiyh Prict Busters Tho' Head Coverings for Wee t T-. ts ard Older Folks too. l"bi iJrfu'b 30c kndnM »m --tiroiUeiy caps wilt. • n tij , tu'l lOraud lace frills, cow foi 24c each. (. bildrtti's beautifully shirred 50c lawn caps, now for 24c ca, b. Cbilrdtri»!seflitßntifuliy j.laiid s t <. i v 1.1 2c, tr.l)!e 4c each. Oavdicmdy ulytr plated lfc s:'t . i-,- per bcttlep, butter knives and $«• nt .• . i now for 12c each. K icely plated red tbtscd loc Laj»iu rings,: now for oc each. Children's i 1 .CO beautifully silver plated told lined muss, also 50c sets ot knite, fork j and spoon, choice 24c each or set. Pittsburg. DANZIGERS, Pennsylvania. __ . _ , RINGS, Diamonds teiw m* ' STUDS, I CENTS GOLD. > V (|{ I j H > ( GENTS SILVER 1-A DIES CHATL UN. tVVCiI ) Rings, Chains, Bracelet?, Etc, | Tea set.-, cantors, butter 1 rr/ji ,- i \ r »*i 1 1 n and tl.mc tlia.t iati lu; V V> ell tr | found in a Hist cLu-s fto^e, RODGIR BBOS. Mfl (SSfhJ E. GRIEB, - THE JEWELER fco. 139, North Main St., PUTLER, PA. An Unprecedented Offer! Great Value for Little Money. Weekly News of the World for a Trifle. The New York Weekly Tribune, a twenty .four pajie journal, is the loading Republican family piper ol the, United States. It is filled with interesiiu.r n-adi;»p rnattrr for every mem ber of a country family. It is a NATIONAL I' AMIIA PAI EH, at.d gives all the general news o! the United States and the world. the events of foreign lands in a nutshell. Its "'Agricultural 1 ' depart ment has no superior in the country. Its ''Market Reports" are re cognized authority in all parts of the land. It has separate departments lor - "The Family Circle', and "Our Young Folks." Its -Home Society" columns command the admiration ol wives and daugbli rs. Its general political news, editorials and (ii-cussions are comprehensive,brilliant aDd exhaustive. A special contract enables us to offer this splendid journal and THE CITIZEN" for ONE YEAR FOR ONLY #1.50, CASH IN ADVANCE, (The regular subscription price of tin* t .vo pap rs is- *2 ;<0 ) Sobfciiptions may begin at any time. Address all orders to THE CTnZEN, Write your name and nrfdress on a postal card He;)d it to Geo. >v 1> -t Room 2. Tribune Building, New Yoik City, and a sample copy THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will be mailed t< ion. Jeweli'y, Clocks, Silverware, Purchasers can save from 25 to oO per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, \o. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All "Remember our Repairing Department 20 years Experience. P&STHMAItiiZ oanu. 1.« ;-i •jin orothcnF ai TI »ut < l*- -ir« t h«* . ... tana poison vn Post*officea.> m.ul t l»>Ule 111, , ,11. . for brt-oth fur few of Mitfocan i..l ' J " " JjaiU '' um v all druggist-. OH. TAFT BROS. HEIiICIHE CO., UOCHESIER, hY. i House Furnishing Hummers Money Savers, You Bet. V n'- frui'j .'I e :1. •> ki . n«r or di Ar •: v • t avered .ie > tI: I .'■?>, LOW for 2c t«cb. 7'. i f ■ sa't 1a! y > • .now far l : 9c ea< li $i 7."i br.miul. oil stives, 'il help jou keep the hoi a j cool, now for 47c each. Curtains, Linens, &c., Every body's L'argains. >2.i 2, 3.('<> at <1 4.(0 i andtome li ce ci r tains, and they're fell 3 raid* long too, new f< < !V. tl a pair. c Gcriran table limns, .s, now for 25, 33,35», 44, ami j4 •« J. id and £!? c each. 12, 15, 16.18 and 80c ill I«> towels i< r 5 I l', 10,11, 124 at> d lt'.c each. I Exceedingly and bar dsomely rich £2.00,2.50, I 2.75, 3.50, 4. 00, (Ml ti.OO lac* led self. now for !': : c, >1.24, I.3'i, 1.74, 1.9!), 2.4!' :cd I 2.99 a set.