CLEARANCE SALE OF FALL AND WINTER Boots and Shoes. r\UR annual clearance Bale of Fall and! Winter goods iai now on. I Vlbobe in Pearch of exceptional tfood bargains in seasonable goods V/should Tiait our store. Among the goods that must and shall go if low prices have their usual effect, are all heary Rubber Goods, mclad ing all felt, wool and beaver goods. A great many of can be bad at YOUK OWN PEICE THE prices of all leather goods also have come unnder the jm>k- You can now buy Children's School Shoes and Men and Women Winter Goods for LESS THAN THEIR COST to us. The only wav to tell anything about the justness of the price is to see the arti cle "and the price toge.ber. Money ia said to talk and if it does its voice is louder and clearer in our place of business than elsewhere, because its purchasing power is so much greater. There is only one way to convince yourself, that way is now open to you. AL RUFF. PRICES THE FAIREST YOU HAVE EVER KNOWN AT Vogeley & Bancroft's, IN Ladies', Gentleman's and Children's Shoes. See Our Elegant Line Of Holiday Goods. No Question about our goods Pleasing. No Question abont prices being Satisfactory. NONE CAN SELL CHEAPER. ALL GOODS WARRANTED. BOOTS AND SHOES, Slippers, Rubbers and Overshoes, etc. VOGELEY AND BANCROFT. 347 South Main St., Butler, Pa., Opp. "Wilxfcird Hotel- Planing Mill —AHr— Lumber Yard J. L. FtBYIS. L. O. FtBVIB S.G. Purvis&Co. MAWUFACTURKBB AMD DBALKBB IK Bough and Planed Lumber OF *V€RT|D*BCRIFTIOH, SHINGLES, LATH; & SEWER PIPE. Butler, Ps T 1l V "THIS*"3 MONET IX IT. ** WANT YOU to act aa our Aienl, tutl or part time as able Permanent position tfuaranted to men or wo men. Liberal pay wveltly. Stock complete. Qllt edged specialties. Experience unnecessary. Eleiract outfit free. Address, Nureerrmen. C. H. HAWKS A CO., Established 1875. Rochester. N. Y Tm 1 I RECULATE THE STOMACH. LIVER AND BOWELS, j AXD t PURIFY THE BLOOD. \ A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR Ir.dlt«*tloii, Blllou.tie.., Headache, Con.t!. £ pallen. Ihrni.k- Liver Troubles, { Dlulnu, Bad Complexion. UjHlltr j, t •fualre Breath, aad all dbordcra »r the £ Mlomarh, Urn and Bawila. Hlpans Tabulea contain nothing lajnrltmi to J the rnont delicate ecnrtltutlnn. rieooantlotakc, ♦ •are. effectual. Glre immediate relief. t Sold bj draprfsta. A trial bottle sent by mall X on receipt of 14 cents. AUdreaa THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. | IS SPRUCE STREET, SEW YORK CIIT. t I A3 rmi AS bUucT 2 I GOSSER'S I I CREAM GLVCERINE.I I AdreMing Cor the affr shavhjjt, I ■ twuuU axifl fTry It. ■ Do you occasionally take a little liqaor for your stomach's sake ? Be Bare it is the beet; bad liquors will injure your stomach,good liquors im proves it. The best liquors are only kept in the best stores. Try our Finch's Golden Wedding, for medical and family age. SI.OO per Qt; or 6 Qts. for $5.00- Doutherty, Gackenheimer,Large,Gibson, Bridgeport, Mt Vernon, Overbalt, Etc. This is the only honse not rectifying in the : city, therefore our goods are warranted 1 pure. Goods securely packed and boxed without extra charge. C. 0. D. and mail ! orders, receive prompt attention. Your ' "Grand Father's Choice" 3 year old, is a I good one, age has brought out good quali ! ty; sells for $2.00 per gallon. ROBERT LEWIN, Importer and Wholesaler. 136 Water St., Pittsburg. Pa. Opposite B. A 0. R. R. Depot. READ AND BEMEMBEB For strictlj;pure and reliable LIQUORS, call on _X; I. Iff. FINCH, 12.HSITBFIELD ST., FITTNBCBFIH, PA. (Opp. Monongahela House.) Matchless for Family use and Mediclmd pur poses are FINCH'S GOLDEN WPDDINO, I All f". GUCKENHEIMKB S WHISKY, • per ut. . OVEKHOLT'B WHISKY, f a qts. DILLINGEK-S WHISKY, | for «. Goods neatly packed and promptly shipped FRE. OF Ex PENS, on receipt of caeh or ipost office order. t WNothlng expressed C. O. D. L.Send for Price List. KEEP WARM AT Expense in our Underwear.^ Children's underwear from 15c, to 75c. Ladies' heavy cotton vests 25c. '' " " drawers (a, 25c. elt < ra fi, ' e cotu,n vests 50 and 75. _ T ", " '• drawers 50 and 75. Nalnal wool vests 5Cc, §I.OO and $1.25. drawers oOc, SI.OO and $1.25. Warners Health underwear in two piece and union suits. M. F. > tax, commission or lees. Interest payable semi-annually by New York draft. Perfect se curity Highest reference. CHIS. If. RF.ID. Fairhawi, Washington. w ■ • j tue nest n In Paint ggyts White Lead is best; properly applied it v I not scale, chip, chalk, or nib off; it firmly adheres to the wood and forms a permanent base for repainting. Paints which peel or scale have to be removed by scraping or burning before satisfactory repainting can be done. Wheu buying it is important to obtain Strictly Pure White Lead properly made. Time has proven that white lead made by the "Old Dutch" process of slow corrosion possesses qualities that cannot be obtained by any oth?r method of manufacture. This prucess consumes four to six months timi, and produces the brands that have given M/hite Lead its character as the standard paint. "Armstrong & McKelvy" " Beymer-Bauman" "Fahnestock" " Davis-Charabcrs" are standard brands cf strictly pure Lead made by the "Oid Dutch" pro cess. You get the best in buying them. You can produce any desired color by tinting these brands of white lead with National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. For sale ty the mc?t reliable dealers in Pa:at3 everywhere. If you are going to paint, it will pay ycu to ser.d to rs for a book containing informatics that troy :ovt yoj many a dollar; it will only cost you a card to do sc. NATIONAL LEAD CO., 1 Broadway, Kew York. Pittsburgh Branch, National Lead and Oil Co. of Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh, Pa. Nothing On Earth Will MAKt; HENS LIKE Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Disease. Good for Moulting Urna. \ TtUahmliitelTpnrp. Hishlj concentrated. In tity costs tentn n can't trot it Bond to n». We midi one park £*• Five $? A 214 lb can fl'-JO. Pt* can?. $6 00. express paid. Raising Guide, price 25 cents, free with fl.oo orders or more. Sample copy nf TIIK BEST "OXJITRY I'APKB ?-ent free. I. S. JOHNSON «Jt C 0.,2£ Custom House St, Borton, Man. HUMPHREYS' This PRECIOUS OINTMENT is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. Cures PILES or HEMORRHOIDS - Rtternal or Internal, Blind or Bleeding—ltching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures; Fistula in Ano; Worms of the Rectum. The relief is imme diate—the cure certain. WITCH HAZEL OIL Cures BURNS, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. The relief is instant. Cures BOILS, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Fis tula-, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is infallible. Cures INFLAMED or CAKED BREASTS and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. Price, 50 Cents. Trial size, 25 Cents. Bold by DroutoU, or m* lit pont-}>«td oo receipt «>f prlct. UI XTHBRYS*, 111* llSinißaaSt.,KEir YOU. THE PILE OINTMENT THE NEXT FEEL BRIGHT AND ; NEW AND MY COMPLEXION 18 BETTER. Uy doctor nay* ft acts grently on the stomach, liver and kidneys, and La a pleasant lax »tlve. This drink I j snadt from herbs, and Is prepared for use »• easily r- -a. It is called i FINE'S MEDICIME \.l rirufrtriats sell It at 50c. a©d fi cn perpackagr H' , one to-day. LAKE'S FAMII.Y MKDICINE MOVKS Tl K BOWELS EACH I'JL Y. Ia onier to be IwJtH) this la necessary. '' Every Month § many women suffer from Excessive or I I Scan* Men®4.tuation; they don't know 1 wnc %o confide in to get proper advice* I Don't *onflde in anybody but try I Bradfield's Female Regulator • Specific for PAINFUL, PROFUSE. SCANTY. SUPPRESSED end IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION. (Book to "WOMAN" mailed fr»«. j BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, 6a. *.14 kr all DrofiUta. For.Sale by J. C. Redick. PI I rc ITCKINfi PILES |L£SSWAYNE'« absolutely CUSM. OINTMENT a.'l.xd to KiUmt linn form am Aw Mils. Prepared by So *, pHEJjSJyJ « DOCTORS LAKE PRIVATE DI»PEN*AKT. COB. PENM AVE. AND FOURTH ST.. PITTSBURGH, PA. AUforiutiOf Delicate and Com plicated Dibeane.S requii in* ( ;ON rmEXTIAL and SCIENTIFIC Med ication are treated at thia I):-- • / Willi a success .arely attained. Dr. S. K i. Uamemlierof tlio I£o>jl College of Phv ■l. I. . ■ and Surgeons, anrl Is the o' test ami most i-'aecd BPECiALi9,*in thecitr Special at • ■>:» ;;iven to Nervous Debility fromerressiTC Hi i exertion, indiscretion of yotitlt,etc.. caus ing I'liysical and mental decay,lark energy, li- ; <;i:.:ency, etc.; alaoCancers, Old Sore-, Kits, I ilo -. : heumatism, and all di.H;'aM»>or the Skin, hud,! una-. Urinary D4THST..PirrSBLItUU.i*A. • - 'V i , • J- • : k . ipt ft : -• •' cr a 5 Jj2.hH. . ' " Bcdy and Hind. E-uctc OldorTcjM >».*>:• *.](«):<;( R fp|i/ n!lrd f«ral« tfttfJrrTrP / AStaiiMse hats, THE CITIZEN The Literary Club. Mr- I.ion began at her Thursday "afternoon," When she had Professor Stargaze give a lecture on the moon: And we women applaaded till we made the rafters ring. And we said the dear Professor was "too sweet f«-r anything " We agreed then in uniting for to elevate the tone Of onr afternoon receptions, which too frivolous bad grown: And we then discussed the forming of a circle which we'd dub The women's Thursday Semi-Social Club. We had gatherings very pleasant every Tbursdav after four, Where yon'd meet distinguished folks and charming people by the score; No ordinary mortals, no clods of common clay; Ton must sißg, or paint, or "elecute," or else have writ a play. If you'd even made a sonnet, or could col or 011 a tile. And you wore your hair or whiskers in a weird eccentric style, Then with open arms we'd greet you on our metapboric knees, For Mrs. Chase's salon is composed of such as these. There was Mrs. Hyphen-Shudder, who had been upon the stage. And Marie O'Dswd Rantero, whose recit ing was the rage; Mme. Pose, the Delsarte teacher, with her gowns of draping care. And Professor I'npronouncem, with his Paderewski hair; Miss Amateurio Dimple, who could sing a little song. And the palmist, and ojournal ist gone wrong. And Christian Science Shekel, who was lately from the Hub; Oh, we'd lots of cultured people at the Literary Club. The meetings Vere so lovely, with the tapers burning low, And mandolins a-tinkling, in the pink and perfumed glow, While we talked of themes hypnotic, and young I)r. Owlnmbat - Spoke of "mind waves" and ''brain cur rents," and of far off things like that.. With Miss Dimple picturesqaely coiled at Mrs. Shudder's knee, And Mine. Pose performing in a Grecian garment free, And society reporters, looking swaggerest of all, Lingering somewhere in the distance near the punch bowl in the hall. But at last it was suggested on a certain awful day For to introduce a dancer who would while an hour away, And she came and saw and conjured, with a kick of airy grace. Which she deftly executed in a cloud of fleecy lace; The men fought for introductions when she made her final bow. And the members didn't like it. There was no end of a row, And every man went smiling in her eyes, as to his doom; The fact is, she cut out every other woman in the room. Then a wave of indignation swept the meeting to its core, And Miss Amateurio said that she would come no more; While a very cultured person—Mis.: Med usa Browning Greggs, Said she didn't like convention, but she drew the line at lees. Then the men grew rude and vulgar, and that horrid Owlnmbat Said we women all were jealous and were talking through our hat, And that's the real reason of the recent sad hubbub That broke up the Woman's Semi Social Li'erary Club. Kate Maothrso*. Cough and cold are the "danger signals," which nalure has provided to warn the uu fortuate victim that the affection which is now confined to the bead and chest may soon reach the lungs To avoid such "a calamity take Dr Bull's Cough Syrup when you first catch cold. —The revenue of the State for the next two years is estimated at $18,000,000. About ton millions of that will likely be expended in various ways towards the sup port of the public schools, leaving oDly eight millions for all other purposes. —"Let's annex" is the latest way of pro posing. --"Reading maketh a full man." This can also be said of drinking. USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA, its "THE KIM) THAT U'RES." —The six great manufactories of the va rious typewriters and caligraphs, it is said, have formed a combination with a capital of $20,000 000. —Three thousand colonists of the Argen tine Republic have risen in revolt to pro test with rifles and cannon against a tax on wheat. Governments should know that taxes on crops are ticklish things. —The Department of Agriculture at W has i«sued an order declaring a9O day quarantine against all cattle im ported from Canada, and fixing Buffalo as the only port of entry for such cattle. —Twenty million passengers were hand led at the Broad Street station oi the Pennsylvania Railroad, Philadelphia, dur ing 1592, nearly four million more than in 1891. There are 530 trains arriving ar.d departing daily. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In erder U> be healthy this is necessary. —Mr. Clark Montgomery, of Cincinnati says that when he went to Cleveland's inauguration in 1884 he wore a cheap watch, so that he need not weep if he should lose it. The timepiece was stolen but an hour afterward he found it in his overcoat pocket The disgusted pickpock et had returned it. —John Huntington, late of Cleveland, Ohio, provides by will f»r the founding of an art and poly technique school in Cleve land. Mr. Huntington bequeathed a cash endowment of SBOO,OOO to the sohool, and added his valuable art collections. Other provisions from the school increases the endowment to $1,500,000. —There is a 15-year old girl in Nebraska, six feet three inches high, weighing 250 pounds. She wears u No. 10 shoe, and i» still growing rapidly. —A Pearl street girl returned from the milliner's yesterday and told her mother that m est of the bonnets were "intensely covetable." —A dear old lady up-town says her house has got a "spinal staircase." —lt is estimated that twenty-four letters in a million go astray; but it's always the twenty-four that are wanted the worst. —Lies are great travelers, and some travelers are great liars. —A situation on the railroad is no "pud ding" in such weather as this. —The less a man amounts to the prouder lie is tb&t some of bis ancestors were big people. —The gastro-cerebral effect of mince pie after midnight is often taken for a voice from another world. —A man feels proud when he i» working bis way to the top. but he feels different it hss necktie undertakes to do the same thing. —Some of the designs in men's neck wear make the rainbow appear decidedly dnll by comparison. —She—"Do you play cards for money*" He (with recollections of his recent losses) "I don't think I do." —Squashes brought from the Sandwich Islands are in the market. Consumption Surely Curod. To THE icrroE:—Please inform yoar reader* 1 u»TO % poniuvo remedy for ttie abore-naii.cii dinoaso. B; a Uiuely use ttiouaaatlx of hopel cs » cwwa have hr a permanently enred. I shall be glad to aori.l twj o'flea of my r*medy FREE to any o: - >mr reiJtra t , j havo comramption if they vul •end Ul* Ulaii iayrw and p. O. address. Bwp«.t auir. I. A. SUW'M, K. e, U) M. *Tr. 1 —ln an Agricultural Department bulle tin occurs this advice Always remove the bark from felled ; timber to aid Reasoning, but not from the j standingtree Never allow the log to lie directly on , the moist soil. If winter-felled, shape the timber to sire, | within two weeks after felling and leave it j placed on blocks—not upon the soil —in • the forest; or, if shaped at home, place in a 1 dry, airy, not windy position, awav from j sun and rain. If dried too rapidly, wood warps and splits, the cracks collect water, and the timber is then easily attacked and destroy ed by rot. With large logs, checking may be pre vented by coating the ends with »ome fat ty or oily substance, mixed with brick dust. —George Washington was born IGI years ago. He is still marching on. —The deceased "lett a will" is no long er good form. It should be, "The deceas ed left a preference." —Over 3,000.000 of the souvenir half dol lars remain in the hands of the World's Fair authorities." The people do not now seem to be in a hurry to get them at $1 each —A current item says: "About 5.000 words in the English language have no rhyme to them. These include such im portant words as honor, virtue, gulf, month and echo." What's the matter with "gon er" as a rhyme to honor. It beat the doctors.—Mrs Boyd. 22 ' Weeden St., Providence. K 1., says: _' I suffered for three months from rheumatism and neuralgia. The doctor's medicines not giving me any relief, I tried Salvation Oil, and after using two bottles, consider myself perfectly cured." ' —The "white city," as the World's Fair grounds and buildings are termed, has the equipment of a model city. It has 25 miles of water mains, 291 hydrants, 3 steam fire engines. 4 chemical engines, a ladder 1 truck, water tower, 40 hose carts, 26,750 feet of hose, 1,050 hand fire extinguishers. 2,500 fire pails, a steam fire boat, 65 fire ' men, 150 alarm boxes, 150 patrol tele phones, 500 guards, complete electric light 1 and sewerage system, etc. I USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA. ITS ••THE KIND THAT CURES." —Why were they called the Sandwich ■ Islands fis a question thst naturally arises these times. Captian Cook, the discoverer ol the islands, named the group after the i First Lord of the British Adinirality at the time, the fourth Earl of Sandwich, one of the most dissolute men of dis day. He in vented that form of food which was named in his honor the "sandwich," with which he was able to stay the pangs of hunger without rising from the gambling ta ble. —Now your blood should be purified. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla, the best spring medicine. —"I seem to have gotten into a pretty hard set," as the hen remarked after a two weeks' endover to hatch out a dozen china eggs. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Ask vour friends about it. —Dressmakers are the only only ones who eucourage the crinoline. Watches are now so cheap that pawn brokers hesitate to make any advances on them. When Doctors All Agree. It is a tact well established,that February and March are the most trying months to aged or enfeebled persons Pneumonia, influenza and kindred chest afflictions, are most liable to get in their deadly work. There is hut one thine to do, build up and lnrtlf) the system with a pure stiuiuleut Medic tl Men all over the country agree mat Klein's "Silver Age'' at $l5O per quart, and "Duqaesne" at $1 25 per quart, stand without a peer. If you want fine six year old Guckenheimer. Finch, Gibson, Overholt, or Bear Creek, you can have them at SI.OO per quart or six quarts for $5.00. We arc recognized headquarters for the choicest brands of Wines, LiqU'TCordi als. etc. Goods expressed anywhere- Send for complete price list; mention thi paper. MAX Kleis, 82 Federal St., Allegheny, Pa. —At a banquet—"Did you take any of this dish 'en surprise?' " "Yes. It should be called a 'shock.' " —Although the ball season has not com menced, a good many men reach thair base after a short slide. Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, Posi tively Cured by administering Dr. Haines 'Golden Specific." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge of the patient. It is absolutely harmless, and will affect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an otter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of particulars free. Address, Gulden Specific Co.. 185 Race St.. Cincinnati O. —The Columbian coin, wfcich is not the sought for novelty that was anticipated, has sunk to base uses. Among the other of its missions is to form the lid of purs es. —Early cabbage seed has already been planted. —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. Redick, druggist, Butler. If there is anything in the law of com pensation, we should have a delightful spring. —Rumor sometimes tells the truth, but she is a lying and untrustworthy jade as a rule and often gets those who repeat her yarns into serious trouble. Still in the Lead. T'.e Wm. H Holmes Co., Distiller!", Im porters and Wholesale Liquor Dealers, job bers in all the leading brands of Rye aud Bourbon Whiskies. Distillers of "Holmes' Hest" and "Holmes' Old Economy" Pure Rye Wiekies and Greene C»unty Apple Brandy. Our importutians ot fine brandies and wines have been unusually large the past year, and we are better prepared than ever to furnish wholesale dealers, ho lels and taverns with complete outfits ot pure choice goods at first band prices Drop us a postal and we will have a sales man call upon yon or send for price list The W ii 11 Holm ks « «»., 158 First Ave ai.d 120 Water St.. Pittsburgh, Pa. —lf the projected legislation by some western States against the re-appearance of hoop-skirts is carried out an exemption should be made allowing them to be worn by bow-legged women. —The auctioneer is a man who likes to have you talk back. —A man can be young but once —and frequently his lriends and neighbors are glad of it. —A temperance club has a silver cres- ' cent and the words "February, Eighteenth Ninety-three" emblazoned in gold letters on the wall of the club parlor, in honor of the moon not getting full during the mouth. Do You Want to Make Money? Do You Want to Save Money? W- If you don't want to save money don't read between these lines. This ad is written for close cash buyer* that are always for bargains when there are any to be had. and if thing- had t*ken thnr usual course this winter this ail with all its wonderful bargain- would neve' have appeared, but up to Jan. Ist we bad a very mild winter Heavy leather goods and rubber g-iods have been verv much "lighted. and to tell the troth f am over stocked but I have a plan to unload It is simply a matter of business and concerns only money saving people. No others need read between these lines. My plan to unload my surplus stock of boots, shoes and rubbers i. simply this I have got to lose some money on these. lam not '• •arry them over until next season, I will sell them at any price first Leather goods get bard, the life gets out of tbem. and they are unsaleable Rubber goods are even worse, for they will rot and bee-me worthies* hence you can see at once and understand why this sacrifice must b»- made on goods that are now seasonable aud just wb«»t you need. One man's dollar is as good as an other's if lie puts it to the rijsht use. It may cost something to ri:ad be tween these lines. If reading low prices will interest you. I will interest yon. If yoo don't care for bargains *ou rniirht as well stop right here, -f- "Cross road to let you off."' Just at this time of the year there are more rubbe' goods worn than at any other time, and as rubber g >ods are pil«-d aronnr me until I can hardly see daylight. I will tackle tbem first, and the prices I quote are less than first cost and if you are too conscientious t< come and help me lose borne money, you will have to go elsewhere ao<* pay a profit. The object is for you to make money and for me to lose it. Can you take part in such a scheme? I will sell for twenty davs men's rubber boots Lycoming make for $1 90, Boston rubber boots $2.00, Condee rubber boots $2 00 Woonsocke rubber boots $2.00; a pair of yO*>d runvas slipper.- goes with t3cb pair.atu if I can't produce any of the aboye makes at prices quoted, will surrender my claim on yoor attention in all future ads. or a round trip ticket to th> World's Fair Bov's rubber boots sizes Itos $1 50. youth's rubber hoots 11 and 12 $1 00, ladies' rubber boots 3 to 8 $1 15, Miseea' rabbet boots 13 to 2 SI.OO, child's rubber boots 1 tc 10 !>0 cts., men's Storm Km# boots reduced to $2 50. ——————————— A. came to Hut lor broke. Ile soM 1 O bnsliels oi'potatoes and went home with a wagon full of shoes. Where -■ell. I have one lot of ladies' fine button shoes for sl, one lot of sample -hoes at $1 00 worth $2 00, one lot ol fine gr button shoes for 90 cts.. oo»* lot of serge gaiters for 50 cts . one lot of slipoers for 25 cts., ooe iot o' Misses'sh.-es 85 cts., one lot of child's shoes 40 its one lot oi luiaui *hoes 18 cts All of the above are about one half the regular (■••me in and see bargains on our sample counter. A word to the wise is sulTlcient--lhat is sometimes it is. and sometimes they get K ft. ~ ——— A man that likes nice shoes and needs a pair is not wise if be don't call and get a pair of Edwin Clapp's band made shoes for $3 00, and it be don't wont#o pav that much will sell him a nice dress shoe lor $1 25 to $2 00. We make a great many boots and shoes to order and do all kind* of repairing in cocnection with shoes. We have a large leather depart ment, and full stock of findings always on hand Remember the place and Call. I'W-John Bickel.+ Ti Street ' t 01 REMOVAL SkE BEGINS OCT. 6. YOU WANT FURNITURE. WE WANT MONEY. We expect to occupy our new store about Jan. Ist. We want to move as few goods as possible. \N e will give you prices that you can t help but buy. A #35 Parlor Suite for *25 00 A 45 " " 35 00 A 55 " " 45 00 A 10 Bed Lounge for 12 50 A 20 " " 15 00 A 5 Rocking Chair tor • > 7*> A 8 " 500 to .>0 per cent by purchasing their watches, clocks and sj)ectaeles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 1 25 N. Main St., Duffy Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. Ail are Respectfully Invited —"Remember our Repairing Department— ZO years Experience YOUR FAVORITE HOKE IEWSPAFEB AND llip InferHffiKim teh faff rf ikf IwW ta ONE YEAR FoK ONLY *!..">•> TH K CITIZKN. all tbe T wr. £*sbty «t»d Stata, ud a* mmrh Naiit aai mwm mm mv oilier paper of it* clwes. Your Home would be incomplete without it. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE ••a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER. aad *t**a ail ih» «*aavai wmw» m tbe United »D«i tbe world It .•»**» tbe eeenrs a» farahra lew** is • not# be II It bw #ep»r»te dvparnenta ?«r "Tb» • Ire'*,'* mmd "Our Younn Folks." Iw '•Horn# and So cttj" ;im the adn»iratu>o ol an*e» aod daughter*. It» |rMnl pwlitwl aewe. «Al» rials snd dieeaaaKiß* are cf>a>preheoiM»e heti aßt sad ilkaMiit ft» "Agricultural" a»par»meot ha* n« !»ap»rtor »n ibe <-»aarr* Ita 'Warfc-t Reports" are rrfjmad antbom* la ail p-r*» «l »be land A SPECIAL CXfcTHAI T o* (wafer < bta eptea4«i jihotmJ ac.4 ll ThO "ITIZKN" f r . oe *e,r Fcr oulj $1 50. C. sh in Adraze* "N Y. Weekly Tr>Ft ne." i»*a?ar peiea par yaar Si 00 ' The Citizen," " >3© Total 92 5© We furnijh both papers one far for - - til stabler iptiooa nay h**ta at aa* tiat Addreea a)! order* to THK CITIZEN, BI'TLER HA DEDUCED! REDUCED! Men's frit boots with gniy $t 50. Every thirn; cheap at ROBINS BROS, 8 E Corner of Dtaaoad ... - Bwiar fn BKLLING O UT Our entire stock of drugs medicines* patent medicines, perfumery, toilet articles, etc. Must be sold in the next 00 davs, as we must leave our present location and tjuii business. BAVK MONKY. You can save 20 to |**r cent, on everything in the store. Spectacles, eye glasses, trusses ete.. sold at eost. "\'onrs Hi^jieethillv. I. A.: FRANK A CO.. '2 111 S - Hntler. ¥*;» j. sheck w » unci»l TM» I- t««* >aimes Old Economy | PURE RTE WHISKY. All the leading Rye aru F>« -rt* \\ liskirs » b-iui or :an-f>a U Importers ot tine BramUes. Aaiti SW. »lc Ub fr.r Fiit»&bt»j£ ea