Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 18, 1893, Image 1

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    VOL. XXX
-:-Carpet Department-:-
Wil Soon Contain a Complete Assortment ol
Carpets, Curtains,
Oil Cloths, &c.
First und Second Shipments have arriyed
and balance will follow soon as the Mauufac
tarers can make the GOODS
We have selected the best styles and
colorings to bq found in the market.
Not a single old style will be found in
our stock.
; I
ML ii
Butler, - - Penn'a.
F = rs? a F a . . . ■ ■ , =
X store.
If you are sick tnd need m«-Hlcin
joa went tbe BEBT Tbffl JOS sia
always depend upon getting Hum u*.
M we DM nothing bat strictly Pure
Draft in oar Prescription Depart,
neat. Too con get tbe beat of every
thing in tbe drag line from as.
Oar (tore is also headquarters for
lalsomine, AMine k,
Get oar prices before jou buy
Paint*. and see what we have to
offer. We can save you dollars on
your paint bill.
Wnm M..ue>t to Hold I.owrj
Hotels and Depots,
W. 8. Oregg is now running a line
of carrlagss between tbe hotels and
depota of the town.
Cbargee reasonable. Teiephono
No. IT, or leave orders »t Hotel
God Livery in Conneetioß
i* s-** _ j? ' y
Planing "Mill
I jiimbei* Yard
i. L. PI) SVli i r». FL'IfVIH
Rough and Planed Lumber
Rutler. f'a
Li. <J. WICK
Rough and Worked Lumber
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Moulding*,
Shingles and Lath
Always In Stock.
'Offlco opposite P. A W. Depot,
BUTLHU _ . p A(
j I I
Z r>-
m /'«r / \ (3d
. "
H Bfigk. '.S5v * *
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■ .... row,
j P H£LI ; LEvS '.V# SCfFERUG,
a DANA'S. *
J ■GI vrLBMI-.N I «\: G«» . ' I/o
- - ton r. I -th I. . • I • r*s^(
| : i » r w ;*r .
| H§co:>*-.! i>aiu rr.j t. ] . t -. , »£-
I MIOM t . ... T llnEcm v <; i!rnnu nut oi
V. iJ i ■= a J>urr'n;»
STD»atl«n Jl
fsja ;id be faint and wruk, > I cvw. .4 •
I I rge
i a DANA'S
—and»r r.#jfji»d» is WELL, »«• pain inmjlaKtf
I ■■•hou.ocrt UTUS. I c/n ir*D-' 1 irrmu-FUL.
6 Yours j. DAMf.Lt. EGCLiJJTOX. «
The«]x v V r.mor.iai vai wrt oi by W. 1C.55
■■■(lay ton, L.e w -known J>ru£jri«t, M -
=Ef Corinth* H. Y. t lrLitii is raffia r.; gusnoil c
■Hit u true.
5 Dana Sarsaparilla Co.. Belfast, Maine- gg
feed. For prices and terms Ad
dre? s,
J. W. MIL'
13) .Mem: St, Bo ! r'Pa.
YOU VViLLS^Ci.R'i" \l> LY
ED NT r i
«* t> ' -
Tailoring Establishment.
C. & D.
Take into con -ideratio 1 ibat mom v
save! is SH good ns money <i> .!■<
The ben way to have monev i t
buy if'•« >«l goods the ri, lr price.
The only leason tha: <ur tra: • ir
iliereai-ing con taritly i- the fact 11.11 >
we handle only >:'>(,(!• : lire'. <)i.ality
and tv II th< mut verj I price.-.
We h'.ve tak. ■> uuil-nul i-.nrc to
provide fiver;, th. new I>> Hut* and
Goodf i «hi - Beatsoo,
and an we have control of n.uny
es-peciiilly go<jd article* in b th linew
we cun do you good if you cotue to
We confidently nav that in ju-iice
to themselves all porcbaherH Hhould
inapect our go ) I
Viirit UH,
'M2 »S Main street,
Hui! , Pa.
r r r 111 - • i
is: OITIIIC • !
JTWT j Tin;
W nr»t 7 anr n
WW li I I ti * ri y
XX v 1 LLi I ' 111-.1 »l the
' VVI r / llar'fin un
Art Co., will open a Srudionnd I'hntn I'ar
lor* o[»|(niMt« the iJotel I,l.wry. <'• r, M.i n
and JefTernon Hi« , Batter, l'» Thin will
be the lie ' lighted and < (|ui|>|.e<l - tudio
and »julleri»»' in the the county. The work
will be Ktrictly lir- t ela • and rnndi- u i'er
new formula.-i by the iirtint himnelf, who
ha» had 16 jean practical experience in
l»r«e fitic- J'<irtraitn in Oil, Crayon,
Sepia. Paxtel, Ac. in thin lino wo have
mi competition. Oar portrait)! are made
by hand in oar own Htudio, from -ittinj?n
or from photo*. Our wurk ban reached
trie highest standard »( excellence a d
in not to be compared with the cheap ma
chine mado picture lumi-bed by otherv.
Wait for UH; ic<*t your pieturen from uh and
1)0 happy.
M* _ ffeg
The r.k-ht was warm and sultry: the
doors and windows of the great militarr
hospital at Fredericksburg 1 stood wide
open, while within, flitting- about with
noiseless r.t r, moved ever to and fro a
little army of noble women, for the
most part members and employes of
the Sanitary and Christian associations
and all alike actuated by a spirit of
tender love and charity.
On one of the hundreds of small cots
lay a fair-faced, beautiful youth, a
mere boy in years, moaning restlessly
in the delirium of wound fever, and
over him bent, with gentle touch and
soothing words, a pitying angel in the
shnpe of a slender, dark-liaired girl
nurse, who looked no older than he.
The young lady had but lately joined
the devoted band, whose self-sacrificing
heroism will be told in story and im
mortalized in soul-inspiring song .->o
long as our country shall endure, and
| to her ha<l been assigned the care of
- this one patient only.
All mused to scenes of suffering, the
girl's tears dropped fast as she laid the
cool, wet cloths upon the boy's burning
forehead or held the refreshing' draught
to his parched lips, while over and over
again she softly murmured: "Oh, if iie
could but tell me his name, so that I
i li I Jl I'
ii [ ?
tzrrV i| ' "
j- '
might write to his friends! Perhaps he
has a mother and sisters even now wait
ing with agonized hearts to hear from
him." But, during this series of battles,
such great numbers of wounded were
daily sent to hospital that it was quite
impossible, especially in the case of pri
vate soldiers, Ut give in their names,
much less the address of their friends,
and it sometimes happened that, the
patient himself being delirious and no
other at hand who knew him, this in
formation could not IHJ obtained for
some little time; hen .3 ti.e anxious
nurse could only wait i; til her charge
should b restored to consciousness.
At last, one 11''flit, eight days after
the Wilderness tight, the v. aided youth
fell into n deep, calm sleep; the surgeon
said all dancrer was past and that when
he awoke i.iind would probably be
His fair attendant could not have
toli;, if a Ued, why bhe felt an especial
int *rc t in this particular sufferer, but,
from some mysterious cause she did,
and therefore reque ted the surgeon to
alio iv her to remain by the cot through
out the who!-- night instead of being re
lieved at twelve o'clock as usual. So,
for hour after hour, shir Kit lulling her
patient to (i' .'j/er >.lumber by the gen
tle, ceaseless movement of a large fan,
while ho lay still, white and motion
less, his respiration becoming every
moment more soft, and natural, until
nearly daybreak, when he turned over
on his unwounded side, quietly opened
his eyes and wonderlngly asked, as he
g:.zed on the vision by hi > bed: "What
has happened? When; am I? Have 1
been hurt? Ah! I remember now
—that last charge!"
The girl's voice trembled with joy as
she answered: "You are in the hospital
at I'rederieksVmr.—. You have been here
six day!-; but, now that the fever is
gone, you will soon get well. You mui»t
not talk much, though, just now, unless
you wish to dictate a few lines to your
"Oh! yes, yes," eagerly said the
young man. "Uo please write a short
letter for rne at once."
Quickly bringing pen, iuk and paper,
and saying: "You must be very brief,
because the doctor forbids all exertion
until he has seen you again," the
young lady waited for him to begin.
"What is the date?" !»• inquired, and
being told, dictated as follows:
"FitEDEßicKsncno, May 14, 1104.
".My dear Mother:
"1 got a bullet through my right
shoulder on the second day of the Wil
derness fight. I am now in the mili
tary hospital here and will soon bo
able to carry a rille again. My old
schoolfellow picked me up, but he was
hurried off next day, and maybe has
not had a chance to write you. l)on't
IK; uneasy about me. Lots of good lady
nurses here, and I'll soon lie well.
"Your loving son, HEBHKUT."
"And now, Herbert, tell me the ad
dress," said the lovely amanuensis,
reaching for an envelope.
"The address—oh, yes, it Is Mrs.
Frances Leslie, -10 Forty-fourth street,
New York City."
The words were barely uttered when
the girl sprang from her seat with a
glad cry and then, in full sight of all
the night-watchers, bent deliberately
over tin- cot ar:*l gently kissed the boy's
smooth forehead.
"Oh, thanlt God!" she exclaimed;
"you are Herbert Leslie! lam Miriam
Alnslie, your friend Fred's sister. No
wonder I felt ho much interest in you!
Fred has often told me of your mutual
This was, naturally, a most joyful
surprise to Herbert, and the next day,
when lie was allowed to talk freely, he
told Miriam all he himself knew of
Fred's movements and begged for
further information, lint she could only
su.v that her brother's regiment was
now almost const antly lighting and that
she had not heard from him for weeks.
Before mailing Herliert's letter
Miriam bad Inclosed one from herself
giving a more full account of bis condi
tion and assnrlng his mother that he
should not want f■.r anything; but on
the fifth day thereafter Mrs. U-nlie her
self arrived to take charge of her boy,
and she and became at once
great friends. Many a poor fellow, far
from home and kindred, looked towards
Leslie's cot with longing eyes as the
two women hovered about him in lov
ing ministration; but none of these for
lorn ones were in any measure neglect
ed, though it was impo'>lblo to i.upply
what they most pined for—ths tender
can; i,t their very own flesh and blood.
Of all pluses in which to study the
pathetic side of that ghastly evlJ, war,
a great military hospital, filled with
wounded men, in sorely the bent.
When Mrs. Leslie first arrived, and
saw lier only son stretched helplessly |
upon his bed, she jjavo way, lu spite of j
j * FTLKR. P .Y.. FRIDAY. A. I GU ST 18.1 893.
e herself, to a flood of tears; but the
y . young soldier was so bright and hope
e | ful. so perfectly content with his lot,
Ii ' ere-- 4 ?n «o f-.r r.s it kept l::a out of
a the field, so sure of the speedy triumph
of the union army and. withal, so getwi
f " inely rejoiced at her I scnee, that she
-, soon ceased to feel a : t but pride and
f joy in her hero and his brave comrades,
for each of whom sho had a cheerfnl
s word and that sweet sympathy which
i the daughters of America have ever
r j shown to her patriotic defenders.
1 In less than a week Herbert was re
-1 moved to the convalescent ward and
from under Miss Ainslie's carc: but it
1 was astonishing how often in the
course of each day the young lady had
1 occasion to consult her new-found
r fri.-nd. his mother, and how much her
- visits seemed to aid in the youth's re
> covery. Indeed, this progressed so very
1 rapidly that Herbert feared it was
F "too fa-t to be wholesome," and he felt
I sure of the fact when, a fortnight after
- wards, he received an unlimited fur
lough and was obliged to leave with his
; mother for New York. But there was
no help for it. ?>lrs. Leslie was well
able to maintain and care for her son in
] her own home and was too conscien
tio-' , to allow him to occupy, longer
than absolutely necessary, a place more
j urgently required for another. Both
took leave of sweet Miriam Ainslie
i with something more than regret, but
• those were days when the women of
; our land had to steel their hearts to
] suffering, and strengthen the hands of
j fathers, husbands, brothers, lovers,
sons by their own sublime example of
I endurance.
August?, ISC4, an order was published
! appointing Maj-Gen. Philip 11. Sheri
! dan commander of the new middle de
partment. composed of the late depart
i ments of West Virginia, Washington
and Susquehanna, and September 5, our
i friend Herbert Leslie, now restored to
! perfect health, once more left home,
j with his mother's blessing, to rejoin the
army. liut having been all his life ac
customed to horses, and in fact a su
perb rider, he now made application to
be transferred to the cavalry corps,
which, under Wilson, along with Tor
bert's division, had lately been sent by
Grant to Sheridan, who was then con
fronting the southern forces under Gen.
Early. This request was readily
granted and Herbert joined in time to
see his first service in this branch at
Opequan Creek, where, September 13,
Gen. Wilson, in a brilliant reconnois
sance, struck the flank of Kershaw's
I division and captured nearly two hun
dred men of the Eighth South Carolina
In this little affair our lately joined
trooper behaved with conspicuous gal
lantry, and here a most singular inci
dei occurred. The enemy's Eighth
5v ith Carolina had .been pretty well
broken up and many of its men, as
stated, made prisoners, when Herbert
saw, at a short distance away, a tall
young officer standing alone and de
fending himself with desperate cour
age against tho combined attack of
three federal horsemen, whose sum
mons V> surrender lie answered only by
a shout of defiance, while with hissword
flashing around his head like a circle
of living light, he had, so far, parried
the blows of his assailants, who hu
manely seemed more intent upon dis
abling than slaying their gallant foe.
Hut when tho fierce southerner, by
a sudden thrust, had hurled one of his
enemies to the ground, the other two
spurred savagely on, and tho unequal
fight must have resultuii iu the speedy
death of tho rash confederate, had not
something familiar in the peculiar, light
ning-like play of his weapons attracted
the attention of Herbert, who dashed
up just in time to ward off a blow
which would have cleft his skull in
twain. Then, for the first time getting
a fair view of the young man's face, ho
almost dropped his own saber in
astonishment as ho shouted: "My
God! Sydney Temple, Is it really you?
Surrender, man, surrender to your old
friend. Further defense is mere tui
"And who, sir, are you who call
yourself my friend?" said the panting
lieutenant, while all swords rested in
in suspense.
"Why, Syd," replied Herbert, In hia
well remembered schoolboy voice,
"don't you know your old classrnato
and fencing pupil, Herbert Leslie?"
"Good heavens, it is Leslie sure
enough! I would not have known you
from Adam in this rig," exclaimed
Temple, grasping bis captor's hand;
"I'll surrender to you, Herbert, though
a moment ago I would havo preferred
death to captivity."
"It's all the fortune of War, my dear
fellow. Don't bo downhearted about
it. You're sure to be exchanged soon,
and meantime you can givo your
parole and we'll have a good talk over
old times."
But the opportunity for this proved
brief indeed, an exchange of prisoners
lieirig made the very next day, and tho
foemcn-frlends parted, to meet again—
when and where?
However, each had time that name
evening to tell the other his own short
history since they last met in New
"How in the world, Sydney, did you
ever manage to get down south?" in
quired Herbert, In the course of their
"By a very simple, though rather ex
pensive, process," laughingly replied
Temple. "Early last March I took pas
sage on a Cunardcr to Liverpool aud
there got on board an English blockade
runner, was duly landed near Charles
ton, at once mado my way home, In a
few days thereafter received a lieuten
ant's commission aud joined the confed
erate army about tho same time you
enlisted in that of the north."
"Aud your people, Sydney?"
"Well, Herbert, you know that my
father died years ago and only my
mother and sister Sylvia, whom you
ionco saw at tho old school, are left.
They havo removed from Charleston
and are now residing In a largo country
house, which we have lately bought,
a few miles south of Richmond. Little
Sylvia has grown into a tall and really
beautiful girl—" "I am sure she
has," interjected the listener— "and
is a great comfort to my moth
er, who fortunately, has an am
ple incoir.e from funds safely invest
ed in Paris, but she spends nearly all of
it in assisting our soldiers, her whole
time and my sister's also being devoted
to that work, and since thousands of
other southern ladies are doing the
same, yon can hardly wonder, Herbert,
that we fight so well"
"You do indeed fight well, Sydney.
One of our troopers remarked to-day,
with more force than elegance: 'Them
fean-lookin 4 rebs fights like ravin', dou
ble distilled,ring-tailed hell-eats;*but we
won't touch on these qnestions. Each
of us if- firmly fixed in his principles,
and perhaps in after years we shall
meet simply as Americans only to re
call this terrible war as a huge blunder
on the part of some one."
"All right, my boy, but meantime
what has become of Fred Ainslie? You
say he 'joined' with you. I did not
think that Fred, tliongh he was a dear,
■ If 'low. would ever have voluntar
: danger."
"A . 'ess he fought well in his
verv 1- j - o-ltle. I have told you how
he hunted me up after the Wilderness
fight. I have not seen him since
then, but hear that he has never yet
been wounded and is making a good
record in h!s regiment."
"I am very glad to know it 1 should
like to see Fred, and, after meeting yon
so strangely to-day. I should not be
surprised to run against him, too, some
time. His sister must be a brick—don't
blush, old fellow, it was through no
fault of yours that you happened to
be placed in her ward. Just imagine
that pretty little butterfly, Jessie Glynn,
we boys used to admire so much, going
into a hospital as nurse!"
"Yet she has done that very thing
Syd! I was never so astonished in my
life as when on furlough in Xew York
1 went to look her up one day and
found that she had entered the service of
the sanitary association. She is at this
moment in Fredericksburg hospital
with Miss Ainslie, and all those other
blessed angels. We cannot always ex
actly guess what a merry little whole
souled American girl trill do when the
pinch comes."
"Bravol for 'Jessie, the flower of
Dumblanc,' as we used to call her. She
ought to have been a south—, but I'm
getting upon dangerous ground again.
Anyway, it's a grand thing, Herbert,
that both sides can honestly glory in
their womankind. Everything must
come right in the end, if only for their
"God grant it!" reverently replied the
soldier of the north.
"And do you know, Leslie, where
that hulking tyrant, Tom White, is
now—you remember him'.'"
"Rather! and I fancy that he is not
likely to forget you in a hurry. Tom
turned out as bullies generally do.
About a year ago he used to strut
around among his cronies bragging
what he would do when he volunteered,
which was always to be 'next week,'
and then when matters began to look
serious he skipped over to Canada to
avoid the draft! His father was so cut
up about it that he actually joined the
Fifty-ninth New York himself, and the
last time 1 heard of Tom he was follow
ing the peaceful calling of a billiard
marker iu Montreal." *
"A quite congenial occupation, I
should say," returned Sydney, and so
the friends wore away the hours until,
all too soon, the time of parting came
anil they went their several ways to
what each religiously deemed his duty.
Winterbloom—Well, you may beat
rne at poker, but I'll get even with you.
I'm going to let my wife order a hun
dred-dollar gown.
Van Winkle —What's that g'ot to do
with me?
Winterbloom —You wait until your
wife sees it arid you'll find out.--Judge.
At (he Circus*
Judson— I hope the performance
won't lief, in for a good while yet.
Nurse—Why, Judson, dear?
Judson Why, because then it will
be longer until tho show is over.—Har
per's Bazar.
Society Kpiiiode.
'"I want somebody to show me where
to unload this coal," said the grimy
looking' man at the kitchen door.
"You needn't ask mo about it," re
torted the young woman. "I don't
have anything to do with unloading
coal. I'm the kitchen lady."
"I can't help that," he rejoined.
"I'm the coal gentleman and the
father of three kitchen ladies, one
laundry lady and one cash lady, and if
you don't show mo where to put this
coal I'll call the woman of the house."
"I —I'll show you, sir," sho humbly
replied, leading the way to tho coal
house.—Chicago Tribune.
A story is told of a littlo girl who
went shopping one flay with her moth
er. On her return home, after having
visited some of the large shops in New
York, she seemed to be grappling with
some very difficult problem. On being
asked what she was musing about, sho
said: "I wasonly thinking."
"Of what, my dear?" askod her
"I was only thinking that it was
funny how many littlo boys there
wero named Cash."—Harper's Young
KcononiUtl Kslraritgttiice.
Mrs. Savingcash—See, dear, here's a
whole dozen of lovely pink lamp
shades I bought to-day.
Mr. Savingcash Why, wo haven't a
lamp iu the house and don't need one.
Mrs. Savingcash—Yes; but I got
them at such a bargain!— Chicago
Record. _________
Counted fur Three.
Florence—That Miss Howard must
be very popular. She said she bail
three proposals in one evening.
Bertha That's just one of her tricks.
I'll bet that it was that stuttering Tom
Burton, and he always says everything
over three times.—Boston Globe.
Ill* Hyinptoiim.
"I am troubled at times, doctor,"
said tho caller, "with a rush of blood
to tho head."
"The symptoms," replied the doctor,
after making a brief examination, "in
dicate a rush of whisky to the nose." —
Chicago Tribune.
m it- : j*
t\ y i H
t ) ■ i ißkej
('holly And now that you've finished
school, Miss Daisy, 1 oppose you conju
gate lovo in several languages.
Miss Daisy —No, but 1 can decline
"you" in English. - Brooklyn Life.
Five Eccentric Men Who Lead
Very Strange Lives.
They Will Not Permit a Woman to
Cros< Their Threshold Their
Money Ia nil Deposited in m
Strange N.ifr.
At the mouth of a coal bank in Xes
shannock township, six miles from
New Castle, Pa., stands a little two
roomed cabin, built mainly of logs and
plastered with mud. The roof is made
of clapboards and the one door of the
cabin is a plank that swings on a pair
of rude wooden hinges. Everything
about the cabin has an air of antiquity,
says the New York Advertiser.
The occupants are miners and their
appearance is in keeping with their
surroundings. The father, John Lewis,
is a widower, seventy-three yuars of
age. a little stooped by his continuous
work in the mine, but still enjoying
good health. There is nothing about
his appearance to indicate eccentricity,
except his long beard, which reaches
below his waist. While working he
keeps it tied in a knot, and on coming
out of the coal bank his first attention
is given to his beard, and he never
ceases washing and scrubbing at it un
til it is as white as snow. For over
fifty odd years a razor has never come
upon his face and he regards his whisk
ers as almost sacred.
Mr. Lewis lias four sons, who are no
less odd in appearance than himself.
They are John and Edward and Georpe
and William, two sets of twins, aged
about fifty years. None of the boys
has ever shaved, and as they are almost
exact counterparts it is next to impos
sible for even those intimate with the
family to distinguish them apart. This
curious family is of Welsh extraction,
but the boys were all born in New Cas
tle. Their mother dying shortly after
the birth of George and William, Mr.
Lewis bought the coal bank in Nesshan
nock township, put up the above
described and removed thither.
For one year he had a housekeeper
take care of the children, but since that
time no woman has ever crossed the
threshold of his humble home.
Mr. Lewis has an aversion to their
society, and when lie makes his month
ly visit to New Castle for supplies he
buys at the stores located on the out
skirts, acd if perchance he sees a
woman on the sidewalk he will take
the middle of the street. The sons
very seldom visit town, and when they
do always in company with their
f :thcr, to whose side they cling more
closely than a ten-year-old hoy.
None of the family is able to read or
write uud they are consequently very
superstitious. They have no faith in
banks and, although worth probably
ten thousand dollars, hoard their
money. The income from their coal
bank is quickly changed into gold, to
be deposited in their safe. This safe,ac
cording to neighborhood gossip, would
baffle the ing'euuity of the most expert
bank robber. It consists of a stout
iron box three feet square. This box
is placed at the bottom of a well twelve
feet deep located underneath the
cabin. The well is filled with stone
and from a trap door a common gas
pipe three inches iu diameter leads to
the box. Deposits in the safe are made
by dropping the coins down the g'as
pipe. The men never take anything 1
out and a coin once dropped there is
supposed to be salted down for life.
There is said to be three pounds of
dynamite secreted in the well which
can be tAuchcd off by a secret fuse at
any time in ease of an attack by rob
bers. A knowledge of this fact has
doubtless kept the Lewis family free
from the notorious gang that has been
committing depredations in Lawrence
county during the last year. The fam
ily is not known to have any relatives
in the country and who will get the
contents of the iron box and their real
estate is a matter of much speculation.
They have no intimate friends, their
dealings with the world being confined
to selling coal, and in this connection
it might be mentioned that five large
dogs are used by the men in hauling
the coal from the bank. These dogs
are treated as members of the family,
sharing the same roof and eating the
same victuals. Father and sons take
week about at cooking. They do their
own baking and washing and three
poundsofsugar.it is said, lasts them
nearly a month. Every member of tho
family is an inveterate smoker. None
of them is ever sick and they attribute
their good health to the use of tobacco.
Evolution of the Neglige Shirt.
When the neglige shirt first became
popular, says the Philadelphia Record,
it was a flannel or silk shirt with a soft
collar and no cuffi to speak of. Its
object was to relieve a man of wearing
starched bosoms and collars anil cuffs
In hot weather, when they are notonly
uncomfortable but likely to wilt down
from perspiration and give the wearer
a slovenly appearance. Now, however,
the only difference is found in the
color. The neglige shirt is as stiff asa
board and the collar even stiffer; so
are the cuffs. In fact it isn't neglige
at all. The same thing applies to the
russet shoe. When It first came out
its chief advantage lay In the assertion
that It wasn't necessary to have it
shincd every day or so. Some one,
however, had to invent a patent polish
for the neglige shoe, and it costs more
to shine that than it docs a reg-ular
black shoe.
The firifcreful Olrli of slum.
The Siamese girls are the most
graceful women in the world. Their
joints arc very supple, and a part of
their education is made up of bending
their joints back and forth to make
them so. They are all short haired,
an<l when young they are as plump
as partridges and as straight as the
palm trees of their own beautiful land.
AH they grow older they becotno
wrinkled and ugly, and the most of
them ruin their teeth from chewing
the betel. Only the fewest of them
are educated, and I dou't think they
would be hnppy In our high Frenoh
heel shoes, and they would die if
bound In by our cornets and crinoline.
A Little Management.
Little Johnny—l with you'd ask papa
to get me a bicycle before you ask him
for that Puris bonnet you was talk in'
Mamma— Why?
Little Johnny Because If he buys
the bonnet first, he'll be too poor to buy
me a bicycle; bufif he buys the bicycle
first you'll get the bonnet anyhow.—
Good News.
Mrs. Hicks—l saw it stated In a
papyr that mosquitoes have twenty
two teeth.
Hicks Then they probably have
Mrs. Hicks- Why eleven?
Hicks— It Isn't safe to. believe over
fialf you see lu the papers. Truth.
Ilooineil to KUappolntment.
He—And now, darling, let's fix the
time to night.
She —Oh, don't press me just now.
He Yes, dearest, say what day you
will lie mlue.
She—Well, then, the day after your
salary Is raised.—Boaton (ilobe.
I oil oI Information.
Lady—ls Mrs. Blnks at home?
Servant No'm.
Lady»—Can you tell roe when she will
be at home?
Servant— As soon as she gets the
parlor dusted, lunm, an' she's most
through now. N. Y. Weekly.
How They Can IlulM a vrrtrfiblr Pl|<on
and Poult r; t imp.
I have tried to ilfetch a simple ar
rangement wherebv hays may be able
to »eep several pair- of pigeons anil
also a smalt dock ol laying heu-s. The
location should b" a sheltered one. the
southern exposure of a building such as
a barn, pig pen or sheep stable, where
the box aft -r l>einj» constructed could
I IZr:
FIG. t.
be nailed up against the building high
enough away from the top of the poul
try house to be sure of the pigeons not
being in danger of cats or rats. Put
it up 4 or ."> feet from the top of »ha roof
of the henhouse. You cau reach it by
means of a ladder placed upon the roof
of the henhouse, and will not incon
venience your getting up to inspect the
nests of the birds within. The box
should be (5 feet long by 3 feet wide by
8 feet at the top and 2 teet at the
I bottom. This makes a roomy house
where two pairs of breeders can bo
nicely accommodated. The top has a
pair of hinges to enable you to raise or
; lower it.
Roofing paper ean be tacked upon the
' lid so a-s to throw off the rain perfectly.
Two pairs of pigeons will be enough to
j care for at first: the young ones can be
' put in a room not occupied in the barn
T~r i ! i
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I I I II! I I 1
—i—l i
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5' 7 / '| .
~ f/n -5
or *ow shed until you find a market for
them. It is best after they learn to
eat and fiy about to keep them away
from the old birds; they do much bet
ter and do not annoy them when they
are setting on eggs again. The plan
is clcariy shown in Fig. 0 and the coop
in Figs 1 and 3. The former gives an
Idea of the construction, the latter the
details of the interior. In order to
make all the room possible on the
ground floor, raise the nests up two
feet from tho ground in the darkest
part of the coop A wiudow and an
entrance form the front, a di>or on the
outside—a place to enter the coop by.
Tho length of the building is seven
feet, width five and one-half feat,
hight six feet at Ujp and four feet at
base, giving a gcxxl slant to the roof.
Roosts, dust box, water fountain and
feed trough are provided. It will ac
commodate five or six hens and a male,
not more. Learn to handle a small
flock, then you will have experience
when you branch out in a larger way.
—J. W. Claughrey, in Farm and'tiome.
TIIKKK is to be a grand poultry and
pigeon display at the world's fair, Chi
cago, Oetdber Iff to 28.
Br keeping coops and house* disin
fected by dry earth or plaster an epi
demic of cholera may bo avoided
WHEN you have the sprayer on your
back step into the poultry house ami
spray it with tho Bordeaux mixture.
Spray roof, walls and floor thoroughly.
WORMS burrow deeply In a dry time.
When this cheap food supply is cut oft
from the flock they will appreciate an
occasional ration of meat or cut green
To KICK!' fowls in a yard In tunmer
on an exclusive diet of grain hi inex
cusable cruelty. A partial diet of grass
and vegetables is vastly better and
EUUN arc a better aod cheaper food
than pork for this hot weather. Farm
ers can raise the price of eggs by using
more of them on their own tables and
promote health at thu same time.
WK do not recommend our readers to
depend on "a lining of tarred paper to
prevent llco from harboring in a poul
try house. I'ut the paper outside, use
whitewash and kerosene Inside, and
dry llmo or pyrethruui in nests and lice
will uot trouble the flock, abd the
house will be protected by the paper
from the weather.—Farm Journal.
To Prevent Poultry DlwaiH.
There arc but few diseases of fowls
In summer. Cholera is very rare, as in
many cases the disease said to be
cholera is something else, roup and in
digestion being frequently mistaken
for It Give fresh air at night, with
plenty of fresh water during the day.
The doors and windows of the poultry
house should be open both day and
night, and if nn open shed can be used
for roosting it will be found superior
to the poultry house, lirain will cause
bowel disease if fed too liberally durLng
the warm weather.
Amy—How does Olive cotno to get so
■ntJiy proposals of marriage?
Hudson—She always takes her hat
off in the theater. Truth.
He—l cau't really express my feel
She—lndeed! Well, if they are as
bulky as you are yourself you had bet
ter send them by freight.—DllMl a
Week. _______
Wool— I've found out why barbers
keep up such a clack while they have
you in the chair.
Van Pelt WeUT
Wool-To distract your attention j
from the way they comb your hair.— I
Excellently Adapted for tha Keeping ol
sheep and Dairy Caw*.
In the sccompanyingillustratlons are
given the elevation and the interior
arraugement of a farm barn that
probably gives the most room for the
money of any that could be devised.
Its square construction and flat roofs
permit all the hay and fodder to be
placed above the first floor, thus leav
ing this entire tloor free for the
quartering of stock, while the cellar
below can be utilized for the storing of
roots, which should form no inconsider
able part of the feed consumed bv the
stock, and for the storage of the man
ure, the root cellar being, of course.
separated from the manure pit by a
j tight, wall. A perspective view of the
barn is shown in Fig. 1.
Such a barn is excellently adapted
for the keeping of sheep, three sides of
it Wing devoted to the pens for these,
while the feeding of all the sheep can
be done from the main floor; or, it can
be very well made to serve the purpose
of a dairy barn, with a silo in one
corner, extending from a cemented
floor in the cellar to the hay and
fodder floor. When arranged for
sheep, the pen can be advantageously
arranged, u« shown in Fig. 2, each pen
having communication with the
neighboring pen, and also with the
feeding floor.
An inside feeding rack may be used,
iuto which hay and other fodder can be
pitched directly from the feeding floor,
and this, in some respects, is the best
plan to pursue, for it permits a tight
m 13 i E-?
< 5 n*
jf *=! | s
I ;■*» If!
board fence between the feeding floor
and tbo pens, to a height of three feet
or so. thus keeping the lambs from
coming through from the pens to the
feeding floor and soiling the floor and
hay. But if the flocks are fed directly
from this floor, let a perpendicular
opening be provided for each sheep to
feed through, rather than the long hor
izontal opening provided by the re
moval of one board from tho partition,
which is so commonly seen, but which
necessitates the wearing off of all the
wool above thesheeps' necks, to the loss
of the wool and to the sheeps' manifest
disfigurement These upright openings
can be made by removing at least two
boards from the partition, and using
slats, or rounds just far enough apart
to admit a sheep's head and neck with
the greatest comfort If the barn is to
be used for dairy purposes, an interior
arrangement, such as is seen in Fig. 3,
will be found convenient In either
ease hay arid fodder is placed in tho
second story by driving the hay carts
into the central feeding floor and rais
ing their contents through a central
"well," or large opening in the center
of the second story floor by means of a
hay fork, this well being properly pro
tected by a tight wall around It four
feet or more hi height To make it im
possible for children to fall through
such an opening, even though protect
ed by a high wall, the opening may be
covered, when not In use, by a hinged
grating.—l). Worcester, In Agricultur
Sr.K that the horse collars are kept
soft and free from dirtor sore shoulders
will be sure to result
KEEP lambs growing well during the
first year by giving them the choicest
posture with some grain.
GIVE the w»»rk horses plenty of grain
food with anough protein or muscle
forming food to keep them in condition.
GIVE sheep a handy shelter into
which they can go In case of storms. A
wet fleece Is one of the sheep's worst
GIVK calves mill; which has been
brought to bl»>od heat Cold milk, sour
inllk and too large quantities of it at a
time are s<mie of the fruitful causes of
IF possible give the bull the range of
a good sized pasture If this U imprac
tical, at least build a large puddock for
him to exercise in and supply him with
succulent food.—Orange Judd Fanner.
To Make Hoc ltalilii| Pay.
I have been raisir.g hogs for several
years, have raised a great luany, and
have nevor seen the time when they
did not pay unless they die Farmers
are too easily discouraged. If they
have a dozen or two hogs on hand aud
crops are bud they will give them away
rather than *ry to keep them over, and
the following year brings a big corn
crop and they have no hogs, and rather
than buy enoagh to feed for their meat
they sell their corn from fifteen to
twenty-five cents per bushel, take the
proceeds from their corn and buy their
meat This is a mistaken idea of farm
era. They should always try to keep
hogs enough (with their other stock) to
eat up their com, as nlnetynlne times
out of one hundred you will get better
pricea for your corn, besides you have
the manure on your farm. —Swineherd.
2fo Rraro About It.
Watts—Do you suppose It was that
severe illness Jimpson had that ha*
seared him Into leading a better life?
Potts The Illness had something to
do with it, hut not by giving him a
soare. One of the papers printed an
obituary of him and he has been try
ing to live up to It, that's all.—ln
dianapolis Journal.
It Made a Difference.
The Judge—Y<w are here lis the al
leged murderor of a lawyer.
The Prisoner— YouVe got It mixed,
your honor, t'ra here as the tuurderet
of on alleged lawyer.
The Judge—Eh! What'sthat? Why
didn't you say that before? The pria
oner Is discharged with the thanks ol
the court. UufTalo Courier.
Human Natara.
Cumw)—Walt a minute, I-'angle. 1
want to step Into the dressmaker's and
pay my wife's bill.
"Why don't you give her tho money
and let her go and pay it'.'"
(,'u»pso She'd order another dress.—
Buffalo Snips.
A Correction.
"I saw a man tearing down Broad
way —" began Jimpson.
"How do you talk!" liar
kins. "You mean you saw the man
tearing up Broadway. They're alway»
doing that to get at the pipes "— Brook
bra Life.