TELE CITIZEN FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8.1593- XmtmU »t a* Batler m M tUm ** tUr ——— 1 yn .nl C. RSUI. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. FOB JTVGI •» Till SCFBEBK COCBT. DATTD JT. Flit. .... Of Philadelphia. FOB STAT* TBIABCBEB. BAM TEL M. JACXSOJ Of Armstrong Co. REPUBLICAN COUNTY TICKET FOB HHKBIFF.- G - CAKPBIL o'f Oakland twp. FOB IKKTSI 15# BECOBPEB. J. 8. "WICK, Of BUTIIB. FOB FBOTBOSOTABT. GAMTEL M. SBATOB, . Of Marion twp. FOB cocrrr TBBASIBEB. JOE* T. MARTI*, J Of Buffalo twp. FOB CLEBB OF COCBTS. JOSEPH CBISWBIX. Of Butler twp. FOB COTSTI COBBISSIOXEBH. Sinni W. McCOLIorGH, Of Faimew twp. RICHARD KKLLY, Of Venango twp. FOBCOCSTT AT DIT«BS. Jon* IT- ALLISO*, 4 Of Centre twp. ROBERT H. YGC*O, Of Clay twp. FOB COBOXEB. GRORGR'M. G*AHAM, Of Qonnoquenessing twp A National Currency Only. The itch to revive State bank currency has evidently taken a deep hold, and those nnder its influence are industrious in ■pTeading it. The conference at Washing ton shows that it has gained foothold in high places and will probably be the lead ing i*sue before the country when silver purchase repeal is out of the way. Senator Quay is confident that a State bank currency would be safe in Pennsyl vania. Others are certain it would be per fectly safe in Maasachusetts. New York, Ohio and other States whose legislators are wise enough to appreciate that the In terests of the people are best served by a sound and honest currency. But the peo ple of Pennsylvania, XewlYork, Ohio. Massachusetts do business not only in their own States but in West Virginia, Kansas, Tennessee and Texas. They sell goods there; they are interested in railroads lo cated there; they have other investments there, and tbey must accept in payment of their claims the current money of the peo ple they do business with. The business of this country is not bounded by State lines and it needs for iU prosperity a currency that does not change in value at State lines. The currency should be uniform and pass without question or discount over the country. That State banks cannot provide such currency is the fatal objection to their assuming again this function. It is possible that three-fourths of the States of the Union would provide a safe bank currency, but what is needed is a guaranty that the other fotrth will do equally well. It will not no to say, as same do, that the matter will regulate it self, because a State that is negligent and allows the issue of unsound currency would soon suffer by the rejection of its bank notes and the impairment of its credit. So it would, but those who do business with it would suffer also. This fear of injuring the State's credit did not hinder the multiplica tion of wild-cat banks forty years ago. It has not prevented a scaling down and par tial repudiation of States' indebtedoees in the present generation. States are not al ways wisely guided. Some of them seem always ready to pursue a present advantage regardless of the future. That such States will not permit wild-cat banking and the issue of unsafe currency, if unrestricted, is a danger—a grave, immediate and inevit able danger—which attends the carrying out of the Democratic platform demands for the repeal ol the national tax on Stale bank currency. This danger Is clearly recognized by some of those who, nevertheless, are eager for a State bank currency, and thus have busied themselves to find a device to meet it. In the report of the conference held in Washington on Saturday at the Treasury building, it is suggested that the Govern ment retain a quasi control over the new currency, even print the notes and con tinue the United State* examination. The beneficiaries are to be State banks, and they will be allowed to take currency on the security of State, municipal and other bonds which meet the approval of the Government authorities, the United States to stand good for the redemption of the cur rency in gold. We do not see why this should be called a State bank currency, since the States have nothing to do with it but charter the banks. If a matured proposal for a State bank currency comes from the Treasury Department we are certain it will take a different form than this. If it is agreod that it is safe to issue a bank currency on a security inferior to national bonds there is no reason why the banks taking and issu ing this currency should not be national banks, except the old Democratic hostility to things national and preference for the adjective State. If the National Govern ment is to provide the new bills and indorse them, we see no reason why it should turn them over to State institutions, when it al ready has a splendid system of its own ready to take them and put them into in slant circulation. The money of the Constitution is gold and silver, and that is put securely and wholly into the hands of the National Government. Experience has shown that a bank currency is a convenient and valu able ally of the Government's coined cur rency, and the experiences of thirty year* contrasted with many painful decades be fore »how that it is uniformly safe and efficient when under national control and fluctuating and uncertain when left to the States. We want no Rhode Island or Oregon currency in this country, but a national currency, whether gold, silver or paper, of equal value in Maine and in Tex as, having behind it the mintage or in dorsement of the t'nited States of Amer ica.—l'rmi. SKCRKTARY MORTON remind* the croak em that only ai.out 3 per cent of all the merchants escape failure, wherea* hardly 3 per cent of the farmers fail. The stalls tic* really show that agriculture in Dafer than ba-iking, manufacturing, or railroad ing, taking all thing* into account. There in no farmer of good sense and good health Anywhere in the west, Mr. Morton declares, declares, who cannot make a good living for himself and family, and that is an well as the majority ot men are doing in any other pnrsuit. The man who own.'! a farm and sticks to it is certain to profit by it in the future. There is practically no more land to be added to the area .if cultivation. The supply of agricnlturarl products has reached its limit in the Unit ed States, and mast now remain stationary, while the demand will go on increasing every year. This implies* a gradual im provement in prices, ami a steady appreci ation of the valne of farming lands. AN Impress train dashed through a bridge near Springfield, Mass., last Thors day. Kit teen people were instantly killed and several so badly injnred that they have since died. Some of the Causes. In his late speech in the Senate Cham l.r- of the United States, Senator Sherman sjtwka as follows: He said that the immediate question before the Senate was whether or not the United State* would suspend the purchase of silver bullion under the act of July.lS9o. It was to decide that question that the President had called Congress together in special session. If that were the only reason for the extraordinary session it would seem to him insufficient. The mere addition of 18,000,000 ounces of silver to ♦he mass of silver in the Treasury and the addition of 140,000,000 Treasury notes to the thousand millions outstanding would hardly justify the call. The call was justi fied, however, by the existing financial stringency, growing out of the fear that the United States would open its *rints to the free coinage of silver. This was the real issue. The gravity of it could not be stated in words. If the single standard of gold were had, without the aid of the sil ver, the relations between capital and la bor would be disturbed, the industries of the country crippled, and the valae of sil ver still further reduced. On the other hand, if the purchase of 54,000,000 ounces of silver per year were continued the United States would be eventually brought to a single standard of silver." On one thing Congress and the country agreed. That was that these two extreme conditions should be avoided, and that both gold and silver should be continued in use as money, as measures of value Monometallism, pure and simple, had never gained a foothold in the United Stateo. The free coinage of silver meant a single stanard of silver. It meant a reduc tion of the wages of labor —not in the num ber of dollars, but in the quantity of bread and meat and other necessaries of life that It would purchase. It the repudiation of a portion of all debts, public and and private. It meant a bounty to ail the banks and savings institutions and trust companies. The problem which Senators had to solve was how to procure the largest use of gold and silver without de monetizing either. Mr. Sherman went on to give a history of the circumstances which led up to the passage of the act of July 1890. It was a far better law, he said, than the bill whicft the House had tnen passed, or the bill which the Sen ate had passed. Senators who criticized it ought to remember that it was subßt itute for a bill of the House and for a bill of the Senate, either of which would have been more dangerous in its results than the law of 1890 was. The President of the United States was not jus tified in ascribing to that law the present financial stringency. If the Preident had taken a broader view of the cause of the stringency it would have been easy for him to explain it. There wa 8 among the nations of the world one great creditor na tion which held American bonds and se curities in various forms to the amount of thouaands of millions. It was a country which had not been invaded by a foreign foe for 500 years. Its insular position was it* safety. It was a nation of intelli gent people, which commanded the com merce of the world and whose flag floated on ever 7 sea. Americans should not be ashamed of that people; should not hate or dislike them, because Americans were their children and possessed very much of the qualities of the parent stock. England was the great creditor; but England in its vast enterprises, had become involved in difficulties since the passage of the act of 1890. It had investments amounting to hundreds of millions in the Argentine Con federation. By some sudden collapse in those investments the great banking house of the Barings was toppling to iU fall, when the bank of England and the other banking houses came to its rescue and ob tained money from France and other coun tries of Europe. The immediate result of that was that the American securities were sent home for sale; and their proceeds in gold were shipped back to pay the losses of Great Brittain in the Argentine Confeder ation. The United State* was a great and rich aßd powerful country; but it was a new country Its wealth was not in gold and silver, not even in bonds and mort gagee to be sold abroad. Its "wealth was in its mines, its farms, its workships its railroads. These were its sources of wealth, but these were also its danger, because they could not be developed without going into debt; and that debt might he demand ed any lime, and would have to be paid in gold or silver or something else. Following the Argentine trouble the fail ure* of the Australian banks came; and the same process of sending American securi ties for sale went on, with the same result. Gold wa* withdrawn from the United States. Other causes had combined to pro duce the existing trouble. At the time that those experiences were going on, Austria, Hungary, Itoumania and several other countries In Europe were changing from a paper and silver standard to a gold stand ard. Tbey had made demand* for gold through Englisn bankers; and the later had bad to sell American securities in order to get the gold. There has been still another trouble. For the first time in many years the balance of trade had been turned against the United States last year. Hitherto the balance had been in favor of the United States to the amount of $50,000,000, $100,000,000 and sometimes $200,000,000. The last fimtal year the balance of trade was against the United States to the ainountof $18,735,000. Whether it would be so next year no one could tell. He believed that with the crops now ripening the balance of trade would probably be in favor of the ('nitcd States this year; and bo believed that the forced economy which always followed a panic would be, of itself, a protection against annsual ai.d unncessary imports So he hoped that next year thnr*> would be no difficulty in the matter of tlance of trade. It seemed to him that the President of the United States, with his broad concep tion of public affairs, should hare stated that the existing depression did not arise from the purchase of 4,500,000 ounces of silver bullion per month; bat that it hal come from causea as apparent as the sky, as broad as the firmanent, as open to the eye of every man as the sun or the moon The eroneous idea had been created in the public mind that that small measure (the act of IHM) had produced results with which it had DO connection. lint nevertheless, the situation was on the country, and Congress had got to deal with that situation, not with the act of iH'JO. Something had been said by the Senator from Colorado (Mr. Teller) about the loss on the bullion purchased under the act of IHUO. The average prico paid for it was 74$ cents per ounce and the loss, calculated on the value of tilver to day, was 1f22,345,35<i. It would bo remembered that Treasury notes had been issued for the 150,000,000 ounces of silver purchased to the amount of its cost; that no interest was paid on these notes, and that they had been used by the people as current money. "Snppose," said Mr. Sherman, "thatthis provision had not been made in 1890. Suppose that we had been compelled to face the storms whieh followed 181H)—the buses by investments in the Argentine Republic, the failure of Australian banks, and these other troubles—without having any increase of currency. Who can tell whbt the result might have been T Sup pose the Sherman law hail not been on the statute book, and who can tell what would have been the consequences to this coutry from the great depressing facts which 1 have mentioned ? Sir, give the devil his due. The law of IHIKJ may have many faults: but I stand by it yet; and i will defend it, not as a measure of good public policy, not as a measure of i;ood in which 1 take any pride (because I was yielding to dire necessity), but because without it we would have met difficulties iu 1991 and which would have staggered as much mere than *h»> passing breeze of the honr. \V< might have had a financial storm for ,» mouth or even a year, growing out of causes entirely diilurent from the causes assigned by the President. Political. Allegheny Co. politics will, as usual, be interesting this Fall. At a meeting in City Hall last Thursday evening, a Fusion or Independent county ticket was nomi nated as follows: For Sheriff. W. 0. Kus sell; for Clerk of Courts, Jno. J. 'Walker: for Treasurer, Jno. D. McFarland; for Re corder, Wm. C. Irwin; lor Register, H. E. Armstrong; for Controller, Jas. A. Grier. foriCommissioners, Alex Gi'fillan and A. il. Swartz; for District Attorney, Jno. F. Miller, for Director of the Poor, S. D. Kearns. Maj. M. A. Woodward presided, and in the long list of Vice Presidents we notice the names of Thomas M. Marshall, A. M. Brown, Albert Joha ston, and others who are well known in this county. The regular candidates for the Judiciary, and County Controller were endorsed by the meeting. Tuesday evening the Democratic Con vention nominated the following ticket: Judge—Common pleas No., 2, Levi Bird Duff: common pleas Xo. 1. George P. Hamilton. Sheriff—W. O. Russell. Register—Harry E. Armstrong. Recorder —Alex. Wilson. Clerk ol courts—Thomas Johnston. Treasurer —Conrad Auth. Controller —James H. Grier. Commissioner —D. J. Boyle. Assistant district - attorney Marx Schmitt. Col. Jackson, of Apollo received an im mense oration from his neighbors upon his return home from Harrisburg last Thurs day. Tiu Seienti/ic American says that the beautiful white buildings of the Exposition are to be sold as junk. They are soon to be advertised and knocked down to the highest bidder. About the only things of fotnre use in them are the iron and steel arches and timbers. It is thought that not more than $1,000,000 can be realized from the auction. The Manufactures and Liberal Arts building, which #1,600,000, and which has $500,000 in arches alone, will of necessity, it is belived, be given to the man who will tear it down and carry the material away. The magnitude of the undertaking will be revealized wLen it is stated that each arch contains twenty car loads of steel, all the peices being firmly rivited together. The salvage on the ad ministration building will also be very small. The Mines building, on the con trary, is regarded as a more favorable pros pect. The steel arches arc much lighter than those of almost any other building on the ground, and could be taken down and set up again for a large workshop or facto ry. They would also be available for a depot of moderate size. AWD now there is a consulting of diction aries in the kite shaped track district of Erie and Crawford. The New York Sun nays that Mr. Sibley its representative, "is only one of thoae freaks and saltimbancoes of politics who are damped into Congress for iU sins, strut and grimace before the galleries for a term, and are heard and heard of no more." The meaning of "sal. timbancoes" is what they are hunting and they are finding with more or less satisfac tion that it is an Italian word meaning a mountebank ot quack, and the majority of the poeple will, with one accord, agree that though its meaning is not generally known its application was happily made bjy the Democratic Sun to the Democratic kite track statesman. SKSATOR CAMEBOS'S vote has been put down as doubtful on the question of the re peal of silver purchaser but he dispels all uncertainty by announcing that his mind is unchanged on the silver question and that he will vote against the repeal of silver purchases. The Philadelphia I'rrts remarks this is about what should have been expected from Cameron. He and his State long ago parted company in interest and sympathy, but for reasons not neces sary now to go into ha is still permitted to misrepresent it in the Senate. CoS<I«K*»MA!« SIBLKY io hia speech be fore Congrefte on the silver repeal a few days since, avowed his Jeffersonian Demo cracy, with that of several other kinds. But his Erie organ, the Herald, point* out that Mr. Jefferson in 1805 put a per emptory stop to the free coinage of silver dollars, and none were coined for thirty ono years. In view of the variety of claims for this brand of Democracy one can well exclaim, "Oh, JefTerson! what dernagogaery is practiced iu thy name. Tun great storm that raged along the Atlantic coant, beginning on Snnday the 27th, nit., did more damage than was at firit reported. Later reports estimated the deaths along the coasts of the Carolina* at 000; with 8000 people made homeless. AT 1 o'clock last Friday morning, the great Home Rule fight in the English House of Commons was ended by the pan sage of Gladstone's bill by a vote of 301 to 267. TKS MiLLins admission tickets to the World's Fair grounds have already been sold, and it is expected thatasmany more will bo paid for before itclosos—November stb. KVRI» the Democratic papers acknowl edge that our state ticket is unassailable After 41 Years. One day last week an old Hutler cointy boy, or man rather, came into the CITI/.KS office He spoke to ns, naming us. We replied by saying we thought we had seen him before, but that he had the advantage of us, as to bis name. A fter keeping ns in suspense for a while he revealed himself as Martin McCandless. Mr McCandless is a brother to ex-Sheriff Abraham McCandless. yet living near Hutler, of George McCandless, livinit here, ol John McCandless, late of near Mt. Chestnut, dec'd, ami of Washington Mc ('andless late of this place, deo'd. They were all born aud raised a short distance east of Butler. In 1852 Martin left home lor California in search of gold. He was successful there and has followed gold and silver mining as a business ever since. As the new States in the West sprang up he went to them. In Montana he mined sue cessfully. At present ho is located in Idaho where he owns one silver mine and has a half interest in another one. These mines have been shut down because of the trouble about and low price ol silver, and for the first time be takes occassion to re visit the scenes of his early days. He was never married and is a well preserved healthy looking man The story of bis life since he has left Hutler, 41 years ago, sounds more like romance than reality. He is a very pleasant man in his manners, level headed, honest and trutnful, and just such a man as would likely get along well in the wild and woolly west among rough and all kinds of characters. He would command their respect by his fair ness ami mildness as well as by his cour age and bravery. His old friends here were glad to again see him. J. H. X. Attention ! Attention !! The Second Annual Convention of the Hutler County Christian Endeavor Union will be held in Centerville, Wednesday and Thursday, September, 13-14. The meeting will be full of interest, and we hope the various societies of the county will be well represented. Many important subjects will be discussed; come prepared to »ake part In these discussions, but espe cially the 'Devotional Exercises.'" Come with news items of work in your society. (Opportunity will be given for "Ono minute reports from local societies. The address on Thursday evening will be given by Kev. W. H. McMillen, D. D. lof Allegheny, an earnest advocate of the cause. The Convention will closi with a Conse cration service lead by our State Secretary, Vlr. William 8. Ferguson, of Philadelphia. Christian Endeavor Edition of Gospel llymns, No. 0 will be used. All those having books please bring them. Excursion rates on railroads bave been secured from Batter. Bo sure and attend this convention, September 1314. REV. KM MJI.LKH, Pres. UIHH LOTTA IS. WlliTß, See. Rev. Critchlow Defends Himself. EDITOR CITIZKX: During my travels fh Pennsylvania, Ohio, and West Virginia, proselyting and work ing on a genealogical record of my an cestors, I hare mad* the acquaintance of a Seat many people in all sphere? of life, om the learned congressman down to the humbler collier: and many of them I hold as my deanst friends: but I had tp break down the barriers ot prejudice before I could approach them on any subject per taining to Utah and the Mormons.and w:tl. that obstacle out of the way. I had no trouble in convincing them that the "Mormons" as they are called are not what their enemies have represented them to be but just to the contrary. It has been traditioned in a great many people to dislike the Mormon people and the old adage applies to them very nicely, which is: "We hate some people because we don't know them and we won't know them because we hate them," and there are thoa»ands of people who can give no better reason for disliking the Mormons other than they dislike them because they don't know them. It has been the custom of their huemies to lay every mean, con temptable thing that has been done any where aroL d a Mormon settlement to this people, and I lind that the same evil spirit prevails to a certain extent in But ler county where I have labored for several months,but I must confess that the people of that county have, as a rule treated me with due respect, but to show you that there are exceptions to all rules I have only to relate the following scandal which actually took place soon alter I left that country. . .. Many of your readers will remember the time I delivered several lectures in the Huselton's Hall, Bulier, on "Utah and the Mormons" well shortly after that time a Mr. Critchlow, of Butler, eloped with a voung ffirl but was subiiecjnently captured and repremanded, I was in West \ irginia at the time and remember reading an ac count of the elopment in the Pittsburg papers, and in a letter I received from a friend in Butler county a few days later I was surprised to learn that some disreput able person or persons had reported that I was the Critchlow that did the crime, and to make it worse they reported that I took the girl to Utah, to make her my wife or one of mv wives, I forget which; and many who were unfortunate enough not to know anything about the case readily be lieved I was the person and my friends who knew where I was had a bard time in convincing some of my innocence, but when I made my appearance the second time the originators of the scandal which was not only a libel on me but the whole Mormon people looked, to use an old ex pression very sheepish. The Mormons have been accused of everything that occurs on the calander of crime but "by their fruits ye shall know them;" il any person will take pains to study up the character of these people they will find that their record for morality is far better than the majority of the world and their industry and frugality has been an ensign unto the industrial world for forty years and as to their education I have only to refer yoa to the statistics of the United States whioh places them among the foremost states in the Union in education notwithsaanding the age of the Territory, and for their religion, with polygamy abandoned, they are as liberal minded a~ any sect fir denomination should be, and to prove the assertion w ill refer you to eleventh article of their laith which is "We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own concience and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship bow, where or what they may," and in short they believe in "living and let live ' and I would to God that all people, both re ligions and secular, believed the same thing, then there would be less Buffering to-day throughout country. Hoping that these people who are not wise forjudging a matter before they have beard it will bear in mind the injunction of the Savior "Judge not that ye be not judged, for with what judgment ye judge ye shall be judged and with what measure ye mete it shall be measured to you again. T remain very respectfully ELDER JOHX L. CIIBITCHLOW Petersvilfe Items. The colored campmeeting is over and things went off quiet. Didn't have any conversions. Moses Snyder one of our most energetic young men met with ft sad accident lant Friday while helping Milt Cress to erect a building at Glade Kun. While standing on a stick, it rolled and fell about eleven feet and dislocated his shoulder and bruis ed his hip very badly, but he is getting along as well as can be at present. Con. Nick las and his mother were called to Wooster, Ohio, last week to attend the funeral ot Mrs. Hoffman, a sister of Mrs, Nicklas. Mrs. Niekias will visit a lew weeks in Ohio. Mrs. Fry who has been sick since last spring is not so well at this writing. Kev. M. H. l'aronnagian a native of Cappadocift in Asia Minor, gave the Pet ersville people a very interesting lecture on last Wednesday evening, and it was well attended. Collections were s<>.lß His lecture-i are worth hearing and should be patronized by all. 1 tIITDKRWRITISR. Fairview Items. Mrs. J. C. Hill and daughter, Mrs. W. Lay. with her two children went to Oil City Tuesday of this week. They visited just one week here in Fairview. Miss May Wilson will leave next Mon day for Grove City where she will study music. John Knox who wa<i at J. A. Wilson s, John Clark's and John Hire's return ed on last Monday to the Orphan's Home in Allegheny City. Flossa Scott went with her sisters, Mrs. N*. Rankin and Mrs. Wm. Aiken to the World's Fair 09 last Monday, John Dailey who has been operating in the Clarion oil fields came home on last Monday. A new Hock of goods just recived at C. Scott's. ltev. McClnre's sermon on lad Sabbath night was excellent, and was considered beyond that of Iter. I)ewit Talmage's. He will preach in the Presbyterian Church here on Sabbath night September 17th. i»Hs'r. Hctrolia Items. Mrs. S. A. Harper and sister of North Hope, were the guest of Mi.n May Cu*ick on Monday of this week. Mr. It. Starr have moved into his new Htore on Main street this week. He has the nicest store room in town. Engliah A Venue! haa opened up their new good* and are ready to waii on their old cnntoiner* and nil the now one* that may come. ilr. and Mr* ilite drove ov«r from Butler lttnt Babbath night to Mr*. Hite'* father, Mr. .1 . Ilolliday. Mr. llolliday in very low at tbia writing. *• A Card. EDITOR RI;TI.KK CITIZK.*. I re-'i'ient the u*e of your colutn* to tender the hearty thank* of myaelt and family to my Comrade! ot the iHth Keg. I'n. Vol. Inf. for their action in meeting u* when we arrived in Butler on Wednesday la*t to commit to mother earth the mortal remairiH of wife ami mothr.. Thene brave men were my comrade* in war and I am prond to nay they have con tinued to he my comrade* In peace. "A friend in need l* a friend indeed." The warm gra*p of the hand* which no nobly carried the musket through three yearn and mure of terrible war. with the kind word* of sympathy did much to f,elp me bear the great Horrow which bore me down that day. May the great Father long forefend your home*, my comrade*, from the bitter cup now placed to our lip*. If -be whom we mourn could *peak, you well know how lovingly *he would thank you lor thu* honoring her memory. AUCINNALB BLAKKLKY. Washington Note». On Thur*day the *ilver debate wa* be gun in the Senate by Senator Wolcott of Colorado, who xcored Voorhee* unmerciful ly, and who did not. *paio Mill. In the IfotiHe, that day,the Hilver men by a trick, ■ecured a nlight change of rule*, and the fight over the rule* continued next day. In the .Senate Friday, Voorhee* a*ke<l for a vote on the Senate nab*tituto for the Wilxon bill, and thin brought on a tli*cu* *ion that la*ted till the end of the day* NDflHion. Farm for Sale. nituated In lirooord iwp., Butler Co., Fa., containing 11* acre*. iri<mlly cleared, balance In UH od timber, two lioiiw*. barn an<l all nere*<iu ry outbDlMlnga lu good repair, will wll all or half to ault purchaser. at ono-thlrd !>•** than real value. Inquire of or audreaa, A. W. HI A Kit. Hooker, Bullet Co.. Ifc NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. Dixmont is overcrowded, and eighteen patients were removed to the City Farm at Homestead last Friday. Dixmont was built to accommodate 600 patients and there are now nearly 800 in it. Three men were trapped by a fire in one of the Berwind White Coal Co's. mines at Punxsutawuey laet Thursday, and smoth ered to death. In a coal mine near Connelsville, last Friday, a coal miner dug a frog out of the coal, which came to life ten hours after. At Clarion, Friday, J as. McKenna was acquitted of the charge of murdering J. W. Crawford. Lewis Raymond: of Jennette, while cleaning bis shotgun the other day took the precaution to keep the gun pointed towards his wife instead of himself. result was that the charge that should have killed the fellow that "didn't know it was loaded," struck Mrs. Raymond on the leg inflicting an ugly and painful wound. While carelessly handling a rusty pistol in a back yard of his home in Bellwood. a town seven miles east of Altoona, Alfred Pelt accidently shot Maud Smith, his sister i n-law. She is a child aged four years. The weapon was a one-barreled affair, with which he was shooting mark. The bullet lodged in the child's heart, killing her instantly. Silas Baur, a farme of Huntingdon coun ty, last week had a singular and painful ex perience. Distrustful of banks, he drew out several hucdered dollars he possessed from the banks, and then hid his treasure in the lining of his coat. Then he went out to work in a field and hung his coat upon a gate post. There the coat was espied by a multitude of hungry grasshoppers and badly eaten by them. The grasshoppers bored holes through the greenbacks, and the fsrmer has been compelled to send the fragments of his money to Washington to secure new bills. The money was mutilat ed almost beyond redemption. Mr. Bauer says when he recovers his money he will put it in the bank. Some weeks ago a travelling medicine company went into Clearfield county and stocked the county up with itscureall. Then the company set abont to get certificates of its healing powers. One man. who receiv ed $5 for his'interest in testifying to the merits of the medecine, had his picture printed in a book of testimonials over bis signture, and with a story saying he was a sound and well man from the use of the medicine. Some kind neighbor found the picture and certificate as printed, and, being of a public spirit, sent it to the Pension Com missioner at Washington in the hope of saving the Government some money. In a few days the man who had certified to his excellent physical condition and perfect health received notification from the the Pension Office that his name, which had previously been good for a quarterly stip end, had been droped from the rolls. DEATHS' WILSON—At his home in Monroeville, Tuesday, Aug. 29, 1893, of general de bility, William Wilson aged "1 years. EPPERT— At his home in Adams twp., Aug. 29, 1893, Edward, son of George Eppert. BARNES—Sept. 3, 1893, infant child of Harry Barnes, of Butler, aged C months. KELLY—At hor home in Oakland two., Sept. 2, 189'!, wife of Cornelius Kelly, of Oakland twp., aged C 8 years. LAPHAM—At his homo in Butler, Sopt. 4. 1893, Chas. It., son of C- K. Laphatn, aged 3 years. McMEHAX—At his home in Fairview twp., September 4, 1893, Henry Me- Mehan. JOHNSTON—September 4, l&Ki, Arthur, son of S. C. Johnston, of Hutler twp., aged 1 year. HAJCLKTT—At bis homo in Hutler, Sept 0, 1H93, James Hazlett, aged about 90 years. FUIJLEKTON —August 25th, 1893, Myrtle, infant daughter of James Ful lerton,aged Hj months. TIIOKX—At his residence in Allegheny, September 5, 1893, A. C. Thorn, aged about 57 years. OBITUARY BOTES. Ex-Chief Justice Isaac G. Gordon died at his home in Hrookville, Monday. He bad been ill of gastric catarrh for several months but his condition was not deemed critical until last Wednesday. I Vote for Hood's For I am satisfied It M f a " remedy, I 1 I'iivc been a minister of J V the M. F- church 40 / 7f* WIW \ years, and liavc suffered 111 A late years with rbeu- II n and djm pep -11 J **"• slnPO four J bottles of Hood's the rheumatism Is entirely cured, iriy appetite Is r-*- good, food digests well, and I have trained several pounds." REV. W. K. PtTFTEii, Elehford, Vt Hood's Cures Hood's Pills euro biliousness. 2R,c. a box. (BraciAb Oouusrb«cxiicx.) The time aptly designated the Fall Festivities Season, was inaugurated by ths opening of the Fifth Annual Exhibi tion of the (Jreat Pittsburgh Exposition, en the evening of September 6th. This pre-eminently successful institu tion, is very popular with the poople of Pittsburgh snd vicinity, its attractions 1 are alwaysof the highest order and never fail to pleaee the hundreds of thousands of visitors who patronise it each season. Its average yearly attendance is fivo hundred thousand persons during the forty days it is open. Thewe figures WE abundant evidence of its popularity. The opening this season was even a more pronounced success than ever before. The announcement was made, that tho E public would be admitted at Bv. in., but ">efore that hour, thousands of aiix isitors wers clamoring for admission, /thing in readiness, the man agement anticipated the time set for the opening by nearly one hour. A stream of jolly, jubilant patrons, poured in the {rest buildings, and those who felt music lly inclined, quickly occupied the seats in the vicinity of the bunJ stand, in an ticipation of the appearance of the famous Brooks band, anil the ever popular Black I'stti. When they appeared, these public favorites were greeted with tumultous ap plause by the immense audience, who clearly showed their appreciation, as the concert progressed, of both the band and singer. The buildings presented a lmn<lsomo appearance throughout, the exhibits are costly and in g'Kjd taste, some of the displays being unusally elegant. The decorations are new and in harmony with the surroundings. Spanish and American colors predominating. The visitors clearly showed by their actions that they were gratified and pleased, and the Fifth Expositiou with all its pleasant features has become an accompllined flu*. I lA*HIS. 02^/ \Bakintgf /7i , A cream of tartar baking powder. High nut nf all in leavening strength. /ul< nl Unitcil Shihn Oortirnmmt Food Jtaport. Royal Baking Powder Co., 10ft Wall St.. N. Y. —Subscribe for tho LITIZEK, tbo best Weekly Paper in the county. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Administrators and Executors ot estates can secure their receipt books at the CITI- ! ZE» office. Notice. Ludwlg Dreler, Trustee Common Pleas Court vs. i ot Armstrong County Brady's Bend Iron Co. No- -T3 June Term. l99o et al Armstrong Co..Pa. The sale of six thousand acres ot coal lands and improvements, ordered t>y the aforesaid Court. In the above entitled action, partleularlv descrlbed in an advertisement Tor sale on the third day of July. 1803, published In the •'Union rree Press" of Klttannlng. Pa., June 9th. the -East Brady Review" of June sth, and the BCTI.KR C'ITIZKS of June»th, lsyj, and adjourned to Tuesday, August first. 1893. at three o'clock of said day at the door ot the Court House. In the Borough of Klttanntng. Penn'a., is adjourn ed to take place on September l"th. 1593 .at two o'clock of said day at the door of said court House. flarwood R. Pool, Jos Pool. 2» Pine St. N. Y. Clty.Orr Buffington, Klttanrlng. Pa.. Attor neys and Counsel for Plaintiff, ar.d Ludwlg Dreier, Trustee, Williams Ashley, so" Broad way, New York City. Att'ys. for Walton Fer guson. Trustee. Administrators' Notice. * etters of Administration.C. T.A.,on the ejtate of Nicholas King.dee'd.,late of Con cord twp, Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersiened, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said es tate will please vnake immediate payment, and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to MART KIXG, Adm'x., J as. N. Moore. Peach ville P. 0., Att'y, Butler Co., Pa. Dissolution Notice (Pump,.Pa., July 22, 1893.) Notice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing between James McXees and Lizzie Hall known as the firm of James McXees <fc Co. Manufacturers of Stoneware, was this day dissolved. "All accounts will be received and settled by James McNees senior member of the firm, at the above mentioned place where the business will be conducted by H. L. Mc- Xees for whom we would solicit your pat ronage in the future. JAMES MCXEES, LIZZIE HALL. Administrator's Notice. Letters ot Administration on the estate of W. L. Young dee'd. late of Summit twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them duly authenticated without delay to E. E. YOUNG, Diamond Bl'k. Butler, Pa. Administrators' Notice. ESTATE OF WILLIAM 11URTNEU. Notice is hereby given that letters of ad ministration on the estate of William Burt ner, dee'd, late of Clinton township , Butler county. Pa., have been granted to the under signed. to whom all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delay. L.S. LARDIN, E. WESTERMAN, Administrates. Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary having been grant ed to the undersigned on the entato of Christopher Rider, dee'd., late of Oakland twp., Butler county, Pa ,all persons know ing themselves indebted to naid cHtnte will please make immediate paymont, and any having claims against the same will pre sent them duly authenticated for settle ment to SYLVANUS AGGAS, Ex'r., G. W. Fleeger, Greece City, P». Att'y. Executors' Notice. Letters testamentary on the estate of Henry Wolford, dee'd, late of Slippery rock twp., Butler Co., Pa.: having been granted to the undesigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to SARAH WOLFOBK, Ex'rx J. N. Mooro, Of Henry Wolford, dee'd, Att'y. Slippcryrock P. 0. Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Nannie C Wick, dee'd., late of the bor ough of Butler, Butler Co., Penn'a..all per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate paymont, and auy having claims against same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to. WALTER E. WICK, Adm'r., A. M. CORN KLIUH, Butler, I'a. Att'y. COMMISSIONERS' SALE OK UNSEATED LAND. I On Monday, Septemper 25th. 1893, at 10 I o'clock A. M., at the Commissioners' office, Butler, I'a„ we will expose at public ihe following properly for taxes, viz: ALLEGHENY TWP. 13 acres, sold as the property of J E Jolly. lirTLKH BOKO. One-half acre sold as the property of C C Sullivan. Ix>ls Nos. 2, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 10, so #s the property of Moses Sullivan. CHERRY TWP. 9 House and lot, sold as the property of Win McAfee. 10 acres, sold as the property of Smith A 1 Daffy. , 110 acres, sold as the property of Sam I McMurry. CONCORD TWF. 20 acres, sold as the jiroperty of Allen Wilson (taxes 18^8). 20 acres, sold as the property 61 Allen Wilson 'taxes IH!#0). CONKCMJOKSEHHINO TWI*. n acrts, sold as the property of II <' Anderson. FA litv IK w liolto. One acre, sild as the property of Jaeob Dufford. JEFFERSON TWF. One lot, sold a« thi property of James Kerr, I'AKK I'.LL TWF. 10 ai res, s i'd ss the properly of J Fuller < taxes 18H8;. 10 acres, sold as the property of J C Fuller (taxes 1890). One acre, sold »s the property of W II Parks. One acre, sold m the property of Gillespie A Co. VKNASOO TWI". 3!l acres, sold as the properly of Theodore Kelly. <ls acres, sold as the property of Alex flriceland. WASHINGTON TWF. •Seven acres, sold as the properly of .1 Is Turner. ISO acres, sold as the property of Mercer M iuing Company. Also, at sarne time and plane, will exp»se to sale the follow ing pieces of land: Alle gneny twp.,24 acre* of Wm Andersonjßutler twji, 2. r » acres of John Graham; Hutler horo, 2 lots, one of (ieorge Harver anil one of Thomas Fsnnel; ( uncord twp, 'I acres of Oeorge Oreer (or Kerr>, lid acres il' Allen W'ilson, 8 acres of McKlbben A ( ■■ au I 11 acres of (Jnited Phie Liues, Clearfield twp, one lot of James Hick, Iwo seres of I'rentiss A Wheeler; Fairview twp, l-'W acres ol J A Jack, one lot of T J Dinsmore, one lot of Thomas Watson ami one lot of John Hheak ley; Jefferson twp, one lot of J H Jackson, one lot of Frank (,'ypher, one lot of Hamuel Gray, one lot of Frank liaughertv, one lot of James t'annon and one lot of reter Bing ham; U liters town horo, one lot ol Michael Hhakley, one lot of Mrs. lot of Mrs. W Howls and one lot of I'i Gronsman; (ink land twp, one lot of Theodore lluselton, one lot of Joseph Jack arid *»IJ acre-- of * onley and Hutton; I'arkertwp, 15 acres of George Ward, Id acres of J C Fuller,and three acres of James Htabl; Petrolia h'iro, Iwo acres of It H Oarnpliell and two acren of Bahbett llrod; Venango twp, (»(» acres of O W Hmith; Washington twp, H ai-res of I. (' McMahan, one hal acre of Maxwell and two acres of Hamuel Anderson; Winfield twp, one lot of Si Himmers. JOHN IIUMI'IIUKY, J. C. KISKADDON, a. T. MAIISIIALI., Atu-ot Commissioners. ISAAC MKAMI, ("lerk. August 23, tS93. hi AH I tl) I.MU« ~ ... til »M fir 111. Ill'ft'l' I.I'I. IMlirvJ. | •'. I M.ijf "W ' «• *a A kKUII RAILROAD TIME TABLES. ' WEST PENH B. R. On and after December 19th, 1592, trains ' will leave Butler as follows: For Butler Junction and intermediae sections. and for Allegheny City, 6.15. A. M., MO, 11:00, 2:45, p. m. 5:00, daily except Sunday. ForTarentum, Freeport and Allegheny Valley Junction, 6:15, a. m. 11:00, 2:45 p. m. *:0o p. m., daily except Sunday. For Sharnsburg, 6:15 a. m. 11:00, 2:45 p. m. 5:00. For Blairsville and Blairsville Intersec tion; 4:15 a. m. and 2:45 p. m., daily except Sunday. Trains leaves Allegheny City for Taren turn, Butler Junction and Butler at 6:55 a. m., b:45, 10:40, 3:15. a. ni. 6:10, p.'. m. daily except Suuday. For Sharpsburg at 6:55 a. m. 9:45, and 10:40 p. m. Trains pass Blairsville Intersection east ward as follows: Harrisburg Accommodation, 7:30 a. in., daily except Sunday. Day Express, 9:40 a. m., daily. Mail Express, 3:18 p. m., daiiy. Philadelphia Express 6:2S p. m., daily. From Union Station, Pittsburg, Eastern Standard time, for Altoona. Harrisburg, Washington, 'Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York; 3:30 a. m. Penn'a. Limited, 7:15 a. m. 4:30 p. m.. T:00p. m., 8:10 p. m. For Harrisburg daily except Sunday, 5:25 а. m. and 1:00 p. m. For Harrisburg Sunday only, S:4O a. m., arriving at Philadelphia at 10:55 p. m , For time tables and further information inquire of the Ticket Aeent at the Station, or address Thos E. Watt, P. A. W. Dist. 110 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. P. & W. R. K. Schedule, In effect July. '93. (Butler time). Tlie Short Line to Pittsburg. DEPART KOCTU. PROM SOITH. б .OO a m Allegheny 9.30 am. Al £ Ch'cago 8 .20 a m All'y & cn. Ex 10.00 a in.Allegheny Ex 10.05 am Allegheny Ac 12.35 pm. All y & L'h'go 3.00 p m Allegheny Mall «J» p m, Allegheny Ex 3.35 p m Chicago Kx. 715 p m.AU'y XAk Ex 5.55 p m All'y X Ell. Ex i.lO p m, Allegheny Ac DEPART SOUTH. J FROM NORTH., a m Kane & Brad. >•<*"' a m.Foxburg Ac 5.00 p m Clarion Ac 9.55 a m, Clarlan Ac 7.25 p m Foxburg Ac ;■">.« pm, Kane Mall SUNDAY TRAINS. DEPART SOUTH. FROM SOUTH. s.2>i am, Chicago E\ :io.ooa m.Allegheny Ac 11.15 a mJVUegheny Ex 12.35 p m. Cnlcago Ex :t.30 p ni. Chicago Ex 4.5.'. p m. Allegheny Ex 0.55 p m,.Allegheny Ac [7.15 p m, DeKorreac Ac Trains leave Allegheny for Butler 7.30. 8.20, 10.30 a. m., and 3.10,5.25 and p. m. Train leaving Butler at 8.20 a. m. arrives Chicago 10.00 p.m. Chicago Express leaving Butler at 3.35 p. m. arrives in Chicago at 7.05 a. m. riTTSBCRG, BIIENANGO & LAKE ERIE R. B Summer Schedule P. S. &L. E. In effect July 17. Buller time. GOINO SOUTH. I'KOM NORTH. 12—5.30 a. m., Erie 1—9.50 am, Meadvllle 14—10.00 " '• 11 pm, Erie 2—5.00 p m. Meadville 1.;—9.32 p m. Erie No. 12 makes close connections for New Cas tle. Buffalo, Cleveland and Chicago. No. 14 makes connections all parts east on W. N. V. <6 P. at Mercer Junction,and with N. Y. 1,. E. ti W. at Shenango for all points east. No. 8 makes connections with W. N. Y. A P. at Mercer Junction tor Stoneboro and New CaMtle. Trains leaving tl.e P. &W. depot In Alleghe ny at sao a. m., 3:10 p. m., connect at Butler with train* on this road, and the trains No. l and 11. connect through to Allegheny. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. G. M. ZIMMERMAN. PHYSICIAN AND SCRO*ON. office at No. 15. 8. Main street, over Frank s Co's t)i ug Store. Butler, Pa, Dr. N. M. HOOVER, 137 K. Wayne St., office hours, 10 to 12 M. and 1 to 3 P. M. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. 200 West Cunningham St. L. BLACK, PHYSICIAN AND SUKUKOS, New Troutman Building, Butler, l'a. E. N. I.EAKE. M. I). J. E. MANN. M.;i> Specialties: Specialties: Gynecology and Sur- Eye, Ear. Nose and gery. Throat. DRS. LEAKE & MANN, Butler, Pa. J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist. Butler, Penn'a. Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest im proved plan, Oold Filling a specialty. Office— over Helmut's Clothing Store. V. McALPINE, Dentist, Is now located In new and elegant rooms ad joining hts former; ones. All kinds of clasp plates and moderen gold work. ••<ias Administered." DR. S. A. JOHNSTON. DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. Cold Filling Painless Extraction of Teeth and Artificial Teeth without Plates a specialty Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air or Local Ana-stlietles used. ofllce over Millers Grocery east of Lowry House. Office closed Wednesdays and Thursd ays. IRA McJUNKIN. Attorney at, omce at. No. 17, East Jeffer son Ht., Butler, l'a, W. C. FINDL.EY, Attorney at Law and Heal Estate Agent. Ot flee rear of 1.. Z. Mitchell's office on .north side ol Diamond, Butler, l'a. H. H. GOUCHER. Attorney-at-laiv. Office on second ;Boor o Anderson building, near Court llouse. Duller Fa. J. w. HUTCHISON, ATTOKNEY AT I.AW. Ofllce 011 second floor if tho Ilnseltvn block. Diamond. Hutler, Pa.. Boom No. 1. S. H. PIERSOL. ATTOKNEY AT I.AW. Office at No. 10-t West Diamond Ht. A. T. BLACK. ATTORNEY AT I.AW. Iloom F„ Armory llulldlng. Hutler. Fa COULTER & BAKER. ATTORNEYS AT I>AW. onice lii room 11., Armory Bu'idlng. Hutler Fa. 11. Q. WALKER, Attorney-at I .aw omce In Diamond lllock Butler, l'a. J. M. PAINTER, Attornoy-at-La w. Office Between I'ostofllce and Diamond, Hu ler. l'a. A. r. SCOTT, ATTORN EY AT-I,A W. Office at No. s. South Diamond, Hutler, l'a. A. M. CHRISTLEY, ATI < HtNEY jAT" I. A W." om<«' M-'-orirj floor. AndffMon HI k, Main Ht. wur Court lioum\ Huttor, l'a. NEWTON BLACK. Atl'v :tt Law OfTlc« on Mouth of* Diamond Buttar. l'a. C. F. L. McOUISTION, KM.IVKKIt AMI SURVEYOR, orrics SKAK DIAMOND. BCTLSH. I'A. WANTED! - you are a hustler can uiake at leu«t ♦IOO.OO per month. Now is the time to start in on fall sales. Elegant outfit Froe. Address: ALLKN NUKSKU* Co., ltochester, N. T Fall and Winter Opening. Having just returned from New York I am prepared to show vou all the latest novelties and stjles in fancy dress goods, Hop Sackings, Series and Broadcloths. Also latest ideas in dress trimmings, and a full and complete line of Uuderwear, Hosery, Blankets, Flannels and Yarns, Domestics, &c. An elegant stock of tyllinery, trimmed from the latest New York patterns lam glad to inform our friends that Mrs. Lon Hitter is still in charge cf our Millinery Department. Call and see us in our new millinery department. Best lighted room in the State. WRAPS. Haviug secured the celebrated Hothchild Bros'. Wraps, their name is a sufficient guarantee as to style and quality of goods used in their make up. Our elegant new Cloak and Millinery "Department is all on one floor. Good light by day and night. We would be pleased to h*ve you call and see our new room, new Cloaks, new Hats, latest styles in both depart ments. Thanking you for past patronage we solicit a eontinuance of the same. JENNIE E. ZIMMERMAN, (Successor to Ritter & Ralston.) B. B.j SAVE YOUR MONEY! No better way than by careful and judicious buying. This AUGUST CLEARANCE SALE in these stores presents opportunities seldom met with for favorable and fortunate buying. SHAWLS One lot —500—fine all-wool cash mere and chudda shawls—full size— in plain colors and Jacquurd Weaves, with plain centers. Black and Grey Checks and Plaids —Creams, Pinks, Light Blues, Cardinals, Tans, etc , and also fancy combinations and colorings at s'2 50 —they're worth from $5.00 to SB.OO —at one price, $2 50. WHITE GOODS. 1,500 yards Hemstitched Plaid India Linons in assorted large broken plaids, snitable for Wrappers ami Dresses and Aprons,and some i.. opl use them for Shams—they ur* 23 inches wide—we sold lots of them early in the season 25c a yard and they are well worth it;but we bought this lot under price and wiJl sell them that wav— A YARD. 1,000 yards Satin Striped India Linons—wide, handsome, stylish stripes, sold, broken, and graduated nice for Ladies' and Children's Dresses, 12i a yard. 1,000 yards Hemstitched Stripes, paid effects—ext:a wide; 32 inches— 12£c a yard. 500 yards Florentine Robes—side borders—for Ladies' and Children's Aprons—4o inches a yard. A lot Barred and Striped India Linons-broken aud graduated stripes, plaids and checks—2B inches wide— 10c a yard. White Dotted Swisses—Scotch goods—lsc a yard. Genuine Whito Dotted Swisses— from Switzerland—2oc a yard. PAbout 500 yards Plumeti's or criuted .Dotted Swiss—beautiful ol ored figures on black and light grounds—wore Gsc a yard—out on the counter at 25c a yard. Semi us your orders by mail. Wo're making the PRICES bring us a larger business this month tb»n ever before-right in the face of tho general depression. 115 to 121 Federal Street. ALLEGHENY. PA. AUTISTIC HAIII GOODS. s I have re-o|»ened r niy eßtublishmont. Ideal wigf* and waves, i^jr/feather light and 1 lit - mi f ' *•'t J& llhl ' "lid lip. Wavy imJtiibatr switches.*!! lenifths , Also toilet requisites. I , Face Bleach removes \ Ireclcles, tan, sunburn. <r moth patches. uiiu all j blemishes of the skin. > hair to Itii natural color, . gzv.l. removea dandruff, tones pr "|i the scalp toa lieiilthy f condition,make the hair !J soft and Klouy, and /Si:! beautiful. curllne keeps the hair In curl In /CsV I dampest weather. /fy I llAlii IJYK Is the /\y ' most jH'rfect prepara tion. guaranteed free; from all poisonous lu 'atii '(or bleaching hair on the head. The only medically pure bleach sold for that purpose ran be used a* a medicine. Also nice line of shell pins, combs, hands,etc. Call at my establishment. lou can Is) made up lor parlies, theatre, pictures, etc. Hair drcSHlni?. intiiK cutting. byIUK and Bleaeblnif. Have your bauKs cut In the new Cinderella and Columbian stylo. (let one of my pretlyncw styles for summer wear. Natural lurlh.ilr. M. 1 AMJJiHn, ■M'.. 8. Main St.. I'd flour. All l«iher building* Hotel Butler, J. H. FAUHKL, Prop'r. This house lias been thorough ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; lias electric bells and all other modern conveniences for guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as can be found in Butler, I'a. Elegant sample room for use of commercial men VV. 11. CKBKIEN & SON. f BUCC6I*HOI n olJSohutto O'Briwo.L Sanitary Plumbers And (inn Fitters PKALHftd Sewer Pipe, (laujFixturet Globes ai Natural (lit* Applia Jefl'erHonSt.,opp. Lowry House BUTLER. HA- Clearace Sale. Wo must have more room and we want to reduce our wall paper Htock. We will nell you paper now cheaper than we can afford to Hell it next Hpring. Our object i« to reduce Htock and wo will give you wholcHalo pricen on any amount If you will ever need wall paper, buy it now NKW \N 1» L ATK PATTERN 8 at J. H. Douglass', 341 y. Main St.. Near P. O. J PODLTRYMEN 1 Our Green Bone Cutter will dou ble your egg production Best and Cheapest in the market. Circular free. WEBSTER & HANNUM, Cazeno\ia, N. Y W A "Y 'r V TY-halesiuen to sell our choice " A and hariiv nursery stock. Many special varieties la afftf both in fruits and ornamentals, and controlled only by us. We |>ay commission or salary, give exclusive terrl jory and pay weekly. Write us at once and se cure choice of territory. MAY I'.KOTUEUS, Nurserymen, Uochester,NY. WANTED. Agents to sell' Jour choice and Hardy Nursery Stock. We have many special varieties, both in fruits and ornamentals to offer, which are controlled only by us. We pay corn: -. i i.i salary. Write us at kue tor ;■ si , secure choice ot terri tory, M A V BROTHERS, Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y Farm For Sale or Kent. 175 acres In Donegal twp., Butler Co., .l'n. Two orchards—an abundance ;of good iruit,- a two utory dwelling house, a good barn and gran - ery aud all necessary out-bulldlngs. well water ed. 125 acres cleared, and consideied on" of the best farms In tbe county. Tlie roya ty of tliree producing oil welts on it will go along with a sate. Apply to AXDKKW KOKD. t'htcora, llutlert'o.. l'a. L & McJUMLN, Ins a ranee and Real Estate Ag'i 17 EAST JEFFERSON.ST BITTLER. - I* A. JEAN PANTS. Lined, double sewed, and warranted not to rip,sold elsewhere for SI.OO or $1.25, for 89c a pair at TIIE RACKET STORE. Uemeinlierevery pair is warranted and they cost only 89 cents THE RACKET STORE, 120 South Main Street, Butler, l'a THIJ3L COLLEGE for tbe Christian education of youii',' men and young women. Located at Greenville, Mercer Co., Pa. Tuition. S3O a year. Board. J.' Jj a week. ( lussl. nl < otirse, l'rep*r»torj Couine, Coinm In Mnilr Ami Art. F,,r ' 'afidSßev. Theo. B. Roth,J?il?; fa."'" HERKIMER & TAYLOR, Funeral Directors and Emtaliiiers, i;t m ond Block, next door to Post Office, Butler, l'a., prompt attention given to orders, day or night. BUTLER UOIM Y Mutual Fire Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham 8t». 11. C. IILINEMAN, SECKKTAUV DIRECTORS: Alfred Wick, Henderson Oliver, Dr. W. Irvtn. .James Hteulienson, W. W. liluckmore, jN. Weltzef, K. How man, I). T. NorrlS, tieo. Kettercr. U:iias. lieiiUun. John (irohinati, | JoUli Koenlui;. LOYAL S. Agent. MetIANIILESS' HEAVE Ct'RE. I have a Ueave Cure that will euro any cane of heaves in horse* In forty days, if used according to directions, and if it does not do what 1 claim for it, I will refund tho amount paid and no chargeM will ho made for tbe treatment. Tho following testimonials are the strongest proof of the medicines power to cure: A. J. Mt CANI'I-KSS. llutler, l'a., 1 Sl>a. Mu. A. J. M( ( ANl'l.Kss: On the 2nd day of April, 1 com inenced to use your new cure for otio of my horse* that had the heaves very had, and continued to use the medicine for almut forty day > and tho horse did not show any si|<ns of a retuin of them. It is now a bout a rear since 1 quit jfivin tho iiindtc'vno and the horse ha* never sowed any signs of heaves, and I (eel sti-fied that lie in properly cured.4 W. C. CBIHWEI.I., Hutlcr. l'a., April 3, 1H93. A. J. Mi OAKDI.BSK: I have used your lleavu Cure and found it will do tho work if used according to di rections. Yonrv truly, H. J. MOMII.MN. J IJ N E uii<l •' I Ij V. AH this is A *" Whito" Season We hatre made special preparations for thi« summer trade. This week's invoice is 300 HATS, 200 1-LOWERS, 500 Yd's of Kiljhon. Tip Plumes and Ai^rctts. Ou kof trimmed hats is most com plete. Children's Hats a Specialty. M. I'. KM. MAllkS. 113 to 117 South Main Street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers