Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 31, 1893, Image 3

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FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1893.
BCTLBB taa a population ot about to, TO.
It Is tic Count; scat of Butler County, wttn
Four railways. natural gas. and unequalled
facilities for mcnutactures.
ITogTt-as evrywherr; new building*, new
manufactures, a growing and prosperous town.
New York Weekly Tribune—Free.
By special arrangements made for our
so doing, we are enabled to offer to all our
subscribers who pay arrearages, (if any)
and one year in advance, and to all new
subscribers paying in advance, the Xew
York Weekly 7Vi6u«« free for one year.
For further particular* of this offer sec ad
New Advertisements.
C & T's. Furniture and Queen gware.
Doothett <fe Graham's clothing.
Zimmerman's Easter Opening.
Auditors' statement of Clinton twp.
L. Trailer's new goods.
C. A D's. Always.
Mohican King
NOT*— All advertisers intending to make
anges in their ads. should notify us of
heir intending to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
—High strung—telegraph wires.
—The penitential season is over.
—Xature is now producing gTecn goods.
—April brides g.ow anxiously nervous.
—Peaut/'s spring coat is lined with
gaudy plaid satin.
—"Prince's knot" is the name of the ap
proved fashionable scarf.
—Dandelion leaves are said to poses
sleep-producing qualities.
—A small sized bunch of asparagus from
Charleston costs 80 cents.
—The Telautograph transmits fac
similes of written messages.
—A new fabric for the "Loie Fuller''
dress is nearli three yards and a half wide.
—lt is quite the latest fancy to appear
in gowns worn by one's maternal ancestors.
—Cut-glass has almost entirely supplant
ed silver for articles of the toilet and table.
—Doutbett A Graham's goods have ar
rived and the store will be open next week.
—lt is a Boston idea to write the weight
of the bsby on the cards announcing its
—The girl who declares she will not don,
hoops will compromise on "crinoline
—The Butler Wheel Co's Curio Show
opens in the Vogeley tobacco store corner
nest Tuesday.
—J. L. McCleary sold bis interest in the
Producer's Torpedo Co. to W. A. Clark, of
this place.
—Ten new names were added to the
membership of the English Lutheran
Church last Sunday.
—Geo. Renno, the marble cutter, is
building a shop on the Kirkp atrick and
Reed lot on X. Main street.
—Geo. Vogeley, the tobacconist will oc
eopy the room on S. Main St. now oc
cupied by Mike Buchle.
—Don't look too closely at a dollar bill.
A. scientist found the gems of three dis
tinct diseases in one.
—The Spring term of Slipperyroek
Normal opened Monday, with about four
hundred students enrolled.
—J. B. McJunkin, Esq.. bought the A.
T. Black building on S. Main St. at As
eighnees' sale, Saturday, for $3,075.
—The school-children of Butler are en
joying a week off. Tbey collected 5114.00
for the monument last week.
—The Western Union Telegraph Co. have
moved from the Baldauf building to a room
prepared for them in the Vogely House.
—Yee it is very easy for a girl to fall in
love with a man, but when she has to take
in washing to support him—ah, tbeie's the
—lt is only a few days or weeks until
the "patient" husband will be compelled to
take his meals from the mantle while his
"lordly" wife is cleaning bouse.
—A candidate informs us there is now
being erected a building at Servers Station
that wiU cover seven acres—Fred Acre and
bis family.
--"Which of your congregations is the
most regular, Doctor t" was asked ef the
head of a fashionable flock. "The sexton,
nndoubte dly," was tbe reply.
—Cltta nning Timeit: "A union revival
ie where a siuusr is i ndnced to start on his
Way to Heaven and is allowed to take any
denominational road he choses."
—April 11th is th<» date fixed for the ap
pearance in Butler of Clara Morris, the
great emotional actress, for tbe tbird an
nul benefit of tbe Butler P. O. Elks Char
ity Fund.
—On Tuesday afternoon an alarm of fire
was made and tbe hosa companies im
mediately mv!e aa appearance, when
emoke was teen issuing from tbe roof of
tbe Bheriff Scott bouse on north Main St.
Tbrongh the excellent work of tbe fire
department the damage was but slight.
—Jim Hall, tho pugilist, attempted tc
pommel a cabman in front of the Hoffman
House, Xew York. Another cabby came to
the rescue and gave Hall a Fitzsimmons on
the jaw, knocking him down and cutting
his face. That cabman is now open foran
engagement to go on the stage.
—Don't forget the Grand Concert under
tbe direction of Prof. Davis, that is to be
in the Opera House, next Wednes
day evening, for the benefit of the Fire
men's Convention Fund. The admission
fee will be half a dollar, and you will get
Its worth in music, besides helping the
most deserving organizations in the town
—The followiog Butler county teachers
are noted in the last World's Fair list of
tbe Pittsburg Times: Martha Corbett,
Petrolia; Lulu Dawson, Earns City; B. H
Elliott, Chicora; Maggie Montgomery.
Flick; Maggie McLure, Zelienople; Madge
Shria, West Suabnry; Hattie Tinker, Coal
town; G P. W eigle Prospect; and Alma
▼ilson, Eau Clair.
—Seanor bought but four horses in Bat
ler last Saturday, but at Snnbury Monday
be bought quite a number, and among
tbem, a splendid team of sorrels, which be
got from Hockenberry and Sanderson, and
for which he paid $167 5 0 and $l7O 00. He
also bought a team of handsome greys
from Phillip Stoo pa Concord twp., and
23 other good horses.
—A prominent physioian says that tbe
average cook is absolutely Ignorant of san
itary cause and effect, and tbe kitchen pro
cesses are sources of illness more often
than imagined by placing milk, jelly,
butter and other absorbents in the open air
without covering them up. If a medical
man waste to secure organisms for investi
gation be will expose gelatine to tbe air
where malignant germs aro confined, and
gelratine quickly attracts and holds
tbem. which is the same thing that the
food will (Jo.
A large number of auditors from all
parta of Bchaylkill county met at Shenan
doah to discuss the Baker ballot law. As
no stated remuneration is mentioned for
their labors under the new law it Wis de
cided to charge the coasmi- .oacr sls for
each poll. A resolution adopted to
notify all auditors throughout the state to
charge a similar price.
—The Spring terms of school in Oak
land twp.,are progressing admirably under
the aupervinon of the following teachers:
Mis* Emma Hutchison, Xo. 1: Mr. Moore.
Xo. 2; Mr. Cochran, Xo. 3; Mr. E. Trout
man, Xo. 4: Miss Maggie MeCarrier, Xo. 5;
Miss Xettie Robertson, Xo. 6 The
directors retained teachers Xo's. 2, 3 an l 6
who are very competent teachers. R.
—Communion services in South Side
Reformed Cbircb next Sunday a. m. at 11
o'clock. Twilight meeting at 6p. M and
ipecial service of song, Bible readings, <£c
at 7:30. Evening service during the week
beginning with Wednesday at 7:30. Also
Good Friday morning at 10:30. Preparatory
service, baptisms, and reception of new
members Saturday afternoon at 2:30.
—Taken altogether, the pictures of the
World's Fair which appear from wec-k to
week in Harper'* Weekly will comprise a
complete illustrated history of the great
national enterprise. In the number to ba
published March 29th views will be given
ol the United States Corner at the exposi
tion, and of the I<:aho State Building,
each accompanied by an interesting de
scriptive article.
—The time of year will soon be here
when the auditors of the several borough?
and townships will make out the financial
statement for the past year. The tax
payers should not be compelled to stand
out in the cold and read these statements
from notices posted on trees or fences. The
statements should be published in the
newspapers, so that th 9 people can sit
down in their homes and read and digest
the financial affairs of their districts at
their leisure.
—According ta an act of Assembly of
1888 thore is no established fence. Every
farmer is required to lencc in his own
stock and he may use any style of fence
be chooses —posts and boards, posts and
wire, rails or stones, or stumps for that
matter. The law does not prescribe the
styfe of a fence to be built along the public
road and if cattle escape from their incis
ures and trespass on fields along public
roads not inclosed by fences the owner of
the cattle is responsible for any damage
they may do. The law may be briefly
summed up in this way: Fence in your
own stock and let your neighbor do the
same or pay the penalty. Ton are not re
quired to maintain a fence for any other
purpose than to enclose stock.
—Tuesday of this week was opening day
for the Spring Term of Sunbury Academy,
and at noon of that day students were
enrolled,and as many more were expected.
Two stories of the new recitation hall
are no, and when completed it will be bne
of the handsomest school-buildings in the
Some of tbe citizens are making an effort
to secure an electric car line from the town
to the nearest railroad station, a thing tbat
would be a great convenience to both
students and citizens, though tbey now
have a good back service.
Tbe school itself under the direction of
Prof. Maltby and his able assistants is
u.-*ting with unparailed success, and its
fame is spreading far and wide.
The Markets.
Our grocers are paying 15 for eggs. 25
for butter. 70 for potatoes. 75 for apples. 1 25
for onions, 3 cts a pd. for cabbage. 65 cts
for parsnips, 124 for dressed chicken,£4.so
a bn for onion setts.
Timothy hay fr-.m county wagons fIC to
$lB, mixed bay sl3 to 14. straw $7 to 8.50,
mill feed sl7 to S2O
Oats by car load 36 to 39. corn 44 to 45,
wheat 74 to 75, rye 64 to 65.
Country roli butter 22 to 23, cooking
butter 10 to 12.
Fresh eggs in cases 15 to 16
White potatoes on track 75 to 80, from
store 85 to 90
Beans $2 to $2.10, cabbage $2 to $2.50
per barrel, goose leathers 55 to 60. mixed
25 to 35.onions 1.40. on ion setts $4 to $0.50.
turnips 2 00.
At Herr's Island, Monday, common
steers sold at 3i to 4, 1000 lb steers sold at
4 40 to 4.90.and select stock as high as 6.
Veals calves »ol(l at 6to 6}. and h' ; avy
calves at 3 to 4.
lumgb hogs sold at 7 to 7 25.commonat
7.25 to 7.40, and selects as high as 8
Sheep sold at clipped sto not clipped
at 3 to s,spring I mbs gold at6^to7V.
The Sick
Thos. Hodge- and Mrs. Wm. Forsythe.of
Petrolia, are seriously ill.
Mrs. Hoyt, of Millerstown. continues
seriously iil.
Mrs A. L. TimbKn, of Fairview is re
covering from a severe illness.
The only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Floyd, of near Parker, was taken seriously
ill the past week, but is convalescent.
Miss Amelia, a daughter of S. P. Young,
of Summit twp., is down with typhoid
Sadie Russel, of Xortb Elm street, is
sick with pneumonia.
Maggie Irvine, youngest daughter of
Dr. Irvine, of Evans City is in poor health.
Mrs. John Barr, of Adams twp.. is
seriously ill.
John Vensel, aged 20, son of Alfred
Vensel, of Petrolia, met with a serious
accident lately which may cause his death.
While at school a little girl stuck a hat pin
in his back and the point of it touched the
spine. Shortly after tbe young man went
inte spasms and lost his mind. He has
bad spasms almost constantly since but
there is a slight chance for his recovery.
The youngest son of J. W. Widle, of
Emlenton, met a horrible death a few eve
nings ago. He fell into a vault on the
premises of his home and was not found
for hours after.
Fresh Goods, Low prices.
WicbiDg to take an invoice of 6tock
on April* lt»t, I Lave reduced tbe
price ten and fifteen cents per sack
on the followiDir brands: Oriental
Spring Patent, $1.25 per sack. Col
umbia Spring Patent $1 25 per sack
White River Blended. $1.25 per
»ack. Supreme Winter Wheat, $1 00
per sack. Every sack
Three cans golden drop plums for
50 cents. Three cans egg plums for
50 cents. Three cans apricots for
50 cents. Bartlet's pears, 20 cents
per can. Three pounds fancy apri
cots lor 50 cents. Three pounds
fancy peaches for 50 cents. Three
pounds pitted plums 50 cents. Four
pounds prunes for 50 cents. Eight
pounds raisins for 50 ivsts. Every
thing new, fresh and cle&o.
Buffalo Blankets, best for wear at
—Boy's Carts and Wagons.
Toys tbat never out-stay their
Welcome with the Boys at
Judge Greer i» holdjug Court in Indiana,
this week for Judge Harry White.
Ihe County Commissioners request all
Collectors who hare not already qualified,
to "do so before April 10th, so that their
bonds can be banded up to Court for ap
proval that day.
Kezzia Alien has brought suit for tres
pass vs Robert, John, and James Galla
Geo. E. Robinson passed his prelimina
ry examination, and is reading law with
hi.-; father
The report of the viewers in the ease of
Jas Sellers vs the Borough lor damage-,
and granting the -ant", was overruled and
set aside, and a petition for new viewers
was made.
In the case of J. B. McJunkin v» John
Mather*, replevin, the Court quashed the
petition and awarded the defendant triple
costs; also in the case of Jacob Boos vs
same for seme, the decision was the same.
Mary Billiard of Earns City was granted
the benefit of the separate earnsiug act.
The Board of Pardons refused to inter
fere in the case of l*ennis Clooumn, and be
will be banged in Pittsburg next Thurs
Letters of Adm'r. were granted to W. J.
Brown on estate of Jane Brown ol Mercer
twp ; also to Susannah C McGarrey on
estate ol Jo in t'.M> Garvey|"f Concord twp.
D P Book to W L Bennett, 149 acres in
Allegheny for $1,240
Geo. Trimbour to J F Sutton, lot in Bnt
ler for #1,600
K B Duncan to Jno A Brandon. C-'J acres
in Connoqueneasing for $3,300.
Marriage Licenses.
Chester L l-'isber Portersviile
Dortba A English "
Monroe I) Tilery Pittsburg. Pa
Ida F C'ree Petrol'.a
Jno Pringler Fairview twp
Lucindu Bowser "
At Pittsburg, A. M. Kearr.s of Butler'
and Anna Armstrong of Erie.
License Court.
Court met, Wednesday. with Judge i
nazen on the bench.
The hearing of motions, petitions, etc. :
occupied a considerable part of tie time of i
the forenoon ses.-ior, aad when the time
for the hearing of applicants p.rnvc-d the !
Court Room was crowded.
The Court announced that in his opinion
many of the persons now holding license !
had no other idea than keeping a tippling
honse. and that no set of mpu should be of
a higher moral character than those ex
pecting license.
Be then announced that the application
from the country districts would be heard '
first and excused the persons interested .:i
the Butler eases.
The case of Guckenbimer was the firt
called. Isaac Guckenhimer appearing for
firm. They do not sell less than a car load.
Geo. Stahl. was the next and he sells
nothing less than a gallon, and nothing
but his own manufacture.
Hervey Stokey. of Zeliennple.eame next.
He applies for a license for the Central
H oote. has 35 rooms, and f-old about six
gross of pints and half pints during the
past year.
Chas. Stokey. the -aine place, was next,
he wants a license for the Stokey Louse,
has 12 bed rooms, and sells by the bottle.
L. X. Zeigler. Harmony, was tho next
on the list.
Samuel Beam wants a license for the
Beam Bouse, has 23 rooms, and will fur
nish water for drinking purposes in other
part of the house than bar if granted a
Court then adjourned till 2 p. m.
Cbas. H. Jliller, of Evans City, was the
first case to be taken up after dinner. He
testified that he closes his bar at 10 o'clock
because he nnder.-tood that that was tbe
bur the Court directed them to be closed
He was objected to a very rigid examina
tion as to the order of his house, but he had
heard of no complaints. Witness admit
ted tbat an information had been made
against him for adul'ery by a woman who
worked in his bouse—but the information
bad been withdrawn tbe same day it was
made. He denied having paid anv thing to
withdraw tbe information and defraying her
expenses to Ohio. His bartender.Twectier.
got considerediy mixed op, and tbe Court
called him dow'n. John Helm testified to
tbe necessity of the house.
Jacob C. Heyl came next, he testified to
having been engaged in the liquor basise--
in this cooDtv f--r 10 or 11 rears; had ba>l
no trouble < r disturbance but once, i e, tne
C'oad shooting ea-e; Leonard Kipper testi
fied a-* to tbe C'oad ca-e, that C 'il came in
and demanded a pint of whisky, and be re
fused bim and he immediately pulled out
a revolver and shot.
Luc-inda Burnett of Petrolia was the first
woman applicant called, she was question
ed closely as to who her patrons were
W. H Jettison, Petrolia. came next. He
testified to tbe necessity of his hoc.-e,bad no
disturbance and served meals at ail hours.
Mrs. Jennie Duprey, Earns City, wa.- the
only applicant against whom any remon
strances aere tiied She testified as to
having 14 rooms and having kept oprn
house since the was refused license fast
time. Her house is opp.-oite the M. E.
( hurcb, but she does not think that licens
ing her house would interfere wiih the
S M. McLaughlin, John Drish and Fow
ler Campbell icstified to the necessity of
the house, the good repute of the appli
cant and her house.
Jas. Galbraitb, Esq., examined the wit
nesses for the remonstrances Rev. Thay
er, of the M E. Church, testified that he
did not think a public house, either with
or without license was iece.-s.try.
Mrs. Vouch circulated the remon-trance,
and did not think a public house necessary.
J. A. Mortimer did not think a license
house necessary.
Benj. Forquer, of Mill»rstown was nut
on the list. He violated the liquor law in
no way and there had been no disturbance
about his place during the year. Ed Bays,
J. J. Westermon, C. H. Johnston, J. F.
Frazier and 8. Trankle testified as to the
character of the applicant and the ni-Cis-i
--ty of the house.
Jno. Dolan of Millerstown was next, an
swered about tho same as above. His
witnesses were B. Frederick, Ed. Freder
ick and P. A. Rattigan.
A. <t A. Hock, of Millerstown was next
and last for Wednesday. Both testified to
the necessity, etc , and their witnesses
were Wm. Reed and J. T. Frazier
Court then adjourned to 9 o'clock this
(Tbursdey) morning.
Thursday morning the Court took up
the caae3 from Saxonbnrg and Renfrew
and then came Butler.
Traxler's New Spring Millinery.
Oar New Spring Millinery is now
opened. We can ebow you more
bam and flowerß than all other Mil
linery Stores in Butler put together.
Oar prices this season are very low
We have straw hats from 25c up.
Flowers from 10c up. We employ
only first-class trimmers. IJats trim
med while you wait. No trouble to
show our goods Wlen in town
drop in and seo the cheapest store in
Butler county.
—ls marriage a failure, ia a ques
tion that is often discussed. We can
do very much toward making it a
success, if you will come to the
People's Store and buy your Dry
Goods at our extremely low prices.
and Saxony Yarns at
L. HI e IN <fc SON'S.
Ladies ant*; Misses' Cloaks in great
variety at lowest prices at
Closing out regardless of cost at
the Peoples Store. Our spring goods
are constantly arriving, and we
must make room for them on our
Double Blackboards, Secretaries
Desks, Eureka Baby-Jumpers and
Swings for sale at
J. F. T. STEHLE's.
Very low prices on Fine Umbrel
las at
—Zaver's Pictcres leave notbirg
wanting in finish, tone or a ccrrtct
Oil Notes.
The Forest Oil Co., drilled their Xo. 5.
on the Goehring to the 100-foot atid got a
I IGo-bbl. well.
Thn Thompson farm well Xo. 3is rated
at 100-bbl?.
L. E Hamsher, of Bradford, who is in
terested in the United States Pipe Line
j and is a busine«s partner of ex Senator
Lewis Emery, says in regard to tho new
"It has been complete now almost to
Wilkesbarre. One is a four-inch and the
, other a five-iLch line. One is to be used
f.>r the transportatien of distillate and the
other to be crude. The locations of the
pump stations have not yet been decided
upon, as we intend to test the pumps and
find out just how tar we can force the oil
tbrongh the pipe before we put up the
j stations"'
"The connection from Titu-ville of Brad
j ford has been ah;, .-t completed. The first
pump station wilt be at Titusville, and the
other at Warren. The line is a go, and it
' will be a success."
Ex-Senator J. W. Lee, of Franklin, who
1 is in Pittsburg, and is one of the leaders of
the independent producers said: "We have
no fear of being unable to get all the oil
we want for the producer's lines. To read
the accounts of the purchases which the
; Standard agents have made it would ap
pear to an outsider that there was no more
territory left. By scanning a map, how
ever, their property is f< and to be only a
small proportion of the whole. There are
still lu.ooo barrels a day produced in tiie
Bradford field, and 30,000 barrels daily
north of Allegheny county, and we will
have our share of it."
The suit of Mrs. M. V. Taylor for SSO,
000 damages again-t the Panhandle rail
road tor injuries sustained on the Wash
ington biaueh of that road, while return
ing to her home last Juiy, was to come up
for trial in the Washington, Pa., courts.
Monday, but Mrs. Taylor died in Pitts
burg Tuesday.
Mrs. Tajlor will lie remembered as the
woman engagi d in the oil well supplj
business previous to the accident. f?he
ha>! offices !u the Fidelity Title and Trust
building in Pittsburg, and had, in addition
to having established a national reputation
through the notoriety given her by the
new.-papers, a» the only woman who had
the courage to embark in that peculiar
line of trade, built up A large and lucra
tive business.
Mrs. Taylor's first experience in the
supply busines- dates hack to abont the
time the oil excitement was at its height
in Washington county. She was then en
gaped us a bookkeeper tor one of the
leading oil well supply firms. ar.J. being a
shrewd woman, d:-*overed that there
was a shortage of ca.-mg in the country
aDd the demands for large pipe were in
creasing, and, having tnade a considerable
sum of money by sharp turns in the oil
market, decided at once to work a corner
in casing. So she set about baying up all
thfj casing in the country and in addition
got options on the entire output ol some of
the largest mills in the country, so that
she was in a position to dictate prices to
the trade. The prices were advanced be
fore the corner was broken to 75 per cent
over ihe price that prevailed before she
secured control. It is said that the deal
netted Mrs. Taylor close to $20,000.
After that transaction she engaged as
general agent for all kinds of oil well
supplies and would go into the field and
make contracts the same as agents of the
sterner sex, and when it came to talking
oil well supply she was a match for any
of the smooth-tongued agents.
The injuries to her spine, and from
which she has since been confined to a bed
of illness. were sustained 0:1 July 3 last,
while on board of a passenger train that
wa- approaching Washington. The con
ductor was attempting to make what is
known to railroaders as a "flying" switch
She was thrown with violence against the
back of a seat and badly crippled. The
best physieions in the country have been
called into oonsuitation. bat have not been
able to furnish relief. She was taken to
Cambridgeboio, Crawford county, last fall
and spent the winter there. Two weeks
ago she was taken to Pittsburg, and stop
ed at the Monongahela House, her con
dition was such that no one was permitted
to see her but her nurses and ittending
physician. Some of the ablest legal talent
in Wa-hii.gton county had Men retained
and the case would have been stubbornly
contested. This is the fourth time tfei- ca.-e
was pat down for trial. Mrs Taylor wa
a widow with two children, a grl and a
P. 5. Reed, of Callery. has moved to
Mansfield, Ohio.
Mr * A)iri> Unseltnn. of \!'ilprstowp. is
visiting friends in Butler.
Win Kiddle and family, of Bruin,intend
iui>viug to CVntreville.
James Glenn, r.f Uniontown. is visiting
his folks in W. Sunbary.
Phil. Xa.tt has had a broader smile than
usual on his face since Thursday last. Its
a girl.
Herman Fagen. of Mercer street, was
made happy last Saturday, by the arrival
of a son.
W. H. (ioehring Paul Cronenwett aad
his -is:er Km ma left Monday for a tour of
California. Mr Goebring intends locating
there, and the Cronmwetts expects to be
gone about two month,.
Mr. and Mrs. Aye. of Kittanning. are the
guesti of C. K. Smith.
Miss Anna Lowmati. is now in the art
department of Hoggs <t Huhl's store in
Mrs. Jennie E. Zimmerman has returned
from a business trip to Xew York.
Sid. Wiehl, of Zelienople. put in an ap
pearance on our streets, Wednesday. Sid.
has been on the sick list for the past two
year-, bat i.-»_now looking better and/eehng
Miss Christine S. Hredic, daughter of
Dr. Bred in of Franklin, formerly of Cut
ler, will have a painting in the art salon ot
the World's Fair. Out of R&l paintings
pre- ented, bat 85 were accepted.
Frank Sandbatch, of Butler, is a mem
ber of the Executive Board of the Skilled
Plate Glass Workers International Union,
which has muved its headquarters to Pitts
Barney Tosbrink is home on a visit.
Ed. Troutman will locate in Ottumwa.
Ben. Haywood, of Mercer, is a candid
are for State Treasurer.
Dr. Cowden has moved to Portersville.
—Pianos, Upright Pianos,
Metallophones, Organs,
Accordeons, Concertinas.
Musical Boxes, Mouth Organs of
all kinds at J. F. T. STEHLE'S
Don't forget us on Hosiery aDd
Gloves, we always have the best at
lowest prices
Xew Broadcloths, Bedford Cords,
Henriettas and Fine Dress Goods at
—BoardiDg House Cards, with Act
of \ssembly. 25 cents for half-a-dozen,
for at CITIZEN office.
—Everybody reads The Pittsburg
Dispatch for the reasou that it con
tains more news, both general, speci
al,aud telegraphic; has more contrib
utors and more special correspond
ence than any other newspaper be
twean >ew York and Chicago.
—Money to loan—lnquire of F
S. Purviance, Hu.-elton block, cor.
Main »nd Diamond.Butler Pa
Evans City Normal School.
The Spring Term will commence
Tuesday. April 18. and continue ten
weeks. Every effort will he made to
realize the best possible results For
particulars cxamise next week's is
—Call and examine our stock of
Table Linens, Napkins and Towel,s
before buying elsewhere.
The People's Store.
Best place to buy Tabln LintDS,
Napkins and Towels at
Best styles in Dress Goods and
Cloaks at
Knoxville wa.? vi sited bj a dinasl'-ron,,
fire !<ut Sunday uiurning. ten buildings
were burn'"!, and a loss of $35,000 was
8 attained.
The post office at Irwin, Westmoreland
county was entered early Snniiay morning,
the safe was blown open and ?!50in money
ten registered letters and $625 worth of
stamps were taken.
A sixteen year old miss in Indiana gave
birth to an illegitimate child a few days
ago, and that not less than fifteen of the '
young men of the town are on the anxious 1
O'Brien, tne bunco steerer, who was
Aio rneil in the robbery of Thos. Mont
gomery, of Arm.-"ixng c unty, has turned
op in Beunos Avres. South America,where
he is said to be luxuriating on his ill-got
ten gains. He was identified by parties
visiting there.
Many ladies of Bearer, Bridgewater.
Rochester, Beaver Falls and other places
in that neighborhood have been swindled
lately by a clever-spoken joung man who,
by representing himself as the represet ta
tic oi a large company called the Art
Uraping Co., of Moutreal. Canada, has dis
posed <>l'many thousands of little, almost
worthless, wire hooks at the rate of four
cents apiece.
Seven residences and the Union hotel
were entered by burglars at Freeport late
ly and sometbiug taken from each of them.
The residence ot Michael Kerr was entered
by the back window and rainsacked. The
Strouse re-idenee was entered next and an
overcoat belonging to a visitor was taken
They tapped the till at Praser's meat shop
and then partook ol a prepared supper at
Dolph Patterson's. Next was David
Toouiy's, where they stole _ his trousers
from the bed, took §2l out of the pockeii
and robbed the children's bank ot $4: tnen
tney entered the house of Mi-s Uary
Syphas; she shot at them several times, (
hut they made their escape. Jeff Hill's |
residence and that of Peter Mengis were
entered aud the night's work closed at the j
Union hotel near by. i
It has often been remarked that a man
no v er realizes what a donkey and monkey
he can make of himself when in lore until
he hears his letters read out in court by
the plain. iffs lawyer in a breach of promise
case. Henry Thorn, .1 prominent young
man of Parkersburg. W. Va', had a taste
of this experience a few days ago. More
than 200 letters of hi- to the fair Kosetta
Riggs were offered in evidence, and most
of tilem were read. • My love, my pet, my
rose, my all!" is a sample of the fervid
style of rhetoric in which be began them.
His pet, his rose, etc., finally had to haul
Henry up before the bar of justice, and
after a six days' trial the jury rendered a
verdict of *1,500 in favor of Miss Rosetta.
Mrs. Catharine Gass, of Sharpsburg, was
burned to death, Tue~ lay.
Judge Hazen granted one additional
license in Lawrence Co., and held three
over to May Ist
John Miles of Shenango twp. Lawrence
Co. wa-" killed on the P. «t \V. It. R. at
New Castle Junction, Monday.
Mayor Brown, of Xew Castle,is out with
* letter in the press of Lawrence county,
defending his chiefs against i-ome remarks
Judge Hazen made during license court in
that county.
Beaver Falls was ail agog last week
over the ingratitude of some o! the so-call
ed leading citizens and officials on account
of their refusal to pay the costs imposed
on Mrs Be>sie Thornburg in the courts at
Beaver last Monday. It will be remem
bered that some time ago she was arrested
and indicted for keeping a disorderly
house in tnat place. She and two other
women were lacked up in default of bail.
The week prior to the trial a large nnmber
nf witnesses were subpoenaed. It was the
talk of the town, and a great many citizens
bad very sick relatives in distant states,
wbich required an immediate and extend
ed visit. Something had to be done to
ke«j ".es,- men from appearing on the
»itii - 'and and being di»jrraceJ. It is
al!eg«1 that a city official and a prominent
bu-i'iess m.»n visited the woman at the
c< Lnty jail the Friday previous to the day
set i.>r the trial, and induced them to
plead guilty, giving as an inducement that
their fine and costs would be paid. The
succeeding Monday the women plead guilty
arid the result was that the heads of a
lumber of prominent families did n»t
suffer ill-grace lie v. M J Slippy, form
erly of Pittsbnrg.of the ME church of that
place, preached two sensational sermons
on the subject, and when the day came
for sentence made an eloquent and pathet
ic appeal before the court on behalf of Mrs.
Thornburg. He stated that the woman
had ncr-ed four children who were .-utfer
ing witn diphtheria when everybody re
fused to. He stated further that the wo
men was encouraged in her path of sin by
so called leaders ol society, and more sin
ned against than sinning. He a-ked that
she b- shown mercy and sentence suspend
ed. The appeal had it-> effect, and Judge
Wickhain suspended sentence, providing
all the costs in her case were paid. This
was a week ago and the w.,-man is still in
jail because her costs are not paid a< agreed
to. This is the wh> and wherefore of all
the ngly talk.
A Youngstown man recently sought a
divorce from his wife because be could not
persuade her to quit chewing tobacco.
She had chewed from three years old and
was then twenty-five: she preferred fine
cot, and said that when she married her
husband he had chewed also, but that
"some crank had reformed him."
Postmaster Barton's commission as post
master of Mercer does not expire nntil a
year from next June, but the contest for
the succession has already opened with a
good deal of animation. There are several
candidates, but Johnson Zanisher stole a
march on the re-t when he got up bright
and early on a Monday morning and hail
the names ol nearly all the Democrat!; on
his petition, before the rest knew what he
was doing.
Traxler's New Spring Wraps
Our stock of new Spring Jackets
and Capes has errived, and is now
ready for inspection. We have got
some very stylish Jackets and Capes
from $3 75 up to $lO 00 One lot of
girls jackets, size 4 to 12 in uavy
blue cloth with gilt cord at $1.25
One lot of fine colored Misses all
wool reefers, size 4 to 12 at $2 25.
We carry the largest stock of wraps
in Butler, and our prices are guaran
teed to be lower than elsewhere or
money refunded
Next door to Butler Sayings Bank.
—Alway stop at the Hotel Waver
y when in Bailer.
—Children's Trunks
Children's Bureaus.
Children's Chairs.
Children's Wooden Bedsteads.
Children's Wooden Tables.
Children's Wooder Rockers ai
—"WANTED!" Younir men and
young women to learn telegraphy,
shorthand and typewriting, write for
Kiitanning, Pa.
For Rent.
A farm in Middles-ex twp., on
I'lank Koad, in vicinity of new oil
field, iuquire of
Butler, Pa.
—Take your children to Zuver's
Oallery for Pictures that will suit
you. Postoffioe building.
Largest assortment and best values
n Dress Ocods and Cloaks at
Farmers Attention.
McConnell's Mill, which owing to
damage by llcod has been standing
idle for four weeks has been started up
again complete in every department.
We respectfully solicit your patron
Portereville Pa Mar- 7th 1893
—Hotel Waverly. best house in
Clean Up.
. j taring the U.iig continued iuU weather
. | and heavy (no*» people did not go far
. from their back door* to throw out rnbitxh
and other refuse inciter. Sow when the
-now has dis&ppered and warm weather
! approaches, we tin<3 many back yards in a
condition to breed disease unlets promptly
; cleaned np and disinfected. With the
cholera threatening u» next -umtner we
• should not omit the moot trilling things
that would help keep the dread scourge at
bay. above all not a particle of matter
: should be allowed to remain on oar prem-
I ises tbat would foster the germ of disease.
Let everybody give their premises a com- j
' plete overhauling b'fore hot weather comes.
Let the cellars be thoroughly cleaned and \
whitewashed. let lime be sprinkled around i
drains and damp places, and let our bor- '
ough anthonties make a rigid inspection of
the town and compel everybody to clean
up their premises and abate any nuisance !
that may exist. By so doing we may !
safely escape an epidemic ol sickness that
otherwise might gain a strong foothold in
Easter Services at the Episcopal Church.
Processional Hymn—"We March to Vic
Kyrie King Hall.
Gloria Tibi Tallays.
Solo—(Sirs. M. S. Hemenway) Calvary.
Sermon Resurrection.
Sursum Corda Rodney.
Uymn Arimathea I
Anthem Now Christ is Risen. I
Sanctus Bartholdi Tours. I
benedictus .Charles Gnonod.
Agnus Dei J. 11. Calkin.
Gloria in Excelsis Old Chant.
Proce-sional Hymn—'-We March to Vic- !
Magnilicat.... Hopkins '
Nunc Dimittis Gregorian.
Sermon ."
Solo—(Mrs. F. E. (iamble).. .0. Salutari*. i
Recessional 434.
Armory Opera House.
One of the coming attractions at the
Opera House will lie "Oie Olson" of which
the Montreal lh raid says;
••Oie Olson" had been so much talked i .
about that naturally a good deal was ex- '
pected and all was realized. "Oie Olson" j ,
is>me of these plays that has been placed I
before the pnblic to amuse and at the
same titr.e make money. It has done this j
in the pas' and will iu the future, if man |
ast-r Salter keeps up the present standard
of his comj any To commence to criticize
the play as a play is out of the question,
but to say that it is away above the aver
age of such productions is only fair. Every
opportunity has been accepted where there i
is a chance for laughter making or thwse |
stage "pictures" so dear to the piofession.
Every liiale in the tour acts is capitably
worked up and recalls were as many as the
mo-c ambitious miad conla wish lor.
Many good things can be said of the
company. First comes the gentlemen
who played the title role. Mr. Henricks
plays "Oie Olson" well; his Swedish dia
lect being first rate. Ot course the part is
one any real good actor should succeed in:
it is what is called '■fat," bnt Mr. Hen
ricks deserves very much praise. There
is a little subrette in the conpany. Miss
Lottie Williams, who dances and sings to
such perfection tha* she won all hearts.
The children join Miss Williams in this
respect. Tiny little mites they are. Mar
gueritte and Clara Salter, and promise
much for tho lutnre. A quartette of
Swedish ladies sing some of the prettiest
music ever heard at the Royal. Miss St.
George Hussey needs no praise, her char
acter work has already made her name
one of the most prominent in this connec
tion. Miss Belle Francis deserves a word
of warm praise, and while the gentlemen
are good, special notice should be made of
Mr Frank Baker, who is also the stage
J -A
Tailoring Establishment.
: h r" rt Wall Paper
at OUR PRICES will cover a
large amount of space on the wall.
For one dollar we can give one
bolt of paper that will look as fine
on the wall as a painting by one
of the masters or we can give you
ten bolts of good paper for the
same price.
Call and see.
J. H. Douglass',
C. & D.
Take into consideration that money
paved is as pood ss money earned
The best wny to save money i« to
buv (food poods at the right price.
The only reason that onr trade is
increasing constantly is the fact that
we handle only goods of first quality
and sell them at very low prices.
We have taken unusual care to
provide everything new in Hats and
Furnishia? Goods for this season,
and as we have control of many
especially good articles in both lines
we can do yon good if you come to
We confidently say tbat in justice
to themselves all purchasers shonld
inspect our goods.
Visit us.
' I
242 S. Main street,
Butler, Pa. !'
>| Doctor, call r>n your way
back and let us fill your prescrip
tions. h is important thai you
! have it done right. Pure drugs
jas well as care in compounding
I are requisite. All . f our ririigs
I are of the BEST. Our prices arc
reasonable. consistent with the
pure goods. Remember we guar-
I antee every article bearing our
name to be just as represented.
We keep all sick room utensils;
Medicine Glasses, Sick Feeders.
Air Cushions, Hot Water Bottles,
Ice Hags, Bed Pans.
No matter what you want come
to us and it we do not ha\e it uc
will get it for you or tell you w here
the same may be had.
C. N. BOYD. Druggist.
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa.
THE HITLER ' oFxri ~~
Bctub pa.
CAPITAL PaH I f - - _ «ioo iMtn <M>
m KIM , w v •
kikii.i*. _ *;i»,ow> oo
i v dc ITes't
J. \. Ritu. \ ice I res t, c. A. Bailer, tasiler
Jos. Ilartiuan. C. P. >Y>lUns. n V
H. McSweeney. r. R , V." SK,
Eh. Abrams. Leslie HajJert. I. c;. Smith.
W. M. t\aldr»n. W. Henry \\ ilson M Ftnegao.
A general banking business transacted, la '
u*rtsßJ pa ul an utposlu. Mooff od
ftftorovec. security. 3
foreign tKknge bought imd s.»ld.
Assets $9,730,000.00.
Home or New York,
Assets $9,318,000.00.
Hartford of Hartford,
Assets $7,109,000.00.
Continental of New York,
Assets $6,380,000.00.
Assets $137,499,000.00
Office of
to the Court House.
Trains leave the West Penn <l»pc-t at foot j
east Jefferson St. aa follows: j
H:lsa. m.— Market—arrive* I*t Allegheny at I
8:40 and f»:13 p. m.
8:10 a. m.—Express—arrives at Allegheny '
at I(h30 a. m.
lt:<Xl a. m. —Accomodation —arrive* at A He- |
gheny at 1:24 p. m.
2:45 p. m—Accomodation—arrives at A lie- j
at 4:44 p. ra.
5:00 p. m.—Ex press -arrives at Allegheny at <
Allegheny at >;:4S p. to.
The 6:20 a. m. train and 2:45 p. m. trains |
connect at Rutler Junction with trams Earf
to Blairsviile Intersection, where conneetioo (
is made witti the Day Express and Philad'a j
Express East.
Trains arrive Butler at >..1" and 10:3.5 a.
m. and 1:30, 5:00 and 7:'io p. m., leaving Al- |
lecheny at 6:55.1":50 l«h4iJ a. m. an«l*?.ls j
15 and 6;10 p. m
P. & w. r. e.
Train« leave the P. A W depot near Ct» i
tre Ave.. Soathside. BatWr time, aaMlws!
going south:
a. m.—Allegheny Accomodation.
B:lo—Allegheny and Akroa Express— rim j
on £>amiay to Alleifhenv, and conn ecu
daily to New Castle.
10:20 a. m.— Allegheny Accomodation.
2:50 p. ra.—Allzhenv Express.
3:20 p. m.—Chicago Express, runs ea 9m \
x"i p a..—Allegheny aad Zelienopie Mail i
Runs on Sunday to Allegheny alone.
On Sun-la/ a.one, at 11:15 a. nr.,Allegheny ;
»loiDg North—lo-.05 a. ta. f'ruliord Mail ;
S:W p. m— Clarion Areom.
7:25 p.m.—Foxbarj Aeeoia.
On Sunday a train leaves for Callery at
11:15 a. ra. No Sunday trains >mi the narrow
The p. m. tram Snath connects at Cal
lery with the Chicago - t press which runs
daily and is ojuippetl with the Pallmaa bof- i
fet an l sleeping coaches.
Trains for Butler leave Allegheny at
8:10 and 10:30 a. m., city time, and 3:00. S:S
and *ls p. m Oa Sunday at -M a. at. aad I
i:<k) p. m.
Trains arrive at Butler at v.30 acl :*:SO a. f
Gl. end !2:15, 4:45, 7:20 aad <3O p. m. Sra- !
day at 10:2u and 6:10.
lin-Brn,, siissax.,; Jt u [ .t [£:r i. l
Trains leave the P A \V depot. Sailer 1
time, as follows:
5:30 a. m. to Erie, arriving there at 10:45
a. ni.
10:30 a. ra. to Erie, arri vmg there at 3:30
p. m., Buffalo at S:4i p. m.
»:oi> p. m. to Greenville, arriving there at
7:25 p. m.
A train arrives from iireesville at 10:05 a
m with through car to Allegheny ovt the
P 4 W; orn- it 1-;10 p. m, from Ere which
« auecU with both roads to Allegheny, and
one at S:10 p. m. from Erie.
Trains lenve Hilliarda at 6:25 and 11:15 a.
m. slow tiiue and connect for Butler,and the
5:O0 p. m. train front Butler connects for
The 8:90 a. m. and 3 p. m. train* on both
roa<U in Allegheny connect with trains on
the P. S. & L E. at Butler.
Trotting Stallion.
KecorJ 2 371 in a race on a half milo track.
Sire.l by M%mbrtn<> king, the living
sire nl ilemon'-tr.itert race horse*, and Hi* hwl
soment bo v m th»- world. TUlrt<-eti wu an l
of this cfat horse maile records bet
ter than ...io lj.«i season, including the great
map-. Nightingale—l nmail, In the fourth
heat ol a race. Th*-y are bread winners. I'hey
ar*' il. • hanu.-oiii.--it . l.u>- ' ! li..rvs<>n earth.
• Mohican K luk's dam was sired by a *.in ol
Hamblctonlan il«) called Mohican, who was the
aire of five great race horses, showing that the
bloo<l lines which go to make up Mohtcao
K log's remurkable p«dlgr> e have and will train
on. trot on and win on. besides being famous
for tlirlr beuuti and One finish
I Malted Mofecan K!n/ In live ra. es ! ,st fall
get tint: a piece of the money every time, aud
won the larv-it pnrsr and best rai-e he started
In, which certainly ought to be a credit to aa>
liorse for the first season. Ue is like his sirv.
a beautiful dark chestnut, very handsome,
heavy bont'd woll musclwl and has grert lung
power. Ills colts aie all srammrl closely after
nimsHf. spewl> aad Sae kjoklnf.
Tills h.»rs-' w I:! ru ik-T'.. .'j flu
Butler. Pa. Terms. H}i«Unr. SutccMM
anllitv for accl'U-nts. W ill I* fourid In lh«*
scott Barn. IB Ihe alley north of the wick
llo'ise l.lren I tarn.
f M. IIARKIN(iTO.\, owner.
From Prize Winning Birds.
4'onsLstlng ot Black Minorca®, eggs K i»-r I.
S. I Brown Leghorn «l i-rt l.t. B. I. I: • As. >
S. IlamblirKS S. 1.. W\aLd'jttes. eggs #1 Peru,
f l.Su per j:.
Cood )iat- h.satisfacti r. giiaraßt- <d - dc
"■tiered to Butler free id cuarg" M"» k for
lale In s. ~-o„ U r:t - lor | art.culars 1. I M^,-
tln and W. J. tkacr. Sonora. Butler counfjr. Pa j
Garfield Tea
ma> T.
t Cures SitKfleadache
Keep an Eye out for Bargains.
Men's, Bovs' and Children's Clothing
(tent's Furnishing (roods. Hats, etc.
ou will find the place for it when \..n «*-e <»ur
Spring display of qualify and etecaoee.
If you with to see the latent nov«*ltie» come and «ee iw.
If you wish t.» fee the very be*t in "tuailani sty !e» and
reliable nakw r >m»* sad se# tw.
Few can meet an-i none *-an beat ;»ur price*.
They have got to go Ilanl time*, bnrh prices and big
profits can't exi-t ao w* are bound to ked.
Truth brands our good*. -Honest Quality."
Economy recommend* our k»w price*.
Clwihier an Furnisher,
104 South Main St., Butler. Pa.
Oj)|H>site Hotel Yojjelv. Butler. Pa.
For the balance of this*wnth (omncm:!Bg M< rn 1 »y th* nth rant
We will .»tr<T our entiri lint* of MerK- -jrs' and » '"i .Inn * su»t« at
the following prices:
84 Men's suits at $; fbrafc-rljr sold for Jn. $7. ami ss. this l»«r
consists of single and double breasted ->arks. ant! al • a 6-\» catawat
frocks among them. 163 Men s suits at $7 jO. This is th« ijreatesr
bargain ever offered. Quality of g< h!-. rust ebsa ami pri. rs ranker!
from $lO to sl2 a suit. No* y< or cl< «:e rJ" so.
A sweeping reduction on bo>s kr c part ~iits the u*e» are draw
your attention to consists of 122 suits whiv hv\ ■ rfer you now lor
$1.25. none worth less than $2
4 2 Boys' knee pant suits at S jo. ti»rni« r peter 5a 00. $4 50
and $5.00.
38 Boys' long pant suits, former price $; t> $4. m>* $j 50. -war*
12 to 18 years.
34 Boys' long pant suits. f<>rmrr price J*» 00. S' OO and * or.
now $;.oo a suit.
175 pair Men s fean pants, lined. at r.j cents a paw well
worth 90 cents.
Dress Goods, Millinery, Wrapr
.irui ai! kinds of
| FANCY GrO( >I3H.
11A\ I\G jost Kturned *ir •» \c* York I tn prepared h>
sfc. vv yi u the finest an. ? rrv ear.ei as* cent of
ever shown in the same line ;n Ruticr Other rirdrn claim
goods ran be bought just as well at home from agewt* TVr»
is a great mistake—l.» grt the cream of the market. y«»«
must go to Sen V-»rk That is ahat I ha*-? •:< rrr ami if
you wiH call in I will com trace vou of the fcwrf. P?e»sr re
member that I guarantee the ver> lowest price-* «*t cri. Hf
Thanking jou f«>r the rap»«Jt) a»th which \»»« cleared out
the old stc<k bo ught of the Sheriff. I c>«nfraffjf
yon t- • come in and b»i v the new
Jennie E. Zimmerman.
Tbe new stoca of Doathatt 4 liraUa will be af*a far hum—
April Itf.
We «>1! open with aa entirely aaw »:oefc at etochm* tm M.
boy# and < bildrro Also a liaa of bac* aad *»at* is# 'ara
Vou we respectfully ianted to call sad «naita<« oar gee*
aad if «• cannot tbra interest TOO. W to qoai ir, *ahr aad prir*.
its oar faalt.
Call and *e an whether foa wiah to hay or not Jfo roahla
to >how good*.
Remember evert article ia the rtort brand a»w Toa will haea
no old cbe*mou to look at
A. A H. Rather Baildinv.
Cor Main aad Cioningham Sta. Butlar, Pa
Tuesday, April 4,1893.
We have one tlif Hurst l>uil« 1-
inirs ;m<l tin* most com
plrte stocks in the state.
All are invited to call on the
above dav and see
onr display.
Campbell & Templeton.