Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 12, 1893, Image 1
VOL. XXX. BICKEL'S Grand Bargain Sale Still continues and will continue until we have sold out our stock of Sample Boots and Shoes and Oxfords. Bargain seekers should not miss this Grand Sale as we are offering greater bargains than ever before. Having received a large line of ladies fine shoa* and oxfords, I am pre pared to show a better selection than ever before, and prices much lower . Ladies Fine Russia Blnchers at $2 00 to $4 00. *' " " Oxfords at SI.OO to $2.25. " •' Chocolate Oxfords and Blacher style at $2.25. " Hand Turn Oxford and Southern ties at $2 50. Ladies fine Dongola Shoes hand turn > j j STYI FS •i .. .« «i .. W eltj" 1 Misses Fine Dongola Shoes at $1 00 to $2.50. '• School Shoes 75c to $1 25. " Tan or Red Shoes at SI.OO. " ' " Oxfords at 90c. CHILDREN'S SHOES AND OXFORDS ALL COLORS. Infant Shoes at 18c to 50c. We Stand for Quality MEN'S IFINE SHOES. Onr Men's fine shoes are more varied in styles this year than eve* be f r • I -!•< ck of men's fine Tan shoes in Lace or Blocher styles. Men's fine patent leather shoes in lace and congress, plain toe and tips. Men's fine Calf, Cordovan .Kangaroo and Porpoise shoes in all ttyies and at low prices. Men's low cnt shoes in Oxfords and Southern ties in Tau color or of Calf and Kangaroo stock. Boys' Tan Bluchers at $1.50. Fine shoes, lace congress or button at $1.25 to $3 00 per pair. Our stock of men's and boys's working shoes is largtr than ever before. NOTE THE PRICES. Men's krp shoes 75c to $1.25. Men's grain shoes SI.OO and upwards. Men's grain box toe shoes at $1 50 and $2.00. Men's kip and calf box toe shoes $1.50 to $2,00. Men's fine calf dress boots at $2 00, fall stock of our owa rnuke- Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done. COMPLETE STOCK Of LEATHER and FINDINGS. "When in need of anything in my line give me a call. JOHN BICKEL. 128 South Main Street Butler. Pa. Spring and SummeFWotwear! You might just as well have the first selection from our new stock ol shoes, slippers and Oxfords. Some of the new styles we are showingthis season in fine goods are fetch ing. The large and well selected line of LADIE S SHOES AND OXFORDS are worthy of special mention; however, we will only state that you will be pleased with their style and lit, and we are selling the very prettiest styles at prices ranging from 75c to $2.25. Light colors will predominate in Children's Footwear this season. Call and see the pretty things we are showing in Tan and Chocolate Colored Oxfords and Blutchers. We have more and prettier styles for little ones to select from now than ever before. SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN. In regard to our new goods for gentlemen, we wish simply to state that we have exercised our usually care in their se lection. We have all the newest and latest styles in men's and boys' wear. We feel confident that we can suit you not only in the shoes but as to the price. AL. RUFF, 141 S. Main St. N. B..—Just now our BARGAIN COUNTER is quite a feature. Almost all the goods on it are marked at less than half price. sp shoesFoß EVERYBODY. An immense exhibit of spring shoes. All TOUR FEET CAN BE the latest shades iu tun goat and Russia FITTED WITH calf, newest tips and styles of lasts. We HUSELTON'S SHOES. show everything in the line. Footwear worth the having—but no trash. LADIES' FINE SHOES. Never have shown to our customers so many new aud beautiful styles as we are showing this spring, wo are drawing customers every day by the power of low prices backed with good quality. There is nothing in a low price unless the quality is back of it. LADIES' FINE SHOES. All the styles worth having have found there way to our house Ladies' fine shoes from 85 cts. to $4 50. Don't forget to see our shoes at $1 00, $1.25, $1.40, $1 .50 and $2.00, tip or plain toe,common sense opera or Phil'a. last. MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S FINE SHOES. We are showing a beautiful line in tan goat and Russia calf, heel and spring. Tbey combine beauty, service and low prices. Misses' shoes at 80 cts. np. Fine dongola patent tip spring heel, 12-2 only SI.OO. Misses' and children's oxfords all colors. Infants soft sole shoes in colors. Children's shoes 25 cts. to 50 cts. MEN'S FINE SHOES. New attractions in high grade goods of the latest make, sound in quality, they are straight square bargains every one of them, and at a close srice.5 rice. Men's brogans only 70 cts. and SI.OO Men's fine shoes with tip at 1.00 and $1.25. Men's fine shoes extra nice at only $1 50. Men's fine shoes genuine calf fine only $2.00. In lace and congress tip or plain, then our tan bluchers and patent calf are beauties, goodyear welts and hand sewed in calf and cordovan at $2.50 and up. IN BOY'S AND YOUTH'S SHOES We lead as usual in style, quality and low prices. Boy's fine button or lace St $1 00 and $1.25, sizes 3to s£. Youth's fine shoes at 75 and SIOO. Fnll line Men's box toe bt*avy shoes in grain and kip at $2 00. Kip box toe boots, three soles, long leg, at $3.00 and 3.50. Repairing all kinds done at reasonable prices. Came and see for yourself. B. C. HUSELTON. •SPUING.* We are approaching the days of all the year, the days when the air is freighted with the perfumery of flowers, and everything is symbolic of Peace and Good Will. In this respect theso days re semble onr shoes. Their Good Will is shown by their willingness to stand by yon,as long as you stand in them. Quality, not price is cheapness, and we believe our prices quality considered to be the lowest in Butler. ROBINS BROS., 8. EL C<»ner of Diamond. - .. _ Butler, Fa I THE^BUTLER CITIZEN. ■THE KIND | P TWAT £URESI ai m !i k Bg / '.P*---"- % £3 ' ■ irt , V. ii ' M - *■- • 8 " Pi ja r£ is - 1* * a ;£;• W H £;;• * sags i 91 Is •; I § ■. ' ' I ; is L'y- ■ • Mm: m. ;se "T.; , * _ *= ■ DANIEL C. KGGLESTON, ! I HrXPLESS I\o NIFFERLWJ, & j IFAIUT and WEAK FROMe B RHEUMATIC TORMENT, mm TIT CTZTI> BY b DANA'S. = T)a>'a Sar-xpvp.ili. \ Co.: s£j Ge.ntlkmes -laui 4J.» y c •!. :.7 occupa a farmer. For tlie lart 5 years I have 6cv:i 2SJ crosit Miflerer vr"? 1 IChetuttati tm, r ISraa ui in - si r »ul<i not ailr my arm. =§icon*tui.t In riiT aiic.u: i< n. One arm we ||m bad that my flnser* were drawn onl Eel-: SWBMition In rny sto.. -rh vriih severe rteiiis. ' b-: antl v. <•»' k, tj I coaldh&rdlyss Ssitup. Jhavctak'n i DANA'S 1 SAItS tl'AltlLL.V i sand mv stomach if WELL, no pain in rnjH ■ahooM. rs ai d arms. lam ind**«l (rrafful. _ Yciirttmly, DANIEL C. EGGLESTOX. mm |g The above U-Aixnanial was sert us by IV. K.B ■ Clavton, the weU-known Druggist, Maple St., =j = Corinth, N. V M -which is sufficient guarantee that HI ■■it is true. 1= Dana Sarsaparilla Co., Belfast, Maine- jg feed. For prices and terras Ad dress, J. W. MILLER, 131 Mercer St., Butler' I'a. SPRING STYLES READY. -^SSh" YOU WILL CERTAINLY HAVE A SUIT MADE TO ATTEND THE WORLD'S FAIR. YOU CAN AF FORD IT, WHEN YOU SEE THE SPLEN DID ASSORT MENT OF MATERIAL, AND THE MOD ERATE PRICE AT WHICH WE MAKE YOU A SUIT THAT IS .CORRECT TO TIIE LATEST DECREE OF FASHION. 41and's, Tailoring Establishment, C. & D. ALWAYS Take into consideration that money saved i.s as good as money earned. The best wav to save money is to buy good (roods at tbe right, price. The only reason that onr trade is increasing constantly is the fact that we handle only goods of first qnality and sell them at very low prires We have taken uousual care to provide everything new in Hats and Furnishing Goods for this season, and a3 we have control of many especially good articles in both lines we can do you good if you come to us. Wo confidently say that in justice to themselves all purchasers should inspect our goods. Visit us, COLBERT & DALE, ' \ 242 S Main street, ButJer.gPa, Wall Paper CHEAP' AS THE CHEAPEST, FINE AS THE FINEST, ATsID 'J?he Clioice of' All, -A.T J. H. Douglass' Two Doors North of Postotfice. NEW CUSTOM (iRIST MILL. I have placed in iny Mill a class Roller outfit for ISuekwheat Flour. Also Roller Corn and Cbopj/iug Mills, all the best tho market offers. Give us a trial, we'll (lo ourbost to (five yon a good turn out. Knuning every day except Sunday. Wm. f. miller. 313 N. Washington St., Butler Pa. BRINGING HOME THE COWS, When potatoes were in blossom. When the new hay filled the mows, Sweet the paths we trod together. Bringing home the cows. What» purple kissed the pasture, Kissed and blessed the alder bougha. As we wandered slow at sundown, Bringir<4? home the cowsi How the fnr-r" hills were jilded With the light that arejm uuows, As we built cur topes beyond them. Bringing home the cows.' How our eyes were thronged with visions. What a meaning wreathed our brows. As we watched the cranes, and lingered. Bringing home the cows' Past the years, and through the distance. Throbs the memrrry of c>ur tows. Oh that we again were children. Bringing home the cows! —Charles G. D. Roberts, In Lippincott's Maga zine. SUSY FAXON'S LILY. By Sacrificing It She Saved Grand ma Ordway's Life. One fine .September day the little town of Ilillbury, away up among the New Hampshire mountains, was all alive with preparations for the annual county agricultural exhibition, more familiarly called the county fair or cattle show. The wave of excitement reached Faxon's Ledge, the remotest corner of the town, when Mrs. Good win's pony carriage stopped at Deacon Faxon's gate. "Why, it's BiUy and my Sunday school teacher:" cried Susy, shading her eyes on the door-step, and recog nising first horse and then driver in up country fashion. Racing down the path, she greeted the lady. "Your mother's at home, my dear?" said Mrs. Goodwin, as they went up the path. "Yes'm, an' she'll be real pleased to see you, an' you c'n have all the but termilk vou want, for we churned this mornin'— an'—an'—do you like rye pan cakes?" "I certainly do, and these hills al ways make me hungry, and thirsty, too." "I'm *0 glad!" returned the child, laughing with pleasure. "I made 'em all by myself to-day, and Eben says they're as good as mother's, an' he's goin' to take some to the fair. He's goin' early with his steers, an' then comin' ba.:k for Cynthy Ordway an' me an' my lily." "Oh, has your amarvllis bloomed in time? How nice! You have shown it to me. I hope it'll take a prize. Good afternoon, Mrs. Faxon!'' Mrs. Goodwin added, as they reached the well-worn old millstone which fcerved as a door step, and gave lier hand to the gentle, thin-laced woman that came to meet her. "Susy and I are talking fair al ready, and I're come to beg something pretty for my table." "Look! here's my lily!" cried the child. Susy pulled her teacher to a bench outside the kitchen window, where, among the fuchsias and ge raniums, rose the clear green blades and stately blossom stalk of an am nryllis, crowned with a cluster of in tensely scarlet flowers. "I'm sure there will be nothing pret tier at the fair," said Mrs. Goodwin; and then, as Susy ran down cellar for the 'buttermilk, the visitor turned to Mrs. Faxon, saying: "I'm tired of having nothing but patchwork and pincushions and bread and butter and cheese on the women's table, and I want to have a really pretty show of old-fashion.. I things. 1 shall cover the table with mother's white Canton crape shawl to begin with —" "Sakss alive!" crWl Mrs. Faxon. "'And I have her sliver candlesticks, a porringer of my husband's, and an ivory miniature of Grandpa Hopkins. And Mrs. Ordway has lent some blue and-white blankets that her mother wove, and they're under my carriage seat now, with Mrs. Mason's andirons and her father's masonic apron. I told her 1 was coming here next, as I knew you'd have some pretty china or some thing. You're so nice and careful, and so was your mother before you." "I don't know as there's anything you'd care 'bout," began Mrs. Faxon, modestly. "Mother's chiny went most ly to Mary Jane, she beiu' the oldest; But I lcep' the silver snuffers tray— mebbe you'd like that?" "Certainly I should! Just the thing to go with my candlesticks! lint every one shall know it's yours," she quickly ad led, seeing a shadow steal over the quiet face. "Everything will be marked whose it is, and how old, and all." "So far as old goes," resumed the minor voice, "I s'pose. my gold beads is about as ancient as anythin'; they was gran'ma's baby beads. But you wasn't lookin' for anythin* like that, was yon?" "Nothing half so nice!" cried Mrs. Goodwin, joyously. "They'll be the most interesting of all, and I'll guard them like the apple of my eye." "They come to me 'cause I waa named for her, an' so did the ol' cradle we was all rocked in. You wouldn't want anythin' as curab;:rsome's that; but it's a long sight older'n Maria Mason's andirons, cf I do say it." "Mrs. Faxon," said the pretty widow, clapping lier hands, "you're a perfect treasure! Let me see that cradle Ihia minute'" They all cliuiljjed the steep, worn stairs to the sun-heated, herb-scented garret, where Mrs. Goodwin found not only the cradle, but a brass warming pan, a three-legged table and a perfo rated tin foot-stove which used to be taken to meeting before the days of church furnaces. All except tho cradle were, with much laughter, brought down and stowed around Mrs. Goodwin, who drove gayly away, promising to send for the cradle next day. The la:.t thing she said was: "Susy, be sure you bring your lily to my table." Mrs. Goodwin's tabic was the center ot attraction in the main hall, and its mistress, as usual, tho queen of the day But complete as was her triumph, and generously as the public appre ciated her collection, her face was wist ful and anxious. Where were Susy and the amaryllis? The Faxon family had been astir since daylight. Eben was away to the upper pasture, to bring down his steers and the little Ilolsteln heifer which were to win praises, if not prizes, for their master that day. "I've seen too much of hurrying and worrying cattle in the heat of the day," he said overnight to his mother. "I'll drive 'em i 1 e.irly before the rush be gins, aud tlieu I'll come back for Cyn thy Ordway and Susy." Susy was flying about, feeding her chickens, helping get breakfast, and packing a pail of pic, cheese and dough nuts for dinner. "Ol' 'Babel s roarin' awfully!" she reported, on one of her returns to the barn. "Do you s'pose he's lonesome without tho steers? ' "Shouldn't wonder," said her father; "or mebbe tho spring's dryin' up. Wislit I'd told Eben to look." "O father, I never knew that spring to get dry!" said Susy. "No, nor you never knew six weeks o' drought in September afore," he re torted. They laughed at the grim pleasantry, and old Zerubbabel, the king of the hill pasture, was forgotten. House and baru were in perfect order when the parents drove off to the fair, and left Susy alone in tho house to wait for the return of her brother Eben. She must draw lier precious lily to the road, iu order that Eben need not drive up to the house. He hadjsct the liTTTLER, FuY., FRIDAY. AL-AY 12, 1893. flower into Susy's little tour-wheeled cart, and she bad scoured the green tub and washed the leaves, and watered it well; and now it was al most ten o'clock. She locked the door, gave kitty a parting pat, then started slowly down the hiil toward the bridge. Four ways met there —the lane leading- to Cynthy's, the road into the woods, the driveway an-l the road to tlio fair. Susy looked up the road for Eben, but for a glaring half mile there was no moving thing. The green ribbon road through the woods to Capt. Banks' was deserted, too; so was the Ordway lane. liut some one was moving up near the lilacs. Susy shaded her eyes. "Oh! it's Grandma Ordway!" This was a gentle old woman, deaf i— i lly 'uund, and fond of wander ing about in the sunshine. "Yes, that is her little red shawl; how hot it looks to-day I" Susy was in a glow, even in her cool gingham. What if this heat should make the lily droop! Better draw it a little way up the lane into the shade of the maples. There! llow welcome the coolness' "flark! Old 'Babel again!" thought Susy. "How near it sounds! He must have broken into the lower pasture. What a dreadful angry roar—begin ning so growly and ending so shrill." She was glad she had not to stay at home alone and listen to it. How it echoed against the old saphouse be hind lier! _ This was a rude board shanty where the men boiled the maple sap in spring and kept their pails and kettle. It had a chimney, a square hole for a window and a door facing the bridge. "If 'Babel should get out —if it's water he's after —he'll como tearing down here to the brook," thought Susy. She shuddered and looked at the saphouse door. It was hooked on the outside, but above her reach. "Better climb into the apple tree by the wall," thought Susy. "But my lily! Old 'Babel would be sure to see that and trample it all to pieces, it is so red." Another roar! There was no doubt now; old Zerubbabel was ont—he was coming right down the hill behind the barn! He made nothing of the gate; one blow of his great, square head, one lift of his short, cruel horns —it was tossed from its hinges and he was in the yard and at the watering trough. But alas' there was nothing but mud and green scum in it. Eben had been taking the cows to the brook for a week past. 'Babel did not stay long at the trough, but started down the road toward Susy. "I must get out of his way," she thought. "There's time to run up to the Ordwayt.'—but not with my cart and lily. I must put them in the sap house." She fottnd a stick and pushed at the rusty hook of the saphouse door with all her might. Another bellow! 'Babel was coming! The hook gave way, the door fell in. Susy scrambled after with the cart She shut the door and piled bricks, stones, blocks, all the loose rubbish 3he could find against it, in frantic haste. A terrible trampling, a sound of fly ing pebbles, and a roar that chilled her blood, told her that 'Babel had reached the brook, with only a few yards and that frail door between them. 1 ;• teeth were chattering with fear, but she felt that she must look out The window was on the wrong side, b:t there was a crack in the door. Yes—there was 'Babel, knee-deep in the brook, drinking with fierce eager ness, and rolling the stream with his pawings. But what would he do next and why uid not Eben con- 0 tr.^ window. Oh joyful signt! A cloud of dust at last It must be. Eocn's wagon. But what was that sound? Out of the dust came, rearing and pawing, another dreadful bull, straight toward the bridge! With a cry of dismay Susy recognized it as Lord Cor wallis —the famous bull that she had sewn Capt Banks driving toward the fair an hour ago. Lord Cornwall is had escaped, and was wandering home ward. Hearing 'Babel, he bore down upon him with challenge in every motion. Splashing, snorting, exulting in the stveam, old 'Babel did not perceive his rival until he had reached the bridge. Then he raised his head with a glanca of inquiry, and stood proudly defiant, awaiting the onset In another instant poor Susy at her crack saw Lord Cornwallis plunge down the pebbly bank with a shriek of fury, to be met with equal but cooler hatred by his big foe. The animals were well matched in size and strength. Now in tbe stream, amid splashing, foaming water and fly ing pebbles, now in the road, con cealed by clouds of dust torn up by their pawings, they crowded each other forward and back, roaring and bellowing—with clashing horns and dripping blood —till Susy was wild with excitement. Her hands were clenched, her breath came in sobs, and s>lie kept uncon sciously repeating: "Oh dear! oh dear! what shall I do? Come, Eben, Eben, Eben!" Meantime, poor deaf Grandma Ord way, in lier red shawl, was coming nearer and nearer to the unseen battle field. Somewhat later Eben, who had been detained by the difficulty of getting his cattle into their proper places at the fair, came to the top of the slope above the creek where 'Babel had met the enemy. There Eben looked down upon the bridge. Something was moving in the hollow—making a great dust—or was it smoke? "But nobody 'd start a fire such a dry time," thought Eben. He shaded his eyes, he rubbed them Susy couldn't make such a dust with her little cart. "Jt must be a horse rolling," thought Eben, "or the calves have got out and are frolicking down there, or —" A terrible fear contracted Eben's heart. He ran forward now, leaving his wagon by the roadside, for he had heard a hoarse sound that he knew well. "Oh Heaven, have mercy!" thought Eben. "Old 'Babel is out, and Susy— little tender Susy—was to wait just there!" The bushes were in the way but he sped on, one hand clutching his stout pocketknife. Soon he could see again—and what a sight! Susy's little cart flew through the air! Susy's cherished lily was trampled and ground to atoms beneath those cruel feet! And where was his little sister? For one agonized instant Eben stood, his eyes searching the road, tho trees, the brookside for that innocent face, that active little figure, never so dear, so sweet befbre. Then a pale old face appeared at the saphouse window, and Grandma Ord way's shrill voice called out: "Eben! Eben! We're here! we're safe!" Eben gave such a mighty shout, made up of such past fear, of such present thankfulness, and such rage against 'Babel, that the animal, though n«w enraged, wheeled about and went sul lenly growling up the hill to his own barn-yard. Next instant tho saphouse door flew open, and Susy was in her brother's arms. Between his eager questions and her own crying and laughing, she told him how the bulls had fought till both were exhausted. Neither having gained a decided advantage, they roomed to agree to call it even. Lord Cornwallis had trunc crumbling un hii toad. pj;d 'Babel had started the other way, when grandma came innocently into sight Her red shawl and nodding head at once excited 'Babel anew. "She was under that first maple," said Susy, "and he was pawing and putting down his head, getting ready to run at her, when I thought of my scarlet lily. I opened the door and gave the cart a great push. Oh, Eben, wasn't it lucky that it was down-Lull? It went straight at him, while I was running and pulling her in here! Then we shut the door and piled up things against it, and she kept hugging and praising me, but all the time I was thinking about my poor lily. I couldn't bear to look out and see him tear it to pieces. I couldn't help crying, and she thought it was about her—and oh, do you thinK it was very wicked of me to care so much for a lily when it saved Grand ma Ordway? " The poor child hid her face and burst into a fresh agony cf sobs. You can imagine how she was com forted by the big brother. He prom ised her the finest bulb that could be found in Concord as he carried her up to Cynthy's. Grandma Ordway walked beside, murmuring: "Smartest little gal t' ever 1 see, so she is!" There was no fair for any of them that day, for Susy kept trembling and laughing and crying so that Cynthia put her on the bed beside grandma, in a cool, dark room, and gave each of them a cupful of hot camomile tea, af ter which they slept profoundly and woke in jrood order. Eben, meanwhile, went to Capt Banks' place and chained upLordCorn wallis, who was found lying down with one eye closed. Eben did the same by Zerubbabel, now too much subdued to offer any resistance. lie spent the remainder of daylight in repairing fences. A heavy rain that night broke up the drought and washed away most traces of the battle at the bridge, but when next morning Eben and Cynthy and Susy, all happy now, drove over it on their way to the cattle show at last, they espied among soaked bits of red petals and green leaves a shining brass ball from 'Babel's horn. Eben gave it to his sister as a memento of her adventure. —Laura D. Nichols, in Youth's Companion. A Voice from the Dead. A baggageman on a midnight train, while taking on board the usual load of freight and baggage, placed to ono side a parrot cage. Further up the line, at a small station, he took on board a corpse, and, as the next stop ping place was a long distance, the baggageman, in order to be comforta ble for the ride, stretched himself at full length on the coflin. lie had not ridden far when to his groat horror he hoard issuing, as he supposed from the coffin, these words: "Let me out." The baggageman immediately made up his mind to get out, but was stopped at the end of the car by the mail agent They decided to investigate the matter, and while thus engaged again heard: "Let me out!" in a decided tone. They deter mined to open the coffin and liberate the corpse, when, to their great sur prise, they heard the same voice ex claim: "Polly wants a cracker!" That solved the mystery.—N. Y. Journal. , ne Kiel) Man's Philosophy. Blande (sitting in his comfortable apartment)—llow I pity the poor such a night as this. Bluff—Then why don't you put on your coat and go out and see if you cannot render assistance to some of them? Blande—Ah! Then I shouldn't be so comfortable as I am now and might forget the poor and begin to pity my self That would be selfish, you know. —Boston Transcript. The Fruit* ul IHxparlence. "Say, old man, let's go out to the track; I've got a sure tip on the win ner." "Nope," hopelessly. "What's the matter?" "Had a sure thing myself yesterday. Say, lend me a quarter for a hair-cut." —Chicago Record. A Prudent Man. "Why do you not marry Miss Haw kins, Charlie, if you love her so? Can't you afford it?" "Certainly I can afford to get mar ried; but I'm far-seeing, you know, and I'm blest if I know what I should do in case we were to have trouble and she were to get alimony." —Harper's Bazar. A POFPIN' JAY. - Strang*", Bat True. "Well, you know, Mr. Winters," said Miss Rosebud, airily, "a girl of eight een is quite as old as a man of twen ty-one." "Oh, frequently," retorted Winters, "I knew an eighteen-year-old maiden who was born in 1861."—Boston (Jlobe. An Enerffetlo Youth. Mother (anxiously)—l don't believe that young man who comes to see you will ever bo able to make his way in the world. Sweet Girl—Oh, you do him injus tice; indeed you do. He isu t at all bashful. —Good News. Truth In Poetry. Little drops of water Little bits of chalk Mako tbe milkman wealtrij And the buyer talk In a manner unlit For publication. —Detroit Free Press. A Better Reason. liobbs— Do you believe Gallup burned his home to get the insurance money? l)obbs —No; 1 visited him nt the jail, and he confessed to me that he did it to get rid of the box of cigars his wife bought hiin for his birthday.—Life. Ilia I'lan. First Poet—Say, Sam, how is it yer alius has a new hat? Second l'oct—Easy enough; whenev er I see a better hat than mine in a restaurant 1 alius git through first.— narpcr's Weekly A lilfllcult Undertaking. Johnson—Wonder why they don't have a pork syndicate? They have al most every kind Bronson (country-brcd, contemptu ously)— Did you ever try to corner a pig?— Des Moines Argonaut Noblesse Oblige. Alee Trisity—Do you believe in elec trocution? Foggarty—No, bir; I do not! The old fashioned way of hanging that suited my forefathers is good enough for mo. —Puck. Loved Darkness. Mr. Deadgone—How did you know I was coming to-night, Tommy? Tommy—l heard Sis tell Bridget not . to fill up the parlor lamp.—Life. THI; BOWER BIRD. Om of the Qne»! Drnliru of Australia'* Forest *. The most remarkable instance of estheticism among the birds is that exhibited by the Australian bower birds, who build long galleries in which to play, adorning tht-m with shells, feathers, leaves, bones or any colored or glittering object which comes in their way. Capt. Stokes de scribes one of these bower birds as taking a shell alternately from each side of the bower and carrying it through in its beak. Lumholz describes several of these playhouses of the bower birds. He says they are always to be found "in small brushwood, never in the open field; and in their immediate vicinity the birds collect a mass o* different kinds of objects, especially snail shells, which are laid in two heaps, one at each entrance—the one being much larger than the other. There are fre quently hundredsof shells, about three hundred in one heap and thirty in the other. There is usually a handful of green berries, partly inside and partly outside the bower." In his interesting book. "Among Cannibals," Lumholz describes a play ground of what would appear to be a different species of the bird, showing even a greater esthetic taste. He says: "On the top of the mountain I heard in the dense scrubs the loud and un ceasing voice of a bird. I carefully ap proached it, sat on fmmrtA «*•<» shot it It was one of the bower birds, with a gray and very modest plumage and of the size of a thrush. As I picked up the bird my attention was drawn to a fresh covering of green leaves on the black soil. This was the bird's place of amusement, which, be neath the dense scrubs, formed a square a yard each way, the ground having been cleared of leaves and rub bish. "On this neatly-cleared spot the bird had laid large, fresh leaves, one by the side of the other, with considerable regularity, and close by he sat singing, apparently extremely happy over his work. As soon as the leaves decay they are replaced by new ones." THE INDIANS SUGAR. How It Was Extracted from the Tree* in Vermont. * Ever since the Indians in the section now known as Fletcher discovered "honey" in the maple trees, that dis trict has been known far and wide as the heart of the Vermont maple sugar country. The way the red man ex tracted the delicious compound was somewhat slow as compared with the present process. He used to cut a slanting gash in the bark and insert in the lower end a gauge-shaped piece of wood, from which the sap ran and dropped into a poplar or baaswood trough. At the end of the season these troughs would be set up against the trees and left until the following sea son, by which time the troughs would be thoroughly mildewed. This ma terially added to the flavor of the ab original sugar, but can hardly be said to have improved it. The evaporator of those times consisted of an iron ket tle swung from a sapling bent over a stump. By a slow and tedious process the sap was first heated and then boiled in this kettle, often taking two or three days' boiling before it could be sugared off. This was the way in which the redskins and the early Ver montors eked out a "sweetnin'" to their tea and johnny cake. In the best Fletcher groves of to-day a long pipe or trough line runs from some central spot in the grove down to the big storage tanks in the sugar house. Here the perfected evaporator, when lit "»i- Tul 1 ' ' '.IV the first sap tuw ia half an hour, consuming about one cord of wood to produce a hundred pounds of sugar. There are in the town of Fletcher, at a moderate estimate, thirty thousand trees, this being probably within the real number. . A Deceptive Name. A Philadelphian and his wife were dropped one hot summer day at the tiny post village of Mount Pleasant, on the Delaware railroad, and as they gazed over a flat country, whose differ ences of level are scarcely perceptible save by the aid of a surveyor's instru ment, a native asked them what they were looking for. Then the Philadel phian explained that the name of the place had called up such visions of an airy eminence that he and his wife had come down to spend their vacation. They learned from the native that summer board was not obtainable there, and he obligingly explained that the place received its deceptive name in commemoration of the fact that it was situated 0* the watershed between Delaware and Chesapeake bays, the backbone of the peninsula, as it is locally called. Cremation In Olden Times. The Smithsonian institution has printed a paper by Dr. J. F. Snyder de scribing an urn containing incinerated human bones which was dug out of an ancient mound in Georgia. The urn, or vase, is nearly conical, eleven and a half inches high, and was covered by an inverted bell-shaped vessel fifteen and three fourths inches in height. The ashes nearly half filled the vase, and mingled with them were calcined human teeth and fragments of bones. Lying 011 the surface of these remains were a quantity of wampum and sev eral small pearls that had been pierced for stringing. Antiquity of Tobacco. Tobaeco was noted by Columbus on his very first voyage. It was first cul tivated by John Rolfe in 1012, and as early as 1019 a lot of 20,000 pounds was shipped to England. In 1732 a tobacco factory was started on the Rappahan nock river, and about 1709 the first south of the James river was built in Mecklenburg county. In 1745 the ex ports from Virginia amounted to 42,841 nogsheads of about 1,000 pounds eaoh, and increased till 1753, after which there was a decline until after the revolution. It is now grown in most of the southern states with Kentucky In the lci.d Borus (author of sensational novel) — Naggus, you've ruined mel Naggus (literary editor) —Why, I gave your book a good notice, didn't I? (Bitterly) "O yes! you said it was a story with a moral! Naggus, you didn't read it!"— Chicago Tribune. Economical. Friend—How is it you don't doctor yourself, instead of having that young Dr. Gravely? Eminent but Mean Physician—l can't afford it My charges arc ten dollars a visit, while Dr. Gravely only charges one dollar.—Puck. A Sad Surprl*e. Visitor*—ls Mrs. Clamwhooper at home? Servant —Yes, mum, she is. Visitor—Well, I never dreampt I should find her at home on such a pleas ant afternoon as this. —Texas Siftings. All There's In It. She—Why is it that people invariably refer to a newly wedded couple as "tbe happy pair?" Ho' (crustily) Because there are grounds for believing they're glad the ceremony is over.—Judge. They C an Settle. Great Traveler—The Chinese make it an invariable rule to settle all their debts on New Year's day. American Host—Y-e-s, but the Chinese don't have a Christmas the week be fore.— N. Y. Weekly. ABOUT GERMAN CARP. Haw Everj Farmer Can IUIH HU On Supply of FUh. A. Brackett writes to the Orange J odd Farmer: From the numerous communi cation-. received it appears that the American people arc waking up to the fact that they can raise their own tish — a thing which has been done in Ger many for generations. 1 will attempt to explain how a pond is made in which German carp can be raised. The large or summer pond must be located on low land, at one side of a run or water way. It is nut necessary that there should bo a constant supply of running water, but to furnish a pond of ten acres it must have at least the drainage of three thousand acres of land. Of course this depends a great ucal on the nature of the soil in which the pond is made. It would not be practicable to make one in a sandy porous region. Put a dam across the run borne distance above the pond and conduct the water from it to the pond through a ten or twelve-inch tile. It is not uecessary to have the water in the pond more than three feet deep. 1 made the embank ment around mine with teams and scrapers. The main thing to guard against is an overflow from sudden rain. It is unnecessary to feed the fish until the pond becomes thoroughly stocked. They will eat grain of any kind and are particularly fond of green corn sliced from the cob, < r of scraps from the table. If thoroughly fed they will G'L OFL 1 \ \ "'V ?| —-- |M • WL care will weigh three or four pounds at eighteen months. This is the most profitable age at which to sell them. Their table qualities as compared with other li.s!i are of the very best. No fish is as good to eat when taken from warm, muddy water as from cold spring water. When carp are wanted for table use in summer, keep in cold wat«r at least three weeks before using. The best proof of their superior quality as a table fish is that in Germany, where they have been raised for many years, they bring the highest prices in the market. My experience has been similar. I have sold them for fifteen cents per pound, when pickerel, bass and whitofish only brought ten cents. A gentleman writ ing from Hebron. AY is., states that he has a natural pond of eight acres which, from his description, I should think would make an excellent carp pond. But in order to handle these fish success fully it is necessary for one to be able to draw off the water, as it soon becomes infested with millions of surface minnows and other fish which will destroy the eggs of the carp. They can be raised in large natural ponds whera the water is sufficiently deep, but a small pond must be provided in which to spawn the fish and keep them until they are three or four weeks old. Then put them into the large pond. If situ ated so far north that the pond will freeze two to three feet most of the carp will be destroyed. Therefore it is better to keep them in a smaller, deeper one, as they do not feed during the winter, and a large number can oc cupy a small space. If the water is two or three feet deep, and is kept run ning constantly so as to prevent the for mation of very thick ice (which will re tain the gas which the fish give off in their breathing), a ton of fish can be kept in a square rod of space. The best mode of catching the carp is to dig a tuunel eight or ten feet broad by about four deep, extending about fifty feet from the pond. Always feed m that channel and the fish can easily be taken with a seine when desired. DIAGONAL HARROWING. The Proper War or Treating a Square Field After Plowing. When a nearly square field is to be 1*... rowed after it in «ntir»ly plowod, the work may be efficiently done by diagonal harrowing. (See illustration). This is specially adapted to working up sod or an}- ground that it is necessary to drag crosswise of the furrow. Enough time and labor are lost in turning around to amount to a good deal in a day's harrowing. If we begin on the diagram at a, working parallel to bd and letting the heavy lines represent the path of the harrow, it is evident that at least fourteen turns will be nec essary in going once over the ground, or twenty-eight in twice over; also that after the line bd is passed, we come to the fence at an acute angle, making it necessary to turn before driving to the fence, or else to make almost the com plete circuit of three hundred and sixty degrees and turn to the right, or back upon the harrowed ground. With the above method the harrow is started at DIAGRAM OF HABBOWTJFG. aup the heavy line to c. The rest of the course may be best followed by tracing up the heavy line on the dia gram. With but fifteen complete turns the ground is harrowed twice and the fence always approached at an obtuse angle; so the harrow may be driven to the very edge and still leave room to turn. Of course with a harrow of ordi nary width the central line would be much more nearly parallel to db than appears on the diagram, the variation not being noticeable in practical work. —American Agriculturist. Seed Should Be Tested. Every spring there is a loss of hun dreds of dollars by sowing stale, infe rior seeds. There are different ways of testing seed before planting, and if this is done there will be a great saving of time and money. Last year some of the state experiment stations offered to test free of charge samples sent to them by any farmer in their particular state. It Is probable that the same privileges will hold good this year. STILL, clear nights permit rapid radi ation of heat from the earth and cause frosts. Hhe Was ltlghr. He suddenly kissed the fair maid by his side; M Don't you know any better than kiss me?' 1 she cried. " X know, nothing better," said he, "my dear Jano!" And ho placed his arm 'round her and kissed her again. —Brooklyn Life. EVERYTHING CAME UIS WAT. —Chicago MaiL An Implication of Age- Mrs. Bringers (fat and fifty)— That Miss Oldish hasn't any manners! Mrs. Gaines—Why, what's she done? Mrs. Bringers—She insisted on getting up and offering mo her seat in a cable car yesterday. The hateful thin#! — Chi<;&g9 Ifowß Record. NEW FODDER PLANT. It Is Nutritions and WUI Thrive Upon Very Poor Soli. In the woods of northern Europe, a slender pea-like plant flourishes, which is commonly called the wood vetch or narrow-leaved everlasting pea. Through the summer and early fall it is covered with beautiful purple blossoms. This vine, botanically known as Luthyrns sylvestris, has been introduced to our American farmers as a fodder plant. It belongs to the leguminous family, and, like clover, beans and peas, has the property of fixing the free nitrogen of rio. I.— PI. A N'T OF I.ATUVRL'S BYLVEB TKIS. the air in tubercles upon its roots. For this reason it will thrive upon very poor soil. The advantages claimed for its growth in the southern states are its large yield, cheapness of production, its growth in early spring and its long life. The first year no crop is pro duced, but thereafter it is said to yield large crops of fodder for many years. It is best to cut the fodder before the flowers ripen, as thereafter the vines become very coarse and fibrous. It is claimed that it is one-third more nu trit:ous thau clover hay, and contains no. a. —ROOTS OF LATHYBUS SYLVES TRIS. three times as much food as timothy In IS9I, the United States departmen of agriculture distributed the seed u this plant to eighteen experimer. stations for trial, but none of thet. has given a favorable report. It ha been found difficult to get a good stan 1 as mar.y of the seeds fail to germinat. As this plant has not yet been sufct ciently tested in this country, It would b» well for those who wish to try it t . do so on a small scale. The accoi-' panyiug illustrations, engraved fr< photographs, sent us from the Mas.- chufcetts experiment station, show the plant of Lathyrus sylvestris in Fig. I. and the roots in Fig. 2.—American Ag riculturist ENSILAGE FOR LAMBS. Result of Experiments Conducted at the Cornell University Station. The experiment stations connected with the agricultural colleges accom plish something in the line of reseaivli by the careful tests on grain growing and in the feeding of animals. The ex periment station of Cornell university reports in bulletin 47 an interesting ex periment in the feeding of cornensila;.;.' to lambs. The lambs were grade Shrop shire, about eight months old, ainl were fed in two lots of five lambs each, the experiment continuing from De cember Bto April 27. Each lot received a grain ration composed of one part lin seed meal, two parts cottonseed meal and four parts bran, by weight, of which mixture each lot received practically the same quantity, 078 pounds, or 18.. pounds per lamb during the twenty weeks of the experiment. In addition to this ration, one lot re ceived 905 pounds of hay during the test, while the other lot had COO pounds of hay and 1,166 pounds of corn ensil age The grain was practically the same in both lots, averaging 25 pounds per lamb, the average weight being pounds at the beginning and 83 pounds at the end of the test. The ensilage, therefore, took the place of 800 pounds of hay, or about four pounds of ensil age equaled one pound of hay. If the hay were worth $lO per ton the ensil age would therefore be worth two and one-half dollars per ton. The lot fed on dried food consumed more water than the one fed on ensilage; but when allowance is made for the water in the food it is found that the ensilage fed » lot consumed considerably more water than the lot on dry food. An Expensive Custom. Pasturing cattle is perhaps the most expensive of all methods, as more land is required, but it is not an easy matter to convince farmers of that fact. The same land, if so cultivated that the crops can be fed to the cattle at the barn, will give better results. True, the cost of the labor will be greater, but the profits will also be larger. Ma chinery and improved implements of farming will at some time in the future change the system of pasturing to that of soiling Mj Host Girl. Although she hates all woman's rights, This funny fact remains— When we go sleighing she delight* To always hold the roins. —Judge. •Spectacular Tastes. "Boston seems to be fond of ballets and other gorgeous shows; don't you think BO?" "I do, indeed. Why, even the girls wear spectacles." —Truth. HE WAKE OF TOE DOG. Some may think it a circus. As for ine, why, I decline. I lirf)k at it quite different: I think It a cant o' mine. —Judge N0.27