BICKEL/S Grand Bargain Sale Still continues and will continue until we have sold out our stock of Sample Boots and Shoes and Oxfords. Bargain eeekeru should not miBB thin Grand Bargain Sale as we are offering greater bargains than ever before. Having received a large line of ladies fine shoes and oxfords, I am pre pared to show a better selection than ever before, and prices much lower . Ladies Fine Russia Bluchers at $2.00 to $4.00. «« «« «■ Oxfords at SI.OO to $2,25. « •« Chocolate Oxfords and Blacher Btyle at $2.25. •« Hand Turn Oxford and Southern ties at $2.50. Ladies fine DoDgola Shoes hand tarn) JN ALL ST yLES. >I «« " " " welt) Misses Fine Dongola Shoes at SI.OO to $2.50. '• School Shoes 75c to $1.25. " Tan or Red Shoes at SI.OO. «« « " Oxfords at 90c. CHILDREN'S SHOES AID OXFORDS ALL COLORS. Infant Shoes at 18c to 50c. We Stand for Quality. MEN'S FINE SHOES. Our Men's fine shoes are more varied in styles this year than ever be fore Full stock of men's fine Tan shoes in Lace or Blocher styles. ' Men's fine patent leather shoes in lace and congress, plain toe and tips. Men's fine Calf, Cordovan, Kangaroo and Porpoise shoes in all styles and at low prices. . . . Men's low cut shoes in Oxfords and Southern tieß in Tau color or of Calf and Kangaroo stock. Boys' Tan Bluchers at $1.50. Fine shoes, lace congress or button at $1.25 to $3 00 per pair. Our stock of men's and boys's working shoes is larger than ever betore. NOTE THE PRICES* Men's kip shoes 75c to $1.25. Men's grain shoes SI.OO and upwards. Men's grain box toe shoes at $1.50 and $2.00. Men's kip and calf box toe shoes $1.50 to $2,00. Men's fine calf dress boots at $2.00, fall stock of onr own make- Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done. COMPLETE STOCK Of LEATHER and FINDINGS. When in need of anything in mv line give me a call. JOHN BICKEL. 128 South Wain Street Butler, Pa. Spring and Summer Fot wear! You might just as well have the first selection from our new stock of shoes, slippers and Oxfords. Some of the new styles we are showing this season in fine goods are fetch ing. The large and well selected line of LADIE S SHOES AND OXFORDS are worthy'of special mention; however, we~will only state that you will be pleased with their style and fit, and we are selling the very prettiest styles at prices ranging from 75c to $2.25 J (Light colors will predominate in Children's Footwear this season. Call and see the pretty things we are showing in Tan and Chocolate Colored Oxfords and Blutchers. We have more and prettier styles for little ones to select from now than ever before. SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN. In regard to our new goods for gentlemen, we wish simply to state that we have exercised our usually care in their se lection. We have all the newest and latest styles in men's and boys' wear. We feel confident that we can suit you not only in the shoes but as to the price. ALTrtUFF, 141 S. Main St. N. B..—Just now our BARGAIN COUNTER is quite a feature. Almost all the goods on it arc marked at less than half price. «§ SPRING.® We are approaching the days of all the year, the days when the air is freighted with the perfumery of flowers, and everything is symbolic of Peace and Qood Will. In this respect these days re semble our shoes. Their Qood Will is shown by their willingness to stand by you, as long as you stand in them. Quality, not price is cheapness, and we believe our prices (quality considered to be the lowest in Batler. ROBINS BROS., 8. E. Corner of Diamond. • - _ Butler, Pa FRANK KEMPER, DEALERjUT BLANKETS, HARNESS, And everything in liorse and buggy fur nishing g o ods—H a. r - ness, Collars, "Whips. Dusters, Saddles, etc. -Also trunks and va lises. Repairing done on short notice. The largest assort ment of 5-A. Horse blankets in town will be found at Kemper's. EGGS FOR HATCHING. From Prize Winning Birds. Consisting of Black Mlnorcas. eggs f2 per 13; 8. C. Brown Leghorn, SI Der 13 ; B. P. ltocks, 8. 8. Hamburgs, 8. L. Wyaflflottes, eKKS fi per 13, <2.00 per 30 Good hatch,satlsfactlon Kturanteed Eggs de tvered to Butler free ol charge, stock tor Uie in season. Write for particulars. L C. Mar tin and W. J. Moser, Sonora. Butler county. Pa. EGGS FOR HATCHING. ft se Com I. White Leghorn hens from the yard or K'l. W. ltnvl«. score ua. Cockerel from Tfceo. .Scliflil, soi rt- V>. Mingle Corno Brown Leghorn hens. Eureka Strain, headed hy Cork erel trom Jas. sterllLgs htrun.l, score 95. Price $1.25 tor 13 egg*. H. A. KJSON. Saxonburg. Butler Co., ra I RECULATE THE STOMACH. LIVER AND BOWELS, j PURIFY THE QLOOU. \ A RELIABLE REMEDY FCR $ Riltun.n. ln.'arli.-. J pntlon, Dytpi'iidu, ( Itr t! • i ivvr frwablra, ♦ Bad Cump.cxltftt, I)/»fntcry. t OfTciulvc Itrratb, end all ulmirdi'M of the * £t» Liter ami liotrrU. t lUpans Tabult-s contain nothing iiijir: to * the most delicate constitution. riea*ruitto la!;'.. X safe, effectual. Chre immediate relief. Sold by druggists. A trial bottle rent by iaa!l I on receipt of 15 cento. Address THE RIPANB CHEMICAL CO. I 10 SPRUCE STREET, NEW YORK CITY. 1 Fighting Fowls. Such as J, and | Jap's, Irish Grays and Brown Reds that arc game and fighters. Bufl Leghorns that are fine as silk. Old pair cost $35 last summer in England. from all l.ind.s $3 per 13, $5 P cr 30. Address, for Price list, etc., J. L. BROWNLEE, Ralston, Pa. B Bogcs white lead KnO'tlQ ' would have no IJUgUO • tale it not afford makers a larger proSt than Strictly Pure White Lead. The wise man is never persuaded to buy paint that is said to be "just as good " or " better " than Strictly Pure White Lead The market is flooded with s~. -nous white leads. The following arr. y a, made by eminent chemists, of i?ro of these misleading brands show ;.he exact proportion of genuine white lead they contain: Misleading Brat.l " Standard Lead Co. Strictly Purs White Lead. St. Lcuis." Materials Proportions Analyzed by Barries 59.3fi per crnt. Begto Chaavtnet Oxide or Zinc JM.IS per cent. A Bro . White Lead 6.40 per cent St. Lonis. Less than 7 per cent, white lead. Misleading Brand ** Pacific Warranted Pure [A] White Lead." Materials Proportions Analyzed by Sulphate of lead 4.1H per ecnt. Ledoux .t Co., Oxlae <ft Zinc 45.04 per cent. New \ ork. Btrytes 50.68 per cent. No white lead in it. You can avoid bogus lead by pur chasing any of the following brands. They are manufactured by the " Old Dutch" process, and are the standards: "Armstrong & McKelvy" " Beymer-Bauman" " FahneLiock" " Davis-Chanibers" For aale by the most reliable dealers in paints everywhere. If you are goin? to paint, it will pay you <0 send to us Tor a book containing informa tion that may save you many a dollar; it will oaly cost you a postal card to do so. NATIONAL LEAD CO., 1 Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Branch, national Laad and Oil Co. of Pittsburgh, Pa. HUMPHREYS' This PRECIOUS OINTMENT is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION". It has been used 40 years and always afl« >rds relief and always gives satisfaction. Cures PII.FS or HEMORRHOIDS— ExternaI or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures Fistula in Ano; Worms of the Rectum. The relief is imme diate—the cure certain. WITCH HAZEL OIL Cures BLRNS, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. The relief is instant. Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Fis tulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is infallible. Cures INFLAMED or CAKF.D BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. Price, 50 Cents. Trial size, 2g Cents. &>>ld by Druggist*, or »ent po«t-paid on receipt of price. IfriPnCETS*, 11l A 1 ismniamst., SRW TORI. THE PILE OINTMENT llllf bbIBSBSM It Cares Colds, Conghs, Sort Throat, Cronp, 1nf1a .... Whooping Couch, Bronchitis and Asthma. A certain care for Consumption in first stages, aad a sore relief ia adranced stages. Ton will we the excellent effect after taking the first dose, ■old by dealers everywhere. Large bottles, (9 lasts and Every Month B many women suffer from Excessive or B | Scant Menstruation; they don't know I wno vo confide in to get proper advice. I Don't ionSde ia anybody but try Bradfieid's Femals Regulator, a Specific for PAINFUL, rROFUSE. I SCANTY, SUPPRESSED and iRREGULAR g MENSTRUATION. 4 Book to "WOMAN" mailed free. jt I BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., A!iant». Ga V t Sold by all l>r«ecl»t«. For Sale by J. C. Redick. KV H mwmm \ the « \r. v i:.(«aad h<j-lthv • T» — ; - , n.t.lfr.rW A!'. - Pa. • «' • ' Pi. Aafc jour :->rit. f \ DOCTORS LAKE fajg ■ PRn/ATK DISPENSARY. (L, jR Cor. Penn Ave. and Fourth St.. PITTSBURGH, PA. f "JayHpr A AH fonnsof Delicate and Com plicated Diseases requiring Cos 'HP KIDENTIAL and SCIENTIFIC Meil ication are Iwlwl at this Dte with a nuccc6s ,-arcly attained. Dr.S. Iv. I.akc Is? mcmljerot the Bovul College of Pliy iiciaiid and Surgeon.**, an<l Is the ol lest and most experienced SPECIALISE in thocity. Spei ial at tention rjiven to Nervous Debility from e v ce.-sivo si. ■ *al exertion, Indiscretion of youth, etc., caus ing physical ana mental decay,lack of energy, lespondency, etc.; also Cancers. Old Sores, Fits, Piles Klieuroatlsm, and all diseascsof the Skin, ! Lungs Urinary Organs,ttc. Consultation 'rro and strictly confidential. Office hours, (J to ' ..! ;toB r. M.; Sundays, 3to •» I'. M. only. ' ; at odico or address J>RS. I.AKE, COft. I..SN AVE. AND4TII»T..I'ITTSBL UUII.I'A. JOSSERS I ';iiE(UB GLYCERINE.! V> Hsinif for the face after r.huvinjj, B 4 . «»r chapj»: <l haniUmul face. Try It. H . C. A IROTTLK AT DKUGOLSLII B : :« ; .&SSE&33 saasll TUB LAKE ROUTB TO THE WORLD'S FAIR VIA PICTURESQUE MACKINAC. Avoid the heat and dust by traveling on the Floating Palaces of the Detroit <S Cleveland Steam Navigation Company. Two new steel passenger steamers have just been built for this Upper Lake route, costings3oo,ooo each, and aro guaranteed to be the grandest, largest, safest and fastest steamers on the Lakes; speed 20 milea per hour, running timo between Cleveland, Toledo and Chicago less than 60 hours. Four trips per week between Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Mackinac, Petos key and Chicago. Daily trips between Detroit and Cleveland; during July and August double daily service will be main tained. giving a daylight ride across Lake Erie. Daily service between Cleveland and I'ut-in-Bay. First-class stateroom accommodations and menu, and exceed ingly low Round Trip Rates. The pala tiiU equipment, the luxury of the appoint ments makes traveling on these steamen thoroughly enjoyable. Send for Illus trated pamphlet. Address A. A. Schantz, O. P. A., Detroit <fc Cleveland Steam Nav. Co., Detroit, Mich. Cures Itrlght's Disease, Dropsy. Oravel. Nerv ousness. Heart, Urinary of Liver Diseases. Known by a tired languid feeling; lnactlng of the kidneys weakens and poisons the blood, and unless cause is removed you cannot havo health. Cured me over live years ago of Brlght's Disease and Dropsy. - Mits. 1. L. Miixkk, Bethlehem, l'a. 1,000 other s'mllar testimonials. Try it Cure guaranteed. JWN'S KIPKKV ( I lIK HI., 720 Venango St . t !iil*dtl,.:i!i. Pn. Sold By All Reliable Drug I —Subscribe for the Citizen, the best Weekly Paper in the connty. THE CITIZEN The Way to Stop Strikes. Melville C. Landon (Eli, Perkins), after his tour of the world, recently gave a cam ming up of the industrial situation to a Pittsburg newspaper man as follows "Since I was in Pittsburg a year ago I have been around the world, and I find Americans twenty times as prosperous as anv people on earth. The poor are twenty times richer than in any part of the world. I found 1,200,000,000 people out of the 1.300,000,000 toiling for something to eat. If 200,000,000 Indians and 400,000,000 Chinamen can get three bushels of barley a year to keep them from starring they are satisfied." "Did you hear of any strikes in the Or ient!" "Strikes! I should say not. They are too poor and too busy earning money to strike. There isn't labor enough to be done in those countries. They are glad to do anything at any price." '•What makes the strikes here in Amer icaf '•Why, prosperity." "What is the remedy for these strikes' ' Why. stop the prosperity. Reduce wages." "How can that be done?" "Why, we Democrats can do it. We will lower the tariff and make our fellow > work for the same wages that they get on the other side, plus the freight It is this miserable McKinley bill that has made the high wages, and high wages make iutem porance, dissatisfaction and strikes. It is only an over-fed horse that kicks. So we Democrats will take off this miserable tar iff. We will have our potters make pot tery as cheap as they do in Japan and China; have our tailors sew as cheap as they do in Vienna; make our iron men work a- oheap as they do in Birmingham, and make our and gl :-- men work as cheap as they do in Wales and Belgium. The Republicans poured out $100,000,000 for pensions to the old soldiers. TIN ell stop those prosperous times; stop these Yankee manufactures; ship from Europe and bring the workiegman on his kness, where he won't be able to strike; where he won't have time to strike." "Then you think the McKinley bill has caused the trouble?" "Of course. It has given the manufac turers protection and they have divided with the men. The manufacturers get 50 per cent protection and pay their men 200 per cent more wages than anywhere on earth. So we Democrats will make the manufacturers poor, or make them stop their mill, and they will have to reduce wages. Reduced wages make idle mills, and that will stop strikes. Kill this miser able McKinley bill and two-thirds of our mills will stop. There will be three labor ers to a da) \s work. Do you think they will strike then? Xo. The half starved wretches will hover around the mills as they do in India, Austria and Germany and beg for work to keep them from starv ing. "In Japan a locomotive Engineer gets 50 cents a day. The same engineer gets $1.50 iu England, and from three to five here. Food in both places costs more tfcan it does hero. Do they strike. I should say not. Xo, we Democrats will kill the protective tariff. We'll make the workman as poor as they are in Europe and there won't be any strikes. The 118- Kmley bill makes too many factories — makes too much demand for labor." Lincoln's Religion. A newspaper dispute is now going on as to the religion of Abraham Lincoln. It seems to us that it makes very little differ ence what his religion was or whether he adhered to any particular creed or repudi ated them all. lie was one of God's chos en instruments for the righting of wrongs and for lifting mankind to higher and bet ter ideals. His life and work wero a re buke to those who fritter away their pow ers in denouncing their fellow men because they refuse to subscribe to this or that theological fad. Lincoln had no theology, but he had plenty of the very best sort of Christianity. USE DANA'S BARSAPARLILA, ITS "THE KINI) THAT CURES." "My heart within me is singing a tune, Its echo is ever, 'O June, sweet June!' The sun's in the valley, the bloom on brier! And 10, the dead leaves that the autumn had strewn a grave, give way to the blossom's desire. From the heart of the earth there is war bled a tune, Its cadence ever is, 'June, leafy June! Dead leaves shall crumble and vanish in fire; But the souls that with courage and grief commune Shall never in music or flame expire!' " —A hop vine makes as line a covering for a trellis over the back door or or the outbuilding as some of the plants that are used for that purpose, which are simply ornamental instead of useful, and there are many purposes to which good, bright hops can be put in the family economy. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. —A journey of 1,800 miles on snow shoes has been made by a Mr. C. U. Hamilton, an employee of the Yukon River Transpor tation and Trading Company. He was frozen in with a steamer of the company two weeks'journey above the mouth of the Yukon, and was sent to carry the news to his company at Seattle. He started on November 23 with three sleds, twentv-ono dogs and some Indian guides, and arrived at Chilkoot, 80 miles above Juneau, on March 20, after an 1 800 mile trip. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. Redick, druggist, Butlei. —There was never a more perfect exem plification of the saying "A prophet is not without honor save in his own country," than the w.iy in »t ieh the Spaniards re gard the achievement ot Columbus iu dis covering America. At the port of Palos, from which Columbus sailed, a sailor was a"ked if he did rot regard Columbus ss a bold navigator and daring adventurer. He roplied with u shrug of bis shoulders: - No for if you drop into the water at this very point a chip it will float to Cuba. Tie currents are such that it cannot p<> any whore else." Consumption Surely Cured. TC *1 JTE EDITOR:— Plcaso Inform yenr rotdvn that 1 nave a positive remedy for tl.o abovo-nru-i ci diaeaao. B; » timoly use thousands of hopeless ca«ea have W>a permanently cured. I shall bo glad to send tw.). a'tloa of my remedy FREE to any ■,! yoor readers -v . j have consumption if thny will ■end me theii Hi-press and P. O. address. .... iaUr. X. A. Si.CCim. M. C-. 181 Pearl St. N V. "Re thrifty, but not covetous; therefore give Thy need, thine honor, and thine friend, his due; Never was a scraper brave man. Get to live; Then live, aud use it: else it is not true That thou hast gotten; suroly, use alone Makes money u contemptible stone." —lt is even refreshing hot days to reoeiv. i cold bow when you expected a warm reception. USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA rrs ''THE KIND THAT CURES." A Novel Philanthropic Idea. THE HELPISii HASD VISITORS' CLCB. "Oh ! how I wish I could get out of the hot city for a little rest and change thi.- summer ! I can't afford to pay ca.-h for . my board: but. indeed! I'd ' e very glad to ' sew or do any kind of work about the house for it." exclaimed a bright jotintr , woman to a sympathetic customer with philanthropic inclinaticL.. whom she was serving. "No; I've no one I could visit,' she continued, in rtplj to the natural sug gestion that she might visit a trit!. | A lew days lati;r the customer w cal- | ling at a charming little home i:i a picas-: ant suburb, when her hoste--, apropos of! some pressing duties, said: 'lf I know of some nice y< ung woman j who would like to spend a week or two in : the country, and who wonld come aud stay here and help me a little with ni\ work each day, I would board her without j ( charge, and be glad of the chance? It I would really be a mutual benefit: she ' would hare an inexpensive outing.—a gen- i uine outing, too, for I could ea.-ily arrange j matters so that she might have a good por-j tion of each day for recreation and to en- j joy this bracing air and picture-quo scen ery,—and I could get "caught up" in some of my sewing, and hare some rest, too; j and each would be giving a full equival- j ent for value received. You're always ! studying up some plan to help people who j try to help themselves, can't jou suggest something for ray case?" She of the philanthropic inclinations im mediately bethought, herself of the bright [ young woman in tho stifling city shop. They talked the matter over, and in less than a week the city girl was enjoying the j longed-for country surroundings, v.-hile her hostess was equally happy in the prospect of getting "caught up" in her work and having some rest. The experiment proved a perfect success; and thus was sown the germ which has grown into the Helping j Hand Visitors' Club, a unique organization j formed on the plan csrrird out in t: f. experiment, through v.hicli th< 1 who| have homes in the country and who would like to receive a Helping Hand Visitor for a sojourn of any specified length can be put in communication with respectable self-supporting women in cities, —clerks, seamstresses, milliners, etc., —who though anxiom to spend a short vacation in the I country, cannot afford the necessary ex ( penditure tor board. Undoubtedly there arc many who would be glad to receive these young women into their homes on condition that in return for board and lodging they would render some, seivice in sewing or housework, leaving themselves, of course, sufficient time during the day to enjoy the pleasures of walks, drives, or other recreations. A Central Bureau has been established in New York for furthering tho purpose of tho club, and extending its development in all directions. ' Philanthropic women interested in form ing local branches for carrying out this great work, housekeepers wishing to re ceive Helping Hand Visitors, or young women desiring to spend their vacation under such conditions, are invited to ad dress the Secretary of the Helping Hanc' Visitors' Club, 15 East Fourteenth Street New York, enclosing a stamped envelope for reply. —The "foot corset," which is becoming popular iu Paris, enables the wearer to readily crowd a number 4 foot into a num ber 3 shoe. Fools wear them. —The bill requiring the commissioners of all counties to file a copy of all news papers printed in their respective counties passed the legislature and received the governor's signature. The object is that the counties shall keep a full and com plete record through the newspapers of the happenings of the counties. Tho object is a commendable one and should be careful ly carried out. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Ask your friends about it. —Susan Asler, an inmate of the Fayette Pa., county home, has given to the police authorities ot Connelsville, tho names of the men who twenty years ago shot dead Elias Glover, who was murdered while at work on his farm. Mrs. Ashler claims she overheard the plot of tho murderers, who spared her life upon her swearing never to reveal their names. One of tho alleged plotters is dead aud tho arrest ot the others is expected. —Two farmers were not long since dis cussing their local paper. One thought it had too many advertisments iu it. The other replied: "Iu my opinion tho adver tisments are far from being tho least valua ble part of it. I look them over carefully aud save at least five times the cost of the paper each week through the business ad vantages I get from them." Said the oth er; "I believe you are right—-I know that they pay me well and think that it is not good taste to iind fault with tho advertis ments after all." Those men havo the right idea of the matter. It pays any man with a family to take a local paper for the sake of the advertisments If nothing more. And if business men fail to give farmers a chance to read advertisments in the local paper, they are blinded to their own inter ests to say the least of it. "You never trade with me," said a business man to a prosperous farmer. "You have never in vited mo to your place of business and I never go where lam not invited: I might not be welcome," was his reply. nkenn est, or the Lquor Habt, Pos:- • Dutively Cured by administering Dr. Ha ines 'Golden Specific." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup ol coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or au alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with tho Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility lor the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book o! particulars free. Address, Golden Specific Co.. 185 Race St.. Cincinnatti (). —When a man sits down on a bench that has just been painted, it's hard to con vince him there is nothing new under the sun. —The hand organists now operating are mostly provided with up-to date tune-. —Cameras disguised a< lunch baskets, baud bags, r I and iu other v. ivs , are now being s .Id fur the u.-e of per- n< who wish to shoot vi-*ws in the World's Fair grounds at Chicago, wheto all cam eras are forbidden. —When you feel ail tired out ar.d brok en up generally, take Hood's Sarsaparil la. —The words of that vastly popular song, "Daddy Wouldn't l?ny Me a Bowwow," are mere doggerel. Not only has fashion turned its back on hoops, but is growing very grudging in its notice of crinoline. WANTED | At Once. SALEHXES K)K TIIIS LOCALITY. plendld OPPORTUNITY for a li v e, energetic man. We offer BET TER FACILITIES and Better Terms than p'or. Salary or commission. W rite for our Special Otfrr. HOOKER, GROVER & CO.. KocUester Krult farm and NurserHs Established isje. Rochester. N. y; This is a perfect- picture of our new IFurnitu:*e and llousefiirnisliiiiG: Goods O house. One of the largest and most complete stores of the kind in Western Pennsylvania. FURNITURE: Wo li.tvc all kinds, Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suite s, Hall Racks. Dish and Hook Cases, Side Boards, Dining Tables, Chairs, Baby Biggies, Refrigerators, &c, &c. QUEENSWARE: Decorated Dinner Sets, Tea Sets. Plain White Dinner Sets, Decorated and Plain White Toilet Sets from $4.50 to SIO.OO. Ask to see our Toilet Set at ss.oo, cheapest and best in the world. Lamps, &c. HOUSEFURNISIIING GOODS: Cook Stoves and Ranges, Tinware, Wood en Ware, &c. Don't fail to see our new range the "Perfect,"one of the best cook stoves and ranges on the market lor the money. Every stove warranted. Campbell & Templeton, ARE ARE YOU "©SUSsr- YOU ALIVE -fßftaar AWARE TO VOll - m ) THAT SHREWD OWN INTEREST? BUYERS OE CLOTH DO YOU REFLECT ING INSIST UPON HAV THAT YOU SHOULD ft! ING THE GARMENTS OF HAVE THE LATEST AND tt THE MANUFACTURER BEST THAT THE MAN- j WHERE STYLES AND MERIT UFACTURE PRODUCES? | ARE CLEARLY STAMPED? We do not force upon you the production ol inferior makers which differ as "Skim Milk docs from Cream." We handle the best at lowest possible prices. DOUTHETT & GRAHAM, New Clothing House, Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts., Butler, Pa. JVL ROSENTHAL, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St., - Pittsburg, Pa. Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Market 0 COLtf"• HMD 1311 Ely's Cream Palm is not a liquid, snvf or powder. Applied into the nostrils it is _ quickly absorbed. It cleanses the Mad, alltt/s inflammation, heals _ _ &. the sores. t>»ld hi/ druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price. L[|A DUO ELY BROTHERS, 56 Warren Street NEW Y6RK. JuC ■nBBMDr. Taft's ASTHMALEHt < • ■;.iur.i or other *^7?rc?clptT>nianM^nT IUKN! vn<>. L.nt « trov-. th.» • a-thma j>oison in [\ ,t-oflirc address WE mail V |* ASTHMA LE N E 1 „ V ale all .tru:-i DR. TAff bROS. MEDICI'tE CO., ROCHESTER, N. Y. New York Dentists, Cor., Sixth and Liberty Sts., Entrance on Liberty St.) PI I ISBL'RGH, PA. GOLD LiNED SETS OF TEETH SIO.OO. The regular rriro or thcs<- Sfts Is S2O to S2 S . These plates are as desirable in every particular ' as if made of solid i;o!d, which would cost you ;-so. Our prices ou oUitr vorki BEST SET TEETH, SB.OO TEETH GLEANED 75c GOLD FILLINGS. * 1.00 up. TEETH EXTRACTED, Z34» SILVER FILLINGS, .75 I GAS OR VITALIZED AIR, 500 CROWNS, $5.00 AND OP. Painless Extracting a Specialty. AH Wqrk Guaranteed. A SMILE mca::K happiness—the more lr art felt tho smile the (.".eater the bappiueiW. Good spirits are productive of -miles Iry our Finclfs Golden Wcddiiu For Sctliral ami Family I'M sl.oo per Qt; or 6 Qts. To- <5 00. Dougherty, Oui ..euheitnar, Lat>:e, liiljson, ; Bridgeport, Mt. Vernon, Overholt. etc. Oil! GOO I>S A 1: E \V A li It A N T EDPLItK. Goods securely | ked an<! boxed without extra charge. O. 1). an.l mail or.ler re ceive prompt at te ,tion. "Grand i'ather s Choice" U i ear old is a good one, aire ha* brought out (too.l quality; sells for s*2 per gallon. ROBERT LEWIN, Importer a I Win . <!> 136 Water St, PITTSBUhuH, i'A, OPPOSITE B. & O. K. K. DEPOT WILLIAM KENNEDY. Tho well-known liveryman, Win. Kennedy, will b<; pleased to f have hi» friends call at hie new place of business. Tho Best Horses, Ruppies :ind Car riages in liatler at the m<' reasonable rutca. Tho place is t-iatly remember ed. The first stable west of the Lowrv House WANTED. Agent* to sell 'our choice and Hardy Nursery Stock. We have many special v arii'tit".-, both in I'm it and ornamental* to offer, which are controlli I only t>y u*. We pay commission or Jan . \Vrito uh at once for term -, an■ I set ire choice of terri tory. I MAY BROTHERS. Nur.-cryun n, Rochester, >'. Y, THE Leading Millinery House OF Are now prepared to show their new line of Spring Milli ner}-. Beautiful beyond description. Whether you buy or not. you are welcome to come and enjoy the beautiful and artistic display. Come for investigation and comparison. We believe buying will follow. Special Mourning Millinery, also Millinerv for Misses and Children. NOTICE. SAILOR HATS 10c. Never Misrepresent Nor Try to Get Rich off one Customer, and Never Advertise What You do Not Have. We have something to say now tbat Baits you. Last winter when mes were dull and manufacturers were pressed for cash we struck some special bargains which we are going to give you while they last. Look now quick. We have 46 very pretty Top Bnggies that ordinarily would be worth SBO each, that we arc selling at $65 each; and a lot worth S7O which we are selling at $55; a lot worth $55, we are selling at $45; a lot of nice Buckboards worth 545, we are selling for $35; a lot of wagon harness worth $2 2. wc are selling at $lB per double set; another lot worth $35, we are sel ling at S3O; a lot of buggy harness worth $6, we are selling at $4.25 per set; another lot worth $lO, we are sellijf for $8; another worth sl3, we are sel ling for $10; another worth sl6, we are selling for sl3; another worth S2O, we are selling for sl6, &c.; buggy collars worth $1.50, we are selling for $1.00; team collars worth $2.00, we are selling for $1.25 each. The above are not in our regular wholesale line and want to close them out to make room, therefore these prices only stand while the advertisement stands We can not get any more at these prices. Therefore come now and don't stand around all summer and then come and inquire for them for they will be gone and that very qnick too. They are here now, end many more bargains not above named". We want you and not somebody else to have them. Horry up now get a move on and very much oblige yourself. Respectfully. iIKr 1, S. B. MARTINCOURT CO. 128 E. Jefferson St., BUTLER, PA , A Few Doors Above Hotel Lowry. TOUR FAVORITE HOME NEWSPAPER AND The Win? Republican Family Paper of (lie United Stales ONE YEAR Foil ONLY 11.50 THE CtTIZEN. gives all the Town and County and as much General news as any other paper of its class. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and gives all the general news of the United States and the world. It gives the events of foreign lands in a nutshell. Its ''Agricultural" department has no superior in the country Its "Market Reports"are recognized authority in all parts of the land. It has separate departments for "The Family Circle\ and "Our Young Folks." Its "Home Society" columns command the admiration of wiveß and daughters. Its general political news, editorials and discussions are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. For only $1.50, Cash in Advance. "N. Y. Weekly Tribune," regular price per year SI.OO ' The Citizen," " " " 150 Total $2. SO We furnish both papers one yeai far - -$1.50. Subscriptions may begin at any time. Address all orders to THE CITIZEN, BXJTLER, PA L. C- WICK DEALER IN Rough and Worked Lumber OF ALL KINDS Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Shingles and Lath Always In Stock. LIME, HAIR AND PLASTER. Office opposite P. «fc W. Depot, BUTLER i J A. Planing Mill —AN: Lumber Yai-d J. L. fUKVIf. I. V. PUBVIB S.G. Purvis & Co. aTAJVUFACTURKBS and dealers in Rough and Planed Lumber OP KVIKY DKBOKIITION, SLI INGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Butler, Pa TO HAVC Hr*LTH tHC Ltvm MUITM IN OWPXW« Cures thonsands annually of Liver Com plaints, Hillousness, Jaundice, Dyspep sia, Constipation, Malaria. More Ills result from an Unhealthy Liver than any other cause. Why suffer when you can be cured f Dr. Sunford's Liver Invigo* ator is a celebrated family medicine, voi K nuruuisT will ki-i'ly too. Tlie oldest and best In- I // sUtutiun lor obtaining a - ///'-v Business Education, / /■ We hnre successfully / /' prepared thousands of '' VOUNQ MEN •t!vo «l:;t!cs of life. For circular* ad 1 Hi ; I - A HONS, Pittsburgh, I'a. I fIIXTS WASTED for the oalr ALTUOBIZED ' Biography oi Junes C. Blaine. By Call Hamilton. his literary executor, Jwlth the co-operation of his family, and for Mr. Blrlne's completo works, 'Twenty yars In congress," and his later-book, ••Polliilcal Dis cussions." One prospectus of these 3 Best Sell- I lug Books In the market. A. K. P. Jordan of Me., took 100 orders from tlrst 96 calls; agents proflt $175.50. Mrs. Ballard ofO. took 15 orders, 13 heal ltussla. In l day; profit $20.50. E. N. Klce. Mass, took 'i~ orders In li days, proflt $.'t7.85. J. I'atrldfje of Me. took 43 orders from calls; proflt 175.25. E. A. Palmer of N. Dale, took 53 orders In 3 days; protlt $98.25. Kxlcu slye territory given. If you wish to make large i money, write Immediately to. THE HENRY BILL PUB.CO, Norwich. Conn, DURE DRUGS AT LOW I PRICES is the motto nt car JL store. If you are sick and need rr« Hicj n you want tbo BEST. Tl g jM4ia always depend upon getting ....... us, as we use nothing but strictly Pure Drags in our Prescription Depart ment. You can get the best of every thing in the drug line trom as. Our store is aleo headquarters for PAINTS OILS, VARNISHES Kalsomine, Alabastine k .Oft our prices before you buy I'aiulp, and see w bat We btite i,t» offer. We can save you dollar.- on your paint bill Respect'ullv J. C. REDICK, Main St., next to Ilote! Lowry BUTLER, /O y iN . Rooms: Modern Methods; KxpcrlenoM) Ifachera. It* graduates aucct-fd. ISpuciul ad van* tax** In Hbortliand and Tvp«»writlii*. Writ# ft* omimXOfue. fc. c. Clarm., I'rea H. M. HwiiT. bee m IEWIS' 98 % LYE I rwotd Aits mrunu (TATXXTID) WMrh ■A II » powder and j*M in acaa with removable lid. the coatenu are always ready "for un. Win luake til.- bf»l perfumed Hard Soap in 20 mlnutM wlUkoat >■!!«« Ida tli* bnt forcleansing warte n pipe*, disinfecting sinks, closeta ■ V washing bottles, paints, trees, etc. PIKHA. SALT ITS 00/ Geo. Agts, Phil*., Pa,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers