Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, January 27, 1893, Image 4
PRICESTHE FAIREST 1 YOU HAVE (W) EVER KNOWN v^/ AT Vogeley & Bancroft's, IN Liffitt', Gentleman's and Children's Shoes. See Onr Elegant Line Of Holiday Goods. No Question about our goods Pleasing. Mo Question about prices being Satisfactory. NONE CAN SELL CHEAPER. ALL GOODS WARRANTED. BOOTS AND SHOES, Slippers, Rubbers and Overshoes, etc. VOGELEY BANCROFT. 347 South Main St., Butler, Pa., Opp. "Wilittrd Hotel. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Haven't you a friend who would appreciate a comfortable pair of slippers. You will find no larger or handsomer line than ours to select from. Get your wife and children a real good pair of Shoes and Rubbers. We keep the best and that's the kind you want for a present. If you will call and see our goods you will consider yourself amply repaid for time and trouble. Will consider it a pleasure to show you through our line whether you wish to BUY OR NOT. Never was our stock as large as now. We believe our assortment of Holiday Slippers to be the best in the county. It is by far die best in Butler. We desire to particularly emphasize one point, namely: OUR PRICES are unquestionably the LOWEST ALRUFF, LIDIESAHD GBNTLEH WE take pleasure la announcing the fact that we now havs on display and on aals an iamenM stock of goods in the following lines; Dress Goods in all grades, styles aad pries*, with ths Ttry latest things in Uriaaiags to aaafc. MILLINERY IN all the aew things the aarket affords. Hats and Bonnets gotten op in hast style "while you wait." Lad tea', and Oblldraa'a Wraps, wall aade aad style aad It guaranteed. Carpets, Oil Cloths, LINOLEUMS, Mattings, Rags, Carpet Bweepsrs, Lace Cartains, Portiers, Polas a.l Plxtnrea, and all kinds of Domestic Dry Goods We always have the best Blanket* and Flannels, and ths Standard Patterns are acknowledged to be the beat aade. Call in and get a Fashion Bheet. All the goods in oar different departments are marked in plain figures at tbe loweat prices. We not only keep Standard Patteraa bat all onr goods are standard. Ws do not handle MOOD da. Ladies', Gent's aad Ohiidien'a Underwear a specialty. RITTER & RALSTON "A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO . J. SPECK. WM. H. HOLME i " m-Luinifl waou»iLß«fCTrvT~iJqMa ■•BMT eirwmaarfrfWaTiVllfiT The Wm, H. Holmes Co., Distillers of "Holmes' Best" and "Holmes' Old Economy'| PURE RYE WHISKY. All the leading Rye and Bourbon Whiskies in bond or tax-paid Importers of fine Brandies, Gins and Wines." SFVJSTD FOR PRICE Llfn Telephon 308'. UO Water dt> and£)£B FlrJktMe , Pltubuigb P» Jtf\ PER CENT. 1U First Mortgage Lians Ko tax, com in talon or fees. Interest payable ■eml-tsnually by New York draft. Perfect se curity Highest reference. UU. V. IEIB. Ftirhmi, Wuiiiftii. Hotlilng On Eftrtb Will HENS XiXKH Sheridan's Condition Powder! KEEPS YOUR CHICKENS Strong and Healthy ; Prevents all Diaeaae. Good for MOMIU»V Ben. l. fttt: mid wkx to preraa* Heap, mj » cu*« of Turn B«rr Poarar w JU ft. JOiUfSOS dt CO .ttCustom HouaeSt.,Boaton, mi -25, £ni 9100. FOR MEN ONiX of Body aidXin'l, 75' ofErrar:orlzceaaeainol*or Xc•:». | in- BaVUOODffrfje Kwlffl f!»«r (••• »**# . raTTV-rsnifir iiiimMrt»M()i«i»PiaT»of H 4LeMei.IT aefel'ef HOCt f B*tTJlll*T—BeeeUts la • l fviairw*. Wriu: « BmttnfU— »%pla»el arf mm* prae* astVe («n»a#» (.•• Young Mothers! Wt Ofor Tom a J tomoijf teh Uh XMWM «•/«<» t» IA/o of Mother ani Child. "MOTHER'S FRIEND" Rob* Confinement of its Ma, Horror andßUh, IftortfMowboitteof " Mother's FrieaJ " I •uff«r*d bat llttis pain, aad did tut expatianoo Uiat ■ utiim afterward uaual In sooh cmi.-Mn. Ama QMIC, Lamar, Ho.. Jan. Uth. Ml. SMit by expnss. charges prepaid, on receipt of prtee. SI JO par botua, Book to Hotlm mailed fm. ÜBADFIELD BKGCLATOa CO., ATUm. OA. SOU) BT ALL sacoaism For Sale by J. C. Redick. nv-An ;AND bimfmbif For strictly tnire r.nd reliable STKAItiHT V—j ILiyUORP. call on i. JV. nrvfCH, IS KIITHFIKLP Kr./FITTKBIBfIH, PA. (< >pp. Vonongahfla House.) Matchless for Family use and Medlclni.l pur poses are FINCH'S OOLDKN WF*>I>INO. 1 All SI OCCKENHEIMKKB VrfllHKY, ipenjl.. OVKBHOLT'S WHISKY. f « qiy. PILI.INCiEK'S WHISKY. J for *.%. Goods neatly packed and promptly shipped Fbu or KXPK.NSC on receipt of '-ssli or post ofDi e order. 6 WNothlni? expressed C. O. D. Send for Price List. WOOD'S PHOSPHODINE Tkf Great Cufflink Braiedy. ® Promptly and perrai oei'U) cures all forms of Nervous Weakness Rmls slons. Spermatorrhea. Impotency and all effects Of Abuse or Excessesev Ke»n nencrlhed over :i". yearsln tho>isands of caws Is the only Kellablf and Honest Medicine known Ask druggist for WOOD'S FUOSI-HODINK; If he offers som>- worth ies* medicine In pla' «• of thlv leave his dtshon eM st?re. ln< lose price In letter, and we will ■end by return mall. Price, one package, si; its. IS. One will please, six will cure. Pamph let ID plain sealed envelope, 2 Ktamps. Address THK WOOU CBEBICAL CO., 131 Woodward avenue. Detroit Mich. VHold in Butler by C N. Royd. J. F. Ralph. J. C. Kedlck. and dugglsts everywhere. DOCTORS LAKE ■up I I'niVATK DISPENSARY. -ITfi" M COR. PENN Ave. AND FOURTH ST.. PITTSBURGH, PA. Atlformsof DelicnteandCom- WjKJB plicated Ulsenae* reqnirlnirCoN. FIOKNTIAL andftCIEKTIPIC Mr<l icatlon are treated at this I>;H- I <-nMrc with a success rarely attnlncd. Dr. S. K. |j»tel«amemberof the Royal College of I'liv ficians and Rtirgeona, and Is the oldest and niu»t experienced BrSol*Li«T In the city Special at tention given to Nervous Debility from excessive SM ;iial exertloo, Indiscretion of youth,etc., caus ing physical ami mental devjiy,la<-V of energy, 1.-spondencT, etc.; also Cancer*, Old Sores Fits, rile*, liheumatiwn, and all disenseaot thcbkin. ■ Consultation tree and strictly confldentikl. Offlce hours.9 to I «r,d 7 to 8 r. M.; Sundays, S to * V. If. only, 'nil at office or address DRs. LAKK, COR. r;.\s AVE. AND4TUST..PITTSBURGH.PA. ARE YOU OUT OF SPIRITS? Bad fix to be in around Holiday times. Juat try our wines and liquors. You can raise your spirits while letting them down! Let us enthuse you! Finch's Golden Wedding, (or medical and family use. SI.OO per Qt, or 0 Qts. for |T>.OO. Dooghertr, Onckenheimer, fjarpe, Oil>.»< n, Bridgeport, Mt. Vernon, Overholt, lCic. This is the only house uot rectifyit'tr in the city, therefore our good* are warranted porn. Goods necured packed and boxed without extra charge. C. O I) and mail order* receive prompt attention. G'uud lather's Choice 3 years old, fl! 00 per gallon. Try us KOKKT IJEWIN, * Importer m I Wholesaler, 130 "Water fit. Piitshurpli fu. Opposite II it' O It U. Depot ' • RECULATC THK STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS, j AJTO PURIFY THE BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR lUI|Wtl«. Blll.Bfnra, Cmll- j pallaa, Dfpfpmlm, ( brwntc M*rr Traublra, Z PUxIRfM, Rod Completion, PjaeuUry. | fffaaslte Br»ath, an 4 all dlaonlrra sf the ♦ liaaack, M»»r and Bawrla. BipaM Ta.bol CM contain nothing lnjurioua to t tb« delicate constitution. I'U-a*anl to take, | ml*, rffcctuaL Giro Irani dilate ralicf. BoIU by dnurriata. A trial botllo acbt by mall } on receipt of li co&ti. Addrcn ♦ THE RIPAN9 CHEMICAL CO. I 19 SPRCCE BTREET, NEW TORE CITY. j I THE CITIZEN A Good Story Teller. While riding over tbe Pennsylvania Cen tral the other day w« overheard a conver sation between two men in the *eat just in front One of them was a large man with a deep, baas voice with wbiskera on it. He had an air of great #lf importance about bim and wi« talking loud, evidently with the intention of impressing the other occupant* of tbe car with the idea that he was a great man. He*as discussing tbe matter of John Dußois' suit l»r damages against the par ties who built the Brooklyn bridge for in fringing on his patent. "This man John Dußois," he said, '"was an old man who was worth about twrnty milliou* of dollars, and he was a regular crank on the subject of patents. He im agined be ww the inventor and rightful owner of every valuable patent he heard of. He was a very eccentric old fellow, as is proven by the manner iu which he dis posed of his wealth." "How was tbatf" inquired his compan ion de voyage. "Well, it was this way. The old man was up in Lock llaven one day, and no body there happened to know him. He left home without any money as he was in the habit of getting a check cashed where ever he wanted it. But it was after bank ing hours, and be needed five dollars. lie asked several parties to loan it to bim until the next day. but none of tbera happened to have it. Finally he struck a young man whom he bad never seen before, and tbe fellow gave bim tbe five dollars, which was the last cent he had in the world. The old millionaire showed his gratitude the next day by making his will and be queathing all his millions to the young man who had given him the five dollars. Alter tbe old gentleman had talked him self tired we called him gently aaide and told him he had made a slight error in re gard to the disposition the late John Du- Bois bad made of his property. We assur ed bim that Mr. Dußois had given, or rather sold, his vast estate to his favorite nephew, John E. Dußois, for one dollar, and that a suit to recover the collateral in heritance tax was brought in the Clearfield county courts. "Oh, well," replied the old gentleman unconcernedly, "I presume jou are right, but I don't believe in spoiling a good story by strictly sticking to facta." And then the old villian laughed.— Punxsutawney Spirt. —T'.e other day a gentleman was look ing at the letters which were stuck up con spicuously in a frame in the post office in a neighboring town with the legend '"Held fur postage," above them. De reflected on tbe matter a moment and concluded that4e might be doing tbe people who bsd forgotten to put stamps on those letters a kindness by paying the postage and send ing them on their journey. And he did so If this custom were uenersl it would be nice, but unscrupulous persons might tnke advantage of it to save postage. Ah n rule the amount of money required to send the few letters that *re held tor postage at any ordinary office in an entire week wo.ild be less than would be required to set up the beer or cigars, and it would be doing much more good. Hrperdermic injections of morphia are frequently j.rescrilied by physicians for cure of neuralgia; but its effects aro only ephemersl and you will have to repeat the injection every day. Discard this seduc tive enchanter, and use Salvation Oil. which goes to the seat of tbe trouble and effects h permanent cure. —There is a man up in Sugargrove, Ta , who is so anxious to engage in the govern ment employ that ho waLts to work for D"thing and pay $53 per year for the priti leifc. His name is Sevant Rickers and he asks to carry the U. S. mails from Sugar grove to Jamestown, X Y , and back —9i miles—nix times per week and he wants to pay $53 a year for the contract Under the present contract tho mails are being carried nu thi< route at. a Cost of one cent a vear. When the bids were invited for the next four years Rickers and another bidder each offered to do tho work for one cent. They must have compared notes, however, tor before the bids were opened, Rirker*opponent submitted a *nplemental bid, offering to pay S2O per year for the contract. Rickers then offered S3O, and his opponeut raised it to S4O, and Rickers finally rair.ed to $53, at which figure tho contract wiil be awarded. The willingness of these men to work for nothing and pay for the privilege is explaiued by the fact that the mail carrier can make a handsome profit by carrying passengers, bag/age ex press and freight There aro many mail route* throughout tho tountry where the service is done at a cost to the government far below the actual expense of doing the work if nothing but mail >d and yet the font meters us a rule, fi'id the bus iness they are enabled to carry on in con nection with it profitable. The route from Sugargrove to Jamestown is the only <>ne on which the government actually re ceives money from the contractor. —.loth Bill tig*. Higgcsts that if n man i* ou hi•> way to the woods to commit Htiicide and a bull suddenly gives chase the chances are that lie will run for his life. —"Handsome is tbat handsome does," and Hood's Sarssparilla does handsomely A Sat. Francisco exchange raises the alarm tbatCalifornia is suffering "a girl fam ine." In every large town in that State, with the exception of Alameda, there is a lamentab'e paucity of the gentler sex. In Angeles tho male population exceeds the female by 2,(KM), in San Jo'e and Stock ton by 1.000, in Fret.no by 2.000, iu Saere mento by 4.000, and in San Francisco by by the startling number of 40,000. Per haps half ot the excess in these cases is due t<> the Chinese population, which con sists mainly of adult males, but after mak ing liberal allowanco for this element, there slill remains an immense preponder ance o| Caucasians of the sterner sex. The same thing is Hue of all the now Western states. Montana has two men to one wo man. Unless this peculiar disparity in numbers is soon rectified, thousands of men in that section of the country are doomed to lives of involuntary bachelor hood A petrified man has been unearthed in Salt Lake City. Lying near the mouth of the pri -historic remain" wis this qne* t'on. iiNo petrified: Is thi< cold fnough fir v —< no .• • I •;» nj i ted 'i ,ur *ii i a - . o *; t: * I«.i,| mil » fo . v t * i i I'm »r,. i u -o I -u li I' II Ili iHnif. It'« -now tna'- te 1 . —Threats to steal .lav Gould's body aro ■till made to hi* family, but they are los ing no sleep over them If somebody threatened his millions it might be differ ent. President Diaz of Mexico i* reputed to be worth thirty millions of dollars. A President like that ia hard to boat in a oonntry whore every man has hi* price, fnd that not a high one, —A Dublin newspaper ha* an odvertii> ment possibly more truthful than intended: "Wanted, a gentlemen to undertake tho sale of n patent medicine. The advertiser guarantees that it will be profitable to the undertaker. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. In order to be healthy this i# oeoewary. —Report* from Southern waters are al* most unanimous *9 to tbe urptaoedented nnmber «'f wild fowl Tbe cold weather of the past four or fire weeks and the re markable extent ol the flight of tb«i« bird* down the coast during the autumn are sponsible for this abundance. —At Palatka, Kla., a large hawk lately captured a youog chicken, and in flying over the town with his captire became frightened and dropped it in front of ft market It is said that the chicken was not hurt much by the tall and ha* taken up its quarter* in the store. —Over 3,000 acres of land in four town ships of the state of Washington are held bv women, and fire or six more women are holding claims in the same region waiting a favorable time to prove up on them and acquire patents. Some of the land is under cultivation, and tbe ranches bring in a comfortable income to the plucky *a«len who artrn and run them. —The ice formations at Niagara Kalis are reported very handsome. The ice bridge formed from the spray is a wonder ful sigbt. It is many years since visitor* have been grait*d such Mgbts Tourists are flocking to the Tails. Nothing 80 good for affections of tbe throat and chest. Miss J. G. Newman, Buffalo, N. Y., writes: "We think there i* nothing so valuable for cough* and hoarsness as Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Have used it in our family for the la«t five years, and would not like to be without it." —A man out West who attended a late dinner and ate heartily of roast beef, tur key, chickeu, lobsters, oysters, mince pi**, plum pudding, ice cream, cakes, nuts and and raisins, was found dead in bed the fol lowing day. The medicalexaminer report ed that he died of "heart failure " —Cold weather requires every one to be polite, therefore shut the door. Many a case of pneumonia is caused by the tootish habit of following to the front door a friend or relative and there wishing them good-bv while the current* of air are rushing pasi jou. The caller is warmly wrapped while the house flower is nut, and consequently endangers herself Do not say good bye at a* open outside door while ihere is room in doors. No Gusss Work For Dealers. Max Klein, the weil known liquordealer. will, to Jan. 1, 1893, give you the advant age of cash pnrchases in large quantities of all kinds of liquors, and especially so in Pure Rye Whiskies and Caliiornia Wines. California Port and Sherry, at 50 cents per quart. California Braudy, 50 cents to $1.50 per quart. Jamaica Hum, 75cents to $1 5" per quart. Pure ilye Whiskies of any make in Pennsylvania, six year old, SI.OO per quart. 6 quarts for $5.00. Silver Age 8 year old, $l5O per quart or sls 00 per full case ot 12 quarts. Duquesne, $125 per full quart or 12 quarts for $12.00. Gin, an excellent st'mulunl for kidney com plaint, 75 cents to $1 50 per quart. All reliable goods, positively pure. Roxed and sent to any address. Seud P. O. Order or Registered Letter. Price list sent on application. Order early. Max KLEIN, 82 Federal .Street, Allegheny, Pa —While Constable A. Best, of New Wilmington, was arresting a man Thurs day night, two women named Nora and Ada Hunter, fell upon him and beat him until he was forced to release the prisoner. The Constable went to New Castle next day and made an information against the two women for assault and battery. —The aristocratic canine mu.-t in revel a gein-sprangled collar, or it is not really in tho swim —Rheumatism cured in a day—"Mystic cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia, radie ally cures in Ito 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cts. Sold by J. C. Redick, drnggist, Butler. —A square nation —the Cube'uns. —The plumber joke crop is ripening. A velvet collar on a dress c>a» is per missible. Painting takes the place of embroidery on black silk stockings. Prejudice against greon as a fashion able color is disappearing. —The Poultry should be condemn ed as a fowl conspiracy. —The anglotnanic refers to patent leath ars as his "varnished boots." Brides and bridesmaids regard the wedding ceremony as a kind of picnic. —The fashionable slang lor tete a-tete flirtations at social functions is "two sing." Coughing Leads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Ask your friends about it. —A dealer ha* invented ash that does not need a collar button. A letter from Paris says that the bal let is dying out. From old age proba bly. —Philadelphia street car poets are ac knowledged in literary circle* to be unsur passed. Many card players h ve bad tempers and yet are able to stand a good deal with out complaining —"Hard astern," as the tugboat captain remarked when he sat down suddenly on the slippery pavement. —As a modern Robin Hood the plumber ha* a rival in the man who fixes the elec trical things, around the house. —Pork is coi-nered and the housewife is squealing Drunkenness, or the Liquor Habit, Posi tively Cured by administering Dr. Haines 'Golden Specific." It is manufactured as a powder, which can be given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or tea,or in food, withont the know ledge of the patient It is absolutely harmless, and will affect « permanent and upeedy euro, whether tho patient, is a mod erate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. It ha* been given in thousands of oases, and in every instance a perfect cure ha* followed It never fails. The syxtein once imprognat ed with the Specific, it becomes an utter , impoHslbility for ths liqnor appetite to ex ist Cures guaranteed. 48 naire book of particulars free. Address, Golden Specific Co.. 185 Race St.. Cincinnati O, —Skateu for speeding purpose* have an extra long runner. lt's very bad form to decorate the pi- L ano legs with ribbons lt's the fad now t<> have baby's pid ure taken while it >•'<•. p« —The la'est fe-t »f .lerinato! if i* to | ».r*>tf .ten an ill formed none —Ttie ;tri«'oer • i«- cmi>e inns' r» v- I if I H ire l "' »|wii gl"d eo|i ir. or it is really not in the »«iin Dovt.ru have discovered two new brands of chcdera bacilli to spring on the public next summer —Pi inters at Reading celebrated the 187 th birthday of Iletijamin Franklin with a banquet. —A clever smuggling ruse i* said to be the reason for Mexico's border revolu tion. —Vermont'* oldent inhabitant, Mr*. Lucy W Wood, of Barre, has pa»i>ed b«r 107 th birthday. Oonaumptlon Bursty Oured. To T«c Sorrua:-n*u« la form your r«*d..r* Ut«t I amr» % poaitlT* remedy for tbs »boT»-DUu*d dIaMM. b; * Uinaly UH thou«and« of HOPCJOU CUM h«To >•. 0 poruaoentJy cured. I shall ba glad to Mad UJ 'J*Uaa of my remedy FKKE to any o( your raadna •» ,j ham oonmrnption U thsy will •end ma thrli Uyrm and P. O. aJJi— Hespact *Ui7. Z. A. BtJjUUU. U. UsUl raari *. T- REDUCED! DEDDCED! Men's felt boots with good rubbers - - - S 1 75 Men's gum boots - lB5 Men's buckle arctics Men's gum shoes - Ladies' gum shoes all numbers - - - "iff Misses' gum shoes spring heel il to 2 - - All goods reduced, see our shoes for workers, buck-skin will not leak or cut like black shoes try a pair only $1.50- Every thing cheap at ROBINS BROS., S. E Corner of Diamond ... - Butler. Pa White-Sand Oil Co. [A. STEELSMITH. Manager, Butler, Pa.] Dealers in Illuminating, Lubricating, Cylinder and Dynamo Oils—all free from Lima Oil. This Oil is made and handled by Independent Producers not con nected with the Standard Oil Co., as reported. All orders will be promptly filled. Warehouse in rear ot Nicho las & Hewitt's planing mill, near West Penn depot. Butler, Pa. Refinery at Coraopolis, Pa., near P. & L. E. R. R. This oil can be secured at McCrea's Feed Store on E. Jefferson St. nn\PT —°- I/1 r1 1 I cause we have w -A. 1 -M- the fincst and most reliable drug store in this part ol the State that you have to pay more for your medicines. \Ve dispense only Pure and Fresh Drugs at all times and at reasonable prices. WULLER'S MODEL PHARMACY, 229 Centre Ave., South Side, Butler. Pa. ODD REMOVAL SALE BEGINS OCT. 6. YOU WANT FURNITURE. WE WANT MONEY. We expect to occupy our new store about Jan. Ist. We want to move as few goods as possible. We will give you prices that you can't help but buy. A $35 Parlor Suite for #25 00 A 45 " " 35 00 A 55 " " 45 00 A 16 Bed Lounge for 12 50 A 20 " " 15 00 A 5 Rocking Chair for 375 A 8 " " 500 &c. Call early for these great bargains Campbell & Templeton, 136 N. Main St., - - Butler, Pa ©JELLING- OUT Our entire stock of drugs, medicines, patent medicines, perfumery, toilet articles, etc. Must be sold in the next GO days, as we must leave our present location and quit business. SAVE MONEY. Yon can save 20 to 2.") per cent, on everything; in the store. Spectacles, eye glasses, trusses etc., sold at cost. O Yours Respect fit 11 v, 1. A. FRANK & CO., 213 S- Main St, - - Hntler.Pa * * » ssa. THE VERMONT FARM MACHiNE CO., Bellows Falls, Vermont are buirared in the bu: in. ; of BUILDING and FITTING CREAMERIES nd CHEESE FACTORIEB. Havinu -carted hundred* of Creanvrte A 00-*! Creamery cu be $0 QQQ built anil rnnippH on the F. '.in Skhar\toh T r. rl> l. . - -' jluy prr«on coiMciiiplutlitir bull'Unc ivifl ffiti'l It profllUDl* to roßlff w»»» na. I cforr rlosiiij; romrm ts or M. ROSENTHAL, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, 403 Ferry St , - 2 - l'ittsburg, Fa. Pennsylvania Rye Whiskies a specialty. Trial orders solicited. One Square Uelow Diamond Market. 51 to J We .Are He<_itl\~ For •r THE H OL I DAY S. SEE lUR | HAftOKfc.RCHIc.fS } TOY., M ALaU*S DOLL AKO I 6REAT 4 «oftK COUNTER. | HUFFLERS j VA* E ¥ BOXES. Come Esnlv <111« 1 S< it ct your • m -Christmas Presents.- ! 1 '2-2 MA I X siT. Jewelry, Clocks, Silverware, Purchasers can save from !?•"> to ")0 }>er cent bv purchasing their watches, clocks and spectacles of J. R. GRIEB, Tin* Jeweler, Xo 125 X. Main St., Duffy liiock. Sign of Electric Bell and Clock. .A!! arc Rr*p«tfu!K Invttrd —"Remember our Repairing Departrru ar* Experience YOUK FAVORITE HOME XEW9PAFEK AND Ike tola* lf(#a Fail) «' law ONE YEAR FUR ONLY -1.30 THE err 135; N. (fire- all the Town. Coonty a»d S'*TR » d * R> ■ -* • « ■•»? other p*per o# ita «-Ut>s. Your Home would be inconpU.*' w NEW YOKK WEEKLY . NE ia * NATIONAL FA 5111 Y PAPKR. ar* • * ~ a ** "* the United State* ar.d 'he »<rd I .*- -r er », t. • * nutshell. It hao aefmrate d» |»a ?R - . n * .»n y « «\ ' "Our "Your.*; Folks." I» *ls ' •« t. !»• d the adniiratioo u! wivra atd dattgbu rial* at>d di«nwKi» »r»> eeau>*«hea*t» k -d ►»».*««•»*• It* "Agricultural" *part»e»t haea© fwp** . - Mar »t Reports" are r*cr?o:»»d authority !a a»' r»r*» <* ■** 'aad A SPECIAL COIHTRAC T '»*'• "** ' ' - a i j irvml acd "The CITIZEN" f<* ••• Fct only $1.50. Cfsh in .'dfMtf. "N. Y. Weekly Tr.bene," niraUr jr e per » - fl 00 ' The Citizen," " ** "* 1 * T.rf»l «230 We futnUh both papers one par fur - - I 18. Sobfcfiption* may *♦*'» ax «a» »»»• Arldte** all ordera to THE CITIZEN, BUTI.KH PA p| f Dialll< >ll(ls jsc\itV"m -'sri i>s. I C.knts «;« >u\ W tl xJ ww LAPIfeS MOLD, iltl 110 j liKM - <ll V r 11 LAI>I» ( HATLUX J 1 I C«IH Pin.-* Kir-r • - ( 1 \\ ( i I \ , i, | Tea 9ft*. caator*. hattrr •it-Hr* Silverware RODtlft IIOS. (10 i!5T~"' "■"" E. GRIEB. THE JEWELER No 139. Rorth Main St. PU J! EX FA A Trip to the ft Gilo's fair! FREt ! To tmr worthj »f»fr»rin». W; if fM If )«•■ «m •• ti« ItdiiLi)) IULIHBIAN tUlMlill.N Ai «"b «•«*»• fr>r ■ "f *»«■* «* «mm». w*» ■»f alt fsp-tij.' • » r«.ii4iinx wrilp *' "ncr E- !• <•" idr*- •t(!l>|H •uTel"|W Mh fail [ttrrtniMt K M -ik B»»•'**»• yj r rli tfu *• •! J* I -»H» ** . • f • » . I anstits Pies its or '. at ilm. nii»T ti« 'u l jif ti» or ,' RIIN. IK*L «*»* HIT. « * i' u: r..ll*r & ruff -iff- * I ' CM** »h»tn „• llß'llkft'll »«•'». |:h »•«-»■- ■•#ektN* ri*er« !*•,• table*["'fl'Wt if.>ld p*r.» »n«l prarilf, pork««t Riveh .»fri4 and »ttmp hoar*. nir«r h».ir* ixickfi riirar «#«••. bill book*. 4t«k •taok* p«p*r w«»i*h?i». p»p»r km**«, -ho* blacking i*«», • nD'.*i » !»••«•. j i rtlrmltrt, <ii riw. »b»»« mif minor*. letl#r «•***», lo'lrt <•»«»«, nut «#!», KO«p boirn. f*o«*T M t r- -»l»rr •hnvrinf nißr> W>M»i < i«t. Dirt n.'t Ki.<ir|ii|ir<ti« H ' Mini- CM ni« k- *«l kind- •» »• f kmi< C\e« -_u • i •u. »; J. H. DOUGLASS'. in* D»« r X «f P 0. iD;E#TISEfia . . " " - . LOROtTKOMU.i A. r. OA mMI V etennarj Htarfjvon. ilrMinsv tIM Ontmn V ?«».-• -» C' , ll»r' Tor iti', r»w ». I»r (l»Mr irvat/" . I '-i - " '»» iOMaUri.'t d *»! .1 - • «l «•»•* ridjr'::>sr, <w » r i> a >f» 4»«*- tiArt • »y»n<'ty * - f*r *rk««. e» a»r «l *l» «'n» unrjCfs: .»!*■'• .• »» (-••• rinul •» «*•» IBiV «t* '' -f (Twilb tw M i*r' > rt prifif rr*| • *«i ;«» • ,| '«|t 1 .. < • # V * -rf*« «.* 13-1 '• 1 J «&»♦• » * »»•'. w- r- AU FLMK AS BOJL | GOSSERS I CREAM GLYCERINE. I A *lri wtiig f«»e tk« <NWP —#>— 1 «(*»«*■*■» I MMI « *' IM'I • S 26C % Mimi it iHiCMMntI i* : < « unn>n«w«<Hfm J j J i f cA«to». o»*a *■ • rM *' Garfield TBl si * Cures Sick Headache "i r EN** And X*w V■■MK Weem.v Tkib' \e fc r only $1.50