THHE CI TIZEI^ FBI PAY, FEBRL'AJTY 10, 18VJ. BriXKS Has a population al about It ia tbe Count; seat ot Buu«< county. w!lli avoro. Kuur railways, natural gae. and meq'iallevJ . »berc; new bcLullugs. cc» ; itanalactures. a rror. as 1 prosperous to*Q , Now York Weekly Tribune—Free liy opc-cidl ariuigemeEtk maJe for i-jr no iloiii/, sra are ecaUled to < ffer to ail <>ui *alKerit»m *ho par arrcirages, (if any) aad ODC year iu ad\ auoo, and to all no-v ■ubacriLerii paying in advance, tbo He* York Weekly Tribune fri-e for one year For further particulars of tiii* offer aee ad- Tertisemeni. New Advertisements. Final and Partial Acconnts; Road and Bridge Reports; vVid«w's AppraiamenH and Jary LinU for March Term. Financial Statemei.t of Butler County for 1592. OotiKlass' Wall Paper. Pape'n Leading Millinery. Berlibimer it Taylor, Undertakers, Hotel Batler. Horse» Wonted. SOTK— AII advertisers intending to eanjres in their ads. shonld notily as of their intending to do so, not later thun Monday morning. LOCAL AS I) GENERAL. —Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday. —The return of the poko bonnot to favor •ij a cert-iiity. W. C. Campbell is now the proprietor of the Lotrry Bou. e livery stable,aud Jack Crnbb3 has a half interest in the Bus line. —Tbe office of the Oil Well Supply Co. at 120 Jefferson fctreet, Butler is yet open lor the settlement of accounts. —Some citizens of Freeport intend ask ing the Legislature to repeal thqir special prohibitory law. —An exchange says that it ii prapoiter o-n to l iok for sentiment ia people who re gard buckwheat cakes as a breakfast. —Now that the price of pork has got so high, that seemingly impossible time when the pig* begin to fly seems almost to have come aronnd. —John Weitzcl took his Glee Club to John J. West's hou*e Tuesday evening, where they rendered some pleasant music and songs and had a good time. —Some folks not only coant their chiok ens before tiiey are hatohed, but also speed in advance the price ot the respective eggs they are to lay. m 1 —George Kline, the old drover who had ' made his homo with Mrs. Stamm in Peters vitle, was foand dead in the woods near that town last Thursday morning. —Messrs Moore aud Lawrence have res ] urrected tQe Grove City Telephone and propose to make it "go." Our bett wishes j boys. Messrs Berkhimer & Taylor have receiv ed a beautiful hearse from Cincinnati, and are now ready to respond to a 11 orders they may receive. See Vbeir card iu another : place. —Mr. J. J. West of Springdale is taking orders for a very useful aud ornamental mail box fo( doors of residences. The prices range at $1 50 to $3 25, the higher price including the name of tbe property owuer. —The serpentine dancer's skirt is made of the lightest silk that oriental looms caa produce, aud, stretched out full length, would make a wall of silk nearly a sqnare long. —One of the cosiest hotel dining rooms in Butler is that of the Hotol Bailer, and « the entire interior ot the hotel has been re modeled aud refitted, aud newly carpeted and furnished throughout. It is a firyt* class place now. —Mr. R. P Hutchman, of Forward twp. intends removing to Allegheny Co., soon, and will have a ««le of stock, farm machinery and other personal property, on the Samuel Doucbett farm near Browns dale, on Thursday the 16th. Inst., begin ning at 10 o'clock A. M. —The other day a Batler man driving a two-horse livery rig, upset on the Saxon burg road; the te»in ran off, came in colli sion with a single rig going the other way and a shaft entered the breast of one ol the liveTy horses aud killed it. Whose loss is that horsef —lu the list of teachers sho are being Toted for in tbe World's Fair contest in augurated by the Pittsburg Times we uo tice tbe following new names from tbi* county: L«arell E. Christlcy of Gallery; Mrs. B. H Ken nerd ell of Saxon burg: Julia R. Means of Bruin; Mary McMahon of Bat ler, B'uma McLare of Prospect; Howard Painter of Karus City and W. P. Sipe of Sarversville. —High waters prevailed last M>>uday and Tuesday. Ou Monday tbe creek here was over its banks, and it flooded the low portion of the West End. Quite a nam ber of cellars there were filled with water. Both rivers broke th«ir boundaries, Tues day, and for a while traffic on the W«st Penn road was suspended. People living along the banks at Freeport were forced to move. —The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the People's Building and Loan As sociation was held OM Monday evening, when the following board of directors was elected to serve during the ensuing year: G. Wilson Miller L S. McJunkin, L. F. Ganter, Peter Scheuck, Samuel D. Purvis, L. R. MoAboy, J. J. West, C. M. Heire maa and Alf M. Reib»r. The old board of officers was re-elected as follows: Presi dent, G. Wilson Miller; Secretary, C M Ueineman; Treasurer. Ira McJuukin; So licitors. Williams <£ Mitchell. —The County Commissioner's statement of the county's finances, which includes the County Treasurer's statements appears in this paper. The ordinary expenses of tbe county aggregalo about fifty thousand dollars. The Treasurer redeemed wan-ants last year amounting to $53,447.17, but $3,000 of this was t«r money borrowed for a short time. Ten thonsand of county bonds wpre redeemed during the year, and on Jsu. 2d, 1893 there was a balance ot $14,138 in tbe Treasury. The county's largest items of expensu are for jurors, elections, stenographers, boarding pri-on ers, bridges and keeping the Court House and jail warm and in order. Some twenty thousand dollars are dae from tho collec tors ot 1882 and previous years, and tbe financial condition of the comity is a very BatisfA-t;>ry one. USE DAXA'S SARSAPARILLA. ITS ' THE KIND TUAT CURES." Buffalo Blankets, Iwst for wear st L. STSIN & SON'S. Ladies HOC 1 MISSES' Cloaks in great ▼ariety at lowest prices at L STEIN & SON'S. — Double Blackboards. Secretaries Desks, Eureka Babj-J ampere and SWBGS for sale at J. F T. STKHLE'S. —On December Ist WE begin to invoice and want to reduce oar stock all WE can before that time, there fore will make special low prices in blankets, r JBES, harness and every thing WE hare. Martincourt & Co. ITS Jefforwa street, ft)tor. Accidents. Mr. J. A. Doogi*»- frfll from * »u-p lad der. iktrfhay. and'broke a VWo ra his foot. While Urs J M&h&rg. of Peun twp. was banting for egg; in the hay-mox, last S&tciday afternoon, >h.) fell thr> a bole to the stable di-or Ulor. a dutance of about ten 'Vet, broke a boue in one of her feet, an J otbersri-e injured c.-r.-elf. She i* w»-ll np in year-*, anil is the mother of Mrs Sheriff Brown. A child of scL it .1 the Fii I varnd, ups«t a i>ki!let-l'ull of b .liiug grea-e upon ititelf, Strardtr. morning, ii".d was badly burned. i'has. X. Ramsey and Sylvester ;tes, ot Ce-lre twp., were seriously injured by a rnn-off in butler, Tuesday evening. While oat driving their b; became frightened and npset the buggy near the rpsidtiaw of John Smce.der. ISoth young men were thrown irotn ttieir bngji) with great force, and Mr R»aisey's arm *a- broken and tie w.> ba. 1 bruised, ilr. Vi es w-scut ill t: • head ami he was otherwise injured. Tney were carried into Mr. Stneeders house. Dr. Bippua was called, an 1 they are doing aa well as could be expected. A pis sing train frightened th" team of L. D Eoerhart, of near aliilerstown, a few day* ago. The team rau off, the wagon struck a post.aud Mr. Et>erb»rt was thrown out and seriously injured. Peu-r Morrison, an old citizen of Clear field twp., was found lying unconscious on the road near Herman station, last Friday night, was carried into a boiler-house where he lay that uight, was taken to a neign bor house next day, and died Saturday. Ho was 75 years of age, and was a Super visor of the township. Prof li. M. AlcFarlaud of Buffalo twp tell upon the ice a few days ago, on his way to school and lor a time was made un conscious but recovered himself in tiu-e for the opening ot bis school. Jos.iph Leonard, of MiUerstuwn, an em ployee of GuiF> 1) iiie., ,the oil producers, was bnrned to dea h i.i a house near Oak dale Station. Allegheny Co., last .>stnrday inoruiag. Leonard had worked Friday night, and was not awakened iu tho morn ing with the other men. Towards noon the house wa* discovered to be in flames, and Leonard and his dog were burned in it. It is supposed that the building took tire Ironi tne gas stove, anil that Leonard was stupitied by the flames. His body was shipped to his widowed mother at Miilerstown. A sad accident happened in Worth twp.. last Monday. While James Studebaker's son. aged about eleven years, sliding on tbo ice hear home, he tell, and almost bit off a large piece of his tongue. It was faareii that he wouid bleeo to death, and his lather took him to New Castle,for treat ment, with what success we have not yet learned. Mrs. William Johnston fell on the ice a few days ago and wa.s seriously injured. The Markets. BCTLEB MARKETS. Our grocers are pacing 25 for butler, 30 lor egg>, 00 lor potatoes, 70 for apples. 40 for tcrnips. 1 00 for onion*, 75 lor parsnips. 4cts. a pd. for cabbage, 12i for dressed chicken. PITTSBPRO PUODUCE. Timothy hay from conuty wagons sl3 to uiixed hav sl3 to #l4, straw $0 t05.50, mill feed ;?1G to 21 Fancy roll butter 25 to 27, low grade 10 to 12. Frpßh eggs in cases 36 to 38, cold storage 28 to 30. Potatoes on track, white stuck 85 to 90. Apple* $2 00 to $3 50 a bbl . !'eau> 00, cabbage in sug»r bbl 325t0 3 50. iu flour bbls $2 50 to $2 75; celery 30 to 00 a ooz. Homtiiv $3 per bbl of 200 fcs. onions 140 to 1.50 abu.. dressed spring chicken 15 to IG. uucK 16 to 17, turkey It) to 20, goose 11 to 12. LIVE STOCK. At llerr's Island, .Monday, bulls aud drv cows bronght to 3i, common steers 2 95 to 380 1000 lb sicer* 3J to 4 20, 1300 lb steers 4 50 to 5. Veal calve-" sold at 6 to 6J, and heavy calves at 2£ to 4^ Rough hogs hold at 7 60 to 7 90, selects 200 th and up 8 25 to 8 50 Common sheep sold at 1J to 3, and choice stock at 3£ to 5 60. USE DANA'S SAUS APA RILL A. ITS "THE KIND TUAT CCKES." Horses anted. I will bny ODP car load of horses and marea couHiftinp ot drivers, gen eral purpose atid draft borsep. ajre from 4 to 7 years, weight from 1 050 to 1,500 lb». I will b« at tho Wick House Liv ery Bat 11, Friday and Saturday, Feb ruary 10 uad Utb, 1893 H.SEANOR Beat styles in Dress Goods and Cloaks at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Everybody read" The Pittsburg Dispatch for the reason tba' it con taitie more news, both eeneral. speci al,nod telegraphic; ban more contrib utors aud more Special correspond ence tban any other newt-paper be twtrtii New Yoik and Chicago. Best place to boy Tabl* Linens, Napkins and Towels at L. BTKI?J & SON'S. New Broadcloths, Bedford Cords, Henrietta* aud hine Dress Goods at L. STEIN esT at lowest prices L. & SON'S. Very low prices on Fine Umbrel las at L. STKIN & —Money to lOßO—lnquire of F 3. Purvisnoe, Hur-elto» block, cor. Main «ud Diamond. Butler Pa —Children's Trunk*'. , Children's Bureaus. Children's Chairs Children'* Wooden Bedsteads. Children's Wooden Tebles. Children's Wooder Backers at; J.F. T STEHLE'S —Hotel Waverly. beat hocae in Butler. —Boy's Carts and Wagons Toys that never out-stav their Welcome with the B -ys at J F. T STEHLE'S. • —Ou December Ist we liejjiu to invoice and want to reduce our stock all we ci»n b» tore mat time, tbere ' fore will make special low prices in blankets, harness and every thing we have Murtirc urt & Co., i 128 East Jtfferei n, street Butler. The Peoplee'Store curries a full line of Chtldrens underwear. —On December Ist we begin to , invo ce and want to reduce our stock { all we eau befor« that time, th»-re j fore will make special low pr c s ;n ' blank-ts, robe*, harness and every, j thing we h*ve. Martin our- Co., 1 128 Jtust Jtffeisou street, Bitier. LEGAL NEWS. TRIAL LIST. *JnoC Stoop< vs National Bank ol 1 Emlenton. Feb. 7, 1893. verdict for plain tiff Charles UcCormick vs L Y Snyder. Yer dictfcrthe detendant. Urs. T. Altmire vs James Summers. Motion for compulsory non-s-uit granted— and ca-e placeu on amament list. The Beia Hi -man Eurtz Co. vs Geo. Ketteror. Yenlic: f«r defendant for 10. F Uorpb 7. assignee of H J. Hoyt v, W H. H'-ffmaa. Yerdict lor the defend ant L. M. V.'ise, assignee ol O. Brady, vs H. J Hoyt. (on tri*l) Harry Smith. C. E. Weible. e! al vs C. B. Greenlee, e: al. (on trial). The case of Artaur Foster vs Chas Pfeiffer was sett'ed. Tbe caM 1 of >Vehr v- Mur>.:all dis d.scontinned SF.TKS. 3d. E. Martin had summon" in ejectment issued vs J« s. t"lstt>ck. \V E Reed, P. Sclienck and P Golden for lease of Jas McGrath farm in Centre, twp : also vs Colst'-ck for the Hnselton or "Pine" tract in Oakland twp. A charter was granted to the Conno quenessing Hospital Association. LATK PBOPEBTV TEAKSFKAS. H W P Gr-ihaui to A W Graham, lot in Butler lor S4OO. G.-.i M llslev, to tr>r. Pringle. 30 acres in Butler twp lor s3.3f>o Bivid Stewart to G ft' Stewart, 77 acres in Cherry for f4OO F E Arui r to Mary Armor, lot ia Butler lor S2OOO. 0 E iloutgoinerj* to T.V>- W00d.25 acres in Clinton for SBSO. Marriage Licenses. John ycLangblin Penn twp Batemitn " VTm Slater Summit twp Eva Kehling A L Wilson Tackson twp A ii Hudson "..Evans City George L) Stenp Middlesex twp Lilly Neel George Shoup Buffil > tw,> B.ntua Johnston Summit twp Willis W Torrence Carbon Black Martha Plants Richard B. Lneas Concord Jeunie Barnbart " At New Castle; Chas. F. Rell and Mary J Taylor of Worth twp. Armory Opera House. TICK BURGLAB, THL-.ISDAT. There is a sort of connecting link be tween the pathos and humor in the lines provided lor little Editha ia the play ol •'The Burglar." The child i« made to say. unconsciously, things to the midnight maurander which, while seemingly im probable, are. nevertheless, consistent with the ntterings of a precocious young ster. The author of "The Hnrglar" has given the delightful child-characterization special [ romiuence in his work, and the success of tbe p!av is in no small measure due to the introduction of little Editha. as her cute and charming abandon affords un tol>. pleasure to an audience chiefly com pos»d of ladies and ehildren. The intro duction in plays < f tbe nsnsl type of lars likewise inspired the author to dritt ont of the beaten path, and in the cbarae acter of tbe burglar, which is a potent fac tor in the play, we are treated to an entire ly new and not at all unpleasaut personage, wtio, while busily engaged in his unlawful work, ext'ibi.s traits convincing enoi gh that behind a bad exterior there is a heart tilled with human love and tenderness readv when the proper occasion presents itself t ■ manifest a great deal of regard for a pure conscience. Prices: 35, 50 and 75. The extensive coal mines at Port Royal on the Yougigneny, were on tire last Thursday, and fire bos-s Gittings was in the mine. Tbe Carnegie Steel Co. has decided not to make an exhibit at the World's Fair. LOUIS TRAXLER Great Clearance Sale of W nter Goods. Ladies' 3r>c ribbed vesta 19c each Misses' cashmere hose reduced from 35c to 25c a pair. Misses' cashmere boee down to 17c a pair. 1 lot of wide sctTilopped laces worth 15TEHLE'S GODIC Knittirt Yum, and Saxony Yarns at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Alway stop at the Hotel Waver ly when in Butler —Take your children to Zuver s Oallery for Pictures that will suit yon. Postoffice building. Largest assortment and best values in Dress Goods and Cloaks at L. STEIN A SON'S. DO YOU EXPECT TO PAPER YOUR ROOM THIS YEAR? Will you endure an old, dirty paper on your room, when you can get enough new and cheerful wall paper to paper it at a cost of less than you can buy so much wrapping piper? We sell our papers now at a price to suit you and with >u'. regtr.i to cos'. Our aim is to reduce stock. WE MUST SRLL and you can not belp but. buy if you c-ill at J. H. Douglass. i Garfield Teas Cures Co££tip»ti«»u, Conuiezioii. Saves iK.-UnV Bills. Sample li Aiunsu>Tea Co.,£iy w. t6Ui St.,N Y. i CuressKLkHeadacbe Borough Affairs. ' At the meeting of Council Tuesday even ing, Treasurer Sehenck stated that less than one-half of the assessment for paving W. i'earl St. had been paid in. Mr. Os borne was given a warrant for S2OOO, on 1 account Daring the first part of the week quite a number of cellars on N. Main St , were ; again flooded; and the Council decided to I bring action agaiust all persons having their ! roof spouts connected with tbe sewers, ex- I ceptiug where such connection had been authorized. Bills amounting to about $1,200, were j pa>.*ed, and the Clerk directed to draw warrants therefore. Tbe monthly bill for | electric lighting of enr streets is now $375. and lor v«ur. A Bill for $1 jo. pres»uted by the Uth , side W »ter Co. was referred to the Water Committee The Borough Solicitor was authorized to frame an ordinance regulating the dis position of tbe garbage of the town. Pet Show. The Loyal Legion is arranging for a show t-> lie held next Saturday week. Feb 18. Every tl i. ia th-.' .viiy "f Pets will be weluouie.' for exhibition free. A free will Bls<> be given to ali masters and mis tresses of Ktich pets as are entered. Priles will IK- awarded to the finest cat. prettiest kitten, rarest species of bird, the mo>t intellect dog or cu'e-t puppy, the best trained parrot, the sweetest canary singer, the finest pair of English rabbits, and the finest pair of common rabbits. Dogs and chickens will be classified and prizes awarded ac cordingly. also the other small animals All aniuiais must must be caged in wire or box cages, unless it is the large dogs. The exhibition will be held in tne new Bully Bloek on W. Jefferson st Ailtbonfl wishing to enter anything under the heads above will pieas>- report to Mrs. B. B. Campbell. S. Maiu st.. or Mrs. Dr. John ston. North st., or Mrs. Chas. Bailey, N. Wa.-hington St. Attractive Tours to the Near South via the Pennsylvania Railroad. The -idvaiitageous season of the year und th« attractive destinations fixed for the tour to the near South ou Februarv 9th make it one ot the most desireable of pleasure trips. The territory traversed is the most attractive and historical portion of the Union, embracing as it does a pic turesque route, the military post of Old Point Comfort, the beautiful resort of V-r gin Beach, and tbe cities nia. Mr St«K]dard. of E. Clay St.. was partially striekm with few days ago, but is doing well. Rev Heminwav has the mumps. Robert C Ralston, of Muddycreek twp., is seriously ill. William Garvey, of Muddycreek twp , is seriously ill. Miss Sadie Bailey, of Marion twp., is sick with inflammatory rheumatism. Samuel Rasley Esq.. of Butler twp , is sick with plmrisy, aud hu youngest child with pneumonia;" and tbe oldest child ot Fred Hoffman who lives in same hon.-c has the pneumonia. Half-rate Tickets for Clergymen on the Pennsylvania Railroad. Pursuing the policy inaugurated lai-t year, the P-nnsylvania Railroad Compani is supplying regularly ordained miuisters of the Gospel with cl-ric»l orders entitling tbe holders to tickets at .lalf-rate over its entire system. Ttiese tickets are purchas able bv any clergyman exhibiting ical order." ard they mar be bought to any station on the Pennsylvania sy.-teuj. both east and west of Pittsburg, at one-half the regular rates. Under this arrangement clergymen may sfcure half-rates to Chicago dunug tb« World's Fair, and there can be no doubt ttiat a great many of »hem will avail themselves of the opportunity. The inauguration of this liberal privilege by the IVncsi lvania Railroad Compauy last year met with hearty appreciation at the bauds of of the mini.-ters of all deuomina tions. and its continuance this year will be especially well received by reason of the advaurages it carries in connection with the World's Fair. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. WEST PKNN R. B. Trains leave the West Peuu depct at fool east JetTerson St. as follows: •■:lsa. m.—Market—arriyes at Allegheny at 8:40 and 9:13 p. m. v4O a m.—Express—arrives at Allegheny at 10:3u a. in. ll:UO a. m. Accomodation—arrives at Alle gheny at 1:24 p. m. 2:45 p. m—Accomodation—arrives at Alle at 4:44 p. m. 5:00p m.—Express—arrives at Allegheny ai Allegheny at «i:4B p. m. Tbe 6:20 a. m. trmn and 2:45 p. m. trains connect at Butler Junction witb trains East to Blairsville Intersection, where connection is made witb ihe Day Express and Philud'« Express going East. Trains arrive at Butler at 9:35 and 10:35 a m. and 1:30, 5:00 aod 7:50 p m., leaving Al legheny at 6:55. ":50 anc 1 lo;4o a. m and.3:ls 15 and 6;10 p. m P. - going south: 6:U m.—Allegheny Accomo'lation. 8:10-Ailegheuy and Akron Express—run* f.n Sunday to Allegheny, and connects ONiiy to Mew Castle. 10:20 a m.— Allegheny Accomodation. 2:50 p. m.—Allgheuy Express. 3:20 p. m.—Chicago Express, runs cn Son day. 5:55 p m—Allegheny and Zelien ople Mail Runs on Sunday to Allegheny alone. tin SOIMImt mnn«, «* tl:I5 A m A lU«h.n, Express. Going North—lo:os a. m. Bradford Mail. 5:00 p. in Clarion Accom. 7:25 p m.—Foxburg Accom. On Sunday a train leaves for Gallery at 11:15 a. in. So Sunday trains on the narrow gauge. The 3:20 p m. train South connects at Cal lery with the Chicago express, which runt daily and is equipped with tbe Pullman buf fet and sleeping coaches. Trains tor Butler leave Allegheny ai 8:10 and ln;3o a m , city time, and 3:00, 5:25 and 6:15 p. m Ou Suuday at 8:10 a. m. aod 3:00 p m Trains arrive at Butler at 9:30 and 9:50 a m. aud 12:35, 4:45, 7:2t and 8:30 p. m. Sen day at 10:20 and 6:10. I ITTHHCBG. KfiBNA NGO :M< a in, to Erie, arriving tbcre at 10:45 a. m 10:30 a IU. to Erie, arriving there at 3:2< p m., Buffalo at 6:45 p. ui. 5:"0 p. tn.-io Gieeuville, arriving there ai 7:25 p m. A train ariives trnm Greenville at 10:05 a m with tnrough car to Allegheny ov«r the P A W; one at 2."30 p. m. from Erie which connect" wilh botn roa' business. Tbe i Best Horses, Butcgies anu".Car riage^ in Bntler at the most reasonable rutes. The place in easily rem>-mU?r ed Tbe first sta'ile west of tbe I Lowrv liouso Republican Primaries. ' The Republican primaries for the nominj j tion of b«ruagh officers will be held Satur- ; I Jay. February 11. 1*93. between the hour of 3 anil 7 o'clock p m. at the following { places: First Ward at the shop of A M Borland j in said ward; Second Ward at the t.ffice of j Thus. K«ibins->n in »aid ward: Third Ward j at the office of Thompson JL Son in said; ward: Fonrth Ward at the Xlx«>n Hoaie in said Ward, Fifth Ward at the Wick House in said ward Return judges will meet at the office of J. X. Moore to cast up the vote and certify the nomination* to ' the borough auditors at 3 o'clock p. m. of! «ame dav. • Oil Notes. The well on the James Harbison farm in BufTa'o twp reached a good rein of gas last week. Sbowalter £ Agers are drilling on the Buhl farm at Galde Run. Alters tCo hare a wildcat well under I wat on the MeGrath farm, near Jamison- ! ville. A good well has been brought in on the j Ougan farm in Clearfield township bv ' Butler parties. Collins «t Heasley hare a well in the inind on the Thompson farm, Bmwnsdaie field, which is doiug 200 barrels a day. \ ogeley Co hir« a well ia the sand on the Uiller farui, in advance of the Mars field, which is showing for a good well. Oil work in the Brownsdale field this spring and promises to be verv 1 lively and a considerable number of well will be drilled. j , Jury List for March T., 1893. List of Grand Jurors drawn this 30th day I of January, A. D., 1893, to serve as Grand! Jurors at a regular term of C«>urt, c<>amienc iitg the 6th day of March ,A. D., 1893. the * same being the first Uoa-lay of said auotn. ! * Keusoo James, Donegal twp, farmer, ttayonei Victor, Butler Ui wd. gla-w worker. tisdger William C, Bra>ly twp, tanner Bartley Xaaraau, Clay twp, farmer. Baker John G, Middlesex twp, farmer, t Ireland Robert, M u Idycree* t«p i«rmt • omnion Pleas of Butler coun ty, Pa., at M's D Mo. 28 March T, 1891; and that the same will be preseuted to said Court tor confirmation and allowance ou vVodnea day the Sth day of March. 1893. Jons W BROWS, Pro. Prothonotary's Office, Feb. 6, 1993. Notice. Notice is hereby given that Joseph Black, committee ot Benjamin McCallen, a lunatic, has tiled h's account in the office of the Pro thonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of , Butler county. Pa , at C. P. No 4, Sept T, ISO I; and that the same will be presented to Mild court for confirmation aud allowance on Wednesday, the Bth d ay ot March. 1893 JOHN W. BKOWX, Pro. Prothonotary's Office, Feb. 6. 1»93. Hotels and Depots, W. S. Gregg in now mailing a line of carriages between tbe hotem and depots of tbe town Changes reasonable. Telephone No. 17, or leave orders at Hotel Vogeley. linod Livery in Connection W. H O'BRIF.N & SON. [Successors of Schutte & O'Brien ] Sanitary Plumbers And Gas Fitters. DBALBRS W Sew .Mr l*ipe, Ciaa Fixtures, Globes and Natural Gas Appliances. JeffersonH.,opp. T.owrj House BUTLER, PA- The Imperial Purcbas ng Co.. 1302 Filbert St., Phila., Pa. buys everything, wholesale and retail. Mirrors, pianos, organs and musical instruments. Great care in the •election of suitable presents. Charge* L Commissions. Samples and estimates seat free. 15 years experience. HUTLER COUNT? Yttual Fire Insurance Co. Tor, Main & | R r ??FTNI£V A M , "ECRETARY ! D WC ilired Wk"l. Hnulfnoo (Mim, r W. Ir*in. w W Birtokiuore. N. WfitaeL F BowniMii. I>- T. Norn« (}to Kftterer * hit*. W*-r»hun. mhn (irobmaD, .lotrn KoeiitDc. LOT At S. IP STTTI KIR.. F 3 A j • 14 I • x >.U> v. • The Best Is Klltna. I) V RW! H. MCS»eene>, C. D. Uieraler. J. V WUR* K. E. Abrams. L«LFC; Hulril I.#;, smith. W. S. WALDRON W llrcr> WTT«O. M KlDen»N. A geiirntl banking TOUIAPSS TRAAAA<-TTNL. In terest paid ou time (lepue!t« M INER LOANED on iporuvet. security, r orelgn exchange bouitht »» ' SOU INSURANCE COMPANY ot NOKTH A MERICA.IOOth Year Assets $9,730,000.00. Home of New York, Assets $9,338,000.00. Hartford of Hartford, Assets $7,109,000.00. Continental of New York, Assets $6,380,000.00. NEW YORK. LIFE, Assets $137.499.000.00. Office of E E ABKAMS & CO. Office ia HI'SELTOX BUILDING, tut to the Court House. PROFESSIONAL CARDS*. COULTER & BAKER. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. in rooai 8.. Armory Building. Butler. H. Q. WALKER, Attorney-at Law— office in IMainoud Block. Sutler, ha. J. M. PAINTER, Attorney-at-Law. Office — Between Postoffice and Diamond. But ler. Pa. A. T. SC.OTT, ATTORXEY-AT-LAW. .T'Uue at No. 8. South DL-unond. Butler. Pa. A. M. CHRISTLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office second floor. Anderson B1 k Main St.. near court House. Butler. Pa. NEWTON BLACK. Att'y at Law— office 011 South side or Diamond ftutler. Pa. J. W HUTCHISON, ATTORNEY AT UK ' n I-e MI :.ND I;«.T th> MU-tlrot. MOC> "»inN St . Butler. P:». W. C. FINDLEY, Attorney at I.a« and Resl Estate Agent. Of Oce rear or I- Z. Mitchell s office on north side 01 Diamond. Butler. Pa. H. H. GOUCHER. \ttorney-at-law. office on second 3oor O \ndereon building, near Court House Kutler P. 4. Dr. N. M. HOOVER, 137 E. '.Vayne St., office hours. 10 "» 12 M. and 10 3 P. M. SAMUEL M. BIPPUS. Physician and Surgeon. 200 West < unnlnizham St. L. M. REINSEL, M. D, PHYSICIAN ASD Srsosox. Office and residence at Petrol lA. PA. L. BLACK, PHYSICIAN AND SL KIIEON. '->* Troutman BnUdiug. Butler, Pa. I. S. (.SAKE. M. D. J. E MASS. *. A Specialties: Speciaillur • ynaK-ology and Sur- Sye. Ear None aad gery. Throat. ORS. LEAKE<& MANN, Butler, Pa. G M. ZIMMERMAN. PUTMICIAM AND srasaott. MIRE at No. VS. 8. Main street. o*er Frank * «'» IJtuir Store. Butler. Pa. V. McALPINE, Dentist, Is now located In new and elegant R«»N ad joining nis former ones. All ktnd» ot rlaap plates and moderen gold work. J. J. DONALDSON, DentlsL Butler, Penn'a.! Arl.rlclal INHERED rn THE latest tm- PR vert plan »»O!d filling a specialty. OFFL-^E — )v T SELIN'-ITA T'LOFTUU* Store. DR. S. A. JOMNSTON. | Dt.NTIST, - - BUTLER, PA <;• It Teeth 1 ... AITM. LAL !e« It v>l*B- r,i 1 UT'- a NITRONS Oxide ur YU. lze.» Air r ..**l \ 'LA . 9»L. i mi» o er Miliars Grocery easi of Lowry House. office closed WEDNESDIO* AU.. Thursd»>s C. F. L. McQUISTION, C.>bl.\E£K MRTttUR. orru * SKAK Dttitojip. H R TX»*. PA. it Pays To Know What Is Going On For Bargains. iOEERCOATS. MEN'S SI ITS, Ami all W nter (nxxis. Now is the buyers chance. Xow is the time to save inonev. o are willing to sell all winter iroods at cost, and some below eost. MEN S OVERC-\r< *' »K i I $1 • o ViR #ls 00 l»w - I ♦KO*) " " II ♦#» • lit BOY'S «• - U wo - 10 •» 44 - 10 INI •• 6.0© 44 - u» - 1M ■en's. Yontte. Boys An; OriWris Sib It Prwtttaldf urn Mat COME AND SEE. H. SCHNEIDEMAN, C'lwtbier ml Fi;m - it. 104 South Alain St., Butler. Pa. Dissolution Sale As the firm ■ t Sch.iui FW • i Co. hu.c . .v>»te«. p -rr-ivr Inp, and the nev. rimi of Si :? A Sast have bojgh; :ue c . wl»., lwe must I turn into carh by M..rib We have this jrt a: reduction *.»"<• Extra Bargains in Overcoats, I Istrrs.and all II eavv Weight Clothing before placing our < rders f»r the conn. We reduce the price on all w mtrr suit.- and w«n>at> rrgardlr -. of value ami coat. All winter suits and overcrats for irn-n and b»>ys we offer iwm At Cost and Some Less Than Cost. These prices will surely our t.ibies and shelve*. fhose tn need of any winter clothing can buy them now at les-* than tb'iesale , prices. Schaul & Nast, Successors to Schaul Bros. Co., OPPOSITE HOTEL VOOELEV. - BFTLtm. PA. The Leading Millinery House ~ m OF Is selling all Millinery rl m and Holiday «*>ods at • * | eost in order to make r CANTu.i. •"»••«» KEEP :•: WARM AT -Wjttk Expense ii wr CKterntr I hildr#o'» o»rwf«r 'mm Ise. U> 7"*. Laitiw' faaavj oKina »«*•» -4 >. •- « " drawers '<* Jse. *• extra tia« nlto* rr»u >» «■"! " » » " " ilranto 30 u ? * \?? i r >a« JicrrrwH -t « i«i Tr ri.r:i*. - »*a. V\ ti, want vor Ito net *- our A*rii«. Mil >f p>l '•%' " > fcauwii' f«t'' i w •**» * aw.,. UtnT»> J»v « HUJ. -*»pH» (Mil e.i«wl «vrckifc«i Ktpa*V"nre itto I Br.'atl .utSt llw. VHnrn i vtrwrrmra. H «*««'»•'» t «f> >. * >1 Rr.\l> lllK^fc ! I NPAB.4LLEI.ED OFFEIS: THE H>KRI.<*rBU SEMI WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. '; paMiaft** i»y tsw II n«i»ac». Pvauaa- M t«arur. m tk» .«|M ta4 .y»y~r pnMMtarf M iit- *p*fai nt Ivan*, Irani*. E»awa wa- Mr e*»rmn* ?*»»»▼-w» .-otnaso 4itW wttfc Uk> hrt—i »-w. aiarfcat rn»«< tcyxlm t» PiacnllDf* ud ■»r»il«illiii .-nliaC PRICE Oil! ME WLili K1 fill. Oft ORE CEI7 1 C3PT. ! 'ii»t TiUM tn *ancu iW r»« Mtn |s*ai >.%»«**.* T«ta»a»*a .*»« ,ia—i«a , i >t«n imoMit;} S«r «Aw Daflwr >u> fum Tuiwufi «Dtf B®aa liHjlMI I4M 4. U ft» i iftly v M ftw ttoitmr ami Am Oat*. . Tnuun md Jammf UutiMT Of tm J: T«uit U-r :fc» frrw •** .am M »>«» ttnOof. RKLI ABLE A»;ESTd WASTTO T» 9»-«np*>-«a sa «w»T T>'-i7TT jt Pvas-TTraßte. •ailT w»»n>*. ** !•» J«»- Taa a««i uw aroxcsMßT ail or art. art j ►»- a..tfn ad t»> f ». W HrALAB*EY »<«ar ' : Haiiwfc—: Pan* j ! WE WANT TOO ta Mt *. •»- ■> T* a ii B-« * aans *S"ewe M 1 . . - ■ I«ik ■*'*« au Tuaa* MM a - ■ . <•» «t «■>>>>«•. a—— p~-. «ah4i> jb>i sa«* mm iaaa >•< u<-» r w ■>! r- T«a *a»» • *ar mi >t>Ja» iat * aN Mr -• «<•»: a. if >«v •« f •MMMt'. . »-« Ibc m S»aaaaaM» I*- •• * • * -4U>O •#» £•« >•• «aa. i mi—a. Ma