VOT . XXX OUR NEW -:-Carpet Department-:- Wil Soon Contain a Complete Assortment ol Carpets, Curtains, Oil Cloths, &c. First -ind Second Shipments have arrived ard balance wiJl follow soon as the Manufac turers can make the GOOD 3 We have selected the l>est styles and colorings to be found in the market, o Not a single old style will be found in our stock. FURNITURE. CARPETS, QUEENSWEAR, HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS cursu 1 WLETE Butler, - Penn'a. DURE DRUGS IT LOW I FRICEB Is the motto at onr 1 store. If yon are sick and Deed m prficin you want the BEBT. Th»yei#in always depend upon getting troui ÜB, as we use nothing bat Btrictly Pure Drags in oar Prescription Depart ment. Yoo can get the best of every thing in the drag line from aa. Unr store is also headquarters for PAINTS OILS, VARNISHES Kalsominei Alabastine k Get onr prices before yon buy Paints, and see what wo have to offer. We can saye you dollars' on your paint bill. Respectfully J, C. REDIOK, Ami M..i o1 It I 1! It li»n BUTLKR, PA. Hotels and Depots, W. S. Gregg is now running a line of carriages between the hotels and depots of the town. Charges reasonable. Telephone No. IT, or leave orders at Hotel Vogeley. Good Livery in Coooectlon THE BUTLER CITIZEN. Planing Mill —A.ND— Lnnnt>er Yard J. L>. FU HVla 1. O. ft BV IB S.G.Purvis&Co. MAKUKACTCnaBH ANfo DBAI.KIIK 131 Rough and Planed Lumber • v kv«ky ijkm Kiniotn SHINGLES, LATH & 'SEWER PIPE. 'J'lf ler, L.. (J. W ICK OKALKH 1* Rough and Worked lumber or ALL XlffbM Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always In Stock. LIME. HAIR AND PLASTEH. opposite P. <t W. Depot, BUTLBK ; - PA. (THE KIND * | THAT CURES! V.T - I I ' UV. Morrlstmm. K. Y. ■ § kidney Trouble for 12 Years. ■ ■ Completely Cured. || S DANA SA&AAPABILLA CO., ■i Mriw*fl —For 12 year* I har.- badly M SiflLcliil *:th Kidnfy Tronlile. Twny.ifi" ■|ag« I had " l.n <»ri|»|>c.'* »!.!<?. ••■C.- l jr == Hlmy bark. Atit wuhirl work f rme to getßf Sa.".uml. LMJ* Feb. I had ai!<»thcr attack "f " J^a ■ Orippr ," which I'ft r *j bul I rouldg "hardly gel nrr<»« the room. Ourmer-H Set Mat adViied me to try A bottle of „ DANA'S ■ i KARSAIWHIIXA ■ Hi did to. and hare taken three hott'.e*of SAR-hh —■SAPARILLA and one bott> of DANA*B PDXS ■■ Sand lam C UM PLETELY Ci RED H ■ .Votroiihle with Sache; good appt titr. ana 1 never feltl»^t-if ■ter in my life. You may publish this if you wi»h,==r ai every word in true. p = Your* truly. ■ Morrinown, N. Y- WESLEY STERRY. =j GENTH J —W' are peraonally acquainted with Mi HlSterry. and know hi* ■tatementa art- true == m ' Respectfully, A-F.iC. I McXEILL. g| §1 Dana Saraaparilla Co., Beifatl. Maine. ag SPHINU STYLES HEADY. YOU WILL CERTAINLY HAVE A SUn MADE TO ATTEND THE WORLD'S FAIR. YOU CAN AF FORD IT, WII EN YOU SEE THE SPLEN DID ASSORT ENT CP M ATE RIAL, AND THE MOD ERATE PRICE AT WHICH WE MAKE YOU A SUIT THAT IS CORRECT TO TIIE LATEST DECREE OF FASHION. AJfeirtcTss, Tailoring Establishment. ~~C. ~~&T D ALWAYS Tuke into e uu'dcration that money eaved iri as good an money earned. The best wa\ to cav< money is to l>uv good goods at the rifrht price. The only reation that, our trario e increasing constantly in the fact that we handle only goods of first quslity and sell tbera at wry low prices. We have taken i"iusuhl care to provide everything n<-w isi Ha'H atd Furtii«hiug Good* for ihit> t-faoon, and ast we have control of mnnv especially good articles in both line* \v» can do you good if you come to UH We confidently cay tfiat in justice to theniH' Iveh nil purchuscrri should inspect our goodti Visit us. COLBERT & DALE, 242 S. Main Htreel, IJutl(»r, PH. Nomi c is! YYT i TH,; well -1 Jftf «m Ar m-m known Arti*t 1/1/ I] |» T 7 and I 'hoi (i If :s I #i grapherjfeu mciljr 11 V 1 Kill 111 - hea.l of -1... ' W crl / llurum a ii Art. Co., will open a Studio and I'hoto l'i»r lorn opponite the Hotel Ijowry, (-'or, ilitin and Jefferaon Bt« , I! itl«-r, I 'a Tbi* will he the hest lighted and equipped Studio and galleriea in the tl « county. The work ill lie strictly firat cla.-H and mad< nndnr new formnlaa liy the artht himnell, who baa bad 10 yearn practical experience in larne cities Portraits in Oil, Crayon, Sepia, I'axtel, Ac In thin line we have no competition, Our portrait < - are made by hand in onr own Studio, from ittinjfi or from photos. Our work ha rcache-l the highest atandard ol excellence ai.d in not to he compared with the cheap ma chine made picture- furnixlicd hy otberr. Wait for ua; (jet your picture* from u* and be happy. FRANK KEMPER, DBAI-EKJIK BLANK KTS, HARNESS, Arid every tiling in horse and \nifrfry litr ness, Oollar.s, Whips. Dusters, Saddles, etc - . Also trunks and va lises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assort ment of 5-A iTorse blankets in town will be found at KcniDer'ti. WHftO Utfl in'.ld qr«i. K..f< , v.-xkuutL., ciw.4 •!" ?. IN A BAD FIX. The Startling Sight Which Met a Don Vivant'a Gaze Next Morning. Here is a story which, according to the New York Sun, was a favorite in the repertory of a famous Cincinna tian: "fin one occasion," he was wont to say, "a friend of mine had been on a terrific spree which had been occupy ing his nights right along for two weeks or more, lie managed somehow to be on deck during business hours, but when night came he was down in the hold and everywhere else. One morning he awoke heavy-headed, half dressed and lying crosswise of the bed. When he had gone to sleep or how he did not remember. There was the odor of stale beer and wine and tobacco smoke in the room, and bottles and cigar butts were scattered all over. By a great ei.'.rt he got to his feet, and for an instant his head felt as if it would fall off and burst into a million pieces. He cast his eyes around the room. As they fell upon tho foot of the bed they encountered a grim and grinning monkey sitting on the rail. There was no known reason why a monkey should be there, but there it sat and grinned. He watched it intent ly as he slipped over toward a table where lay a loaded revolver. He was very, very rocky, but he had grip enough to hold the gun, and with a sudden movement he had it trained on the simian. He was a famous shot, but the monkey never wavered. It simply sat there winking and grinning. My friend held the pistol down on it for a second, steadily. " 'Now.' he said, nervously, 'if yon are a real monkey, you arc in a bad fix' —then he hesitated a moment—'but if you are not,' he went on, 'then I'm in a bad fix.' "He banged away, and it was ten days before he was himself again." DUMB ANIMALS SHED TEARS. The Touching and I'athetic Way in Which a Florae Solicits Sympathy. Many people believe that horses do not weep, but those who have had much to do with these faithful crea tures know that on several occasions they will shed tears as well as express sorrow In the most heartbreaking uan t. jr. In the west, where the hardiness of the ponies causes the riders to al most overlook the necessity of provid ing for their needs, it is quite common, when the weather is extremely cold, to to leave an unblanketed pony tied up for two or three hours when the tem perature is nearly zero, and while Its owner is transacting business or got ting drunk. In this case the suffering is evidenced by cries which are almost like sobs, and the unmistakable tears freeze onto the cheeks like icicles. When a horse falls in the street and gets injured the shock generally numbs its senses so much that it does not either cry or groan, but under some conditions an injured horse will solicit sympathy in the most distinct manner. I remember a favorite horso of my own, writes a correspondent of the New York Telegram, which trod on a nail long enough to pierce its foot. The poor thing hobbled up to me on three legs and cried as nearly like a child In trouble as anything I can de scribe. The sight was a very touching one, as was also the crippled animal's gratitude when the nail was pulled out and the wound dressed. Supcrstlttoift of I' People. Ifono will take the trouble to go through the names of most of the bravest people in history, he will find that they nearly all suffered from some superstition or other. Napoleon Bona parte was simply eaten by supersti tions, and so was the duke of Marl borough. Literary men have always been notoriously superstitious, from the days of Ur. Johnson, who would go back half a mile if he remembered that he had omitted to touch any one of the lampposts on his daily walk, to Dean Swift, who would never change a garment if he found that he had put it on inside out, and Lord Byron, who would get uj> and leave a dinner party instantly if anybody spilt the salt. Statesmen have not been ex empt from superstitions either. Lord Beaconsfield would always take csjx:- cial care to enter the house with his right foot foremost when In* was going to make a big speech. Mr. Parnell had a strong prejudice against sitting in a room with three candles. William I'itt would return home at once, however important his business, if he met a cross-eyed man in the street, while Sir Robert I'eel would always make the sign against the evil eye with his fin gers and thumb under similar circum stances. Khitkr (harming. In India and Africa the charmers pretend the snakes dance to the music, but they do not, for they never hear it. A snake has no external ears, and perhaps gets evidence of sound only through his skin, when sound causes bodies in contact with him to vibrate. They hear also through the nerves of the tongue, but do not at all compre hend sound as we do. But the snake's eyes aro very much alive to the motions of the charmer, or to the moving drumsticks of his confederate, and, be ing alarmed, he prepares to strike. A dancing cobra (and no other snakes dance) is simply a cobra alarmed and in a posture of attack. He is not danc ing to the music, but is making ready to strike tho charmer. Au KxtratjAicant Monarch. The sultan of Turkey is said to be tho most extravagant housekeeper in the world. According to a recent esti mate his domestic budget runs thus: Repairs, new furniture, mats, beds, etc., 15,000,000 francs; toilet requisites, including rouge and enamels for the ladies of the harem, and jewelry, 000,000 francs; extra cxtravigances, 05,000,000 francs; clothes and furniture for tlie sultan personally, 10,000,000 francs; douceurs and wages, 20,000,000 francs; gold and silver plate, 13,500,000 francs; maintenance of five carriages and horses, '.J,500,000 francs—a total of 170,000,000 francs, or more than 000,- 000. Her Ileauty Went with It. Fred —She isn't tho pretty girl she nscd to be. Arthur—ls that so? Fred—Yes. Her father lost all his money speculating.—Truth. Not Folly Qualified. Master (to cook) —You needn't say anything to your mistress, Jane, but have you a policeman /or a sweetheart? Cook (indignantly)— Certainly not, sir. Master —Then you'll have to get one or else leave. I want ume ono to eat up tho cold mutton.—The Million. A lliwvjr Sniulipr. Wife—My dear, I'll have to go and see a doctor. I'm afraid 1 have tho to bacco heart, and it's often fatal. Husband—Good gracious! You don't smoke. Wife—No; but I live under the samo roof with you.—N. Y. Weekly. A Thankless Child. "Did Mrs. Dudderson cry when her daughter married old Boobdell?" "Yes, poor thing. It is tough to bring up a daughter and then, at tho age of twenty-one, have 'her cut her mother out."—Harper's Ba/.ar. A l)rnlr®Mi» Combination. Father No, Agnes, I cannot consent to you marrying that young man. I understand that suicide is hereditary iu his family. Daughter Yes, papa, hut so In ■ largo estate.—Detroit Tribune. HUTLER, PA.,FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER H, 1803. A WISE PASHA. tTtio Was Able to Lire Amicably with Sctcrsl Wlven. Ismail appears to have been one of the few men who have succeeded in living' in amity with a number of wives tinder the same root. Writing upon the glamour of the harem and the khedive's relation toward his spouses, MissClien nells. in her book, "Recollections of an Egyptian Princess," says: '"The great object of European ladies, either at Constantinople or Cairo, is to get an introduction to the harem: but once visited the charm is generally broken. On fete days the impression is gorgeous; the magnificent dresses, the splendid apartments, the flashing of jewels, the open courts with the feathery palms, and the sound of fall ing waters, all produce a delightful ef lec<_. i.ut ou ordinary visits you were struck with the entire absence of any thing to promote amusement or mental occupation. No books, music, or any little feminine work lying about. The windows might look out on a garden, but there was sure to be a high wall which shut out all outer life. The khedive, to do him justice, was anxious to raise the position of women; he founded schools for girls, he endeav ored to promote education in his own harem, and gave much greater liberty and means, both of recreation and in struction, to its inmates than any sovereign had done before him. Ismail l'asha had four wives, the full propor tion allowed by the koran. To the first and second he was married when quite young, and to the third after his accession. These three ladies lived with him in the same palace. They, of course, had separate suites of apart ments, but they lived in perfect amity, as I had full opportunity of knowing later. I once said what a wonderful thing it was for three wives to live to gether like affectionate sisters, but I was answered immediately: 'That is because his highness never shows any preference for one more than the others; if one is favored to-day, the others have their turn to-morrow.' J thought him a wonderful man to keep the bal ance so even." THE NEW OPERATOR. He Thought the Moon Wan a Headlight and Ho Reported. It was a sleepy little Massachusetts town, but there was a railroad running through it, and for the accommodation of a few summer patrons of the line a station had been built, says the Boston Herald. The pooh bah of the place officiated as telegraph operator, station agent and yardmaster. Through some misunderstanding with the pompany one pooh bah had been discharged and sent upon his way with a troubled conscience, and a new operator had been engaged to fill his place. The new man, while he was a good operator and understood railroad matters well enough to take the position, was total ly unacquainted with the locality in Which he now found himself. The tracks from the station stretched away through a lot of farmland for about a quarter of a mile, then disappeared in the center of a dense forost of fir and spruce. The first night that the new pooh bah was in charge he had Just finished taking orders for a train that would pass the station about 11 o'clock, and he stepped to tho station door to glance down the tracks. Far down at t edge of the woods that loomed up black against the lighter gray sky of the summer night he saw a bright l : ght, and, thinking it must be some special train that he did not know about, he turned the lever of the sem aphore and again stepped inside the of fice. Just as he did so the superin tendent of the next station, who had been out driving v.ith his wife, en tered the main office door to inquire if all was well and how the new man was getting along. The operator spoke of the special train that was coming up the tracks, and the "super" looked puzzled and wont to the door. "What special train do you mean?" he asked. "I see none." "Why, there it is, down by the black woods; don't you see the headlight?" replied the operator. "Headlight be hanged!" growled the official. "'lTiat's the moon rising through the woods at tho end of the tracks." " logroloauly l.awlrM. On a property where the rabbit shooting was strictly preserved upon the southern coast of England, says u London correspondent, a boy was once caught with two dead rabbits in his possession and nothing that would ac count for their decease. A search of his pockets revealed nothing hut two large crabs of small dimensions, tho end of a candle and a box of matches. Under promise of release, the urchin was persuaded to disclose his method of procedure. First he selected a likely burrow, arid then he stripped oft his clothes, put ting his coat over one hole, his trouuers over another and his shirt over a third. He lit the candle end, dropped a little of the grease upon a crab's back, and stuck the lighted candle thereon, and then put the crab at an unoccupied opening. Straightway the frightened torchboarer lied sideways Into the darkness, and explored tho Innermost depths, while the boy, expectant as a terrier, awaited events outside. Pres ently a rabbit bolted into the coat, and buy, rabbit aud coat rolled over togeth er, the boy rising from the fray with the rabbit in his clutches. What hap pened to the crab, tho history did not relate. Hutching Fifth fmlrr IlrtiH. Chinese fishermen collect with care from the margin and surface of water all those gelatinous masses which con tain the spawn of fish, and after they have found a nullieiunt qnantity they fill with it tho shell of a fresh hen's egg which they have previously emp tied, stop up the hoi* and put it under a setting fowl. At tho expiration of a certain number of days they break tho shell in water warmed by tho sun. The young fry are presently hatched and are kept in pure, fresh water till they arc large enough to be thrown into tha pond. Horror a of War. Mrs. I)e Fashion —The papers aro again hinting of a war in Europe. Mrs. I)e Style—That would bo terrible. Mrs. l)o Fashion —Perfectly dread full Wft'd have to stay at homo this summer.—N. Y. Weekly. A l.rftioii In Filial Hmpcrt. "What is your middle name?" "Sir, no man who respects the mem ory of his parents should ever roveal his middle name, for in it Is always re vealed the incipient Insanity of those who bestowed tho name upon their innocent offspring." —Chicago Rocord. Fnk'ntl Krflrrtlon on Ml« Itlrnkln*. Hi vers—That Mlbs Blenkins, over there, was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. ISanks (critically Inspecting Miss Blenkins)—lt must have been a mighty wide one. —Chicago Tribune. Always Clean. Good Minister —I observe with pleas ure that your family liible Is not covered with dust. Little Girl —It's always nice and clean now, ever since the piano stool broke.—Good News. A Cool Proposition. She —I want twenty-five dollars to buy a.lapanesc fan. Ho—Oh, get one of those five-cent ones. It is easier to raise the wind at that price.— Texas Hi/tings. HOG-RAISING NOTES. How to Make the Turk Industry Iloth Pleasant and Proflr&ble. The first item to be considered in raising hogs for profit is good breeding stock. Carefully select your sows, which should be of medium size, deep and well sprung body, heavy hains and shoulders, legs of medium length with a medium but not coarse bone, and the other parts as good as you can possibly get them. Then use only thoroughbred boars who have as near as possible all the good qualities that your sows may lack. You now have the founda tion laid for a good crop of easily fatted P'gs- At farrowing time watch your sows and prevent as far as possible the loss of any pig* at that critical moment Feed the sow very lightly for the first day or two after farrowing; then feed abundantly of good milk-producing foods such as middlings, oats, milk and a little corn. If in summer let the sow have all the grass she wants. If winter, some roots should be fed, such as arti chokes, potatoes or beets. As soon as the pigs begin to eat feed them some soaked oats, corn or wheat, and by all means keep them growing, always remembering that the pig as well as any other animal makes its growth out of what it gets to eat. The pigs should kave all the grass they want to eat; clover or blue grass the beat, also a little grain should be is fed from the time they begin to eat until you wish to finish them off for market; then corn is your be .t and cheapest fattener. Feed liberally, reg- ] ularly all they will eat up clean and, when they arc thoroughly fat, selL 1 Keeping a hog after it is thoroughly fat is nearly always keeping at a loss to , the feeder Never try to raise more hogs than ; you can raise right. Do not rely too i much on the breed; remember that the blood only gives you the frame and good feeding qualities in the pig. You must make the hog.—Jacob W. Smith, in j Farm, Field and Fireside. HAYSTACK PLATFORM. Almost Indispensable for I'ropcr Topping of a Stack. When hay or fodder is stacked out of doors the pitching up of the last two loads is attended with extremely heavy straining work by the man on the load. From this cause stacks are too often topped out and called finished before they are high enough to properly shed rain. The accompanying engraving from a sketch by L. D. Snook shows a temporary platform which will aid in overcoming these difficulties. When the stack has reached the height to which a man can conveniently pitch from the bottom of the load, two smooth poles are laid parallel crosswise across the top of stack, one end left A IIAYSTACK PLATFORM. projecting about three and a half feet. Half a load of hay is thrown upon tho inner end of rails, and a few lioards nailed on the projecting ends. To give greater.strength props from the ground are nailed to the outer edge. The hay is then pitched upon the platform, and thence to the stack. When finished the boards are removed, and the poles either left In position or pulled out of stack.—American Agriculturist. BLOATING IN CATTLE. Soma Simple Meant* of Alio via t lug; the l>»ii|erouii Aliment. When detected in the beginning, give every half hour half an ouuee of aqua ammonia in a quart of cold water. When bloating has lasted over twelve hours, a different kind of gas is gen erated, and different remedies must bo used, such as two drachms of chlori nated lime dissolved in a pint of cold water and repeated every hour. After a severe attack of bloating, always give a laxative dose of medicine, such as a pound and a half of Epsom salts dis solved in a quart of hot water, and to which solution add a pint of molasses and an ounce of ground ginger. In urgent cases when medicine can not soon be bad, plunge a trocar Into the left flank inward, downward and forward, in the direction of the right elbow, inserting it midway between the last rib and the hipbone, and about eight inches from the Isines of the loin. When away out in the field and no trocar is obtalnabble, a long-Mailed penknife may be used, putting it In to the handle, and holding It in thin po sition so long as gas escapes. Hat the knife is not a safe instrument as par- J tides of food are apt to pass into the abdominal cavity, where it may cause fatal inflammation.—Prairie Farmer. shed* for Nheep. A sheep shed should have not less than ten square feet of room for each sheep, and for tlio larger Downs and Cotswolds fifteen square feet is not too much. They can lie kept In less space than this, because they have been, but they had a chance to run out of doors j every day and often at night, and the ! shed was open on ono side, but we j doubt whether there would have been ' moro profit in a less number or a larger shed,because there would have been less j sickness among them. lleside this ; space should be pens into which the j ewes could be put when about to drop their lambs, and a yard to which only the lambs can have access, where thoy can get extra feed. All the Accessories. At a restaurant a customer who bad ordered a cauliflower an g rat in found in the middle of it a largo tin tack. I'alling a waitress he inquired: "Is this a part of the cauliflower?" "No," she replied, "it's part of tl>e grating."—Vogue. Ileal KninomJ. "I have a remarkably economical wife." "Makes her own bonnets and gowns, I suppose?" "No," dejectedly; "she makes my ftliirta, cuffs and collars, though." -Chi cago Record. I N ra MOB. * m New York Girl You understand French, do you not? Vassar Olrl —Yes; but I don't under stand why the French don't understand their own language!— Once a Week. Th»y Didn't, Inderd. A couple of tramps had sat dowrt. under a tree by the roadside to rest. "Wasn't you ia the war?" asked Wil lie Walk. "1 were," responded Turnpike Walk er. " 'X' why don't you pit a pension?" "I tried to. but it wouMn't pet. some how " "Why not?' "They said I was capable of manual labor." "Did they, indeed?" "They did, Willie," sighed Turnpike, disconsolately. Willie brushed a tear from his weather-beaten eye. "My boy." he murmured, "they didn't know you; they didn't know you."— Detroit Free I'ress. Dinner. NT HBTHODB of tkivf.u i •" 'VVi, / v-.\ ■ <i v\;- 'J n «• - b • JatA fs . J' \ iRi V § T f \\ . ffl* ij f k) r ; > iv- . > v !/•■■" m \ v m Miss Pinkerly (at the world's fair / - Ah. Mr. Tuttcr, this is a delightful pleasure! llow long do you expect tc remain in Chicago? YoungTulter- I am making prepara tions to leave to-morrow. Miss I'inkerly—How unfortunat '. I expect to bo here three weeks before going back. I was in hope; that 1 might see something of you while here and possibly that wte might go on tc New York together. Young Tupper (sadly)— From present indications, Miss Clara, we shall prob ably both arrive there about the same time.—Truth. Nothing Lost. "Talking about the utilization ol force," said Hunting, "I saw something last summer which beats anything 1 ever heard of before." "What was it?" asked I.arkin. "You know how a cow works hei jaws in chewing her cud?" "Yes." "Well, an old farmer had an arrange ment fixed to his cows so that the cud chewing motion was made to churn the cow's butter."'—Urooklyn Life. Generally tlie Cas*. HP went to bed at nine o'clock. Was upagain at five; lie 'worked from dawn till dewy eve, Quite more dead than alive. And so he piled the dollars up, To leave them to his Hon, And the boy he blow In every red And had a lot of fun. —Smith, Gray & Co.'a Monthly Sure to Bn a Oi>. Modern Composer—l've got a new ft age song that's bound to make a hit. Manager—Any sense in it? "None at all." "Any fun in it?" "Not a bit." "Any music in it?" "Not a note." "Whoop! We'll take the town " —N Y. Weekly. fp to l>ate. There was an aroma of burnt milk in a stately residence on Manhattan avenue. "Didn't 1 tell you to look out when the milk boiled," exclaimed Mrs. Port ly Pompous. "I did look out, mum. It boiled over at a quarter past noine," replied tlio menial, Bridget Doolihan.—Texaf Siftlngs. An Eirrpllon. "Our tayelicr says that Ivery man should thry to get to the top," said lit tle Micky Dolan. "Thrue for the taychcr," responded Mickey's father, "onless yez happen to be starting to dig a well."—'Washing ton Star. il« Hail III* Kenton. "I should like to know why you leave my house so suddenly?" asked Mrs. Dooscnborry, the boarding-house keeper. "I presume you have ground;/.'" "Yes, madam," replied the boarder, bitterly, "1 have grounds coffee grounds."—Texas Si flings. An i:x< r]i(l»i>. She—For my part, I like to strive for a thing and win it, and not have it drop in my lap. Don't you agreo with ine, Mr. Dobson? He— Ye-es —unless it Is the girl that I am courting.—Judge. About tlir of It. She —That dress she had on at the bull last night ruined a hundred dollar MIL He—l thought it must have been cut out of something about that size.— Brooklyn Life. Disliked to Take < Imix-r«. "Tommy," said an anxious mother to her boy, "your undo will be hero to dinner to-day, and you must have your face washed." "Yes, ma, but s'posen he don't come. What then?" Boston Globe. Kind. Mrs. Tompkins—What would you think of mo if I dined at a club every other evening? Tompkins I should wonder how you managed to endure the intermediate meals at home. Truth. "Her Name la Lflfloa." She's iho prettiest maiden That ever was born. Her lips aro a rose And—her tongue l« Its thorn. Tuck. .\ I In out. First Actor (in a tragic whisper)— Are we quite alone? Second Actor (glunclug grimly at tho small audieuce) —Almost.—N. Y. Weekly. Where Kalamazoo Has the llttlge. A Kalamazoo man who had norer been out of Michigan went to tho world's fair, and there ho met a De troit man whom he knew. "Chicago is a wonderful city," ;>ald tho Dotroiter ai they walked along State street in the ••veiling "Yes," assented tho Kalumazocdu, us If he did not want to bo rustically en thusiastic. "In some respects tho most wonder ful In tho world," went on tlio Do troiter. "Still, we have one thing In Kahuna* zoo," said the cautious visitor, "tluit they don't have In < hieago." "And what is that?" inquired tho Do troiter in astonishiui yt "Fewer people," and the Detroltcr was really pleased by the Kalamazoo lu's round about way of paying a com pliment.—-Detroit Free Press. , That'* Alt. Susie (In stock yard) Oh, Johnnie, look at that' big cow a-sleepln' over there! Johnule (with a show of superior knowledge) Now, you bo careful, Susie; he's not sleeping, lie's only bull dozing.—Truth. A I.official.. "So your wife is golug to-sue you for divorce?" "How did you know It?" "I read in this morning's paper that she intended to go on the stage."— PtU'.lc. v I IMF-ROVED HIGHWAYS. \ »»!•• 2 .»m F* »«-«I d to Tr.:r« i;< er t.oads It is 101 l • , r.v • • refer al . " to the trav • .s.i - .vayfar a- aa>'t > .aj fort a , I fa i'lt • w-.i.-h a • " af fords hit", in the pr.-y:\ s of hi . r re!, nor ne>J I more than sujrjycst the tided comfort of th • wherfman and the dis destrian v.:- the fre,!i, j.air of the coutK.-,- i:; tii '.r trips for hen' 11 and pleasure. The one pr.> ;iu ite: -enti.ti to tho attainment of :'o. . • 'or. '. i. «lc 1 of every ot': r rof T»a of stmi'.a.' nag nitnde in t':l. c nn* y, is a:? . '-in. A fav ;a:: : ] :ii D Bfe) 'M be dovelop • 1 and dir. • 1 i:. th ..unel which tends t ) the m >3t • rt.i'i: and lasting success T> :t large degree, 1 am glad to ly, la' , ediKa.Lioa.l v.ork has been acc mptishe.l. Publia ?:enti mentl.avi' 1 an ! i fav rof the impr v ::;a .it, th-* «•••;' requir.-m-At is a well . 1 pb.n l > 'ar.-y it out. Personally. I : a not yet pr - - ;re;i to say that I should favor the levy of a state tax to acc .at»li ii this v. >r!, in whole or ia part. Thus benefits would pri marily be local, t . u'.-'h. a 1 have said, the general public would in s ie tueas nrc share th. :u. My own thought is that a non partisan, ton - ;a'aricd cm .: 1 a should be appointed by the ■ rnor. from ::in< ■ men of uudia. . , ex perience in this matter, and taut such a comt.ii- • i n sle-uld l e ciiargcd with the work of -olving the road problem and deciding what plan of work and what amendment of the r a I law are most likely to result in an cxtende 1 im prove:;. •: I of our country road . with out an undue burden upon the people and with the greatest promise <>f per manent good to the commonwealth at large. Much would, of cours-\ depend upon ihe selection of the cotnmi . 'on ers; I u . if the places were without aries, t'a • profc -ional spoasman would not so', them, and those citizens who earnestly favor the reform would natur ally be p.-eferred for the app intment. A comirii ion thus organised, and clothed with authority to carefully ex amine the subject and the condition:; presented by different sections of the state, might well include iu its report such a comprehensive di; estion and treatment of the subject that mast of - t -a : a,... A SECTION «'!■■ CniCAOo'i FA MOT'S I.AKK SnOUE DRIVE. the conflicting the. .rics and plans now advanced would bedis p-ll< <1 or harmon ized, and such deductions ira«le ns would leave the M'.bjec* In shape to be intelligently considi red and the proper remedy wrought out. We wa '. 1 roads. We must have such roads, a.el th • sooner the subject is pract .-ally consider. .1 by i 'unpetent nyn, the iu .• will the reform move ment bear substantial fruit.—The Late Col. Elliott I'. Shepard, in flood Roads. Widt- \V:tson Tirrn Needed. It is only a question of time when broad wagon tires will bo scan on ail our wagons employed for hauling mer chandise and freight, the same as may be seen in all th" capitals of Europe. The Ontario department of agriculture lias sent out a valuable special report, or bulletin, setting forth the treatment necessary to make, as well as to main tain, good roads. The report says the repairing of roads once a year (tho usual plan) is wrong in principle, as al most always it is done in the spring, the good effects di appearing before the time f. r fall and winter travel sets in. The report strop? ly commends tho movement in favor of wide tires for draft vehicle:- It says it has been proved by repeated experiments that wheels with tires two and one-half inches wide cause double the wear of wheels which have four and ma half inch tires. The wide tire has a tendency to roll the roadbed and keep it smooth at the same time, while the narrow one cuts it up and requires more hauling force for the same weight of load, b, ides spoiling the thorough fare. M .t of the Europcau countries have law . regulating this mutter. <;lv«v<4 Credit to Wliecliiim. The California League of American Wheelmen recently indorsed tho state roads convention movement and elected delegates. The >implo truth is that the road agitation, which first stirred up the cast some tlweo yearn ago, ami still continues with increas ing force and vigor, was Inaugurated by the wheelmen. Ho much has been done iu the last three yearn In mnny states in the improvement of roads and the introduction of improved and economic methods of road construction and maintenance, that if the bicycle had done nothing else for humanity it i* to its credit that In creating tho good-road movement it has won the commendation of mankind. Sacra mento Record- Union. V <irowing N«•«•«•**lty. New England, New Jersey and New York are making great advanta . iu new roads. Every day th" necessity for good roads is growing in every state. .Noth ing promotes the prosperity of a coun try like good roads. The greatest men the world has ever seen, Jullu ."iV-ar and Napoleon llonuparte, were « ii"i— getic road builders. Lot tin' little Ciesars ami llonapnrtes of state legisla tures see that laws are enacted to give the people good roads. Tlir l.uily unit the l>rti£i;lst. Old Lady (to druggist)- I v.antabox of canine pills. Druggist What is the matter with the dog? old Lady (Indignantly) 1 want you to know, sir, thut my husband i'< a gentleman. Druggist puts up some quinine pills In profound silence.—Boston Home Journal. Tommy"* tvtnh. Tommy The fish go in schools, don't they, mumina? Mamma Ve-i, Tommy <1 m Tommy I wish you would buy me a bathing suit, mamma, ami nil me to One Of their schools. Harper's Young People. I tlru Ilu*ttr«l«»un. "Stippow 3'uti l<*t me write y»ti u policy on your new building'.'" "Why, my detir *lr, that structure Is absolutely tin-proof." "I'm glad you told m< My company wouldn't care to touch It, in thut ca c —Judge ••I .HI- Will I Iml tlir Hmjs" Will Oettlicrc Mil s Howe, you know the langungcnf (lowers;do you lind :ny hjdilen meaning In this simple little clover leaf? Annie llowe A clover leaf bet in. s?e- One, he loves me; two. he he, i u. not; three, he brra mt' Oh. Will. tlii-< Is *o sudden! l'uok • " ■i- I • • ." £■;- 3"W» iV - hi< WALKS ANL> DRIVEWAYS. TVhv I s' r.isUl '.:'.tsyj Br liept la flwt-na-;* Condition. •■ ■' ' • • '-' t . ly :•• aen ■ «»n th • f'irra can bo it.' .1 : "'*v r to neglect, <t . i«•• ,■ a vlvil impression of an "ab ra," and thus depreciat ing - at •• alne of the place, than neglected weedy walks and <A '.r.-,t irapr . i> 1, too, is ■ r. ' • '. " 5 vs- ion. It is not :. ! «r « re's dirty clothes iu - . i •• i > lot the first thing' whi. h tho i r mo be weeds and r.cplect. A day's work, or s small out ' in .: tiii? the walks and • vi s i r r,: often does won ders in improving the appearance and t '■( a pi.: e. Wail;., and drives are b aac of the i :•«.» t" > I, either as an " to■ M_—. . j T'T.'rt < \\ : \rar.K tA " ''-'v - ''%» k ' ; v^ : ■ . CROSS r»o.\ Or WALK {uAr.i WALKS owner or a tenant, would pay attention to. The ii i'. Ural tee : .uy always is to put off t'-se work on the unproductive iva< • and wslks ju.-.t as long as other is pre . 1 sometimes long er. (.imply because there are no actual cash returns visible. For this reason I would have as few walks and drive w:r a eov i: tent v. ith convenience or ; V ks on t':e lawn and . ra, for in Lance, can 'be ispensed with. Eight i U;er •v. e v.: "a t » avoid formality and t'ma ;of outline. If there is any ti:" more pie ant t > wu": upon, os- V ■ '• ••■• -i everything else i;t-i.lier du-.l i:• : !, than a rich, elosc-c.it, velvety lawn, 1 have yet to lind it. lierj a: V.". • tvnl , we do not "keep off the ," but rather make it our piay i iid, with every foot of it us da . a v. :, ilc when it tluis pierces cur fancy. The childtcn revel on the preen sward like lambs in a pasture lot. There is no harm done to the grass either. It grows and grows, and needs cutting ns if no foot were ever set upon it In fact, it is the great charm of tlio place. Horau walks arc unavoidable, but tlicy are for busin . rather than for pleas ure. The direct lines Between road and h '-.ise, between house and harn or between any of tho farm buili'i: -,-s are traveled over to such an extent that paths would soon 1- worn into tho best lawn, to the disfigurement of tho whole place. Formal walks are absolutely needed to connect these points. How t<' connect them is tho question. Every b n!y, of course, must 1 e guided by the materials available for the purpose. Sifted coal ashes or coal dust, tine gravel or slate, sand, etc., all can be used to advantage for walk making; but it takes a great quantity of mate rial to make a .pood walk, first of all, lay out the walk in a graceful curve from n-ud to house, with :v few sh: lib, or trees giving an excuse or ap parent iva.on for the curve. The soil, if on a lawn already established, is to be removed and the depression filled out with tho material on hand. Fine wind and sifted coal ashes or coal dust make a walk quite comfortab'e to walk upon, but coarser materials, especially coarse gravel, afford le? . pleasure; a plank walk will be preferable. At Woodbanks we have arain.-od our walk as shown in illustration. It is a sample, cheap and generally sat isfactory way, and when kept in good order adds much to the attractiveness of the place. The soil is a clayey loain. What wo need is a clean, dry walk. Sand, gravel and similar mate rials were not easily aeee ib!e. The ph i:Us are il-inch, 10 inch" s wide, and as cheap as they could bo had. Knots ;uid other iir.perfe •! :• ins do lit.' • harm, as they can be filled out wi i soil. They are cu". to fit, and imbi .ided to gether ir the soil as shown by theeross section at tho lower left-hand " rner of illustration. They require no cross piece to re t upon, no nailing, and the walk Is not only good I > v. alic on, but abo (food to looU on. Tho I ::t both side . of course, must lie 1. pi free If. iu weeds. This is easily done by an occa sional scraping over with the hoe or spade; po- sibly the object may be ac complished by a heavy dressing of cheap, coarse salt. It takes but little time and labor to keep this walk in good order. Neither is much fuss made over tho drive on the lawn In spring we plow it quite shallow, throwing the furrows toward the center. Then we go over twice with a harrow. This leave, the drive in excellent shape, well rounded and smooth. Weeds, of conrs •, • >on sprintf up ii .ain, but we promptly dc .itr. y titer i with our hom< made \>ee<l cutter, i aeisting of a shurp ...•'•I blade fasti ned t>» uu old-fa hioneil thill < alti vator frame This cuts an inch or two below ground, loos'-ulng tin' surface anil kill tig all weed growth. fs'i locti-d v. all and drives, you may be mire, tiro an cv re t > both owner and visitor Well- •pt one are more than: bistc-y i'l y are ns n ".*ssary for 11 a -I anl t' rcpnu ion of the •pla e and nivnrrs are well-cultivated orehaiv. and liclds: «d l:» th . way they p. v 'l' (irelncr, in Country (Jcntle man 'i nr. water ve may bo purified by r, yiii,' :i • .h lira wash (whitewash) on 1 Jetting it dry befow using ngain. r \N"T in: TOO < \iuci ru 0 f J: . \ / C 2' 4 ~ -A _, ; V \LI .. a . 1: j ,• (y /J j-i vi } /i y 4 )/, A V I' VJ A% k -«1. i -1, She W ill you give uie a kiss. Tom my? • Toinun Not much! The in :t thing you would be nirig me for I.reach of promise, I suppose. Judge >fnrri.lN<>l u Jnllurr. "Mrs. Me Trop s<-"ini very hnpplly mnrried." "She is. And do you know the rea son?" "So." "Whin ,\ ung IJo'Jropwas courting her a I they wi re going out i-he nl . ways kept him welting ju..t as long as hhe coul«l ! nco they are married ho makes It a point always to be ready at the minute.Cliicugo Hccord. -JUm «-.i KO 40
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers