THE CITIZEN I FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 18a3. Ci-TLKB b«a a population ot about IJ.OOO. It i* the County seal ot Butler county. wltU j o».O.0. : J Four rallwaj-s. natural fas, and cnequaUeo labilities tor uienuiaetur-.s. rroyress e»rywh»re; new building*, neir rranuijctup-s. a k Towln« aud pnwpcrou* to'n. New York Weekly Tribune—Free. | t By special arrangement' made for our I f co doing, we are enaoled to offer to aU our , , subscribers who pay arrearages, (if any) ; , and one year in advance, and to all new : subscribers paying in auvance, the New | Tork Weekly Tribune free lor one year, j ' For farther particulars of this ofler see ad- j ' vertisement. 1 New Advertisements. z Jfotke in Divorce—Dimmotk vs Dim mock. < Annual meeting of Peoples H. <fc L Annual uieenng of Mechanics B. £- L. Schanl dt Nasi s Dissolution Sale. Evergreen Nurseries. , NOTE —AII advertisers intending to make S canges in their ads. should notify us of j a tiieir intending to do so, uot later tiiaa i Monday morning. I 0 LOT'AL AND GENERAL ; Buckwheat. The highest price paiil f«>r bnckwheat at 8 the mill ol Geo. Waller it Son, Butler, Pa. Fashion is a fickle jade, c Aud her fancies quickly fade, 1 For now we neither sing nor say, u Ta-ra ta-ra Bootn-de-ay. —Case-hardened —Lawyers. il —Nothing pays a poorer interest on the than wearing a long face. t —Ji.b had boils, to be sure, but then he didn't have any newspaper portrait. j —The P 4W. has put some new coaches 1 0:1 the Xarrow-gauge. —Benry Keiger caught a large red loxin , a hole on Bume3 farm in Clearfield town- ( ship, last Wednesday. —The man who was knocked over and hail 1 three ribs broker by a back said afterward 1 that he felt very much run down. I —We are nnner obligations to Rep. 1 Douthett for a "Smull," and Kep. Mutes for a World's Fair Book. —A Greece City young man got eighteen pole-pussies out of one hole a few days ag", and sold their skins for sl2. —A. J. Frank and Co. intend removing to Wall's Station on the P. R. R., and are r building a store room there. —There was a "panic in whisky" last Monday and it "dropped five points"— • This is stock market talk. ' —The newest athletic erercire recom mended for girls and women is turning somersaults —Pork has reached the highest figure t known in years. S2O a barrel is the price t asked. e —'So, Ifuud dear, the man who drives a 1 pair that are worth a pile is not necessarily 1 a pile-drivor. —The winter wind* whistle a particular j ly mournful tune as they blow through the j ba*sball grounds. f —The mo.«t ard«nt admirers of feminine lovehae*!. are women who are not blessed 1 with an uver-supplj of comeliness. t —Bl»bbs—'The rainbow has mime le- ' geud connected with the flood, has it not T Wigwag—" Wny. of coarse; it describes an arc. ' —"Are these cigars strong?" a»ked the | man of tho cigar dealer. " —Are theyt - ' re plied tho latter, "well, yon just try to pull | on one, and you'll pee if they are. —Rails—"Why do you laugh at those ' rtupid jokes of Mr Bores't" Vails—"Why, the fact is, you kuow, Mr. Bores i<> a member of the firm 1 work'for." —For- several days this season there was good skating in some parts of Teias Skates are almost as great curiosities there as fans in Greenland. —Bessie—"At any rate thero's one nice thing about that batefnl Mr Bigbtone in Cold weatlier." J*.Bai»— •"What, I'd liko to know!" Bessie—"His fur lined ulster." —"Take a little water after that medi csce," said the physician to the Kentucky Colonel whom be was attending at one of the hotels. "Ah—ah!" said tho Colonel, "do I have to take the water.' —The lttte fains spoiled the sleighing and coasting All the high grade streets of the town were used loan unusual extent for coasting last month, and no serious accidents were reported. —lf yon want to see a oozy hotel take a look through Barry Faubel's Hotel Butler, lie has traui-formeu the old Eitenniiller Bouse into as comfortable looking a plate ; as you would wish to stop at. —"Xoir,''said the photographer, "just thing you are sitting for a pic nrc to be sent to a patent medicine firm to be used in connection with an 'after tnkin?' ad in tbo newspapers, and I will be sure o get a likeness that will please you." —Midnight mechanics entered Walter's Mill last Friday nieht and helped them selves to some flour; also Weser's store Saturday night, and carried off cigars, pipes, old coins, a watch, and other articles. —John Keefer of Butler twp., whose place is along the Potersville road, two end a half miles west of Butler, complains of the "shooters" leaving tiieir empty cans in his woods; and desires us to say that they must stop it or he will prosecute. —There was 15 feet and 9 inches of wa ter in tho onongahola at Pittsburg, Mon day,and 15 feet. 6 inches in the Allegheny. The ice gorges in both rivers went out. crnshicg and grinding, but owicg to the great precautions titken, no great, damage wa.< done. —lt may be well to remind township and borough Auditors that the law requirs them to have 75 official and 75 sample ballots printed for each 50 names on the list of the Assessor of their election district; also that they must deliver the tickets to tho Judges ol election the day before election day. —The placing of salt on the ftreets aud Bidewaiks onght not to IMI allowed. It makes a mixture far colder than any ice can ?>e; it i- also injurious to leather and often occasion* soreness m the leet of h -r-e . The use of salt in thiß manner is prohibited in many of the cities. —Dr. Chaney, president of Bates Col lege,illustrates tbo progress of co education by telling tho story of how a man in IHOS, 011 being asked how many students were attending the college, answ-ered: "Forty three students aud a nigger and a woman," and adds, "Now there are forty wumen in tho clashes." —Hattie Bernard Chase is an honorary member ol many lodges of the It. 0 P. li., and carries with her many handsome jeweled badges of the Order, presented to ber by Ihe different lodges who elected her to tnemhftr'bip. Ono of them, presented to her by the. Memphis, Tenn. lodge last spring, is a mammoth gold star, in the Center of which is a largo cbaned Elk's bead, tho holding six large dia monds. Tho eyes are ruhies and the entire ornament is one of tho haudsomcst and gjost valuable tfuuveuir* of Uie kind. —The C<mnty Audit-.r? fiai.bed their work of auditing. Wednesday, and filed toeir report with lha Prolhocotary. On the 2d of January last there wa« a cash balance in the Treasury of sl4 1'J8.02; and the assets of the county over its liabilities aggregate $39,056 57. —lt see ins to be settled that "cittzens tickets cannot b« certified to the township or borongh eicepting by nomina tion papers; but there is nothing to prevent both parties or all parties nominating the same men, or one party making the nomi nations agreed upon and til® others mak ing no nominations. —The Giris Mission Band of Bethany Reformed Church entertained their friends last Thursday evening at Rev. Limbergs Quite a pleasan' eveuine was spent in pan."*. T— 'ations, vocal and instrumental music. Retrejhmenti trere served by members of the Band. —The clothing business in Butler lately conducted by Schanl Bros. A Co. will hereafter be conducted by Schanl A- Xast. who. this week, advertise a 'dissolution Sale, with extra bargins in heavy weight clothing and overcoats This firm h ; is a handsome and attractive store room, they carry an exteKsire and complete stock and they have met with great success in Butler. —The remarkable difference in the re sults of accidents was never more forcibly illustrated than iu two that happened last week. Fred Sharpe of Bnffaio twp this county, fell from the top of a 15 or 20 foot ladder,at Freeport, struck his head on a rail and was ; nstatitly killed; while at Pitts bnr/, Saturday, John Dangherty fell head first down au elevator stiaft a hundred feet deep, Wtts conscious when picked up, and though brui.-ed, cut and bleediug, refused to be taken home in an ambulance. —The woman with one child who com plains she doesn't get --tiaie for any thing." may find a little consolation in this true slate of affairs Mrs. Yates, of Springfield, Ohio, La-just given birth to her twenty-fourth ciild. Five sets of twins are numbered among them Mrs. Yates was married at 14 acd her oldest child is now 27 year-of age. Thirteen ol ner children siill live at Lome and make life a lively one for her. Nothwilbsianding ih'.o fact she dots ail of her own hoUi-ework and always has. A New B. and L. Association. On Tuerday even ng a number of our citizens met at the office of J. \V. Hutchi -on, Ati'y,and organized a local branch ol The rirst .National Building and Loan A.«- Miciation ol I'itt.iburg, Pa. The local board of directors chosen are W U. Huff, J W. Hervey, II A SidJei, J. 11. Sherman, G C. Bellis, W. 11. O'Brien and B. M. Frice. The I*l Nation al is the largest and n.ost successful A»- nocialiou in the State and comes to u* well i ecom mended. The Safe Deposit and Trust Co. of I'itts burg, I'a., is its Tieaturot and Trustee. Among its officers and stockholders are MUCH men as T. U I'obiuviu, Trea- A \ tty. Co j T. F Brown, AuSitor A. V. Ry- Co.; 13. B. Tayior, Gen Manager F-un'a Co ; D. F Corwin, Sec. &. Treas. P. V. <£ 0. Ry.; T. C. Jenkins, merchant, Dr. J A. , Lippencfttt. oculist; Theo. Sproul. Prcst. Mercantile Trust Co.; tV. T. Howe. Secy, and Trias, isafe and Trust Co. Stock or information concerning the Haw institution cau be had at any lime by calling on J. ft'. Hutcbioon,local Secretary and Treasurer. The Sick. Hugh Eyman of Greer is seriously ill. Mrs M. Dailey of Petrolia, is on :he sick list. Jeremiah Dailey, of Miil'Tstown, is con fined to bis oed. Judge It axon was called froo; Kew Castle last *eek by the serious illness ol his wife David A. Mcllwain, aged 50 years,whose home i» at Evans City, is at the South side Pittouurg. Last October he went to California tor bis health, and he gradually grc* worse. He siarted for b. mo and arrived in I'ittsburg last Satur day. He had to be removed !MIH tLE fain. He w ill remaiu at the hospital for a few da>s and then go home. LOUIS TRAXLER Great i.leat ance Sale of W nter Goods. Ladies' riboe l vests 19c eacb Micees' cashmere hose reduced from 35c to 25c a pair. Mi.-ses' 25 • cashmere hoae down to 17c a pair 1 lot of wide ecallopped laces worth 15c a)d u >w 2<- a yd. 1 lot $1.25 quality llaanol nk:rts at 75c. Men's uuluundried 50.- shiru at. 33 : 40 d- zen handkerchiefs at lc each 1 lot of cream silk lace worth 25 and 35" a yd. ur. Ih' a yd. 1 lot of black eilk iaceb worth 25c I at 12 • j d. 1 lot of wool Bedford cord dress ! goods Aiit 50e now lOc a yd 1 lot atl wool dress flannels 65c kind now & a vd. O'ids and eutls iu $1 50. $1 25. aud SSI (JO cornets for 43e. Your cboic* from a lot jil 25 uud sl.()ft kid gloves for 59t; a pair I rimmed bats au<l houuets at bait price Un'rimtned bats tfiveu v, all that it required is to buy the. triuiuiiug •'or tb em Cloaks at less than cost. 500 remnants of all kinds of dry goods at half price. Come soon and request the clerk to bhow you the bargains in each de part uie at. Loui-< TRAXI.ER. Next door to the Butler iSav.ngs Bank —Znver's Pictures h-uve nothing 4-anifiig in finish, tone or a correct lUeee-s. —For aii h- m< made candies, com n>ou t-endies and crenii candies, go to •JOHN A. RICUEV. 142 £3. Main St. Best styles in J)ress Uoods and Cloaks at L. bTitiN Ai SON'S. —Everybody reuds The Pittsburg I Dirpatcb for the reason that it con j tains more news, botn general. sp"ci- I al.and telegraphic; ha> more contrib J | utors and more s|>ecißl ctirrespond ence than (*UV other oewspaper be tvvsn New York and Chicago. Best place to buy Tabls Linens, : Napkins and Towels at II L. STEIN A SON'S. F) | New Broadcloths, Bedford Cords, - Henriettas and Hne Dress—Hoods at IJ. STK!N SON'S. 1 Fall and U'in»«r Pre*.* (Joods at THE PEOPLES' STORK, No. 323 South Main S'. Don't forget us on Hosiery ;nd ' Olove~, we always have the Uvt at r lowest pricea J 11. STEIN £ SON'*. t! u Buffalo Blankets, host for wear at si L. STEIN A; KON'« . e Ladieu anr* Misees* Clonki- >n great j variety at lowest price- at L. b'iiiN 6, tiVN's. LEGAL NEWS. MOTKS. .Injure Stove. of Pittsburg. lately re marked from the bench that hp regarded the Oleomargarine act as a "piece of; demagogy which a di.-grace to the starute books, bat as long as it was the law it would be enforci-d. Letters of Adm'n were granted to Abram Uoyer an'l Frederick Weigel on estate o; Samuel Moyer, deed. The will of Wm. L. Bartley of Butler rs» probated, leiters granted to .) Walter Hartley hud E McJunkin; al*o will , of Michael Kelly of Venango twp.. no letters: also will of Robert Stewart of Porteraville, and letters to \T m. J. Kence dy, Win Humphrey and Eli J. Moore; I also will of John M. Bollinger of Cherry: twp . and letters to Chas. F. Bollinger and ! Orville C. Bollinger; also will of Magda- j lena Scheel of Jefl'eraou twp., no letters: also will of Era Blum of Jackson twp and I letters to Henry Shaffer; also will of Free j J. teharp, of Buffalo twp., and letters to Wm. 11. Parker. Lewis Byers was committ-d to jail by Esq McAlioy. last week on a charge of libel preferred by Wm. Reedy. Mapgie A. Snyder wa-' granted the bene fit of the seperate earnings act. Quite a number ol persons called at t the Reenters office las', we k and this to sre the wills of Koliert Stewart of Porters ville, and Wm. L Bartley of Butier. W. E. Cooper has b.ought snit for tres pass vs T B. Smi:b, and M U. Byerley vs Abe Flick lor same. LATH PROPERTY TRANSFERS. AV C Thompson to W E Ralston, lot i Butler for S3OO Jonathan Vogan to John Vogan. 50 acres in Worth for S3OO Agnes Rohrer to Fred Weaver, lot in Harmony for sllO Mary J Murray et a!, to Fred Bupp, Sr, 52 acres in Lancaster for SIO9O. Christian Micnael.Ex to Sr»-phen Mi 'hael a'.d Stephen to Christian 100 acres iu Sum mit tor ssooo Karl Uutzer to Isaac G Pollard. 12 acres in Fair view for JCOO Geo Marburger to F <t W Ky Co, ft acres iu Forward for $3,967 00 Jno Marliurgt-r to P <t W Ry Co, 3 acre* in Forward fir $150(1 T S Coulter t«> J M Mci'lymonds, 2 acies in Slipperyr. ck f-r $l5O B S U to Geo A spang, lot in Butler for SBOO. li I) HoekenberrT to Josiah Christy. 54 acres in Clay for S6OO. Marriage Licenses. Frank B Kennerdel' Tarentum, Fa Ineit Mason M B Snow Bntler, I'a Lizzie Miller Janiisonville. aP William Baldauf Butler Katie Baungarteu Jefferson Thomas McG'ath Natr< ns Aunie Euright... " At Pittstiurg, J(d>n B Smith and Lydia Fehl of Mars. At Franklin, Eliner E Beep and Sarah E Reefer of Fairview The Markets. BUTLER MARKETS Our grocers are paying 25 for butter. 30 for eggs. 60 for potatoes. 60 to 70 fur apples, 1 00 for onions, 75 tor parsnips. 4 CLS a pd. f"r cabbage. for dressed chicken, 15 for turkey, 40 cts a 0u for turiiii s, 40 cts. a doz. for celery PITThBTR'j PRODCCK. Timothy hay fmni county waeoiiw $lB to S2O, straw $6 to $7. mill feed sl6 to 21, mixed bay sl4. Country rol) batter 25 to 27, cooking butter 10 to 12 Fre-h eggs in cases 31 to 33, cold storage 26 TO 27 Potatoes by car lots, white 85 to 90, red 75 to 80 mixed CO to 65 Apples $2 00 to $3 50 a bbl . beans $2 00. cabbage 250t0 375 bbl.celerv 30 to 35 ,i •ioz . honey 12 to 20 o, ions 1 40 to 1.50 a bu* dressed spring chicken 13 to 14. duel, and turkev 15 to 16. goose 10 to 12, tallow 4, turnips 2.75 a bbl. LIVE STOCK. At Heir's Island, Monday, bulls and dn Cows brought 2i to 34. common steers 2 90 to 3J 1000 to 1200 iL steers 3j t to 4 15, 1400 IT. steers 4 60 to 5, and still heavier troni 5 60 to 6 40 Veal calves sold at 6 to 64, heavy calves at 2$ to 4j Common stiet-p sold at 1} to 3, and good at 3} 10 SJ. common lamhs sold hroDgbt 3} to 44. ami good spring lambs 5 10 6J. Rough anil common hags sold at 7J to 7 85, and selects at 8 to BJ. Repent. Rev. John Q. Critchlow of Utah, a Mor man Missionary will preach in Hnselton ilall on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening* of this week Freetoall. Come and hear the Latter-day gospel. S. Di-uhle Blackboards, Secretaries Desks, Enreka Baby Jumpers and Swings for Bale at J. F T. STBHLE'H. —On December Ist we begin to iovoice and want to reduce oor stock all we cau before that time, there 'ore will aiakn special low prices iu blankets r .bee, harness and every 'hint.' we bav»' Martinet.urt &Co 128 East Jcffeteon street, Butler. Very low prices on FiDe Uoibrei Us at L ST KIN A Sow's. Money to loan lnquire of F S Purvianee, Hueeltou block, cor. Mai a «nd Diamond.Butler P» —Children's Trunks. Cbtldreu's Bureaus. Children's Chairs t bildreu'- IVooden Bedsteads. Children's Wooden Tables. Childreri's Wooder Rockers a' J.F. T STEBLE's The New Firm. BEKKIMEH & TAYLOR Uudertak'-r.- and practical embalmers, late of P'ttsborg. have opened an undertaking room in the Diam tnd Muck, mxt door to the P<>st< dice where they are prepared to show a Sue stock of sroods, pertaining to undertaking, among which is a full line of coffi .s, carkets. shrouds, wind ing sheets etc. Anyone requiring the services of HQ undertaker would no well to call and examine their stock. BEKK.IMEK & TAYLOB, 251 S. Main St., Butler, Pi. —Hotel YVaverly. best house in Butler. Boy's Carts and Wagons Toys that never out-stay their elcome with the Buys at J F. T STEULE'S. —Oo December Ist we begin to invoice and want to reduce our stock all we can before that lime, there fore will make special low prices in blankets, robes, harness and every thing we have Martincuurt & Co., 128 East Jefferf-on, street Butler. The Peoples' Store carries a full line of Ladies arid Cbtldrens underwear. Boardine House Cards. with Act of Assembly. 2.') ceutf for half-a-dozen, for sale, at CITIZEN office. —On December Ist we begin to | invoice and want to reduce our stock | all we can before that time, there fore will uiake special low prices in • blankets, robes, harness and every -1 'hirnr we have Martinconrt ,t Co., j 128 East Jefferson street, Bnt'er. Pianos Ui>r'£rl'» Pianos, j Metallonh -ie- O rnr.s, Accordeons C< "inn*, j Musical Boxr» M< nth Ortran** ol all kinds tit J. F. T. Sxfuuii's - NEIGHBORHOOD NOTES. 1 Ilev. Covert lias entered suit aeainst the officers of tbe order of Solon fur conspiracy to defraud. According to Mrs. Rnssall's evidence in her suit against R. H. Russell for divorce at New Cattle last Thursday. Russell is a couunbiat terrior. Mrs. Ru.-sell told how he had pointed firearms at her. how he had knocked her down, how on one occasion he had drawn a knife across her throat. She said her husband had threatened to prosecute her brother, Rev. Bran don, of Westmoreland county, on a charge ot having committed a felonious assault on her 8 year-old daughter. He bad to!d her he knew the accusation would be faKe.but all the same, it wentd be the roesr? cf driving ber brother oat of the ministry Be said Ju lgn Martin would not dare to decide a ease against him. because, as he aileged, he and the Judge had been en gaged iu several little speculations to get her. While John Dougherty was repairing tbe electric wires in tbe elevator shaft ot Kaufuiaun's store building in Pittsburg, ia<: Saturday, his f >ot slipped and he )• head-first, t > tU<3 pit, a oi»taace ot 100 feel; and though terribly bruisjJ aud cat, v. as uot killed. Three of the churches of Cambridge. Crawfurd county, have united in revival work. Tbe meetings are drawing l*.rge crowds and promise a general awakening A company has been incorporated at Uanisburg to build an eleiric street rail way betweeu Philadelpnia an d Lancaster This line, if built, will be the longest elec tric road in existence. Charles A. Hennig, a dyer and scourer of So 29 Federal * reet, Allegheny. wa> f-.und dead in his shop last Saturday morn ing with bis throat cut aud his skull frac tured. There is much mystery about the case and it i» not certain wether it was a su icide or a murder. Coroner McPowell thinks it was a murder, and the Allegheny police sa> that their investigation has strength ened the suicide theory. The postma?ter of Kittanning was in a queer prediction one day last week. There are two Frederick Yockeys residing in Valley town.-hip, Armstrong Co. Both were soldiers during the war of the rebel lion. Within the past year both have been granted pensions one of them only recent ly. Both get their mail at the Kirtanning postoffice. Tbe postmark showed that ootb were mailed from Pittsburg the same itay. There was no way to distinguish them so tbe postmaster had to tefuse to deliver either of them until he would write tor lurther information. The Kittaniiinsi Times tells this story ol a sensible man While iu that town Tues day of last week, William Yeagle, pur chased a cook stove. It was a bitter cold day. aud the j 'Urney home was a long one, s i he just put a piece of a pipe on his store >2ot itoiue wo< d and Some coal, started a lire in his stove and was warm the whole way nome. The people of Iloney Brook. Pa, in the hard-coal region are alarmed With a forked out coal mine beneath their feet and a few remaining pillars gradually sue climbing to the ravages of fire which has been burning for a month, a collapse of the surface is likely to occur at any mo ment. To be precipitated into theri-cesse« o! an abandoned coal mine is bad enough, but to tumble into a seething furnace is too much lot eveu the sturdy miuer. The incendiary, who has been causing so mucb alarm in New Castle during 'be pa-t three weeks, was captured last Mondaj. He is a boy about 15 years, named William Roberts. Mayor Brown b g»in to suspect nun about two weeks ago, w hen it was found that he bad always turned in the alarm at the fire boxes. Ho has been r iadowed during the past week and w t «« caught running away from a stable, that tie hail fired that evening. The Pittsburg <t Western shops on River avenue, First waid. Allegheny, including tbe blacksmith and engine rooms, the me chanical departments and tho round house were totally destroyed by fire Wednesday morning involving a loss of about SIOO,OOO. OhD'H KDittirp Yarn, Sjtiij-I and tin atm \ Yarn* at L. Stein «& Son's. —Alwav nt<>p at tbe Hotel Waver- Iv when in Butler —Take your children to Zuver't* Uallery for Pictures that will gnu vou. Postoffice building Larereet assortment and best values in Dress Goods and Cloaks at L. Steih A Son'S. IPlaning Mill —A *' 5 >iiinl>ei- Var<i I. 1.. ft KV Is I. O. Ft V V S.G. Purvis&Co MAKDrAttI RKBS AND DEALER* I* Rough and Planed Lumber t£ V <Citf !>Ksw:KtP! hi*. SIILNGLES, LATH & SEWER PIPE. Butler. Pi WANTED. Agents t» sell our choice and Hardy Nursery Stock. We have many special varieties, both in fruits and ornameu: al-1. offer, which are controlled only by us. Wt pay commission or salary. Write us at once for terms, and secure choice of terri tory. MAY BROTHERS. Nurserymen. Rochester, N. Y. ' NEW CI'STOM liRIST MILL 1 have placed in my Mill a first cla«> Roller outfit for Bnckwheat Flour. Also Roller Corn and Chopping Mills, all the best the market offers. Give us t trial, we'll do our best to give you a gooi! turn oat. Running every day except Sunday. WM. f. MILLER. 313 N. V asliington St., Butler Pa, WILLIAM KENNEDY. The* *ell-known liveryman, Wm i Kennedy, will be pleaeed tc have bis friends call at bis new plow lof buninewt. Tbe Best Horses, Buggies and Car rlaKe-> liu Hntter at tbe nio«t reasoonbli nt'ee. The place is easily remember e ( | Tbe first 6table west of the I Lowry lluuoe . William Graham, a brother of f>. K. Graham of Isle, is lying sick at the home of his daughter. Mrs. John Coyle of E. Jefferson St. s Andrew Carnegie and family arrived in > Pittsburg last Thursday. i Clark Wilson and his eldest daughter were around seeing their friends in Butl»-r , last Friday Mr Wilson now has a store at Parker 'and is residing in Lawreneeburg. 1 He is lookiug well and seems to ne enjoy ing life i Carnegie siys he has retired from busi ness, aud has "no control over tne business ol the Carnegie Steel Co. , JA. McCandless, one of the lea.lers of the new goverment of Hawaii, (or the Sandwich Islands) is >aid to be a native ot 1 this county. He left this county some r thirty years sgo and went to West X where ne bcc-uie wealthy; aud from there went to ttie Islands. Judge J« hn M. Greer made an excellent impression iu New Castle la-t week when he hebl court for th.- first time in Law » rence county, tie is pleasant and court eous and all the attorney*. witnesses ami spectators were delighted with th-- manner ; in which he acquitted bimseif Juilge ! Greer's success on tbe bench is assured. Now Castle CouraHt I!' Ije Ok"-<*E t>: r .">rsvi!i -, who has been the gaest of J 1) Marshall, re turned home, Tuesday. County Treasurer Wilson wears his head in a sling, on account of cold settling m nis eye. Mr. and Mrs Jerry Zimmerman, of near Renfrew,near taken by surpri.-e last Frittav evening, by a number ol their call ing upon them to spend the evening. Those present were Mrs 0 C inner, Mrs. I. Daubenspeck, Mrs. Sarah Eshenbaugh, Mrs Mahood. Hannah Wallace. Gertrtide Beers. Flo WaUace, .lane O't'onner. Nellv OVonner, Frank Beers, Torn O'Conner, Ross Elliott Edwin Daubenspeck,aud Bert Mahood. Frank Beers was master ot • ceremonies and he acquitted himself well , The forepart of tbe evening was taken up in instrumental uinsic and ringing. Prof G A. Schotte and Miss Ada Zimmerman played quite a number of pieces on orgm. t and violin, after which Mr Jerry Zimmer maii gave ihem to anders.'.tnd that he had not quite forgotten bow to pla> the violin, 1 and they danced to bis uinsic till a vert ate hour. Every thing went off pleasant ly. and the evening will lung be remem bered by those present. Will Marks, a son of Mrs Marks of this 1 place, is rag serioush ill at bis home iu ! Maryland." His sister Miley went on last i week to help attend him. Rev W. T Wimer.of Butler, will preach at the Beu'ab Baptist Church Monday eve ning, Felirury (>, 1892 at seven o'clock. Oil Notes. The Browusdale field which now has a daily producti on of about 700 bbls. is the most active in the county. 1 Beer's and O's No. 1 Cowan is finished and is good for 60 or 75 barrels a day. McJnukin A Slater's No 1 Cowan is mak ing 75 barrels naturally and is two weeks old The Eastern Oil Company's No 1 John ston will be about a 50-barrei w»ll Their No. 3 Susan Anderson is making 65 barrels a day Collins £ Ilea ley's No 1 Sam Thouip son is doiuc about 30 barrels a day Seven new rigs bat e just been complete ' in tbe field They are the Thompson Oil Company's N. s 2 and 3 W R Thompson. Collin* <t Heaslet on the Sam Thompson. Coe & Co. on the Harbison.Lent* A S.-nleg el. Dunbar and others on the Douglass,and : he Thompson Oil Company on the Cowan. T W. Phillips' No 23 on tbe McCnlmont farm at Renfrew, struck a pay in the bot tom of the sand and U making 75 barrels i a day. r Voung Bros. A Co's well on the John Muller (arm. two uiil-s east ol Vlars. is 70 feet in the 100 f >ot a;id is uow showing for ' a well KAILROAD TIME TABLES WKBT PKNN R. K. Trains leave the Went Peon depi t at to-- east Jefferson St. as follows: • 15a. to. -Market—arrives at Allegheny at 1 8:40 aud 9:13 p. m. 40 a ra.— Express—arrives at Allegheny , at 10:30 a. tn. 11:00 a. ru —Accomodation—arrives at Alle gheny at 1:24 p. in. i 2:45 p. oi—Accomodation—arrives at Alle , at 4:44 p ui 5:00p ni.—Express—arrives at Allegheny »i atf:4S ■,> m The 6:20 a m. tr.-io and 2:4"> p. m. train connect ai Butler Junction with trains E"-t " u> Rlairsvtlle Intersection, where ennneetinu r is made with the LUy Express aud Pbilad'i. Express jjoin»! East Trains arrive nt Butler at and 10:35 a ' m. aud 1:30. 6:00 and 7:50 p ru., leaving 41 leghetiy at 6:55. s:SO and 10:40 a. ui and .5:15 15 aud 6;10 p. in P. & W. K. K. Traius leave the P & \V depot near Cen tre Ave., Sontbst'fe, Butler tiiue, as tollw ttoing south: 6:tK) a. m.—Allegheny Aceomodatioti B:lo—Allegbeny and Akron Express—ronv on Sunday to Allegheny, aud connects daily to New Castle. 10:20 a m —Allegheny Accomodation. , 2:50 p m.—Allttheuy Express. p. tu. —Chicago Express, runs on Sun •lay 5:55 p m —Allegheny aud Zelienople Mail Buns on Sunday to Allegheny alone. On Sunday aioue, at 11:15 a. m., Allegheny Express. Going North—lo:os a. tu. Bradford Mail. 5:oo p. ui -Clarion Aecotn. 7:25 pin Foxburi< Aecoui. On Sunday a tram leaves for Callery at 11:15 a iu. No Sunday trains on the narrow gauge. The 3:20 o. m. train South connects at Cal lery with the Chicago express, which run daily and is equipped with the Pullman but let and sleeping coaches. Trains for Butler leave Allegheny at 8:10 and lli;30 a ui , city time, aud 3:«u. 5:25 and 6:15 p. in Oa Suuday at 8:1-) a. tn aud 3:00 p iu ! I rains arrive at Butler at 9:30 and 0:50 a m. and 12:35, 4:15. 7:21 and 8:30 p. ai. Sun day at 10:20 aud r>:10. eITTRWBO. SHBBAHGO A t.AKK F.HIK K. I Trains leave the I' & W dejxit, liutler time as follows: 5:.K1 a m. to Erie, arriving there at 10:46 a. ru 10:30 a to. to Erie, arriving there at 3:2 c p iu., Buffalo at 6:45 p. ut. 5:1*1 p ui. to Greenville, arriviug there at 7:25 p tu. I A train arrives from (Jr»euville at 10 t)."> ti tu wnh tti rough ear to Allegheny ov.-r the P <lt W; one at 2.\}o p. u». from Erie which connects with Ihiiii roads to AlleKhetiy. atiO one at 8:40 p. m. from Erie Trains leave Billiards at 6:25 and 11:15 » io. slow lliu«t and CouDeC-t '*»r Butler, a'td ihc 5:00 p tu. tram from Butler connects for Milliards. Tlie H;l«> a m. and 3 p m. trains on t»>tl. roails iu Allegheny connect with iraius - 'lie p S. A- I. fc. at Butter. i FRANK KEMPER, to it j. DEALER IN . BLANKETS, HARNESS, everything in horse buggy fur nishing goods-H a r • S, IIOSSS. C'jlliirs, llipjs. " Dusters, Saddles, etc. Also trunks and va lises. Ttepairing done on short notice, i. The largest assort ment ol 5-A 1 lorse blankets in town will be lound at Kemwcr's. 1. O * Mifflin Street Livsry. - WM. BIEHL I'rop'r. One eqtinre west, of Main St., on '' Mifflin St All (Toikl, safe h< rs«**; r " new httL'iries at;ti i'»rriKL'e« Lundatis '® | b»r wedditiKs and funerals. Ootid I day ami uigbt. TwiupLuutt No. 24. J. - . . A^cijlfnts. Nannie, eldest .laughter ol W. H. i! Elvaiu, of Penn twp . who had her face I and bands badly burned, a few days ago at Zelienople, while rendering tallow, came home Wednesday, and is doing well. Fred Sharp, an employee of the distil lery at Freeport, fell from the top of a ladder last Friday, aad was instantly kill ' ed. lie had a wife and two children, llis wife is a daughter of Thos. Farker, of Buf falo twp. While John Wagner. a student of the Orphans Home here, was skating on the board walks, a few days ago be jumped from one walk to anotaer, ti l it »ia< injured himself internally. A severe pain in bis back set in, he became delirious, and died on Tuesday of this week. His home was at St. Petersburg, Clarion Co. August Freeling of winfivld twp , fell from the loft of his barn to the thre-hing floor, a distance of 12 to 14 feet,a few days ago, aud was bsd'y hurt. Armory Operi House. Monday, Feb 6th. Mis- Hettie Bernard Chase in Tncle's Darlin? Last Night Miss Hettie Bernard Chase and company appeared at the opera hoti»c last niitht in "Uncle's Darling" to an atidieuce that was siuiply wild iu its demonstrations of ap proval Especially in the third act where "Alaska, the land of ice and snow." was presented, centered most of the intere>t. The introduction of ihe bears, the d< irs and reindeers were the signal feature of the evening and »h>- hou-e was not satisfied until three "curtains" were responded to Another featare that afforded mucn amuse ment «as the ira-la-boont-de aye iu the second act when tbe galien by imitation jotned in the singing The play went uitti a whoop Iroiti iieginnn.g to end, and 'he audience seemed never to et their ti 1 M iss Chase captivated them with her chic ways, singing and dancing, and Frank Calburt. as Uncle Billy tickled the crowd immensly Ther« were some pa thetic eudiugs to tbe acts aud the one iu tbe second was especially touching —Aus tin Daily Statesman, November 2d. Prices: 25, 50. aud 75. —o:o IT IS A PLEASURE TO WE A R GAR MENTS THAT ARE CORRECT LY DESIGNED AND PERFECT FITTING. -o:o- THIS SATISFAC TION VOU CAN DEPEND ON SHOULD YOU BOOK YOUR ORDER AT Aland's. I arge Display of Handsome Fabrics for FALL AND WINTER. DIS DRUGS AT iOW I I'KICKS is the motto at our J. Bto re. If you are sick tint] oeed medicine vou want tbe BEST. Tbia you can ahvajH depend upon gettiD? from us, e« we use notbinir hut Ktrictlv Pure I)rn»frt in our Prescription Depart ineiit. You can fret tbe i>e.«t of tverj tbmsr in tbe drutr line from us. Our more is also headquarters for PAIHIS OILS, VARNISHES, Kahomine, Alabastine k (Jet our prices before you buy Paints, and «ee what we have to offer. We can save you dollars on your paiut bill Kespectfullr J. C. REDICK, • . Main St.. next to Hotel Lowry, BUTLER, FA. I I Christinas Presents for Gentlemen. A moot; many iiß>ful presents for l?euilem»ii, tDat we have, are the fol low mg: Collar & cuff sets, wbisp-broont r holtlers, traveler's eases, shaving eases, smoker's sets, photo cases, ' necktie eaaes, lap table's, portefolios. g"|il pens Mtit) |N-ncils, pocket match safes and stamp boxes, cigar boxes, 1 pocket cigar eases, bill books, ink Matiksi paper weights, pap-r knives, f shne blacking sets, f- untain pens • ■ ffiee caleudars, di ries. sbaveing ' minors, letter c»s»s, toilet cafes, nut sets, soap boxes, fancv blotters, eilver shuveinjf mugs VV« S.-ter's Int. ' Dictionary, Kocyrlopedi* Brtttauni cii, and i ooks of all kinds for every » b<>dy. Come and nee them at J. H. DOIKiLA-S\ 2u<l Do* r S. of P. 0. ' Hotels and Depots, W S. (Jrejrg is now running a tin# it carriages lietweeu the hoteie and <iepoin ot the town ('barges reasonable. Telepbom. f Sit. 17, or leave orders at Hotel Vogeley. >( I noil Liven in fotflcrtion W. II O'HKIFN k K)N. [Succesi-ora of Scbutte <t O'Brien. J Sanitary Plumbers Anil (Jit* Fittern. f»K A LIRA IN Sew jr Pipe, (r;ifl Fixtures, j Gldfies an<l. Natural (*as Appliances. JefferHon St.,opp. 1 owry House BUTLER, PA- The imperial Purchas ng Co. i:to2 FiMw-rt I hi'" . hn*«everythinir D >fhole»ale and retail. Mirr->r» ftianno, orir»ii' '! ami wo'ical Inatrnmenta. <ir-ate«re in if t s election nf Hoitahle pre«eots Ckari|t< n h OitutuiMaloof. S»tuple- and esUuiatve tcu j trw. 10 yxttn ui«h«b». The Beat I« . ao*f to good %f y.* are ttek. Thr pkyriei'in fx pect* rt*<a«4 tht» can only be oitUitxt'i rwn purr >lrugi rtre tlutpmxrd. /'«■ ritf core and arrura-y i« s rrerjt tlep*rtmmt of our business. Only rrrfisUrerl pharmmi ists are rmpfopf-l ? ami personal -upemsinn yiren to erery detail. "> endearor to kerp erery tking that t» iar/mrrrf f rr. , I but if ire do not hare what < ' your presertpttou calls far iff trill tell you so and do I o«tr best to get it for yon at the earliest ftossible time. \n matter trhei' is needed for the sickroom come to our store. Our prices art as ton as con ' tis tent tritk pure goods. Inferior ones ire d» not i rare to handle at any price I'hymcians pre scriptions and family re ceipts a svrcMlty. Resptc tfuliy, C. N. HOY I), Druggist. I Dinniond Hlo<-k. Butler. Pa. . -j'HE BITLKK •Ol NO NATIONAL BANK, BtTLUI, fa. CAPITAL i'ald t"p, - - - tl»xi a<M.o». ' ■ SI BPLI S. - *2O.tHH» 00. i OmCERH: Jos., Prest. J. V. lints. Vice I'revt. c. A. Bailey, cashier. OiKEITOtCS : , Jos. Llartman. «.f. I villus o. M. Ktissril U. Momeeuej. C. !> nr- . nlee. J. V mil*. K. E. AbrHtns. Leslie Haalert I. t; Smith W. s. Waldrou. W. lleurj Wllxrn. SI Klneeau. A Ketierji IctnklDg business tmnsai te<l. In rerest pel>l <>n tliue aepiwttA. >lotie> -.juetl oa apurovec security. Foreign exchange and sold. INSURANCE COMPANY of NOhlH A MERiCA.IOOIh Year Assets i9.27tt.22tj.00. Home of New York, Assets $9,370,640.00. Hartford ol Hartford, Assets $6.743,046.84., Continental of New York, Assets $5,806,784.91. NKW YORK LIFE, Assets $125,947,290.81. Office of 3 E ABKAMS & CO. Office in HIS ELTON BUILDING, next to the Court House B. «y |}. Shelf Clearing Prices. The kind that have been pat upon stock id every department. Medium and Fine . Dress CJootis and Kilka. Jackets, Wraps. Furs and Fur Garments, All at unprecedented price?. Specimen value* a r e Imported Soilings. All definable colors, double width— I 38-inches—7sc aad SI.OO tbej were, all to go at soc a Yard. > 1 Imported Flannels. Stripes and pla'd*—iver 50 stfle*— regulur 60 ceotu one.-# at 25c a Yard. Come, or write Ol'K MAIL OR-| r DBR DEPARTMENT for samples' of all I>'e»s Q<>odci and Siik* before |( buying eUewhere If we don't »are if you njoa*y, we'll a>l expect your patronage ; Bout's &c Buhl, ' 115 to 121 Federal Street L ALLEGHENY, PA. Here We Are Kigut To Tbe Front With Spot Casb Prices. -■*-» mjfP* ■ ■ 1 »• We have ftome ovrfcosts left aod d have mule prirea on th»-at that will ni iv« tb«*m at»oo We •. do not wish to carry si over a jfarment of heavy good** and it lt»w pric*** will clear theoi ont we hball do it, eo before bnving cluthiour or fl.rni-h;nlr'• for dii-D ortx»ya iu«p«-ct tb« irood* and rock bottom »pot ca*h prices at j The Racket Store, 190 8 Main St., Butler. Vm. , UI ANTED! |f Milt THI- UK *LITf. OPPORTUNITY I for s Hra «n«-r***tie iuau. Wr < :!• * BET- I .. TKR FACILITIES a». 1 tictter T ' * 1 'in ever. Hilary or (•»" nii»- n wrt'«*t"r■ tr Spi'flill T. ' HOOKtR. G ROVER & CO.. ut H'"-h--»t>-r I'rui'l jnu jA'I v >'?***. .. j t/laUUsU l '! I:? 1 fcAtalHlt It Pays To Know Whn Is Going On For Bargains. OEEKCOATS, MEX'S SIITS, And ;J1 Winter Goods. Xow is the buyers chance. Xow is the time to save monev. V\ e are willing to sell all winter CJ goods at cost, and some Inflow coet MEN S OVKKC ATS WORTH sll *#> F»R 115 00 " - 15 00 - 10.60 " ~ 44 10 (Hi - 6.50 BOY'S < 4 « U Oi) - 10 06 10 •*) 6 50 " M «• G.W m 3.50 M a ns. Yoatbs. Boys Ai4 Cinldrns Sub M Prwtwjteij Liv Mm. COME AM) SEE. H. SCHNEIDEMAN, Cli tbw and Gent* Furuiih r, 104 South Main St., Butler, Pa. Dissolution Sale As the firm ol" Schaul Br.i*. & Co. hate d*s6«;i«ed uriarrtlitp. the new f.rm of Schaul it have h tight th itock. jrhich we iiu« turn into cash b\ March ist. Wi have inaugurated this great ndiuti i sai«* Extra Bargains in Overcoats, listen*, and all Heavv Weight Clothing before placing our orders tor the comtr g sprrtg v ast r We rcdnce the price on all winter suits and ovevenats regar-tless of value and cost. AH winter suits and overcoat* for men and boys we oiler now At Cost and Some Than Coet. These prices will surely ».lear •« tat»l«s and shelves, and th**se in need of any winter clothing can buy then rw w at less than wholesale prices. Schaul & Nast, Successors to Schaul Bros. «fc Co., OPPOSITE HOTEL VOGELET. - BFTLML. FA. Hfive Vou Paid -*YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS The Citizen? -HP HOT. HOI IS THE ACCEPTED TTIE.*- ' w i' *0 ; Vi ou rvtk #*":= "*' • * f 7 it, > Tt!£h>Cr* *' CAM" OH'O. * I I i I KCUUTI TMC : STOMACH. LIVER AND BGWtIS. : **" • PURIFY THE ItOOO, « reliable »«bv nt J I Bill...—'— Cmtm* ; J- l ; : H..IM »* : : mm.. —• ••< *■■*" «* : t -i i -i-*- l>rr mm* j | I •■ll »» 1-.rUi !»<*•■■«• a*"™* | j THE *I»*M CM«*ICAL CO. j ] m irmccs sruxt. **w *<** arr ARE VIH Wr Hp SPIRITS Bwl tix Ui Un art-anJ H»l«l»r ' ,nw * Just try our "w *»<! l "® cao ni«« y«»ar «pint» whtl* th*a» 4<>»n Let a* eiithiw j«u' Pinch'* GvUcn Weddirm, liir n rtl »! mod 'will **- f1 00 tor Qt . i-f *V* r **■ UnOfiw'tt, Mt TW, OT«rb»'t. Etc Thi. i* th« only h.Hi'W B»t rwtifj:nif in *&• city. tb»ref.«r» »«r «wwU »» *" rr^n^~ u> : rr tiixxl* neewwd parked ■">'! **7 • itin.ot **fra cb*rf» I O I» •»" ""•J 1 ..rd«» r*e*if prompt *•' t.»th»r'« Cb«i :• 3 J«»'«» fZW **lt»a. Try n* * KOF.KT l-KWIS. Wfi»k*il*. I.U, W»s«r SI PiiM«|fe Pk Ojtjxwite B A •> R R f*"" 1 Bastes EtoM> C' yy/ v. a t>*) i.iiiifwlj / imiiiid ■ * • YOUNO MSN r..r th« »rt1»« <1 ' -* * -1 Wll*XV Triuv>t for only $i jo READ THESE HIMRALLELEf ICTUS? THE HAKRIdRTRtt SEMI WEEKLY fELKUN. ;>9 :ft« il uiMKK rSH i» H»» s—oa»t mm* tat new at tkoMfM*! •i rKw.wti Sumhamm s«r twMw htrr v rw® -••iaaiit'Altwt» s*W m**. H'n>i. n»M f»^lt<l L~giaianv» an<l nwlUo-wa. ia*i— PRICE OSLT OK WUiS Pfl nil. D 8 >)« a CEIT I Cm. *ui •—H THiww —* \wmmK»* "trru.«r hr IW Mfara -■«!' *HIU TuwiAni«a4 .IMBK** r»*«M tM «»» Mbr ! <ll full! Tii«nir» «i Ouatt ■ •» *r» J-4W A- W fan . flMMMkl* ' ftor Itoar Dmttmr mmi Dm (>■(■ >i»' W»8!.% r*k»;B.»r« M *l Jmmm' , t» ru iciur* V out O 1.-r '<»» jric «t *(M haafe «l»» Dmir-rt UK 1.1 A VLB A'JtNTS WI^TTO T» S»ti. m <■> li Iptf— ■» "W* Jtfciai l- .rrTrt n [ Mtr T -t- «w >». *i r» r*^- T!» ra« »ul 111 !!■>—r ail -r>tww«»A W» r w '» I" II V ir ll%pin ?t .rr di. sT It Trip Is the Vvtf: hi FBEI f VMUIS tmw At l"fc <••#" fcr vmm mm*k Kw» »i !!>w. Kbcl- «f » •taßipawt <■»>' li'fi. W«rHf> fur Mai kfi. »> r l»»r> rm ».4 Jar »" ia *».. Onp f g Alt 1 . * - I 1 GOS>£; ; I CREaM uLfUni.-it I fl » Ji.Mliif tmr i»aig> ■ I a&C. ■* mtrrrii r mmX"* I •~z~ tUmSST vT *"** Cures Sick Headache 'I - *»St > —v~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers