f m i j/JP .v.. ' /- y A- / r - '* f ... THE BUTLER CITIZEN. VOL. XXX. Special to the Trade. GRAND BARGAIN SALE.#- This sale is a grand clearance sale. I will soon start East and be fore going I wish to reduce my stock, so I have gone through all goods and have placed on sale a large lot of Men's, La dies', Boy's, Misses' and Children's Shoes and Oxfords to fit and suit all and at extremely low prices. Bargain seekers should not let this grand op portunity pass by a? these are greater bargains than ever before offered. Full stock of Gent's fine Russia Calf Shoes, lace or Bluchcr style, at $2.75 to $4.00. Full stock of La dies' Russia Calf Bluchers, emmon sense or piccadilly style, at $2.00 to $3.50, all styles and widths. Our stock of Ladies'and Misses' Oxfords is larger than ever before, prices 75c to $2.50. Men's Black Oxfords at SI.OO. Men's Tan Oxf'irds at $1.25. Men's Southern Tics at $1.50. Full >c~. of Men's Dongola and Wine Color Creole shoes at $1.50. Men's Fatent Leather Shoes at $3.50. Men's Patent Leather Pomps at $1.25. Our stock of Men's Fine Shoes is large and prices very low. M n's Calf Shoes $1.50, any style. Men's Kangaroo shoes $2.50; h.vi'l ->< vv-i Cord' vans $4. J±JSr> MANY OTHER BARGAINS. At all times a full stock of our own make box-toe boots and shoes. BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO ORDER. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE, Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. When in need of anything in my line give me a call. JOHN BICKfCL. 128 SOUTH MAIN STREET. BUTLER. PENN'A ARE ARE YOU "WW YOU ALIVE AWARE TO YOUR THAT SHREWD OWN INTEREST? ~?fBUYERS OF CLOTH DO YOU REFLECT "Vs&l&n, ' ING INSIST UPON HAV THAT YOU SHOULD ttt ING THE GARMENTS OF HAVE THE LATEST AND ft THE MANUFACTURER BEST THAT THE MAN- I WHERE STYLES AND MERIT UFACTURE PRODUCES? I ARE CLEARLY STAMPED? We do not force upon you the production of inferior makers which differ as "Skim Milk does from Cream." We handle the best at lowest possible prices. DOUTHETT & RA H AM, New Clothing House, Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts., Butler, Pa. This is a perfect picture of our new Furniture and Housefiirnishiiur Goods house. One of the largest and most complete stores of the kind in Western Pennsylvania. FURNITURE: We have all kinds, Parlor Suites, Bedroom 1 Suites, Hall Racks, Dish and Book Cases, Side Boards, Dining Tables, Chairs, Baby Buggies, Refrigerators, &c, &c. QUEENS WARE: j Decorated Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Plain 1 White Dinner Sets, Decorated and Plain ' White Toilet Sets from $4.50 to SIO.OO. \ Ask to see our Toilet Set at ss.oo,cheapest j and best in the world. Lamps, &c. HOUSEFURNISIIINU GOODS: ! Cook Stoves and Ranges, Tinware, Wood en Ware, ike. Don't fail to see our new range the "Perfect,"one of the best cook ( stoves and ranges on the market for tne money. Every stove warranted. Campbell & Tempieton, ■ LEWIS M. Kinrrxra, L£ Bouth Har'.xick, it. Y. ■ BOILS, CARBUNCLES" A \D S * TORTURING ECZEMA, m Completely Cured! || ■■DANA 8A?.- WAKILLA O » , 3 L Cent- —i « ... ar*-> v it, ar-d t», (idrdl S bottle completely < I ttKIl r» . S I S \our» rr«p*rtfu!ly. rn LKWIM M EDMUNDS. ■ 3 fcmih lUrtwirk, N. Y. mm The trulii c t t LI above it citified to hj ■ ii. K. ffOLBKOOK, P. M. ■ bvuili Hartwick, N. Y. =1 B Dana Sarsaparilla Co., Belfast, Main*. N| feed. For prices aod terms. Ad drees, J. W. MILLER, 131 Mtrccr St., Butler' Pa. SPRING STYLES RE A DY. -.A YOU WILL CERTAINLY HAVE A SUIT ADE TO ATTEND THE WORLD'S FAIR. YOU CAN AF FORD IT, WHEN YOU SEE THE SPLEN DID ASSORT ENT OF ATERIAL, AND THE MOD EKATE PRICE A'l YOU A SUIT THAT IS CORRECT TO THE LATEST DECKEL OF FASH ION. Aland's, Tailoring Establishment. C. & D. ALWAYS Take int'i consideration that. money saved in 11K iih money tamci. Tbe Mt. wu) to rav nionoy h ;o buy (rood ..i the ' priet; The only r>-uhmi thai our trade !h inerfuhiriir e-diHtitiitiv the fuel that we bundle onlj of <|tiality and hi-11 thrin at rcrv l<>\v prieen We hitve taken unu u>;l cire to proviite cv Tvihiu/ n* i.i llutH and Poruibhinfr (ioodw • ibi« and ur we hive eontrl <\ mnDy et-peeUlly (food triie!> i Jiotii I'neti W« cijfi fi yu if Colli'- to Uft. VVe eonfidi-iii!v that in j'. tii:<- to'heniri'lv(.- uii jiuii buaerH -hould innjiect «.iii gooii.4 Vi. it uh, COLBERT & DALE, 242 S Vi iin liuMcr, 'a, N OIT [<•!<;! YTT j Tl" WRI.Ii- W Apt 7 £T n ■ ■ f| I I it craplicr; 'ormcrly XX \J X ViJ ■ 1 in- In ,il tlio ' Wcrlz It aril in a n Art (!<>., will open a Stadia and Photo I'ar lors oppiiiiilo tlio IIot«;l I>nwry, Cor, Main and JcfferHon Bt*., liatlor, l'a Thin will Im the host li((!iti!(l and equipped Studio anil gallorlrn in tho thu county. The work will lie Htrietly lirnt clan and t;i 1 under new f'ormulm tiy the artint liiin i 11, who lian had ir> year practical experience in lartfo cltie* Portrait* in Oil, Crayon, Sepia, I'anttd, rnan y times aj> I pro ; V | pose to. The Fourth - j'> °' a farce, farce —not in Ifcfcoewv. its sentiment, un 'Vbk fourth 13 a derstand me not rxnoc, madam." a t a ]i. No one is more patriotic than I. l>Jt it has been turned into a day devoted to noise and turmoil and conrusion, which is wrong and we ought to discountenance, by good example, the present way of cele kin appetite exceeded IIIH desire for aympathy. When, after much bustle ami con fusion, they were all (with the excep tion of Mamie, who was hiding her mortification and drying her clothes), bundled into the wagons, with the prospect of a day outdoors and supper In the woods, over by the creek, where l'apa Frlsbie proposed to fli.li, there was another diversion. Clouds began to gather, and it was quite apparent that it was go ing to rain. It did rain, too, and tlyy all got pretty wet, * and by the time it . "y, II stopped raining, ~ir ' ' ami their clothes were dry, it was too jL*IBSHBPBu late to tliiri 1c of a ground hadn't iieen 'I lien Freddie and A CAI.r STKIKKH OTTT Willie sneaked out WIM.II to play in the mud with the results usual in a case of that kind, plus a spunking administered by their lon(f --sufferlng mother. Hut the pyrotechnics made the howl ing success of the day. If there was anything- l'apa Frlsbio prided himself on, it was ids ability to handle fire works. lie did very well at first, and the au dience on tlie veranda eaeored witli vigor his feats with a long Itortian can dle and a couple of rockets. Then he tackled a pin-wheel, a big fellow that seemed inclined to run things for itself; tur, before Mr. Frisbie gave it the word,and just as soon as he touched a match to it it kicked out behind, jumped around in the air and fell back Into the bijf bo* of fireworks. Hero wan a deiuoiiftlratlon! It ar. "tic's iiu awful miser. I never heard of him giving uuything away in his life." "Didn't he give his daughter away when she was married?" "His daughter eloped."—Hoston Globe. l.nrrjr'* l.aniant. "Wurral Wurra!" groaned Larry. ' Dad luck to the day I was bor-r-n! Here's thiiu bank* all l>ui.tin' up an' me not got a ciut in anuy wan av 'em." —•Chicago Tribune. Vturlliv «.r ftripirtl. I've rraoa»ll>l«'. "Yes, Mr. Robbins made a failure. IJo tried to do two things at once." "How's that?" "lie tried to love a woman and be married to her at the same time."— Brooklyn Life. Ho !!m. «%■> /V 4**%. & i —i'--II- ) —r ri — !W mil \ w Little Eddie Tooley, a messenger boy only twelve year» of age, delivers a Fourth of July oration.—Harper's liazar. (luod r»r l'olly. "My parrot is a patriotic bird," aaid Brekkus. "As to how?" asked Barlow. "On the Fourth of July she always says 'Polly wants a flrecraakur.' " It Mak«a > DlfTerenr«. "Bogga must have a poor memory. lie has been owing me five dollars for a year." "On the contrary, I think he has a good memory. I owe him five dollars, and he asks mo for it every time he sees ma." —Life. Hard to NIIIMII. Lady (in crinoline) Is this elevator safe? Elevator Hoy- l'retty safe, ma'am. It dropped down one day las' week, an' smashed tip a woman, but her hoop skirt was saved.- Good News. A If urmotilona Kffirl. Mrs. Withcrbv"—That chair you are sitting on is a genuine antique. Miss Elderby Then perhaps I had better not sit on it. Mrs. Wlthcrby Oh, don't get up. It is very becoming to you.—Vogue. Hlie Was Urged. Mrs. Cawker (severely)— Daughter, dlil you not accept a kiss from Mr. Dolluy last night? Miss Cawker (hesitatingly) Yes, mamma, but it was pressed upon me. —Truth. Aflsr the Hlio»«r. Marmadukc- May I go out to play now? Mamma—What, with those holes In your lxKits? Murniadukc —No, with tho bulldog next door.—WMO, MO 31. BjBERTTB^I P AT the: % World'S L~AII\, ||| /A 1 !f(t RAND old bell ,I' I ' f ty y thy earlier mis, ' j J 1 siou but to votoe « I on Sabbstk As an angel's'll tigers pressed thee. As an angel's wings caressed thee— Softly cliiming from the steeple: "Rest ye, rest ye, O my people!" In me'.!ifluotis tones and.tender with an under tone of warning- Changed thy tone, as all men know. On that morning long ago. When thy stern majestic ring B—<-!-■ defiance to the king. Iu tlie streets are gathered thousands waiting for the message grand- Shall declare tliem Independent, freemen In a freemen's land. That shall by a single motion Send deSance o'er the ocean. Signal ships are outward pointed, Signal ships that homeward run. Thai a prince by priest anointed la but man when all is done. Brave men bro;ithles.s stand below thee, pale ot cheek but stern of brow. Praying for the proclamation— moments aie as hours now. See! the hand uplifted wavers, F^lls—the bellman straining there, Sends the song In rhythmic quavers Out upou the danciug air "They hare signed it, O my people:" Cries the bell from out the steeple. "Independence' Independence! Liberty!" the people shout, Sending up so grand a chorus that they drowa the old bell out. But that old bell's proclamation Swiftly everywhere It ran And demanded of each nation , Equal rights for every man. How the spirit of Columbia into every heart has grown Best la told by yon White City—symbolizing all that's good. East and west are come together—there la neither pole nor rone. There Is neither slave nor monarch, but where late the willow stood Stands the wonder of the ages. Stroke the old bell's rusty side. Right has triumphed and before her cower tyranny and pride. CIIJIHI.ES ECUEXK BANKS. A FOCRTH OF JCI.Y TKAiiKDY. / "She not only spurns me love, but rides with me hated rival before me very eyes!'" "But I am revenged, ha, ha! I am revenged!"— Harper's Weekly. Two Kinds or Crackers. It is no great woadT lhat people, old and young, make mistakes whon th<> same word stands for so many dif ferent things. It was the Fourth of July. A little miss was told to take her afternoon nap, and then she should get tip and watch tho boys put off their tire crackers. Pretty soon a heavy thunder shower came on, and Aunt Mary went up to see If Miss llachel was frightened. Evidently she she called out at once: "Aunt Mary, I don't want to hear any more water-crackers."—ltabyland. A Natural Decrease. They had nine children, and the worst Went out to celebrate; And when they heard the cannon bunt They knew they had but eight —Judge "RAIMINU TIIK VERY OI.D HOV." V afw yr ~l_' ' *" _ —Life. Nhc lloiiglit Nome. "I suppose I shall have to buy some firecrackers for Freddy," said 'Mrs. Bloobumper, as she entered the fire works store. "Let me recommend our new noise less variety," replied tho clerk. "Just the thing for nervous parents to buy for their children."—Brooklyn Life. Duller Favorable Clreuiustancea. Mrs. llrotvn—That poor woman waa broken-hearted over the lossof her only son, who was blown up while firing off his cannon. She said shu hoped he was in Heaven. Mrs. Malaprop—l guess he is, uiy dear. He got a good start.—Judgw They Dl,l llotli. "Let's break the silence," suggested one patriotic boy to another on the morning of the glorious Fourth. "We can cracker, anyhow," replied the other.—Detroit Free I'ros*. ADNKNCK or MIND. ■feSSsv ]\\y . i-r They passed Just at the crossing's brink. Said she: "We must turn back. I think." She eyes the mud. He sees her shrink. Yet does not falter. But recollects with fatal tact That cloak u|*m his nrni—ln fact. Resolves to do the courtly act Of good Sir Walter. Why is It that she makes no sound. Staring aghast as on the ground lie ,a> • the . lonU with bow profound? li'-r utterance chokes her. Hhc stands a-, )x trifled, until, Ilt r voloc regained, In accents chill She gasps: "I'll thank you