CLEARANCE SALE OP FALL AND WINTER Boots and Shoes. «■■■«! elnnoct aaifl of Fall »nd* Winter goodi i« now on. I . flkOM in teareh of exceptional rood bargain* in »ee»oneble good. viait oar store. Among the gooda that muit and shall go ir low pfiflw have their usual effect, are all heaTj Rubber Goods, includ ing «0 felt, wool and bearer goods. A great many of these goods can be had at YOUR OWN PRICE Ting nrioM of all leather goods 'also hare come unnder the knife. Yon eaa aow bur Children'a School Shoes and Men and Women a Winter Gooda for LEBB THAN THEIR COST to as. The only war to tell anything about the justness of the price is to see the arti cle and the price together. Money is said to talk and if it does its Toiee is louder and clearer in our place of business than elsewhere, frEfOT— its purchasing power is so rnueh greater. There is only one way to convince yourself, that way is now open to you. AL HUFF. PRICES THE FAIREST /&\ YOU HAVE J EVER KNOWN AT 1 ogeley & Bancroft's, IN Ladies', Gentleman's and Children's Shoes. See Onr Elegant Line Of Holiday Goods. No Question about our goods Pleasing. No Question about prices being Satisfactory. NONE CAN SELL CHEAPER. ALL GOODS WARRANTED. BOOTS AND SHOES, Slippers, Rubbers and Overshoes, etc. VOGEIEY AND BANCROFT. 347 South Main St., Butler, Pa., Opp. \V ilia,rd Hotel- Are Yon One Of The Lucky Ones Who Will Attend The Grand Clearance Sale At H| "Troutman's" For the next two weeks. Remember it is not our fault if you come too late,it will commence Jan. 25 and continue till Feb. 4. Carpets, Cloaks, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Dry Goods, Flannels, Ginghams, Calicoes, etc. See our big bargain counter on left hand side entering store. YOURS RESPECTFULLY, A. Troutman & Son, Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House, Butler, Pa. M. ROSKHNTTH^L, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St, - " - - Pittsburg, Pa. Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Market. TREES TUT GROW And are true to name don't come from large Northern Nurseries where job lota of thousands are sold to un scrupulous agents and labeled to suit their orders re gardless of name. Buy your stock direct from home nurseries and not from agents. Send for our Illus trated Catalogue of Trees, Seeds Small Fruits, etc. John R. & A. Murdoch, 508 Smithfiejd St., Pittsburg, Pa. 4/% PER CENT. lv First Mortgage Lians No tax, cotnmlsrion or lew. Inter«»t payable semi-annually by New York draft. Perfect se curity Highest reference. cms. V. IEID, Fiirtmi, Wukiigtii. a Bogus white lead KnOTIIQ f would have no J JKJfS) UO • did it not afford makers a larger profit than Strictly Pare White Lead. The wise man is never persuaded to bay paint that is said to be " jost as good " or " better " than Strictly Pure White Lead The market is flooJed with spurious white leads. The following analyses, made by eminent chemists, of two of these misleading brands show the exact proportion of genuine white lead they contain: Misleading Brand Standard Lead Co. Strictly Pure Whit® Lead. St. Louis." Materials Proportions Analyzed by Barytes 59.38 per cent. Regis Chaarenet Oxide of Zinc 84.1* per cent. A Bro., White Lead 6.4ti per cent. Louu. Less t han 7 per cent, white lead. Misleading Brand " Pacific Warranted Pure [A] White Lead." Materials Proportions Analyied by Salpbate of Lead 4. W per cent. LedouxACo., Oxide twUnt effeet after taking the trst 1m to dialers everywhere. Lsjje bottles, M MU ud •ion. ** MOTHERS* FRIEND" M»KES CHOP BIRTH EASt. Cc.vln, IA, Dec. 2,1886.—My wife used IfCTHZB'S FEIEXD before her thirc confinement, and says she would not be without It for hundreds of dollars. DOCK MILLS. "ent by eiMui on receipt of price. SIJO per bo» Uook " To Mothers " mailed free. BRADRIEUO REGULATOR CO., ■>.: ..a ST at* OMUMMTS. ATUUTTA, OA. Fcr Sale by J. C. Redick. Oil TC ITCHING PILES . iLr.o sw «N" ABSOLUTE I T CTBMB. OINTMENT MmAm Iketunm Sc.l ?.r lr.»cii?orb? xaLCorMcts rrfaftdby biua»AT»i* S. r .m i»b. •> FOR MEN ONLY! VTPTii ■I- JLOST crF&TLXSO XASHOCi 1 1 - ?!W«l<>=B«ral end NERVOUS BEPn.IT . rMPiIII-f F.njraorExeweiinOMcr Vc C.' X 4!kHiK)D fal»7 --s-kr iWEIS. I SDEY VI.OPKIi PliiTs '. J J.' Am. , - tj aafallir r IIOSK TKI.ATIKI T— » Ha -- P» -w. l+m-Hj fraa» M f»:«n tad Kr»ifa CacalrW. »V»Hf f. Ink, rializtUeaazd araafb a»W (sriW-i Zr:- ißie frIEOiCAI. CO=. eUFFACO. W. I. DOCTORS LAKE I PBIVATK m-iPEN«AKT. JB COR. PCNN AVE. AND FOURTH ST.. PITTSBURGH, PA. AU fonniot Delirate and Com plicated reqpjrinnCos- FipsxTlAL And SCIENTIFIC Med ication are treated at tbu Dis !.<•:. try with a success .-arely attained. Dr. S. K I,'ii.c !s ■* member of the Kovol College of I'liy .l. i.tns and Surß«»i~, and U the o> lest and most e.\| i-rieiieed SPECIALIS. in thecitv. Special at tcsliaa to Serv jua Debility from e-ce«iTe ak :::al exertion, lndiieretion of youth,etc., caus ing i.liysleal and mental decay,lark of energy, l*--pondeiiey a etc.; also Cancers. Old Sores, Fit«, I'iies, I!heumatism, and all dist aaesof the Skin, blood. I.untrfs Crinarv Organsttc. Consultation tree aiw strictly confidential. Office hours, oto I:i nl 7 to 8 P. M.; Sundays, Sto 4 r. *. onlv. all at office or address DRS. I.AKK, COli. »£NN AVfc. D ITU aT— PIPTSBL' Uoll. i*A. /j /] The oldest and best In ) ] //// stitutioii lor obtaining A Business Education, v- —- r /// Vie hare successfully / // prepared thousaada of YOUNG MEN for the active duties of life. For circulars ad dress, I'. ULFF k SONS, Pittsburgh, Pa. THE CITIZEN A Child For Rent. An advertisement appeared in a Xew York daily the other day which was pecal iar, to gay the least. Here it i^: T»0 LET—By tb«- hour or day. tor the enter - 1 tatnm- nt of wealthy trat childless ladles, a bright, beautiful golden-haired little Rtrl. neatly dressed. 5 years old. A child to rent is something anu.-Tial, even in this age ot fakes and frauds, and it led a correspondent to inquire into it, and he sought out this child that is let out by the hoar or day. The child came to the door in response to the knock. Ifyonwaita minnte mamma will be down," said the little girl. "She is fixing her hair, yon know, before she goes to the office. Mamma works as a typewriter, and that's just the reason why she reots me oat. She can't stay with me her-elf, and so she lets me spend the day with nice ladies, who give me candy and Co wers. The ladies haven't any little girls of their own, and the pay mamma to let me visit them."' At this point the enterprising mother entered. She was a widow of youthful ap pearance and quiet manners. "I suppose," she began, ' that you think it very heart less of me to rent oat my little daughter in this manner. Bat it isn't really so. Kitty and I are alone in the world, and I have to work for her support. While lam at the office every day the child would have t<> be left alone had not this plan been sug gested to me by friends. At first I began by letting Kitty g<> to one lady for one day a week. Then another lady asked leave to hire the child, and before long we bad quite a number of patrons on oar list. "Seeing the chance to make money and at the same time to keep Kitty constantly amused. I decided to advertise. I only permit Kitty to remain out daring the day light hoars. My charges are usually $2 a day, or a quarter an hour. The ladies tell me that Kitty is the greatest pleasure to them. She is very clever, and hardly ever cries." Here Kitty took the floor again. "My name." she said "is Kitty, bat at nearly all the houses I visit the ladies give me different namef. At one place lam call ed 'Tera.' That is the name of the lady's own little girl, who is dead. At another place I am 'Marguerite.' I like that name, because it sounds so grown-up My other names are Blanche, Marie. Mollie. Dorothy. Mabel, Lillie and Freda. A very old lady calls me' Maude,' because I am like her sister, who died ever so long ago. Sometimes I get mixed in my names, anj don't answer when they call me. • Many ladies send their carriages for me or take me out shopping with them. They always say that I am 'a little cousin from Philadelphia.' That is not true, of course, and I dont like to be told I come from Philadelphia, but the ladies are so nice to me that I let them tell all the stories they want. "How do I like being rented out? Oh, I like it well enough. I was real lonely while mamma was away, but now we are both out working at the same time. The gentlemen that visit houses where I visit give me presents and want to kiss me. I think they do that just to please the ladies who hire me; don't yonf' Further description of a rented out in fant was here interrupted bv the arrival of a smartly appointed brougham, with a crest on the door panel. The conveyance was sent for Kitty, who straightway trot ted off to make herself neat for a day's outing. It saved his boy's life. Mr. D. A. Curry. Conductor C. i A. K. R.,Slater. Mo.,gives bis convictioas tha-: "I highly praise l>r Bull's Cough Syrup for saving the life <>( my little b;y, who is five years old. He bad a severe case of the croup which the Syrnp relieved immediately. —Pride is the mother of all virtaes. It is pride that impels the soldier to face the iron storms of war and die rather than show the white feather. It is pride that induces a man to strive to do his duty well in pablic office ar.d to keep his record as a private citizen, clean. It is pride that urges a man to keep the company of his self respect Pride is the maker of conscience. The man who is without pride is in a perilous state. I'SE DANA'S SAItSAPARILLA, ITS • THE KIND THAT CURES." —An old-time adage says that a rainy March means a poor harvest. —Salted peannts are substituted for almonds at the approved luncheon. —Tongues run faster than the needles at the sewing-class. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this is necessary. —The collecting of canceled stamps now amounts to a fad. —Silver cracker jar? are said to keep the crackers fresh longer than those of china. A diet of pepper will change the color of the canary's plumage to a reddish cast. —The old time telephone is being di.>» placed by an affair much resembling a small desk. When Doctors All Agree. It is a fact well established.that February and March are the most trying months to aged or enfeebled persons. Pneumonia, influenza and kindred chest afflictions, are most liable to get in their deadly work. There is but one thing to do, build up anC lortify the system with a pure rtimnlent. Medic cts. Sold by J. C. Redick, druggist, Butlei. —Xo man ever disputed u boundry line to the extent of shoveling snow past his neighbor's fence. ' —The pension l uildiag at Washington, in the area of whieh the Inauguration ball was held, is the largest office or collection of offices in the world. The room is need ed for the vast business transacted and the j amount of records kept. The "Piece" That Was Kept. I Bill Duck, the item chaser t-n the Wilier Crick Gazette. Was the likeliest hustler that old man Mc- Cray could get, Asa runaway reporter or a writer up of i shows Bill never had an equa' nor a rival, good ness knows. So we sent up an invite to a party Susie give. And he writ a piece about it that was fine. as sure's you live. But all I ken remember M "We hardly need to add. The gaest- agreed at leaving that a lovely time was had.'' Oh, yes—now come to-think of it her maw j cooked up some cake And pies and floating i.-land truck- that Susie helped to make. And they was pieklilly. too, aud beets and jel and jam And slaw and chicken salad and sand wiches of ham, And them Bill said was "viands." which in writin' up he owned "Made a tempting feast of gixid things. and the table fairly groaned. And when the wee sma' hoars were come. we hardly need to add. The guests agreed at leaving that a lovely time was had "* Old Bill has gone from Wilier Crick, the Gazette is no more. For old McCray has stole away to find the golden shore. And Susie has been married off for lo! these many years. And some of them that come that night have quit tdis val-j of tears: But maw has in her scrap-book—long with little Laura's death And the pome about the baby and the ac cident to Seth— The piece about the party, and to-day it makes us glad , To read at Susie's party that "a lovely time was had " —Kansas City Star. Not withstanding the enormous increase . given to haman strength by the mechani cal powers, the lever, the pulley, the wheel and and axle e given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea.or in food, without the know ledge of the patient It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod s erite drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has folljwed. ! It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 4>t page book of particajars tree. Address, Golden Specific Co., 185 Race St. Cincinnati O. 5 —A woman who "screams and acts qneerly - ' at the sight of a marriage license in which her name is inserted in connec -1 tion with another has been discovered in Pittsburgh. This conduct in a woman is , unusual. —The feminine spring htt has no crown ] at all to speak of. —A downtown man consults the almanac every time he has his hair cut, He allows himself to be shorn ofhis locks only on the fall of the moon. Still in the Lead. T',eWm. H. Holmes Co., Distillers, Im porters and Wholesale Liquor Dealers, job bers in all the ieading brands of Kyi and Bourbon Whiskies. Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and •'Uolmes' Old Economy" Pure Rye Wiskies and Greene County Arple Brandy. Oar importatiansot fine brandies and wines have been unusually large the past year, and we are better prepared than ever to furnish wholesale dealers, b<»- ; tels and taverns with complete outfits of pure choice g-«>ds a" first hand prices. Drop us a postal and we will bave a Miles man call upon von or s'*nd for price list. . THE WJI. H HOLM«S CO., 158 First Ave. I and 120 Water St., Pittsburgh. Pa. -*THESE THINGS I NEED:*- I NEED MONEY, 1 NEED ROOM, 1 NEED CUSTOMERS. Spring Goods are here and Winter Goods mnsi go. HERE Iss THE TIM K. THE STOKE IS PACKED FROM CELLAR TO BOOK Price is no Question now. THE OBJECT IS TO SELL SHOES AND SLIPPER> Come ID and look over our epriasr stock. I can *a?el_T say it ■** never better, preat care was taken in ■"•iectincr MTUW for thi« year, %and when we come to shop work 18 doz Men's kip boots 3 solef $4 50 22 doz Men's hand made ishoes $3.50 Both of the above are $1 50 under prices and is limited, they are jnst the goods for oil men Boots and Shoes made to Order and Repairing done on Saort Notice. Leather and Findings. Biack>ni inths' Aprons. We Want your Trade, and Good Footwear at Low Prices will Secure it. Remembtr the place JOHN BICIvEL'S, BUTLEK.PA. 1 I PENNA White-Sancl Oil Co. [A. STEELSMITH. Manager, Butler, Pa.] . Dealers in Illuminating, Lubricating, Cylinder and Dynamo Oils—all free from Lima Oil. This Oil is made and handled by Independent Producers not con nected with the Standard Oil Co., as reported. All orders will be promptly filled. Warehouse in rear ot Nicho as & Hewitt's planing mill, near West Penn depot, Butler. Pa. Refinery at Coraopolis, Pa., near P. & L. E. R. R. This oil can be secured at McCrea's Feed Store on E. Jefferson St. DIED! REDUCED! Men's felt boots with good rubbers - - - s'7s Men's gum boots - Men's buckle arctics Men's gum shoes Ladies* gum shoes all numbers - - - - 18 Misses' gum shoes spring heel 11 to 2 All goods reduced, see our shoes for glass workers, buck-skin will not leak or cut like black shoes try a pair only $1.50. EVerv thing cheap at ROBINS BROS, S. E Corner of Diamond ... _ Butler, Pa "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO —, KINGS. Diamonds mk 1 STUDS j GENTS GOLD. W -ITFLIP* LADIES WLD. V* W£kll*l7 (Gold Pins, Far-rings, •J " "11 \ ) Rings, chains, Bracelet*. Etc, (Tea sets, castors, butter dishes Clilvni'ivira and every thing that ran be V VI ell " | found in a tirst cla.-s store, RODGER IMS. IK) E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No 139, North Main St.. BUTLER. PA. RECULATE THE j STOMACH. LIVER AND BOWELS. \ 1 \ PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOS J ladlctltloii. Ilrc-'acbr. On.!!- j ♦ par Ini. Ilj.»<-.->•!». ( irui.,.- I i».-r Tr««Wf•. • t Mulrcm, B»d «—j • Rrrttk. »d all J 2 Clamc b, Liver cml Uw vrk X upm IMm coami >4liif tajwtoas to t ♦ t:..— :• •- - 1 • | g&ff.rffcctuL GlntaHMdMrnnOaL X Sold toy druc&st*. A bottlo seiit bj zmxii J | oa receipt of 15 ccuis. HiMi : J THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. I | 13 sr&ccz street. :: .W TOR.-: cnr. J READ Bl3d EM BE* For «trk-tb''por- wßal'te STRAIGHT | IJQI'OBS, on I. 3V. PINCH, I;_S*ITHFIFI.P vr. rrrrsßrii.l. _ (Opp. Moixn .-abela House.) Matchless tor Family u-t* ar: l Mcdtclß»l P'J'- fcosenarp FiNVH'H «<>!.I>KN \V*"IIHMS. ' All r. <;IVKENHF.IMFK'S V. III>KY. V J>< R . OVKRHOI.TB WIII-tKT. j OIL!.IS«iEK"* WHISKY. I- « ! • worts m-ntlj purfet-ri ar.-l promptly >Mpp«i Fkek or Kxr*v*E on of cash or offkf order. < IL)nxie.l C. O. !». Seal for Price List. fL>O TOO occasionally "ske a little liquor for your MonichV sake * Bf fare it if the he*t: S*<| liqimn win injure Tt ur proTt-s it. The fceat liquor* are only 1 kept in tie best stores. Try oar Fitch's Golden Wedding, • for m»te-aler. 136 Water St.. Pittur(t. Pa. Opposite Is. tl O. K. K. Depot. WILLIAM KENNEDY. The *e!l known lirerynian, Win Kennedy. wiii he p>-a«d to | have hi« friend." call at hi* new place J of baaine** The Besl Horses, Bugg: • > i Car- i riage* |in Botier at tfce roo*t rea«»oaahle 1 rate* The pi ace is easily rero>mf»»r td The first stable wwt of the Lowrv Hou^e IAS FINE AS BILH. I GOSSER'S I i CREAM GLYCERINE. I I % for the Ltrc af:#r I I ■ tarf f«»r r ird han>i« and tmrm. Try It, I The Lead inir Millinerv Hou^ 9 OK Is sellinjrall Millinerv siihl I ioliriay iroods at cost in order to make r< m>n If< >r sj >rin«; «joo» Is. Come early and «*et your choice. 1*2%! S. M A IX ST. Jewelry, Clocks. Silverware, Purchasers c an save from 2.~> to .~>o cent by purchasing their watches. clocks and sj>ectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No 125 X. Main St., DiiiiV Bloc k. m Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. AH .»rc£R<- yean Expcrintt."— YOUK FAVORITE HOKE FEWSPAfE* AND Ik Ida? fcptira fjiilv Pjk 4 il*- ONE YEAR FOR ONLY -1.30 THE CITIZEN. Ail the Town. Coaitf aod State. m& m mv.ctt Sattoaai wrm* as mm* other paper its r\a** Your Home would be incomplete without it. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE i 9 » NATIONAL FA Mil Y PAPER, sad ptwrf tkm x*»*rm »»*« mi the UDitrd State* scd the wurld It tm tW ewWs <* t*4> i* a auwheil It bM tor "TW *amii J Circe. - *»d • Our Young Folks." It» »nd 3ocs«*j" *••* the •d®ir»t!«.o of w!tf» sod daaehters. Its gessrai peftttral »»w« rials and »r» sad "Agricultural" deparrnseat has so *nprr-.»r to tk» « ta-r* It* Wark t Reports" sre rsetpatar# satk«>r*ta ia s»l parts ot tfea iaau A SPECIAL CCfcTRAC T aa to -ftr tfei* *y»M'd j« araa. «4 "The CITJZEK" for on# ?e*r For only $1.50. fc sh in Advance. "N. Y. TAeekiy T- t-cne.** r»zaiar pew* per war Si J€* • The Cltizati." " * 1 Total «2 SO We funit?h both psperc one jpw fiw - -J ft .pr stay t»ee-a « saa *»»» A ddre*« all ft! ifcis !• TII K CITIZEN. BUTLKR P-V SPELLING OCT Our entire stock of dnnr% medicines, patent medicines, perfnmerr. toilet articles, etc. Must lie *oid in the next liO (lavs, as we ninst leave onr present location and cjiiit l»u>ine>>. SAVK MONEY. Yon can save 20 to 2~> |»*r cent, on everything in tlie store. Spectacles, eve classes, trusses etc-.. sold at e»»^t. © Y< 'iii> !?»•>[ I. A-f FRANK A CO.. -21 X S. Mam St, - - Bntk r.Pa J. SPUCK Wlr m rsw i »r - »*•* Tlie 11. llc>lnie*» < 0.. Distillers of "Holms' Best and 'Holmes Od F.c rtotr . PURE RYF WHISKY. All the leading R} e and Br.urfrwm Whi*fcie» as '* tv: - I Importers of fine Brandies, lias and W*s. SFT? ID FOR FRICI II£" Telephon No. 305 12© TAaler St. ard Icl* » T #*e. ? Fa PS] * HAY- f EVER r ji'm \J COLD"'HEAD BE ' Kf Crtom far* * t• *7 4. w*mf «r fmn+r J Ms Ms »-«w4» * * cr.A t'» - •>** * ~ jr ' u . ni< Kiip 9UC ELY BROmHS. 56 Irm Stmt H» TOW. 3UC Jol> Work of sill kind done ;it the "Citizen Office."