Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, September 01, 1893, Image 2

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- »«tUr
ttiLLUX c. yroii*T, r»bn.fc>r
J. 8. Wick,
Of Bctim.
Of Marion twp.
JOH* T. MAET Q S f B[lffalo twp.
Joseph CBiawiai'"
Of Butler twp.
Samuel w. McCotwroH,
Of Fairview twp.
Kicoabo KKIXT.
Of Venango twp.
JOHSK. ALLrso *o fCentre twp .
PiEfißliE J. GRAHAM,
UK " Of Connoqnenessing twp
Fell and Jackson.
The Republican State Convention met at
Harrisbnrg, Wednesday, and did its work
within two hours. David N'ewlin Fell, of
Philadelphia, was nominated for Supreme
Judge, and Col. Samuel M. Jatkson, of
Apollo for Stato Treasurer—both by Ac
B. F. Gilkeson, cf Backs County, will
probably be State Chairman.
The platform favors the unconditional
repeal of the Sherman Act; favors the
expansion of the circulating medium to
S4O per capita; protests against changing
the McKinley tariff until it has had a fair
trial, favors liberal pensions; lavors string
ent immigration laws, etc.
Dr. J C, Barr of Mars was elected as
a Stato committeeman for this county.
Washington Notes.
On Friday Senator Hill made a gpeechin
the Senate in which he announced himself
as a bi-metalist though he said he would
vote for the repeal of the purchasing clause
of the Sherman act. He denounced Wall
Street, and said Cleveland had betrayed
Democracy. His speech was looked upon
as a bid for the leadership for a new party.
All day Saturday, both houses rang,with
free lectures on Finance. Ex-Speaker
Reed's speech was the most notable made
in the Hoase, and his closing words were
especially impressive. Said he: "The
proudest part of the proud record of the
Republican party has been its steadfast de
votion to the cause of sound finance.
"When this country was tempted to pay
its bonds in depreciated money the Repub
lican party responded with loud acclaim to
that noble sentiment of Gen. Hawley that
every bond was as sacred as a soldier's
grave. It cost us hard fighting and sore
struggle, but the credit of this country has
no snperior in the world. "When the same
arguments heard to day were years
ago, sounding the praise of a depreciated
ourrency and proclaiming the glories of
fiat money, the party of Abraham Lincoln
marched steadily towards specie payments
and prosperity. What we were in our days
of victory we are in the hours ot defeat,
champions of true and solid finance, and
when the day comes,as it surely will come,
for us to lead this land back to the paths of
prosperity and fame, which were trodden
under Republican rule for so many years,
we shall take back with us our aucient
glory undimmed with adversity, our
ancient honor unsullied by defeat.
"The question is upon the passage of the
bill. The yeas are 240 and the nays 110.
The yeas have a majority of 130 and the
bill is passed,'' said Speaker Crisp Monday
in announcing the final result of the silver
fight in the House. During the entire day,
from 12 o'clock, every Representative was
in his seat upon the floor and the galleries
were crowded, the corridors thronged, but
no demonstration of any character took
took place during the roll-calls upon the
various amendments. But when the
Speaker announced, "The bill is passed,"
the numbers upon the floor of the House,
and the gathering in tho galleries, which
was also representative of the people,
joined in a tumult of applause
which the Speaker was unable to restrain,
and which continued tor nearly ten
The vote in the different amendments
and on the Wilson bill to repeal the pur
chasing clause of the Sherman act were as
I'can. Xaijx. Mm.
RATIO OF 1C TO 1.... 124 226 102
RATIO OF 17 TO 1.... 100 240 140
RATIO OF 18 TO 1.... 103 239 130
RATIO OF 19 TO 1.... 104 23H 134
RATIO OF 20 TO 1.... 121 222 101
■WILSON 81LL.... 240 110 130
The Representatives of tho State of
Pennsylvania were all iu their seats, and
every one of them answered to the roll
calls. Mr. Hopkins voted in favor of the
free coinage of silver at the ratio oi 20 to I,
and in favor of the Bland-Allison act. He
then vo a ted finally against the pending bill
before the House, known as the Wilson
bill. Mr. Sibley, as was expected of him,
voted from beginning to close with the
silver men. With these two exceptions
the Representatives of the Keystone State
voted as the people of the State desired
that they should vote.
Middlesex Township Items.
Thomas Burns' baby girl was ran over
last Friday. Lawrence Myers, the butcher
of Bakerstown,is supposed to have done it,
without knowing it.
The house of' William Snyder was enter
ed and robbed last Thursday, while the
family were at a neighbors threshing.
Marks, the storekeeper at Glado Mills,
had a box of goods stolen from bis wagon,
on his way out last Friday. The box was
searched for,and found back of Whitmire's
brick yard.
SAVASNAH, Georgia, was swept by a
storm, Sunday night, that destroyed ship
ping, wharfs and houses, and caused the
death of a hundred people. The storm
was a cyclone, and it followed the Atlantic
coast, up to New England, doing great
damage everywhere.
Birthday Celebration.
The friends and neighbors of Mrs. Wash
ington Bovard,of Cherry twp.,on the 19 ult.
celebrated at her home tho 63d anniversary
of her birth. The occasion is said to have
been a very pleasant one to all present.
The good thinks to eat, tho good music,
led by Mr. William Bovard, tho speeches
by Rev. Samuel Kerr, D. D.,of Harrisville.
the Kev. Dickey, Doctor McCune, Mrs. Dr.
Grossman, Prot. Scott, and her brother, J.
D. McJunkin, Esq., of this place, were all
appropriate, and all things happening will
bo long and pleasantly remembered by the
some 300 persons present. The chairmnn
of the meeting was Mr. J. Chamber Bovard
and the Secretary Mr. Jobn liailey.
Petrolia Items.
Mrs. Casteel of W. Va., was in our town
on Tuesday of this week looking after the
mail agent between Petrolia and Billiards
Miss Dodds oi Cleveland,Ohio,is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. A. If. Rill of this place.
A. M. Rill has returned to Pittsburg
after a two weeks sojourn with his family.
David M. Eakins and Jesse M. Beatty
were married on Tuesday of this week.
Success to them through life.
Prospect Chunks.
! Know by these presents that:
| The following verses, entitled "Give
xiicin Now," are worth practising:
"If yon {iave gentle words and looks, my
To spare for me—if you have tears to shed
That I have suffered—keep them not, I
' Until I hear not, see not, being dead.
If yon have flowers to give—fair lily buds.
Pink roses, (lasiea (meadow stars that be
Mine own dear namesake), let them bloom
and make ,
The air, while yet I breathe it, sweet for
For loving looks, though fraught with
And kindly tears, though they fill thick
and fast,
And words of praise, alas! can naught
avail . , .
To lift the shadows from a life that s past.
And rarest blossons, what can they suffice.
Offered to one who cau no longer gaze
Upon their beauty! Flow'rs in coffins laid
Impart no sweetness to departed days.
Mrs. Jacob Heck and family, who
have been spending the summer among
their friends here, have returned to their
Butler home.
Mrs. Howard Kelly, after two or three
weeks' sickness, is now able to be about
Blinn, Burry <fc Webber are so busy
threshing theso days that they are puzzled
to know how to accommodate all that want
work done. They recently threshed 400
bu. of rye, wheat and oats in an afternoon
and had to make three sets to do it.
A. H. Dunn is at present, working for
Heasley £ Co. on the Marshall farm.
James Wilson's friends —and they are
legion—literally took possession of him
and his premises, on Tuesday, Aug.
It was the occasion of Mr. Wilsons oth
anniversary. There were eatablcs.speeches
and presents almost without limit. Mr.
Wilson has always been a staunch,upright.
Christian citiien, a lover of our ( nion ami
a firm friend of the public schools,—hence
the honor that was shown Mr. Wilson on
his 75th birthday. We hope ho may
continue in vigor of mind and body to soe
many years of enjoyment yet.
The younger, assisted by a few of the
elder ladies, of the Presbyterian Church,
gave an ice-cream and peach festival m
Kirchner's hall Tuesnay eve, Aug. 22d.
Success was written all over the room.
Johnnie Hays, who has been in Chicago
for some time, visited his brother Park
last week. Mr. Hays is recovering from a
long sick spell.
John Martin and wife, visited their
friends in the southern part of the county,
last week.
Mrs. Ella Jones, net Ella Forrester, ol
Dighton, Kan., was the guest of her aunt,
Mrs. Abs. Shanor. not long ago.
Rev. John Kelly occupied the Presby
terian pulpit, both morning and evening,
last Sunday. Rev. Kelly is a young minis
ter, but gives promise of a useful teacher
in the great cause ho has chosen for his
life's work.
Mr 3. Solomon Myers, of Beaver Falls
has been visiting her friends hero for
several days.
Misses Clara Lepley, Lou Burris and
Bertha Heyl; with their Sunday School
scholars, picnicked in Heyl.s grove.
Thursday Aug. 24th. The ladies aud
their little wards had a most pleasaut
time. Oh, how we wished we were a boy
Geo. Allen and wife, of Isle, visited
Plumtner Badger and family, not long
Miss Dot. Richardson, Solomon A Reu
ben's stenographer, of Pittsburg, was home
for a few days last week. Miss. Richard
son is progressing finely in her work, and
will soon take up the study of German,
French and music.
Dr. Louis Roth and family visited their
Lawrence county friends last week. Katie
Badger looked after things and kept the
spooks away from the plums.
Jo Cosity.
Flick Items.
Last Thursday night Mrs. Mary Enough
was attacked by a raccoon at her homo,she
is a woman ol great nerve, she took the ax
and killed it. It is supposed to be some
body, pet.
Mr. L. Kelley has purchased the Crooks
house and has moved it up on his farm, it
was moved with twelve horses.
Mr. J. W. Gillespie and wife were the
guests of Sarah Anderson Wednesday ol
last week.
Samuel Moore ol Clinton twp. was the
guest of Wm. Sefjon, Tuesday of last
Stephen Donaldson met with a great
surprise the other morning on his way to
work he came on about twenty or twenty
five young guineas which lie took lor
David Park has built the handsomest
grain house in our vicinity. Francis Ken
nedy did tho carpenter work.
JamoH Mahan is hauling tanks and tub
ing from the Gold oil field to Harf.erville,
it is reported that there will be five rigs
to move from this place soon, the produc
tion of the Forest Oil Co. is onlj - about 80
barrels a day in this field.
Jeffrey Davis and wife have returned
home from the World's Fair,
Harry Criner reports seeing a mermaid
jn Lake Michigan.
Cliff Criner, Clyde Jamisou, Sj'lvestt-r
Montgomeiy, W. P. Criner put up a tele
graph line from W. P. Criner's houso to
the Fulton Pnmp Station on last Saturday
Dick Kennedy of Sandy Hill is suffering
from the effects of a sprained knee.
Charles Stepp is practising on his new
bicycle these warm days.
Ed Westerman claims to smoke a clay
fipe will cure hay fever or give great rc
Tho well on the llirain Flick is down
1,300 feet at the date af this writing.
Uncle Win. Sefton has recovered • from
the effects of tho fever and is able to bo
around again.
Wm. and John yuinn are dowu with
typhoid fever.
Through the columns of your paper I
wish to ask tho Health committ'e of the
borough, as lam iulbrmed they are the
proper ones to look after all matters per
taining to the health of the borough, why
is it that when you instruct each and every
citizen and property holder in the borough
to clean streets, alleys, cut Is. white
wash cellars and many other tilings that
you could not legally enforce compliance
with did anj- one so refuse, that you ne
glceteu and still neglect the most vital and
most important matter that is conducive
to the health of every man, woman or
child in the borough and that is the water
we drink and use in preparing the food v. e
eat. Tho water lurnished bj 1 the Water
Co. t(> the citizens of the borough actually
stinks so bad and is so disgusting thai
horses and cattle that are brought iuto the
borough actually refuse to drink it, yet wo
are compelled to pay outrageous ratos and
are compelled to use this foul stinking,
disease breeding water, and notwithstand
ing all these facts you as a health commit
tee have failed to even allude to the con
dition of a water supply, the condition of
which is an outrage ana an imposition on
the citizens ol the borough ami inus' nec
essarily breed aud cause much sickr.esj,
why not have this Water Co. indicted before
our Grand Juries for maintaining a nui
sance and compel them to erect'.and main
tain a filter large enough to furnish us with
filtered water, as their charter calls fir
pure water, this can be done and done at
once without one days delay, why should
this matter be delayed, there is too much
at stake, iu this matter, the health of the
town is too importaut'for j'ou to neglect it
you cannot afford to risk an epidemic of
typhoid fever any longer, this Water Com
pany immediately collecting their quar
ters pay. No, Hir, paj' you must and rati
that are outrageous and unjust, or they
shut you off. Every cousunier of water
in the town should refuse to pay for their
water until the water is filtered and pure
So far the most vital and impartant matter
should be righted, then see that jour
neighbors clean up streets, alleys, cut
weeds and keep their cellars properly
while washed. There is no necessity of
having any red tape in this matter,have the
Water Co. indicted at once, give them to
understand that the citizens ofthe borough
yet havo some rights that thej' are bound
Ito respect. It is not necessary to put on
' kid gloves when j*ou handle this Water
| Co.
j HARRY ALVI.N HALL has been confirmed
as U. S. District Attnrnej- for Western
I Pennsylvania.
McCOLLOUGH—At her home on X.
Washington St., Aug. 25,189J.Mr5. John C
McCollough, aged 75 year". S
FITZSIMMO2TS — At his homo in A 1 le }
gheny. Anp26. 1593, Chas Fitzsimmoc-f
formerly ot Jefferson twp..aged 26 years, j
His death was caused by typhoid lever, j 8
ROSMAX—At his home in Jackson twp.. ,
Aug 28, 1893, Wm. Kosman, aged about
71 years. j
CRT—August 30, 1593, infant child of
John Ort.
CCRRY—At his home in Renfrew. Aug.!
20, 1893, James Curry. j .
THOMPSON—At his home near Six j
Points, Aug. 21, 1893, Amberson M. '
Thompson, in his 59th year.
GRAHAM—At hi- home in this place. M
Wednesday, Aug. 30, 1593. Mr. John B. |
Graham, aged S4 years, 5 months and -7 ,
days. _*-n <
The death of Mr. Graham removes still j
another of the early and olde.-t citizens of
1 this place. He was known to all as a (
good man, a quiet, peaceable citizen.whose
hosesty was proverbial and whose whole
life was above reproach. He was born in i
Butler in 1809, and was a son of Roben •
Graham, one of the founders of the of this (
town, and who gave part of the ground
upon which it stands. He was the father
of Walter L. Graham, Esq , Dr. Samuel
lir&ham and Mrs. Joel Stoddard, of this
place, and of Robert Graham, Esq., now of
iieadville. Pa. His remains will bo laid
to rest to-day in the North Presbyterian
BLAKKLY—At her residence, No. 10
Xorth Ave . Allegheny, August 2/,1893. i
Susan Drum Mechling. wife ofAtchibald
Blakdev. Esq., aged about 68 years. 1
Her husband and three sons survive her.
She was buried in the Mechling lot, South
Side Cemetrv. Butler, Wednesday. ,
Mrs Blakeley was born and raised in
Butler and was a daughter o<" the late
Ili.n. Jacob Meching, Jr., and a grand
dauzhter of tho elder Jacob Mechling, who
was one of the first comers and most prom
inent of the early citizens of this place.
Her grandmother's maiden name was
Drum, for whom she was named, and j
hence she was known in her early life as
Susan Drum Mechling. Her mother,
Jane Thompson, was one of the large
familv ol that name in Middlesex twp., ,
this county, of whom the late ex-Chief
Justice of our State Supreme Court, James
Thompson, was also one. Mrs. Blakeley
was married to Mr. Blakeley about 1853
and after living here for some years they
removed to Pittsburg, and from there to
Franklin and from there back to Alle
ghe y. Some two years ago she was at
tacked with the then common complaint
known at the grip, from the effects of
which it is said she never recovered and
finally died.
Airs. Blakeley was a most estimable wo
man. To her early friends and associates
of this place yet living the news of her
death was learned with sorrow ,md regret.
They remembered her with the kindliest
feelings, llcr noble and generous nature,
airreeable maimers, kindly and charitable
disposition made her the friend of all.
Xoiie of them here but readily pay a last
tribute to her worth and memory.
Mr. Joseph B. Mechling. living near
town, is a brother to her, and the vener
able Thomas Mechling is an uncle.
The reinaitns were brought to Butler
for interment on Wednesday morning last.
Thej' were met at the depot by the pall
bearers and many friends and taken to the
Episcopal church, where impressive ser
vices were held, conducted by tho aged
Rev. White, Rev. Heinminway, the pas
tor, and Rev. Arundel, a pastor from Pitts
burg. After which they were deposited
In the Lutheran burial ground ol tho
South Cemetery.
The pall-bearers were Hon. E. McJunk
iu, John M. Sullivan, John U. N'egley,
Henry C. Heinemau, Charles Dully, Dr.
A. M. Neyman, J. D. McJaukin, and
Lev. McQuistion.
Will Young's spring house was broken
open on Wednesday night and all the con
tents taken.
John Green was visiting his parents at
Karns City on Sunday last.
Jack Mc-Mullen and Will Carson intend
starting for tho World's Fair in the near
The camp meeting commenced on Satur
day night and with good_weatlier will be
a grand success, about 500 attended on
Sunday afternoon aud evening.
Miss May Sherman of Butler is visiting
her aunt, Mrs. C. A. Wise.
George Armstead is running a lemonade
and eating *tand at the camp ground aud
is doing a rushing business.
Owing to the financial stringency in the
money market, business is at a standstill
around this place.
A cream of tartar baking powder. High
est of all ixj leavoning strength.— Latest
Unitnl States Government Food Report.
Royal Eaking Powder Co.,
IOG Wall St.. N. Y.
Jury List for September T. 1893-
List of Grand Jurors drawn this 31st day
of July, A.D., 1893, to serve as Grand Jurors
at a regular term of court commencing on
the iirst Monday of September, the same be
iug the fourth day of said month.
Agcas Sylvanus, farmer, Concord twp.
Adderhold II 11, gent, Saxonburg.
Hrownfield W, farmer, Donegal twp.
Borland Charles L, Clerk. Bullet-, sth ward.
Bartley Seward, farmer, Butler twp.
Eleulierger William J, farmer, Fairvicw, W.
Elliott .1 A, farmer, Centre tvrp._
Fidler D W. farmer, Jackson, W.
Fair George W, pumper, Middlesex.
Knox L 11., farmer, Jackson, E.
Graham Ebenezer, laborer, Butler, Ist ward.
Hogg John, farmer, Slippcryrock twp.
Hrvl Henry, farmer, Franklin twp.
Martiu J IJ, farmer, Connoquenessing, N.
McElhaney Robert, blacksmith, Cherry S.
McQuistion lliuduian, farmer, Butler twp.
Rice Jacob, farmer, Butler twp.
Sleigher Joseph, farmer, Summit twp.
Taj ior W L, driller, Fairview, E.
Weber John, farmer, Baidrulge.
Wallet Daoiel, farmer, Jefferson twp.
Wtrv.er rliarles, farmer, Lancaster twp.
Wiiui-r Jefferson, farmer, Worth twp.
Young Charles, gent, Zelienople.
List of Petit Jurors drawn this 31st day of
July, A. D., 18t»3, to serve as Petit Jurors at
a regular term of Court commencing on the
second Monday of September, A. D., 1*93,
the tame being the 11th day of said month.
Andersou Robt M, farmer, Penn twp.
Brackney L E, oil producer, Butler lgt-wd.
Burn art Gabriel, farmer, Conncq. twp. N, J
Bower John, laborer, Butier, 2d ward.
Barr Joseph, lariner, Jefferson twp.
liurtou John, farmer, Jefferson twp.
Collins Isaiah, farmer, I'arkertwp.
Dunn Allen, farmer, Muddycreek twp.
Douglas W J, farmer, Jackson twp. W.
Donaldson A 11, farmer, Concord twp.
Garrett David, oil producer, Miller.stown.
Uantz Lewis, oil producer, Evans City.
Hull W 1), painter, Butler, Ist ward,
lfl'i Henry, merchant, Evans City.
Knox Samuel S, pumper, Parker twp.
Kiust-y J H, farmer, Muddycreek.
Keuehan Joseph, farmer, Cherry twp. S.
Kemper B. Jr, shoemaker, Butler, -Ith wd.
Milligan Samuel, farmer, Clearfield twp.
Morris John, carpenter, Wiufield twp.
j McFadden Hugh, farmer, Donegal twp.
Morgan James A, merchant, Parker twp.
MeCafferty Andrew, farmer, Buffalo twp.
McFarlaud Thomas, farmer, Penn twp.
I Madison L G, oil producer, Fairview Boro.
| Morris n S, baker, Butler, 3d ward.
| Miller James E, farmer, Venango twp.
i Miller Alfred, farmer, Clay twp.
lO'Niel John, farmer, Jefferson twp.
Orr J \V, merchant, Parker twp,
| Pull' John farmer, Jellerson twp.
Purutker. William,butcher,Millcrstown Bor.
Patterson S J, farmer, Middlesex twp.
Patterson James, farmer, Jefferson twp.
Rettig Louis, farmer, Summit twp.
Reiber Heury, merchant, Butler 2d ward.
Roxbury W J, farmer, Concord twp.
1 Stiver T B, dealer. Harmony Boro.
Ssukey M 1.. farmer, Cherry twp, S.
I ."sLy.ii-r Philip, farmer, Butler twp.
•slrppy James, laborer, Butler, >th ward.
Tiio .ipsin George W. l«nuer, Summit twp.
1 Vim, i George, farmer, Butler twp.
\\ ,-!i J W, farmer. Count iuen«s,in,' twp.
Webber W C, blaeksmith, Centreville Bor. ;
■ Woods Thomas, farmer, Clinton twp.
1 Worthiugton G M, farmer, Mercer twp.
j Witt Laurence, larmer, Oakland twp. j
Samuel Mock was placed on trial at
Clarion, Thursday, for the murder of |
Station Agent Crawford at Foxburg, last,
May. and pleaded not guilty, but the jury
found him gnilty of voluntary man- j
At New Brighton, last Sunday. W. 11..
Thomas, a shipping clerk in the Carnegie
Works, killed his wife for going with other
At Woodlawn. near Beaver Falls, Sat
urday, Florence Maiden, committed
suicide by shooting herself because her
mother scolded her for having too many
FIVE blocks of South Chicago were burn
ed last Tuesday afternoon. Seven thou-and
people were made homeless, and the prop
erty loss was placed at one million.
FORTY lives were lost by a hurricane
that swept the Xew England coast last
Tuesday night: and the rainfall doing
the proceeding twenty-hours was nearly
four inches.
Fairriew Items.
W P Jamison and other school toachers
are preparing to commence teaching next
Mrs J C Hill and Mrs W It Lay are visit
ing at D "W McClures, who is a brother to
Mrs Hill, who is from Allegheny City and
her daughter Mrs. R Lay from Oil City, Pa.
John Craig of Petroliaand NelsonSutt >n
of Troutman are up here doing np the
threshing around here at a very fast rate
with their new machine.
Christira Grossman and her son are re
sucitating after their siege at camp-meet
The recent rain has done farmers inneii
good here, potatoes, buckwheat, and
even the peaches look larger and more
thrifty. DENT.
TWENTY-TWO tons of gold amounting to
$10,000,000, was sent by rail from San
Francisco to Xew York, last week.
Rich Red Blood
—, . "For fe- Hug of dead-
BCAJ of tho limbs, con
stipation ;.n.l poor clr-
P f* Hood's S.irsaparllla has
rt IV' "P Ino rival. My blood wa3
[ : m v |in very poor condition.
I Since taking Ilooil'sSar
-1 saparilla I have good
1 rich, red Mood, and do
'<3 J, not bloat as I used to.
}/«rs ATJ ry f Topis \ Hood's Sarsapirilla has
proved its merit to ma as it v.rlt > all who take
it fairly." MRS. M. F. TOMS, - NI^I ; D , ' C
HOOO'S SarsaparlUa CURES.
Hood's Pills S:ck Headache. 250.
By virtue ol sundry writs of \ en. Ex., Fl. Fix..
Lev. Fa.. 4c.. issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Butler Co., Pa., and to me directed
there will h." expos- .1 to public sale at the
Court House, in tie) borough of Butler, on
Monday, tho 4th day or Sept ,
A 1). l-v'.;, at 1 o'clock t>. m, the following Jde
serliied property, to-wlt:
E1) No 12,14 C. 11V. us, 149 and I.TO Sept T. 1893.
H H Goucher, att'y.
All the right, tltie. Interest and elalm of
Dctmer Shannon and Annie I. Hlce, of, in and
to U>o acres of land, more or less, situated In
Oonnoquenesslngtwp, Butler Co. I'a. bounded
as lollows, to-wlt: On the north by lands of
Dykes, east by lands of Dettrlck's heirs, sonth
by lands of l.il Henshew, and west by lands of
1- Thomas and Dutlonl, said land being
mostiv cleared, in fair state of cultivation, and
having a two story frame house, large frame
barn, good orchard aud other outbuildings
erected Mi . Seized anil taken In exeeut lon
as the property of Detmer .Shannon and An nle
L Kiee at the suit of B M Daacan, et al.
t; DNo te, sept T, H h conclier, Att'y.
All the rlßht, title, interest and l.tim or
Delincr shannon, of, In and to l. acres of land ,
more or less, sltuat la Oonuoquenessluz twp.
Butler Co, Fa. bounded as follows, to-wit: On
ihe north by lauds of Henry Kambiugh; cast
iiy lands of formerly Lemon -, south by Piti Is of
I> Cable, and west by lands of Mary A Mct'and
less, wlih a log house, iratne barn, orchard aud
oiuer outbuilding erected thereon, being m ist
ly cleared aud under a good state of cultiva
tion. Seized and tiken In execution as the
preperty of Detmer Shannon at the suit of 1!
M Duncan.
E IJ No 41, Sept T, lss.'). E McJ, McJunkm <£
(ialhreath, att'ys.
All the right, title, interest aud claim of
Isaiah Brown, of, In and to to acres of land.
:,i ire or less.sltuated In Centre twp. Butler Co.
l-a. bounded as follows, to-wlt: On tUe north
t v hinds o! Win Moore,east by lands of Thomas
lew.in and Henry llrlght, south by lands of
Joslali .Miller, and west by lands of John M
Dunn, said land being mostly cleared, under
f.-nce aud In a fair state of cultivation. Seized
and taken In execution a-s the property of
Isaian Brown at the suit of John Knauf lor use
of Eva Amelia Duiubaugb.
K 1) Nos .1, and <>;. Sep!. T, 1893. W A
Fortiuer. E McJ, and McJ i l.albreath, att'ys.
Ail the right, title. Interest and claim of 1) T
McKlnuey, M 11 .McKtimey and liobert Me
Kinney, of. in and to so acres of laud, more or
less situated iu Connoiiuenessing twp, Butler
Co. Pa. bounded as follows, to-wlt: on the
north by l'owdermlllroad,east by lands of Win
Blakeley, south by lands ol Frank ML- Kinney et
al, and west by I auds of Henshew et al. with a
r-. storv name dwelling house, frame barn,one
orchard, mostly cleared land, aud one oil well
thereon. .Seized m l taken lu execution as Hie
property ot L> T Meiuuney, M 11 McKlnney and
Robert McKinney at the suit of John Berg
Co et al.
E D Nos hi and 22, Sept T, 1883. W A Foiquer,
All the right, title, interest and claim of M II
McKinnev, of, in and to to acres of land, more
or less, situated in I'enn twp, Butler Co, I'a.
hounded as follows. to-wit:»On Ihenortii by
lunas of (ireen heirs, east by lands of Kllngler,
south bv lands of Claude (ierrard and public
road, aiid v. • st by lands of formerly Uunlap.
now Phillips and Uardman. with a l>tf story
frame house, frame barn, orchard, mostly
cleared, under fence and in a fair state of culti
vation. Seized and taken In execution as the
property of M 11 McKlnuey at tie: suit of John
lierg A. Co.
i: 1> No 113. Sep'. T7 isaj. ltalstuu a: Greer,
All the i ight, title. Interest and claim of Win
N I'urvls aud olive Matthews, executors of the
last will of Mrs Irene J Purvis, the deceased
wife ei Win N Purvis, of, iu and t>> HJ acres of
land, more or less, situated iu Counouaenesslng
and i.am-aster townships, Butler Co, Pa. bound
ed a- follows, to-wlt: un the north by lands of
Martha Matthews; e.e t by lauds of James
liays;sou!h by lands of James Hays and West
by lauds ol Peter lilt, being the same land
owned In fee by James Matthews, dee'd, the
one lourth share of which was devised by the
lasi will and testament to his daughter. Irene
.1 Purvis, with a good dwelling house, large
baru, orchard and other outbuildings thereon.
Seized and taken iu execution as the property
ol Will N l'urvis and olive Matthews, executors
ol the last will of Mrs Irene .1 l'urvis, the
deceased wife or Win N l'urvis. at the suit of
Conrad Myeis.
E1) No 107, Sept T, io'j.i. T C Campbell, att'y.
All the right, title,lnterest and claim of Andy
lireuuer or Krluer. of, hi and to a certain lot
of land, more or less, situated in Butler boro,
litiller Co, Pa. bounded as follows, to-wlt: <<n
the north by Allegheny aud Butler plank road,
east by lands of liobert Kdwards, south by
lands of Chas Duffy , and west by lot of Jess
Wat kins, with a large two story lraine house
and outbuildings erected thereon. Seized and
I lUcii in execution es the properly of Andy
Kre lit zer or KrHzer at the still of S <i Purvis vV
E1) Nos IS aud , Sept T, 18M, WI) Brandon,
All the right, title. Interest and claim of
Samuel llemphlll, oi. in and to Ct acres or land,
more or 1- -s. situated iu Connoiiuenesslng twp,
Butlei-1\», I'a. boumieil as follows, to-wlt: tin
the lion aby lands of Heckert heirs; east by
lands ol Calloway; south by lands ol Hackley,
and we.-,I by i. \dsol Widow Ueckard. with a
sin ail log house, log stable, orchard and other
outbuildings erected thereon. .Seized and
taked in execution as the properly of Samuel
llemphlll at the suit of Bntler Savings Bank,
el, al.
E D.No. «s Sept. T, 1?X). A. 1.. Itclbcr, Att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Chrlstinn Frishkorn. of. in and to a certain lot
of land, more or less, situated in borough of
/.t ie nople. Jackson twp, Butler Co.. Pa, bound
ed as. follows, to-wit: Beginning at the north
east corner adjoining Widow Shatter lot,thence
south thirty leet to a post, thence west seven
ti -n rods adjolulug Julius Berg lot to an ulley,
tl,i-n e north along the east aide of said alley
thirty leet to DOst.thenee enst udjolnlng Widow
■>li,liter's lot seventeen rods to the plaee of be
ginning. containing ;>o ;»-lu siiuan- rods and be
ing a p at el lot No ».l in the town plot ol said
borough, ami having a two-story lraine dwell
ing house and other outbuilding erected thereon.
Seized and taken In execution as the property
of Christian Frlshkorn at tho suit of Ixjuls
E1) Nos J3, al. 3"' and as, Sept. t. ISM, McJun
kln Si lialbrealh Att'ys.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of Ella
M Leonard, now Cooper. J W Leonard, (ieorge
II i.r.iiiam, guardian of .1 W Leonard und Ella
M 1-eonuid now Cooper, terre tenant, of, lu and
to l«">0 a res of lainl more or less, situate iu
Parker twp, Butler Co. I'a, and In tho second
ward ol the city ol Parker, lu Armstrong Co.
Pa, as 10l lows, to-wit: on the north by lands
of W E Allen et al, east bv lands ot Walraben
steln. Alien et al. south by lands of Parker and
Thompson, and west by lands of Win. Morgan,
with the following improvements, viz: About
lan acres cleared and cultivated, two Uriie
two stuiy frame houses, one one-story lraine
house, one frame barn, one frame .wagon house,
two orchards, three producing oil wells and
other outbuildings. That portion of said tract
lying lu said county ot Butler, bounded as fol
lows : On tho north by lauds of W E Allen et
al. on the east by Butler and Armstrong county
lini .on the south by Parker and Tliompspn,
and on the west by Wm Morgan, containing
:u; acres, more or less, aud the remainder ol
said irai t lying in the county of Armstrong,
bounded us lollows. viz: On the north by lands
ol i.eimaud aud Allen, on the east by 1 mds ot
Wali'abeiioteln. Alien, et al. on the south by
lauds ol Parker aud Thompson, and on the
west by Puller anil Armstrong co'lnty line,
containing ol acres, more or less, the whole
tract M! 100 acres, more or less. Seized aud
I ikeu in execution as the property ol Ella
I.eoiMid, now Cooper. J W Eeonurd aud Oeurge
II tiraluini. guardian of J W Leonard and Ella
M Leonard. now Cooper, terre tenant, at the
.it ot t harlee E shannon el al.
E D No •- sept T. Ls'.cl. Thompson & Sin Atty.
All thi> rtsht, title. Interest and claim of Bob- I
ert E. Belghi.-V. of. In and to M acres of land. |
more or lens, situated In lJ»ncas!er twp 'Butler
Co. Pa, bounded as rollows. to wit : On the
north by lands of Conrad Miller eul by land- ,
of J II Belghley south by lands- of Fred Miller,
and west by lands of John Miller, said land I -
Ing mostly cleared and In a fair state of i-ultl
vat ion. seized and taken In execution as the
property of ttobert E Belghley at the suit of
Margaret Belghley, Administrator ot John 11.
Reign ley, dee'd.
E D No Ids sept T. is • ■ 11 husk, Att'y.
QAII the right, titli .int- rcs' and claim of Eliza
beth r Vale and L K Vale, of, In and to :: aen-s
ot land, more or less, situated In Washington
twp. Butler <"o. Pa l sjund.-d as lollows. to-wlt
On the north bv public road, east by land of the
heirs now or late of John Wyke . dec d. sonih
by a line established by Wm. Varnum. dee'd.
and running east and west through the said
farm until it strikes the put' !•- roa 1. west by
said public road to U P church, the i i.-e of 1.. -
ginning, with a two-story frame house, large
frame barn, orchard and outbuildings erected
tUereon. s -l/e 1 and taken lu execution as the
property of Elizabeth T. Vale an I I. R \ ale at
the suit of G W Walters.
E D No 103 Sept T. WJ"!. AM chrlstlev Att'y
All the right. title, interest and claim of
i;,.> rgo Sleppy. of. In and to a certain lot of
land, more or"less, sltuated;in Butler borough.
Butler Co, Pa. bounded as follow s, to-wlt: On
the north bv lot of Uannons.east oj lof of Laura
H ill south"by East Penn street, and west by
lot of llenry W hltmlre, said lot fronting 4o fee'
on East Penn street and extending buek 147 feet
to said northern boundary, and having a two
story frame dwelling house erected thereon
-s-ized and taken in execution as th property
of George Sleppy at the suit of Grant Strain.
E D No 56, Sept T, IMS. C Walker and W A
Forquer. Att'ys.
All the right, title. Interest and claim of C I-
I'ierce, of, lu and to 1"> -tjsipiare feel ol land,
mor»' or less, situutt'tl in touusnip,
Butler Co. Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit: Be
■tinning at a point In the centre of the I' W
K B tracks, marking the southwest- ru comer
ot lands of C Crawford, along lands of 11 1-red
crick running thence souths 5 west along
lands of B Frederick 68 feet to a stake, thence
north i; west along land ot J L Brown 1M feet
to a stake, theuce north : i deg east along lauds
of .1 K \ Brouwere s3 feet to a stake, the nee
south'2V deg east along laud of < Crawford
2lti leet to the place of begdiiiing, same
land being part of the John llemphlll farm,
so-called, and having a frame dwelling house
and outbuildings erected thereon. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of c F l ierce
at the suit ol F Murphy, assignee of 11.1 lloyV
E1)No 82 Sept T. 11593. S F Bowser, Alt y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
George sior. 01. In aud to acres of land, more
or less, situated iu Jackson twp, Butler Co,
Pa. bounded as ioUows.u»-wlt; ou the north by
lands ol Martin Zinkhorn, east by lan.ls of llari
man Mai'bur-erand Maiy|Franck.souiu by lands
of Vaegal and west by I .mas ol Peter Kadei.
said laud being mostly cleared an I ilndt-r lair
state of cultivation, with a log house, lot sta
ble orchard, aud oilier ouiouilding thereon
re -t e I Seized oud taken ill exe. ulloa as Hie
proiierty of Ueorge Stor at lb suit or Charles
Dl»eiicr ana Henry s Frederick, executors m
Leonard Frederick, dee'd.
ED No 133. septT.i-.«. Williams & Mlt Hell,
All the right, title, interest aud claim i i Mrs
Jennie Mcscr. owner or reputed oui.ei and con
tractor, and Gllmore Moser lier husband, 01. in
and to a certain lot of land. more, or less, sit
uate in Butler borough Butler Co, Pa. bourn.:
ed us follows, to-wit: On the north by property
or lleck. east by properly of Heck
south by .North suet, west oy properly ot Mrs
Vnn Eliza Orr. said lot having a frontage ot It
leet ou said North street, anu a depth ol 10l
feet. more or less and having creeled thereon
a one and one-hail story board iramr house
about 12 leet inv.ldth.aud about W feel In depth
with a porcli along the iront end aud having st\
rooms. Seized and taken in execution as iln
property ol Mrs Jeuuie Moser, owner or reputed
owner and contractor, and Gilmore Moser, her
iiusuunil al the suit ol W C I\oolite. Agent
EL>No l ,o, Sepl T, 1=93- T C Campbell. Att'y
All the right, lille. Interest and claim ol
Wm G Biehl «f. 11l and to tt certain
blot ol land, more or less, situated In Butler
lorough, liutler Co., I'a, bounded as lollows.
to.wlt: On lbe north by properly ol Henry
.1 Bie .l, east by Main street,sjuth oy property
ol George lleiber mow deceased}, anu west by
on alley .said lot having a.fronlage ou Main street
of is feel, more or less, and extending back to
an ullev iso leet, more or less. With a two-story
brick and lraine building Used as a phutogiaph
er's loom aud dwelling house mid a ooaru staole
erected thereon, sei.-.ed aud taken in execution
as the property ot William G Biehl ut the suit
ot Catharine .vlangoL
E D No 44, Sept T, J 11 Bredin, Att'y .
All the rit;hl. title, interest, and claim of Jolui
Gardner, of, luand to 40 acres ol land, more or
less,situated in Washington twp, Butlei to,
Pa. bounded as lollows, to-wit: Ou the north
by Mercer Coal Co and heirs ot i hos Dotilev,
east by purpart No l of John Gaidner estate,
south oy lands ol Margaret Bell, aud west by
lands or W P Brahuui, with a log house and
log Stable erected thereon, seized and tak-.-n
in execution as the property .of John Gardner
al the bull ol 11. Sehneidewau.
E D Nos 2, 3 and ti, Sept. T, 1493. WUhains &
Mitchell, Att'ys.
\llilie lUht, title, interest and claim of
Geo rue 11 Graham of. In and to is acres ol
land, more or les., situated |n *llppe.ya '< k
twp., Butler county. Pa., bound, d a->
to-wlt: en the north by lands no« or former
ly ol George t ross, east by lands now or lormer
l\ el Dr. .lo.stah Me .tie'. * heirs, south i.y
lands now or formerly of U. J. Miiehcil, uiu
tee ol stockholders ol Harmony National Bank,
a id west by la id , now or formerly ol l>r. Joslali
McCandless et al, said land being purpart No. .;
as allotted to Georne 11 Graham In partition
pro-,, lings i.» Ia" i '-it-: ol 1 'onii..tin I'.-its .1
Butler County. Pa. at A 1) No T5 June term,
lssT. Seized and taken lu execution us the prop
erly of George H Giahum at the suit ot John
Forcht et al.
E1) NOS and a, Sept T, 18113 Williams Si
Mitchell, atlys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Geo
H Graham, of lu and to 65 acres ol land, more
or less, situated In Concord twp. Butler Co, I'a,
bounded as follows, to-wlt; Beginning at a
stone, the north-east corner, thence by lands of
Alex Metiulstiou south 8s west ft! 2-a perches
to a post, thence by lands of Margaret Graham
south J \icst4 : ; perches to a post, thence oy
.same north -'J east 15!, perches to a post,
lhence by same soutli 2 west )! perches,
thence by same south 2 west To perches to a
post thence b. lands of John Black north ss
east '.2 perches" to a stone, thence by lauds of
Joseph and sli Campbell north . west I.JJ
perches to a sloue, the place of beginning, be
ing 55 acres, more or less, and being the eastern
end ot Hie Andre - Graham firm, In Concord
twp, Butler Co, Pa. Seized and taken In exe
cution as l lie property of Geo 11 Graham at the
suit of John 1-orcht, et al.
E D Nos 3 and C Sept T, ISM. Williams &
Mitcuell. att'ys.
All the right, title, Interest and claim of Geo
11 Graham, of iu aud to uu acres of land, more
or less situated in Cherry twp, Butler Co. Pa.
bounded as follows, to-wit: un the north by
lands of Kelly, east by 1 anus now or for
merly of Sullivan Bros, south by lauds 01 \\ in
Dobsonel al. and west by lands or Jo-l.th Hall,
with a small pluuk house and small board sta
ble erected thereon. Seized and taken In exe
cution as the property of Geo II Graham ul the
suit ol Andrew G \\ illlauis lor use oi .Mrs ( ath
aiiue Carson and Mrs Agues ( ratty, et al.
F I) No TS aud sO, Sept T. ISSKS. A T Black. Att'y.
All the light lble. Interest and claim ol il M
Caldwell, 01, in and loUOoy £0 feet 01 laud,
more or less, situate In the vUliige ot Martins
burg, Parker twp, Butler Co, Pa, bounded us
follows to-wlt: On the north by a street, east
by Bear creek, soutli by lands 01 S Aiusler. weal
by Main street, wlili a t v. u-storjr frame building
used as a stsoeroom, erected thereon.
ALSO—AII the right, t itle,. Intrrest and claln
of 11 M Caldwell, of. In and to 120 by 20 feet o
land, more or less, situale lu the village o
Martin-bur.-. Parker twp, Butler Co. pa. bound
ed as follows, to-wl: : on tne.iiortli by lot o
l»r Edmund-oil, east by Main street, south by
lot of Fletcher or Emrlck, west by an alley
W illi a two-story frame buldlog.usetl as a ware
room, erected thereon.
ALSO Vll the right, title. Interest and claim
0111 M Caldwell, of. in and to the undivided
one-eighth Interest in a leasehold for oil or gas
purposes-, containing - acres of land, mere . r
less, situate on the Thos Hays farm. In Fairvlew
twp. Butler Co, Pa, together with one pr >iuc
lng oil well thereon, known as Uyelleid well
No 1. with boiler, engine, rig, tank, easing,
tubing, rods, nttings und connections complete,
and all property thereon and thereto belonging.
AKSO—AII the right, title, Interest and claim
al II M Caldwell, ot. In. and to the undivided
one-eighth Interest iu a leasehold estate for oil
or gas purposes, containing three acres of land,
more or less, situated on the ltlchnrdson farm.
In Adams twp, p.utler Co. pa. together with two
producing oil wells thereon, kuown as Iticlmrd
son wells Xos 1 and - with hollers, engines
rigs, easting, tubing, rodx tanks, connections
and tlxturescomplete,and all other property
thereon and thereto belonging.
ALSO All the right, title. Interest and claim
of 11 M Caldwell, of. in and to the undivided
one-fotrth Interest in a leasehold estate coji
talning ten acres of land, more or less, situuti
on the .1 I,' A Kennedy and John Kelly
farm ,ln Parker twp, liutler Co. ra
hounded as follows, to-wit: <>n Hit
north by oilier lidls ot K-ianeJy and Kelly
east by other 1 mds of Kennedy anil Kelly,sou! I
by the Fletcher farm, and west by other land
of Kennedy and Kelly, together with one pro
duclug oil well thereuii. known as I; 11//..inl \i
1. with boiler, engine, rig.casing, tubing, rods
tank connections ancl fitting* complete, and all
other property thereto belonging.
ALSO— AII the right, title, Interest and claim
of 11 M Caldwell, of, in and to the undivided
one-fourth interest in a leasehold for oil and
gas purposes, eontalng ten acres, more or less,
situate on the John Say farm. In i-arker twp,
Butl -r Co, ra, bounded as follows, to-wlt : On
the north by other lands of John Say, east l>\
Compbell farm, south by olher l»inls oi John
Say, and west by other lands of John Say, to
gether with one producing oil well thereon,
known as tlrlpp well No. 1. with butler, engine,
casing, tubing, rods, tank connections, fittings
and all property thereto belonging.
Al.su—All the rlght.tltle, Interest and claim
01 II M Caldwell, of. In and to the undivided
Interest In a certain leasehold estate for oil and
lias purposes, containing l."» acres, more ur I<"- -.
situated on the Amos Ellenberger farm, iu
i-'alrv lew twp. Mutter CO, i*a, bounded as fol
lows, to-wit: On the north bv lands of Thomas
liavs and Jack Kllcnberger. east by lands of
swert/. I antler, south by lands of J 11 Ellenberger
and west by lan Is ot .1 11 Kllenberger .with one
producing oil well thereon known as Shorts
well. No 1 boiler, engine, rig. tanks, tubing,
rods, casing, connection Uttlpgs and all other
property thereto belonging.
ALSO— AII th ' right title, Interest and claim
of II M Caldwell, of, in anil to Ihe undivided
Interest In 1 leasehold eslate lor idl and gas
purposes, containing T5 acres, more or less, on
the Jacn'i Kllenberger farm, in Kalrview twp.
IfutlerCo, ea, bounded as follows, to-wit: «>n
the north by public rw.id, east by 1 inds ot
Swarl/.laiider, soutli by Starr farm and west by
lands of Thomas llays.togetlier.wlth tjproducing
oil wells tliereon known as Maytlower Nos I, J.
:: and 1 w!ih bolters.engines,rigs, tanks, easing,
tubing, rods, connections liltlngs, line pipe aud
all property t he ret J belonging.
ALSO—AII the right, title, inter.-.1 audclilm
ol 11 M Caldwell, ot. in and 10 the undivided 1 3
Interest In a leasehold estate tor oil and uas
purposes, containing 13 acres, more or less,
situated on the Ue.uge Morgan and J O A
Kennedy farms, in rarker twp, liutler Co, l a,
bounded as lollows, to-wlt : 011 the north I.y
lands of the Hear Creek Oil Co, east I.y other
1 mils of Morgan and Kennedy. south by uc her
lands of Morgan and Kennedy, and west iiy
lands of James cooper, together with produc
ing oil wells thereon, known as Wildwood wells
Vis l.iandx and the boilers; engines, rigs,
tanks, casing,tubing.rods, connections, liltlngs.
line pipe. etc. complete, and all property there
to belonging Seized and taken 111 execution as
the property of II U Caldwell at the suit of oil
Well Supply Co.
K|> Nos UL and 1.'.". Sept T. 1893. W A Forqucr,
Ail tuo rignt. title interest, and claim of
llenry llay ami Susan Hay. of. In and to -u
acres of land, more or leas, situated in Muddy
creek twp, Uutler Co, ra, bounded as follow a'
to-«it: Beginning at Hie northeast corner, I
th.-in-e south :: deg east - . porches to a po«t I
(•v lands formerh of John Scott thence south
nx dee west 3o» 4-10 peiiil>e» to > post by lands I
formerly of John >.-ott. tln-ri --- north .: deg wt«st !
::i . prrehes to a ston.- on public r<>.td by lands
of Uartd Frazler. thence east 21" perches by <
l in.!-, of |i ivi.l Fraziw M M place of >v.»gl:.. ;
-1; I :.,:. i i-
fence. in a good state .1 eultlvatloii. with a ■
two story brick dwelling hous-. large frame
barn, good voung orelt.-u-d, a d other outbulld
lugs erected thereon, and two producing oil 1
wells thereon, on leases. 01: • to J II Cow and
his assigns. In which def. udants reretve the
royalty on a X acre lease, given by said defend- ,
auls to sal.l J H coe; a 15 acre lease for oil pur
poses free of roya'tv given bv said defendants
to A Huff and II Scniieliteriian. bearing date ;
July P.. hounded north t.v lands of \ al- ,
MM Whitmer, east by land ot Samuel I
Shanor. south by lands of Henry and Susan '
llay and west by land- of Dav! i It Fra/ler. for |
the term of fifteen years 7K acres of which is
sublet bv said Buff and Schneld- man to .1 II
Coe, and said farm Is sold "übject to both of
said leases. Seized and taken In execution as
the property ot Henry Hay and Snsan Hay at
he suit of Al KutT et al.
KD No HI Sept T, ls;'3. Williams A
Mite'ucli, Att'ys.
All the right, title.interes't and claim of J
T Grove and M E Grove, of, iw and to a cer
tain lot of land, more or less, situated at
Wick station, Slioperyrock twp, Butler Co,
Pa, liouuded as follows,to-wit: On the north
by lands of William McKis-nn, east by lan Is
of Christopher Perry, sonth by a public
highway known ai the Scrubgrass road, we.-t
by lands of Calvin McGill, continuing one
acre, more or less,und having thereon erect
ed a two-story frame dwelling honse and
other outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken
in execution as the property of J T Grove
and M E Grove, at the suit of Alex Mitch
ell, trustee.
EI) No 143 Sept T, ISO 3, Levi M Wise,
All the right, title, interest and claim of
W II Ziegler,of,m ami, to a.certain lot of land
more or less,situated in Harmony boro, liut
ler Co, Pa,bounded as follows,to-wit: On the
north by heirs of Geo ISeam,formerly St ive r
and Geo Enslen, east by Apple alley, -outh
by Foundry alley,west by Broad street form'
erly Monroe St, and being 100 feet, more or
less, front on Broad street, formerly on Mon
roe , and extending back by parallel lines
130 feet, more or less, to Apple alley, with
a good frame dwelling house and outbuild
ings erected thereon. Seized and taken in
execution as the property of W II Ztegler at
the suit of H M Ben tie i Co.
E DNo 106 Sept T, l«y3. E McJ and McJ
and Galbreath, Att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Jerome Kelly, of, in an.l to 23 acres of laud,
more or less, situated in Venango twp, But
ier Co, Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit: Be
ginning al a post at lands
of Campbell and Stalker,
thence north i 3 east 72 perches, thence by
lands of Satatul Eakin north east C7J
perches to a | -t, thence by lands of Uobert
Eakin south 4 - east otii perches to a post,
thence by lands of Joseph Say south 88°
west 68 perches to the place of beginning,
and being the same piece of land sold to
Daniel Kelly by Julian Marshall by deed
dated 14th day ol'April A D 1875, and hav
ing a small dwelling house and board stable
erected thereon. Seized and taken iu exe
cution as the property of Jerome Kelly at
the suit of Jane Kohlmeyer and J 11 Kohl
meyer, admr's of ily Kohlmeyer,
I' DNo 101 Sept T, 'i>3. Z A Gcrdeu, att'y.
All the right, title, interest aud claim ot
The Shenaugo Coal and Mining Company
01, iu aud to acres ot land, more or less,
situated in Washington township, Butler Co,
Pa, bounded as lollows, to-wit: Ou the
north by lands of Eli Vanderlin and David
Hoover, east by lands of Mary liarper and
S Milliard, sonth by lands ot Wm i'orquer
and J G Heller and west by lands of Lizzie
Wade, with a oue-ttory frame dwelling
house, frame stable and other outbuildings
ALSO—AII the right, title, interest and
claim of The Shenango Coal and Mining
Company, of, in and to a certain leashold
estate containing 239 acres of laud, more or
less, situated on the Blaine property, in Cen
tre twp.Butler county, Pa, bounded as fol
lows to-wit: On the north by lands of
James McGrath, east by lands of I-'. Husel
ton, south by lands of Curtis and Aland and
west by lands of Thos Hoon, Kichards, et al,
together with 1 boiler house with 2 boilers
therein,and 1 boiler not in use, 3 two-storv
trame dwelling houses, 1 tipple house with
set Howe scales aud hoisting drum therein,
1 frame building used as a blacksmith shop,
I trame building used as a stable. 2 railroad
switches or tracks and about 40 coal cars,
1 miue shaft and all other personal estate
in and about said leasehold which is use.' In
connection therewith, aud all mining rights,
privileges, aud all coal underlying said tract
aud operated for.
ALSO—AII the right title, interest and
claim of the Sheuaugo Coal and Mining Co,
of, in aud two [>4 acres ot laud, more or less,
situated iu Washington twp, Butler Co, Pa,
bounded as follows, to-wit; On the ncrth
by lauds of liellar, east by lands oi nin
Forquer et al. south by lands of Wm For
quer et al, and west by lands of James Gib
sou and Heller, with a small dwelling.
Irame barn aud other outbuildings thereon;
mostly cleared; said land is commonly called
the Thomas farm. Seizsd and ta
ken in execution as the property of The
Sheuiingo Coal aud Mining Company at the
suit of he First National Bank of Youngs
town, O.
E 1) No 145 Sept T, 1893. Kohler, att'y.
All the right, title, interest aud claim of
Edward Logue, of, in and to 80 acres of
land, more or less, situated iu Cherry twp,
Butler Co, Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit;
Beginning at a white-oak at the northeast
corner, thence south 5 ' west 181 4-10 perches
by lands of James Kennahan,et al, to a post,
thence by lands of Caleb Bussel, et al, north
sj° west 8 55-100 perches to a post, thence
by lauds of John W Logue north )° east
122 3-10 perches to a post, thence by lands of
Mary Auu Logue south 881° cast . r >3 33-100
perches to a post, thence by the same lauds
north 5° east tiO 2-10 perches to a post,
thence by lands of John Galloway south
SBl° east 35 2-10 perches to a white-oak, the
place of beginning. Seized and taken iu
execution as the property of Edward Logue
at the suit of J J Leidecker.
ED No 142 Sept T, 1893. W D Brandon,
All the right, title, interest aud claim of
Jll Gorman,ot, iu and to 1 acre ot laud,
more or less, situated iu Allegheny twp,
Butler Co, Pa, bounded as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a post on the pike to Law
renceburg, theuce south deg east 13J
perches to a post on slid pike, thence .south
61J deg west 12 pcrchts to a post by lands of
the Columbia Oil Co, thence north 3st deg
west l'ii perches to a post, also by lauds ol
Columbia Oil Co, theuce north 51i deg east
12 perches to a post on turnpike to the place
of beginning, together with a good orchard ,
two story frame house and frame barn
erected thereon. Seized and takeu in exe
cutiou as the property of J II Gorman at the
suit of John C Uedic.
E D Nos<2 and 3 Sept T, 18P3. Williams &
Mitchell, att'ys.
All the right, title, interest aud claim of
George II Graham, of, in aud to a certain lot
of land, more or less, situated iu l'airview
boro, Fairview twp, Butler Co, Pa, bounded
as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of
Thomas Hays, east by an alley, south by an
alley, west by a street, said lot having a
frontage of 00 feet aud extending back ISO
feet, with a small frame building thereon
used »s an office aud a frame stable thereon.
Seized aud takeu iu execution as the
property ot George H Graham at the suit of
John Forcht, et al.
TKKMS OF SALE —The following must be
strictly complied with when |r >: erty is
stricken down.
1. When the plaintiff or other lien
creditor becomes the purchaser, the costs on
the writ must be paid, and a list of the liens,
including mortgage searches on the property
sold, together with such lien creditor's
receipt lor the amount of the proceeds ol
the-ale or such portiou thereof as he may
claim, must he furnished the SheriU'.
2. All bids must be paid in full.
3. All sales not settled immediately will
be eoutiuueil until 1 o'loek l'. M. of the next
day, at which time all property not settled
for will again be put up and sold at the
expense aud risk of the person to whom first
See Portion's Digest, 9th edition, page
4Pi. and Smith's Forms, page 384.
Sheriff's Office, Butler, Pa., August 14, '93.
_A_nd everything in
liorse and buggy tiir
niishing go otls—i.l ar -
nes?s, Collars, Whips,
Dusters, Saddles, etc.
Also trunks and va
3-tepairing done on
short notice.
The largest assort
ment ot liorse
blankets in town will
be iocuid at Kemper's.
Administrator* and Executors of estate.-
can secure their receipt book* at the CITI
2kv office.
Ludwig Dreler.Trustee Common rifts Court
vs. of Arastroruj county
Hrady's llend Iron Co. No 275 June Term.!-**)
el al Armstrong t o.l'a
The sale of six thousand acres of coal lands
and Improvements, ordered by the aforesaid
Court. In the above entitled action, perttcularlv
described In an advert isement lor sale on the
third day of July.l-03, published in the "Union
Free rress" of Klttonnlng. Pa.. June 9th. the
••East Brady Review" of June sth, and the
IUTI ER CITIZEN of June 9th. ism, and adjourned
to Tuesday• August Hist. l»M. at three o'clock
of said day at the door of the Court House. In
the Borough of Klttannlng. Penn'a.. la adjourn
ed to lake place on September lMh, i«<n, at two
o'clock of said day at the door of said Court
ilarwood K. Tool, Jos Pool. 23 Pine St. N. Y.
City, Orr Bufflngton, KittanElng. Pa . Attor
neys and Counsel for Plaintiff. ar.d Ludwig
Dreler. Trustee, Williams &;.Vshley. 20T Broad
way, New York City, Att'ys. for Walton Fer
guson, Trustee.
Administrators' Notice.
Letters of Administration.C. T. A.,on the
estate of Nicholas King.dee'd..late of Con
cord twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been
granted to ithe undersigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate will please make immediate payment,
and any having claims against the* same
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
MARY KIXG, Adm'x.,
Jas. N. Moore, Peachville P. 0..
Att'y, Butler Co., Pa.
Dissolution Notice.
(Pump, Pa.. Jul.v 22, 1893.)
Notice is hereby given that the partner
ship heretofore existing between James
McXees and Lizzie Hall known as the firm
of James McKees A Co. Manufacturer- of
Stoneware, was this day dissolved.~All
account- will bo received and settled by
James McXees senior member of the firm,
at the above mentioned place where the
business will be conducted by 11. L. Mc-
Xees for whom we would solicit your pat
ronage in the future.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of Administration on the estate
of TV. L. Young dee'd. late of Summit
twp.. Butler Co., I'a.. having been granted
to the undersigned, all persons indebted to
said estate are requested to make payment,
aud those having claims to present them
duly authenticated without delay to
C. E. YOUKG, Diamond Bl'k.
Butler, Pa.
Administrators' Notice.
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration on the estate of William Burt
: ner, dee'd, late of Clinton township , Butler
county, Pa., have been granted to the under
i signed, to whom all persons indebted to slid
estate are requested to make payment, nd
i those having claims or demands will make
known the same without delay.
On Monday, Septemper 25th, 1893, at 10
o'clock A. M., at the Commissioners' office,
Rutler, Pa,, we will expose at public sale
the following property for taxes, viz:
to acres, sold as the property of J E Jolly.
One-half acre sold as the property of C C
Lots Nos. 2, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15, sold as
the property of Moses Sullivan.
House and lot, sold as the property of
Wm McAfee.
10 acres, sold as the property of Smith &
110 acres, sold as the property of Sam'l
20 acres, sold as the property of Allen
Wilson (taxes 1888).
20 acres, sold as the property ot Allen
Wilson ( taxes 1890>.
u 43 acres, sold as the property of II C
Oae acre, sMd as the property of Jacob
One lot, sold as the property of James
10 acres, so'd as the property of J C Fuller
1 taxes 1888).
10 acres, sold as the property of J C Fuller
taxes 1890).
One acre, sold us the property of W ii
One acre, sold as the property of Gillespie
& Co.
39 acres, sold as the property of Theodore
'■'> acres, sold a* the property of Alex
Seven acres, sold as the property of J L
ISO acres, sold as the property of Mercer
Mining Company.
Also, at same time and place, will expose
to sale the following pieees of laud: Alle
gneny twp.,24 acres of Wm Anderson;Butler
twp, 25 acres of JoUn Grvharu; Hutler boro,
2 lots, one ot George Sarver and one of
Thomas Fsnuel; Concord twp, 3 acres of
(ieorge Greer (or Kerr ), 2d acres af Alien
Wilson, 8 acres of McKibbeu & Co. aud 11
acres of United Pipe Lines: Clearfield twp,
one lot of James Flick, two acres of Prentiss
& Wheeler; Fairview twp, acres ot J A
Jack, one lot ot T J Dinsmore, one lot of
Thomas WaLson aud one lot of Johu Sheak
lcy; Jefferson twp, one lot of J ii Jacksou,
one lot of Frank Cypher, one lot of Samuel
Gray, one lot of Frank Oaugherty, one lot of
James Cannon aud oue lot of Peter Bing
ham; Millerstowu boro, oue lot of Michael
Shakley. one lot of Mrs. Hull,oue lot of Mrs.
W Bowls aud one lot of E Grossman; Oak
laud twp, oae lot of Theodore Iluselton, one
lot of Joseph Jack and til i acres of Conley
aud Huttou; Parker twp, 15 acres of George
Ward, 10 acres of J C Fuller,aud three "cres
of Jauies Stahl; Petrolia boro, two acres of
B B Campbell aud two acres of Babbett
Bros; Venango twp,flti acres ofG W Smith;
Washington twp, 8 acres of L C McMahan,
one-hafacre of Robert Maxwell ami two
acres of Samuel Anderson; Winfield twp,
one lot of S Simmers.
Attest: Commissioners.
August 98, tS!>3.
Widows' Apprai-nienis.
The following widows' appralsments of
personal properly and real estate set apart for
tlie benelil of the widows ol decedents liave
oeeu tiled In the ulllee ol the Clerk ol Courts of
Butler county, viz :
\vidow of A. l>. Kuhn .$300.00
•• Christopher ltlder aw.uo
•• •' J. 11. Kaunian 300.00
•' J. U-Belghllo (realty) aoo.uo
" • Cyrus liaruhart iEir.2s
•• Daniel li. Lynch (realty) -Tl uo
All persons Interested in the above ] appraise
ments will take notice that they will be pre
sented for confirmation to the Orphans' Court of
liutler county. Pa., on the Cth day of September.
I*B3, and If no exceptions b* tiled tliey will be
confirmed absolutely.
Bridge Report.
Notice is hereby given that the following
bridge has been eonlirmed uls! by
the. Court and will be presented on the first \\ ed
nesday of Sept., I&13. being the, tali day of
said month, and tl no exceptions L arc tiled. It
will be eonlirmed absolutely-.
It D. No. 1. June Session, is. l ::. In re petition
of inhabitants ot Brady. Worth, and sllppery
Koek townships. for a bridge over tho st ream
lliat crosses the road, kuown as I lie Klefer run
road. In the township of Slippery Kock. March
v lewers ap|*dnteil by the Court, and
June sth, l>:a, re[>ort of viewers llled. viz; That
the bridge proposed Is necessary ami that tho
erection of the same w ill require more expense
than Is reasonable I lie township of Slippery
Kock should bear, and did locate the site there
of at the iiolnt where haid road crosses the
stream. June Tth, 1593, approved, notice to be
i-iveu according to rules of C ourt and tills report
to tie laid before the Grand Jnry at Sept. term,
lil TI.F.Ii Cot*STV, ss:
Certmed from the record this 7th day o
August, A. 1). lsys. f
JosKnt CitiswELL, clerk Q, S.
Farm for Sale.
Situated In Concord twp.. liutler Co.. Pa.,
containing 11s acres, mostly cleared, balance In
good timber, two houses, barn and all necessa
rv outbuildings in good repair, will sell all or
half to suit purchaser, at one-third less than
real value. Inquire of or address.
Hooker, Butler Co..
Notice in Divorce.
Arthur Doumont | In the Court of Common
rs ; Pica* ot. But W Co.. Pa. ,
Alvlna Doumont ;A. I). N" <» ivc. T lio.'B. 1
13 P. 141. t
July Ist. istii. motion of Krank Kohler. Es«i . i
AtCy. for I.llwlanl. for th- appointment of a ,
commissioner to take testimony tn above ca*e
presented and the within motion granted, and
J. M . Painter, Esq., Is appointed to take testi
mony in this case.
By mr Cot KT.
Bm.it R COTKTV ss.
Certified from the records this Ist day ot July,
A. D. IKO.
IT >tlu>e<: »rt-.
Notloe is hereby slrln that 1 w ill attend to
the duties of the above appointment at my office
In l»lamon<l Block, Butler. Pa.. on Tuesday.
September the Mh. A. D. is .j at lOo'clock a. m..
at which time and place thuse interested may
attend If they see proper.
Notice In Divorce.
Arthur Doumont In the Court ot Common
vs i Pleas of Butler Co., Pa
Alvlna Doumont. 'A. 1). No. &> ">ec. T. SitO
B. II P. 151.
To Alvlna Doumonl:
Two Subpoenas in tl)e ,b \e case having
been returned .E. 1., you the satd Alvlna
Doumont above defendent are herebv required
to nppear In said < ourt of Common Pleas . to be
held at Butler. Pa., on .Monday the ith day of
September, i«t«3. leiug the tlrst da\ of next
term of said Court to answer the above com
plaint and show cause If any you have why a
divorce should not be granted the said Arthur
Executor's Notice.
Letter? testamentary having been grant
ed to the undersigned on the estate of
Christopher Ki ler. dee'd., late of Oakland
twp., Butler county. Pa..all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment, and any
having claims against the same will pre
sent them duly authenticated for settle
ment to
G. W. Fleeger, Greece City. Pa.
At fx.
Executors' Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
j Henry Wolford, dee'd, late ol Slippery -
| rock twp., Bntler Co., Pa., having been
. granted to tho undesigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate will please make immediate payment,
and any having claims against the same
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
J. X. Moore, Of Henry Wolford, dec'il.
Att'y. Slipperyrock P. 0.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of Administration having been
granted to the undersigned on the" estate
of Nannie C Wick, dee'd., late of the bor
ough of Butler. Butler Co., Penn'a. .all per
sons knowing themselves indebted to said
estate are requested to makeimme.l .;te
payment, and any having claim*- against
same will present them duly authenticate.i
for settlement to.
WALTER E. WICK, Adin'r.,
A. M. CORNKI.ITB, Butler. Pa.
Office at No. 45, S. Main street, over Frank &
Co s Diug Store. Butler, Pa,
137 E. Wayne St., offlce hours. 10 to 12 M. and
l to 3 P. M.
I "
Physician and Surgeon.
200 West Cunningham St.
Sew Troutnian Knlldinsr. Butler. Pa.
f E. N. f.EAKE, SI. D. J. K. MANN. M..U
Specialties: Specialties:
. Gynecology and Sur- Eye. Ear. Nose and
gery. Throat.
Butler, Pa.
J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.
Artiilclal Teeth Inserted on the latest Im
proved plan, (iold Killing a specialty. Office
over Sell au I s Clothing Store.
' 13 now located In new and elegant rooms ad
j Joining his former; ones. AU kinds of clasp
plates and moderen gold work.
••Uas Administered."
Gold Filling Painless Extraction of Teeth
and ArttncialTeeth without liates a specialty
Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air or Local
Afi.estheties used.
Office over Millers Grocery east of Lovvry
Office closed Wednesdays and Th ursd ays.
Attorney at Law, Office at No. 17, East Jeffer
son St., Hutler. Pa,
Attorney at Law and lteal Kstatc Agent. Ol
Bee rear of L. Z. Mitchell's omce on Z north side
of Diamond, Butler, Pa.
Attorney-at-law. Office on second ;fioor o
Anderson building, near Court House, Butler
office ou second ll 'Kir it the Huselt.-n olock,
Diamond, 11 infer, Pa.. Koom No. I.
Office at No. 101 West Diamoud St.
Koom F., Armory Building. Butler, Pa
Offico In room 1!., Armory Itu'lding. liutler
Attoruey-at-Law—ODlce in Diamond Block
Butler, Pa.
Office -Between Postoffice and Diamond, Bu
ler. Pa.
Office at No. 8. South Diamond, liutler, l'a.
Office second lloor, A nderson B1 k, Malu St.
near court House. Butler, I'a.
Att'y at Law- Office on South side of. Diamond
liutler. Pa.
you arc a hustler can make at lea.st SIOO.OO
per month. Now is the titr.o to start in on
Call sales. Elejrant outfit Free.
Rochester, N. Y ,
Th* Register hereby gives notice that the
following accounts 01 Mecutor*. adminis
trator. and gusrdivns hare be«-n filed in hit
offirr according to law, and will I* presented
to Court tor confirmation and allowance on
Wedneadar, the »-th dar r f Septemt*r. 1893,
at 2 o'clock p. M. of said day :
1. Final an-1 distribution account of Eliza
Nth Schulti", administratrix of Joceph
Schultis, aee'd, late ol Oakland township.
Ki al aecount of Patrick Walsb.admin
istrator of Wm. Cypher, dee'd, late of Butler
3. final eiv uiil of J>hn Deincueliuaier,
guardian of Minnie Bergman, miu> r child of
Wm. JBergnan, i'ec'd, late of Allegheny
town skip.
I. Final account of John Sutton , adminis
trator c. t. a. ot the estate of Eliiabelh An
derson, dee'd, late of Allegheny township.
">. Final acc um of H.nry K. Heller, exe
cutor of August Jnnk, dee d, late ol Winfield
«;. Final account ol A P. Stewart, guar
dian of John Wike, minor child of Murtha
Wise, dee'd, late of WwUIMCk town-hip.
7. Partial account of I.vdia Mardorf.admin
i-train* of W ro. Mardori, dec <l, late of But
ler (K) rough
S. Final account of 11, \Y ilson and Ed
gar M . Taanehill, administrators of John A.
Tannehill, dee'd, late ol Venango townabip.
It. Finit and j artial acicuntof Jane und
J. 11. Kohliuever, administrators c. t.
a. of Henry Kohlmeyer, dee'd, late of
Allegheny township.
10. Final account of Lewi* Hartiuan.guar
dianofSophia Hartman. minor child of John
George Hart man, dee'd, late of Forward
11. Partial account of Jane JiniC ttb, W.
F. English and L. E. English,admi u istra torn
of James Y. English, dee'd, late ol Franklin
12. First and final account of II li. Dully,
executor of Eleanor Dugan, i d, a:, of
Donegal township.
13. Final account of Mary »Vii. u, ad
ministratrix of J. L. W'ils n, d *d., la'- of
Prospect boro.
14 Final account of Wm. Li :iold an> A,
Krause .administrators of Her.ri .ta 1A.11:. old
dee'd.. late of Winfield town*'. ,
1". The account of George !t. Graham und
Wm. Wilson, administrators ol Johu B. Jam
ison, dee'd. laU-of Fairview township.
lr>. Fiual account of A. 1 . Andei ! i, al
- of Bwbbw Atdtmti
of Worth township.
17. Final account ot \\ m. M. Webb and
John M. Webb, ex'rs of Joan Webb, dee'd,
late ot Clav townabip.
lt<. Final seeouot of T K. Iloon aud Mar
tha M. Jones, adm'rs of Wm. 11. Jones,dee'd,
late of Franklin township.
lit. Final account of Mathias Mnytr.adm'r
c. t. a. ol Nicholas Kauflman, dee'd. late of
Worth township.
20. Final accouut of Thoa. W. Kelly, ex'r
of Archibald Kelly, dee d, late of Parker
Kj»rm For Sale or Rent.
r.r. Ac . nl>' wp., Butler Co.. Pa.
Two ore r .ti abundance of good fmit,—a
„ house, a good tarn and gran -
:iii n< ssary out-butUllngs. well water
acres cleared, and considered ono Of
I. urmslntlie county. Therojaty ot
Juclogotlwellßon.it will go .along
sale. Apply to
Clileora, Butler Co., Pa.
If,' A TJTP'n Reliable men to sell
X*PI A Xii/. ourihoice and hardy
■ ™ Nursery Stock, and teed Potatoes, lull
and complete line. Slanv varieties can only
be obtained through us. Cointnitsi<n or sal
ary paid weekly, and promptly. Exclusive
and choice of territory given. Don't delay,
write at once for terras.
ALLEN NURSERY CO., Rochester, N. Y.
Huff Leghorn?, Buff Plymouth,
Rocks, Buff Cochins, Light Braroas
Indian Games, &c., Send for circu
G owonda, N. Y
Consumption surely Cured.
Tc Tftc SDlTOß:— Pleaso Inform ycur roaj. r*
that I navo a positive remedy for tt.o xbore-named
disease. B; ' » timely use thousand* of ho .less
cases have W>n permanently cured. I shall' glad
to Bead twj . .Ttle.3 of my remedy FREE to any of
your readers -v .j have consumption if they will
send mo thril Erprrsj and P. O. addrcsa. lleupe ct
!DUJ. T. A. aU.CUU. M C.. ISI Paart 8:. N. I.
Insurance and Real Estate Ag't
Lined,"double sewed,
and warranted not to
rip,sold elsewhere for
SI.OO or $1.25, for
S9c a jmir at THE
Remeinl>er every pair
is warranted and they
cost only 89 cents
120 South Main Street, Butler, l'a
For the Christian education of yon; men
and young women. Located at Oreeuvllle,
Mercer Co., Pa.
Tuition. *3O a year. - Board. (2. .5 a week.
Classical Course,
Preparatory Coarse.
Courses In Music And Art.
For Cft iS&ev. Theo. B. IZ™
Funeral Directors and Embalmers,
iam ond Block, next door to
Post Office, Butler, Pa.,
prompt attention given
to orders, day or
*tn uai oui
Mutual Fire .insuram.? Ca.
OfficeCoi. ff;ain & Ctn-tunphm
Alirrd Wick. Henderson Oliver,
Dr. W.lrvln, .lames Stephens' >a
w. W. Blaoktr.ore. N. Weltzet.
K. Bowman. 1>- T. Norrls,
(ieo Ketterer. ( lias. Kebliun,
John Orohman, John Koenlm*.
I have a Heave Curo that will cure any
case of heaves in horses in forty days, if
u»c»l according to directions, and it'll does
not do what 1 claim for it, I w ill refund
the amount paid and no charges \»ill be
made for the treatment. Tlio following
testimonials are the strongest proof of the
medicines power to cure:
Butler, Pa., 1593.
On the 2nd day of April, 1592, I com
nienced to use your new cure for one of
my horses that had the leaves very Lad,
and continued to use »h'' medicine for
about forty days and tlio horse did not
show any Mgns of a return of them, it is
no*-about a year since I quit givin tlio
medicine and the hitna ha- never sowed
any signs of heaves, and 1 feel sti-fie«l
that he is properly cored.
Butler. Pa., April a. 1 Sl»3.
1 have used your lleave Cure and lonnd
it will do the work if and Utoritag to di
rections. Yours trulv,