Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 19, 1893, Image 4
Meyer present Kor Try to Get Rich off one Customer, and lfeier Advertise Hat Tou;do Hot Have. We hare Bomething to Bay now that soits yon. Last winter when mes were dull and manufacturers were pressed for cash we struck some apecial bargains which we are going to give you while they last. Look now quick. We have 46 very pretty Top Buggies that ordinarily would be worth SBO each, that we are Belling at $65 each; and a lot worth S7O which ■we are selling at $55; a lot worth $55, we are selling at $45; a lot of nice Buckboards worth $45, we are selling for $35; a lot of wagon harness worth $22, we are selling at $lB per double set; another lot worth $35, we are sel ling at S3O- a lot of buggy harness worth $6, we are selling at $4.25 per Bet; another lot'worth $lO, we are sellig for $8; another worth sl3, we are sel ling for $10; another worth sl6, we are selling for sl3; another worth S2O, we are selling for sl6, <&c.; buggy collars worth $1.50, we are selling for $1.00; team collars worth $2 00, we are selling for $1.25 each The above are not in our regular wholesale line and want to close them out to make room, therefore these prices only stand while the advertisement stands. We cannot get any more at these prices. Therefore come now and don't stand around all summer and then come and inquire for them for they will be gone and that very qnick too. They are here now, and many more bargains not above named. We want you and not somebody else to have them. Hurry up now get a move on and very much oblige yourself. Respectfully. S. B. Majrtincourt, gB. MARTINCOORT CO. 128 E< Jefferson St, BUTLER, FA, A Few Doors Above Hotel Lowiy. HINTS FOR SHREWD BUYERS FROM Campbell & Templeton, Butler iPa. FURNITURE and QUEENSWARE. DO YOU KNOW DO YOU KNOW DO YOU THINK le have a Complete stock of Baby Carriages. VOTT ivrnw That we visit the principal furniture 1 v/U XVJ-i \J TT markets of the United States each season and have a chance to select the best goods ? After reading the above haven't you about decided that it will pay you to buy from us ? Save money. Make your home attractive. Buy while he stock is complete. Visitors always Welcome. Mrs. Jennie E- Zimmerman. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! My stock is now com plete, consisting of all the latest novelties in drees goods, millinery, wraps and notions, ladies' and gents' furnishing goods. Lace cnrtains, portiers curtain poles, window shades, etc., at the lowest prices ever offered to the, pablic. Notice onr specialties in different departments. Dress Goods Department. New Whipcords, Bengalines, Serges. The ever reliable and once fashionable Henriettas, in all the new shades, such as Helio, Crevatte, Prune, Gviqne and Reseda Green. Black goods and Black Silks, India, Surah, China and Changable Silks. Don't fail to ask to see onr Millinery. Millinery Department. Millinery and Millinery material. Yon may depend npon getting the correct shape, color and styles at less prices than others can make. This season's styles are many and varied. All can be suited here—from grand ma down to the wee toddler can depend upon getting just what suits their age and style. Domestic Department.; This department is full and replete with all the desirable fabrics in wash goods. Good brown muslin 5c ayard; fast colored prints, 5c a yard; best standard prints, 7£c a yard; genuine Lancaster Gingham at 6c a yard; faßt colored black hose at 5c a pair. Latest novelties in white goods, white Swiss with colored figures. Black lawns with satin stripes. Zephyr sat ines, the latest and coolest for scmmer wear. It is impossible to mention all the gooks comprised in this new and elegant stock. Call and be convinced that the latest styles and the lowest prices prevail at the popular store, corner of Main and Jefferson streets. MRS. JENNIE E. ZIMMERMAN. Are You One Of The Lucky Ones Who Will Attend The Grand Clearance Sale At /*T routmanV For the next two weeks. Remember it is not our fault if you come too late,it will commence Jan. 25 and continue till Feb. 4. Carpets, Cloaks, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Dry Goods, Flannels, Ginghams, Calicoes, etc. See our big bargain counter on left . hand side entering store. YOURS RESPECTFULLY, A. Troutman & Son, Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House, Butler, Pa. *rrH pas HAY-FEVER tTMi V# COLCFhejw WWB Ely's Cream Balm i* not a liquid, snuff or powder. Applied into the rvutnt~ mm g* quickly absorbed. Jt cleanses the head, allay * Inflammation, heaU _ Kit A the tore*. Sold bu druggists or sent by mail on receipt of price. 3UG ELY BROTHERS. 56 Wwen Stmt NEW YORK. DUG JA PER CENT. IV FirstHortgagßL#ans Ko tax, commission or fees. Interest payable ■eml-annnally by New York draft. Perfect se curlty Highest reference. CHIS. Y. RF.ID, Fairhavan. Washington. ivri r\ Why is Strictly Pore VV ? i V V White Lead the best T Y - *-j • paint ? Because it w.u oitlist all other paints, give a handro.. -r finish, better protection to the wo' .. and the first cost will be less. If Barytes ati<3 other adulterants of white lead are "just as eood" as Strictly Pure White Lead, why axe all the adulterated white leads always branded Pure, or " Strictly Pure White Lead?" This Barytes is a heavy white powder (ground stone), having the appearance of white lead, worthless as a paint, costing only about a cent a pound, and is only used to cheaper, the mixture. What shoddy is to cloth, Barytes is to paint. Be careful to use only old and standard brands of white lead. "Armstrong & McKelvy" *' Beymer-Bauman" " Fahnestocle" " Davis-Chambers" are strictly pure," Old Dutch " process brands, established by a lifetime of use. For colors use National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors with Strictly Pure White Leaa. For sale by the most reliable dealers In paints everywhere. If you are going to paint, it will pay you to send to us for a book containing informa tion that may save you many a dollar; it will only cost you a postal card to do so. NATIONAL LEAD CO., 1 Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Branch, national Lead and Oil Co. of Peanaylvaai* HMktrik, Pa. JOHNSON^ *NodYHt LINIMENT v HOUSEHOLD USE. * Was originated and first proscribed by AN OLD FAMILY PHYSICIAN in 1810. Could a remedy without real merit have survi vod ever eighty years P SOOTHING, HEALING, PENETRATIN For INTERNA', and EXTERNAL use.* - * Stope Rheumatic Pain.-* an»l Inflammation. Cure* Croup, Colds, Son* Threat. Tonsflltl ~ CV.!u\ Cramp* and Pains, Summer Complaints. and Bruises lileo magic. Care* Coughs, \sthma. I'u'arrh. Ilritnchitia, Cholera- Morbus, Chilblains. Chaps, In Body or Limbs, Stltr Muscle*« or Strain «. for Nervous Headache. Ill'st'd Pamphlet free. 8«» M everywhere. Price X eta. Six bolt Vs. I.s. JOHNSON A" CO.. ik»ston. Mass. €:HUMPHREYS' y VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Bop, Bogs, AND POULTRY. 300 Page Book on Treatment of Animals and Chart Bent Free. CTEES (Ferers, Contest ions, Inflnmma Hon A.A.(Spinal Meningitis, Milk Fever. B.B.—Strains, Lameness, Uhenmatism. C.C.—Distemper, Nasal Discharges. D.D.~Bots or Grabs, Worms. E.E.—Coaghs, Heaves, Pneumonia. F. Colic or Gripes, Bellyache. O.G.—Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. H.ll.—Urinary and Kidney Diseases. I.l.—Eruptive Diseases, Mange. J.K.—Diseases of Digestion, Paralysis. Single Bottle (over SO dosesX - - .60 Stable Case, with Specifics, Manual, _ Veterinary Cure Oil and Medtcator, 87.00 Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, • • 1.00 B*l4 by DrnfffrUU; or ml prepaid imywhtre ud In any *uatttj no ncrlpt of price. HnrBBETH'KD. ra, 111 * lltwmiui St., XcwTark. y~]gJgUMggßß7S' r JGbI HOMEOPATHIC ft ft HHSPEGIFIC NO.ZB ID UJM 30 years. The only successful remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, 4nd Prostration, from overwork or other c&tuec. $1 per vial, or & uul larg* vial powder, for |&. So 14 by Drnggtsta, or »ent postpaid on recalpt of prlc* HUMPHREYS' BSD. CO., 11l A lit Willi an St., Hew York. wo LMkiM It Cures Cold., Cough* Bore Throat. Croup. 1nf1u ...... Whooping Cough, Bronchi til and Asthma. jLeertain oars for Conramptioa la first itifiL and a sure relief ia advaaosd stage*. Ton will Ms the exsellent effest after taking the first dose, ■aid by dealers everywhere, large bottles, M feats and SI.OO. Young Mothers Ifl Offer You a Remedy which Insures Safety to Xi/o of Mother and Child. "MOTHER'S FRIEND" Mobs Confinement of Us Pain, Horror and Bisk. Afteruslngonebottleof " Mother'a Friend " I •uttered but little pain, and did not experience th : Tveaicni'ss afterward usual In such cases.—Air;-. ASXIE GAQX, Lamar, Mo., Jan. istb, 1391. Kent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt ;rlci-, 41.50 per bottle. Book to Muthers mailed rro. ÜBADFIELD BEGVLATOB CO.. ATLANTA, GA. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. For Sale by J. C. Redick. The simple appUcatlon or #P*JBWAYNE'S W*a omTMntTy ter * F3tS / anee, kc. I«annj * akin clear, white andhealthr: Soil br 4rafgl*t*. or »cnt I»j m*tl for 50 ct». Addr«-<«s Dil SWATKS £ »oi«, Phlladelphta, Ta. Ask your druggist for Ik MIHEN ONLY? LOST or FAILmo KAKHOOI J and NERVOUB DEBILITY, Body aadHind, Efferte Cl i iini iIILUJ of Errors or Excesses in Old or Young;, *ohlf folly llrtlnrrd. How to enlanro urns sir« .. r'.c-.i *%KAK, I'SDKVKLOPUnOK(iA!(SAPIDTSOF fiODT. A - • , iinfaillHg HOHB TRKATBKXT—In a di;. *i n :r*-i ? fNn Karflga Coaetr>«. Write tk.«s. li. , !.»<• Bbok. finlnaJllcn mi< prosft nillrd (irait.l) i*r<& -v ttllE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. W. V, f \ DOCTORS LAKE ■ PRIVATE DISPENSARY. f7. M COR. PENN AVE. ANO FOURTH ST.. ISBBBTv PITTSBURGH, PA. Allformsot Delicate and Com plicated Diseases reqiuringCON- FiDK.sTiAL and SCIENTIFIC Med ication are treated at this Dis iicii!-::ry with a success .arely attained. Dr. S. K. Lake is n, member oi the Koyal College Of I'liy sicuips and Surgeoiir, and is tlie ol lest and most experienced SrEciALia." in tho city- Special at tention :;ivcn to Nervous Debility from excessive sic lal exertion, indiscretion of yonth,etc., caus ing jihvsical and mental decay,lack of energy, lespoudency, etc.; also Cancers, Old Sores, Fits, i'ile-s, Klieumatism, and all diseases of the Skin, blood, I.ungs, L*rinary Organs,etc. Consultation Iree ami strictly confidential. Office hours,!) to I and 7 to 8 P. M.; Sundays, 9 to 4 P. M. only. all at office or address DRS. LAKE. CO It. "tNN AVE. AJ<D 4TII ST..PITTBBUItGH.FA. Cures thousands annually of LiTerCom plaintq, Biliousnes3, Jaundice, Dyspep sia, Constipation, Malaria. Mora Ills result froman UnhealthyLiverthan&ny other cause. Why puffer when you caa be cured t Dr. Sanford's Liver lavigo* ator is a celebrated family medicine. YVVB DKVOfiUI WILL BVPI'LY YOP.i THE CITIZEN The Land of Contraries. Nearly all the older writers, especially Heylin, Goering, Menlin, Mandeville and the two Herriotts, frequently refer to China as "the land of contrarities" and "the land of opposite**.'' These names seem to have been well applied, for, ac cording to the Philadelphia Press, it is a well known fact that the people of the Cel estial Empire do nearly everything con trary to the way in which it is done in oth er parts of the world. Here are a few striking illustrations. We shake hands with each other, the Chinaman shakes hands with himself. We uncoyer the head as a mark of respect, the Chinaman not only remains with head covering in place, but removes his shoes if he wishes to appear very, very polite. VTe shave the face, they the head; we cut the nails of the fingers, they consider it ultra aristocratic to let them grow several inches in length. The Chinaman not only wears his shirt outside of his trousers, but whit, ens his shoes instead of blackening them. We bary in the earth, they on the surface; and white is their badge of mourning. In "the land of opposites" it is the old men who tly kites, walk on stilts, play marbles and shoot fire crackers. With us the right hand is the place of honor: with them it is the left. We live, cook and eat on the ground floor and sleep upstairs; with this contrary nation the reverse is the general rule. In dainty letters we write the year last; they place it first. We pay our doctors when we are sick; they pay as long as they remain well, but as soon as they fall sick the pay stops. Here men kill their ene mies; a Chinaman gets revenge by killing himself. A full hundred things could be mentioned which they do opposite to the manner iu which it is done in other parts of the world; howt-viT, I will close this "curiosium" by adding that they launch ships sideways, ring bells from the outside of the building, and actually turn screws in a contrary direction. —That cure of G. W. Turner of Galwav, N. T. of scrofula, by Hood's Sarsaparilla, was wonderful. White Soap. An excellent soap for washing flannels, ginghams of dolicate colors or any wash able material requiring care can be made at the expense of a few cents and a little economy on the part of the housekeeper. Take three pounds of new un slacked lime and six pounds of washing soda. Pour over this five gallons of boiling water. — Stir until the soda is all dissolved. Let it stand until it becomes perfectly clear, then pour off the clear liquid. Add to it six pounds ol clean fat (saved from the cooking) and one cup of salt. Boil for three hours. Take a little out in a saucer and if it hardens pour the mixture into a wooden tub, and when cold cut into bars. It will goon cure and be as white and firm as Castile soap. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. A Sympathetic Girl. It isn't fair to give a Butler girl away, possibly, but truth will out, even in a newspaper. Butler has one among its countless pretty girls who was in the coun try in May and one day she happened out towards the cow lot about milking time and was asking the man several ques" tions. "Why don't you milk that cow?" she asked, pointing to one in an adjoining lot. "Because she's dry, miss." "Dryt" "Yes, miss. She's been dry for two weeks." "You cruel wretch," she exclaimed, "why don't you give her some water?" and the man turned his face to the cow-house and shook with emotions he could not sup press. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. Kedick, druggist, Butlei. "Who is the coming man ?" the preacher cried. Raising his hand to emphasize his text And pausing for effect—perhaps too long- Perhaps too long for those with nerves not over strong. My little boy, close list'ning by my side, Thinking the silence had the preacher vexed, Stood bolt upright and answered, lisp ingly, "Pieathe, pleathe, good thir ! I fink — I fink it'th mo I" Stil in the Lead. The Wm, H. Holmes Co., Distillers, Im- Eorters and Wholesale Liquor Dealers, job ere in all the leading brands of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies. Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and "Holmes' Old Economy" Pure Ryo Wiskies and Greene County Apple Brandy. Our importatiansof fine brandies and wines have been unusually large the past year, and wo are better prepared than ever to furnish wholesale dealers, ho tels and taverns with complete outfits of pure choice goods at first hand prioes. Drop us a postal and we will have a sales man call upon you or send for price list. THE WM. H. HOLMES CO., 158 First Ave. and 120 Water St., Pittsburgh, Pa. —When you visit the big fair at Chicago, it would be well to remember that the purveyors of food in that wonderful city on the lake front have a poor conception of what is fair and reasonable in the matter of price. Reports from the exposition are alarming. One facetious correspondent informs us that egg shells must be return ed to the waiter, and that functionary ox acts fifty cents every time a tired visitor drops a fork on the floor. If this thing continues it will be necessary to fill one's pockets with old fashioned ginger snaps and other delicasies before starting toward the windy city. Seriously, however, the charging of extortionate prices has assum ed such proportions as to call for action bv the Council of Administration, which sat down on the restaurant people yesterday. The restaurant proprietors will be requir ed to formulate full scedules of prices im mediately and submit the same to the Ex ecutive Committee of the World's Colum bian Exposition for approval. Hereafter in every case the person patronizing "any restaurant shall be furnished with a slip or bill of fare showing the charges to be paid l'or the supplies and services rendered. PURE WHISKEY is extremely difficult to obtain. In this age of adulteration and imitation the only way to be guided in the purchase of any article whero absolute purity is necessary is to buy from a house whose reputation for handling the best goods at the least money has been firmly established. Such a house is that of Max Klein,of Allegheny, Pa. His Silver Age and Duquesno Rye Whiskies, at $1.50 and $1.25 respectively, are recognized as the leading Ryes on the market. For a $5.00 bill he will send jou siz quarts of any of the following six-year old Penn'a Ryes: Guckenheimer, Gibson, Finch, Overholt and Bear Creek. Send for his catalogue and price list. Mailed free. Address MAX KLEIN, 82 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. —lt is now proposed to denominate the stay at home voters squaw men because of their failure to fully comply with all the requirements of American citizens. —Although a three wheeled vehicle is a tryciole, and a two wheeled one a bicycle, it di.es not follow that with only one wheel it is au icicle. It's a wheelbar row. USE DANA'S SARSAPARLILA, ITS "THE KIND THAT CURES." Scab. A recent number of the Rural -Vtv Yorker contain* an article by 11. L. Bolle illustrated by photographs, showing the advantage of soaking tho seed tubers in corrosive subli mate solution. The author says it has been demonstrated that the blackened, pock-marked condition of potatoes, com monly spoken of as potato-scab, is due to the action of a parasitic cause which not only originates disease on the tubers, but also affects the roots and bases of the vines. The disease is propogated in the new crop from that on the seed tubers, and the auth or claims that, if the tubers are treated with the substance nieniioned, the plant* will be free from the disease. Photographs are given of potatoes grown without having the seed tubers treated and those that were treated. The treated seed yeilded seed that were clean and free from disease. The treatment is easy of applica tion and the yield is increased. The seed tubers were soaked far one and one-half hours in a one one thousandth solution ol eorrosive sublimate. The author claims that the ordinary method of spraviLg the vines is simply a waste of energy, as the inception of the disease is from below. Sweet vs. Sour Cream for Butter. The relative merits of sweet cream and sour cream for makiug butter were tested last year in a series of elaborate experi ments at the lowa Agricultural College. Sweet cream, fresh from the seperator, was thoroughly mixed and then accurately divided in two equal parts by weight; one of these parts was churned immediately at 52 degrees F.,the other was ripened at CO degrees, and then churned at 59 degrees. The buttermilk was tested for fat, and the butter was analyzed. In the nine tests the yield of butter from sour cream was three per cent larger than from sweet cream. The sour cream usually churned quicker than the sweet, and the butter contained 2-100 of 1 per cent more casein. The loss es of the fat in churning, washing *i:<i working were less with sour with sweet cream, In nine trials the average difference was nearly half pound per 100 pounds of batter made. After being kept five months the sweet cream butter ac quired somewhat of the flavor and aroma of ripened cream butter, and was in better condition. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Ask your friends about it. —A little boy, who is just getting ac quainted with the national hymns at school threw the household into a roar of laughter a few days ago by singing "Eight years for the Red, White and Blue." —Spend a dollar for a round of liquids, tor a party of chance acquaintances, and you'll be called a liberal fellow; treat your wife to a fifty cent box of strawberries and people will shrug their shoulder and won der how you do it on your salary. "Maggie has a mustard plaster On her chest this morning. Maggie vows that this disaster Is a solemn warning. Maggie's pride was in its hey-day; Grief has settled o'er it, Maggie was the queen of May day; Now she's sorry for it. —Why do weeds come up in the spring and why are the seeds not destroyed in the winter ? Simply because the farmer un intentionally preserves them. He turns them under with the plow in the fall be neath the reach of frost, and turns them up again to tho surface in the spring. Weeds should be destroyed before they produce seed, and they will soon be cleared from the land. On the small farms of China and Japan such a thing as a weed is almost unknown. —A new book is called "Woman and and Her Aim." It must be poor. —A careful young man when calling on his best girl alwavs aunounces himself by knocking. If he were to come with a ring it might be considered a proposal. Drunkenness, or the Lquor Habt, Posi tively Cured by administering Dr. Haines 'Golden Specific." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup oi coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a pymanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alceholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetito to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of particulars free. Address, Golden Specific Co., 185 Race St.. Cincinnati O. —Tho manny girl is out of date. —The year 1893 began on a Sunday, and it 'will fiuish on a Sunday, so that it will contain 53 Sundays. —Probably the meanest men on earth is he who boasts he does not tako a newspaper and yet assumes to criticise its contents. He not only steals his reading, dut attempts to malign the victim of his theft —lt is a strong boarder who can eat three plates of hash -without turning a hair. A Baltimore lady collected, cleaned and pressed out one milliou postage stamps that had already been used, in the hope of selliDg them. She was assisted by her three daughters for threo years. Now she cant find a buyer. —Blinders which prevent horses from seeing distinctly have probably caused more runaways than most drivers would care to acknowledge, and it has remained for a German inven tor to treat the matter on homa'opathic principles and make like cure like. He has added to the harness a line which instantly closes the blinders in front so that fractious animals cannot see at all. Consumption Surely Cured. Tc THE EDITOR: —Pleano inform your readur* that 1 have a positive remedy for tt.e above-named disease. B; ':a timely use thousands of hopeless cases havo I-r>n permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two ..o'tles of my remedy FREE to any of yoar readers -» j j have consumption if they will send me then £xpr*ss and P. O. address. Kespeet iullj. I. A. SiKjOUM. M. a. 181 M St., X. I. —Persons with hyphenated titles, such as J. Buggtns-Smith and W. Marlborongh- Popkins, are now said to wear double breasted names. —A messenger boy at Columbus, Mo., being entrusted with a telegram for a prominent citizen, started out to deliver it. Presently he saw the said citizen pass in a buggy. The messenger climbed up be hind, rode to the man's home in the buggy and then charged him a quarter for deliver ing tho message. —The immense growth of lake commerce is all on the American side; on tho Canada side with a coast lino of equal length, there has been no growth at all. —Tho man who makes money catering to tho vices or the passions of the foolish will get rich, it may be, quicker than his neighbor who abhors such methods, but the older he gets the will be his reflections. —ln regard to the carrying the ponder ous pages of the Legislative Record through tho mails as a newspaper, Postmaster Gen eral Bissell has decided that a publication that is at least a week too late for a news paper shall not be carried at newspaper rates. —Frederick Weyerhauser, one of the wealthiest lumber dealers of Minnesota, cauio to this country from Germany, and in early life worked at piling lumber for $1 a day. USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA, ITS "THE KIND THAT CURES." ARE -ffitlta" ARE YOU YOU ALIVE AWARE TO YOUR J®- THAT SHREWD OWN INTEREST? BUYERS OF CLOTH DO YOU REFLECT ING INSIST UPON HAV THAT YOU SHOULD ttt ING THE GARMENTS OF HAVE THE LATEST AND t+ THE MANUFACTURER BEST THAT THE MAN- ! WHERE STYLES AND MERIT UFACTURE PRODUCES? | ARE CLEARLY STAMPED? We do not force upon you the production of inferior makcis which differ as "Skim Milk does from Cream." We handle the best at lowest possible prices. DOUTHETT k GRAHAM, New Clothing House, Cor. Main and Cu ningham Sts., Butler, Pa. "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO M. HOSENTHAL, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St., - - Pittsburg, Pa. Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Market. A SMILE means happiness—the more heart-felt the smile the gieater the happiness. Good spirits are productive of smiles. Try our Finch's fJolden Wcddins For 'H.-dfcol !intl Fumiij '.'so. SI.OO pel Q ; or 6 Qis. for $5.00. Dougherty, Guckenheimer. Large. Gibson, Bridgeport, Mt. Vernon, Overholt, etc. OUR GOODS ARE WARRANTED PURE. Goods securely packed and bored without extra charge. C. O. D. and mail orders re ceive prompt attention. "Grand Father's Choice" 3 y ear old is a good one, age has brought out good quality; sells for $2 per gallon. ROBERT LEWIN, Importer and Wholesaler, 136 Water St, PITTSBURGH, PA. OPPOSITE B. & O. R. K. DEPOT. READ AND REMEMBER For < rictly pure and reliable STRAIGHT LIQUORS, call on I. N. FIXGH. 12 SMITHFIFI.D ST., PITTSBURG, PA. (Oppo. Monongahela House.) Matchless for Family use and medicine pur poses are FINCH'S GOLDEN WEDI»IN< , 1 AUsl GUCKENHEIMER S V»rilrK , ! per qt. : OVERIIOLT'S WHISKY. f 6 qts. DILUNGEK'S WHISKY I for $5. Goods neatly packed and promptly «hipped FREE OF EXPENSE on receipt of cash or post olllce order. expressed C. O. O. Send for Price List. WANTED! At ol,< ' P, SALESMEN FOB TIIIS LOCALITY. Splendid OPPORTUNITY for a live, energetic man. We ofler BET TER FACILITIES and Better Terms tha* o* er. Salary or commission. Write for our Special Offer. HOOKER, GROVER & CO.. Rochester Fruit Farm and Nurseries. Established 1856. Rochester. N. 1. Cures BrltfUt'a Disease, Dropsy, Gravel, Nerv ousness, Heart, Urinary of Liver Diseases. Known by a tired lanquld feeling; lnacting ol the kidneys weakens and poisons Uie blood, itui unless coiiap u rpmovui >ou ran not. udTO health, cured me over live yeirs ago of Brtght's Disease and Dropsy.—Mns. I. L. C. MILLER, Bethlehem. Pa. 1 ,000 other similar testimonials. Try It. Cure guaranteed. „ CASS'S KIDXEY CI'RE CO., <*o St., Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by All Reliable Druggists. _ -&.» Sllxs£- I i GOSSER'S j I CREAM GLYCERINE.I fl A dressing for the face after shaving, I is and for chapped hands and face. Try It. I | 25C. A IJOTTLE AT DRUGGISTS. ■ WILLIAM XEN¥EDYT The well-known liveryman, Wm Kennedy, will be pleased to have his friends call at his new place of business. The Best Horses, Buggies and Car riages in Butler at the most reasonable rates. The place is easily remember ed. The first stable west of the Lowrv Honse. -«r -mr ~Y f y "THERE'S MONEY IN IT. Why WANT YOU to act as our Agent, full or part time as able Permanent position guaranted to men or wo men. Liberal pay weekly. Stock complete. Gilt edged specialties. Experience unnecessary. Elegant outflt free. Address. Nurserymen. C. H. HAWKS A CO., Established 1875. Rochester. N. Y l * I J RECULATE THE : STOMACH, LIYER AND BOWELS, ♦ PURIFY THE BLOOD. j | A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR I IndltMtlw. Blllonrar-, Kcac'tclt. Con>( 1- J J pal lon. I>yspep*l». c:hro«le I.lvcr Troubles, J t Dizziness, Bud Completion, I>jser.terj. ♦ !«IT*nMvc Brculli. mid all disorders mt lb© | Stomach, Liver i»nd lioneU. Ilipans Tabules contain nothing Injurious to ♦ tho most delicate constitution. Pleasant to take, t safe, effectuaL Give immediate relief. Sold by druggists. A trial botUe sent by mail t on rcoe'pt of 15 cents. Address | THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. J I 10 SPRUCE STREET, NEW TORK CITY. A. £. GABLE, Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, Canada. Dr. Gable treats all diseases of the domesticated animals, and makes ridpling, castration and horse den tistry a specialty. Castration per formed without clams, and ail otber surgical operations performed in ihe most wnentific manner. Calls to any part of the country promptly responded to. Office and Infirmary, in C;_-. •• wfii's Livery, 132 V» est Jefferson Street, Butler Pa. Mt \ EWSS' 38 % LYE L WTOISID ASS TiarnilD The a( ronml and purest I.ya made. I'nlike other Lye, 11 being U] Din) l«>wdiT and i<acked iu a cau al V with removable lid. the contents are alwavs ready for u.-e. W 111 make the iie.l )>erfu!ne<l Ham Sciap 111 minutes without boiling. It la Ibe brat fur cleansing wast« JM pipes, di infeetliiK sinks. clowUt W H washing bottles, paints, trees, etc. PENNA. SAXT CO * Gen. Agu.. Phila.. Pa. DORf DRUGS IT LOW I PRICES is the motto at our X sto re. If you are sick and need medicine you want the BEST. This yon can always depend upon getting from as, as we use nothing but strictly Pure Drugs in our Prescription Depart ment. Yon can get the best of every thing in the drug line from us. Uur store is also headquarters for PAINTS OILS, VARNISHES, Kalsomine, Alabastine k Get our prices before you buy Paints, and see what we have to offer. We can save you "dollars fon your paint bill. Respectfully J. C. BEDICK, Main tel., next to Hotel Lowry. B UTLER, FA' CLOTHING AT CASH PRICES AT The Racket Store. If you are a cash buyer and want the benefit of your money buy your Clothing, Hats and Gents Furnish ings of us. We can save you money on eyery article. Here are a few of our bargains: }■ New Business Suits at $5 to $lO, Boys Knee Pant Suits at $1.25 to $3.50. Mens Outine Cloth Shirts 20c to 45c. Men's Spring Weight Underware in gray and white at 40c to 45c, usu ally sold at 50c. Remember that the Bargain Cloth ing Store of Butler County is THE RACKET STORE. 120 S Main St., Bu tier, Pa. Trc^^^^allion. MOHICAJM IKZUfcTO-, Keeord 2 37J in a race on a half-mile track. Sired by Mambrlno King, the greatest living sire of demonstrated race horses, and the hand somest horse in the world. Thirteen sons and daughters of this great horse made records bet ter than J. 3« last season. Including: the (Treat mare, Ntghtlngale—2.loX made I n the fourth heat of a race. They are bread winners. They are the handsomest class ol horses on earth. "Mohican K lug's dam was sired by a s.m of Hambletonlan (10) called Mohican, who was the sire of live great race horses, showing that the blood lines which go to make up Mohican King's remarkable pedigree have and will train on, trot on and win on, besides being famous for their beauty and line finish. I started Mohcan Kin* in Ove races last fall getting a piece of the money every time, and won the largest purse and best race ho started ill. which certainly ought to be a credit to ab hors for the tlrst season. lie is like his sire, a beautiful dark chestnut, very handsome, hefvy boned, well muscled, and has grert lung power. Ills colts are all stamped closely after himself, speedy and line looking. This horse will make the season of 1593 lti Butler, Pa. Terms, t'iS to insure. No account abllitv for accidents. Will be found lu the Scott Barn, in the alley north of the Wick House Livery ISarn. Will be found at the Fair Grounds. L. Dean, keeper. C. M. HARRINGTON. Owner. STORM BIRD, 9459. Record, 2:35 at 4 years. Sired by Lord Russel, full brother to Maud S, 2.08?. I STORM BIRD is half brother to the mightv Kremlin, 2:07 i, kin< of trotting stallions. Ilis dam has a trotting record of 2:26 J. and his grand dams are the greatest brood mares that ever lived. Each are the dams of stallions having one hundred in the list. The two together have lil4 of their descendants in the 30 list and hold 43 of the world's records. lie is a grand individual and a trotting-bred trotter, combining in his pedigree the two most fashionable and intense trotting families in the world. He is a rich cherry bay, 151 hands high, perfect ly sound, strong and handsome. lie will be found at my barn, 3i miles northeast of Prospect, the three first days of each week, and the last at the Butler Fair Grounds during the season of 1893, at the very low terms of $35 to insure. For pedigree address, ALONZO McCANDLESS, Isle, Pa f^^ENCING •MmfFwrnoa Cemetery, Lawn, Poultry and Rabbit Fencing THOUSANDS OF JULES I> USE. CATALOG 11 FREE. FREIGHT PAID. THE McMULLEN WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO., Ui, 116, 118 md 120 N. Market St., ChifjQ, Hi v. /) The oldest and best In /V"-} 1 // / stitulion lor obtaining a Business Education! "//.' We hare successfully / /' j rcpareil thousands of 1 YOUNG MEN :or !tie aotlvo duties of lire. For circulars ad 11.I 1 . DtTg At S * SB, Pittsburgh. THE Leading Millinery House OF m T m P Are now prepared to show their new line of Spring Milli nery. Beautiful beyond description. Whether you buy or not, you are welcome to come and enjoy the beautiful and artistic display. Come for investigation and comparison. We believe buying will follow. Special Mourning Millinery, also Millinerv for Misses and Children. XOTICE. SAILOR HATS 10c. Jewelfy, Clocks, Silverware, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block Sign of EJectric Bell and Clock. All"are"Respectlully Invited —"Remember our Repairing Department —20 years Experience."— , RINGS, 1 YmmrmHa" J EAR-RINGS, UJdmOimb ) SCARF PINS, 'htud>. [ GENTS GOLD, \H7 + I LADIES GOLD, W atciies 1 GENTS SILVER LADIES CHATLAIN, T*T7 5 Gold PhlS ' Kar - rin g 8 ' tit V ( Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc, ( Tea sets, castors, butter dishes Silverware l^dToTfiJc^^: RODGER BROS. 1847 I J orkß ' Spoonß - GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 139, North Main St.. BUTLER, PA., White-Sand Oil Co, [A. STEELSMITH, Manager, Butler, Pa.] Dealers in Illuminating, Lubricating, Cylinder and Dynamo Oils—all free from Lima Oil. This Oil is made and handled by Independent Producers not con nected with the Standard Oil Co., as reported. All orders will be promptly filled. Warehouse in rear of Nicho as & Hewitt's planing mill, near West Penn depot, Butler, Pa. Refinery at Coraopolis, Pa., near P. & L. E. R. R. This oil can be secured at McCrea's Feed Store on E. Jefferson St TOUR FAVORITE HOME NEWSPAPER AND The Leading Republican Family Paper of the litileil Siales ONE YEAR FOR ONLY #1.50 THE CITIZEN. gives all the Town, County and State, aod as much National news as any other paper of its class. Your Home would be incomplete without, it. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and gives all the general news of the United States and the "World. It «ives the events of foreign lands in a nutshell. It has separate departments tor "The Family Clrc'e," and "Our Young Folks." Its "Home and Society" coitmns command the admiration of wives and daughters. Its general political news, edito rials and discussions are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. Its "Agricultural" department hag no superior in the country. Its Market Reports" are recognized authority In all parts of the land. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid jonrnal ana "The CITIZEN" for one year For only $1.50, Cash in Advance. "N. Y. Weekly Tribune," regular price per year '•The Citizen," " " " 150 Total s2.^o We furnish both papers one year for - - Si.so. Subscriptions may begin at any time. Address all orders to THE CITIZEN, BUTLER, PA J. SPECK WM - H - HOLMES. TIIK LKADIMI WHOLESALE Wl!fE ASI> LIQUOR ll'.fSE OF WESTERS PESSSTLTASU, The Wm, H. Holmes Co., Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and "Holmes' Old Economy PURE RYE WHISKY, All the leading Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in bond or tax-paid Importers of fine Brandies, Gins and Wines. SZEHSriD FOR FBICE Telephon No. 305 . 120 Water St. and 158 Fir &lAve., Pillsbuigh Pa