Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 02, 1893, Image 4
BICKEL'S I i Grand Bargain Sale Still continues and will continue until we have sold out our stock oi Sample Boots and Shoes and Oxfords. Bargain seekers should not mias this Grand Bargain Sale as we are offering greater bargains than ever before. Having received a large line of ladies fine aboea and oxfords, I am pre pared to show a better selection than ever before, and prices much lower. Ladieß Fine Russia Bluchers at $2 00 to $4 00. a " " Oxfords at SI.OO to $2,25. » •- Chocolate Oxfords and Blucher style-at $2.25. •« Hand Turn Oxford and Southern ties at $2.50 Ladies fine Dongola Shoes hand turn> A j.t STYLES. i< a •• " " welt) Misses Fine Dongola Shoes at SI.OO to $2.50. '• School Shoes 75c to $1 25. " Tan or Red Shoes at SI.OO. " • " Oxfords at 90c. CHILDREN'S SHOES AND OXFORDS ALL COLORS. Infant Sho«3 at 18c to 50c. We Stand for Quality. MEN'S FIISTK SHOES. Oar Men's fine shoes are more varied in styles this year than ever be fore Full slock of men's fine Tan shoes in Lace or Blocher Btyles. ' Men's fine patent leather shoes in lace and congress, plain toe and tips. Mea's fine Calf, Cordovan, Kangaroo and Porpoise shoes in all ftyles and at low prices. . „ . . . „ , , Men's low cat shoes in Oxfords and Southern ties in Tau color or or Calf and Kangaroo stock. Boys' Tan Bluchers at $1.50. Fine shoes, lace congress or button at $125 to $3 00 per pair. Our stock of men's and boys's working shoeß is larger than ever before. ISTOT-E THE PRICES- Men's kip Bhoes 75c to $1.25. Men'e grain shoes SI.OO and upwards. Men's grain box toe shoes at $1 50 and $2.00. Men's kip and calf box tee shoes $1.50 to $2,00. Men's fine calf dress boot* at $2 00, full stock of our own make- Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done. COMPLETE STOCK Of LEATHER and FINDINGS. When in need of anything in mv line give me a call. JOHN BICKEL. 128 South Main Street Butler, Pa. Spring and Summer Footwear! You might just as well have, the first selection from our new stock of shoes, slippers and Oxfords. Some of the new styles we are showing this season in fine goods are fetch ing. The large and well selected line of LADIE S SHOES AND OXFORDS are worthy of special mention; however, we will only state that you will be pleased with their style and fit, and we are selling the very prettiest, styles at prices ranging from 75c to $2.25. Light colors will predominate in Children's Footwear this season. Call and see the pretty things we are showing in Tan and Chocolate Colored Oxfords and Blutchers. We have more and prettier styles for little ones to select from now than ever before. SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN. In regard to our new'goods for gentlemen, we wish simply to state that we have exercised our usually care in their se lection. We have all the newest and latest styles in men's and boys' wear. We feel confident that we can suit you not only in the shoes but as to the price. AL. RUFF, 141 S. Main St.! N. B..—Just now our BARGAIN COUNTER is quite a feature. Almost all the goods on it are marked at less than half price. ! sp shoesFoß EVERYBODY. An immense exhibit of spring Bboen. All: YOUR FEET CAN BE the latest flbsdes in tan goat and Russia j FITTED WITH calf, newest tips and Btyles of lastfl. We; HUSELTON'S SHOES. Bbow everything in the line. Footwear worth the having—but no trash. LADIES' FINE SHOES. Never have shown to our customers so many new and beautiful gstylfs as we are showing this spring, we are drawing customers every day by the j power of low prices backed with good quality. Therw is a low price unless the quality is back of it. LADIES' FINE SHOES. All the styles worth having have found there way to our boufe' Ladies' fiue shoes from 85 cts. to $4.50. Don't forget to see our shoes at SI.OO, $1.25, $1.40, $1 .50 and $2.00, tip or plain toe,common sense opera or | Phll'a. last. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S FINE SHOES. We are showing a beautiful line in tan goat and Russia cal I, heel und Bpring. They combine beauty, service and low prices. Misses' shoes at 80 eta. op. Fine dongola patent tip spring heel, 12-2 only SI.OO. Missee' and children's oxfords all colors. Infants soft sole shoes in colors. Children's shoes 25 cts. to 50 cts. MEN'S FINE SHOES. New attractions in high grade goods of the latest make, sonnd in quality, they are straight square bargains every one of them, and at a frice. Men's brogana only 10 cts and SI.OO Men's fine shoes with tip at 1.00 and $1.25. Men's fine shoes extra nice at only $1.50. Men's fine shoes gfci.uitie calf fine only $2.00. In lace and congress tip or plain, then onr tan bluchers and patent call are beauties, gocdyear welts and band sewed in calf and cordovan at $2.50 and up. JN BOY'S AND YOUTH'S SHOES WA lead ae usual in sty qualitj ond low prices Boy's fine button or lace at SI.OO and $1.25, 3to s£. Youth 'a fine shoes at 75 and SIOO. Full line Men's box toe heavy shoes in grain and kip at $2.00. Kip box too boots, three soles, long leg, at $3.00 and 3.50. Repairing all kinds done at reasonable prices. Came and see for yourself. B. C. HUSELTON. mspmm.M We are approaching the dayß of all the year, the days when the air is freighted with the perfumery of flowerj, and everything is symbolic of Peace and Good Will. In this respect these days re semble our shoes Tboir Good Will is shown by their willingness ♦.O stand by you, as long as yon stand in them, tonality, not price is cheapness, and we believe our priies quality considered to be the lowest in Butler ROBINS BROS, 8 E Corner of Diamond. - - Butler, P® PER CENT.| lU First Mortgage Loans Kn tax. commission or fees. Interest payable semi-annually byXewTork draft. Perfect se curity Highest reference. CHIS.«. REID. Flirting. Washington. Your Painter has often wasted time and material in trying to obtain a f hade of color, and has even resorted to the use of ready mixed paints, the ingredients of which he knew nothing, because of the diffi culty in making a shade of color with white lead. This waste can be avoided by the use of National Lead Company's Pure White Lead Tinting Colors These tints are a combination of per- j fectly pure colors, put up in small cans, j and prepared so that one pound will j tint 25 pounds of Strictly Pure White Lead to the shade shown on the can. By this means you will have the best paint in the world, because made of the best materials— Strictly Pure White Lead and pure colors. Insist on having one of tne brands of white lead that are standard, manufactured by the " Old Dutch" process, and known to be strictly pure: "Armstrong & McKelvy" " Beymer-Bauman" " Fahnestock" " Davis-Chambers" These brands of Strictly Pure White Lead and National Lead Co.'b Pi*re White Lead Tinting Colors arc for sale by the most re liable dealers in paints everywhere. If you are going to paint, it will pay you to send to ua lor a book containing informa tion that may save you many a dollar; it will only cost you a postal card. NATIONAL LEAD CO., 1 Broalnnv, New Tort Pittsburgh Branch, National Lead and Oil Co. of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Pa, 4#qpyii£ I mi - :> mr 5,.. £ y ■c| t */ F i t :?'£/} v HC'Jol i! • USE. * >" ' {■• ■-* * -'>e<l by AH OJji) V " ai V. : '! >'3IuIAN in IS 10. C: 'heist real merit he vo su ." . v " u*.:. - tity yc&raf SOOTHING, KEMUHG, P _ lETRATIHp For INTERNAL : -1 CMITSNAL Mot* IfhiUrrrfl l'.. M c'urp* Croup Coldf, v T!.-« * i • . ' * . amp* and Fain*, Buimri r (-11. • 1 . • >tke mafftc. Core* looirh-. ' «». «.» • • n. .»•; Cholera* Morbc*. f hilSs;.i';«. ' • - - • • Hotly Lirul**, Htlff ' T-J: < i:• i r ><rvoti* Headache. lll'*t'd f«miiM-t ' •c. .»;• ho-. JHat » Six U'Vrt, { 1 .« . A. ( li' ston. Maid. hXTmphreys' Or. Humphrey.' *pecillca arc*clentlflcallyand carefully prepared Remedies, used f.,r years In private practice and for over thirty years by the people with entire bucccss. Every single Specific a «j>eetal care for tin- <JIM-a»9 nam"d. Th< > irnre without drugging, purging or reducing the ryftem and are In fiu i and deed the botrrrlgn Remedies of the World. no. ci-p.r*. rticiL 1 —Fever*, ConirestlonA, lnflamnnitions.. .M.'i it-Worm*, Worm Kever. Worm C01ic.... ,'ii 3—Tcetblnsi Colic, Wakifulnem .Uli 4—Diarrhea, of Children or Adulta .'23 7—Coa«U«, Cold*. Ur*>nchitl» tit fi— Neornluia, T'«.thache. Kaceaehe. !f5 » iieaduchen, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 10-IJy«pep»ln. EUlou»uenß.Constipation. .23 11-Kappri'imcd or I'nfnfnl Period* . .'ZS 1 'J - Whites, Too J'rofnse Periods '2H 13—Croup, Lnrynglilx, lloarm n«-f.i . .23 1 4—(Salt Itheuiii, Kry«li»'la». Eruptions. .25 15— RheamutlMiti, Rheumatic Pains .25 ! 16—Malaria, Chills. Fever and Ajfuc 25 ltt-Cntorrli, Influenza. Cold in theliead. .25 20 Whooplnsr C'ongh ••• •'■4s 27—Kidney '<l3 28-Nervous Debility l.«» 30- t.'rlnnry Weakness, 'Wetting B«l.. .US liUMPUB-EYIS' WITCH 11.W.F.1. OIL, "The Pile Ointment."-Trial fclie. 25 CU. RoM by Dru«l»l>. >,r ~ tj- ~d on re-'fll tof price. Dm. iiviiraniKytt' Ma*uai. iU4p**--*, uailsu rm.c. HIHrUUKYfi' Sl.il. CO., 111 A 113 WUiLun fit, SKW YORK* SPEC IFICS. . , -- It Cures Oolda, Oouf he. Bote Thrcet, Croot» Infia j #rz . Whoapiaf Coueh, iiroiciiiu»c.R»l Aaihcia. A. certain cure for Consumpticn L& drst otigr■. and a sura relief in advanced etayes. You will toe the excellent effect after tah'ntj th* first dct«. i Bold by dcslers cveryvhtrj. Larja toxica, 60 J lenta and .on, i I • w.— v Every Moiith h | r many wonier. : from or " Scant Men»cruatlon; tney don't know wou kO conftde in to proper adviso* Don't «onf\de In anybody but try f Bradfieid'B Female « BSpeclHc lor PA-HFUL, FKOFUBE, '4 | SCANTY, BUPPRE3S.CO IRRSGULAH menstf<i;ation. (Book to "WOMAN'' mailed fl rSAOFIELD REOULATOH CJ., Atlanta. Oi. [• hoi.l by all IS> use'"'*. For Sale hy J. C. Kedlck. ''■tf.P.i OIHTWEMTm **3 II >. r <tr»r<rl* r•• • !•» .. itl ? - • ' 'tr * o*. '.iWAiic £ i .'h/\ .:>■*. 4«k/«■-» u» {tnu,{la MEN -w;r • f."JT -TAIUKGNAJTHOCI ft:*:. . vzr&w tTiiUjTft i'V .. ~re«.>.-.nd»ir.4 V:'--. j a DOCTORS LAKE rill ATK DISPKNSAKY. COR. PEMI. AVE. AND FOURTH BT.. PITTBBUROH, PA. All forms of Dclicuta ami Com plicated Dim a <■« rc'iulrlnjfOoN. riPKNTiAI. andlii IKNTIKIC Meil lcution are treated at this l»i»- with a success-aroly ttttalnc<l. I'r. K. ! .. i . . m tnemlicrof til" Itoval College of I'liy id Kurtc«<'>.i.-, slid Is tlio o! lent and most • . .cnccii SrKClALim' In the city. Special at ■ '.1,1, : i "IVCII to Nervous l»ebillt> from c -ive ri. !al .dtortlon. Indiscretion of youth, etr.,raus iiii ,:,v.lcal and mciitul decay,lack of enerpy, '• •i'leney, etc.; also Cancer*, Old SOIXM, Kits, I heuniatlHin, ami all tlixcnacsof thOsl.in, .unifs Urinary Organs,ttc. ConKultntlon ... ... ,1 xtrictiy confidential. Office lionrn,, 0 tf» I 7 to K V. M.; Sundays, 2 to < v. M. only. i •.t officii or addict 1)!!*. I.AKK, C.'K. \vi;. ANomihT..pnTsiJi;ituii.i*.v. \£ ixti AH SXLH. I 1 GOSSER'S ii | CREAM GLYCERINE.! j for t!i«) faMflrr nhavlnß, I 1 ( hauda and face* 1»* it, H ■ A IIOTTLK AT lIKL'GOIttIM. I THE CITIZEN SHE CAPTURED THE COURT. A Woman TrtTtltr Who Can Take Car. of Heraelf. "There are several lady travelers or the road, but most of them are rathei agents than travelers," writes a com mercial traveler to the St. Louis Globe Democrat. "One of the brig-litest among them that I have met was a pleasant little bodv who was taking orders for boobs though, as she frequently explained,she was no book agent, because she only sold to the trade and in 'quantities. That might be, but she always had a spare copy to accommodate anyont who might be strufk with its beauties. "I met her in a Rmpll Illinois town, where the local juaiciary wrestled hard to coUect a license from every one who came within a hundred miles of being an agent or peddler, and my fair comrade got herself arrested for selling a single copy of her book for six dollars cash to a man who was mean enough to give her away. I felt sorry for her, and made up my mind that after supper I would either square the court or bail her out. "But my services as advocate or di verter ofjustice from the proper chan nels were not needed, for at- supper tittie she appeared more radiant than ever. I asked her how she got along with the police judge o* justice of the peace. " 'Oh,' she replied, 'he is just the nicest old man I ever saw in my life, lie bought the only copy I had left, and asked the constable who arrested me if he thought he had good sense tc drag a lady before him like that for nothing.' "I often wonder what kind of argu ment the lady used, for the old judge had a reputation for cussedness which it was hard to equal. But one thing is certain, and that is the average womar traveler can take good care of herself without much outside assistance." LIKE A HUMAN HAND. The Singular Growth of a Tree Whlcb Had Oaea Been Blighted. Up on the eaat side of North Seventh street, about midway between Poplai street and Girardavenue, Philadelphia, stands a strikingly curious tree, which recently attracted the attention of an inquirer nifiki. It stands just in front of a stable yard, and the employes of the place say that dozens of people come to them every week and make re marks or ask questions about the strange growth. From the thickness oi the growth at the base the tree is probably about forty years old, but it* branches and foliage are new and fresh, and look as though they were but the growth of a year or two. The trunk runs straight from the ground to a height of fifteen feet. Above this, for a short diatance, is a thick, globular mass of foliage, the leaves appearing to grow directly out of the wood. Above this growth run up three thick stalks or stumps six or eight feet high, also covered with a dense, close mass of foliage. When the tree is viewed from the north side it presents a startling resemblance to a giant human hand protruding from the earth. The thr«« big stumps at the top represent the three middle fingers, and upon either side of these can easily be seen config urations of the surrounding foliage which correspond to the little finger and thumb. The explanation of the phenomenon is a curious one. The tree was once full grown and vigorous, but was attacked by blight or some other disease, and the dead trunk was pruned down to its present proportions, where upon the present new growth devel oped. PECULIARITIES OF GREEK ART. Sculptor* Made Male and Female Fea ture* Different. Archaeologists have observed that in Greek statues the male eye is strongly arched, while the female eye has a rather flattened surface; and referring to accounts by the older anatomists who have affirmed sueli a difference to exist they have seen in this a fresh proof of the exact observation of nature by the ancient Greeks. Tho rule, according to London Nature, is not without exceptions, for the cornea in the Zeus of Otricoli has quite a flat form. Ilerr Greef recently set himself to in quire whether such a sexual difference actually exists, and from individual measurmentof the radius of the cornea in the horizontal meridian he gets an average of 7.88 mm. for men and 7.83 mm. for women (Donders gives 7.808 and 7.799), so the difference is so small as to be imperceptible to the naked eye. Measurement of other dimensions gave but minute differences also. The author concludes that the Greeks (from artistic motives) did not in this case follow nature. Faper Made of Iron. A queer specimen of American iron work was exhibited at tho great expo sition of 185 L Immediately a lively discussion ensued among American and British manufacturers as to how their iron could be rolled. The Gillett rolled sheets, the average thickness of which was only tho 18-109 part of an inch! The wonderful fineness of thia work may be more rapidly understood when the reader Is informed that 1,200 ■heets of the thinnest tissue pajier, pressed, measure a fraction over an Inch. These sheets were strong and tenacious and could be written upon with a pen, but were porous when held before a strong light. A (Deer That Overtook a Train. A deer had a race with a train on the Piscataquis division of the Bangor &. Aroostook railroad not long ago. The train was on a level and was making fully thirty miles an hour when a deer, evidently chased by dogs, came in sight in a wood road behind tho hindcrinost car. It was a buck, with lofty head and trim limbs. He came along at a rapid gait, overtook the train and for a mile and a half kept even pace with the engine, sometimes coming within forty yards of the cars. Finally tho train crossed the wood rood, which had run parallel to the track, and the buck went out of sight behind some bushes. —Life is short and time is fleeting, hut Hood's Sarsaparillu will bless humanity as ages roll on. —An ordinary piauo contain* a inilo of wire string. —A well furnished parlor revels in a great variety of chairs. —Every suburban excursionist returns to *ho city ladeu with flowers anil blos soms. Lane's* Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy thin is necessary. —The members of the "Servant Girl's League" will accept no place unless the lady of the house can show the best refer ences. —The approved wedding present for a groom to give hi t bride is a pair of garters, set with precious stories—far too handsome to use -Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito .'i days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. I'l ets. Sold by J. (!. Kedick, druggist, Battel. —The rtils of a new electric street rail waj' in Warren are being laid. —A Manayonk glue club went out to u serenade a few nights ago, but while they were engaged in their first public effort they were arrested for disorderly conduct. ■ Tiny were suspvted of being a calithuin ' pian party. USK DANA'S SA USA PA KM LA, ITS "THE KIND THAT CUBES." Water as a Medicine. "Hall's Journal of Health'' gives the fol lowing: The human body is constantly undergoing tissue change. Worn out par ticles are cast aside and eliminated from the system, while the new are ever being formed, from the inception ol life to its close. Water has the power of increasing these tissue changes, which multiplies the waste products, but at the same time they are renewed by its agency, giving rise to in creased appetite, which in turn provides fresh nutriment. Persons but little accus tomed to drinking water are liable to have the products formed faster than they are removed. Acy obstruction to the free working of natural laws at once produces disease, which, if once firmly seated, re d air eg both time and money to cure. People accustomed to rise in the morn ing weak and languid wi'l find the cause in the imperfect secretion of wastes which many times may be remedied by drinking a full tumbler of water before retiring. This very materially assists in the process during the night, and leaves the tissues fresh and strong, ready for the active work of the da». Hot water is one of our best remedial agents. A hot bath on going to bed. even in the hot nights of summer, is a better reliever of insomnia than many drugs. Inflamed parts will subside under the continual poulticing of real hot water. Very hot water is, as we all know, a prompt checker of bleeding, and besides, if it is clean, as it should be. it adds In sterilizing the wound. A riotous or rotton stomach will nearly always gratefully receive a glass or more of hot water. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Ask your friends about it. —The new base ball rule which puts the pitcher back five feet has certainly had the effect to increase the batting, as was de signed. As a natural cor; qiei no-re batting there is more field . . . e base runniajr. all of which puts life into the trame. While it is too early yet to say what success will attend tbi-», it is evident ly havi; *r its effect. The games are far more interesting, and the attendance, so far as this city is concerned, exceedingly encouraging.—Phila. Presi. An unknown Singer sang a nameless song So tender, sweet and true, That all the world sang, too. The world his measures thrilled; Unknown, his voice was stilled. Think you the singer sings not aye his song? Ah, singero ell! not human meet, nor name, I-'ills that high, holy place Where Hong's soul rests in grace. To catch, to know, reveal One song, and, silent, feel Thou art God's messenger, is fame ! Kdprar L- Wakeman, iu ISelfortTs. Dr-rikenuess, or the Habt, Posi tively Cured by administering Dr. Haines 'Golden Specific." It is manufactured a* a powder, which can be given in r. glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, ami will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been givin in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never tails. The system once impregnat ed witlr th« Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility fur the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book ol particulars free. Address, Golden Specific Co . JB."> Race .St.. Cincinnati •>. —The sixth sense —Reticence. —An.oi.g ihe buildings ou the grounds of Ihe World's Fair, that of IViin »t I run is is conceded to lie one of the tiue»t loos' tasteful mid complete. lis total cost WH-. about SBO,BOO, including all iuterior and outside decorations. The building will be a favorite rendezvous fur Pennsvl vahiut.s, beiti;; admirably adapted t'> th.i miriii.HiK of a in<-i tiiifc' and r.'xtiiif; j.lacu and furnished with all needed convenienc es. Visitors from this State are expected to report and register there, giving also their stopping places while at the Fair. A postoffice, with regular deliveries, is main tained, and all who desire can have their letters addressed to the Pennsylvania liuilding. World's Fair Grounds, Chicago Still in the Lead. Tie Win. 11. Holmes Co., Distillers. Im porters and Wholesale Liquor Dealers, job bers in all the leading brands of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies. Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and '•Holmes' Old Economy" I'ure Rye Wiskies and Greene County Apple Brandy. Our importatiansof fine brandies and wines have been unusually large the past year, and we are better prepared than ever to furnish wholesale dealers, ho tels and taverns with complete outfits of pure choice goods ai first hand prices. Drop us a postal and we will have a sales man call npon you or send for price li-t. TIIKWXI. II HOLMKS Co., 158 l'irst Ave. and 120 Water St., Pittsburgh, Pa. —lt is better to have a y ellow dog than a frivolous fashion plate wife, because you could kill the di g. —Most of the fruit trees in this section are now in full bloom, and thus far have escaped injnay from the frost. It is an old -ign that if trees bloom in the light of the moon there will bo a tiig fruit crop. We will sec later on whether this sign will hold good. PURE WHISKEY is extremely difficult to obtain. In thiir age of adulteration liiid imitation the only way to be guided in the purchase of any article where absolute purity is necessary is to buy from a house whose reputation for handling the best goods at the least money has been firmly established. Such a house is that of Max Klein.of Allegheny, Pa. His Silver Age and Duquesne Rye Whiskies, at $1 50 and .f1.2."> respectively, are recognized as the leading Ryes on the market. For ass 00 bill he will send you siz quarts of any of the following six-year old l'enn'a Ryes: Gnckenheimer, Gibson, Finch, Overholt and Bear (.'reek. Send for his catalogue and price lint. Mailed free. Address MAX KLKIN, 82 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. —Gee whizz ! but hasn't old Jupiter Plu vius pulled the plug out of his rain wagon for sura thiß time. —"There is something wroug," says an exchange, "in the social system that per mits more than 10,000 sewing girls and women to toil for 15 hours a day in New York 'sweat spops' in order to earn 00 cents. —A New York paper saj's: One of the facts connected with insanity is the utter absense of tears amid the insane. If a pa tient in a lunatic asylum be discovered in tears it will be found that it is one begin ning to recovre. Consumption Surely Curocl. To THE SOITOII: Iteaiio Inform ycur readi.TH tlmt I nave a ponitivo romedy fur l».o abOTonamod dlaeaMO. B; :« timely uae tlioiiHand* of hox«cl«.*M cane* havo 11 permanently curcil. I nlin.ll lio glad to Bend twj . J'tles of my remedy FKKK to any ol your roa<!<m •» , i havo conimmptlon If they will wuil mo tlniii and I'. O. a<lJr<;»». Itcupiil fnlJjr. T. A. BLUJPM. M. C.. IHL I-car! St.. H. Y. —I)o you know anybody except yourself who is always good tetnpere, perfectly truthful, sincere and honest, and has cour teous manner besides, i —The very excellent model of a certain agricultural paper is this: "It pays to think." So it does, brother; so it does. But millions of pnoplo think they think when they are merely accepting the opin ions of other people—worst of all, some times of individuals who havo been dead 2,000 or 3,000 years. USB DANA'S SARSAPARILLA. ITS •TUB KIND CUBES." —Subscribe for tbo CITIZKN, tbe beßt Weekly Paper in tho county. ARE ARE YOU =©&»*> YOU ALIVE -WUST AWARE TO YOUR THAT SHREWD OWN INTEREST? BUYERS OF CLOTH DO YOU REFLECT ING INSIST UPON HAY THAT YOU SHOULD ttt ING THE GARMENTS OF HAVE THE LATEST AND ++ THE MANUFACTURER IUIST THAT THE MAN- | WHERE STYLES AND MERIT UFACTURE PRODUCES?jARE CLEARLY STAMPED? We do not force upon you the production of inferior makers which differ as "Skim Milk does from Cream." We handle the best at lowest possible prices. DOUTHETT kGRAHAM, New Clothing House, Cor. Main and Cu iningham Sts., -:- Butler, Pa. Pittsburg. DANZIGERS, Pennsylvania. All Purchases of $lO and up, Delivered Free of Charge Within a Radius of 100 Miles Ceaselessly and untiringly studying the wants and necessities, con stantly attending to the desires and interests of our constituents. The cash buying folks at Home, and for many, very many miles, north, south, east and west of us A most successful means for the betterment of our own interests, yes, first class goods at less than elsewhere prices, rattles our im itators, pleases the people, and brings lots of grist to our mill. Bargains in Every Department, At Prices Un-Think-Able Elsewhere. Screamers From Our Curtain 1 Now For Some Big Dollar Sav and Linen Room. ers From Our Enterprising 288 great big $1 00, 1.25 and 150 1 Un-Stand-Still-Able House white bed spreads for 69c, 89c and Furnishings. 99c each 40c, 50c, 75c arid 87c ger- ! 5000 of the $2 00 screen doors, with man table linens for 25c.39c.49c, and j spriug hinge-, handle and hook and 59c a yard 38c, 55c, and 75c pretty j eye complete, ready to hand for 99c turkey red tublings for 25c, 39c and j each. Half dollar adjustable window 49c a yard. Lovely 12c, 15c, 18c and screens for 24c each $3.50 folding 25c nainsook checks and stripes for curtain stretchers with bassel for Bc, 10c, 12c and 15c a yard. Lace $1.74. $5.50 lawu mowers warrant curtains yards lonp for 99c, $1.24, ed, 'll sell lor $2.98 each. Why pay 1.49, and 1 99 a pair. $3.50 when yoa can get right here, Money S vl"g R vabj'ion> :n 25 feet 3 ply uLburstable rubber hose vv - d Wrap' ■ with coupling for just $1.74. And A u 3<:m' I.• . best then, what is the use of paying these indigo, aiiu t...wtuiug wrappers, now high priced fellows $12.50 for hard not one of these sells for less than wood refrigerators Our prices is $2 50 and $3 00 and cheap enough but $7.98 each. Likewise those too, but we cleared ibis big lot not to $1.75 lightning ice cream freezers giveaway but to throw away for here for 99c each. To wind up, we'll 98c each. 1000 fine $1.25 black sateen advise you to keep cool about it,we'll waists 'll hump #ut for 59c each. help you by selling $1 75 hammocks I for 99c each. JVL ROSENTHAL, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St., - Pittsburg, Pa. Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Market t\vjs fcttSttO&siCttV gjj iwFEVEftS^jj HAY- FEVER 'COLD-HEAD Ely's Cream Balm is not a liquid, snuff or povder. Applied into the nostrils it it _ quickly absorbed. It chantes the head, allays inflammation, hetilx _ C 180 the tores. Sold by drvqgists or sent by mail on receipt of price. KZIJA 3UC ELY BROTHERS. 56 Wafren Street NEW YORK. 3UO "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO Dr. Taft's ASTHMALifit conta. .u:a ' "'' Aanodyno, but destroyu tho fji'<. ;-t 1a poiron in!;. • ijiaddress we mail thfi blood, gives a night's sv/.' '-i'' i' ' <<'£ u i.il !»>ttl |Qnpp l ,ri ; vo J* H so that vou not n>-,-lwt V"'ir lm>.-" orrit tii-iT"* , 1 ™ all night gasping for lircath fur foar of suffocation.! ul " scure a=thnia For bale by all drugsistd. DR. TAFT BROS. ME3ICINE CO., ROCHESTER, M. Y. i. READ AND BEMKMBETj For t rtctlv pure nnrt reliable STRAIGHT l/'J I'OKS. cull on I, FT. 12 HJIITIIFIKI.iI ST., I'ITTSIU liti, VA . (Oppo. Monongubela House.) .Matchless for Family use an'l medicine pur poses are FINCH'S (IOI,')K.N WKDl'l;- , I ."HI (it ( KHNHKIMFIt S WfllKK - ! per <|t. : , OVKKHOI.T'S WHISKY f « <|ts. DII.I.INIiEK'S WHISKY ' for S.V OoodH neatly packed and promptly -hipped KSKR OK KXPKNSK on receipt of c:>sli or post office onlt-r. t*"Nothlii|{ expressed C. O IJ. Send for Price List. rtwijmmiifwatiiirn Cures lirlnhl's Disease, Dropsy. Gravel. Nerv- 1 ousness. Heart. Uilnary of I.lver Diseases. , Knewu by a tired lanipilil feehnu; luactlnp of the kidneys weaken:; and poisons the blood, mid unless cause Is removed joti cannot have health. Cured me over live years lir'Kht's Disease and Dropsy.—Mus. I. L. c. MH.I.KH. ilethleliem, I'a. 1 .000 other similar testlinon.als. Try It. Cure guaranteed. (ANNS KIDNEY IT HE CO.. iiU VciimiKO St., I'lilladeliiliU, I'a. Sold by All Reliable DruuKlsts. WANTED! At " nr "' ~~ T1 | !s I.OCAI.ITY. Splendid OPPORTUNITY for a 1 iv«•, energetic man. We offer BET TER FACILITIES and Better Terms than try Mr. Salary or commission. Write for our Special Offer. HOOK£XI. GROVER & CO.. Hoebehter Fruit Farm an«l Nurseries. K&t&bflhhed 186 C. Rochester. N. Y. WILLIAM KENNEDY. The .veil known liveryman, VVm Kennedy. will be pleased to have his friends call ul hi* new place of business. The eost Horses, Bug«ies and Car riages hi Butler at the most rcasouahle ruti-B. The place is easily remember ed. The first stable west of the Lowrv llouhc j RECULATE THE j 1 STOMACH. LIVfcR AND BOWELS, j PUllli-'Y r'.-.U • tooo. A RELIABLE [itV.EDY FOR j : in^i C r at iu .. !:«•: ■ J '" ' *'• ! I pBIIM, I»j»!'«-I'»l*. «' '• l>»* r I>l " »: 1.1. % lull, • | «.lf, i,»lw 81l .rtfco i '■ SluniM li, I.W»' r li.'i l Kowfl"- 101*,.-. Tubule. tl.o ii .thill* InJurla I tin mint delicti tutl.m. ! l.n«»lt 'l»*<.. | «,»!• effectual. < Immidlal ■ roll«f. j [ ,Id by drat.'" Atrial Uttlo a-:it by 'I j onroodptctli Addnt.i | ! } THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. | I | I« BVJ-CT. :.T.W V< «'irr. j L 1 ) ! A SMILE i means happiness—the more heart-tell the smile the gieater the happiness. Good spirits arc productive of smiles. Try our Finch's Golden Wedding For MtiJiral and Fitiulljr l'»e. SI.OO per Ql; or 6 Qts. for $5.00. Dougherty, Guckenheimer. Large, (iil)Hon. Bridgeport, Ml. Vernon. Overbolt, etc. OUR GOOI>S ARE WARRANTED PURE. Goods securely packed and bored without extra charge. C. O. I) and mail ordors ro ceive prompt attention. "Grand Father's Choice" :i year old its a good one, age has brought out good quality; sells for $2 per ! gallon. ROBERT LEWIN, Importer and Wholesaler, 136 Water St, PITTSBURGH, PA. OPPOSITE B. A O. It. It. DEPOT Stallion. : . -gfe . _ MOHIGAiSJ KING, Record 2 '.fii ina raco on a half-tnile track. Hlreil by Mambrlno King, the greatest llvlne sire of demonstrated racenomoe. and the hand- Homest borne In the world. Thirteen tons and (laughters of this ureal horse made records bet ter than L'.::o last, seaum, Including the great marc. Nightingale 1i.10.S made in the fonrth lieut of a race. They are bread winners. They are the handsomest class of horses on earth. "Mohican K lug's dam was sired by u won of llainhlctoulan (In) called Mohican, who was the sire of live ({real race horses, show Ing that, the blood Hues which go to inahs up Mohican King's remarkable pvdlgreo have and will train on, trol on and win on. besides being ramotls ror their beauty and line finish. I started Mohcan King In five races last fall getting a piece of the money every time, and won the largest purse and best race he started In. which certainly otl ght to be a credit to any hors for the nret season. He ts like bis sire, a beautiful dark chestnut, very haiidsoine, bervy boned, well muscled. and has grert lunif power. Ills colts are all stamped closely after himself, speedy and tine looking. Tbla horse will make the aeaaon of lin liufler, I'a. Terms. to Insure. No account ability for accidents. Will tie fouud In the Scott liurn. In the alley north of the Wick Home l.lvcry Hani. \\ in be found at the Fair <;rounds. 1,. Dean, keeper. C. M. lIAUKINOTON,Owner. STORM BIRD, 0450. Record, 2:35 at 1 ytars. Hired by I-crd RuK.se), lull brother lo Maud X, "J.OSi. BTOHM B1KI) is hall' brother to the mighty Kremlin, 'J.O'it, king of trotting stallions. His dam has a trotting record of 2:26j, and his grand dams arc i'c ;restest brood mares that ever lived. Ktieh are the dams ol stallions having one hundred in the list. The two together have OH of their descendants in the 30 list and hold 4.1 ol the world's records, lie it a grand individual and a t rolling-bred trotler. combining in hit pedigree the two iuc»t fashionable and Interne trotting families in the world. He is e rich cherry bay, 161 bauds high, perfect ly sound, strong and handsome. lie will be found nt my barn, 3* miles northeast of Prospect, the three first days ol each week, and the Inst at the llutler Fair Urouudx daring the season of 1 J-L't, ot the very low terms of t> insure. For pedigree address, AI.ONZO McCANDI.I. U, Isle, Fa. THE Leading Millinery House OF m "X" m «lE^ Are now prepared to show their new line of Spring Milli ner}-. Beautiful beyond description. Whether you buy or not, you are welcome to come and enjoy the beautiful and artistic display. Come for investigation .and comparison. We believe buying will follow. Special Mourning Millinery, also Millinerv for Misses and Children. NOTICE. SAILOR HATS 10c. HINTS FOR SHREWD BUYERS FROM Campbell & Templelon, Butler 3r*a. FURNITURE and QUEENSWARE. DO YOU KNOW 1)0 YOU KNOW DO YOU THINK 1 J j our goods in car load lots We have a Complete stock of Baby Carriages. V/iTT I\ \T/"l YV That we visit the principal furniture -L'v-' »- " markets of the United States each season and have a chance to select the best goods ? After reading the above haven't you about decided that it will pay you to buy from us ? Save money. Make your home attractive. Buy while he stock is complete. Visitors always Welcome. Never Misrepresent Nor Try to Get Rich off one Customer, and Never Advertise What You do Not Have. We have something to Bay now that auits you. Last winter when mes were doll an I manufacturers were pressed for cash we struck eomo special bargains which we are going to give you while they last. Look now quick. We havo 46 very pretty Top Buggies that ordinarily would be worth SBO each, that wo are selling at $65 each; and a lot worth S7O which we uro selling at $55; a lot worth s.>s, we are selling at $45; a lot of nice Buckboarda worth $45, we are selling for $35; a lot of wagon harness worth $22, we are selling at $lB per double fet; another lot worth $35, we are sel ling at S3O; a lot of buggy harness w< rth SO, wo ore selling at $4.25 per set; another lot worth $lO, wo are sellig for $8; another worth sl3, we r«re sel ling for $10; another worth sl6, we are selling for sl3; another worth S2O, we are selling for sl6, &c.; buggy collars worth $1.50, we are selling for $1 00; team collars worth $2 00, we are selling for $1.25 each. The above are not in our regular wholesale line and want to close them out to make room, therefore these prices only stand while the advertisement stands. We cannot get any more at these pricps. Therefore come now and don't stand around all summer and then come and inquire for them for they will be gone and that very quick too. They uro here now, and many more bargains not above named. We want you nnd not somebody else to havo them Hurry up now get a move on and very much oblige yoursolf. Respectfully j i ST I: ' S. B. MARTINCOURT & CO. 128 E. Jefferson St, BUTLER, PA . A Few Doors Above Hotel Lowry. YOUR FAVORITE HOME NEWSPAPER AND flic Willi? fiepubficu Failj Paper of the lied Slates ONE YEAR FOR ONLY #1.50 THE CITIZEN. gives all the Town, County and State, and as much National news as uny other paper of its class. Your Home would be incomplete without it. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE is a "NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, ond gives all the general news of the United States and the world. It pives the events of foreign lands in a nutshell. It has separate departments for "The Family Clrc>e," and "Our Young Folks." Its "Home and Society" columns command the admiration ol wives and daughters. Its general political news, edito rials and dbcussioDs are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. Ittf "Agricultural" department bos no superior in the countrv. Its "Market Koports" are recognized authority in all parts of the land. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this eplendid journal and "The CITIZEN" for one year For only $1.50, Cash in Advance. "N. Y. Weekly Tribune," regular price per year SI.OO ' Tho Citizen," " " " * 50 Total s2.^o We furnish both papeis one year for - - $ ,50, Subscriptions may begin at any time. Addiess all orders to THTC CITIZEN, BUTLER, PA IJ. SPECK WM. H. HOLMES. TIIK LBADIMJ WIIOL.L.K I I K WIMC AM) LKJI'OU IIOISK PKKKSTLVASIA, The Win, 11. Holmes 00., Distillers of "Holmes' Hest" and "Holmes' Old Economy' PURE HYJS WHIfcET, All the leading Rye ar.d I , ii>on Whiskies in bond or tax-paid Importers of fine Brandies, Gins and Wines. S 1 '' ID FOR FK ICE LIST Teleph m No. 305 V 120 Water St. and 158 lir)siAve., PltUbuigh Pa