JB£ £3? 3sj Butler Pair, SEPT. 5,6,7 and 8. Entries in Horse and Cattle Departments Close Aug. 2S. Excursion Rates on all the Railroads. For rremium Lists Apply to Ira McJunkirt, Sec'y —— ■ . -l- - " Bickel's Reduction Sale Of Seasonable Goods. Our entire stock of russet, goods including many diff^ rent st^ B » n Ladies' and Gents shoes. Oxfords have beon placed on our bargain couut tot closed out at less than cost prices. Call and see our Russetshcea and Oxfords, whether you are needing a pair or not, for after visiting gain counter you are sure to buy. A FEW OF OUR LEADERS. Ladies Rues?tt Shoes Hand Turn, price $4.00, now at $2.50 » " " $3.50, " $2 25. <« << regular price, $2 25, now at $1.75. Men's Russett Shoes—many different styles, price $4.00, now at $3.00. Men's Russett shoos, regula'r price $:1.25, reduced to $2 50. Ladies'haDd turn Oxfords, price $2.25, now at $1.65. Ladies' Russett Oxfords, regnlar price $1.25, now at 75c Balance of our Misses' and Childrens' Tan and Red shoes and Oxfords at a bargain. We have received most of our Fall stock and can sell fall foot wear cheaper than ever before. Fall stock of Men's Box toe Boots and Shoes. Ladies' Calf Shoes button or lace at $1.25. Ladies' best Oil Grain Shoes at $1.25. Ladies' Kip shoes at SI.OO. Misses' and Children's school shoes 75c and upwards. Boys' school shoes at SI.OO per pair. Men's fine calf shoes, button, lace or congress at $1.25. Men's fine calf Dress Boots at $2.00 to $3.50 per pair. Full stock of Mens' Fine Dress Shoes in Calf, Kangaroo or Cordovan. Balance of our Men's Patent Leather shoes go at $2.50 per pair. Full stock of Rubber Goods and prices very low. When in Butler, call and examine my goods and learn my prices. Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. REPAIKING DONE. JOHN BICKICL. 28 SOUTH MAIN STREET, • BUTLER, PENN'A. ♦ Our Sacrifice Sale* has been the greatest success, it has left us with REMNANTS of all kinds. These we offer at still lower prices than these same goods sold at during our sale of three weeks, From now to Sept. Ist, we will not refuse any reasonable offer on CARPETS, WRAPS, DRESS GOODS MILLINERY, &c. We have been obliged to enlarge our. . MILLINERY DEPARTNENT. 1 Our customers will find MILLINERY and CLOAKS on one'floor, and the best light to ex amine goods by in town. Plenty of room, plenty of chairs,come and see us and meet your friends. You will be sure to find th.'in at the BARGAIN HOUSE of Butler. When you visit the Big Butler Fair bring your friends and rest at the old corner store, Main and Jefferson Streets, JENNIE E. ZIMMERMAN, (Successor to Ritter & Ralston.) Butler, - - - T^a SUMMER DAYS ARE HERE, and Some'r dazed on the spot when they see the make and profit of our clothing and hear the prices we quote. Reader have you bought your Summer Clothes ? If you hayn't now is the time you can make your dollars go a long way, as we are naming unheard of prices on CLOTHING, HATS <k GENTS FURNISHING GOODS. tw t —t ut ;*** DOUTHETT &c GRAHAM, Reliable One Price Clothiers. Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts., Butler, - ' Pa. Jewelfy, Clocks, Silvefwafe, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block. Sign of Electric Hell and Clock Respectfully Invited —"Remember our Repairing Department—2o years Experience."— Job Work of all kind done at the "Citizen Office." ma 4 1 builders use ' The best lumber, brick, lime, cement, sand— < whatever goes into the construction of a building; they employ only the best workmen and pay the best wages; they get better prices for their work than their less careful competitors, and always get the best contracts; they paint their work with Strictly Pure White Lead manufactured by the " Oki Dutch Pro cess of slow corrosion, and with one of the following standard brands : "Armstrong & McKelvy" " Beymer-Baatnan' Pahnestock" " Davis-Chambers" For colors they use the National Lead Company's Purs White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors are sold in srnail cans, each being sufficient to tint twenty-five pounds of Strictly Pure White Lead the desired shade. These brands of Strictly Pure White LeaJ and N rtional Lead Co.'s Tinting Colors, arc for s:-' -■ by the most reliable dealers in paints every^vh-re. If yea are going to paint, it will pay you to sen.! to us for e bock containing informa tion that .-nay cave you rr.any a dollar; it will only cost you a postal card to do so. NATIONAL LEAD CO., 1 Broadway, New Tor's Pittsburgh Branch, National Lead and Oil Co. of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh. Pa. FTumphreys' Dr. Humphrry*' hpecille* are scientifically and carefti-iy P 1 > He medleft, us«*<l for years In prlv*. ,v. i f uuJ f< r over thirty years l»y the peoi '.t •: f. < ; -•:« Every single Specific a gp, f- ti nam-l. Tw xrow dragging, pcrgiiiff or reducing the «y r m and are In fart and deed the ttovereisn Rcmt*die* of the \\<»r! l. xo. ruicz n. I— C. * s h.flaEimatlanr. .23 —Worm .-*» Worm < r. Worm Colli- "2H 3— Teething| Colic, t'rj lag, Wakefulness .25 j 4— Diarrhea, of Children < r Adulw* .23 I 7 —Coughs, COlds, lironcliltls .25 &-Ne urnlgin, To thache, Faeeaehe 25 8 -Headache*, > * Headache, Vertigo.. .23 1 ©— II: r.iii- v r.Constipation. .23 I]— Suppressed < r rainfal Periods .25 12 Whites, rool . .25 13~Croup. Lsrynnitln, noar9cncs< . .25 14—Salt ttheuui, Krysipelas. Eruptions .25 1 3 I'henmatinns, Rheumatic Pains .25 15—Malaria, Chills, Fever and Aitue .25 10—Catarrh. Influcnio, Cold In the Bead. .23 aO-Whoopinit C'onsh 25 27—Kidney Diifiups 2M—Nervoiifl Debility JJtf 30—I'rlnary \Veakne«», Wetting Bed.. .23 nrMPHREYS' WITCH DAZEX. Oil., "The Pile Ointment."—Trial Size. 25 t'U. Sold by Dn-eri,*.,. cr »■ ::l | t of prlM. Dm. Hcarmn Mamcal I44ftag«j, kailso ran. lil Si'llßLVS' Xr.D.f'U.. 111 A 1 IS WDAsa iit., SEW TOWi. SPECIFICS. "o yiiNtof i w l-IOUSFHO: :• USE. * Was' .'•••■? - r-TTi-'bad br AH OL y FA.ISI • : ;V.- ; JIAN in 1.110. Ctj- II . . . . ■ . .•.--.out real merit have v-.-yr ■ oi ?hty years p SOOTHiiV '> (.'EfKATIMA Ti.-. - i " " JAL use.*'' O.CUM Cruup Sam »*'-• furv* Cholera >l,.: 1 - : -lv or st if? V ■ ■ • ■ •••-.- i - ' i-rou:* lit-adarbc. 11l fi i i am;- I'riee SS ets. ■lt bott *:■•>■ 1. V.i . . ... t is, .ton. Ua| sriLtdßw«^«.., r c Tnn3 i'.!i ? i »VflTO*B-Mnlrtan i lalen'. e( ni»«t ut Uicfcl! war.. 1 by « r.il allowfd to con tin ur t- t-rr-a tn-l f-rutr -i ' ifc i.ich cn ' l "i«eriir. »j J iw»rr. RWATKE rt OI.VJTM I .x rVtnp- 1-Mnsaz'-i hi-ciHug, u!;»or!i« fh«- turn .r». S >u«irt»y CiSilfor&OcU. rreparr J <y Ds.Swatmc i -'x.l'l.Ss r-\ DOCTORS LAKE r m i>ni / ' TE IWSmSAKT. • , ■ 'J$ Con. PE.r Ave. and Fourth St., ,PITTSBURGH, PA. «£ \ Allfomisof Dclirale ami C«m --'-»■:,- plicated Diseases rcipii: ing Cos. V'-T jy fIPK.VTIAL ami Scr KM I Fill Mc.'l '-.'4 ication arc treated at this I':-- with a succesf. .arely attained. Ur. S. K : i« * mwfai rf Rorjl ConeceOfrhf* -i a ;:d Surgeon;, and is the o! lest and most - ; icneed SrECiALis. in the city- Special at :> given to Nervous IJrbility Immc-.-e.-.-ivs ■ .il cxortlon, indiscretion of youth, etc., caus •• -leal and mental t!ocay,l:i< k of energy, i ■■ lidencv, etc.; also Cancers Old Sore*, Fits, i . ( hi iiniatism, and all <li- asesof the Skin. '. I.an.;-, CrinarvOrgans,etc. Con station I itrietlT confidential. OfSee l.i.urs.!) to ;. , I 7 to 8 r. St.; Sundays, 2 to i :. only. : .-.t offieo or ai! !n * "J»!l -. J..'. !-"K. «. .. VVK. A^DITUbT..nTTSIiL'UUH.i rHE LAKE ROUTE TO THE WO',:. V!A PICTURESQI.'E MACK' Avoid tho heat anil d .st 1 on the Floating Palaces of tuo I Cleveland Steam Navigation Two new B'eel passenger Bter:- just been built for this Upper - ? - costing $300,000 each, and are to be the grandest, large. - ., fastest steamers on tho Lakes; milca per hour, running titno I Cleveland, Toledo and Chics go 1 ; ' 50 hours. Four trips per week be: Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Mack;r.a-". 1 key and Chicago. Daily trips !)•. Detroit and Cleveland; durliii; T ... August double daily Benice will-. tainel. -giving a daylight ride acr- ; I Erl o , l)aily service bet.veca C. and f'ut-in-Bay. Firat-clas3 c:.;: - accommodations and menu, ac:l inglylow Round Trip liate3. '!'■ tial equipment, tho luxury of tho i-.ppoi menta makes traveling on theb.: si., thoroughly enjoyable. Send ti - trated pamphlet. Address A. A. St O. P. A., Detroit it Clovelaud 5t...... Co., Detroit, Mich. -< RS I mm GLYCERINE, j f. es»ing for tho face after shaving, I •«! !t»r chapiM-ri !;.tnds an<l facn. Try If. ■ : C- A UOTTI.K AT UKUGGISTS. ■ <'nr''B r.rlirht's Disease, Dropsv. (iravel, Nerv ousness. Heart. Urinary of l.lver Diseases. Known by a tired lanqulu feclint;; lnactinjt of the kidneys weakens and poisons tlie blood, and tinli ss cause is removed you cannot have health. Cured me over live years ago of Itrlght's Disease and Dropsy.—Mns. I. L. C. MII.I.kh, nethlehcra. Pa. I.OO' I other similar testimonials. Trv It. fun! guaratitci il. CASN'S KlliM.V Cl ItE CO.. 720 Venango St., Pliiladelnhia. Pa. Sold by All Reliable Druggists. jg Cemetery, Lawn, Poultry and Rabbit Fencing rnoi'SAXDS of sulbs ix ise. CATitotiiE FBEE. FKEItiHT PAID. THE rticMUI.LEN WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO U4, lie, lis and 120 H. Kartct St.. Chicago, HI. Garfield Teass" Pares ir.n, RentorM Complexion. B«r«'*uoctoni Kills sample fii«. (u*>utU»TUW.»lWW.lWßt«fl.i. Cures SickHeadacne th& crn2E^~ BRUIN WENT THE PACE. B« Wu Co** Abn»lT« Wben la Htt Cops, But He Meant Well. Bi*r Jackson is dead, and as a result the heart of King McManus is bowed down beneath the weight of unutter able woe. Jackson was only a big, bhaggv, black bear, bnt he was a hale fellow" in his way, and there was not u man in all the Potrero who could cope with him when it came to drinking whisky, says the San Francisco Ex aminer. He could drink from morning till night, go rolling to his bed in tho corner of the yard, and get up in the morning fresh as ever. From his youth he was a rolllckingr blade, with a good dash of the Bohemian in his makeup, and early in life ho started to travel the pace that kills. His friends had foreseen for a long time that there could bo but one end to it all, and when Jackson succumbed to the grim destroyer they shook their headsknow ingly and saifl with one accord: "I told you so." Sunstroke was the immediate cause of his death, but alcoholism reared its hideous head behind it all. Dissipa tion had sapped the strength of a once robust constitution, and the other day came the end. As usual, Jackson was' in his cups. During the forenoon he poured whisky into his stomach in lib eral quantities, and the consequence was that by the noon hour he was very drunk. Then he became ugly ana' boisterous, as was his wont when drinking, and he was thrust out in the small back yard to sleep off the ef fects of his potations. The day was hot and Jackson's blood was afire from whisky. He lay in the sun for some time in a drunken stupor, and when evening came he was dead. Sun stroke, the doctor said, and his lite must have gfone out hours before they found him. When it was found that Jackson wss dead, King McManus was sent for. He had been the latter's favorite for years, and it was deemed fitting 1 that the monarch of Potrero should be given the opportunity to show the last honors to his pet. "Give him the best send-off you can,, boys," was the king's admonition,"and don't spare any expense. Jackson was a thoroughbred, and nothing is too good for him. Send the bill to me.' 1 And so McManus' followers gatheredi in to attend the .rites. There was a wake such as only the Potrero order knows, and when it was all over the body of Jackson was laid to rest in a grave dug for him on the top of Irish hill, overlooking the scene of many a jolly carousal. Nor was there any lack *of mourners. Jackson had mad* a host of friends in his dissipated career, and ( they stood about his graveside to do him such honor as they could. "We planted him just like a human being," said one sympathizer.- "And why shouldn't we? He wasn't the best bear in the world, for he drank like a flsli and was often cross and abusive, but he meant well, and never played it low on a friend in need." GREATEST IN THE WORLD An Imme&ie Bridge to Span the Mertry at Liverpool. It is proposed to build an immense bridge over the Mersey to connect Liv erpool with Birkenhead, and the de signs of the structure are already in existence. According to descriptions in the Liverpool newspapers, the bridge will be of the arched suspen sion type, in three spans, the roadway being suspended from an arch instead' of the usual chain. Each span will have a clear waterway of 1.100 feet, the center span having a clear head-, way of 150 feet above high water of or dinary spring tides. Possibly it may be considered advisable to have one large central span of 1,500 or 1,600 feet with two smaller side spans, so as to give more room for maneuvering a large ship not under absolute control. The plans allow for a clear roadway forty feot in width, sufficient for at least four lines of wheel traffic, and two outer footways, each 7 feet C inches wide. The promoters further claim that an overhead electric tramway can be constructed along the center of the road, supported on center columns in a somewhat similar manner to the New York elevated railway. The to tal estimated cost of the bridge and its approaches, including a sufficient sum for the purchase of property and compensation to owners, but exclusive of additional approaches and the over head tramway, is £1,730,000. Itls stated that at present there is paid for the conveyance of goods ana passengers across the river by lighters, ferry steamers and the tunnel, £195,000 a year, of which £105,000 is paid for goods traffic alone. The promoters estimate that the income of the bridge would be not less than £165,000 a year. Falcons as Letter Carriers. Falcons may be used as letter car riers in place of homing pigeons. M. Smokoff, a lieutenant in the Russian army, has contributed to the Revue des Sciences, the result of some experi ments in training falcons to carry dis patches. Compared with pigeons, fal cons arc in more than one respect su perior as carriers. A pigeon travels from eight to ten leagues In an hour, while a falcon, it appears, can cover fifteen leagues in an hour, and keeps up this rate of speed for fifteen hours at a time. The falcon can also, of course, be intrusted with a heavier budget. He is less easily affected by atmos pheric changes, encounters fewer dan gers on the way and can rarely become the victim of an enemy stronger than himself. Suicide aiicl Insanity. An epidemic of 6uicide has prevailed in lluda l'esth and other Hungarian towns lately. In Buda Pesth alone seven suicides occurred in one day some two weeks ago. The number of cases of insanity is also increasing so rapidly that the hospitals and asylums are crowded. Physicians ascribe both phenomena to the scarcity of pure wine since the phylloxera, in consequence jf which the people drink a made-up .iquid composed of substances perni cious to the brain. —A farmer near Niles, Mich , had 75 trout in his fish pond. Wishing to trans fer them into an ithor pond lie drew off a portion of the water so as to have free ac cess to the lisn. lie left for a short time, and upon his return found that a Hock of Cranes had visited the pond and killed and oiten every one of his trout. —A Corry man who recently visited Bradford say that time-; are so hird over there that tho bees have crossed with the ligntning bugs in order that they may work nights. —Good—"Hero's a joke about a man wno was walking along a road so crooked that he met himself coming back." Ret ter —"That's nothing. I once saw a log so crooked that it couldn't lie still. —Mrs. Emma Freelaud, of PotUvil o Pa., who had both legs cut off on the rail road 50 yews ago, (since which time the has been compelled to move about on hand cru'ches), diid Inst u-eek at the ag.s of 81. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in 1 to 3 days. Its actiou upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes :tl once tho cause and the dis ease immediately di.-appears. The firt-t dofe greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. (J. Kcdick, druggist, Hutioi —One reason why the Russian Czarev itch can never marry the Princes Victoria of Wales, with whose name the gossips have connected his, is that they aro tirst cousins, and the marriage of first cousins is strictly prohibited by tho canons of tho Greek Church. —Summer in the country would be more agreeable if somebody could-convinoe the ftogo liiftt they cau not aing. Color-Blind Cupid. (Pittsbnrjt Commercial Gazette.) Since the days wiien the fair Besdemona j of Shakeipear's creation fell deeply in love with Othello, the jealous Moore. ;t seems to have been the custom for white women to become enamored of colored men. In this city the custom exists to a startling degree, and the Freeman-Lawton tragedy just enacted recalls the fact that in the last twenty years the increase in this prac tice has been very marked. In the various low quarters of tha city, such as Jones avenue, second avenue above Try street, in many streets of the hill district, in the Fifteenth ward, in the vicinity of the Black Diamond steel works, blacks and whites may be found mingled together at every mm. In many cases ot this character the black man and white woman are man and wife, and they seem to live happily togeth i °- if. J. Dean, late supterintendent of the Hmmane society, had met during his term j of office many cases of this kind and he says that these same exist to-day. "Take Jones avenue, for instance, and I you will lind white women by the scoreco" j habiting with negroes. Some of these women have *leit good homes and hus bands, and even children, to Jgo and live with men whose faces are blacker than night. I hare known an instance of where two handsome young white girls whos® parents were Irish,became infatuated wi*h coal bUck darkeys and left thair homes anl friends to go with their dusky lovers. "There are quite a number of white women married to colored men ia the hill district. One very handsome blonde is the wife of a barber. Her husband is a mulatto. Tuere is another family of col ored people in this city whose father was a tall-blooded white man. His wife was a great, big, slovenly loosing ncgress. Af terwards tho father committed suicide by drowning. "I knew another instance where a white womam, who at present cleans offices on Grant street, has bj_-a:ne infatuated vv-I L;i a barber doing business in that locality. She is a pure CaucAasiau, bat I believe she is fast growing to look like her dusky lover. jt"Then there is a case of a well-known business man of this city whoso sister mar" ried a colored employe of the Monongahela house. That created quite a sensation at the time and then the brother of the woman visited the hotel for the purpose of demand ing satisfaction from the black brother-in law and the later drove him from the hotel kitchen at the point of a knife. A great many of these miscegenations have their origin in the large hotels. Here white domestics and scullery maids are thrown considerably into the company of colored waiters, cooks, porters, etc., aDd in that way natural attachments are formed. On lv last week two girls were sent to Mor ganza on account of their shameful and disgraceful tscapdes with two negroes. "In Allentowu, Thirty first ward, there are three families |residing on the same street, the head of each is a black man, while the consorts are whito. "A visit to the colored churche3 on any Sunday will disclose a number of cases of where white women have taken to them selves dusky life partners, but ouly rarely can a case be discovered where white men have married colored women." USE DANA'S SARSAPARIM-A ITS "THE KIND THAT CUKES." —Persons in charge of traction engines on tho roads should exercise great care when they meet, teams. The law is very explicit as to the manner of using engines, whilo on the road, and the penalties pro vided for tho violation of tho provisions of the Act aro very severe. —A pike weighing 22 pounds was taken from the Cnssewago, at Meadville lately. It measured 43 inches in length and was caught with a bass rig. Pennsylvania Exhibits at the World's Fair. Aro ahead of them all, chiefly among them is the display of pure liquors manu factured in the State. It is conceded that no rye whiskies made in tho world can equal those made in Pennsylvania, more especially Silver Age, Duquesno or Bear Creek. These three brands head the list of pure Byes, and are so well known that every reputable dealer sells them. North, East, South aud West they lead all others because they aro pure; because they are reliable, and beause they are stimulants that strengthen and invigorate. They are sold at prices within the reach of all, and aro sold upon their merits for purity and strength. Silver Age, $1.50; Duquesne $1.25; Bear Creek, SI.OO, full standard quarts. Ask your dealer for them; insist on having them, aud if you cannot be sup plied, send to Max Klein, Allegheny, Pa. Price list o( all liquois sent on application. All goods packed neatly and securely. MAX KLEIN. Allegheny, Pa. —The reason pigs are proof against snako bite is that the poison rarejy, if ev er, reaches the circclatory system owing to the tat carried by tho pig. Therefore only fat people should risk going into ber ry patches. USE DANA'S SARSAPARLILA, ITS "TilE KIND THAT CURES." Homestead farmers in this country earn 8 per cent of the total earnings of the nation, and thoir farms and stock repre sent 7 percent of the nationil wealth. —The Senator who is loaded up with a six days' speech on the silver question should hire a camp-meeting in which to firo it off beloro the collection is taken up. —An Allen township (Northampton Co.) farmer, Barney Braker, went to the barn last Sunday morning to hitch the horse to go to church and has not been seen since. Drunkenness, the Liquor Habit, Pos itvely Cured by adimnstering Dr. Haines "Golden Specf.c." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in & glass of beer, a cup oi coffee or tea.or in food, without tho know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in A'erv instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book oi particulars free. Address, Golden Specific Co.. 185 Race St.. Cincinnatti O. —Tho author of ' My Sweetheart's the Man in the Moon" and "Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me a Bowwow" is in durance vile in New York for confirmed d;ankenness, bnt his songs are still at lar;a. —lt is a noticeable fcctj that while the health officers of New York do not fear cholera In that city, they aro insisting up on tho most rigid sanitary precautions. Thoir suggestions sould bo followed by tho authorities of ever city in the country. IT'S Q UITE A STEP from tho great, griping, droadful pills to Doctor Pierce's Pleasant I'el lets. See what an ad- K vance there 9 These little Pellets, scarcely larger than mustari 1 seeds, aro the smallest and tho easiest to take tiny, sugar- coated granules that every child is ready for. They set in the mildest, easiest, most nat ural way. No violence, no reaction after ward, and their help lasts. They perma nently cure Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, Sick or bilious Headaches, and all derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels. They're put up jn sealed vials. This keeps them always fresh and reliable, unliko the ordinary pills in wooden and pasteboard boxes. They're the theaprst, tor they're ffuaran teed to give satisfaction, or your money is re turned. You pay only for tho good you get. No matter what you've tried and found wanting, you can be cured with Dr. Qft&UTO The Fair is Coming. OUR SHOES ARE DOWN. ] 60 pairs of Ladies' fine Oxfords Eddys A Webster's make were 3.75 now only 1.90. 200 pairs of Ladies' shoes Eddy & Webster's make hand turned and welt were 4.50 and 5.00 now only 3.75. 1 lot of Ladies' shoes hand turned wore 2.25 and 2.50 now only 1.90. 1 lot of Oxford# ties only 60 ctfi All children's Red and tan shoes at 85 cts. were 1.00 and 1.25 1 lot Men's Cordovan welt shoes Strong A Carrell make were 5.50 now only * 4.65. 1 lot Men's French calf shoes Strong it Carrell make were 4.75 now only 3.90. 1 lot Men's Dougola were 2.25 now 1.65. 1 lot Men's double sole and tap were 2.00 now 1.45. All Shoes Down to Rock Bottom Prices at ROBINS BROS., S E. corner of Diamond. - - Butler, J'a. j , I ■! 1.. TL\\SS ... * a cf- iA HAY-FEVER f Jj'M U COLD" HEAD MWS . Ely'i Cream Balm is not a liquid, snuff or powder. Applied into the nostrils it u _ mtiMy absorbed. It the head, allays inflammation, heal* - Cllj» the *»res. Sold tni druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price. Liin 3UC ELY BROTHERS. 56 Wa«en Street NEW YORK. 3UC , New York Dentists, Sixth and Liberty StS., (Entrance on Liberty St.) PITTSBURGH, PA. GOLD LINED SETS OF TEETH >IO.OO. „» ia tin to S2";. Those plates are as desirable In every particular The f o wtufd cost you P , 5 0. our prices on other work: BEST SET TEETH. SB.OO : TEETH CLEANED 750 R E vratf 2 T E°-A IR . »oo CROWNS. $5.00 AND UP. , Painleaa Extracting a Snecialtv. All Work Guaranteed. vIRT DEFIES THE KING." THEN .f; : jp-J /""> p 1 S39SAH 8 IV ~He AT* : '. • " V V..TY ITSHI.F GOOD FELLOWSHIP i is a hard thing to find. Do you want the recipe? Here it is. Get a bottle—you 11 find it sure. Try our Finch s|(i old en Wedding for Medical and Family I'se. SI.OO per Ql; or 6 Qts. for $5.00. Dougherty. Guckenheimer. Large. Gibson. » Hriilircport, Mt. Vernon. Ovcrliolt, etc. OURGOODS ARE WARRANTED PURE. Goods securely packed and liored without extra charge. C. O. D. and mail orders re ceive prompt attention. "Grind l ather.- Choice" 3 j ear old is a good one, ago has brought out good quality; sells for $2 pei gallon. sEOBERT LEWIN Importer and Wholesaler, 136'WaterISt, PITTSBURGH, PA. OPPOSITE B. & O. R. K. DEPOT. i TO HAVC HFALTH THE Cures thousands annually of Liver Co mplaints, Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspen sia.- Constipation, Malaria. Moro Ills result froman UnhealthyLlverthanany other cause. Why FufTer when you can be cured ? Dr. S.mfonPs Liver Invigot ator is a celebrated family medicine rotu oitrpeisT WILL SLIM-LY YOU. I I ||| j & I : RECULATE THE j STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, ♦ ' J AM> J 3 j PURIFY THE iSLOOD. A RELIAELE REK!?DY FG3 J i:. » '•<**. €«»•"■ • t patkon, Chronic I.:vci-Trouble*, J I Dlzzltte**, »■>•' < I.ywcntcry, I iOlTen»lve Breath. all disorders #f tl»c » glom&?h* Liver un<! Bowel". ♦ IU pans Tiibuka contain n: injurious to i the moot delicate ooustitation. to take. ♦ t wife, effectual. Give Immediate relief. ♦ I SoM by iiruir*rii»k J - Atrial twjttlo tt-'Sifc by until J ♦ on receipt of 1& cwuts. Address J k \ THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. j | 10 BPRUci STREET. NEW YOLLK CITY. J 1 ARTISTIC HAIR GOODS. r I have re opered n>y establishment. tjW&ISSiA. Ideal WIRS and waves, ijry ' feather Up lit iinil life <J//A* like «J and up. Wavj iialr switches !ei ,'tii.' Also toilet K . il.Mtes. KKftfi ! Kaee Uleach reinoveJ ' jiecfcks. t u n. sunburn, rni lit l atches, ano all blemishes of the .skin. „ I® < UalrTonlc restores sfrey Z2.JMI ' hair io Its natural color, c removes dandruff, tones Wr '■ up the scalp ion healthy 1 " condition,make the hair v soft anil nlossy, and A" f ■ l eaulliul. ( urllne keeps I ' the hr.lr In curl -In /Sy / dampest weather. Z-N/ { HAIK DYE is the /xy ' most perfect prepara tion . guaranteed free; Iroin all poisonous In- V?r 'bleachlntr hair on the head. The iiied'caUy pure sold for that DurDosc. ("an be used as a medic int. Also nice line or shell pins, combs, bands,etc. Call at my < st abUs ni.ide Have your bangs cut in the newlnderella and Columbian style. <.et on ®. "YctVrl hair styles lor t,un:ir.< r wesr. NaUitaM urliuir. 205. S. Wain St., I'd I'cvr. All K« •'«r » WANTED! AT °" R '- SAIKSAE! ' ■ —— FOH TIIIS OCA LIT*. plendld ( )]> P( > RTUN ITY__ for a live energetic man. We . ller TER FACII.ITIES all.! Belter Terms than er.J t-Salary or con,mission Write forour hprcifll Olf(r« HOOKER, GROVER & CO. " Rocliest r KlUit Farm Es'abllshed i c 3S- Rochester. » EGGS FOR HATCHING. From Prize Winning Birds. Consisting of Black Mlnorcas. eggs M per 13; S(• lirown Leghorn. Si per 13 ; 8.1. I>w ks . B.' ll'ambuofS. S. L. Wj ai.dottes, $2.00 i er 30 ..... Good hatch,sillslact oil guarant. .d K«»rsdc- Mvcred to I'utler tree of charKe. \ r file In season. Write lor t attlculars. I. ( M•«- !ln and r. Sonora. liiiibr eoiinty . I a. KGGS FOR HATCHING. Itosc Comb White Letthorn hens from the „ vard of Kd. W. Boyle, score 93. Oockerel from , Theo. Scl-eld. scor"< 95. Single Comt> Brown ■ leghorn liens. Eureka Strain, headed by t.Kk erel from .ii>s. Sterlings Strand, score yr>. Price $1.25 for J3 eggs. 11. A. KISON. Saxonburg. Butler Co.. I'a Grinil Tonr Own Corn M?al, Oys' r Shells and Corn in the $3 Hand Mill. (F. Wilson's Pat.) Circulars lree. > "Also Power and Farm Mills. Send for ;• illustrated circulars and testimonials." 100 per ct. more made in keeping poultry. Address WILSOX BROS.. Easton, Pa. 1 Fighting Fowls. © o Such as 3 and | Jap's, Irish Grays and Brown Reds that are game and fighters. BP ft Leghorns that are fine as silk. Old pair cost last summer in England. - Eggs from all kinds $3 per 13, - $5 per 30. T Address, for Price list, etc., > J. L. BROWNLEE, Ralston, Pa. Scientific American j|3^^*^^traoe' , IWARJCB, DEBICW PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, etcJ For Information and free Handbook write to MINN A CO.. 3GI BROADWAY, NEW YORIC. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. Every patent taken out by us Is brought beforo the public by a notice given free of charge In tho scientific J^wmtan Largest circulation of any scientific paper In tho world. Pplcndidlr Illustrated. No Intelligent man should be without It. Weeklr. 53.00 a Jear: sl.sosix months. Address .MI NN & CO.. TT T TTT "THERE'S MONKT IN IT. FV WANT YOU to act as our A cent, lull or part time as able Permanent position pnaranted to men or wo men. Liberal pay w, ekly. Stock complete. Gilt edged specialties. Experience unnecessary. Elegant outnt free. Address, Nurserymen. C. 11. HAWKS £ CO.. Established 1875. Rochester. N. Y - WE WANT YOU to act as our ngf-ut. \\> furnish ua exiiensire outlit aud all you nee<l free. It cost* notfiiug to try the business. We will treat you well, aud r] help you to earn ten times ordinary w»ige« IJoth sexes of all ages can live at home and work In t. spare time, or all the time. Auv one any where s can earn a great deal of money. Many have made »* Two Hundred Hollars u Month. No class of y people in th»' world are making so much money without capital as those at work for us. Business 4 pleasant, strictly honorable, and pays better than any other offend to agents. You have a clear 1 Held, with 110 competition We eouip you with jj everything, and supply printed directions for j beginners which, if obeyed faithfully, will bring v more money than will any other business. liu r prove your prospects! Why not? You can do so s easily and surely at work for us. Reasonable y industry only necessary for absolute success. r Pamphlet circular giving every particular is sent ,1 free to all. Helay rot in sending for It. : GEOiCOK ST IN.SON X CO.. Uox No. 4HB, rortliMid, Me. e t Can git t lms BRAT I /As l'l>T < ATlONforull r / j0 / PEuclieai Purpoaca at i ( CLAPK 's L Flegant Itooii:s; Modern Methods; .Experienced 1 IVach»*ra. itn graduates succeed, special ad van in Shortliuud aud i t pewrtUmg. Write foi oauuotfue. lie. CLARK, I res. H. M. sw KKT. bee m I EWIS' 98 % LYE L POwrIBID AKS risnrvxz) The at i <»iigei»c an<l pares! T.ye maiie. Cnllko other Iye It being with removal')* Ud. the contenti are always f«»r use. Will make the l»c«C i>«*rfniiiefl Hard Si ap in i>i nilnutf uiiliout boil lug. If la lli«' •»«■«! forel«-an.-ijig jml pipes, <ll>-liif«>ctlug sinks, cl<»^ot^ Wm wa.shlng bottles 1 alnts trees, etc. ■jkw PENNA. SALT M»FO CO QuKExfkES) Gen. Agts.. I'ldla.. I'a. SEE These Prices on EVERGREENS 10,000 Norway Spruce, 4 ton inches high, fjn, . in Balsam Kir. 4 to h Inches hljfli. $2". IQO.iiy Arbor Vlt«J, » to 15 Inches lilßli. li>. lo.w» Scotch Hlne. 4to n Inches hlth, flo. over joo varieties. • .000,000 for sale. rnDCCT TDFFQ lon.oo# Whit-' Cottonwood. rUntiul lHuLiO.i to u inch. ton. lmi.oho yellow Cottonwood. IL- to s» Inch. 11(10. ino.ono c.ii:»r Maple, Ito H Inch. fcis. i(*»>,iioo Klui. 4to tScll. Its. We sold S.OtO.'KO In Ivj-.'. We must sell twice as many this year. Our nursery is everstoeked w Ith all varieties and sizes of fruit tond ornarnnnlal trees. We must clear some of ahem out. Send for price lists. EVERGREEN NURSERIES, Evergreen, Wis THE Leading Millinery House OF Are now prepared to show their new line of Spring Milli nery. Beautiful beyond description. Whether you buy or not, you are welcome to come and enjoy the beautiful and artistic display. Come for investigation and comparison. We believe buying will follow. Special Mourning Millinery, also Millinerv for Misses and Children. NOTICE. SAILOR HATS 10c. T lieL argest and Leading Millinery Honse in Western Penn'u All Purchases of $lO and up, Delivered Free ef Ctarge Within a Radius cl ICO toil Pittsburg, DANZIGE:RS, Pennsylvania Just a few Random Shots. Up and Down. High Price Busters Tho' Head Coverings lor Wee . House Furnishing Hummers , Tots and Older Folks too. Money Savers, You Bet Mason'? fruit jais. the SI.OO kind, uf'W for •iSc a tloz. Chiliiren'i ;<oc exceedingly handsome tin- j And the ce corned je;2y InmUlen, now for broidery caps with pretty, full pleated lace I -o each. frills, now foi 24c each. ~(C comfortably tale 1 abv swiucs, now fur Children's beautifully shirred 50c lawn caps, j S9c each. now for 24c each. j $1.75 hammocks, with spreaders, now for ! r >c Children's 75c, SI.OO and $1.50 fine cordtd each. and rich embroideried cap*, and the're just 50c nests of wire dish covers, bin a nest, now little beauties, now tor 49c, 74c and 99c each, lor 29c each. Children's £oc white and colored sun bonnets, 75c cherry seeders and they aie dandies, now now for 24c each. for 37c eßoh. Ladies' 50c and 75c tun bonnets we'll tell J 1 • ril ' t < u keep the hous now for 39c and 49c each. ■ <i. > v. .... >. Mii.is. :L.<sns, &c., Every- Scintillating Hustlers fi« i ' ' s Bargains. siiir/imorf , 8.00 and 4.00 handsome lace enr -u they're fall S Tarda long too, now lor 99c, $1.49,1.74 and 1.99 a pair. 40, 45, 50, 62 and 75c Gein.an t»l>le linens, 1 hon.f stils of bcsntilully plated spoons, tea a u j.retty patterns, now for 25, 33, 39, 14, and 2c, table 4c each. 4 <> c a yar d Uandfcmcly silTtr plated lJc (alt and pep- jjoo, 1.26 and 1.50 while tid spreads, now per be,ties, butter knives and sugar spoons, f or a ,,,j 99c each, now for 12c each. jo, 15, 10, is andSCc all linen towels for 5 Nicely plated and chased 15c napkin rings, 9 n, and 16c each, now for 5c each. Kxctedin<?)y i;i,d handsomely rich $2.00,2.50, Chi ldrtn's SI.OO beautifully silver plated . 2.75, 3.50, 1. 10,5 CO acd COO lace Itd sets, gold lined mugs, also 50c sets of knile, fork 1 uowfirJMY j1.24, I.SS, 1 74, 1.99, 2.49 and and spoon, choice 24c each or set. | 2.99 a set. ' ' Pittsburg. DANZIGERS, Pennsylvania. , RINGS, I lin on J UJ dIIIOIK lb « SOAKF PINS, 'STUDS, f GENTS GOLD, WMtr- LADIES GOLD, ( GENTS SILVER LADIES CHATLAIN, J Gold' Pins, Ear-rings, •J v VV (.11 \ "j Kings, Chains, Bracelets. Kte, ( Tea sets, castors, butter dishes Silverware {SUtiEftfiUr * HBDGEH iOS.Ilfl (SSfcJ?* E. GRIEB, THE JEWELEPt No. 139, North Main St., BUTLEB, PA., YOUB FAVORITE HOMB NEWSPAPER AND The Ming Republican Family Paw of Ike liiiitil Slates ONE YEAR FOR ONLY #1.50 THE CITIZEN. gives all the Town and Couuty and bb mucb General news as any other NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE is a NATIONAL FAMILY' PAPER, BDd gives all the general news of the United States end ibe world the events of foreign lands in a nutshell Its "Agriculiuial" department has no superior in the couDtrv Its "Market Reporls"are recognized authority in oil ptirts of the .uno. It hus separate departments for "The Family Circle'i and Our Young Folks " Its "Home Society" columns command the admiration of wives and daughters Its general political news, editorials and discussions are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. For only $1.50, Cash in Advance. "N. Y. "Weekly Tribune," regular price per year SI.OO 1 The Citizen," " " " 1 Total s2.^o We furnish both papeis one year for - - $1.50, Subscriptions may begin at any time. Address all orders to THE CITIZEN, BTJTLISR, PA JVI. ROSENTHAL, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St., . _ - - I'ittsbu.-g, la Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Market ~ ~~ " """"" " APost-offlce address we mail trial bottle ■■ P| ■■ MB ami prove kUk k to you tkat|T|lkk ASTHMALENE _ will and <'oee cure asthma CINE CO., ROCHESTER, N. Y.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers