Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 30, 1893, Image 2

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FRIDAY, JL'XE 30. 1893.
Batcr*4 at PostoOee at B.tler aa M class matter
VILLUS C. IHin, rm>UU«r
Of Oakland twp.
J. 8. WICK,
Of Bmw.
Of Marion twp.
Of Buffalo twp.
Of Butler twp.
Of Fairview twp.
Of Venango twp.
Of Centre twp.
ROBERT H. Torso,
Of Clay twp.
Of Connoqneneesing twp
THE only public institution for the care
of feeble minded children in this State, at
present, is the one at Media, near Phila
The late Legislature appropriated SSOO
- for the building of another, to be lo
cated in the western part of the State, and
to have at least five hundred acres of land
and the necessary railroad facilities. The
term "Western Pennsylvania" in common
parlance includes the majority of the north
ern counties of the state, or forty-three
counties in all. The centre of population
of this vast district probablv lies to the
north and east of Pittsburg, and as
Butler can present as many natural ad-1
vantages as any other town, better railroad
facilities than the majority, and has no j
hospital of any kind within its limits, the
efforts new being made by some of our j
citizens to secure its location here should
be seconded by all, and should receive the
favorable consideration of the Commission.
THE remarkable 1000-mile race from
Chadron,lfeb. to Chicago was won by Ber
ry on his pony called Poison. Berry rode
into "Buffalo Bills" show In Chicago at
9:25 a.m. Tuesday, having rode the 1,040
miles in 13 days and 16 hours.
GOT. PATTISOS vetoed the Marshall bill
repealing the act to permit the consolida
tion of pipe lines.
The governor also vetoed "an act to en
able city, county, township, ward, school
and borough tax collectors to collect taxes,
for the payment of which they have be
come personally liable without having col
lected the same but by expiration of the
authority of their respective -warrants, land
to extend the time lor the collection of the
same for a period of one year from the
passage of this act." He says:
"The effect of this bill is to enable sloth
ful and negligent tax collectors who have
failed to collect taxes within the period of
their authority to extend the lawful time
for the collection of the same for the per
iod of one year from the passage of this
act, and, as it would happen in some cases
several years beyond the time when their
authority expired under previous laws
The laws in operation when allout standing
tax duplicates were put in the hands ofthe
various tax collectors were liberal in the
time within which they authorized the col
lection of these taxes by summary process.
"Tax collectors accepted their trusts
with a full knowledge of their responsibil
ity and they, and they alone, are at fault
if persons liable for taxes have escaped
their payment. The law looks with disfa
vor Hpon negligence and laches in public
officials and legislation intended to put a
premium on such negligence would be cal
culated to demoralize the public service.
Moreover, it w«uld impose new liabilities
on persons who, for years, have been ex
empt from them. Such legislation is both
pernicious and offensive to a proper sense
of justice."
O* Monday last Gov. Altgeld of Illinois
pardoned Schwab, Fielden and Xeebe the
three convicted anarchists who were re
prieved from the gallows, giving as his
principal reason that Judge Gary showed
prejudice In trying the case. But if that
that was the case the men who were hung
were murdered; and the case was fully r*
viewed in the Supieme Court.
SPKAKIKO on the causes of the financial
■tringency Mayor Brock of the bureau of
statistics tayi:—
"For one or two years there have been
serious financial troubles in all the coun
tries of the globe except in North America
In the Argentine Republic and Aiutrali.
there have been great failure* and bank
ruptcy and in all tbe colonies of Great
Britain there is stagnation in trade. Con
sequently there has been a very remarka
ble falling off in the export trade of Great
Britain to these and other countries. This
decrease in the export trade of Great Brit
ain was in 1892, $180,000,000 more (ban in
1890. This does not include tbe average
ariual increase in her export trade, which
has been about $75,000,000. This unpre
cedented decrease in exports, mostly
manufactured, was left at home in tho
hands of tbe manufacturers.
They were in great financial distress, as
they bad their obligations to meet and
they were compelled to eecure a market
lor these products. There was but one
m-jl et left to them, which was the United
States, as we were the only prosperous
people on tho globe. Stagnation in basi
ness and financial troubles existed nearly
everywhere else. These soods have been
thrust upon tbe American market at small
margins, or none at all, in order to realize
upo I them. Consequently, within the
past live months the imports have exceed
ed the exports about *96,000,000, and
these balances have had to be met,together
with other .alances of interest, etc., by
gold and by our exports. This, it occured
to me, is the common-sense explanation of
tho exports of gold."
Tut;* far, Michigan is the only State to
prescribe the Keeley or "jag" cure for
persons arrested for inebriety. The last
Legislature enacted a law to the effect
that a drunkard may have his choice be
tween suffering the ordinary penalty ofthe
law or taking a course of treatment at a
cure institution. The experiment has not
been in operation long enough to afford !
data as to practical results.
I* the last House of Representatives the
Democrats had about 150 majority. They
could easily have passed a bill for the re
peal of the Sherman law. They did not
do so; but the record shows that on March
24, 1892, 130 out of 211 Democratic Rep
resentatives voted for tbe Bland Ftee Sil
ver Coinage Bill; and that, on July 13, 117
out of 211 Democratic Representatives
Toted for tho Stewart Free Silver Coinage
Bill. On July 1, 30 out of 40 Democratic
Senators bad pnt themselves on record as
favoring the Stewart bill. This effectually
dispowes of the silly pretense of certain
Democratic organs that tho Domocratic
party is anxious to repeal the Sherman act
because of its silver purchase features. If
tho Democracy has its way, tho Country
will either have free silver coinage or it
will have wild cat currency, which is even
worse. This fact, taken in conjunction
with the demand for the abolition of pro
tection contained in the Chicago platform,
is ample to account for present conditions.
WILLI AMSTUVVII in Kan><lTH,and Pulk,Nod
away and Atchiion counties in .Missouri,
wore visited by terrible cyclone# la»t
Thursday, and many people were killed.
Great Naval Disaster.
The harbor of Tripoli, on the coast of the
Mediterranean was the scene of a terrible
- affair on Friday afternoon of last week,
r While the English Mediterranean squad
ron were maneuvering,one armored vessel,
the Camperdown, rammed another, the
r Victoria; and the tremenduous mass of
. iron went to the bottom of the harbor with
" four hundred men.
The crew of the Victoria tried to stop
the leak made by the ram of the Camper
down, and also to close her bulkheads, but
while at their work the top-heavy vessel
turned over and they were caught in a trap
from which there was no escape.
A model of the great vessel now at the
World's Fair has attracted tbe attention of
thousands since the disaster.
Rear Admiral Albert H. Markham, of
the Trafalgar, the flagship of the Rear Ad
miral in the Mediterranean, telegraphed to
the Admiralty from Tripoli, Syria, as fol
I regret to report that while maneuver
ing off Tripoli this afternoon the Victoria
and Camperdown collided. The Victoria
sank in fifteen minutes in eighteen fathom*
of water. She lies bottom uppermost.
The Camperdown's ram struck forward of
the turret on the starboard side. Twenty
one officers were drowned. Two hundred
and fifty-five men were saved. The injury
to the Camperdown has not yet been fully
ascertained, but it is serious and will ne
cessitate her going on dock for repairs. I
propose to send the survivors to Malta.
The Victoria was a twin screw battle
ship of abont 10,470 tons and 14,000 horse
power. mounting 15 guns. She had on
board 611 officers and men and 10" mar
There was a smashing of wood and iron
plates, and the ram and eight feet of the
bow of the Camperdown crashed twenty
feet into the bowels of the Victoria. The
Camperdown was halted by the heavy ar
mor of the Victoria, and as her screws
were reversed she at once began to back
As all the other vessels wero moving to
get into double line behind the two leaders,
they were bearing down upon the entan
gled ships, and a oatastraphe involving all
the ironclads was imminent. Only the
coolness and prompt action of the other
commanders prevented a general disaster.
The Victoria's bow was now pointed full
toward the shore. It seems that Admiral
'Tyron did not realize the extent of the
damage to the Victoria. As no accident
of exactly this kind has happened before
he could not know what the effect of the
hole in the compartment was to be.
He no doubt thought that as only one
compartment was damaged the others
would keep his ship afloat, so when the
Camperdown and the other ships signaled
offers of boats he replied that he did not
need them.
The Victoria began to forge straight lor
the shore under full steam. It is one of
thfc rules of the British navy that if a ship
is in danger of sinking and shore is not far
away she must be got into shallow water,
so that if she goes down she may be raised
again, so Admiral Tyron was making for
the shore and was widening the distance
between the Victoria and other ships.
When the Cainperdown's ram struck the
Victoria, Admiral Tyron, the navigating
officer, two signal officers, and the men
at the wheel were all upon the bridge,
either in full view or in the chart-house.
Most of tho crew was on the forward deck,
lounging about, trving to keep cool under
the blazing snn of the clear calry day.
With the crash they rushed into the bat
tery and as far aft as possible, bnt when
the two vessels separated all returned to
their places.
1 Discipline was perfect. The admiral
and officers remained steadfast upon the
, bridge, setting an example. So good was
the discipline that within liye minutes af
-1 ter the blow a diving suit had been brought
on deck and a diver was getting into it to
obey the order to go below ana find oat
the extent of the damage.
The nntangling and getting under full
headway had taken some little time.
About ten minutes after the blow the Vic
toria, having got something like two miles
nearer shore from the scene of the collision
all at once leaned away over to starboard
and with a great roll and plunge buried
her bow beneath the calm surface of the
sea. It was almost instantaneous.
There was only a chance for a few wild
cries and the Victoria was almost half sub
merged bow foremost, with her swiftly re
volving screws whirling clear of the water
and high in the "air.
Those on deck wero plunged immedia
tely into the water.
The men forward and below had no time
to rush to the deck, but found themselves
groping for doors of rooms filled with wa
ter and compressed air. There was a lit
tle more time for those in the officer's quar
ters. They heard the shouts and warning
cries and rushed to the almost perpendicu
lar deck.
The huge hull was drawing in the water
as it went down and several hundred men
suddenly hurled into the water, fully
, dressed, had to battle agaiast tho increas
ing suction. A moment more and a new
peril, more horrible, descended upon them.
The great engine deep in the heart of the
hull and inclosed in water-tifjjbt compart
menta was still throbbing at full speed and
the great steel flanges of the twin screws
were whirling around up in the air. As
the vessel sank these screws came nearer
to the water and descended into the midst
of straggling human beings.
The vessel sank slowly and when the
screws were low enough to begin to whirl
in the water again the auction had increas
ed until there was a deepening vortex like
a maelstrom.
At the bottom of this maelstrom the
screws were revolving like circular knives.
The poor creatures battled in vain against
the suction. They were drawn down aud
thrown against the swift blades.
Then came a scene which made the offi
cers on the decks of the warships of the
fleet turn away, sick with horror. Screams
and shrieks arose, and in the white foaui
appeared reddened arms and legs and
wrenched and torn bodies. Headless
trunks were tossed out of the vortex to
linger a moment on the sarfaee and sink
out of sight. All within reach of that vor
tex lost their presence of mind. Men who
knew how to swim ceased swimming and
fought with the waters. Men clutched
each other in frenzy and struck each other
off. The deep cone of whirling waters
with the swift knives chopping human
bodies at the bottom of it, was a horror to
daunt the bravest.
One man who escaped days that he saw
in this great vortex at least fifty of his fel
lows fighting witn each other and with in
evitable death. In a moment or so the
knives disappeared and the vortex began
to close up.
The ship was beneath the surface just as
the whirl was shallowed almost to the sur
face. Then there were a muffled sound of
thunder, the waters wero tossed up aud a
steam burst upon them.
Again the shrieks and screams burst
from the swimmers. The boilers had ex
ploded, the sea had rushed into the fur
naces and tho swimmers were beating
waves of scalding water.
Thus in less than ten minutes death in
three awful forms attacked the officers and
crews of the Victoria—death by drowning,
death by the knife-like screws and death
by scalding water.
With the first underplunge of the Vic
toria all tho boats were called away from
all the other ships aud came straining over
the calm sea to save the stragglers.
These boats were soon picking up those
fortunate ones who had got out of the
reach of tho terrible vortex. So long as
the vortox was there the boats dared not
venture near, but they did lift from tho
scalding wi.ter several wretched sailors
who were horribly burned. It-is thought
that more than half of those drowned got
out of the ship, but were caught in the
vortex or scalded to death by the boiling
AdmiralJTyron stuck on the bridge and
refused to liave it. Just before the Vic
toria made her underplunge ho saw what
was about to happen and issued an order
for each man to save himself, but the or
der never got beyond the bridge, for ruin
descended straightway.
The diver whom he had ordered below
to look into the damage was still on deck
and dressed for his descent except bis hel
met. Ho would have been dragged to the
bottom by his heavy lead soles had it not
been for a seaman who stopped to cut him
loose from his heavy clothes. The diver
was saved, but the man who out him free
was drowned.
There were many acts of heroism, self
torgetfuluess and daring. The peril of
those iu the water was increased by the
I fact that the sea thereabouts is infested
f with sharks.
It is the duty of the marines when a col
' lision occurs to immediately go below and
t close all the water tight compartments.
When the Camperdown struck the Victoria
the Victoria's marine* went below for their
duty, and as a result out of 120 marines on
tho Victoria !>9 were lost.
GEORGIA has lloke Smith and 30,000
acres of watermelons. What, more can
a proud and prosperous public desire T
- j F»\v sharper are known to man i
I, j ;!:in those experienced by the office hunt i
t er, when he sees the other lellow walking |
I off with the pie.
World's Fair Notes.
f Extracts from a letter from Chicago]
Many people, it seems to me, make a
mistake in jttempting to -ee the Fair in a
harry. The exhibits are. fortunately, so
arranged as to enable the visitor to select
what is of most interest to him. The ma
chinist will of coarse want to give special
attention to Machinery Hall, the fanner to
the Agricultural building..adies to the Wo
man's building, and lovers of the beautiful
to the Art Palace, while every one will
find much that is worth seeing ia the Lib
eral Arts building and so on.
But I notice that a large number of people
try to get over as much ground as possible
the first day or two of their stay, and the
result is that they are completely tired
out, and believing that they have seen the
mast interesting things in each building,
become listless, and either continue to
•wander about in an aimless manner or de
vote much of their time and money to the
attractions along the Midway Plaisance or
within the city proper. It strikes me that
this class of persons get the least possible
benefit from the Fair and are likely to be
the ones who will return home and say,
"Oh, yes; the Fair is very nice, but so
tiresome." A better plan is to devote an
entire day, or at least half a day. to some
one building in which the exhibits are
most interesting to you. This way will
prevent your being so wearied, and you
will gain some knowledge that will stay
with you "after the fair is over.."
The attendance at the Fair thus far has
not keen large. The reason for this is not
hard to find. Visitors to the Fair thus far
have been largely people who live in Chi
cago and the neighboring towns. The
railroads have made n<> inducements in the
war of material reductions in fares until
within the past week, and people in mod
erate circumstances living at some distance
from Chicago have been unable to come.
1 am somewhat disappointed at the tard
iness of the railway companies in coming
to the rescue of the Fair. I use the word
"rescue" advisedly, for unless some plan
were devised whereby large crowds of peo
ple would be induced to come, the finan
cial failure of the Columbian Exposition
would be simply stupendous. The rail
road companies have all made provision
for an extensive traffic this season, and
have expended enormous sums in increas
ing their carrying capacities. To recoup
themselves they must induce people to
travel, and there is but one thing that will
do that, namely—cheap tares. Several
eastern roads have announced, however,
that fares will be reduced before the end
of the present month, and that the ball
will be set rolling at the rate of one fare
for the round trip. After that the del
The most striking feature of the Fair
that I have noticed'on my present visit is
the illumination of the buildings that sur
round the Grand Court. It was my good
fortune to be at the grounds during the
pyrotechnic displav in honor of the Prin
cess Eulalia. 'While the fireworks were
nothing extraordinary, the picture present
ed to my view as I stood at the foot of the
Grand Court, looking Westward, was like
a scene from fairyland. Thousands upon
thousands of mellow lights bordered the
enormous structures on either side and
covered the dome of the Administration
building, while the gondolas glided silent
ly about in the Grand Basin to the music
of the playing fountains and the big brass
bands. I doubt if a more beautiful sight
could be conceived than the Grand Court
on illumination night.
I shall not endeavor to describe the Fair
in this article. I am sure everyone will
come who can, and a day of seeing is
worth a thousand pages of description.
Hut it might not be out of place to offer a
few suggestions to those who have not al
ready visited Chicago.
Don't bring a trunk, if yon can possibly
get along without it- Put what baggage
you need in a grip sack and carry it in
your hand. Then you will know where it
Give a wide berth to smooth-tongued
strangers who offer assistance or advice.
If you want information seek it from a po
liceman or at the hotel office.
Don't be surprised if you have to put up
with inconveniences and annoyances both
withcut and within the Fair grounds.
With the enormous crowds that will vi.-it
Chicago this season it will be simply im
possible to steer clear of unpleasant exper
iences. Remember the sign in the concert
hall way out West, "Don't shoot the or
ganist; he is doing the best he can "
A word as to the restaurauts within the
grounds. Much complaint has been made
and justly, against the extortionate prices
charged lor meals at these places. When
a man of ordinary means picks iyi the bill
of fare and reads, "Consomme, (0 cents,"
he is likely to percipitately flee before in
vestigating what the solids cost. How
ever there are places where substantial
luncheons can bo had inside the Fair at ,
reasonable prices, and without any desire
to advertise any of these, let me mention
those located at convenient intervals <
along the outer aisles in the Liberal Arts
building where sandwiches, pie, dough
nuts, coffee, etc., are served at ten cents
for each article.
To such as can make it convenient to
come to the Fair this month let me say
that you could not choose a more favorable
time. The weather is fine, the city is not
crowded, hotel accommodations are reas
onable, and the Fair itself is "a joy for
ever. . .
There are three illuminations each week,
namely, every Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday evenings. On the alternate
nights you can, if you choose, visit the
theatres, all of which offer special attrac
Altogether, I do not know of so inviting
a town as Chicago. The inhabitants hold
out their hands in welcome, and they ma}'
make you hold up your hands when you
get here. Still, come to the Fair.
A <;KBAT deal of sympathy is expressed
for JaoobJKromer.tbe young man of Scott
datc, who was arrested and charged with
burglary and murder along with Kyan,
Spaythe and Wyckoff,but whose innocence
is now fully established by Spaythe's con
fession. It is not at all likely that Kromer
could have been convicted even if tfpaytlie
bad not confessed, as it would have been
proven by numerous witnesses that he was
at home on the night the murder was com
mitted. It will be a lesson, however, that
wo hope the young man will profit by and
that is, not to cultivate the acquaintance
of strangers of wayward habits. A man is
generally judged by the company he keeps,
and the truth of this is proven in this in
stance, where an innocent man was arrest
ed charged with the highest crime known
to our courts on account of being acquaint
ed and associating with the real culprits
previous to its occurrence. As it is we
are glad of Kromer's acquittal and hope
that he and his estimable young wife may
live a life free from like occurrences in the
uture.—Kittanuing I'resn.
Flick Flickerings.
David Campbell, of I'enn twp., was the
guest of Robert Jack Saturday of last
Ed Westerman spent last Saturday with
Albert Hay, the prominent merchant of
Clinton twp.
David Lefeyer is able to be around
The creamery or milk house of George
Grieshober broke down on last Thursday
night and destroyed considerable milk and
S. C. TrimUle reports having corn three
feet tall. That is bard to beat in this
county at this season of the year.
Jas. Anderßoilhas been away two weeks
in West Deer twp., Allegheny Co., build
ing a butcher shop for It. H. Donaldson.
Johnston Burns and wife were the guests
of Robert Anderson on last Sunday.
Robert Jack, of Clinton twp., was tho
guest of John Hurton on last Sunday.
Our merchant J. W. Gillespie has a pub
lic sale on Saturday tho Ist of July.
Martin Monks purchased a thorough
bred Alderny cow a lew days ago.
Last Sunday was children's day at tho
M. E. Church of this place.
Wm. Sefton, Sr., boasts of having sold
the biggest calf of its age that has been
sold in this vacinity. It weighed 170
pounds and was only three weeks old.
Mrs Elizabeth Allison and her daughter
in-law, of Aspinwall, were the guests of
Mrs. Hen. Burton on Wednesday of lant
Wm. Trimble, of Allegheny City, spent
a few days at his fathers place last week.
How not to grant pensions is the chief
study of the heads of the pension bu
| r,! ""
I TUB Tension smashers are cackling loud
and long over the discovery of two "fraud
I ulent" pensions, one drawing sl2, and the
other $4, per month.
The Wyckoff Trial.
On Thursday of last week the sensation
al features of the day before, when Spay
the made his confession were surpassed by
the confessions of both Khine and Spaythe.
Both prisoners went on the stand and made
fall confessions, and Rhine's story was as
follows: .
"I am 20 years old; my home is in Og
densbnrg, >'. Y., and I've known Wyckoff
a 7 ear - , ,
Wyckoff, who had been a harmless look
ing object of shamed despair, braced up
when Khine began. and his manifest anger
and resentiment seemed to inspire him
with a notion that life was worth living for
the sake of heartily hating the witness, if
for nothing else. Rhine exchanged a look
or two with the malevolent looking doctor
and continued:
"When I met Wyckoff at Mike Frey 8
saloon in Pittsburg he proposed that wo rob
the bank at Leechourg, and asked me to
come np and look the place over. Gallagh
er was at the conference. We planned to
'hold np' Hill and make him open the safe
at the muzzle of our revolvers. Wyckofl
said to us: 'Put your gun to his head and
he'll fall into your arms.' After the poker
game at Wyckoff" s he and I walked up the
street and split the money we'd won from
the barber, Kerr. Wyckoff met us in
burp on the morning of February 21. The
night of the job, when we started for the
bank, Wyckoff particularly asked us if we
were all armed. Sullivan was too drunk
to do anything on such a job and we left
him at Wyckoff 8 house."
After detailing their movements until
the alarm was raised at the bank, Rhine
went on: "Before I started I heard the
shooting and saw Shaffer fall against the
constable, Coller. I can't swear positively
as to who shot Shaffer, but it was not
Spaythe nor myself. What shooting was
done on our side was done by Gallagher.
I jumped into a hallway, raced to the
street and got a clean start on the road.
I ran about ten miles down a towpath and
up along a railroad. Yes, this is my hat;
the one I wore. I threw the revolver away
while traversing the towpath."
Spaythe's evidence was about the same
as the day before.
WyckofTs father, an aged physician of
Buffalo, N. Y., testified to the educating
his son for a physician, and his wife testi
fied to their marriage at Meadville, and to
his being at home the evening of the burg
lary and murder.
Some other witnesses were examined
and the defense closed; after which Spay
the was sentenced for seven years on his
conviction for second degree murder; and
Khine for three years for burglary, which
with his other sentence make* fifteen years
for him.
Friday the case was argued and at 0
o'clock the jury returned.
During the day Wyckofl sent for on© of
the reporters in town and made a confes
sion as follows:
"I am a dipsomaniac. Calm yourself my
dear: I want to tell this man my story.
They never would get it out of me in court,
but the world shall know it through the
Times. 1 bad been drink.ng heavily, and
had lost much money at cards. This thing
came into my mind, and what Spaythe
told on the stand about the plans to exe
cute it was true, except that Spaythe is
the man who killed Shaffer. lie has boast
ed of this in jail to me. He said after he
jumped over the fence he rested the revol
ver on top of a board, took deliberate aim,
and fired. Shaffer dropped and he ran.
His own words are: "I brought the ——
down and they don't know who did
Sullivan and O'Keefe, who was called
Gallagher, stayed at my house after the
murder, and without the knowledge of my
wife, for if she Had suspected what was go
ing on she would have saved me from this
disgrace, for she is as good a woman as
man was ever blessed with."
lie also told of a plot to escape.
The jury was out for sixteen hours and
came in with a second degree verdict.
On Monday, Judge Kay burn sentenced
Wyckofl to twelve years in the penitenti
ary on his conviction for murder and
burglary and four years in the workhouse
for keeping a gambling house.
When Wyckofl was brought in for sen
tence, C. A. Sullivan, Esq., formerly of
Butler. made an eloquent plea for mercy
and when Judge Kaybuu asked I)r Wyck
off what he had to say why sentence should
not be imposed on him, and he said:
I have nothing to say, I only want to
say that Spaythe and Khine did not toll
the truth. lam not guilty of perjury and
1 would.have taken the stand a:id denied
half of what they said only my attorneys
told mo that I would be looked upon as a
Judge Kayburn said:
Your counsel, Mr. Sullivan, has made a
most eloquent appeal for inercy, and your
wife asks it too. It mast not be forgotten
that mercy is one oftho attributes of jus
aico. Yon lived in Leechburg and plotted
aglliutkt JfIUU
you entered led to the death of William
Shaffer. Your wife pleads for mercy, but
Shaffer's widow and her three fatherless
children plead for justice.
An Important Law.
The following is a synopsis of the recent
act of the Legislature that is exciting so
much interest among our citizens at pres
It is entitled, "An act to provide for the
selection of a site and the erection of a
State institution for the feeble minded, to
be called the Western Pennsylvania Insti
tution for the Feeble Minded, and making
an appropriation therefore."
Ist. The Governor shall appoint five
commissioners to select a site. This he
has done.
2d. This site is to be a tract of land con
taining not less than 000 nor moro than
1000 acres, so located as to be accessible by
railroad facilities to the counties of West
ern Pennsylvania.
3d. The site selected shall be good
arable land, well adapted to the preserva
tion of the health and the occupation and
maintenance of the inmates,with adequate
supply of good water and natural facilities
for drainage from the buildings, etc.
4th. The plan of said buildings shall be
prepared by said Commissioners and ap
proved by the State Board of Public Char
sth. 'lho total cost of said buildings and
grounds shall not exceed the sum ol $500,-
000, $250,000 of which is specifically ap
propriated for the purchase of the land and
the erection of buildiugs, to bo paid by
the Commissioners from the State treas
ury, etc.
Oth. The buildings shall be in two
groups, one for the educational and one for
the asylum department, with school
houses, a gymnasium, drill ball, work
shops and hospital—these buildings to be
on a scale to accommodate not less than
800 inmates or patients, and to be erected
within three years lroin the passage of the
act. (Approved June 3, 1803.
7th. There shall be received into the in
stitution feeble minded children under the
age of 20 years. But adults who may be
determined as feeble minded may be ad
mitted under certain conditions.
Skillful physicians, matrons, teachers,
assistants and attendants are to be appoint
ed. County Commissioners and overseers
of the poor have certain duties to perform
when applications for admissions are made
to them.
The law is a very extensive and impor
tant one. And now the interesting ques
tion is, can wo i-ocuro the location of that
institution in this countyt It is worthy of
our best efforts to try. No liner locations
can he found than on the high
grounds surrounding Butler. The com
mittee appointed by our citizens will make
known these locations to the Commission
ers when they visit this place, which may
be any day after the 15th of July.
Kairview Items.
John Stoten's son, who was so seriously
burned last Decoration Day and who suf
fered so intensely, is dead, and was buried
last Friday.
Melle Fitzgerald came homo last Wed
nesday evening, looking well. He has a
vacation of two weeks which he intends
spending with his people here.
Mary Maxwell who follows teaching
school came homo from Mansfield where
she has been engaged in her professional
John B. Maize our famous veterinarian
has made quite an improvement on his
property. DKNT.
tA Veteran
Mr. J«w|ih llrm
nirrirk, G2U K. 140 th
»t., N. Y.Clty, In 1862,
at the battle of Fair
Oaks, was stricken with
Trphvid Ff*rr, an<f
after a long struggl'-' In
hospitals, was discharg
ed us Incdrahlo with
loiiaumpiiou. Ileitis
Jo.. Hemm.rlch. lately takeu Hood's Bar
saparllla. Is In good health, and cordially rec
ount end* IIOOR'N MA KM AHAIt I 1.1. %
as a general blood purifier anil tunic rnrdi.
especially to his comrades In the Ci. A. It.
IHOOD'B PILLB I' iiii't until*, ami ire l» r
feci tn ccuiwtiUvu, wu«vrUvu aud appearance.
For the Hospital.
The committees appointed by the Improve-
Jment Association, Citizens Committee and
Ladies' Aid Society, met in Duffy's llal'
last Monday for th» purpose of considering
what steps are necessary to secure the
location of the Hospital for the Feeble
Minded children of Western Pennsylvania,
and for which the State has appropiated
half a million dollars, in or near Butler.
Col. Sullivan presided, and A. E. Reiber
and Frank Kohltr were secretaries. Re
marks were mad« by Col. Sallivau, J. H.
Negley, Pref. Mackey. L McQuistion aad
Mr. Brandon itoved that three commit
tees be appointed, one to secure a site or
location for the institution, a reception
committee and a finance committee to be
composed of three persons on each. The
chairman of each committee and the
officers of the joint committee to compose
the executive board of managers. This
motion was put and carried.
On motion of Mr. Mcyuistion, Theo.
Vogeley, A. E. Reiber and Geo. Stamm
%vere nominated with power to obtain
drafts and secure sites or locations with a
body of no less than 500 acres of land. On
motion of Mr. Brandon. Messrs. Sullivan,
McQuistion and Negley were nominated
and elected to bo the reception committee.
On motion of John H. Negley, Messrs.
Purvis, Brandon and Mechling were ap
pointed on the finance committee. Mrs.
T. C. Campbell and Mrs. Templeton, who
were appointed on a committee of the
Butler Children's Aid Society to confer
with a similar committee appointed by the
Children's Aid Society of Pittsburg re
ported that the ladies of the Pittsburg -so
ciety were favorable to locating the hos
pital or school in Butler and would be glad
to co-operate with the people of Bntler.
On motion of Mr. Brandon the secreta
ries were instructed to correspond with
other similar institutions to find out the
natural advantages of such an institution
in order that we mry act intelligently upon
the matter and procure the necessary fac
ilities for such an institution. Also that
two ladies be appointed to draft a suitable
memorial to the State Aid Society set
ting forth the claims and advantages of
Butler for such an institution. Mrs.
Joseph Purvis, president, appointed Mrs.
T. C. Campbell and Mrs. Templeton to
constitute this committee.
On motion of Joseph L. Purvis the ex
penses of obtaining the drafts of the land
and proper locations to be borne by the
organation and not the Aid Society.
Mrs. Campbell suggested that there
should be a treasurer appointed. On
motion of Col. Mechling, Wm. Campbell,
Jr., was app linted treasurer. On motiou
of Mr. the meeting adjourned
to meet at the call of the chairman.
Petersville Items.
The entertainment held in Nicklas Hall
Tuesday evening for the benefit of the
Petersville school was a success—net ben
efit S4O.
The festival held at the M. E. Church
on Wednesday and Thursday evenings was
no! so liberally patronized as it would have
be- n if the weather would have been
Mrs. Elsie Fry is somewhat better at
this writing. UNDERWRITER.
COUNTERFEITERS are reaping quite a har
vest in the manufacture of the World'e
Fair souvenir half dollars. They are made
of coin silver, but as they contain only
thirty cents worth of silver at the present
price of that metal and their market value
is one dollar, the profit cf the coin maker
is no small one.
WrMER—At his home in Butler, June 27,
1803, Rev. W. F. Wimer. Mr. Wimer
was sick for some weeks. He was bur
ied in Armstrong county.
NIGGLE—At the home of her son John
Niggle in Butler, June 25, 1893, Mrs. J.
Niggle, one of our old residents.
CROUP— In Allegheny, Juno 21, 1893,
Mr 3. Sarah Croup, widow of Jacob
S!Mu,<S£L Wder J
A cream of tartar baking powder. High
est of all in leavening strength.— Latest
United States Government Food lteport.
Royal Baking Powder Co.,
106 Wall St.. N. Y.
Summer Underwear, *
Summer Clothing,
Straw Hats,
The Racket Store,
120 South Main Street, Butler, Pa.
.And everything in
hor.se and bnggy lur
nisliing go ods—H ar -
ness, (Jollnrs, AV"liip«,
Dusters, Saddles, etc.
trunks and va
Repairing done on
short notice.
The largest assort
ment of 5- TV Xlor.se
blankets in town will
bo found at Kemper's.
As this is
A. " White" Season
We have made special preparations for
this nummer trade. This week's invoice is
300 HATS,
500 Yd's of Ribbon.
Tips, Plumes and Aigretts.
Our stock of trimmed hats is most com
Children's Hats a Specialty.
M. F. & M. MARKS.
113 to 117 South Main Street.
Financial Statement of School
District of Butler Borough,
for Year Ending June
sth, 1893,
OF 1889.
To Bal., as shown by last Audit $ 940 50
By Amt. paid Treasurer 500 00
Commission, 5 per cent 26 30
$520 30
Bal. due Treasurer 414 20
To Bal., as shown by last Audit. $ 1331 SO
By Amt, paid Treasurer $ 400 00
Commission 5 per cent 21 00
Bal. due Treasurer 910 80
To Bal., as shown by last Audit.. 4114 99
By Amt. paid Treasurer $2500 00
Commission 5 per cent 131 57
Exonerations 451 58
Penalty 5 per cent 22 58
3105 73
Bal. due Treasurer 1009 26
CATE OF 1892.
To Amt. of Borough Duplicate...s249B7 64
Township Duplicate 561 16
25548 80
By Amt. paid Treas $ 13664 36
Rebate 5 per cent 733 85
Commission 2 per cent 278 86
14677 07
By Amt. paid Treas $ 3439 71
Commission, 5 per eent 181 04
3620 75
18297 82
Bal. of Duplicate. $ 7250 98
5 per cent added 362 54
Bal. due January Ist, 1893 7613 52
By Amt paid jTreas 600 00
Commission 5 per cent 31 50
631 50
Total balance due District on
Duplicate 1892 $ 6952 02
To Amt. received from Co]lectorss2llo4 07
State appropriation 7196 76
High School fund 10 00
Sale of brick 5 00
28315 83
By Bal. due Treas., as shown by
last Audit $ 5045 72
Teacher's Salaries 16229 25
Janitor's " 1091 84
Incidentals 446 21
Fuel 1121 10
Interest on debt 454 11
Secretary's Salary 160 00
Rent - 50 00
Water 27 00
Furnitu.e 274 31
Building 1566 13
Supplies 882 85
Repairs 3672 40
Coupons} 1288 00
Treasurer's Commission 40 3 86
32712 78
Balance due Treasurer 4396 95
Due from R. C. McAboy,Collector
of Duplicate of 1889 $ 414 20
Due from It. C. McAboy.Collector
of Duplicate of 1890 910 80
Due from Samuel Walker, Collec
tor of Duplicate 1891 1009 26
Due from Samuel Walker, Collec
torjof Duplicate of 1892 6982 02
Total 9316 28
Amount due Treasure $4396 95
Outstanding order 7 26
Outstanding bills 125 00
Bonded indebtedness 33100 00
Total $37,629 21
We the undersigned Auditors, certify the
foregoing to be a true and correct statement
of the receipts and expenditurer of the School
District of the Borougli of Butler for the year
ending June sth, 1893.
H. E. COULTER, \ Auditors.
Finpnci&l Statement of Winfield
School District.
Whole number of schools 5
Number of teachers employed 5
Number of pupils enrolled in all
schools 206
Average daily attendance 155
Amount of t'ix levied for school^
purposes $ 743 57
Balance on hand from last year...s 133 52
State appropriation 1261 08
From Col. including taxes of alt
kinds 743 57
From CountyJTreas.unseat ;d lauds 27 02
From dog tax 75 50
From all other sources 8 89
2249 58
Unseated lands $ 20 50
Teachers Institute 50 00
For .eachers wages 1400 00
For fuel and contingencies 78 05
Repairs 520 00
insurance 11 10
School Journal .. 7 00
Fees of Collector S3O 81, Treas.
$54 99 85 80
Stationary and postage $ 25 00
A uditors fees 6 00
Making out Duplicate 2 00
For school desk and stoves, etc... 157 25
From Rebate 24 60
Total amount paid out 2387 30
Amount due Treas 137 72
I.EWIK WEIDIIOS, f Auditors.
The above has been duly audited by the
Auditors of this district and certified to he
A. Kit A USE,
I have a Heave Cure that will cure any
case of heaves in horses in forty days, if
used according to directions, and if it (loos
not do what I claim for it, I will refund
the amount paid and no charges will bo
made for the treatment. The following
testimonials are the strongest proof of the
medicines power to ctire:
Butler, Pa., 1893.
On the 2nd day of April, 180?, coiul
menced to use your new euro for one o,
my horses that had tho heaves very bad
and continued to use the medicine for
about forty days and tho horse did not
show any signs of a return of them. It is
now about a vear since I quit givin tho
medicino and the horse has never sowed
any signs of heaves, and I feel stisfied
that he is properly cured.
Butler, Pa., April 3, 1893.
I have used your Heave Cure and found
it will do the work if used according to di
rections. Yours truly,
Rough and Worked Lumber
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings,
Shingles and Lath
Always In Stock.
OfHce opposite P. <t W. Depot,
—Job work of all kind done at the
Auditors' Report of Middlesex
R. Trimble and John Hayi in account
with Middlesex twp., as Overseers of the
Poor for the year 1892
By balance from last year $ 91 34
Amount of Duplicate 462 28
$553 62
JM. Greer, Attorney $ 500
T R McMillian 10 00
R Porter 45 00
Mrs Beery 40 00
T R McMillian 15 00
Wm Stepp, plank 25 00
J Hickev, boarding 25 00
Shoes, Eva Wareham 1 40
W J Porter S3 00
Dr Boley, for services 6 00
E O Thompson, Collector 15 89
Rebate to tax payers 13 96
Exonerations 3 26
P C Snider 28 00
J Hickey 17 00
W J Gillespie, merchandise 3 86
Oliver Purvis, plank 3 50
Marks Bros, merchandise 19 94
W C McCandless, Med Services 15 00
James Croft, plank 30 00
Mrs Beery 38 00
Auditors Fees 4 00
Geo Cooper, for house 1 00
T R McMillian issuing warrants
of relief 1 00
R Trimble,services and board 65 00
Sarah Cooper 3 68
By balance 85.13
S A Leslie in account with Middlesex twp
as Treasurer of School funds for the year
ending June 1, iBS 3.
To amount brought 1892 $ 93 94
Amonnt ree'd from Collector... 2500 71
State appropriation 1181 61
Rec'd from W B Thompson on
lease of school property.. 400 00
Gain on delinquent tax 2 55
$4,178 81
Henry Totter .$ 35 00
" " 35 00
" 105 00
" 78 75
C W Hervey 35 00
" 70 00
D M Bnlfoid 35 00
Wilda Leslie 7<) 00
J P Whiteside 35 00
" 35 00
•' 183 75
K C Montgomery 253 75
Maggie Montgomery 253 75
Interest to Mrs Aber 32 00
Interest to Eya Paterson 32 00
W K Jack, note with interest... 1040 00
W K Jack, note with interest... 620 00
Abm Monks, note with interest 22 50
Thomas Chantler. interest 7 50
Thomas Chantler moving coal
house 2 00
W J Marks.lumber,building coalj
honse 14 30
John Fulton, coal and hauling... 65 14
Mrs. Bell Hickey 6 00
F L Donaldson 22 00
R A Marks, arching chimneys..., 9 50
R A Marks, bill of J Flick 4 00
J L Burton, coal 45 00
J L Burton 6 00
II M Park, cleaning house 3 00
R A Marks, cleaning house 3 00
W J Whiteside, cleaning house... 3 00
Glade Mills Insurance Co 47 25
J Ferguson, cleaning house sun
dries 5 70
Sheldon & Co,for Mental Arithme
tics 2 45
Mrs Angaline Mower, water tax... 2 00
Mr Wm Park, '• " ... 200
Mrs Duncan " "... 2 00
John Harbison " " ... 200
Joseph Mangel " " ... 200
Wm Logan " " ... 200
W R Thompson " " ... 200
W J Marks Bros, sundries 13 40
R A Marks, Sec 25 00
S A Letlie, cleaning house 3 00
II M Park, coal 1 20
Auditors' Fees 6 00
George Cooper, for house 1 00
S B Harbison, merchandise 7 90
S A Leslie, percent 76 89
$3,846 98
By balance 331 83
4,178, 81
John Stiner in account with Middlesex
twp., as for Supervisor for the year 1892.
To amount of Duplicate $ 722 82
CR. *
By work, done, $ 647 29
By percent 41 31
$722 32
Henry Lefever, Supervisor, 1892.
To amount of Duplicate $ 766 17
By work $ 717 15
Percentage •. 43 02
Repairs and spikes 5 00
Cash 1 00
$766 17
S A Leslie in account with Middlesex twp,
as Treasurer of Dog Tax for the year ending
Juue 1, 1893.
The amount from '92 $ 30 44
Cash from Collector 108 97
$139 41
By Wm Brown $ 36 50
By Ed Denny 11 50
By II Parks 33 09
By J Reiber SO 00
By R Cooper 11 50
By W R Thompson 6 50
By Treasurers percent $2 63
sl3l 63
By balance 7 78
$139 41
W. R.THOMPSON, J- Auditors.
Report of the School Directors
of Clinton twp , for the Year
Ending June sth,
School tax $ 890 00
Building " 890 00
Poll " 243 00
Dog " 87 00
s2llO 00
Exon 40 54
Amount received by Collector... $2069 46
Col. percent 103 48
Amount of tax received by Treas. $1965 98
State Appropriation 1050 32
Sale of Building 35 25
Amount received from W. Deer
twp 10 10
Whole amount received by Treas $3061 65
Ttoal expense 2914 36
Balance on hand 147 30
Teacher wages $ 1,498 00
New building 900 00
Debt and interest 77 69
Physiologies,s3l.oo, State Maps
$45.00 76 00
Ditching No 4 school lot 48 25
Fuel and contingencies 125 00
Repairing and furnishing 96 27
Damage to sheep 16 00
Treas. |iercentage 67 14
Salary of Secretary 20 00
$2,914 35
11. H. HALSTEAD, President.
T. A HAY, Secretary.
Mutual Fire insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main & Cunningham Sts.
Airrwl Wick, Henderson Oliver,
l)r. W. 1 rvln. .lames Stephenson,
W. \\. lilackinore, IN. WelUef,
F. Bow man. 'U. T. Norrls.
(}eo. Ketterer. H'lias. Itebhun,
John (irohman, 'John Koenlng.
Administrator* anil Executors of estates
can secure their receipt books at the CITI
ZEN office.
Notice in Divorce.
Arthur Doumont , In the Court of common
vs v Pleas of Butler Co., Pa
Atvina Doumont. 'A. I). No. ca Dec. T, 18»2,
) a 13. p. 151.
To Alvlna Doumont:
Two Subpoenas In the above case having
been returned >. E. 1., you the said Alvlna
Doumont above detendent are hereby required
to appear In said Court of Common Pleas .to be
held at Butler. Pa., on Monday the 4th day of
September. 18S3. being the first day of no it
term of said Court to answer the above com
plaint and show cause If any you have why a
divorce should not be granted the said Arthur
Executor's Notice.
Letters testamentary having been grant
ed to the undersigned" on the estate of
Christopher Riler, dee'd., late of Oakland
twp., Butler county. Pa.,all persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate will
E lease make immediate payment, and any
aving claims against the same will pre
sent them dnly authenticated for settle
ment to
G. W. Fleeger, Greece City, Pa.
Executors' Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
Henry Wolford, dee'd, late ot Slippery
rock twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been
granted to the undesigned, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said es
tate will please make immediate payment,
and any having claims against the same
will present them duly authenticated for
settlement to
J. X. iloore, Of Henry Wolford, dee'd,
Att'y. Slipperyrock P. 0.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of Administration having been
granted to the undersigned on the estate
of Nannie C Wick, dec d., late of the bor
ough of Butler, Butler Co., Penn'a.,all per
sons knowing themselves indebted to said
estate are requested to make immediate
payment, and any having claims against
same will present them duly authenticated
for settlement to.
A. M. CoESKLirs, Butler, Pa.
Planing Mill
Lumber Yard
Rough and Planed Lumber
Butler, Pa
punt DRUGS N mi
j PRICES is the motto at our
X store.
If you are sick and need mpHicin
you want tho BEST. Th I yOUtm
always depend upon getting Hum as,
as we use nothing but strictly Pure
Drugs in our Prescription Depart
ment. You can get the best of every
thing in the drug line from us.
Our store is also headquarters for
Kalsomine, Alabastine k
Get our prices before you buy
Paints, and see what we have to
offer. We can save you dollars on
your paint bill.
Main St., next to Hotel Lowry
B. <V B.
Note These:
If interested in any of them, write us
for samples and see if you don't
Save money
on every yard you send us an order
for. 160 pieces all-wool
Diagonal Cheviot Serges,
36 inches wide, in complete range of
the season's best colors,
35 Cents.
You'll find the universal price on this
fabric is 50 cents, and you jußt save
the difference.
200 pieces assorted
American Wool Suitings,
Imported Bedford Cords, Taffeta
Beige Bourette Stripes,
36 and 38 inches wide—some of them
all-wool—some three-fourths wool.
25 Cents,
every yard worth 40c, some 50c. this
sale, price 25c.
100 pieces
Finest French Salines,
best of the season's styles and print
ings—light and dark colorings,
25 Cents,
regular price all season in this and
other stores has been 35cts.
100 pieces extra fine
American Salines,
25c quality at
15 Cents.
for traveling and street dresses. 52
in 4 shades of gray only,
75 Cents,
that aro $1.25 qualities us usually
bought and sold.
44 inch
in all staple colors,
50 Cents.
That is remarkable quality and value
for 50 cents.
Better see about these. They're
worth looking after.
&c Buhl,
115 to 121 Federal Street,
Hotels and Depots,
W. S. Gregg is now running a line
of carriages between the hotels and
depots of the town.
Charges reasonable. Telephone
No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel
Good Livery in Connection
office at No. «, s. Main street, over Prank *
Co's Drug Store. Butler. Pa,
IST K. Wayne pit., ofßce hours, 10 to 12 M. and
i to 3 P. M.
Physician and Surgeon.
*OO West Cunningham St.
Office and residence at Petrolla, Pa.
New Troutman Bn tiding, Butler. Pa.
E. N. I.EAKK, .M. D. J. K. MANN. M. D
Specialties: Specialties:
Gynaecology and Sur- Eye, Ear. Nose and
gery. Throat
Butler, Pa.
J. J. DONALDSON, Dentist.
Butler, Penn'a.
Artificial Teeth Inserted on the latest im
proved plan. Gold Filling a specl«!tv. office—
over Scnaul's Clothing Store.
la now located In new and elegant rooms ad
joining his ones. AU kinds of. clasp
e.ates and moderen gold work.
~ "DR. S. A.
Gold Pilling Painless Extraction ol Teeth
and Artificial Teeth without l'lates a specialty
Nitrous Oxide or Vitalized Air or Local
Anaesthetics used.
Office over Millers Grocery east of Lowry
Office closed Wednesdays aud Thursdays .
Attorney at Law, Office at No. IT, East Jeffer
son St.. Butler. Pa.
Attorney at Law and Real Estate Agent. Ot
lice rear of L. Z. Mitchell's office on north side
of Diamond. Butler, Pa.
Attomey-at-law. Office on second floor o
Anderson building, near Court House. Butler
Office on second Door of the Huselton dock.
Diamond. Butler, Pa.. Room No. 1.
Office at No. 104 West Diamond St.
Room P., Armory Building. Butler, Pa
Office in room 8., Armory Building, Butler
Attorney-at-Law—Office In Diamond Block
Butler, Pa.
Office—Between Poatofllce and Diamond, Bu
ler. Pa.
Office at No. 8. South Diamond, Butler, Pa.
Office second floor, Anderson Bl k. Main St.
near Court House. Butler, Pa.
Att'y at Law—Office.on South side of Diamond
Butler. Pa.
Funeral Directors and Embalmers,
Diamond Block, next door to
Post Office, Butler, Pa.,
prompt attention given
to orders, day or
Trotting Stallion.
Reoord 2 3<i ina race on a hall-mile track.
Sired by Mambrlno King, the greatest living
sire of demonstrated race horses, and the hand
somest horse in the world. Thirteen sons and
daughters of this great horse made records bet -
ter than 2.30 last season, including (he great
mare. Nightingale-2.10* made in the fourth
heat of a race. They are bread winners. They
are the handsomest class of horses on earth.
-Mohican K lug's dam was sired by a son ot
Itambletonian (10) railed Mohican, who was the
aire of five great race horses, showing that the
blood lines which go to make up Mohican
King's remarkable pvdlgree have and will train
on. trot on and win on. besides being famous
for their beauty and line finish.
1 started Mohcan King in five races last fall
getting a piece of the money every time, and
won the largest purse and best race he started
In. which certainly ought to be a credit to any
hors-for the nmt season. He is like his sire,
a beautiful dark chestnut, very handsome,
heevy boned, well muscled, and has grert lung
power. Ills colts are all stamped closely atter
himself, speedy and fine looking.
This horse will make the season of ISO 3 in
Butler. Pa. Terms. $25 to Insure. No account
ability for accidents. Will be found in the
Scott Barn, In the alley north of the Wick
House Livery Barn.
Will be found at the Pair Grounds, L. Dean,
SEE These Prices on EVERGREENS.
10.000 Norway Spruce, 4 to c Inches high, (20
10,000 Balsam Fir, 4 to s Inches high. $2.1. 100.00
Arbor Vita). s to ifi Inches high. is',. 10.003
Scotch Pine. 4to 8 Inches high. Mo. Over 20u
varieties. ",000,000 for sale.
DADCCT TPCFC ICO.OOO White Cottonwood,
rUnEiDI IftEiEiO.i to 12 Inch, s#o. 1110.000
Yellow Cottonwood, 11! to S4 inch. *luo. luo.ooo
sugar Maple. ito H Inch. $35. 1000.000 Elm. 4to
Inch. $75. We sold H. 000.000 In lmtt. We must
sell twice as many tills year. Our nursery Is
everstocked with all varieties and sizes of rrult
tond ornainantal trees, We must clear some of
ahem out. Bend for price lists.
Evergreen, Wis
(It so, this wiu.intereat you.)
a Month, provided you work with a Utile vigor
plnck and push, stock complete; steady work;
pay weekly. Klcgant outfit tree. Experience
unnecessary. Address at once.
Established 1872, Nurserymen. Rochester,N. Y