Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 28, 1893, Image 1

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    VOX.. XXX
Grand Clearance Sale
The months of July
And August, of
Millinery, Dry Goods,
Wraps, Notions, &c. Great
est Bargains ever offered.
(Successor to Ritter & Ralston.)
Bntler, - - - !Pa
N. B:—We make this Sacrifice to
make room for Fall Goods, many of
ii *
which are already purchased.
Summer Shoes
Give Satisfaction!
Oar stock ofSoramer Footwear .Sb es for the Workingman, the
is a mammoth one and Farmer, the Seaside, the
comprises everything in From an Mountains,—Shoes for
the Footwear line immense as every time, place
for joooff and old! sortment, we se- and occasioa !
* m * lect a few items for o*m 0 * m
f special mention. Come in t
: and see these and others: :
M«a'( Fiac Taa Calf Blochtra $.'J to $
lies'* and Bojrt' Tenoia Oxfurdi _soc
Koa'a Fiaa Buff and Veal Coos'* or Halt, tip or plain tor, >.l i 1.25 and 51.5
)(«■'<• Fiaa Calf Co or'*, Bal* tn<t Blucber* .42.00. s£.so, t-> 00 au>l st.oo
Ilea'* Bragao* and Plow Hhoe* 70r. jl <»i ari'l $1.2 ■
Bora' Fiae Dr«»»8ho«i <1 00, #1.23 and iI.M
Ladies' White C'IOTO* Oaford* sf.;o
Ladies While Opera Slipper* $1.2.0
Ladies' Doogola pat. tip, beel and beel, button Boota, nil robd 11.25 and il oO
Ladies' Oxford*, Heel and Spring Heel, Docgbla, Tan, Tip, Oytra. and Philadelphia
Toe 50c, 76c, il 00, $1.3» and *2.00
Mitaes' I Don jo la Oxford*, Patent Tip 7.0 c and il.'/)
Miaan' Geoaioe Goat Tan Oxford*, 11 to 2 SI.OO
Uiasea' Bod Goat Oxforda, 11 to 2 sl.o')
Children'a Tan Ballon Hpring Heel, Sto 11 90c
Childrea'a Red sad Tan Oxforda, 8 to 11 75c
Childrm'a Dong'la Oxford*, 6to 8 50c
These are all aolid with inaolea; will wear better than cheap turns, which will always
rip from *ole:
During tbi* hot wc-aiher why not com* in and x*t a pair of our cool, cheap bboet and
make yoarw.'f comfortable? Nothing like keeping y<ar fw cool ei.d joor bead will he
cool. Won't cost much. Try it!
Mo. 102 North Vain Street, - Butler. Fa.
Special to the Trade.
This sale is a grand clearance sale. I will soon start East and he
fore going I wish to reduce my stock, so 1 have gone through
all goods and have placed on sale a large lot of Men's, La
dies', Hoy's, Misses' and Children's Shoes and Oxfords
to fit and suit all and at extremely low prices.
Bargain seekers should not let this grand op
pot tunity pass by as these are greater
bargains than ever before offered.
Full stock of Gent's fine Russia
Calf Shoes, lace or Blucher style, at
$2.75 to $4.00. Full stock of La
dies' Russia Calf Bluchers, common
sense or piccadiliy style, at $2.00 to
$3.50, all styles and widths. Our
stock of Ladies'and Misses' Oxfords
is larger than ever before, prices 75c
to $2.50. Men's Black Oxfords at
SI.OO. Men's Tan Oxfords at $1.25.
Men's Southern Ties at $1.50. Full stock of
Men's Dongola and Wine Color Creole shoes at
$1.50. Men's Patent Leather Shots at $3.50. Men's
Patent Leather Pomps at $1.25. Our stock Fine
Shoes is large and prices very low. Men's Calf Shoes $1.50,
any style. Men's Kangaroo shoes $2.50; hand-sewed Cordovans $4.
At all times a full stock of our own make box-toe boots and shoes.
Orders by mail will receive prompt attention.
When in need of anything in my line give me a call.
Jewelry, Clocks,
Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per
cent by purchasing their watches, clocks
and spectacles of
J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler,
No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block.
Sign of Electric Bell and Clock.
All are Respectfully Invited
—"Remember our Repairing Department—2o years Experience."—
I \ ®
I l
S Cotou, K. Y.
■Kidney and Liver Diseases
FOE 15 YBABS. jj|
=2 GEmt -<-> —H .
o|h'-alth •/:. u*r d j rs *. If! *B|
gr;iy dmv to I<r*. oUieri ki->v Lac . t-rotCS I™
; Shaw ==
fl| For 15 year* I ike*.* ? r. tro 1
ere pain* iq ti Hionuicb. t-<v Kit!--
Sney i*)f Llirr lliwain*. wr> bed'ytcut f j.S
P> g>ti» Ha tim«-1 bxi u» ttiy in L>cd. j£|
I Lat ", used three J el
*n4 I feel lik- :k r»< w ir.uii. I i * <4 n|
m*nd it to WiV x;tn of t -.^Wi
==U'M. V ur» rt-, *' =H
■ Cohoe«, X. Y CllAilLL. mm
B Hie trcsh of th* a Sot* i« crtlfi*-d to by
CA J KIN -, 3
fifi nw:.. :.:;.Y. ■
B Hever purchus c.f a " SUBSTITUTE!?, '3|
9 a parson who tries to ssil you tomethir.g
Idle ahen you call for Dana s. Oirbot-Bi
stlet are being filled with a
HARTICLE bj "Substitutes." Buy ef the™
§ HONEST DEALER who seiis >ou what yougjj
E= ask for, and It you receive no benefit he^f
■ will return ycur money. fl
|S Dana Sartapi'Hla Co.. Belfast. Maine.
feed. Fur p-iees anil i; Ad
131 Mercer St. Kutkr'Pa.
* 3§J»»
Tailoring Establishment.
C. & I).
Take into consideration that money
saved is 88 good »s money earned.
The best way to rave money is to
buy good goods at the right price,
Tbe only reason that, oor ir&'le is
increasing constantly the fact that
we handle or.iy poods of first quality
and sell tbem at very low prices
We have taken unu ual earn to
provide >-verytbiug new in Hats and
Furnishing floods for this season,
and as we hav.j control of many
especially good articles in both lines
we can do you «ood if y<u come to
We confidently say that in justice
to thfinsi Ives all purchasers should
inspect our go >ds.
Visit us,
242 S. Main Htreet,
Butler, Pa,
fsfjunnn : u
IN Ovr I C E !
i T '"'' W K''''
W OPT 7 -' own
■ V | , I I Mi |frai>h<;r;ft»rrn<jrly
XI \J 1 tZJ ■ the head of th#
' Wert/ Hardm an
Art Co., will open a Studio and i'hoto
iors opposite the Hotel Lowry, Cor, M iin
and JeffcrKon St* , liatler, Pa. Thh will
be the bent lighted and e<juipp"d Studio
and gallerie* in tlic the county. The work
will lie Ntrictly firM ela-* and ma'ln under
new formula* l»y the artmt himself, who
ha* had 15 yearn practical experience in
large citie*. Portrait* in Oil, Crayon,
Sepia, Pastel, Ac. In thin lino we have
no competition, Our portrait* are made
by band in our own Studio, from sitting*
or from photo*. Our work ha* reached
the highe*t standard oi excellence and
i* not to be compare ! with the cheap ma
chine made picture* furni*hed by other*.
"Wait for u*; get your picture* from u* and
be happy.
Is***! ef
) ■ H
(.A— S p
i} ed
[Copyright, 1893, tiy
J**** y\J dismissed the
, driver when he
J reached the
r ' ' _ yV/ wharf after
crossing' the Ot
** ' tawa at the
Four Corners,
ami locked round for Daouit to carry
his bajrgag'i' ujo to Labellc' as in days
of yore. Bat <i i Daoust was dead, and
therefore conl.i . . In the lan
guage of the a:i' ifnt Millette, a former
crony of Daoust, who was waiting on
the wharf: "I say to heem. Monsieur
Green, after zc dance: 'Come home —
chez moi—you hare mooch viskee on
board. Eof you mak' to cross ze riv
aire you will rr.eex drinks.' And he
toomble overboard and meex for zc last
time. Ah-h! mon Dieu —for ze last
"Sure this isn't an invention of yours
to do Daoust out of a quarter for car
rying my trunk up?" asked Green.
Millette held up his hands in lioly
horror at such a wicked suggestion.
"Ah-h. ze drole monsieur!"
Jasper Green looked around. "I
suppose it's true," he said, reluctantly,
"as I don't se<; him anywhere about. If
he had been alive he'd have come, for
sure. Here's your quarter."
Millette put the 5 r-avy trunk on a
truck - sleigh and began to trot alon
the wooden wharf, every now and then
slipping one fool tnrough a hole in the
rotten planking and recovering him
self dexterously. Green watched him
with an amused smile. Then, when
Millette paused for breath, he pushed
the old man aside and took hold ot the
truck. "Say, Millette, I'll wheel this
up for fifty cents for you," he said.
Millette ran panting alongside.
Heading the procession. Green grave
ly marched past the schoolhouse just as
morning school was over. When Lily
Labelle saw him she came out, and
promptly gave the children a holiday
for the rest of the day. Then she joined
hi'.n at the head of the procession, Jas
per bowing with dignified politeness
over the top of the truck to her, as the
children fell in behind- When they
reached the veranda, the children gave
three cheers for Jasper, and called for a
"Fellow-citizens," he said, gravely,
"I am rejoiced to be once more in my
native township, and I thank you heart
ily for this magnificent demonstration
in my honor, although I must confess I
expected a brass band and a banner or
two. Believe me, although I have been
far away from you for the last six
months I have not been unmindful of
jour doings. It is with feelings of pride
that I have noticed your achievements.
Three old friends I had the pleasure of
meeting in Kingston penitentiary
whilst I was making a brief tour of in
spection over that noble edifice. I see
they iiave not yet returned to gladden
your hearts. Several other friends I
also miss, and can only attribute their
absence to foree majeure Gentlemen,
I trust that next year I may again have
the pleasure of meeting you. I've no
doubt Mrs. Labelle will give us a
dance to-night. Sans adieu."
He waited for the crowd to disperse
and the shrill piping of the children to
die away before he approached Lily,
who stood leaning against the veran
da, an amused look in her dark eyes.
"Arc you glad to see me?" he asked.
"Come in to dinner," she said. "I'll
answer your questions—some of them
Jasper opened the door and allowed
her to go in, just as the dinner bell
rang. Mrs. Labelle greeted him with a
kiss on both cheeks, whilst her husband
bowed with grave politeness.
He believed in the power of the press,
but preferred that its representatives
should stay in Montreal and exercise it
Lily, after removing her sealskin
jacket, seated herself at the upper ta
ble; Jasper immediately sat beside her,
carefully moving the chair of a fat hab
itant lower down, whereupon the fat
habitant, who had been looking for
ward to the enjoyment of Lily's society,
scowled and commenced to consume
vast quantities of pickles.
Green at once took possession of
Lily, and held his prize against all
comers, especially the cashier of the
Four Corners bank. The latter was not
easily disconcerted, but, having pol
ished off his portion of turkey and cran
berry sauce, prepared to demolish Jas
per, whose keen gray eyes seldom wan
dered from Lily's face.
Lily was evidently accustomed to
scenes of this nature. She scarcely
lifted her eyes, even when Miller, the
cashier, asked her to go for a sleigh
ride that afternoon.
"So sorry," drawled Jasper. "Miss
Labelle ban been engaged to me for a
year. Isn't that so?" turning to Lily.
"For the ride? Yes," said Lily, de
murely. "I —I believe so."
"Surely you'll give ine the benefit of
the doubt?" tho cashier appealed to
"Oh, there's no doubt about it," re
plied Jasper, with airy confidence. "I'll
trouble you for another mince pie, Mrs.
Labelle. I've never met any mince
pie.s like ytiurs anywhere. Those you
sent me made me quite homesick."
"Miss Labelle can surely answer
for herself," said the cashier, angrily.
"Well, ye-es," answered Jasper, pre
paring to demolish the mln<-e pie. "She
could, no doubt, only you see it's much
easier for me to settle it all."
The cashier rose in wrath. "I shall
be at the schoolhouse at two," he said,
majestically, "and shall hope to have
the pleasure of your company this af
ternoon, Miss Labelle."
"Two will do just as well as any oth
er time," said Jasper, preparing to im
pale his mince pie. "If you want to go
to the schoolhouse at two, there's noth
ing to prevent you."
The cashier, without waiting for a
reply, went angrily out.
"That's a mistake," said the imper
turbable .J;isper. "ff he'd waited a
minute, you'd have told him there'll bo
no school this afternoon."
Lily raised her i-yes from her plate.
"Why are you a week before your time,
Jasper?" slur asked.
"That's the reason," said Jasper, in
dicating with a fragment of mince pie
on his fork the retreating form of the
"cashier. "If I'm only allowed one
sleigh ride a year, I don't sec why that
fellow should get ahead of ine and have
three a week."
"IJut your work, Jasper?"
"Oh, McQuire's looking after that for
me. I explained to him that it was
rather important to clear up matters
here, and so I came."
Lily had not expected her coquetry to
become known. "It is so dull," she
said, in extenuation.
Jasper commenced another mince pie.
"Don't be afraid of it's being dull
while I'm here," he said, with sublime
self-confidence. " You promised roe one
sleigh ride a year for seven years if I
wanted it, and I guess I'll take this
year's to-day."
Lily pouted. "You are very ar
Jasper smiled, and rumpled his yel
low hair.
j "You'd better own up," he said, with
iiTTTLKR, .PA., FRIDAY, JULY 2K, 1 Si>:}.
unabfited cheerfulness, "how soon can
you be ready?"
Lily was cowed. "Oh, in half an
hour;" and ran away to get her things
Jasper smiled after her. "Guess we'll
have a busy afternoon," be said. Then
he went into the bax.
"Here, sonny, run fsver to Watty Lee,
and tell him to put tbat old black trot
ter . .." L's in the sleigh—the one that
gets seared on the ice. Any kind of
sleigh will do, if he puts in plenty of
buffalo robes."
The boy departed on his errand.
Jasper sauntered round to the shed and
found a smart cutter, with a magnifi
cent chestnut in the shafts. "You'll
take a lot of beating." he mused, and
strolled back to the house.
When Lily came down, arrayed in her
tiv. . —'-'K furs, Jasper smiled ap
provingly. "You only want some
flowers to be perfect," he said.
Lily gave a little cry- "Ah, flowers!
but they are impossible."
"Not at all," said Jasper, taking a
box from his pocket. "Nothing impos
sible if you want it badly enough."
Lily opened the box and gave anoth
er cry. "Orange blossoms!" she said.
"Yes," answered Jasper. "From
Florida. People there stick the ends in
a potato to keep them fresh. Capital
dodge, isn't it?"
He took out the orange blossoms,
threw away the potato, and pinned
them to her jacket.
"Now we're ready to start. Stop a
moment!" and he drew her back behind
the curtain, as the cashier drove past
on his way to the schoolhouse.
Lily began to laugh. "It's very
wicked of you, Jasper."
"That will teach him to go sleighing
with my sweetheart," said Jasper,
Lily protested. "You've no right to
say that, .Taspor. I -.n!y promised you
a sleigii ride once a year for seven
years, and then, if I liked you well
enough, then, perhaps, I might marry
Jasper was drawing on his sealskin
gloves. "That's all very well," lie said,
"but we haven't the time to waste
which those old Biblical people had.
In seven years' time I expect to be in
the cabinet."
Lily followed him to the door, only
to recoil in dismay. "That!" was all
she said.
"He's not handsome to look at," said
Jasper, drollv. "Rather three-cornered
and lop-sided. Still, I don't suppose
that cashier fellow can overtake even a
venerable ruin like this."
"If he does," flashed Lily, "I'll change
"Well, that's fair," gently asserted
Jasper. "In you go. There isn't much
fuss and feathers about this old sleigh,
but it means business all the same."
Lily was ftirious at being treated like
a child. IJcsides, she had determined to
teach Jasper a lesson. However, she
controlled her feelings for the present,
although they became more and more
scornful as Jasper endeavored to per
suade the old black horse to start.
"liather like Deacon I'latt's sermons.
They always hang fire at the start,"
said Jasper. "Now, we'll goto Hawkes
bury by the river track. That fellow
can see us coming. Ah, I thought so.
He'll be down here in a minute."
Lily looked rather frightened, as the
chestnut cainc along at a furious pace.
It was evident that his driver resented
being made a fool of and that there
would be a scene as soon as he could
get his horse down on the bank
alongside Jasper's funeral quad
ruped. But no sooner did that de
jected animal touch the ice than
he became a different looking horse al
together. His head went up and his
tail out, at the ring of the chestnut's
hoofs on the smooth ieo which con
nected the river with the shore. Then
Jasper, leaning back, waited until the
chestnut was within twenty yards and
suddenly loosed the reins.
"Why, w —what —" said Lily. "He's
tanning away, Jasper!"
"Yes, he's doing his level best," said
Jasper, as the bank seemed to spin by.
"We'll get down to Ilawkesbury in rec
ord time. If the chestnut catches us
you can have his master."
"But, J—Jasper, I d—d—d—don't
want him."
"Ican't help that," said Jasper, im
partially. "A bank cashier's a handy
sort of fellow for a husband. He's
bound to have a show for his money."
"But, Jasper, I —I —I was only pre
tending. I didn't mean about the seven
Jasper kept the black's head straight.
That was all he could do witii the un
manageable beast. "You sec, Lil," he
explained, "you've been fooling one of
us to the top of your bent. Now, you'll
just take tho chance# of war. If he
collars us, I shall have to give in."
"I won't," said Lily, stoutly, begin
ning VJ realize the situation and how
Jasper had awakened to life under tho
influence of jealousy. "Nothing shall
make ine m—m —marry him. I only
drove with him because it was so dull
down here. That was all."
"Chei.tnut's coming up a bit," Raid
Jasiper, cheerily, after another mile.
"Hope I?aalbec will hold out."
Lily hat up and (fazed anxiously at
the animated "ruin" in the shafts as
they swept round the bay. The chest
nut was gaining. Then she looked at
the black horse again. "C—c—c—
couldn't you whip him?" she asked.
"I could," said .Tanper, "but it's hard
ly fair. He Isn't the one who should
be whipped for this. Besides, he won't
stop until we tret to Hawkesbury. I
must nurse him the last half mile for
that bit where the river narrows to
twenty yards across."
Lily turned white. "You're very
cruel, Jasper, but I deserve it all.
Nothing shall make me marry him. I'd
"IM'.'.M MUM MU Lint nfi."
rather go to the bottom of the river with
Jasper looked rueful. "Doesn't seem
as if we were dealing squarely with
that bank fellow," he said. "No, 110,
Lit; you'll just have to make the best of
As they neared Hawkesbury the
succeeded in pulling the old black back
into his pait. and began to whistle.
Suddenly he turned palp.
"How far's that fellow behind, Lil?"'
he asked, without moving his head.
"Forty yards," said Lil, in agony.
Jasper spoke quite lightly. "Lil,"
he said, "did you mean you'd raiher go
to the bottom of the river with met'ian
let that fellow catch up?"
"Yes, she said, without hesitation.
"What do yon mean. Jasper?"
"This," said Jasper: "I forgot the
spring thaw. Three hundred yards
ahead of us the river's split right across.
Of course it will close in a day or two,
but that won't do us much good. Shall
I pull up?"
Lily stood up in the sleigh and looked
around. They ha*i entered the narrow
part of the river where the steep banks
• were twenty feet above the level of the
I ice. Straight ahead was a thin, steoly
| blue line where the ice had cracked.
It looked a mere thread now, but it
was impossible to tell how wide it
■ might prove to be when they ncared it.
She gave a little shudder, and laid her
hand on Jasper's arm.
cn, Jasper," she said, "I'll risk
:r looked down for a moment
into her white face. "I'll pull up if
you wish, Lil. 'Twill be two late di
"Xo, Jasper. I deserve it. Go on. anil
—and if—if it's to be good-by—•" She
i kissed him.
"Hold tight," said Jasper, beginning
I to pull steadily on the old black.
Lil held tight to the side of the
; sleigh in an agony of grief. She dicln't
I mind being drowned if only Jasper for
| gave her miserable coquetry. Jasper
! looked almost serious as she glanced up
iin his face for the last time. Then he
lifted the black to the leap, one
cruel slash with the whip, there wa"s
a crash of breaking ice as the sleigh
struck on the other side, a stagger
from the black, a convulsive pull and
they were over and twenty yards be
yond the widening with the
frightened cashier pulling up on its
When Lily recovered const iousness
she found herself in the Manse parlor
at Ilawkesbury.
"Are you all right. Lil?" asked Jas
per, cheerily.
She clung to him and hid her face in
his breast.
"Was it all a dream. Jasper?"
Jasper took a plain gold ring from
his pocket.
"I don't think so," he said. "I wired
down to Mr. Watson yesterday to ex
pect us this afternoon. Flowers all
right? That's it. Now, Mrs. Watson,
she's all ready."
An hour later the funeral black
crawled lazily back to the Four Corners
—by the road this time —with Mr. and
Mrs. Jasper Green. Half way they
met the cashier, his chestnut nearly
foundered, and scarce able to stand.
"Thank God," he cried, as the} - came
in sight. "I thought you were mad."
"X-no," said Jasper, touching up the
old black. "X-no; 1 was just giving
my wife a sleigh drive down to "
"Y-your wife!"
"Yes," said Jasper, again stimulating
Raalbec. "Sorry we couldn't wait for
And the cashier fell behind—a long
way behind—again.
Give a Man Cliauce to Get Rich and
Watch Him.
"The best way to test a man's faith
in socialism," said a traveler to a rep
resentative of the St. Lotus Globe-
Democrat, "is to watch what he does
when lie accumulates or is presented
with a little property. 1 have a trustt*!
employe who i> a first-class man in
every respect, except for his determina
tion to talk and argue a little too
much. For years he has been an ex
treme socialist and has been arguing
about the crime of wealth. Not very
long ago he refused to continue the
discussions and seemed very anxious
to forget all he had ever said in favor
of an equitable division of all the
good things in the world among all the
people living in it. I laughed at him a
good deal, but without success, and
finally ascertained the cause.
"He had for years been buying the
house he lived in by small install
ments, and not being a very good ac
tountant had lost track of the flight of
time, and was very much surprised one
fine morning to find that he owned his
house free from incumbrance. The
ground had increased in value about
two hundred per cent, while he was
paying for it, and he is now worth
three thousand or four thousand dol
"I forgot how much he had been ar
guing was the maximum amount each
American should be allowed to own,
but it was a very small percentage of
his present earthly possessions, and
hence his abandonment of the desire
for dividing up. The building assticia
tions scattered over the country in so
many thousands are the best anti-
Socialist advocates that can well be
A Compliment.»
Little Johnny—Mrs. Talkemdown
paid a big compliment to me to-day.
Mother—Did she, really? Well
there's no denying that woman has
sense. What did she say?
Little Johnny—She said she didn't
see how you came to have such a nice
little boy as I am.—Good News.
A Great Woman.
"She Is deeply interested in the ele
vation of the masses, 1 believe?"
"Her life is given to the work. Why,
her time is so much occupied with the
welfare of her fellow creatures that
she is obliged to let her children run
wild. She is a great woman." —N. Y.
Why «»"• Klrke.l.
"I wonder why all my friends treat
me BO coldly," asked Gus( 'lam whooper.
"Well, you see, <ius, you have been
living a fast life. You have run through
the fortune left you by your father,"
replied Charlie Knickerbocker.
"Yes, but that's his fault in not leav
ing me a bigger fortune. 1 don't think
it Is right that the '.ins of the fathers
should be visited on the children."—
Texas Niftings.
\ vfy likely.
Father (to extravagant son)— Now
just suppose for an instant that 1 at
your age had behaved as you do, what
would I have been t.o#lay?
Son—Well, you would have been j>en
niless, and I'd have had a chance to
become a useful citizen. Harper's
liazar. _ _
Mrs. Hlossoin Ah, Clarence, men
are so cold nowadays! In the age of
chivalry you would have told me you
would be willing even to die for me.
Mr. Blossom Hut, my dear, you for
get. Haven't I already expressed my
willingness to try to live with you?—
llrooklyn Life.
Old Bachelors and Old Maids Are
Increasing in Number a
Tlio rUenomenon ta Apparent Atl Over
the World—Some Interesting Views
A< ronnttns for ThU Strange
Statistics accumulate showing the
decrease in the marriage rate all over
the world. Our own vital statistics
are so imperfectly kept—there being
only six states which make a preten
sion of collecting them regularly—that
we are unable to say at what rate the
celebrating of matrimony is decreas
ing; that it is decreasing the sennty
figures which we have only show too
plainly. In all the European countries
the birth rate, which is simply the
marriage rate in another form, appears
to be falling off year by year. In the
last fifteen rears it has declined from
25 per 1,000 "to 21.8 in France, in Eng
land from i! 4.7 to 30.0. in Germany from
ijs.9 to :W.6. in Belgium from 51.4 to 30.6.
It will be remembered, says the S-.n
Francisco Call, that these fifteen year-,
were years of peace and general pros
perity, the supply of available candi
dates for matrimony was not reduced
by the ravages of war, nor war, the dis
position of men to assume the responsi
bility of a family chilled by poverty.
The phenomenon before us must bo
due to other causes.
That it is worth while to search for
these causes is evident from a study of
the consequences which will supervene
if the present unpopularity of marriage
continues. French and English writ
ers on the subject say that marriages
have been discouraged by the heavy
fees imposed by government ou the
celebration of matrimonial unions.
Some years ago the attention of tho
British government wa:. drawn to tho
low marriage rate prevalent in parts
of Wales. A commission was appoint
ed to investigate. It reported that the
peasantry were unable to pay the fees
which the clergy exacted before they
would solemnize marriages, and a
change in the law ensued. In France
the chamber has for some years had a
similar reform under consideration,
though in this ease it is the state and
not the church whose exactions make
marriage a luxury. In this country the
cost of a license and a fee to tho mag
istrate or priest amount to so small a
sum that marriage is within the scope
of the poorest. No man need deuy
himself a wife by reason of the ex
pense of getting her. And jet, here,
as in Europe, marriages are decreas
ing. If anyone will count the number
of available bachelors he knows, and
compare it with the number of those
who marry in a twelve-month, he will
be surpriseil to find how few young
men avail themselves of their oppor
tunities to become fathers of families.
Tho evolution of celibacy is less
marked on this coast than in the east,
because there is here—taking the coast
altogether—a slight predominance of
males over females. But even here
the proportion ot girls who are admira
bly fitted to be wives and mothers is
unduly large in proportion to those
who enter the conjugal state. The
cause is probably two-fold: First, our
girls concentrate an undue s hare of
their energy on the cultivation of fac
ulties which, however valuable, do not
increase their fitness to be wives and
mothers; and secondly, the march of
modern improvement makes bachelor
life so delightful that young men are
reluctant to exchange it for matrimony.
A tax on bachelorhood would probably
be unconstitutional, and it would not
be feasible to close clubs itnd other re
sorts of celibates by statute.
The practical lesson which statistics
teach is that young women should not
look forward to matrimony as the ex
clusive road to happiness, but that
tlicy should boldly look the situation
in the face, and should prepare to en
gage in the battle of life on the same
footing as their brothers, with the pur
pore of remaining single unless the
ideal of their aspirations should bap
pen to mukc them an offir. (iirls
should be educated to regard marriage
as boys do—a good thing if it comes in
the right way, with the right man bear
ing orange blo somsin his hand; but
not the one end and aim of existence, a
failure to obtain which involves mis
ery and desiccation. With the devel
opment of civilization the range of
pursuits in which girls can compete
with men is constantly widening. It
ts probably as easy at the present time
in this city for a girl t > get remunera
tive employment as for a boy.
while the scale of pay of shop girls is
too low which will probably continue
to be the case- so lonir as they persist
in calling themselves "salesladies"—
women in some other calling-, arc pret
ty fairly paid. A trained nurse com
mands ninety dollars a month and her
board, and the doctors say that there
are not half enough of them. If every
girl could be sure of earning even fifty
dollars a month she could snap her fin
(fer.H at the decline in the marriage
\ I)»nff*roui Operation.
Plucking ostriches requires many
srecautions. The l>ir<l iu'c driven into
i larpe inclosure, then into smaller
nncs until they urn so clonely packed
together that they cannot fight or turn
round; from there into a plucking box,
where there is just room for a bird to
ttand. An operator standing on each
(tide of the box reaches in and with
shears snips the loiiff white pluines
from the winprs. The tails and tlie
glov.y black feathers on the body are
pulled out.
An Kztlnct < r*-i*tnrr.
There is a three-toed rhinoceros, be
lieved to be hundreds of thousands of
years old, in the American museum of
natural history. The relic, according
to paUoontologiats who have read its
history, is the only one of his herd
who escaped mutilation by the ciooo
dlles and alligators of his time, when
he was deposited after death in a lake
which existed in South Dakota, near
what is now the I'ine Uiilffe Indian res
.Tack—l say, Gus, that dog of yours
looks like a fool.
(!u Why, he lias Justus much sense
as 1 have.
Jack—That's what 1 said. Truth.
Mlrlkc* Moth W«jm.
Daughter I just read in a paper that
Ifirls who learn to play the cornet,
clarionet, flute or trombone develop
the cutest little dimples in their cheeks
Father Yes, but think of the
wrinkles they develop in everybody
else. —N. Y. Weekly.
No I'ubll" Inform!.
Visitor—Don't you think it possible
that a pardon may be procured for the
poor man? His offense was not great,
ami further confinement will kill l|im-
Warder I'in afraid it's impossible.
The crime lie committed was not suf
ficiently atrocious to Interest the pub
lic in lila caiMjj—£?.. % JtsM,
Tli« litvili I lave i -jef \-. r, I oc
thr 1.n1,...: Or.'i:.
At th • t'-i -.;r North
America-. 1 :. .. . ! ;;t
love mti'.i' j: . . l«i ii... ;:-.•
and ii • t biiiKii. . In a.i . . •
the "Live:- and Lo-rc . of North Ar.iof
ican Birds" in the Nineteenth < ntnrr,
John \Vorth pives the follov.-ir. • de
scription of the preliminary courtship
of the "prairie chii !.. :. " '-Aiier the
disappearance of the ■ ■ u»v," in- 'ay.-.,
'"and the vjmin;; of waimi rwe i;: »r,
the prairi. obiv'a-us sr.- - .: -d
grouse) meet every meruit- ' at irruy
dawn, in companies from • t t .rer.-
on vnr." i elected hillock or '..noil,
and indulge in the dance." At tirnt
the birds stand about iu or.':::; >• • at;i
tndes, resembling people at a bail be
fore the music begb: .. when .uddenly
one of the cc>cks lowers his uca,!,
spreads out his wmjr-; nearly horizontal
ly and his tail pei-jjen '.kiilarly, di; i. -n Is
his air saes and er. i - hi- :
then rushes acros., the *ii.- >r.' takuig
the short. :-t of step... but stamping his
feet so hard and so rapidly that the
sound is Tike that of the kettledrum;
at the same time lie u' ; ~:t >*
babbling crow, tvhieh . ; . oiue
from hi; air sacs, beats tie- .': : i his
■wings, and vibrates his tail ".at he
produces a loud, rustlin,- r:<;' and
thus becomes a really cstoe 'ling
spectacle. Soon aft«-roi:' commences
all the cocks join in. rattlieg. '.imp
ing, drumming, crowing and daneing
together furiously; louder au:' : jder
the noi «?, faster and faster t! • d: :>ce
become-, until at la hey uia.ily -A 'eirl
about, 1 japing over , .i.-!i •. : in ex
citement. After a brief • ,'d the en
ergy of the dancers be-'ii:.. to c.)iate,
and shortly afterward ;!: • ei-and
stand < :• move al>o-.:<> very quietly, until
they ar- a ain start ! by one of their
number leading off, as k;.:nan dancers
are ohser .e<l to do durisv; tie- intervals
of rest between their p.-t " r. s.
"The whole operation rem; the
looker-o.i :.o strongl> of a (Vee dance
as to suggest the possibility of it, being
the prototype of the Indian exercise.
The space occupied by thr- dancers
is from fifty to one hundred feet
across, and as it is returned to >, uv#; r
year the gram la ■:•:•.!!..- worn off, ;od
the ground trampled down 1...1ei:-',
smooth. 'Dancing* L. ii.l in at
any time of tr.e morning i r i■■- in
May, but i.s usually at its 1 I, ;it before
Nlaouly, n :-ow <"-.i;>tlo:iiji Crowd:, \t iiiffli
Is a< u Olsiiif.-c-;
For some time past mnJi has be. n
said about a tree called >uly. !t
grows in New Caledonia a;? • i'urj*ii.-hes
to perfume-makers a valuable oil. Ac
cording to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
the leaves of this tree pre -r. - meat
from spoiling, exercise ov.r the coun
try the : ame whole omo influence 83
the eucalyptus and furnish a pleasant
aromatic adjunct to sauce . The es
sence is employed medicinally for Mad
der troubles and rheumatic ;;i" .en; ,
with even more suece s than the thcre
benthin. In Caledonia the niaouly en
joys the reputation of r v ndering
healthy every territory in it is
introduced. This is undoubtedly trne,
for in all parts of Nov.- t'a!,*doni:i. v.-'u-re
this tree is at home, the; ver i.-. not
known at all. '1 he New ilehri !es, not
far from Nov.- « a! doaia, are also in
possession of this health-pre - : :
mascot. The antiseptic pr- perii ■ of
the oily •- • :<••• «.f the i . abun
dantly cont . :e I in the 1 :v , ere
very great, an i wherever th- v hi.- en
to fall into th • ..vamps, : . or
rivulets they •!: •t . .:i:n
pletely. Like the eucalyptus. the
niaouly need:. pleiit 'of sun .Mae. The
Reeds, which are ivry I!i !::•!> t. be
carefully tuw i and covered wii i about
un inch of earth. It : . best to do tlil ,
in the months of May, Juno and .July.
Ily December thev will have advnnc si
enough to be planted in the place
where they are destined to grow. 'i«•
tree is ea • ly acclimatised, and in t! i. ■
warmer countries cirri ,v;i,'.cas r.i.;ch
at home an on its nati\c soil
The Senator Arennipaniecl JI:•! 11 ,'liii< to
Market on Ore o<-< ,-iion.
Mrs. Sherman invariably goes to
market several times a week, says
Washington. So do other • riiHtor.'
wive . and >:n-times a ffr -it i.tates
man goes alo lg just for amu- eme .1. or
from a sen' >■ of dut™ Mr '■ i .nun
had watclv 1 Senator Mnndct on, of
Nebraska, fcorting his wile through
the market even occasionally luggin?
the prov! loa basket. Mrs. S!r-r
--man thought her husband might show
her the s.*t n ■ attention, au l quoted
Mr. Madder..on to him till in simple
despair Mr. Sherman consented to be
annexed on market day. lie went the
whole rope and even carried tin- basket,
but Mrs. Sherman has never mentioned
"market" to him since. He lost the
basket and she lost him, for a time,
and, when the grea' financic r n a safe
in his own home, he announced in big
type that Senator Manderson and all
the rest of be »th houses might go to the
market ever / day of their lives, but as
for him, John Sherman, as lonrr ns he
posse Shed his mentul faetulties, he
would never be persuaded into going
An Intcrrfct ftifff Historical !*»«'(.
The earl of Dciby, who died a few
days ago, wan i erloutdy con*idered as a
candidate for the throne of (!reeee
after the retirement, of King Otto, the
iiavarian, in IISO3. At the time he was
Lord Stanley, a member of the house
of commons and one of the most
intimate friends of Lord Hcacons'icld.
then still Benjamin Disraeli. This in
teresting historical fact first hccamo
l>ublie two years ago, through I'roudo,
the lsnglish historian, win- found let
ters referring to it in tin* correspon
dence between lleaconsfleld and Mrs.
Hrydges. Although Disraeli favored
Ihe candidacy of Stanley, he expressed
the belief in a letter, daU-d Deci-mlier
), IHfl'J, that, the Stanleys would prefer
Knousley to the Parthenon and Lanca
ddre to the plain* of Attiea
All K'lltnm llirn.
Stranger- lam in search of an editor
I low many people in this town who
know how to run a newspaper?
Editor -Well, the population nuio
bers six hundred and sixty-five Atlun
ta Constitution.
Tim I ant Clianco.
Mr. Waite (trying to entertain his
ladylove's six-year-old sister) Do you
know who 1 am?
Flossie—Yep. Pop says you're l.dith's
last chance. -Truth
Never Trie,l.
"Hobby, can you keep quiet for Just
one minute?" cried his father.
"I don't know. sir,"auswerod Hobby,
"I never tried."—Harper's Young Peo-
Hoiun Hope.
She Poor Mr. Lef berry! Three phy
sicians are attending him!
lie Yes, I know; but then lie l.asnn
Iron constitution, you know Truth
An Kiifllfiit Way.
Jone# Good morning. Here/-it llo«»
do you tlnd '•• • '.ir s'f
llcnr-on—l)v JnVc.'ri" ,• ..< »f. 'i.g—
Too Wllliiiij.
I low son Lott I tell yoa, >ou oti'ht
to eonio out and live lit Lone oi
huurst. It's the healthiest and roost
beautiful station on the load
Murray Ilill (musin -ly» I wonder i.'
I could buy a nice little place out t her
Howson Lott (eagerly) Ye .; ill !1
vnu miuel Dirt cheap, too! Puck.
MO 34
# 1: . - '-'S$
It Can ! '• • "vor Two
Ha- ■ ~ nctiiar#.
flto n.- • ... • r .'la .tration shows
•he : ■ ' Vv; ■ which 1
ha* The bulldiag is
r. The sills arc
' • ■ r Joist, 3xß inches: floor,
1 '■ ;\v.> est re. rills are
k»id : .1 y\i ..r ;."ic alhrv partitions
; : s ' JIC leagth of the
.e are not mortised into
♦ho ■ .it are laid uuder them,
s;l l i ■ 1 r joist in the center,
stid the w ?rc .» oa blocks of stone.
, .Jl ilil J.
LlJ Vt i T F r
f * —i ] —-1
G i P P P p P w
*Y iY | Y Y Y
A MODT'I, rioc, norsr.
'' he sides and ends are boarded upright
and ha;: with 8-inch battens. The
roof is ma if *»•• jvad roofing; and 0-
I he v. inside arc
i.re-d i . f. t f, )r warmth. Tlie
build:.i t •">■'< f -t It ig anil fuet wide.
A is ste., t i ■ ••.•Tat >:-, B II It barrels for
water as: «.» ; .1 feed, 1* pens Bxlo
feet. V yr.r The 5 pens on the south
side .ire <: vi -d by partly movable par
titii't a. i .•. ■> ; ■ Ifor fattening hogs.
The t:\ie. > pla.ed directly uuder
the partit'on between the pens and the
alley, and a ' ver .'0 inches high anil the
•;ame lee h as the trough hangs to
this partit-' n, : he door having a sliding
latch wi*'. v ;.i ii it maybe fastened to
rith r :'< . -iuding hops until th#
f.-> dI• ia t■. From X to the right
hand end of hor.: e (:u feet) the
whole fio rsi j indies, aad this i
consider the l-.i ■ point in u.y plan,
since by using !'• -e or cave spouting in
connection with the wa! -r simply at C,
the flo#r can be easily washed, and . lie
manure with the iiquid be pushed
through the shute at W, and caught in
a tight box placed on a sled «.-rnc
boat and removed to the field. Yhe si
ley is G feet wide, 1) Dare doors r
feet wide, O(1 are grain bins. With
this house I am ready for my sows to
farrow any time after the 15th of Feb
ruary. The cost of the building was
about $2-5 with lumber at SIS to $32
per thousand.—Cor. Orange Judd
How Our Farmer UliU Ills Stork oi Lice
nn<l Dlsoasf.
To kill ticks on sheep I buy a b:ftl of
snuff or enough to go over ali the deep
at once. 1 cut the snuff and puS.s r:7.e
it on a newspaper and put it in a ;;fa:-s
jar. 4 lake the jar, a larx.' pc. ;> -v box
and a tablespo »n and dip the .a.: from
the jar into the pepper box luvi f or
two-third-, full, then I take t!u sheup
gently, lay heron her side,.put ray knee
on her head, open the wool and shake
snulf on the sUin in places three or four
inches apart, and close the wool. I put
more of the snulK around the neck be
cause the nits hatch under the neck,
and in about three days the ticks and
nits will be a sorry h>okhig family.
To cure the c 'lie or stretches in sheep
I dissolve two tablespoonfuU of lip: ia
salts in about a half pint of war u water
and add one teaspoonful of essence of
peppermint. I give it through a small
funnel and In about two hours the sheep
will bo all rijjht. If she doesn't get well
in two hours I repeat the dose.
To kill lice on cattle J take about a
pint of kerosene and rub it all over the
cow with a woolen cloth, then card
against Ihegruin and with grain. It is
a sure care.
To cure warts on cows i wash the
teats before milking anil rub on castor
oil. It limbers the teats. For gapes in
< hickens, prevention is better than
euro. When we set the liens wo put
air-slacked lime and sulphur in the
nests and keep clean water before
them. Thomat Smith, in Our Grange
IK you wash the sheep at all, do It
thoroughly. It is best to do this some,
day ; before shearing so as to let the oil
bark into the fleece. Afterjvashing put
the sheep where they will keep clean
until after the shearing.
Do Nor make the mistake of pam
pering your breeding animals with fat
produeing foods. Too many of our
colts, calves, lambs and pigs are weak
arddlh'-A '1 b •.HIM- the dims were not
fed so as 11 develop bono and mimic.
IT is often the ease that the animals
upou thr fa;•!.•» wli*: ll de rre the best
car • we mean the work horses—have
the 1 :i v' f it. Tiiey are usually well
fed, but t'cre their care stops. Groom
ing is ol almost os much importance to
them a < their diet, but they too often
get very little of it.
To Prevent Grub In Hlioep.
Tiie ui< .vi . >f prevention of the grub
in tli ' !••• • ! : . to provid a shade for the
flock of si pduring the visitation of
the fly which dep. .it. the eggs in the
nostrils that bateh into the grub which,
when ll i r rvl'i to the upper recesses of
Hi.• s:i.:■ •i- |s rts of the na-il cavity,
eiins s so much grief to the afflicted.
The tly make . its appearance in Uie
months of July ami August, and if the
sheep have a dark place In which to re
treat during the day, when the tly is
most active, they will escape; the noses
of sheep Hre sometimes tarred to repel
the attacks of the fly To dislodge the
(frub, syringe ipi >thc nostrils a mixture
it equal p:i ."f ti entlne and linseed
jil, injecting about a tablespoon fill of
the mixture at one time.—Coimaa a
Rural World.
The Telegraphy of MarMujfe.
Carrie News I understand Clara
Vane bad quite n dot when she married
young Diekerboekcr.
Young Ilyson—Yes; but they cut
such a dash the first year they were
married that there is nothing left.—
A Wrleomts Uuent.
Tuttcr Weren't you playing th«
piano us I rang the l>cll?
Mi sPinkerly -Yes Could you beat
me from the outside?
Tntter Oh, no. Hut 1 met yonr
father in the bull and he said ho was
glad to see me. Truth.
Tlie lie tort Courteous.
First Hoy (contemptuously) tlnlil
Your mother ta'.es in washin'.
Second Hoi O' course. You didn'i
n'pose he'd leave it hangin' out ovet
xi I;R?IT MIL OUR fat her WHS in prison,
did ye? IJoaton Globe.
Little Dick Who's In the parlor?
Little Dot Mr Hlnnk. She won't
get through her call for an hour yet.
"How do you know?"
"I just heard her say: "Well, I mus'
be going.' Good News.
"Gxonse me," said the outspoke!
mun nt the club, "I understand that
yon left London under a cloud.*
"Yens," was the reply, "1 believe sc.
Deuced foggy town, that, you know.'