CLEARANCE SALE' OF FALL AND WINTER ; Boots and Shoes. OUR hhiml dmnm* sale of Kali and Winter goods is nowon. ThOM in Man* of exeeptiooal Rood bargains in goodr a boo Id risit oar store. Among tbe goods that most and shall g -jo? hai"th«r nsnal effect, are all heary Robber Goods, inch ing aUlteU, wool and bearer good-.. A great many of these goods can be bad at YOUKOWN PRICE Try I? nrieM of all leather goods also have come nnnder the kn if* ?oa«n o w bay Children's School Shoes and Men and WomenV W™£Voidt for LESS THAN THEIR COST to n. Th. o»lj war to tell anything about the justness of the price is to see tbe arti cle and the price toge.her. Money is aaid to talk and if it does it roiM is looder aod clearer in oar place of bosineue than elsewhere because its purchasing power is s> much greater. There is only on way to convince yourself, that way is now open to you. AL RUFF. PRICES THE FAIREST YOU HAVE EVER KNOWN AT ogeley & Bancroft's, IN Ladies', Gentleman's and Children's Shoes. See Onr Elegant Line Of Holiday Goods. No Question about our goods Pleasing. No Question abont prices being Satisfactory. NONE CAN SELL CHEAPER. AT.Ti GOODS WARRANTED. BOOTS AND SHOES, Slippers, Robbers and Overshoes, etc. VOGELEY AND BANCROFT. 347 South Main St., Butler, Pa., Opp. WiLittrd Hotel. Are Yon One Of The Lucky Ones Who Will Attend The Grand Clearance Sale At routnian'vS" For the next two weeks. Remember it is not our fault if you come too late,it will commence Jan. 25 and continue till Feb. 4. Carpets, Cloaks, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Dry Goods, Flannels, Ginghams, Calicoes, etc. See our big bargain counter on left hand side entering store. YOURS RESPECTFULLY, A. Troutman & Son, Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House, Butler, Pa. M! ROSENTHAL, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St., - J - - Pittsburg, Pa. Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Market. TREES TUT GROW And are true to name don't come from large Northern Nurseries where job lots of thousands are sold to un scrupulous agents and labeled to suit their orders re • gardless of name Buy your stock direct from home nuneriee and not trom agent*. Send for our Illus trated Catalogue of Trees, ret- 1 Small Fruits, etc. John R. & A. Murdoch, 508 Smithfield St., Pittsburg, Pa. -4/\ PER CENT. 1U First Mortgage Loans N«i t*i, cnmmUsion or fees. I merest p«T»b.e ■emi-cnaually by Sew York dr*ft. l*ertect se curity Highest reference. CHAS. V. RF.ID, Fairfemn, Wtsbingtos. Your Painter fc«« often wasted time and material in trying to obtain a shade of color, and has eren resorted to the use of re»df mixed paints, the ingredients of which he knew nothing, because of the diffi culty in Mtat a shade of color with white lead. This waste can be avoided by the DM of National Lead Company's Pure White Lead Tinting Colors These tints are a combination of per fectly pure colors, put up in small cans, and prepared so that one pound will tint 25 pounds of Strictly Pure White Lead to the shade shown on the can. By this means you will have the best paint in the world, because made of the best materials— Strictly Pure White Lead and pure colors. Insist on having one of the brands of white lead that are standard, manufactured by the 41 Old Dutch" process, and known to be strictly pure: "Armstrong & McKelvy" u Beymer- Bauman'' " F ahnestock'' " Davis-Chambers" These brand* of Strictly Pore White Lctd and National Lead Co.'« Pure White Lead Tinting Colcni are for sale by the mo»t re liable dealer* in paints everywhere. If you are joinj to paint, it will pav you to send to a* for a book containing informa tion that may save you many a dollar; it will only coat you a postal card. NATIONAL LEAD CO., 1 Broadway, New Vorfc. Pittsburgh Branch, National Lead and Oil Co. of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Pa. Nothing On Earth Will HENS | LIKE ■ Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. Oood for Moulting IJena. If yon ean'* aet It ««nd So ua. W. put pa'-k Fivt* SI ASH lb can - «£.?•»«? £«p£s. J»M /W<-» Hail e%liSMhee wsb *1 on ord. r. .Ttnorr eopy nf Ttjp kurr "fvXTit I'apck "-nt rr*«. w L jj. J' & CO .C.'itftoiß Houw: St.. Boatoa, HUMPHREYS' Dr. HaMpbreya' fepeelßr* are selentiflcally and canfally prepared Kemedln, xu**i tor years ID private praetton and for over thirty years by the people With entire success. Every *in#l» Specific , a special cure for the dlaeaae named. ' They cure wltboot dra«*lni(. punting or redurln* the system and are In fact and deed the Hoi r reign Remedies of the World. BO cvmmm. rstosc f_Fevers, Congestion*. Inflammations . .US •J_ Warms, Worm Fever. Worm Colic.. . .US 3— Teethlaai Colic, trying. Wakefulnea* .Si 4—Diarrhea, of Children or A<lulu> .US 7-(Jonahs. Colds, bronchitis .US H-Xearalgia, Toothache, Vaoeache US 0-Headache*, Hick Headache. Venhto.. .US 10-Dyapepala. BUU/uniw*., Constlpatlno .US 11-Hap*rrmed or Palafal Perlade .US > ].j-Whites, Too Profuse Periods . .33 13—Craap. Laryagit la. Hoarseness ..M ■ 4-rtalt Rkrsn, Eruptions .US 1} .Rb carnal Ism. Kheumatlc Pains .US IMalaria, Chills. Fever and 19-Catarrb. laflunaa.CoM to the Head. .« «•- Whooping Caagb • •'*» 'it-KMaey Dlaeaae* , 'iS-Servooa Dehltlty —'•?* 30 -1' rlnarr Weakness. Wettln* IWI .US HI'MPIIKEVH 1 WITf.'H IIA/.hl. OIL. "The Pile Ointment."-Trial ttlxe. 2t L'U. Sold by Drarclfti, w »'i>t 00 •* P rte^ DI llriMKTi MAMI AL I*4 prngam.) BAILBD R»«R ■L'IPVBSTt' IKD.I 0., 31IA1U WU«*» M., W* TOM. speoTfics. ifISBSHL It Cure* CaU*. Caof h*. Sora Throat Croep Infln ;® Vkgnm Cmu. BraoahiUe ui Aalxia. far C®U»cropU<ro in flnt etacee, R.I • aura rail at la adeaaeed etacee. I« will " H, .laalUal efeet after taking tha ftrat low. Si to iaalere everywhere. Larj* botUea, M MIDVU *I.OO. ■ ll —1 "I II 1 I II IIWIH 1 Every Month f ..any woman eulTer from Exceaoive or K ij Sean' Hen.iruatlon; they don't know i'.vno >0 confide In to jet proper advice. Don't .on&de in anybody but try Bradfieid'B Female Regulator • Specific for PAINFUL. PROFUSE. SCANTY. SUPPRESSED and IRREOULAR MENSTRUATION. I Book to "WOMAN" mailed fraa. BRADFIELO REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta, G». a*U kr all L>re««lela. For* Sale by J. C. Redtck. 'jf^WATRE'S mm oiNTMn»T«r ** aay latoraal ' TU«R wktu I*4 ML KR 1 •»> KR »11 B»<A IMrn Da. •««>AAAA»>.RAAWTOIAKU. ra. II>;««<IR»E»MA> it DOCTORS LAKH I I HIVATE MSPRF'.TNR. J7_ COB. PFNM Ave. AHO FOURTH ST.. PITTSBUHOH. PA. A AU f'irai»of DELICATE tind C«N - . V- pliraU-'L ILLWAMT* re<(iiitln*l rmrvriAl.andtk.litNTln>' Mml *4 Icatirm mo treated at tbui l>ia » ith a ATIWESA . an-ly attained. Dr. H. lanmnnlitr of th« Itovjl t'ollegnnf l'li>- nnd Huruwin*. and la tlw of lea* and ■ |ll Wiaifl .ir«<IALIH. in Uir rllv Mpr. ml at ■ ■■• ~iTLn t<»Ser»(iu» I»el>illt) i. ..I e*crt|on,liidlarri"ti«>n of youth.rtr.,raua- HJL 4|i AL an<i mental il» »f,lwk <>f cnerjfy, . | H'L.-INRY. etc.; aleoCancera,Old HORR*, PITA. .m atlam, and oil .1. ra Mof theßkln. :,N:l;r'.,t'rlii»ry<>RJT»n.-,itr. Cunaultatioo ■J IT .'I klrlctlr Ofßre HOURS, AU> i . I.■ ; to HR. K.; Sundays, Ito * r. M. only. I .t OFLVO or artlrraa I>RH. I,\KK, COR. IVE. \ D«T U ST.. FITTBBL' HULI. I'A. 4 4 t V. <' I -T Isx-lo: TAtUbK Uj a . V A- ;e.l»lar.l HE»VQUS DFCULLITI, J .. ."JTki||!W«a*aa»r. ' Bvly andHiiul, FFF'C. I ' IIU UJ ' f K-T ITI or KlC*S(<>e I r. o!<i or TO^N IERW * JTSIFR T'T MOBS IRUTIKT- iUaeltt | A T « A ., IM U*l '7 fkrsa M *U«M IS4 RSNTFA (awlrtn. WR(U Ilea. I . OSSER'S | SCREAM GLYCERINE.! J N .'..IIII; Inr tlir fare *ifirr akatluc, I • • ' I .11.4 I HL.'L f«< r. IRJ IT. ■ ,r>C. A Itorri.K AT lIRKMUIIkI THE CITIZEN —EVERY BOY IK BUTLER COUHTY SHOULD READ "THE ADYERTURES OF TAD." OPEMIMG CHAPTERS IK THIS PAPER. A Remarkable Bicycling Tour. W. L. Sschtleln-n. of Alton. 111-. and . Thorns W Allen, of Ferjrtwon. Mo , hare j arrived in .San FraDcisco from Vaucouver, B. C., after making a tour of the wi>r!d on bicycle.-. On June 3»>, 1.-UK). they finisb«i their conr-ie ot study at fashiugton Uni versity, St. I<oui*. ar.d then started. They visited Washington, "D. C-, and on June 23 sailed from New York, landing in Liver pool on July 4. Their bicycles purchased and a tonr made of the British Isles, thence to Fraucp, their route took them through Run en, Paris, Cbartres, Poitiers, Bordeaux and Marseilles. The Riviera route along the shores of the Mediterranean was fol lowed, and Genoa, Rome and Milan, in Italy, were visited. At Athens the tirst long halt was made. To Constantinople was the next jaunt, and their preparations for the invasion of Asia were beguo. "Our first exploit, of which we are a lit tle proud," fays Sachtleben, "was the scat ing of Mt. Ararat. We are the first Amer icans that reached the top. and the natives could hardly believe we had succeeded We "tarted on July 2 and reached the sum mit July 4. There we celebrated the American holiday by waving the Ameri can flag and firing off shots from our re- volvers. ' On onr return the Goveror of Baysiid g»ve a dinner in our honor. • Through Turkey in Asia we rode, and through Persia, visiting Teheran ou our way. -•Our journey ing was along camel paths, there being no other roads At Ta.-hkend, the capital of Turkestan, we remained from November, 1891, to May 7, 181/2, and spent a good deal of time in stud} ing the Rassian language. Weotten had occas ion to notice the eager attitude of Russian sentiment regarding the .advance upon British Afghanistan. The Russians are very friendly to the Americans, and on ibis account we received many courtesies. Our last stopping place in Russian terri tory was at Vernoe, and here tbe people tried to dissuade us from making the at tempt to go to Cbinu. Relying on u spec ial passport which had been given us by a Chinese minister in London, we deter mined on trying to get through. "After leaving Kuljah the route was tak en by way ol the Urmpse to the border of ihe Gobi desert, at liauii, and there we were Ngreeably surprised at tbe character of tbe road*. In some plaoes the desert had a hard bod, und this enabled the ma chines to make moderately go»d progress luring tbe twelve days it took to cross." Pushing on to Suchew, the western end of tbe Gi,at Wall was reached, lead ing on to Lan Choo. Then they proceed ed Singan, Ping-Vang, Tai-Yuan, and Po ting-Fn, arriving at the latter place on tbe _>Oib of October, whence tbey rode toPe . in. The tact that they had already tra v*r*ed China without personal inconven imce astonished diplomatic rep;e- Keutative.' there. After resting there they went to Shang hai, where tbe machines were repaired. Afterward tbey intended to go to Japan, but they received letters a-kmg tbem to return home, ho tbey kit at once, touching at Nagasaki, Kiobaand Yokohama, whence tney sailed December last. Sacbtlebeu stated tout while the trip in many respects had been a bard one, they enjoyed it irrcut iy. They met ■with no annoyances lr>>m 'he natives in any ot the couhtries passed ihrocgb, excepting China —To make ice by artificial means re <{uii «:R »HU luu of uo»l to produce from live o ten tons of ice. It i» generally conceded by all who have tried it aud their "name i* legion, " that Salvation oil is the best liniment in tbe market to-day. It is compounded only of the best ingredients, and is guaranteed to be poaitively pure. 25 cts. —Frederick Krause, of Boyerstown, Pa-, died last Friday, lie was th* son of Isaac Krause, and was 30 years old. Although a man in years he was a child in stature and all his life he spent in a cradle. —Optiin—"America is good enough for inc—a country « here every right is given to the meanest citizeu." Pessim—"Yes, indeed. The meaner he is the more he makes." —That cure of G. W. Turner of Galway, N. Y., of scrofula, by Hood's Sarsapar iila, was wonderful. —Stephen A. Douglas* ou one occasion was able to give utterance to a historical retort. Alter some one bad been assail ing him in the Senate by a most severe personal denunciation, Douglas rose aud said: "What no gentlemen should say no gentleman should answer." USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA, IT* "TIIK KIM) THAT CURES." —"Do you get your pretty complexion from the maternal or paternal side of your house t" asked Mrs. Oakmont ol Miss Rosy | cheeks. "From the paternal side," was the re ply, und on investigation it was found that the paternal side was in the drug busi ness. —Several soldiers were executed during the Civil War for desertion,treachery, mur der and so on; but Lieutenant A. V. Wad hams «>| the Kavy, say* that not a single sailor on the Union side was sentenced to death. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In erder to be healthy this is necessary. —A company has been organized in Chi cago which proposes to erect tent* in the fields near the grounds for the accomoda tioti of Fa.r visitors. It will be the only chance ofTeretl those wbo go to lie in clov er while in that city. —The greatest number of people ever killed by an earthquake since the dawn of history was 190,000. The date of tbe ter rible disaster was 1703, and the scene of - the scene of the most violent dUturbnnce at Yeddo, Japan, and vicinity. t —One hundre-l tons of cat tails were re cently sold at once for the purpose of or - namenting ladies' wearing apparel. This - means that, assuming an average cat's . tail to weigh two ounces, no fewer than j" 1.792,000 pussies had to be killed it —A bill has been introduced in some of 'j the State legislatures to prohibit women from wearing the style ol hoops, in fashion several years ago. This is the way not to J; do it. When yon tell a woman she shan't " do a dertain thing she is mighty certain to t.' do it; at least that i» our expersence with u aeveral of them, and one in particular. —The "MM" veil is 40 inches long and ' 14 deep. ; —Dealers say that Southern vegetables i will lie very late. £ - Jumping at conclusions—reading the J last chapter of the novel first. -The great test of a woman's grae» is hi t ability to wear a shawl gracefully. Consumption Surely Curort. To TH« Sorma.-—Tlaaan Inform your RN lh»t I otn t pnaltln nnwlr (r.r Uui al. vsti.ii J»; j tlinaly ii— U»«n—t.d* 01b.|y,.» R<M lian I-, (anumU; runt I shall h*;-' t* aaud twj stlmm ot mj tmnmlj KKF.K to any -n yu%r raadsra -* ~ h»»» cuaaampUoa If th«y w.J ■and au lUi itimaa u>4 P. O. *itili«a*. lUauart *ur. XA. TUWM, K. O. M Had AU X. T. -EVERY BOY II BUTLER COUITY SHOULD READ "THE ADYERTURES OF rAD." OPENING CHAPTERS I* THIS I PAPER. J I A Phenomenal Well. To the Editor of the Scientific American, i ; The articles IU the Scientibc American | uf the 7th and 14ta of Jaauary relative to j breathing or barometric wells induces me j to describe to your readers through your ! ( \ aluable journal a phenomena! well locat- ; ' td here lu Beardstown, 111. laic, well was drilled in 1391, the strata , pierced bein£ 100 feet ot dritt as sand aud ' gravel,2oo feet ot comiterous limestone.2oo leet of slate and .-.hale,pacing into 20 leet ot crystallised sandstone, a depth altogether > ol 530 feet. At this depth water Oegau to ri.-e in the well, aud wbeu rescuing the j surface spouted np to a height of 50 feel. I I The water is saline mineral water, strongly ! | impregnated with natural gas. The pre#- ! ' sure gauge indicated 60 10. Sutficieut gas i was obtained to supply two 60 horse power boilers with fuel. This well dows or spuuts for eighty days, when it ceases for twenty days, not varj ing a day from these i periodic intermissions since it tirst began flowing. It invariably begins with the new moon The quantity of water dis charged is 4.000 gallons per hoar. The gas is still utilized, '-when well flows." in an electric lighting station near by There has been no percepuble diminu tion in the quantity ol gas or water. Oc- casionally for a display or exhibition the well is ignited ("without separation of the gas") aud a fountain of tire is produced— the fire and water mingling to a height of 00 feet .producing a marvelous sight. What is remarkable about this well is its periodicity. Can you,Mr Editor, or any o your readers, eniighten tii« as to time Us*- ? j I)R H. EHBHARIIT. i Beardstown, 111. He tells what he saw. Mr. Chas. J. Winstrand, lirisbin, Clearfield Co., Pa., writes: ' Mv father caught a severe cold in tbe mines, and he purchased a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup and after usiug it he had no more cold." —Every boy in Butler county shou Id read "The Adventures of Tad,". Opening chapters in this paper. —A hunter and a woll had an interesting mutual surprise to themselves in tbe hills near Helena. Mont , a few days ago Tbe hunter, arrayed in a heavy woll skin over coat, fur side outward, was examining some traps set the previous evening. He was stooping over one, rearranging the bait, when there was tbe sound of a tierce growl and a heavy ueig >t fell suddenly on his back, bearing him to tbe ground, so that he barely missed being caught in his own trap. He managed to shake himself free, and recovering his feet found facing him a foil grown buffalo woll. The woll seemed quite as much surprised as the hunter, and they looked at each other for some seconds before tbe fight, which end ed in the death of the wolf, began. The brute evidently was fooled by the overcoat and tbe hunter's stooping position and mistook bim for another wolf. USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA, ITS • THE KIND THAT CURES." —As base ball salaries are cut down the pitcber becomes more and more of a growl er. —Under the criu iliue regime it is esti mated that au ordinary family of girls will cover an area of from 80 to 100 square feet. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam wi!i stop the cough at once. Ask vour friends about it. —The very swell overcoat fits like a (rock coat, has long tails, is donble-breast ed and i- adorned with a d«cp velvet col lar and velvet cuffs. When Doctors All Agree. It is a fact well established,that February and March are the most trying mouths to aged or enfeebled persons. Pneumonia, influenza and kindred chest afflictions, are most liable to get in tbeir deadly work. There is but one thing to do, build up and lortify the system with a pure stimulent Medic il Men all over the country agree that Klein's "Silver Age" at $1.50 per quart, and "Duquesne" at *1 25 per quart, stand without a peer. If you want fine six year old (iuckenheimer, Finch, Gibson, Overholt, or Bear Creek, you can have them at SI.OO per quart or six quarts for $5.00 We arc recognized headquarters for the choicest brands of Wines, LiqU"rCordi als, etc. Goods expressed anywhere- Send for tonipltte puce lin; n.«t.tioti tbi paper. MAX KLKI.N. R2 Federal St.. Allegheny, Pa. —Self-patching trousers have a double thickness where the greatest wear comes, and when the top layer wears throngh it is i simply cut away aud tbe second layer is ready for service. ' Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, Posi tively Cured by administering Dr. Haines 'Golden Specific." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea,or in food, withont the know ledge of the patient It is absolutely harmless, and will aflect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck It lias been giv< n in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has follow ed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes all titter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 4H page book of particulars free. Address, fiolden Specific Co.. 185 Race St.. Cincinnati O. . —The latest "science" is pedromancy, or the telling of one's future and character by tbe lino* on the sole of the feet. This is getting fortune telling down pretty low. , —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic care" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radio ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious, ft removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefit*. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. Redick, druggist, Butler. —A little English boy whose parents hnve recently come to this counlry was asked by his teacher in Sunday school why the lions did not eat Daniel when be wa . thrown into their den, and proudly replied "Because tbey won British lions, mum " —The craze for cushions is so great that they are now scattered over the floor as well as the furniture. Still in the Lead. T,e Win. H Holmes Co., Distillers, Ira fiorters and Whole-ale Liquor Dealers, job icrs in all the leading brands ol Rye aud Bourbon Whiskies. Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and ' Holmes' Old Economy" Pnre Rye Wiskies and Greene County Apple Itiandy. Otir importatiaiisol fine brandies and wines have been unusually large tbe past year, ami we are better prepared than ever to Inmish wholesale dealers, ho , tels and tavern* with complete outfit* of pure choice goods at first hand price*. Droptis a postal and we will have a sales man call uiiou you or send for price list. TIIK W M II HOLM as CO., 136 hirst Ave 1 and 120 Water St.. Pittsburgh. Pa. i —The fiovemment will make an extra sized envelope for persons who want to en ( close a stamp lor reply. —"I'll make my presents felt in this es , tablisbment," as the l.atter remarked on giving each of his clerks a new spring d<* | —lf Is aid that the missionaries are pining down cannibalism, which Is only fair. a» cannibalism n-ed to put down tb# > —The figurehead of a college is usually 1 tba professor of mathematics. -*THESE THINGS I NEED:^ I NEED MONEY, 1 NEED ROOM, I NEED CUSTOMERS.:; Spring Goods are here and Winter Goods most go. HERE IH THE TIME. THE STOKE IS PACKED FROM CELLAR TO ROoF Price is no Question now. THE OBJECT IS TO SKuL >HOES AND SLIPPERS. Come in and look over our eprtnij stock, 1 c»n sale! V say it WM ne*er better, great care taken in ael»?ct : .naf steles for this Te»e, »nd price* re main at tbe same low standard that is alwavs mant»ioed at my store. The new styles and shapes in shoes aud alippers are beauties beyond de scription. Don't tail to see tbem $3,000 Worth of Winter Goods go in March at Halt Price, Rubber goods mast all go no matter what tbey bring. Lota of Miaa' and Children's rubbers for 10 cts a pnir 20 di>z stogie boots from $1 00 up. "0 doz. stogie shoes from 75c up. We blow our born long a'i<l 1 'od wbeu we come to shop work 18 doz Men's kip boots 3 sole* $4 50 22 doz Men's band made eboes $3.50 Both of ibe above are $1 50 under prices, and assortment ia limited, they are just tbe goods for oil men Boots and Shoes made to Order and Repairing done on Short notice. Leather and Findings. Blacksminths' Aprons. We Wsnt your Trade, and Good Footwear at Low Prices will • Secure it. Remember tbe place JOHN BICKEL'S, HUTI.F.R, I J^Y. EVERYBODY WANTS TO MAKE MONEY. Some try to save money, some in one way, others in another way. Tbe true way to make money is to save money, bu". it would not be prudeut to expect for instance that you can buv an article at 50 eta. aa good at one you pay SI.OO for, this would be losing money. It is Simply a Matter of Business With you to buy from a reliable bouse and one that yon know baa ooly one price, a bouse that gives one mau as tnuub as bis neighbor for bis dollar—no two pr>o-s. llonses that are always advertising goods at SI.OO worth $3 00, and all this kind of bosh as a rule are dangerous places to make money is used C by tbeni as a catch to get yoo in tbeir net. It would not l>e safe for you to take part in any schema wbcre ih* i merchant is going to lose money and yon make, for fear tbe merchant wonld make the money and yon lose it We carry the largest stock and best rubber goods of any boa«e ia Boi ler, we give a new pnir of men's rubber boot* if not satisfactory to tbe customer free ol charge, a«k one of these little follows to do tbia, see what , he will say to yoo, we have all these cheap or sboald say door robbers. ! men's at 25 cts., cbil's 10 cts., etc., and that ia all they are worth or all any of tbem are worth Our stock iu men's,boy's and youths' boots and is not equaled in Botler. Men's fine shoes at - - l.tO and 1 85 •' extra fine calf shoes at - - - - 200 Ludies' One button shoes at - - l.OO and 1 25 " " grain button shoes at - - - 85 eta " slippers at " flannel lined shoes - - 75 cts All these not half price, but regular price. ' Men's wool boots and rubbers at - - - 1-W Old ladifn' fl»nt>el lined shoes and slippers in great varietv, we tell yon whst goods are aud give you the lowest price. No old roaty job lota in this sto<-k,a)l clean Iresh goods. Come and see us. B. C. HUSELTON. ODD REMOVAL SALE ; BEGINS OCT. 6. | YOU WANT FURNITURE. I WE WANT MONEY. i We ex poet to occupy our new store about Jan. Ist. We want to move as p few goods as possible. W c will give you ; prices that you can't help but buy. A #35 Parlor Suite for #25 00 A 45 " " 35 00 ! A 55 " " 45 00 * A 16 Bed Lounge for 12 50 : A 20 " " 15 00 A 5 Rocking Chair for 375 A 8 " 500 r ifec. Call early for these great bargains : Campbell & Templeton, ; 136 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO t —— , KINGS. Diamonds te^.Ns. i ' STUDS, ; (GKNTSOOLD. W. i < LADIES MOLD. atClieb ( OKNTS SILVKR ' LADIES OHATLAIN. f f / i\\r g k 1 •*t' I Gold Pins. Kar-rinpi, J ( V\ ( 11 \ 1| i'imini', Br®***'Mr, 1 Ten cantors, buiui dishe* * ' I I \ t/I »f €tl in u hrnt ston;, RBDtIH BROS. 1147 I E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER Ha*l39, ftorth Main St, BUTLZB^PA.. The Leading: Millinery House ~ J OF BP** Is selling all Millinery nnd Holiday ijoods at cost in onler to make room for sprinjjyfoods. Come early and <;et your choice. 1 '2'2 H. MA I N **T. Jewelry, Clocks, Silverware, Purchasers can save from 2."> to 50 jier cent bv purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J.R. GRIEB, I'lir Jeweler, No 125 X. Main St.. Duffy P»!ock. Sign of Elcctrit Bell anil Cli>ck. I \ ir K \ i ->\ ;• <1 ' —"Remember our Repairing Department -20 years !• xperience**— I . YOUB FAVORITE HOKE STWBPAFEK * AND The WIN? INDIRA F«J» P.I|F «i ir Fim V '*> ; ONE YEAR FOR ONLY *1.50 i THK CrriZH.N. rivm •!I ik« Town Coaotv ftod ••>«! •* »oen N»t. a« »•>•- *« .»* \ other p*p«r of it» rtaiw Your Home would be incomplete without it. ; NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE * ia ft NATIONAL FAMILY PAPFR. »od r*r« *ll tb«- *rnr-»l e»w« at * the Uoitrd Sffttin sod »b«> »«r!d It .-•*** 'km mrmn«f *>rwi*n «• ft oat»b*l! It hft» iwpftrfttr ifc-pftrtiiwwr* :.>r "TI*»»« T ' U "Our Young Folks." I'r "Home and 5x c Hj' " B ?.be »dß»ir»t»t*o t*t wiwra acd dHflfri*. I"» ** r»ra! p »twel ar«« r> Jta -8 riftlft and an> e. : B>pr«-h«M»»»ae. tri *.Dt ••<» «*k*eati*« It# "Agricultural" drpftrtmrnt b»a a«» aaperwr so ik» c-«r -r* ft» "Mark-1 Reports" »'r r»<*tfunrrt tuikortit »• »i' p»r»* «! "* A SPECIAL ( CfcTR A« T •■■■■ *•> •■■ rp+t<M jmmrmmi mad > "The '"I r IZfcN" f« r am* »r*r For only $1.50. & ib in Advance. Y. Weolilj Trtbcnc," r**"'*'P'"* r- r *' °° 4 The Citizen," I Total *2 50 I We furnish both papers one jear for - -J ft Sob»cnpti»rM m»T h*rta ftt •»* iw Addrrna all ordara to THK CITIZEN. BUTLKR HA j BELMN(J OUT i Our entire stock of tlnujs, medicines, patent medirifWH, fierfumery. toilet I articles, etc. Must lie sohl in the I next 00 (lavs, as we must leave our I present location ami «|uit Iwsiness. i BAV K MONKY. ) You can save 20 to 2"» |*»r <*ent. on > everything in the store. eye > glasses, trusses etc.. sohl ;it n*4. Your?* He»»p«Ttlbllv. J. A.[ FRANK A CO.. '213 H- Main H»., - - Hullrr.P. J. SPICK ** *■ rmm if inm ■ lati'iM >m •»» iNfrai m- >«a «f «*»m» ra.«.**»§*»• Tlie Win, 11. Holiim*« < 'o-, Distillers of "Holmes Hest and " Holmes'<>i«t l« «• my PURE RYE WHIi KY. All the leading Rye jnd H« r W h skin .in b»n«i or Importers of fiw Bun<li"«. Gim m»i Winn SETND TXDTC IRICI I_ Ifc' Telepbon No. 305 I2C> lAater Si. »c Uf I f • #»». F Fa IA HAY-FEVER LJ| SJ COLD-''HEAD Ktft nnmm Bmtm u *~t • ~>mf ar pmmdc M •» * * _ **■ p%i<. hel i—a it* mmt, iftup mjkmmmmttm . m 56c tuMomK.fc 50c -- ----- -tt: ra Job VN ork of sill kind done ( at the "Citizen Office.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers