Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 24, 1893, Image 2

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    '1 id K CITIZEN.
FRIDAY, MARCH 34.1893.
f 'ininrwißii utiiii-
We we authorised to announce the fol
lowing named persons as candidate* for the
Republican nominations for the offices un
der which their name* appear, subject to
the primary election to be held on Satur
day, May 27,1803, from 2 to 7 p. m.
FOB unorr.
Of Mnddycreek twp.
Of Allegheny twp.
Of Oakland twp.
Of Butler.
Of Penn twp.
Of Butler, formerly of Winfield twp.
Of Forward twp.
Of Mnddycreek twp.
Of Washington twp.
Of Marion twp.
Of Butler.
Of Cherry twp.
Of Buffalo twp.
Of Cranberry twp.
Of Concord twp.
Of Butler, formerly of Fairview twp.
Of Penn twp.
Of Concord twp.
Of Butler twp.
Of Butler.
(Yote for two)
Of Connoquenessing twp.
Of Centreville.
Of Yenango twp.
Of Adams twp.
Of Middlesex twp.
01 Butler.
Of Buffalo twp.
Of Oakland twp.
Of Forward twp.
Of Fairview twp.
Of Butler, formerly of Washington twp.
(Vote for two)
Of Washington twp.
Of Portersville.
Of Centre twp.
Of Civ twp.
Of Forward Twp.
Of Petrolia.
Harrisburg Notes.
The greater part of both sessions of the
House last Thursday were taken up in the
passage on second reading of Mr. Parr's
free-text book bil) and Mr. Gorman's gen
eral bituminous mining law, the afternoon
session being extended a few minntes to
complete the work on the latter bill.
Mr - Farr.when he called ap the free-text
book bill, made a strong speech in its favor
showing that the city of Philadelphia with
free-text books was able to famish books
and all necessary supplies at 87 cents a
year per puyil. In this sum is included
the cost of books and supples for night
and kindergarten schools, without count
ing the pupils in either of these classes of
schools. In the city of Lancaster with
tree text-books the cost was found to aver
age 45 cents per pnpiL In the city of
Westchester books and all supplies for a
period of ten years averaged in oost 47
oents per pupil. the saving in all of these
cases being at least $1 a year per pnpil.
The present aystem was principally profit
able to the book trust, which maintained a
lobby about the oapitol.
Smith of Bedford attacked the book
trust lobby viciously. He said the house
was divided in sections and each section
was in charge of a lobbyist, the book trust
maintaining the most presistent lobby
known uo the legislature.
Tile Senate, that day, passed bills au
thorizing husband ana wife to sue and to
testify against each other in certain cases
and to enlarge the capacity of the latter to
acquire and dispose of property; to estab
lish and maintain two or more experiment
al stations for making experiments in the
oulture, care and preparation of tobacco,
and then adjourned till Monday.
On Tuesday Mr. K earns anti-Pinkerton
bill passed the House. As ammended, it
now reads;
No Sheriff of a county, Mayor of a city,
er other person authorized by law to ap
point special deputies, marshals or police
men in this Commonwealth to preserve
the publio peace and prevent or quell pub
lie disturbances, and no individuals, com
pany or association incorporated under the
laws of this State, or of anv other State
of the United States and doing business
in this State, shall hereafter oppoint as
such special deputy, marshal or policeman
any person who shall not be a citizen of
this Commonwealth.
The penalties for violotion ot the law
are a fine of not more than SSOO, imprison
ment for not mare than one year, or both,
at the discretion of the court.
Mr. Kearns is not satisfied with the
amendments made last night, and an
effort will be made to have them stricken
out in the Senate. It is certainly very
loosely drawn, as would be established
when an attempt was made to put corpor
ations, such as the Pennsylvania railroad
or the Carnegie company, in jail for a
The Road bill of Senator Brown, of
Westmoreland, was amended on third
reading to-day and is now ready for final
passage. Should it become a law each
township will annually, at the February
election, elect a road supervisor, who
shall receive $2 for each day searved and
give a bond ol 93,000: At the next Nov
ember election a oounty auperriser is to be
elected for each oounty for a term of three
years, who (hall be a surveyor or civil
engineer, with a practical knowledge of
making roads. For this office the county
surveyor is eligible. The county surveyors
salary is to be fixed by the township sup
visors. These officials shall meet and set
ajkrt certain roads as public highways,
and proceed at once to mecadamize or
pave one-half of each highway, giving
uxpayers preference as laborers thereon.
The funds necessary are to be proenred by
ah 8-miii tax on all property taxable for
county purposes, a poll tax of $1 upon each
male over 21 years old, supplemented by a
State appropriation of $3,000,000; to be
distributed on the basis of the number of
miles thus improved. It is claimed this
bill will pass both houses and meet the
Governor's approval.
MES«RR. Harrity and Hensel spent nearly
all day, Monday with President Cleveland
and the Cabinet.
The Kittanning Murder Trial.
It vu late in the afternoon of Thursday
of last week, when a jury had been secured
at Kittanning to try Rhine, the first of the
Leechburg bank robbers and murderers to
be placed on trial. Then District Attorney
Snyder opened for the Commonwealth.and
related the circumstances of the attempted
burglary, and warder,as they have already
been printed. He accused Rhine of firing
the shot that killed Shaffer, said the revol
ver was found where Rhine jumped over
the fence, and that the prosecution would
conclusively prove Rhine's gult.
J. G. Beal, president of the bank, tf-
Hill, cashier, and several other unknown
were heard that afternoon and evening.
On Friday, six witnesses said they be
lieved Rhine to be the man who killetf£h»f
fer. Rhine testified on his own behalf, apd
his story was as follows:
"I am 26 years old: was born in Ogdens
burg N Y., and was in Leechburg on the
night of the 20th ol February. I was at
the house of Dr. Wycoff, where I met a
man named Kerr. We had a game of cards
and I won some money. "We quit playing
about 10 o'clock and all the visitors went
home,leaving myself and Dr. Wycoff alone.
We had a drink and then went out togeth
er on the street. Wycoff and I talked
over the matter of playing cards together
and "splitting up" the profits. About II
o'clock I boarded a freight tram bound to
wards Pittsburg and went down The
trainmen objected, but I ' fixed them
with some money. Got to Pittsburg about
davlicht and went to the Diamond restaur
ant to get breakfast. In the evening I
came to the conclusion to go back to
Leechburg. My reason for this was that
I had had a "snap" the night before and
wanted to work it again. I took the a
o'clock train from Allegheny and got to
Leechburg a few minutes before « o clock.
I walked up the street looking into all
barber-shops, as I was looking for my
friend Kerr, who played with us the night
before and from whom we had won money.
As I got near the bank 1 "»w a crowd
gathering in front of it and went over and
asked yrhat was the matter. A crowd
was pouring into the bank and I went in
with them, ran through the hall and saw
men in the yard shooting at one another.
I -was a stranger and thought they might
Uke me for one of the disturbers, and I turn
ed and ran out of the bank. As I went
down the steps someone yelled: There s
one of them; shoot him!' I ran downtfce
street and got on the railroad track, think-
I would walk to the next sthtion and get a
train to Pittsburg. I didn't find any tram,
and I kept on walking until I came to a
junction, and thinking I was going towaid
Pittsburg I turned up the track and got
into a country I did not know.
" I walked np the road nntil I was over
taken by some men. I didn't want to see
them and I went up on the bank, but they
followed me up and one of them stuck a
Ein in my face and said surrender. I told
m I had done nothing, but some other
men came up and they searched me, and
found nothing. They pulled me down
over the bank and someone called: Bnng
a rope and we will hang him to the first
telegraph pole.' I made no confession to
anyone, as I had done nothing. I was
brought'to Kittanning jail on February
and have been there ever since.
But few questions were asked by the
Srosecution. Among them were. ' hen
id you first meet Mr. Wycoff *" "At
Jamestown, N. Y., last spring. "*ou
travel much, don't you !" "Yes, a good
deal," "Are you employed by any firm f
"No." "What do yon dot" "I play
cards." ,
Attorney Gleason then lifted an overcoat
and approaching the prisoner, said; 'ls
this your overcoat V "Yes sir. "Did
jou wear it the night of the -Ist of
then opened the coat and
showed the white lining. _ ' 'This coat has
white lining; is it yours t" "Yes. -
The proeecution here closed and expected
to make a point of the lined coat as one of
the witnesses swore that the man who
•prang over the fence from the bank lot
after Mr. Shaffer was shot had whit® lining
in his overcoat. When Attorney Gleason
■aid to Rhine, "That is all" the defense al
most fell from their chairs, but Mr. Wal
laea hurried the prisoner from the box as
quickly as possible, fearing the prosecution
w onld reconsider, and come back at him
' During the cross examination Gleason
aaked Rhine if he saw Kromer in Leech
burg on the night of the tragedy, but _ the
defense objected and fnlly an half hour f was
| wasted in argning the matter, and at last
I Judge Rayburn decided to overrule the ob
jection. The defense intended putting
Wjcoff, Kromer and Sprague on the stand
torebnt the testimony orColler. After Rhine
had come off the stand they consulted
about the advirability of doing this but
were so well pleased with their showing
that they decided to go no further, but
rested their case.
The Court room was again crowded
Saturday by people who wanted to hear
the arguments and the Courts to charge the
jury. A Findlay, 0., lawyer for the de
fense, a personal friend of Rhine was very
abusive of everybody connected with the
prosecution. .
Judge Rayburn'a charge was a very fair
one and affirmed all the points present
ed by the defense among which was (he
following: , ...
"It a number of persons, detected while
in the act oflcommitting a felony, utart to
run in opposite directions and one of them,
in order to escape, commits a murder, the
others are no accessories."
The jury retired, were out all night.
At 8:55, Monday morning, after having
been out for 39 hours, the jury came in
with a verdiet ot guilty of murder in the
second degree.
Late that night Judge Rayburn sen
tenced Rhine to 12 years in the peniten
"THE 4th of March ia an unfortunate
date for the inauguration of a President,"
said Mr. Harrison. "It should be chang
ed to a season when if we have rain it will
be warm rain. I often look at a crowd
circumstanced as that one was on Saturday
and think to myself, 'How many of these
people are going home to die.' "
Another Armstrong County Sensation.
The authorities of Kittanning and Arm
strong county have a case uuder investiga
tion which promises to be as sensational as
the Leechburg tragedy, which everybody
up that way have been talking about for
the past week. It is the strange disap
pearance of a 15-year-old girl under suspic
ious circumstances.
A month or so ago two boys, who were
passing a lumber yard at night, heard the
moaning of some person, and, being afraid
to investigate, hurried away to get some
men. They led a couple of men to the
root, and in the darknoss they found
Ltnie Boney, the girl who is now missing,
lying on a pile of boards bound and gagged.
A man ran on hearing them approach, and
they chased him through the dark yard,
and, after an exciting experience, they
caught him. He resisted fiercely,but they
overpowered him and led him back to his
The girl was released, the gag taken
from her mouth and she relapsed into un-
consciousness. The man whom they
caught was recognized as James Giles, a
heretofore respectable man of family. He
was taken to John T. Simpson's
office and the girl restored to her senses.
She said she had been walking along the
street, going to her home, when the man
had pounced upon her from the shade*- of
a building, stiffed her screams and carried
her to the lumber yard. There be gagged
and tied her, and she had struggled against
him until she was exhausted. He kept
here there for a couple of hours until her
moans brought her aid.
'Squire Simpson said it was one of the
most revolting cases he ever heard. He
committed Giles to jail without bail. The
girl was not able to be around for days.
The case was called for trial before Judge
Rayburn, and the defendant's attorney
tried to get a nolle pros., because the girl
was absent District Attorney H. N.
Snyder objected, and there was a continu
ance ordered.
An investigation developed the fact that
the girl had disappeared a day or so before,
and her friends know nothing about her
whereabout®. The matter was reported to
the Court, and Judge Rayburn said there
was something peculiarly suspicious about
the affair, and he would send the case over
until the June term of Court to give the
officers a chance to investigate. Giles will
not be admitted to bail. There is scarcely
anyone in Kittanning who believes tbut
she left of her own accord, and the mystery
about her is growing deeper instead of be
ing cleared away. She was a rather bright
and intelligent child, nut large for her age.
THK Father of His Country made some
thing of a reputation ■with his little hatchet,
but the present Vice President won bis
honors by whack jig duwn with his little
hatchet 34,000 postmasters without stop
ping to remark, "I can not tell a lie—hei«
goes for another bead."
Pomona Grange of Butler Coiiity. j
P. of H.. No. 19, met in regular session
or. March 2nd, the Worthy Master G. B
Turner presiding. An appropriate piece
of music was sung by the choir,after which
Miss Eva McJunkin delivered the Address
of Weleome. which all conceded to be a
master production. Mr. R P. Black, of
Concord, responded. An essay was read
by Mrs. Racely, of Eureka, entitled "The
relation of the Grange to the Common
Schools.". Mrs. Racely said that while
the Orange did not take the place of our
common schools, yet it was considered an
auxiliary as an educator.
Mr. Robert Meßride opened the question
"Are crop reports beneficial to the Farm
ers." He said that fanners were apt to
exaggerate rather than give the true con
dition of crops, but in th<» main he thought
that they were beneficial. Mr. Black fol
lowed in the same line of thought. The
.next question ' How I would farm if I were
a man" was opened by Mrs. Stoops.
said that she would try and have
herfftl# in good repair: she would keep
the fence».coniers clean of rubbish, lay up
the rails t* the fences, and keep the farm
in the very Tie -t of condition for producing
crops. "WhSW"bstacles do we meet in
educating and sbjipoiting our families.
Mr. R. C. Thompsas. said the main ob
stacle was lack of mean% but he thought
everv person should educate his children
to the extent of his means and opportunity.
Mr. Walker, of Allgheny Co., member of
the Executive Committe of the State
Grange, said our children should be en
coi raged to join the Grange, that the
Literary advantages of the Grange could
not be excelled and that our children
should have the benefits derived therefrom.
"Shon'd we drain our farmst" The
speakers uu this question to be
one of the essentials in good farming.
The Committee on resolutions prepared
the following:
Resolved, That we endorse the passage
of an equitable tax bill by the Legislature
Penn'a: And,
Whereas, The basis of our road laws is
very unjust and bearing unfairly on the
farmers of the State. Therefore,
Resolved. That we earnestly request the
Pennsylvania Legislnture now in session to
pass no road law until an equitable tax bill
on ail becomes a law, thus furnishing an
equitable basis on which to_ rest a better
road law; which we hope will follow, with
the most approved specifications the cost
of which shall bear equitably on all taxable
property within our Commonwealth. And.
Whereas, The sanctity of the Sabbath is
endangered and its su:red privileges and
duties trans«rr . sed, therefore be it resolv
ed. that we petition our Legislators to use
their influence and to vote for the support
of our Sabbath laws.
Resolved. That our Representatives in
the Legislature be instructed to support
the Liquor Local-option bill now pending
in the Lesislature.
Washington Notes,
On Thursday it was reported that Cleve
land was objecting to the make up of the
Committees of the Senate, and that he
would send in no nominations unless they
were changed.
On Monday, the President sent quite a
number of important nominations to the
Senate.—three in the State department,
eleven in the department of Justice, two
in treasury department, one in the Inter
ior, and one in the Postoffice. Enstis of
Louisiana will represent this country in
France; Runyon of N. J., in Germany; and
Risley of N. Y., in Denmark. Wade
Hampton of S. C. will l>e Commissioner of
MR. CLEVELAND expresses himself with
great solidity on the silver question. He
may have some trouble with an element of
his party, but lack of nerve is not one of
his characteristics.
Poor Venango County Innocents.
What ! Ia "Venango county to be linked
in the same Congressional district with
.Mercer and Bntler counties? That fate
seeius in store for us. The new Congress
ional apportionment bill, which was to be
reported in the House to-day, makes that
combine. Wnango county contains a
number of men who are able, and at the
same time willing, to do representative
duty in the national legislature. But Mer
cer "and Butler fairly swarm with hungry
office-hunters, with whom it is meal time
as often and as long as an office is within
sight or smell. If they're to be in it with
us, our statesmen may as well shelve their
hopes and pnt up their shutters.—Franklin
If it ia any consolation to the -Ye ITS we
can tell it that Mercer county is a good
deal like the girl who was reque ted by
her bashful beau not to mention that he
bad ''seen her home; "'We're just as much
ashamed ot it as you are."—Sharon Her
THE Pennsylvania World's Fair Com
mission are having some stormy sessions
of late. The $300,000 appropriation by
the Legislature to be used by this Com
mission is rapidly vanishing and some of
the members are advocating another ap
News of the Naronic.
Basil AK, March 20. —The British steam
e* Coventry, Captain Wilson, arrived from
Femaudia this morning aud reports that
on March 4, at 2 o'clock a. m., when in
latitude 42 N , longitude 46 W., she pass
ed a lifeboat painted white, bearing the
name Naronic. The boat was floating
keel upward. At 2 o'clock in the after
no— of the same day another lifeboat
ft the Narconic was passed. This boat
gave evidence of having encountered
heavy weather. Judging from appear
ances neither of the boats bad been long
adrift. The position of the drifting boats
was south by west of Sable Island, on the
basks of Newfoundland. Captain Wilson
belie veR, from the appearance of the sec
ond boat, that its occupants had been
taken on board some vessel, after which
the t>o at was cast adriit. The finding of
these lifeboats leaves no doubt but what
the White Star Line freighter, which
cleared from Liverpool February 11, has
gone to the bottom.
Of Beading, Pa.
Miserable and Dull
Dyspepsia, the Blues, Headaohe,
Pain In the Back, Etc.
Continued. Success of Hood's Sarsa
" I must »*y a word about Hood'* Saraapa
rilla for it has made me feel like another man.
I was miserable and dull all the time; had the
blues, could not enjoy the least fun; felt sick all
over and often thought I would soon die. I did
not know what to do. Could not sleep, eat or
work with satisfaction. My stomach was so
out of order that
I Often Wished I Was Dead.
I spent many a dollar for medicine, all for little,
orlmlghtsay.no benefit. I saw and read so
much about Hood's Sarnaparilla that 1 thought
I would try it The first bottle made a different
feeling, so I kept on till I had taken three. Th«
severe pain in my back, headache and distress
in my stomach,—all traces of dyspepsia hare
Entirely Disappeared
and I can eat, sleep and work, and feel so much
better than I used to, thai,l cannot thank
Hood's Sarsaparilia enough. I earnestly re-
MBBUM U U tbf best medicine for dyspepsia
aw! distress in the stomach. I wish Hood *
f---.--—'t|a " .Ton*?nrr.r,
k w v
Clinton Township ItSss.
Mr. J. C. Norris has been poorlv for
some time past with pneumonia.
Mr Newton Norris wears a broad smile
these days. Its a girl.
Mr. Arthur McKibbons has been confin
ed to his room for the past week with rheu
Mioses Sadie Hemphill and Emma Sny
der are visiting friends in Allegheny this
Mr. Charles Boice, Sr., who has been
sick for some time Is convalescent.
Walter,e dett son of Rev P. E. Simpson,
who has been suffering for some time past
with neart disease and rheumatism, is able
to be around again.
The scholars of No. 3 school are preparing
to give an entertainment the last of
The Board of Directors visited No. 3 and
4 schools last week, and were well pleased
with them.
Mr. Alf Ekas of Culmerville. ha« bought
the farm formerly owned by Joseph Smith,
and will move to it in the Spring.
Mr. Wm. Turner, of Millertown. has
rented the blacksmith shop in Lardintown.
and will take possession the Ist of April.
He will live in one of Samuel Snyder s
fine residences on Main Street
U Kxow
CONGRESSMAN' SIPE is quoted as saying:
"I think federal patronage should be dis
tributed in a way that would give general
satisfaction. Now if Mr Sipe will invent
the plan that will give -general satisfac
tion" his fortune is made. Politicians and
statesmen have been trying from time
immemorial to find out a way to do this.
It is no trouble to give special satisfaction,
but it is quite another matter to make the
satisfaction general
Petersville Items.
By a decree of the Court, a part of Con
noquenessing and Forward townships, in
cluding Petersville has been made an inde
pendent School District, an Election order
ed to be held on the 2Sth to elect a Board
of School Directors. In the near future.
Petersville will have a new school build
ing. something that has long been needed.
J. M. McK inny's new barn is nearing
The Driving Park Association anticipates
patting the track in good shape as soon as
the weather permits.
Dr. Christie has the finest driving horse
in town. He is a dandy.
Ben. Douthett, the big, good-natured
auctioneer is confined to his room with in
flammatory rheumatism.
B. M. Duncan, Esq.. has returned from
a visit with his brother in Danbar, Pa.
W. W. Brandon, our home candidate
for Commissioner says, he isn't going to
electioneer a man in his own township.
You don't need to Billy, for we are all go
to vote for you anyhow.
The smiling countenance of A. G. Camp
bell, candidato for Sheriff, was in town the
other evening. Glad to see you A. G.
The School Directors are arranging for
the redistricting of this township, and the
building of some new school houses.
Ben. Douthett says he received a copy
of the Butler CiTlziH last week, and it
was one of the most welcome and newsiest
visitors that had came to his home for
quite a while, and welcomes its visit once
a week.
W. C. Detrick is getting to be quite a
1 walker.
Rev. Borland is on the sick list, not be
ing able to fill his pulpit last Sabbath.
GREAT suffering exists in Oldham, Eng.,
owing to the prolonged struggle between
the master cotton spinners and the oper
atives. The number out of employment
in Oldham alone is 24,000. Thousands
of these are destitute ot food and fuel, and
only those who belong to the operative's
union receive aid. The cold weather has
caused bitter hardships to multitudes out
of work on account of the strike, and the
frost and snow linger with a persistence
that points to fatal suffering unless relief
speedily Comes.
Petrolia Items.
Candidates are getting plenty now.
Messrs. Crnikshank "and Martin struck onr
town last night.
Dr. W. C. Foster has gone to Pittsburg
and Wheeling on a business trip.
W. A. Fleming and son G H. were visit
ing Bradys Bend, Armsttong Co., one dr.y
this week.
The new firm of English <t Vensel are
doing a good business this week in the
way of selling gas tips and stoves.
H. A. Klingensmith has gone to New
Kensington to see after bis new store
house. X.
WHEAT taken from a mummy vace in
Egypt, 2,000 years old. was planted, and
some of it grew.
A cream of tartar baking powder. High
est of all in leavening strength.— Latest
United States Government Food Report.
Royal Baking Powder Co.,
106 Wall St., N. Y.
Hotels and Depots,
W. S. Gregg is now running a line
of carriages between the hotels and
depots ot the town.
Charges reasonable. Telephone
No. 17, or leave; orders at Hotel
Good Livery in Connection
L, & McJiJXKL\,
Insurance and Real Estate Ag't
(If so. this will Interest you.)
YOU MA a KE $75 TO $l5O
a Month, provided vou work with ;i little vigor
pluck and push, stock complete; steady work;
pay weekly. Elegant outnt free. Experience
unnecessary. Address at once.
E. 11 UtFUHEST sTO.'
astablkhed Nurserymen, Rochester.N. Y
Hotel Butler,
J. H. FAUBEL, Prop'r.
This house has been thorough
ly renovated, remodeled, and re
fitted with new furniture and
carpets; has electric bells and all
other modern conveniences for
guests, and is as convenient, and
desirable a home for strangers as
can be found in Butler, Pa.
Elegant sample room for use of
commercial men.
The Imperial Purchasing Co.,
1302 Filbert St., Phila,, I'a. buys everything, !
wholesale and retail. Mirrors, pianos, orifxns j
and musical instruments. Great care in the
ss'ection of suitable p,-e;eu?s. Cbtirijw n :
Commission',. Samples and estimate* sent
free. 15 years experience.
rr- I
THE Ureteral banks have beW shipping
nearly half a million dollars to New
York each day for the past eight or ten
THE State Superintendent of Public In- |
struction has declared tbat county superin j
tendents must annul the certificate of any
teacher whom they know uses intoxicating
BARKLEY —At their home in Muddy
creek township. March 0 and 12. 1593.
Bessie aged 7. aud John Clarence, aged
15. children of John Barkley. There
were five deaths in this family within
two weeks.
YOUNG—Mar. 20, 1893, inTant son of
James B. Young, of Butler.
LEHMAN —At t'nlnmbus, 0-. March 19.
1893. Cha-. H. Lehman, formerly of But
CRAWFORD—At her home in* Allegheny.
Tuesday morning, March, 21. 1893. Mrs.
Tamild'a Crawford.
RALSTON—At his home in Muddycreek
twp.. March 7. 1893. R C. Ralston
STRAWICK—At Rochester. March 20.
Ilagb Strawick, formerly of Butler, aged
33 years.
ALEXANDER—At her home in Bntler.
May 18. 1893.Lillian.daughter of Thomas
Resolutions of re.-pei t for the memory of
Lillian Alexander, deseased. member of
the class of "94, passed by the Butler
Bigh School at a meeting held March 20th.
Whereas. It has pleased our Heavenly
Father to remove from our midst our
schoolmate, Lillian Alexander, and moved
by a common feeling of sorrow and regret,
we have assembled to pay tribute to her
memory. Therefore be it:
Resolved, That by her death the school
has lost a worthy member. As a student
she was earnest and faithful as a friend
loyal. By her modest conduct and conr
teousdispositionjshecommanded the respect
of her fellow students, and afforded us an
example of a devoted Christian life.
Resolved. That we do hereby extend to
the family our tender and heartfelt sym
pathy in their great sorrow and bereave
Resolved, That a copy of these resolu
tions be tendered the family and also that
they be published in the city press and the
High School Magnet.
Committee—Margaret Brandon, Gert
rude Lyon. Theodore Keck, Albert Trout
man, John Jackson.
The following resolutions with regard to
the death of Lillian Alexander, were
adopted by the Young People's Christian
Union of the L*. P. Church of Batler.
Whereas, God in his providence has re
moved from onr midst one of onr number.
Therefore, be it Resolved, That in the
death of Lillian Alexander, our Society
has lost a most valuable member. As a
worker she was modest, cheerful and faith
ful. As a friend, aflectionate and thought
Resolved. That in this death we recog
nire the voice of our Master, saying "Be
ye also ready.'" urging us to more earnest,
faithful service, and while we mourn deep
ly our loss, we bow in submission to the
will of Him who doeth all things well.
Resolved, that to the bereaved family
we exteml our heartfelt sympathy, and
commend them to the loving Father who
gave and who has taken away.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolu
tions be sent to the family, and that they
be published in the county papers.
i Emily Brittain.
Committee Elizabeth Campbell.
f Edward Oesterling.
Funeral Directors and Embalmers,
Diamond Block, next door to
Post Office, Butler, Pa.,
prompt attention given
to orders, day or
Administrators and Executors of estates
can secure their receipt books at the CITI
2R!» office
Legal Notice.
T. C. C AMPBELL, Attorney .
J. L. Purv is ami L. t>. i
Purvls.partners .doing |
business as S. G. In the Court ot Common
Purvis «Co„ Pleas ot Butier county,
rs fA. I)., No. 60, March
S. R. Spencer with Term, t-«s.
notic' to 11. Walker, i
assignee of S.K.Spencer
Action ol ejectment brought by S. G. Purvis
i Co., assignees of vendor against s. li.
Spencer, vendee to enforce speciflc perform -
ance of agreement.
March 13,1833. Motion of plalntlfTs for a rule
on K. Spencer—the return day of the writ
having passed, and there being no service
thereof upon said S. R Spencer, or appearance
for him and no person residing upon the land
and the Sheriff ol iiutler county being unable
to Hud said s. K. Spencer, vendee--to appear
and plead to said action on or before the tlrst
Monday of June, 1893—the rule to be published
sixty days before the return day in oue news
paper ol Butler county to be inserted three
times—presented and rule granted upon S. U.
Spencer, deiendant, to appear and plead In
above stated case returnable to first Monday of
June, I&3—said rule shall be published [de
scribing the premises for which the above
action of ejectment is brought as follows:
A messuage or tract of land situate In
Butler borough, Butler county. Pa . commenc
ing at a point on Willow street adjoining lot or
J. G. Stamm, thence south along said street oo
feet, thence west alolig land ot Charles Duffy
130 feet to an alley,thence north along said alley
60 feet to land of said Stamm. thence east along
said Staimn's land 130 feci to A lllow street the
place ol leg Inn ins? J sixty days before the return
day thereof—ln one newspaper ot Butler county
—to the Inserted three times.
Butlku Cocnty, ss :
(Seal of j Certified from the records
Ji'ourtof ! this 13 day of March, A.D., 'O.
(Common Pleas.) MB \V. Bituwn
—— Prothonotary.
Auditor's Notice.
In the matter of the Assignment of W. A.
Osborne for the benefit of creditors, at Ms. D.,
No. as. March Term , isui. In the Court of Com
mon Pleas' of Butler County.
Having been appointed Auditor by the Court
In the above stated case, to pass upon the ex
ception to the account of the Assignee, restate
the same if necessary and distribute the funds
In the hands of the Assignee to and among
those entitled thereto.
Notice Is hereby given thet I will attend to
duties of said appointment at tuy office in the
lluseiton Block. Butler, Penn'a. on Monday the
3d day of April, l»a3. at 10 o'clock A. M-. w hen
and where all parties interested may attend if
they see proper.
J ames N. Mookk,
Jury List for April Term, 1893.
I.lst of Traverse Jurors drawn this 10th day
of March. A. l>.. 18-J3. to serve as traverse Jurors
at a special term of court commencing on the
second Monday of April. A. !>.. isas. the same
being the loth day of said month:
Acre Ellis, rarmer, Wintleid twp.
Allen J A. painter Zelienopte boro.
Bjers W B, Merchant. Mlllerstown boro.
Rebm John, farmer. JacUsOn twp east.
Brandon SI«-H art. luriner. Counoquenesslng
twp. north.
Boggs James P. farmer, Forward twp.
Black Augustus, larmer. Slippery rock t'.vp,
Blair James, farmer, Allegheny twp
Cox Lewis, farmer, Adams twp. north.
CooperTnomas W. tarmer. Worth twp.
Christie I'eter. oil producer Bu'ler 2nd ward.
Daubeuspeck Philip. Gent. Butler Ist w ird.
tioutheu W G. livery man. Butler 4th ward.
Doutt WS. pumper, connoquenessliig twp.
Davis J Madison, farmer. Wortli twp.
DuffordJH, farmer, lonnoquenessmg twp. !
Daubeuspeck William, farmer. Parker twp.
Elchenlaub Joseph, farmer. Summit twp.
Ejth Martin, gent. Butler ltd ward.
Esiienbaugii W D, farmer. Clay twp. '
Kaller Jacob, clerk. But:er tth ward.
Flndley James, farmer. Franklin twp. 1
Fair John, iarmer. Centre twp.
Grossman Albert V. f truer. Brady twp.
Green Seba-tlan, farm r. Oakland twp.
Galiagerll 11. gent, Butler 3rd ward
Gill SS. slater, Butler :,tii ward.
Ilays James S. farmer, Butler 3rd ward.
lligenbothan Wm, farmer, Jefferson twp. I
HeberlLng Wm. farmer, Muddycreek twp. ,
Jaminson Thomas, farmer. Ealrvlew twp. east. 1
Jones Isaac, carpenter. Muddycreek twp.
Love S M. farmer. Clinton twp. J
Meeder i.eorge, larmer. Jaekson twp, west.
Morris W ||, cigar maker, Butler sth ward.
McClure Wm, blacksmith, Evans t'lty.
Mitchell John, clerk. Butler 3rd ward.
McConnell Thomas, carpenter. Marlon twp.
5Jt gley Felix 11. tanner, Penn twp. j
Ostiien Nicholas, fanner, Clearfield twp,
u'Donnell Joseph, farmer, Donegal twp. j
Oesterlingi liarles, larmer, Donegal twp.
Ramsey W S. farmer, Jackson twp, east.
Kaulshouse W J. farmer. Middlesex twp.
Kaseley JohnM, fanner Butier twp. (
Stevenson W S. tarmer. Summit twp. t
Stewart K If, farmer. Concord f.vp. >,
Starr M L. merchant. PetrSHa boro. a
Swain G 1). merchant. Harmony b.iio.
Sarver Abraham, farmer. Butler twp.
Vincert W K, farmer Supperyrock twp,
Wise I M, larmer, Jackson t« u. west. d
\\ right James B, merchant Clay twp. U
Wick AdUon O, fanner. CU\ twp. o
Young J I>, editor, Zellenopie boro.
Zieuler D, larmei, J.u ks jn twp. east.
s~\ ■ ,:i ' . i-.i BEST
/As i.in ■ ATlll> f rail
/ j0 / Puij>uaM» cl
/ /,/ W „ CLABK'S
' K y'f /& & .Sasi-iess College,
'L.S WS9_ ' ERIC. PA.
xufftjint iiooats; Modern Methods;
<1 »"*pt*cuil
i* Suyi-UiAHtU *4a«i • \ writiii*. Write lui
auAiogue. ii;». cuuk, rn*.
m j m
Notice in Divorce.
Harriet C. Cojlr-.bj In tl..- Court ol C\ SHE..- .
Her next friend PIMS ot BUKt Ct . t'l
.1. S. 1 U.>m|WOU. * A I).. No.", T> REM
• s John O. t oyle
Now Kebroarj «th'Bft. Havtiigappointed
Commissioner In above stated -i». (ir.,l
said appointment bating b*~n resilL'ifll on
Sui'ii 13 «* on motion la '.fiea Court in,
or er ol Court.
To all wßom it may roc rt, Tak>> none*
that I will attend i o tlie duties of al>>ve ap
pointment on Tlwrsdajr. Apnl Cth l»a at my
office in tbe Diamond Block. Batler. Pa., at
which time and place an parties concerned
mav attend.
E E. Yv>r*.i.
Hap !» I til. 10XS. Coinml«-loner.
Administrator's Notice.
Letters of Administration hatiag Ueen
granted to the undersigned on the e-'ate
of Nannie C Wick, dec'd., late of the bor
ough of Butler, Batler Co., I'enn'a..all per
sons knowing themselves indebted to -aid
estate arc requested to make immediate
payment, and any baring claims ajrain-t
same will present "them duly auteent.cateJ
for settlement to.
A. M. CoRSELirs, Butler, Pa.
Public Sals of Rsal
By virtue of an order ol the Conn of com
mon Pleas oi Builer Co., to him directed, tbe
undersigned will offer at public sale on the
premises on
at 1 o'clock P.M All tbe following desert bed real
estate in the borough of Zellenopl . But
ler Co., Pa., being the vime whicb
was assigned by J. F. Stutter tor
the benefit ot bts creditors vl?: All tbat certain
lot of *round situate in the borough of Zelieno
ple aforesaid; bounded on the north by lot of
Mary S. Reed.s heirs, on the east bv Huh St..
on the south by lot of Kred >trutt. aud oa the
n est by Main St ..with a frontage of sixty ft el on
Main St., and extending east thence ;*j
f W t to High St..ar.d having erected thereon a
two-story brick dwelling bouse23x33feet rru;i a
fr-ime addition 16X30 feet, and containing nine
rooms, ai l In good condition: trame stable.
2ix;W feet; ami all necessary outbuilding .
said lot is well fenced, has a good orchard.well,
etc., thereon.
TKHMS OF SALE—One-third of Ibe purchase
money In cash on continuation of sale by
the Court, and the remainder in two equal pay
ments of one and two years, with interest on
dele«r> d pa> ments to be secured by bond, ami
mortgage on the premises, and with At
torneys commie-ion ot 5 per ceut. m case of
VV. 11. Lcsc, Assignee ol J. F. Shall- r,
Att'y Zelleuople, Pa.
March 8. I*!C.
Executors' Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate of
George W Hoed.dec'd.late ofthe bor«ugh of
Bntler. Bntler Co. Pa . having been eran'-
ed to the undersigned, ail persons know
ing themselves indebted to said estate will
please make immediate payment, and any
havingclaimsagainst.-aidestate will present
them duly authenticated for settlement to
GEO. W. lißfcD t P ■
135. sth Are.
Pittsburg. Pa.
Administrators' Notice.
Letter? of administration on the estate of
Samuel Meyer, dec'd. late of Lancaster
twp., Butler Co., Penn'a. having been
granted to the undersigned all person
knowing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment and
those having claims against the same will
present them duly authenticated for settle
ment to
ABRAH Mover, \ Adm "
Levi M. Wise, Harmony P. 0.,
Att'y. " Butler Co., Pa
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed hare taken cut letters of adminis
tration on the estate of John II tstamm
dee d, late of Franklin twp. Butler county
'• Pa., and all persons indebted to the *am<
are requested to make prompt payment
and those having claims against said e*
tate, to present them duly authenticate*
for payment to
Mary .1 Stamm.
M T McCasdles.s,
Prospect. Pa.
Executors' Notice.
Letters testamentary on the ia>
will and testament of W m
L. Bartley late of the Bor rag!
of Butler. Penn'a.deceased,having thi- dv
been granted by the Register of wills ii
and for the county of Butler and stat.
aforesaid to the rmdersiirne.l nfcnMir
tbereof,therelorc all persons knowing then;
selves indebted to said estate are herehj
notified that sppe<*y payment thereof wil
be required,and those having claims again*
1 said estate are requested to present then
; without delay properly authenticated fo
settlement to
J. "Walter Bartlrt and
E. McJ tN KIN,
1 Executors'.
January 27, 1593, Butler. Pa
Administrator's Notice.
Whereas, letters of Administration hav<
this day been granted to the uodersignei
on the estate of John It Benniuger, dee'd
late of Allegheny twp , liatler Co., Pa
all persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate are hereby notified to cal
and settle, and those having claims again- 1
the .«arra to present them duly authenti
cated for payment to
JoHJf I). Shell, Adoi'r.
A. M. Coß.vKLirs. Sandy Point P. 0.
Att'y. Batler Co., Pa
Butler, Pa., Jan. 23, 1893.
Executors' Notice.
Letters testamentary li. the estate of Louisa
Sn>-der, deed, late ol Brady twp. Butler Co.
l"a., Uav lug been granted to the undersigned
*ll persons knowing themselves indebted
to said estate will please makt
immediate payment, and any having
claims agalst the same will present them duh
authenticated for settlement to
Lorenzo h. Snyder,
McCandless P. (>.. or
West Liberty I'. 0.,
liutlerCo, Pa..
W. I). Brandon, Att'y. Executor".
Administrator's Notice.
Whereas letters of administration were this
day granted by the Renter In and tor lh>
County of Butler, Penn'a, to the undersigned on
the estate or David Simmons, late of Franklin
twp.. Butler Co., Pa., nee d, all persons know
ing themselves Indebted to said estate ar*
requested to make Immediate payment anil
those having claims against the same wlij
please present them properly authenitcarM for
settlement to the undersigned.
THfiJiis Galloway.
E. McJunkln. Prospect, I'enn'a.
Att'v. Oct. 24. 1892.
Executor's Notice.
Letters testamentary on the estate o
Edward Mellon, Jec'd. late of Zelienople
Butler Co.. Pa..having been granted to the
undersigned, all persons knowning them
selves indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment, anil any hav
ing claims against satd estate will present
them duly authenticated for settlement to
Kebi-cca Mello.i. Ex'x,
W. D. Brandon, Zelienople. Pa.
Notice in D vorce.
Catharine Phi >r, by | In tit-. 4 Court of t'orn
her next friend | mon Pleas of Butler
Jacob Gilman. county. :'a„ l>„
vs N"t>. ». March Term l- «j.
Henry Phlor. 11. I.'. P. in.
March i:. InKi. Motion of Everett L. lUlalos,
Att'y. for plaintin to award publication In
above case according to law presented io Court
and upon due consideration toe ' urt direct
William M Brown. fn-rlfT. of Butler county, to
cause notice t«i be published In one newspaper
of general circulation In said count v i,»ur weeks
successively prior to the day of Jim" IVrm
of Court requiring the said respondent to ap
pear on the said day U> answer the said com
plaint. fully set forth In the petition in this case.
- Br THE t'Ot KT.
liFri.EK Cor.NTY, SS.
Certified from the records this eth day of
March. A. D.. IWC.
John W. Brown*.
Hrtrt ho notary.
Notice in Divorce.
James W. Green) in the Court of Common
vs { Pleas of Butler Co.. Pa.. A.
Anna L. Green.) D., No. 1. Sept. T-. 1»92.
Book 13, I'.vffe 11.
March 8, is'.;, 'lotion of W. II Lusk Esq.,
Att'y. for plaintiff, tor the appointment of a
Commissioner m above -fluted rase, to take
testimony and reiN.rt same to Court, and
motion was grant* l '! and J. M. Palntrr Esq..was
appointed Commtss uertotake t-stiuoay as
prayed for.
I hereby *ave notice that I will attend to the
duties of the above appointment ai my oßiee m
liutler on Saturday. April the Bth. at io
o'clock A M.
J. M. P U3TXF.B.
j ■ niSTOHfc.u'c iH
- :* fce<2 ami Ensilage * *
• ~ GUTTER. AHb \
v.-. <■-' «sJ • •"
W. 1.. H4XRISOM • CO ,
- r Hi. CANTON, OMfO.^™' 011 * Tua>*bo.
Mercantile Appraiser's List
For the Year 1893.
Name*. Bunine*-. Pa*tt>ffioe. Asatwnt.
McCaffertr Jt Met rea.!i<iaer mer»-h«at.Bat l«r
*303 10
Reiber Bro->, liquor merchant, Batler 908 00
crirALo rwr.
Pt nn"a Distilling Co, distillery, I'reeport
l»* 0»> I
Bti.ii! George, i iaor mer-bant. Zel en^ple
Total fTOO
1 Marty P H, 3 pool table*. Caller; 51 0«
I>u fiord W S bl«*. Renfrew 51 <lO
Biehi GC, 4 pool table*. Bntler 61 0&
firesleham J S, ' ' ' II W
Campbell NO, 1 * ' #1 W
McCrea HD. 2 * * * 41 00
KVASS crrr BO torn.
Donaldson T A, 4 pool tables, Fran* City
el 60
Nutt L J, 2 pool tables tables, Evan* City
41 00
TwMitier H L, 2 pool table*, Evan* City
41 CO
atonghton W G, 8 pool tables, Harmony
51 OO
Viuimowif BEIROT ~H.
Arnv CP, 4 pool tables, t'hieor* til t3O
Tadder GP, ' ' ' SI 00
Kilroy J B, 4 pool tables. Petrolia 61 OO
Ahrr.'h E, poo! table#. Saxon bar? "1 00
Hililebraa l P, 3 pool tables.Zeliecople 51 00
Arsjory Building A, opera, Bntler 55 00
Kilroy J B, opera, Petrolia 31 U0
Scbell J D «i Co.»tore,Ban.ly Point 14 7 75
Anderson J A A W F, store,
Valencia 12 13 25
Barr J C Airt-eoal and im[ lemenu.
Valencia 13 10 75
Barr JC. M D. drugs, Mart 14 7 75
Boggs A Crawford, store, * 11 15 7~>
Keringer HH, ' Myoma 13 10 75
Boyd, Hamilton A Co. lumber and
hardware. Myoma 13 10 75
GiUilaad W J, coal and feed,
Myoma 14 773
Irvine Bros, furniture, Myoma 14 7 75
Irvine C B, store. ' 14 7 73
Harshell JD, store, Mar> 11 15 7"
Shannan JT, * Callery 13 10 7 i
Sterrett SO, MD, drugs, Valencia 14 7 7.1
Thomas JH, store, Callery 13 10 73
Clutton E O. store. West Liberty 11 7 75
Hines A Co.limited .store, " 14 7 73
Robison W W, * Pump 14 7 ■
Thompson JM, ' Elors 14 77.
F.kas DSA Co,shipper.*arverviHel4 7 73
< raraer Mrs KS, store. Free port 11 7 7
Falkoer L H,hardware,SarvervilleM 7 7."
MeCafcrty Jas Jr. store, ' 14 7 7
Powell JW, • 12 13 23
SarverS B, ' ' 14 7 .
SarverH K, ' Ekaatowu 14 77'
Watson W, lumber. Sarversvi'le, U 10 7 ;
Wilkewitz G, pedler, * 25 7'
Arthers JB A Co, store, Euclid 13 10 7;
Dunn John, pedler, Weal Sanbery 23 7"
Baiiey JA, store, Bov art! 14 77;
Elliott HW, ' Coal town 13 W7;
Fogal Valentine, drags, ' 14 7 7."
Graham J P A Bros, store,
Moniteau 14 7 7;
McCoy H C A Soa,store,Aiiai»<lale;4 7 7;
Stewart Brne, • Coal town 14 7 1.
Sproull A Stoop*, • >omenol, 12 13 2!
Welch Jas • Coal town 14 7 7
F'ee«er AF, store. Fleeter 14
Holraan A, * M Caadlaw 14 7
Anderson BJ, store, Flick 14 77.
Ekas Daniel. pedler. Ekastown 25 7.
Snyder 3, store. Riddles X Roads 14 7 7
BalzigerA Badger,store, Magic 14 7 7.'
MarkwellS. ' Greece City 13 10 7;
Kuhn ABA Co, ' Hooker 13 10
Fennell P Jt Sonsjore.Fenn leton 14 7 7'
Mcßride MJ, 1 Coylsville 13 10 7!
Frantz John, store, Ogle l» 77"
Garvin Wm. ' ' 13 10 7.:
Uendnckson AG,' ' 14 7 7;
Johnston MH, 1 * 14 772
CosSo<il'KsEs>eis»:> TWP.
Barnliart R A Son, store. Cooo'g 12 13 2£
Christie J L, M D,drags. ' 14 7 73
Henry RS A Son, store, Butter
Cup 14 77?
Nick las C, store, Conn'g 12 13 23
PurvUnce JTAW A, * « 11 15 75
Wrigh', Alexander A Dontt,store,
Whites town 12 13 23
Cate HS, store. Greer 14 773
Graham JH, ' St Joe 13 10 7j
Gritßn FA, * Rattigan 14 775
Kornrumph O.slore, Mt Chestnut 14 773
Watson Wm, ' * 12 13 2S
Watson Wm, * Isle 14 773
Du(Bel<i MS, store, Zeno 14 77"
Schilling A, ' ReiboUl 14 773
KirkrS D. feed store, 14 7 7">
Harienstein L. store, Great Belt II 775
Mc Bride ACo ' * 13 10 75
Montag Wm A Co, ' Jefferson
Centre, H 7 75
[julere r J,store. Middle Lancaster 14 7 75
Met/ A E A Son, store. Middle
Lancaster 13 10 75
Bailey Joseph, store, Herrisviile 14 77"
Oormley J ft, ' Murrinaville 14 775
Hamilton 11, " Boyen 14 7 75
Sisney L J " ' 14 775
Gillespie WJ, store. Flick 14 775
Marks WJ A Bros. ' Glade Mills 11 15 75
Brytoa WJ, store. Forestries 14 7 75
Lagher G P, pedler. Harrisville 15 7)
j Owens Mrs Jane,store ForestviUe 14 775
Andre W J, store, St Joe Station 14 7 75
Ball George * North Oakland 14 775
Campbell A G, peddler, Sooora, 25 75
Adams JD, store, Brain 14 775
Black WC, ' ' 14 7 75
Campbell TG, " ' 14 773
Caldwell II M A Co, ' ' 14 7 75
Caldwell 11 M A Co, hardware ' 14 7 75
Dautienspeck J M, store.Glenora 14 7 75
Howard JC, " Parker*
Landing 14 7 75
Morgan Jas A, 1 ' 11 7 75
Orr J W, ' Brum 14 7 73
Orr J U, lumber, * 14 7 73
Brown Mrs A B. store, Renfrew 14 7 7a
Bowser RM, lumber " 11 7 75
Douthett AM, store, Browntdale 1J 10 73
Markwrll S, Renfrew 1.5 M 75
McClymoods II S, ' 14 7 75
Patrick James, elore ' 13 10 75
Price AC. Hardware * 14 7 75
Sutton AD, store, Maharg 13 10 73
Birckbickler X , store. Carbon
Centre 14 1 73
D;ttmer MB. * Herman 14 7 73
Book 11. store, Krister 14 775
Critchlow EH, Agt,lumber,Wick 13 10 75
Hindman WJ, store. Branchton 14 7 75
Humphrey I) W .store.Eau Claire 12 13 25
Kerr H H * • 14 7 75
Kohlmeyer G F, ' ' 14 7 75
Miller AO, ' ' 14 7 75
wisnscrox TWP.
Altmire T, store, HiJliard 14 7 75
Beatty JL, drugs. ' 14 775
I)ay John, store, ' 14 7 75
Harper & Gibson,hardware, North
Hope 14 7 73
Mifflin A Mifflin Jr,store.N Hope 11 15 75
McFarland A Co, Argentine 12 13 25
Jewell CA. • Milliard. 14 775
Summers MrsLJ, " • 14 773
Thompson JX, ' X Hope 14 775
Cruikshank 11, peddier. Carbon
Black 33 75
Foster C A Sen, store, Leasure
ville 14 7 73
Krau* RA A, ' Denny 11 15 75
-ai.tli A l/uia, 'Carbon Black 12 13 25
Weidhoa L, ' Denny 12 !S 25
Gardner WF, store, Jackinl'* 13 10 75
I Gardner 21 L, pedler, * 25 75
A a il«r 10s AC, drag*. Batter i 4 ?Tj '
Aiken & atfte* Si UTS
AMjlfw tP, * • It 7;S
Bm« Jacob • *l2 W n
Barn barf R W « • 14 ? 75
B«»w ML, * • IJ !|B
Boy* C J». ,trms» • 13 13 35
Bolpb JF. " • !« T75
Rellis A K»m, store * IS 13 S
Bonaml A S»*?aa« Mf< CojMaim
Huii»r id l» 75
Batlo Maur C», *utn. Bite 13 W75
Btebl Heorr • u 7 7$
Btekoi J 'tia ♦ * It 15 75
ffpStrf. AA Ci Hiri>ut. • II 15 75 |
OutfAatt A r rßpletoa.Farauar*.
Borer !• »7$
Colbert Harrrr «rf. BeUer 3 • *75
• mmplmii J*l4 W. Harinaro,* * J" 75
Ulinn A DM, «ttarr * 13 14 i 5
C:erlat><l AKalsron * * 12 13 IS
D»i*ia» JH, • • is t* 7*
l>aßy t haa, • • 10 30 75
F emrft* WC, S«f A fwi ' 14 7 73
fcbo t scM. «car« * 14 7 73
Fraak JA * Co, * U 19 75
Forrht H * S»a. • * 13 1* 75
Own WH, ' ♦ 13 !• 73
<ir:eb A Uab, 1 • 14 77»
Oneb Harrr, " * 14 775
Grabthasß. * *l4 7 TS
Ha«enr TC. ' 14 775
Harper Brw, • • 11 13 73
Hun H, ' *l4 7J>
H»!s»mu HC A Soa, ' ' 13 1*73
Haf J • * 14 773
H<fk DA, • • 10 «73
Hinroi»r*»r C, • * 14 7 73
Hnwllno BC, • *lO »;)
Hodman HA. ' ' 13 II 7>
Jackson A Mrtcbell, harlarare, * 13 10 7»
Jarecki Mrs Co, .'miud. • • » IS 75
Keoadt* J, stare * 14 7 75
keppfe J. * * 14 775
Kuoiwf H W. * • 14 7 75
Rangier HJ.ACt * * S3» 75
Kirkpatriek A Reed * * 11 15 75
Koefc C A Amm. * * 10 39 75
kamerer WA, * * 13 H» 7»
Xetlerer («eor<je. firtilm * 13 M #
Met lain M. • * 14 773
Miller J 3, mu(M( at Vuoag H
W, hardware. Batier 14 7 73
Martmcoart 3 B A Co, «j>r*. Boi
ler. » JO 7j
Miller ti Wilaoo, stave, Bat!err. 9 Xi 7 r
Mitchell C A. * * 14 7 73
Maa*ol«i PR, • 14 775
McOeary W B * 14 1 7i
Mcßn.le A Elliot, * 14 775
Murrwoo T A. * * 14 1 75
Meuger WF. ' 13 H» 7>
Miller Hearr, * * 11 13 *>
XfKle J A Bra, ' * 13 14 75
O'KrieaW H A Son. * 14 773
OA, * 14 7 35
Pauls pa OM. * 13 10 75
Patterson J.t, * * 10 »75
Pryer Mr. EK, • * 14 773
Phillips WW, * * 14 775
Porriii SUA Co, 1 amber, • 10 SO 75
Pape D T. store, ' 14 7 75
Rubins Broa. - * 14 7 73
Keiber AM M, * * f SO
Reifer AA H. * * 10 Jtt 73
Keiber FT, * * U
Ret'iek JC. 'mi*. • 12 USi
lUwkraoteiii M C. hardware, • 14 * 15
hitter A Rabton «mrt ' } IS 75
Rutf Al. U 1* Ji
Riteftey JA, • • 14 77»
Stork C, hardware, ' 14 7 " ■
Schaal A Sml. store * 12 13 %•
stein A .Hoa, • lo -•» *»
H, " ' II li is
■*u..th JAH W, • • II 1* 7a.
stefele J F T, * * 14 7 75
lerwiilicer Mrs CC, ' * 14 T75
lraxler L, ' * II U«
Ttuatmaa A A Soa, * * 7 4» 7
Trailer J A Soo. * * tt> »75
Volley A Baocioft * * 14 773
W ten LC» lumber, * 10 39 7...
Waller I'liwmarr, -traga, ' 14 775
Walker JL, >t«re. * 14 7I»
William* A Battler. * » 14 7 73
Wise JA, * 14 77-
Wener NT, * 14 775
Waller J L, Jruga. ' 14 7 73
Waller DH, More. * IS U> 75
Weitwli D, Sr. Aa, ' * IS 1» 75
Bard A 3oe. store, Slippery roe* 11 li 75
Hinebam A i-ou.hardware. * U WTo
i nristie A I »nipOeiignore. * 1» *» 75
nation BrmA McGafflc, ' * II 13 75
coulter TSA Co, • * 14 7 75
FAA Jl, • • 14 773
Grille W H. pedler, ' S 73
Lawrence WF, tare. • 14 773
Miller John, pedlar, ' 25 73
tber A Bestler, farauare, * 14 7 73
WilsosßL, «#ft, * II 15 75
Allan A Siekle, coal, Esaaa C»*y 14 7 75
Karkey JoU, * • 14 775
A Kltae, More, * 11 15 73
Birrhari MC, * 14 775
Bart<> More, ' 14 7 75
Barry L 5, * ' M 7JJ
Dam bach JA K. amber. • IS IS 35
Hudson Robert, Mora, * 14 7 75
lflt G A iteos, * * 11 15 75
LeaJerer WC, earnafa deaier.- 14 7 75
Killimaa G, *»r». * 14 7*5
Rrm * ' II *5 75
t>U Well Sappir Cm, «M Weil
Supplies, Ereas City. » »T3
Kjcuswt J A, "tore, * 13 U £
Hipper J A, * " 14 7 73
Ki«p WD, • M 771
>:u*Lk<r* AJ, ' * 14 773
Si rap Brae, * * 13 to 7.5
Sfcuan-m & Brown. ' * 14 J 7!
Seboelfel A J, ' ' 14 7 7s
White J X. • 14 7 73
Voaag Henry, farn;ture, " 13 IP 73
'iemm* D, store * 14 7 73
Htwn WC. store, Bal<twi7 I® JO 73
Seott C. * * 1 HI 73
r.«M H*, store. lUrmomr 14 77 1
Bcntle H X A Co. i amber. • U 15 73
A Sbaii, oai, • 14 773
Fjearinjter A. store, ' 14 7 73
(joebriag W A A C«, ..»:ted.
store, Harmon? 13 10 73
Hober J H, drwp, * £4 7 73
Ijurkt* F R, Mart, • If 7 7 ;
ttiihmaa Bra, ' • 11 15 7.1
Oil Well Sop Co- * * 11 14 73
3*ain GD, ' * 11 15 73
Surer FR, f<«d ' • 14 773
Black tl C, More. Harri.sv;Ue 12 15 25
Black Rul>c. ' 14 7 73
Brown R L. furniture. ' 14 7 73
B«aty E S. hardware. 14 7 XS
Bmirhtm SB. store. ' 12 13 73
Curry JE. * ' 14 773
ElnckJX. drugs; ' 14 7 73
H irrison WL. store. 4 14 773
liLIS ("ITT lotncm.
U illiard A A 0 L, store. Kama
City 14 773
XcElroy Bros.store. Earn* City 13 Id 73
Story T K. drags ' 14 7 73
Wersh John, store. * 14 773
Bower. W W. -tore. Ctkieorß 14 7 73
Bell P A A Co. drar. • 14 7 73
l»eW..lfDr WL. • 14 773
Frankle S. <t«*. * 14 7 73
J F.J 14 7 73
Frederick PGA Co. loa>t>«\ 13 It) 73
(iI«M Ge«r|i, store. * 14 773
Hoch Bros. « 13 10 75
Hays E F. hardware. * 14 7 73
Hoch.Seibert A Co. lumber 14 7^7
Johnson CH, hardware. ' 14 7
Johnson A Xoffatt. store * 14 773
XcKee JL. Jno, * M 773
Xart land JC. mm. • 13 10 73
Scbweifter Fred. 14 7 73
SeharWh C, • • 14 7 73
WaaMnMH Bros. * ' 9 575
N"e*tera>au R F A Co store. 13 10 75
i-iitioua voaocus.
Cbesuro EP, -tort, Petriua. 13 10 75
Kenboln T. 13 10 73
Footer W C, draff*. * 14 775
tiAWk J X. -tore. • 14 7 75
kuiigensmith DA,' * 15 10 73
Kitenstein AX, * * 14 775
Starr XL. ' M 7 75
Stoaghton W R. jank. * 14 7 73
Toronski Bros, sin re. 12 13 25
Veager S, ; ank, * 14 7 75
roiTiuriui suaorcß.
Wat A Sob. jtore.
Portemilk, 10 20 73
Xc Donald D B. hardware. Port
ersTille. 14 7 75
Xar-ha!! AS .store, PortersTiUe. 14 7 75
' »ke*»B S T. faraitnre. * 14 7 75
Ramsey Bow. store * 13 10 73
mkmtott itoaor'.a.
Bow Mr A. drugs. Project. 14 773
L'riltblor Brow, store 13 10 75
Ednmndson A SOD, Furniture.
Prospect. 14 7 75
Forester AS. store, Pnwpoct. 13 19 73
KeisterO F A C®, * ' 13 10 75
MH'lare J H. drag*. • 14 7 73
Kiddle WK A Co. store. * 12 13 3
«rnrtt Boaoraa.
Breadm A Conway, store W*et
Sanburv. 11 15 75
Uisdman Q C A Co. drag*, W
Sunbnr.. 14 7 73
tfes-hhoff A Hant. ram.tare. W
Snnbarr. 14 7 73
Prri rJas hardwareW Saabury.l* 7 75
iih- des S L. store • 14 7 73
saxosßca* B>>»'>r'i«.
[I elm bold Xr» Theo A Son.store
Saxonbarjr. 19 2) 75
Beltnbold Xrs Tkeo A Soe.stor».
Suoabarg. 11 15 73
Krau-e T. store, sa»oo ar«, 10 20 75
U aarhf ff C W. ' 14 7 75
Under HA. - * 14 7 73
llervhori l»r E B drag* * 14 7 7:.
-eipel II A. store. ' M 775
3feh-, Baa man A Co, .tUßb«r,
saxoabarf. 10 173
Ailre A mm. 2at-
JMW. u, »
b6. iuntwaro. Mao O »Z*
{htwt:nf»r Jata. store • U B 3
* a
Boa: it.'a I> 3 {4 7 3
B»n<«a"ui«r B * H 7 73
"ft wH, - 11 Br,
IS* J. iaatar. ' El Mi 73
E:»« teoo. store • 14 {a
K snuff »I H -W.
Paa«*va«s. C». «to«a, « a I* 75
Zo*aer F. E» DSt
loftao- B ftwaswrr
■oMkaMil* T«l liHl J#
W Mmmie L*vm* Uwo.. mmmm TIB -m
Bs.l:o«l ao.l Tos es "mm
Ofmn «> m
K.IM '»
Till writ •—AU wam mm a
tAto »g;miwii;. tSo* m *?*•„ 9-m. te
a«4d at -ft# «>*!«. wewwrs' is Ste».:«r
tko tmmmfm JH*% tee tfjkp-: a r»,
ii«o. xt*«M t&o fcyirs TT 9M. » soa 3
r ■ •> clock, oheaanai »aor» pm aw
attend if pm ttaafe ynafar
AC tllfcwi*. ATpntsor
e ebraorT 544b. 1«8
ilocic* in Citation.
If *» '• Jmm ?*tm mm
*m •» «o>ua. lie t
,*»• *_*»• * j»*« o—t.
•• Monuotvo. Bw.Mr <aa«M* «■. »»
sroiod to ttr.mn roan M Mir* -» K
sMßaolbetii stt
T!mF« DitJtCa.
«- *** m * '«k TM
tM> 1 t-KJ* tay of an"
'■oaeosa/aor mm A If tturr-M* ■*
•-be Ke«Mrr .<( fcttMr Ok., r so>« ir
«evtmnv and «■«* J «. Mow. 4,. .
I'lo.itM aM oM qowo toTir- 1
yygFMB sarr •» 14ar%
TJ* Mo «IHk >a *m. m-w Jm*m
T ■wmimmnm; r» >« t, 5
•JJjJJjaHßaaa OMMO *aani 1 a»
M* ktoriw *^ rlawr
tlea a gonial sri'Oi—t a oftkrft —sua """ST
tatol caoreea am Soo o» mm do MM n«n
•OBJ* toonac n tar aaa* or mm »•>» r-r,,
•JTS ike WMO <»«•».:*.
Tba* ao yeooene or taMo mm*
-M»n» *m Wt-l or ia«o c*o Hoe* at —■
*"** "* "** 9M*t •!
rkot »•-» per ma—l .to imat ar it hi.
jrattk ma kM Msoerraos t» jr.>-r*
»rt> «em tae 4w n» of saM traaco 4M« w
tbefefrsoa 04
TT % *kaji«'?li*? t J-iS
m.* T*4 riim "^■'Sai'Mii^-im
A»*Kleoaao UaatmJa* of mM Inat. ««4 to
-rkrse kt» ko:! ai' !tr-ar* uoo.Kt,
i»«? MMMMBMS »T T WttM * "*■
»«r* -*b. Ma. "Tioi ajr un!iTAt'ml itaa
'Wa or rrnr wr
An* run*. >•■>- Ot ; krittHk weiwaa
. and aa 4ao aaooaanaktosi "ttouuo
. * irtet own ..Tuaani aM Mi iraw
»•!«> pr«?or K aaf ae trsorrT
■ers»«' •> so kf y> -wsnsa,
Mnoraokto M jni Moo>toy of ink
■inrt*o or *TT . »
?ae Irani UMa ■» % or
Jtiiifn Cawtoarkkt..
'"MI eke
#»ara >r ranaoimrokko.,
Ojjii 1 «r •man. »
To W*. M Krwoii. Stica *■« ■* Bmior
.«»oes ra.. <ifeoOa«
We f—nil 'k»» raw aakr aaso ala eka
<*W» TI awart aort oil .xaar 'iuoua 'l—'
to UK- o»»ak» t Wm. C MOt *c-it.cAo aaoeo
sod f-irnfataw prtmna eke . minut raeaMt «M
->e«er •* mmrt arrwoo. sad role andi -t«o Ombi
t" n* sod aopear at ao Oiaanna COoM k» ao
*oMl at Bnslar 1a aoO ft# A» raoar> m itmlar
.<aJ*oadav. Tbe i? day af ka&iaa at ooMk
MmMUakso m£S"mr
4e»r!l«4e^fCoawt" at 'SlSSr^fis
-JU« "ta day * Mor-s :**
1 Trrtt af »FV* s <^«art
B. B.
An *«VT kmrabim. mfal anal, ba
-ide*. «r» fell of «w »n».
Of th*m *ersMo **J» wmtm
-b.>»iaar riahMau Mbm —t*o mm
or tla mommj 1a W<wkmm mm ▼ «t
:k« *.>r»—
M inefcM rd», bt ewat*.
40 ineira wi«h». 3* Mac*
4$ «d M taefem aid*. 75 MS
5# iartte* wtd». f 1 M
5# larfcm wid». 91 iS
S3 w;d*. f 1 3d.
Tbmm wm ill s#w >pr*Mt Cotar
•a«». Ud *t UM W:«i« -Man* «to Si
*8 )twt &vv yards mjatrvd H* Ml
Also, sot* mm rw Ali-wowi.
Vide Tile Arms.
19 iKkw wd», t» fail !m of ntan.
And thm prim mH Bad Iraa tfcaa
ekes* fwbne* ir* aaaaaailf hM m
If voali writs a# f»* mmampUm
*f t*rj €imm+m torn plaM
mad will cwp«r» ffaoiictoa,
•if to mad prteoa, voalt idm rfuxwew,
•» know. Sow ia«teh it'« to fmmr lafr
fwraai sad prtil to Mad sa
Catalog mm tnm W rim tor copy
jk- jj.
Ac Buhl,
H5 t» 12! Ftiaraf Strmt
.» Arriiriiir
:S fciivlllv
* liii Bfun TIM MIKI
■as isikffirwpt v niMf wwai>|
Firrtirr ami I krrtakiis
Of Prospect, H. Ekliwc of
pr' tjerty In onnrvtH'R
WAKTEO! M *"* "*w»as»
———— r «, r»w m urn
'■<r • l *». -4D W» -ffrr aCT
rifiK rACILiTIES • » Bmtmr T •fat
»•. »r nitri »r«io>*Mni«
ims»a»<«ar >fprri»j Offrr.
SMsSSM'as/*** r ** m T