SALp. ilxard Hotel- Are Yon One Of The Lucky Ones Who Will Attend The Grand Clearance Sale At 1 ' For the next two weeks. Remember it is not our fault if you come too late,it will commence Jan. 25 and continue till Feb. 4. Carpets, Cloaks, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Dry Goods, Flannels, Ginghams, Calicoes, etc. See our big bargain counter on left hand side entering store. YOURS RESPECTFULLY, A. Troutman & Son, Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House, Butler, Pa. affilMlil OF Dress Goods, Millinery, Wraps and all kinds of FANCYGOODS. TJTAVING just returned from New York I am prepared to show you the finest and most varied assortment of goods ever shown in the same line in Butler: Other dealers claim goods can be bought just as well at home from agents. This is a great mistake—to get the cream of the market, you must go to New York. That is what I have done and if you will call in I will convince you of the fact. Please re memberthat I guarantee the very lowest prices on everything. Thanking you for the rapidly with which you cleared out the old stock bought of the Sheriff. I now cordially invite yon to come in and buy the new. Jennie E}. Zimmerman. 4/\ PER CENT. 1U First Mortgage Loans No tax, commission or fees. Interest payable semi-annually by New York draft. Penect se curity Highest reference. CMS. V. RF.ID, Fairhaian. Washington Your Painter has often wasted time and material in trying to obtain a shade of color, and has even resorted to the use of ready mixed paints, the ingredients of which he knew nothing, because of the diffi culty in making a shade of color with white lead. This waste can be avoided by the use of National Lead Company's Pure White Lead Tinting Colors These tints are a combination of per fectly pure colors, put up in small cans, and prepared so that one pound will tint 25 pounds of Strictly Pure White Lead to the shade shown on the can. By this means you will have the best paint in the world, because made of the best materials— Strictly Pure White Lead and pure colors. Insist on having one of the brands of white lead that are standard, manufactured by the "Old Dutch" process, and known to be strictly pure: "Armstrong & McKelvy" " Beymer-Bauman" " Fahnestock" " Davis-Chambers" These brands of Strictly Pure White l ead and National Lead CO.'B Pure White L.ead Tinting Colors are for sale by the most re liable dealers in paints everywhere. If you are going to paint, it will pz.y you to send to us for a book containing informa tion that may save you many a dollar: it will only cost you a postal card. NATIONAL LEAD CO., 1 Broadway, New York. Pittsburgh Branch, National Lead and Oil Co. of Pennsylvania! Pittsburgh, Pa. JOHNSON'S *No DYHfc I IMP^IiT fis'-i iii% ife ii Lis ■ HOUSEHOLD USE. * "Was originated r r>l *>«•<•*• pvesci ibcd by AN OLD FAMILY I HYSICIAN in 1810. Could a remedy without real merit havo survived over eighty years P SOOTHING, HEALING, PHNETSdTINp For INTERNAL and EXTERNAL Stniu Rhenmatic Pain* avl Maauri; lon. Cam Croup Cold*. Eon- Throat. To.i«a t •••«>. • «ln|M and Pnln-, gnawer Cnnii-'efi}-. ■ . 1 nii-« like ns»rte. Curn Coub'. -tl.n.a .v., 1 I. :-i;iwliltl«, Choiera- Morbus. Clfllb:ni:i . - in imdy or Umk Stiff Muncle* or Strain*. inlv> fur Nervou* Headache. 111'stM l'amiihlit frit-. «-»!•! I'vprjrirtiere. Prtre 35 cU Sl* boltlen. $5.00. 1. •••n:-gON U l Has* 'SO Id IQ~3 d S •iaoi uas >is°nanusii *lll ''JH'aaK.sA^HiHim niu allitn 'MSmIfHI TOOK .nnUMH WI .oud jo vi|uu uo »o" jo •■mJJmjq tn pios SS "•''IS |»IJX — u'' ajul,u !o a IM »U« 'HO 'ia/VH H )J.fA\ iSAHHIidRiIH Cf." PJH &ar-rja fl—OS 00" I *IHM»a «no uojj-sr. cr.- C F . ai' w «n pi»3' OlUjn i' a i "qjJxiß.j-ai Sr.- »nav pus iiraj 91 sr.* su[v<{ oii*uraaqH 'mniißiunaqH—Sl SZ" raotldniz '««l->j|»iw 'umjq-jf I|»S—H Sr." -■ «WB«noH if, spotJiJ osnjoi.l oox ••SIIIAV—T-I St.' ■ «po| Jitj |nju|H,| jo p.xeojddns—ll tg* aoi» Sr.' ' 'snoj}jj ju Su|)tm' C ioj parfn |«w*a3Jd .Crin;ai»o pile i [irotnJaJ|JS AM •J||l-> JII S ,nl JjqdiunH J(1 «S A3 M Hd WflH | lif tf llCr'v vil mMm It Cure» Colds, Coa(hi, Bere Throat, Croup, 1nf1a .... Whooping Cougb, Bronchitis and Altnma. A carllin cure for Couamption in flxit iUge». and a a lire relief in advanced ttagea. Ton will ue th* eaeellent effect after taking the flnt dote, ■old by dealers everywhere. Largo bottles, M c.cU and 81.00. foung Mothers We Offer You a Remedy which Imurtt Safety to IA/e of Mother and Child. "MOTHER'S FRIEND" Itobi Confinement Of Its Pain, Horror andllitk. Afterustngoncboltleof "Morbcr'nFriend" t ■uffertMl but little pain, and dlil uotexperience wettlcnesa afterward usual In sucli caaea.—ll: . AriMiu UAQE, Lamar, Mo., Jaa. 15th, lb9l. Ecnt by express, charts prepaid, on receipt o* price, $1.30 per bottle. Book to Mothers mailed fr itKADPIELDBEGIIIiATOU CO. ATLANTA, GA, BOLD 7JY ALL ÜBCUUISTi For Sale by J. C. Redick. jffcs SWAYKE'S tips .^.^piNTMENT^ r P X\ •. -, -W* . : . p, r ; for 30 «:*» A-«« Du. jr;- -•« f •• '» r*. A-k }our Cruggfiat Ibrik .t' -t • * " r* 5V '* r • I ■ {* ■ " :r.i ;•/ , • *.... • • ■. • '> . 1 1' i ~ -'—•-Oi . '-ii!. /.• - > ; nsai-at ; J. / \ DOCTORS LAKE fatfgt Cj I'RIVATK DISPKXSABT. t Lf- Jp COR. PENN AVE. AND FOURTH ST.. \ PITTSBURGH. PA. ' \ All forms of Dulipalennd C'om plicated IJlsoohoh FIUKSTIAL amISCIKKTIKIO Muia i ciisary with a succcfif .arely attalnfid. Dr. S. K. Lake la - incinlicrof tliu Hoval College of J'liy iii :;IPB M!icl Surguour, ami Is the ol lest ami most s\,. rienceil SPECIAI-IR.' in tlioeity. Special at tent lon (riven to Nervous Debility from erocsaiTe mc tal exertion. Indiscretion of youth, etc., caus ni( jiiiynlcal ami mental decay, lack of enerpv, li-|;omlency, etc.; also Cancers, Old Sores, Kits, file.', Ifhemiiatlsim, and all diseasesot the Skin, Mikmi. I.ungs,UrinaryOrgim*,(.tc. Consultation tree ;t nd Htiictly confidential. Ollicc hours,!) to I ii ul 1 to 8 J*. M.; Sundays, 2 to 4 p. M. only. •ill at oilieo or address i)RS. LAKK, OOft. -KNN AV!.. AND ITU ST.. PUTS li L HUH. PA. .'*w- . r,r . <•-«Mri»/»w™ y- Til# Ol teat and best III» y / .> ) ///'/ stitutlou for obtaining a / // Wo h:ive 3UCCCB.*-fully , / ' prepared thousands oX YOUNG MEN «Ii: Jf : of life. For circulars ad ; Si S< >NS, Of THE CITIZEN Improvement in Prison Construction In prisons built according to the old sys tem, chances of escape by digging or cut ting through tbe prison walls, doors, floors ceilings aie avaliable to the prisoners, but, by constant improvements in such struc tures, escape has been rendered more and more difficult, and yet escapes frequently occur from the most modern prisons. The latest improvement in prison con struction, appears to furnish as nearly ab solute security as it is possible to obtain, the result being secured in a very simple wav, and by the use of low-priced mater ial. A prison constructed according to this system not only offers great resistance to any operation that will tend to destroy or injure it or render it less secure, but it also affords a ready means of indicating any tampering with the structure and also of giving an alarm in case of an attempt be ing made to break out of or into the pris on. Tbe cells built according to this plan are made entiraly of iron or steel pipes which intercommunicate so that water or any other fluid may be kept under pressure in them. With this construction, should there be the slighest pnnctuae or break, the small leak would at once give notice of the tampering with the pipes through the consequent reduction of pressure, which actuates an alarm; so that, before the operations necessary to an entrance in to or escape from the locked ce.'! could be fairly begun, the officers of the prison could be on hand to investigate the cause of alarm. The walls, ceiling and floor of each cell are composed of pipes. The door which is also composed of pipes, carsies communicating therewith a lock, the parts or which are made tubular. The staple or keeper of the lock, through which the locking bar passes, is also made tubular. In front of each series of cells is arranged a cage, which is also of the same construc tion. The tubular system of each cell is connected by a pipe with pressure gauges, and an electric alarm operated by pressure gauges at the warden's office. In some cases a small longitudinal opening is left for the introduction of food. The locks upon the doors are arranged to bo operated by pressure, the bolts be ing pushed by a fluid acting upon a piston. Any retrograde movement of the piston, due to diminution of pressure, would be indicated at tbe warden's office upon the pressure guage, and any considerable movement of this kind would result in giv ing an alarm upon the electric bell. What is the dismay of the early pedes trian, who leaves his cozy home on a win ter's morning in quest of lucre or pleasure, when he finds himself suddenly the victim ol the treachery of a slippery pavement. It will be a comfort to know that Salvation Oil will cure his bruised limbs. ' 'Our baby has a secret, It twinkles in his eye, His little golden crown of curls He's holding very high. What can the secret be T You really couldn't guess— A penny in his pocket, And a pocket in his dress. —The rays of the sun do not penetiate more than 200 fathoms. The fish which live below that depth are all blind, but in stinct tells th*m where to search for food. The 20,000,000 men of the United States are wearing an average of 20 buttons eaoh, 400,000,000 buttons for all, estimated to weigh 23,000,000 pounds. —Those who declare that the earth is gradually drying out and that within a few centuries every drop of water will have dissapeared from our planet will find some consolation in the announcement that the water line has risen one loot all around the gulf of Mexico since 1850. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. —The painful fashion of young married couples having their photographs taken with her cheeck against his is now prevail ing to an alarming extent. —When the Shah of Persia needs rest, comfort and consolation he doesn't seek it in the family circle. Four hundred wives are too much to lean upon when the heart's bowed down. —Tourists visiting the Indian and Banna rivers in Florida are astonished and amazed at the antics of the mullets of those streams. These fish grow to be five or Bix pounds in weight, and are famous jumpers. They leap from the water, shoot three or four feet through tho air, come up again and leap twice as far, and keep on for a half dozen of leaps, each longer than tho other. Now and then a mullet takes a leap of 15 or 20 feet and disapears. It happens not infrequently that, a leaping mullet falls into a passing boat. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. Redick, druggist, Butlei. —lt is the editor's business, says an ex change, to boom the city for all it is worth, month after month, and then see SIOO worth of printing go out of the city be cause ten cents can be saved in doing so. " —West Indian people eat alligator eggs. An example of one of the laws of rotation is furnished when it is also considered that alligators eat West Indian people. —There is no daily paper needed in the average small town. The ladies' sewing society takes its place. How to Obtain Long Life. Take life easy. Nothing prolongs life like a cheerful' disposition. Make haste slowly. The snail outran tho hare and won the race. Avoid all worry. Care wrinkles the brow and dries up the fountain of life. Don't get angry. Every burst of passion shortens life's sp'au one inch. Be moderate in all things and temperate in your habits. Remember, "sleep is na ture's kind restorer," and if you would live long, sleep long. Above all take care of yourself. If you are not feeling well there is something wrong and nature needs to be stimulated in her work. The best physicians in the country recommend Klein's Silver Age and Duquense Rye for such a purpose. They are for sale by dealers generally at $1.50 and $125 per quart respectively. Send to Max Klein, 82 Federal Street, Alleghe ny, Pa., for a complete catalogue and price-list of all kinds of liqnor, mailed free. —Mrs. Anna Potter, who aspires to be the Mayor of Kansas City, is aggressive, self assertive, independent reformer, who has an idea that a city should be run in the interest of tho people instead of the politicians, and she is a full two hundred weight of earnest feminity that wears glas ses and thinks for itself. —Senator Hill will spend somo time on the California coast at the latter part of the year. Ho perhaps hopes to see more of the Pacific side of politics than he has been able to see of late. —A gentleman who is advertising his country place for sale in one of the suburb an papers describes the scenery as "notor iously picturesque." —A cross-eyed New Jersey man was kicked by a mule, and as a result of the blow his eyos are now straight. Perseus with similar or other maladies are not, however, adyised to fool with a mule in tho hope of similar benefits. USE DANA'S SARSAPARLILA, its "THE KIND THAT CURES." Thought He Was a Bear. Mrs. Keeler, whose hatband works in the lmnber woods, came to Kettle Creek the other Jay expecting him to meet her at the store and carry a sack of flour three mile 9to their home near there, the road leading through heavy woods. Mr. Keeler failed to arrive, and toward dusk his wife shouldered the flour and started off alone. About half way home she saw what she supposed to be her husband standing in the road waiting for her. Harrying to him to give him a piece of her mind, ominous growls warned her that she was about to lecture a big black bear. With a shriek she dropped her sack of flour and took to her heels toward Kettle Creek She had run about half a mile when she discovered what she thought was another bear coming toward her. She stopped in the road and tilled the woods with shieks that were heard plainly at Kettle Creek. But this bear was her husband and when she recov ered herself sufficiently to recognize the fact she struck him a blow with her fist between the eyes that knocked him flat in the road and then promptly fainted. Her husband had quite a lime fetching her to but when he had succeed and she explain ed matters they went together home. The bear was gone but he had scattered the contents of the flour sack along the road for 20 yards. Pre- eminent for cough or cold. Mr. Wm J. Beecher, 142 Whitesboro St.. Utica, N. Y., writes: "Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has cured my two children of a very bad cough and cold, which they have had for some time. It cannot be equaled for coughs or colds. I have aiways used it. What's a Farm Title. The question, ""Wt at does a man buy when he purchases the title to a larmt" has often been asked, but not satisfactorily do termined. From the latest decisions on the subject it is plain that he buys the ground, ofcour.-e, and all the buildings erected on it, whether these are mentioned or not. He also buys all the fences, but not material once used, then taken down and laid aside, nor material purchased for a new fence' unless these are specifically mentioned. He also buys all adjuncts necessary to a farm, except the implements and machinery. For instance, if there is a pile of bean poles cut and once used for the purpose, these go with the farm; but if cut and never used, they are the seller's property unless specified as sold. Stand ing trees or trees that have fallen or been blown down go with the ground, but if cut down and made into cord wood, they be come personal property, and to go with the land must be specified in the sale. —lt is not what its proprietors say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story. —The Michigan Central Railroad has in troduced a novelty highly esteemed among the women passengers, who are presented with a handsome rosebud or other flower while journeying in its cars. The company now has 7,000 flowering plants in its conservatories at Niles, Mich., and the capacity of their greenhouses is be ing doubled to supply the new demand. —Eastern roots art- generally flat, for comfurt during the summer season. The roofs of houses in tbe East are often used as outdoor gardens The Greeks gave the roof a slight elevation in the middle; tbe Romans increased it to one-fifth of the span. The high pointed roofs of the pres ent time are of German origin. —Japanese books begin at what we call the end. The lines are vertical instead of horizontal, the first being to the right hand edge of the page, and are read down wards from the top. The place for the "foot notes" is at the top of the page, and that for the reader's marker is at the bot tom. Drunkenness, or the Lquor Habt, Posi tively Cured by administering Dr. Haines 'Golden Specific." It is manufactured as a powder, which can bo given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speedy euro, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an ntter impossibility for the liquor appetito to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of particulars free. Address, Golden Specific Co., 185 Race St.. Cincinnati O. —Ninty-two thousand electric lamps will be needed to illuminate the Chicago Exibition. The contractors expect that something like 15,000,000 feet of insulated wire will be needed to effect the distirbu tion of the current. This will keep the manufactures busy. —The Florida Orange crop this season will probably be the largest over known. The trees are now in blossom, and are so full of bloom that should only half of them mature the trees would not hold the fruit without considerable propping and brace in g. —Old man Coons, of Jasper county, Mo., who is sixty years old, and can read the the finest print without glasses, says he has preserved his optics good by pressing the ontside corners. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Ask your friends about it. Pat the right kind of a good man in any community and he will soon make every mean man among his neighbors feel ashamed of himself. —Let there be a general cleaning up of back streets and private lots before the spring has advanced too far. And the cel lars, too, should come in for a goodly share of attention. It is well to prepare in time to guard against sickness during the summer months. Still in the Lead. Win, H. Holmes Co., Distillers, Im- Sorters and Wholesale Liquor Dealers, job enl in all the leading brands of Rye and Bourbon Whiskies. Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and "Holmes' Old Economy" Pure Rye Wiskies and Greene County Applo Brandy. Our importatians of fine brandies and wines have been unusually large the past year, and wo are better prepared than ever to furnish wholesale dealers, ho tels and taverns with complote outfits of pure choice goods at first band prices. Drop us a postal and we will have a sales man call upon you or send for price list. Thk Wsi. 11. Holmks Co., 158 first Ave. and 120 Water St., Pittsburgh, Pa. —The following from an exchange should be read and remembered by every body: "Be careful how you speak of a woman's character. The purity of woman is the salvation of the race, hope of future greatness and the redemption of man. Wipe out her purity aud man sinks below the waves of despair, with no star to guide his life into a channel of safety. Think, then, before you speak, and remember as any hog can root out the fairest flower, so tho vilest man has often ruined the pur est woman's character." —All the courting is done by the woman in the Ukraine, Russia. When a woman discovers a man she would like to marry, she visits him at his house, and tries to charm him. If he does not like her, he leaves her and lives elsewhere 'until she deserts his home. Consumption Suroiy Cured. To Tar Sennit:— Pieaso inform yo«r reader* I Hint 1 nave a positive remedy for tt.o above-named (Unease. I>; is timely use thousand.! of laopclcsM ' ! cA*oa havo 1> -n permanently cured. I phall bo glad I I to eeiid tw.j .'Duties of my remedy I'KEK to auy of j i your readers -v have coimumption if thuy will iieud mo tlieil £r])rin« »ni I". O. oddreaa. Respect- • j folly. T. 4. BLUJCM, 11. O- IKI Pear! St.. N. 1. USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA, ITS , ' THE KIND THAT CURES." -4CTHGSE THINGS I NEED:#- I NEED MONEY, I NEED ROOM, I NEED CUSTOMERS. Spring Goods are here and Winter Goods most go. HERE IS THE TIME. THE STOKE IS PACKED FROM CELLAR TO ROoF. Price is no Question now. THE OBJECT IS TO SELL SHOES AND SLIPPERS. Come in and look over oar spring stock, I can safely say it was never better, great care was taken in selecting styles for this year, and prices re main at the same low standard that is always mantained at my store. The new styles and shapes in shoes and slippers are beauties beyond de scription. Don't fail to see them. $3,000 Worth of Winter Goods go in March at Half Price, Robber goods must all go no matter what they bring. Lots of Miss' aod Children's rubbers for 10 cts a pair 20 doz stogie boots from $1 00 up. 70 doz. Btogie shoes from 75c up. We blow our horn long and loud when we come to shop work. 18 doz. Men's kip boots 3 soles $4 50. 22 doz Men's hand made shoes $3.50 Both of the above are $1 50 under prices and assortment is limited, they are jast the goods for oil men. Boots and Shoes made to Order and Repairing done on Short notice. Leather and Findings, Blacksminths' Aprons. We Want your Trade, and Good Footwear at Low Prices will Secure it. Remember the place. JOHN BICKEL'S, " » SPRING.® We are approaching the days of all the year, the days vben the air is freighted with the perfumpry of flowers, and everything is symbolic of Peace and Good Will. In this respect these days re semble our shoes. Their Good Will is shown by their willingness to stand by you, as long as you stand in them. Quality, not price is cheapness, and we believe our prices quality considered to be the lowest in Butler. ROBINS BROS., S. E Corner of Diamond. - *• - Butler, Pa. "DIRT DEFIES THE KING." THEN SAPOLIO IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. M. ROSENTHAL, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St., 'Pittsburg, Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Market Do vou occasionally tako a littJo liqaor for yoar stomach's sake ? Be sure it ib the beat; bad liquors will injure your stomach,good liquors im proves" it. The best liquors are only kept in the best stores. Try our Finch's Golden Wedding, for medical and family use. SI.OO per Qt; or 6 Qts. for $5.00- Doutberty, Guckenheimer.Large.Gibson, Bridgeport, Mt Yernon, Overhalt, Etc. This is the only house not rectifying in the city, therefore our goods are warranted pure. Goods securely packed and boxed without extra charge. C. 0. D. and mail orders, receive prompt attention. our "Grand Father's Choice" 3 year old, is a good one, age has brought out good quali ty; sells for $2.00 per gallon. KOREKT LEWIN\ Importer and Wholesaler, 13G Water St., Pittsburg. Pa. Opposite B. & 0. R. K. Depot. RECULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, j ASD ♦ PURIFY THE BLOOD. ♦ A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Indigestion, Blllouaneß** Conatl- j potion, l>y.pcp«l*. Chronic l.Wer Trouble., I UlzslneMt, lUU Complexion, l>j»enterj, i • OlTenlTe Breath, and nl 1 Ul»ordcr» of the . hiomach, Liver »nJ t It i pans T&bules contain nothing Injurious to * the most delicate constitution. Pleasant to take. ♦ safe, effectual. Give immediate relief. Sold by drufftfistfl. A trial bottle Bent by mall I on receipt of 15 cents. Addres* ; THE RIPANB CHEMICAL CO. j 10 SPRUCE STREET, NEW YORK CITY. j READ AND REMEMBER For strictly pure and reliable STRAIGHT LIQUOKS, call on I. IV. PINCH, 12.SH1THK1KLD KT.,:PITTSBUB«H, PA. (Opp. Monongabela House.) Matchless for Family use and Medicinal pur poses are FINCH'S GOLDEN WPWING, ! AUsl (iUCKKNHKIMKII 8 Vv rIISKI. • per qt. , OVEKHOLT'ri WHISKY, f 6 qts. DILLINGEK'S WHISKY. I tor $5. Goods neatly packed and promptly shipped Fkkr ok Ex pknbk on receipt of cash £or fpost office order. , ~ WNothlrig expressed C. O. D. Bend for Price List. SIYCERMLI I hitmU uMI ficti Try ft. ■ • - v AT UKL'GGISIS.B Cures Prl (flit's Disease, Dropsy. Gravel. Nerv ousness. Heart, I'rlnarv of Liver Diseases. Known by a tired lanquiil feeling; lnactlnK or the kidneys weakens and poisons the 01000, and unless cause la removed >ou cannot have health. Cured me over live years ago of bright s Disease and Dro psy.—Mks. I. L. C. Mxi.i kk. Bethlehem. Pa. 1 .uon other similar testluiou.als. l'rv It. Cure guaranteed. . CAHN'S KIBSKT CVMK CO., Fhlladtlpfcla. Soldby AU Kellabel Drugg'sts. Cures thousands annually of Liver Com plaints, Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspep sia, Constipation, Malaria. Mora Ilia result froman UnhealthyLiverthanany other cause. Why suffer when you can be cured t Dr. Sanford's Liver Invigo* ator is a celebrated family medicine. yot'K UKCGGIST WILL SUPPLY YOU. FL^ENCING Cemetery, Lawn, Poultry and Rabbit Fencing THOUSANDS OF JULES I> USE. CATALOGUE FBEE. FREIGHT PAID. THE McMULLEN WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO, 114,116, 118 and ISO X. Kuket Bt, duup, DL ;arCßttiiijCjM. i r. THETORUPW /Zfir* ("SL-feed and Ensilage ißy C"TT^ R - ™ dealer »tOMop«r» don'thaodletheseeuttera m 1 • iioo. Saves Write aa for catalogue and fred. Cattle Introductory prices. ail opclean. Hotels and Depots, W. 8. Gregg is now running a line of carriages between the hotels and depots of the town. Charges reasonable. Telephone No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel Vogeley. Good Livery in Connection WANTED! At onfe * BALESSEN """""—— FOUTIIIS LOCALITY. Splendid OPPORTUNITY for a live, energetic man. We offer BET TER FACILITIES and Better Terms than ever. Salary or commission. Write tor our SpCdcll Offer* HOOKER, GROVER & CO.. Rochester Fruit Farm and Nurseries. Esta bllslied 1H56. Rochester, N. Y. YOU NEED WORK? (If so, this will interest you.) YOU MA a KE $75 TO $l5O a Month, provided vou work with a little vigor oluck and push. Stock complete; steady work; pay weekly. Elegant outtlt tree. Experience unnecessary. atonic. & _ Established 1572. Nurserymen . Kochester.N. Y A. E. GABLE, Veterinary ISxirgeon. Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, Canada. Dr, Gable treats all diseases of the domesticated animals, and makes ridgling, castration and horse den tistry a specialty. Castration per formed without clams, and all otber surgical operations performed in the most scientific mauner. Calls to »ny pa tof the country promptly responded t'. OBice and Infirir »J in Crawford's L.very, 132 Weist ,1 jleraon Street,, Butter Pa. THE Leading Millinery House OF Are now prepared to show their new line of Spring Milli nery. Beautiful beyond description. Whether you buy or not, you arc welcome to come and enjoy the beautiful and artistic display. Come for investigation and comparison. We believe buying will follow. Special Mourning Millinery, also Millinery for Misses and Children. NOTICE. SAILOR HATS 10c. Jewelry. Clocks, Silverware, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 N. Main St., Duffy Block Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All —"Remember our Repairing Department —20 years Experience. , RINGS, Diamonds te™ 'STUDS, ( GENTS GOLD, TJf7 "U I I»ADIES '^OLD, W atcnes I gknts silver 1 A DIES CHATLAIN. t i { Gold Pius, Ear-rings, J oWoiry \ Rings, Ohains, Bracelets, Etc, ( Tea sets, castors, butter dishes < and everything that can be MM IRIS. W7 s "~- E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER Ho. 139, North' Main St., BTITLER, PA.. PENN'A White-Sand Oil Co, [A. STEELSMITH, Manager, Butler, Pa.] Dealers in Illuminating, Lubricating, Cylinder and Dynamo j Oils—all free from Lima Oil. This Oil is made and handled by Independent Producers not con nected with the Standard Oil Co., as reported. All orders will be promptly filled. Warehouse in rear of Nicho as & Hewitt's planing mill, near West Penn depot, Butler, Pa. Refinery at Coraopolis, Pa., near P. & L. E. R. R. This oil can be secured at McCrea's Feed Store on E. Jefferson St. YOUR FAVORITE HOME NEWSPAPER AND Ilie Leading Republican Family Paper of the United States ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $1.50 THE CITIZEN. gives all the Town, County and Btate, ai d as much National news as any other paper of its class. 1 Your Home would be incomplete without it. ! NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and gives all the general news of ! the United States and the world. It gives the events of foreign landß in a nutshell. It has separate departments tor "The Family Circle, and "Our Young Folks." Its "Home and Society" columns command I the admiration of wives and daughters. Its general political news, edito rials and discussions are comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive. Its "Agricultural" department has no superior in the conntrr. Its Market r ReDorts" are recognized authority In all parts of the la nd. . A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid journal and ' "The CITIZEN" for one year For only $1.50, Cash in Advance. "N. Y. Weekly Tribune," regular price per year ' The Citizen," • 150 . T'tal $2.50 We furnish both papers one year for - - 51.50, Subscriptions may begin at any time. ► Address all orders to THE CITIZEN, BUTLER, :P-£l J. SPECK * WM - H - HOLMES' THE LEADING WHOLESALE WINK AND LIQUOR HOUSE OF;WKBTERS PENNBTLTANIA, The Wm, 11. Holmes Co., Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and "Holmes' Old Economy' PURE RYE WHISKY, All the leading Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in bond or tax-paid Importers of fine Brandies, Gins and Wines. SEJSTID FOR/ PRICE LXSO? T3lephon No. 305j. 120 Water St, and 158 Fir stAve.. PilUbUlgk P*