CLEARANCE SALE OF FALL AND WINTER Boots and Shoes. OUR annual clearance sale of Fall and Winter goods is now on TboM in pearcb of exceptional Rood bargains in seasonable goods should visit oar store. Among the goods that must and shall go 1 low prices have their usual effect, are all heavy Rubber Goods, includ ing all felt, wool and beaver goods. A great many of these.goodi can be bad at YOUR OWN PRICE THE pricee of all leather goods also have come unnder the kn ifc Yon can now buy Children's School Shoes and Men and Women .- Winter Goods for LESS THAN THEIR COST to us. The on j war to tell anything about the justness of the price is to see the arti cle and the price toge-her. Money is said to talk and if it does itt yoice is louder and clearer in our place of business tnan elsewhere because its purchasing power is so much greater. There is only one way to convince yourself, that way is now open to you. AL RUFF. PRICES THE FAIREST /MsLs YOU HAVE EVER KNOWN AT Vogeley & Bancroft's, IN Ladies', Gentleman's and Children's Shoes. See Our Elegant Line Oi Holiday Goods. No Question about our goods Pleasing. Mo Question about prices being Satisfactory. NONE CAN SELL CHEAPER. ALL GOODS WARRANTED. BOOTS AND SHOES, Slippers, Rubbers and Overshoes, etc. VOGELEY AND BANCROFT. 347 South Main St., Butler, Pa., Or>p. "Wiliard Hotel. Are You One Of The Lucky Ones Who Will Attend The Grand Clearance Sale At For the next two weeks. Remember it is not our fault if you come too late,it will commence Jan. 25 and continue till Feb. 4. Carpets, Cloaks, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Dry Goods, Flannels, Ginghams, Calicoes, etc. See our biu* bargain counter on left o o hand side entering store. YOURS RESPECTFULLY, A. Troutman & Son, J Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House, Butler, Pa. Ml USUI OPENING OF Dress floods, Millinery, Wraps and all kinds of FANCYGOODS. IJAVING just returned from New York 1 am prepared to show you the finest and most varied assortment of goods cve r shown in the same line in Butler. Other dealers claim g°'xis can be bought just as well at home from agents. This is a great mistake—to get the cream of the market, you must go to New York. is what I have done and if you will call in I will convince you of the fact. Please re membcrthat 1 guarantee thevery lowest prices on everything. Thanking you for the rapidly with which you cleared out the old stock bought ol the S> -rift, I now cordially invite yon to come in and buy the new. Jennie E- Zimmerman. <, PER CENT. 41U First Mortgage Leans X" tax. commission or fees. Interest payabte semi-anunaliy by New York draft. Perfect se curity Highest reference. CHAS. V. RF.ID, Fairhaven, Washington. mm T m \ • J tne DCSt 1% In Paint White L ad i b A; properly applied I it will not sea c chair, or rub off; it firmly adheres to the wood and forms a permanent base for repainting. Paints w'.ich peel or scale have to be removed by scraping cr burning t . e 1. satisfactory repainting can be done. j B When buying it is important to obtain L f Strictly Pure White Lead properly made. Time has proven that white lead made by the "Old Dutch" process of slow corrccion possesses qualities that cannot be obtained by any other method of manufacture. Th's process consumes four to six months , time, and produces the brands that have given White Lead its character 8 as the standard paint. "Armstrong & McKeivy'' " ' "Fahnestock" " Davis-Chambers" are standard brands of ::-ictiy purs e Lead made by the "Old Dutch" pro cess. You get the best in buying then. You car. produce any desired colir y tinting these brands of white v. ith National T ead Co.'? Vt—s White Lead Tinting Co; For cale fcy t! - - ie dealers la Paints everywher . If ycu arc •~p. . it wi.i t . • vc-i to send lo us foi . t :r.r infi ll that may sa*- / i- \ only cost you a : .. •! <. • :o. NATION/ L LEAD CO., 1 I-rosai v. • orX Pitisbur . Branch, National Lead and C.l r . f ylvanla. Pittsburg... JOHNSONS LINIMENT . \KEANYOTy. FO * v HOUSEHOLD USE. 4 _ Was originated and first proscribed by • AN OLD FAMILY PHYSICIAN • -nISIO. Couid a remedy without real merit hive survived over eighty years P SOOTHING, HEAUNG, PENETRATIN /*» For liJT ERfJAL and EXTERNAL ute k * armOnmp Colds, ! ramp® and fain.-. S i::.:, ' It i like- maffif*. Care* Asthma. Catarrh. Bronchitis, Choienv jff •. chilblain*. < hap*. Sorv-nPM In Body or Limbfl, i.» ' Inhale t ' i . Headache. • • . • : - ••. I ri- rt - I . I ' • • A •••-.» :• :: HUMPHREYS' This PRECIOUS OINTMENT is the • triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a CURATIVE , and HEALING APPLICATION. Ithasbecn used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. Cures PILES or HEMORRHOIDS- External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding -lulling and Burn in;;; Cracks or Figures; Fistula in Ano; Worms of the Rectum. The relief is imme diate the cure certain. WITCH HAZEL OIL , Cures BURNS, S< aids and Ulceration and ' Contraction from Burn-. TliereliefLsinstant. Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Fis tulas, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is infallible. Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. I'rice, 50 Cents. Trial :-i?c, gg Cent?. Bold by DrugglftU, or #. ot poi on receipt «>f price. HC*PIinP.TB**mCO M 111 A! I 3 William fit., KEW YOltK. THE PILE OINTMENT II HE 1 XT MORNING I FEEL BRIQHI ANO NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My doctor says It arth gently on tha ttcr.T./ h, live r •, klUncya, and Is a pk-aaant laxative, 'ihi ;• mado from herbs, and lit prepared for tmi eu* ! !y •'■x. it la called i.ivNC'S MEDICINE All well It at Li*-, and •! per [>.u k.i.-- ■ ! \ MI! ■ R V\LS E.t * I*A 1. : * to! r . .1- 1. ry T " MOTHERS 1 1 FRIEND" jWftKES CHRP BIRTH EASY. Colvin, La., Doc. 2, 188(3.—My wifo u-,.- ""TITER'S FRIEND before her thin 5 iflncniont, ancl says sho would not i: ■. ..iiout It for hundreds of dollars. DOCK MILL! 3. ? ••at by express 00 receipt of price, fl.'O per !. ISock "To Mothers" mailed free. DHAOFIELO REGULATOR CO., in oAit c? AUonuaaiKT,. ATLANTA, Cij*. ForfSale by J. C. Redick. WAYNE'S ** OINTMENW vsiirlthnot any intcrtiKl *%} ' " ' ' a ' r t M'h.fl., r. •, ft- . [hi kk .:i . !■ ir. whit.And i-:«lit«. -r »<:.t lymill f-r i« Allrni Dn. Swai.l. L S"*, Fhlladelpbia, Pa. Auk your driJKlit for lw 1 L« Is I f > ••« •-.•:. 4,6'.. BUFFAU . I ) 4 DOCTORS LAKIi q i KiVATi:i»isn:N.Aitv. -t L". jiy COR. PLUM AVE. ANO Fouurn ST.. JJKp-.if*- PITTSUUHOH, HA. \ All fonnnof iir!i -:itcand (V.m plicated IJlnca < » ri'|Uiiin;?< :ON- Kl'ir.'.T! A 1.1111 ■1 -' ll.Mll l'' M'- l- ication ore treated at tlun l»i-- ... iry with a Hinxesf.. arely attained. l)r. S. i; | ; v , • nicinlierof tlm Itov.d CollegeOf I'liv <l-I i. M a:d Surge.-..) ', and In the o! Ic«» ami mini •\i-.-I .'-ir<d si-iii,' in lli.* city- H|x-cial at li 11;'..,11 ;:.v< 11 toNervoun lirbilltj Ironn ' * iv<- nil- *al"vi 1 tlnn, indi»cretii>noryoiith,et''.,ca . in'- hj if-al and Mental deeay.lnek »< ener (ry, I, .- :■ i' n' - y, etc.; alsot.'am'r 1. Old Sun , Kii-, i - ; ::.'iiiiratlHiii, and all li ' i«.f tin-, kin, 1. j 1 . - , T'rlnary Orjtnn 11 . <"" nit a t • - . ,i ,; j .ctly confidential. Ofl"'e h"iir-.10 1.. 7 :i j*. M.; Pundiij ". 2 '■> <'' I. i n 01. o or •ddr.- I AKK, < A\l . AMO-IXM&T.. I'ITT.-!U i:olI. I 'i» ' -t, and l>e'(t In s stttatiMi forobtalDlnga / '//jtj Business Educatlcni / / Wo h.iro mce<« fully . ./' |>rct.;:rc«.t thousands cf YOUNG MEN idlllMtf Uh J'"r circulars ad 1. , -. J>c J A;SONS, l'lttuburgli,!'». 1 wv/«#u/r vj-w//w//r/#//////////ww THE CITIZEN A Poetess Visits the "Standard" Office. She was very pretty. The snn of some nineteen summers had shown upon her neatly banged head and a sweet -mile rippled from her dainty looking month. She skipped into the office and the first one she met was Charley, whom she ad dressed in a sweet voice, saying: "Dear sir, are you a poet T" Charlie looked a little scared but ans wered, "No ma am. Im a Methodist. She then turned to Jim and asked him the same question, but Jim assured her that he was not guilty. She then asiced us if we were a poet, but we quickly informed her that we never wrote a line of poetry in our life. "But I've seen some very fine poetry in the Standard," she replied. "Yes," we answered, "but that was written by our regular poet, Ben Steel.' "Where can I see Mr. Steel t" she anv iou.--ly inquired. Just then we saw Ben coming across the street from Ed. McGrew's music store, where he had been trying to trade some dead letters for a mouth organ. "We mo tioned him to come in, and told her who he was. She drew a package of manu script, neatly tied with a blue ribbon, from her pocket, and drawing her chair closer to Ben's, thus began: "I am writing a historical poem on Westmoreland county, concerning the time when the red man roamed over the land. I find no difficulty in getting up the first three lines ol each verse, but the last one where the rhyme comes in, isdiffi cult, so I thought if I could get some good poet to help me with this last line, I could soon complete my poem." "I see, I see," said Ben, "a sort of cap the climax affair. I can do it, and as lor Indains I know all about 'em. We had an Indian medicine show here once, and I never missed a night. Oh ! I have 'em down fine. So go ahead with your poem and I'll chip in when my deal comes." The fair young creature cleared her throat and began. When Pontiac, the mighty chief, I'uled o'er Westmoreland's hills, He bravely bared his good right arm.' "And took some quinine pills."' added Ben. "That rhymes and it's true too. You see the Indians were subject to grip from roosting out in the damp woods "I don't like that ending," muttered the girl, "but I'll go on." His shout re-echoed o'er the hill, And rang among the rocks, His mighty frame with anger burned "Because he'd lost his socks." exclaimed Ben. "You see running around through the woods so much "Oh ! but I don't liko that," she said. "The spirituality of the poem is lost "Now that shows," said Ben, "that you are not well posted in poetry liko 1 am. Just you read on and you will seo how it comes out." So she read on: The mighty chief, the w.irrior bold, Too proud, too brave to flee, He saw his warriors passing off—" "To the Clnckenheimer Dictiller-e." shrieked Ben. "That's where they went, that's where all the red skins go. Oh, I am onto tnein. Xow read on, it's getting mighty interesting." The poetess didn't look pleased with her help, tint started in on another stanza. "He heard the wood Isrk's merry song The blue bird's happy tunes, His heart gave forth a mighty throb" "And tore his pantaloons,'' yelled Ben. "I'll tell you exactly how it was. You " But tho beautiful reader indignantly roso to her feet, xhed a shower ot tears, called him a "nasty brute" and flounced indig nantly init of the room, while Ben at com pletely dazed for awhile and then exclaim ed in a low, strained goice: "Well I'll be dod blamed," and sadly wended his way down to the postollice where ho told John Meyer that the Democrat administration was responsible for a heap of things.—lr win •Standard. She is delighted with it.—Mrs. Hannah Moore, Hebron, Neb., writes: "My moth er had a swollen knee caused by a fall.— I purchased a bottle of Salvation Oil. IV e used it and 1 never aw a remedy work so well. It took the swelling down immedi ately and effected a cure." —One by one —11. —Tho passing show —a circus parade —lt hardly seems fair to denounce arti ficial honey as a hum bug product. —The youthful swell who wears an Bas er lily in his buttonhole is fortunately few and far between. —The organ grinder is ever looking up ward in his musical career. —Last summer's platter hat will bo re vived. —Benzine will take eggnog stains off the vest. Lane's Family Medicine Move.-, the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is neeos-ary. —The price of tho parasol range from $3 to !)<125. —Cemeteries aro taking on an inviting appearance. The overworked hen will be given a hard earned rest. —Great oaks of rumor grow from a tiny acorn of gossip, —The fashionable young man's spring suit must bo of quiet design. How to Obtain Long Life. Take life easy. Nothing prolongs life like a cheeifuf disposition. Make haste slowly. The snail outran the hare and won the race. Avoid all worry. Care wrinkles the brow and dries up the fountain of life. Don't get angry. Every burst of pa -ion shortens life's span one inch. Be moderate in all things and temperate in your habits. Romember. "sleep is na ture's kiud restorer," and if yon would live long, sleep long. # Above all take care of yourself. If you are not feeling well there is something wrong and nature needs to be stimulated in her work. The best physicians in tho country recommend Klein's Silver Ago and Duquenso Kye for such a purpose. They are for sale by dealers generally at $1.50 and $125 per quart respectively. Send to Max Klein, H2 Federal Street, Allcghe ny, l'a., for u complete catalogue and price-list of all kinds of liquor, mailed free. —Color combination, heretofore regard ed as poor taste are now in high favor. —A fine crop of blisters is sprouting on tho hands of the men who are doing their own gardening. —Sun-spots—freckles. —Close at hand—tight gloves. —A movable feat dinner on a railroad train. —Light grn-n still remains tho fa liion able color for lawn '. —As it is in nature, so it is in politics— tho biggest plums ripen first. April showers and tho umbrella trust aro forcing umbrellas up. —There is a West I'liiludolpliit man j who i «» stnpid that ho cannot answer i oven it description of himself. USE DAN \'Srt A Its A l'A K LIL A, ITS , "THE KIND THAT CUKES." j The Snakes Outwitted. Tho wisdom of the serpent is proverbial, but the Texas folks have found a way of fooling the reptiles. Some parts of that State are so infested with chicken snakes that poultry raising became almost impos sible. The snakes feed on young chickens and have a special fondness for eggs, and this appetite is what is now beating them. The smart poultry raiser now procures a liberal supply of porcelain nest eggs for the special delectation of these prowlers, and leaves them around where they can easily find them. When a chicken snake relegates one of these porcelain nest eggs to his interior economy bis days of useful ness are numbered. He cannot digest it, and he pines away like a young husband who has inadverdantlv swallowed a bis cuit built by his Yassar College wife. •'How many deaths have you?" said the cholera germ. To the germ from the roalm of grip But the grip man said that old Jack Frost, in a waltz, Had made him trip. What then ? "The more fool yon," cried tho cholera germ; "But I'll waltz with you in June." And together with the dust, wo will, if we must. Send that Jack Frost to the moon. And then t —The announcement is made that a German scientist has sncceded in making a fair article ot brandy out of sawdust. An exchange sees in this the near approach of tho happy day when a man can take a rip saw and get drunk on a rail fence. Nearly half a century of uninterrupted success in the cure of cough, cold and in cipient consumption ha- given to Dr Bull's Cough Syrup, a reputation not possessed by any other similar remedy. It is a sov ereign cure for all diseases of the throat and chest. —Barbers are very busy on spring hair clips. —Delaware herring are the latest acces to the fish slabs. —The golden-eyed dandelion is peering forth to greet the star eyed spring. —Tho household skeleton never poses in the photograph of the family group. —There is a decidedly spring liko atmos phere around the baby goods departments of all the big stores. —Be a little cautious about going se curity for a man who takes no newspapers and keeps two dogs. —lf you aro tired and never huugrj", Hood's Sarsaparilla will make you feel strong and well. —lt is not a pleasant thing to state that about the only thing a number of Pennsyl vania office seekers brought back trom their trip to Washington was a new assort ment of pneumonia seed. —To tho gentleman, who has married the daughter of a rich biscu't baker, a friend said: "So you have taken, not the cake, but the biscuit, this time t" "Yes, and the tin with it," was the wit ty. if ungallant reply. Drunkenness, ort'ic Liquor Habit, Posi tively Cured by administering Dr. Haine3 'Golden Specific." It is manufactured a< a powder, which can be given in a glu s of" beer, a cup of coffee or tea,or in food, without tie Know ledge of toe patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or uu alcoholic wreck. It ha-- been given in thousands of cases, and in overv instance a perfect core has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of particulars free. Addr -ss, Golden Specific Co.. 185 Kaco St.. Cincinnati O. • Out ol the office the man w as thrown. And dov. u a couple of flights of stairs: He had no business of his own Attd li« would.i'tl.)t others attend to theirs." —Mai l to order—the waitress. —The washerwoman may bo said to live on the products of tho soil. -—lt is the brightest criminal who best knows the valuo of keeping dark. —Tho man who is sent to jail for drunk enness generally serves his full time. —The jewelers and silversmiths aro now harvesting their Easter wedding gift crop. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Ask your friends about it. —Tho Christopher Columbus Easter egg has a portrait of that worthy on it and is broken at one end so as to stand erect. —The spring opening is synonymous with tho spring clothes inn in the feminine mind. —ln good -ociety it is well understood that the man who eats with his knife de serves to be cut. Still in the Lead. Tie Wm. II Ilolme.-i Co., Distillers, Im porters and \\ holcsale Liquor Dealers, job bers in all the leading brands of Kyo and Bourbon Whiskies. Distillers of "Holmes' ltest and "Holmes' Old Economy" I'uro Rye \V iskies and Greene County Apple Brandy. Our importatians ol fine brandies and wini t have been unusually large the past year, and we are better prepared than ever to furnish wholesale dealers, ho tels and taverns with complete outfits of pure choice goods at first hand prices. Drop ii-i a postal and we will have a sales man call upon you or send for price list. Tiik Wm II HoLMhs Co., 158 First Ave. and 120 Water St., Pittsburgh. Pa. —The Judges presiding over tho Alle gheny court made a ruling that hereafter no saloon-keeper shall bo allowed to fur nish free lunches to patrons. Not even a plate of "red herrings" will be permitted to decorate a bar a incidental inducement to excite the thirst of patrons. The Court suggested that such practice was contrary to the spirit of the Brooks law, as it served as an inducement to bring patronage to the places. I his ruling will ho a heavy blow right over the 'breadbasket' of the free lunch practitioners. The edict may bu in lino with the law, but it is against hygiene, as it is a conceded fact that it is far better for a drinker to eat something when taking alcholle liquors. Kheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito •'! days. Its action upon the system i remarkable and mysterious. It remove iat once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. Tho first dose greatly benefits. 75 els. Hold by J. ttedfck, druggist, Butlei. —Tho bullion value or our silver dollar, with silver at 83 cents nn ounce, is cents. —An expert says that with 1,000 words a man can tran act all tho ordinary busi ness of life, ptid of these he commonly uses only 400 or 500. Vet there are something like 200,000 words in our language. Consumption Surely CurocL Tr. Tile SniTum— I'lnnno inform year romil.m tbat I airo ft pmlllro r.maxly for It.o al>ovn-n!iiiii-il iflHf-KHft. J>; .11 Uiuitly UNO tlwfllHAlJ'lfl ol ll'iJM'li-fcM ciuinn liavu 1 1,n pftrmaonitly enrod. I "hull t>ii Kind to Bniil tw » VUt.l of my ri-imt'ly fJUU t'» ftflj of yosr mft'lrrrt ■» ,1 hmvo consumption If thoy will ■mid mo tb»li £xpr*iw mid I*. O. ixi'lren. I:- jx-rt 'J'- *. H-UAX'il. M. C.. Ist JHourt Bt~ N. V. i —As a rule people who ask advice on- I ly want their own opinion confirmed. I —Tho tramps are now planning their . summer tours, and scan tho freight tram j schedules with much interest. UDE DANA'S SAKSAPARII-l'A, ITS I "TilK KIND THAT CUKES." | +THESE THINGS 1 NEED:#- I XEED MONEY, I I NEED ROOM, j I NEED CUSTOMERS.! Spring Goods are here and Winter Goods must go. HERE 1S TIIE TIME. THE STOKE IS PACKED FROM CELLAR TO ROOF. Price is no Question now. THE OBJECT IS TO SELL SHOES AND SLIPPERS. Come in and look over our spring stock, I can safely say it was never better, great care was taken in selecting styles for this year, and prices re main at the same low standard that is always mantained at my store. The new styles and shapes in shoes and slipp°rs ure beauties beyond de scription. Don't fail to see them. $3,000 Worth of Winter Goods go in March at Half Price, Rubber goods must all go no matter what they bring. Lots of Miss' aud Children's rubbers for 10 cts a pair. 20 doz stogie boots from $1 00 up. TO doz. stogie shoes from 75c up. We blow our horn long and loud when we come to shop work. IS doz Men's kip boots 3 soles $4 50. 22 doz .Men's hand made shoes $3.50. Both of the above are $1 50 under prices and assortment is limited, they are just the goods for oil men. Boots and Shoes made to Order and Repairing done on Short Notice. Leather and Findings, Blacksm inths' Aprons. We Want your Trade, and Good Footwear at Low Prices will Secure it. Remembtr the place. JOHN BICKEL'S, BUTLER, P A. "DIRT DEFIES THE KING." THEN SAPOLIO IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. "M. ROSENTHAL, Wholesale Liquor Dealei 403 Ferry St., Z Pittsburg, Pa. Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Market. Do you occesionnlly take a little liquor for your stomach's sake Bo pure it is the best; had lifjtiors will injure your stomach,pood liquors im proves it. The bci-t liquors are only kept in the bet stores Try our Finch's Golden Wedding, fur medical ami family use. $1 00 per Qt; or 6 Qts. for $5 00 iJoutherty, Guekenheinior,barge,Gibson, Bridgeport, Mt Vernon, Overhalt, Etc. This is the only house not rectifying in the citv, therefore our good* are warranted Int'rc. Goods securely packed and boxed without extra charge. 0. O. I>. and mail orders, receive prompt attention. our "Grand Father's Choice" 3 year old, is a good one, age has brought out good quali ty; sells fur $2.00 per i/alkm. i ROBERT LKWIN, Importer and Wholesaler, 136 Water St , Pittsburg. Pu. Opposite I j. AO. B. B. Depot. WILI IAS! The .veil-known liveryman, Wru Kennedy, will be pleased to have his friends call at his new place of business. The Best Horses, Buggies and Car riage- in Butler at the most reasonable rates. The place is easily remember ed. The first stablo west of the Lowry House. : J RECULATE THE | STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, | ♦ AND ♦ PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR I IndlcrMlon. llHloiim.—. Hrn'loch*. ConMl- ; ♦ ißlluß, lljrapcpotu, ( brunlc* r TrtiubU «, I ♦ IM//.lne«'», I>«ti 4 oinpli xlati, l>j"cnt«-ry. ♦ | OlTciiiiivo Is**» atl»» uml t»XI ili»<»ru4.r«» <*! tbo J } HMNMIi UVMPMI ••wtlts 1 t:,I iji . *i'. 1»• i!• .« . «.:it 'lit : ' ; •'■ ' J ♦ tho m«>-t delicate l'lcn auttota-o. ♦ \ « irectunl. li.mnMi.V. • r«'lift. ♦ Ii • i dnn 1 ' • » ! " ! " ' :i * 5 ■>' nmil i I on receipt of lAc«utJ. Addre i J THE rtIPANS CHEMICAL CO. ♦ I 10 srIICCK HTItEET, NEW YOltK CITV. j L * READ AND RJ MEMBER Kor Strictly pure «nd reliable STUAKJHT LiyUoKH, call on X, m. Flf^CH, 12. 5i1l Minn l> sr., I'ITTSIU Ki 11, I'A. (Opp. MonongiUiela House.) Matcblc s for Family use ""<1 Medlcln il. pur poses ar<* I'l N'CH'S fit >I.I>I'N W'K'JIM Mi, ' Alltl (il i'K I.MIKIMI.It S WiII.SKY, ; P' T 111. ; OVKUlinl.l'rt WHISKY. f « qts. l>ll,LlN';i:U'H WJIISKV. I for (foods neatly packed and promptly shipped HitKR of Kxi-kns* on receipt of cash or post office order. . „ „ I vNotlitng expressed ( . O. D. scud fur Price List. -■ TSMKA '' ■ '*• i >SER'S |i ' i tINE. || .. VI '. ' 'jiVa! | | - ■ -y-;: "•] /j / ..I I /f CLARK'S Basil BSS College, CHI*. PA. I !"cm ' •: I -M-newt I 1 < urh' i'. f" ■ ■ "1 H. '•« .•»' M'l '• .»»»• ( • , • . . • • • Writ# to UL, H. i C&amu . ft ■ M.Hwi ►T.X.s: B33HM33aHliaa ( HP'S Itrtflit'-> l>lse:> '. I>r<>i> >s i;r.»vel, Nerv oii ue Heart. I'lliinrv of l.iver I" ' Mies. Known by a llred lampild feelinu; Inactlnjc <<f ill ' kidneys weaken* and poisons tbe blooil, and unlesn Is removed >Oll cannot Uhvo health. Cured me over llveje :c. i-uol Hrlicbi 111 ... mill Drupm Ml I 1.. Mliii", Bellllclk in. I'll I (KyioilH i ni'.lnr I'* Try 11. l ure (Ttlin Hit.d. kll»>K\ ( I ll» ("I, I'lillmli Ifilllu ' Svldby All Kclmbvl L'ruKKists. TO H»vr HrnLTH THt Llvm MUST »t IN OWOCS* Cures thonsauds annually of LlverCom jilaints, Biliousness, Jaundice, Dyspep ' sia, Constipation, Malaria. More Ills I result froman Unhealthy IJverthanany 1 other cause. Why suffer when you c;in I be cured? Dr. Sanforil's Liver Invigop ator is a celebrated family medicine. YOCR UltlieeiST WILL St I'I'LY vou. i| ■ Cemetery, Lawn, Poultry and Rabbit Fencing IHOI'SAXBS OK MII.ES IX USE. CATAI-OGUE HIKE. FKEIBIIT I'AIP. THE iVfcMULLEN WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO., 114, lid, 118 and 120 N. Market St, Chicago, BL " rf ..' 4 U /J ' .•> c ."„^ ' ■ '' r-' ' , / r ' ..« yfjj ■ w. 7. lIiRRISON t* CO » Tp s ' •' CANTON. OHIO. •-J."J <m ' Um ' ,t OII.NAI>O. Hotels and Depots, W S. oroan i« now running a line of carriages between the hotels and depot 3 of the town Cliurfjca reasonable. Telephone No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel ! Voßeley. (Jooil Liverv in Connection. WANTED! Al 0l "''* *.u,Ksai:!» ™ FOItTIIIS LOCAUTT. 4 I splendid OPPORTUNITY for a live, energetic man. We offer BET TER FACILITIES and Better Terms than ever. Salary or commission. Write for our NpCClill Off(T» HOOKER. GROVER & CO.. ItocbMter Km It I'arm and Nurnerles. Kstabllshed is;»fl ltocbunter. N. Y. YOU NEED WORK? (If so, this will Interest you.) YOU ma a KH $75 TO $l5O ii Mont b. provided vou work with n little vl»or pill. I ii ml push. Mock complete; steady work; pnv weekly. Kleiriuit outfit free. Kxperlenre i unnecess.i ry. Address at oneo. I . II I>i rott'.sr ,v Co.' ■ I st;ibll be<l I -7.'. Nnr-eiy men , Itorbchter.N. V The Imperial Purchasing Co., j:!(K! Filbert St., I'll tin , I'a. buys everythinif, wliolcHiite ami retail. Mirrors, pianos, or(*an» ami musical instrument*. Great caru iu the selection of Kiiitiiblu pretent". n Commissions. Samples ami estimates nent fre*. 15 years experience. you are a hustler can inakont len-t $100.(M) | per month. Now is the time to start iu on I fall -.ileN. Elegant outfit Free. Address: Ai.lkn Nuiiskkv Co., Rochester, N. Y A. E. GABJjE, ! Vf'terinnr.v I (Jruduate of the Ontario Veterinary ! College, Toronto, Canadu. I>r. (lable treats nil diseases of the domesticated niiimnlH, and inakeu riddling, castration and borne don tistry a epecialty. Castration per formed wi'.hont clams, aud all other Hurgical operations performed in the niowt scientific manner. Calls to any purt of the country promptly responded to. Office and Infirmary, in Crawford'H Livery, H52 West Jefferson Street, Butler Pa J THE Leading Millinery House OF Arc now prepared to show their new line of Spring Milli ner). Beautiful beyond description. Whether you buy or not, you are welcome to come and enjoy the beautiful and artistic display. Come for investigation and comparison. We believe buying will follow. Special Mourning Millinery, also Millinerv for Misses and Children. NOTICE. SAILOR HATS 10c. Jewelfy, Clocks, Silver'wai'e, Purchasers can save from 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, Xo 125 N. Main St., Dufly Block Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are' Respectfully Invited —"Remember our Repairing Department —20 years Experience."— , RINGS, 1 liamrmriQ I EAR RINGS, LJiaillOllClS i SCARF PINS, 'STUDS, (GENTS GOLD, WMfr-lIAC 1 LADIES GOLD, cHCJieh (GKNTS SILVER LADIES CHaTLAIN, r /kTTr .vl ~w7 (Gold Pins, Kar-rinps, •I t VV till V ] Rings, Chains, Bracelets, Etc, [Tea sets, enstorp, butter dishes <ilvni'W<lPti and everything that can l)e Oil V t I » ell c | found in a first clans store, RODGER BROS. 1847 1 t-ITrJ ork "' Spoon 8" E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No. 139, North! Main St., BUTLER, PA.. PENN'A White-Sand Oil Co. [A. STEELSMITH, Manager, Butler, Pa.] Dealers in Illuminating, Lubricating, Cylinder and Dynamo Oils—all free from Lima Oil. 0 This Oil is made and handled by Independent Producers not con nected with the Standard Oil Co., as reported. All orders will be promptly filled. Warehouse in rear of Nicho as & Hewitt's planing mill, near West Penn depot, Butler, Pa. Refinery at Coraopolis, Pa., near I*. & L. E. R. R. This oil can be secured at McCrea's Feed Store on E. JefTferson St. YOUR FAVORITE HOME NEWSPAPER AND Hie Mini! llip®ti Family Paper of llie foiled Slates ONE YEAR FOR ONLY #1.50 THE CITIZEN. Kives all the Town. County and State, and an much National news as any other paper of its class. Your Home would be incomplete without it. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE i«ii NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER, and gives all the general news of h« United States and the world It aives the events of foreign lands in a nutshell It hus separate departments for "The Kamlly Clrc'e," and "n.,r Younit Folks." Its "Home and Society" columns command th? adSatfon »f wives and daughters. Its general political news, rial.Td discussions are comprehensive brilliant and exhaustive. It. "atrrirultural" department hns no superior in the countrv. Its Market Kcuorts" are recognized authority In all parts of the land. A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid journal and "The CITIZEN" for one year For only $1.50, Cash in Advance. "N. Y. Weekly Tribune," tegular price per year s !'cn ' The Citizen," " " " 150 Total $2.50 We furnish both papeis one year for - - $1.50. Subscriptions may begin at any time. Address all orders to . THE CITIZEN, BUTLER, VA. spECK . WM. H. HOLMES' J TIIF LRADINU hmoi.ksai.v; WIXK am> uqiuu bochk ok wkhtkhs pehkhtltasia. r lTie Will. II- Holmes Co., Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and "Holmes' Old Economy' PORE RYE WHISKY, All tlie hading Kyc and Bourbon Whiskies In bond or tax-paid Importers of fine Hrandics, Gins and Wines. SEND FOR PBIOE LIST Tolephon No. 805 120 Water St. and 158 Fir stAve., PlUsbuigh P»
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers