Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 21, 1893, Image 4
SUMMER DAYS ARE HERE, and Some'r dazed on the spot when they see the make and fit of our clothing and hear the prices we quote. Reader have you bought your Summer Clothes? If you haven't now is the time you*can make your dollars go a long way, as we are naming unheard of prices on CLOTHING, HATS & GENTS FURNISHING GOODS «r t-t U+ V -s* DOUTHETT & GRAHAM, Reliable One Price Clothiers. Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts., Butler, Pa. The Chance of a Life. A large manufactory shipped some buggies 4c to some dealers ia we-.- era Pennsylvania, who made assignments before the work arrived, and tbe company ordered the R. R. Co. to ship them to as and told us to sell them best we could and they wonld pay as for our trouble. We had enough contracted lor to do us, bnt told them we would do so and now have them in oar warerooms in Butler marked in plain figures. We mußt ran them off qart to utilize the room in oar regular work. They are a nice lot an 1 the ' price ia a sacrifice. We have sold some bat have thirteen jobs left, bb follows: Two Backwagons worth in any market $45 we mark $36 One Phaeton " " 125 J# One Sirrej " >«? Twoßoggiea " Jo EsSSS » " g : One Two Seat Spring Wagon " CO Now here is a chance to get a baggy at less than wholesale price. 1 his den't happen often. They won't last long. Hurry along and don't forget that daring the hot and dull weather we will Bell yoa a harness or anything belonging to a driving or team outfit at a very low price. We cannot afford to sit aroand and let the flies suck what little blood we have. We wou;d rather do badness for nothing, and if low prices will bring ut the trade we are bound to have it always. Respectfully, il«— S. B. MARTINCOURT & CO. 128. E. Jefferson St, BUTLER, PA, A Few Doors Above Hotel Lowry! nSPRING.n Wo are approaching the days of all the year, tbe days when the airJJJJJJ is freighted with the perfumery of flowers, and everything is symbolic of Peace and Good Will. In this respect these days re semble oar shoes. Tbeir Good Will is shown by their willingness to stand by yon, as long as yoa stand in them. Qaality, not price Is cheapness, and we believe oar prices ,qti tV> lowest in Batter.; ROBINS BROS., I of Diamond. - - Butler, Pa , DURE DRUGS IT LOW I PRICES is the motto JL store. If joo are sick and need m*dicin ) you want the BEST. Th'a yoa cm always depend upon getting lruui us, j as we use nothing bat strictly Pure Drags in oar Prescription Depart ment. You can get the best of every thing in the drag line from us. Oar store is also headquarters for PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES Kalsomine, Alabastine &c. .Get oar prices before you buy Paints, and see what we have to offer. We can save you dollars on yoar paint bill. Respectfully J. C. REDICK, Main bt.,next to Hotel Lowiy BUTLER, Do You Want to hare yoar home look neat anil clean, bat with very little expense'! You can do it if yoa buy your WALL PAPIER of us. for we are selling it now at a bi« REDUCTION to redace oar stock. Come and get a GOOD PAPER cheap. J. H. Douglass', 341 8. Main St.. Near P. O. Planing Mill -Awr>- Lumber Yard J. L. FUKVIB L». O. fUHVIft S.G.Purvis&Co. MAKDFAUTUIIKBM AMU DKAI.KB* IK Bough and Planed Lumber or SVCKY DEBCKJITIOBI SHINGLES, LATH! & SEWER PIPE. Butler, Pa YOU NEED WOHK? (If no. this will In'fivuf. yon.) YOU $75 TO $l5O * M prorlrtol yon work with a lime vltfor plui * fill pn*h. Stork oompli-M-; ntswiy Work: pnv w«-ekly. KK-nant ouint free. K*ixsilcnc« umiecemary. A<l<lre»n at one. B.H. I«KOKKHT*CO.« K*Ublls2ic<l UVA Numrvmeu. JtocUesl»:r,N. B. £ B. Mid-Siimmer Clearance SALE or Dry Goods That nirui ln«latH fur u«, profit for jna India Silks, 10,000 yards, 21 inch INDIA SILKS. Good firm cloth. Artistic print ings. Light and dark colorings, in cluding Black and White, Brown and White, Navy and White at 35 Cents. Never a sale before of India Silks so good and beautiful for 35 cent* a yard. 300 pieces about 100 different Btylen. FINEST FRENCH SATIN ES. This season's choice style*. 33e., and 35c. quality at 20 Cents, a yard. Lot of 55 cent all Wool FRENCH CIIALLIES. Ltght and dark colorings at 35 Cents a yard. And for the stylish Eton Suiis or Outing Costumes 200 pieces all wool CHEVIOT SERGES representing every desirable color and shade 37 inches wide 35 Cents. Fifty cent serges they are—this sale price 35 cents Remarkable assortment of Wash Fabrics and Light Woolens for Hum mer and early Fall wear, and remark ably low prices on them all. These and many other specials for this month's business. If interested, write for samples. BoggS &CBlllll, 115 to 121 Federal Street ALLEGHENY. PA JL. C- WICIC bHALHK IK Rough and Worked Lumber OS ALL K 15I'M Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always In Stock. LIME. HAIR AND PLASTER. <>ni™ ii|»|iokil« J'. A W. Depot, l«f'Tf,RK (10 £*TlSfcßs .lORD&THOMAS, Your Painter has often wasted time and material in trying to obtain a rhade of color, and has even resorted to the use of ready mixed paints, the ingredients of which he knew nothing, because of the diffi culty in making a shade of color with white lead. This waste can be avoided by the use of National Lead Company s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors These tints are a combination of per fectly pure colors, put up in small cans, and prepared so that ■ > ic pound will tint 25 pounds cf Strictly Pure White Lead to the shade shown on the can. By this means yen will have the best paint in the wc.ic, because made of the best materials— Strictly Pure White Lead and pure colors. In 1 c * on having one of the brands of - .rite lead that are Standard, rnai:_:_ctu:ed by tac 'Old Dutch znd *aowa to be strictly pure: "Armstrong & McKelvy" " Beymer-Ba-ma:. ! Fat' estock" " Davis-Chambers'' These brand;, cf '• tead an J National L- -i • ' 1 •' I-cad Tin f ; C ' < re liable dealer ; p - r. • . • . If you & Ti to send to a* lor tion that may .v ; y yr. u-. .2.- .• v. .11 ocly cost you - 1 card. NATIONAL LEAD CO., J r.ro»<!w*j\ Kcw Yorir Pittsburgh Branch, National Lead and Oii Co. of rcansylvanis, Pittsburgh, Pi. HUM PH RE YS' Ur Humphrey. f>p«-riOc.» ares'-lcntlflcaUyand can-fully prepare 1 . lemodies, umxl for i .ara la nrlrate |.ractl<* and for oyer thirty yrnrn by the n-opie Willi entire Every ulnglt:- Speclllc inKdal COT" ror the 1-ase named. They run With flrtiKgirii.'. J-'trtjl'-o or r<-:ccinn th'- ,> -•'*:■) ai ! are in fa.; and detu the fkn< rel»n Kemediea or tbe World. Keren., C .V' a-. Inflammation* . .25 'X—Vtwtnah Worm Feser, WormCoß . . >r, 3-Teething; Colli-, < ryiiis. V. iik. falmus .23 4— Di»rrbe«. of Children or Aduiu. .23 T-Co«kH», Cold,, ttronchltiii .23 «-»arniitia, T * thache, Faceaehe .25 9—Headache*, '-He Headache, Yertl*".. j Ij. |> j yri»»l:i, I . . ConstlpMl r *n. I ]—Hu pprc**cd '.r Painful PcrloclM 12- While-., i'lofi.'-e i'< rl ■• •« 13-t rout), Lnrrneiti*. Hoarseness . .23 1 I— Salt Rhenm, rr ij-elaa.Ernptiona .« 15—Bbeum:iil»m, llhcnmatfePalm -M iG-Mniario, Chills, Fe-.-r an.l Ape...-.. .M ] A—Cmnrrh. I.'.da M 2, Cold In »ba Bead. .2" 20-WtaoopiMt Cocgh " 'VZ 27— Kidney I)i*<eti-.-« •";* 2S-Servon» Ilebllitr • „» 30-1 rinnry Weal nr- <, Wetting TM .2 > HrMPIIREVS' WITCH UAZSI OIL, "The Pile Ointment."—Trial glze, 2SCU. « I t,y Dnirchu, .r «.t r trick IKllmmn < >" "" a uiifHßiwain.tc., in a inwuiu»Rt., SPEC ! FICS. ~\VCE™vO7-. '" £>? H l ' :,c !( ' ' i USE. * \v"i or : <5 :". • prf -ribed by i i o~.<> i a :ij • i<aiciAN in 1810. Cttji;'. r't: < ' t r.'itbout reaJ mi. itlsr.v •:!. /C<l i j tyycan? SOC-TF.r'. . i rr.A T I r;/"I F - !N . :'' : -:HAL Utr-.VJ ( !■: ■ .1 „» . . V Si ill " Hi I i li i - ' I■■ n. UOJML : T mmmm Kith' »it ta» » R.R. v»h;-4ifcodh«fc!lh; V .J. • " • •• ?-r V, . lr**« L*. H**T»c <k Ulk. I'c. A»k yuur 1r , fvrlu i \ DOCTORS LaKIJ §j rni,/TI: I>ISFKN*AKY. COR. PE<'' Avr. AMDFC -MTH BT., PITTSBURGH, PA. A All forma of Delicate and CoTO <&', feuj plicated lilEcafio.-t r«r*juii ingCoN*. tw I' I:»J' NTIAI* And S.II-.TII ic Jtfed- ieation aro treated at tla* I>i * with n miccchr .'arcly attained. I>r. H. ; I U'Mnoraber af the KoyjJ Collcacof J'hy vl Furtfeoii.?, and In the o! k>.t and most i ed in tl.-' eltv H|>« < ial at : ivcn to NCTVOIIH Debility i»*omc v c< ; iivc | < xcrilon« indif rot •on of _you»li,etr M can*- 1 cat ami mental decay,la<k of energy, .i» j»cy # etc.; alrtot'aiJiM < (>ld Sor«-<, Kili, . i •••umatlun, ami all di - i .wof the .Skin, . 1 J untf% Urinary Con«ultation Inh tly ctnil'lcni ; ,l. Ofiia'boiiri,bU) to H j\ M.; JSnnduyM, 2to 4 i\ I. oulv. f)HrO or IMMJV ->• l)fH. I M« K, *,V ... ANOmifcT.-l'iriHUl UOll.l'.V. rMR I.AKR ROUTB TO fftfi WO</; !•' VIA PI CHJRESQU E MACK If Avoid the licat and du-t by on the Floating Palaces of ih Cleveland Ht<-arn Navigation ' Two now «teel passe tig«-r oteci' just been built for this Urip' J. costing £3oo,ooo each, ana are gu; to bo the grandest, largest, r.v fastest steamers on tlio Luk< rnilei* per hour, running tiino ■ ■ Cleveland, Toledo and Chlcv;o • r<o hours. Four trips per v.< -; Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Macklnv key and Chicago. Dally trips Detroit and ClevrlaLd; durinc ' Augunt double dniiy K< rvicowii! ! tuineil, idvlng a dayliglit ride ri' i Erie. Daily Kcrvii.o between ( and Put-ln-Bay. First-clana BieconiinodationH and menu, aiui ingly low Hound Trip Itaten. 'i tlal equipment, the luxury of tii inentß makes traveling on li<«: thoroughly enjoyable. H' "'i trated pamphlet. Address A G. I*. A., Detroit C'lovelaud hi Co., Detroit, Mioh. * AS FINE: AS SILK. GOSSER'S CREAM GLYCERINE. A dri'Mnlug for thu fatu »flnr Mhiivlni;, arid for «:LMF»|MID IIHIMIM TIIID fn< «i. 'fry If. £5 SC. A BOTTLK AT IMUJndf SIM. V "SWMKMkaßailill Mill <'nr« m I'.rlitltt'H IHwiiv'. Drop iv. firavd. N»*rv otimic . II rt. Urinary *>t F«lvi*r DIHCJIWN. Knonn by a tir< d languid feellnic; of t tj<* kldneya weakeiw and poUona ii»«- blood, and unli 11 iu •• i removed you cannot iin .. health. < urifd me uvur flveyitaniagoof Urltcht IH <-a*« and l>rop«y. I. 1.. ( '. MIM-Kl*., fk*thh iim. J. : ,000 otlii r aluillar t< Iffi Irv it. Hun* |fiiaranU*ed. rus s KIHXK) MllF.ro., 720 Vrn»iiKO , riiila<li Iphln, I'w. Sold ny All ItellaMii l>rti^k'l)'tK. WA VT l/n • rn< n tohcii our ftHoi'-e "«•**» ■■* *■" and bard> our «i k ito< i . Mail) pe< lal varieties toolfi r both In irulUiand ort<:in>critalH. and controlled only by UH. \\> pay ( or -alary, give cxd'rdvc tcrri lorj an 1 pay week ly. \V i lie u; at nee and • cure choice? of territory. M A V I lU/rill KH, Surrt ryifi'-n Uof ln t.tr r. NV. I^FENCING Cemetery, Lawn, Poultry and Rabbit Fencing nKH'H.VSDH OF Mlll.H i\ tNK. CATAtOtil'K KIU.K. nteiGHT PAIO. THE McMULLEN WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO., iU, 110, lUud 130 W. KwkttßU, Ciuctf 0 ! THE CITIZEN Mining Engineering at the State College. We are in receipt of the following from Ex-Governor Beaver; Mr. Editor:—The Legislature of Penn sylvania at its last session did wisely >n appropriating the money for the establish ment of a Department of Mining Engineer ing at the Pennsylvania State College. The appropriation will be sufficient for put ting into practical and successful opera tion a thoroughly equipped School of Mines. "With buildings and well organized department > in all the fundamental branch es of a good education, the appropriation, made by the Legislature enables the State College to apply every dollar directly t« the technical part of the education of a Mining Engineer. It is the design of the College to organize this department so as to tit its students for the positions of Mine Superintendents, Mine Foreman. Mine In spectors, etc.. as well as Mining Engineers, special reference being had to the needs of Pennsylvania. Being warmly interested in this subject not only as a member of the Board of Trustees of the State College but also as practically interested in the devel opment of Mining interests in Pennsylvan ia. I write you to call your attention to the subject, so that the fact of the establish ment of such a department may become known in all parts of onr Commonwealth interested. The demand for such a depart ment or school has been shown for a num ber of years in tho introduction of bills for the establishment of separate schools of mines and the further fact that many stu dents now at the State College and others entering the present year have already signified their intention to enter this new department. I know of no phase of ad vanced scientific education which has mr.re of practical interest for the people of Pennsylvania than this. We have great numbers of bright young men in our Min ing Regions who are endeavoring under difficulties and discouragements to fit themselves for positions such as are herein indicated who should have the op portunity of recuring the advantages of liberal education at a minimum of cost. These advantages the Pennsylvania State College offers and of them hundreds of our bright young in the Mining Region should take advantage. Those who are interested in the subject can secure all the information they desire by addre-sing "r. George W. Atherton, President, "State College," Centre County, Pa. Hoping that you will be interested in this subject as its importance for your region demands, I am Very cordially yonrs, JAM KS A. BKAVKH. "Maud Miller, on a summer night, Came out beneath the moon's pale light, And sang with zest that same old 'My Sweetheart's the Man in the moon. And each bright star up in the sky At Maudie winked his other eye. But naught abashed, she still -sang on, And bid the flipp nt stars begone. Jnst litre a man of daring mem Appeared upon this painful scene, And whispered soft in her pink ear Most pleasant words lor maid to hear. Said he: 'O, cease your dizzy dream ( And come with me and have so ne cream. She hesitated in her choice, A faltering note came in her voice- She stopped. The ice cream plea had won, The moon was knocked out by the son. A driver of a vehicle who attempts to pass another on the name road docs so at his own peril, for if an} accident occurs to the man he is pacing toe rear driver is re sponsible. This does not mean that the man in advance is not obliged to yield a part of the road when notified, but that the burden of carc rests on the rear driver, who is in a position to see and avoid dan ger while the other is not. If injury to the leading vehicle results from the at tempt to pass whether on tt crowded thor oughfare or on a country road, the rear driver will bo held responsible. —Nearly a million of souvenir hall-dol lars are . till held at the Mint in Philadel phia, subject to the orders of the Secretary of the Treasury. Tho opinion of Attorney- General Olney that no'more money ought to be paid to the Illinois corporation known as the "World's Columbian Impo sition,'' will take the control ofthe souven ir coins out of their bands. In all probab ility the coins will be placed in circulation at par value, as it is stated at the Mint that they will probably not be recoined. The last shipment of half dollars to Chics go was made April 3, 1803, and amounted to $250,189. —lt is said that all the gold in the world could be stow id in a room -4 feet nquare and 124 feet high. We've no meant* of dis proving the statement auil so let it go for what it's worth. —A James'own man ha invented a changeable gear for a .iafety bicycle by which the movement of a lever changes it from a GO', to 44 gear. It is predicted that it will make a revolution in bicycling. —About a pound of copperas, costing a low cents, scattered in a water closet, will entirely deodorize it. Four pounds of the same dissolved in a bucket ol hot wa ter and thrown a ces-pi ol w ill have the same efTect. If repeated two or three times a month there will be no trouble from sewer gnu or other ellluvia. There is no unpleasant odor from it as there is from chloride of lime or carbolic acid. —The gra- crop in Kuropo is almost a I total failure and bay is worth *SO per ton in England. Haled hay from the I niteil States is in great demand and prices will rule high hero this season. —Constable,! and Justices elected before the new fee bill was passed, must work un der the old one. The constitution ays that no officer's fees or salary can be in creased or diminished duiing bis form ol office.—l'.s. —They say that if you bang a bunch of red clover blotwoms in a room the flies will vacate instar.ler. It's worth trying if only to relieve you of tho charge that there are flies on vou. - Whot n pililul Moty times Iro l'hil adelphia. A little lot of eight years, a boy scarcely old enough to know tight from wrong, wit' found lying in a beastly stale i>l intoxication. The child was taken to a hospital and the man who gave h in the liquor WHS arrested. Now, what ought to Im> done with H"ch it limn T l'ut hiin in jail T Mull dear, putting Mich n fellow in jail wouldn't puiiinh him at all. Ho would tnin ly laugh at that fort of puni-hment A mini »" degraded an to (five a lioy of eight year* lienor enough to itupefy him in Kiln ply inoem-ible to the diftgrato o( ini prixonuient. Tell you what, they ought t<> let the boy', unit her Huggeat ft puni»lunent. If »hc unldn't conjure up eoroe thing that wotild fit the crime, then we mi. h our gun**. At neafhoro or mountain* you may de rive additional benefit from llood'a Kama parilla. Try It. Thexe are the timet* when a good many people have to nit down and think to find out where, they atand. I'SK I'A N A 'H HA USA I'A KM LA, I Tit ■Till: KIND THAT <11! UK." —Our idea of a Christian i* a man who doean't laugh when it rain." on a picnic party to whi< h In* wan not invited Consumption Sur«j|y Curort. To Tin Jiinr.it Homo inform yi.ur rnnlurt thai 1 nava a poiiittvo r«mi«vly f-.r lt.« J," 1 <]»«•***••. Ii; :» timely iuKt ih</tjMii<U "f « cauk©« hayo h'r» j* rtu>nn ully ciir'd. f nh&ll » >i to «eu<l twj of my rnmmly Fftl'K '•> wy of yoar rutfl'irn '¥ , j h*v« coumtmj>ti'>n If thry vr>il «hsii4 1110 th<-Ji and I'. O. a«l.!n ««. Jl r.< < t %1 ii. X. A, HiityCL'U. M. U. 10l iWI tiL. M. V. The Heathen Chinee. Colonel It. G. Ingersoll, in <liscas,-ing the Chinese question in the Sorth Ameri can Review for Jtily, sayß: "These Chinese laborers are inoffensive, peaceable, and law abiding. They arc honest, keeping their contracts, doing as they agree. They are exceedingly indus trious, always ready to work, and always giving satisfaction to their employers. They do not interfere with other people. They cannot become citizens. They have no voice in the making or the execution of the laws. They attend to their own busi ness. They have their own ideas, customs, religion and ceremonies,—about as foolish as oar own; bat they do not try to make converts nor to force their dogmas on oth ers. They are patient, uncomplaining, stoical, and philosophical. They earn what they can, giving reasonable value for the money they receive, and as a rule, when they have amassed a low thousand dollars, they go back to their own country. They do not interfere with our ideas, our wavs or customs. They are silent workers, toiling without any object, exceDt to do the work and get their pay. They do not establish saloons and run for Congress. Neither do they combine for the purpose ol governing others. Of all the people on our soil they are the least meddlesome. Some of them smoke opium, but the opium smoker docs not beat his wife. Some of them play games of chance, but they are not members of the stock exchange. They eat the bread that they earn; they neither beg nor steal, but they are of no use to parties or politicians except as they be come fuel to supply the flame of prejudice. They are not citizens and cannot vote. Their employers are about the only friends they have. When a Feller Takes a Day Off. When a feller takes a day off—sets his soul to loafin' round Where the hills climb up to heaven, au' the rapid rivers sound, 'Pears like the world is newer, with its loveliness and light, An' his eyes are seein' truer an' his heart's a-l»eatin' right ! When a feller takes a day off there is lota o' things to see; I kin hear the winds away off jes' a-wel comin' of roe: An' the violets peep so party; an' the rose I usoter miss Feels the red a-rushin' round it an conies climin' for a kiss. When a feller takes a day off—Oh, he learns a heap o' things From the very doves a flyin,' with the mu sic in their wings; From the hills an' from the valleys, where the dreams and dews is found — When a feller takes a day off an' his eoul is loafin' round ! —The soundness of a beam or log can be accurately determined by the sense of hearing alone. The ear should be spplied to one end of the beam, while the other is -truck with a hammer. If the sound is clear, distinct and sharp, the beam is sound in every part; if dull or muflled, decay has set in somewhere in the interior. may bo seeded now. Use plenty of seed, as the fly often does dam age when the plants are small. The seed may be planted in rows by drills adapted for that purpose, and after the young plants got well under growth the heaviest portion of the work will then be done. An acre of turnips will be found of great value as an aid to the cattle food for winter use. as the turnips serve as a change, and are advantageous in dieting the stock. USE DANA'S SARBAPARILLA ITS "Till; KIND THAT CUKES." —They are looking for a "tidal wave" in New York. A vessel with "800 boxes of baking powdir sunk in the harbor." —What fa#hion wants to do is to invent a system of uniform * that will enable a fel low to distinguish a major general of infan try from a hotel porter. —A very effective remedy for a cough caused by a tickling in tho throat is made by adding to the beato i white of an egg tho juice of a lemon anil then thicken with sugar. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic caro'' fur rhoumttti.sin and neuralgia, radic ally cured in 1 to 3 dayf. Itr> action upon the system i-< remarkable and mysterious. It remove* at once the can e and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. i.~> cts. Hold by J. C. Itedick, druggist, Hutloi. —The Chinese Consul General has vetoed a picnic of the Chinese Sunday school men of New York city, who had invited their young lady teachers to go along. The stern official, who evidently is lacking in the jiirit of romance, threatened to deport them to China if they disobeyed; and add ed: "Now go." It is safe to Hay the Chinese won't go—on that picnic. —John Cessna says. "I can got through a pretty good amount of work yet, and, al though I may not get many bills through, I can prevent many bad ones passing." —While firecrackers were exploding out side of Midway Plaisauro on the Fourth of July ami the iiir was heavy with smoke a baby boy was born in the American Indi an village and promptly named Columbus Fourth of July Pottawatomie. The moth er, a comely Pottawatomie from Northern 'Wisconsin, received many congratulations during the day. Drunkenness, the l.'-juor Habit, Posi tively Cured by administering L)r. Hainco "Golden Specific." It is manufactured as a powder, which can lie given in a glass of beer, a cup ol coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge ot the patient. It is absolutely harm let <■ and will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an itfroholic. wreck. It. has been given in thou tnds of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once imprcgtiat ed with the Bpocific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 4M ('age book ol particulars free. Address, (lolden Specific Co.. 18. r > Kace St.. Cincinnati! <>. —liven the sand banks ore beginning to fail. The Kpecr White Hand Company, ol Pittsburg, operating the sand works in Huntington, Westmoreland and l ayette counties, has made an alignment. —An engineer of a yard engine at brie was arrested and fined t'lO dollars and cost.; the other day for blockading a street crossing for more than the legal time. -Kphraim W. Hall, the originator of the Concord grape, is H7 years old. He it still living at Concord, Jtn 1 , where lie exhibits to visitors the old mother vine of the Concord grape, which he planted lilty year* ago. —The bicyclist made the Journey from Uertin to Vienna in .'II hours while the horse made it in 71 hours and 40 • i intes. Besides, the horse i • dead. -—While riding over one of the fields of New Jersey, the members ol Washington's staff noticed their chief feeling about his throat. Hamilton a ked him if his throat was sore. "No," said Washington, "J was only wondering how a halter would feel around it." A grim jest indeed, and one of the few Washington ever made. The hen product is worth live times as much as the silver product in this coun try. Yet the hens do not cackle over their output, nor inveigh against gold bug*, nor otherwise imitate the hail manner* and bad finance of the silver barons. Garfield Teas < <ir< a t "tjatinatlmi. W«*f<.rn« "•TSF V. 'J I'.lii* Uanipln fi«. •" t, i ' 1 j- ' ' • Cures SicKHeadache Spring and Summr Footwear! You might just as well have the first selection from our new stock of shoes, slippers and Oxfords. Some of the new styles we are showing this season in fine goods arc fetch ing. The large and well selected line of LADIE S SHOES AND OXFORDS are worthy of special mention; however, weVill only state that you will be pleased with their style and fit, and we are selling the very prettiest style? at prices ranging from 75c to [Light colors will predominate in Children's Footwear this season. Call and see the pretty things we arc showing in Tan and Chocolate Colored Oxfprds and Blutchers. We have more and prettier styles for little ones to select from now than ever before. SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN. In regard to our new goods for gentlemen, we wish simply to state that we have exercised our usually care in their se lection. We have all the newest and latest styles in men's and boys' wear. We feel confident that we can suit you not only in the shoes but as to the price. AL. HUFF, 141 S. Main St. N. B..—Just now our BARGAIN COUNTER is quite a feature. Almost all the goods 011 it are marked at less than half price. O I Ely's Cream Balm u n>t a liquid, invff or powder. Ajyplied into the ru>xtnlx it U _ quickly ahsorbfd. It clanee* the head, allay* injiammation, hrnle _ Clf the are*. fy'll by dntqgists or tent by mail on rrneint of nrire. L l|» DUG ELY BROTHERS. 56 Wn Street NEW YORK. 3UG New York Dentists, Cor, Sixth and Liberty sti.,lEmnncc on Liberty st.) PITTSBURGH, PA. GOLD LINED SETS OF TEETH SIO.OO. The reituUr prion of Sets Is Sao to S«. Thi-*o plates am as desirable In every particular as if made of solid Kold, whlell would cost jou -50. Our prices on other work: BEST SET TEETH, S8 00 , TEETH CLEANED 75c r.niD FILLINGS 1.00 up. TEETH EXTRACTED, 230 SILVER FILLINGS, .75 ! GAS OR VITALIZED AIR. 500 CROWNS, $5.00 AND UP. I Painless Extraction a Specialty. Work Guaranteed. "A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO GOOD FELLOWSHIP is a hard thing to find. ]>o yon want the recipe? Hero it is. Get a bottle —you'll find it sure. Try our Finch's (Jolden Wedding For M'tlir.il anil Family I'm*. SI.OO per Qt; or 6 Qts. for $5.00. Dougherty, Guckcnheitnor, Large, Gibson, Bridgeport, Ml. Vernon, yverlioit, etc. 01 It GOODS A Ki; W ARItANTED Pl' KE. Goods securely packed and bored without extra charge." C. O. 1). and mail orders re ceive prompt attention. "Grand Father's Choice" 3 year old is a good one, age has brought out good quality; sells for $2 per gallon. ROBERT LEWIN, Importer and Wholesaler, 136 Water St, PITTSBURGH, PA, OPPOSITK 11. A O. It. K. DEPOT. TO H*vr Ml M.TM THC Livrfl MUITJir INOnDJJH Cure* thousands nnnuallyof LiverCotu plalntH, Hlllominess, Jaundice, Dyspep- j nla, Constipation, Malaria. More Ills result from an Unhealthy Liver than any j other cause. Wby Hiilfer when you can | be cured? Dr. Sanforil's Liver Invlgo» ator i-i a celebrated family medicine. VOl K MICUUOIHT Wit.l. Hl' I*l*l.V vou. r ~~~ i l ' i J REGULATE THE i STOMACH, Livrr, AND ROWFLS, ; i : PURIFY TH% CLOOO. | A RELIABLE HMOV FOn | i.iji c ..n. m. C ,Bidrtliftji4 j I |,ul loit. Im I I :,i r lr'i!ibl»'., ♦ t 111//lni". It»«l I»y«**l*ry, J | oir.n.ix iin urii. i- 11 " «r n..> j X Blunirbi tie r Itnu.W. f I lllpuia T*bvli« c.rit .111 Hthl Injurlom to I I tin'm(.»tik'll' »iiiii»uk», * I 'r i.l i;iv i ■■■ * * r - I : ,11 !>r ilrueifM". A in«l l-.Uiu rcit l.y Ul»ll t | oa ro- ■u'-ut V> -«t '.Ur-r. | j THE RIPAN3 CHEMICAL CO. | j U BI'RDCI HTI'.EET, NEW YOl'.V. ' ICY. J Grind Vour Own Corn Meal. Oyster ,Shell. and Com in the s•"> Hand Mill. (K. Wilson's I'al ) Circular* free. "Also I'ower and Farm Milli<. Send lor illustrated circulars and testimonials." 100 iin' it. moii inii'l* in l i'l'inu poultry. Addresi wiI.SON HUOS. kasloD, I 11. Fifrlitin*? Fowls. Such as j, i an«l \ Jap's, Irish Gray . and Hrown Kcds that arc I, Mint' anil fighters. Huft I.t ghornj. that art- fine as silk. Old pair i ust last summer in lCngland. > from all kinds .$3 P '3> $5 per 30. Address, for Price list, etc., J. L. HROVVNLICi:, Ralston, l'a AM MS HiYlHi tlie fur only AITHOKIZKP l!iiij!iii|i|ij : ol James (i Blaine. By Call Hamilton. Ills literary executor, with tlie co-operation of his family, and for Mr. I'lrire's complete works. ''Twenty Vars In com TO and his later book, "Pollltkal l>ls ciihslhiih." one prospectus of these 3 ltest He II- Inlf Books In tlie market. A. K.P. Jordan of Me., took 100 orders from Orst ■« call 3; agents prollt $1"5.r,0. Mrs. llallard of O. took 13 orders. 13 Seal Ttussla, In l dav; pront fje.no. K. S It Ice. Mass. took 2T orders In days, prollt 2.'.. >f. I'Btrlilpeof Me. took 43 orders from :k; calls; prollt #75.28. K. A. rainier of N. Dak. took fl3 orders In .'i days; profit 198.45. Exlcu sivu territory given. If sou wish to make large money, write immediately to. THE HENRY BILL PUB.CO, Norwich, Conn, WANTED. Agents to sell.'.'our choice "ami Hardy Nursery Stock. Wo liave many special varieties, both in fruits and ornamentals to offar, which are controlled only by us. We pay cfiioniWHion or salary. Writo us at once for terms, and secure choice ol terri tory. MAY UROTIIEKB, Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y c-:m . t tho ÜBIST / As I !"■< I.IN I . I f JD / 1 *tu* lic.il PurjMMMX) «?} ( M & CLARK'S Fl«ijunt nofiiuo; Mod rn Method*; K*p*»rli*ric<Nl Jl i KrutimtfM • ic( •« 'i l Hptclitl m<lvhiv la • 1 m *~l:ortu*lul ai.«l «\ j" wrlllin;. WrMt* I«>| JtoUkiOgUo II . » . CI.AI:k, I n H. m I EWIS' 98 % LYE I r:vzzuzD AND rzzrmu yjUtf (PATE»T*I») ~^PL> Tlie«i»otigr«| and parrit I.y nuulc. I'lillke Othir J.y* II IxUiif (A:i nil.) i«>wdrr and ia< k«-d in Aran LtSVW Willi rt'liiovilblo lid, tlin roulrnti I uro i.aily fur uw\ Will mako llif iHTfniiiiMl Hard s<aji ; 111 :•<( 111 111 til*•* wllliotil bolllnf. II l« ll*«* !»«*•! fur ( wa i« fflfM |il[n-i, «H-lnf«« tli.if link*, rliihi VI PENJTA. SALT M'F'O CO wSSBCEflfej? ueu. Ajtts* riiiu.. ra. AUTISTIC HAIR GOODS. V* 1 bavo ro-o|<encd •" my PHtabliihment. Ideal wig* and w lives, giw Sfeather light and llfe- MSp "k« and up Wavy uA.gf. Jft* tialr switches,all lengths Ta.'jkr i ✓-» AIMO toilet requisite*. 7,:.' freckles, tan, sunburn, <r moth patches, ami nil |lo\, .» blemishes of th» hkm. A vP ' Hale Tonic restore* grey mt&u J lialr to ILn natural color, ,'v, A ... remove* <l»udrufT, ■* oft Jup the scalp toaliealtliy f " condition,make the lialr . *oft and glossy, and \r I the lialr In curl In , 1 I dampest weal tier. / . 11A llt DTK is the V f\r most perfect piepara llon , guaranteed free from nil poisonous In greilli ills. Try It. 111.1 A< II for lilciielilßg Imlr <.n the liead. The only medically pure bleach sold tor that purpose. Can be used as a medicine. Alio nice line of sliell pins, combs, batidß.etc. " iillui my cstoblbliment. You can bo made Up l"r parties, theatre, pictures, etc. lialr dreeing. Hang cutting. Dying and bleaching. Have Miur bangs cut In the m-w Cinderella and Columbian style. <.ci one of my pretty new unlet fur summer wear. Natural curl hiilr. M. I.ANIiKItH. •o'l. M. Main «t.. _•<! flour. A If Kelber tmUdliiKa Itlltler. I'iPj WANTED! Al ham:H*M ————— tou T || ls 1.,,(A I.ITT. pi-^OPPORTUNITY for a li*e, energetic man. We offer UF.T TKK 1 ACII.ITIKS and lictter Terms thus e\ or. Salary or commission. Write for our Special Offer. HOOKER, GROVER & CO.. Itochesfr Krillt Kami net Nurserlim" i.it.ilillshcd IS.VI. Hoehester, N V. The imperial Purchasing Co., 1302 Filbert St., rhlla , Ps buys every thing, wholesale ami relail. Mirrors, pianos, orgau* and uiniiesl instruments. (Jreat eve in the selection of suitable present*. Charge* n Commission*. Hampb . and estimate* sent free. 15 years experience. EGGS FOB HATCHING. From Prl/.o Winning Birds. < untitling of Itlack Minorca*, eggs per l;i; S c Crown Leuhom, s I per I;I , It. I. Hocks, rt. h. Hamburg*, rt 1.. Wjahdotle*. evic* It ? _•.(*) per ." (iiHid tiatch.saUiilacl'on guarantee*! r^irsiie 1., M l 1.1 Itntlei I liarge. Mock for Isle lu se.cton. Write for particulars. I. r Mar tin au l W. J. Moser, houora. liutler couuty, I'a THE Leading' Millinery House OF Arc now prepared to show their new line of Spring Milli nery. Beautiful beyond description. Whether you buy or not, you are welcome to come and enjoy the beautiful and artistic display. Come for investigation and comparison. We believe buying will follow. Special Mourning Millinery, also Millinery for Misses and Children. NOTICE. SAILOR HATS 10c. T he Largest and Leading Millinery House in Western PennV- All Purchases of $lO and up, Delivered Free of Charge Within a Radius o 100 M. 3 Pittsburg, DANZIGE;RS, Pennsylvania Just a few Random Shots. Up and Head Coverings for Weo Tots and Older Folks 100. Children's 50c exceedingly handecme em broidery caps with pretty, Cull pleated larc frills, now lot :Me each. Children's beautifully shirred 50c lawn caj 3, now for 24c each. Children's "se, SI.OO and $1 j0 fine corded and rich embroideried cap", an I the'rt' just little beauties, now for -U'c, 74<- and Oi»c each. Children's 50c white and colored sun bonnets, now for IMc each. Indies' 5Cc and tun boDnets we'll sell now for £9e aud 4i'c each. Scintillating Hustlers from Silverware TL( utaiids of bt outifully plated spoons, tea 2c, table 4c each. llat'dHinely silver plated JSe talt aiid pep per bottles, butter knivts and sugnr spoons, now for 12c each. Nicely plated ami tlirscd loc uapkiu i:i vs, now fi r 5c each. Children's SI.OO beautifully silver plated j.old lined niui;s, also 50c fets of Li.ite, lork und n < en, choice 2-lc each or set. Piltsburj. DANZIGKRS, Pennsylvania. . KINGS, ])l'llHnlwl< ) KAli-KIN(tS, J JlrllllOl 1( IS 1 SCARF PINS, 'STUDS, f GENTS GOLD, WMtr. lipq \ LADIES GOLD, dUlieb ( GENTS SILVER LADIES OiIATLAIN, I i*i7 { - Golci;Piiiß, Ear-rings, V\ y | Kingn, Chains, Bracelets, Kto> ( Tea custorH, butter dishes Silverware RODGIR BROS. 110 IfSriJ" 1 - S| — E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 139, North Main St., BUTLEB, PA.. YOUR FAVORITE HOME NEWSPAPER AND The Leading Re[iuljlic.in Family l'awT u! lie. I'iiileil State ONE YEAR FOR ONLY #1.50 TH E CITIZ EN. gives all the Town and Couuty and as muclt General news as my other NEW"'YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and gives nil the ganeral news of the United States and the world. It given the events of foreign liiuds in a nutshell. Its ''Agricultural" department has no superior ID the country Its "Market Reports"are recognized authority in all parts of the land. It has separate departments for "The Family (.irclc'i und Qui Young Folks " Its "Homo Society" columns command the admiration of wived "and daughters. Its general political m wh, editorials and discussions are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. For only $1.50, Cash in Advance. "N. Y. Weekly Tribune," regular price per jesr SI.OO "The Citizen," " " " 1 50 Total s2.^o We furnish both papeis ore jtai for - -Ml, Subscriptions may l<egiu at any time. Addicsu all orders to THE CITIZEN, BUTLER, FA NL. ROBICNTHAL, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St., - Pittsburg, Pa. Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square lielow Diamond Market _ _ ... - " ' Al'« luMrew* we mail 1 trial l«.ttl« «||*p nml prove Im H fa fa to you tliall llkk ASTHMALENE M ! ! • ~,rr MthllMl ill un<l «w cure OMttunn CINE CO., ROCHESTER, M. Y. Job. Work of nil kind done at the "(Citizen Office." Down. High Price Husters Tho'. House Furnishing Hummers, Money Savers, You Bet. Mason's fruit jst«. the SI.OO kind, now for s!>c a doz. And the ."c coxared je'ly tcroblers, now for 2c each. 75c comiortably tale lal v swing!", now for 39c each. $1.76 hammocks, with spreaders, i ow for PJtc each. U'c nests of w ire dish covers, .. in a nest, tow lor£9o each. "5c cherry seeders and they ate dandie , i ow for 37c each, Sl.OOoil stoves,'il help you keep the hous ccol, now for 47c each. a Curtains, Linens, &c., Every -1 cdy's Eargains. :2.W), i. "i. .".00 ecu 4.00 handsome lace cur tains, and ihey'ie full 3 yards long too, now lor :'!<c, fl.4'J, 1.74 and 1.99 a pair. 4i'. 15, 50, tai d 75c Gem *ll table lincm. all pretty patterns, now for 25, 33, 3i>, 44, and 4!>c n yard J1 00," 1.25 an! 1.60 whi'e l;ttl spreads, now for Cit, Si» at «l !'!»c each. 8, 12, 15, 10. IS and tee all In cr towels for 5, !», 10, 11, 124 Brt ' 'to »»ch. hui - icy Mid l.i>: im n « v licl. *2.00,2.50, 2.75. 3.60, l. i 11, 5.C0 atd'ii.t u late bed sets, no* i«r i-!V "I 24, l.r::, 1.74, 1.!«», 2.49 and 2.P9 a set.