Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 09, 1893, Image 3
THE CITIZEN FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1893. BUTLER Has a population ot about 10.000. It Is the Oounty seat or Butler County, with 60.000. Four railways, natural gas, and unequalled facilities lor manufactures. ITogresa evrywhere; new buildings, new manufactures, a growth* and prosperous town. New York Weekly Tribune—Free. By special arrangements made for our so doing, we are enabled to offer to all our subscribers who pay arrearages, (if any) and one year in advanoe, and to all new subscribers paying in advance, the New York Weekly Tribune free for one year. For further particulars of this ofler see ad vertisement. New Advertisements. Trustees Sale of property of the Brady's Bend Iron Co., for July 3d, 1893. S S Convention. Klingler's Success. Douglass' Wall Paper. Grove City Commencement. Artistic Hair Goods. Schaul k Nast's Hot Weather Clothing. Salesmen Wanted. Restaurant for Sale. Campbell & Templeton's New Furnituro and Queensware Emporium. NOTE— AII advertisers intending to make oanges in their ads. should notify us of their intending to do so, not later than Monday morning. LUL'AL AND GENERAL. —lt is an avt ful strain on a woman's patience to have a husband who thinks he knows how to cook. —The average temperature last was lower than for any May for twenty years in this climate. —At Heck is making a flower garden that will "take the cake" before the Sum mer is over. —John N. Muntz will offer at public sale at his barn on the South Side, June Isth, his stock of wagons, horses, buggies, farm i ,-g utensils, etc. —Mr. J. V. Ritts has purchased the Leidecker lots at the corner of North Mc- Kean and Fulton streets, and intends building this summer. —A certain down-town woman says that some of the girls have certainly room enough to "laugh in their sleeves" at the present period. —The school directors of Butler have let the contract for tbe painting of the Jefferson St. School building and it is in order to remark that there several public buildings in Butler that need painting. —B. H. Huselton has contracted with Adam Haffner for a three-story brick,office and store-room building on his lot fronting the Diamond and adjoining the Armory building. —Owing to the adv. of the Trustees Sale of the Brady'} Bend Iron Works com ing in on us Thursday morning, our local correspondence yet on the copy hook had to be ommitted this week. —A scientist says that holding the breath will make anybody proof against the sting of a bee. This would be useful information if anybody had time to think of it and nse it before the bee began opera tions. —The laying of the large pipe line of the Citizens Gas Co. from their wells east of town to a point on tbe creek bank near the old Miller furniture lactory was com pleted Friday. The line was there con nected with other lines running North and South, and completed a circuit of the town made by the lines of this Company. —We publish in another place the now lee bills for Justioe3 of the Peace and Constables, as passed by the late Legisla ture and signed by the Governor Tho bill makes the fees uniform all over the State, both town and oounty. It was introduced by Hon. D. B. Douthett, of this county who secured its passage through the House by special orders. —Col. Thompson, Frank Kohler and others who ha7e been to Chioago lately say that the stories of extortion are all nonsense. One can live as cheaply or as extravagantly there as in any other large town. A good room can be secured at any of the first class hotels at $2 for one or $3 for two persons, and at private and boarding houses for half that; and the prices of your meals depends entirely upon the restanrants you patronize. —lt is reported that the P. S. AL.E. R R. is to be extended to Pittsburg, cross ing the Allegheny river |at Aspinwall and running ac ross the East End to the Carneg ie Mills at Homestead and the Jones & Langhlin Mills on the south Side, where it will oonneot with the Wabash system whioh is to be extended from Steubenville to Pittsburgh. The object is a new coal and ore routo to the Lakes. —The Plate Glass Works hero shut down last Saturday, and as the ware room of the works is lull of finished glass, fur which there is but little demand at pres ent it is supposed that the shut down will continue it least three months. There are now fifteen plate glass factories in the oountry; the s'.ock on hand is said to amount to over three million squaro feet and it is probable that all the factories will abut down during the month. The clos ing of the works here has thrown over five hundred men out of steady employ ment. —At tho evening services in the Pr c£- byteriac. Churoh at Butler last Sunday, Rev. Oiler gave an outline of the proceed ings of the General Assembly of the ohnrch at Washington, speaking particularly of the trial and conviction of Dr. Briggs. Stated in plain English the charges against Dr. Briggs were that his teachings under mine faith in the Bible; that his influence upon young men att ending the Theologi cal Seminary was harm ful, and that by reason ot his nnsound belief and utterances the interests of the church were endanger ed —Here is a straight truth that carries with it some good advice: The commu nity in which each individual citizen has publio spirit enough to keep his own sur roundings neat and clean, and whose o ffi oials prevent the accumulation of debris on the streets, is likely to escape an epi demic of cholera during the coming months. In other words, sweep before yonr own door, cl ean up your owu prem ises, don't worry about your neighbor's premises, the chances are that he will see what you are doing and will follow .. you r good example. —The Ministerial Association of New Castle, Pa., is agitating against the practice of opening caskets at church funerals. One of their number, Rev. I. A. Thayer, recently said: We have been trying for sometime to break up the idea that a circus must be made out ot a funeral. There is nothing more disgust ing to me than to see a whole congrega tion file around the front of a ohnrch merely to get a glimpse of a face which perhaps many of them have never seen before. The custom should be abolished without ceremony. USE DANAB' SARSAPARILLA, ITS "THE KIND THAT CURBS.' Best styles in Dress Goods and Cloaks at L. STEIN & SON'S. Very low prices on Fine Umbrel las at SON'S. LEGAL. NEWS. The June quarter sessions met Monday noon with Judge nazen presiding. The constables made their reports: the Grand Jury was sworn, Mr. C. Boyd was ap pointed foreman, and their work, up to the time of our going to press appears below. OBASD JCRY PROCEEDINGS. Com. vs Edward White, indicted for ag gravated A<£B, also AAB <fc Assault, not a true bill on Ist and true bill on second and third counts. Com. vs Charles Meyers, rape, Mary L Brown, pros'x. A true bill. Com. vs Camden Arner, FA-B, Lulu Mc- Cracken, pros'x. A true bill. Com. vs Chas Kerr, furnishing liquor to minors; Horner Walker and Win Thomp son, pros'rs. A true bill. Milt Cubbison and Mack Croft, damag ing a livery team; W. L. Campbell, pros. A true bill. Horner WalKer and Win Thompson, furnishing liquor to a minor; Margaret Blakely pros'x. A true bill. James Say, carrying concealed weapons; Nannie Say, pros'x. A true bill. Wm Trushell, seduction; Nettie Hilliard, pros'x. A true bill. IJ R Gilleland, FAB. A true bill. Wm Barber, A<fß, with intent to rape. Mary McFadden, pros'x. A true bill. Wallaco Say and Frank Thompson, A«fcß A L Shira, pros. A true bill. Wallace Say, carrying concealed wea pons; A L Shira. pros. A true bill. Geo Martena, FAB, L Dufford, pros'x. A true bill. Com. vs Minnie Fulton, keeping a bawdy house. A true bill. Com. vs Minnie Fulton, pointing fire arms. A true bill. Com. vs F H Calef, l.irceny. A true bill. Com. vs Livingstone Evans, laroeny. A true bill. Com. vs Mrs Elizabeth McCall, FAB. A true bill. Com. vs Sam Hays, being a tramp. A true bill. Com. vs Charles C Kerr, selling liquor without a license. A true bill. P N Stepp, surety peace, not a true bill and Mrs Catharine Elsenrath to pay costs. The cases vs R C Parker, Elizabeth Os borne, W K Brandon, W G Biehl, were settled. Com. vs J F Hindman obtaining credit by false pretense. Not a true bill and county of Butler to pay costs. Com vs G F Miller, larceny. Not a true bill. Court ordered County to pay costs. SHERIFF'S SALES. SherifFs'deeds were made to Eckert Kalb for the J L Kelly lot in Butler lor slls0 —to same for the A M Stewart lot in Butler for $10 —to H Schneideman for the Henry Allen properties in Franklin twp. for $lO each—to Robt Burns for M. Cypher prop erty in Winfield twp. for $50 —to S G Purvis A Co for the C Besalt lot in Butler for $10 —to W J Butler for the Jas Say property in Parker twp. for S2O0 —to M J Covert for the Jas Covert property in Jack son twp. for SSB0 —to B V Meyers for the Wiles property in Fairview twp. for s2s— Myra Boyd for Boyd property in Mercer twp. for sloo—to Henry Keiber for the Jacob Gerstner lot in Butler for SIOO. All the other writs were returned. The Robt. Yanderlin property in Marion and Venango twp. was not sold by the Sheriff. The writ was stayed, and the case will go to the Supreme Court. NOTBS. The County Commissioners report to the Sec'y of Internal Affairs shows that there are 17,428 taxables in this county; that the value of all real estate in the county is $12,759,786; exempt from taxation, $699,- 630; number of horses over 4 years old, 10,- 572, valued at $399,714; 13,497 cows valued at $180,043; salaries and emoluments, $357- 172; making a total of all property taxable $12,997,085. We will have a 4 mill tax thi» year for county purposes wbioh will make the county revenues amount to $51,998.35. The aggregate value of pfoperty in the county taxable for state purposes, includ ing money at interest, is $2,720,742; aggre gate amount of state tax assessed is $lO,- §82.96. Forward twp. is the banner twp. for money returned by individuals, i. e. $213,- 903. Butler borough returns $598,695. Phillip Burtner was appointed Consta ble for Saxonburg; and L B Snyder for Franklin twp, Fred Bauman was appointed guardian Albert Wm Bauman. An adjourned court was ordered for Sat urday July Ist. At Pittsburg, Saturday, Judge White, on motion of the District Attorney, grant ed a nolle pros in all the remaining Home stead cases and put tho costs on the coun ty. The trustees of the Bradys Bend Iron Works will sell the property during the last week of this month. Hereafter all the laws passed by the Stato Legislature will be found at the Pro thonotary's offico ten days after they have been signed by the Governor. Heretofore the laws have been received at tbe office abont two months after the adjournment of the Legislature. They will appear in uniform unbound leaves and will be kept for inspection by the public for one year after their receipt. Prothonotary Brown now has on file tho laws approved for this session by the Governor. W. J. Gilleland has inado a deed ot as signment to Jas. M. Marshall of his prop erty at Mars, for the benefit of bis credit ors. The will of Joseph Pisor, of Muddycreek j twp., was probated, no letters; also will of Catharine Haltzaple, of Summit twp., was probated and letters granted to Jacob Pistorious. All tho Registers Accounts, Sheriffs Deeds, Road Reports, and Widow's Ap praisement t were confirmed Wednesday af ternoon. LATE PROPERTY TRANSFERS. W J Gilleland to E D Sasse lot in Mars fof SIOSO. J S Wick to John lloebn 12J acres in Butler twp. for SIBOO. W C McCandless to Win B McCandless 100A282A55 acres in Centre and Frunklin for $5,975. L Dunbar to Mary Dunbar lot in Adams for sl. Jno WeiglotoJ. D. Albert, lot in Pros pect for $l5O. A Jno F Seipcrl to Wm P Gormley lots in Great Belt, for $125. ■C_ A| Abrams to A A Bournique lot in Butler for $625. Marriage Licenses. J D Mann...................... Boyer Clara Kerr " Samuel Duff..... Winfield twp Mary Patterson Armstrong Co. Wm Hasenflu Centre twp Maggie McCormick " " Dosa E Dobson.... Adams twp Ida Lutz....................... Harmony S Martin Cashdollar Callery Maggie Hays.... " >A N Shannon .........Prospect Annie Stickel Isle W S Brandon, .....N Tonawanda, N Y Mabel Lutz...... Butler, Pa Andrew Eiffier Summit twp Annie Dietrich *• " William B A1ter........ ....Allegheny Co Olive Sarver ...Sarversville S S Donaldson Middlesex twp Jeesie Mahan •* Louis Woods Allegheny Pa Maggie Donahue Chicago 111 J D Bowers.... ...Prospect Pa Bessie Shanor " Charles C Bowers Glade Mills Lyda Whiteside " At Franklin, Richard E. Walter of Nec tarine and Sadie M. Gilmore of Harrisville Frank Clark Whitestown Ella Heyl Prospect From now until July 4th. We are Belling all millinery goods at reduced prices. Tbe stock mast be cleaned oat. Ladies now is your chance to bay a fine bat at your own price at Louis TRAILER'S, Next door to Butler Savings Bank. —Children's Trunkß. Children's Bnreaas. Children's Chairs. Children's Wooden Bedsteada. Children's Wooden Tables. Children's Wooder Rockers at J.F. T. STEHLE'S G eiman Knitting Yarn, Spanish and Saxony Yarns at L. STUN & SON'S. —The People's Store is head quarters for b.osery and under ware. Democratic Primary. Last Saturday the Democrats held their primary election and the return Judges met in Seneca Hall Monday afternoon. The Convention waf called to order by County Chairman Heineman, and the list of return Judges was read. Geo. H. Graham was elected temporary chairman, and Gus McC'rea and Hugh Mc- Namee Secretary. Tellers were appointed to count the vote and a Committee on Res olutions was appointed. A resolution passed providing that here after the county chairman would print tickets containing the names of all the can didates to be voted for at primaries. C. M. Heineman and P. A. Rattigan were nominated for County Chairman for tbe ensuing year. A vote by ballot was decided upon and resulted in 34 votes for Heiaeman and 20 for Rattigan. The committee on Resolutions reported and the Convention took a recess till 4 o'clock. The tellers announced the results as follows: FOR SHERIFF. W T Mechling 1417 T R McMillan 1011 COUNTY COMMISSIONER. George Wilson ——• 1092 Jn .C Kelly 904 Jno J Reiber 86' THHenon 840 Fred Henninger '33 Matthew Brown 319 CLERK OF COURTS D W McCollough 1p42 A Barrickman 581 PROTHONOTARY. Alex Russell '6s' D M Ward 694 REGISTER AND RECORDER. A M Beers 1496 TA Frazier B3l TREASURER. Geo Marburger 1347 Robert McKissick 657 S W Crawford 358 FOR DELEGATE. J A Ripper 1708 Dr. McCune 930 J D Marshall 874 P R Bnrke 871 C I> Strohecker 788 J II Elrich 672 Wm Bedillion 238 For Auditors there were but two candi dates, J. S. Bullord ur.d J. A Elliott, and for Coronur but one, O. P. Pisor. S. S. Convention. The Sixteenth Anna al Convention of the Butler County Sabbath School Association will be held at Prospect, June 27, 28 and 29, 1893. Delegates and workers from each and every Sabbath School in the county are earnestly invited to attend. The Convention promises to be one of tho best in the history of the Association. The State Field Secretary, Prof. J. R Sprenkle will attend. Wo want Butler County to stand at the head of the list in total membership and percentage of attendance. Schools should therefore not fail to send in their report. Delegates and others intending to be present would confer a favor by sending their names early to O. P. Critehlow, of Prospect. For programs, blanks, or further infor mation address, M. A. SCTTON, Sec'y, Evans City, Pa. Cornerstone Laying. The Cornrerstone Servioes of the Church of God, on Institute Hill, Butler Pa., will take place at the new church building, near corner of Locust and Second streets, Sabbath afternoon, June 11th, at 3:00 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all pastors of this place. Come, everybody. Geo. W. DAVIS, Pastor. The Markets. BUTLER MARKETS. Our grocers are paying 12 for butter, 15 for eggs, 70 for potatoes, 3cts. a lb. for cabbage, 20 cts. a doz. bunches tor green onions, 25 cts. a doz. for lettuce, 30cts. per doz. bunches rhubarb. PITTSBURG PRODUCE. Timothy hay from county wagons sl7 to 20, wheat straw $6.50 to 7.00, oat straw $7.50 to 8.00, mill feed sls to 17. The wholesale prices of grain were— wheat 72 to 75, corn 46 to 53, oats 35 to 40, rye 66 to 70. Country roli butter 12 to 13, fresh eggs in cases 14 to 15, chickens 30 to 50 per pair as to size; old potatoes on track 75 to 85, ( goose feathers 48 to 60, mixed feathers 25 to 35, beeswax 28 to 30. LIVE STOCK. At Herr's Island, Monday, common , cattle sold at 4.15 to 4.65, 1000 lb cattle at 4f to 5.20, and tbe best at 1 Veals calves sold at 3 to 6.35. Bnlls ; and dry cows at 2£ to 4^. Hogs sold afc 6J to 7.65 wholesale, and at 7 J to 7.85 retail. Sheep sold at 2to si, and lambs at 3£ to i 8. MARKET NOTES. Wheat was never, it is said, so low at Chioago as last week, and never before was there such a large visible supply, now estimated at 70,000,000 bushels. Dispatches from Omaha say the recoipts of corn in lowa and Nebraska are very 1 large, and will increase for the next two weeks, and will probably run up to 1,500 cars daily in Chicago for ten days or more. USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA, ITS "THE KIND THAT CURES." Challies 5c a yard. Not the cheap lookiDg staff, but a very fine quality, light and dark colorß. We have made a low price on them only 5c a yard while they last. Louis TRAILER'S. Larg st assortment and best values n Dress oods and Cloaks at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Zuver's Pictures leave nothing wanting in finish, tone or a correct likeness. New Broadcloths, Bedford Cords, Henriettas and Fine Dress Goods at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Pianos, Upright Pianos, Metallophones, Organs, Accordeons, Concertinas, Musical Boxes, Mouth Organs of all kinds at J. F. T. STEHLE'B —BoardingHouse Cards, with Act of Assembly, 25 cents for half-a-dozen, for sale at CITIZEN office, —Everybody reads The Pittsburg Dispatch for the reason that it con tains more news, both general, speci al,and telegraphic; has more contrib utors and more special correspond ence than any other newspaper be twean Aew York and Chicago. —Take your children to Zuver's Gallery for Pictures that will suit yoa. Postoffice building. Best place to ,buy JTabla Linens, Napkins and Towels at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Hotel Waverly. best house in Batler. —Double Blackboards, Secretaries Desks, Eureka Baby-Jumpers and Swings for sale at J. F. T. STEHLE'S. sl6 to Chicago and Return sl6. P. & W. R. R. Co. will sell Ex cursion tickets to the World's Fair for all trains at the rate of sl6. Good until Nov sth. Buffalo Blankets, best for wear at L. STEIN & SON'S. Personal. ■ | Mr. R. H. Graham has moved to Butler j from Connoquenessing twp., and will reside in the Fifth ward. Mrs. D. E. Greer of Du Bois is the guest ot Miss Annie Bickle. Hon. J. B. Mates and family returned home Monday. They took a trip to Wash ington and Philadelphia, after the Legis tnre adjourned. Jas. F. Brittain, Esq., and wife, of Ten nessee,visited his folks here last week. J. M. Carson and family are home from Harrisburg, and will occupy their house on E. Jefferson St. Mr. J, E. Brandon has returned to But ler from Florida. John Emery and John Pounds and family of this county attended the Emery family reunion in Peaason's Grove near New Castle, last Thursday. W. A. Thomas of Colorado, is visitiu his brother, Hon. Jos. Thomas, Jr., o Karns City. The Sick. William Burton of Clinton twp. is on the sick list. The wife of Esq. McGinley of Concord twp. is sick with pneumonia. The wife of llev. Bollinger, of Browns dale is seriously ill. ; Dr. Mann is recovering from a serious illness, and is able to be out doors. Oil Notes. The Forest Oil Co's. No. 2on the John Goehring near Hendersonville is making 20 bbls an hour. It was finished last Saturday and started off at 25 bbls. an hour. —The Tax Collectors books are now ready at the office of the County Commis sioners, and tho Collectors are requested to call for tbem. —The new fee bill gives Justices of the Peace $5 for marrying each couple, making record thereof, and furnishing a certificate of the marriage. —The Penn Literary Society picniced at Conneant Lake on Tuesday, the 6th, inst. The 150 young people who attended spent a most enjoyable day at dancing, boating, fishing and base ball. They arrived at home, ikiJ bnt happy, it 1:00 a. in. of the 7th. —The Presbytery of Butler will meet in Centreville Tuesday, June 13th at 11 a. m.; also a Convention of delegates from the Women's Missionary Societies of the Pres" bytery will be held at the same place and time. —Aland's merchant tailoring establish ment was entered Wednesday night, and robbed of several pairs of pants. The thieves had placed quite a number of coats and vests in a box in the back yard but be came alarmed and left them there. —The poets have raved long over the delights of being awakened by music. Such was our good fortnne last Friday night when a merry band of mandolin and guitar players serenaded us. They were Messrs Lorrie Hilliard, Newt Marks, Paul Clark, Lambert. Come again, [ gentlemen. ; —At the meeting of the town council. Tuesday evening, bills to the amount of nearly $2,000 were approved. Nearly the whole evening was taken up in discussing j the proposed Race and Water street sewer. , The contract for the Race Street sower was , awarded to Mr. Hughes some weeks ago, i and some members want to extend it ' through Water street, but others objeoted j to that as being too expensive. There is ] no money in the borough treasury at pres- i ent and there will not be for three or fou j months. —Very appropriate for this time of year: { "Father, dear father, come home with me £ now, for ma has some carpets to beat; ( she's got all the furniture out in the yard * from the porch clear down to the street. The stoves must come down aud be put in and the grass must be cleared or t dead grass, for it's time to clean house and 1 tho deals to pay—and the front window * needs some new glass. Father, dear fath- f er, come home with me now, and bring 1 some bologna and cheese, it's most 12 o'clock and there's nothing to eat—l'm so hungry I'm woak at the knees. All the dinner we'll have will be cold scraps and such, and we'll have to eat standing up, ] too, fof the table and chairs are all out in ] the yard—oh, I wish spring house clean- j ing was through! Father, dear father, c come home with me now for ma is as mad ( as a Turk: she says that you are a lazy old | thing and she proposes to put you to work; t there's painting to do and paper to hang ( aud windows and casings to scrub; for its | house cleaning time and you've got to I come home and revel in suds and cold j grub." f Dress Gingams 8c a yard. < Good fast colors and the same quality that sells elsewhere for 10 and We have cut the price to 8c a yard. Louis TRAXLER'S. C —Alway stop at the Hotel Waver y when in Butler. —For lace curtains at the loweßt prices call at The People's Store. Ice I Spring Water. Ice I [ Pure Spring Water Ice delivered ' daily, in small or large quantities to any part of town. Leave order at t J. A. RICHEY'S Bakery. 142 S. Main St., i Butler, Pa. < —Boy's Carts and Wagons. Toys that never oat-stay their | Welcome with the Boys at J. F. T. STEHLE'S. t Ladies andjMisses 7 Cloaks in great 1 variety at lowest prices at L. STEIN & SON'S. T The Best < ( Carpet chain in the world only J 20c a pound at Louis TBAXLER'S, Summer Normal—West Sunbury. The six weeks Normal term ol the , Academy this summer will be made i of special interest and profit to tbe ' teachers of our county. The term 1 opens June 27th. For farther iufor- J mation Addres, F. E, Knoch,Princi- i pr,'. H. R. Wilson, Vice Principal, i West Sunbury, Pa. —Tbe IN ople's Store have just re ceived a large l:ae of summer dress goods which w>j are selling at bottom prices Don't forget us on Hosiery and Gloves, we always have the best at lowest prices L. PriiN <k SON'S. Restaurant for Sale. The Restaarant in the basement, under Colbert & Dale's hat store, near Diamond, on Main St., is for sale, with immediate possession. Enquire at restaurant of AARON Z. £HONTZ. Teacher's Examination. North Hope Jane 12, 1893 W. Sunbury " 13, " 81ippery Rock " 14, " Prospect " 15 " Portersville " 16 " Evans City " 17 " Butler " 24 " N. C. MCCOLLOUOH, Co. Supt. EVERYBODY STIRRED UP. The News Spreads Like Wild Fire. What newst Why, that Klinglers' are keeping one hundred thousand dollars in Butler that went away last year for Flour and Feed, and at the same time saving the consumer twenty thousand dollars. And are they doing it ? Just ask the Railroads and the Dealers T But won't Klinglers' "bust up" selling goods at such ruinously low prices? Now let us give you a pointer. When you get "A CARD" you get these "ruinously low prices," and what are they? Simply man ufacturers first prices, or dealers costprices That's the truth in a nut shell. Buyt wherever you please in Butler, you can' touch these prices. But listen, as we are manufacturers, and on a large scale toe, for we have two mills and an elevator, we get the manufacturers profit. Of oourse the profit is small on a little lot to the consumer, after deducting the cost of hand ling and delivering. But don't fret about that. We have a large wholesale trade elsewhere, and don't expect to get rich on our home trade alone. For once and for all we want to silence the rumors which are current, and wish our readers would bear in mind the follow ing: We guarantee the quality and weight of all the goods we sell. Xo short Wcigiu Willi us. We will refund purchase moaey in each and every case, if custom ers are not satisfied and return the goods. We deliver every thing/rse of charge, in side of town limits, and to the railroad depots. Don't you think it was high time for the Klinglers to make the break ? The finan cial outlook is anything but bright. Butler is sharing in the general depression. What better time to husband our resources ! Pro tect the farmer, for he's the backbone of Butler yet. Protect your wage earner, for he spends all his money with you, and you need him. Our plan means protection to a class who are indispensable to the pros perity of our town. Hundreds of citizens have come to us and said: "You never did a better thing in Butler in your life." "THE CARD, TUB CARD'S THK THING." So then "get a card" and not only give you support to a scheme which is already a benefaction, but save your money, and "eat and feed goods which are warranted abso lutely pure and the best made. SO CHARGE FOR "THK CARD." It is good lor a year, during which time we pledge ourselves to give-you our lowest wholesale price*. SJCOW DRIFT FLOUR will soon be in every home. No flour of such quality ever sold at such prices It may take you a time or two to get into the way of baking it, but after that you won't have anything else. It makes the sweet est and best bread of any flour sold for 20 to 25 cents per sack higher. Write us, if you cannot come. Bear in mincTeverything we can furnish you. Or der, explain or complain on a postal card, and we will attend to your wants. It you can't buy now get "a card" at any rate. Apply to Main Office, 139 East Jefferson street, Oriental Roller Mills, Mifflin street, West Penn Elevator, opposite West Penn depot, Telephone No 10. H. J. KLIXGLER & CO. Grangers Picnic There will be a grange picnic at Maple Grove, lj miles west of Euclid Station, P. S4L, E. It. R., on June 22d. Every person is invited to come with well filled baskets. Mr. McHenry, overseer of the State Grange, and others will be present to address the people on the occasion. There will also be a festival in the even ing. N. F. BARTLEY, Sec'y- Summer Term of Grove City College A new departure in Grove City College is the addition of a fourth term to the col lege year which begins Juno 27th and con tinues ten weeks. The college will be conducted during the Summer term iu all respects as during the regular terms of the college year. Special prominence will be given to Normal work. As a sohool of Methods nothing will be left undone to make it a great success. The Prepar atory stndie3 together with the Latin, Gre ' . Mhi'aematics, and Science, of the Fresaman and Sophomore years will be provided for. The good people of the town will furnish rooms completely equipped to all students attending the Summer session for $5.00. Good boarding on the co-operative plan can be had from $1.50 to $1.75 per week. $35. will meet all the necessary expenses of the session. A teacher or college student cannot fail to lind classes suited to any degree of ad vancement. A young man or woman pre paring for teaching and others desiring to shorten the time of a college course will find excellent advantages in the Summer term of Grove City College. Address all communications to the President, ISAAC C. KETLER, Grove City, Pa. Fleur De Lis. If anything were wanting to give Marvin's Pittsburgh Bakery a National reputation, it has been sup plied by their latest novelty "Fleur de Lis" Biscnit. To tempt an epicure (a luxurious and dainty eater) is one good thing; to satisfy him is another and quite different matter. "Fleur do Lis" is the acme of Marvin's genius, the epicurean's delight, and best of all, can be had by rich and poor alike, for Marvin's motto, is first, quality, then quantity, then reasonable prices. "Pennsylvania Grocer." LEGAL ADVERTISE M ENTS. Administrators and Executors ol estatos can secure their receipt books at the CITI ZEN office. Orphan's Court Sale. By virtue of a decree of the orphau's Couit of Butler county, the undersigned Administra trix of tile estate of .J. L. Wilson, deceased, will offer at public outcry on the premises In Frank lin twp„ and In Prospect borough on SATURDAY, JUNE 10th, 1893. at 10 o'clock A. SL, the following described real estate of said decedent: Ist. All that certain tract or parcel of land, situate In Franklin township, Butler county. Pa . bounded as follows, to-wlt: Beginning on the Prospect and Portersvllle road, thence along said road south43 degrees,east si perches to land of Absolom Shan or, thence by lauds of Wlnlleld Craty, south 88 degrees, West 823» perches, thence by lauds of Henderson Wil son, north V degree, west 15X perches, thence by land of J. D. Albert, north 88 degrees, east 72 perches to the place of beginning. Contains 7 acres and it perches, more or less. ALSO—That certain lot of ground situated in the borough of Prospect, county aforesaid, bounded on the north by West Alley, on the east by a street, on the south by Green street and on the west by High street, containing one-half acre, more or less, dwelling house thereon erected. Sale on usual terms, one-third In hand on confirmation of Sale by the court, the remain der In two equal annual Installments with In terest from that date deterred payment to be se cured by bond and mortgage. MARY A. WILSON, Adm'x, W. D. Brandon, Prospect, Pa. Att'T. Executor's Notice. Letters testamentary having been grant ed to the undersigned on the estate of Christopher Rider, dee'd., late of Oakland twp., Butler county, Pa ,all persons know ing themselves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against the same will pre sent them duly authenticated for settle ment to SYLVANBS AGQAS, Ex'r., G. W. Fleeger, Greece City, Pa. Att'y. Executors' Notice. Letters testamentary on the estate of Henry Wolford, dee'd, late ol Slippery rock twp., Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the undesigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims against tho same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to SARAH "WOLFORD, Ex'rx J. N. Moore, Of Henry Wolford, dee'd, Att'y. Slipperjrock P. O. Administrator's Notice. Letters of Administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Nannie C "Wick, deo d., late of the bor ough of Butler, Butler Co., Penn'a.,all per sons knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and any havirg claims against same will presont them duly authenticated for settlement ta. WALTER 13. WICK, Adin'r., A- M. CQBNBLIPS, BuUer, Pa. Att'y. COMMENCEMENT AT GROVE CITY COLLEGE. Friday, June i6-aist. , Friday, June 16—Final examination; Public recital by students of the music de partment, 8 p. m. Saturday, June 17,—Final examination; Reunion and banquet of the Speedwell club, 8 p. m. Sabbath, June 18—Baccalaureate Ser , mon by the President, Bp. m. Monday, June 19. 2 p. m. —Field sports; President's reception. 8 p. m. Tuesday, June 20—Guard mount, 8:30 a. m.; Class day exercises, 10 a, m.; Dress parade, 6p. m.; Ontario, by the Choral Society—Haydn's Creation. 6 p. m. Wednesday, June 21—Commencement exercises, 9 a. m. in the park: Webster en tertainment, 8 p. m. The senior class numbers forty. Where Everybody Prospers. Phenomenal success of a two year old industrial town. The man who is poor because he does not go to meet prosperity will have a chance to turn over a new leaf by attending the sale of lots at New Kensington on the Alle gheny Valley Railroad, eighteen miles from Pittsburg, which begins on Wednes day, June 14th,and continuing daily there after. Since this town was laid out two years ago it has developed into one of the most prosperous industrial centers in the coun try, having nine thousand inhabitants, fifteen large manufactories, employing twenty four hundred men and paying out five thousand ($5,000.00) dollars a day in wages; churches of all denominations; two fine public school houses; effective police and fire protection and an ample supply of pure water. Electric light and telephone wires are being put up, and an electric street railway seven miles in length, con necting Parnassus with Tarentum and passing through New Kensington is in process of construction. In this prosperous town there is not an idle man. and property is rapidly increas ing in value. The merchant who seeks a paying trade where there are no drones, and the investor who wants a chance to double bis capital in a short time are equally interested in going to New Ken sington. Thirty trains run between New Kensing ton and Pittsburg daily. Free round trip tickets from Pittsburg can be bad at the Pittsburg Office of The Burrell Improvement Company, Xo. 79 Fourth Avenue. Railroad fare will be re funded to purchasers of lots. That all may have opportunity of buying property on easy terms, a payment of $25 down and $lO to $25 per month will buy a lot at Xew Kensington, at original prices. BERKIMER & TAYLOR, Funeral Directors and Embalmers, Diamond Block, next door to Post Office, Butler, Pa., prompt attention given to orders, day or night. B. <s■ B. Note These: If interested in any of them, write us for samples and see if 70a don't Save money on every yard you send as an order for. 160 pieces all-wool Diagonal Cheviot Serges, 36 inches wide, in complete range of the season's best colors, 35 Cents. You'll find the universal price oa this fabric is 50 cents, and you just save the difference 200 pieces assorted American Wool Suitings, Imported Bedford Cords, Taffeta Changeants, Beige Bourette Stripes, 36 and 33 inches wide—some of them all-wool—some three-fourths wool. 25 Cents, every yard worth 40c. some 50c. this sale, price 25c. 100 pieces Finest French Satines, best of the season's styles and print ings—light and dark colorings, 25 Cents, regular price all season in this and other stores has been 35cts. 100 pieces extra fine American Satines, 25c quality at 15 Cents. Mohairs, for traveling and street dresses. 52 inch MOHAIR BRILLIANTINES, in 4 shades of gray only, 75 Cents, that are $1.25 qualities as usually bought and sold. 44 inch Mohairs, in all staple colors, 50 Cents. That is remarkable quality and value for 50 cents. Better see about these. They're worth looking after. Boggs & Buhl, 115 to 121 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY. PA. Do You Want to have your home look neat and clean, bnt with very little expense ? You can do it if you buy your WALL PAPER of us. for we are selling it now at a big REDUCTION to reduce our stock. Come and get a GOOD RARER cheap. J. H. Douglass', 341 S. Main St., Near P. O. ART IriTIC HAIR GOODS. I have re opened i my establishment. Ideal wigs and waves, 'either light and Ule \KAli~yKt'llSe *2 and up. Wavy ' hair switches,all lengths Also toilet requisites. S Face Bleach removes freckles, tan, sunburn. -r moth patches, and all JS. J blemishes ot the skin. m mP < Ualr Tonic restores grey j hair to Its natural color, oaFjR. removes dandruff, tones ir NMMK up the scalp to a healthy f ™ condition, make the hair \XCi sott and glossy, and /S&f ' beautiful. Curllne keops XSy I the hair In curl In /fSV I dampest weather. XVV 7 | HAIR DYE IS the /)X ' most perfect prepara tion . guaranteed free from all poisonous In gredients. Try it. .. BLEACH tor bleaching hair on the head. The only medically pure bleach sold tor that purpose. Can be used as a medicine. Also nice line ol shell pins, combs, bands.etc. Call at my establishment. You cau be made up lor-partles, theatre, pictures, etc. Hair dressing, Bang cutUng. Dylug and Bleaching. Have your bangs cut in the new Cinderell a and Columbian style. Get one ol my pretty new styles for summer wear. Natural curl hair. M. LANDEKS, aOS, S. Main St., 24 tlour, Alf Relber building, Butler.Ta. PMM Qsmpietree. GAMIEIJ>T*ACO.,SIB W.*6tiißt..M.Y. (Jures SickHeadacte JTUMBUGS, gIG BUGS, BUGS, i | R ED BUGS "YyATER BUGS. 9 JJOACHES, 1 And all kinds of insects com t pletely destroyed by the use of BUGOL.E. Is not poisonous to use and can be handled without danger to persons. Will not in j jure varnish on furniture but rather improves it. But is sure death to 1 all kinds of bugs and insects. Can . only be had at our store. We al ■ so keep the finest brand of insect powder. Try our Ammonia, the superior of any brand sold in the i stores. We want you to know we ; keep these things as well as the purest and best Drugs in every department. Respectfully, C. N. BOYD, Druggist. Diamond Block. Registered Pharmacist. 'J 1 HE BUTLER COUNTY NATIONAL BANK, BUTLER. LHA. srß?i A r« P * id Cf ' - - - f100.04M.00. SIBPLU, . _ $30,000.00. OFFICERS : tir u... ,; ,os - Hartman, Prest. J. V. Rltts, \ ice Prest, c. A. Bailey, cashier. DIRECTORS : n OS « l , , a artman - C - P " Co,lln -' i ' O. M. Russell, H. McSweeney, c. D. Qreenlee, J. v. Rltts u ;^"Av r ?i nS- Hazlett. I. «i. Smith. v>. b. Waldron. W. Henry Wilson. M. Floegan. A general banking business transacted. In terest paid on time deposits. Monev loaned on approved security, toretgn exchange bought and sold. INSURANCE COMPANY of NORTH AMERICA, 100 th Year Assets $9,730,000.00. Home of New York, Assets $9,328,000.00, Hartford of Hartford, Assets $7, 10g, 000.00. Continental of New York, Assets $6,380,000.00. NEW YORK LIFE, Assets $137,499,000.00. Office of E. E. ABRAMS & CO, Office in HUSELTON BUILDING, Tnext to the Court House. RAILROAD TIME TABL ES. WEST PKNN R. K. On and after December 19th, 1892, t rains will leave Butler as follows: For Butler Junction and intermediae sections, and for Allegheny City, 6.15, A M., 8:10, 11:00, 2:45, p. m. 5:00, daily except Sunday. For Tarentum, Freeport and UleKheny Valley Junction, 6:15, a. m. 8:40, 11:00, 2:45 p.m. 5:00 p. m., daily except Sunday! For Sharpsburg, 6:15 a. m. 11:00, 2:45 p. m. 5:00. For Blairsville and Blairsville Intersec tion; 6:15 a. m. and 2:45 p. m., daily except Sunday. Trains leaves Allegheny City for Taren tum, Butler Junction and Butler at 6:55 a. m., SAo, 10:40, 3:15. 10:40 p. m. 6:10, daily except Sunday. ForSharpsburg at 6:55 a. m. B:4s,and 10:40 p. m. Trains pass Blairsville Intersection east ward as follows: Harrisburg Accommodation, 7:30 a. in., daily except Sunday. Day Express, 9:40 a. m., daily. Mail Express, 3:18 p. m., daily. Philadelphia Express 6:28 p. m., daily. From Union Station, Pittsburg, Eastern Standard time, for Altoona. Harrisburg, Washington, Philadelphia and New York; 3:30 a. m. Fenn'a. Limited, 7:15 a. m. 4:30 p. m.. 7:00 p. m., 8:10 p. m. For Harrisburg daily except Sunday, 5:25 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. For Harrisburg Sunday only, 8:40 a. m., arriving at Philadelphia at 10:55 p. m. For time tables and further information inquire of the Ticket Agent at the Station, or address Thos E. Watt, P. A. VV. Dist. 110 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. P. A W. K. B. Trains leave the P. <fc W. depot near Cen tre Ave., Southside, Butler time, as follws going south: 6:00 a. m.—Allegheny Accomodation. B:2o—Allegheny and Akron Express— run* on Sunday to Allegheny, and connects daily to New Castle. 10:30 a. m. —Allegheny Accomodation. 3:00 p. in.—Chicago Express, runs on Sun day. 5:55 p.m.—Allegheny and Zelienople Mail Runs on Sunday to Allegheny alone. An additional train leaves Butler at 3:35 p. m. daily and 11:15 a. m. Sunday Con necting at Callery Junction for Allegheny. Going North—lo:os a. m. Bradford Mail. 5:00 p. m—Clarion Accom. 7:25 p.m.—Foxburg Accom. No Sunday trains on the narrowgauge. Trains for Butler leave Allegheny at 8:15 and 10;30 a. m., city time, and 3:10, 5:25 and 7:30 p. m. On Sunday at 8:10 a. m. and 3:00 p. m. Trains arrive at Butler at 10:00 and 9:50 a. m. and 12:35, 5:00, 9:05 and 10:00 p. m. Sun day at 10:20 and 6:10. PITTSBCKG, SIIEKANGO & LAKE ElilK It. R Central time. Department and arrival of trains at Butler, daily except Sunday, The trains leave the P. &W. depot as fol lows: Erie express leaves Butler at 4:45 a. m. Solid train for Erie and intermediate stations, without change, connecting at Crancsville for Conneaut, arrive at Erie 9:45 a. m. Allegheny express leaves Allegheny at :16 a.m. Leaves Butler at 9:10 p. m. for Grove City, Mercer Greenville, Meadville, Conneautville,Conneaut. arrives at Erie 1:45 p. m. Leaves Allegheny at 2:10 p. m. Leaves Butler at 4:00 p. m. Solid train for Mead ville and intermediate statiocs, without change, arrive at Meadville 7:40 p. m. Trains arrive at Butler as follows: Leaves Meedville 5:15 a. m., stopping at intermediate stations,arrives at Butler at 8:43 a. m., and Allegheny at 11.-20 a. m. Leaves Erie at 8:40 a. m., stopping at Girard, Albion, Meadville, Mercer, Grove City, arrives at Bu ler 1:42 p. m. and Alle gheny at 3:45 p. m. Leaves Erie 3:25 p. in., stopping at inter mediate stations,arrives at Butler at S:32^p.m. Trains leave Hilliards at 6:25 and 11:15 a. m. slow time and both connect for Butler, and the freight train that leaves Butler at 7:00 a. m., and passenger at 5 p. m. connect at Branchton for Hilliards, Hotel Butler, J. H. FAUBEL, Prpp'r. This house has been thorough ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electric bells and all other modern conveniences for guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as can be found in Butler, Pa. Elegant sample room for use of commercial men. W. H. O'BRIEN & SON. [Successors of Schutte <fc O'Brien.] Sanitary Plumbers And Gas Fitters. PBALBBB IN Sewer Pipe, Gas Fixtures, Globes and Natural Gas Appliances. Jefferson St.,opp. Lowry House BUTLER, :PA.. Keep an Eye out for Bargains. J SPECIAL - JAG t: ILow PRICES. Men's, Bo\*s' and Chile Iron's Clothine. * Q* , r Gent's Furnishiug Goods, Hats, etc. \ ou will find the place for it wben \ou Fee our r Spring display of quality and elegance. > • - i If you wish to we the latent novelties come and see us. It you wish to >ee the verv best in xt.uuhird styles aud iv liable makes come and see us. Few can meet and none can l>eat our prices. They have got to go Hard time?, high prices, and big profits can't oxUt as we are bound"to lead. Truth brands our goxls. -Honest Quality." kcotiomy ivcoinmends our low prices. H. schneideman; Clothier an. , ur!ii<he , * i 104 South Main St., Butler, Pa. Hot Weather Clothing. Now is the time for you to look for Hot Weather Clothing. We have the line for you to select from and they go at these prices. Men's checkered seersucker coats 75 cts. Men's striped seersucker coats and vests SI.OO. Men's black alpaca coats $1.25. Men's black alpaca coats and vests $2.75. Men's colored alpaca coats and vests $3.00. Men's bine flannell coats and vests $3.25. Black alpaca clerical coats and vests $4.00. Men's fine black and blue serge coats and vests $5.00. Boy's light weight coats 50 cts. to $2.00. > Men's straw hats 25 cts. to $2.00. Boy's straw hats 25 cts. to SI.OO. See our Window Display of Light Vests. SCHAUL, & NAST'S, Opposite Hotel Vogely, Butler, Pa. The 0. W. HARDMAN Art Company Limited. SPECIALTIES Everything in Photographing and Portrait*, iu Pastel, Grayson, Sepia, Oil or Water Colors, that is worthy of honest sale, anil strictly FIRST CLASS, IS OUR SPECIALTIES. Old Pictures REPRODUCED and ENLARGED. All work guaranteed as repre sented. Latest Styles in Picture Frames. See large display of samples, Compart prices and our work with others. Special rates to Ministers and Lady School Teachers LADIES, OLD PEOPLE, And Childreu have no long, dark, tilt}' stair* to travel up and down. Studio on FIRST FLOOR, 108 MAIN STREET, BITTLER, PA. Pittsburg, UANZIGERS, Pennsjtala. All Purchases of $lO and up, Delivered Free of Charge Within a Radius of 100 Hilcs Ceaselessly and untiringly studying the wants and necessities, con stantly attending to the desiies aud interests of our constituents. The cash buying folks at Home, and for many, very many miles, north, south, east aud west of us A most successful means for the betterment of our own interests, yes, first class goodn at less than elsewhere prices, rattles our im itators, pleases the people, and brings lots of grist to our mill. Bargains in Every Department, At Prices Un-Tblnk-Able Elsewhere. Screamers From Our Curtain and Linen Room. 288 great big SI.OO, 1.25 and 150 white bed spreads for 69c, 89c aDd 99c each. 40c, 50c, 75c and 87c ger man table linens for 25c.39c,49c, and 59c a yard. 38c, 55c, and 75c pretty turkey red tablings for 25c, 39c and 49c a yard. Lovely 12c, 15c, 18c and 25c nainsook checks and stripes for Bc, 10c, 12c and 15c a yard. Lace curtains 3£ yards long for 99c, $1.24, 1.49, and 1 99 a pair. Money Saving Revelations in Waists and Wrappers. About 3000 challie. gingham, best indigo, and mourning wrappers, now not one of these sells for less than $2 50 and $3.00 and cheap enough too, but we cleared this big lot not to give away, but to throw away for 98c each. 1000 One $1.25 black sateen waists 'll hump cut for 59c each. McCANDLESS' HEAVE CURE. I have a Ileavo Cure that will euro any case of heaves in horses in forty days, if used according to directions, and if it does not do what I claim for it, I will refund the amount paid and no charges will be made for the treatment. The following testimonials are the strongest proof of the medicines power to cure: A. J. MCCandlkss, Butler, Pa., 1893. Mb. A. J. McCandlbss: On the 2nd day of April, 1892, I com menced to use your new cure for one of my horses that had the heaves very bad, and continued to use the medicine for about forty days and the horse did not show any signs of a retum ol them. It is now about a year since I quit giving the medicine and the horse has never showed any signs of heaves, and I feel satisfied that he is properly cured. W. C. Criswell, Butler, Pa., April 3. 1893. A. J. McCandlbss: I have nsed your Heave Care and found it will do the work if used according to di rections. Yours truly, K. J. M< MII-LIS. WANTED. AgenU to sell lour choice and Hardy Nursery Stock. We have many special varieties, both in fruits and ornamentals to oiler, which are controlled only by us. 'We pay commission or salary. Write us at once for terms, &ud secure choice ol terri tory. MAY BROTHEKS, Jturßcrynien, Rochester, N. Y. Now For Some Big Dollar Sav ers From Our Enterprising Un-Stand-Still-Able House Furnishings. 5000 of the $2 00 screen doors, with spring hinges, handle and hook and eye complete, ready to hand for 99C each. Half dollar adjustable window screens for 24c each. $3.50 folding curtain stretchers with bassel for $1.74. $5.50 lawn mowers warrant ed, 'II sell for $2.98 each. Why pay $3.50 when yon can get right here, 25 feet 3 ply unburstable rubber hose with coupling for just $1.74. And then, what is the use of paying these high priced fellows $12.50 for hard wood refrigerators. Our prices is but $7.98 each. Likewise those $1.75 lightning ice cream freezers here for 99c each. To wind up, we'll advise you to keep cool about it,we'll help you by selling $1 75 hammocks 1 for 99c each. Fighting Fowls. Such as | f £ and £ Jap's, Irish Grays and Brown Reds that are game and fighters. Bufl Leghorns that are fine as silk. Old pair cost SBS last summer in England. Eggs from all kinds $3 per 13, $5 per 30. Address, for Price list, etc., J. L. BROYVNLEE, Ralston, Pa. EGGS FOR HATCHING. From Prize Winning Birds. Constating ot Block Mlnorcaa. eggs $2 per 13; S. C. Brown Leghorn. SI per 13 ; B.F. Kocks, S. s. Hamburg*. & L. Wyahdottes, eggs $1 per 13. S2OO per:*) (;,hkl hatch.satisfaction guaranteed Eggs de lvered to Butler tree ot charge. Stock lor laic In season. Write tor reticulars. L.C. Mar tin ami \V. J. Moser, s-ouora. Butler count;. Pa. EGGS FOR HATCHING. Koec Comb White Leghorn liens troiu the yard ot Ed. W. Boyle, score <J3. Cockerel from Theo. Scheld. score M. Single Comb Brown Leghorn hens. Eureka Strain, headed hy Cock erel from Jas. Sterlings Strand, score 95. race $1.25 tor 13 eggs. >l. A. hISON. Saxonburg. Kuller Co., Ml • ••" ' ' »u<l tem«»iSLu .•*'* • .»-sert* T eruwnloqult; .«>»' -uinvi. l erui&icat poikfai