Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 17, 1893, Image 4
CLEARANCE SALE" OF FALL AND WINTER ; Boots and Shoes. OUR annual clearance sale of Fall and;Wi D ter ?°" ° D g rtx»e in march of exceptional Rood bargains m seasonable g^7 f e boa Id riait oar store. Among the goods that moat low orieaa bare their usual effect, are all heavy Rubber Goods, imMua ing £sl wool and beaver goods. A great many of these goods can be had at YOUR OWN PRICE THE prices of all leather goods Jalso hare come nnnder the knufr. Too c*n now bay Children's School Bhoes and Men and men for LESS THAN* THEIR COST to as The onlj war to tell anything about the justneaa of the price is to see the arti cle roice is loader and clearer in oar place of business than elsewhere, because its purchasing power is so much greater. There is on y way to convince yourself, that way is now open to you. AL RUFF. PRICES THE FAIREST /Si YOU HAVE [WJ EVER KNOWN AT k ogeley & Bancrofts, IN Ladies', Gentleman's and Children's Shoes. See Our Elegant Line Of Holiday Goods. No Question about our goods Pleasing. No Question about prices being Satisfactory. NONE CAN SELL CHEAPER. AU. GOODS WARRANTED. BOOTS AND SHOES, Slippers, Rubbers and Overshoes, etc. VOGELEY BANCROFT. 347 South Main St., Butler, Pa., Opp. "Wilia-rd. Hotel- Are You One Of The Lucky Ones Who Will Attend The Grand Clearance Sale At "Troutman's^ For the next two weeks. Remember it is not our fault if you come too late,it will commence J an. 2 5 and continue till Feb. 4. Carpets, Cloaks, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Dry Goods, Flannels, Ginghams, Calicoes, etc. See our big bargain counter on left hand side entering store. YOURS RESPECTFULLY, A. Troutman & Son, Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House, Butler, Pa. M. ROSENTHAL, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St., - ™ - - Pittsburg, Pa. Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Market. TREES THAT GROW And are true to name don't come from large Northern Nurseries where job lots of thousands are sold to un scrupulous agents and labeled to suit their orders re gardless of name. Buy your stock direct from home nurseries and not from agents. Send for our Illus trated Catalogue ofTrees, Seed*, Small Fruits, etc. John R. & A. Murdoch, 508 Smithfield St., Pittsburg, Pa. PER CENT. IV First Mortgage Loans - No tax. commission or fees. Interest payable by New York draft. Perfect se curity Highest reference. CH4S. V. REID, Fiirlneo, Wuhingtei. « J bnilders use The best sj&k lumber, brick, lime, cement, sand whatever goes into the construction of a building; they employ only the best workmen and pay the best wages; they get better prices for their work than their less careful competitors, end always get the best contracts; they paint their work with Strictly Pure White Lead manufactured by the "Old Dutch Pfft cat* " of slow corrosion, and with one of the following standard brands: "Armstrong & McKelvy R^m.y«p^Tin ian ' " Fahnestock " Davis-Chambers" For colors they use the National Lead Company's Pure White Lead Tinting ColorsT These colors are sold in fftnail cans, each being sufficient to tint twenty-five pounds of Strictly Pure White Lead the desired shade. These brands of Strictly Pure White Lead and National Lead Co.'a Tinting Colors, are for sale by the moat reliable dealers in paints "if yon**!* going to paint, it wiU pay you to send to cs for a book containing informa tion that may save you many a dollar; it will •nly cost you a postal card to do so. NATIONAL LEAD CO., 1 Broadway, Few York Pittsburgh Branch, MUOMI Lead and OiJ Co. of Peansylvania, Pittsburgh, Pa. Nothing On Earth Will HENS Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Disesse. Good for Sfoulting Hrnt. ssys ommanner. If Ton can't aret it send to n». » h " np,eCOpT ' I'lr Is " SPECIFICS For Sorsei, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, AND POXTLTHT. 300 Page Book on Treatment of Animals and Chart Meat Free. craES < Fevera,('onaettloD*,lnllainination A. A. < f"pinal .Meningitis, Milk Fever. B.B.—Strains, l.anicnes*, Bbenmatiam. C.C.—Distemper, Nasal Discharges. D.D.-BOIK or limbs, Worm*. E.E.—Coughs, Heaves, Pneumonia. * F.F.—Colic or (irlpes, Bellyache. (i.G.— Miscarriage, Hemorrhage*. H.H.— Lrinarjr and Kidney Diseases. I.l.—Eraptive Diseases, Mange. J.K.—Diseases of Digestion, Paralysis. ■ Single Bottle 'over»doses). - - .60 Htable Case, with Specifics. Manual. __ Veterinary Cure Oil an<l Medicator, 97.00 Jar Veterinary Care Oil, - - 1.00 S»M by IlnißhH; or «»at prepaid upibm iaj la a»J quail IT aa rffHpt at prin. ■nraßr.TK-siD.ra, uuiiimniiaM.,*..i«i. gUMPSBETS' r J&Bl HOMEOPATHIC f% ft , MB SPECIFIC No. GO In nw 30 /ears. Tbe only ncceaafal remedy tor Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from orer-work or other CSOSM. $1 per riAlr or 6 vial. and largo vial powder, for I&. BoM by Dnutpleu, or •*ot po.ty.id on receipt of prices HTIPiIEKVb' Hi.il* COa, 111 AIISWUBaa Si. f S#w far*. THE NEXT MORNINCHFEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION 18 BETTER. Jty doctor says It sets gently on thi' stomach, liver and kidneys, and in a pleasant laxative. Thla drink - ij made from htrbt, aiul Is prepared for use a* eaaily os t'-a. It is called I LANE'S MEDICINE I . :l drugglita «•» it a' *»'' •' 00 PP r pack*!" * r.t:7 one Mir. LANE'S FAMILY MKDIOINE MOV fc* Tii'K BOWELS EACiI L\AY. in order to U> healthy lliis U necessary Every Month I many women suffer from Excssslve or I ' Scant Msnatrustlon; they don't know wno to conflds in to est proper advice. Don't aonflds in anybody but try Bradfleld's t Female Regulator Ia (pacific for PAINFUL, PROFUSE. SCANTY, SUPPRESSED snd IRREOULAR MENSTRUATION. d Book to "WOMAN" msiled frss. * I BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. 6s. I Said l>r ail Urnsciata. ~ F'or Sale by J. C. Redlck. 5 t FiLES™ 5 ABSOLUTELY CURBS. OINTMENT HYMPTOMK-MaUtun.i InUn.. Ifebln. >n.< • lla c lasl aMU aickll warau bj aarstoblnv. it aoatlnar taaara furm sad protrc.l , abeorba thr ianon. HoMDj drti**Ut«or by mall fur Met*. Prepued by fa. BWA TUB A S«*, i*bila<lrlpbla. , DOCTORS LAKIi ■ ■ PRIVATK I)ISPK>*AItY. JD Con. PENM AVE. *KO FOURTH BT.. . >.'lh PITTSbURQH, PA. ftXR \ All forunof iJchi-ate mul Coni plicated Disease* rcniiiihitfC'os. riDENTIAL nntiSCIKSTIFIi ilcrl icution uro treated at tUw 1':-- iry with a Hiicccsk .arely uttalm-d. Dr. 8. K I.ako lint member of the Itoyal College of I'liy ih-.rin-: and SnrgeonH, and Is thft o! leat and iiiowt r\|"-rienccd SI-ECIALIM.' in tlie city. S|x-rial at entlon girea to Nervou.n Debility fromercensive _ *»c::i.il exertion, Indiscretion of youth, etc., caus ing nliyslcal and mental decay,lack «.f energy, li-4pondency, etc.; also Cancers, Old Sores, !• itc, I'iles, lilieumatlHiu, and all <li-"luteaof the Skin, i loo<l.l.uiigß,CrlnaryOrgans,ttc. CoiiHultatlon ; ..„1 Strictly confidential. Office hours,a to I and 1 to 8 Y. M.; Sundays, 2 to 4 p. M. only. I at f)(ll«o or ad.licns i>RS. I.AKK, C:oft. i.SN AVE. ASD4TUST..frrTBBUIiUH.PA. * FSB MEN ONLY! I*-.-! .'■•l-FflFor LOST or FAILIHG MANHOOI Anil FI*VOUB cFBILTT' .» 1 1 ■ jWeakncai of Body and Mind, F£< • .I*l 111.if r-rrurenrFitMAfiin Oldor Y' t .'.l# JUMIH'III fullt Mmlorfil. Ilnr forilj'. , . i WKAk. I'M>ILYt:MjrLI>OtM,AShAiM4;| <<* )u . f *'..•» umUiltst HUSK IKKATH4.NT—IUrrfI2% in. l * fruiD i(» f. Jtr» ■<itl »«rnjo < otmlrlr*. Wrtlrll. j- UfeoU, cTblasAllen and nill<d fwtl'd ! _ f<IE MLOICAL CO.. BUFFALO. : Hotel Butler, J. H. FAUBEL, Prop'r. This house lias been thorough ly renovated, remodeled, and re fitted with new furniture and carpets; has electric bells and all other modern conveniences for guests, and is as convenient, and desirable a home for strangers as can be found in Butler, Pa. Elegant sample room for use of commercial men. THE CITIZEN The Horrid Fate of Jumping Sam. Small Sammy a» fine * As ever yon did see, But one bad "habit Sammy had. A Jumper bold was he. And 0, his fate was Terr sad As it was told to me. Be never, never, would stand still In school or on the street; He'd squirm if he were were well or ill. If on h : s back or feet. He'd wriggle on the windowsill. He'd wagpie in his seat. And so it happened one fine day. When all alone was he, He got to jam; ing in a way That was a sight to see. He leaped two feet at first, they say, Hnd then he made it three. Then fonr.and five the long day throngs. Until he could not stop Each jump he jumped much longer grew Until he gave a hop Up in the air a mile or two. A-twirling like a top. He turned about and tried to jump Back to his father's door. But landed by the Tillage pump Some twenty miles or more Beyond it, and an awful bump He got when it was o'er. And still his jumps increased in siie Until they got so great He landed on'the railway ties In some far distant state, And then he knew 'twould have been wise His jumping to abate. But as the yaars passed slowly by, His jumping still went on, Until he leaped Irom Italy As far as Washington, And he confessed with heavy eye It wasn't any fun. And when, in 1883, I met him up in Perth, He wept and Faid good by to me. And jumped around the earth. And I was saddened much to see That he knew naught of mirth. Last year in far Allahabad, Late in the month of June, I met again this jumping lad — 'Twas in the afternoon — As he with visage pale and sad Was jumping to the moon. fjo all his days, leap after leap. He takes from morn till night. He cannot eat, he cannot sleep. But flies just like a kite, And all because he woald not keep From jumping when he might. And I believe the moral's true— Though shown with little skill — That whatsoever you may do, Be it good or ill. Once in a while it may pay you To practice keeping still. Mr. F. Sloan, 187 Portland St., Boston, Xass., gives it superlative praise He writes: "I have used Salvation Oil for neuralgia, and find it superior to an_, lini ment 1 have ever used." —ln C'arlsruhe, Germany, anyone play ing the piano with the window open is lia ble to a fine. Iu some respects German civilization is superior to our own. —Plain truth is good enough for Hood's Sarsaparilla. No need of sensationa'lsm. Hood's Cures. —ln Pittsburg a few days ago Judge Stowe sat down very severely on a lawyer who was brow-beating a witness. As des cribed by one who was prespnt, the wit ness was a nervous, timid man, who want ed to tell the truth, and that was exactly what the lawyers did not care to bring out. With a few questions the attorney tied the man up and began to bully him. Judge Stowe, alive to the situation, saw the man's embarrassment, and, convinced of his desire to tell a straightforward story, sternly halted the attorney. "Stop right there," he *ai<l to the attorney. "I will not permit this wit ness to be badgered and brow beaten in any such way; he shall have the chance to tell what be knows; that is what he is here for." CSE DANA'S BARS APA HILL A. ITS "TIIE KIND THAT CURES." —Someone who has tried it says a gar gle of salt water as hot as can be used is one of the best, as it is one of the simplest home remedies for sore throat. That per sisted in, with a cathartic medicine to clear the system, will cure almost any sore throat tha tis not diphtheritic. —Two fine looking people are traveling about Oklahoma, working a novel swindle. They call upon a minister and ask him to perform a marriage ceremony. After it is over and the bride has been kissed, a S2O bill is tendered the minister, with the re qeest that he take out $5 for a fee. The minister bauds over sls change and later discovers the bill to be counterfeit. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In «rder to be healthy this is necessary. —The Spanish peasant works every day and dances half the night, and yet oats only his black bread, onion and watermel on. The Smyrna porter eats only a little fruit and some olives, yet he walks off with his load of 200 pounds. —Sinco the establishment of the new telephone line, it is found that Chicago can yell "pork" to Boston and get back the answer in one minute, "beans." —The California Assembly has poised a bill which makes prize lighting, with or without gloves, a felony. —A wealthy Ameiican, anxious to oc cupy a grand mansion in London, has leased Arlington House at a rental of $lO,- (>OO. Only a silver king, a pork butcher, or a plumber could pay so much rent. When Doctors All Agree. It is a fact well established,that February and March are the most trying months to aged or enfeebled persons. Pneumonia, influenza and kindred chest afflictions, are most liable to get in their deadly work. There is but one thing to do, build up and fortify the system with a pure stimulent. Medicil Men all over the country agree that Klein's "Silver Age" at $1.50 per quart, and "Duquesne" at $1.25 per quart, stand without a peer. If you want fine six, year old Guckenheimer. Pinch, Gibson, Overholt, or Bear Creek, you can have them at SI.OO per quart or six quarts for $5.00. We are recognized headquarters for tfie choicest brands ol Wines, Liqu'-rCordi als, etc. Goods expressed anywhere- Send for o uiplt te price liht; mention tbi paper. MAX KLKI.N, 82 Federal St., Allegheny, I'a. —There are hundreds of wild hogs in the Okelenokce swamp, in Georgia. They |do not go in droves, but are generally separa ted from each other. They are the prop erty of some farmers near the swamp, but it is an unusual thing for them to be claim by their owners. —Two thousand settlers in Texas, dwelling upon 48,000 acres of land in dis pute under an old Spanish grant, have had their land titles quieted by the dismissing in the United States Supreme Court of the celebrated suit of D. H. Williams against Alfred Abell and others. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the din ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. Redick, druggist, Butler. —The latest feminine frenzy is to fill the fingers full of rings. Consumption Surely Cured. To T'li SUITDB:— Pleaso Inform jrcur reader* that I uikvi; a poeltlre remedy for n.« aboreuamnd dine mo. £; u> timely tun themuuda of bopvlou caaea have W p«rraai«-utly cured. I Khali b« glad I to aend twj . i'Uki of my remedy KRKK to any of I yoar readers *» IJ have cunetimjitlou if they will I *eod ma tholi JLxiireaa and P. O. addreaa. Heipect feUr. I. A. IWW¥, tf. OwUl ftad »u. H. r. Baldheadedness- The subject that I intend to writ# on is one that kaa been put forth to me time and again.an . never given very iatisfactory an swers. I will try and write a few words on the subject. In regard to the weapons of argument is one that has set the doctors, who only write in disagreement cudgel ling their brains since the days when Es culapius first discovered that Brandreth's Pills would not draw together a broken skull. It is bald headed man I will first consid er. "What produces baldness?'' Men with red headed wives and still redder tampers.a.->»-rt tfcat baldne-- is caus ed by friction on the capital organs caus ed by sleeping in an undersized bedstead. Yet I have inspected the sleeping apart ments of married men subject to premature ' baldness, and I find, as a rule, tnat j i the bedsteads are all considerably longer > tnan the ones that sle«-p in them So the ! short bedstead theory for baldheadedness js thus exploded whatever may be the in ducing cause, we know that baldheaded ness exists and young men who take a pride in their long and flowing lock* are rather timid about getting married. 1 have seen a young man with a head of hair like the Apostle of Aestheticism. Oscar Wilde marry a female angel, who appeared to be but a feather-weight, and after being around with the boysone night after the honeymoon was over, go down town next day withahead as destitute of hair as a billard ball. Yet there are some men and married men, too who adhere to tfce short bedstead theory. Sow as extreme height of fore head denotes intellectually the balheaded man must be pre-eminently intellectual. You have all heard ot the little boy's story of his grandfathers foreheard. He said it commenced at his eyebrows and ex tended to the back of his neck. Tis' this superabundant love of nature that makes the venerable baldheaded gen tleinan take a front orchestra chair when the female minstrels are in town The bald headed man is a student of anatomy, and when the ladies of the ballet appear in spangles and tights, he takes the oppor tunity to study it. There are those evil minded people who say that he comes to win the guileless maidens I eart by throwing her big bouquets with little scented notes in them. But then they are evil minded that think this and imagine the baldheaded men to be the same. While talking of baldheaded men, it re minds me of some of the remedies for ■ baldness. I read of a remedy costing but * a dollar that if you'd rub into the handle of a broom, in less than two days a sheal of straw grew on it. I read ot a young married man that tried a bottle. After three weeks, straw began j to grow instead of hair, and now when bis wife wants to sweep the house, she turns him upsi edowu and uses bim for a broom. e Alter that I came to the conclusion it was • better to hear the evils of baldheadedness than rush to the patient madicine man, (Walker.) r Although enjoying a very extensive ac quaintance among baldheaded men, 1 have yet failed to see a baldheaded woman. I suppose it is because the fair sex belongs to the Whig Party, and if they can't wear their own hair, they can frizz and bang somebody elses, thus proving that women fall heir to more privileges than e men. Yet they alk of woman's rights. Now I ' think when it comes to rights, us poor e able bodied men are left. () If it were not for the interfere; ce of the society for the prevention of cruelty to n blonde haired Chinaman, I could if the Constitution would allow it, torture you with this subject until you grew baldbead ed; So I will perorate by saying, bald headed men arc entirely destitute of hair. C. J. Flick, Pa. When a cold or cough ban been neglect ed for a long time and tubercles have been formed in the lungs, the cure of the suffer er is hopeless. How important it is that these fir*t stages should be watched and the first nymptoms detected and cured with Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. —Rabbit hunting flourishes in Kansas, and from the town of McPherson alone 15- 000 of the animals have been shipped to market since December 1. USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA, ITS "THE KIND THAT CURBS. " —William Farrel, lor refusing to pay fifty cents taxes, has just been released from the Lackawanna County jail, where he served four months. —There is a man in Texas who now keeps a saloon and practices law. He has killed six men, clerked in a drygoods store, serv ed as sexton, preached, and run a gamb ling saloon. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at . once. Ask vour friends about it. —The novelty of the Columbian stamp is wearing off, and the old-timers are re , turning to favor. 1 —"lt ie curious to reflect," us the mir ror remarked when tho two-headel girl , was making her toilet. Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, Posi tively Cured by administering Dr. Haines 'Golden Specific." It is manufactured as a powder, which cau '>e given in a glass of beer, a cup ol coffee or tea,or in food, without tho know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been giv<-u in thousands of cases, aud in every instance a perfect cure has followed. ' It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of particulars free. Address, Golden Specific Co., 185 Race St.. Cincinnati O. —Many a gambler, after raising the wind, promptly blows it in again. --The parasol of tae coming season will ■ rival the most gorgeous lamp shade. —Velvet blossoms for milliuery purposes are dotted with imitation froat particles. —A New Jersey land agent offers a doz en bottles of malaria cure with each lot he sells. —Slippers laced with ribbon, to imi > tate a sandal effect are worn with the Km ) pire gown. —Even a learned man may not be cer tain he is right, but any fool knows when " he is left. Still in the Lead. T/.e Win. II Holmes Co., Distillers, Im- E' ortors aud Wholesale Liquor Dealers, job ers in all tho leading brands of Rye and i Bourbon Whiskies. Distillers of "Holmes t Best" aud "Holmes' Old Economy" Pure Kye Wiskies and Greene County Apple 5 Brandy. Our importatians of fine brandies ' and wines have been unusually large the past and we are better prepared than ever to furnish wholesale dealers, ho : tels and taverns with complete outfits of pure choice goods at first baud price- 1 , i Drop us a postal and we will have a sales man call upon you or send for price list. - TUB Wk. U. HOLMKS CO., 158 First Ave. t and 120 Water St., Pittsburgh, Pa. —A henpecked husuand is not an enthu -1 siast on home rule. —The lean girl views the coming olcrin oline without terror, i —lt is easy to iuagurate an era of good ' feeling on the part of the man who gets an i office. 1 —"A small and early"—tb"» Bermudu • potato. -K-THESE THINGS I NEED:^ I NEED MONEY, ] I NEED ROOM, 1 NEED CUSTOMERS. ; Spring Goods are here and Winter Goods mnst go. HERE LSS THE TIME. THE STORE IS PACKED FROM CELLAR TO ROOF. Price is no Question now. THE OBJECT IS TO SELL SHOES AND SLIPPERS. Come in and look over our stock. I can ss'elr »ay it never better, great care was taken in se'ec ing styles for thi-* year, and prices re main at the same low standard that is always man aioed at mv store The new styles and shapes in shoes and slippers are beauties beyond de scription. Don't tail to see them. $3,000 Worth of Winter Goods go in March at Hilt Price. Robber jjoods mast all go no matter what they bring. Lota of Mias' and Children's robbers for 10 cts. a pair 20 doz stogie boots from $1 00 np. 70 doz. stogie aboea from 75e op. We blow onr horn long and lond when we come to shop work. 18 doz Men's kip boots 3 soles $4 50 22 doz Men's hand made shoes $3 50. Both of the above are $1 50 under prices and aaeorrmen; is limited. I they are jost the goods for oil men Boots and Shoes made to Order and Repairing done on Short notice. Leather and Findings, Blacksminths' Aprons. We Want your Trade, and Good Footwear at Low Prices will i Secure it. Remembtr the place JOHN BICKEL'S, BUTLER,PA. | EVERYBODY WANTS TO MAE MONEY. Some try to save money, some in one way, others in another way. The true way to make money is to save money, bu: it would not be prudent to expect for instance that you can buv an article at 50 eta. as good as one you pay SI.OO for, this would be losing money. It is Simply a Matter of Business With you to buy from a reliable house and one that yon know has only one price, a house that gives one mac as mocb as his neighbor for his dollar—no i two prices. Houi-es that are always advertising goods at SI.OO worth $2 00, and all | this kind of bosh a« a rule are danirerims places to make money io,it is os**d by them as a catch to get you in their net It would not be safe for you to take part in any scheme where tbe merchant is going to lose money and you make, for fear the mercba.it would make tbe money and you lose it We carry the largest stock and best rubber goods of any house in But ler, we give a new pair of men's rubber boots if not satisfactory to the customer free of charge, ask one of these li tie follows to do this, see what he will say to you, we have all these cheap or should say de*r rubbers, men's at 25 cts., chil's 10 cts., etc., aDd that is all they are worth or all any of them are worth Our stock in men's, boy's and youths' boots and is not equaled in Butler. 1 Men's fine shoes at * " extra fine calf shoes at - - - - 1 Ladies' fine button shoes at - - - LOO and 1.25 1 «< .. g ra i n button shoes at - - - 85 eta 1 " slippers at _ 1 " flannel lined shoes All these not half price, but regular price. I Men's wool boots and rubbers at - -90 Old ladies' flannel lined shoes and Blippers in great variety, we tell you whßt goods are and give you tbe lowest price. No old rusty job lota in this B stock.all clean Iresh goods. Come and Bee us. B. C. HUSELTON. ill REMOVAL SUE BEGINS OCT. 6. 0 YOU WANT FURNITURE. WE WANT MONEY. d We expect to occupy our new store ;; about Jan. Ist. We want to move as ■ few goods as possible. \\ e will give you prices that you can t help but buy. A #35 Parlor Suite for #25 00 ' A 45 " " 35 00 A 55 " " 45 00 A 1G Bed Lounge for 12 50 A 20 " " 15 00 b A 5 Rocking Chair for 375 j A 8 500 1 Ac. Call early for these great bargains ; Campbell & J empleton, ' 136 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa E_._ B ' II "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF ' SAPOLIO I , KINGS, IV ~ EAR-RINGS, n Diamonds s SCARF PINS, 'STUDS, (GENTS GOLD, W, 1 -J LADIES GOLD, atones [GENTS SILVER s e LADIES CHATLAIN, •Hr 1 ( Gold Pins, Ear-ring*, « Jewelry j Ring*. Chain*, Bracelet, Kt<\ > , ( Tea nets, cantor*, butter di*he* I f L , . 1 J and everything that can be '• ol 1 VOI'NY Hl*6 { found in a fir*t cla*n Hto^e, 1 RODGER IBIS. IHJ ISSfcT* E. GRIEB, .THE JEWELER North'Main St,, BUTLER .JPA., The Leading Millinery Hou^e ~ J OF Is selliiiixallMilliinn * ;md Holiday <to«mU at cost in order to insikt room Come early and «r«*t 9 vour elioiee. 1 -2-2 S. M A I X -T Jewelry, Clocks. Silverware, Purchasers can save from < .~n» j*t cent by purchasing their uat« . »i<*k> and spectacles of J.R.GRIEB, The Jeweler. Xo 125 X. Main St., DutU i Sign of Electric Bel! and Clock. AM arc^Keayntuflj - hw'ud —"Remember our Repairing Department YOUB FAVORITE HOKE SiV P ?E3 [ AX I* Ik Win? Rffifca Fsih h.- '«<► i •• ; ONE TEAK FOB ONLY ■ THE CITIZhN. all the Town. County and «k»ie. *dm am XMmou r<m - any ) other paper of it* clae*. ) Your Home would be incomplete tnthott> it. ; NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE *is a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER. and rtee* ail tt- - »«a <* * tbe Toiled Slat.-* *nd tbe werld It gj— the i new ef ■ • \ ootebel! It baa *ep«raf»* tor "T , "Our Young Folks." lt» ' Home and S- e". I the admiration of e.fw mad dan«btrr* It* r- • rial* and diwneeion* *re r.>»prrhrß*i*e. hrt mot m t •• * •• Agricultural" department bee no »opertoe in ike caeMr* ft* Mark-t Reports" are reeceoned authority in all pert* ef the !ar> _ A SPECIAL CONTHAC T enaK r. a« to. r-r f - ' "The CITIZEN" for one year For only $1.50. C; sh in Advance. ? "N. Y. Weekly Tribt ne," r»*e y' V» r * ' The Citizen," | T<*al. *- 30 i We furnish both papers one year far - -lit Subscription* may beirn at anr time Addreaa all order* to TH E CITIZKN. BI'TLKR HA i ; SELLING OUT i Our entire stock of druir>. m patent medicine pterin mm*, toiler I articles, etc. Must be x>i«l m riie ) next 60 days, as we must leave our > present location and cjnit 1 mi-?t ) ©A.VK M< >N EY ) You can save 20 to -•) |>er fvit > everything in the store. « s j < > srlasses, trusses etc., at n -r. o j Yours titi l\ . J. A.I FRANK & U).. 213 H- Alain S»t-, - - Bvitl* r. I"» WM H HOt. ME f J. SPECK. * rat it i»o« wmwitf ■««» «» -■ « ' The Win. 11. Holme#* « <>., Distillers of 'Holmes Best" and "Holm. » PURE RYE Vt HI KV. All the leading Rye anil Bourt- fi Wb'-k;.* Importers of fine Brandies, Gin- at' SEN TD F'CD'FL >KI< t 3-It Telephon No. 305 120 Walrr St. >rC Iff |ir«t/tr F : THE WL DHP n Ifc ~ ' H,t l , HAY-FEVER Fv^l \J COLD HEAL/ K " BIS, Crtom Balm U-* • ■ -TL I' tU U*. ***£ i* P/l 50c tFmmaCr&S* ** 50c Jol> Work of* sill kimi done at the "Citizen ()ttiee."