THE CITIZEN FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1893,. Bctlkb Has * population or about 10,000. It la the County teat of Butler County, with 60.000. Four railways, natural gus, and unequalled faculties for m-iufactures. Progress em * *ierc; new buildings, new manufacture*. a jwl.n; tud prosperous town. New York Weekly Tribune-Free. By special arrangements made for our so doing, wo are enabled to offer to all our subscribers who pay arrearages, (if any) and one year in advance, and to all now subscribers paying in advance, the New York Weekly Tribune free for one year. For further particulars of this offer see ad vertisement. New Advertisements. Administrator's Notice, estate of X. KiDg. Ancjitor's Notice, estate of J. N, Cubbi son. Farm for Sale or Rent in Donegal twp. Dissolution Notice, Jas. McXees & Co. Ruff's Best Footwear. Schaul it Nast's Removal Sale. Klingler's August Price List. G. Wilson Miller's Prices. R. R. Excursions. NOTE—AII advertisers intending to make oinges in their ads. should notify us of their intending to do so, not later than Monday morning. LIWAL AM (JgMiiii. O, the good times aro comin', no matter what they sa_; Yeu kin hear 'em .;uminin', hummin', fer a hunderd miles away. 1 hey're a sailin' through the summer, an' a tightin' through the freeze; A ridin' down the rivers an' a-blowin' in the breeze! Comin', A-hummin', Like a regiment a drummin'; Lane has got a turain', Buttermilk's a ohurnin', So keep your lamps a barnin, Till the good time comes! —"Drowned while Bathing" headlines are appearing in the papers. —And now its sl2 to Chicago and back —ten days. —Oar fanners had ten days of good har vesting weather and everything is in bnt the oats. —Every woman admires a man who can swim and looks with horror at a boy who wants to learn how. —The Bntler boys who started to wheel it from Erie te Chicago gave ont at Cleve land, stabled their bikes and went on by nil. —A Texas paper remarks that the bar gain man who sells yon goods ac two prices puts them to yon regardless of cost. —Keep your eye on this paper and see which merchant is conrteons enongh to *'k yon for yonr patronage throngh its ad vertising colamns. —Somebody has discovered that a piece ot banana will shine ap russet shoes, A piece of banana peel has often made the stars shine at midday. —Never sun feather beds or pillows. Air them thoroughly on a windy day in a cool place. Tho sun draws tho oil and gives the feathers a rancid smell. —E. E. Young, Esq. administrator of "W. L. Young, deo'd, will sell the personal property of the deceased at the residence of 8. P. Young in Summit twp. this, Fri day, afternoon. —"What struck ust" and "whero are we stt" are the questions now being discussed on our streets and in our offices; and the Mswers to "who struck Billy Patterson!'' could not be more varied. , —A person killing a robin in this State is liable to a fine of $2 to S2O, or imprison ment for 20 days, or both. In fact the law prohibits the killing of any or nearly all kindß of birds on the list of those that are habitants here. —Hot alum water is the best insect de stroyer known. Put alum in hot water and boil nntil dissolved; then apply the water with a brush to all cracks, closets, bedsteads and other places where insects may be fonnd. Ants, cockroaches, bedbugs and other creeping things are killed. —The season of the year is now at hand when the good housewife sprr ds stioky fly-paper over the different articles of fur niture in her household and when the geod man rises from a chair and finds the bay window of his unmentionables half-soled with the same, verily he waxeth wroth. —A ripe tomato will remove ink stains from the bands, or from paper or linen, says an exchange. There is no particular knaok about it. All that is to be done is to crueh the tomato in your hands and rub the ink spot with the juice, then wash in dear water, and ink and tomato juice will come away together. —An old summer drink, recommended by physicians for cooling the blood both of children and adults, is made by taking a tfaspoonful of cream of tarter and dis- solving it in a tumbler of water sweetening to taste. You will be surprised to find how pleasant it is, being hard to detect from lemonade. It can be made in a quan tity and keep it on ice. It is highly laxa* tive. —lt is no sign that a man is rich be* cause he pays his promptly, says an ex ohange. Not by any manner of meats. Tbero are poorer men and men of moder ate means who pay as they go, on the principle that it is not only honest, but that it is the safest. On tho other hand there are rich people who rarely pay until almost forced to do so. There are many each, and the pity is that their number so nearly approches legion. Not to pay a bill when you have the money, and espec ially when it is due, may not be styled a crime, but it is very far from being right. —The postal script will soon take the place of the postal note now in use. The poual note costs three cents, and carries any amount up to $5, while in a script a sheet calling for amounts from one cent to S3O has been prepared from which, on payment of one cent,the amount of money to be sent by mail to any part of the United States way be torn off the same as an express order. There will be no writ ing on it of any kind by the Postmaster, the fender endorsing the check draft. The government guarantees its safe transporta tion. —lt is a matter of cariosity to some peo ple how a bank can become obliged to close its doors' while it is financially sound as many are doing at present. It happens in this way: In the course of business a bank receives 1100,000 in deposits. To make the necessary profits to pay the in terest to depositors, this money must be lent out, for which the bank receives the note of the borrower and the interest on the same. Now, after say 980,000 had been so lent out, depositors get uneasy and be gin a "run" on the bank. It is impossible to collect the notes until they are doe, and when the bank's surplus cash is gone it must borrow or close. The bank may be sound and able to pay every dollar it owes, but if all the depositors call for their mon ey at once, the soundest bank must yield, unless the stockholders have enough loose cash to pay tho deposits.— Penntrylvania Farmer. USE DANA'S SARSAPARLILA, ITS "THE KIND THAT CURES." lye laid on my bed, I know not how long, But I can't goto sleep at all, For a woman next door is screeching a song. And the last lino is "After the Ball." She has finished at last, and over my eyes The laahes begin to fall; I cease my curfinsr and groan* and sighs, For peace comes after the liawl. —Hay is Raid to be worth S4O a ton in France. —Thomas if. King has been elected President of the P. A- W. —Xext Thursday is the day fixed for tho great picnic at Conneaut. —Rev. Butz of Zelienople will coudnct services in the German Lutheran church next Sunday morning at 10:30. —Though silence may bo golden speeches will be very 3ilvery when Con gress meets. —The sale of tho property of the Brady's Bend Iron Co. has again been postponed, this time to Sept. Ist. —Frank Eyth, the veteran lkherman of Centroville, yanked a pike out of the Slip peryrock, near Clarks mills, last Friday, that weighed 16| ponnds. —Berks county farmers aro preparing to feed their wheat to the cows. At 00 cents a bushel wheat is a cheaper food for cattle they sav, than bran at $1 per 100 pounds. —lt seems remarkable that anyone should die of pneumonia during the warm weather, yet a citizen of Clay twp., Mr. Wm. Tebay. died of thatdisease last week —The 199 th lieg't. Pa. Vols, will hold their next reunion at Mercer, Pa., Sept. Ist All the comrades are respectfully invited to attend. —A man wheeling a keg of beer on a wheelbarrow passed through Butler early Friday morning. He said he was going to Chicago. —Bearding house keepers cannot recover from defaulting boarders unless they comply with the act of Assembly by posting notices in every room. These notices are for sale at this office. —A Justice of the Peace in a neighbor ing town has refused to believe that a man can live next door to a saloon and never enter it. Why, men have been known to live next door to a church and never enter it. —Jamos Humphrey of Worth twp. threshed the wheat from a fourteen acre field last week, and secured 3C4 bushels,or 26 bushels to the acre. Who can beat tbatf. —The Rules and Regulations of the Board of Health, as adopted by the Coun cil last Tuesday night, will cost tho town a pretty penny, as their execution will require the services of a clerk constantly. —The P. H. C. has invited the mer chants of the town and their employees to accompany them to their picnic at Con neaat Lake, on the 10th and a number of them have signed a petition to close their store on that day. —Schaul & Nast intend removing to the new Reiber building; and Mr. Kirkpatrick of Renfrew has rented the storeroom on the corner of the Diamond now occupied by Cloeland A Ralston, and will open an other jewelry store on Oct. Ist. —Lost:—A German silver folding pro tractor in leather case. Tho makers name is Grove and the case contained also a drafting pen. A suitable reward will be given for its return to this office. —ln a county in New Jersey which spent $250,000 in constructing 35 miles of macad emizei road, land has risen in value from SIOO to $175 and S2OO an acre, and the farmers who thought they were going to be ruined are now reconciled. —Harry Moorehead's pacing horse Mac took a heat and won second money at Syracuse, N. Y. last week, best time 2:16 i on a half mile track. Mr. Moorhead has had Mac in northern Pennsylvania and New York for some time aud took a piece of the money in every race except one. At Bradford he won the race and got a mark of 2:18*. —Tho partnership heretofore existing id#r the firm name James McNees & Co. manufacturers of stoneware at Ualston Station, has been dissolved. Mr. James McNees will Bettle the accounts of the firm, and the business will be continued by H. L. McNees. They make a very good article of Btoneware anil also a stone pump which is already in extensivo use. —There was another slump in the wheat market in Chicago, Monday, and at ono time during the day "cash" wheat sold at but 53} cents, while that to be delivered in September sold at 57|. In tho Pitts burg exchange that day wheat was quoted at 62 to 65, rye 52 to 57, and oats at 34 to 38. Four car loads of white oats were sold that day at 30 to 34. —Tho City Council of New Castle has formally condemned tho water supply of that town, which is said to be "wholly un fit for domestic ose and an epidemic is feared unless something is done at once. Much of the water that is used never reaches tbo reservoir, but is pumped di rectly into the luaiDs. and the pipes have frequently been found clogged with decay ed tish. The water is r,ot filtered but runs through a big stone heap through which (makes, eels and small fish can easi ly pass. An effort will probably be made in Butler in the near future to better our j water supply. USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA ITS "THE KIND THAT CURES." WA::TKD Agents for household ar ticles. addrei-s with stamp, W. L. Brown, Gallery Junction, Pa. FLOUR AND FEED. Camp Milling Company's Flour. Magnolia, finest flour made $1 50 Camp's Best Fane' - 1 25 "Red Ball," king for bread 1 00 Columbia, Anchor, Gem 0 90 AMERICAN CEREAL COMPANY'S FEED. Wheat Bran, per cwt #0 85 Brown Middlings, per cwt 0 90 White Middlings, per cwt 1 00 Oats "o letters. Letters of administration wero granted to Barbara Christley ou the estate of W. K. Christley. of Ceutreville; also to Emma J. Barnhart on e-iate of Cyras Barnhart of Lancaster twp. Saturday Aug. sth will be the last day for tiling the accounts ot guardians, admin istiators am! executors for presentation at j September Term A cafe that stands anprecedenu-d in tae annals of Venango county history was turned into tho prothom tan 's office in the courthouse i*: Franklin Friday from Jus tice of the Peace Merrick Davidson's court. The principals in the cue are ili.-s Delia Houston an i her father, Robert K Hous ton, both of Scrubgras* twp. On July 21, I 1.592, Delia Heuston gave birth l a female child. In the information at the court house at Franklin she stated that ut the time she was compelled by her father, through fear ot violence £•> cause tho ar rest of one, John Klenhamer. on the charge of fornication and bastardy. She accordingly appeared before a justice of the peace and made the desired informa tion and Klenhamer w»< arrested. Later she made an information charging her father with the deed. In the information she states that she L>ad can -il i;.- terciurse with her owu fa'.her, li" crt E. Heuston, with the above r alts. The de fendant plead not guiity and was given » hearing, the justico committing him to jail to await the term of criminal court. Residents in the vicinity of the Heuston homestead are very indignant over the af fair, while some are of the opinion tb it the defeudant is not guilty.— Derrick LATE PROPKRTV TRAKSFBBB R. B. T-iylor to .-entbelia J. Wilson lot in Butler for $2700. Mary A Wilson admx. to 4 D McC-.'imel 7 acres in Franklin for $000.; and .1 D Mc- Connell to Mary A Wilson, same for -ame. Jacob Reiber to Middlesex Presbyti-r --ian Church. 2 acres in Middlesex f'-r Albert Winters, Es'r, to Andrew Har per 2 acres in Zelienople loi S4OO. Jos S Leighner to John M Leighier lot in Centreville for SI3OO. Wm Leithold et <■ 1 tw Win Gr< ,'i hustee 3 lots in Witfieid for sl. M H McCacdless to S S Borland 0 .-.cres in Centre for S2OO. Jacob Keck, adin'r of tho Minsters -old Campbell pay all of the sewerage lien and ialf tho paving lien, and this, altera long liscus.-ion was refused by the Council. Several questions came up in the matter, .e. Is a municipal lien a lien upon the property unti paid ? c'an a Sheriffs' sale or my other judicial sale divest a municipal ien f It stands to reason that a niuuici >al lien should be a lien unti! paid, but .ve are informed t;. ti the Sewerage and l'av:Lig law.-, ilu n.»i ,-ay so, and that there is no bupreme Court decision on the sub ect. Some small matters wots discussed and lisposci! I, bills aggregating $1,200 were ijtproved, aud the Council adjourned for :wo weeks. Oii Notes. The Delmar Oil Co., fourtu of the stock of v> hich is held by Greenlee & ■ Furst, struck a well at Mannington. West ' Virginia, last week which started olf at » 1300 bbls.—flowing. This Co. holds a large block of leases in that section, and , and has four more wells drilling, two of which arc near completion. The pay streak there is over 3000 feet below the surface. The field is about thirty miles east of Sisterville, and near the main lino ' of the B. &O. President Jos. llartman, of the National Bank also has an interest in the Delmar Co. The wells drilled on the Baxter Logan farm in Penn twp., and Barrett farm in Middlesex twp., are said to be dry. Tho Logan farm lies north of tho Campbell, and the Barrett, south. -The monthly oil rt-poit credits Butler Co. with 38 completed wells, 11 of which are dry, and tho others producing 707 bbls. daily. Uendersonville—Broun, Wick & Co's. No. 2on tho Davis started flowing Wed nesday evening, caught fire and burned the rig. A s'rong gaeser was struck on the Mul ligan, four miles southeast ot Ma s. XIAG AHA FALLS. Wait for the Excursion of the Season, Tuesday, August 29. Arrangements have been completed for a grand excursion to Niagara Falls. Toron to and the Thousand Islands, via the P. S. seenred the I\»:r r .uuuuo uali at Deaver, l'a. for our next meeting, to be held Wednesday, Ang, 2:51, lb'j;! at 11 a. m. Every member ol the organization that possibly can should be present. Comrade.-. "Rally once again-" Jons W. HAGUE, Pres. JOHN I). ORR, Rec. Sec. A GENERAL SMASH-UP. Klinglers Break the Record— August Price List Just Out. We make the following reductions to day: 20 cents per barrel ou Flour. 4 cents per bushel ou New Oats. 2 cents per bashel on Coru The handlers of Western Flour told you Flour would be higber. Klinglers saiil it woulu be lower. Who is right? Innocent people were humbugged into buyinga stock ol Western Flour upon their dealer's ad vice. and are now 80 cents per barrel out nf pocket. We resort to no suca methods to sell cur Flour. Many think our prices were 100 low al ready, an.l that further reductions an* un called for. But remember tiu> *s are hard. Th« daily p.; - ur« wirh failures. two ilutler industries (or one besides unrs) in operation to-day whose output is SIOO,OOO PER TEAR. The question confronts as: Will we al so turn out our men, and close down our mills t "We say no. Wo will rather re luce prices to "such a low ebb as to briiig the people of Butler and vicinity to our rescue. Better to accept a small profit as aoue at all. The truth of the matter is, sve can't afford to shut down and Butler .itizens can't afford to leave us do so L'ither. Just think of it, -SILVER FOAM, KLINGLERS' PATENT FANCY, SNOW DRIFT, ORIENTAL KLINGLERS' EXTRA, ALL 20 CENTS PER BARREL LOWER We are to-day selliug four times as many jarrels of these Flours as we did six months igo.but we want to sell teu times as many jarrels. Wo believe there is more SNOW DRIFT FLOUR : old in Butler to-day than all the other I'lours put together. If ever there was my truth in the advice. GET A CARD' AND SAVE YOUR MONEY." tis now. Appiy for ''a card" at once. 3et an August w'holesalo price-list. Never have Butler peoplo been able to juy FLOUR AND FEED AND GRAIN it such prices as we offer them in tha Aug a-t list. "A card'" entitles you to this list ind its prices Applv without delay at Oriental Roller Mills,"Mifflin street; West I'enn Elevator, opposite P. R R. depot; Wain Office, 139 East Jefferson street. Telephone No. 10. H. J. KLIXGLEK d CO. P. S. Don't buy any Seeds until you cet < wholesale prices. Wehavealargo of Prime Timothy Seed on the way n«w. Wc are selling Timothy Seed rei:. rkably low. Special Trains and Excursion Tickets to Ridgevisw Camp Meeting via Pennsylvania Railroad. The Itidgeview camp meeting will be iu session lrom August 10th until August 22d near Millwood, Pa.,and lor the accommo dation of participants and visitors the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will place excursion tickets on sale, cominenc ing August Bth, good tor return passage until August 28th, and will run special trains 011 Sundays, August 13th and 20th, direct to Kidgeview camp. During the continuance of tbo meeting several express and accommodation trains will stop daily, and everything possible will bo done for the convenience of those interested in the encampment. World's Fair Philanthropists Messrs. Bodilio Bros., wealthy Chicago gentlemen, having the interest of their city at heart, and desiring to disprove the fals ity of the statement that only in boarding houses can bTj found moderate priced ac commodations during the World's Fair, re modeled and furnished at great expense one of their famous absolutely fire-proof business structures, located corner of Frank lin and Jackson streets, within short walk ing distance of the Union Depots, Theaties, Post Office, Board of Trade, Steam, Eleva ted, Cable Koads and Steamboats to World's Fair, furnished newly throughout 500 rooms, superb parlors, elevators, elec tric lights, exhaust fans to keep cool en tire building, named this property THK GREAT WESTERN HOTEL, and invite the public to take their choice of rooms for SI.OO per day, children from 5 to 12 fifty cents. Elegant restaurant and dining rooms where fine meals are served at 50 cents, or a la carte at very moderate pri ces. There would be less heard or known of extortion and imposition connected with the World's Fair were there more public spirited, fair minded men in Chicago as are the owners and proprietors of THE GREAT WESTERN HOTEL. Our readers should write as early as possible to secure rooms, for they are btic e taken up rapidly. —St. Paul Daily Xewx. Prospect Normal and Classical Academy Opens Tuesday, August Bth, 1893. A full corps of live and energetic teachers has been secured and this terra promises to be one of the best in its history. • Expenses low. Send for catalogue. G. I. WILSON, Prin. Prospect Pa. —Zuver'a Pictures leave nothing wanting in finish, tone or a correct lißeooss —Wait for the Niagara Falls Ex cursion, August 20th. Special low rates via P. S. & L. E. 11. R. Best stylos in Dress Goods and Cloaks at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Hotel Waverly. best house in Butler. Notice. Bickel & Kennedy having leased the block of livery barns on West Jefferson street, and refitted and re furnished same with uew stock com plete are now prepared to furnish first class rigs for all occasions and at the shortest notice. We have two fine cabs for funerals, weddings and parties We call special attention to the fact that we can feed 100 horses. Also a fine furnished room for ladies to wait in while horses are being hitched up. Telephone connection with all surrounding towns. Give us a call and be convinced that we have fine rigs. Open day and night. Telephone No. 34. Street No. 134 to 138. Special attention to feeding and boarding. —The P S. &. L. E. R R. will run the best low price eyursion to Niagara Falls, August 29th, that ever went over their lino. —Job work of all kind done at teh CITIZEN OFFICE 262538 Personal. J. C. Kirk laud of Carbon Black has been ■wearing a smile for some Jays. Its a boy. Drs. Leake and Mann and their families cimped oat for a few days in the woods near Keiater. Rev. Borland is 6 leet 4 inches tall (without shoes.) lie is probably the tallest man in the county. Mrs. B. C. Unselton entertained one hundred and seventy of her lady friends Thursday evening. X. B. Jacobs and wife went to Chicago via the Shenango and Lake route, tickets for which are now sold by Mr. Crouch ut $22 each. Misa Mollie Gilkey is at Cassadaigua Lake. Alis- Mabel Heydrick is tlio guest of th« Bon. M. L Lockwood's family at Zelieiio pie. Xewt Marks ia '.he possessor of one of the most remarkable voices for singing in Butler, and recently favored a select audi ence. Alfred Weigand is in Chicago doing the Fair. liev Walker of Pittsburg, will preach lor tho Baptist congregation, of this place, on next Sabbath, morning ond evening. I'. W. liowry, Esq., is now rusticating a Canada. Carson Heed of Tarentuui was the guest o his brother Jno M. Mr-. Slack of Alleghenv is the guest of Mrs. L. I* Walker. ili.-s Eunice Crouch is visiting Iriends in California, Pa. - I di ! l 'rank iiiller of Slippery rock t . . ienly, Tuesday. *•- , A ... -i.-Q has returned from Washing ton, and will again engage in the lightning rod business in Evans City. lie did a good business in Washington this spring, but later found the weather too warm to stay there. W. M. Bartley, late of l'oughkeepsc, X. Y , is at his home in Clay twp for the summer. The Sick. 11. H. Gallagher, of Allegheny in furious ly ill. C. A. Campbell. Esq, is on the sick list. Win. S. Bingham of Centreville is seri ously ill. World's Fair Visitors Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Zuver, Miss Ada Fisher, Mrs. Niggle and her son Frank; John M. Greer, Bobt. Greer, Geo. Bickel, Campbell Miller, M. Eisler, Jr., Ed. Mar dorf, C. H. Leighner. E. Cronenwett, C. W. Douglass, Alice Diflenbacher, H. W. T. Graham, and A. G. Williams and four sons have lately registered at the Penn'a. State Building in the World's Fair. New Buildings. J. M. Galbreath, Esq., intends building on his lot on W. Cunningham St., west of the Mitchell property. Jacob Burkhalter and family have mov ed iuto their new house on W. Xorth St. Mrs. Beaumont intends tearing down the old McQuistion house at the corner of Washington and Cunningham streets and rebuild. New Postmasters. At Coaltown —A. C. Bollinger. Sunbury Academy. Persons holding scholarships in our Acad emy through the Co. Diploma Examina tion will liud it to their advantage to at tend this Fall Terra, opening Sept. 12th. Provisions have been made to accommo date all. These scholarships expire with the present year. F. E. ENOCH, A. B. —Boarding House Cards, with Act of Assembly, 25 cents for half-a-doaen, for sale at CITIZEN office. Double Blackboards, Secretaries Desks, Eureka Baby-Jumpers and Swings for sale at J. F. T. Steule's. Ladies and Misses' Cloaks in grett variety at lowest prices at L. Stein & Sou's. Excursion to Buffalo, N. Y The P. S. PROFITS, - $55,»35.14. OFFICERS : • Jos. II art man, Pres't. J. V. Kltts, Vice Pres't, C. A. Bailey, I'ushior. DIRECTORS: Joe. Hart 11, an, c. P. Collins, o. M. Kussell. H. MoSweeney, c. D. Greenlee, J. V. Rats i w «" WW* „^," e '• «• Smith. | W. s. Wa.dron, W. Henry Wilson. M. Flnegan. A general banking business transacted. In terest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on approvpc security. Foreign exchange bought and sold. INSURANCE COMPANY or NORTH AMERICA,IOOtb Year Assets $9,730,000.00. Home of New York, Assets $9,328,000.00. Hartford of Hartford, Assets $7, 10g, 000.00. Continental of New York, Assets $6,380,000.00. NEW YORK LIFE, Assets $137,499,000.00. Office of E E. ABRAMS & CO. Office in HUSELTON BUILDING. Jneit to the Court House. RAILROAD TIME TABL ES. WKfiT PKNN E. K. Oil and after December 19th. 1892, t tains will leave Butler as follows: For Butler Junction and intermediae sections, and for Allegheny City, 6.15 A. M., 8:40, 11:00, 2:45, p. nj. 5:00, daily except Sunday. ForTarentum, Freeport and Ulesheny Valley Junction, 6:15, a. m. 8:40, 11:00 2:45 p. m. 5:00 p. m., daily except Sunday'. For Sharpsburg, 6:15 a. ni. 11:00, 2:45 p. m. 5:00. For Klairsville and Blairsville Intersec tion; 6:15 a. m. and 2:45 p. m., daily except Sunday. Trainß leaves Allegheny City for Taren tuoi, Butler Junction and Butler at 6:55 a. m., 8:45, 10:40, 3:15. 10:40 p. in. 6:10, daily except Sunday. For Sharpsburg ot 6:56 a. m. B:4s,aud 10:40 p. m. Trains pass Blairsville Intersection east ward as follows: Harrisburg Accommodation, 7:30 a. m., daily except Sunday. Day Express, 9:40 a. m., daily. Mail Express, 3:18 p. m., daily. Philadelphia Express 6:28 p. m., daily. From Union Station, Pittsburg, Eastern Standard time, for Altoona. Harrisburg, Washington,' Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York; 3:30 a. m. Penn'a. Limited, 7:15 a. iu. 4:30 p. m.. 7:00 p. m., 8:10 p. m. For Harrisburg daily except Sunday, 5:25 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. For Harrisburg Sunday only, 8:40 a. m., arriving at Philadelphia at 10:55 p. m. For time tables and further information inquire of the Ticket Agent at the Station, or address Thos E. Watt, P. A. W. Dist. 110 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. P. & W. K. B. Schedule, in effect July, '93. (Butler time). The Short I.tne to Pittsburg. DETAKT SOCTH. FROM SOCTn. ®.OO a m Allegheny 9.30 am.Al & Ch'cago .20 :i m All'y <£ Ch. Ex 10.00 a m,Allegheny Ex 'O.O 5 am Allegheny Ac 12.35 p m, All'y & ch'go jj.OO p m Allegheny Mall J. 55 p m. Allegheny E\ •>.35 pin Chicago Kx. 7.15 p m,All'y &Ak Kx 5.55 p m All'y & Ell. Ex s.lO p m, Allegheny Ac DEPART NORTH . FROM NORTH. 10.05 a m Kane & Brad, 5.05 a m.Foxburg Ac 5.00 p m Clarion Ac 9.55 a m. Clarion Ac 7.25 p m Koxburg Ac ">.40 pm, Kane Mall SUNDAY TRAINS. DEPART SOUTH. FROM rOCIH. 8.20 a 111, Chicago Ex 10.00 a m .Allegheny Ac 11.15 a m,Alle};Ueny Ex Chicago Ex 3.35 p m, Chicago Ex 4.55 p m. Allegheny Ex 5.55 p m.tAllegheny Ac 7.15 p m, DeForrest Ac Trains leave Allegheny for Butler 7.30, B.CO, 10.30 a. m., aud 3.10, 5.25 and 6.15 p. in. Train leaving Butler at M.'JO a. m. arrives Chicago 10.00 p.m. Chicago Express leaving Butler at 3.35 p. m. arrives in Chicago at 7.05 a. in. PITIKBCF.G, SHENANGO A LAKE ERIE R. R Summer Schedule P. S. &L. E. In effect July 17. Butler time. GOING NORTH. FROM NORTH. 12—5 30 a. in., Erie 1—9.50 am. Meadville 14—10.110 " •• pm, Erie a—5.00 p 111. Meadville 13—9.32 p m, Erie No. 12 makes close connections for New Cas tle. Buffalo. Cleveland and Chicago. N0.14 makes connections all paits east on \V. N. V. & I*. at Mercer Junction, and with N. Y. L. E. u :-ee our Spring -Imp-ay of quality uuil elegance. .... . ________________ a 11 you wish to set* the i itest nov- res cuine and HOC US If you wish to see the very : >i?tiu standard styles and reliable mnkts come and see us. Few can meet ami none <- «n l>ear our prices. j They have got to go Hani time-, high prices, and biir profits cin't exist as we are hound to lead. : Truth brands our go ds, ''Honest Quality,'' Economy recommends our low prices H. SCHNEIDEMAN, Oloflnei in P ut'i-he*, 104 South Main St., Butler, Pa. REMOVAL SALE Now going oil at our Stoi c;, consisting of Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, and C'hil drens* Suits, Men's Pants, Boy*' Pants, and Childrens' Knee l'ants. Gents Furnishing Goods, Hats, Trunks, and Valises. This is a Bonafide Removal Sale. And you can buy anything which we have in our store at manufacturers ccst. That means a saving for you of 25c on every dollar you purchase of us. We are not going to leave the town,but we must leave our pres ent location by September Ist. And we intend to open with a brand new stock of Kali and Winter Goods in our new location which we will announce to the public in the near future. Come Now for Bargains in Clothing. SCHAUL & NAST, % Clothiers and Furnishers, Opposite Hotel Vogeley, Butler, Pa. The 0. W. HARDMAN Art Company Limited. SPECIALTIES Everything in Photographing and Portraits, in PasUl,'Crayon, Sepi i Oil or Water Colors, that is worthy of honest sale, and strictly FIRST CLASS, IS OUR SPECIALTIES. Old Pictures REPRODUCED and KXLARGBD. All work guaranteed as repre sented. Latest Styles in Picturo Frames S*J-- Urge display of samples, Comparo prices and our work with others. Special rates to Ministers and Lady School Teaclu-rs. LADIES, OLD PEOPLE, And Children have no long, dark, filty «tairs to travel up and down. Studio on FIRST FLOOR, 108 MAIN STREET, BUTLIiK. PA ...px Carrlea lhe F ' nesl anc * wHBWmlh; '• /ill! Giv* LS a call belore pur- JXTISTE and JULY.; As this is A. "White" Season | Wo have made special preparations for j this summer trade. This week's invoice in | 300 HATS, 200 FLOWERS, 500 Yd's of Ribbon. Tips, Plumes and Aigretts. Our stock of trimmed hats is most com plete. Children's Hats a Specialty. M. F. & M. MARKS. 113 to 117 South Main Street, j SAW MILLS, ENGINES, Imoroved Variable Friction Feed. A. B. FARQUHAR CO. Farm For Sale or Rent. ITS acres in Donegal twp., Butler Co., Pa. Tuo orchards —an abundance:of food fruit,—a two »tory dwelling house. a good barn and gran ery and all necessaryoti:-i>ulldlng*. well wait-r --ed. 12S acres cleared, and considered on - < the beat farms In the coutty. Three pr.k-'if .: oil wells on It will go along with asaje. Apily, 10 ANDREW F0:<1». < li'cora, Bit'erc®., la. • BUTLER COUJS 1 Mutual Fire [lnsurance Co. Office Cor. Main & Cunningham fits. H. C. HEINEMAN, SECRETARY DIRECTORS: Alfred Wick, Henderson Oliver, Dr. W. Irvtn, James Stephenson, W. W. Blackmore. N. Weitzei. F. How man. O. T. N orris, Geo. Ketterer. !chas. Rebhun, John OrohmaD. |JoUn Koeiiln*. 1 LOYAL S.B M'JUNHN. Ager.t. STTTLBR. IF.A.. PODLTRYMEN! Oar Green Bone Cutter will dou. ble your I-UK production. Best nnd Cheapest iu the rnuket. Circular free. WEBSTER 4 HANHUM, CazenoTla, tj