OUR NEW -:-Carpet Department-:- Wil Soon Contain a Complete Assortment ol Carpets, Curtains, Oil Cloths, &c. First and Second Shipments have arrived and balance will follow soon as the Mauufac turns can make the GOODS. "We have selected the best styles and colorings to be found in the market. Not a single old style will be found in our stock. FURNITURE, CARPETS, QCEENSWEAR, HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS tIIMLL Butler, - Penna. SUMMER DAYS ARE HERE, and Some'r dazed on the spot when they see the make and fit of our clothing and hear the prices we quote. Reader have you bought your Summer Clothes? If you haven't now is the time make your dollars go a long way, as we are naming unheard of prices on CLOTHING, HATS & GENTS FURNISHING GOODS t—t +++ *»* " = ® Bl DOUTHETT & GRAHAM, Reliable One Price Clothiers. Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts., Butler, I a. The Chance of a Life. A large manufactory shipped some buggies Ac to some dealers in west ern Pennsylvania, who made assignments before the work arrived, and the company ordered the R. R. Co. to ship them to us and told us to sell them best we could and they would pay as for our trouble. We had enough contracted lor to do us, but told them we would do so and now haye them in our warerooms in Butler marked in plain figures. We must run them off quick to utilize the room in our regular work. They are a nice lot and the price is a sacrifice. We have sold some bnt have thirteen jobs left, as follows: Two Bnckwagons worth in ,any market $45 we mark $ 361 One Phaeton • " " 125 " 96 OneSarrey " " 160 " 125 Two Baggies " " 65 " 44 Three Buggies " " 70 " 55 Three Bnggies " '* 85 " 75 One Two Seat Spring Wagon " 60 " 4S Now here is a chance to get a boggy at less than wholesale price. Thiß den't happen often. They won't last long. Hurry along and don't forget that daring the hot and dull weather we will sell yon a harness or anything belonging to a driving or team outfit at a very low price. We cannot afford to Bit around and let the flies suck what little blood we ;bave. We would rather do business for nothing, and if low prices will bring ue the trade we are bound to have it alwayß. Respectfully, ttEfif;.. a ,S. B. MARTINCOURT & CO. !128 E- Jefferson St, BUTLER, PA " A Above Hotel LovvryJ i SPRING.« We are aDDroachiDg tne days of all the year, ibe the air is freighted with the perfame-v of flowers, and everything is symbolic of Peace and Good Will. In this respect these davu re semble oar shoes. Their Qood Will is shown by their willingness to stand by yon, as long as you stand in them. Quality, not price is cheapness, and*we believe our prices quality considered to b<» tl° loweßtfin Butler. .ROBINS BROS., S. £. corner of Diamond. - - - Butler, P . Bogus white lead KnOTll CS » would have no iJvg UO • sale it not afford makers a larger profit than Strictly Pure White Lead. The wise man is never persuaded to buy paint that is said to be "just as good " or " better " than Strictly Pure White Lead The market is flooded with spurious white leads. The following analyses, made by eminent chemists, of two of these misleading brands show the exact proportion of geouine white lead they contain: Misleading Braird "Standard Lead Co. Strictly Pure White Lead. St. Louis." Materials Proporticns Analyzed by Barrteo C 0.31 per cent. Regis Chauvenet Oxide of Zinc 54.18 per cent. & Bro,, White Lead 6.16 per cent. _ St. Louis. Less than 7 per cent, white lead. Misleading Brand " Pacific Warranted Pure [A] White Lead." Materials Proportions Analyzed by flalpbateof Lead 4.1=? per cent. Ledoos & Co, Oxide 3 External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding—ltching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures; Fistula in Ano; Worms of the Rectum. The relief is imme diate the cure certain. WITCH HAZEL OIL Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. The relief is instant. Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Fis tulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is infallible. Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable.- Price, 50 Cents. Trial size, gg Cents. Sold by Druggist*, or c*nt post-paid on receipt of prlc*. ■mrilßlYß* *F». CO., 111 a 113 WHlta* RC., NKH YORK. THE PILE OINTMENT JOHNSON'S •^AfODYWfc LINIMENT ~ \\CEANYO7Y. v/ HOUSEHOLD USE. ' W m orisrfi'— :1 T-" 1 ■ ■ vn-rscritcd bv AH OLD 1. ~u . PHYSICIAH in : ~l'J. Could . r•- v." rhout real ttCiitharcsi';**.: -a My years,? Sccrni-' ••:'.-RATIHA r. - I ; T3MAC use/"** Stir* ! • CuresCroap, Co; - r fr .r r..:up s and P&iw, S: 1 CV.' . : ■* * • like roadie. r» • • ... •• !j R , diosero* v • » <;v or lJrtih', .. ■ HcwlAcba ■ ; . : .f» eta. V ■W-fimummgi ■*s m '&&?■" Wk oL BUl»»4riin' •• r «-•>•. • ,;i: f.T '-> .- - A 4 IrrM Da. «>iiuts l'iil-ii-::;ilite. P«. A* jr.tr 4ru«isi fct lk f \ DOCTORS LAKE fcg«*. 8 JT.I ATE mSPEXSARY. ,J JCV COR. PEHT. AVE. AND FOURTH ST.. - PITTSBURGH, PA. r X Allforntsof Delicate ami Com- plicated DlseaecsreqiiirinuCoN . "JXJYR F IDENTIAL andSCIENTIFH' Med ication ai"o treated at this Dis ■ •••. ,;ry with a success .arely attained. I>r. S. U < ai.cis:' member ol the Royal Collegeol l'hy sjcuii and Surgeoas, and Is the o! lest and most , ienced SPECIALISE in tho city. Special at tention given to Nervous Debility from ercessive -.till exertion, Indiscretion of youth,etc., caus ing jihysiral and mental decay,lack of energy, l-.—i.onduncy, etc.; also Cancers. Old Sores, Fits, I'ilc", Rheumatism, and all diseascsof the Skin, 1.1.u.1. Lung*, Urinary Organs,etc. Consultation and strictly confidential. Office hours, 9to i a id i to 8 P. M.; Sundays 8 to 4 p. M. only. ■il 'it oil!eo or address DRS. LAKE, COR. ■ t.SN AVE. AND 41HST.. PITTfiBUKOH. PA. niG LAKE ROUTE TO THE WORLD'S FA": VIA PICTURESQUE MACKINAC. Avoid the lioat and dust by travri ir - on the Floating Palaces of the Detro!- C'.evcland Steam Navigation Company. Two new steel passenger steamcrr just been built for this Upper Lake co3t;ngs3oo,ooo each, and are guana: > to be tho grandest, largest, safest fastest steamers on the Lakes; sp' ea miles per hour, running time bet v. * Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago h- ■ 50 hours. Four trip 3 per week be!-..- Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Mackinac,; kev ;.ud Chicago. Daily trips U: • Detroit and Cleveland; during July i Aup-t double dally servicewm: • tallied, civing a daylight ride aero: Eri" fhtily service between Ch . and fut-iu-Bay. First-class Eta;. • aceo:p.modatir na and menu, sr. ! ingly low Round Trip Hates. !.<• : tlal equipment, the luxury ot' tho rnenta makes traveling oa th3s< ; a thoroughly enjoyable. Send trated pamphlet. Address A. /• G. P. A., Detroit & Cleveland Ste.. .. Co., Detroit. Mich. -V, Sua. ... Plj»2 I? 'X .L<2 X » 2 Jr ? jfJ' C, V; GO S S h. R' ci I ,f CREAM .GLYCERINE. I \ dresslaf; for the face after -oaviuij, I - :>*;d for chapped liandi*and fit' ■ , Try it. ■ T_ A liOTTI.K AT DRUGQISIS. H Cures lirlk'ht's Disease, Dropsy, <; ravel. Nerv ousness, Heart, Urinary of Liver Diseases. Known by a tired lanqulu feeling; In act 1 iif? of the kidneys weakens and poisons the olooa, and unless cause is removed you cannot have health. Cured me over ttveyears agooi BrU?ht s Disease and Dropsy.—Mus. I. 1.. C. MI LI.EK, Bethlehem, l'a. 1 ,000 other similar testimonials. Try it. Cure guaranteed. CAW'S KIDNEY CURE CO., ~>io Venango St., Philadelphia. l'a. Sold by All Reliable DnigElsts. Cemetery, Lawn, Poultry and Rabbit Fencing IHOCSAXDS OF JULES IN CSE. CATALOCCK FREE. FKEIGHT PAID. THE McMULLEH Wt3VEN WIRE FENCE CO., 114, 116, 118 and 120 N. Market St.. OtieafO, HI. —Job work tf all kind done at teh CITIZEN OFFICE THE CITIZEN An Interview With Jacquard Nearly a Century Ago, The Jacquard machine,as is well known, permits the weaving of the most complica ted patterns, enabling manufacturers of textile fabrics to prodnco the most tasteful and elegant goods at a price within the reach ot all classes. This most ingenious machine was the invention of Jacqnard. Long years ago. we paid the old man a visit, and he welcomed us with heartiness. "Rut," said he, come forth into my vine yard; let us get among the grapes and sun shine." So he led the way with totter ing steps,and sitting down by his side, I told him I was an Englishman, and, ns he was a most ingenious man, I had come to see him. "Well, lam proud of a visit from an Englishman If I have done any real good, I owe the first suggestion to England. It was an English newspaper that led me to occupy my thoughts with mechanical improvements, and, but for that, it is probable 1 should still have been a poor straw hat maker in some obscure street in Lyons. It was during the peace Amiens that a translated extract from an English news-paper met my eyo offering a premium, by some society in London, to to any one who could apply machinery for the production of nets. After many at tempts, I made a machine which produced a perfect net and, somehow, thought no more about it. The net I carried about with me in my pocket, and one day the question was put me by a friend what would Ido with my machine. I gave him the net as my answer. Time went on, and I was surprised at receiving an order from the perfect to see him as soon as possible I went: he produced my net and said, "I have orders from the Emperor to send your machine to Paris.' 'From the Em peror ! That's strange ! Yon see it is all in pieces and I must have time to put it together again.' Very soon I managed the effair, and trudged off with it and a hall made net to the perfect. I bade him count the number of loops and then strike the bar with his foot, when another loop was added to the number. Great was his delight—and the interview ended by the words, 'Yon shall hear more about this than you are aware of just now;' and I did, in a way that perplexed me not a little. The pertect sent for me and said, 'You must go to Paris, M. Jacquard, by his Maj esty's orders.' To Paris, sir ! How the deuce can I ? What have I done V 'Not only must you go to Paris, but to-day, im mediately.' 'Well, then,' I answered, 'I will go home, see my wife, pack some clothing, and—' 'You will not go home, there is a carriage now waiting to take you; my orders are imperative to send you on at once; I will provide you with money and all you require.' I jumped into Iho carriage and away, fall gallop to cover the 150 leagues to Paris. At the first station, 1 opened the door to step out, but was stopped by a gendarme. 'Sir, if you please, you are not to go out of my sight.' I found mi'self a prisoner. On we went, and for the first time in my life, I found myself in Paris, and strange in deed, was my introduction there. Having been taken direct to Napoleon and Carnot, the latter said to me suddenly, 'Are you the man that can do what Omnipotence eannot f Can you tic a knot on a siriny on the stretch V I was confounded and could not answer. The Emperor said, 'Don't be bashfal, my man. speak up. I will protect yon.' In answer 1 said, 'Give me materials and some place as a work shop and I wi'l try what can be done.' At the time a superb shawl was to be woven for the Empress Josephine, and for its production they were constructing a very costly and com plicated loom, upon which the sum of twenty thousand francs had already been expended. I recollect having seen a model by Vaucanson, in which was a prin ciple I thought might be made to servo a purpose 1 had in my mind, and, after in intense application, I produced the ma chine bearing my name. The Emperor conferred this decoration upon me which you see upon my breast, and a pension of one thousand crowns. Bat, on my return jo Lyons, I was received by an infariated mob ofweaver3, who declared that I had had doomed them and their families to starvation. Three plots were laid to as •asmate me, and twice with difficulty, I escaped with rov life, and so strong was the prejudice against mo,that my machines were openly destroyed by order of the public authorities in the great square of the city. The iron was sold for scrap, the wood for fire lighting. Trade declined, ow ing the successful competition ol foreign ers, and, as a last resource, I was begged, entreated, and continually stlpp'icated to make another experiment. I succeeded; B :, ks of a greater beauty were produced at a lower cost; the dawn of prosperity sot in aud continued to shine. I have lived to see thousands made. It has'given labor to tens of thousands, and I thank God who gave mo the intellect and preserved my life to be a public benefactor. —Send two-cent stamp for "A Phenom enal Record" to C. I. Hood 3* an ax iu the hands of an experienced woodman Timber cutters working among the forest giants of Montana, Idaho and Washington declare it to l>e the cheapest and most eco nomical mcdo ol felling trees that has yet been devised. —The late lion. William Mutchler niton said when speaking ol death and inter ment, "Dury me at the setting of the sun." In accordance with his wish his funeral took place in the evening. Men and Women. [Pitt.-.burg Commercial Gazette] As long as tnen continue to marry, and women remain as they are there will be trouble between them. Which is most to blame may never be known exactly, but each will continue to blame the other, and quote aacient history to sustain them selves. Xantippe, the wife of Socrates, is men tioned oftener than the wife of any other famous man of ancient times, yet she was far from being the only one that made life a burden to her husband. The usual term, lord and master, did not apply to many of the men great in history. For some reason or other men of genius almost invariably make a mess of it when they marry. Following are somo notable instances of this: Sir Thomas More's wife scolded him on the eve of his execution. Hazlitt's wife cared nothing for his abil ities, and kept him in hot water by her temper. Catherine 11. of Russia had her husband assassinated, and from his death to her own ruled alone. Milton had trouble with each of his wives the fault being, perhaps, as much his own as theirs. Bea Joason's wife went to the inn alter him irhe staid too long and brought him homo, tongue lashing him all the way. Boswell's L'xoiiana" is a collection of his wife's sayings to him, which does no little credit to her abilities as a scold. The wife ot Rohaalt, the philosopher, took her seat at the door of his lecture room and would not allow poorly-dressed or ill favored people to enter. Walter Savage Landor married a girl for her beauty, and after the charm wore off he fonnd her a shrew. lie endured her tongue tor a time, then turned over his property to her and left her. Dante was married to Gemma Donati, a woman of stern imperious temper. lie was hectored and bullied day and night until his exile, which was, in this respect, for him, fortunate occurrence He does not mention Gemma in any of his writings. Xantippe. the wife of Socrates, some times emptied buckets of slop lrom win dows on his head as ho entered or left the house. Addison's wife, the countess dowager of Warwick, would not allow him to go to the inn at all unless he sat at the window, where he was in plain view from her tront room. Every absence from his] post had to be accounted for. The illustrious Isabella De Gonzaga after losing hei husband declined to marry again. She said that if her second should prove good she would be in constant fear of losing him; if otherwise, in constant fear of not losing him. Ciccrb had a shrew named Terentia, who made him do as she pleased. Ho was un der great obligations to Clodius, but when tLe divorce suit of Caesar against Pompi lia came np for trial Terentia compelled Cicero to appear against Clodius. Tired of Tenentia, Cicero got a divorce and married a rich girl named Publica,left her too, and lived alone until his death. Count Rumford, the scientist, married lime. Lavosier, the widow of a philoso pher aud herself a devotee of philosophy. When she was vexed,' "which was nearly all the time, she vented her spleen by breaking the bottles that contained bis an atomical specimens, by upsetting his ap paratus on the floor, throwing his books out of the windows and pouring boiling water on his botanical collections. John Wesley married a widow, Mjs. Yizelle, who grew tired of his restlessly laborious life and complained. He paid no attention, and from complaint she went on to jealousy, thence to fury. He rebuked her sternly: "Do not any longer contend for mastery, for power, money or praise. Do content to be a private, insignificant person. Ot what importance is your char acter to mankind 1 If you were buried just know, or had never lived, what loss would it bo to the cause of God t" She left him, taking with her a large number of his private papers, and he dismissed the subject by writing in his journal: "I did not forsake her; I did not dismiss her; I shall not call her back." Drunkenness, the Lquor Habit, Posi tivelj Cured by administering Dr. Haines "Golden Specific." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be giveu in a glass of beer, a cup ol coffee »>r tea.or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will allect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in everv instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat cd with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book oi particulars free. Address, (iolden Specific Co.. 185 Kace St.. Cincinnati O. —Persons who speak of the fresh sea breeze seem to forget that it's always salt. USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA ITS "THE KIND THAT CURES." —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic euro" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 73 cts. Sold by J. C. Redick, druggist, Battel. —A man will get mad quicker at being called a fool than at any other term you may use. It is probably because the alle gation is so easy to prove. —An Allegheny man who had been giv ing his wife 10 cents a week to support her self and several children, was Stmt to the work house. It is a pity the country is compelled to provide for such men. A few days ago at New Castle while the baby carriage and baby belonging to Mrs. Jenella was on South Jefferson St., women stole the infant's shoes and stockings from its feet and escaped. —At this temperature the man who is able to sit around home in his shirt sleeves believes he has found the ideal summer resort, —A Kentucky brido in a sleeping car started to get a drink of water. "When I come back," she said to her husband, "stick your foot out of the berth sc that I will know which it is." The conversation was audible. When she returned a mascu line foot projected from nearly every berth. —There has always been a lnrking sus picion that it is dangerous lor two persons to occupy the hammock at the same time. WHEN IT LOOKS DARK Pto any weak or ailing woman, Dr. Pierce's : Favorite Prescription comes to her uelp. For " female com plaint* " of every kind, periodical j>ains, internal Inflammation or ulceration, bear ing-down sensation*. a:i'l all chronic wtsak v nesses and deranzo k>jj ments, this w the remedy. It's the only one so sure that it can be guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or euro, in the ease of everv tired or afflicted woman, •he'll have her moiiev back. The " Prescription!" builds up and invigo rates the entire feinalo system. It r»gnlatou and promoter all tli" proper functions, im proves digestion, enriches the blood, dispels aches and pains, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and strength. Nothing else, though it may bo better for a tricky dealer to sell, can be " just as good for you to buy. Use the great specific for "cold in head" aod oatwrh—Dr. Catarrh Keujedy. The Great. * The Only. + The Original. Boston Ideal Concert Co. Will giye a series of their delightful concerts at Jvxpositiori Park:, Couneaut Commencing Sunday Jnne 30, and Ending August 5. 3 Concerts lDciil\ r 3 By a company of unrivaled artist p. FREE. Excursion Hates on the llailroads. >LTKRRH ISF O# 1 HAY- FEVER f /!i COLD-HEAD KBM Ely's Cream Balm is not a liquid, tnuff or powder. Applied into the nostrils it is _ quickly absorbed. It cUatises the head, allay* injiammation, heals _ _ C |Ef% tie .»m (Si hi by druggist» or sent by mail on receipt of price. L|) a DUG ELY BROTHERS. 56 Wa«en Street HEW YfiRK. DUG New York Dentists, Cor, Sixth and Liberty Sts., (tmranct on Liberty si.j PITTSBURGH, PA. GOLD LINED SETS OF TEETH SIO.OO. The regular price of those Sets is S2O to $25. These plates are as desirable In every rartleul# as if made of solid gold, which would cost you SSO. our prices on other work: BEST SET TEETH. SB.OO TEETH CLEANED, TSo GOLD FILLINGS, 1.00 up. TEETH EXTRACTED, Z3o SILVER FILLINGS, .75 GAS OR VITALIZED AIR. 50« CROWNS, $5.00 AND UP. Painless Extractiuc a Soecialtv. All Work Guaranteed. "I'MRT DEFIES THE KING." THEN 1 1f J J^. _ . , . GOOD FELLOWSHIP is a hard thing to find. Do yon want the recipe? Here it is. Get a bottle—you'll find it sure. Try oar Finch's Golden Wedding For Hrdiral and Fmnilj Use. SI.OO per Ql; or 6 Qts. for $5.00. Dougherty, Guckenheimer. Large, Gibson, Bridgeport, Mt. Vernon. Overholt, etc. OUR GOODS ARE WARRANTED PTRE. floods securely packed and boxed without extra charge. C. O. D. and mail orders re ceive prompt attention. "Grand Father's Choice" 3 year old is a good one, ago has brought out good quality; sells for $2 per gallon. I ROBERT LEWIN, Importer and Wholesaler, 136 Water St, PITTSBURGH, PA. OPPOSITE B. £ O. R. 11. DEPOT. TO H»Vt HIUTHTHt LIVE* MUttT WE IN OBPgW. D Cures thonsands annuallyof Liver Co mplaints, Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspep sia, Constipation, Malaria. More Ills result froman UnhealthyLiverthanany other cause. Why suffer when you can be cured ? Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigo* ator is a celebrated family medicine, vorit DltCOtiMT WILL sri'l'LY YOU. I ™ ™~j I I I RECULA7E THE l STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, j I ! PURIFY THE BLOOD. j A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR J t pv'Aon, t«jr»pcp«la. l iver Troubles I ♦ I)Ii7lnc»», Bail Complexion, I>y«cntery. . ♦ Offensive Breath, nn«l nil .Il«ornt«ia netliinit Injurious to J I tho most delicate constitution. riMMnt to Uke. | 1 safe. cffoctmd. GITO Immediate re lief. . 2 s. iJ by .iiiiir-i t.-. A trial bottk sectbjmaU J | on receipt of IS cents. Address t J THE RIPANS CHEMiCAL CO. J i 10 SPRUCE STREET, NliW YORK CITY. | Grind Your Own Corn Meal ; Oyster Shells and Corn in tho s•> Hand Mill. (P. Wilson's Pat.) Circulars free. "Also Power and Farm Mills. Send for illustrated circulars and testimonials." 100 j>er ct. more made in keeping jionltry. Address „ _ WILSON BROS., Laston, Pa. Fighting Fowls. Such as and j Jap's, Irish Grays and Bro.vn Reds that arc game and fighters. Buff Leghorns that arc fine as silk. Old pair cost $8 e last summer in England. Eggs from all kinds $3 per 13, $5 per 30. Address, for Trice list, etc., J. I . BROWNLEE, Ralston, I'a. Uf \ \ T TVh Salesmen to sell our enojee 1 r^L/., n< i hardy nursery stock. Many special varieties to offer both in fruits and I ornamentals, and controlled only by us. We pav commission or salary, give exclusive tcrri iory ana pay weekly. Write us at once and ec cure choice of territory. MAY liKOTHKKS, Nurserymen.Rochester. N\. Gdrficld T6BS, riirea Oonstinatiou. IU-ittor«• oln |'. U th N Y liiil* Sample fret; liAKriEU»T*A to ,31* V\ . 4-au *. Cures SicK Headache Bippli' ol .lames (!. ftitJ 1 By (iail Hamilton, his literarj' executor, with the co-operation of his fan) 11 v, and for Mr Blrlne's cmplete works. '• A ,venty Yars ID congicssoand his later book, "Poinilcal Pls cu fsloes." one prospectus of these 3 Best Sell ing 800. the market. A. K. P. Jordan of Me., toks in orders from tlrst on calls; agents pront ok 100. Mrs, Ball3rd ofO. took 15 orders. 13 SeafiTs.rOa, 1,1 1 day; pront s26jso. E. X " R|ee. 1 ltussjook 27 orders In 2 davs. protit s 'iT.2.">Mrss, bridge of Me. took 13 oruers from ' ?' <>! },- lT - p . a . *75.25. E. A. Palmer of X. Dak. • too lis; prom 1U 3 days; pront $98.23. Exlcu . sivk .">3 orders V en. If vou wish to make large t meterrltojyrumedinte.y to. oney, write im i THE HENRY BILL PUB.CO, Norwich, Conn V/ANTED. Agents to'sell Tour choice and Hardy Nursery Stock. We have many special varieties, both in fruits and ornamentals to 1 offer, which are controlled only by us. We j pay commission or salary. W rite us at once for terms, and secure choice ot terri tory. MAY BROTHERS, Nurserymen, Rochester, N. T ' 7 & CLARK'S usiness College, EHIt, PA. 1 Flejrant Rooms: Methods: Kxperienced TcHchers. Itx graduates succorl. Special ad van* In Shorthand aa«i Tyi»ewrttlCK- Write jatalogae- 11. C. Clai.e, Pres. S. AI. SWKET . ttec m I EWIS' 98 % LYE I PCWDZ2ZD AKS FE2ITOZ2 PATENTED) Theafr«n«e*l and par««l Lye N9|l|lfm nwerfunied Hard Soap in 20 minutes without boiling. It ia tli«> t>ent for cleansing wi-uj jSffS plpt'-s disinfecting sinks, cl<»set% Mfg washing bottles, j alnt\ trees, etc. rJBb, PENNA. SALT M'F'O CO. Ueu. .Vats.. I'hila.. I'x ARTISTIC II AIR GOODS. .. I have re-opened my eHtabli«hment. SirldfiUwigs and waves, .(jJV feather lljfht and life- SJAf.jrS- VX'43 like and up. Wavy hair switches,all lengths j Also toilet requisites. J Face Bleach removes w&T&v freckles, tan. sunWUrn. c motli patches, ami all /JB blemishes of the sklu. a, \ Hair Tonic restores grey hair to Us natural color, fiji- removes dandruff, tones up the scalp to a healthy f f Vf condition,make the hair ✓ V soft and glossy, and ,