Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 24, 1893, Image 3

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BCTLBR has a population of about m.ooo.
It is ON county seat of Butler county, wick
""four railways. natural gaa. and unequalled
facillUm for menutacturrs.
Progress evry where; new bunding*, new
■anulactum, a gruwiug and prosperous town.
New York Weekly Tribune—Fro*
By special arrangements made for oar
so doing, wo ore enabled to offer to all our
subscribers who pay arrearage?, (if any)
and one year in advance, and to all new
subscribers paying in advance, the New
York Weekly Tribme free for one year.
For further particular* of this ofler see ad
Hew Advertisements.
Assignee's Sale, Estate of A. T. Black.
C. N. Boyd's Pure Drugs.
Sun bury Academy.
The People's Store.
N OTK —All advertiser* intending to make
canges is their ads. should notify us of
their intending to do so, not later than
Monday morning.
—ll baby has a pain, apply aColumbian
postage stamp.
to hive, but it won't be taken as security
for a hot stow.
—One is sometimes surprised at having
bought goods so cheap, until after the ped
dler is gone
—One of oar eastern exchanges states
the occupations of the persons announced
as candidates.
—Monday night was a remarkably cold
night—the mercury here ranging from 13
to 20° below zero.
—lf y«u look at the livestock market
yoa will see that now is the time to sell
your stock, if it Is in good condition.
—The Philadelphia Record can't jaw at
the iulrlligeut compositer any more, as it
now sets its type with a machine.
—lf the dreaded hoopskirt becomes the
fashion again tip most humble women will
be able to spredrt themselves in the matter
of dress.
—A boy not yet sixteen and a girl not
yet eighteen were married in this connty
a few days ago.
—Dick Blymilier says be killed the fat
test beef that was ever killed in Butler,
last week. It came from near Centerville.
—lt's hard to tell what live hogs are
worth—any place from Cto 9 cents. It's a
good time to soli; becaase there will be
a sudden slump some of these days.
—The winter term of West Sunbury
Academy will oloee to-day, 24th, Inst.,
and this evening the students will render
their play—"She Stoops to Conquer.""
—A bad little boy recently came home
from Sunday school and asked his father if
he believed "that jay snake story about
Eve and the apple tree."
—A tony young man of Mississippi was
lately sentenced to the pen. for one day at
hard labor, and he spent the day white
—A farm said to be nnderlaid with sili
con. located in Sugar Creek twp., Arm
strong Co, has been purchased by the
Hoch Brothers of MiUeratnwn.
—The ballots for Worth twp. contained
a mistake, and had to be reprinted, Mon
day. In Pittsburg the ballots for twenty
two disuiets had to be reprinted on short
—Prof Kellar, the magician, with bis
company and seventy-two trunks-full of
apparatus held forth in the Opera BIHUB,
Taesdaj*night, and greatly delighted, and
completely mystified a large audience.
—Wigwag—Manslaughter can be trans
formed into a very enjoyable act If proper
ly arranged." Blobbs—"Great Bcott! why
howt" Wigwag—' well, when it's separa
tod into man's laughter."
—A Western minister preaching hi* fare
wall sermon said: "I leave yoa, brethren,
for three reasons: Ist, yoa do not love MA;
IF you did. you would pay me my salary.
2d, you don't love one another; if yon did
there would be more weddings and less
fighting. 3d, The Lord does not love you;
if ha did there would be more funerals."
— Henri Watterson.of Louisville, Ky., bad
a Urge audience for bis lecture— the last
of the High School course— on "Money
and Morals," Wednesday evening. He is
a smooth talker, and be said agreat many
truths about the inordinate greed for gold
that is rapidly annihilating the better
sentiments of this Nation.
— The "Pet Sbow" was a great success;
the chil lren crowded the hall all after
noon and evening and enjoyed themselves
hugely. Tbe handsomest "pet" in the
room was a magnificent St. Bernard pup—
-6 months old and weighing 109 pounds
Then there were all sorts of dogs and cats,
and canaries and parrots, aiifi rabbits and
•qnirrels, and almost all the living ere*
was usually made pets ol in this climate
—At a meeting of the Board of Directors
of tbe Y. M. C. A., held on Taesday even
ing, the resignation of the General Secre
tary which had been held over from a pre
vious meeting, was accepted. The Board then
decided to call a meeting of the people of
Butler on next Monday evening in the Y.
M. C. A. Rooms to decide whether the
work of tbe Association would be contin
ued and on wbat basis.
All interested are earnestly invited to be
present, and thus manifest their interest.
—Butler experienced a genuine blizrard,
Sauday evening—one of tbe kind they have
on the Westeru plains, where men wbo do
not have a wire or rope stretched from
their house to their stables, are liable to
get lost botwsen tbe two, wander off and
perish. Soms years ago, the wife and two
children of John Waldron, formerly of this
county were caught in a blizzard in lowa,
on tbeir way home from churcb and perish
ed within a lew rods oi their home; and an
aecoan*. was publish* I of a country school
teacher wbo tied ber pupils together and
led them Imm the school house to a neigh
boring bouse.
— Thsre is a demand in some quarters in
this State for the repeal of tbe oleomargar
ine law. It is argued that there is no reason
irhy it sbonld not be sold, if sold by its
right name, just the same as lard, cheese
or any other article of merchandise. It
was thought a year or two since tbst tbe
manufacture of oleo kept down tbe price of
batter, but as demonslrsted this «inter it
evidently does not affect the price of the
latter article. Good butter will always
find a place in the market, at such prices
as the supply regulates. On the other
hand, oleo ia preferable to some of tbe
poorer grades of butter tbst are worked
off iu times of scarcity.
Important to Advertisers.
The cream of the country papers are
found in Remington's County Seat Lists.
Shrewd advertisers will avail themselves of
these lists, s copy of which can be had of
Remington Bros., of New Tork, or Pitts
—The People'* Btore barn junt re
oeif'-i ft large line of ombrellM,
which we are selling at bottom price*.
Wm. M. Lane, et al vs W. H. .Hoffman, j
etal. Feb. 16, verdict for the plaintiff for
Tbe Farmers Oil Co. vs Tbos. W. Phil
lips, Feb 16 Verdict for the plaintiff for
the land described on the writ of eject
ment, with six cents damages. Motion
for new trial made, and entertained.
Judge of Blair county, has de
cided that a mechanic's lien attaches only
to tbe building against which it is entered,
and not to the land on which the building
stands. The decision grew out of a ca»e ia
Al'eona. Parties entered a hen against a
building there for -rl,ooo. The building
was burned, ar.d the court decided the lien
ceased to exist when the building was <te
slroyed. The case will no doubt go to the
supreme court.
Ed. S. Riddle, a son of W. 11. H. Riddle
Esq., has been appointed one of the Court
Stenographers; Wm. J. Brown, a son of
Sheriff Brjwn, is now a Deptuty Sheriff
John Waters petitioned for a Commis
sion in lunacy as to Frank P. Brown; A.
M. Christley, E*q., Br. J. C. Barr and
Jurepb Casholder were appointed; they
found Brown to be fit subject for restraint,
and that he is a resident of Forwvrd twp.;
and Judge Greer committed bim to Dix
Butler connty paid Warren Hospital last
year *1,113.25; and Dixmont.sl,Bls_l3; tbe
Workhouse in Allegheny Co., f.292.56; the
Industrial Reformatory at Huntington.
$855 02; the Western Penitentiary, $2,103.-
03. Part of the money for supporting peo
pie at the Hospitals is recovered from the
townships and boroughs, but no township
can be iequired to support more than two
persons in a hospital and no boreugh more
than three.
S. G. Purvis 4 Co., had summons in
ejectment issued vs S. R Spenser for a
tract of land near Stamm's brick yard.
Erhart Lang has sued Chas. Weidhas for
cutting trees on his property and claims
damages in $l5O.
Heirs of Albert Seidel to W L Lockwood,
15 acres in Jackson twp for $4,n5, and
quit claim for same for sl.
Peter Kicklass to John A Graham, 11
acres in Gonnoquenessing for SIOOO.
John B Greer to Emma Sykes, lot in
Butler for $225.
David Pattnn to Concord Grange, lot in
Concord for $75.
L Hartenstein to Jno L'Rennick, 3 acres
in Jefferson for $650.
Oil Well Supply Co., to Henry W Fank
er. lot in Zelienople for $1,400.
W A McCandless to W D Brandon, 53
acres in Forward for S2OO.
Wm Mclfinner to Isabella Gray, 100
acres in Adams fir S3OOO, and I Gray to
Lillie J McEinney, samtt for same.
R H Graham to Milton Cross. 57 acres in
Connoquenessing for $3,550.
Marriage Licenses.
Joseph McSanny Clearfield twp
Bertha Christy
Ira Dun Allegheny, Pa
Marysbuster Connoquenessing twp
At Kittanning, David M Duulap and
Viella J Smith of Butl«r Co.
At Franklin, Wm G Kimes of Murrins
ville and Roja Latsbaw of Barkoyville.
At Youngstown, 0., Chas B Matthews
of Butler and Mary Campbell of Xew
The Prize Winners.
The ladies of the W. C. T. C. and mem
bra of the Loyal Temperance Legion wish
to tender their tbanks to Mr. Duffy for the
ate of his store room for the pet show, to
thank the ladies and gentlemen who filled
the offices and also tbanks to tbe
yonnir gentlemen wbo so kindly helped us
to make the sbow a success. Tbe follow
ing persons t<iok the prize on their pets and
if they will please send their address to
Mrs C. A. Bailey, So. 432 North Wash
ington street, they will receive as their
prize one of the yearly publications of our
German Hares, Willie Shannon; Eng
ish Rabbits, A Die Bickel; Silk Hair Rus
sian Hares, Albert Sherman; Japanese
Chickens. W. H. H. Riddle; Hamburg
Chickens, Harry Bickel; Cutest Puppy
(two liule pugs), J. Truby; Noisiest Ro oa
ter, Edith Brown; Langsbang Chickens,
Earnest Cronenwett; Rarest Dog (Italian
Greybounud) Paul and John Cooper; Larg
est Dog, Eddie Campbell; White Albino
Squirrel, John and Elin*r Hu»elton;Canary,
Mri. Leak; Itedliird, Gertrude Keck; Par
rot, Harry Bickel; Opossum, \V ill Drabert
Manx Cat, Altie Gumpper; Prettiest Kit
ten, Mrs. S. H Huselton; Finest Cat, Har
ry Bickel; Smallest dog, Myrtle Starr;
Carrier Pigeons, Ford Hays; Hamburg
Hens, Clarence Spang.
Sabbath Association.
A meeting will be held in the United
Presbyterian Church on Friday afternoon
and evening, 24th, for the purpose' ot or
ganizing a County Sabbath Association.
The afternoon session will open at 2'clock,
and the evening at 7:30.
Each Congregation, W. C. T. Union and
Alliance, Christian and Reform Association
in the county in sympathy with th>» Sab
bath Refj m movement is requested to
send delegates.
Rev. 8. J. Crowe, of Mercer, Hon. D. B.
Doutbelt of Brownsdale, and others will
deliver addresses.
Your Attention
is called to tbe fact that WIST SCW
BI'HY ACAJEMY is more prosperous
than ever. Tbe attendance of the
W inter Term baa been the largest in
tbe history of the lustitatiou. Ex
penses as low as ever, Spring Term
opens Mar. 21st Correspondence
F. E Ksocu, Puis.,
West Suabary, Pa
—We have just received a large
line of White Goods, Laces and Em
broideries in all tbe latest Designs.
Call and see as
The People's Store.
Why Eat Impure Food?
There would be less dyspepsia in
the world il people would eat more
pure and less poor crackers. Pore
crackers are a health lood. They are
rnadt by Marvin, Pittsburg Your
grocer keeps them. Ask especially
for Marvin's Superior XXX tiinger
Sbaps, Drummer's Luucb Biecoit,
Eagle Batter Crackers, Royal Fruit
Biscuit and Extra Soda Crackers
Buffalo Blankets, best for wear at
L. BTEIN & Son'P.
"Think twice and speak once."
Come and bear John E. Ilemsbarg
lecture at Seneca Hall, Friday eve
ning, Feb. 21tb,on "Sunday Opening
of Columbia Exposition."
—Money to loan—lnquire of F.
S Purvtance, Hunelton block, cor.
Main and Diamond.Butler Pa'
—Children's Trunks
Children's Bureaus.
Children's Chairs
Children's Wooden Bedsteads.
Children's Wooden Tables.
1 Children's Wooder Rockers at
—Hotel Waverly. best house in
' Butler.
r —Boy's Carts and Wagons,
s Toys that never out-stay their
I Welcome with the Boys at
—On Decernber Ist we begin to
, invoice and want to reduce oar stock
all we can before that time, there
fore will make special low prices in
blankets, robes, harness and every
thing we have. Martincourt & Co.,
f 128 East Jefferson, street Butler,
—Pianos Upright Pianos,
Metallophones, Organs,
Accordeons, Concertiuas,
Musical Boxes, Mouth Organs ot
' all kinds at J. F. T. STEULE'H
Council Proceedings.
i At the meeting of Council Tuesday even
i ing. the People's Gas Company was award
-led the =amc privileges and rights as the
j Citizen's Gas Co.
Jacob Heck complained of the condition
of the allfj- in which bis blacksmith shop
is located, and the matter was referred to
the street committee, which is to put the
alley in shape as as possible at the
expense of Mr. Hnghev, the Contractor for
the sewer.
All persons who have cot disconnected '
their roof-water pipes from the -■jwers will ,
be proceeded against. The Council deems i
this imperatively necessary in order to pro- j
tect the town Irom suits for damages for'
flooded cellars.
Sec 3, of the Garbaire Ordinanr eof Sept. ,
24, ISO 2, wa read, and was considered to j
sufficiently COV«T that question.
Solicitor Campbell's bill of <412 40 for
services for one year was approved.
The Council expected this to be its last
meeting but as Treasurer Schenck did not
have his report ready, it adjourned to meet
at 7p. m., of Monday, Mur oth. for an
hour's session, preceeding the organization
of the new council
A Swede who goes by the name of "Big
Mike" had bis back broke'! in the Gomer
sol coal mine a few days ago by the fall of
a large stone, and was taken to the Mer
cer Hospital.
Mr. J. C. BeighHe of White-town, this
coDnty. who is now visiting friends at
Idaho Springs, Col., sends us a paper of
that an account of the
accidental death of a native of this count?,
as follows: "Our citizens last Tnesday
were pained to learn that Hank Beigliley
had been killed by falling under '.he wheels
of bis wagon while coming down Yankee
Hill on the Silver Creek road. The acci
dent occurred through the chain of the rough
lock becoming detached. The wagon
lurched forward onto the team. tb»*n struck
a rock throwing Mr Heighley into the air
about four feet and to the road in front of
the wheels, which passed over him length
wise, severing bis right arm at the shoul
der. crashing his ribs and breaking bis
right leg in two places. He was carried
to his house, but died before reaching it.
Mr. Beijrhley was an old resident and
highly respected. He belonged to the
Masonic Lodge i-t this place, which has
assumed charge of the funeral arrar ge
ments. Mrs. Beigley, who han been visit
ing in Pennsylvania, was wired and is now
on her way home.
The Markets.
Our grocers are paying 22 for eggs, 25
for butter, 63 lor potatoes, 1.75 for beans,
3 eta. a pd. for cabbage. 40 for turnips,
60 cts a bu for par.-nips, 12i for dressed
chicken, 14 cts. for dresned turkey.
Timothy hay from county wagons sl7 to
sl9, mixed bay sl3 to 14, straw $G to 8 50,
mill feed sl7 to 20. Wheat, by car loan,
75 to 77, ct rn 45 to 53, oats 37 to 40, rye
64 to 68. Buckwheat flour 2i to 2J.
Count}' roli butter 25 to 27, cooking
butter 10 to 12.
Fresh eggs in cases 26 to 28.
White potatoes on track 85 to 90, from
store 95 to 1.00.
Apples $2.00 to $3.75 a bbl., beans $2.10
to 2 20.
Cabbage in sugar bbls 3.00 to 3 50,, in
floor blli.' 225 to 2 50; celery 30 to 60 a
doz., hominy $3 per bbl. 01*200 lbs. Honey
12 to 20, onions 1.40 to 150, tallow SJ,
turnips 2.50 a bbl.
Dressed chicken 17 to 18, duck 16 to 17,
turkey 19 to 20, goose 10 to 11.
At Herr's Island, Monday, good cattle
were Rcarce. and common steers sold at 4
to 4.10; 1000 to 1200 IB steers at 4.15 to 4i,
and fancy stock as high as 6}
Hags were scarce, and roughs sola at
to 7.80, common at 8.65 to 8.90, and lancy
slock as high as 9±.
Common lambs sold' at 3} to 4}; good
spring lambs at 6 to 6}, and sheep at 2} to
6, as to condition.
Common veals sold at 2{to 4s, and good
veals went readily at 6j to 7.
The Sick.
Mrs. J. P. Wilson, a daughter ol Clerk
Criswell, is lying sick of typhoid fever at
her home in Pittsburg.
Mrs. John Staples, of Callery is recover
ing from a severe illness.
Mr N. W. Campbell, is lying serionsly
ill of asLhuia at the htiinu of John Cald
well in Jefferson twp. He may have to
give up his school for this winter.
—Call and examine oar stock of
Table Linens, Napkins and Towel,s
before buying elsewhere.
Tbe People's Store
Best place to .bay Table LineDS,
Napkins and Towels at
New Broadcloths, Bedford Cords,
Henriettas and Fine Drees Goods at
Modern Slaves.
Why waste time and enerary bak
ing bread' The modern 19th Centu
ry women isn't a slave. Bread bak
ing is tbe most slavish work in tbe
world. And then it is so liable to be
a failure. Marvin's bread never fails
to be just right. It is as good as
the best house wi/e can bake, and ful
ly as cheap. There is no worry or
bother about getting it. You simp
ly tell your grocer, he sends it to
you. Ask tor Marvin's Red Seal
Bread and be ture you get it.
—Zaver's Pictures leave nothing
wanting in finish, tone or a correct
Pon't forget us on Hosiery <ind
Gloves, we always have the best at
lowest prices
L. SR£iN k SON ' 6.
—Boarding House Cards, with Act
I of Assembly, 25 cejtf for half-a-dozen,
for sale at CITIZKN office,
German Knitting Yam, Spanish
; and Saxony Yarns at
. Ladies ant* Misses' Cloaks in great
variety at lowest prices at
—Double Blackboards, Secretaries
Desks, Eureka Baby-Jumpers and
1 Swings for sale at
\ Very low prices on Fine Umbrel
' las at
—On December Ist we begin to
invoice and want to reduce our stock
■ all we can before that time, there
fore will make special low prices in
blankets robes, harness and every
thing we have Martincourt A Co..
128 East Jefferson street, Butler.
Best styles in Dress Goods and
Cloaks at
—Everybody reads The Pittsburg
i Dispatch for tbe reason that it con
tains more news, both general, sp"ci
al.and telegraphic; has more contrib
utors and more special correspond
ence than any other newspaper be
tween .>cw York and Chicago.
—The influence of tbe Commtr
> cial Qazette is second to no paper in
i Pennsylvania because its editorial
. and news colums are honest, fearless,
i just, and intelligent. Wbat it says
. tbe people know is inspired by no po
t litical boss or wealthly corporation.
—On December Ist we begin to
invoice and want to reduce our stock
all we can before that time, there
fore will make special low prices in
j blankets, robes, harness and every
thing we have. Martincourt & Co.,
128 East Jefferson street, Butler.
The failure of R. L Walker the banker
and manufacturer of YoungeWVn. O , is
expected to financially ruin Gov. McKinley
who endorsed for him for a large amount, j
Judge Mehard acted upon the liquor j
license applications for Mercer connty, last j
week. Three were granted in Greenville
—the National and the Arlington hotels
and Wasser's restaurant. Two hotel li
i censes were granted in Sharpsville, and
the St. Cloud (pronounced San Cloo) in
Merccr. Sharon got all the jorum joints
asked for, except two. In making his de
! eisjon Judge Mehard evolved a new kink
in hi- plan of leaving the matter to the
side having the greatest number of sie
natures, for or against. In Mercer town
the list of remonstrances against the St.
Cloud Hotel outnumbered the petitioners,
but the Judge took the ground that as
there was a preponderance of male signers
in the petition that paper r-lucld be given
the greatest weight. So the licence was
granted, the first in town for several years.
In Stoneboro the wholesale license was
refused and the Lake House held over until
the suit against the proprietors is settled.
The greater part of West Newton, Pa.,
was destroyed by fire last Satuiday night.
There were several narrow escapes: and
the money loss is placed at $40,000.
An Anollo. Armstrong connty man, bru
tally a.-saulted a fourteen-year old girl at
that place recently. About three hundred
indignant cil.-eiis procured a rope with
the intention of lynching the wretch, but
a shrewd move on the part, of tbe officer en
abled him outwit the crowd and his prison
er was safely landed in the jail at Kittan
New Castle claims to have increased its
population from 2.500 to 3,000 since tbe
census was taken tn 1890.
Clearfield county boasts of the champion
raw beef eater. His name is Matt Kite,
and he flies pretty high, for he got away
with four pounds iu 35 minutes one day
last week.
A Lebanon county farmer saw eight half
starved and half-frozen partridges sitting
in a fence corner. Procuring his gun, he
killed all of them, and took them to his
home. He boasted of bis achieveme ts,
ar.d was arrested Squire Bliver fiued him
SBO and the cost of suit, so that each par
tridge cost him over $lO.
Two Greenville youths wero having a
practical exhibition of a Kilkenny cat
tight, by toing two cats by the tail and
hanging them over a line. Humane Agent
Hobaugh heard of it and went for them.
When he arrived at the . lace the young
bloods had the cats strung over a wire and
were enjoj ing the cruel sport with great
delight Mr. Hobaugh collared the two
spectators and at once had tbe cats releas
ed by the people that had been tormenting
them. In getting the cats from off the
wire tbe two boys were terribly scratched
about the face, neck, and hands, and suf
fered as severely as the cats themselves.
Detectives Brown and Marshall of New
Castle have received written notices that
they are to be killed.
The police authorities there are confident
a branch of the Mufia exists in that county.
A series of recent occurences go far to
strengthen the police declaration. There
are from 3.000 to 4,000 Italians in the
neighborhood. In the Lawrence j iil at the
present time is an Italian named Micbele
Tenora. He will be tried at the March
term of court for the murder ol his son-in
law's brother, Luigo Di Marschi, a f . Ell
wood last July. He meant to kill Marscbi,
but only wounded him, and murdered hi»
brother He escaped but was subsequently
caught in Wisconxion and returned here a
few years ago. When he returned he had
only a few dollars.
The Italians who act as court interperters
here say that Tenora is a member of the
Mafia. There has been raised among the
ItaliaLs in that county nearly SI,OOO to aid
in his defense, and William S. Anderson,
the great criminal lawyer of Toungstown.
wi'l have charge of his side of the case.
A Surprise Party.
On Monday eve, Feb. 6, about 30 of tbe
many friends of Mr. Wm. Montag, as
sembled to offer their congratulations and
and best wishes on tbe anniversary of his
birthday. An enjoyable evening was
spent by all. Kev. Limberg, his pastor,
made an address in the namo « f the assem
bled guests, wishing him many prosperous
years to come. Owing to the inclemacy
of the weather, some of his friends could
not be there, but yet many of them came
quite a distance, showing f'fir e>-t«em and
respect by bearing the weather. Refresh
ments were se.rved. After a pleasant even
ing, all went home hoping they may have
the opportunity to surprise him on many
uneh occasions.
Farm for sale.
A farm of oae hundred and thirty
three acres, situated in Cherry Twp.,
Butler Co., Pa.. 2 miles northwest of
West Sunbury, near Gomersoll, and
known as the Walter Currie farm, is
herby offered for sale. A farm house,
a large frame barn and all necessary
out buildings; well timbered with
white oak and chestnut, underlaid
with good vein of coal; 2 orchards of
good fruit thereon.
For prices and particulars inquire
McCandless, P. 0 ,
Butler Co, Pa.
Horses Wanted.
I will bay two car loads of horses
and mares consisting of drivers gen
eral purpose and draft horses, age
from 4to 7 years, weighing from
1000 to 1500 bbls. I will be at
Grove City, Thursday March 2nd;
North Washington, Friday, March
3rd; Wick House livery barn, But-
Saturday, March 4th, 1893.
—Louis Traxler will forfeit one
thousand dollars to any person who
can prove that be don't sell his goods
at the prices advertised We want
all the people of Butler county to
deal with us and they will be con
vinced that it will pay them. Our
motto is big sales and small profits.
We are satisfied with a very small
profit, but we want to sell lots of
goods. Try us when in need of Dry
Goods. We live next door to the
Butler Savings Bank, Butler.
—AI way stop at the Hotel Waver
ly when in Butler.
—Take your children to Zaver's
Gallery for Pictures that will salt
you. Postoffice building.
Largest assortment and best values
in Dress Goods and Cloaks at
Will yoa endare ao old, dirty
paper on yonr room, when you can
get enough new and cheerful wall
paper to paper it at a cost of
less than L you can buy so much
wrapping paper?
We sell our papers now at a price
to suit you and without regard to
cost. Our aim is, to reduce stock.
WE MUST SELL and you can
not help but buy if you call at
J. H. Douglass'.
The well-known liveryman, Wm.
Kennedy, will be pleased to
have bis friends call at his new place
of business. Tbe
Best Horses, Buggies and*Car
in Butler at the most reasonable
rales. The place is easily remember
ed. Tbe first stable west of tbe
Lowry House.
Alderman C. F. Benbauer. who was the
Citizen-Alliance candidate for Mavor ol
Pittsburg. at the late election is a native
j of Saionburg
Gust. Grieshacb, the big producer of i
| Evans City was in Butler, Monday. He
-ay« that Coad drew hi* gnu on Ripper.the
bar-tender, and would have shot him had j
he not interfered: and that when he did so j
Coad turned on him and fired. Tho first
shot missed Gresbaeh entirely, but the i
second cut his neck.and pistol was so close
to him that the explosion burned his right
Miss Bovd of Tarentum is the guest of
Mrs. C. X." Boyd.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Heineman entertain
ed their friends at an elegant tea Wednes
day evening.
liev. Dr. Flag* will conduct divine
services in the Baptist ci.iucb of this place
on next Sabbath morning and evening.
Our old-time friend, James K. Cubbison,
h .8 been one of the prominent figures in
the exciting scenes in Kansas legislative
circles He isthe representative from Wyan
dotte county, and was temporary speaker
of the body organized by the Republicans
and now known as "the Douglass
house." On Friday a committee of three
Kepublicanj.of which "Jim" Cubbison was
a member, arranged matters with Governor
Lea i "-3S Therejy the questions at issue
will he settled in the courts. "Jim"stands
high with the Republicans of Kansas and
has been mentioned for United States Sen
ate in case his party secures the control
of the Legislature. So one can be more
gratified at his rise to fame and political
preferment than wc are —Franklin AVtr*.
Alex. Williams intends removing to
Ell wood, and going into the hotel business;
and has rented his building on Main St., to
Mr. Smith the restaurant man.
Mr. V. Everett L wrence, who gradual
ed at the "CITIZEN" office as a printer
some fifteen years ago, is now a very suc
cessful practicing physician in Halstcd,
Harvey Co., Kansas.
Rev Limberg will preach in the Ger
man language at Bethany Reformed
Church, Xorth St., Sunday p. m. at 2:30.
Armory Opera House.
Henshaw aud Ten Broeck in "The Na
bobs" drew a big audience to the Grand
Opera House. "Jfo plot, all fun,"' was the
motto, »nd from start to finish the audi
ence was kept in roars.
"The Nabobs'' is a farce comedy, and a*
sucb gives opportunity for graceful Jances
by pretty girls, grotesque dances by clever
men, comic songs and jolly chourses by a
variety of versatile people. There is not a
dull moment in it, and granted that it is a
little noisy, it is none the less on that ac
count a dispeller of the blues.
In the first act you have a female acad
emy, with papils who may not care much
f»r painting or French, but who can kick
higher than a first class in mental philos
ophy, and give skirt dances that could nev
er be learned from books. Indeed, the
work done by the female portion of the
"Nabobs" company would be a whole
show in itsels, to say nothin of the excel
lent performances of John E. Henshaw
and other male members.
In the second act of this mnsical absurd
ity a lesson ih mythology is tanght by
weans of the sominary girls arrayed as
Venus, Diana and other classical beau'ies.
There i 3, moreover, a very good spectacu
lar egect iu this act, which imparts a
splendid touch to "The Nabobs." But the
songs ef Henshaw, especially that language
parody on "Comrades" (come rats), give
this act a flavor of the specialty stage, and
prove the great bit o the piece.
In the I'st act there is an almost con
stant stream of fun. interrupted, however,
by the charming lullaby duo of Minnie and
Nellie Bland. Versatile Carrie Ezler's
song and dance specialties, skirt dances by
various members of the company, solos bj
Henshaw, gags galore and choruses by the
entire company, round off an entertain
ment, which for genuine fun, it would be
difficult to surpass.
"The Nabobs" will be given every even
ing during the week and at the Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday matinees. —Boston
[MassJOfoie. Prices: 35, 50 and 75.
Inauguaration Rates.
The Pittsburg <t Western Railway will
s< ll round trip tickets to Baltimore and
Washington on Fob. 28.March 1, 2 and 3rd
good for return until March Btb inclusive,
at the usual fare one way.
Kate from Butler. $lO.
For further information apply to nearest
P. <t W. ticket agent.
FITTING. -o:o-
Large Display 'of
[Handsome Fabrics for
C & D
Ready for All.
I Everything that is new in S
Hate Oar $1 50 and $2.00 are
wonders for the money,
i 7f i f ' in Sift ll*ts,
ranging in price from 25 eta. to $5.00.
All the new blookajin Silk Hata.
Greatest line of Furnishing Goods
i we ever had.
An inspection will Wan'advantage
to any one.
Hatters and Furnishers,
242 S Main street,
Butler, Pa.
I ■ ——
v* '»-< >
c 1 and Entiiagt: aMJ
r.*ll *%,c»«-an.
w. f). HiamsOK * CO.. u
Meeting of the Monument
The Soldier*.' Monument Committee;
met in the Court Boom, Wednesday after
ternoon,with G D. Swain of Harmony, pre
' siding. Treasurer Duffy reported that he
had received $1,125, to which were added .
j the subscriptions and additional rabscrip
-1 tions made thai afternoon ie: Connoque
' nessing twp., $7 30: Forward twp., $17.10;
! Centre, 125; Centreville, $1"; Fairview sl2,
! and 2d ward. Butler. $lO 25. Thirteen ]
townships are yet to hear from, it: Mar- ;
ion, Venango, Parker, Allegheny, Worth.
Concord, Middlesex. Cranberry. Adams. :
Clinton and Buffalo, and their collectors 1
are requested to report as soon as possble.
Friday, March luh was selected as Sol
dier.-' Moifument Day for the schools of the .
county; on which day the teachers of each ■
and every school in the county are request
ed to hold patriotic recitations in the
school room; and eacn teacher will be fur
nished by the Secretary of the Board with
a book in which to record small snbscrip- 1
tions from the scholars and their friends to
the monument
It was also decided to have a mass meet
ing in Butler on the afternoon of Decora
tion Day, on the interest of the monument;
and also one at each point in the county
where the day was observed.
Designs for the monument were eihibit- (
ed by Butler, Allegheny and Cleveland
firms. Remarks were made by Messrs
Sullivan, Douthett, Anderson, Maxwell
and others, aud the meeting adjourned.
Oil Notes.
The Showalter Brothers are preparing '
to drill on the Buhl farm near the bridge.
The blizzard on Sunday destroyed
three rigs near Callory-two on the Wm. ,
Cashdollar and one on the John Clark
farm. ,
Oil is hovering about the 60 cent mark. I
By virtue of a deed or assignment for the
benefit of creditors. J will expose at public sale
Thursday,the 21st dayjof March,
A. D. 18a3. at 10 o'clock a. in., on the pre mists
of A T. Black. Esq., In Butler, wl'h the privi
lege of adjourning to the Court Uouse. all the
following assigned estate of A. r. Black, viz:
One lot ot land situated In tbe borough of
Butler, county of But er an 1 State ot Penn'a,
bounded uti tne north by lands of John 11.
NVglev and Lev MoQ listioa. on tie east t>y
Main street, on tbe south by lot of Sarah K.
Sloan, and on the west by lot of \V. C. Thomp
son ; fronting 18 feet on Mam street and ex
tending bacu €■> feet, with a two story brick
office building thereon containing rour rooms
and bain room, with sewer, water and gas
co nnectlens.
One fourth working Interest in lease-hold for
Oil and gas purposes on tne It. Barnhart farm
In twp., Rut.'er county. Fa.,
bounded north bf the ,1. C. Brandon farm, east
and south by lease ol Lockwood and Patterson
on|saine farm.anu west by lease ot McKlhaney £
to . on saine larm; containing tej acres, more
or less, witu 3 producing oil wells, and one .id
sand gas well all connecred to one boiler bouse
thereou. Kmoraclng 4 rigs. boilers. 4 euglnes.
4 strings 015-, casic.g, -i strings ol caimg. 4
strings ot tubing and rods; i water well outfits,
two 230-barrel water tanks, l boll er house, oil '
tanks, and ail tools, connections, machinery
and fixtures thereon
Three-sixteenths interest in leasehold for oil
and gas purposes on same farm, bounded north
oy the J. C. Brandon farm, east by lease of A.
T. BlacK A Co., last above described ; south by
lease of lxickwooil « Patterson, same farm; aud
west by lauds ol Casper Fehl aud John lilt;
containing flve acres, with 2 producing oil wells
thereon, embracing 2 rigs, 1 boiler house, 1 1
boiler. engines,strings S',-casing, 2 strlng3
4*-casing. 2 strings tubing rods, t water well '
and outut, water tanks, oil taufcs, aud all tools,
connections, machinery and fixtures thereon.
Three-eighths work'ng Interest In leasehold |
for oil and gas .purpose* ou the Zeno Market I
larm, inCounoqueuesslug twp.. Butler county,
Fa., bounded north by lands ot TLos. Graham
and Hiram Graham on the east by lands of (
Nlcklass heirs and 11. K. Daumbach. on the (
south by Powder Mill Road and McKlnney, and (
the west by lands ot J. C. Brandon et al; con- t
tabling 100 acres, mors or less.
One-iourth of three rigs on the Hazlett farm,
In same township.
The following law books etc.. will be offered i
for sale: 143 volumes * enn a State Reports, 3
vol. Chltt's Pleadings. 2 vol. Washburne ou Real
Property. 2 yoL Mory on Contract*, i vol. sar
geant's Mechanics t«in l.aw. 3 vols. Whar
ton's Criminal La*s. 2 vols Addison on Torts
1 vol. Story's Equity Pleading, 2 vols. Story's'
Kqulty Jurisprudence. 4 vols. Kent s Commen
taries. 1 vol. Hoiumbe's Introduction to Equl
ty.l vol. Kealleld on Carriers and other Bailees.
1 vol. Morse ou Bauks and Banking, 3 vols.
Oreenleaf on Evidence, 1 vol. Starkle on Evi
dence. 1 vol. Kerr on Receivers, l vol. Milliard
on Injunctions, ' 2 vols Amerlcau Leading Cases,
2 \ol*. Reused Statutes of the U. S , 1 vol.
C, 8. Statutes at Large, l vol. Byleson Bills, 1
vol. Morris on Repleven. 3 vols Daniel's Chan
eery ['leading and Practice, 1 vol. Harbour's
Treatise. Criminal Law. 1 vols. Burrlll's Law
Dictionary. 2 vols, sharswood's Blackstooe, l
vol. Barton's suit In Equity, 1 vol Seargeant
on Foreign Attachments 1 vols. Leading c taes
of Am. Law ot Real Property. 1 vol. Mitchell
on Motions and Rules. 2 vols. Pnrdon's Digest
of 1772. 4 vols. American Law Register, 1 vol.
Tact In Court. 1 vol. Duane's Road Law. 1 vol. '
Wright •< Index to Pa. Reports, 1 vol. Mitchell
on Contracts. 1 vol. Bankruptcy Manual, 1 vol. 1
Statute of t- raudji and I'erlurle*. 1 vol. Settle
uieuts and Land Titles tAguew),! >oL Black
burne on Sales. I voL (ieneral Corporation laws
of Peuu'a. 1 vol. Story on Agency. 3 vols. Bale's
History Pcnn'a. Volunteers. 1 vol. New Reve
nue Act. I vol. Watsons Atlas of World. 1 book
case, glass doors; one book case. wooden doors; ,
1 Iron safe (Ilall). 2 iron renders, 1 folding bed
mattress. 1 lounge, 1 cupboard aud dishes, 1 1
wardrobe, 1 plush rocker. 1 hair cloth rocker,
t coal tank, 1 Allen Washer. 1 Champion
Wringer. 1 cooking stove. 1 hard coal stove, 1
extension table, 1 refrigeratoi, 1 tool chest, and
some tools, miscellaneous articles too numer
ous to mention.
Terms ol sale: < 'ash on confirmation of sale of
reality, and delivery of personalty. All oil In
tanks will be reserved.
J. B. BLACK. Assignee-
BCTLEB, PA.. Feb. il. lIW2.
Jury List for March T., 1893.
List of Grand Jurors drawn this .10th day
of January, A. D., lfft»3, to serve as Grand
Jurors at a regular term of Court, commenc
ing the 6tb day of March., A. D., 1S!»3. the
»ame being the first Monday of said month.
Benson James, Douegal twp, farmer.
Bayonet Victor, Butler Ist wd. glassworker.
Badger William C, Brady twp, farmer.
Bartley N'aaman, Clay twp, farmer.
Baker John G, Middlesex twp, farmer.
Cleeland Robert, Muddycreek twp, farmer.
Glenn James C, Clay twp, farmer.
Gibson George, Brady twp. farmer.
Gcehring Lewis, Jackson twp west, farmer.
Hoch Adolphus A. Millerstown Bor,
Humel John, Cherry twp south, farmer.
Harper J F, Washington twp south, marble
Koch Frank, Butler 4th wd, merchant.
Keifer Henry W, Butler 3rd wd, carpenter.
McNair Thomas, Butler 3rd wd, ex p. agent.
Kennic Daniel Slipperyrock twp, farmer.
Starr J H, Middlesex twp, farmer.
Stevenson Calvin, Ceuter twp, farmer.
Scott Winfield, Summit twp, farmer.
Wise II M, Harmony Bor, lumber dealer.
Wallace William C. Bald Rioge.farmer,
Wick William, Oakland twp, farmer.
Wilson D L, Centerville Bor, farmer.
Young James B, Butler 4th wd, driller.
List of Petit Jurors drawn 30th day ot
January, A. D., 1H93, to serve as Petit
Jurors at a regular term of Court, commenc
ing the 13th of March, A. D., ls:>3, the same
being the 2d Monday of said month.
Brewster Alexander, farmer, Centre twp.
Bovard Oliver, farmer. Cherry twp north.
Bedillion William, shoemaker, Middlesex
Campbell David B, oil producer, Butler 3d
Caldwell William, laborer, Butler 2nd wd.
Duinbacher William, farmer. Connoqueneae
ing south.
Dougherty W 11, oil producer, Fairview twp
Double I* A, farmer, Donegal twp.
Davidson If P, farmer, Adains twp south.
Doerr George, laborer, Butler Ist ward.
Klliott Thomas W, farmer, Buffalo twp.
Everet John, farmer, Parker twp.
Grobman John C, farmer, Butler 4th ward.
Heineman H C, men hint, Butler 2nd ward.
' Hutchison M B, merchant, Fairview west.
Iflt George, farmer, Jackson east.
Johnston Jacob, farmer, Summit twp.
Kerr William, farmer, Marion twp.
Kaughman W H, farmer, Muddcreek twp.
Kohlmeyre O P, farmer, Venango twp.
Kamerer Adam, farmer, Butler 2nd ward.
Kocher William, farmer, Lancaster twp.
McConnell S A, farmei, Slipperyrock tw p.
" Moore JC, farmer, Ceutre twp
McWilliams U B, farmer, Centre twp,
McGill W A, carpenter, Harrisville Boro.
Miller G \,clerk, Butler sth ward.
McLlwee Daniel, farmer, Winfield twp.
Mcßride L K. farmer. Venango twp.
Murtland W F, farmer, Coucord twp.
Mechling Joseph B, farmer, Butler twp.
Marshal Geo K, farmer, Forward twp.
* Metzgar WF, merchant, Butler 3d war
Mechling Lewis R, l'trmer, Butler twp.
Pattersou J N, merchant, Butler 3d ward,
itifley John, farmer, Middlesex twp.
' Bamsey J L, farmer, Centre twp.
Rummel Peter, carpenter, Winfield twp.
Shira F M , carpenter, Farker twp.
Sloan Matthew, farmer, Allegheny twp.
Button John 11, oil producer. Butler 4th wd.
' Stepp Michael, farmer, Buffalo twp.
Shira A L, farmer, Washington twp north.
Turk Samuel, farmer, Washington twp north.
Wollord John, farmer, Slipperyrock twp.
Wilson William, inrmer, tairview west.
Wallace James, wagonmaker, Zelienople
Waldron W S. farmer. Forward twp.
Hotels and Depots,
W. S. Gregg ia now running a line
ol carriage)* between tbe botelß and
depotH of tbe town
(.'barges reasonable. Telcpbouu
No. 17, or leave ordera at Hotel
' Good Livery in Connection
Doctor, «.all on your way
back and let us fill your pn scrip-1
tions. It is important that you
have it tl*>ne right. Pure ilrn^-51
as well as cart- in compounding
arc requisite. All of our
are of the BEST. Our prices art
reasonable, consistent with the
pure goods. Remember we guar
antee every article bearing our
name to be just as represented.
We keep all sick room utensils:
Medicine Glasses. Sick feeders.
Air Cushions, Hot Water Bottles,
Ice Bags, Bed Pans.
Xo matter what you want come
to us and if we do not have it we
will get it foryqu or tell you where
the same may- be had.
C. N. BOYD, Druggist
Diamond Block, Butler, Pa
BUT Lira. PA.
CAPITAL J»aM r», ... fioo ooa.oo.
KIRPLIS, - - . #_'(>.OOO 0.1
. .. Joe. Hart man. Pres't.
J. \. Rltte, Vice Pres't. c. A. Bailey, cashier.
Jos Hartman, C. P. Collins. O. M. Russell.
H. McMweeney. C. D. Greenlee, J. V. RltU.
B. K. Abrams. Leslie Hazlett. I. G. Smith.
W. s. Waldron. W. Henry Wilson. M Flcegan.
A general banking business transacted. In
terest paid on time deposits. Money loaned on
approved security.
Foreign exchange bought and sold.
Assets $9,730,000.00.
Home of New York,
Assets $9,328,000.00.
Hartford ol Hartford,
Assets $7,109,000.00.
Continental of New York,
Assets $6,380,000.00.
Assets $137,499,000.00.
Office of
to the Court House.
Administrators and Executors of estates
can secure their receipt books at the CITI
ZE.f office.
Orphans 1 Court Sale!
By virtue of an order and decree of the
Orphan's Court of Butler county. Penn a. at O.
C.Jio. « March T..l*Xi. the undeislgned ad
mlnlstrator of Daniel Wise. dee d. late of Penn
twp , In said county, will offer at public sale al
the Court Uouse in Butler on
at 1 o'clock p. M .. the following rsal estate, vti:
one hundred and twenty-seven acres (UT)more
or less . situate in Penn twp.. .aid county, and
bounded and described AS follows, viz : On the
north by lands of Isaac Wise and .lufcn K'.-B
--111-dy. on the east by lands John Kennedy and
A. Welsh, on the south by lands of Craner
ar.d John Buiford. and on tbe west by lands of
John Buiford and Morrtscu heirs: with dwell
ing house, outbuildings, good frame hank barn,
good orchard; one pniductng oil well; good
water thereon, aud In a good state of cultiva
tion. Title good.
TERMS OT SALE:—JIAOO in hand on coaflr
matlon of sale and delivery of deed aud of the
balance, one- third thereof U> tic secured by
bond and mortage, the Interest thereof to be
Paid annually to Mrs. Ruth Wtse. widow of
said decedent, during her llfeUmc and at her
decease tne said principal debt to paid to tbe
heirs at-law of Daniel Wise, deceased, and tbe
remaining two thirds to be secured by bond
and mor' gage payable In two e<|>ial annual pay
ments with Interest thereon, w.IH provlalou lor
Atty's com. of 5 per cent, for collection. Order
of sale returnable to the neit regular term.
„ . ... WILLIAM H. WISE. Adm'r.
II Q. WALKER, Knoxvlile.
Administrator's Sals.
By virtue of an order of the orphans «\>urt of
Butler couuty. Pa., at O. r. No. TO.Marvh Tenn.
IHO3. and to Ine directed. I will, on
IT 1 o'clock .M . expose to public se on the
premises in the Borough of Butl- Butler
county. Pa., the following real est* late the
propert of Oabrtel Eyth. deceased, U wit: All
that certain messujge or lot of ground situate
In the Borough of Butler. Butler CO.Pa.bounaed
and described as follows ; Fronting on Jail or
Court street, on the SOUTH ose hundred and
twenty feet, more or ieiM.and extending north
the same width, one hundred and forty, MORE
or leus.to an alley,bounded on the east by lot of
Melvtna Reed.and on the west by Bluff street,
with small one story house thereon erected and
Also a certain other messuage or tract of land
situate in said Boro.. County and .state, bound
ed and described as follows: on the north one
hundred and twenty feet . more or or lew by an
alley, on the east eighty-three feet, mote or
less by lot of Jno J siecrea. on the south one
hundred and twenty feet, more or L<aa by an
alley and on tbe west eighty -three feet, more
or leas by BluS street, with no buildings or
improvements thereon.
TKRMS OF SALE:-One-third cash on ap
proval of sale by the ( oui t. aud the balance in
two EQUAL annual pay men Is SECURED by judg
menl Loud and mortgages on tbe premises,
BEARING interest aud with an attorneys com
mission of i per tent, for collection
Att'y. Butler. Fa.
Administrators 1 Notice.
Letters of administration on the estate of
Samuel Mover, dee d, late of Lancaster
twp., Batler Co., Penn'a. having been
granted to the undersigned all persons
knowing themselves indebted to said estate
will please make immediate payment and
those having claims against the same will
present them duly authenticated for settle
ment to
Faii>gaicK WsniLß, *
ABEAM ilovEi. » ADM
Levi M. Wise. Harmony P. v.,
Att'y. Butler Co., Pa.
Administrator's Notice
Notice is hereby given that tbe under
signed have taken out letters of adminis
tration on the estate ol John II Stamm,
dee d, late of Franklin twp, Butler county.
Pa., and all persons indebted to tbe same
are requested to make prompt payment,
and those having claims against said es
tate, to present them duly authenticated
for payment to
Prospect, Pa.
Notice in Divorce.
V. K. Morsel In tbe Court of 1 oenmon Pleas
vs ! of Butler county. Penn'a. A I>.
Grace Morse.) So. 94. Sep. T. LSW.-B. U. P. ti.
I *th. L««. motion ot -S F Bowser
Att'y. lor "lalntlff for the appointment OF a
Commissioner in above stated ease to take
testimony, etc. , presented In open Court, and
motion granted AMI J. M. Painter E»«L AP
POINTED Commissioner.
I hereby give notice that I will attend to tbe
dule-s of the above appointment at my office In
Butler. Pa., on FTA urday. the UB day of March.
A. D.. ISM', at 10 o'clock A. M.
Hotel Bit tier,
J. H. FAUBEL, Prop'r.
This house has been thorough
ly renovated, remodeled, and re
fitted with new furniture and
carpets; has electric bells and all
other modern conveniences for
guests, and is as convenient, and
desirable a home for strangers as
can be found in Butler, i*a.
Elegant sample room for use of
commercial men.
f'MF |
1 _ _ ..1.,, ii «ii
It Pays To Know What Is
Going On For Bargain;,.
And all Winter Goods.
Now is the buyers chance.
Now is the time to save money.
\\ e are willing to sell all winter
goods at cost, and some below cost.
" 44 " lid» •' 10.00
" '• M !»>.0»» - 6.50
BOY'S M «* 14 uO " 10.00
* 4 10.(K> - *.50
14 - 6.00 - 3.50
lens, Youths. Boy s Aid CaiWrei s Slits At ProprtNiafrif Lav Mm
Clothier and Genu Furnisher,
104 South Main St., Butler, Pa.
Dissolution Sale
As the firm of Schaul Bros. & Co. have dissolved partnership, and
the new firm of Schaul & Nast have bought the stock, which we rm»st
turn into cash by March ist.
We have inaugurated this gre-t reduction saJe.
Extra Bargains in Overcoats, I'lsters, and
all Heavy Weight Clothing
before placing our orders tor the comirg spring season We redur*
the price on all winter suits and overcoats regardless of vahie and cost.
All winter suits uiid overcoats for ftitn and boys we offer now
At Cost and Some Less Than Cost.
These prices will surely clear our tables ami sheives. ami those
need of any winter clothing can buy them now it less tfcan -vbolesate
Schaul & Nast,
Successors to Schaul Bros. «fc Co.,
Executors' Notice.
Letters testamentary on the iaet
will and testament ®f
L. Bartley late of the "»«•>
of Ratler.Penn'a..deceased.harm* this -lav
(M-«n granted by the ktegi-ler »t wills in
and for the coanty of Bailor *ad lUi#
aforesaid to the undersigned eiee*t»r->.
thereof, therefore all persons knowing them
salrss indebted to *aid »t*t« are here*\r
notified that speet'y payment thereof trili
be re«ia:.ed.an«l those baring claim* against
••aid estate are reqieeted to preee-nt them
without delay proparly aothaoiieated fcr
settlement to
J. W a LT*« KaßTntr and
E UcJrKl*.
January 27, 18IU. Batler Pa.
Orphans' Court Sal#!
By rtrtue at aa order and *tw at t*»
iinLu toon la aad tor the Coawy <* M*ter
renaa. I win offer hrMNIM prratse* aa
at i o lock r. w. of tart day. a let of (mat
situate ta Butter township. U« a«y aad Stale
aforesaid, bounded by and Croatia* thirty Bes
feet oa the MfU by a omi knows m Xfeeier
Avenue. on the eaat bounded by lac of aow«r
t .rawly of K. Bura- m the we* by lot ef m
rirk Walsh. aad -itendlntf bark by parallel
llnea «autb two Uita.liv.l tad aeees leet ta
atftory Kre~r «tu wbirii la elected -a <MI
i.ue story frame dwellta* borne aad outbuild
loir* Title fit
f "*» '-asK^rs..
Ada r at Urn- Cypher. <R C
E McJonkln. AWy. Ba*tor. Pa
Administrator'* Notice.
Whereas. letter* of Adam»tmtjwa hare
this day been granted to the tradenifPiad
on the estate ->f John K Bennnr*. daad.
lata of Alierbenj twp . Butler C* , Pa .
all peraoaa kaewinjr !hfwel»»« indebted
to *aid estate are hereby aotifie.l t« call
and settle, and thoee liana* clams acaast
the same to present them duly mtheau
cate<t for par aeut to
Joss l> Sain.. Adas r.
A. V. Cotnuri. >andy f**t P O.
Att'y Bo tier Co.. Pa.
Batler, Pa.. Jan 3. I*l
Orphans' Court Sale!
• rourt *!a aa? tor"*Butk-T" imiatT
t"ena a. I will offer tor sale -n the pr mfe «a
SATURDAY. MA l» ff * MM.
at I • clock r a at «ald lav r» acres ef laad.
more .* lesa. situate to < i»i»M«i»e«bW town
snip. Botta-r connty. r»-aaa. bnuade-1 « the
north by lands of Cfceaeisr Oodd* awl >Jlipi.
oa the eMC bounded be ianto of ffcDoaahra
heln.->n the wolh bounded by mW«fT»w
(•allow ajr. aad oa the seat tieaaded M Haito
of JobnUeckerc aad tawi Hemphill.
Ijo acre* . leaml fc-aeed aad mßhiaied.batoace
wood laud, brlek dweiaa* hoaae. fraaae baas
barn. itbulUlla*- aad mod erctoard theieaa:
well watered and in all r«iinti» a aalaahto
TEUII or *ALE (Joe-third at the par
chaae bmm to be paid aa aaßrwarlea efaale
aad the re«da> a iwa <naal aaM payaaato
Ukerearter.with ;ate»e*t fr»tn taM <~>o»naaO.«a
aad to be eer-«»d by jurt,oßeai boaaa «e toad
aad-noct-., <• ALU (» AT.
Ada lavtnt'ir ot at
K MeJimkla. laae lialtoway dard.
Aft y. Proepeet f. O, reaa.a.
Executors' Notice.
nun or uctu amiotM. Ma 's.
Letters usduaeotary U. the eetate ef Laalaa
Kayder. deed, late of Brady tw». toafler la..
!■» . ha. lac been xraaled ta the aatorayaed.
all persons kaowin* theawlvew liul Mni
to lukl estate will pleatae aahe
immediate pajaent. aad aay bana«
cUimi aitalat th<- same will prearnt them dulj
authenticated for «-ttleaeat to
Luuno B SuTima.
Met aadk a T. O-. or
*«r* toina.
Weal Liberty T. «> .
Butler fa . r» .
W D. Brandon. Atty. Eseeutosa.
Administrator's Notice
Wbereaa letter* of adalntetntjon were thai
day granted by the Registrr to aa.l tor the
( DOaty of Butler I'ena a. to the uadeMaed oa
the estate of Da»id ->iaa«m*. late of Kraahlln
twp. . Butler r» . ffhr'd. all perst-o* kaow ■
ir.i tbea*l*e* ludebtad to <atd '*a-e are
leliuested to aat- immediate payment aad
liiuar ba'tnc claims *»i»« the saae atn
please present tbea twoperty aatheniaaied tor
settlement to the .■ derwcned
Taoaaa <iasx»w*T.
l.lßiin»utr 4f *JT
E. MeJonktn. Prtapect rata a.
Atf*. <*t St- I*-
Executor's Notice.
Latter* testamentary on the estate a
£dward Mellon, dee'J. late of Zetisaopla
Hutler Co.. Pa .hariny been granted to the
undersigned, all per«ms kn..wnin(f them
wires irdebteil to -aid estate are r»|ti*»i«4
to make immediate payment, and any ;taT
nig claims against said eatata will j,»rei«at
them duly authenticated for aettiement to
Kunxi Mitloi. Ei «.
W. I). Brandon, Zehen-pie. Pa.
Traiaa leave the Wtm Paaa hpail m *•»
eea* Uffar.sa *. as *»tta*e«— •
•OA a. a.—Mark a auto at Aitoehswr
*■.*> aaa*U p. a.
, a. a.-fan— aitaa at m
a* l«fc» a.
ifeeey a*
' at tM pu a.
I tjffa. m. — Etpeeaa -m 11 ias at AJJaebsa' »*
| * t tec bear at •*-«» mm.
The <te *> a. a. team aad i« to ». «to
winaset at Bailee Jaae.ltea vMk to— f
a nsilT With the Omr Eaipsass aad FHfc
Expreos fstad Eaal
raa» aeries a B iUer at Ml aaff tol
a aad IJ». aad 7:.W p am., havtaff
tagfeeay mt «k3B. *•» am* !*• a a. aai x.
!IS aad rt iep. a
r A w. a. k.
Trasas leasw the PAW tad asae f- -
n* Ave -a—thaide. Bstiar laa, aaM*
*•"* wart.
, MS a. a—All »abaay .VeaaaaadMiaa.
I Prte—A itasheae aal Una f ipssaa e«
<m Haaday to »iUfhwae. aad saaa
I daily to New • selie.
a. a.— »(lejfbeae A ai litoaa,
p. a. - tlt«Aea* Ksprasa.
I .t» p. a. —«'hieaga fcjpeaa, raaa as t»
i **- . _ _
ids p. a.— IHiafcuy aad UMMph toe
Raaa aa *aai<f to t. la aha ay atoaa.
Oa Saa la/ asaae. a 1! Uto ■ . Iffaffba
| fcaMe# NW
srt» p. ■ Cl—la* Aoaaaa.
7'SS pa Paxbaeg An sea.
ObMtoaaia isaaaa ft* t'ailarr »
II Ua a. ?*aaday inias«■ ffa mmmma
"rto i* to a. baa 'tea* eeasea a Ch.
| Mt aad a maippsd wilt he P%ilaaa ha- -
Trataatorftadee la ass AUefhaap a>
i *l»> aad a. a... a*r im», atol tdh. JtST
■aad *l3 pi a «Ja .»aaday MtWka-t
j I*l to ■
Traaas aert-sw m Bailee at 'S-J* and *J» a
!a. asd IMS. 4 18. T:» aad *M to a. *aa
-toy at MOB aad t*
nmirto. <scit a-»> e
taaa. a totteww
ScJh a a. ta Ens. W ttoaa at IM
t *- m -
Mc 3» a. a. as Knk aim— ffaas at fcJi
, p. a, BaffaJ* at ->-•»» to a.
V«e p. a. a ijsaeaeUte. aiieiag ihaa as
j pa. ,
! a with taemagb -ae a see the
P a IT eas ac ila p. aa. tosas _ feiw ahaah
eae a « « pi. f -ne
Tra« teaee lltlliseda am 4:» sad 11.15 a.
j a. alaw baa aad ... s iha
The #*• a. a. aad J p. a. ttmuam m
' mato a *n«oiay un •«* m
the P .t a i r- aa Bailee
W. H. 1/BBIWI * JsON.
~ [.-iaarewesmr. at Sctaßt A O'ltatoC
Sanitary Plumbers
And «tw Fitters.
| mAimmm
I Sew«r Pipe,
(tae Fixtur*<4
Globes* sod •
Natural Appli i»«ii,
JeffenH>nSt ..upp. Lowry H<MN
>ulk ia
Rough and luted Mb
OP *u um
Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings.
Sbinglee sod Lath
Always la Stocks
o«ea .ppoeita f.li
BCTLEK - - *A.
i zi^^r-^asatPmaSSr