CLEARANCE SALE OF FALL AND WINTER Boots and Shoes. OUR UIDII clearance sale of F>ll andJWinter goods ia now on. Tbooe in March of exceptional good bargains in seasonable goods should visit oar store. Among the goods that mast and shall go if low price* haT# their usual effect, are all hearj Robber Goods, includ ing all felt, wool and bearer goods. A great man j of these goods can be had at YOUR OWN PKICE THE prices of all leather goods also hare come aonder the knife. Yon can now bnj Children's School Shoes and Men and WomenV Winter Goods for LESB THAN THEIR COST to us. The only way to tell anything about the justness of the price is to Bee the art i cle and the price together. Money is said to talk and if it does its T oice is loaaer and clearer in onr piace of business than elsewhere, becanse its purchasing power is so much greater. There is only one way to convince yourself, that way is now open to you. AL RUFF. PRICES THE FAIREST /&\ YOU HAVE (*) EVER KNOWN AT Vogeley & Bancroft's, IN Ladies', Gentleman's and Children's Shoes- See Our Elegant Line 0( Holiday Goods. No Question about our goods Pleasing. No Question about prices being Satisfactory. NONE CAN SELL CHEAPER. ALL GOODS WARRANTED. BOOTS AND SHOES, Slippers, Rubbers and Overshoes, etc. YOGELEY AND BANCROFT. 347 South Main St., Butler, Pa., Opp. "Wiliard Hotel. LBS UD GENTLEMEN! WE take pleasore in announcing the fact that we now have on diaplav and on sale an immense stock of goods in the following linee: Dree? Goods in all grades, styles and prices, with the very latest things in trimmings to match. MILLINERY IN sll the new things the market affords. Hats and Bonnets gotten up in best style "while yon wait " Ladiet\ and Cbildren'B Wraps, well mad* and style end fit guaranteed. Carpets, Oil Cloths, LINOLEUMS, Mattings, Rugs. Carpet Sweepers, Lace Curtains. Portiere, Poles snd Fixtures, and all kinds of Domestic Dry Good* We always have the best Blankets and Flannels, and the Standard Patterns are acknowledged to be the best made. Call in and get a Fashion Sheet. All the goods in our different departments are marked in plain figures at the lowest prices. We not only keep Standard Patterns but sll cur goods are standard. We do not handle seconds. Ladies'. Gent's and Children's Underwear a specialty. RITTER & RALSTON J. SPECK. WM. H. HOLME THE LKAIHMJ WHOLESALE WISE ASl> 1.101 OU HOlhE OF WKKTEBN PESSKILTASIA, The Wm, H. Holmes Co., Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and "Holmes' Old Economy' PURE HTfi WHISKY, All the leading Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in bond or tax-paid Importers of fine Brandies, Gins and Wines. FOR PRICI L r J Telepbon Mo. 305*. 120 Water St. ar.d" 1£ 6 Hr Pittebmgh Fa Job Work of all kind clone; at the "Citizen Office.'' i PER CENT. r 1U First Mortgage Leans No tax, commiaalon or fee*. Intereat payable aeral-annuatlj by New York draft. Perfect se curity Highest reference. CMS. V. RF.ID. Fiirkafin, Washington. Nothing On Earth Will ; HENS. LIKB Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Diaeaae. Good for Moulting Urns. It Is ab*r>lnt*tT ram HtehlJ e™x-ertr*»«d- In <rai»- titjr coate umtt) of a <-ent ad*jr. No other on^foarth_M rtronir Borletly a mwllrtiy fme larK* JfTTl' c. • 10; send mx to prevent Ron p. says one customer. If yon can't get It tend to n». f We mail one pack «c Fltnfcjjl A 2 1-4 lt» can 3. $5 00. exprrss paM. Pirtltr* Raiding K renU. free with SJ oo orders or more. Sample copy of THE LH»T ?V>ULT«T P«r»«*nt:free. * LS. JO3NSON A CO..ts C*u*om How St., Boston, Man. ' SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Esgs, AND POOXTBY. 500 Page Book on Treatment of Animals and Chart Sent Free. CTBK V Fevern,('on«re«it ion-. I»ifln nnmtioii A. A. > y»pinnl Mrninffiti*, Milk Fewer. B.B.—Strain*, Lamrni'M, Hlieumniitm. C*C.**Diateaper« Nnaal IX^chorgeM. D.D.— Bota or (irnbi*. Worm*. E.E.—( onch". ilraves, Pneniuonia. F.F. ( olic or (■ripi , «, Bellyache. G.G.—Minearriazr, llemorrba H.H.— l'rinarv and Kidney liiaentra. I.l.—Eruptive Diieawe*, Mnnsr. J.K.—Dineuaen of fli«e»tion, Paralytic* Single Bottle over 50 riofeesl - - .GO Stable Caw, with Specific*. Manu&L Veterinary fur* Oil and Medlcalcr, $?«60 Jar Veterinary Care Oil, - - 1.00 SaM bf DrarfMi; «r mi! prrjtaia »iy*b«'r &«d la aay ea rtcrlpt of prl«. nfaPBRFTS* MED. CO., 11l k llJXTiinnu St., 3S«a Tork. WITH HITMggBBTS' f Jiftl HOMEOPATHIC ffff [■Hj SPECIFIC NoZS 111 aw 30 fHn Th. only raecearfal remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, And Proatration, from over work or other cauaea. fl per rial. 01 6 rials and large rial powder, for 96. JBoid >»y Dru<ti»u, or s«at postpaid on receipt of price. ■UMPHRICIS' IIP. CO., 11l AIIS William St., SewTerft* JjF*# fjU£E T H* EX EXT MORNING MFEELB RIGHT ANO NEW AND MY COMPLEXION 18 BETTER. lly doctor ear fit act* petitly on the stomach, liver ird kidncva. and ia u p!cv%ni laxative. drink jr. -,de from herha, and ia prepared lor tuo •" easily .« '.x It 1» called LANE'S MEDICINE Ail unxmtets sail it at Me.«t£d ti de package ?uy or.etn-dav. LASE'3 PAMIT.Y tt Fi>l( INK HOVW BOWEl& EACU PA*, laoiuer to be ht-alUu *:» i« 1? ncu«*eary URU ¥ i'.-srur KAITEf, , -*' JL' eai WERVHUS SK3nr . • irfl-1 Weakceii uf Jl-jdy ucdlia:; Tif * VaJ'JLSiiv: Er:. r«': 2.5....- hufsCMc-?-:- . r...... t* i:e*« C r»4. i«c.»iarcr . .< : • . • «.-?•»: - t: . .. > • w.fK'-r.z Ht»RK 1 KSAT»£KT~Sfeae6t« 1?> a •• •->:j ft*u« :a f utn ■*?* d ">TrJ. ? . »:]itea»:iMi m 4 praol» aalM fw»W) fr. • - r.R«-. WKDfCAU 4.0.. SOfFA!.O t H« i foung Mothers! ITe Offer You a Remedy vhlch Inauree Safety to Zlf» cf Mother and Child. "MOTHER'S FRIEND" : Kobe Confinement of It* Vain, Uomrr and Risk. Afternafn^onebotMeof '* Mo:her*a Friend " I i salTored bat little : dlUuot experience fiat veakaeu alcerv.ard uaoal In aucU catw.— ilrj. , O«aE, Mo., Jan. :sth. ISSI. ' Sent by •zi-rcaa. chartrfcs r>r»D«kl.on receipt ..f frtCi.ei.Mpoi boitle. t J4cOjemratUle*l tr;a. BBiIIiiSLBIICtIMTUC CO., 1 ATLANTA, UA. BOiJJ BY MA PBV(KiIST^ For Sal© by J. C. Reclick. E BAD AKD FIFIKIIB 1-or Strictly pure ana reliable STRAKJHT LIQUORS, call on 2a 19. 12 SMITHFIEMi ST., TITTKBIBUU, PA. (Opp. Vonongahela House.) M&tcblesa for Fuinlly use übd Mc<liclii:il pur- ' poficx are FINCH'HGOLDEN WFVDINO. AUsl G l"< KFN H F.IMm KV. dISK Y, pt r ; « OVKKHOI Tb WHISKY, f 8 Qls nib: INGEICS WHISKY. | for *5. 1 GOOUK iicxtl> pai ked and promptly fthlpped . h REK uk KxpENfE on receipt of caab or post olß'f order. expressed C. O. I>. ' Sen-1 lor Price List.; ( WOOD'S PHOSPHODINE 1 Th* tlrrat EaglUh Brmrdf. , Promptly and perma cures all torms of Nervous Weakness, Kmls slons. Spermatorrlioa. of Abuse or Kxiesseses. Be»n r<-rscrll»C'l o\er 1 '- ars "■ tho>"<and3 of cases Before and After. ls ,1)0 oul >' BelUble and Honest Medicine known. Ask druggist for ' WOOD'S PJIOSI-HODI.NE; if he offers some wi.rth !ess medicine In pla. e of Ibis, leave Ms dishon est stare. Incioae price in letier, mid we will , send by return mall. Price, one package. $l: ' six. $5. Oue will ple>:se, six v 111 cure. I'arnpb- 5 let in plain sealed envelope, 2 stamps. Address THE WHOU <ll KMK AI. £0 1 131 Woodward avenue. Detroit Mich. s W»oM In hniler by C. N. lioyil. J. F. Italpb, C. Kedlck. and everywhere i f DOCTORS LAKE I »jal PRIVATE DISPKVSART. t 'lUt' Ju Con- PENN AVE. AND FOJRTH BT.. . / PITTSBURGH, PA. All forms of lieHcnte and Crnm- I TjUft -fSaija plicated Diseases requu ingt'ON. NKR. - " ication are treated at this I)i»- : Willi a success rarely attained. Dr. S. N i i .-»amemljer of the ltoyal College of I'lly •:>" and Surgeons, and In the oldest and most V "M" 1 icnccd .SPECIALIST in thecitv Spei ial at- 1. i.:,! .»i: ;;iven to Nervous Dcbilitj from c v ccssivc ah :'al exertion, lndiacretion of youth,etc., caus- t' nig idiystcal and mental decay, la> k of energy, l- -pendency, etc.; also Cancers, Old Sores Fits, 11 Tiles. I lieuiuati~:ii. and all Ji j -Tfcaof the Skin, »] (.hi »1.1 .-.nips L'ruiary Org;iu.s>.U'. Consultation 'r-o ami strictly confidential. Office hours,« to 1' I id 7toß r. M.; Sundays, Ito4p. m. only. ■ I at office or address lIRS. LAKE, COft. K.\N AVK. AND4THST..PITTSBURGH. I'A. Do _vou cccasionally tnke a little liquor for your PtomechV sake ? Be " eore it is the Ijeut; had liquors will *' iriuio your eti.irttcb.good liquors im prt vf & it. The hett liquors are only tl kept iu tfcc beft storrs. Try our Firch'f* Golden Weilding, for njrdical ainl f.imily use. SI.OC per Ql; or 6 Qts. for $5.00- g Dontherty, Guckeiihbimer.Large.Gihßon, * Biid|report, ilt Vernon, Overhalt, Etc. This is tbe <>nly bi.use not re -tif\ mp in tbe citj. tberelore our goods are warranted r ' }»(><. Goods securely packed and boxed * wilhotiT extra charge. L'. O. I), aud mail ordeis, receive pronipt attention. Your "Grind Father's Choice" 3 year old, is a 11 poi (I or.e, age has brought out good quali- u ty; sells for $2.00 per gallon. h ROBERT LEWIX, Importer aud Wholesaler. IS6 Water St. Pittsl-uig. Pa. , Opposite B. £ O. I: K IV, ot. iißsgs:,' THE CITIZEN Progress of World's Fair Work at Chicago. Although the weather was cold enough in Chicago early in January to freeze ice fourteen inches thick on the lagoon in the fair grounds, the work of getting ready for the great Columbian Eiposition. to be opened there next May, has not lagged in any department. The ice was properly cut and carried off to the cold storage warehouse, while the officials proceeded to complete the rules and regulations touch ing the cost of light, hrat, and power, and make plan- for the grand military review »t the time cf the opening. All the build inns will be lighted,but if exhibitors desire a special illumination, they can hare it by paying $8 for each 1C candle power light for the period from May 1 to October 31. The electric lighting at the fair is design ed to surpass all prior attempts at illumin ation. About the avenues and walks 1,650 arc lights will be disposed, and there will be 4.500 of them in the buildings. The incandescent system will be employed wherever practicable. Fully 100,000 of the glass bulbs are to be used. They will be threaded aloLg the cornices and about the domes and spire. Even the lawns and flower beds in certain parts of the grounds are to be made resplendent by the tiny electric lobes. The work of laying railroad tracks through the several buildings has now progressed so far that the receipts of exhib its upon the grounds is becoming large, and the directors say that there must be constant pressure from now on to hurry them forward. On January 9 twenty car loads of exhibits were actually unloaded within the exposition buildings, and this may be said to have formed the practical commencement of the work of installa tion. The big greenhouses and the horticultur al building have been t-cenes of great act ivity during the January cold weather, for there has been a competitive pre-exposi tion primrose exhibit, in which were shown five thousand pots of primroses, arranged artistically and according to hybridization, color, habit and class. The show was a most rare and beautiful one, the flowers being produced from seeds furnished by the leading flower and seed firms of the United States, to whom awards are to be made according to a plan covering color and habit. Under the big dome and be neath the floor of the horticultural build ing there is olso an immense mushroom cellar, kept at a temperature of 95 Fah renheit, from which the resturant cooks obtain every morning a great supply ol this delicate fungus. Inside the doors ol this great stiucture, however cold may be the wealber outside, the temperature is that of the tropics. Warm draughts of air are waited through its extensive reaches, and warm tpra}s of water sprinkle the palms and ferns and other tropical trees and plants, and the appearance every where is that of a land of perpetual sum mer and sunshine. In the electrical building several exhib its are already arianged, and dynamos are ►i-t up and ready to furnish power. The Bell Telephone Company is here erecting a stand 100 feet square for its exhibit, the display to cost #22,000. The Edison G«n eial Electric Company has also begun pre paring the space for its exhibit. Splendid for a cough. Mrs. Kate Kidney 22 Lewis street, San Francisco, Cal., writes Irom the Golden City: "I have been using Dr Bull's Cough Syrup for nearly five years and bavj always tound it a splendid remedy for a cough. lam never without a bottle in the house. —A traveler asked a Western man if he thought the lynch law prevalent out there decreases the number of murders. Well, I dunno," said the native; "but it decreases the number of murderers." —Pennsylvania Kailroad officials are dis cussing the adoption of a 2 cent a mile fare. It is possible that they will adopt it as a standard rate and dispense entirely wi h giving special excursion rates. —Wo may look for a shortage in the oy ster supply. The long, fierce freeze h»s filled the bays with ice and will naturally pui a stop to dredging. With fhe oyster tamine we may also expect the annual re port of thi killing ot the peach crop, which sad news will soon be due. —A disease peculiar to Japan is called the cake. It is beleived to be the result of eating too much rice. —Neatly worked dr.rns a"d patcbe have been discovered in the cloths used in swathing seine of the Egyptian mummies —The highest temperature on the globe is at Death Valley. Inyo county, Cal. Its surface is 159 feet below sea level, and in summer the thermometer has occasionally marked 122 degrees. —General statistics prove that, since the Trojan war, three thousand years ago— not a single year has elasped in which some war has not killed a large number ef men. —The most indestructible wood is the Jarrah wood of Western Austialia, which defies all known forms of decay, and is un touched by all destructive in.-ects, so that ships built by it do not need to be copper ed. —Here is an idea of what a little spot of land may do in the way of production: The island of Jamacia sells annually to ihe United States bananas exceeding in value the entire apple, peach aud cherry crops of this country. —The sea water originally put in the great aquariums at the Crystal Palace Sydenham, in 1854, is said to be still used there, having been used over and over since that time, a record without parallel in the history of similar institutions. —Mr. Gladstone is the owuer of the largest lead pencil in the world. It is the gift of a pencil maker at Keswick, and is thirty-nine inches in length. In place of the customary rubber cap it has a gold cap. Its distinguished owner uses it for a walk ing stick. Among curious facts relating to light vessels is their mode of being moored. Except on stony ground they do not ride to anchor, hut to "mushrooms," weighing about two tons, which bury themselves in the mud or the saud, and form an absolute ly secure mooring. —A white winter make a fat liveryman. —The bright man coutrols his appetities, the idiot is controlled by them. —One conld stand some men '"going off in a flight of eloquence,'if it would only take them out of hearing. —lt would be interesting to know what the other cats think, when Mrs. Vander bilt's SI,OOO cai mounts the fence. —The early spring vegetable crop is going to play the peach crop game this pear. I —ln a thunderstorm it is unsafe to take ' refuge under a white popular, as that tree seems to attract lightning. Mr. Oovaroff, ' a scientist of Moscow, suggests that house- 1 holders be compelled to plant a white pop I ular before each residence to prevent the houses from being fired by lightning. —Tie coal bin ha> become the coal has been 'n m-iuy <• humble household. Lane's Family Medicine Vov«h the bowels each da<. lu order to , be heilthy mis isnecessaiy. A Golden City in Africa. Wefindintho London rim*-* a letter giving a striking description ol the re- 1 markable town of Johannesburg In the ! Transvaal, which is well called. '-The j i Golden City." Its uame oven does not ap ] . pear on the map*, of A frica issued ten years ; , ago. It will be a surprise to multitudes to ; , know that there is any such spot on the . African continont. The city stands upon a gold retf.npou which reef fifty companies • are now working, employing 3.370 white j , men aud over 32.000 native-. Of the city j i of Johanne-burg itself, the writer says: "It is neither beautiful nor impressive [ from the testbetic point of view, but it • might be set down as it stands ia any part of f he civilized world. Ii has a popa i lation of about 40.000. The buildings are good, the streets are broad, there are shops with plate glass windows full of ball dresses and silver plate, the residential quarters are rapidly spreading themselves out into squares and boulevards, a tram i line connects them with the business , centre, for twenty miles east and west you may see the funnels of mining works i smifking against the sky, the sound of an p engine whistle is in your ears, and you find ; that a tram ha- been constructed, which runs from one end of the Kand to the other. The town is lit with gas, water is . supplied to all its houses, every ordinary appliance of civilization is here, and when you remember that it has all been done in , five years, and that every scr .p of material has been carried up, and the six pianos waiting at the frontier wiil presently be carried, by ox wagons, yon begin to realize , something of the extraordinary condition.- which can havecalled so sudden a develop ment into existence." I Salvation Oil is rapidly superseding all i higb-priced liniments. It has been t-sted I for sometime past in all localities and its results have been rapid and salisiactory. It is generally conceded to be the greatest cure on earth lor pain. —"This is hard weather on the poor,'- said a tramp, "but it's worse on the rich. Think of the coal they have to buy." i —A father was giving his child a shock I from a toy electric generator. "Oh, please , stop, papa," she cried, "my arm is warp i ing." • —At a recent Western execution the condemned man "wore his best clothes 1 and a good deal of jewelry." The exeen -3 tioner was also dressed to kill, r —Courage is that quality of mind which makes us forget how afraid wo are. 1 —"All men are born equal:" but some - are promoted to the police force after s ward. I —A "Sermon Exchange" is a new Chicago enterprise. .Not a bad idea. i —Ouly one state office to be filled iu r Pennsylvania this year, that ol State , Treasurer. ; Drunkenness, or the Li nor Habit, Pos:- tively Curec*. by administering Dr. Haines 'Golden Specific." It is manufactured as a powder, wHch can be g vi n in a glass of Ueer, a cup ot coffee or tea,or in food, without the know ledge ol the patient. It is absolutely harmless and will aflect a permanent aud speedy cure, whether the patient is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It has been gh<u in thousands of cusex, and in every a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to ex ist. Cures guaranteed. 48 page book of particulars free. Address, Golden Specific Co.. 185 Kace St.. Cincinnati O. —A cooking class for men is the latest agony, and quite a number of fashionable young bachelors belong to it. —A Normal School poetess has written a sixteen-verse poem on the subject of a walk in what she calls "the crisp, crunch ing, frozen llaked feathers of white." —Frock coats for men grow longer and longer. —"Like cure" like," as the dog said when he ate the sausage. Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's lialsam w ill stop the cough at once. Ask your friends about it. —Fashion has rung another change ami the result is the bell-crowned bat again. —Society sackcloth will come in many attractive patterns lor the Leu ton season ol 1*93. —Nerve tonics are in snch demand now a days that, the dealers are beginning to adulterate them. —lkheamatism cured in a day—"Mystic care" tor rheumatism and neuralgia, radic ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysteiious. It removes at once the cause aud the dis ease immediately disappears. The first done greatly benefits. 75 els. bold by J. C. Kedick, druggist, Kuiier. —James lland and his son George parted 28 years ago, and did not again see or hear of each other until tww weeks ago, when they discovered one another in Beat tie, and learned at the same time that they had been living within a tew miles oi each other on Puget Sound, for many years past. No Guess Work For Dealers. Max Klein, the well known liquordealer, will, to Jan 1, 1893, give you the advant age of ca»h purchases in lalge quantii ies ol at! kinds ol liquors, and especially so in Pore Kye Whiskies and California Wines. California Port and Sherry, at 50 cents per quart. California Ilrand\, 50 cents to $1.50 jier quart. Jamaica Kuui,7scents to $1 !}>■ per quart. Pure Kye W Liskies of ao> make in Penn.-j lvania. six jeur old, SI.OO per quart, C quarts for $5 00. Silver Age 8 year old, $l5O per quart or sls 00 per lull case ot 12 quarts. Duquesne, $1 25 per full quart or 12 quarts for sl2 00. Gin, an excellent stimulant for kidney com plaint, 75 cents to $1 50 per quart. All reliable goods, positively pure, itoxed and sent to any address. Send P. O. Older or Registered Letter. Price list sent on application. Order early. Max Klkih, 82 Federal Street. Allegheny, Pa. —Since it is announced that Canton, 0., is sulleriug from a shortage of bibles, per sons interested in foreign missions will know where to concentrato their efforts. —Men as well as women who dress be comingly rather than in the "height of fashion" invariably make the best appear ance. —When a n:an begins by saying, "Of course it is none of my business, but—" it is a sign that he is going lo make it his business, and advise you what to do. —Marseilles, France, is the headquarters for the sale of false hair. Twenty huge bales of Chinese human hair recently ar rived there, and will be manufactured in to curls, frizzes., and crimps for English ladies. —"lie got it where the chicken got the axe" is the title of a new eoug descriptive of a gentleman receiving it in the neck. —A servant girl puzzled a Main street druggist's clerk yesterday for a moment by asking for a dozen three-grain yueen Ann pills. —Those western gold fields seem to be the place where truth was crushed to earth and was never able to rise again. —A cup full of carpet tacks, a nail aud numerous bits of iron wore taken from the stomach of a Kalamazoo boy, who died a few days ago, in au insane asylum. Consumption Surely Cured. t To The Sditoii:— Heaso Inform your roadert that t aure * positive remedy for tho above-named disease, t; -A timely use thousands of liopeiufi cases have 1-. a permanently cured. I shall be glad to send twj jOlt-i of niy remedy FREE to any of your readers t . j have consumption If they wdl •end me theii Lipr-gt and P. O. address. Uespect- JWJj. X. A. tUAAIUM. M. 0.101 i"»rl bt, Jf. y. Arc Yon One Of The Lucky Ones Who Will Attend The Grand Clearance Sale At "Troutman's" For tlie next two weeks. Remember it is not our fault if you come too late,it will commence Jan. 25 and continue till Feb. 4. Carpets, Cloaks, Undei wear, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Dry Goods, Flannels, Ginghams, Calicoes, etc. See our big bargain counter 011 left hand side entering store. YOURS RESPECTFULLY. A. Troutman & Son, Leading Dry Goods and Carpet House, Butler, Pa. HIED! REDUCED! Men's felt boots with good rubbers - - Men's gum boots Men's buckle arctics - 85 Men's gum shoes - 35 Ladies' gum shoes all numbers - - - lB Misses' gum shoes spring heel II to 2 All goods reduced, see our shoes for glass workers, buck-skin will not leak or cut like black shoes try a pair only $1.50. Every tiling cheap at ROBINS BROS., S. E Corner of Diamond ... _ Boiler. Pa PKNN'A ; White-Sand Oil Co. [A. STEELSMITH, Manager, Butler, Pa.] Dealers in Illuminating, Lubricating, Cylinder and Dynamo Oils —all free from Lima Oil. This Oil is made and handled by Independent Producers not con | nected with the Standard Oil Co., as reported. A!! orders will be promptly filled. Warehouse in rear of Nicho- I , las & Hewitt's planing mill, near West Penn depot, Butler, Pa. Refinery at Coraopolis, Pa., near P. & L. E. R. R. t This oil can be secured at McCrea's Feed Store on F. Jefferson St. I\/"\ATtrn think ' f ' ,r a I II I |\j ' I ' moment be -Iw\ f 1 I cause we have 1 the finest and most reliable drug store in this part of the State that you have to pay more for your medicines. vVe dispense only Pure and Fresh Drugs at all times and at reasonable prices. WULLER'S MODEL PHARMACY, 229 Centre Ave., South Side, Butler, Pa. 1DH _ BEIVAL SAIE BEGINS OCT. 6. YOU WANT FURNITURE. WE WANT MONEY. We expect to occupy our new store about Jan. Ist. We want to move as few goods as possible. We will give you prices that you can't help but buy. A #35 Parlor Suite for $25 00 A 45 " " 35 00 A 55 " " 45 00 A 16 Bed Lounge for 12 50 A 20 " " 15 00 A 5 Rocking Chair for 375 A 8 " " 500 &c. Call early for these great bargains Campbell & Teinpleton, 136 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa "A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO M. HOBKNTHAL, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St., " Pittsburg. Pa Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Below Diamond Market »«»«•{ We Readv for QK THE HOLID V S. St U 5 ? : HAMOKtRCHit► S I TOYS M i ALBUVS DOLL AND 2 GREAT ;& WORK COUNTER. ! MUFFLERS I VARtE»Y [ NXES. Come K;irlv and Select votir 9 m —Christmas Presents.— 1W 8. MAIN ?*T\ Jewelry, Clocks, Silverware, * | Purchasers can save from 2"> to .>0 per cent by purchasing their watches* clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, The Jeweler, No. 125 X. Main St., Duffy Block. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. All are*B<-«pectftiß)r invited —•■ Remember our Repairing Department— io jean Experience.**— YOUB FA V 0 BITE HOKE WTWITAITM AND IV b's; liejli,fii hut l'4-t <4il» laN Sup ONE YEAR FOR ONLY *1.30 the am x. ri**a all tb# Town. C« obtj *»< i m 4 a mueb Satiwaai aa*« aa «* 1 o'her paper of iu c!aa*. Your Home wen'd be ineeinp , «»'e vithemt it NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE i* a NATIONAL FAMILY PAPER aa«! ft**# ail ike a»a*ral «# and tfc*- wr'rf It ?M **** *•* :aarf» in a r ut»li> I: li Iw wyrrt* '■* "Tfc« rami | • »re»e," aad "Our Young Folks." I*» "Heir.® »rd *- «*»'«•■■ *»»■■■< fhe irn iiitx bal aivif lid (hanker* I'- »»e«r»! p !»>ira- 1 *»•> rial* icd MMffklf err fcr nt aM ritwUT* !?• •'Agricultural" d»par»a>*a» a«* ►ap»— r-akr n »arrt I># 'KtiVt Reports" are KrifFind aitborHj '» a' p*r -«-!•&»■ laid A SPECIAL ItfcTFAC T » aa t«. *r :ki» »ptr*d>d /• mnmi aarf "The ''ITIZkN" f«r «»• Fcr cclj $l5O. Ct ih in JdTmre*. "N. Y. Weekly Tribtne," rfgalar prira per rear.. ftl OO * The Citizen," * ' 3° Total ....I2ISO We furnish boll) papers toe fear fir - - t.50. Pahreriptioaa maj hagia at aa* tnaa. Addieaa all ordera to the citizp:n, BUTLER HA ftllKM, WTO W {GENTS HOLD. tVl* tro Wr.NTJi SILVER LIIHIS CHATLAFJf. 1/nrolrt' < Cold Pine. Vmr nnm. a J ( V\ ( J 1 \ | Rinirw < haii»-, Brar-I*e«. Eftc | Tee seta, c mMan. btwr «ii.«bea Silverware {SISfISAr" IIDHR MS. Wl IfXtJT" ~*~~ E. GRIEB, THE JEWELER No 139, Ifcorth Mair St., f U7 l IB PA. SHILLING OU r r Our entire stock of drugs, Dietlkine>, patent medicines, perfumery, todet articles, etc. Must. be sold in the next 60 davs, as we must leave our prese nt location and tjuit business. SAVE MONEY. You can save 20 to 2~> |*»r cent, on everything in the store. Spectacles eye glasses, trusses etc., sold at <r>st. Y'otirx Respft'tftillv, J. A. FRANK & CO., •313 H. MninSt, - - ItutU-.. F»» IF TOM iMTKIIO TO «A«T SEEDS -OSES TREES FRUITI, CRAPE VIWIS, ETC. Why Not Proewra tnm B*at etrwrt *otn mm Otvmmr*? Oar •!—mil r«aw -Mar Mi »—ir-r— -i •-i--i i • • .■t.Mrta—g**—>■ —. 39 YEAR*. 900 ACRES. 2> CREEHHOVSES. THE STORRS ( RURtSM C 0„ NiaaOTiNa, Uka «L
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers