GET READY FOR THE 4TH. We hare jast closed a large deal in harness at Sheriff's sals prices— too late to particularize in tbi* week's paper We can now *ive yon a boggy and harness for what a buggy alone would cost you before. Th ® B ® are nobby and half price. They will be in Satnraday morning. Come quick now before the 4th. You want to drive that old rig out any more— don't you hear it rattle, and your harness will break and break you neck, and where will you be ? Uu£T S. B. MARTINCODRT Sl CO. 128 E. Jefferson St, BUTLER, PA., A Few Doors Above Hotel Lowry. « SPRING.® We are approaching the days of all the year, the days when the air is freighted with the |perfumery of flowers, and everything is Bymbolic of Peace and Good Will. In this respect these days re- semble our shoes. Their Good Will is shown by their willingness to stand by»you,as long as yon stand in them. Quality, not price is cheapness, and we believe our prices {quality considered to be the lowest in Butler. ROBINS BRQS., Ser of Diamond. - •• Butler, Pa j MRS. JENNIE E. ZIMMERMAN'S Bargain House of Butler. Every one is talking of the wonderful bargiam we are giving the people of Butler town and county. We propose to make the wonder still greater this week by j offering to, the peopl new stylish and seasonable fabrics at prices (never before heard of. THE HOT WEATHER IS UPON US in all it* intensity. Weare not going to wait until after the 4th of July to put the knife into all summer goods. Now while it is to your advantage to purchase, get donble value for your money and the comfort of a cool dress and all needful articles in our line required during the heated term. Procrastination is the thief of time. Don't procrastinate an d wait until the warm weather. Of what nse to you then tojget summer goods at way down prices when you cannot make nse of them ? But come now and take advantage of oar gen erous offer. We are still offering Lawrence L. L. 7 cent sheeting ot 5 cents per yard. Best standard prints at 61 cents per yard, Lancaster Ginghams at 6 cents, Ac. MILLINERY. We offer oar entire stock of hats, trimmed'and an trimmed, feathers and flowers at one-half price. These goods are all marked in plain figures, you can suit yourself and one half price formerly asked will buy anything in the entire line. We have some elegant and desirable styles. Come early and secure a good selection. Space forbids our mentioning the very low prices all over the house, but call at onoe and take advantage of the terrible slaughter in the price of Dry Goods. Millinery, Notions, Wraps, eto. TO THE LADIES. We sell the celebratedJC. B. Corsets, the bestiitting Corset at popular; prioes, in the market to-day. Ask to see Sammer Corset Comfort for hot weather. ."9 MRS. JENNIE E. ZIMMERMAN, (Successor to Ritter & Ralston.) Butler, - - - 3?a Are Yon One Of The Lucky Ones Who Will Attend The Grand Clearance Sale Atgg For the next two weeks. Remember it « is not our fault if you come too late,it will commence Jan. 25 and continue till Feb. 4. Carpets, Cloaks, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Dry Goods, Flannels, Ginghams, Calicoes, etc. See our big bargain counter on left hand side entering store. YOURS RESPECTFULLY, A. Troutman & Son, Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House, Butler, Pa. Pittsburg, DANZIGE;RS, enDsylyania.j All Purchases of $lO and up, Delivered Free of Charge Within a Radins of 100 Miles Overstocked, seems to be the popular sing song ding donging in our ears, all around about these days. Well we're not in it, don't claim per fection or anything approaching thereto, still, the fact remains, we're not overstocked, but always ready to buy for spot cash from overstocked manu facturers, yes, we're loading and unloading every day, keeping the counters crowded with eager purchasers; buying first class goods for much less prices than elsewhere. Just a Very Few Specimens of Our Trade Creators and Controllers. Linen, White Goods &c. Won derfully Elegant Values. 12c, 15c,18c,25c and 30c Fine White L»wns for Bc, 10c, 12,15 c, and 19c a yard. Pecu liarly pretty 18c, 25c, and 30c Side Band Apron Lawns for 12j,c 15c and 19c a yard. Fine 28c, 38c, 40c, 50c, fiOc, 70c and 75c Swisses, in pretty, tiny Pin dots, increasing, in size and boldness, until tbey reach the circumference of a penny for 19c, 24c, 29c 33c,'39c, 49c and 59c a yard. Heavy, wide aud real pietty patterns ot 38c, 45c, 50c, 50c, 75c, #<7o, 4 SI.OO German Tab!o Lincoii tor 25c, 33c 3!»c, 49c, 59c and <>9c a yard. Kle gant, washable, 40c, o_'c, 75c, ■iHc, ami 100 Turkey Eed Tabling now tor 25c, 39, ! ic, 59c and 74c a yard. Piltstarj, DANZIGERS, PenasyUuila. Basement Double Discounters and Trade Multipliers. Strong $2.00 Hammock* with stretchers complete now for 99c each. A couple of C «r» 75c Cherry Seeders, 'll all go for 3Sc each. Masons 1 quart $1.25 Jars 'll sell now for 84c a dozen. 50 Barrel* of 5c Cov ered Jelly Tumblers Now for 5c each. $5.00 Lawn Mowers warranted now for $2.89 each. $2.75 Keyless Fly Pans, comfort imparting Dandies for $1.68 each Half dollar seta ol Dish Cr.yern a'd there's sin a set, for 290 a sit 2 tralVn 51.50 Waler Coolers now for 83c facb 2 quart $2.25 lee Cream Freesert i.ow tor :1.;'4 each. 35c wire Fly Traps now lor l'Jc t I ch . Why 19 Strictly Pure nVf White Lcad the best T * ,/ * paint ? Because it will outlast all other paints, give a handsomer finish, better protection to the wood, and the first cost will he less. If Barytes and other adulterants of white lead are "just as gcod" os Strictly Pure White Lead, why sre all the adulterated white leads always branded Pure, or "Strictly Pure White Lead?" This Barytes is a heavy white powder (ground stone), having the appearance white lead, worthless as a paint, costing only about a cent a pound, and is only used to cheapen the mixture. What shoddy is to cloth, Barytes is to paint. Be careful to use only old and standard brands of white lead. "Armstrong & McKelvy" " Beymer-Bauman" "Fahnestock" " Davis-Chambers" are strictly pure, " Old Dutch " process brands, established by a lifetime of use. For colors use National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors with Strictly Pure White Lead. r For sale by the mo3t reliable dealers in paints everywhere, j If you are going to paint, it will pay you to send to us for a book containing informa- I tion that may save you many a dollar; it will only cost you a postal card to do so. NATIONAL LEAD CO., 1 Broadway, New Tori, Pittsburgh Branch, National L**d and Oil Co. of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Pa. SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, AND POULTBY. 500 Page Rook on Treatment of Animals and Chart Sent Free. CURES ( Fever** Congest ion*. In ftunimat ion A. A. spinal .Woniu&ritiM, Milk Fever. B.B.—Strain** Laniene**, K hen mutism. C.C.—Distemper* Nanal flinch a rireg. D.D.—Bot* or C«rub*. Worm*. K.E.—( oDghx, Heave*, Pneumonia. F.F.—C'olic or Gripe*, Bellyache. G.Ci.—Mi*carriage. Hemorrhage*. H.H.—l'rinary and Kidney lll*ea*e*. J.l.—Eruptive Di*eaMe*. Mange. J.K.—Dl*ea*e* of Digestion, Paralysis. Single Bottle 'over 50 dosoa), - - .00 Stable C ase, with Specifics. Manual, Veterinary Cure Oil and Med lea tor, S?.(M> Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, - • 1.00 Sold by Drnr«i«U; or spat prepaid ujnhrr* ud In any fualllj on rrfflpt of price. HrxrHKETS' I&D. CO., 11l A 113 William St., S*w York. W jg^IgTTMPgRSYS' HOMEOPATHIC ffff [■UsPEGIFIC No 28 f In DH 30 years. The only mccessful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over-work or other caoiM. per vial, or 6 vials and large vial powder, for Qk. Bold by Drucflata, or sent postpaid on receipt or prlo* ■nrnftXlS' BID. CO.. HI A US WUIUa St.. York. diiigl jOh»sS*s LINIMENT e t°^ V HOUSEHOLD USE. * Wan originated and first prescribed b-w AN OLD FAMILY P&YSICIAN in 1810. Could r. remedy without rea l merit have survived o7er eighty years ? SOOTHING, HEALING, Ph'NETRATIN For INTERNAL EXTERNAL use.*-* Stops Rheumatic I*af n» n, ' .rt r-n. Cures Croup (l»ld«. Sore Throat. Ton i:n, ( . :\ nirp. and Pain*, Bummer Ootnplaivt*. «'.*• . Hfce tnatru. Care* Ooafri*". Asthma r ".i a: Mtfs Cholera- Morbus. ■ n!y or lirnlw, Stiff sCuscl**» or - ! ;i<* Headache. IJl'slM PamphK-t '»•>.• S- , . Price as rin. Six * I P«». ;«>a W&.l OINTBIEHY M none, Soli by dr'w f "-''it by mail for SO ct.«. Pa. Swarss t So*, i'Lilt'lr j bta, Pa. Ask your druigiil for tw DOCTORS LAKE bAfl PBTVATB DISFENSAKT. Sa-, JP COR. PEN:. AVE. AND FOURTH ST.. /vßlßflgg, PITTSBURGH, PA. Atlformsof Delicate and Com plicated Diseases requiring Cos. riDBKTIAI. and SCIENTIFIC Med it ati<m aro treated nt this Dis nen.-ciry with a success .-arely attained. Dr. 8. K. I.ako Is « member of the Royal College of Pliy liciai'i 1 . and Surgeoiii, and Is the ol lest and most sxpeticnced SPECIALISE in the city. Special at tention to Nervous Debility from ercesslvo *ii."':il exertion. Indiscretion of youth,etc., caus ,.!ij %ical anil mental decay,lack of energy, 1 onilency, etc.; also Cancers, Old Sores, Fits, i J iL. I heumatisin, and all asesof the Skin, .. .j. f.ungfi,Urinary Orgamsttc. Consultation i i r.' nl strictly confidential. Office hours, Uto ! ■'! / to 8 r. M.; Sundays, 2t04 p. sf. only. :.t oiViro or address DRS. LAKE, C' * ft. j N AVE. A-ND«HST.. I'III'SHLUGU.i"A. IMB LAKE ROtTTB TO THE WORLD'S FAIR VIA PICTURESQUE MACKINAC. Avoid the heat and dust by traveling on tho Floating Palaces of tho Detroit tz Cleveland Steam Navigation Company. Two new steel passenger steamers litiv:; just been built for this Upper Lake route, costing $300,000 each, ana are guaranteed to be the grandest, largest, safest and fastest steamers on tho Lakes; speed miles per hour, running time between Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago less than 60 hours. Four trips per week between Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Mackinac, Pef< - key and Chicago. Dally trips between Detroit and Cleveland; during July an l Augu3t double daily service will ben- 'r - taincd. Tiving a daylight ride across Lake Erie. Daily service between Clevelar and Put-in-Bay. First-class stateroov. accommodations and menu, and exceed lngly low Round Trip Kates. Tho pu!a tiiS equipment, tho luxury of the appoint ments makes traveling on theso steamers thoroughly enjoyable. Send for illus trated pamphlet. Address A. A. Schantz, O. P. A., Detroit & Cleveland Bteam N?.v. 00.. Detroit, Mich. AS FINE AS HTT.It GOSSER'S CREAM GLYCERINE. A dressing for tho face after shaving, and for chapped hands and race. Try It. 2BC. A BOTTLE AT DRCOOI3TS. Cures HrlKht's Disease, Dropsv. Gravel. Nerv ousness. Heart, Urinary of l.lver Diseases. Known by a tired lanquld feeling; loading of the kidneys weakens and poisons the blood, and unless cause is removed you cannot have health. Cured me over five years ago of Brlght's Disease and Dropsy.— MßS. I. L. C. MILLER, Bethlehem. Pa. 1.000 other similar testimonials. Try It. Cure guaranteed. CANN'B KIDNKV CUIUS CO., I*o Veniago St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by All lieliable DrufKlsts. W A ATTTiTi—Salesmen, to sell our choice W ixIN 1 CjL» antl hiirdv nursery stock. Many special varieties to offer both in frulta and ornamentals, and controlled only by us. We pay Commission or salary, give exclusive terri }*ry ana pay weekly, write us at once and se cure choice of territory. MAY BKOTUEItS, Nurserymen, Rochester, NY. FARM, GARDEN, Cemetery, Lawn, Poultry and Babbit Fencing : reorsiXDs OP JULES IX ISE. cmiiOtiin : FKEf. FEEIGUr PAID. THE McMULLEN WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO, j 114, IIS, IU aad IWX. Xark«t Bb, Cbicago, SL 1 THE CITIZEN Sure Cure For Cholera. The ravages of the cholera in France and in other parts of Europe are new be ginning to attract attention in this country because the disease may find its way here. Ia order that our readers may have a rem edy which is highly recommended, and that our physicians may be in possession of the same, we publish the following for for their benefit and the benefit of any one who may be stricken with the disease. Read it carefully and then put it away where it can be had at a moment's no tice: "The following simple remedy was issued in handbill form by the Hibemia printing office, Dublin, Ireland, during the severe visitation of cholera in 1830, and was the means of saving thousands of lives. It was also used with valuable effect in IS4S, and no harm can be done by having it in the house during the coming warm months: Dissolve one ounce of camphor in six ounces of spirits of wine and give a small bottle of it to an intelligent person in your neighborhood who will undertake to ad minister it to his poor neighbors when they are seized with cholera or any of its symptoms, without deviating in the slight est degree from the following instruc tions: ■When any person is seized with symp toms of cholera, such as vomiting, purging, sudden weakness, coldness, cramps or spasm?, do not give them brandy or whis key or any kind of medicine whatever, but put them to bed at once, covering them warmly, but not overloading them with bed clothes, and as soon as you possibly can let the patient take two drops (not more) of the camphor mixture on a little pounded sugar in a spoonful of cold or iced water. In five minutes after let him take the second dose of two drops in the same way, and in five minutes more repeat the same thing. He is then to wait ten or fif teen minutes to see whether or not there is a sense of returning warmth, with a dis position toward prespiration and mauifest decrease of sickness, cramps, Ac., when if necessary, he must take two drops as be fore, and repeat the dose every five min utes until twelve or fourteen drops have been taken. In administering this remedy you must particularly obsrerve that if the patient takes anything of any kind, except cold or iced water while the medicine is in tended to operate, its whole effect will be destroyed, lor the least foreign medicine neutralizes the camphor, which is given to check vomiting and to produce a warm, free perspiration. The use of cold or iced water is on the advice of the late celebra te a ar.d successful Dr. Piddock, of Lon don who always allowed his patients to drink cold or iced water, as it tends to pro-1 mote free perspiration, and also the abund-* ant discharge of yellow biles. The patient must not be allowed to rise and expose him or herself to the slightest I degree of cold and should not be torment- I ed with baths, steamings or rubbing of any kind, but permitted to lie still, as he will fall asleep when perspiration comes on, and after some hours will, with God's as. sistance, awake well, though weak and languid and perhaps a little feverish, in which case he might get a dose, say a tea spoonful of Gregory's powder or rhubarb or magnesia, with a little peppermint wa ter or weak salvolatile and water to wash it down, but must be kept quiet, taking only a little soup, broth or gruel for a day or two. Lord Ponsonby, writing to the bishop of Derrv, stated that to his own knowledge these camphor drops had proved to be cer tain cure for cholera, both in Franco and Germany, whenever taken in time, and the cure is generally effected before it is possi ble to procure a physician—that is in less than an hour. Pay of the President There is a general UI«»L U*o dent's salary of $50,000 a year is all that he receives, and that, when compared with the salaries paid the sovereigns of Europe, this sum is not enough. This is a mistake. In addition to his salary, the president receives $30,004 to pay the sala ries of his clerks and subordinates, llis priyate secretary has $3,250; his assistant secretary, $2,250; the stenographer gets $1,800; each of live messengers $1,200, ihe steward SI,BOO, each of two doorkeepers $1,200, whilu other employes are paid in proportion, down to tho man who takes care of the fires, who receives SSG4. In addition SB,OOO are allowed for incidentals, suck as stationery and carpets, $12,500 for repairs and refurnishing, $2,500 for fuel, $4,000 for the greenhouse and $15,000 for the stables, gas and other incidentals. In all the president and his house cost the country over $125,000. USE DANA'S SARSAPAKLILA, ITS "THE KIND THAT CUBES." Hero's something for the mathemati cal sharps to puzzle their brains over. A group of gentlemen were lately gathered about the dusk ol u Washington hotol ea gaged in earnest endeavor to figure out a mathematical problem brought over by a prominent momber of the New York bar, who stands to lose SIOO on a wager if his own solution is wrong. Here it is: "A column of troops twenty-live miles long is ordered to a point twenty-five miles dis" taut. A courier starts simultaneously with tho rear of the column and reaches the head thereof. Returning, ho meets the rear of the column where the head or iginally was. Both tho troops and the courier are to travel at a uniform rate of speed. How many miles does the courier traverse * It looks simple. The young New Yorker said it was simple, and that it didn't take a mathematical sharp to fig ure that the courier journeyed an even fifty miles. Tho man who made the bet with him was a Philadelphian, and he called in Professor Tliuuder, a teacher of 'mathema tics, said to bo tho greatest expert in the Quaker City. The Professor figured at it awhile, and said it was plain that the cour ier traveled over fifty miles, but just how much more he wouldn't undertake to nay off-hand. Tho man from Gotham was not satisfied with Philadelphia professor's con clusion, so on reaching Washington ho hunted up Professor George Hill, the clerk to the House irrigation committee, and an expert in mathematics, who in turn, re ferred him to Professor Woodward, of the Coast and Geodetic Survey. His answer was sent in and appeared at the bottom of a long sheet of algobric equations. It was 60.3 miles. And still the New Yorker is not satisfied. IJefore giving up tho SIOO ho is going to have the opinion of tho Pro fessor of Mathematics of Columbia College. It will take no less an authority than that to skake his belief in the correctness of his owu ciphering, which he admits was not done with tho help of quadratic equations. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the syptem is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause aud the dis ease immediately disappears. The lirst dose greatly benefits. 75 els. Sold by J. C. Redick, druggist, Butlei. —TLe title Infanta, remarkes the New York Sun, is merely "infant," used in a sort i>l'a complimentary sense, a.' is childo in "Childe Harold." N'ow infant etymologic ally nyueolile-*.". E'i!ali;i, h- w- evtr means "sweet spoken," so that wt have for the meaning of Infanta Eulalia, "the speechless sweet spoken one." —lt is not what its proprietors say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story. Grewtorae Amusement. A few years ago while six murderers— Giblin, Packenham, Carolin, Lewis, Nolan and Carleton—occupied the condemned cells at the Ne* York Tombs they got up a decidedly unique form of amusement to while away the hours of a dull Sunday. Giblin proposed that they try one of their number byjniy, anil Carolin, who chopped his unfortunate wife to death with a hatchet, was jingled out to be tried. Old man Packenham, who killed his wife with a pair ol scissors, was made judge; Giblin district-attorney. Carleton counsel for the defense, and Lewis and Nolan the jury. After the consent of Deputy Sheriff Cara her was given the trial proceeded, every part of the judicial program being minute ly carried out, even to puting Carliton on the stand to testify in his own behalf. De spite the argument of Carleton that it could only be manslaughter and not mur der, the jury found Uim guilty without quitting their seats. The effect on Carolin, the deputy sheriff said, was painful and pitiful to witness. He never raised his eyes while old man Packenham sentenced him to die on the 2Gth ol August, ISS9. From that day he seemed to weaken and the authorities were afraid he would break down com pletely. Fathers Pendergast and Galenas, with the sisters, who were daily in atten dance, tried to comfort and rally him, but without avail. The verdict of his fellows had almost killed him. As Giblin had been commuted and Car leton was awaiting appeal, only Lewis, Packenham, Carolin and Nolan were to die, and the men drew lots to see who would be companions on the gallows. None of them wanted to die with "Nigger' Lewis, and hence the drawing. Carolin broke down completely when he found h« had to go with Lewis, although the latter, up to the very last moment, tried his best to awaken some manly feelings in the breast of the trembling wretch. Lewi - crossed the yard to the scaffold several times and asked Carolin to die like a lust and not be a ear. But he was almost dead when the rope was adjusted about his neck. A Tree-top Duet A bobolink and a cbick-a-dee Sang a sweet duet in the apple-tree. "When I'm in good voice," said the chick a-dee, "I sing like you to 'high' C, 'high' C; But I've caught such a cold That for love or for gold I can sing only chick-a-dee deo dee dee —There's a corner in rice, probably duo to the prevalanco of June wed dings. '•A story is told of a poor servant girl, AVhn once was mcudy and strange, Who asked for admittance to the l'old ol the church, As sho bad experienced a change. When asked by the pastor a reason to give For a step so important as that, She answered —Before sir, I slighted my work, Bnt now I sweep under the uiat.' There's a world of good sense In this simple reply, And well worth study and thought} To those who are traveling the way that is broad, Not doing the the things that they ought. Be true to yourself, do the best that you can, In business, at law, or the bat, "Whatever you do, be faithful and true, and always 'sweep under the mat.' " —A blind man—the shutter manufactur er. —The alarming news goes out that the bicycle girl is always bow-legged. —Business-like boy a the stamp window in the post-office—"Fifty reds and 25 blues please." —An off-hand talk—the palm reader's. —A short acquaintance —the perpetual borrower. —The ultra-fashionable girl now wears a monocle. A woil rev eta in quaint and odd chairs. —The pointed toe and the high heel are returning to fashion. —rWhole cloves are said to be a better moth exterminator than camphor. —Oriental red, a now shade, is j,so deep that it is not at all conspicuous. ] ; . t.s r the Hafct, Posi tively Cured by administering Dr. Ha ines 'Golden Specific." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of heer, a cup ol coffeo or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolute!} harmless, and will ailect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or au alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Sueeific, i< becomes an utter impossibility tor the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaiauteed. 48 page book ol particulars tree. Address, Golden Specific Co.. 185 ltiice St.. Cincinnati! I). —liigh-flown names and those parted in the middle are no longer fashionable. —A nickle-in-tlie-slol weighing machine is labeled "for ladies only." —A writer in London Truth takes the position that the coming man is woman, and gives some ver}' forcible reasons to sustain it. Woman is .suplanting man in many of the higher vocations of life, while men, who are notoriously better cooks and better dressmakers than woman, will have to drop into the places vacated by women who have become lawyers, physicians, accountants and artists, (rivo woman the ballot, he says, and her naturally attract ive qualities, her gentle, persuasive man ner, and all that will soon make her su preme in politics. Then man will be re legated to his proper sphere, that of a servant aud beast of burden, what natnre intended that he should bo. —The sweet girl graduate should wear only a little of the simplest jewelry. —A normal school girl began last win ter to select her commencement gown, and then failed to get the necessary aver age for graduation. —A petrified sandwich was lound on a Jersey marsh a few days ago. It is thought that there must hare been a rail road there at some time. —A most novel application for office was received by President Cleveland a few days ago. He said: "Here i 3 a descrip tion of my person. If you have any offices that are hunting for a man of my style, please let me know. —Stands at the head—the barber. —An exceptionally fine summer —the lightning calculator. —On a sound basis—the music teacher's profession. Consumption Surely Cured. To Tan SuiTfß:—Ptouo Inform yenr readers tliat I ijavo & poaitivo mrnctly for tl.o above-named E; :s timely mo th<junau<l» of hopeless ease# havo J-r >u permanently cured. I shall bo glad to send two ..o*tles of my remedy FREE to any of j our readers *v, j havo consumption if they will send me tlioii ■» and P. O. a'Mrena. Beajxct inUy, T. a. aUX-ITO. M C„ Ist Pearl St. N. Y. Garfield Teas; f urea Counti patio n, ltentore* Complexion .itoveii | lillls. Sample frcv u aht ir.LU TKA CO. ,3M W. fc>ui bt., I* i Cures Sickfleadacne —Subscribe for the CITIZEN, tbe beßt Weekly Paper in the county. Spring and Summer Footwear! You might just as well have the first selection from our new stock of shoes, slippers Oxfords. Some of the new styles we are showing this season in fine goods are fetch ing. The large and well selected line of LADIE S SHOES AND OXFORDS are worthy of special mention; however, we will only state that you will be pleased with their style and tit, and we are selling the very prettiest styles at prices ranging from 75c to $2.2 5-| colors will predominate in Children's Footwear this season. Call and see the pretty things we arc showing -in Tan and Chocolate Colored Oxfords and Blutchers. We have more and prettier styles for little ones to select from now than ever before. SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN. In regard to our new goods for gentlemen, we wish simply to state that we have exercised our usually care in their se lection. We have all the newest and latest styles in men's and boys' wear. We feel confident that we can suit you not only in the shoes but as to the price. AL. RUFF, 141 S. Main St. N. B..—Just now our BARGAIN COUNTER is quite a feature. Almost all the goods on it are marked at less than half price. 0° COLD" HEAD WRM Ely's Cream. Balm is not a liquid, snuff or powder. Applied into the nostrils it is _ quickly absorbed. Jt cleanse* the head, allays inflammation, heals _ „ Cfr- the sores. Sold by druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price. £sl <*« 3UC ELY BROTHERS. 56 Vtaen Street NEW YORK. 3UI New York Dentists, Cor, Sixth and Liberty Sts., (Entrance on Liberty St.) PITTSBURGH, PA. GOLD LINED SETS OF TEETH SIO.OO. Ibe regular price of these Sets is S=o to 525. These plates are as desirable in every particular as if made of solid gold, which would eost you SSO. Our prices ou other work: BEST SET TEETH, SB.OO | TEETH CLEANED, 75« GOLD FILLINGS, 1.00 up. TEETH EXTRACTED, 25a SILVER FILLINGS, .75 GAS OR VITALIZED AIR, 60m CROWNS, $5.00 AND UP. $ Painless Extractitur a. Specialty. All Work Guaranteed* MMDr. Taft's ASTHttALERE comaos in or otherP ( »„ rn-.npt 0/ name and Anodyne, but destroys the gpecili ■■■ .ma poison inh>, ,t-r ffice addre« we mail blood. gives a night's swi si -.-p and <'l ltl> trial bottle ■ toyout^atßliCC ■ sotliat you miti not neglect your bussines-s or sit up ... I B ■ niglit gasping for breath for fear of suffocation. " an " " oos cnre asthma :--a!o by all druggets. DR. TAFT ERC3. KEDICINE CO., ROCHESTER, N. Y. GOOD FELLOWSHIP is a hard tbinj; to find. Do you want the recipe? Here it is. Get a bottle—you'll find it sure. Try our Finch's Golden Wedding For Mfiliral ami Family t'se. SI.OO per Qt; or 6 Qts. for $5.00. Dougherty, Guckenheimer, Larjrc, Gibson, Bridgeport, Mt. Y T ernon, Overholt, etc. OT'lt GOODS AKF; WARRANTED PURE. Goods securely packed and bored without extra charge. C. O. I>. and tnail orders re ceive prompt attention. "Grand Father's Choice" 3 j ear old is a good nne, ape has brought out good quality; sells for $2 per gallon. ROBERT LEWIN, Importer and "Wholesaler, 136 Water St, PITTSBURGH. PA. OPPOSITE 13. & O. R. K. DEPOT.- TO HAVE HEALTH THE LI VER I NOR DTa* OlMMiSpa: Cures thousands annuallyof Liver Co- 1 plaints, Biliousnesa, Jaundice, JDyspep- i sla, Constipation, Malaria. More Ills | result from an Unhealthy Liverthan any , other cause. Why stifTer when you can 1 be cured? Dr. Sinford'a Liver luvigo» ator 5t a celebrated family medicine, vol It IJItUCOIST WILL SUPI'JLY VOC. WILLIAM KENHEOY. The well-known liveryman, Win Kennedy, will be pleased to have hi« frienda call at hie cew place of business. The Best Horses, Buggies an.: Car riages in Butler at the mo9t reasonable rates. The place h easily remember ed The first stable west of the Lowry House | "IT" 1 1 o^ i j KX:y7 j J REGUL/.TE THE • J STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, j t AKI) | : PURIFY THE BF.OOO. j I A RELl'.ntE RE V.ED Y FOR J In-*!*c«tl»n. HI!!. . Hrni'ncllP, } : pat'lun.Ky.pcp-la.t : , !.:,cr Troobl... ♦ ♦ «ua < n.|.W*lo». I>J«c«.Urj. I j Rrcr.r; ' "I* <lt*or*!ir. ol lUo J I Slctr.ich, Mvit : ' Ilowcli'. . J Kuams I»bul.'3 contain c MUi : fcfeilM t» | I til- i...--.; ill. >• : •»• l"> t*t«i:». ♦ } safe, effectual. Give immuJiato relief. 2 | Sold by A trial bottle sent by mail ! ♦ on receipt of 15 c©nt3. Address f 1 THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. I 10 SPRUCE STREET, -NEW YORK CITY. Grind Your Own Corn Meal, Oyster Shells aud Corn in the $5 Hand Mill. (F. Wilson's Pat.) Circulars lrce. •'Also Power and Farm .Mills. Send for illustrated circular and testimonials." IIM) per ct. more made i« keeping poultry. Address \VILSON BROS., Easton, Pa. AGESTS WASTED the for only AUTHORIZED Biography ol James G. Blaine. By nail Hamilton, his literary executor, with the co-operation ol his family, and for Mr. lilrlne's complete works, ' Twenty Vara in congress." and his later book. "PolllUcal l)ts cusslons." One prospectus of these 3 Best Sell ing Hooks in the market. A. K.P. Jordan of Me., took 100 orders from llrst 98 calls; agents profit SI7SJSO. Mrs. liallard ofO. took IB orders, 13 Seal Russia, In 1 day; profit $.'6.50. E. N lilee. Mass. took 27 o'rders In 2 days, prottt 137.2".. J. Patrldge of Me. took 43 orders from 36 calls; profit $75.25. E. A. Palmer of N. Dak. took 53 orders In 3 days; profit J9B.a>. Exlcu sive territory given. If vou wish to make large money, write Immediately to. THE HENffY IStLt. rtm. tJtt , Norwich, Conn, WANTED. Agents to sellLTour choice ;and Hardy | Nursery Stock. We have many special | varieties, both in fruits and ornamentals to ' offer, which are controlled only by us. We pay commission or salary. Write lis at once for terms, and secure choice ol terri torv. MAY BKOTIIEItS, Nurserymen, Itochester, N. Y / } . C '!Yi{ . "f^rall / SJ / "radical • ' I tf CLARK'S ! { f JW& Business Collage, E R 11. P A. i Elegant Booms; Modern M<*ho;r>; Kxperienced ! l\«cliera J-sgnulunTf Mjc«>ru. Special ad van- J Uu.'«fi in Shorthand and 'J \\ ■ writing. Write fui • aatalogoe. 11. <\ Cl* uk, Pre®. fc*. M. Hwjckt. ttec m I EWIS' 98 % LYE 8, POTEE2ED AND PZilTltE (PATENTED) I,* The i otiu«*i.i and pnrrti made. I'idlke other I-ye, ft ltelng Ua ftii<_" powder aud i>ackr«l in a ran PfW with removable lid, the con ten tt are always ready for use. Will I make the licm perfumed Hard Soap in '2O minutes without boiling. II in I lie l»oAt for cleansing wa»Tt ( '«fs plp»*». disinfecting sinks cJoeet^ IMW wu fiirip bottles, )<alnt.% trees, etc. ML, PENNA. SALT M'F'G CO God. -Vats- l'hila.. i'a. ARTISTIC HAIR GOODS. . I havo reopened Ija my establishment. \Jrf" Ideal wigs and waves, fl//'¥n'V'i feather light and lite ■j/.k > like }2 and up. Wavy I halr switcbes.all lengths V8 s-t Also toilet requtsltes. Face Bleach removes >3£?7/? . " freckles, tan, sunburn. moth patches, anu all i blemishes of the skin. i* vs-- ! Hair Tonic restores grey liair to Its natural color, •Mftr .... removes dandruiT, tonih *i up the scalp to a healthy F "• condition,make the hair y sott and glossy, and ; beautlfuL C?urllne keeps ,<S.'. / the hair In curl In \ , _- v dampest weather. \ IIAIIt I»YK is the / v most pertect prepara tion. guaranteed free troni all poisonous In gredients. Try It. ItI.KACII for bleachine hair on the head. The onlv medically pure bleach sold for tliat ('an be used as a medicine, ands.etc. Also nice line of shell pins, combs, the made Call at my establishment. You can Hair up lor partles, thtaiie. pictures, etc.cbitig. dressing. Bang cutting, Dylrgand Bleaaand Have your Langs cut in the new t'icderell new Columbian style. <ict one of my pretty Ktvles for sumnter wear. Kaiural curl hair. M. LANDERS, ••05 H. Main St., 2d Hour, All Kelber buildlnga. Butler, Pa. WANTED! At onrr ' _________ FOB THJS LOCAUTT . plendld OPPORTUNITY for a li v e, energetic man. "We offer BET TER FACILITIES and Better Terms than er. Salary or commission. Write for our Special Offer. HOOKER, GROVER & CO.. Rochester Fruit Farm and Nurseries. Established 19GG. Rochester, N. \. The Imperial Purchasing Co., 1302 Filbert St., Phila., Pa. buys everything, wholesale and retail. Mirrors, pianos, organs and musical instruments. Great care in tbe selection of suitable preseuts. Charges n Commissions. Samples and estimates sent free. 15 years experience. SAW UfIULS, Imnroved Vanablo friction Feed. A. B. PARQUHAR CO. Rh * ■ *4 *.*.< ori.Ni*(wlctti THE Leading Millinery House OF X>. T. X*£tpe Arc now prepared to show their new line of Spring Milli ner}-. Beautiful beyond description. Whether you buy or not, you are welcome to come and enjoy the beautiful and artistic display. Come for investigation and comparison. We believe buying will follow. Special Mourning Millinery, also Millinery for Misses and Children. NOTICE. SAILOR HATS 10c. PENN'A White-Sand Oil Co, [A. STEELSMITH, Manager, Butler, Pa.] Dealers in Illuminating, Lubricating, Cylinder and Dynamo Oils—all free from Lima Oil. This oil is made and handled by Independent Producers not con ected with the Standard Oil Co., as reported. All orders will be promptly filled. Warehouse in rear of Nicho as & Hewitt's planing mill, near West Penn depot, Butler, Pa. Refinery at Coraopolis, Pa., near P. & L. E. R. R. This oil can be secured at McCrea's Feed Store on E. Jefferson St , RINGS, j|iy| irl c J EAR-RINGS, 1 SCARF PINS, I STUDS, ( GENTS GOLD. Wntr4lP<* LADIES GOLD. > > < I U J K h ( GKN'TS SILVKIi LADIES (HA TLA IN, TpWPlrv ■ G V W Pins ' Ear * rin g 8 ' *' 'VV til \ ( Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc, 1 Tea sets, castors, butter dishes and everything that can he > *: 1 >V el l C 7 lound in a first class sto*T-, BGDGtIi BROS. 1847 is:™h.r K "" E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 139, Korth Main St., BUTLER, FA v. Jewelry, Clocks, Silvefwafe, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No, 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block ' %! Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are Respectfully Invited —"Remember our Repairing Department —20 years Experience. YOUR FAVORITE HOME J)EWSP;iPEB AND 'flic Leading tcpyfan Family Paper of lie lied Stales ONE YEAR FOR ONLY #1.50 THE CITIZEN. gives all the Town and County and as mucb General ne.vs as iiu/ oth;r paper of its class. T NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, end gives all the general news of the United States and the world. It gives the events of foreign lands in a nutshell. Its ''Agricultural" department has no superior in the country Its "Market Reports"are recognized authority in all parts of the land. It has separate departments for "The Family Circle'i and Our Young Folks." Its "Home Society" columns command the admiration ol wives and daughters. Its general political news, editfrials and dif-enssions are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. For only $1.50. Cash in Advance. "N. Y. Weekly Trihune," regular price per yr«r SI.OO ' The Citizen," * 1 50 Total $2. r =o We furnish both papers one year for. - -$ 1.50, SubFcriptions may begin at any time. Address all orders to THE CITIZEN, BUTLER HA MI. ROSENTHAL, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St., - ' - Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Market Job Work of all kind done at the "Citizen Office.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers