Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 11, 1893, Image 3

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BITLM BU & population of about 10,00 a.
It la the County seat of Butler County, wttt
6(1,000. . ,
Four railway* natural gas. and unequallei
faNUtles for m- nfaeturra.
Progress e»i. ere: n-.tw buildings, new
miiuuiacturtys. » ii'oltu -uui prosperous town.
New York Weekly Tribune—Free.
Ity special arrangements made for ear
co doing, we are enabled to offer to all out
subscribers who pay arrearages, (if any)
and one year in advance, and to all new
tmbecribers paying in advance, the Jfew
York Weekly Tribune £r?e for one year.
For farther particular* of this offer see ad
New Advertisements.
Sale of 6000 for Sept. 15.
Final and partial accounts, bridge re
port, widow's appraisments and jnry list
fer Sept. term.
Sheriff 's sale for Ang. 28.
The Bntler Fair.
Klingler's Snow Drift.
Martincourt <fc Go's local.
Zimmerman's sacrifice sale.
Marvin's biscuit.
KOT«— AII advertisers intending to make
cmges in their ads. shonld notify ns of
their intending to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
"The hazy days *nd daisy days—the lazy
days havr (-.. me;
The thunder's mi.se too drowsy to he lollin'
of its drum;
Tae cl.iuds are driftin' over in a lollin, sort
o' way,
An' the bees are in the clover.jes' a dronin
all the day!
The jaybird's hardly jawin' as he pants
from tree to tree,
And the black crows ain't a-cawin' je» as
lively as might be !
Far it seems a time fer sleepin'—jest' a
dreamy sort 'o sleep,
An' yer don i care fer the reapin' il you've
got to make it reap !"
—Grow on one—whiskers.
—Tuere is one consolation —it will be
cooler when the snowflakes fly.
—The mosquito gives you some music
and then takes np a collection for it.
—The Jersey watermelon is in sight and
will soon supersede the southern one.
—The school-boy is scratching his bead
and thinking how short the time is ere he
will have to resnme bis studies.
—Boys who learn no business will have
no business in tbem when they are older
—A physician predicts that if the popu
larity of bicycling continues we shall bo a
race of humpbacks.
—H. D. McCrea has started a restau
rant on E. Jefferson St, in the room late
ly occupied by Geo. Smith
—The railroads are curtailing expenses.
Several Butler men have been dropped
from the pay rolls.
—The people of Buffalo twp. will hold a
picnic at Doyle's school house next Wed
—Butler seems like a dead man's camp
to-day (Thursday). AH hands and the
ships cook are at Conneaut.
—Perrine, Lee A Co. struck a good well
on the Sadiuel Sbira farm it Washington
twp. last week. It is doing about 40 bar
rals a day and is the best in that field.
—The P. S. 4 L. E. will run a special
train to Chicago next Monday, leaving
Butler at 9:10 a.m., for sl2. Tickets good
for 10 days.
—An opportunity to visit the Fair under
exceptionally favorable conditions and at
moderate cost is offered by the P. A W. R.
R. for Monday, August 21. See announce
ment in another column.
—H. A. Moorbead has his pacer Mac and
trotter Lady Walker at Warren, O. this
week. Lady Walker started in a race
Wednesday and Mack starts to-day, Thur
—Sept. 5, 6, 7 and 8 will be among the
Red Letter days for next month, as those
•re the dates fixed for the 16th Annual
Fair of the Butler County Agricultural
—The house of John McCord of Alle
ghey twp., the McCamey heirs farm, waf
burned one day last week. Part of the
household goods were saved. The fin
originated from a spark from the flue whilt
dinner was being prepared.
—BO many Fire Companies have signifi
ed tbeir intention of being here for the
State Convention, that the prospects are
that oar town will be oyer crowded that
week. Some of the visiting fire companies
intend to camp ont
—The Batter Pair this year promises to
be better than ever. Get your stock in
shape and make your entries early. En
tries in the Hone and' Cattle departments
olose Aug. 28th. The dates this year are
Sept 5, 6, 7 and 8.
—Everybody was talking baseball in
Butler, Tuesday, after the game between
the Franklins and Butlers. Dnring the
7th inniog and wben tbe score stood 6 to 5
in favor of the Franklins with two Butler
men on the bases, a big Pittsburger named
Gumbert, who was playing third base for
Franklins did some rough work, and the
game broke np in a row that came near be
ing a riot
—At a meeting of several members of
the Crawiord family, Saturday afternoon,
it was decided to held the second annual
Crawford reunion on Friday, September 1.
Those wbo were present at the reunion
last year no doubt remember the pleasant
time enjoyed, and it is expected this year
the reanion will be as pleasant,if not more
so, than last year.—Emlenlon Xttcs.
—The running team of the First Ward
Hose Company covered itself with glory,
lowered tbe record, came out first best and
won $l5O at Corry last Thursday, by run
ning 250 yards, laying 50 yards of hose and
making a coupling,all in 35 and 2-sths sec
onds. Tbeir victory will boom the Fire
men's Convention, to be beld hero next
month, and they received such an ovation
upon 'their return home Friday night aa
would have pleased a victorious army.
—Some sixty«of the former pupils of St.
Panl s Orphans Home had a reunion at the
Home la«t Friday. Rev. Prugh provided
a good dinner; sessions were held in the
Chapel, afternoon and evening; and the
former pupils and tbeir guests spent a
most enjoyable day. The pupils formed
an organisation, and elected J. T. Gibson,
President; Wm. P. Welshons, Vice P. and
V. D. Gibson, Secretary and Treasurer.,
and they will hold another reanion in
—The 8:20 train on tbe P. <fc W. had a
narrow escape from an accident last Tues
day. The approach to the bridge over the
creek at IfcCalmont, from this side, ii
around a sharp curve, and the engineei
does not see the bridge until he is a short
distance from it. When be rounded the
curve, Tuesday morning, be was horrified
to seo two horses on the bridge struggling
among the timbers. He put on the aii
brakes and reversed, but it was too late,
the train glided over the bridge, cutting
off the horses legs and shoving their bod
ias to the end of the bridge, one falling on
•will bide. It was a wonder that the trair
did not leave the track; and there is a let
son in that accident for railroad men
several of them.
A mof lor $4,800,000, from the P.
S. <t L. E. R. B. to the Central Trust Co.
of N. V. was filed last Saturday.
The will of Wm. S. Bingham of Centro
ville vtj probated, no letters.
Letters of Adm'n. were granted to Alary
E. Gibson on estate of George Hines of
of Brady twp.; also to L. S. Lardin and
E. Montgomery on estate of Wm. Burtner
of Clinton twp.
Hench 4 Domgold had a writ of replev
in issued for a portable saw mill in hands
of Chas. F. White.
An unusnaly was entered
into the Prothonotary's office last Friday.
It reads John D. Brown, trustee, vs Wm.
Semple, Jr.. exemplification from Alleghe
ny Co. Debt $125,000. The judgment was
sent here by Alajor A. AI. Brown of Pitts
burg. Wm. Semple is the President of
the Pittsburg, Akron and Western railroad
which lately went into the hands of a re
Justice of the Peace John S, Dawson, of
Fayette county, has entered a test suit
against the conntr commissioners which
will be of interest" to justices and cousta
bles. The commissioners of Fayettte
county refuse to pay the new fees provided
in the bill passed last winter on the ground
that the constitution prohibited increases
in fees of officials during their term of
office, and they insist on settling under the
old fee bill, which is much lower than the
new one. The suit is for $27.20 for trans
scripts and certificates in criminal cases
Recent decisions of several courts in the
state have about definitely outlined the
sources from which auditors are expected
to draw their pay for their various services
at election time.
Judge McPherson,of Lebanon, and Judge
Simonton, of Dauphin county, have con
curred in the decree that lor holding meet
ings for receiving certificates of nomina
tions, and nomination papers, hearing ob
jections thereto,and withdrawals and filling
ont certificates for watchers, tho township
must pay the auditors, but for arranging
ballots, correcting proof, going to and from
the printing office and distributing ballots
to the proper officeers of any township,|the
cost must be paid by the county commis
sioners. Such a rule seems exceedingly
explicit and should obviate any future mis
understanding between auditors, their
townships and the county commissioners
about pay for the election services render
J L MoCandless to Mary E. McCandlefa,
lot in Butler for $l
- Ziegler et al to Susan Enslen,
lot in Jackson for sl.
Geo. Hines to Ida Robinson and Mary
E Gibson 50 acres each for SIOO, and to
Geo Gibson 18 acres for SIOO.
Jno C Strutt to John Helm, Sr., lot in
Forward for S6OO.
F E Butler to L L Grossman, lot in Mil
lerstown for SSOO.
Levi Slater to M M Dyke, lot in Butler
for $1
Peter Speicher, Sr., to Jno Dyke, 55
acres in Oakland for $1,200.
Daniel Andre to Mary Rider, 100 acres
in Concord for $2685.72.
| |Eli May to W H Mav, lot in Jackson for
Marriage Licenses.
J W Gnytou Allegheny Co
Mary Bodimer
Wm C Shephard Middlesex twp
Maggie Anderson Clinton twp
H D McKinnev Piqaady, O
Mrs F Solida Warren, Pa
J L Martin Carbon Centre
Flora Mortimer St Joe
Elmer Grant Prospect
Myrtle Weigle "
"The spider works with wit and will,
Sbe framas her wheel aud she is sped;
But 'tis the dew's gift, not her skill.
That hangs with diamonds every thread
With pains and patience we no less
Shape out our lives, but yet allow
That all our brightest happiness
Is sent from heaven, we know not how."
—A Pittsburg druggist gave Mike Daley
some borax water for mineral water,there
by poisoning him.
—The P. R R will s 11 excursion tickets
to Chicago on the 12th, return on the 23rd,
for sl3 25, train leaves Butler at 5 P. 'M.
—What we need by this generation of
young men is a portable derrick to asssi.it
in lifting the broad rimmed straw hat to
lady acquaintances.
—The money that has gono abroad in
gold exports does not begin to equal the
sums that have gone down into old stock
ings where foolish people do their banking.
—Bradford Era.
—The citizens of Evans City will hold a
Harvest Home picnic in the grove at Evans
City for the benefit of their Soldiers' Mon
ument, on the 17th Inst. Base ball,races,
and dancing in the evening. Prominent
speakers will be present.
—John F. Clark, of Butler, Pa., was as
saulted and robbed on Twenty-eighth
street early Wednesday morning, lie was
brutally beaten by the robbers. Ilispock
etbook, containing $lO was taken. —Pitts-
burg Times.
—WASTED— Agents for household ar
ticles. address with stamp,
W. L. Brown,
Callery Junction, Pa.
Wait for the Excursion of the Season,
Tuesday, Auyust 29.
Arrangements have baen completed for
a grand excursion to Niagara Falls, Toron
to and tbe Thousand Islands, via the P. S.
4L. E. K. R., on Tuesday, August 29th.
Owing to the uncertainty of reduced rates
on the railroads thousands of people will
be debarred from visiting tbe.World'a Fair.
Then why not take advantage of the ex
tremely low fare and visit Niagara Falls.
The excursion will be run in two sec
tions, one from Butler making no stops for
passengers east of Shenango, and one lrom
Greenville and Meadville, making no stops
east of Erie. No change of cars going or
returning. Ample time at the Falls to
visit all points of interest. KeJuced rates
at hotels at Niagara. Returning, special
train will leave Niagara at 9 o'clock.
Tickets also good returning on any regular
train from Niagara Falls and Buffalo until
Sept. 2d, Toronto, Sept. 4th, and Thousand
Islands and Chautauqaa, Sept. 7tb, each
day inclusive. Passengers holding Niagara
Falls tickets desiring to visit Chautauqua
Lake furnished with tickets lrom Brocton
to Chautauqua and return free of charge.
For particulars see bill* or inquire of the
nearest P. S. it L. E. agent.
This excursion will be undir the person
al management of Mr. E. H. Norris, ol
Meadville,an experienced excursion agent,
and patrons are guaranteed every attention
an d convenience possible.
Half Rates to the World's Fair by the
Pennsylvanai Railroad.
In order to afford an opportunity to the
public to visit the World's Fair, tbe Penn
sylvania J'ailroad Company has decided to
run a scries of popular excursions at a sin
gle fare for the round trip on the main line
and branches between llarrisburg and
The parties will be carried on special
trains composed of the newest and best
standard passenger coaches, containing all
modern conveniences.
The excursions are fixed for August 2d,
12tb, and 23d. The return coupons of
these tickets will be good within ten dajs,
and will be accepted for passage only on
trains leaving Chicago at 3:15 P. M. and
11:30 P. M.
sl2. Chicago and Return. sl2.
via P. & W.
Until further notice the P. <St W.
R. R. will sell round trip tickets to
Chicago on Tuesday and Thursday
of each week at rate of $12.00, tick
ets good on all trains and good re
turning 10 days from date of sale.
Trains leaving Butler at 8:20 a m.
and 3:35 p. m. arrives in Chicago
at 10 o'clock p. m. and 7:05 a. m.
—Boy's Carts and Wagons.
Toyß that never out-Btay their
Welcome with the Boys at
i J. F. T. STEHLE'S.
Death of Fred Hoffman.
Fred A. Hoffman of Butler twp. jump
ed from the roof ol his uncle's house at Xo.
8, Granville St., Pittsburg last Tuesday,
and was instantly killed. Hoffman lost
his mind some time ago and was placed in
Dixmont,where he remained until Monday
of this week, when his father went theie
and took him out. They went to the resi
dence of Geo. Becker, Hoffman* uncle,and
that evening took a driro through the
parks, wueu Hoffman w«s in the best of
spirits, and even helped to uuhit-h and
clean the horse. They were all up early
Tuesday morning arid -tting on the back
porch waiting f»r bnakl'.-t, Fred Hoffman
wai with them, bat shortly «fier G o'clock
they missed . iiu, and on going to tite
street, thinking that he had dtrayc: away,
found him a bruised and manglfd heap in
the gutter, breathing hi- last. He had
m'-untcd a stepladder to the roof of the
porch, cllm'o'd on to tho kitchen roof and
from there t» the roof of the house. A
colored man, unknown, was the only one
who saw hiui fall, and list ,<ava 'hat Hoff-
man ran down the 'ping n f witu hia
arms outstretched, a if alter somebody,
tripped on the coraie • and fell, turning
over. Hiu skali w.n crashed. The body
was brought to Butler, TuesJay. lie
leaves a widow aod two children.
Mr. Hoffman formerl. kept a store in
the west end of town.
Alfred Cable of Conuoqaene: sing twp.
bought some p >wder in Prospect a few
day-: ago, and then went int.• HeylV black
smith shop. A spark from the anvil found
the powder, and there .v;>- .11 explosion
that scared Alfred and burned b:-< >:»t.
Lyinan Blnsc of Westmoreland county
met with a:i accide: ' that might u ive
very serioas to him, and v. L; . . »-r; pe
culiar, and the like of wbi-.-i), wi venture
the assertion never occurred before and
may possibly never occnr again Whilo
engaged la ualoa i.o.':>a.. villi a ,1 fork
he. by some inea-is, t'eii froui toe ni <>,•>" to
the barn floor, the fork, aicli b.. '>«»e no
loosened, followed him, the sharp eud
striking him in tLe mouth and pa-.-ing
through the cheek pinned him last to the
flonr and rendered him unable to rescue
himself. 11 is daugMer, who was near, ran
to bis rescue and released him.
l'ht hi arkets.
Our grocers are paying 10 for butter.
12 for eggs,4oc for potatoes,4oc for turnips,
5c a head for cabbage, COc for beans 70 for j
peas,3s to 40 a pair for spring chickens.35c a
aoz. bunches for beets, and 8 oents a dozen
for corn, blackberries 7c a qt.
pirTdßrau pkobcc*.
Timothy hay from county wagons S2O to
22, mixed hay sl3 to 14, straw SG.SO to 8,
mill feed sls to 18.
Grain at wholesale—Wheat 00 to C 3,
corn 44 to 52, oats 30 to 34. rye 52 to 55,
timothy seed $2 10, clover seed $8.25.
Country roli butter 12 to 13, cooking
butter 8 to 10.
Fresh eggs 13 to 14. potatoes $2.00 to
2.25 a bbl.
Spring chickens 30 to 50 per pair.
Apples $2.00 to 3.00 a bbl, pe aches 00 to
SI.OO a basket, blackberries 9 to 10 a qt.,
buckwheat honey 10 to 12; beeswax 28 to
At Herrs Island. Monday.common stoc<
sold at 3 to 3j, medium at 3j[ to 4, and the
b e.-t at 5.
Common hogs sold at 4i to 5, and tha
best at 0 to Of.
Sheep sold at 1J to 3J, spring lambs at 3
to SJ.
Veal calves sold at 5i to 6, heavy calves
at 2J to 5.
$lO the Hound Trip to the Atlantic Coast
via the Pennsylvania Railroad
On August 10th and 24th the last two of
the popular summer series of seashore ex
cursions will be run. A choice of four des
tinations is allowed —whether Atlantic
City, Cape May, Ocean Grove or Sea Isie
City. The rate of $lO from Pittsburg and
proportionately reduced rates from other
places is a most extraordinary offer when
tho distance covered is considered. The
tickets are good for return passage within
twelve days, which gives ample time for a
restful vacation by the sea.
The success of these remaining excur
sions is assured by the patronage accorded
the preceding two of the same series.
Great satisfaction has been expressed on
all sides at the manner of service with
which the Pennsylvania Hailroad Company
handled these attractive trips, everything
possible being dono for the convenience of
its patrons.
The special train will leave Pittsburg at
8:50 a.m., arriving in Philadelphia a little
after 7in tho evening. The night may be
spent in the Quaker City and any regular
train taken tho next day for the shore.
The rates apply on regular trains leaving
Pittsburg at 4:30, 7:00 and 8:10 p.m., or on
special train leaving at 8:50 am. on the
above mentioned date.
The special train will be run on the fol
lowing schedule, and the ticket* will be
sold at the rates quoted:
Pittsburg $lO 00 8:50 A. II
Butler .10 00 (1:15 "
Philadelphia Ar 7:10 P. M.
For detailed information address or ap
ply to Thos. E. Watt, Passenger Agent, 110
Fifth Avenue, Pittpburg.
—Do not fail to attend the Con
neaut Lake Exposition, August 22d,
23d, 24th, 25tb, 2Gth und 27th.
Restaurant for Sale
Tbe Restaurant in the basement,
under Colbert & Dale's bat store,
near Diamond, on Main St., 13 for
sale, witb immediate possession.
Enquire at restaurant of
Don't forget ua on Hosiery <;nd
Gloves, we always have the best at
owest prices
The People's Store closes at 8
Ice ! Spring Water. Ice !
Pure Spring Water Ice delivered
daily, in small or large quantities to
any part of town. Leave order at
J. A. RICKEY'S Bakery.
142 S. Main St.,
Butler, Pa
—No admission charged to the
Conneaut Lake Exposition
sl6 to Chicago and Return sl6.
P. & W. R. R. Co. will sell Ex
cursion tickets to the World's Fair
for all trains at the rate of sl6.
Good until Nov sth
Very low prices on Fine Umbrel
as at
Buffalo Blankets, best for wear at
All summer dress goods at reduc
ed prices at the Peoplo 's Store.
Best place to buy Table Linens,
Napkins and Towels at
—Take yoar children to Zuver's
Gallery for Pictures Buit
you. Poßtoffice building.
The People's Store is headquar
ters for table oil cloth.
—Children's Trunks
Children's Bureaus.
Children's Chairs.
Children's Wooden Bedsteads.
Children's Wooden Tables.
Children's Wooder" Rocker* at
—Subscribe for tbe CITIZEN, tbe
beet Weekly Paper in the comity.
A young man of Freeport wrote to tb<
' Quiet Observer of the Ga:etU a-king whs!
is the proper dress for tho groom. Aftei
; having a little fun a', the expenses of the
Y. il.. Q. O. says. The wise man is usu
; ally married in a clean suit that become
hi/ social position and in keeping with hi.
! pile. The fool may expend hi.- red
I and even draw on his credit without creat
ing surprise."
j Julias C;e«ar used to wear a laurel wreatfc
to hide his baldness, of which he wa.-
ashamed. In that respect there was a dif
ference between Julius and We, Us A Co.
Linn Caldwell of Jefferson twp, gradu
ate Jat DnfTs Collegy in Pittsburg last
F nday. *
C. X. Payne and family were tho guests
of L. 0. Purvis last Sunday.
Theodore Kfck left for the World's i'.iir
W ednesda).
Senator Showalter says that tho finest
girl in Butler county arrived at their home
a few ilays ago.
Mrs. Will Stein fn>i her mother, Mrs.
Vogeley. are sojourning at Cambridge
Springs, iu Crawford county, a very pleas
ant health resort. Will spent last Sunday
with them.
Georgo Trontman, Ab. Stein, and Linn
and Charley Borland staited for ihe Fair
Tuesdar. TLo ais.i intend doirig tuc
l«kcs. '
Al Dufford of W. Sur'.iury started for
the Fair, Tuesday, going by way of Cleve
Tho family of Christian ilardorf of
Actemonia is vi.-itingat Joseph Logau's
iu Jefferson twp.
Rev. James A. Clark's son Rev. I). S.
Clark, and his brother Walter, both of
Philadelphia were his guests last week.
Prot'y. Brown i- at Centrcville this week.
Mrs. J. I>. Marshall ha* returned from a
vi.-it to her .-i ter in Xew Waterford, 0.
Robert Ivell of Marion twp.,was in town
Friday, lor the first time in years. His
son belongs to the Military Co., and be
wa-< here to set- him off lor Erie.
Ceo. E. Thouia.-.the r.ew County Detect
ive, lives at 524 W. Jefferson St.
Hog: SlcClt-lUfid of Evans Citt :s visit
ing his .sister, Mrs. Cook ham ;.i Pickaway
county. Ohio. -IT. McClelland had six
brothers and four sisters, and they are all
dead excepting Mrs. Cookbam.
Miss Barnett of Washington is the guest
o! Mro. C. X. Boyd.
Dr. Borland, the i.ial Grove City den
tist. tviu around seeing his friends in But
ler last Jriday
C. N. Bo3'd and wife, W. G. (Russell, T.
C. Jorrison.and Clara and Belle Robinson
are at the World's Fair.
Rev. David S. Clark, a son of Rev. J as.
A. Clark of Prospect, and brother of Julian
Clark and Mrs. Herkimer of Bntler.preaeh
ed a good sermon in 1119 Presbyterian
Church last Sunday.
A New History of Butler County.
The plan oi a proposed history of our
county was placed before ns several months
ago by Mr. R. C. Brown of the publishing
firm ol R. C. Brown & Co. We then gave
the enterprise our endorsement and sup
port. To day we have a clearer concep
tion of the scope of this work and believe
that the many chapters, devoted to the
general history of the county, as well as
those to the townships, boroughs and vil
lages, will lorm the complete story of this
county from the days of the Indian occupa
tion to our own times. The first chapter
on the physical structure of the county, it*
mineral resources, soils, etc., etc. will be
written from the latest and most authentic
data; the chapters on the aborigines and
pioneers will be the recital of tho names
and incidents attendant on the going of
the Redman aud the coming of the Cnuca
sian. That portion devoted to local gov
ernment will firm a correct review of the
acts of the Commissioners, and the official
life of the County; while that to the Courts
and Bar will be a record of the lawyers ol
the past and present, of tho Judges who
presided,and of celebrated cases tried here.
Military affairs will be very fully treated,
the rosier of the companies raivd in this
county being made a par' of thin important
chapter. How far Bu l«r county was
identified wit!', the War ot 1812, the Mexi
can War, and the Q .eat Rebellion will be
shown, and the names of L<.i gallant sons
who went forth from their homes to assist
in repelling foreign invasion, and later to
preserve tho Union, will be given. The
chapters on the medical profession, journal
ism, education, religious societies, manu
factures, mining, canals, railroads, agri
cultural and other associations, and the
discovery and development of the great oil
and gas fields of this section of the State,
will all be fall and accurate; while the
many other chapters on the several town
ships and boroughs of the county, together
with much valuable biography and
genealogy, will prove a veritable encyclo
pedia ol local history. It appears to us
now that the publishers are determined to
surpass the excellent record they made in
the neighboring counties of Venango and
Mercer, and convinced of this we again
welcome their enterprise and wish the
work every success.
How i 3 This ?
Something unique even in these days of
mammoth premium oflers. it is the latest
effort of Stafford's Magazine, a Xew York
monthly of home aud general reading.
The proposition is to send the Magazine
one year for one dollar, the regular sub
scription price; and in addition to send
each subscriber fifty-two complete novels
during the twelve mouths: one each weeek.
Think of it. You receive a new and com
plete novel, by mail, post paid,every week
for fifty-two weeks, and in addition you
get tbe magazine once a month for twelve
months, all for one dollar. It is an offer
which the publishers cau only afford to
inak'-' in the confident expectation of get
ting a hundred thousand new subscribers.
Among the authors in the coming series
are Wilkie Collins, Walter Besfant, Mrs.
Olipbant, Mary Cecil llay, Florence
Marryat, Anthony Trollope, A. Conan
Doyle, Miss Braddon, Captain Marryat,
Miss Thackery and Jules Verne. If you
wish to take advantage of this unusual op
portunity. send one dollar for Stafford's
Magazine, one year Your first copy of
the magazine and your first number of Ithe
fifty two novels (one each week) which
you are to receive during the year will be
sent you by return mail. Hernit by I*. 0.
Order,registered letter or express. Address
Stafford's Magazine,
P. 0. Box 2264,
New York, X. Y.
Please mention this paper.
New Broadcloths, Bedford Cords,
Henriettas and Fine Dress Goods at
Pianos, Upright Pianos,
Metallopbones, Organs,
Accordeons, Concertinas,
Musical Boxes, Mouth Organs of
all kinds at J. F. T. STEIILE'S
—Cattle uijd Horse Sale Friday,
August 25th it the Conneiut Lake
—We are willing to sacrifice any
thing we have in our line in order to
raise $11,500, which we must have
by Sept. Ist Come along now and
get a bargain. S. B. Maktincourt
& Co , Butter Ps,
—Are you going to Chicago ? No,
going to Niagara Falls, August 29tb,
with E. 11. Norris' Excursion, via
P. S. & L. E. It It.
German Knit ting Yarn, Spanish
aud Saxony Yarns at
Largest assortment and best values
n Dress Goods and Cloaks at
—Alway stop at tbe Hotel Waver
ly when in Butler
Excursion to Bullalo, N. Y.
The P. S <fe L. E will sell excur
sion tickets to Buffalo, N. Y., Aug.
Ast Ist to 10th. Good returning up
to and including A ug. 12tb.
Fare for the round trip, $7 00
—Grange Day at the Conneaut
Lake Exposition, Thursday, August
Ladies and Misses 7 Cloaks in great
variety at lowest prices at
Geo. Doby of Bucks county, (tot drunl
and beat his wife, and some neighbor met
gave him a flogging
A 1 irgo oil tank at Coraopolis was (tract
| by lightning last Friday, arid 30,000 barrel
1 of oil went op in smoke,
i Jos. Taylor of Conneaut Lake, and Mich
ael Keder of Main St., committed snicide
in Allegheny last Thursday by shootinj
While Mr. John Callahan, a brother 0|
ltev. M. J. Callahan, pastor ofSt. Patrick's
Catholic Church at Brady's Bend, was
crossing the bridge in a buggy to K&st
Brady, a few nights ago, ho was stopped
!>y two highwaymen, vho demanded his
money. After -on" parity the footpad*
< ucludcd that Mr. Calluhau was not the
man they were locking for and they allow
ed him to proceed. Several nights before
that another man was held up in the vicin
ity of M. liockett's store by two highway
men. evidently the siine parties who stop
ped Mr. Callahan.
Mrs. Clark, aged 53, wife of Alexander
Clark, Warren, Pa . di;:d a few days ago
from. .. Mound. Two of her neph
ews, Fred and \rc!iio Clark, w< re shooting
with a rifle at a target on the Clark barn.
Mrs. Ciark happened to be in the barn
searching for eggs, and one of the bullets
struck her in the neck. The boys found
her lying there and promptly called help
and medical assistance. The physicians
could not risk removing tho bullet, anil the
patient lingered lor some days
Kobert Coleman, tbo millionaire Irou
King of Lebanon county, confessed judg
ments for over two million* last week and
it was exppcted that he would make an
a-sign uiant.
Joseph Kidd of Liwrescuville, I'ittsburg
heng his boy up by the thumb* in his sta
ble last Sunday morning and left him there
for hours; the neighbor* heard of it, releas
ed the boy and talked of lynching Kidd.
There are now 285 prisoners in tho Pitts
burg jail—a greater numbor than ever be
fore confined in it.
Good Yields.
Samuel Meals of Venango twp. had the
best turnout of rye this year that wo have
ever heard of, i.e. 103 bushels from 103
dozens, cut from 4 acres. Some of the
wheat of that vicinity also turned out a
ba-hel to the dozen this year.
A. D. Shearer, who lives on the W. C.
Thompson farm north of liutlcr, raised 96
bushels of wheat on 3 acres, and threshed
it from tbo field. 32 bushels to the acre.
Out of Town.
Mrs. J. 15. Black and children are visit
ing friends in Sodas, N. T.
Prof. Kicketts is at Chautauqua.
Airs. Alf Wick and son are at Cbautau
Mrs. A. T. Scott is visiting frinds at
Ed. Oesteijing is rusticating at lit.
ft is the /lest System.
The text book record und rules issued by
O. S. Brown, and published by the (incettc
dud Bulletin, is the most comprehensive,
complete and ever offered
and accepted by teachers. With this rec
ord it is an easy matter tor teachers to
keep track of text books with an accuracy
not otherwise to lie secured. The secreta
ry s record book is another complete and
useful booK, in which an account is kept of
supplies issued to teachers, school board
bills of purchases, etc. Anyone desiring
inJ' iati-i.l regarding these books should
aduic- .'Jr. O. S. Brown,Williamsport,Pa.
wh>> will gladly answer all questions.
Eleventh Annual Reunion
134 M Iteyt. /'. V. I.
The officers and executive committee
elected at the last reunion,were authorized
to select the place and fix the time for the
next reunion, have secured the Fair
grounds and hall at Beaver, Pa. for our
next meeting, to be held Wednesday,
Aug, 23d, 1893 at 11 a. m. Every member
ol the organization that possibly can should
be present. Comrades, "Rally once again*"
JOHN W. HA<;PE, Pres.
Jons I). Oaa, Kec. Sec.
World's Fair Philanthropists.
Messrs. Boddie Bros., wealthv Chicago
gentlemen, having the interest of their city
at heart, and desiring to disprove the fals
ity of the statement that only in boarding
houses can be found moderate priced ac
commodations during the World's Fair, re
modeled and furnished at great expense
one of their famous absolutely lire-proof
business structures, located corner of Frank
lin and Jackson streets, within short walk
ing distance of the Union Depots, Theaties,
Post Office, Board of Trade, Steam, Eleva
ted, Cable Koads nnd Steamboats to the
World's Fair, furnished newly throughout
000 rooms, superb parlors, elevators, elec
tric lights, exhaust fans to keep cool en
tire buildiDg, named this property THE
GREAT WESTKBR UOTKL, and invito the
public to take their choice of rooms lor
SI.OO per day, children from 5 to 12 fifty
cents. Elegant restaurant and dining
rooms where fine meals are served at 50
cents, or ala carte at very moderate pri
There would bo less heard or known of
extortion and imposition connected with
the World's Fair were there more public
spirited, fair minded men in Chicago as
are the owners and proprietors of THK
should write as early as posniblo to sccuro
rooms, for they are being taken up rapidly.
—St l'aul Daily News.
Prospect Normal and Classical
Opens Tuesday, August Bth. 1893.
A full corps of live and energetic
teachers has been secured an.i this
term promises to be one of the best
in its history. Expenses low. Send
for catalogue. G. I. WILSON, Prin.
Proeoect Pa.
—Zuver'a Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tone or a correct
—Wait for the Niagara Falls Ex
cursion, Augu3t 29th. Special low
rates via P. S. & L. E. R. R.
Beat Btyles in Dress Goodß and
Cloaks at
—Hotel Waverly. best house in
Bickel & Kennedy having leased
the block of livery barns on West
Jefferson street, and refitted and re
fnrnished same with new Btock com
plete are now prepared to furnish
first class rigs for all occasions and at
the shortest notice. We have two
One cabs for funerals, weddings and
parties We call special attention to
the fact that we can feed 100 borseß.
Also a fine furnished room for ladies
to wait in while horses are being
hitched up. Telephone connection
with all surrounding towns. Give
us a call and be convinced that we
have fine rigs. Open day and night.
Telephone No. 34. Street No. 134
to 138. Special attention to feeding
and boarding.
—The P. S. &. L. E. R. R. will
run the best low price excursion to
Niagara Falls, Augußt 20th, that
ever went over their line
—Job work of all kind done at teh
—Double Blackboards, Secretaries
Desks, Eureka Baby-Jumpers and
Swings for sale at
Why Throw it Away .'
It is wor.-e than *fiuauderiuic your mean -
to buy a rack of Western Flour at two
prices from a dealer who will send the
, money away from Butler. Don't you
know that every sack of Western Flour
you buy makes the towu poorer and every
j bag of Western l-'eed you buy makes mon
; ey scarcer in Butler and consequently
| time? harder T When yon buy Wecttrn
I Flour and Feed you discriminate against
1 the Butler farmer.against the Butler
carner, against the Butler manufacturer.
Suppose you continue this policy, extend
it to other branches, and buy your uieat
and your bread and your other things out
West too. Why. you will have no need
for batchers, nor lor bakers, nor for anv
stores. This practice would bring business ;
to a stand-still.
Klinglers have brought down the prices
of Flour and Feed and will keep them
down. Why f To induce people to buy
home products and keep Butler money in.
Butler where it belongs.
We have made the prices that will sell
the goods, keep oar mills in operation and
onr men employed.
Every new customer we get i-- another
recruit to the army of workers f l)r "the in
terests of Butler To buy Western Flour
and Feed, is to send money away never to
tret back. That made the' United States
poor—sending gold to Europe and not get
ting any in return.
Because, it makes the purest and best
bread and pays the Butler farmer for his
whent. and the Butler mechanic for his
v. i the Butler manufacturer for op
• nichinery.
Because it brings the greatest good to
the greatest number.
nrT SNOW DRIFT pr.orß.
Because you can rave from 2o to4o cents
a sack.
Get "a card" and seo how much change
you will get back from a dollar, when you
buy a sack of Snow Drift. But remember,
yon not only get wholesale prices on Snow
Drift, when you hare "a card," but on
every other flour, and on all the feed and
graiu and other things we make and han
dle. We hnqe the finest Corn Meal, Cereal
Goods and Salt ever put on the market.
The "card" gives you the privilege of buy
ing everything in any quantity at whole
sale rates
Apply at
Oriental Roller Mills, MitHin street; West
Penn Klevator. opposite P. R R. depot;
Main Office. 139 East Jefferson street.
Telephone Xo. 10.
P S —Mail orders promptly filled, and
satisfaction guaranteed.
Slippery Rock Normal.
Attend the State Normal School
at Slipperyrock, Butler county.
Largest Normal in Western part of
State. Only fifty-four dollars for
sixteen weeks. Best in methods and
actual preparation for teaching.
Sunbury Academy.
Persons holding scholarships in our Acad
emy through the Co. Diploma Examina
tion will find it to their advantage to at
tend this Fall Term, opening Sept. 12th.
Provisions have been made to accommo
date all. These scholarships expire with
the present joar F. A. B.
—We are willing to sacrifice any
thing we have in our line in order to
raise $11,500, which we must have
by Sept Ist. Come along now and
get a bargain. S. B. MARTINCOURT
& Co, Butler, Pa.
Royal Fruit Biscuit.
There are plenty of fruit biscuits—
only one "Royal Fruit''. That's
Marvin's—mede from selected, hand
picked Sultana raisins, specially im
ported for Marvin. The purest, fin
est fruit biscuit made. Get a pound
from your grocer.
—BoardingHouse Cards, with Act
of Assembly, 25 ceiite for half-a-dozen,
for B'ile at CITIZEN office.
—Niagara Falls;s days, Toronto 7
days. Everybody is going to Nia
gara Falls, August 2'Jth. Don't get
left, as train will be on time,
—The brightest letters from the
World's Fair—The greatest sport
ing and base ball reports—and the
best summer resort correspondence is
to be found in the PITTSBURG
Ginger Snaps.
Well, just try Marvin's Roval
XXX snaps. No others like 'em.
At your grocer's.
Popular Excursion to Chicago,
Monday, August 21st. Fare,
On the above date agents of the
P. & W Ry , Butler to Ellwood, Pa
inclnsive, will sell Excursion tickets
good ifoing in Day Coaches of the
limited Day Express, known as No.
9, which OD this date will stop at
Gallery Junction, Evans City, Har
mony, Zelieuople and Ellwood. Ar
rangements have been made with
Mrs. X. C Core, of Evans City, to
accompany the excursion an chaper
one and to ladies who go with
out escorts Rooms and board with
in convenient distance of the Fair
Grounds and at very moderate rates
can be secured provided application
is made at once by letter or in per
son, to Mrs, N. C. Core, 131 Race
St., Butler, or Evans City Special
coaches will be attached to No. t) for
the exclusive uso of this excursion
No excursion ticketa will be sold ex
cept at stations above designated.
Tickets will be good to return in day
coaches of any regular train until
Aug. 30th inclusive.
Asst. G. P. A., P. & W. Ry.
As this is
A. ""White" Season
Wo have made special preparations) for
this stammer trade. This week's invoice is
300 MATS,
500 Yd's of Ribbon.
Tips, l 'PI times and Aigretts.
Our s ck of trimmed hats is most com
Children's Hats a Specialty.
M. F. & M. MARKS.
113 to 117 South Main Street.
Improved Variable Friction Feed.
O o
Such as } 2 and j Jap's, Irish
Grays and Brown Reds that are
game and fighters. Buft Leghorns
that are fine as silk. Old pair
cost sß* last summer in England.
Eggs lrom all kinds $3 per 13,
$5 P<-' r 30.
Address, for Price list, etc.,
Ralston, Pa.
• to 1.
j *•<• >• '• - •-
g! . BUGS,
jjKD BliiS,
And all kinds of insects com
pletely destroyed by the use of
Bl GOLE. Is not poisonous to
i use and can be handled without
I danger to persons. Will not in
jure varnish on furniture but rather
improves it. But is sure death to
all kinds of bugs and insects. Can
only be had at our store. We al
so keep the finest brand of insect
powder. Try our Ammonia, the
superior of any brand sold in the
stores. \\ e want you to know we
keep these things as well as the
purest and best Drugs in every
G. N. BOYD, Druggist.
Diamond Block
Registered Pharmacist.
CAPIIAI, Paid I'll, - _ >100,000.(Hi. ;
St RI'LfS A>D PROFITS, - SBB,!t3J 14
omosua •
Jos. Ilartin&n. ITes't,
J. \. Kltts. Vice Prest. C. A. Bailey, Cashier,
Jos Ilartman. C. 1". Collins. o. M. Russell
11. McSweeney, c. D. Greenlee, ,j. v. Rats
t. t. At; rams, Leslie Hazlett i<; Smltll
W. s. Waldion. W. Henry Wilson. 11. F'ineijau.
A general banking business transacted In
terest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on
approved security.
Foreign exchange bought and sold.
Assets $9,730,000.00.
Home ofNew York,
Assets $9,328,000.00.
Hartford of Hartford,
Assets $7,109,000.00.
Continental ofNew York,
Assets $6,380,000.00.
Assets $137,499,000.00.
Office of
to the Court iioose.
On and after December lyth 1892, tia'ns
will leave Butler as follows:
For Butler Junction and intermedia?
sections, and for Allegheny City, 6.15, A.
M., 8:40, 11:00, 2:45, p. m. 5:00, daily except
ForTarentum, Frecport and Mlegheny
Valley Junction, 0:15, a. ru. 8:40, 11:00,
2:45 p. m. 5:00 p. m., daijy except Sunday!
For Sbarpsburg, 0:15 a. m. 11:1)0, 2:1", n
m. 5:00. '
For Blairsvilie and Blairsvilie Intersec
tion; (5:15 a. m. and 2:45 p. m., dailv except
Train* leaves Alle;jheny City for Taren
tum, Butler Junction and Butler at 6:55 a.
m., 8:45, 10:40, 3:15. a. no. 6:10, p.', m. daily
except Sunday.
For Sbarpsburg at 6:55 a. ui. B:4s,and 10:40
p. m.
Trains pass Blairsville Intersection easi
waril as follows:
Harrisburg Accommodation, 7:30 a. m.,
daily except Sunday.
Day Kxpress, 9:40 a. in., daily.
Mail Express, 3:18 p. m , daily.
Philadelphia Express 6:28 p. in., daily.
From Union Station, Pittsburg, Easteru
Standard time. Cor Altoona. Uarrisburg,
Washington, Philadelphia and
New York; 3:30 a. m. Penn'a. Limited, 7:15
a. ra. 4:30 p. ru.. 7:00 p. in., 8:10 p. m.
For Harrisburg daily except Sunday, 5:25
a. m. aud 1:00 p. m.
For Harrisbure Sunday only, 8:40 a. in.,
arriving at Philadelphia at 10:55 p. m .
For time tables and further information
inquire of the Ticket Agent at the Station,
or address Thos E. Watt, P. A. W. Dist. 110
Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa.
P. A W. K. K.
Schedule, in effect July, 'M. (Butler time). The
Short Line to Pittsburg.
®.oo a m Allegheny u.30 am,Al & Ch'cago
*.20 a m Airy & Uh. Ex 10 uo am. Allegheny Kx
>o.osam Allegheny Ac 12.35 p m, All y £ rh'go
3.oc)pm Allegheny Mall t.Mpm. Allegheuyfix
3.35 p m Chicago Kx. 7.15 p m.AU'y « Alt Kx
5..'>5 p m Airy 4; Ell. Ex ->. lop m, Allegheny Ac
10.05 a m Kane A- Brad. w or. a m.Foxburg Ac
5.00 pin Clarion Ac 9.55 a in, Clarion Ac
7.25 p m Koxburg Ac "».4o put, Kane Mall
8.20 am, Chicago Kx ;io.oo a m .Allegheny Ac
11.15 ain .Allegheny Kx 12,38 pin . Chicago Kx
3.38 p m. cbtcairo Kx 4.55 p in, Allegheny Kx
5.55 p |u .'Allegheny Ac 7.1"> p m. DeKorrest Ac
Trains leave Allegheny for Butler 7.:;'>. K.JO,
lo.:*) a. in., and 3.i0. 5.25 and c.15 p. m.
Train leaving Butler at 8.20 a. in. arrives
Chicago 10.00 p. in.
Chicago Kxpress leaving Butler at 3.35 p. m.
arrives in Chicago at 7.05 a. m.
Summer Schedule P. S. &L. K. Jn effect July
17. Butler time.
18 —5 30 a. m., Erie I—n.SOam. Meadvllle
li—io.oo " •• 11 2.42 pm, Erie
2—5.00 p in, Meadville 13—9.32 p in. Erie
No. 12 makes close connections lor New Cas
tle. Buffalo, Cleveland and Chicago.
N0.14 makes connections all paits east on W.
N. V. fc P. at Mercer Junction, and with N V.
1.. K. «i W. at Slienango for all points catt.
No. 2 makes connections with W. N. V. a P
at .Mercer Junction lor Stoneboro and New
Trains leaving the P. ti W. depot In Alleghe
ny at 8:20 a. m.. 3:10 p. m.. connect at Itut'er
with trains on tills road, aod tb« trains No. 1
and 11, connect through to Allegheny.
Hotel Butler,
J. H. FAUBEL, I'rop'r.
This house has been thorough
ly renovated, temodeled, and re
fitted with new furniture and
carpets; has electric bells and all
other modern conveniences for
guests, and is as convenient, and
desirable a home for strangers as
can be found in Butler, Pa.
Elegant sample room for use of
commercial men
[Successom oi.Sishutta & O'Brien.]
Sanitary Plumbers
And Gaa Fitfc r-r?
Sewer Pipe,
Globes ai
Natural (T:IH Applia
Jefl'erHonSt.,opp. Lowry House
III Heliable men to aell
our i hoice aud hardy
■™ Nursery Stork, and See'l Potatoes, full
and complete line. Many varieties cau only
be obtained through ua. CommlMion or sal
ary paid weekly, and promptly. Exclusive
and choice of territory given. Don't delay,
write at once for terms.
ALLEN NUBSERY CO., Kocheater, .N. Y.
fl f|if CpT|C CDC '■' otrw»,wno wf»h
nil JEH P lotno th, s pap* ,or obtain *
™ v'/Htfeing -- wh«n In Chicago, will find it on
Keep an Eye out for Bargains.
I,o\v S
Men s, !><>vs ;itii (i ! - * jotiiuio*
.* ®
(ionl's Fumis: in (■ o is. j| rs. ete.
... —.
You WIH lilHI c- M ! V. k ■
> 1 - •' ■ M " >tni elegance.
!Ii you Wisii t.' •* >i * i ' . •• • ■ j •t! •
If %<>« vir.il . f.. . .. ; i> • - w
• ' ITt U:d lis
i Few can is.eel a: .
They hive got u> •• • ;
'i: • • • ! (..tiin.l to lead.
Truth bran*!- our -.■• . . I 1 a
'•< »;. I. <•.. it-;. our io.v oricas
U»4 South .Main St., Butler, Pa.
Wwgoigyn a.. •; . ■ ;ing ci
Mi )s ir ..it.-, 1! .' So: ;. ' h ...
dreas" Suit.#, M t 1 ar.t:. ;! >ys'
I'.tn's, ami C: iU"£ ns*
Knee i'.iuts.
Gents Fumishin gGt ."uls. liats, Trunks. and V ;tli-• s. This is a
Bonafide Henuiv.il S fc. And y .i can bu\ an/thing which we
have in our storv at n.anuiacturcrs cos;. That .tus a !-.iving
for you ot'jyc on cv< y dollar yc>:: . r.rch.. < fas.
We are n< • .t • ' \• . . t leave < tir pres
ent location b> September I : . . .. e intend to open with a
brand new sr<;ck « ! Fail and Winter Goods in i- new location
which we will announce t<> the public in the n ar future.
Come Now for Bargains in Clothing.
Clothiers and Furnishers,
Opposite Hotel Butler, Pa.
The 0. W. HARDMAN Art Company Limited.
NPECiAi :ni:«
Kverythii i«i l , h<»to£r;*r» , tiMi£ i* l i i \ '.' - ivon, Scpii, 0:1 or 'A jv.er
Colors, that i» ofh«»n»**t »i ' L
OKI Picturi'H RKPItOI>I.'CKI> *nil KXI. V RORD. All worn frunrante'-d aa rcpre-
Honto>l. L:i* ■ " >(>!■ -in I'i :ur ■ Kr.»• u• ■ ' * !-«•*■».* .impK -, Compare
prices and ont worn wi:!i otti-r*. Special r.«te< '> M itiistew anil Luly Solmol Teacher*.
Ami Children have no lonjr, dark, lilti - stiiirs to travel up anil down. Studio on FIRST
ML fS. aa
Bcitler f''{iir,
SEPT. 5,6,7 and 8.
Entries in Horse and Cattle Djpartnunt.s '• !■>.•• Aug. 28.
Excursion Rati on a'! the Railroads.
For Premium Lists Apply l<>
Irt i M Iniik im, Hee'y.
Sacrifice Saie Continued!
Of Dry Qooda Millinery, Wrapn. fit 'OwinK'to tho aucceta ol
Our Four Days' Hale,
Also the fict wo w re
Unable to Wait on the Crowds
That dailv throned our litri."- f tori' • i thi-v mid l);tv-- on waited up >n;
and last but no', leu-t, wo bed no to i- ' oar lar.{« ■» • I ••»*- * iocr» -wifg
country 'trade know of thi* sacrifice Wo did not think if. WHS tioatiu* our
out of town friend- frdrlv, HO IIHITH C .riclu ) I to continue thM preat Saerifico
Until August
Thauking you for yoor liberal l ve r-.rdiaMj Invite your
continuance of the Hiiiue Cofno one, corao nil nn I take ailv»ta|c of
golden opportunity to Bave money.
(Successor to Hitter & Ralston.)
Butter, - - "
Job Work of nil kind done
at the "Citizen Office.